EUColComp_T4 1 Report_results_questionnaire_staff
EUColComp_T4 1 Report_results_questionnaire_staff
EUColComp Testing a European Competency Framework for VET in Collections Management a Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation funded project Project Number UK/13/LLP-LdV/TOI-625 CULTURAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL BARRIERS IN USING THE COLLECTIONS COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK II. REPORT ON QUESTIONNAIRE RESULTS : RBINS COLLECTIONS SERVICE STAFF VIEWS ON THE COLLECTIONS COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK ---------------------------------------------- Date Work package Partner Reporter January 13, 2015 WP4 Task 4.1 Carry out stakeholder analysis for competency framework and training + analyse sociological and cultural implications of transfer NHM & RBINS Isabella Van de Velde 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 THE RBINS TEST CASE SURVEY ................................................................................................................................ 3 Design of the online survey ............................................................................................................................ 3 RESULTS................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Analysis of the feedback of the respondents ................................................................................................. 4 CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 Structure of the Scientific service of Heritage at RBINS ............................................................................... 14 Respondents feedback: staff view and opinion on the Competency Framework ........................................ 15 Overall conclusion and Recommendation.................................................................................................... 16 2 INTRODUCTION The Collections Competency Framework was developed for one institution (NHM) in one country (UK). Research is needed to collect information on institutional and staff attitude, thoughts and ideas about the use of the Collections Competency Framework in other institutions and countries. In order to assess cultural and sociological factors affecting the take up of the Competency Framework it was decided to use an online survey and carrying out interviews. It was also decided that before doing the pilot testing in the selected partner institutions (MfN, NMP, MNHN), RBINS would act as a test case for testing the developed assessment tools and workflow of the interview. The methodology and the main tools for assessment and testing are described and discussed in detail in the report ‘Cultural and sociological barriers in using the Collections Competency Framework’, Part I. Report on Survey methodology and Interviews with RBINS technical staff of the Collections Service, December 11, 2014. THE RBINS TEST CASE SURVEY DESIGN OF THE ONLINE SURVEY After the Competency Framework was distributed to the staff in RBINS, a questionnaire to collect information on staff view and thoughts about the Competency Framework was put online. As French or Dutch is the mother tongue of the RBINS staff, the survey was distributed in English, French and Dutch via Survey Monkey in October 2014. Feedback was collected in October and November 2014. The survey questions of the survey in English, French and Dutch can be found in the annex of the report ‘Cultural and sociological barriers in using the Collections Competency Framework’, Part I. URLs of the survey: The survey contained 3 sections: - about your job: 3 questions; - about the competencies: - manager: 7 questions; technical staff: 5 questions; - about you: 7 questions. Some of the questions are for managers only. As mentioned in the methodology section of the report ‘Cultural and sociological barriers in using the Collections Competency Framework’, Part I, difficulties were met when managers filled out the survey as they had to complete the survey as a manager for managing their staff and for personal development. Hence the first version of the survey has been adapted and improved. 