Folk Artist Jonas Bugailiškis` Art Studio


Folk Artist Jonas Bugailiškis` Art Studio
Introductory Word
This route is the first tourist route of Vilnius city intended for the
individuals with limited movement abilities. The idea to establish this
kind of route originated on account of several reasons:
Firstly, we received enquiries about the possibilities for the individuals
in wheelchairs to arrive in Vilnius, to use public transport, visit museums
and other places of interest.
Secondly, our experience shows that individuals with movement
disabilities can take part in Vilnius sightseeing tours (having chosen a
special route) and visit the most beautiful sights of the Old Town.
Thirdly, this publication should offer an encouragement to the individuals
with movement disabilities to travel, having warned them of possible
inconveniences in advance.
Lithuanian Association of People with Disabilities
Gėlių g. 7, Vilnius, LT–01137
Tel. +370 5 269 1308
Vilniaus g. 22, Vilnius, LT-01119
Tel. +370 5 262 9660
Vilnius Tourist Information Centre (Vilniaus Street 22)
has been adapted to the needs of the individuals with
movement disabilities.
The physical and social environment in Vilnius is not sufficiently well
adapted to the needs of the disabled. Due to one reason or another
no universal environment has been created that is adapted to every
individual (both healthy or moving in a wheelchair, or an individual of an
elderly age with movement disabilities). Objects of the cultural heritage
located in the Old Town and the centre of the city are adapted to being
visited, and some of the objects are adapted only in part (for example,
only the ground floor can be visited, there is no toilet for the disabled
visitors, etc.). The pavement with the ramp to descend is equipped in
some places only; narrow streets and pavements of the Old Town can
also cause inconvenience.
Despite the existing problems, we invite you to try the route from Aušros
Vartai (the Gate of Dawn) to the Arsenal, which is an interesting historical
and cultural site. Next to every object on the route there are warnings
about the possible obstacles (for example, a steep hillside, a step, etc.).
This route was worked out in April-June 2010 in the presence of the
individuals with movement disabilities and taking into consideration their
remarks and propositions.
You are recommended to become acquainted with the route prior to
travelling and to assess your physical condition and your strength.
We recommend you to travel together with an accompanying person.
Duration of the route is 2 - 4 hours (the duration depends on whether you visit
museums or not).
Total length of the offered route is about 3 kilometres.
A shorter route is also possible:
• when a person travels from Pilies Street to Cathedral Square (without turning
into Maironio Street) – about 2 kilometres.
• when one travels from Pilies Street to Cathedral Square (without turning
into Maironio Street) and the route ends in Cathedral Square (without
turning into Arsenalo Street) – about 1,5 kilometres.
We are open to your questions, comments, amendments, which will
help accumulate more detailed information in the future.
Email us:,
Explanation of
Aušros Vartai (Gate of Dawn)
Aušros Vartų g. 12 /
Object to be viewed from the outside only
Information board available
Only the ground floor is adapted to be visited
Only one part adapted to be visited
Uneven pavement / doorstep at the entrance
The Gate of Dawn is the only surviving gate of the original ten gates in the city
wall built in 1514. The Chapel with its painting of the Mother of God, the Mother
of Mercy, acknowledged miraculous is one of the most significant religious,
historical and cultural places in Lithuania.
Museum of Wax Figures
Aušros Vartų g. 19 /
Tel.: +370 673 72311, +370 685 43447, +370 5 231 2545
Lift / special chairlift
By arrangement. Advance booking only
No adapted toilet available
Adapted toilet available
Narrow pavement
Well-adjusted to visiting / easily accessible
One step at the entrance
Admission fee is charged / paid services
This is the first gallery of wax figures in the Baltic States located on the ground
floor of the house and in its basement, in an area of 150 square metres. About 70
sculptures of natural size – film heroes, politicians, performers, actors, sportsmen
– are displayed there.
Folk Artist Jonas Bugailiškis’
Art Studio-Museum
Aušros Vartų g. 17-10 /
Tel.: +370 652 36613, +370 5 261 7666
Check opening (visiting) times
Ring a special bell on entering
One room adapted to the disabled
Two rooms adapted to the disabled
Jonas Bugailiškis is a member of the Lithuanian Union of Folk Artists, a sculptor,
master of musical instruments and children’s toys. One can see various works of
the folk artist in his creative workshop (the courtyard).
