no dinner meeting this month


no dinner meeting this month
MARCH 2014
Already this month feels like it will be over
before it begins. We have submitted three
entries to BPWNZ for awards at conference. I
wish to thank Leslie for all her help with
brain storming and proofing my work at very
short notice. Also to Patsy who puts together
a great bulletin every month, which has
enabled us to once again submit three top
class examples for the Alex Haywood Award.
The committee has decided owing to the
absence of a good number of us this month,
due to other commitments, to cancel our
dinner meeting. We will go ahead with a KTA
meeting later in the month which you are all
welcome to attend. Details of this are in the
bulletin itself.
Many of you will have noticed Larry and I
have placed our business on the market and
it is heartening to find the Far North is an
area people are looking to invest into. This is
also reflected in the number of vacancies
that are now being advertised in Northland
showing the economy is gaining strength.
By remembering to promote ourselves as we
meet and greet new members to our
community, BPW Doubtless Bay will
continue to grow its membership and
strengthen our commitment by encouraging
women in the workplace. Our members are a
great resource of skills and knowledge,
remember to use them.
As some members are unable to
attend including Christine, Leslie and
Patsy as well as another two at this
stage and not knowing who else may
apologise, the committee decided to
cancel this month’s meeting as with
only a membership of fifteen it is not
viable for the Resort to cater for a
small number.
However, there will be a Keys to
Achievement meeting on 25th March at
Lynn Dow’s home, 35 Stratford Drive
Cable Bay at 7.30pm. All welcome.
dinner is $25 including raffle
DINNER APOLOGIES - Members are reminded
that Apologies must be made in good time
(and by lunchtime three days before at the
latest).If you are unable to attend the dinner
meeting please contact Claire at 40
61104 .You will be asked to pay for the dinner
if no apology is made. Some discretion will be
made in the event of emergencies.
The committee meets on the Tuesday two
weeks after the Dinner meeting, at Christine’s
shop Next committee meeting will be on the
25 March. Members are welcome to attend.
From the Treasurer:
Guest Speaker: There was no guest
speaker, instead a bottle auction was held.
All members were asked to donate a
disguised bottle worth more than $10. 18
bottles were auctions, with great help from
Bill Whitehorn acting as auctioneer. $426
was raised.The Auctioneer was thanked by
Bev. Shand.
Thank you to all those who have
renewed their membership . A very good
response but a friendly reminder for the
few remaining.
Raffle won by S. Turner
Albert is a keen dog admirer and over the
years has had a number of dogs.
He has had an Alsatian, a Dalmatian, a Poodle
and a Great Dane, but not necessarily in that
Albert had Jamie first. The Dalmatian was an
adored pet before the Great Dane. Sammy,
the Alsatian, was the second dog Albert loved.
Whitney was housed before the Poodle and
Jimmy was not a Great Dane.
Can you tell each of the dogs' name and the
order in which Albert had them?
Solution on page 6
December Dinner Meeting
Dinner Meeting held at the Reia Taipa
Beach Resort, February 13th 2014
Present: Berridge, L. Whitehorn, C. Lee,
L.Dow, I.Shalders, J. McLean, G.Ayers,
S. Turner, P Thornton, B.Shand, R. Jecentho,
Visitors: Bill Whitehorn, Roger Bamford, Alan
Dow, David Shalders, Fraser McLean, Terry
and Laurence Michaluk, Suzie Smellie,
Rosemary Hicks, Moira Luff and Bev Moore.
Apologies: M. Saxton, S. Sweetapple – Lane
and B Raines
Thought of the Day Claire Lee
Enthusiasm is one of the most
powerful engines of success. When you
do a thing, do it with all your might.
Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it
with your own personality, be active,
be energetic and faithful, and you will
accomplish your object. Nothing great
was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Collect read by Lynn Dow
Meeting closed at 9.15am.
Committee meeting held on 25th February 2014
at Coopers Beach.
