The Company - OKIE Magazine
The Company - OKIE Magazine
JANUARY 2014 FREE Southwest Oklahoma’s Monthly News and Entertainment Magazine The Company Navigating the Waters of Life Hope for Those Who Need Help Sunset Peak Mystery in the Wichita Mountains Start Your New Year with Plant Power Page 8 Page 10 Page 13 Sick today? Be seen today. Call Sanford Children’s Clinic in Duncan at (580) 252-9600. 520-53220-0061 8/13 Retire…from work. Reignite…your life. SHOP ORGANIC Fresh produce includes different varieties of apples, squash, carrots, EHHWV¿JVRUDQJHVDQGPXFKPRUH WRFKRRVHIURP GREAT SELECTION Spices, snacks, cereals (hot and cold), EHYHUDJHVGLQQHUHQWUHHVPHDWV DQGVRPHWKLQJIRUMXVWDERXWDQ\ KHDOWK\GLHW )ROORZXVRQ)DFHERRNIRUPRUH KHDOWK\WLSVDQGLQIRUPDWLRQ Your retirement is just that: the end of a satisfying career…and the start of something new, something revitalizing. And to enjoy your new beginning, you’ll need a plan. With a solid retirement plan, you can build the resources for your journey. A financial advisor can provide the assistance you need to build strategies and take action toward your specific goals and aspirations. Call your Waddell & Reed financial advisor today and ask about creating your personal retirement plan. Investing. With a plan. Waddell & Reed, Inc. 12522 (06/11) Member SIPC Phyllis Watson, CLTC Financial Advisor Waddell & Reed, Inc. 1317 NW Sheridan Rd Lawton, OK 73505 Phone: 5803573908, Fax: 5803573959 | MAGAZINE CONTENTS 9RO,VVXH²-DQXDU\ &+((56 OKIE MAGAZINE A BEVERAGE AND CIGAR EXPERIENCE 1421 NW Great Plains Boulevard Suite C Lawton, OK 73505-2843 BY TRAVIS STORCK 3KRQH 3$*( (PDLOLQIR#RNLHPDJD]LQHFRP :HEZZZRNLHPDJD]LQHFRP MANAGING EDITOR Indie Michaels <280,*+7%($*<05$7,) HGLWRU#RNLHPDJD]LQHFRP BY TRISTON WRIGHT COPY EDITOR %HFN\3DUNV PAGE 20 COVER PHOTOGRAPHY 3KRWRE\-HQ COMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR $QLND6D¿ 42 CELEBRITY DEATHS OF 2013 MUSIC EDITOR %<-25'$1*2'/(:6., 7D\ORU%UXQZDOG PAGE 23 ADVERTISING SALES VDOHV#RNLHPDJD]LQHFRP DESIGN TEAM BEST ALBUMS OF 2013 -XVWLQ:LOOLDPVRQ -RUGDQ*RGOHZVNL STAFF WRITERS PAGE 30 7D\ORU%UXQZDOG -RUGDQ*RGOHZVNL -LP-RSOLQ .DLWO\Q6WRFNWRQ Travis Storck PROUD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBER &DUVRQ6WULQJKDP Arlie Wood OKIE MAGAZINE IS A PROUD RECIPIENT OF THE OKLAHOMA ARTS COUNCIL 7ULVWRQ:ULJKW 2012 MEDIA IN THE ARTS AWARD READ OKIE MAGAZINE ONLINE AT 2.,(0$*$=,1(&20 VISIT US ON THE WEB: )$&(%22.&202.,(0$*$=,1( 0<63$&(&205($'2.,( 7:,77(5&202.,(0$*$=,1( FEEDBACK? COMMENTS? PRESS RELEASES? SUBMIT THEM TO HGLWRU#RNLHPDJD]LQHFRP OKIE MAGAZINE 2.,(0$*$=,1(LVSXEOLVKHGDQGGLVWULEXWHGPRQWKO\DVDFRPPXQLW\VHUYLFHE\'LYHUVH3UHVV,QF 2SLQLRQV H[SUHVVHG E\ FROXPQLVWV DGYHUWLVHUV RU WKH /HWWHUV WR WKH (GLWRU DUH QRW QHFHVVDULO\ WKH RSLQLRQRI2NLH0DJD]LQHLWVVWDIIWKHSXEOLVKHURULWVDGYHUWLVHUV2NLH0DJD]LQHUHVHUYHVWKHULJKWWR HGLWWKH/HWWHUVWRWKH(GLWRUWRFRQIRUPWR2NLH0DJD]LQHIRUPDWZLWKRXWFKDQJLQJWKHPHDQLQJRIWKH OHWWHU$OO/HWWHUVWRWKH(GLWRUPXVWEHVLJQHGDQGKDYHDSKRQHQXPEHUVRWKDWWKHSDSHUPD\FRQ¿UP LW¶V FRQWHQW &RQWHQW RI DGYHUWLVHPHQWV LV WKH VROH UHVSRQVLELOLW\ RI WKH DGYHUWLVHU 7KH SXEOLVKHU RI 2NLH 0DJD]LQH UHVHUYHV WKH ULJKW WR UHIXVH DGYHUWLVLQJ PDWHULDOV IRU DQ\ UHDVRQ ZKDWVRHYHU 2NLH 0DJD]LQH LV DYDLODEOH RQ WKH ZRUOG ZLGH ZHE DW KWWSZZZRNLHPDJD]LQHFRP /LPLW RQH FRS\ SHU SHUVRQDGGLWLRQDOFRSLHVPD\EHREWDLQHGDWWKH2NLH0DJD]LQHRI¿FH2NLH0DJD]LQHLVLQQRZD\ FRQQHFWHG ZLWK WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV $UP\ 7KH DSSHDUDQFH RI DGYHUWLVLQJ LQ WKLV SXEOLFDWLRQ GRHV QRW FRQVWLWXWHWKHHQGRUVHPHQWRIE\WKH'2'RUWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI$UP\RIWKH2NLH0DJD]LQHRUWKH SURGXFWVRUVHUYLFHVDGYHUWLVHG(YHU\WKLQJDGYHUWLVHGLQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQVKDOOEHPDGHDYDLODEOHWR SXUFKDVHUXVHURUSDWURQDJH Page 3 The Company Navigating the Waters of Life Photos by Jen The Company is navigating the waters of life while pursuing their debut album Joy and Roaming. Composed of Jarod and Morgan Grice, the band features a duo who write of the delights ·Äºº¿ů¹ËÂÊ¿»Éż love and life. The couple transforms these ideals into folk masterpieces with the blending of their voices and theadditions of an acoustic guitar, harmonica, and tambourine. Their passion for creating and performing music has helped the two grow closer and assisted in their transformation from dating into husband and wife. While both of them have musical backgrounds, Jarod and Morgan have only recently begun playing together under the title of The Company. Formerly known as Jarod Grice and Morgan Ward and other renditions, the couple coined the name for their blossoming musical act four or ŰÌ»ÃÅÄʾɷ½ÅƔ ơ¾·Ì»¸»»ÄÆ·ÈÊżº¿Ů»È»ÄÊ Ê¾¿Ä½É¿Äʾ»Æ·ÉÊŰ̻ϻ·ÈÉƑ·Äº·Â of the things have gone on to have relative success but have fallen back down with people moving away and things not working out,” Jarod said. “Morgan and I just started playing around together and OKIE MAGAZINE by Kaitlyn Stockton thought the iteration of this would be really cool.” With new recording equipment in hand, Jarod said The Company has experienced a resurgence in creating and recording music. After watching a documentary, Jarod and Morgan have chosen to produce their own creations and become self-made musicians. “We have about six songs recorded right now. We are working on a full length album, doing it all ourselves,” Jarod said. “Going in the direction of getting someone to do this for you and record for you is exhaustive. We are intentionally not wanting to put all of it out there. We are putting one or two songs out there until it is completely done and fully distributed.” Jarod hopes to see the band release their full album by April or May. With a folk feel, Hold On displays a close acquaintance with acoustics. In their bare basics, the couple sings of the simplicity of being in love. Gravel and Stone continues this theme by featuring a simple acoustic guitar while the couple’s sweet voices mesh to tell a tale of love. However, the direction of their music has recently changed as their daily lives have also taken a turn. By playing honest music, Jarod said the band is free to Ì»ÄÊËÈ»¿ÄÊź¿Ů»È»Äʽ»ÄȻɷÌÅ¿º becoming pigeonholed. The band’s piece Underneath Their Hands provides a glimpse żʾ¿É¹¾·Ä½»Ɣ¾¿Â»·ÊŰÈÉÊʾ» song appears a continuation of their folk sound, by the end of the composition the introduction of ·Ä»Â»¹ÊÈ¿¹½Ë¿Ê·ÈÅŮ»ÈÉ·ÆȻ̿»Í Page 4 of the versatility and future of The Company. “It has taken a turn,” Morgan É·¿ºƔơÊŰÈÉÊƑ¿ÊÍ·ÉÂÅÌ»ÏƖºÅÌ»Ï ÉÊËٸ»¹·ËÉ»ÏÅ˷ȻȻ·ÂÂÏ¿Äʾ» beginnings of falling in love. Lately, ¿Ê¾·É¸»»Ä·È»Ų»¹Ê¿ÅÄżʾ» struggles that we have been going through and how we have found peace in the middle of these things.” Confronting these ÉÊÈ˽½Â»É·ÄºŰĺ¿Ä½ÀÅÏ¿Ä Ê¾»Ã¿ºÉÊż¹ÅÄŲ¿¹Ê¿Äʾ»¿È daily lives has ultimately led the couple to change the name of their record. “We are wanting to name the album Joy and Roaming which represents Űĺ¿Ä½ÀÅÏ¿Äʾ»Ã¿ººÂ»Å¼ whatever you are dealing with,” Morgan said. “It has taken a turn in a good way that is a whole lot deeper than surface level lyrics.” The couple, who married in September, have also recently learned to live with one another and have had to confront the small tribulations that married life can bring – Morgan lists placing towels in the wrong place as a minor example. This transition has not only allowed the couple to grow closer but has also enabled them to understand each other’s musical styles. “In the process of Jarod and I learning one another and our relationship growing and our marriage, it has been not so easy as well,” Morgan said. “Like they É·ÏƑ¿Äʾ»ŰÈÉÊÏ»·ÈƑÏÅ˾·Ì»ÊÅ Ű½ËÈ»ÅËÊ;Åʾ¿ÉÅʾ»ÈÆ»ÈÉÅÄ¿ÉƑ and you are living with them, and ¿ÊÊ»ʾ¿Ä½ÉÊ¿¹ÁÏÅËÅŮƔÉÍ»¾·Ì» been becoming one, our music has ¸»¹Åû¹ÅÅƻȷʿ̻;»Ä·ÊŰÈÉÊ¿Ê Í·ÉÉ»ÂŰɾ¿ÄÉÅûͷÏÉƯ¸Åʾż ËÉÉ»ÂŰɾ¿Ä;·ÊͻͻȻͷÄʿĽ to do.” OKIE MAGAZINE According to Morgan, the band ¿ÉÄÅÊ¿ÄʻȻÉÊ»º¿ÄŰĺ¿Ä½¼·Ã»Ɣ Rather, the couple purely enjoys the opportunity to play music and grow with one another while pursuing their passion and creativity. “When I was a freshman, I was interested in art and took an art class. Then I realized one of the assignments required so much, and it became