“Sandum and Stickum” “Sandum and Stickum”


“Sandum and Stickum” “Sandum and Stickum”
Center for the Visual Arts 400 E. Hickory, Denton, TX
February 2011
Demo Details
President's Patter
Club Calendar
Bring Backs
Editor's Blog
Upcoming Events
Open Shop
Club Officers
Our next meeting is 7:00pm February 7th
This Month's
Month's Demo
Demo is...
“Sandum and Stickum”
Abrasives, Adhesives,
Adhesives, Tapes
Tapes &
& Safety
Our own Tom Lohr worked for the 3M company
as a specialist in tapes and adhesives, training
field representatives in the U.S. and abroad.
Tom's presentation this month will focus on Abrasives, Adhesives,
Tapes, and Safety products used in wood working. He will discuss the
various minerals used on abrasives and where they should be used.
Do you know the difference between ANSI graded material and FEPA,
P graded materials? How does the backing affect the finish? How do
abrasives fail and how are they attached to tools? What different
kinds of adhesives work best on wood. What do all of the terms mean
when you look at a container of adhesives? What is the best way to
apply adhesives and avoid bond failures and other problems?
Do you know the best practices for using masking tape? How do you mask curved lines for
Are you aware of the various dangers that lurk in your shop? What should you do to protect yourself
and others from these dangers?
Answers to these and other questions you may have will be presented Monday evening.
President's Patter
The new board members are busy putting together a good year for GTW. For example, Tom Lohr is
organizing an open shop the morning of February 26. This is an excellent opportunity for club
members to get together and exchange thoughts and ideas. Although anyone can turn anything
they want at the open shop, the emphasis will be on sharpening and turning cars for the upcoming
Arts and Jazz Festival. An email will go out later this month giving the location and time.
Pete Tkacs is working on building up the club library. If you have requests for specific DVDs or book
additions, let him know what you want. The library is a good resource, so take advantage of it and
check out a DVD to learn new techniques.
John Beasley lined up a good demo this month. Our own Tom Lohr will present a demo on
abrasives, adhesives, tape and safety. When Tom worked at 3M, he became an expert on these
tools, so I am expecting a very informative demonstration which has potential to not only keep us
safer, but also reduce sanding time and help us create better surfaces.
Don’t forget to bring your entry to the “Turning 25 – A Celebration” exhibit to the February meeting.
This exhibit will be at the AAW symposium and it will feature one turning from each local AAW club.
Club members will vote on which turning best represents the club and that turning will be included in
the exhibition. Remember that a turning must fit in an 8 by 8 by 8 inch box to be eligible.
Speaking of the AAW symposium, have you registered for it yet? This is the 25 th year that AAW has
sponsored a woodturning symposium and it looks like this will be a special one. The list of
demonstrators can be found in the February American Woodturner Journal and the list looks pretty
impressive. Whether you wish to learn more about making boxes, bowls, hollow forms, or unusual
containers or if you want to learn to master the skew, texture boxes and bowls, carve surfaces,
make segmented pieces or work with wet wood, you can go to Saint Paul in June and learn from the
AAW is doing something else new this year at the symposium. It is called the $25 for 25 th Program.
Everyone is invited to donate a turning to the AAW either by sending it or taking it along to the
symposium. Each symposium participant will be able to purchase one of these turnings for $25,
regardless of how simple, elegant or complex the turning. The proceeds go to the AAW general
fund. This is an innovative way to provide souvenirs for symposium participants while raising money
for the AAW. If you wish to donate a turning, be sure to sign and write “AAW’s 25 th Anniversary” on
the piece.
Neal Brand
Welcome New Member:
George Gosney of Roanoke
February 7
GTW Club Meeting 7:00pm
February 26
Open Shop at John Beasley's
August 26-28
SWAT in Waco
Neal Brand
Sam Slovak
Don Hawkins (x3)
Jim K Johnson (x2)
John Solberg
Bring back winners remember to bring a wood turning related item,
preferably one you turned, back next meeting.
