The Teller - Amil Tellers of Dramatics
The Teller - Amil Tellers of Dramatics
The Teller July & August 2016 Encore Theatre P.O Box 5276 991 North Shore Drive Lima, OH 45802-5276 (419) 223-8866 Editor: Gene Craft The Teller is the newsletter of the Amil Tellers of Dramatics, Inc. published bimonthly Encore Theatre is owned & operated by the Amil Tellers of Dramatics, Inc., a non-profit corporation. Corporation members pay annual dues of $12. Contact Joan Hageman or the office for information on becoming a member. Amil Tellers of Dramatics, Inc President Vice President Treasurer Asst. Treasurer Corporate Secretary Missy Keller Karen Finn Diane Finn Jodi Brincefield Ashley Shank Trustees: Christopher Butturff, Gene Craft, George Dunster, Julie Kerr, Jeni Applegate Theatre Office Asst. Ashley Shank (interim) Membership Secretary: Joan Hageman PRODUCTION: JULY 15—17 & 22—24, 2016 Music and lyrics by Charles Smalls, book by William F. Brown. A crowded Thanksgiving dinner brings a host of family together in a small Harlem apartment, where a shy, twenty-four-year-old schoolteacher named Dorothy (Mya Lunguy) lives with her Aunt Em (Aria Brownlow) and Uncle Henry (Stanley GreenTykese Spence). Extremely introverted, Dorothy is teased by Aunt Em for never having been south of 125th Street, as she has delayed moving out to start her own, independent life as an adult. REHEARSING FOR “THE WIZ”: LEFT TO RIGHT MYA LUNGUY AS “DORTHY”, MC KENA HICKMAN AS “ADDAPERLE” AND CHASE LITTLE-BATTLE AS “SCARECROW” DIRECTED BY MISSY KELLER (Tickets: See Page 2) While Dorothy cleans up after the meal, Dorothy's dog Toto runs out the open kitchen door into a violent snowstorm. A magical whirlwind made of snow – the work of Glinda (Karrie Lester) the Good Witch of the South – materializes and transports them to the realm of Oz. THEATRE OFFICE ASSISTANT POSITION OPEN Box office duties include but are not limited to providing all customers timely service, process daily money receipts, answer phone and email, maintain records, attend the Board meetings once a month, building and grounds inspection, assist with publicity and fund raising, and prepare programs. Applicant should be proficient in Word, Excel and general use of a computers and office equipment. Additional detailed requirements may be viewed at the business office during regular box office hours or on our web site, All resumes must be received by August 1, 2016, Encore Theatre, PO Box 5276, 991 North Shore Drive, Lima, Ohio 45802-5276. The Board of Trustees would like to thank Ashley Shank for filling in as interim Office Assistant. ANNUAL DUES: THE NEW SEASON, 2016—2017, OF AMIL TELLERS BEGINS IN JULY. $12 DUES SHOULD BE PAID BY AUGUST 2016 TO JOAN HAGEMAN OR AT THE THEATER BOX OFFICE. DUES SUPPORT ALL ACTIVITES AT THE THEATER BUT AS A MEMBER YOU CAN ATTEND THE CORPORATION MEETINGS AND VOTE ON TRUSTEES AND CURRENT DETAILS. YOU RECEIVE A FREE PASS FOR ANY SHOW FOR TWO PEOPLE WHEN YOU ATTEND THE CORPORATION MEETING. SO JOIN THE FUN AND HELP ENCORE. Character Name Aunt Em Uncle Henry Dorothy Tornado Scarecrow Tinman Lion The Wiz Addaperle Evelline Glinda Yellow Brick Road Yellow Brick Road Yellow Brick Road Yellow Brick Road Gatekeeper Lord High Underling Winged Monkey Chorus & Misc Character Chorus & Misc Character Chorus & Misc Character Chorus & Misc Character Chorus & Misc Character Chorus & Misc Character Chorus & Misc Character Chorus & Misc Character Chorus & Misc Character Chorus & Misc Character Chorus & Misc Character