more of an assignment than something I was passionate about,” Morgan said. “A lot of time musicians say ‘I am going to become famous,’ and they put everything into it, but when you don’t, it allows you the freedom in creating.” Besides playing music for the enjoyment of creating and ¼ËÂŰ¿Ľʾ»¿ÈÆ·ÉÉ¿ÅÄƑʾ»¹ÅËÆ»¿É also inspired by their spirituality and faith. The couple believes in staying true to themselves and their God. “It’s been hard to maintain that consistent peace and trusting God that he has a plan for our lives,” Morgan said. “All of the ideals that we put up for ourselves those have kind of crumbled in a way, ·ÄºÍ»¾·Ì»¾·ºÊÅŰĺ humility in that. It has been a beautiful thing, but it has also been an antagonizing thing.” Whether confronting the challenges of daily life or facing the trials of creating music with another person, Jarod and Morgan have undergone these tribulations to begin a new chapter of their lives and music career. For the future, the couple is not only excited to see their music come to life but to also witness their growth as artists. ơÊƠɸ»»Ä¾·ÈºÊÅŰĺ that delicate balance. I think we have and I am excited because this is the ŰÈÉʷ¸ËÃʾ·ÊÍ»¾·Ì» ever done together,” Jarod said. “I think it is going to ɾÅ;Åͺ¿Ů»È»Äʷĺ how varied it is from this point and how it is going to change from this point and see how we blend and mesh because we are stuck together at this point.” While waiting for the Ļͷ¸ËÃƑÈ»·º»Èɹ·ÄŰĺ¾» Company playing at the Silver Spoon from 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. on Wednesday nights. For more information and downloads, readers can visit The Company’s Facebook page at The-Company/232815522543, the band’s website http://, or their NoiseTrade at http://noisetrade. com/thecompany. Page 5 Community News 8th Annual Trail Dance Film Festival The 8th Annual Trail Dance Film Festival will be held January 24 25 at the Simmons Center and the Chisholm Trail Heritage Museum in Duncan. The Trail Dance Film Festival is the realization of the dream of Cameron University communications student Anthony Foreman. Anthony started the Southwest Association of Film in ʹʷʷʼ·Äº¸»½·ÄÆ·ÄɼÅÈʾ»ŰÈÉÊ Trail Dance in early 2006. Little did he know that four years later the Trail Dance Film Festival would receive acclaim world wide and become one of the southwest’s ÆȻÿ»È»ŰÂû̻ÄÊÉƔ The Trail Dance Film Festival introduces up-and-coming ŰÂÃ÷Á»ÈɼÈÅ÷ÈÅËĺʾ» globe to Oklahoma’s emergent ŰÂÿĺËÉÊÈÏƑ·ÄºÆÈÅÌ¿º»É· welcoming forum to showcase ŰÂÃÉƔƔƔ·Â·ÿºÉÊ·¸»·ËÊ¿¼Ë western landscape. The mission of the Trail Dance Film Festival is to encourage originality and creativity, ·ÄºÊÅÆÈÅÃÅʻʾ»ŰÂÿĺËÉÊÈÏ¿Ä Oklahoma. Trail Dance provides ·ÄÅÆÆÅÈÊËÄ¿ÊϼÅÈŰÂÃ÷Á»ÈÉÊÅ showcase their work to local and visiting audiences. Festivities are open to the public and include live entertainment, professional seminars, networking opportunities and much more. The Festival concludes with a grand awards gala where the GOLDEN DROVER AWARD is presented to ÍÅÈʾÏŰÂÃ÷Á»ÈÉƑ·ÄºÅÄ»Â˹ÁÏ student is awarded a scholarship ÊÅÆËÈÉË»·¹·È»»È¿ÄŰÂÃ÷Á¿Ä½Ɣ ÅÉÊżʾ»ŰÂÃÉ·ÊÈ·¿Â·Ä¹» have not yet been rated by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and therefore ¾·Ì»ÄÅÊÈ»¹»¿Ì»º·ÄƟů¹¿·ÂƠ rating; however, we have created a ratings system based on MPAA standards giving consideration to the local viewing audience. Festival goers should excercise discretion ;»Ä·Êʻĺ¿Ä½·ŰÂÃƔ Tickets and Passes are available at both Trail Dance venues - the Simmons Center at 800 Chisholm Trail Parkway and the Chisholm Trail Heritage Center at 1000 Chisholm Trail Parkway. In Search of Eagles On January 18 -19 and February 1 - 2, Oklahomans can view bald eagles in their natural habitat near Quartz Mountain. Eagles usually arrive at Quartz Mountain near the end of December and depart around March 1st. Eagles can be seen coming and going from their roosting areas, usually an hour after sunrise and about an hour before sunset. Eagles roost in the tall cottonwoods found along the north shore. On warm afternoons, the eagles can often be seen riding the thermals above Twin Peaks, Quartz Mountain and Hicks Mountain. Join the park naturalist for an OKIE MAGAZINE informative eagle presentation at the Group Camp Community Building, located across from the Quartz Mountain grocery store, and caravan to eagle viewing locations around Lake AltusLugert. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Inclement weather will cancel the event. Large groups may call for additional dates and additional self-guided opportunities are available. Layers of clothing are suggested, as it often feels colder near the water. Stop by the park’s visitor center for more information. The park is located 10 miles S of Lone Wolf on Hwy 44. Turn onto Hwy 44 and drive past the golf course. Cross the river and bear to the right. For more information, contact Sue Hokanson, Park Naturalist at 405.319.8382 or 580. 563.2238. Page 6 JANUARY 2014 calendar of events Lawton Public Library JANUARY 2 JANUARY 12 Frost Ya’ Fanny 5K Every Thursday, 9:30 a.m. Ages 0 - 3 & caregivers, Elmer Thomas Park 4:45 p.m. 580.581.3400 Read & Romp JANUARY 13 Get Loose with Mother Goose Preschool Story Time Every Thursday, 10:30 a.m. Ages 2 – 6 & caregivers, JANUARY 3 Story Craft Read a story. Make a craft. Every Friday 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. JANUARY 4 7th Annual Scrabble Competition Lawton Public Library January 4, 11, 18, 25. 1 p.m. 580.581.3450 x 114 JANUARY 7 Teen Funky Junk Lawton Public Library Every First Tuesday, 5 p.m. Grades 6 - 12 After School Book Club Lawton Publice Library Every Tuesday, 4:30 p.m. Grades 3 - 5 JANUARY 28 Teen Book Club Mountain Boomers Hiking Club Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge Visitor’s Center Second Monday of every month 9 a.m. 580.429.2197 JANUARY 25 Dodgeball Tournament Owens Multipurpose Center, Lawton 12 p.m. 580.581.3400 Art JANUARY 4 Children’s Art Workshop Lawton - Fort Sill Art Council 12 p.m. - 2 p.m. Ages 3 & Up. Free to the public. JANUARY 11 Sandra Dunn & Andrus Clark- Art Show Opening Leslie Powell Gallery, Lawton 7 p.m. 580.357.9526 JANUARY 18 Evening Lecture with Jerry Dodd Ages 11 - 18 Lawton Public Library, 6:30 p.m. Leslie Powell Gallery, Lawton 7 p.m. 580.357.9526 JANUARY 31 Seniors Lawton Public Library, 4 p.m. Grades 3 - 8 Beginner’s Painting Class Backwards Day Games Health and Fitness JANUARY 2 Three Mile Thursday Lawton Chamber of Commerce, Lawton 5:30 p.m. 580.355.3541 OKIE MAGAZINE Each Monday, 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Center for Creative Living, Lawton 580.248.0471 Seniors Quilting Bee Each Tuesday, 10 a.m. Medicine Park Community Center, Lunch provided! 580.529.2739 Page 7 Bridge Park Project Hope for Those Who Need Help by Carson Stringham Those in Lawton who are looking for a little extra help have a friend in Jeff Henderson. Henderson – ordained pastor and founder of M28 Ministries – has been helping out his fellow Lawtonians through his Bridge Park Ministries project for over four years now. As the coordinator of the project, Henderson and his wife, Julie, founded it as a way to assist those in need with not just the necessities-like clothes and food-- but by also tending to their spiritual needs and helping them to feast on the word of Christ. Ministering takes place from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. every Saturday throughout the year. Normally, project is located at Sheridan and D Avenue, but since the onset of the cold weather they have partnered with Word Alive Church to use their building, located 2202 SW A Avenue, until the spring. Here, M28 Ministries, along with volunteers from the community, provides a hot meal, free clothes and diapers, activities for the OKIE MAGAZINE kids and a thoughtful and faithful message. The project has been going strong since its inception, with a lot of support from the community. Henderson said he is always looking for volunteers to come in and help cook and serve food, and other things that such an immense project entails. He would also welcome assistance from any other churches in the area