3 RESULTS The present report deals with the feedback received from the survey distributed to managers and technical staff of RBINS Collections Service. As we distributed 3 separate surveys (EN, FR, NL) and because in Survey Monkey you cannot merge different surveys, we had to introduce manually all the data into one survey (EN). As we wanted to know if managers’ feedback is different from technical staff, two surveys were created, one with managers’ feedback and one with technical staff’ feedback. Open answer comments of the respondents were left in the language used by the respondents (NL, FR). In total we received 10 complete responses from the technical staff and 3 complete responses from the managers. ANALYSIS OF THE FEEDBACK OF THE RESPONDENTS SECTION 1 ABOUT YOUR JOB Technical staff Fig.1 4 Managers Fig.2 Technical staff Fig.3 5 Fig.4 Managers Technical staff Fig.5 Managers Fig.6 6 SECTION 2 ABOUT THE COMPETENCIES 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Fig.7 100 % match Technical staff 0 Fig.8 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 % match Managers 7 Please give examples of some competencies that don’t relate to your job and some that do? Technical staff 1 Geen verband: VAKKENNIS: Financiering, Tertiair onderwijs, Onderwijs-Extramuraal. Expertises en inkomstengeneratie, veldwerk? Wel een verband: Collectiemanagement, Behoud en Beheer!!!" 2 Entretien et conservation des collections principalement. Encodage des collections dans la base de données. Pour le reste ce sont des compétences très spécifiques (ex:compétence concernant le savoir, les expositions...) qui ne nous sont pas familières." 3 l'illustration des préparations correspondrait à mon job 4 encodage, informatique 5 Tout le chapitre ""Organisation des collections ; 1301,1302 et 1303A"" correspond tout à fait à mon job. Je n'avais pas idée de la possibilité de ""suggerer de nouveaux spécimens pour ajout potentiel à la collection"" :1104A"" Vu les restrictions budgétaires, nous n'avons plus la possibilité de missions pour collecter de nouvelles espèces. C'est dommage car c'est sur le terrain que l'on apprend le mieux. Donc les points 1104A "recueille les informations et/ou le matériel sous supervision pour appuyer les programmes de terrain." et 1105A "Aide au travail de terrain dans le cadre d'un projet ou programme supervisé" ne sont pas appliqués. 6 1) Gestion des collections, scanner des publications, et digitalisation 2) Former du personnel 7 Compétences qui correspondent: gestion des collections, scanner des publications,..... Compétences qui ne correspondent pas: gérer le personnel, former du personnel" 8 avoir un sens de la logique, précis, soigneux, logique , savoir travailler en equipe. 9 10 Voor vraag 5: is "kader comp(e)tenties" hetzelfde als "competentie kader" Voor vraag 6: wie met collecties werkt krijgt, zeker naarmate de ervaring (jaren) groeit, in meer of mindere mate met alle competenties te maken. Deze vraag beantwoorden is dus afhankelijk van de fase/positie in de beroepsloopbaan. Zo is het dus best mogelijk dat competenties werden verworven en slechts op bepaalde momenten of in bepaalde situaties worden gebruikt." Managers 1 scholarship 2 I have no compentencies for team management. I have compentencies for collection management. 3 I followed a personal training to manage my stress. I am searching for a training to better manage my team. Managing budgets and sponsors is not in my job profile 8 How would you feel if you were expected to define your job using such a framework or parts of it ? Technical staff 1 Zou perfect gaan. Ik kan mij vinden in veel van de competenties die nodig zijn voor een goed collectiebeheer. Ik heb slechts één grote opmerking: het systeem is overgenomen van NHM Londen. Zij werken in een andere structuur dan ons. We kunnen deze structuur niet zo maar overnemen. Jezelf positioneren in de verschillende niveau's is niet eenvoudig. Deze komen niet overeen met de werkelijkheid bij ons. Veel overlappingen. 2 que mon job est très restreint en regard de ce qui existe dans le cadre de compétences complet. 3 légèrement frustré 4 bien 5 à l'aise 6 Je me sentirais compétente !! 7 compétente! 8 je me sentirais caser comme une technicien de bureau ou un dépanneur. On fait des taches administrative, d'encodage de gestion et aussi des chose pratique comme gestion physique des collection le nettoyage les mise a niveau d’alcool. on est pas des technicien de labos on est des gestionnaires de patrimoine. 9 Bien 10 Geen idee hoe ik me zou "voelen". Maar misschien voldoet volgend antwoord? Ik ben voorstander van eenzelfde basistraining in competenties voor collectiebeheer en dit voor alle kaders (ABCD...). Verder kan men bouwen aan ervaring ( specifieke competenties) op de werkvloer zelf, afhankelijk van zijn functie, opdracht,... Dit is een proces van verschillende jaren en bestaat o.a. uit het delen van kennis en ervaring met collega's (inclusief kennis/ervaring uit het verleden), het volgen van opleidingen en trainingen... Managers 1 it seems difficult 2 I would feel uncomfortable because we can not resume our work to a list of tasks 3 I feel satisfied and Ok with that 9 Technical staff Fig.9 Managers Fig.10 10 Managers Fig.11 Please tell us two ways in which you might use the competencies as a manager. Managers 1 I don't know yet 2 I can help my staff to resolve technical problems based on the technical trainings I followed. I can manage the requests of the internal and external visitors and give instructions to my staff to help these clients. 