is attached here. - Blue Mountains Grammar School
is attached here. - Blue Mountains Grammar School
Blue Mountains Grammar School Newsletter Vol 30, 9th October, 2015 FROM THE HEADMASTER A New Term Welcome back to all students, staff and families for Term 4 2015. I trust that everyone was able to enjoy a restful break. Bungawarra Walk – A great community event making a difference to the lives of others! Last Saturday’s Bungawarra Walk was a great community event – an event that makes a big difference to the lives of others. Over 180 students, staff and parents met at School at 5.30am for the start of the walk. They were ably supported by over 20 parents and staff who used their cars as support vehicles and helped out at the various check points along the way. Although it was a long day, all reported that they found it most enjoyable with many comments about how positive the day had been. Mr David Fleming is anticipating that over $10,000 dollars will be raised by our students for projects locally and overseas in Uganda, Indonesia and Fiji. This money is able to assist greatly in building various facilities and providing resources to these communities, in particular helping to lift the disadvantaged out of poverty. Previous funds have been used to help build accommodation in orphanages and erect school buildings in Uganda; to build a generator for a school in Fiji that previously didn’t have power; and to provide support for mothers and their babies in Indonesia to help decrease child mortality through medical assistance, pre- and post-natal care, food and education. When our students and their families have visited these communities, it has enabled them to form strong relationships and see first-hand how our contributions are used. Clearly the funds raised by our students have and will continue to have an impact on the local and wider global community. In modern society, it is important to remind ourselves of the importance of giving, not only in terms of money but also time. Some people are content with what they have. Others are in despair because they have so little. Through giving we help to bridge the gap. We are fortunate that so many of our students, parents and staff are willing to support those who are in need. Altruism (generosity), or doing something good for others, is an important virtue. The action of our students, parents and staff in making a difference to others, ensures that the School’s mission to develop people of conscience, courage, compassion and integrity, who are challenged to make a difference to the community and the world, is being achieved. I would like to commend all involved last Saturday and thank those who provided support to ensure that the day would be such a success, in particular, Mrs Janinne Nay, Mr Jonathan and Mrs Sarah Dunstan and their daughter Felicity, and Mr David Fleming. Japan Tour 2015 We welcome back our Senior School Japanese tourists, led by Mr. Tristan Forsyth and Mrs. Yukie Evans, following their twelve-day cultural/study tour undertaken in the holidays. By all reports the group enjoyed many wonderful experiences and gained a great deal from the opportunity to visit this fascinating part of the world. I thank Mr. Tristan Forsyth, Mrs Yukie Evans, Mrs. Jeanette Hansen and Ms Eva Jazwinski, for the time and energy they devoted to making this tour possible and our students for their exemplary behaviour and representation of our School. Mr. Forsyth’s report of the trip appears later in this Newsletter. Year 12 2015 and HSC Exams We wish Year 12 all the very best as they commence their HSC Exams next week. If the showcases of HSC works, projects and performances viewed at School towards the end of last term are indicative of their level of commitment, enthusiasm and effort as a year group, we can look forward to more excellent achievements in the weeks to come. Student Successes World Freestyle Kayaking Championships Congratulations to Liam Dowd (Year 9 Pitt) who competed in the World Freestyle Kayaking Championships at the beginning of September on the Ottawa River, Canada, placing 4 th amongst the Australian contingent and gaining a World Ranking of 20th amongst the Junior Men - an absolutely amazing achievement. We look forward to reading of further successes in the years to come. Wakakirri State Final Congratulations to Mr Russell Tredinnick and the students from the Junior School who participated in the State Final of Wakakirri on the last Thursday evening of Term 3 at the State Sports Centre. To make the final was a fantastic achievement and just reward for the effort all had put into the show both on the night and the months beforehand. Our talented group were awarded The Best Original Story. Thank you to all staff and parents for their assistance over the time leading up to the performance to bring it to such a successful conclusion. F1 in Schools Competition Congratulations to Julia Chabros, Emma Hunter, Julie Lao, Charlotte Toose-Cutler and Maddison Traynor from Year 10 who won the Western Sydney Regional Final