who would like to get involved, especially with regards to sharing the cooking responsibilities. With his project such a success, one would think that Henderson would want to sit back and enjoy watching the fruits of his labors, but Henderson said that he would like to do more. To that end, he has plans for the project’s future that will require even more assistance from the community, particularly in the form of monetary donations. Henderson’s grand vision includes not only enclosing the pavilion where the project is held during the warm season, but also purchasing some nearby land in order to construct a permanent facility from which to work out of. “Having a permanent facility means that we could have ongoing projects throughout the week,” Henderson said. “It would give us Page 8 more freedom instead of having to be restricted to working out of Bridge Park one day a week.” It would also provide a place for tutoring to take place. Henderson said that he would like to resume offering tutoring for students – mostly helping adults with gaining their GED – because it is something the ministry has had to put on hold for the time being. Another service that could be provided with a new facility is food. For now, the only food that the Bridge Park Project can need a home. Henderson said the apartments would allow families who have lost their homes to have a comfortable place to stay rent and utility free, while they get back on their feet. Providing temporary living space is something that Henderson and his wife have talked about doing for a long time. They initially thought of the idea years ago when they had some rental properties that they owned, but then things did not work out they thought they would, and they sold term limit –one might be rotated on a monthly basis, another on a six month basis, etc. Unfortunately dreams are not cheap, especially when it comes to ones that involve construction. And so, Henderson is asking that anyone who would like to get involved with the Bridge Park Project, but cannot afford to make it out on a Saturday, to give a contribution to the project to help offset the cost of building the apartments and to keep them running once construction is distribute is the meal that they provide on Saturdays and the gift boxes they give out during the holidays; a facility would provide the ministry with a place for nonperishable food to be stored which could then be distributed as part of a permanent food closet. The last big project would be purchasing houses to convert into apartments for use as temporary living quarters for families that the properties. Henderson said that he feels like now is the time to try again. With a house already purchased, M28 Ministries hopes to continue renovating it through the coming year, turning it into three apartments by the time all is said and done. Henderson said he is not quite sure how the apartments will run, but he does think that each apartment will have its own complete. “We need community support,” Henderson said. “We always need volunteers, but for the plans that we have coming up we really need ÀQDQFLDOVXSSRUWDVZHOOµ For contact information, or to ÀQGRXWKRZWRPDNHDGRQDWLRQ check out the M28 Ministries website at or contact Jeff Henderson at Jeff@ OKIE MAGAZINE Page 9 Sunset Peak Mystery in the Wichita Mountains A lieutenant colonel by day and an author by night, David Rollins has transformed his love for the Wichita Mountains into words, molding his memories of growing up in southwest Oklahoma into a novel entitled Sunset Peak. Rollins grew up with a passion for hiking and climbing these mountains; however, it was a few years later until he realized the Wichitas were his inspiration for writing. “When I came back [to Lawton] on my own in 1990, I was 20 years old and went out to Elk Mountain. I realize ‘Wow, if I want to, I can go climb that.’ That’s when that happened. I realized this isn’t just fun; I love it here,” Rollins said. “I love to write, and the Wichita Mountains are my desire to write.” While other authors had delved into similar subjects, Rollins said he decided to go a º¿Ů»È»ÄÊÈÅËÊ»¼ÈÅà others. Rather than provide a piece of ÄÅÄƖŰ¹Ê¿ÅÄ·¸ÅËʾ¿É beloved mountains and interest in Native American cultures, ¾»¹È·¼Ê»º·Ű¹Ê¿ÅÄ·Â novel based on real people and places. ơ¾»È»¿ÉÉÅÃ˹¾ÄÅÄƖŰ¹Ê¿ÅÄ out there about Geronimo, Quanah Parker, and the Land Rush. I ʾÅ˽¾ÊÍ·ÄÊ»ºÊÅÊ·Á»·Ű¹Ê¿ÅÄ·Â approach,” he said. “I used the mountains, the local people, and OKIE MAGAZINE local towns. I used them to tell the story.” Rollins’s Sunset Peak follows the paths of various characters and three storylines. In the beginning of the novel, Bruce Cobb – a criminal – is on the loose and running away from a ranger and Cache policemen. The men, however, lose Cobb’s track when he comes in ¹ÅÄÊ·¹ÊͿʾ·¸ÅÄŰÈ»Ɣ Lee Rogers is a junior in college ;ſÉÈ»·ºÏÊÅŰĿɾ¾¿É¹È¿Ã¿Ä·Â justice degree in order to return to Oklahoma and live near the Wichita by Kaitlyn Stockton Mountains. While enjoying a hike one day, he meets a young woman named Laura who enjoys the outdoors and mountains as much as he does. While the tale is one of boy meets girl, the story transforms when Lee meets Laura’s father, Old Wil – a proclaimed Wichita – who introduces the young man to another world. While the three characters learn from one another, ʾ»·¹¾»É¾»È¿Ů and ranger continue to search for answers, which leads to unforeseen circumstances. By the end of the novel, the three stories eventually become intertwined. Full of mystery, romance, and action, the book features a cast of characters who unexpectedly uncovers a family’s secret. However, the story become larger than life as the characters realize they are dealing with forces beyond their control. “Laura, Lee, Old Wil, and the bad guy Bruce Cobb are all out there around Sunset Peak, and it is getting dark. Things are starting to happen with ʾ»É»¸ÅÄŰÈ»ÉƔ¾»ÃÏÉÊ»ÈÏÉ»ÊÉ¿Ä to what happened to the bad guy, who’s to blame, and what is going to happen after that,” Rollins said. “It turns into a real fun fest at the end.” While his characters are Ű¹Ê¿ÅÄ·ÂƑÅ¿Äɸ·É»É¾¿É¹È»·Ê¿ÅÄÉ Page 10 on people he has met through this area. However, people are not ʾ»ÅÄÂÏÉ˸À»¹ÊÉÊÅ¿ÄŲ˻Ĺ»¾¿É writing, landmarks also appear in his piece. For instance, Meers Store and Restaurant is described to a tee with its inverted, L-shaped ramp entrance and warm cobbler in detail. “I wrote it with southwest Oklahomans in mind,” Rollins said. “They are really the only folks that appreciate the Wichita Mountains. I have had readers in this area tell me, ‘hey, I know that rock formation’ ÅÈƟ¾»ÏƑ¸ËŮ·ÂÅÈ»·ÂÂϺÅʾ·ÊƔƠ wrote it to where the reader can relate.” Because Rollins was living in Texas at the time of Sunset Peak’s publication in 2011, his surrounding audience did not appreciate his fascination with a subject miles away from the Texas border. However, once the author and his family returned to Lawton last year, he has experienced new reviews. “I was in Texas at the time. Down there, there are people that have never heard of the Wichita Mountains, so that was not as good. However, it was very well received with friends and locals here,” Rollins said. “I have yet to have someone come up to me and say “Hey, keep your day job.” Rollins said his novel focuses on the concept of personal goals. This theme runs throughout the piece as the protagonist Lee wishes to return to Oklahoma, a move that would allow him to both ŰĿɾ¾¿Éɹ¾ÅÅ¿Ľ·Ê·Äº enjoy the beauty of the Wichita ÅËÄÊ·¿ÄÉƔÅͻ̻ÈƑ¹ÅÄŲ¿¹Ê prevents him from doing so. “I have a theme for everything that I write,” Rollins said. “Without [a theme], you are just writing. It has to have a purpose. It gives the readers somewhere to go.” Rollins currently has a second novel in the works. The author plans to continue to weave his inspirations throughout his works. However, the new novel will focus on another mountain: Elk Mountain. ơ·Ã·ÂÃÅÉÊŰĿɾ»ºÍ¿Ê¾ÃÏ Great selection of foods for special dietary needs Gluten-free, wheat-free, organic and fresh products second one,” Rollins said. “I only need time. This one will have ·Í¾Å»º¿Ů»È»ÄÊʾ»Ã»ƔÊͿ be about