Chorus & Misc Character Chorus & Misc Character Chorus & Misc Character Chorus & Misc Character Chorus & Misc Character Chorus & Misc Character Aria Brownlow Tykese Spence Mya Lunguy Ashley Crowe Chase Little-Battle Joshua Gooding Gary Martin Jaimie Lewis McKena Hickman Morgan Bode Karrie Lester Brayden Morgan Angeleta Cowan Olivia Cowan Shantice' Mays Bethany McCurry Brian Emerick Sara Rex Jaimyah Taylor Jayla Austin Talia Spence Summer Douglas Elizabeth Kinnear Juliette Kinnear Megan Kinnear Tawanda Jones Josephine Williams DeAijiree Cheatom Nadia Ricker Railee Ronshausen Taurean Frazier Kennedy Clay Sienna Stokes Pam Cheatom Desi Cheatom CAST FOR “THE WIZ” DIRECTED BY MISSY KELLER Coming Next July 15-17 & 22-24, 2016 music and lyrics by Charlie Smalls, book by William F. Brown based on L. Frank Baum's classic 1900 children's novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz This Tony Award Winning beloved Broadway musical sets Dorothy's adventures in the Land of Oz to a dazzling, lively mixture of rock, gospel, and soul music! Tickets for The Wiz will be on sale to the general public on Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at 7pm online (for a fee), by phone at 419-223-8866, or at the Box Office. Adults $17.00 Seniors (62+) $14.00 Youth (High School & under) $12.00 CAST. “MAKING GOD LAUGH” By Sean Grennan Ruthie Aimee Bucher Bill Jon Hodges Richard Dan Hirn Maddie Amber Evans Thomas Chris Butturff Directed by Jeff Kerr Production was May 13-15, 20-22 Pictured here are Morgan Bode, as Evelline, rehearsing her musical number with music director Anthony Taylor. This play follows one typical American family over the course of thirty years' worth of holidays. The family survives the Y2K scare even though Rick brakes the Ten Commandments while trying to protect their home from rioters. Father Tom converts to family life after being a Catholic priest for 23 years and Maddie finds a rewarding carrier in her local community theater. 2016-2017 play selection SHOW TITLE SHOW DATES The Wiz Night Must Fall Sleeping Beauty (MYT) Happy Elf Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Snow Angel (MYT) Proof Seussical Jr. (MYT) Plaza Suite July 15 –17, 22 –24, 2016 September 16—18, 23 –25, 2016 October 21—23, 2016 Nov. 25—27, Dec. 2—4, 2016 January 13—15, 20—22, 2017 February 10—12, 2017 March 10—12, 17—19, 2017 April 7—9, 2017 May 12—14, 19—21, 2017 The play selection committee for 2017-18 will be meeting soon. Contact Karen Finn at (419) 227-8866. 2016-2017 SEASON SEASON TICKET PRICES SEASON TICKETS (Plus $2 processing fee for each season ticket) ADULT $78.00 FULL SEASON SENIOR $63.00 FULL SEASON (62 and above) (Special with purchase of season ticket: $25 includes the entire Youth Season) FLEX PASS 6 TICKETS 5 TICKETS 4 TICKETS 3 TICKETS $84.00 $70.00 $56.00 $42.00 McDonald Youth Theater: $10.00 Ages 10 and under $5.00 All sales are final. No refunds or credits. Payment is required at time of order. Individual Adult Show Tickets: Adult—$15, Senior—$12, Youth—$10 Holiday Show and Musicals: Adult—$17, Senior —$14, Youth—$12 Box Office Summer 2016 Hours The box office is open Monday 3pm - 7pm, Wednesday, 3pm—7pm, & Thursday 1:30-5:30pm. Ticket orders can be left on the answering machine or can be ordered (for a fee) on our web site To e-mail directly to the box office, use One week prior to all shows: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Also open one hour prior to show time. 3:00 to 7:00 PM 1:30 to 5:30 PM 3:00 to 7:00 