of the F1 in Schools Competition at the end of last term and as a result have now qualified for the State Finals in Newcastle in early November. Thank you to Mr Michael Laws from the Design & Technology Department for all he has done to prepare the students for this competition. Staffing We welcome back Mr Ian Curtois, former Head of Science and Head of Deane House, who will be taking Ms Jackie Tanner’s Science classes for the first four weeks of Term 4. Mr Dirk Weibye will be the Acting Head of MacLaurin House, whilst Ms Tanner is on this period of long service leave. Building Projects Over the holiday period the Junior School Learning Resource Centre was dismantled and renovated. New furniture and IT resources will be installed shortly. The Preparatory School Central Learning Area was also modified. Attention will now turn to the refurbishment of the Senior School Learning Resource Area. For Term 4, the Senior School Learning Resource Area will operate out of rooms B5 and B6. Trevor Barman Headmaster FROM THE CHAPLAIN As you may know, we are just coming to the end of World Space Week. I was recently listening to an interview with Professor Tim Bedding as he discussed (among other things) his interest and findings in the field of asteroseismology, the study of the oscillations within stars. It was wonderful to hear how this particular field reveals much about a star with regard to size and composition (important information when researching other solar systems). I particularly loved the idea that due to their internal turbulence, each star is producing sound, an image that echoed for me the old concept of the ‘music of the spheres’, a choir of songs in the heavens. Perhaps most telling is how unique each star is, not only in regard to its oscillations, but also its size, composition, spectrum and age; we look at the sky and see a backdrop pinpricked with little white dots, and yet there is infinite diversity in the heavens above. Casting Crowns released an album where they described each person’s life as a ‘lifesong’, a unique expression of our life experience. Next week our Year 12 students will start their HSC exams, and while they are just one small group among so many other students sitting the same exams in NSW, each of these students has their unique ‘lifesong’ that will contribute to the music of our world. Yet, unlike the ‘starsongs’ playing so far from us, our own lifesongs interweave and interact with the lifesongs of our fellow humans. Their lives are not recitals that we observe, but choirs within which we participate. Just as each star is part of a solar system (and each solar system part of a galaxy), each of our HSC students are unique parts of a much larger whole and we can support them with our prayers, our encouragement, our example that there is life after the HSC and that their unique contribution will be a valued part of a much bigger whole, no matter how they fare over the next few weeks. Indeed even in the turbulence of the HSC (and whatever other trials may come their way), their lives can still sing! Perhaps the Psalmist gives us the best perspective as he addresses God in Psalm 8: “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? Yet, you have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honour” (Psalm 8:3-5). A. Dane PARENTS’ AND FRIENDS’ ASSOCIATION NEWS The next General Meeting, and the AGM, of the Parents’ and Friends’ Association is on Tuesday 10th November at 7:30pm in Coorah. C. Young and C. Smith Co-Chairs, BMGS Parents’ and Friends’ Association FROM THE DEPUTY HEAD – HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL Year 12 As one Year group finish up, another begins the final leg of the journey. Such is the life of a school. Our Year 11 students have found themselves as the Year 12s all of a sudden and the HSC looms as a very real thing! For many parents, this will be the first time on this wonderful (and frightening) merry-go-round and, like the students, they often need some guidance. At BMGS we are in partnership with the parents and I would like to share some insights into helping the students prepare for one of the biggest years of their lives: Year 12 is a continuation of Year 11 in terms of learning and study. It actually starts for students from Term 4, of the previous year. This video is a good introduction for parents preparing for this for the first time: Many students begin to feel anxious about the HSC so help them plan a study and leisure routine that includes enough study, activity, social activities and sleep. It is really important to keep all lines of communication open. Seeing it all planned out (the BIG picture), and sticking to the schedule can really help calm anxious children or motivate laid- back children. Have your child print out our monthly assessment and homework calendar, write in all exams and assessment dates and post it on the fridge (or anywhere visible – multiple spots is also OK) as a reminder. Try to avoid any big decisions that could affect your child this year – including