Annual Report 2012 - Squam Lakes Conservation Society


Annual Report 2012 - Squam Lakes Conservation Society
Squam Lakes Conservation Society
2012 Annual Report
“Squam’s Land Trust”
Dear Friends,
On behalf of the Squam Lakes Conservation Society, thank you for supporting land conservation in the Squam Lakes watershed.
With your participation, we’re making measurable progress. Here are some highlights from 2012:
Our mission to conserve land in the Squam watershed continues unabated. Among other accomplishments, we completed a
conservation easement protecting 490 acres of ridge line forest on Webster Ridge, bridging previously conserved lands on the
Squam Range to create the largest block of conserved land in the watershed (4,004 acres). Also, SLCS became nationally accredited
through the Land Trust Alliance—a “Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval” earned by only 10% of land trusts in this country.
The word “perpetuity” is never far from our daily thinking, and thus stewardship continues to expand in our thinking and planning.
Once again, we managed to monitor each of our properties, thanks to the herculean efforts of 76 volunteers including many of
you, of course. We updated our Lands Information System, focused on some conservation signage issues, and overall raised the
bar for ongoing and perpetual stewardship.
Financial sustainability is also foremost in our minds as we look out over the generations yet to come. In 2012 the SLCS
Heron Society—which focuses on Planned Gifts—was fully launched with 46 charter members, and we also increased the
endowment to $1.5 million—again, thanks to your support. Finally, we were fortunate to balance our operating budget
again this past year.
We ended the year with 104 properties and 7,411 acres of land in permanent protection, resulting in 25% of land protected in this
watershed. We are proud with what you and we have accomplished at SLCS thus far and look forward to more progress in 2013.
Warmest Regards,
Tim Vaill, President
Envisioning Squam’s Future
The Squam Lakes Conservation Society’s mission is to preserve the unique quality and character of the
Squam watershed by protecting lands for present and future generations.
In 2012, the SLCS Board of Directors revised its Vision Statement and Strategic Plan. We are grateful to John Thompson for
facilitating and to Frank Stevens for hosting the retreat. President Tim Vaill set the stage with thought-provoking graphs and
inspiring themes, which are Continuity, Perpetuity, and Sustainability. Tim reminded the group that SLCS must not become
complacent in spite of recent successes, the growing confidence within the Squam community that SLCS can manage complex
transactions, and an ever-increasing portfolio of properties.
Board of Directors
Tim Vaill
Frank Stevens
Molly Whitcomb
Betsy Whitmore
Angus West
Carl Metzger
SLCS Board and staff on Leavitt Hill, Ashland
Excerpts from the Vision Statement:
The year is 2017. The Squam watershed is celebrated for being a regional and national model for
land protection and historic preservation… one third of the land is permanently protected, thanks to
the proactive efforts of SLCS... the majority of the Squam Range is now permanently protected, and
projects have been completed in new areas such as Little Squam Lake… SLCS continues to work with
land owners to conserve critical lands and bridge already protected areas, although its central focus
is now more on stewardship than acquisition… fostering a strong and enduring conservation ethic by
providing family members opportunities to experience the wonder of nature on its protected properties,
especially its fee-owned parcels… efforts to educate the public about the role land conservation plays
in ensuring clean water, healthy ecosystems, and strong communities.
This chart illustrates
that SLCS’s stewardship
responsibilities continue
to increase over time
while the number of land
conservation opportunities
decrease. As a result SLCS
must continue its transition
to an organization with the
staffing and resources to
perpetually steward all the
properties in our care, a
number projected to reach
150 by the year 2017.