John Solberg
Neal Brand 3
John Beasley
Peter Tkacs
Bob Loyd
Greg Ammon 2
Gary Bobenhausen
Bob Ragborg /Harold Gomez
Jim Johnson 6
Dick Ness
Oren Zehner 4
Dale Lloyd
Bob Larson
Tom Lohr 1
Don Hawkins
John Horn
John Downs
There are several new club members who are less experienced than some of the “old timers” and could benefit
from some of “our” experiences... good and bad. If you are an experienced turner, next meeting find a newbie,
introduce yourself and offer to answer any questions he might have. If you are comfortable with being a mentor,
offer to do that also.
Be sure to read Tom's open shop information on page 5 and Pete's 2011 SWAT information on page 6.
There will be many opportunities to serve the community this year while improving your turning skills. Keep an
eye open for upcoming events and join in... it's great fun.
Glynn Cox
Mike says it is that time of year again... time to pay our club dues. You may fill out the
renewal form and pay at Monday's meeting but it would be easier to fill out the form in the
comfort of you home. Simply download and print the form from the GTW website or go to
http://web.me.com/gtw44/GTW/News_&_Notes_files/GTW Membership Appl.pdf .
Just a short note to let you all know that we have received 27 new DVDs
for the library. These DVDs are the demonstrations from last year’s
SWAT Symposium. They will be in the library for the February meeting.
Please check them out.
Don't forget, it is never too late to donate a turned box for this wonderful organization. Six to twelve inch
diameter bowls, preferably with lids but not required, are used by the sick or injured kids to store the beads they
receive for every procedure they receive while in the hospital. Flat work boxes are just as desirable for those
woodworkers who are multi-talented.
Don't let the BOM club carry GTW's contribution to this worthwhile charity. All members need to participate
and keep turning bowls. They are counting on our support again this year.
Empty Bowls of Denton is a community ministry of Christ The Servant Lutheran Church, where people of the
church work in ecumenical-civic partnership with members of the Denton community to support
Our Daily Bread soup kitchen and the Denton Community Food Center, enabling them to feed nutritious meals
to the hungry of Denton.
Open Shops
Open shops are a great way to get to know other club members, as these
three healthy guys can attest to, and for us all to learn from each other. I
would like to try to have at least one Open Shop each quarter.
Anyone who is willing to open their shop to the club on a Saturday
morning please contact me so we can discuss it.
Tom Lohr 214-734-5614
February Open Shop
There will be an Open Shop at the home of John Beasley on Saturday February 26. We will
concentrate on preparing blanks for the Denton Arts and Jazz Fest booth where we will be turning
cars for kids. Also John Solberg will be giving tips on tool sharpening. What’s the old saying? Be
there or be square. Actually, you need to join your fellow club members and help cut rectangles and
drill holes so we have plenty of blanks to turn ,( pun intended), into cars in April.
John Beasley
3808 Montecito
Denton, TX 76205
This year, SWAT will be in Waco, Aug 26-28. It is going to be another excellent symposium with
many opportunities for woodturners to learn new techniques and see some outstanding
demonstrators. The lead demonstrators this year are:
--Nick Arnull (UK) - Surface Decoration
--Kip Christiansen - Small forms and Boxes
--Nick Cook - Production Turning
--Douglas Fisher - Alaskan Forms
--Dave Houte - Forms and Techniques
--Alan Lacer - Skew
--Robert Rosand - Small items and Ornaments
--Curt Theobald - Segmented Turning
There will also be a number of regional demonstrators doing presentations.
A “must see” area at the symposium is the Instant Gallery. Many woodturners bring items they have
turned and it is very impressive how creative these turnings are. Last year there were 529 items in
the instant gallery. This year they are increasing the area by 50%, so expect to see a lot more.
There will also be vendors there to give you good deals on tools, wood, and other woodturning
items. Last year we had 33 vendors with a total of 60 booths. This year we will have more, so
there will be a lot to chose from.
Our club is in charge of the registration booth. We can always use your help if you have a few extra
hours. Please let me know if you can volunteer at the registration desk.
There will be more information to follow. If you have any questions please give me a call or send an
GTW SWAT Representative
Peter Tkacs
Cell: 214-662-2200
email: petertkacs@gmail.com
Photo Highlights of Last Month's Meeting
2011 Club Officers
Vice President
Neal Brand
John Beasley
Mike Nelson
Chris Morgan
Tom Lohr
Past President
Newsletter Editor
Mike Nelson
John Solberg
Peter Tkacs
Glynn Cox