Present: C. Berridge, L. Whitehorn, L. Dow, M.
Saxton, C. Lee and P. Thornton.
Apologies: Nil
Minutes: The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and confirmed.
C. Berridge/L.Whitehorn CARRIED
Matters Arising:
C. Lee to do dinner apologies in future.
Heather Brew is prepared to speak at a dinner
Lonneke Botello is also prepared to speak at a
dinner meeting.
BPW Australia e-bulletin
BPWNZ - International Congress
BPWNZ – UN Peace Talks on Syria
BPWNZ – Awards and Candle Lighting
BPWNZ - Awards
J. Knight – accepting resignation
Correspondence read and confirmed. L. Dow/L. Whitehorn
Treasurer’s Report:
Motion that the Treasurers Report be
accepted M.Saxton/P.Thornton CARRIED
Second Chance Aided by
Bottle Auction
M. Saxton to contact members with unpaid subs.
Thanks to all those who have paid their subs to be
recorded in the bulletin
The possible increase in meal costs at the Reia
Taipa Beach Resort was discussed.
General Business:
The bottle auction had raised $426 through the sale
of 18 bottles.
Membership – C.Berridge to contact Debra
Stratford and L.Dow to contact Julie Sparksman.
As the conference remits had yet to be received it
Auctioneer Bill Whitehorn and President Christine
was agreed that these be emailed to all members
upon their receipt and members be asked for
There will be no March dinner meeting as there willInstead of having a guest speaker at the
be a significant number of apologies.
February meeting of the Doubtless Bay
April guest speaker to be either Lonneke Botello or
Business and Professional Women Club,
Heather Brew.
Keys to Achievement – there will be another
meeting on 18th March at 7.30pm at the home of L.
Conference – C.Berridge and L.Whitehorn to be the
delegates and P.Thornton to be an observer.
L. Whitehorn to contact Catherine Leu to see about
the possibility of twinning with her BPW club in
P.Thornton to redo dinner duties in the bulletin at
some stage.
The meeting closed at 6.30pm
Club member Bev Shand examines
her purchase
at the
All club
members were asked to bring a wrapped
unopened bottle to be auctioned. Before the
Auction commenced guests enjoyed a
delicious three course meal. Club President,
Christine Berridge, introduced auctioneer for
the night Bill Whitehorn. Bill reminded
guests that “there was no gorse in their
pockets, so dig deep”. Guests were unaware
of the contents of each bottle but Bill still
managed to encourage them into some
spirited bidding, with the 18 bottles being
auctioned raising $416. Once the bottles
were unwrapped they revealed a variety of
contents from wines and spirits to preserves
and even perfume.
The funds raised from the Auction will be
used by the Club to partly fund its Annual
Second Chance Award. This Award, usually
for $1000, is granted to assist any woman
living in the Doubtless Bay area to further
their education or training.
The Doubtless Bay Business and
Professional Women Club meet on the
second Thursday of each month at the Reia
Taipa Beach resort. The Club works to foster
friendship and networking between women
as well as fostering personal and leadership
development. If you are interested in further
information about the Club please contact
the Secretary Lynn Dow at or telephone 09 4060136.
Up until 2011 my life had been primarily
focused on Alan and Nicola, and on my
work. Since retiring from work I have
been able to pursue my other interests
1954 - Born at Whangarei
Maternity Annex
1954 – 61 Lived at Portland, south
of Whangarei
1961 – 72 Lived in the Waikato
1972 – Commenced studying at
Waikato University and meet Alan
on my first day there!
1974 (MY BIG YEAR) – married
Alan, completed my Bachelor of
Social Science degree in
Geography and Economics, our
daughter Nicola was born
1977 – moved to Taipa and
started studying extramurally
1982 – Started working at the
accountancy firm Hanning, Smith,
Bray and Cormack.
