What`s on Your Pancake?
What`s on Your Pancake?
What Should You Put on Your Pancakes? Doesit payto buythepriciest syrupinthe aisle-anddoesit evenneedto berealmaple? > BY LISA ff,- he s]'nip arca of the supemrarkeris full of evocative names. l-ou can brcakfast lith n:orhcrty lvlrs. Buttrn\.orrh or manly I .L ' HrrntD' |ack or escapeinto nature u'ith Maple Grove Farms, Spring Trce, or l,og Cabin. Sold side bv side, genuine maple s1'rup and socalled pancake synrp (made rvith high-frr.:ctose corn syrup) can range fron more thrn Sl per ounce for the real deal to a mere 14 cents per ounce for an imitation. But, price and product nanres aside, rvhich tastes best) To find out, rve pittcd fbur top-selling narional brancisof maple s1'mp against five popular p;rncake syrups, hoping to find the best onc for pouring o,,'cr pancakes or using in rccipes such as our l{aple-Pccaa Pie iNove mbey'Decernber 1995). For good measurc, uc also threlr.' in the uinning nrail-order n:eple s1'nrptiom a previoustlsrirrg. Atnericans lcvc svrr.rp,sf.entling more thrn $450 n'rillion a vear on ir in supernrarketsalote, t,ith prncirke svmp r"lstly' t-xrrscllirrgreal rrraple sy'mp. \\'itilc thc t*o n'l:cr k',rtkalikci rrndboth tastesl'eet, the siinilirrirl'endsrircr,:.r\1.r1:le sl,rugris simpll'tree sap that h.rsbeen boilcd io rcduceits *,ater content I NIcNlANUS( and concentrateits sugar. fu the sap boils dorvn, it caramelizesand develops a characteristicmaple flavor and golden brosn color. Pancakeq'rup, on the other hand, is a manufacrurcd mix of high-fructose com syrupand other ingredientsengineeredro taste likc maple. Thesemaplc uannrbes havetheir rr-crkcut out for them, asit'sJr<iteas),to rcplicrte the tasteofgenuinc maple s1'rup. Its flavors l?ry enormousl,r'-some slrups are rich and complex, n'idr hint.s of honey, *'ood, cofFee,smokc, caramel,chocolatc, and even rum---others are light, bright, and remarkablyclcantasting for something so s\r'eet. Indeed, sciendsts have idcntified nearll' 300 flavor conrpounds in nnple s1'rup(though not in cven'one); theseare produced asthe rarious amino acids,phcnolic compounds, minerals, salts,and sugarscontaincd in sap interrct drrring boiling. Still Tapped by Hand I{aple s1'rupcosts much more than panclke syrup firr somcvery good rcasons:Irs procluctionis laborintensir.e,s,ith a shon seasonand lirrited supply. Sap only runs for about a nronth lt thc cnd of *inter, s'hen freezing nigl.rtsancll\?rmcr da1'sturn l 'l apleGr a , l eS c h o ol :Wh e re A l l starchstorcd in thc trcc roots inttl sugiarrnti stan it circulating through ihe rree to fi"rclspring groir-rh. Grade inflation hrs trickled dovin fro;n school to syn_rp: Workers set taps b1'hand and mo\-e them each1'ear so that the uees can heal. l!'c've all seenpicnu-esof Althcugh there are fou:- grades of maple syntp set by the buckets on trees and horsc-dr:ru'n'$'agonscarrying U.S. go.rernment accor'd!;rgto color, three of them are A sap to the sugarhouse; firnrers todrl' usc milcs of anCthe lowest is B. !'ernroni used to havegradesA, B, and C but go: rid oi C arid added a new grade calied Fancy. phsdc tubing, u.hich is laid by hand throughout f..eepinga rnaple sy,-uprepon card can be confusingbecause the lvoods to convc). sap. The maple trces gron.in a linrited arca: Quebc-cprocluccsabout 29 pcrcent indi.uiduiistaresha'reiheir own standardsanCCanadabuck of thc rrorlc-l'smaple st.mp, fcrl.los'ecl the trend w'ith grades as lor.r a: D. -L.M. tt.