friendship. It will be a ¹ÅÃÆ»ʻÂϺ¿Ů»È»ÄÊÉÊÅÈÏƑ¸Ëʿʷ takes place out on the mountain. It will all be here again.” Rollins said his future novels will continue to have the same local Ų·¿È¸ËÊÆÈÅÌ¿º»ÃÅÈ»·¹Ê¿Åķĺ themes for readers. “There are a lot of stories that are in my head that I want to tell about the mountains,” he said. “I have a third one outlined right now. It will be about family.” ¾¿Â»Åʾ»È·ËʾÅÈÉÍÈ¿Ê»ÊÅŰĺ fame and fortune, Rollins writes for the love of the craft and with his audience in mind. “I write to entertain,” Rollins said. “If I have entertained you, then I have met my only goal.” For readers interested in delving into Sunset Peak, Rollin’s novel is available as an e-book through Tate Publishing and in print through the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge’s Visitor Center, Hastings, and Barnes and Noble. S TA D I U M Ƥ Ƭ Ȉ Ȉ Sports and Fitness *ADULT TEAMS - 18 YEARS OLDER *YOUNG ADULT TEAMS 13 YRS. - 17 YRS. TROPHIES WILL BE AWARDED: *TOP 3 WINNING TEAMS (Adult teams & Young adult teams) * BEST UNIFORMS OWENS RECREATION CENTER • 1405 SW 11TH STREET Memories of Yesteryear TOYS! My foster grandson Sam just sent a letter about his Christmas hopes. One item I recalled from my childhood was Lincoln Logs. They were something new then and pretty expensive. It made my memory return to those things we enjoyed in the cold winter days following Christmas as we huddled close to the coal stove to keep warm. Dominoes and checkers were already common in our household. Dad used dominoes through double twelve to teach me to do multiplication. I don’t recall the name but one game had some small plastic discs and a small glass cup and one large plastic disc. There was also a cardboard platform around the cup with numbered rings. The object was to press the large disc ÅÄÊÅ·É÷º¿É¹ÊÅŲ¿Æ¿ÊÅÄÊÅʾ» platform or into the cup. Scoring was according to how close you came to the cup. My mother only allowed one type of playing cards in the house; Old Maid. I don’t recall the rules. Wealthy kids often got an Erector Set to build things from metal pieces. The most expensive set had a little electric motor. I never had one of those although I really OKIE MAGAZINE by Arlie D. Wood light, we would shape our hands to make shadows on the wall of dogs, cats, snakes, or anything our mind would conjure. Many of our toys were homemade. One gift caused me to be banished from the house; a little Gilbert Chemistry Set. I was cautioned after subjecting some of Oklahoma’s Aluminum Tax Mills wanted one. Of course the grand prize was a bicycle but, at thirteen dollars each, few children got one. I had one when I was about twelve. Everyone had cap guns made in Japan. Some only shot one cap but the expensive ones that cost 25¢ held a roll of caps. Little airplanes made of Balsa wood and powered ¸Ï·È˸¸»È¸·ÄºÍÅ˺Ȼ·ÂÂÏŲσ· real treasure. My brother got one ·ÄºŲ»Í¿Ê¿ÄÊÅ·¸¿½ÊÈ»»ƔĻϻ·ÈƑ I received a homemade bow with arrows. We had one toy that cost no money. With one coal oil lamp for to a mild acid. They bubbled and ÉÃÅÁ»ºÆÈ»ÊÊϸ·ºÂÏƔ¾»Űķ¸ÂÅÍ came when I tried a formula for ÷Á¿Ä½·ÈÊ¿Ű¹¿·ÂÈ˸¸»ÈƔÊ¿ÄÌÅÂÌ»º heating sulfur over a candle. I did it at the dining table. You know what happened if you have ever been exposed to burning sulfur. This forced me to do all future experiments in the storm cellar thus ending my budding career as an inventor-- and I had this idea for turning lead to gold. With a small road grader, I covered the back yard with roads, tunnels, and a race track. My spring driven racer lost traction when the steel wheels would spin ÅÄÊ·Á»ÅŮƔ¹ËÈ»ºÊ¾·Ê¸ÏŰ¿Ľ notches in the wheel. And if I ever got bored with all of these toys, I could always go ride the mules. Page 12 Start Your New Year With PLANT POWER! by S.A. Hunter If you are like most people who make New Year’s Resolutions, the number one promise you make yourself is that you will eat more healthy food and lose weight. One of the best ways to accomplish BOTH goals is by adopting a Plant-Based Diet. ¾·Ê·È»Ê¾»¸»Ä»ŰÊÉż·ÄÊ Based Foods? People who follow plant based diets (or even just part of the week – such as “Meatless Mondays”) generally have much lower rates of obesity, weighing on average as much as 25% less than meat eaters. Plant based diets overall lead to lower BMIs, reduced risk of type II diabetes and lower incidents of heart disease. It has ·ÂÉŸ»»Äɹ¿»ÄÊ¿Ű¹·ÂÂÏɾÅÍÄʾ·Ê increasing your fruit and vegetable intake to 7 servings a day can lower the chances of developing many types of cancer. In a time when 3 out of every 5 deaths are directly caused by things that people put in their mouths, changing to a plant based diet can help prevent someone from becoming just another death statistic. But where will I get my protein? Although you may not know it, plants have amazing amounts of protein. Bean, rice, quinoa, chia, hemp, and pea proteins are actually the proteins that are utilized by our bodies most readily in creating and maintaining muscle. ÄÅʾ»È¸»Ä»ŰÊżËʿ¿пĽÆ·ÄÊÉ ¼ÅÈÆÈÅÊ»¿Ä¿ÄÉÊ»·ºÅ¼·Ä¿Ã·ÂŲ»É¾¿É that plants don’t have the saturated fats and bad cholesterol associated with eating meat. Furthermore, large scale research such as “The China Study” has shown that animal proteins can actually harm our bodies and lead to health issues including heart disease and certain forms of cancer. Plant Based Foods are more economical and will save you money. OKIE MAGAZINE Look in the mirror. Do you really need supersized meals or is it time you start controlling your portions and losing the extra weight? Plant based diets are extremely economical. Small portions of nutrient dense food for each meal plus healthy raw food (nuts, seeds, fruits, veggies) for snacking will cost far less than purchasing meats, junk food and sodas, or drive-through meals. In fact, it is quite possible to live on 3 plant based protein smoothies a day with healthy snacks for less than $7 per day total. Keep in mind that there is no rule anywhere that says your food has to be cooked. In fact, the most nutrient rich food is raw and no one ever got fat eating kale. However, you are not limited to raw foods. Unlike 30 years ago, anything you could want is now available in plant-based “vegan” form. For example, due to so many people having lactose intolerance issues, there are great non-dairy cheeses, milks, yogurts, ice cream, ·Äº¹ÅŮ»»¹È»·Ã»ÈÉʾ·Ê·È»Æ·ÄÊ based and made from almonds, oats, coconut, rice, etc. Furthermore, companies such as Gardein, Vegetarian Plus, Field Roast, and Tofurky have created faux meats that fool most meat eaters who try them. Unlike real meats, they lack saturated fats and bad cholesterol while not lacking any taste. So, is this a Vegan diet? Recently, Beyonce and Jay Z made the news for taking a 22 Day “Vegan Challenge”. During that time, they were seen going to a vegan restaurant whilst wearing fur. This means that what they were following was actually a “PLANT BASED DIET”. There is no such thing as a “vegan diet”. After all, veganism ethics go beyond the plate (“I won’t eat anything that has a mother”) and include not wearing animal products (leather, suede, fur, wool, silk, feathers) and avoiding products with animal ingredients or testing (“cruelty-free” labels). Vegans also refuse to attend events where animals are exploited for entertainment such as circuses, zoos, rodeos, and horse racing. Therefore, eating a plant-based diet won’t make you a vegan but it will make you healthier and help you lose weight. Change your plate, change your health, change your body. The bottom line is that you truly are what you eat. If you want to take control of your weight and your health, then you should consider ʾ»¸»Ä»ŰÊÉż·Æ·ÄÊƖ¸·É»ºº¿»ÊƔ Focus on portion control and healthy snacking. Learn new recipes and make a commitment to shop for your foods and prepare your meals at home. Like anything, there is a learning curve and things will seem źº·ÊŰÈÉÊƔĹ»ÏÅ˽»Êʾ»¾·Ä½ ż¿Ê·ÄºÊ¾»ÆÅËĺɹÅûÅŮ·Äº you start to feel better, you will be proud of your decision to not be a statistic and to take control of your life starting in the kitchen. You can do it. The future you is waiting for