Newsletter - Eastbourne Liberal Jewish Community


Newsletter - Eastbourne Liberal Jewish Community
Eastbourne Liberal Jewish Community
Registered Charity No: 1115670
A Constituent of Liberal Judaism
November 2014
The Chairman and Council would like to extend a very warm welcome to our new members
and continued good wishes to all our members for the year ahead.
Dear Friends
Suzanne King, Chairman of ELJC
The month in reflection has been a very busy and truly moving, inspiring time for us. We have been
enriched by our High Holyday services beautifully led by one of this year’s Student Rabbis, Hannah
Kingston. She has much to offer the members of our community and is very keen to share the gifts
and skills she has with us this year.
We also had a wonderful Sukkot service led by Student Rabbi Nathan Godleman. It was the
first service where ELJC have had a lulav and etrog and congregants have been instructed in the
correct procedure for the waving of the four species and we enjoyed a very informative study session
about the festival of Sukkot, leaving us with questions to reflect upon as well as answers. I have
thanked Rabbi Frank Dabba Smith and Hana Schlesinger for the very kind donation of the four
species. It was a great contribution to our community's service and learning experience.
As we enter the winter months and the darkness descends, giving us only limited hours of
light, we look forward to planning some illuminating and energising events to see us through the
winter months. Your council continues to work hard to ensure that the community has interesting
events, social activities and services. Why not get involved? We have the beginnings of a singing
group, but need a few more voices and instruments. We are also looking for people to join our
'Tefillah Team,' -people who would like to lead a service, become more involved during services - all
contributions are not only a mitzvah, but build a strong community and bind us together, as well as
feeling a part of something greater!
Chavurah suppers in members’ homes are being arranged too, warming to the physical as
well as the spiritual, as these will become places of informal and diverse Jewish communal learning.
We also have a number of youth in our community and plans are under discussion how best we can
provide interesting, informative activities and learning opportunities for them. All suggestions and
volunteers will be warmly received. Watch out for the regular updates in between services. We will be
holding our annual AGM on 28 November - see the calendar of events for details. I enjoin you to
come along have your say and share your ideas.
Do let me know if you would like to stand for council or be willing to be co-opted for events
and projects in the coming year.
Have a good month, and I look forward to seeing you at services.
Warmest wishes
Suzanne E. King, Chairman
Saturday 15 November
Join us for a creative service followed by a range of discussions, workshops and
Cost: £20 adults | £5 children (pre-schoolers - free) Time: 10am – 5 pm
Location: Leicester University
For more information contact Abigail Jacobi at
Shabbat will be hosted by Leicester Progressive Synagogue. Leicester Synagogue will be
providing a meal on the Friday (FOC).
Chairman, Suzanne, and Bobbi will be going on Friday afternoon, 14th November, and if
anyone would like to travel with them please let Suzanne ( or
Miriam Levine (Chairman of Leicester Progressive Synagogue) know asap.
Some suggested hotels are: Belmont House Hotel, DeMontfort Street, Leicester LE1 7GR. Web: Prices: £69
– 89 (executive double room)
Distance on foot: 5 mins from the station
IBIS Hotel Leicester, St. Georges Way, Constitution Hill, Leicester, LE1 1PLWeb: Prices
from £39 per night. Distance on foot: 5 mins from the station.
Thank you to everyone for paying your membership renewals/subscriptions so promptly. If you haven’t
renewed or joined yet, please let Angela have your payment. All cheques payable to “Eastbourne Liberal
Jewish Congregation” or “ELJC”. Angela Jay, Administrator/Membership Secretary
A message from our new Student Rabbi Hannah Kingston
From Student Rabbi Hannah Kingston
“As soon as I saw you I knew an adventure was going to
happen” - Winnie the Pooh
As the month of Cheshvan begins we truly bid farewell to the
craziness of the month of Tishri and the plethora of festivals
it offers us. Together we ushered in the New Year and began
our relationship which will hopefully last long into the future.
We sang, we laughed and we took moments to think, as we
returned to the land our souls and prepared ourselves for
the adventures that this New Year has to offer us both individually and as a community.
For the past two years I have been facing many new challenges head on. I graduated from
the University of Birmingham in the summer of 2012 and went straight into Leo Baeck
College to start my training to become a Rabbi. I grew up actively involved in the Jewish
community of North London and am a fourth generation Progressive Jew. However I did not
grow up thinking that I would become a Rabbi. In fact until I was 18 the thought had never
crossed my mind; my involvement in Judaism was mainly cultural and Rabbis were old!
When I left school about to embark on my gap year I was convinced I would complete my
Geography degree and become a weather girl! This changed after spending three summers
at URJ Kutz Camp in upstate New York, where I worked as a resident advisor and Israeli
dance teacher. It was there that I met a number of inspirational young Rabbis who instilled
in me a passion for Judaism and especially for youth work. This triggered my commitment to
providing informal education for the youth, helping young people to connect to their
Judaism in a way that is meaningful to them.