Church of St. Theresa
Aušros Vartų g. 14 /
Tel. +370 5 212 3513
The Church is one of the earliest Baroque churches in Vilnius. It was built on the
initiative and with funds from vice chancellor Stephan Pac between 1633 and
1654. Later the Pociej Chapel-mausoleum devoted to that family was attached
to it. There is one of the most beautiful altars (the High Altar), paintings by
famous Lithuanian painters in the Church.
Church of the Holy Spirit
and Monastery
Aušros Vartų g. 10 (courtyard)
Legend has it that three courtiers of Grand Duke of Lithuania Algirdas who had already
converted to Orthodoxy, refused to renounce their new faith and were tortured to
death by the pagan priests nearby the Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Church was
built in the 16th century. In the 19th century it was decided to create a place of the cult
of the relics of the three martyrs. Monasteries, both male and female, at the Orthodox
Church are the only Orthodox monasteries to remain open in Lithuania today.
Museum of Amber Figures
Aušros Vartų g. 9 /
Tel.: +370 5 212 1988, +370 5 272 4090
The Museum collects, accumulates and displays amber articles created by artists,
as well as unique pieces of amber. Visitors are acquainted with the history of the
origin of amber and technologies of its processing.
Basilian Gate
Aušros Vartų g. 7
The elegant gate of the Basilian Monastery was designed by famous architect
of Vilnius Johann Christoph Glaubitz. Behind the arch of the gate (there is a very
steep hillside in the yard) is the territory of the former Basilian monastery around
a yard at the centre of which stands the Church of the Holy Trinity, which belonged
to the religious community of the Uniates. At the beginning of the 19th century a
part of the monastery held a prison; incarcerated in its cells were members of the
Philaret and Philomat movement, including poet Adam Mickiewicz (a plaque over
the door of the south wing records this fact) and scientist Ignacy Domeyko.
Philharmonic Society
Aušros Vartų g. 5 /
Information: +370 5 266 5210
Tickets: +370 5 266 5233, +370 5 266 5216
The massive Philharmonic Society building, formerly the City Hall was built in 1902
in place of a Gothic Russian merchants’ inn. Today it is one of the most luxurious
historicism-style buildings in Vilnius. The Lithuanian National Philharmonic Society
unites the best Lithuanian music performers and ensembles. The Philharmonic
Society holds symphonic and chamber music concerts.
The Philharmonic Hall can be visited but it is recommended to call about the
tickets in advance.
Church of St. Casimir
Didžioji g. 34 /
Tel. +370 5 212 1715
It was built by the Jesuits: work began on it in 1604, just two years after St. Casimir had
been canonised and it was dedicated to his memory. The Baroque Church is famous
for its magnificent domes. In the 19th – 20th century the Church was closed down
several times, the purpose of the building was changed (in 1932 it was converted
into an Orthodox church, and in 1966 it was turned into a Museum of Atheism and
continued to be used as such until 1988); it was reconsecrated in 1991.
Town Hall
Didžioji g. 31 /
Tel. +370 5 261 8007
The Town Hall was established by Jogaila’s privilege and was built as a symbol of
granting Vilnius the Magdeburg Rights at the end of the 14th century. The Town
Hall contained a magistrate, courtrooms, the treasury, the archive, special premises
for keeping standard metres and measures, storerooms for grain, the arsenal and
the basement being used as prison cells. The present building was constructed at
the end of the 18th century according to a project by architect Laurynas Gucevičius
in a strict Classical style after fire destroyed the earlier gothic building. Later it was
converted into a theatre, and art museum and the palace of artists. Today the Town
Hall is used for different official ceremonies, concerts and exhibitions.
Contemporary Art Centre
Vokiečių g. 2 /
Tel. +370 5 212 1945
The Contemporary Art Centre is the largest contemporary art centre in the Baltic
States. Two floors of the Contemporary Art Centre contain five exhibition halls.
Avant-garde art created by the Lithuanian and foreign artists, as well as retrospective
exhibitions of the 20th –21st century art are mounted there.
Russian Orthodox Church of St. Michael
Didžioji g. 12
It was built in 1514 by the great hetman of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Constantine Ostrogsky. In the 18th century fires destroyed the old Gothic church;
it was reconstructed in the late Baroque style. While implementing the tsarist
Russification program, by Muravyov’s order it was reconstructed in the Russian
Byzantine style. The walls of the Church are built in the Gothic manner, the facade
and the interior has numerous Gothic details.