you. For plant-based recipes, nutrition information, inspiration, humor, and more, like my FaceBook page at Page 13 Reel World I hope everyone had a great holiday season! As we look forward to 2014, there will be new movies to enjoy and popcorn to munch on, but let’s not jump the gun. As we’re still in the New Year, I’m thinking about the Baby New Year, and to that end I’d like to share some of my favorite “baby” movies with you, my readers. Actually, as I look at the list that I’ve compiled there are a few that could fall under the pregnancy umbrella, but they’re a means to an end, so try to overlook that. Without further ado, let’s get to the movies… Raising Arizona (PG-13, 1987) starring Nicolas Cage and Holly Hunter, is a colorful and unconventional slapstick comedy. Ex-con Hi and ex-cop Ed meet, marry, and long for a child in the wilds of Arizona. When Ed discovers she’s barren the God-given solution is presented: to snatch a baby from a set of quintuplets. Thus begins a series of kidnappings, capers and rum OKIE MAGAZINE by Jim Joplin Oh Baby! goings-on that revolve around the helpless yet universally-loveable child. Hi’s convict friends, his boss, and even the Lone Biker of the Apocalypse become involved in the ever-twisting plot in the quest to own the baby. 3 Men and a Baby (PG, 1987) stars Tom Selleck, Steve their door. The two are left to look after the baby, and realize how º¿ů¹ËÂÊʾ¿É¹·Ä¸»ƔÅÅÄ»ÍÅ˺ have imagined how this baby would change the life style of these ¹ÅÄŰÈûº¸·¹¾»ÂÅÈÉƔ Junior (PG-13, 1994) starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Danny DeVito, and Emma Thompson, follows two scientists, Alex Hesse and Larry Arbogast, who are working on a new drug which will reduce the chances of a woman’s body rejecting an embryo and thus causing a miscarriage. When their research funding is withdrawn, and human Guttenberg, ad Ted Danson as three bachelor friends - architect Peter, artist Michael, and actor Jack are sharing an apartment in ·Ä¾·ÊÊ·ÄƔ¼Ê»È·¹Á½Å»ÉŰÂÿĽ ¿ÄËÈÁ»Ï¾¿ÉÊÍÅÈÅÅÃ÷ʻÉŰĺ his baby daughter - which Jack doesn’t know about - left outside experimentation is denied to them, they decide to test the drug by ¸È¿»ŲÏ¿ÃÆÈ»½Ä·Ê¿Ä½»ÉÉ»Ɣ»ÉÉ» however becomes attached to “his” unborn baby. Father of the Bride Part II (PG, 1995), brings the original cast (Steve Martin, Diane Keaton, Page 14 John Hughes. Jake and Kristy Briggs and Martin Short to name a few) back together. In this sequel to “Father of the Bride”, George Banks must accept the reality of what his daughter’s ascension from daughter to wife, and now, to mother means when placed into perspective against his own stage of life. As the comfortable family unit starts to unravel in his mind, a rapid progression into mid-life crisis is in his future. His journey to regain his youth acts as a catalyst for a kind of “rebirth” of his attitude on life ;»ÄƑ¾»·Äº¾¿ÉÍ¿¼»Ƒ¿Ä·ƑŰĺ how their lives are about to change as well. She’s Having a Baby (PG13, 1988) stars Kevin Bacon and Elizabeth McGovern in a story written and directed by the great OKIE MAGAZINE whose voices we can hear as we watch the movies. This made for a very entertaining couple of movies. Let me give you a quick summarization: Mollie is a single are newlyweds. Being young, they are perhaps a bit unprepared for the full reality of marriage and all that it, and their parents, expects from them. Do they want babies? Their parents certainly want them to. Is married life all that there is? Things certainly aren’t helped by Jake’s friend Davis, who always seems to turn up just in time to put a wrench in the works. As honorable mentions, I’d like to add Look Who’s Talking (PG-13, 1989) and Look Who’s Talking, Too (PG-13, 1990) to the list. They both star John Travolta and Kristie »ÏƑͿʾŰÈÉÊÅÄ»¸·¸ÏƑʾ»ÄÊÍÅ mum who’s on the lookout for a reliable and normal boyfriend. Her son Mikey, (unbeknownst to her) seems to have a better idea of which of the men she dates would ÷Á»·½Åź¼·Ê¾»ÈŰ½ËÈ»Ƙ¼ÅÄÂÏ she could understand him... the Ä»ÎÊÃÅÌ¿»ŰĺÉÅ¿»·Äº·Ã»É together and raising a family, which now consists of an older Mikey and his baby sister, Julie. Tension between the siblings arises, and as well with Mollie and James when Mollie’s brother Stuart moves in. Mikey is also learning how to use ʾ»Êſ»ʼÅÈʾ»ŰÈÉÊʿûƑ;¿¹¾ adds to the hilarity. As you make your way into the new year, I hope you’ll enjoy walking down memory lane with me, as we remembered some of the best baby movies of yesteryear. Until next time, I’ll see you at the movies. Page 15 CHEERS! A Beverage and Cigar Experienceby Travis Storck 2011 Merlot Bogle Vineyards I was impressed with Bogle’s Petit Syrah I’d had some time back so felt I should give their merlot a go. Was not disappointed. Booming aromas of fresh cherries and plum, earthy herbs. Flavors continue with deep cherry, with herbal spices, oak, and leather adding some heft. Quite »·ÉϺȿÄÁ¿Ä½ƑÊ·ÄÄ¿ÄÉ·È»ŰÈÃƑÏ»Ê not overpowering. Will be getting this again. Red Apothic Wines I honestly can’t recall giving my thoughts on the Apothic Red before, so if I have, forgive me. This is a blended wine in case this matters to anyone. Aromas of mainly black cherry and hints of vanilla. Tastes range from juicy, ripe raspberry, more black cherry, mocha, some spicy wood trying to get through. Overall feel »·ÄÉÉÍ»»ÊͿʾÉ¿½¾ÊÂϺÈÏŰĿɾƔ Great all purpose red to please a crowd. Wake Up Dead Left Hand Brewing Co. Pours an opaque jet black with an inch of creamy tan head that OKIE MAGAZINE slowly fades to a thin cap leading foot, couldn’t to some lacing. Wave of aromas hit really get a with dark chocolate, roasted malts, good initial cold ¸ËÈÄʹÅŮ»»Ƒ·Äº¹¾·ÈƔÄ¿Ê¿·ÂŲ·ÌÅÈÉ draw so went match closely to the nose, though ahead and with a sweeter milk chocolate ŰÈ»ºËÆƔ¿ÈÉÊ ÆÈÅŰ»ʾ·Äº·ÈÁƔÅû¸¿ÊÊ»ÈÄ»ÉÉ 1/3, tons of ż¸ËÈÄʹÅŮ»»·ÄºÈÅ·ÉÊ»º½È·¿ÄÉƑ creamy smoke with an added complexity of licorice with each ·Äºº·ÈÁ¼ÈË¿ÊÉÊŸ·Â·Ä¹»Ê¾»ŰĿɾƔ ÆËŮƔ·ÈʾƑ¹Å¹Å·Ƒ·Äº·½Åź Leaves a rich, yet not overly thick, smacking of red pepper. Good slightly boozy mouthfeel. easy draw. Second 1/3, peppery bite diminished, bringing in heavy doses of earth and cedar, tracings Rare Corojo (Pita)of cocoa sweetness. Last 1/3 saw Punch little change to the core but the sweetness came through more in the end. Really enjoyed. Need to pick up a couple and let them rest to see how they develop with some age. El Centurion My Father Cigars Visually, the wrapper has a reddish hue, pressed well so felt good in the hand, no obvious soft spots or blemishes, minimal veining. Once cut, the cold draw was just right, not too much resistence, touch of sweetness and trace of pepper. First 1/3 brought leather, wood, and earthy tones, just a wisp of spice. Second 1/3, continued much as the ŰÈÉʾÅͻ̻ÈÃÅȻʷûƑÄÅÊ¿Ä· ¸·ºÍ·ÏÿĺÏÅËƔ·ÉÊʸƭʺƑŲ·ÌÅÈÉ began to intensify though not a lot of change. Consistent, but not boring. Will pick up again provided the shop I frequent isn’t already out. Tyrant - Rogue (Gurkha) Have to say, I sort of like the old torn canvas looking banding on this stick Good box press design, no apparent wrapper issue, though slightly veiny. Due to the closed I’ve enjoyed every stick I’ve tried from My Father, and this just adds to the list. A toothy dark brown Criollo wrapper, no soft spots or construction issues, some small veins. Great cold draw, pre-light aromas of dark chocolate and cedar. First 1/3, initial core of oak, nuts, leather. Bit of pepper in the back. Second 1/3, little change to the core, chocolate enters the mix, lingering pepper in the retrohale. Last 1/3, still complex, pepper increased slightly, lingering creamy sweetness. Overall a great smoke! Page 16 Place a digit from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so every row, every column, and every 3 x 3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. OKIE Magazine is YOUR Magazine Send your community news and events to to have them listed in the OKIE Magazine Calendar of Events Solution on page 27 The Cajun Peddler The Cajun Peddler 1930 NW Ferris Suite 15 580.591.2832 Like us on Facebook! OKIE MAGAZINE Ring in the New Year with some of our great new items including boiled peanuts and a wide variety of boudin. ZAPPS Chips, Cajun Coffee, and much more. We Do Special Orders! Open Noon - 6 p.m. Monday - Saturday Come in and shop for a spell! Page 17 Triston for Dummies by Triston Wright #CheatCodes for Successfully Achieving Your New Year’s Resolutions “Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should old acquaintance be forgot and auld lang syne (times long past)?” We’ve heard Baby New Year’s theme song at the stroke of midnight time and time again. Sadly it’s usually the resolutions we make that become old and forgotten. As the old saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail! As with all of my #CheatCodes, I hope to provide you with simple tips that will both encourage you in your endeavors as well as get you steps closer to achieving your goals. 