After completing my second year as a Rabbinical Student, I feel even more ready for the
adventures that rabbinic life has to bring and especially my adventure over the next year
with the Eastbourne Community. I am finding my feet a bit more with every passing day,
and I hope this journey to the coast, and your community, will lead not just to a pot of
honey, but to the beginnings of a sweet new relationship.
We had a wonderful Sukkot Service on Saturday 11th October, when everybody had a
chance to shake the lulav. A big thank you to Student Rabbi Nathan Godleman and Linda
McDonald for coming all the way from London at very short notice to join us.
This year, in addition to our Blood Bank Drive (thanks to all those who have volunteered),
we are raising funds and awareness for Demelza, the children’s respite care and hospice.
We are looking for donations of good quality bric-a-brac and toys to support this very
worthwhile cause.
If you have any donations please let Angela know on 01323 725650 or email her at
Around our Congregation this month
New members – a very warm welcome to new members Andrea Bloom and Meynell
Walters and his daughters.
Birthdays – this month we wish a very happy birthday to Ben Occadi, Diana Schpilka and
Angela Jay.
Yahrzeits – Fanny Caplan – grandmother of Angela Jay. We wish her family long life.
Our congregation’s preferred funeral director is Kevin Young at Rosedale, 62 Grove Road,
Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 4UH. Telephone: 01323 726100.
Do you have something to celebrate? Exam results, weddings, engagements, births?
If you have any family events you would like the ELJC Newsletter to cover or want to contribute an
article please contact: We do reserve the right to edit contributions
for length, style and content. Deadline is the 25th of each month.
Liberal Judaism Sunday Seminar 11 am – 4 pm at the Montagu Centre, London W1T 4BE.
How do we discuss the difficult and emotive subject of Israel in our communities without losing our
heads? Learn and discuss how to introduce meaningful and respectful dialogue on the Jewish State.
Sessions, led by Rabbi Leah Jordan, and Rebecca Daniels, Yachad Youth and Student Outreach, will
include “Israel through Jewish Eyes”, “Yachad:Coming Together” and how to run a model session on
education about Israel.
Any ELJC member interested in learning how to deal with discussions about Israel should
attend this seminar. It is free to all members of Liberal Judaism congregations (with a £5
contribution for a buffet lunch). To book a place contact Abigail Jacobi at or book via our Chairman, Suzanne King at
LJ Today – the November/December 2014 issue of Liberal Judaism’s award-winning
magazine is now available from the LJ website ( or printed
copies from Angela Jay, tel: 01323 725650.
Obituary – Rabbi Sheila Shulman z’l
The Chairman and Council of ELJC were greatly saddened to hear of the passing of Rabbi Sheila
Shulman z’l. The founder of Beit Klal Yisrael in London, the first synagogue to provide an inclusive
home for the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community and their friends, as well as to
many Jews who had felt excluded from mainstream synagogues for various reasons. Rabbi Sheila
was a feminist and activist who helped to change the landscape of the progressive rabbinate for
women and the LGBT community in the UK. Her influence is clear and resounding and it will
continue to be for the foreseeable future.
IF IT’S NOT IMPOSSIBLE – The Life of Sir Nicholas Winton by Barbara Winton
Published by Matador, 2014, ISBN 978 1783065 202, £12.99.
It is said that there are 6,000 people alive today because of Sir Nicholas Winton. One of those is my
husband, David Selo, whose mother, Lore, and her two sisters, were given places on a train out of
Prague in 1939 organised by Winton. Winton is a modest man, now 105, who said little about his
kindertransport activities, which saved 669 children from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia, until the
1980’s. Many of the children had no idea who had rescued them until Esther Rantzen’s That’s Life
TV programme picked up the story and invited many of them to meet Winton at a memorable
reunion. Since then, the story has gradually emerged. This fascinating book by Winton’s daughter,
Barbara, tells us about the man, his ancestors (who were German Jews who moved to London,
assimilated and changed the family name), his career before and after his kindertransport exploits,
and his subsequent recognition, in the UK and abroad, during his long, long retirement. Nicky, as he
is known, has been honoured in the Czech Republic, knighted, had films made about him and has
featured in several books. Barbara’s book has a wealth of family photographs and gives a fullyrounded picture of her father. However, she writes, “This relatively short, though intense, episode in
Nicky’s life was without doubt the most effective and significant deed undertaken in a life full of
charitable action. [But] my reason for writing this biography was to show the whole person and not
just the myth described in articles about his bravery, heroism and humility.” I have had the privilege
of meeting Nicky twice: when he took a microlight flight to celebrate his 94th birthday and at his 100th
birthday party at the Czech Embassy. He is indeed a charming and remarkable man. Barbara’s book
is a worthy tribute.