family holidays and changes in living arrangements, if at all possible. Good nutrition is particularly important for your child right now. A good balance of work and play is important for their wellbeing this year. If your child has a part-time job, make sure it is manageable and fits in with all the other responsibilities they have. Stay in contact with the school, especially if there are concerns. Year 12 teachers (all staff at BMGS) want their students to achieve the best possible results and typically appreciate parents who are interested and supportive. Contact the Head of House if you are concerned about your child's social/emotional wellbeing or how they're handling Year 12 studies. Remember, the HSC focus is only for a short period of time. Support your child to give it all they have, but also to remember the ATAR score at the end is not the sole indicator of their worth. There are many alternative pathways to most careers, even if they don't receive the ATAR they hoped for, or an offer from their preferred university. Found Property – Term 4, 2015 Un-named clothing and other items: 7/10/15 7/10/15 7/10/15 7/10/15 7/10/15 7/10/15 7/10/15 7/10/15 7/10/15 7/10/15 P. Humble Handed in to Student Reception Handed in to Student Reception Handed in to Student Reception Handed in to Student Reception Handed in to Student Reception Handed in to Student Reception Handed in to Student Reception Handed in to Student Reception Handed in to Student Reception Handed in to Student Reception Size W9L blue girl’s slacks Size 14 blue jumper Size 24 blue jumper Size J10 Sports Jacket Snr Size S Sports Jacket S – old style Sports jacket 16 – old style Sports jacket Black gloves Sports bag – containing XS gold polo; 12K blue shorts; blue runners with orange laces; red & white socks Sports bag – containing J12 gold polo; XS sports shorts’ grey runners with pink soles FROM THE HEAD OF RELIGIOUS & CULTURAL STUDIES During the September term break, twelve students and four members of staff travelled to Japan on a Cultural Studies experience tour for twelve days. During this time we were based in Kyoto where we experienced 'old Japan' visiting its many temples like The Golden Pavilion and The Water Temple. Side trips to Nara and the Toei Egimura Movie studio (home of Godzilla!) rounded out this portion of the tour. After a very quick three-hour trip on the Shinkansen or Bullet Train, we arrived in Tokyo to experience the hustle and bustle and sheer energy of one of the worlds largest cities. Highlights of this section included visiting Honda's headquarters to see Asimo the robot, making our own soba noodle lunches in Nagano and receiving a 'one on one' Akido lesson at the Akido World Headquarters with some of the best black belts in the world. For me, the biggest highlight of the tour was the very rare opportunity to participate in a Bunkasai or School Festival (similar to our Autumn Fair) at Komagome High School. Bunkasai is a community event with each pastoral class/group decorating their home room in a particular theme that coincided with the attraction or event they were running. Events included carnival-style games, movies made by the group, food stalls and interactive displays, based on co-curricular groups. The community at Komagome were so welcoming and it was an honour to be able to participate in an event Western school groups never have the opportunity to see. Thank you to Mrs. Hansen and Ms Jazwinski for joining us on this tour and big thanks to Ms Evans for all her local knowledge and translation work! Planning for the next tour in 2017 will begin next year so keep an eye on the notices! T. Forsyth FROM THE HEAD OF MUSIC Valedictory Performances Thank you to the following students who presented items from their HSC performance programme at the Valedictory Dinner last term: Ewan McMurtrie (vocal) - “Pilate’s Dream” from Jesus Christ Superstar, Beth Coggins (violin) – Polish Dance by Edmund Severn and Amy Farebrother (vocal) “Brother John” by Taylor Swift, all accompanied by Mrs Cooney. Beth also performed “Dudziarz” by Wieniawski, accompanied by Mrs Cooney, at the Valedictory Assembly along with Lara Girardi (piano) who performed “Dream of Olwen” by Charles Williams, accompanied by her HSC ensemble comprising Isabella Schoeler (Year 11), Miriam Cooney (Year 8), Elizabeth Cooney, Mrs Davidson and Mrs Cooney. BMGS Alumni Day Our thanks to Mrs. Cooney and Year 9 students Abraham Darley, Emily Ampt and Geraldine Weiss for providing the music at the Alumni Day luncheon held on Saturday 19th September. Phantom of the Opera BMGS staff and students will be performing in the Blue Mountains Musical Society’s production of “Phantom of the Opera” which opens this coming Saturday at Blue Mountains Theatre in The Hub, Springwood. Tom Weaver (Year 10) is in the Ensemble and Miriam Cooney (Year 8), Elizabeth Cooney and Mrs Cooney are in the orchestra. Holiday Workshops Double Reed Workshop: Miriam Cooney (Year 8) participated in the Australasian Conference in Brisbane where famous international