July/August 2015 - Village Quilt Guild


July/August 2015 - Village Quilt Guild
Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
Village Quilt Guild
July/August 2015
Upcoming Events
From our President…
September’s VQG Meeting!
Judy Tipton Rush
“The Journey Continues”
One-Artist Showing
Woodlands Auditorium
Darlene Garstecki
October 3
August…the Heat is On ! Thank you Kathi Eubank for a very amusing program on a very Quilt Congress
Bella Vista
intricate topic. You gave us an insightful look into the world of judging. Awesome article in the The Voice, Connie Ballou! Thanks for keeping Showcase of the Arts
Woodlands Auditorium
our group well represented. Autumn in the Ozarks
Baxter County Fairgrounds
Mountain Home
Don’t forget… we’re looking for 4 of our quilt stands…do you have one Village Quilt Guild
Annual Retreat
Any corrections to your membership? Get them to Patricia McGinnis that you haven’t returned to the closet? ASAP as we’re going to send out a new roster soon. 47th NQA Quilt Show
Convention Center
Little Rock
For more information on these events,
please check our Web site.
How about being an officer or committee chair next year? We’re looking for YOU! RED Ticket #6666287-­‐-­‐ good luck! 2015 Officers
Guild Information
President – Robin Hudson
1st Vice President – Gay Bonner
2nd Vice President – Holly Vanhaverbeke
Secretary – Roxana Whitner
Treasurer – Patricia McGinnis
Asst. Treasurer – Lynne Tull
Web: www.hsvquiltguild.com
Meeting Date: 2nd Thursday of the Month, 9:30
Meeting Location: Faith Lutheran Church
Sunshine Contact: LaDawnna Prestage
Newsletter: Roxana Whitner
Email: villagequiltguild@gmail.com
Village Quilt Guild Newsletter
July/August 2015
September Program…
Judy Tipton Rush will be here in
September to present our program. She
is a self-educated fiber artist who studied
at the University of Arkansas and came
to her avocation from an art background.
Her work has been exhibited in
numerous juried shows and has toured
both the United States and abroad. Her works are included in many private
Judy will teach a half-day class on three-dimensional flowers and a full day
class on machine appliqué. Both have kits available. Call me! ~~~~ Have
openings. ~ Gay
Our Spring Retreat …
March 21-23, 2016 at Arkansas 4-H
Camp Ferndale
Our retreat will require deposits at the
September meeting. We will need a nonrefundable deposit of $70. We are asking
campers who would like to teach classes to
contact Miriam or Agnes concerning your class
and fees. If you would like to help with retreat,
please let us know. The more people involved
the more fun we have.
Boutique for September
Your Quilt Guild Boutique will be up and ready
by 8:30 for our September sale. Visit our fabric
choices and lots of other items: panels,
thread, batting, scissors, and lots more.
Remember your purchases help fund our Quilt
Guild. Don’t forget donations. Love to have
your fabric and anything else. Our last
Boutique for 2015 will be in October.
Thanks in advance. See you in September!
~ Sharon & Leslie
2015 Row Robin/Round Robin Ladies:
The RETREAT FORM may be printed from our
guild Web site. Go to the SPECIAL DATES
section on the site.
We will start our Robins at the October Guild
meeting. Please bring your row/block to that
meeting with notes on special details you want
for your row/borders. Remember to include any
fabric if you want a special coordination. Call
me if you have a question. I’m looking forward
to seeing your works of art. ~ Vilma
Village Quilt Guild Newsletter
July/August 2015
Showcase of the Arts … October 3
Charity Quilts Needed
When I left guild last Thursday, my husband
and I delivered quilts to Head Start and learned
they still need 171 more quilts for the new
beds. First Step needs a few more. Cooper
Anthony is an on-going delivery of extra quilts.
Some tips for charity quilts:
• Remember they will be washed multiple
• Machine stitch the binding with a double
• Try not to make the quilt too difficult with
too many seams because a quilt with less
seams holds up better under washing.
• Use a thin batting.
• Quilting does not need to be ornate.
• Head Start quilt sizes are about 40" x 48".
• Cooper Anthony takes quilts for children
through young adult. A good throw size
quilt for a young adult should be about
45" x 65" or very close to the size of a twin
bed quilt.
Remember I will need a total by the end of year
of all donated quilts, like quilts of valor and
etc. ~ Lillian
We will once again be participating in the HSV
Showcase of the Arts. Bonnie Kastler has
agreed to set up and “be in charge for me”
since I will be at a Packers/49ers game with my
son in San Francisco that weekend. (We all
have to make sacrifices! J)
Please consider helping out for a couple of
hours selling tickets for the Opportunity Quilt or
encouraging newcomers to visit our meetings.