Ruth Selo
PS You may have seen Sir Nicholas on the TV on 28th October receiving an award from the Czech Republic.
He was flown to Prague for the day by the Czech government.
Our retiring Vice-Chairman, Yvonne Greene will be returning for a visit to Eastbourne and
will be joining us for the afternoon service, which will commence at 3pm in the Hall of CTK.
After the service we will be going to Simply Italian at Sovereign Harbour. Please let Angela
know by no later than Wednesday 5th November if you would like to join us for supper.
01323 725650 or email her on
A Faiths in Sussex Event
with Bexhill Council of Christians and Jews, Bexhill Islamic
Association and Church Together in Bexhill and Hastings
and St Leonards
Saturday November 1st 2:30 – 5:00pm
Bexhill Youth and Community Centre, 10 Station Rd, Bexhill-On-Sea, East Sussex, TN40 1RE
Exploring Forgiveness from the Perspective of Faith & Experience
Dr Shakil Malik - Consultant Psychiatrist, Senior Clinical Director at Sussex Partnership NHS
Ruth Barnett – 1939 Kindertransport child, author and speaker on genocide and
Sukhdev Ahluwalia - a devout Sikh born in the Punjab, former Lloyds Bank management
Dr Jeremy and Rosemary Goring – Former Unitarian minister and Dean of Humanities at
Goldsmiths’ College & his wife, now European Representative of the Brotherhood of the
Cross & Star
Sheikh Ismail S. Yusuf (TBC) Imam at Hastings Mosque and Graduate of the Faculty of
Shariah, Madina Islamic University and MA in Islamic Studies from the Muslim College,
Dr Harriet Crabtree - Director of the Inter Faith Network for the UK, received her doctorate
from the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard Divinity School
CULTURAL PERFORMANCES The Come All Nations Choir - The Pestalozzi International Students Religious Chants with Charles Harvey INTERNATIONAL HIGH TEA - Close at 5:00pm FOLLOWED BY
5:00 – 6:00pm 2014 AGM of Hastings and District Interfaith Forum
Confirm your attendance to
Leo Baeck College Lehrhaus 2014-2015: Home of
Jewish Learning
Sign up today to feed your enthusiasm for Progressive Jewish Learning. A desire to discover yourself
in Judaism and Judaism in yourself is all you will need to study with us.
All the courses are taught by the College's faculty. Our teachers are both passionate about their
subject and deeply knowledgeable.
On offer this year are:
Biblical Hebrew with Dr Alinda Damsma
Tuesday evenings 14 October - 9 December 2014 at 7.30 pm - 9.15 pm
Tuesday evenings 27 January - 24 March 2015 at 7.30 pm - 9.15 pm
For full details about this course and how to register
Concepts of Kabbalah with Rabbi Larry Tabick
Tuesday evenings14 October - 9 December 2014 at 7.30 pm - 9.15pm
(Please note that there is no session on 18 November)
For full details about this course and how to register
Two courses in Jewish Sacred Music with Dr Annette Boeckler
Life Cycle – the musical and liturgical perspective
Wednesday evenings 22 October - 10 December 2014 at 7.45 pm - 9.15pm
High Holidays – nusach, melodies and texts
Wednesday evenings 4 February - 25 March 2015 at 7.45 pm to 9.15pm
For full details about this course and how to register
Bible Stories for Grown-Ups with Rabbi Professor Jonathan Magonet
Thursday evenings 30 October - 20 November 2014 at 7.45 pm - 9.15pm
For full details about this course and how to register
Building fences, opening doors: Status in Jewish Tradition with Rabbi Josh Levy
Monday evenings 10 November - 1 December 2014 at 7.45 pm - 9.15 pm
For full details about this course information and how to register
Spinoza's Jewish Philosophy with Rabbi Mark L Solomon
Our Annual General Meeting will take place on Friday 28th November 2014 at
4pm at the WRVS, Hyde Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4SX.
You will soon be receiving a copy of the Agenda together with Council
Member Nomination Forms.
If you would like to volunteer, or would like to nominate somebody else to
become a Council Member, don’t forget to put their name and your name on
the form and make sure that it is seconded. No nominations can be accepted
unless each nomination is seconded.
We are looking for people to volunteer for council, or to support the council
for various projects, even if you feel that you can't commit full time for a
whole year.
We would like to ask you to please state what you would be interested in and
suggest ways to help the council and community.
We are taking a modern approach to meetings and can skype those who
travel frequently into council meetings and use email to keep council and cooptee's in the loop!
Our Council is made up of 4 Executive Officers, namely the Chairman, ViceChairman, Administrator and Treasurer.