Perpetuity: Stewardship "Forever" is a long, long /me. 1800 1600 SLCS is in Transi<on: 1400 SLCS Staff Hours Directors
Thomas Beale
Lawrence Coolidge
Tim Fisher
Barbara Grossman
Peter Harris
Tom Kelsey
Beverly LaFoley
Sam Laverack
David Preston
Robert Ridgely
David Sinkler
Peter Wood
Richard Wood
Honorary Directors
Rachel Armstrong
Richard Davenport
Nancy Grady
John Morgridge
Daphne Mowatt
Russ Orton
Bertram Read
Peter Richards
Beverly Ridgely
Roger Larochelle
Executive Director
Alicia Abbott
Joan Turley
1200 1000 ...and increasing # of proper<es 800 600 Declining project opportuni<es... 400 200 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 = More focus on Stewardship 2012 Issues: 2013 2014 -­‐ Resource alloca<on -­‐ Change in culture of organiza<on -­‐ Percep<on of the Public/Donors/Volunteers -­‐ Adequate funding 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2012 Financial Summary
Operating Income
Annual Fund
Special Events
$ 258,210
$ 293,451
Operating Expenses
Administration7% $19,464
$ 278,058
Operating Income
Operating Expenses
Annual Fund
Special Events
Permanently Restricted (for Stewardship)
Income used to protect and defend existing conservation
easements and maintain the properties we hold in trust.
Stewardship Fund
Memorial Funds
E. Barry Memorial Fund
$ 40,411
Active Projects
Funds being held for ongoing projects.
Ellen FD Bennett Education Fund $ 51,322
A permanently restricted fund in memory of Ellen FD Bennett,
long-time SLCS Board member and champion of conservation
and Squam. Income supports broad educational purposes and
Kusumpe Fund
$ 35,121
A fund dedicated to advancing conservation in the Squam
watershed, and Kusumpe Pond area in particular. In 2012,
this fund paid for stewardship, internships, and wildlife
Land Acquisitions Fund
$ 54,205
Pooled gifts dedicated for the purchase of land or to assist
with costs related to land conservation.
Temporarily Restricted
Barnes Legal Defense Fund
A fund reserved for legal defense or other legal matter.
Webster Conservation Easement Fund
$ 7,410
Pooled gifts in memory of founder Frank Webster to assist
landowners with costs associated with land protection.
Unrestricted Funds Board Designated
Mary Perry Fund
$ 11,924
Pooled donations from members of the White Oak Pond
Watershed Association to advance land conservation.
1. SLCS’s financial records are examined by Rowley Associates, PC, CPA, Concord, NH. Audit available upon request June 1, 2013.
2. The December 31, 2012 value of land, leasehold improvements, and equipment was $4,726,167.
3. Funds expended for land conservation projects in 2012 totaled $456,233.
4. The Operating Reserve ended 2012 valued at $195,451.
Will & Alicia Abbott
Wallace & Ethel Ackley
George & Deborah Adams
Jon Adams & Pam Conover
Edwin Adriance
Van & Betsy Adriance
Stewart & Betty Alcorn
Ken & Elizabeth Allen
Mark & Marjorie Allen
Richard & Nelleke Allen
Priscilla N. Alvord
Cyane Anaya
Colin & Melody Anderson
Hugh & Tighe Antrim
John Mason Lee & Holly Antrim
Mary P. Ardant
CD & Betts Armstrong
John & Dana Armstrong
Thomas & Rachel Armstrong