oboe and bassoon players performed and conducted master classes. Miriam was awarded an Honourable Mention in the 17 years and under section of the competition. It was a wonderful experience to be immersed in the world of the masters of the oboe. Sydney Symphony Workshop Hamish Davidson (Year 11) recently participated in a two-day workshop at the Casula Powerhouse Museum which provided a unique opportunity for talented student musicians who play an orchestral instrument to be mentored by the Sydney Symphony Orchestra Fellows. During the two days, 73 students participated in instrumental sectional tutorials, studied orchestral parts and then performed for family and friends at the conclusion. Australian Flute Festival Isabella Schoeler (Year 11) attended this festival in Canberra with world renowned flautists and composers. Isabella was excited to be part of a performance of a piece written by Italian composer Salvatore Sciarrino’s Il Cerchio Tagliato Dei Suoni for 104 flutes, which took place in the High Court of Australia. Blue Mountains City Band BMCB is presenting a concert on Sunday 25th October, 3:00pm at Katoomba Public School to celebrate 120 years of brass bands in the Blue Mountains and to commemorate 100 years of ANZAC. Entry is a gold coin donation and proceeds will go to Legacy. Diary dates: Thursday 22 October: Wednesday 11 November: Soiree No.3, 7:00pm, Recital Room Remembrance Day, Wentworth Falls Cenotaph D. Smith FROM THE HEAD OF VISUAL ARTS New exhibition opening in the Coorah Contemporary Art Gallery Recent paintings, drawings and prints by highly acclaimed artist and musician, Chris O’Doherty, aka Reg Mombassa, will be on show at Coorah Contemporary Art Gallery, Blue Mountains Grammar School in Wentworth Falls. The exhibition is called ‘Random Manifestations of Hallucinatory Anthropomorphism, Blue Mountains Grammar Selection’ and will be officially opened by Cr Mark Greenhill, Mayor of the city of Blue Mountains, on Saturday, 17th October, from 2:00pm- 5:00pm with refreshments and music. Chris O’Doherty is one of Australia’s most recognizable and well respected painters. He is represented and exhibits at Watters Gallery in East Sydney, but has also captivated our generation with his graphic work for the fashion label Mambo, so you are just as likely to see his work on a T shirt walking down the street. O’Doherty gained fame as a core member of the band Mental as Anything and he has also been the ambassador for the 2013 Sydney NYE celebrations, when his work was showcased on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Students at Blue Mountains Grammar have been studying Mr O’Doherty’s iconic suburban landscapes and social commentary on the Australian vernacular, a balancing act between cartoonlike celebration and socio-political comment. His iconic landscapes make you reflect on your own values and sentiments towards the environment we all inhabit. Students from Year 8 have made a series of linocut prints inspired by Mr O’Doherty’s use of metaphor and personification of everyday objects such the guitar in his work Landscape Guitars. A selection of students’ works will be exhibited alongside Mr O’Doherty’s inspiring comical landscapes and some of his reflections on the recent fires that have affected so many Blue Mountains residents. Please come and join us and meet the artist, for a celebration of the Australian landscape seen from a whole new perspective. S. Herron FROM THE TAS DEPARTMENT For the first time, Blue Mountains Grammar School is participating in the F1 in Schools Technology Challenge. This is the world’s largest secondary school technology program. It involves over nine million students from 17,000 schools in 31 nations. Students as young as 10 years of age are designing, testing and making miniature F1 cars capable of 80km/h. BMGS entered two Year 10 teams in the premier Professional Senior class. The Collision Racing Team comprised (pictured above, left to right, with Mr. Laws) Julia Chabros, Maddison Traynor, Charlotte Toose-Cutler, Emma Hunter and Julie Lao. The Virus Racing Team consisted of Nathaniel Barakat, Jeremy Chongbang, Jordan Dobson and Max Hedley. On the day of Regional Finals at Girraween High School, both teams arrived with a confident and positive attitude. They spent the day taking part in different phases of the competition. Collision Racing conquered Western Sydney by winning the entire competition, racing down the 20m track in just over one second; only 0.03 seconds off the fastest time of the day. The girls displayed a mix of enthusiasm and engineering prowess, which proved very popular with the judges and effective on the racetrack. They have now qualified for the State Finals in Newcastle from the 4th to the 6th of November, where they hope to progress even further. Collision Racing are now working together to improve their car and further the detail in all their work after receiving helpful comments from the judges. They are now relying on the support of local businesses to obtain sponsorship to pay for