PM 1:30 to 5:30 PM 3:00 to 7:00 PM Information for the next issue of The Teller should be submitted by August 20, 2016 to the Editor, Gene Craft by email at 2016-2017 ENCORE COMMITTEE CHAIRS Awards: Dan Stanowick Bylaws/Guidelines: Diane Finn/Karen Finn Costumes: Vickie Beining/Cheryl Mulholland Facebook Page: Dan Stanowick, Backup: Diane Finn Front of House: Lynda Jay/Joan Hageman Green Room: Jen Applegate IT: Kevin Finn Lighting: Missy Keller, Julie Kerr Maintenance: Missy Keller Newsletter: Gene Craft OCTA: Karen Finn Photo Archivist: Rob Craft Play Selection: Karen Finn Properties: Deb Duncan-Faul/Chris O’Neill Publicity: Karen Finn Scene Shop: Karen Finn/Mike Hunter Show Videographer: Steve Faul Social: Mary Smith Sound: Mark Trinko Website: Pearl Healey CALENDAR OF EVENTS July 2016 04 — All Day , Star Spangled Spectacular in Park 15 — 8:00 PM The Wiz 16 — 8:00 PM The Wiz 17 — 2:00 PM The Wiz 19 — 8:00 PM Trustee Meeting 22 — 8:00 PM The Wiz 23 — 8:00 PM The Wiz 24 — 2:00 PM The Wiz (set strike) August 2016 03 — 8:00 PM 06 — 3:00 PM 07 — 3:00 PM 16 — 8:00 PM Corporation Meeting Auditions, Night Must Fall Auditions, Night Must Fall Trustee Meeting September 2016 06 — 5:00 PM 08 — 5:00 PM 16 — 8:00 PM 17 — 8:00 PM 18 — 2:00 PM 20 — 8:00 PM 23 — 8:00 PM 24 — 8:00 PM 25 — 2:00 PM Auditions, Sleeping Beauty Auditions, Sleeping Beauty Night Must Fall Night Must Fall Night Must Fall Trustee Meeting Night Must Fall Night Must Fall Night Must Fall (set strike) AUDITIONS NOTE: Prior to auditions scripts are available in the office. Please check with our Theatre Office Assistant at (419) 227-8866. There is a $10.00 deposit for non-members of Amil Tellers. The scripts may be on loan for 14 days. “Night Must Fall”…...Saturday, August 6, and Sunday, August 7, 3:00 PM, Call Back, Monday, August 8 Disney, “Sleeping Beauty” Kids……..Tuesday, September 6 and Thursday, September 8, at 5:00 PM (6 yrs. old to 8th grade) OCTA AT ENCORE, LIMA, 2016 OCTA’s Northwest Region scheduled the 2016 regional excerpts at Encore, June 10, 11, 12. Van Wert and NOTFA have offered to help with this undertaking. Theaters that participated are: Van Wert Civic Theatre, “The Outgoing Tide”, 3B Productions, Toledo, “Jesus Christ Superstar”, The Ritz Players, Tiffin, “WIT”, Waterville Playshop, “Children Of Eden”, William County Community Theatre, “Bull In A China Shop”, Playmakers Civic Theatre, Port Clinton, “Tuesdays With Morrie”, Wapakoneta Theatre Guild, “Driving Niss Daisy”, Lionface Productions, Bowling Green, “Every Seven Years Or So”, Black Swamp Player, Bowling Green, “The Black Bonspiel Of Wullie Mac Crimmon”, Fort Findlay Playhouse, “Nice Work If you Can Get It”. Amil Tellers/Lima Encore, “Making God Laugh”. The results are shown on Page 6 of this Teller. THANK YOU, THANK YOU TO ALLWHO HELPED WITH THE REGIONAL OCTAFEST AT ENCORE. We are making plans to send Youth Theatre, “The Zombie Apocalypse” by Don Zolds and directed by Ashley Shank to OCTA JR., August 6 , 2016, Saturday, OJ Work Auditorium, 151 Main St., Wadsworth, OH. DIRECTORS ENCORE 2016-2017 SEASON SHOW The Wiz Night Must Fall Happy Elf Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Proof Plaza Suite DIRECTOR Missy Keller George Dunster Karen Finn Christopher Butturff Doug Norton Ronald Hessling McDonalds Youth Theater Sleeping Beauty KIDS Missy Keller Snow Angel Cheryl Mulholland Seussical Jr. Sheri Welker MAY 4, 2016 ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTION RESULTS Several positions were up for