Tom & Liz Armstrong
Bill & Lisa Aulet
Henry & Marian Baker
Karl Bandtel
Kim Bandtel
Marc & Carol Bard
George & Anne Barker
Charles Barnaby & Cynthia Birr
John Barnaby
Thomas & Suzy Beach
Alexander Beal & Brian Randall
Jennifer Beal & Julian Cole
Penelope Beal & Sheldon Pennoyer
Tom & Barbara Beal
Tom & Renee Beal
Thomas Beale & Laura Nash
Peter & Gail Beckett
Laurie & Susan Beeson
Pierce & Kay Beij
Alice Bennet
Philip & Lisa Bennett
Elliot Berkowitz & Nancy Phillips
Sandra Berwind
Michael & Elizabeth Bierer
David & Kim Blank
Bill & Kara Bohnsack
Fred & Sue Bowden
Anne C. Bowdoin
Derek & Pam Brereton
Alan Brooks
Winthrop & Sarah Brown
Lalor & Patricia Burdick
John & Renee Butler
Lloyd & Lynne Byrne
D. Pierre & Nancy Cameron
Tod & Susan Campbell
James & Mary-Ann Carr
Sarah Carter
George & Marian Castell
David & Elaine Chandler
Holly Cheever & Dean Sommer
Charles & Lael Chester
Jane Choate
Leslie Christodoulopoulos
Richard & Janet Cocchiaro
James & Jackie Colthart
Bill & Betty Concannon
John & Nancy Conkling
Woolsey & Beatrice Conover
Margaret Conver
Hamilton & Barbara Coolidge
John Coolidge & Anne Richards
Julian & Gail Coolidge
Lawrence & Nancy Coolidge
Linda Coolidge
Nathaniel & Catherine Coolidge
Peter & Carrie Coolidge
Jim & Anne Cram
Emily Crane
James & Linda Crawford
Thomas & Mary Cullen
Tom & Sally Daigneault
Bill & Nancy Dailey
Richard Davenport
John & Susan Davies
Will & Jessica Davis
Geoffrey & Joanne Dellenbaugh
Thomas Derr & Linda Vincent
Jorge & Mary Dominguez
Bertis & Katherine Downs
Roland & Alice Driscoll
Jacob Dunnell
Robin Dustin
Leo Dwyer & Kathryn Field
Brian & Lydia Eaton
Tony & Bea Edgar
Todd & Janice Elgin
Charlie & Margie Emmons
Matt & Heidi Emmons
Tom & Ann Estus
John & Noreen Evans
Kenneth & Jennifer Evans
Rick & Georgene Fabian
Alfred & Elsbeth Falk
Marianne Farrow
Martha Jane Fenn
Mark Fetting & Georgie Smith
Marshall & Gerry Fisher
Matthew & Erika Fisher
Tim & Audrey Fisher
Ed & Sara Foster
Allan & Judy Fulkerson
Austin & Leslie Furst
Arthur & Melanie Gajarsa
Stephen & Anne Galli
Tom and Anne Gallivan
Katalina Gamarra
Thomas & Margy Garesche
Barry Gaw & Elizabeth Beeson
Michael & Arianne George
John Gephart & Monica Hargraves
Chuck & Joanne Gibson
Gerry & Helen Gingras
Mark Goldstein & Andrea Axman
Sara Goodman & David Hyerle
Melvin & Ellen Gordon
Roy & Myra Gordon
Matt & Lori Grady
Nancy Grady
Donald & Ingrid Graham
Christopher & Martha Grant
Arthur & Mary Greenfield
William & Quaneta Greenough
David & Patricia Gregg
Peter Gross & Diane Garfield
Barbara Grossman
Anne Groth
Barbara Groth
Philomena Guillebaud
Jocelyn Gutchess
Susan Gutchess
Paul & Veronica Guyre
George & Ann Hackl
Mary Hale
Susan Hale
Charles & Ethel Hamann
Roger Hamblin
Nina Baldwin Fisher Hamilton
Sara Harmon
Robert Haring-Smith
Charles & Wendy Harris
Tom & Holly Harrity
Donald & Linda Hartrick
Robert Haskell
John Hawes & Emily Barclay
Frank Hawley
Dawn Heiderer
Barbara Hendrick
Kathleen Hildreth & Will Cabell
Doug Hill & Alexandra Breed
Martin & Corinne Hirsch
John Hoag
Henry & Elizabeth Holden
Arthur & Margaret Howe