the journey to Newcastle. Materials, travel, accommodation, uniforms and pit displays are all required. If you think you might like to help by sponsoring Collision Racing please contact Mr Laws at BMGS. M. Laws CAREERS NEWS Careers information for students is now available on the Portal. Please note also that is a website that provides a careers information service. A hard copy is displayed on the LRC's Careers Noticeboard and a digital copy is also uploaded to the Portal. Anyone in the School community can access the website with a password. The password can be found on the "Careers Information at BMGS" document on the Portal (for Years 9 to 12). Students or parents who wish to register for email alerts need to send an email to with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Please include your name, the name of the school, and whether you are a student or a parent. Students/parents who are currently subscribed do not need to subscribe again. Please use your home email address, not your School email address. B. Fewer FROM THE LEARNING SUPPORT DEPARTMENT After school on Tuesday and Thursday, assistance with literacy or homework/assessments or exam preparation is available in the Learning Support Room (next to SF3). T. Boyd SPORTS NEWS ISA Summer Sport Training and preparation is well under way for the summer season of ISA Sport. The first round for all ISA Sports will commence on Saturday 17th October. Please see below table for the season fixtures. Game times will be confirmed each week. Students and parents should check the weekly Newsletter and emails for updates. For any last minute changes, please check the BMGS Facebook page. All 1st teams have pre-season trials this Saturday, 10th October: 1st V Girls’ Basketball- Trials will be held by St Andrew’s Cathedral School at Noel Martin Sport Centre, Sydney University. A bus will be available departing BMGS at 6:30am, Buttenshaw park at 7:00am and Glenbrook Oval at 7:15am. First game commences at 9am. 1st V Boys’ Basketball - Trials will be held by Oakhill College at Oakhill College. First games will commence at 9:30am. Students are to make their own way to the venue. 1st and 2nd XI Cricket - Trials will be held by St Pius X at St Pius playing fields Oxford Falls. Departure time from school is 7:00am. A bus will be organised for the day. Training times and dates for teams: Girls’ Basketball: Training sessions for the Open C, Intermediate A and Intermediate B teams will be held on Wednesdays from 3:10pm – 4:40pm. Junior A and Junior B teams will train on Thursdays from 3:10pm – 4:40pm and the 1st V on Thursdays from 3:10pm – 5:10pm. Boys’ Basketball: All teams will train on Tuesdays from 3:15pm – 4:45pm. The 1st V will train from 5:00pm – 7:00pm. Cricket: 1st and 2nd XI training sessions will be held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3:00pm – 4:45pm. U14s will train on Wednesdays 3:15pm – 4:15pm. Basketball benching course This is an expression of interest notice for any students, staff or parents who would like to attend a course on benching for basketball. We will be holding an afternoon session on the 22nd October from 4:15pm. The session is just an introduction course and is not a certified course. The session will run for approximately 20 minutes and will be held in the DJ Mulford Sports Centre. Please email for further information or to confirm your attendance. Student Achievement Recently, Liam Dowd (Year 9) has been in Canada, representing Australia in the 2015 Freestyle Kayak World Championships. On the day of the competition Liam exceeded all expectations. Of the eleven athletes representing Australia in the K1 class, Liam was ranked 4th. To define this ranking, Liam not only outscored all his fellow junior competitors, but several of the seniors as well. On the day of competition his participation wasn’t without some drama; on his 4th and final run, after executing the blunt, his spray deck popped off and the kayak began to fill with water. This unfortunately dashed Liam’s hopes of obtaining 100 points. The crowd really got behind him, cheering him on and he managed one more scoring move, before being ‘flushed’ off the back of the wave. Despite this, Liam still managed to finish with a respectable 93.3 score and a world ranking of 20th, amongst the Junior Men, the highest score in the Australian Junior Men’s team. Liam really enjoyed the experience and the opportunity and he is already focused on the next world championships in Rio in 2017. This is such an amazing achievement for someone of Liam’s age and we congratulate him on his success in competing and training in his own time whilst balancing his studies at the same time. We wish Liam all the best in his preparations for 2017 and, no doubt, will be seeing big things from him. Round 1 ISA Summer Sports Draw: Saturday, 17th October, 2015 – Please note, game times will be advised in next week’s edition of the Newsletter -. Date Team Girls’ Basketball Junior D St Andrew’s Cathedral School Home Junior A St Paul's Grammar School St