election on May 4 at our annual meeting. Jodi Brincefield is the Assistant Treasurer, Karen Finn, 3 year term as trustee, Gene Craft and Jennifer Applegate, 2 year term as trustee. Their term will start at the end of the June 2016 meeting. This meeting was open to all Amil Teller members and all were encouraged to attend and vote for your favorite candidate. We thank everyone who participates in the meetings and work around the theatre. AMIL TELLERS OCTA EXCERPT AT NORTHWEST REGIONAL Pictured above are Chris Butturff as Thomas, Dan Hirn as Richard, Kim Warnecke as Maddie, Jeff Kerr, director, Jon Hodges as Bill and Aimee Bucher as Ruthie. After the theatre production of “Making God Laugh” in May, Amil Tellers trustees asked the performers to perform and excerpt at regional competitions on June 10, 11, 12. The show was well received by our patrons and members. The excerpt has been invited to state OCTA Showcase. The fourth of July Lima Area Celebration will be held a Faurot Park and the shuttle buses will use the Encore Theatre parking lot for drop off and pick up. REPLACING THE BOILER UPDATE Thanks to everyone who has helped on the boiler replacement project. This is part of our capital improvement fund drive. We are also trying to air condition the lobby. These projects will begin in the spring of 2016, after OCTA. We have received competitive quotes and have chosen a contractor. The timing must be set when the contractor is available and the cold winter season is not too bad. Encore and Amil Tellers is sponsoring a Tee Shirt Sale. The theatre name is embroider on the shirt. You can get more information through the box office. EXCERPT AWARDS – 2016 NORTHWEST REGIONAL OCTA FEST #1 – The Outgoing Tide – Van Wert Civic Theatre Merit in Acting as Gunner; Rick Workman Merit in Directing; George Dunster Merit in Ensemble; The Cast Excellence in Set Design; Jack Boley & Ruth Ann Boley #7 – Driving Miss Daisy – Wapakoneta Theatre Guild Merit in Ensemble; The Cast Excellence in Acting as Boolie Werthan; Christopher Butturff Excellence in Acting as Hoke Coleburn; William Holland #2 – Jesus Christ Superstar – 3B Productions- INVITEE Merit in Set Design; Jesse Bernal Merit in Vocal Performance as Mary Magdalene; Esther Swain Excellence in Directing; Joe Barton Excellence in Ensemble; The Cast Excellence in Costumes; Joe Barton Excellence in Vocal Performance as Jesus; Will Baughman Excellence in Acting as Peter; Matt Badyna Outstanding in Musical Performance as Pilate; Mark Owen #8 – Every Seven Years or So – Lionface Productions Excellence in Ensemble; The Cast Excellence in Acting as Eric; Cole Stiriz Excellence in Acting as Fiona; Kathryn Gonda #3 – Wit – The Ritz Players Merit in Acting as Susie Monahan; Jennifer Kahler Excellence in Acting as Vivian Bearing; Holly Rife #4 – Children of Eden – Waterville Playshop Merit in Set Design; Waterville Playshop Merit in Acting Ensemble as the Family; Jarrod Alexander, Sarah Stierman, Tyler Cowdrey, Trevor Gill-Snow, Ben Bascuk, Lucas Patterson Merit in Musical Performance as Father; Joe Barton Merit in Musical Directing ; Matt Zwyer Merit in Musical Accompaniment; Jarrod Dorodiak Outstanding in Musical Performance as Adam; Jarrod Alexander #5 – Bull in a China Shop – Williams Co. Community Theatre Merit in Acting as Kramer; Nathan Butler Merit in Acting as Miss Lucy; Cathy Dukes #6 – Tuesdays with Morrie – Playmakers Civic Theatre- ALTERNATE Merit in Directing; Brenda Hensley Excellence in Acting as Morrie ; Ron Hill