Sam & Julie Howe
Thomas Howe & Sarah Thorne
John & Helen Hurd
Anne & Blake Ireland
Gerard & Kay Ives
Members of the Squam La
Roger & Tracy Jeanty
Bill & Lee Anne Judkins
John Jurczynski
Peter & Fifi Kampf
Howard & Fran Kellogg
Jane Kellogg
Thomas & Elizabeth Kelsey
Daniel Kemp
Appleton & Nancy King
Caleb & Kim King
Vanessa King
Robert & Lorraine Kingsbury
Kenneth Knapp
Clifford & Barbara Kozemchak
Christine Kuhn
Edith Kunhardt
David & Prudence Lake
Roger & Jennifer Larochelle
Sam & Barb Laverack
Christopher & Ruth Lawler
Dick & Helen Leaman
Kenneth & Elizabeth LeBaron
Brewster Lee & Vicki West
Carl & Sandra Lehner
Dan Leonard
Anne Levin
Susan Levin
Don & Susan Levy
Robert & Gladys Levy
Sam & Andrea Lingelbach
Milova Livens
Anne Lovett & Stephen Woodsum
Rick Lovett
Martha Lowery
Susan Lucks
William & Judy Mack
George & Ann Macomber
Al & Rebecca Magnus
Thomas & Leslie Mahar
John & Lynn Maley
Martin & Tristin Mannion
William M. & Cynthia Marcus
Eleanor Marsh
Norman & Mitzi Marsh
Jim & Esther Marshall
David & Joan Martin
Missy Mason
Helen Mathieson
Michael & Amelia Mattler
Dale Mayer
Kevin & Sandra McBournie
Sandy & Louise McGinnes
Matt & Missy McGinnes
Susan McKimens
John McLanahan
Doug & Susan McLane
Everett & Sandra McLaughlin
Carol Mead
Carl & Ellen Metzger
Eran & Patty Metzger
Henry & Deborah Metzger
Paul & Warren Miller
Charles & Kitty Mills
David & Carrie Montgomery
John & Tashia Morgridge
George & Betsy Moser
Chris & Maggie Mumford
Todd & Amy Munn
Sam & Gail Murdough
Dennis Murphy
Jean Murphy
John Nikander & Susan Vines
Stephan Nix
Tom & Jean Nuzum
Joe & Molly Nye
Barbara O’Brien
Daniel O’Neill
Charles & Margaret Obrecht
Janet Orton
Russ & Mary Orton
Scott & Diane Palmer
Paul & Esther Pappas
Elaine Paul & Warren Modoono
Eric & Jane Philippi
January 1 to Dec
Robert & Tricia Pinkard
Duncan & Eve Porter-Zuckerman
Robert Potts
Frank Pratt
Suzanne Pratt
David & Barbara Preston
Nicholas Preston
Phil Preston
Ravida Preston
Ruth Proffitt
Garrett & Gigi Rasmussen
Peter N. Rayner
Bert & Clare Read
Anne Reeves
Michael & Judith Rich
John & Wendy Richards
Tucker & Elizabeth Richmond
Bev & Barb Ridgely
Robert & Peg Ridgely
William & Anne Rogers
John & Anne Rollins
Jim & Jean Sanford
Janet Sawin & Freyr Sverrisson
Mark & Kim Schifrin
Raymond Scott
Daniel Scully
Dick & Connie Seery
Joy Shaw
Scott Shear & Katharine Kilbourn
Sarah Sherrill
Louis & Amanda Shipley
Bob & Nancy Shultz
Kenneth Siegert & Suzanne Kelsey
Bill & Pam Simonds
David & Becky Sinkler
Joel & Deborah Slocum
Dorothy Smith & Alan Mathers
Murray Smith
Stanley & Jody Smith
Bob & Carol Snelling
Susan Speers
Daniel Stack
Tom & Susan Stepp
Ken & Ilene Stern
Frank & Liz Stevens
Marie Stevenson
Cynthia Stewart
Guy Stoye
Robert Strassler
William & Lois Stratton
Andrew & Julie Strehle
Glenn & Kathie Strehle
Richard & Ruth Stuart
Elizabeth Stuart & Brian Doyle
Paul & Dorris Sullivan
George & Jannine Sutcliffe
Don & Wendy Sutton
Murray & Jean Swindell
Sharon Swindell & Jeff Desmond
Lawrence & Jean Taylor
Nathaniel & Susan Taylor
Ted & Minerva Taylor
John & Carol Thompson
Davis & Patricia Thurber