1. BITE-SIZED PIECES: People love making life-altering declarations as the dawning of a new year approaches, don’t they? I’m going to get back to my high school weight this year-- when you’re 150lbs heavier than you were then. I’m going to run a marathon this year-- when you throw your shoe at the light switch rather ʾ·Ä½»ÊʿĽËƷĺÊËÈĿĽ¿ÊÅŮƔ I’m going to read every book in the Harry Potter series this year-when you won’t read a Facebook status update longer than a 140 characters. SAVE YOURSELF THE DISAPPOINTMENT. Pick an ULTIMATE GOAL and set 4 smaller three-month goals in which to achieve it. More smaller successes encourage ÏÅËȹÅÄÊ¿ÄË»º»ŮÅÈÊÊÅͷȺʾ» ¼ËÂŰÂÂûÄÊżÏÅËÈËÂʿ÷ʻ½Å·ÂƔ 2. BATTLE BUDDY UP: Let’s face it, it’s much harder to lob in the towel when your goal is linked to someone you respect and would hate to disappoint. It’s so easy for us to get distracted and excuse our way out of our resolution commitments. Having someone to hold you accountable, encourage you, motivate you, and give you a swift kick in the rear when you start to meander down the path of giving up can save you from the depths of defeat. 3. GO PUBLIC: Post your resolution on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Digisocial, Vine, SocialCam, mass text, your church bulletin, a billboard, a newspaper ad, a t-shirt, a window decal, etc. You’re far less likely to falter when cameras are on and the world is watching, so scream it from the mountain top until it echoes to the furthest corners of the Earth. 4. DON’T BE RIDICULOUS COUSIN LARRY (In Balki Bartokomous voice): This somewhat correlates to #CheatCode número uno. The ŰÈÉÊÆ»ÈÉÅÄͻ¿»ÊÅ¿ÉÅËÈÉ»ÂÌ»ÉƔ You know good and well you aren’t about to swim across Lake Lawtonka or build your daughter a tree castle in the backyard or ÍÈ¿Ê»·É¹¿»Ä¹»ƖŰ¹Ê¿ÅÄÄÅ̻·¸ÅËÊ mermaid prostitutes from the lost city of Atlantis and so on and so forth. Make resolutions grounded in reality; YOUR REALITY, not that of magazines, movies, blogs, reality shows, celebrities and such. I’m not suggesting that you should abandon your dreams-- Commit to swim IN Lake Lawtonka, take a class in architecture, or write a chapter of that book FIRST. 5. DON’T PUT OFF FOR TOMORROW WHAT YOU CAN DO TODAY: Why wait? If you’re serious about the life changes you propose to make, begin immediately --> ESPECIALLY IF IT WILL PROVE BENEFICIAL TO YOUR HEALTH AND WELL-BEING. As Pablo Picasso put it, ơÄÂÏÆËÊÅŮËÄÊ¿ÂÊÅÃÅÈÈÅÍ;·Ê you are willing to die having left undone.” If it’s really that important to you, you’ll simply get’er done and you’ll do so RIGHT NOW, not later. We’re all well aware of the New Year’s malediction (curse). Bypass it and don’t wait. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I’m quite sure that each of you is wholeheartedly sincere about your resolutions, but do yourselves and plan ahead. Be strategic. Dot your I’s and cross your T’s. You’ll thank yourself later. I’ve been Triston for Dummies and these have been your #CheatCodes for Successfully Achieving Your New Years Resolutions!!! #NARF ACROSS 1. Seats oneself 5. A single time 9. Historical periods 13. Biblical garden 14. Backsides 16. Anger 17. Used to be 18. Sired, biblically 19. Part of a plant 20. Appointed 22. Causes extensive destruction 24. Colored part of an eye 26. To yield or submit 27. Inorganic 30. Bigotry 33. University 35. Toward the outside 37. Mouth (British slang) 38. Enlighten 41. Type of whiskey 42. Arm of the sea 45. Thunderous verbal attack 48. Benni ʼʸƔÉÊ·Ê»ÆÅ¿¹»Åů¹»È 52. Flora 54. Where a bird lives 55. Things that are not relative 59. Pilfer 62. Place 63. Loads 65. Indian music 66. “Oh my!” 67. Factions 68. Applications 69. If not 70. Stringed instrument 71. Untidyness DOWN 1. Stitched 2. Notion 3. Temporary OKIE MAGAZINE 4. Smiled contemptuously 5. Sphere 6. Require 7. Behind bars 8. Found at the end of a pencil 9. Fickle 10. Violent disturbance 11. Found in some lotions 12. Collections 15. Leaf opening 21. Calamitous 23. Bloodsucking insects 25. Identical 27. Wise men 28. Graphic symbols 29. Cover 31. Exotic dancer 32. Perhaps Solution S l i on page 27 34. Assist 36. Backwards “Reed” 39. Hale 40. Tale 43. Take up the cause 44. Gangly 46. Foot digits 47. Podium 49. Mangles 50. Necessitate 53. Woman’s undergarment 55. Wings 56. Tab 57. Oceans 58. Clairvoyant 60. How old we are 61. Young girl 64. South southeast Page19 You Might Be a Gym Rat If... by Triston Wright The compression clothing. The supplements. The grunts and hullaballoo. The incessant Ų»Î¿Ä½·ÄºÆÅɿĽ¿Ä¼ÈÅÄÊż»·¹¾ ·Äº»Ì»ÈÏÈ»Ų»¹Ê¿Ì»ÉËȼ·¹»Ɣ¾» É»Âۻɿ»Ì»ÈϸźÏÆ·ÈÊƔ» honest; we all know at least one Æ»ÈÉÅÄÉËŮ»È¿Ä½¼ÈÅ÷ɻ̻Ȼ ¹·É»Å¼½Ï÷ºº¿¹Ê¿ÅÄƺ¿¼Í»·È»ÄƠÊ that person) and said person more than likely serves as both a ÉÅËȹ»Å¼¿ÄÉÆ¿È·Ê¿Åķĺ¹Åûº¿¹ Ȼ¿»¼Ɣ So how does one know ¿¼ÅÄ»¿É¿Äº»»º·½ÏÃÈ·ÊƜ »Â»ÊƠÉÉ»»Ƒ¿¼ÏÅ˽ÅÿÉɿĽ ËÄ»ÎÆ»¹Ê»ºÂϷĺʾ»ŰÈÉÊÆ·¹» ÏÅËȼ·Ã¿ÂϷĺ¼È¿»ÄºÉʾ¿ÄÁ ÊÅÉ»·È¹¾¼ÅÈÏÅË¿ÉÏÅËȽÏÃƑ ʾ»È»¸ÏƑ¿Ä»ÉɻĹ»Ƒ÷Á¿Ä½ÏÅËÈ gym your emergency contact --> you might be a gym rat. ¼»Ì»ÈÏʾ¿Ä½ÏÅËÆÅÉÊÅÄ ·¹»¸ÅÅÁƑÍ¿ÊÊ»ÈƑÅÈÄÉÊ·½È·Ã ¾·ÉÊźÅͿʾ¿¼Ê¿Ä½Ê¿ÆÉƑ ÉËÆÆ»ûÄÊÉƑÍÅÈÁÅËÊÉƑû·Â Æ·ÄÉƑÅÈÏÅËƠȻɾ·È¿Ä½Åʾ»È Æ»ÅÆ»ƠÉŰÊÄ»ÉÉÆÅÉÊɹÅÄÉÊ·ÄÊÂÏ --> you might be a gym rat. ¼ÏÅËÁÄÅÍʾ»»ÄÊ¿È» ½Ïà ÉÊ·ŮƠÉɹ¾»ºË»Ƒ¼ËÂÂķûƑ ÉÆÅËÉ»ų¹¾¿ÂºÈ»ÄƠÉķûÉƑ ¾Å¸¸¿»ÉƑ¼·ÌÅÈ¿Ê»¼ÅźƑ¸¿Èʾº·ÏƑ ·ÄÄ¿Ì»ÈÉ·ÈÏƑÏ»·Èż½È·ºË·Ê¿ÅÄƑ ¹Å»½»Ã·ÀÅÈƑɾ¿ÈÊųɾŻɿлƑ ¸»Ä¹¾Ã·ÎƑÉÇË·Ê÷ÎƑ÷Îʿû ¿Ä·ʼÁƑ·Äº¸ÅºÏ÷Éɿĺ»ÎƖƖ̑ you might be a gym rat. ¼¿ÊÊ·Á»ÉÏÅ˼ÅÈÊÏƖŰÌ» minutes to begin your workout ¸»¹·ËÉ»ÏÅËÉÊÅƷĺÉŹ¿·Â¿Ð» Ϳʾ·Ê»·ÉÊÊÍ»ÄÊÏÆ»ÅÆ»¼ÈÅà ʾ»Ê¿Ã»¿ÊÊ·Á»ÉÏÅËÊÅÍ·ÂÁ¼ÈÅà your car into the gym to the locker room to change and then to the ŰÊÄ»Éɹ»ÄÊ»ÈƖƖ̑ÏÅËÿ½¾Ê¸»· gym rat. ¼ÏÅËÉ˸ɹȿ¸»ÊÅ»ÄƠÉ »·ÂʾƑËɹ»ų¿ÊÄ»ÉÉƑ ¸ÅºÏ¸Ë¿Âº»ÈƔ¹ÅÃƑ·ÉÏ»·Âʾų ¿Ì¿Ä½Ƒº½»Ƒ»·Âʾų¿ÊÄ»ÉÉƑ ·ÊËÈ·ÂÍ·Á»Ä¿Ä½ÉƑȻ̻ÄÊ¿ÅÄƑ ÅûÄƠÉ»·Âʾ·Äº¿ÊÄ»ÉÉƑ ¿ÊÄ»ÉÉμÅÈ»ÄƑ»ÄƠÉ »·ÂʾƑ»ÄƠÉ¿ÊÄ»ÉÉƑƑ ·Èº½·¿Ä»ÈƑÈÅÄ·ÄƑËɹ»ų ¿ÊÄ»ÉÉƑËɹ»·½ÄÊ»ÈÄ·Ê¿ÅÄ·ÂƑ ËɹË·Ȼ̻ÂÅÆûÄÊƑ·ÊËȷ źϸ˿º¿Ä½ų¿ÊÄ»ÉÉƑÂ·Ä»Ê Ëɹ»ƑÅͻȿ¼Ê¿Ä½ƑÂÏƑ ÊÈÅĽ÷ÄƑ·Äº»ÉÊÅÉÊ»ÈÅÄ»ƖƖ̑ you might be a gym rat. ¼ÏÅËƠ̻Ȼº»É¿½Ä»ºÊ¾» »ÄÊ¿È»ŲÅÅÈÆ·ÄżÏÅËȽÏ÷ the way down to the placement żÁ»ÊÊ»¸»ÂÂÉÉÅ·ÉÊŹÅÄÊÈ¿¸ËÊ» ÊÅʾ»½ÏÃƠɻĽ¾Ë¿·Äº¾·Ì» ÈÅËÊ¿Ä»¼·¹»ƖÊÅƖ¼·¹»Ã»»Ê¿Ä½ÉͿʾ ʾ»½ÏÃƠÉ÷ķ½»Ã»ÄÊÊź¿É¹ËÉÉ ways in which to improve upon the ¼·¹¿Â¿ÊÏƠÉ»ů¹¿»Ä¹ÏƖƖ̑ÏÅËÿ½¾Ê be a gym rat. ¼ÏÅ˾·Ì»ÃÅÈ»ÍÅÈÁÅËÊ ¹ÂÅʾ»Éʾ·ÄÈ»½Ë·ÈÅËÊŰÊÉ¿ÄÏÅËÈ dresser/closet --> you might be a gym rat. ¼ÏÅËȸȻ·Á¼·ÉÊ¿É·¸·½Å¼ Æ¿ÂÂÉƺÉËÆÆ»ûÄÊÉƖÊ»ÉÊÅÉÊ»ÈÅÄ» ¸ÅÅÉÊ»ÈƑ¹È»·Ê¿Ä»ƑŰɾſÂÉƑ¼Å¿¹ ·¹¿ºƑÅû½·Ì¿Ê·ÂÉƑƺʺƻʼʷʷ ƔƔƑÄ»··Ï»ÄƠÉÈź½» ̿ʷÿÄƑ»Ê¹ƔÊ·Á»ÏÅËÈÆ¿¹ÁƻƖƖ̑ you might be a gym rat. ¼ÏÅË÷Á»ÉËȻʾ» ½ÈŹ»Èϸ·½É¿ÄÏÅËÈ»¼Ê¾·Äº weigh the same as the ones in your right hand so your strength and muscle remain symmetrical --> you might be a gym rat. Keep in mind this is just ɹȷʹ¾¿Ä½Ê¾»ÉËȼ·¹»Ɣ ÏÃÈ·ÊÉ ·È»·ÉÆ»¹¿·Â¸È»»ºÅ¼ŰÊÄ»ÉÉ ¼·Ä·Ê¿¹É;ż»»ÂÃÅÈ»·ÊÆ»·¹» on a weight bench than on their »·ÂÏÅÉÊËȻƻº¿¹ƔÄʾ»½È·Äº ɹ¾»Ã»Å¼Ê¾¿Ä½ÉƑÉËÆÆÅɻʾ»È» ÅËÈ»·ÂʾÅÍƑ·Ã¿ÂÏ ·È»¼·ÈÃÅÈ»·ÊÈŹ¿ÅËÉ·¸»ÂÉÅÄ» »·Âʾų¿¼»·½·Ð¿Ä»Ƒ¿ÊÄ»ÉÉƑ ¹·Ä¸»·ÈƔ¾»¿ÈÅÄÏżʾ¿É»ÄÊ¿È» »·ÂʾƑËɹ»·Äº¿ÊÄ»ÉÉ»ÈÉƑ article is that I wrote it while sitting ÎϽ»ÄƑ¾·Æ»ƑÅûÄƠÉ»·ÂʾƑ on a leg press. PET OF THE MONTH MEET JESSE Storage sizes available from 5x10 to 10x30 7009 NW Cache Road Lawton, Oklahoma 73505 Phone: 580-536-6531 Gate Access 6 AM - 10 PM 7 Days A Week 2I¿FH+RXUV$030 0RQGD\)ULGD\ /RFDOO\RZQHGDQGRSHUDWHGVLQFH JESSE - M, Retriever Mix, approximately 5 months old. This little guy was found lingering around in the local shelter hoping someone would pick him before his time came up. Jesse is approximately 15 pounds right now and loves to run around in the back yard with the other dogs. Being still a puppy he has no real fear of other dogs. He is such a sweet boy who seems to enjoy the company of other dogs, so would probably do best with a playmate. Jesse does like his attention too. So far he has done really well with housebreaking and is kennel trained. He is under weight and needs some nourishment to help him gain weight. Jesse is current with his vaccinations and is neutered. If you would like to bring this boy into your home contact Chris or Jen at (580) 699-3140 or emai theml at Biggest Showbiz Stories of 2013 1. Paul Walker and Cory Monteith died tragically and far too young. 