French Cultural Centre
Didžioji g. 1 /
Tel. +370 5 219 9696
In 1804, the building that today houses the French Cultural Centre belonged to the
university and was converted into professors’ apartments. Many culture figures lived
there in the 19th century: outstanding medical doctor Joseph Frank, chemist Jędrzej
Śniadecki and others. During the 1812 war the treasury of Napoleon’s army was kept
here; an army intendant Henri Beyle (who later became the writer Stendhal) also stayed
in this building. The French Cultural Centre contains a mediatheque, a bookshop, and a
café. Various events, the French language courses are organised there.
Vilnius Picture Gallery
Didžioji g. 4 /
Tel.: +370 5 212 0841, +370 5 212 4258
Since 1994 the Chodkiewicz estate – one of the most impressive ensembles of
Classicist Vilnius architecture – has housed the Vilnius Picture Gallery. This estate
formed in the period of Gothic and Renaissance and in the middle of the 19th
century the building was reconstructed in the style of late Classicism and acquired
its present appearance. The interior of the Vilnius estate of the 19th century has been
recreated in the halls of the first floor. It houses a permanent exhibition of Lithuanian
painting, graphic art and sculpture of the 16th-19th century.
Church of St. Paraskeva (Piatnica)
Didžioji g. 2
At the end of the 16th century a brick church was build in place of the first church that
burned down. In 1611, the church and the adjacent buildings with an asylum were given
to the Uniates. In the 18th century Peter I visited the renovated church and honoured
it by donating flags seized from the vanquished Swedes. Legend has it that Peter I
baptised the forefather of Alexander Pushkin, the African Hannibal, in this church.
Social Institutions Information
Centre – Souvenir Shop
Pilies g. 42-17
Tel. +370 5 260 8478
Note: there are two further routes from Pilies Street:
1) a shorter route to Cathedral Square (see page 11);
2) a longer route to Barboros Radvilaitės and Maironio
Streets (information is provided below).
Church of St. Francis from Assisi (Bernardine)
Maironio g. 10 /
Tel. +370 5 262 6004 / Visitors Centre +370 682 40216
One can see and acquire original souvenirs made by the disabled people here.
There are various leather items, knitted, woven and sewn clothes, ceramics,
pottery and pictures. Everyone who buys a souvenir at this Centre supports a
disabled person.
House of Signatories
Pilies g. 26 /
Tel. +370 5 231 4437
The first Bernardine Church built in Vilnius in the 15th century most probably
was wooden, and a monastery was established next to it. Today the Church of
St. Francis from Assisi is one of the largest Gothic sanctuaries. The Church of St.
Anne is built close to it.
Church of St. Anne
Maironio g. 8
The House of Signatories of Lithuania’s independence is a historical and
architectural building. It was here that on 16 February 1918 the Council’s 20
members signed the deed declaring Lithuania an independent state. The House
of Signatories shows the room, restored according to information provided by a
single old photograph, where the document was signed, and mounts rotating
exhibitions about the individual signatories.
Pilies Street
Pilies g. 12 (Gothic house)
The Church of St. Anne is one of the most beautiful and famous structures in
Vilnius built at the turn of the 15th and the 16th centuries. This is a masterpiece
of late (so-called flamboyant) Gothic, nearly unsurpassed in the world. It is a
subject of a much-quoted remark, said to have been made by Napoleon when
his army occupied Vilnius in 1812, that he would like to be able to place it on the
palm of his hand and take it back with him to Paris.
Exposition Halls Titanikas
Maironio g. 3
Building of Vilnius Academy of Arts (2 floor)
Tel. +370 5 210 0136
Pilies Street is the most popular street in Vilnius. It is a continuation of Didžioji Street.
Though Vilnius was damaged and destroyed in the fires many times, this street has
preserved its old appearance and traces of the old architecture: small courtyards,
arcades, vaults, original staircases and basements. The primary and most important
function of the street was commercial. The street served as a kind of spinal cord to
the old town that grew around. It connected the Castle with the main marketplace,
Town Hall Square. Pilies Street No. 12 is a Gothic house with reconstructed decorative
gothic facades and cylindrical vaults in the basement and on the ground floor.