Bryant & Carolyn Tolles
Edwin & Janet Townsley
Bob & Joey Tuveson
James & Meg Tweedy
Will & Sue Twombly
Alex & Sally Uhle
Roger & Miriam Uhler
Tim & Lucy Vaill
Jack & Betty Valentine
Rick & Wendy Van de Poll
Skip & Barbara Van Sickle
Nick & Elaine Vazzana
Joan Vicinus
Harry & Kathleen Viens
Peter & Gail Walcott
John & Julie Waldhausen
akes Conservation Society
cember 31, 2012
Lisa Wardlaw
Kent & Mary Alice Warner
Jane Waters
Eric Watkins
Matthew & Susan Weatherbie
Bill & Bonnie Webb
Howard & Helen Webber
Eugenia West
R. Angus & Elizabeth West
Brette Westerlund
Robert & Barbara Westerlund
Scott & Molly Whitcomb
Polly Whiteside
Bruce & Betsy Whitmore
Christopher & Ann Williams
Nancy Wolf & Jacob Rosengarten
Jon & Nancy Wolston
Curt & Bonnie Wood
Hubert Wood & Constance Stapleton
Maurice Wood & Shelly Ziegelman
Michael Wood
Peter & Jo Ann Wood
Richard Wood
Peter & Sara Worthington
Charles & Jacqueline Zaroulis
Cindy Ziesing & Chris Schoenberg
Grace Ziesing
Peter & Jo Ziesing
Robert Ziesing
Sis Ziesing
Anonymous Donor (2)
In Honor of Laurie & Susan Beeson
Henry & Elizabeth Holden
In Honor of Janet Manypenny Bono
John & Susan Davies
In Honor of Woolsey Conover
Carl & Sandra Lehner
In Honor of James & Erin Evans
Sara Harmon
In Honor of Lewis & Anne Knight
Joan Vicinus
In Honor of Carl Metzger
Henry & Deborah Metzger
In Honor of Russ Orton
Janet Chase Orton
In Honor of Betsy & Bruce Whitmore
Susan Lucks
In Memory Of Mary Lambert
Melissa Armstrong
Craig & Robin Boettcher
Mary Boettcher & Family
Chase Paymentech, Jay Ducatelli
Ron & Sandy Couture
Evelyn DeMarco
Thomas & Mary Direda
Brad & Linda Emerson
Joel Gore & Deborah DeMarco
Martha Grace
Peter & Andrea Hacker
Christopher Hendry
Jan Langer & The Langer Family
Charles & Debra Pedersen
John & Barbara Powers
Joanne Ray
Thomas & Elizabeth Kelsey
Webster Land Corporation
Camp Deerwood
Emery & Garrett Groundwater, Inc
Experience Squam LLC
Hillman Company
Inn On Golden Pond
McLane Realty
N.H. Colonials Realty, LLC
Narrative 1
Rockywold-Deephaven Camps
Samyn-D’Elia Architects PA
Squam Arts Workshops
Westwind Condo Association
1% For the Planet
Heron Society
Bayne & Jeanie Stevenson
Brown Preserve
Will Brown
Hoag Island
Michael & Jane Stolper
Squam Range
Lawrence& Nancy Coolidge
Three Farms & Webster Ridge
Tim & Audrey Fisher
The Hillman Company
Squam Lakes Association
Foundations & Funds
Ann & Tom Estus Fund
Bea and Woolsey Conover Fund, NH Charitable Foundation
Bessemer Trust
Camp Brightside Foundation Fund of the Baltimore Community
Cele H. & William B. Rubin Family Fund
Charles F. & Margaret M.H. Obrecht Family Foundation
Cocchiaro Family Foundation
Duke of Omnium Fund
Fisher Charitable Fund
France-Merrick Foundation
Harweb Foundation
Hilltop Foundation
Hoag Island Preservation Trust
Kinsbury Family Foundation
Lovett-Woodsum Family Fund
Matthew A and Susan B. Weatherbie Charitable Foundation
Matthew H. Fisher Foundation
Metzger Family Fund, Community Foundation for the National
Capital Region
Nathaniel S. and Ravida K. Preston Fund of The Community
Foundation for the National Capital Region.