7. Paula Deen admitted to using the N-word. 2. Angelina Jolie had both her breasts removed to prevent cancer. 8. Dennis Rodman became buddies with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. ʺƔơ»Â»¸È¿ÊÏ»¾·¸ƢÍ·ÉŰÄ·ÂÂÏ cancelled and all it took was FIVE deaths. Mindy McCready was the Ű¼Ê¾Êź¿»Ɣ 4. Jason Collins came out of the closet, then basically fell out of the NBA. 5. Also coming out of the closet . . . including Jodie Foster, Michelle Rodriguez, Raven-Symone, Brian Boitano, Clive Davis, and Robin Roberts. 6. Alec Baldwin got a show on MSNBC, then lost it because of his homophobic rants. 9. Lance Armstrong smugly admitted he’s been doping this whole time. successor. 15. Barbara Walters announced her retirement. ʸʽƔ»Äű»¹Á¸»¿Ä½¹¾ÅÉ»Ä·É the new Batman. ʸʾƔ¾»ÅÄ·ÉÈÅʾ»ÈÉŰÄ·ÂÂÏ broke up. 18. Justin Bieber spent a lot of time being entitled with activities including everything from peeing in a mop bucket, spitting on a ʸʸƔ¾»ÏŰÄ·ÂÂÏÂŹÁ»ºËÆ÷ĺ· neighbor, and serenading his Bynes. grandmother while naked. 10. Olympic amputee Oscar Pistorius was arrested for shooting and killing his girlfriend. 12. Lindsay Lohan failed to escape 2013 scandal-free. 13. Reese Witherspoon was arrested for drunkenly interfering with her husband’s DUI arrest. 14. Jimmy Fallon was annointed as Jay Leno’s “Tonight Show” 19. Kanye Kardashian Kaos-including the birth of North West, Kim & Kanye’s “Bound 2” video, and its hilarious parody with James Franco and Seth Rogen. 20. Miley Cyrus twerked and the world changed forever. ººÊËŮ¿Äʾ»»ÍÉʹʷʸʺ Subway had a scandal in January when someone actually measured ÅĻżʾ»¿È¼ÅÅÊÂÅĽɼÅÈʾ»ŰÈÉÊ time and found it was 11 inches. Subway responded by promising ÊÅƑÇËÅÊ»ƑơÈ»ºÅ˸»ÅËÈ»ŮÅÈÊÉÊÅ ensure that every footlong is 12 inches.” usher them around Disney World so they could skip the lines. A report came out in the “New York Post” stating that rich people were secretly hiring disabled people to OKIE MAGAZINE According to an annual poll by Marist, “Whatever” is the most annoying word or phrase for the Ű¼Ê¾Ï»·È¿Ä·ÈÅÍƔ A seven-year-old in Maryland was suspended by his school for biting his Pop Tart into the shape of a gun. A high school math class proved Å˸»ÊËŮÈ»ÅɺÅÄƠʾ·Ì» ºÅ˸»ʾ»ÉÊËůĽżȻ½ËÂ·È Oreos. ķȹ¾Ƒ·¹ÅÃÆ·ÄÏÅŮ»È»º· deal: Free trip to Mars in 2022 but there’s only one catch. You have to live in a colony on Mars and DIE up there. your house. A new study in July actually located the “middle of nowhere” and it’s in Idaho. ÷ÐÅÄƠÉƑ»Ů»ÉÐÅÉƑÍ·É on “60 Minutes” and claims within Ű̻ϻ·ÈÉƑ÷ÐÅĿɽſĽÊÅËÉ» ÈŸÅÊ¿¹ºÈÅÄ»ÉÊÅŲÏÏÅËÈÅȺ»ÈÉÊÅ A 24-year-old woman in New York joined a massive worldwide secret Santa gift exchange hosted by the website And when she got her gift, she found her Secret Santa was THE Bill Gates. A 15-year study out of France found that wearing a bra actually makes your breasts get saggier. Page 22 42 Celebrity Deaths of 2013 by Jordan Godlewski Paul Walker ÅÈÏÅÄÊ»¿Ê¾ Best known for starring on the hit TV show, Glee. Best known for starring in the Fast and Furious franchise. Picture Perfect/REX USA Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic ¿·Â»÷ĺ Best known for starring on the reality TV show, Bachelor. Randi Radcliff/Getty Images MTV Ray Manzarek Best known for being the keyboardist in the Doors. ¿¹¾¿»·Ì»ÄÉ Best known for his folk music. Bobby Bank/WireImage Jeanne Cooper Åķʾ·Ä¿ÄÊ»ÈÉ Best known for starring on The Young and the Restless. David Livingston/Getty Images Jean Stapleton Best known for his improv work ·Äºº¿Ů»È»ÄÊ characters. Charley Gallay/Getty Images ÄÄ»ÊÊ»ËÄ¿¹»ÂÂÅ Best known for starring on All in the Family. ¿¹¾·Èº È¿ůÊ¾É Best known for starring as a Disney Mouseketeer. Bob Riha Jr/WireImage George Jones Best known for his country music singing. Lisa Robin Kelly Eileen Brennan Elmore Leonard Bobby Bland Joey Covington Best known for her country music singing. ¾·¿Ä ·Äº»» Best known for starring on the reality TV show, Buckwild. Paul Natkin/WireImage Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images ¿ÄºÏ¹È»·ºÏ Best known for reviewing all the movies from these other stars. ¾È¿É»ÂÂÏ Best known for his rap singing. OKIE MAGAZINE George Pimentel/ Disney/ABC Ron Galella, Ltd./WireImage Best known for starring on the TV show, Sopranos. Roger Ebert Craig Sjodin/ABC Mark Sullivan/WireImage ·Ã»É ·ÄºÅÂŰÄ¿ Best known for his role in the Harry Potter series. Ferdaus Shamim/WireImage »·ÄÄ·Ëȸ¿Ä ÅÄÄ¿»È·ÄÁÂ¿Ä Best known for starring in Three Smart Girls. FPG/Getty Images Peter O’Toole Margaret Thatcher Allan Arbus Phil Ramone David Frost Best known for starring in One Day at a Time. Brian To/FilmMagic Harry Reems Julie Harris Robin Sachs Marcia Wallace Joan Fontaine Lee ThompsonYoung Lou Reed Ed Lauter Kumar Pallana Jiah Khan Dennis Farina Paul Bearer Tom Clancy »Ů·ÄÄ»Ã·Ä Page 23 Growth from the Inside by Jordan Godlewski When Hailey Harris began her career at Cameron Ä¿Ì»ÈÉ¿ÊÏƑɾ»Í·ÉÄÅÊ»Îƻȿ»Ä¹»º¿Äʾ»Ű»ÂºÅ¼·ÈÊƔÉ·¹¾¿ÂºƑ ·ÈÈ¿É»ÄÀÅÏ»ººÅź¿Ľ·ÄÏʾ¿Ä½·Äº»Ì»ÈÏʾ¿Ä½É¾»¼ÅËĺ ¿ÄʻȻÉʿĽƔ¾»Ä¿Ê¹·Ã»Ê¿Ã»ÊÅÆ¿¹Á;·Êº»½È»»ÆÈŽȷÃÊÅ ÆËÈÉË»Ƒ·ÈÈ¿ÉͷɻĹÅËÈ·½»¸Ï¾»È¼·Ã¿ÂÏÊÅ»ÄʻȿÄÊÅʾ»·ÈÊ ÆÈŽȷ÷ʷûÈÅÄƔ É·ÈȿɽȻͿľ»È·Èʺ»½È»»Ƒɾ»Í·É·¸Â»ÊÅ »ÎƻȿûÄÊͿʾ÷ÄÏÄ»ÍÊ»¹¾Ä¿ÇË»ÉƔ·ÈȿɼÅËĺʾ·Êɾ»Í·É ¿ÄʻȻÉÊ»º¿Ä·ÂÃÅÉʻ̻ÈÏʾ¿Ä½É¾»Â»·ÈÄ»ºƔ ơ»¿Ä½·ÉÊ˺»ÄÊ¿Äʾ»·Ã»ÈÅÄÈʻƷÈÊûÄÊÅƻĻº ÃϻϻÉÊÅÀËÉʾÅÍÌ»Èɷʿ»ʾ»·ÈÊÍÅȺȻ·ÂÂÏ¿ÉƑƢ·ÈÈ¿ÉÉ·¿ºƔ ơÈʹ·Ä¸»É»»Ä¿Ä·ÄÏʾ¿Ä½·Äº»Ì»ÈÏʾ¿Ä½Í»É»»ÅȺÅƔƢ ¾»Ä·ÈȿɽȷºË·Ê»É¼ÈÅ÷ûÈÅÄɾ»Í¿Â¾·Ì» »·ÈÄ»º·º»½È»»¿Ä ȷƾ¿¹»É¿½ÄƑ¾Åͻ̻ÈʾÈÅ˽¾¾»È ɹ¾ÅÅ¿Ľ·Èȿɾ·Éº»Ì»ÂÅÆ»º·Ä»ÍÆ·ÉÉ¿ÅļÅÈÆÈ¿ÄÊ÷Á¿Ä½Ɣ ơÂÅ̻ʾ·Ê·Ã·¸Â»ÊŹ·ÈÌ»¿ÄÊÅ·Æ¿»¹»Å¼Â¿ÄÅ»Ë÷ĺ º»Æ¿¹Ê·Ä¿ÄÊÈ¿¹·Ê»ÉÊÅÈÏÀËÉʸÏÉ¿ÃÆ»¿ĻÍÅÈÁƑƢ·ÈÈ¿ÉÉ·¿ºƔ ơ¾¿ÉÆÈŹ»Éɽ¿Ì»ÉÃÏÍÅÈÁ·É»ÄɻżƻÈ÷ĻĹ»Ƒʾ»È»¿É ÄÅÈÅÅüÅÈ»ÈÈÅÈ;¿Â»¹·È̿ĽƔÌ»ÈÏʾ¿Ä½¹·ÈÌ»¸»¹Åûɷ Æ»È÷ĻÄÊ÷ÈÁ¿Äʾ»ŰĿɾ»ºÆ¿»¹»ƔƢ ¾ÈÅ˽¾·ÈÈ¿ÉƠÉʿû·É·Ä·ÈÊÉÊ˺»ÄÊɾ»¹·Ã»ÊÅ È»·Â¿Ð»¾»È¼·É¹¿Ä·Ê¿ÅÄż¿ÄÉ»¹ÊÉƔ»¿Ä½Ê¾»Åº»ÉÊżÊÍÅƑ·ÈÈ¿É ¹·ÄȻûø»È½ÈÅͿĽËÆͿʾ¾»È¿ÊÊ»ɿÉʻȿÄĹ¾ÅÈ·½»Ƒ ·ÉÁ··Äº¹ÅÄÉÊ·ÄÊÂϸ»¿Ä½ÅËÊÉ¿º»Ɣ ơ»Í»È»Ê¾»ÇË»»ÄÉż·ºÏ¸Ë½¾ËÄʿĽƑƢ·ÈÈ¿ÉÉ·¿ºƔ ơ»ÂÅÌ»ºÊÅ»ÎÆÂÅȻʾ»ÍÅȺ·ÈÅËĺËɷĺ¿ÄÉ»¹ÊɸÈÅ˽¾Ê ·¸ÅËʷɿĹ»Å¼¹ËÈ¿ÅÉ¿ÊϼÅÈû·ÄºÃÏÉ¿ÉÊ»ÈƑʾ»Í·Ïʾ»Ï ÂÅÅÁ»ºƑÃÅÌ»ºƑÉÅËĺ»ºƑ»Ì»ÈÏʾ¿Ä½Ê¾»Ïº¿ºÍ·É·ÂÂËȿĽƔƢ ¾»Ä·ÉÁ»ºÊÅÈ»Ų»¹ÊÅÄʾ»ÆÈŽȻÉɾ»È·Èʾ·É÷º» ¿ÄʹʷʸʺƑ·ÈÈ¿Éʾ·Êɾ»Í·ÄÊ»ºÊÅÌ»ÄÊËÈ»ÅŮͿʾĻͿº»·É·Äº Ê»¹¾Ä¿ÇË»ÉƔ ơÏÄ»ÍÏ»·ÈƠÉÈ»ÉÅÂËÊ¿ÅļÅÈÃÏ·ÈÊÍÅÈÁ¿ÉÊÅ»ÎÆÂÅÈ» ÃÅÈ»Ƒ¸È»·Á·Í·Ï¼ÈÅÃÃÏÊÍź¿Ã»ÄÉ¿Åķ¿÷½»ÈϷĺÊÈÏÊÅ »ÎƻȿûÄÊͿʾʾȻ»º¿Ã»ÄÉ¿ÅÄ·ÂÍÅÈÁÉƑƢ·ÈÈ¿ÉÉ·¿ºƔơÍ·ÄÊÊÅ ÉÊ·ÏÅÆ»ÄÊÅĻͿº»·É·ÄºÊ»¹¾Ä¿Ç˻ɷĺÊŹÅÄÊ¿ÄË»ÊÅ»·ÈÄ ¼ÈÅ÷É÷ÄϺ¿Ů»È»ÄÊ·ÈÊ¿ÉÊɷɹ·ÄÉÅ÷ϸ»¹Åû·¸»ÊÊ»ÈƑ Í»ÂÂÈÅËĺ»º·ÈÊ¿ÉÊƔƢ Sightless Passion ¿ÄŹËÊ Visit ¼·¹»¸ÅÅÁƔ¹ÅÃƭ¾·¿Â»Ïº¾·ÈÈ¿É·ÈÊÍÅÈÁ ¼ÅÈÃÅȻƾÅÊÅÉƘ Mom What’s for Dinner? Linocut 22 x 30 Land of the Plains Linocut 22 x 30 Growth from the Inside Linocut 22 x 30 We’ve Got You Covered. Close To Home. High tech medicine is standard procedure at Southwestern Medical Center. And now, advanced high resolution imaging capabilities have never been more convenient in the Lawton/Fort Sill area. Advanced Imaging Technology: Three open MRIs, CT Scan, Digital X-Ray, Fluoroscopy, Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine The Imaging Center 5116 West Gore Boulevard Lawton, OK 73505 (580) 353-7226 OKIE MAGAZINE Southwestern Medical Center 5602 SW Lee Blvd Lawton, Oklahoma 73505 (580) 531-4700 Doctors MRI 5366 Northwest Cache Road Lawton, OK 73505 (580) 354-1200 Page 26 SOLUTION SOLUTION INGRID’S BOOKS Books, CD’s, Candles, Bulk Herbs, Essential Oils, Incense, 1124 NW Cache Road Jewelry, Crystals, 580.353.1488 Dragons, Gargoyles, Fairies, Angels, Clothing, Velvet Bags and Cards. 