Exhibitions of the collections of the Academy’s Museum, works by the lecturers,
graduates, art creators, Lithuanian and foreign art, design, architecture, photo
media, as well as other events of art and culture are held in the exposition halls
Titanikas situated in the Design Innovations Centre of Vilnius Academy of Arts.
Sereikiškių Park
Next to crossroad of Barboros Radvilaitės and Maironio Streets
In 2010, Sereikiškių Park, which is situated in one of the most beautiful places
in the city, was reconstructed according to the 1886–1888 design of artist A.
Strauss. In 2011-2012, the former garden of the monastery will be recreated,
the botanic gardens, a conservatory, a special place for chamber events, a rock
garden, a rosarium and ponds will be built.
Juškus Gallery
Barboros Radvilaitės g. 6B /
Tel. +370 5 212 6611
Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania
Katedros aikštė 3 (Cathedral Square) /
Tel. +370 5 260 8947
A wooden settlement used to be in this historic place in the 4th–8th century. In the
8th–14th century a part of the settlement turned into a castle. Almost all rulers of
Lithuania resided there. They expanded and rebuilt the palace and in the 15th–17th
century Vilnius became one of the largest centres in Europe. In the 18th–19th
century the occupants devastated and completely ruined the palace. Opening of
the Museum has been postponed. Please, see information at
Monument to
Grand Duke Gediminas
Cathedral Square
This is the first private professional art gallery in Lithuania founded in 1990 close
to Sereikiškių Park. The main trend in the activity of the gallery is to represent and
propagate art of modern classics of Lithuania and the Baltic States of the 20th
century. The gallery displays works of the most outstanding painters and artists.
Part of the Park (Valley of Šventaragis)
Between Gediminas Castle Hill and Barboros Radvilaitės Street
Public Toilet – Barboros Radvilaitės Street
Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas (ruled between 1316 and 1341) is considered
to be the founder of the city of Vilnius. The monument, which was made to a
design by Vytautas Kašuba, a New York-based Lithuanian, was unveiled in 1996.
Cathedral Square, Bell Tower
Cathedral Square
The part of the Park near Cathedral Square and the Palace of the Grand Dukes
of Lithuania adorns the centre of the city. The former valley of Šventaragis (in
historical sources its place is defined to have been at the confluence of the Neris
and the Vilnia Rivers) is related to the ancient Baltic (Lithuanian) religion and
mythology. Grand Dukes of Lithuania used to be buried here and legend has
it that in the 13th century ruler Šventaragis started this burial tradition. The
temple of Perkūnas stood in the valley of Šventaragis, an eternal fire burned
there, various rituals used to be performed there.
Cathedral Square is one of the places in Vilnius that was mentioned earliest. In the
18th century the Lower Castle stood in this square; it was the administrative and
defensive centre of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, it contained the arsenal and
religious institutions. In the 15th century the defensive tower of the Castle was
transformed into a belfry (not visited). Today the brown band on the pavement
in the Square marks the contours of the former defensive wall.
Tile Miracle
Between Cathedral and Bell Tower
There is a tile in Cathedral Square bearing the word Miracle written in coloured
letters. It is believed that your wish will certainly come true if you stand on the
tile created by the artist Gitenis Umbrasas and turn round your axis.
Cathedral and Chapel of St. Casimir
Katedros aikštė 1 (Cathedral Square) /
Tel. +370 5 261 0731
The Cathedral-Basilica of St. Stanislaus and St. Vladislaus was built in the centre
of the city on the site of the former pagan sanctuary. Because of frequent fires,
wars and soft ground the Cathedral was reconstructed and renovated many
times. Today the Cathedral is the most monumental purely Classical building
(architect Laurynas Gucevičius). The architect included St. Casimir’s Chapel into
it, which is one of the most valuable and typical Baroque monuments.
The central entrance to the Cathedral has stairs and the side entrance is through
a narrow door with a doorstep.
New and Old Arsenal
Arsenalo g. 1, 3 /
Tel.: +370 5 262 9426, +370 5 262 7774
The Lithuanian National Museum is the largest depository of the historic heritage
of Lithuania and at the same time it is the oldest museum whose sources date back
to 1855 when the Museum of Antiquities in Vilnius was founded. Authentic exhibits
reflect the history of Lithuania, present traditional Lithuanian culture and customs
in the exposition of the New Arsenal. The exposition (pre-history) of the Old Arsenal
acquaints one with archaeology, history and ethnic culture of Lithuania.