\i:mronr, sith the remainder from orher statcs. TI -1EF E DE RAL GRADES ARE: It takes a lot of maple slp to nuke svnrp: ForB. GRADE A Verylighrgold,withmildmaple gillons boil do*'n to aroturd I g:rllon of srnrp. \\hcr.r LIGHT AMBER flavor;in Vermonr,alsoknown ir reachesthc riglrr density, the slmp i.sfiltercd ane'l asFanc-v. poured hot into containers.Ib dn-elop a consistent product 1'earafier vcar, laree mlr-mfhcturcrs start GPADE A Slightiy darker,wirhmoremaple uith a spccificundcrsrandingof drcir pr.eti'nc.{flirvor i'lEDltJl'l AMBER flavor. profile, then carclirllv blcnd sr.rupin b:rtchcsbeforc rcprstcr,rrizitr:1 and botrline it. G R A DE A Even darker, with a stronger The U.S. governnlent enfbrccs stlnchrds tbr D A RK A MB ER m;tple flavor. nraplesvrtr;,,rccluirine a ntininrum of 66 percent dcnsiry(a mrasrrreof sugrr content) and grading GRADE B Sonredmes ca!led"cooking the st'rup b',' c<;'lor(scc "r\I:rplc Grar,lcSchool," syrup,"vef,r'ciar(with intense Icft). Thc li ghtest-colorcd, nrosr tlcl icarc-llrrvored mapleflavor. slnrp, tilppcd at thr-.[c.gin;11rrg of thc sei.lsolt \\,hcl1 Syrupls AUotuAugage _ C()()|\ S ll-Lt Sl ,1 zo ' N.\l I l) the sap first begins florving, is usually the most expensive-more than $l per ounce. As thc season progressesand the w.eatherwarmi, the syrup bccomcs darker antl more intensely flavored Certain influences, such as insect infestations in trees or tapping sip too latc in the season,rvhcn buds are forming, can produce off-flnors. ' Although maple ivrlrp has been poured sincc Nativc Americansfirst discoyeredthe su'eejtness ol mlplc sap, pancakes,vrupis a modem invention. The first brand, log Cabin, concoctedin l88Z asa chcaperalrcrnative,originalll contained45 perecur maple sr'rup supplemented by' ipexpensivc corn si'rup. As more brands came along, the rerl :nrple content shnnk; Aunt |emima, for instancc,made its debut irr 1966 rvith just l5 percenrnraplcsl'mp. By the 1970s, most brands--claiming cusromers didn't mind-had elin'rinaredmaple syrup from their producrs, rcplacing it *irh a sleu. of arrificiai flarorings and additives. Cloying and Candylike As soon as rr'c tabularcclthe results of our tastings, it becamcclcar thirr thc pancakes1'mpsrr.oulclriot do: \\tredrer rasted on l.al}]es or b;rked in l.laclePccanPie,thevgot the thurnbs.do,rn.Not o:riv^clicl rnostof thcseproducts nor tJstc like meplc, tasrers conrpl;rinedof orerpon'ering brrtterscot,:h,r.anilia. or caramel notes and an anificial butter fler.or thrrr gavedrc p:rncake$'nrps a cloi'ing, ..candylike" tastr'. I{ost alsohad an "unnaniralh' thick,lis:ous tcrrljre that usters disliked. As fbr thc mrple svnrps,in a nsd_nga <iccadea5lo, rr'c preferrcd d:rrk sirups nith intense m:.ple il.rlrrr to the delicateflilr'or of pr.:cei'Gradc A Lighr r\.nrbcr. svnrp.Ovcr thc yc;trs,\\'e lr.rveronfirmcd this p:-etcrencc and do not lcconrnlcnd pxring top doil.rr fbr the highcst-grrdcsr.rup.L'r this tasdng,fciur of rhe fir'e svrrrpss'e sempletl ri'ere Grade A Dark Antber, nrcaningelch should hl'c hrd a simihr, moderarell decp fl.rvor--bllr sontc lost points for h:rving lcs nr:rplefl11'61 56anotl)crs.Or.erl.r'intense fl..