Nina Baldwin Fisher Foundation
Potts Family Foundation
Sarah M. Carter Charitable Gift Fund
Tarleton Fund - NH Charitable Foundation, Upper Valley Region
The Beach Foundation
The Spruce Fund of the Maine Community Foundation
The Stevenson Family Fund of Gulf Coast Community Foundation
TOSA Foundation
Members for five or more consecutive years are indicated by bold type.
Keith Schoenenberger
Peter Sharpe & Francine Roussel
Dolores Strobl
Catherine Waud
Douglas & Barbara Waud
In Memory of Roger & Bess Huber
John & Susan Davies
In Memory of David K. Reeves
Henry & Elizabeth Holden
In Memory of Guthrie Speers
Wallace & Carol Rowe
In Memory of Jonathan Tweedy
Beth Rundquist
In Memory of John Waldhausen
Dept of General Surgery at Seattle Childrens Hospital
Dale & Lucille Hemperly
Zakiyah Kadry
Thomas & Liz Kelsey
Frank Spencer
Bruce & Betsy Whitmore
In Memory of John & Marian Waldhausen
Marguerette Smylie
In Memory of Rawson Wood
Beverly & Barbara Ridgely
In Memory of Robert Ziesing
Joan Cox
Jeffrey & Karen Dayno
Jim & Esther Marshall
Grace Ziesing
In Memory of Ellen Fabian Barry
Squam National Register of Historic Places
Tom Beale & Laura Nash
Jane Beck
Phil & Lisa Bennett
Woolsey & Bea Conover
Nathaniel & Catherine Coolidge
Richard Davenport
John & Susan Davies
Stephen & Jayne Desloge
Mitchell & Kathryn Drew
Al & Betsy Falk
Tim & Audrey Fisher
Peter Gross & Diane Garfield
Barbara Grossman
Bonnie Hunt & Robert Maloney
Tom & Liz Kelsey
Carl & Sandra Lehner
Sandy & Louise McGinnes
William & Lynn Porter
Phil Preston
Pete & Zannie Richards
Bert & Mary Anne Saul
Daniel Scully
Bill & Pam Simonds
Eugenia West
Bruce & Betsy Whitmore
Nancy Wolf & Jacob Rosengarten
Peter & Jo Ann Wood
Mary Perry Conservation Fund of the White
Oak Pond Watershed Association
Mary Catherine Bateson
Michael & Majorie Bogdanow
Rich & Janet Cocchiaro
Richard Davenport
Barbara Evans & Tracey Carroll
Rich & Janet Fabian
Benjamin Gampel & Miriam Schacter
Robert Haskell
Bonnie Hunt & Robert Maloney
Anne Levin
William & Lois Stratton
2012 Property
Alex Beal
Barbara Beal
Jennnifer Beal
Tom Beal
Laurie Beeson
Susan Beeson
Larry Blaine
Center Harbor Conservation
Julian Cole
John Coolidge
Julian Coolidge
Dick Davenport
Merrit Delia
Tom Derr
Janice Elgin
Todd Elgin
Jen Evans
Ken Evans
Ron Fry
Tim Gotwals
Peter Gross
George Gurney
Susan Gurney
Paul Guyre
Ronnie Guyre
Anne Ireland
Blake Ireland
Gerry Ives
Kaysie Ives
Peter Kampf
Jane Kellogg
Tom Kelsey
Anne Knight
Bev Lafoley
Fred Lavigne
Carl Lehner
Sandra Lehner
Ed Lesser
Bob MacArthur
Judy Mack
Will Mack
David Mallard, LRCT
Bob Maloney
David Martin
Joan Martin
Missy Mason
Bob McArthur
Sue McLane
Carl Metzger
Henry Metzger
Chris Mumford
David Preston
Brian Randall
Anne Richards
Bob Ritz
Bob Rothschild
Sandwich Conservation
Karlene Schwartz
Lowell Schwartz
Pamela Simonds
William Simonds
Frank Stevens
Glenn Strehle
Kathie Strehle
Lisetta Sylvestri
John Thompson
Burr Tweedy
Tim Vaill
Peter VanWinkle
Linda Vincent
Lisa Wardlaw
Betsy Whitmore
Bruce Whitmore
Derry Woodhouse
Thank You
Heron Society
The Heron Society is SLCS’s planned giving group.
