Those Macchi `smoke-ring`


Those Macchi `smoke-ring`
Death of the hobby?
Those Macchi ‘smoke-ring’ decals
Monogram’s classic 1/48 B-17G
-51 de
New P
Thanks for downloading this first issue of ‘Roundel’. It amazes me that
even 10 years ago, the idea of producing a specialist magazine like this,
with the potential for literally worldwide distribution and almost instantaneous delivery, would have been unthinkable.Thanks to technology and
the internet, it’s become feasible.
I apologise if the content of this first issue seems weighted with my own
models. Please send in material of your own, in the form of articles and
pictures, and I’ll do my best to incorporate it into future issues. (Your
models don’t have to be finished with Mike Grant Decals to be included).
Since ‘Roundel’ is being distributed freely I can’t pay for published
material, but I’ll be giving away decals as an incentive.You can contact
me at:
Polish perfection- Peter Gilding’s
stunning 1/48 PZL-11c, built from the
Mirage kit. Peter used a mix of
Modelmaster paints to achieve an
accurate representation of the
unique Polish khaki. Finished using
Aeromaster decals.
Due in October, P-51 Mustangs Part 1 (MG 48044) will
New releases
include markings for ‘Lil’ Margaret’, a Chinese AF P-51D and
the most accurate decals for ‘Ding Hao!’ yet released. Screen
Previously available as an ALPS-printed sheet,
‘Air America’ (MG 48034) will be available as a screen-printed release. Although labelled as a 1/48 sheet, the various
sizes of unique ‘Air America’ lettering in black and white, and
tail-flag emblems, will be suitable for a variety of models in
various scales. October release.
Owners of the venerable Esci 1/48 Fi-156 Storch kit
(surely a prime candidate for an Italeri re-release?) have been
in need of after-market decals for some time. Fieseler Fi-156
Storch (M48008) has four Storch options, including a yellow
Hasegawa’s 1/48 F/A-18C built by
Mike Grant to depict an aircraft of
VMFA-115. The model was a
commissioned build and the plane’s
markings were custom made. SOL
resin armament and a Black Box
cockpit were some of the aftermarket items used.
Swiss aircraft and a captured
desert RAF scheme. Screenprinted, due in October.
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It’s been around for years, but Revell/Monogram’s 1/48
B-17G is still the only game in town in this scale- and it’s
still a great kit. Numerous rumours about a new-tool B-17
out of Poland, and even from Tamiya, came to nothing, so
last year I began an upgrade on the old kit.
‘2nd Patches’
The seats were scratchbuilt to more
accurately resemble the originals.
Instrument panel is from Eduard.
By Mike Grant
The gaping holes of the kit’s chin
turret were filled with Milliput,
painted to represent canvas, and
then had decals applied to represent
the zippers. All the plane’s machine
guns were replaced with metal
Karaya items.
‘2nd Patches’ had a natural metal
tailfin/rudder, and an outer wing
panel on the undersurface. The
photos don't show the upper wing so
I took artistic liberties and decided
to do a similar NMF section on the
top side, for which I used Alclad
Polished Aluminum. I'd found an
excellent double-page wartime
colour photo of two heavily
weathered B-17s in a Flight Journal
'B-17 Special Issue', which showed a
very faded OD colour and extensive
blackening around the engines and
exhaust stains; I used this as a guide
for painting my model.
Although I realised little would be
seen inside the closed fuselage, I
nevertheless added some extra
detailing using Eduard and scratchbuilt parts. Wood-grain is achieved
with decals.
The model was completely re-scribed
using a sewing needle in a pin-vise.
Verlinden’s scribing-template came in
handy for the numerous access panels that cover the B-17’s airframe.
The excessively thick trailing edges
came in for some heavy sanding with
my Dremel.
Most of the glass was replaced with
Squadron vac-form parts.
Decals were produced using the
ALPS printer.
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S h ow R e p ort: 2 0 0 5 i . p. m . s. Nat i o n a l s, At l a n ta g a .
In July I had the opportunity to
travel to the IPMS Nats in
Atlanta. It was the first time
I’d attended the U.S. event,
and I was overwhelmed by the
sheer quantity and quality of
the entries. These are just a
few of the hundreds of photos
I took.
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Whether you love or hate the idea of camouflage decals,
Close attention to
Mike Grant Decals smoke-rings (MG 48043, MG 72043)
Macchi references is advised
have nevertheless proved to be very popular with
to ensure accurate spacing
modellers of Italian WW2 aircraft. Although one internet
and sizing, as these varied
luminary announced the decals’ release as being ‘the
from aircraft to aircraft.
day the hobby died’, many other modellers have wel-
The Hasegawa kit is
comed them as an alternative to a very daunting paint-
excellent and goes together
job (although they will require decalling skills!). They
superbly. I used Polly-Scale Italian AF colours through-
have been especially welcomed by 1/72 modellers and
out. The example I built below was finished in a week,
those who don’t use an airbrush.
some kind of record for me!
I researched the shapes of the Macchi 202/205
‘squiggles’ using many WW2 photos, and the decals
retain the soft-edges of the actual camouflage. There
are enough rings on a sheet to complete one model
with plenty of spares.
Suggested references:ALI E COLORI 4: Macchi C.202
ALI E COLORI 5: Macchi C.202-205
AVIOLIBRI Pt. 1a and Pt. 2a: Macchi Mc 202 Folgore
Ground Attack units
Macchi Smoke-rings
Although Hasegawa supply a decal
option for a smoke-ringed aircraft I
discarded them in favour of another
scheme, that of 356a Squadriglia, 21˚
Gruppo Atonomo CT. I made all the
markings, including national insignia,
on my ALPS printer.
All content © Mike Grant. No portion of this document (including but not limited to text, photographs and illustrations) may be used, copied or reproduced in any form without the
express written permission of the publisher. Where published material has been submitted by a contributor, copyright remains with the contributor and their permission must also be
obtained before use, copying or reproduction of that material.