*'ordic{n't r..in thc drtr',cither: Or.rrfbnncr sinncr, a dlrk Cr.rde 13symp, ranked sect>ndor.crlll (rhough it lon tl-rc pie tasting-{rade B is often callcd ..cookir:gsrrup" for good reason). Ot'enrltelnrirrgs\\'eetnrsss.asalsoa nrrnoft. a.ncJ lab testsconfirnrcd thar thc lou.cst-mnkeclnrlple st'nrPshld rhe hiehr.stsuir;rrlr,,r:ls.Tastersprcfcrrc.l a gc.rodbirl;rnccof ss'cctn.-ss .rnd uraplc flar.or.Orrr TASTINGMAPLEAND PAI{CAKESYRTJPS, lnc':four frm InformationResources' marketresearch nationalbrandsidentifledby the Chicago-based Twency-twoCooh\ Illrstrnttd staf memberstastedninetop-selling We the syrups sampled previous tasting. from a maple syrup favorite mail-ord€r our genuinemaplesyrupsandfive pancakesyrupsmadefrom corn syrup.We alsoincluded overall appeal. and teKure, sweetness' ilavor, complexity. maple pie on rated them and in blind tasrings 1995) with wafflesand in our Maple-pecan (November/December supermarkets. Priceswere paidat Boston-area andihe syrupsarelistedin order of preference. The resultswere averaged, N OT R E C OH H E N D E D {- REC O M HEN D E D E .b.;$&*-1 MAPLE GROVE FARMS PureMapleSYruP of U.S.andCanada) GradeA DarkAmber(Product KELLOGG'S EGGO OriginalSYruP (15centsperounce) for23ounces Price:$3-49 Price:95.29 for 8.5 ounces (62 cens per ounce) Sugar Content: 62.9gl I OOg *A good balance of maple and sweetness" 'potent'" Comments: "ctean," and 'intense," with 'good eanhy, mapley notes.' "Lovely,*very sweet and natural," with a 'perfect consistency'nor loo-thick or thin" and 'a rich, mapley aftenaste.' In pie, it was 'very mild' Comments: "Very sugary.Slightly plastic. Maple aftenaste, but weak.' In pie, while a minority of lasrers liked its "nice, loasted sweetness,' many complained:'Where's the maple?" and "Yuck' I can tasrethe chemicals.'ln sum: -What's the point of being the best of the woml' but tasted real and sadsfing.- a AUNT JEMIMA OriginalSYruP HIGHLAND SUGARWORKS of Vermont) GradeB CookingHapte(Product Price: $ | 6.95 per pint ($ | .05 per ounce) by mail order PlusshiPPing Sugar Content: 63.3gl | 009 Comments: While usters agreedon our favoqitemail-order syrup! "exceltent maple flavor,- described as -intense and com';.' plex, well-balanced,'with notes of "whiskey" or'molasses'" a few found ir 'a bit nruch'when tasted plain.But rhis dark syrup shone in Fie, earniog prdise for "very rich, deep" maple flavon :i,. Price: $3.59 for 24 ounces(15 cenls Per oun€e) *honey and Comments: A few Esters liked this syruP's "The I grew up wirh' quipped: taste fondly vanilla' notes; one Straightfomard corn syrup laced with maPle." But mos! comments weie lessforgiving 'Fake. viscous corn sya:p.