course syllabus - UCLA Summer Sessions


course syllabus - UCLA Summer Sessions
 COURSE SYLLABUS Course #: FTV 122E Course Title: Digital Cinematography Quarter/Yr: Summer 2015 Dates: See Full Calendar Below Mondays & Wednesdays 10AM-­‐1PM Monday, June 22 through Wednesday, July 29 *Workshops: Friday, June 26th – Section 1: 10AM-­‐1PM, Section 2: 1PM-­‐4PM Friday, July 17th – Section 1: 10AM-­‐1PM, Section 2: 1PM-­‐4PM Instructor/Contact: Phil Klucsarits Teaching Assistant/Contact: Course Description: The goal of this course is to introduce each student to the basic fundamentals of motion picture cinematography, to include both technical knowledge and artistic application. Special focus will be placed on the specific camera and lighting equipment to be used throughout the duration of the Summer Filmmaking Institute. Topics will include, but are not limited to: camera operation, composition and framing, lens choice, camera movement, setting proper exposure, lighting, collaboration, blocking, continuity and all aspects of visual storytelling. Recommended Readings: • Digital Cinematography: Fundamentals, Tools, Techniques & Workflows; David Stump, ASC • Cinematography -­‐ Theory and Practice; Blain Brown • The ASC Manual -­‐ Tenth Edition; Edited by Michael Goi, ASC • The 5 C’s of Cinematography; Joseph V. Mascelli • The Visual Story -­‐ Creating the Visual Structure of Film, TV & Digital Media; Bruce Block • Painting with Light; John Alton, ASC • Reflections; Benjamin Bergery • Set Lighting Technician’s Handbook; Harry Box • American Cinematographer Magazine; Monthly Publication • ICG Magazine; Monthly Publication Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. This class functions based on your attendance and participation, so please be respectful of your classmates and arrive on time. Attendance and Participation at each class meeting is imperative since there will not be an opportunity to make-­‐up missed days. Assignments and Grading: Attendance and Participation in all class discussions is a primary factor in each student’s final grade, as is the completion of each of the In-­‐Class Exercises (5-­‐7 throughout the quarter). There will be an In-­‐Class Camera and Lighting Concepts Quiz during the first class meeting of Week #4 that will also be a large component of the final grade. The Advanced Camera and Lighting Exercise Journal will consist of a brief description of these practice exercises, which will take place during Workshop #2, held on the Friday of Week #4. These journals should include discussions of all creative decisions made, challenges faced and problems solved during each exercise. The journals will be due during the final class meeting, during Week #6 of the quarter. Below is the weight given to each component of the course grade: Attendance and Participation 20% In-­‐Class Exercise Completion (5-­‐7 Exercises) 20% In-­‐Class Camera and Lighting Concepts Quiz (1st class of week #4) 30% Advanced Camera and Lighting Exercise Journal (due last class meeting) 30% Final Course Grade: A (90-­‐100%) B (80-­‐89%) C (70-­‐79%) D (60-­‐69%) F (<59%) Please note that ALL COURSE GRADES ARE FINAL. 100% COURSE OUTLINE Class Meeting Monday June 22nd (10AM-­‐1PM SS#3) Week #1 *Wednesday June 24th (10AM-­‐1PM SS#3) Week #1 Friday June 26th (Section 1: 10AM-­‐1PM) (Section 2: 1PM-­‐4PM) Location TBD Workshop #1 Monday June 29th (10AM-­‐1PM SS#3) Week #2 Wednesday July 1st (10AM-­‐1PM SS#3) Week #2 Monday July 6th (10AM-­‐1PM SS#3) Week #3 Wednesday, July 8th (10AM-­‐1PM SS#3) Week #3 Topics Discussed Introduction to class & institute structure Safety briefing Role of the cinematographer Screen clips & short film Composition & Framing Frame size terminology *Instructor demo of camera equipment Lens Choice Exposure/F-­‐Stop/Shutter/ISO Depth of field Camera operating *Hands-­‐on introduction to camera equipment *Composition/Framing exercise *Exposure setting exercise *Camera operating exercise *Focus pulling exercise Camera movement Camera movement example clips Static camera Panning/Tilting Dolly Handheld *Camera movement exercise with stations Lighting for emotional impact Lighting example clips Discuss lighting terminology & concepts Color temperature Types of lighting units *Hands-­‐on introduction to lighting equipment Controlling light Grip equipment Gels Diffusion *Soundstage lighting exercises Day exterior lighting techniques Bounced/diffused sunlight concepts Screen day exterior lighting example clips *Day exterior lighting exercises Assignments Prepare for Camera & Lighting Concepts Quiz; during next class meeting Monday July 13th (10AM-­‐1PM SS#3) Week #4 Wednesday July 15th (10AM-­‐1PM SS#3) Week #4 Friday July 17th (Section 1: 10AM-­‐1PM) (Section 2: 1PM-­‐4PM) Location TBD Workshop #2 Monday July 20th Week #5 Wednesday July 22nd Week #5 Monday July 27th Week #6 Wednesday July 29th (10AM-­‐1PM SS#3) Week #6 Shooting & Continuity rules Coverage/covering a scene 180 Degree Line Blocking a scene for camera *Hands-­‐on demo: blocking a scene *In-­‐Class Camera & Lighting Concepts Quiz *Additional soundstage lighting exercises *Possible hands-­‐on “Mock Shoot” *Advanced lighting exercises with stations *Advanced camera exercises with stations No Class – Instructor will attend production meetings to be held during FTV 178 class No Class – Final Shoots Taking Place No Class – Instructor will attend screenings and critique session held during FTV 178 class Final color-­‐correction process Color-­‐correction notes session on final projects Class & Final Project wrap-­‐up Finalize Journal submissions; due next class meeting Camera & Lighting Exercise Journals due