1988 – completed my Bachelor of
Business Studies degree
1990 – became a member of the
New Zealand Institute of
Chartered Accountants, gained a
Public Practice Certificate and
became a partner in the
accountancy firm Bray, Cormack
and Dow.
2011 – retired from accountancy,
aged 56
I am a borderline obsessive sports
follower having seen live
international rugby, rugby league,
soccer, men’s hockey, cycling,
cricket and rowing – since 2010
We are keen travellers, having
visited 18countries in the last 3
I have an interest in handcrafts
and sell some children’s items
through the website,
which is essentially an online craft
We are interested in geocaching –
a cross between orienteering and
a treasure hunt
Most importantly, after a life of
study and work, I am keen on
relaxing and enjoying life.
Note: As part of the Keys to Achievement
Programme we are required to write a
short article on a women’s issue we are
interested in.
Working in a Man’s World – My
Lynn Dow
I find it frustrating when women presume
that it was difficult for me to become a
partner in an Accountancy firm, a field which
was at that time very much male dominated.
In my view, I was treated no differently from
my male colleagues at any stage during my
career. In the early years, in particular, I met
many woman, mainly from banking
backgrounds, who felt they were being held
back from advancement in their industry
because they were women. Almost without
exception, when you really looked at their
circumstances they could not bring the skills
or the time commitment required, to the
positions they were striving for.
As recently as our Suffrage Morning Tea,
last year, I was asked how it had been to
work in an “old boy’s network”. My advice to
all women is that you can achieve any
position you want but you must be prepared
to offer not only the skills, but also the time
commitment and drive of any other person
seeking that position. You must never use
the fact that you are a women as justification
that you did not reach a position you were
striving for – look deeper. Lynn Dow – Profile
1954 - Born at Whangarei Maternity
1954 – 61 Lived at Portland, south of
1961 – 72 Lived in the Waikato area
1972 – Commenced studying at
Waikato University and meet Alan on
my first day there!
1974 (MY BIG YEAR) – married Alan,
completed my Bachelor of Social
Science degree in Geography and
Economics, our daughter Nicola was
1977 – moved to Taipa and started
studying extramurally
1982 – Started working at the
accountancy firm Hanning, Smith,
Bray and Cormack.
1988 – completed my Bachelor of
Business Studies degree
1990 – became a member of the New
Zealand Institute of Chartered
Accountants, gained a Public Practice
Certificate and became a partner in
the accountancy firm Bray, Cormack
and Dow.
2011 – retired from accountancy,
aged 56
Up until 2011 my life had been primarily
focused on Alan and Nicola, and on my work.
Since retiring from work I have been able to
pursue my other interests
I am a borderline obsessive sports
follower having seen live
international rugby, rugby league,
soccer, men’s hockey, cycling, cricket
and rowing – since 2010
We are keen travellers, having visited
18countries in the last 3 years
I have an interest in handcrafts and
sell some children’s items through
the website, which is
essentially an online craft market
We are interested in geocaching – a
cross between orienteering and a
treasure hunt
Most importantly, after a life of
study and work, I am keen on
relaxing and enjoying life.
productivity of the economy and we all want
that”, says Mrs Savage
“For the sake of our economy we call on the
New Zealand Government and business
leaders to implement change, to become
world leaders and ensure women and men
receive equal pay for work of equal value.”
“Now is the time for change.”
BPW NZ Demands Equal Pay
“With more money in the pockets of
women and their families, then New
Zealand wins and not just on the
sports field!” says President Carolyn
Thursday, 20 February 2014, 10:19 am
Press Release: NZBPW
BPW NZ Demands Equal Pay
The New Zealand Federation of Business and
Professional Women (BPW NZ) challenges all
New Zealanders to take off their blinkers and
acknowledge that the gender pay gap is
detrimental to NZ.