- with a 'fake maple smell' and "fake butter flavor." @ & -:iiiiC A M P M a ple Syr u p Grade A Dark Amber (Productof Canada) Price:g | 2.49for | 2.5ounces($| perounce) SugarContent: 5 l.8gl l00g foundthissyrup"clean-and'mild,-with Comments:Tasters -lighrmapleflavor' that was"pleasantly thin andsweet.'Some describednotesof "wood andcoffee':one saidit "tastesliketre€s andmountains."ln pie, it was'mild' and"barelythere'" REC O MHE N D E D \ ^ / I T H R E SERVAT IONS MRS. BUTTERWORTH'S OriginalSyrup (i5 centsperounce) for24ounces Price:$1.49 Comments: Tasters likened this syrup to "melted candy,' "cheap butterscotch,' and "rvhat a maple-flavored Life Saver would taste like." One summed it up: "Sweet,thick, vile." In pie, it was 'saccharine sweeq' with 'no off-flavors, but not very mapley either." LOG CABIN PancakeSyrup SPRING TREE PureMapleSYruP GradeA DarkAmber(Pmductof Canada) Price: $3.59 for 24 ounces(15 cents per ounce) Comments: The "smooth,- "melted caramel" sweetnss of this syrup was inoffensive,but usters found its 'salry, strong ardficial butter flavorJike movie-theater popcorn' thoroughly off-puning. In pie, it fared bener, but mst agreed it was 'cloyingly sweet." Price: $9.49 for | 2.5 ouncesp6 cens per ounce) Sugar Contenc 65.49l | 00g Comments: ? good maple flavor, with thin consistency'"almost "like it wasn't reduced," this syrup had a "li8ht body and a sliSht burned taste," though it was also deemed "veet. natural,' and 'clearly maple.'A few tasters detected a 'slighdy acidic- off-note' HUNGRY JACK OriginalSyrup M A P L E G OL D Syr u p Grade A Dark Amber (Product of Canada) Price: $5.29for 8.5 ounces(52cens Perounce) Sugar Content: 64.9gllffig Comments: Tsters enjoyedthe'solidmaplellavor"of $is cor tender.bc alsonotedtharit was'thin." 'achinglysweet,"and'slightly ofr-usting,-with an 'asuingent' inidalflavorand'cirus/- aftertasle' least fhvorite s)'rup had a high level of sugar and u'cak maple flavor, s'hile our \\'inner enlbod.ied a balancc of the nvo. Anv number of enrironmcntal factors, including changes in soil, u'eather, and gro$ing condidons, can account lbr vari;rdons in maple f"lavor. But \rhr are some nlaPle s\'ruPs s\l-ceter thau others, whe n all must till *'ithin a ttrv pcrcentagePoints of for suglr densin'i Dctrsin' ret-lects Itclcrll stendarc'ls Price: 93.99 for 27.6 ounces( I 4 cents Per ounce) Comments: Tasten descrbed this syrup as "super sweet and sloppy, with a vanilla flavor-'They also said it was 'thick and butter),. but Estes like corn slruP' and 'more sweet than maple'" lts texture was decried as "so thick you could stand a sPoon in it,' 'like tar," and '8loppy." the percentageof all dissolved solit{s in dre s1'rup; these are mrinl-y suglrs' but also include trace arnountsof nrinerals.Experts told us that minute ditltrences in manuthcturing-such as boiling the s)'rup too long, not long enough, or at too high a rcmpcraturc---{anai}€ct the anrount of sugar in tl're-finalproduct. The sugar content olrh needed to \'aq' b)' a pcrcentagepoint or t\\'o for our tasters to notice the diflercnce. l.\\L' .\RY tt F F .BR L.\R \ ll)O9 Low Price, Top Taste In the end, tastersagreed that one real nlaPle syrup stood out. The lV{apleGrove Farms Grade A Dark Alr-rbersrup---one of the lou-est-priced,at 62 cents per ounce-had eYerything \\'e sought: "potent, clean,intense"nlaple flavor, moderatc s\\eeuless'a consistencvdrat l'as ncither too dlick nor too thin' l'rt{ no off-t'll'on. \Ve'll be happt'to Pour it ovcr our ncxt batch of prnc:rkesand cook s'ith it, too.