0RQGD\6DWXUGD\DPSP 7KH/DZWRQ)RRG%DQNSURYLGHVHQRXJKIRRGWRIHHGPRUH WKDQIDPLOLHVHDFKPRQWK± LQFOXGLQJDFWLYHGXW\PLOLWDU\IDPLOLHV 7KDQN\RXIRUKHOSLQJ\RXUQHLJKERUVLQQHHG &XUUHQWO\WKH/DZWRQ)RRG%DQNLVLQQHHGRINLGIULHQGO\ IRRGVDQGSHUVRQDOK\JLHQHLWHPV 6:WK6WUHHW/DZWRQ2. OKIE MAGAZINE Page 27 7. Who Are You People? Shortly after Arcade Fire’s The Suburbs won the Grammy for Best New Album in 2011, Twitter became deluged with tweets of a common theme: “who the [expletive] are ‘The Suburbs?’” Two years later, the indie ensemble promoted their album »Ų»ÁÊÅÈ with TV appearances and concerts booked under ʾ»Æɻ˺ÅÄÏÃơ¾»»Ų»ÁÊÅÈÉƔƢ¾»·Ä·º¿·ÄÉ must have missed the seminar on how successful branding works. 6. Honestly, I Wanna See You Be Original Again “Roar,” the lead single from Katy Perry’s Prism, sounded uncannily like “Brave” by Sara Bareilles when it was released and the two were immediately compared to each other. “Brave” was released four months prior to “Roar.” Bareilles later commended Perry’s song and producer Dr. Luke alleged on Twitter that “Roar” was written and recorded before “Brave.” Still, accusations of plagiarism did nothing Êž»ÂÆʾ»ÉÊ·ÈƠɿ÷½»ƔÂÂŰÈ»ÍÅÈÁɼ·º»ÅËÊ eventually. 5. Unholy Matrimony Former pop punk darling Avril Lavigne married Chad Kroeger of Nickelback on Canada Day in the south of France. Kroeger also co-wrote about sixtytwo percent of the songs on Lavigne’s self-titled album released this year, granting the world further permission to continue ignoring her. 4. RIP Azealia Banks’ Career The calendar barely turned 2013 before former rapper and current Twitter troll Azealia Banks feuded with actual troll Perez Hilton, brandishing an “f word” long used to slander gay men while attempting to È»º»ŰÄ»¿ÊÊÅÉ»ÈÌ»¾»ÈÆËÈÆÅÉ»Ɣ¾¿ÉÉ˹¹»ÉɼËÂÂÏ alienated away her largely gay fan base. Reception OKIE MAGAZINE of her new singles was tepid at best – if acknowledged at all – within the US, leaving her to chase fame overseas a la Lana Del Rey. While repeatedly delaying the release of her debut album ÈÅÁ» with Expensive Taste, Banks picked Í¿ÊÊ»ÈŰ½¾ÊÉͿʾ numerous artists for the rest of the year. 3. ¡Con Los Terroristas! Baauer’s “Harlem Shake” became a YouTube phenomenon seemingly overnight and received backlash about as quickly. Minute-long videos of people dancing frantically to the trap beat were met with enthusiasm for about a week by everyone outside of Harlem, NY, where residents looked on in disdain. 2. We Were Warned She Can’t Be Tamed The country was outraged – OUTRAGED! – when former Disney starlet Miley Cyrus unleashed her career’s new direction, complete with scandalous ÃËÉ¿¹Ì¿º»ÅÉƑÉÁ¿ÄƖɾÅͿĽÅËÊŰÊÉƑ·Äº¿ÄÊÈź˹¿Ä½ twerking to the national conversation. The most discussed music event of the year was her raunchy performance alongside Robin Thicke and 2 Chainz at the MTV Video Music Awards. For some reason, a female singer formerly marketed as wholesome brashly demanding to be viewed as a rebellious sexual being remains a source of consternation. As if countless others haven’t done the same thing long before her. 1. Date Rape Anthem of the Summer Falsetto R&B singer Robin Thicke bested Daft ËÄÁƠÉơ »Ê˹ÁÏƢ¼ÅÈʾ»ËÄÅů¹¿·ÂơÉÅĽżʾ» summer” with “Blurred Lines,” a collaboration with Pharrell and T.I. about whether or not to take É»Î˷·ºÌ·ÄÊ·½»Å¼·ÍÅ÷ÄƔ¾»È·Ã¿Ű¹·Ê¿ÅÄÉ of the most popular song of the year being about considering rape have already been discussed at length, but do not bode well for the cultural direction of America. 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Sunbather is possibly the most accessible metal symphony recorded. With an expertly designed pink album cover, it visually stands out in a genre known for tasteless dark retreads of horror graphics. With naturally progressing melodies and enough tension to keep listeners engaged, Deafheaven created an album which stands apart from all others from the past year. dream of reaching. Drawing on R&B and bubblegum pop, this album is shameless fun. My Bloody Valentine – mbv Since their magnum opus Loveless was released in 1991, a follow-up by the Irish shoegazers was repeatedly promised and postponed for over twenty Ï»·ÈÉƔ¾¿ÉÏ»·ÈƑʾ»ÏŰÄ·ÂÂϺ»Â¿Ì»È»ºƑ on their own turns: mbv was released independently and without fanfare on a Saturday night in February. It was well worth the wait; the album builds on their past work to bring a new hypnotic experience. Blood Orange – Cupid Deluxe Dev Hynes’ second album under the Blood Orange moniker brings a slick ‘80s feel of new wave-inspired R&B. Never before has being homeless in New York City sounded so glamorous. Cupid Deluxe manages to infuse fun ¿ÄÊŸÂËÄʾÅÄ»ÉÊÏƔÌ»ÄͿʾʾ»È»ÊÈÅ¿ÄŲ˻Ĺ»ÉƑ¿Ê sounds perfectly at home alongside other alternative contemporaries James Blake – Overgrown Moving on from his largely experimental debut, Blake retains his British dubstep foundation while masterfully taking on ¾¿Æ¾ÅÆ¿ÄŲ˻Ĺ»ÉƔơºÅÄƠÊÍ·ÄÊÊŸ»· star / but a stone on the shore,” he sings in falsetto on opening track “Overgrown.” A collaboration with legendary rapper RZA and forays into club music seem to hint at the opposite, though the focus remains the music rather than the composer. Beyoncé – BEYONCÉ Queen Bey unleashed the surprise of the year when she released a full album, complete with music videos for each song, at midnight at the end of a mid-December week. Calling it a “visual album,” Beyoncé exhibits a mature evolution of her music and image while Ȼ÷¿Ä¿Ä½Ų·Í»ÉÉƔÅͺÅÍÄƑ¿Äº»»ºƔ Volcano Choir – Repave Forsaking their largely instrumental debut album, Justin Vernon’s other band ¸ÈÅ˽¾Ê·Á¿ÉÉƖÅŮƑ¸È»·ÁËƷ¸ËÃƔ Repave is too tepid to be livid but with enough rage in the undercurrent to not be ignored, even quoting Charles Bukowski halfway through. “I’ll be alive when all this is over,” Vernon sings towards the end, with the feeling he yearns for the opposite. Ariana Grande – Yours Truly Grande has been favorably compared to Mariah Carey for good reason – she is easily the greatest new talent of the year. Her voice reaches notes and dulcet tones other singers her age could only OKIE MAGAZINE Into It. Over It. – Intersections As Dan Ozzi of Vice wrote in October 2013, “there’s no emo revival, you just stopped paying attention.” Evan Weiss, better known as Into It. Over It., earned ʾ·Ê·ÊÊ»ÄÊ¿ÅÄͿʾ¾¿ÉÉÅƾÅÃÅÈ»»ŮÅÈÊƑ which chronicles getting older, loss, and the heartache when those moments meet. Sky Ferreira – My Night, My Time Having been through record label purgatory, Ferreira’s long-awaited debut album demonstrates how patience pays ÅŮƔÏ¿½¾ÊƑϿû¿É·ÆÅÆÈ»¹ÅȺ·Ê heart with aggressive alt rock production. Other singers her age could only dream to be this unrelentingly cool. Mazzy Star – Seasons of Your Day After a sixteen year hiatus, Mazzy Star Æ¿¹ÁËÆ;»È»Ê¾»Ï»¼ÊÅŮ¼ÈÅÃÃÅĽ My Swan without skipping a beat. ·Ì¿Ä½¾»ÂÆ»ºÊź»ŰĻʾ»ºÈ»·Ã pop subgenre long ago, David Roback and Hope Sandoval make the listener wonder why it ever faded away. This is an excellent album for a lazy Sunday. Page 30 5220 NW Cache Road Lawton, OK Phone 580.351.0581 Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8:00-12:00 Closed Sunday OKIE MAGAZINE Page 31 Welcome Southwestern Welcomes The Imaging Center and Doctors MRI into our Healthcare Family. We’ve Got You Covered. Close To Home. High tech medicine is standard procedure at Southwestern Medical Center. And now, advanced high resolution imaging capabilities have never been more convenient in the Lawton/ Fort Sill area. The Imaging Center and Doctors MRI have joined with Southwestern Medical Center to provide the latest in lifesaving imaging technology. Whether it is the area’s most powerful open MRI or the only full-service imaging center in Southwest Oklahoma or North Central Texas, Southwestern Medical Center is providing a more accurate imaging diagnosis, now at three convenient Lawton locations. Advanced Imaging Technology: Three open MRIs, CT Scan, Digital X-Ray, Fluoroscopy, Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine The Imaging Center 5116 West Gore Boulevard Lawton, OK 73505 (580) 353-7226 Southwestern Medical Center 5602 SW Lee Blvd Lawton, Oklahoma 73505 (580) 531-4700 Doctors MRI 5366 Northwest Cache Road Lawton, OK 73505 (580) 354-1200
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