If you see members wearing a heron pendant or
lapel pin, please thank them for their extraordinary
commitment to Squam.
Tom & Rachel Armstrong
Tom Beale & Laura Nash
Laurie & Susan Beeson
Ellen Bennett
Jim & Jackie Colthart
Woolsey & Bea Conover
Laury & Nancy Coolidge
Nat Coolidge
Peter & Carrie Coolidge
Dick Davenport
Alan & Gerry English
Tim and Audrey Fisher
Nancy Grady
Don & Ingrid Graham
Elizabeth Graves
Congratulations to
Will & Judy Mack,
SLCS’s 2012
Richard Davenport
for volunteer
Barbara Grossman
Paul & Ronnie Guyre
Tom & Liz Kelsey
Roger & Jennifer Larochelle
Sam & Barbara Laverack
Carl & Sandra Lehner
Helen Mathieson
Sandy McGinnes
Daphne Mowatt
Dan O’Neill
David & Barbara Preston
Bev & Barbara Ridgely
Marnie Schulz
David & Becky Sinkler
Frank Stevens
Bayne and Jean Stevenson
Gil Steward
John & Carol Thompson
Tim & Lucy Vaill
Peter & Prudy Van Winkle
John & Marion Waldhausen
Lisa Wardlaw
Angus & Elizabeth West
Jennifer West
Scott & Molly Whitcomb
Betsy & Bruce Whitmore
Dick & Chris Wood
Peter & JoAnn Wood
Anonymous (3)
Creativity and Conservation
In 2008, Elizabeth Duvivier started Squam Art Workshops as a means of providing others
with the kind of transformation she had experienced at a similar art fest in Port Townsend,
WA. Twice a year Squam Art Workshops holds retreats at Rockywold-Deephaven Camps in
Holderness. These five-day events offer participants a vast array of classes from painting,
sewing, photography, writing, to food styling, jewelry-making, screenprinting and much more.
“We teach, inspire and heal. Our community receives encouragement, training, inspiration
and experience that expands their creative spirit. We help dissolve restrictions and limitations
on the definition of what
it means to be an artist...
it’s not just what we put
out into the world, but
the environment that we
create in our work life
that must uphold our core
values. The result is a workplace that is fun and spectacularly
Squam Art Workshops celebrate joy, fun, pleasure, beauty and
the natural world. They also support the beauty of Squam by
being a member of 1% for the Planet, an organization that
helps businesses support non-profit organizations that are
dedicated to nurturing, restoring or otherwise healing our
beautiful planet. Elizabeth explains, “Because the very word “squam” means water in Abenaki, we have chosen to direct our
contribution to an organization that works to keep the water and watershed of Squam Lake pristine and protected: the Squam
Lakes Conservation Society.” In 2012, SLCS received a gift of $6,181 to support the protection of the Squam watershed.
Learn more at
1% for the Planet exists to build and support an alliance of
businesses financially committed to creating a healthy planet.
Not long ago, a mountain climber and a fisherman realized they had a lot
more in common than a disdain for wearing a suit to work. Yvon Chouinard,
founder of Patagonia, and Craig Mathews, owner of Blue Ribbon Flies, were
also passionate environmentalists that happened to be running successful
businesses. More important, they understood it was good business to protect
the natural resources that kept them in business.
Based on their own business models, the two men hatched a plan to encourage
more businesses to donate 1% of sales to environmental groups. Today 1%
For The Planet is a global alliance of companies committed to investing 1%
of their annual revenues to campaigns for clean air, pure water, safe food
and wild places. Last year 1,250 companies gave $15 million to hundreds
of organizations.
Learn more about 1% for the Planet at
P.O. Box 696
Holderness, NH 03245
Phone: 603-968-7900
Fax: 603-968-7903
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Save the Date
SLCS Annual Meeting
August 24, 2013 · 10 am
at Camp Deerwood · Holderness
Printed on recycled paper using environmentally responsible methods C Venture Print Unlimited, Inc.

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