In addition there are vacancies for a further 3 members of Council.
After a break for refreshments our Erev Shabbat Service will commence at
 Looking Ahead - Dates for your Diary 
Sunday 1st November – 2.30 – 5.00 – Faiths in Sussex, Hastings and District Interfaith Forum, Bexhill
on Sea (see advertisement above)
Sunday 2nd November -
La Karina by ZF Pola Dance Group
Wednesday 5th November – 3.00 – Afternoon tea, Library Room, Cavendish Hotel, Eastbourne.
Saturday 8th November – 3 – 5pm – Saturday Afternoon Service, CTK Church Hall, Princes Road,
Eastbourne, BN23 6HS and at 6pm – Supper Club at Simply Italian, Sovereign Harbour
Sunday 9 November – 11.00 -4.00 – LJ Sunday Seminar – When we talk about Israel – Montagu
Centre, London W1
Sunday 9 November – 3.00 The Last Train to Tomorrow – Kindertransport musical premiere –
Roundhouse, London NW1 (see page 10)
Saturday 15th November – Midlands Shabbaton, Leicester – see advertisement above.
Sunday 16th November – Mitzvah Day and AJEX Parade, Cenotaph, Whitehall, London WC2, 1.15
pm, service 2.30 pm.
Sunday 16th November – Operation Rescue, Ralli Hall, Hove – see advertisement above.
Wednesday 19th November - Reflections of Love – Congress Theatre – Eastbourne Faiths
Forum – Hear our Chairman Suzanne speak
Friday 28th November – 4pm – ELJC AGM – WRVS followed after refreshments at 6pm by
our Erev Shabbat Service.
Wednesday 3rd December – 3pm – Afternoon Tea, Library Room, Cavendish Hotel, Eastbourne
Saturday 13th December – 3 – 5pm – Saturday Afternoon Service, CTK Church Hall, Princes Road,
Eastbourne, BN23 6HS
Wednesday 1st December – First Day of Chanukah
Sunday 21st December – Chanukah Party, WRVS, 24 Hyde Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4SX
We hope you can join us!
For further information contact: Suzanne (chairman) at or Angela at or by phoning 01323 725650.
Services at Eastbourne Liberal Jewish Community:
Friday night services are usually held at the WRVS, 24 Hyde Road, Eastbourne, BN21 4SX at 6pm
usually on the 4th Friday of every month and are followed by supper.
Saturday afternoon services are held at CTK Church Hall, Princes Road, Langney Roundabout,
Eastbourne, BN23 6HS. We look forward to seeing you at one of our friendly services! Visitors are
welcome to attend. See the diary and calendar for dates.
Six Point Foundation is a grant-making charity that gives grants to UK-resident Holocaust survivors and
refugees of Jewish origin who are in financial need. If you, or someone you know, may qualify for help, please
contact: Renata McDonnell, Communications and Grants Officer, Six Point Foundation, 25-26 Enford Street,
London W1H 1DW, Mondays to Thursdays 9am-5pm. Tel: 020 3372 8882 Email: Website: You can also
subscribe to a quarterly newsletter. Six Point Foundation is a company limited by guarantee (7714355) and a
charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (1143324)
The Last Train to Tomorrow
3.00 pm, Sunday 9th November 2014, Roundhouse, Camden Town, London NW1.
A sequence of ten songs with music by composer and conductor, Carl Davis CBE and Hiawyn Oram,
children’s author, which tells the extraordinary story of the Kindertransport children. This will be the
only performance of this work and has been organised by the Association of Jewish Refugees to
commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Kindertransport. Ninth November is also the anniversary
of the Kristallnacht pogrom in 1938 in Germany and Austria which prompted many Jewish refugees
to emigrate and the British government to offer refuge to 10,000 children from Nazi-occupied
Europe. Tickets from: 0300 6789 222 or
Sussex Jewish Representative Council has a calendar of all Jewish events in Sussex:
Sussex Jewish News is available monthly by subscription (paper £24 a year or PDF by email £18 a
year). Contact: for details.
FOR MORE ON ELJC SEE OUR WEBSITE: This has a full calendar of our up-coming
events, previous newsletters, photos and write ups on past events, as well as links to other useful,
relevant websites.
We are on FACEBOOK too. Go to:
(Cheshvan/Kislev 5775)
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Torah reading –
8 Cheshvan 5775
Faiths in Sussex,
3.00 pm
3.00 pm
LJ Sunday
Seminar –
When we
Tea - The
at CTK Church
Torah reading –
15 Cheshvan
6pm Supper
Torah reading –
Chayyei Sarah
22 Cheshvan
Torah reading Toledot
29 Cheshvan
1 Kislev 5775
4pm –
AGM 6.00
service at
Torah reading –
7 Kislev
talk about
Last Train to
London NW1