Paul's Int B St Andrew’s Cathedral School Home Int A St Andrew’s Cathedral School Home Open C St Andrew’s Cathedral School Home 1st V St Paul's Grammar School St Paul's 13s Oxley College Home 14s Oxley College Home 15s Oxley College Home 17s Oxley College Home 1st V Oxley College Home 1st XV St Stanislaus College Home 2nd XV St Patrick’s College St Pat's Boys’ Basketball Cricket Opponent 17/10/2015 Venue Changes to applying for a Tax File Number The Secondary Schools Tax File Number (TFN) Program ceased on 31st December 2014. This meant that School TFN forms were no longer processed beyond that date. How students can apply for a TFN from 1 January 2015 The Australian Taxation Office, in partnership with Australia Post, is making it easier for individuals to apply for a TFN. Students can now apply for a TFN online and have their identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post office. Applying online is the fastest and most convenient way for students to get a TFN. More information on applying online can be found at by searching for 'QC27248'. Students who are unable to visit a participating Australia Post office will need to complete the application form 'Tax File Number - Application or Enquiry for Individuals' form (NAT 1432).More information about lodging this form can be found at by searching for 'QC22604'. The ATO will continue working with teachers to educate students about tax and superannuation. The curriculum resource 'Tax, Super and You' is a free, easy to use, online educational resource aligned to the school curriculum of each state and territory. This resource can be accessed at Read more at: J. Petaccia FROM THE HEAD OF THE JUNIOR SCHOOL Welcome back to all children and their families to another exciting Term ahead. Please check the ‘Dates for your Diary’ on the Portal to be sure you are well informed of important dates for your family to put aside. Welcome also to Mr O’Doherty who joins us for the first four weeks as Mr Tredinnick enjoys some well-earned leave. When last I wrote in the Newsletter, we were waiting to hear how our Wakakirri dancers performed at the NSW Division 1 Final on the last Thursday evening of last term. By all accounts they were fantastic, and danced superbly; a great culmination to the hard work and effort that had been dedicated over the previous months. It was someone else’s turn to be announced champions this year, but BMGS were announced as having ‘The Best Original Story’. Congratulations to all the boys and girls and the many adult helpers and supporters who helped make Wakakirri an enjoyable, enriching and spectacular activity yet again. Every year a selection of students from upper primary take part in the ICAS Mathematics and English Competitions. These are high level competitions and are held across Australia and parts of Asia. Certificates to all participants were presented in Assembly this week and congratulations in particular go to the following children who performed particularly well: English Distinction – Tien Attwater (4G), Oliver Drew (4G) Credit – Evelyn Archer (5M), Flynn Boundy (5/6T), Morghan Broadbent (5/6T), Scarlett Weston-Cole (5/6T), Camille Ghitescu (5M), Clara Irawan (5/6T), Katerina Reynolds (5/6T) Merit – Michayla Clark (5/6T), Sam Cooke (5/6T) Mathematics Distinction – Tien Attwater (4G) Credit – Cale Adamov (6K), Evelyn Archer (5M), Bailey Blackstock (5M), Morghan Broadbent (5/6T), Michayla Clark (5/6T), Sam Cooke (5/6T), Oliver Drew (4G), Mani Hitchenson (6K), Ostara Loesch (5/6T), Oliver Stephens (5M) Merit – Zach Burgess (6K), Allegra Darwin (5/6T) It is a busy term once again with lots to look forward to. I look forward to seeing you at one of our events over the next eight weeks or so. Student Awards In Assembly this week the following awards were presented: Silver – Evelyn Archer (5M), Jessica Chongbang (6K), Camille Ghitescu (5M), Zia Mamo (1G) Gold – Lachlan Sinnadurai (6K) N. Cockington FROM THE HEAD OF THE PREPARATORY SCHOOL Welcome to Term 4. A ‘Notes For Your Diary’ will be sent home shortly, outlining upcoming events in this busy term. A reminder that all students will be participating in the MILO Cricket program, starting on Friday 9 th October. Please note that students in Years 1 to 4 will need to wear their sports uniform to School on Thursdays and Fridays for Term 4. Kindergarten students will need to wear their sports uniform to School on Wednesdays and Fridays. E. Flett DATES FOR YOUR DIARY – OCTOBER 2015 Friday, Oct 9 – Year 10 Wilderness Education classes to Mt. Boyce Friday, Oct 9 – MILO In2Cricket program at the Preparatory School Sunday, Oct 11 to Tuesday, Oct 13 – Year 9 Wilderness Education Glenbrook Expedition Monday, Oct 12 – Year 12 HSC Chapel Service Monday, Oct 12 – HSC Examinations commence Monday, Oct 12 – Year 11 Chemistry class to ANSTO, Lucas Heights Monday, Oct 12, Tuesday Oct 13 and Thursday Oct 15 – Upper Blue Mountains Music Festival Thursday, Oct 15 and Friday Oct 16 – Year 7 Examinations
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