I’ll have a sign-up sheet at the September
meeting. ~ Kari
Books & Quilts in School Project
Our Quilt Book project has been in Fountain
Lake, Jessieville, and Mountain Pine schools
during the last ten years. Participation has
diminished during the last few years and the
time has come to think about other options for
our books/quilts. Several suggestions have
been proposed: use some books/quilts for
auction; share with pre-schools; return to ladies
who made them; use the books/quilts in nursing
homes. Since the books/quilts won't be in
schools this year, we need not be in a hurry to
decide where we go from here. Thanks to the
ladies who have been distributing the bins the
last five to six years! ~ Jackie
Block of the Month
Complete two blocks to
double your chances to
Detailed instructions are on our Web site.
Village Quilt Guild Newsletter
Patriotic Quilt Contest to Benefit
Arkansas Veterans on Waiting List:
From AR State Coordinator, QOV
American Legion Post 20 is sponsoring a Quilt
Contest to benefit the Quilts of Valor group, A
Second Tour. All submissions become the
property of A Second Tour QOV that will award
the quilts to Arkansas Veterans on the QOV
waiting list.
If you have not done so already, go to:
and read the Terms and Conditions for all details
of the Contest.
The app is also loaded onto A Second Tour FB
page found here:
under the Promos Tab.
If you want to enter a quilt, when you have it
complete, take a photo, fill out the entry form,
upload photo and send in the quilt. After the
quilt is received the entry will be approved and
published. Entries will be taken through Oct 26,
2015. Then voting runs from November 1-8.
Winners will be announced Nov 11, 2015 at the
Veterans Day Program by Russellville High
This contest will be fun and easy. Keep in mind
the quilts collected will go to Arkansas veterans,
quilts to comfort and to be used. They will not
need to be Art Quilts!!!
Have Fun and Good Luck with your entries!
~ Sheila Gordon
July/August 2015
Melinda Bula Retreat
Several of the class members in Darlene’s
class on August 21 expressed an interest in
Melinda Bula’s May Retreat.
Melinda's retreat will be held at May 9-14. You
can see Melinda's work on her Web site,
www.melindabula.com. Melinda will be
teaching her technique for making beautiful,
realistic landscape from fabric using her fusing
technique. In this retreat you will bring a picture
of a landscape scene that you would like to
make and Melinda will work with each and
every one of the students to help them get their
project made. On the last day of class she will
demo her renegade thread play quilting. This is
what really brings your piece to life, so seeing
what she does here is invaluable.
The total fee for this class is $650.00. This
includes 4 days with Melinda teaching, lodging
and food. Her class is limited to 20 people.
When you sign up, you are committed to this
space and your credit card will be charged
$250. Then you will be charged another $400 at
a later date. There are no refunds and if you
can not attend as scheduled, you can sell your
space to someone else.
The retreat is held at "Our House" in Milford,
TX, about one hour south of Dallas. It is a
privately owned retreat house and the food is
wonderful. You arrive Monday, May 9, and
Melinda will talk to everyone that evening after
dinner. You start work on Tuesday morning and
have four full days of teaching. You will leave
around 11 on Saturday after brunch. To register
for the retreat, send an email to:
You can check out the retreat center
at: www.ourhouseinmilford.com.
I would be happy to answer any questions I
can about preparing for the retreat if someone
needs help.
~ Darlene
Village Quilt Guild Newsletter
July/August 2015
We received more requests for patterns using jelly rolls. This one comes highly
recommended by a fellow quilter and now we have it.:
Strip Savvy by Kate Henderson
Kate is a quilter from Bridgetown, Western Australia. Her website is
TwoLittleBanshees.com.The book contains 18 modern jelly roll quilts,
with and without borders, that use 2-1/2” jelly roll strips.
Anyone looking for baby quilt patterns will want to take a look at a book of
designs by Tammy Tadd.
Taddpole Quilts for Baby by Tammy Tadd
The designs feature simple-to-piece blocks and fun-to-stitch appliques.
Every quilt guild library needs some basic books for new quilters and experienced
quilters who need inspiration. This book is for you.
Borders: The Basics and Beyond by Jill Reber
This book provides a guide to border techniques with dozens of designs to mix
and match.
This book fits into the Art/Design/Theory book category. Keep an open mind and you’ll discover a
fun way to sew curves and circles without pins.
Pieced Curves So Simple by Dale Fleming
Dale’s technique for sewing perfect circles is shown on a video of an HGTV
episode at this site: http://videos.hgtv.com/video/how-to-create-easycircle-quilt-blocks-62279
You are doing a wonderful job of returning books you checked out.
Join our
Facebook Group and share
pictures of your quilts!
A clean silicone oven liner can
be used when fusing fabrics.
The fusible will brush right off.
NOTE: Next Care
Caps will be
September 9
at Holy Trinity
Episcopal Church.