The Statistics NZ Income Survey for the June
2013 quarter shows clearly that women are
still way behind in equal pay. The average
weekly income from wages and salaries that
in 2012 men earned $598 per week and
women $383 (difference $215). In 2013, even
though earnings increased the difference
remained: men $932, women $717
(difference $215).
BPW NZ has calculated that the 20th
February, is a Red Day for all working women,
who have effectively worked from the 31
December until today to earn the same as
their male counterparts.
“In real figures the financial disadvantage to
women equates to $11,180 per year, and this
is unacceptable,” says President Carolyn
“Over a five-year period, the disadvantage of
pay inequality equates to $55,900 or 13%
towards a deposit for a $400,000 home.”
“BPW NZ is concerned that the gender pay
gap negatively impacts on potential financial
growth of New Zealand through investment
and therefore GDP.
“Research by Goldman Sachs suggests that
reducing the gender pay gap increases the
SOLUTION TO Brain Teaser
Albert had Jamie the Dalmatian first,
then Sammy the Alsatian, Whitney the
Great Dane and finally, Jimmy the
Conference 2014 – BPWs 75th
Anzac Weekend, 25-27, April 2014
James Cook Hotel, CBD
“We Do Give a Damn”
Our promise to you for excellent
presentations with amazing speakers.
Meeting up with all your BPW friends,
meeting new friends
Your Saturday night entertainment. Be
prepared to interact!
Discussing this conference
BPW Korea invites YOU to
Beautiful Jeju Island!
28th BPW International Congress
May 23rd – 27th
Let us be done with fault-finding and
leave off self-seeking .May we put away
all pretence and meet each other face
to face without self pity and without
prejudice. May we never be hasty in
judgment and always generous. Let us
take time for all things: Make us grow
calm, serene, gentle. Teach us to put
into action our better impulses
straightforward and unafraid. Grant
that we may realize that it is the little
things that create differences: that in
the big things of life we are one. And
may we strive to touch and know the
great human heart common to us all,
and Oh Lord God, do not let us forget to
be kind..
We ask that we meet together as
not allowing beliefs, religion,
nationality, ethnicity or language to
come between us.
That these meetings enable us to move
forward and advance the status of
women throughout the world.
That the value of women be recognized
In our families, our communities, our
workplaces, our country and the world.
That we use our good ideas, our
Our experience to promote the worth of
That we combine our strengths to move
In peace, in serenity and in love.
That women of all generations will do
Their part to achieve harmony and
Equality among all human beings.
Work for women’s: economic
independence, equal opportunity and
representation in economic civil and
political life
Encourage and support women and
girls to: develop their professional and
leadership potential, undertake lifelong
education anWd training, use their
abilities for the benefit of others,
locally, nationally and internationally
Advocate for the elimination of all
discrimination against women, for
human rights and the use of gendersensitive perspectives
Undertake world-wide networking and
co-operation between business and
professional women, non profit
projects that help women gain
economic independence,
to present the views of business and
professional women to international
organisations and agencies and to
business, governments and civil
societyWork for women’s: economic
independence, equal opportunity and
representation in economic civil and
political life
Read the Collect
Set up and ‘man’ the table by the door by
Have a contact list to work on.
Note any non-attendees who have
not apologised in advance
Take dinner money and give it to the
Ensure guests sign the Visitors Book
Return Meeting Pack to the Coopers
Beach Liquor Mart
Sell tickets to members and guests at
the door table
Invite the guest speaker to draw the
ticket at the conclusion of their
Hand proceeds of the sale of tickets to
the treasurer
The President will introduce the Speaker
as this makes for a smoother transition
between the two parts of the meeting.
Use your initiative to decide when to
stand and conclude the programme
by thanking the speaker. Keep the
thanks short and recall something of
special value or interest he or she has
Speak appropriately
Thought for the Day
Have a copy of your Thought available
to give the Bulletin Editor, or email it
to her.
Read the Collect at the conclusion of the
programme from the laminated card which
the president will give you.