Funicular and Gediminas Castle Hill
Arsenalo g. 3, 5 (Funicular in the courtyard) /
Tel. +370 5 212 0017
Monument to King Mindaugas
Arsenalo g., next to Lithuanian National Museum
A 3,5 meter-high granite monument to King Mindaugas was unveiled in 2003
(sculptor Regimantas Midvikis). The King is portrayed sitting on the throne
and holding the King’s regalia – the Royal Sceptre and a ball with a cross. The
pedestal of the monument is surrounded by the Sun calendar in which the most
important pagan and Christian festivals are marked.
It takes 35 seconds for the funicular to cover a 71-meter long section from the foot
of Gediminas Hill up to the top. When going up in the funicular one can enjoy a
spectacular view of the Neris River. The exposition of Gediminas Castle (not suited
to be visited) acquaints one with the models of reconstruction of Vilnius castles
in the 14th – 17th century, armoury, and iconographic material of old Vilnius. A
magnificent panorama of the Old Town opens from Gediminas Castle.
Museum of Applied Art
Arsenalo g. 3A /
Tel.: +370 5 212 1813, +370 5 262 8080
The Museum is located in the Old Arsenal, which in the middle of the 16th
century was mentioned as one of the structures of the Lower Castle. During the
archaeological investigations into the Old Arsenal carried out between 1972
and 1978, a brick wall and a quadrangular tower (its remnants can be seen upon
entering the Museum) of the middle of the 14th century, as well as the lancet gates
of the castle through which visitors get into the Museum today, were uncovered.
U S E F U L I N F O R M AT I O N :
N OT E S :
It is recommended to inform the hotel of your arrival
by telephone in advance.
Europa Royal Vilnius ****
Aušros Vartų g. 6, tel. +370 5 266 0770,
Ramada Hotel & Suites Vilnius *****
Subačiaus g. 2, tel. +370 5 255 3355,
Radisson Blu Astorija Hotel *****
Didžioji g. 35/2, tel. +370 5 212 0110,
Narutis *****
Pilies g. 24, tel. +370 5 212 2894,
Atrium ****
Pilies g. 10, tel. +370 5 210 7777,
Amberton ****
L. Stuokos-Gucevičiaus g. 1, tel. +370 5 210 7461,
The majority of restaurants and cafes in Aušros Vartų,
Didžioji, Pilies Streets are not specially equipped for
the disabled but they can still be visited (wide doors,
no stairs at the entrance, a spacious hall, etc.)
Restaurant San Marco
Subačiaus g. 2, tel. +370 5 264 6418
Beer Restaurant and Live Music Club Aula
Pilies g. 11, tel. +370 5 268 7173,
Restaurant Da Antonio
L. Stuokos-Gucevičiaus g. 1, tel. +370 5 210 7466,
Most of the souvenir shops in Aušros Vartų, Didžioji,
Pilies streets are not specially equipped for the
disabled. Most often there are stairs to enter the shop.
Linen Shop Lino namai
Pilies g. 38, tel. +370 5 212 2322
Internet Café Collegium
Pilies g. 22 – 1 (courtyard), tel. +370 5 261 8334,
We recommend you to visit Gedimino Avenue where
there is a well-adjusted pavement, trading centres.
Aušros Vartai (Gate of Dawn)
Museum of Wax Figures
Folk Artist Jonas Bugailiškis’
Art Studio-Museum
Church of St. Theresa
Church of the Holy Spirit and Monastery
Museum of Amber Figures
Basilian Gate
Philharmonic Society
Church of St. Casimir
Town Hall
Contemporary Art Centre
Russian Orthodox Church of St. Michael
French Cultural Centre
Vilnius Picture Gallery
Church of St. Paraskeva (Piatnica)
Social Institutions Information
Centre – Souvenir Shop
House of Signatories
Pilies Street
Church of St. Francis from Assisi (Bernardine)
Church of St. Anne
Exposition Halls Titanikas
Sereikiškių Park
Juškus Gallery
Part of the Park (Valley of Šventaragis)
Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania
Monument to Grand Duke Gediminas
Cathedral Square, Bell Tower
Tile Miracle
Cathedral and Chapel of St. Casimir
Monument to King Mindaugas
New and Old Arsenal
Funicular and Gediminas Castle Hill
Museum of Applied Art