Excellence in Acting as Mitch; Ethan Mandeville Excellence in Ensemble; The Cast #9 – The Black Bonspiel of Wullie MacCrimmon – Black Swamp Players- INVITEE Merit in Acting as Annie Brown; Peggy Keyes Excellence in Acting as Rev. Pringle; Leroy Morgan Excellence in Technical Elements; Black Swamp Players Outstanding in Costumes; Deb Shaffer Outstanding in Acting as MacBeth; Josh Cloyd Outstanding in Acting as Wullie MacCrimmon ; Lane Hakel #10 – Nice Work if You Can Get It – Fort Findlay Playhouse Merit in Vocal Performance as Jimmy Winter; Dan Stanowick Merit in Musical Performance as Billie Bendix; Samantha Henry Merit in Musical Performance as Estonia Dulworth; Julie Lane Merit in Set Design; John Garner, J.R. Smith #11 – Making God Laugh – Amil Tellers of DramaticsINVITEE Merit in Acting as Thomas; Christopher Butturff Merit in Acting as Richard; Dan Hirn Merit in Acting as Bill; Jonathan Hodges Excellence in Ensemble; The Cast Outstanding in Directing; Jeff Kerr Teller Status requirements: • Must be at least eighteen (18)years of age • Registered name with the Membership Secretary • Paid annual dues - $12 per year Participation in a minimum of two (2) productions in a twelve (12) month period (This participation shall be in two of the following areas: artistic, technical or house.) Maintenance of Teller Status after initial year: • Participation in three (3) productions per fiscal year • Paid annual dues - $12 per year Benefits: Newsletter Attendance at Final Dress Rehearsals Receive production ballots for adult shows Receive member passes good for 2 tickets to a show for every corporation meeting attended Exclusive voting rights Eligible to serve as a Trustee or other officer – with meeting corporation meeting requirements Amil Tellers of Dramatics, Inc. Encore Theatre P.O. Box 5276 991 North Shore Drive Lima OH 45801 Capital Improvement Fund Drive: Our members, patrons and community supporters have been very generous helping to support the Capital Improvement Fund Drive. We now have over $49,000 saved toward our goal. The immediate plans require $50,000 to replace the boiler. Future plans are designed to update the sound system at about $20,000 and the lighting system at about $20,000. The lift that we use on the stage to build the set and position lighting had major repairs. There are current plans to install air conditioning in the front lobby at a cost of $3,200.00. Thanks for your support. Niswonger Performing Arts Center (419)-238-6722 July 1, Lima Symphony Pops July 15, Natural Wonder July 29, Feller and Hill Bluegrasss August 12, The McCartnery Years AROUND THE AREA Ohio Northern University Freed Center (419)– 772-2500, To become an Angel for the Arts, please call the Box Office at 419-772-1900 LIMA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (419) 222-5701 Sat, Dec. 10, 2016 Capture the magical sights and sounds of Christmas. Ft. Findlay Playhouse , 300 West Sandusky Street,(419) 423-7168 Legally Blonde Show Dates: July 21-24, 28-31 & August 4-7, 2016 The Mousetrap ,Show Dates: Sept. 15-18 & 22-24, 2016 A Minister’s Wife ,Show Dates: Oct. 6-8 & 14-16, 2016 Wapakoneta Theatre Guild: (419) 7382248, University of Findlay (419) -434-5335 Van Wert Civic Theatre “People vs B.B Wolf” (419) 238-9689 July 22, 23, Veterans Memorial Civic Center Lima, Ohio,!events/cfvg 1. Here Come the Mummies, Saturday, October 1, 2016 , 8 PM, “Love of Motown & More”, November 19, 2016 3B Productions, Toledo Off Stage Productions, Van Wert (419) 605-6708,