3 to evaluate my team to evaluate myself Competencies are used every day in the NHM London by collection staff and their managers. Will they work in your institution/role. If not, please suggest why not? Technical staff Deze kunnen perfect werken. Mits de mogelijkheden worden gegeven om te kunnen groeien en te kunnen 1 werken aan bepaalde competenties. 2 Non, car je ne suis pas préparée à toutes ces compétences. Nous n'avons jamais reçu de formation en ce sens. 3 Peut-être 4 Oui 5 Je pense que oui, tant qu'on nous donne les moyens de faire appel à des compétences (moyens materiels et humains) 6 Pas information !!! 7 Pas d information 8 Oui il font aussi un job de gestionnaire de collection mais vu que n'ai j’aimais été au natural history je ne s'ai pas comparer les taches et les nôtres 9 Je suppose que oui 10 Twijfels. Graden worden meestal hoger ingeschat dan competenties en ervaring in collectiebeheer Managers 1 No idea at this moment 2 People are not open enough in my department 3 If there would be a way to include also promotion more objectively it could work in our Institution 11 SECTION 3 ABOUT YOU Fig.12 Technical staff Managers Fig.13 12 What qualifications have you got e.g. Degree in Botany, PhD, Certificate in conservation, Masters in Museum Studies, Bachelor in Education, etc? Technical staff 1 Master in de Geschiedenis 2 CESS 3 formation technique de qualification technicien de bureau une formation certifier en gestionnaire de collection 4 enseignement supérieur 5 secondaire inférieure 6 Bachelier Technologue de laboratoire + Certificat Toxicologie industrielle 7 Diplomé enseignement secondaire superieur 8 humanité 9 baccalauréat en chimie 10 Masters Biologie & Certificaat Conservering Managers 1 MSc 2 PhD in Science, several collection management trainings. 3 PhD Zoology, Master in Biology and Master in Environmental sciences Please give a maximum of three examples of jobs that you did before this one. Technical staff wetenschappelijk medewerker bij 1 het Liberaal Archief (Gent) 2 téléphoniste 3 dessinateur technique 4 employée gestionnaire de collection (cinéma) à 5 la médiathèque de la communauté française de Belgique 6 vendeuse 7 vendeuse un contract de remplacement pour 8 RBINS a temp plein 9 serveuse 10 not applicable Managers 1 datbase manager 2 researcher 3 Education in environmental society documentatiebeheerder vendeuse- caissière laborantine anapathologie aide en comptabilité femme de ménage un contract de remplacement a mi temp pour RBINS réceptionniste un contract de remplacement a 60/100 pour RBINS Femme de ménage karteerder Vlaanderen project researcher 13 Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns? Technical staff 1 2 3 4 5 Trop peu de gens osent prendre des initiatives, peut-être est-ce lié à leur statut ? Peu (pas) de valorisation barémique et très peu d'espoir de voir évoluer la fonction. Préoccupation principale : manque de budget suite au changement de gouvernement fédéral : que vont devenir les collections à long terme ? 6 non 7 non 8 Parfois mon statut de travailleur a temps partiel ne me permet pas de n’impliquer a 100/100 dans ma fonction de gestionnaire de collection. Et cela a aussi un impact sur ma motivation et ma vie privée 9 non 10 - Managers 1 2 3 It would be very nice to also have opportunities to follow psychological trainings such as neurolinguistic psychology, team building, ... such as in some private companies. CONCLUSIONS STRUCTURE OF THE SCIENTIFIC SERVICE OF HERITAGE AT RBINS When analyzing the feedback of the staff it is important to take into account the Structure of the Scientific service of Heritage and position of the competence levels in the Service as this influences the respondents opinion and views. The legal conservator is the General Director. The service is an horizontal structure with conservators and technicians working in the Scientific Directions. The digitization staff is a specific staff working on the digitization of data and metadata of specimens and now also on the digitization of the physical specimen. The staff of the Scientific Service of Heritage is composed by 6 scientific curators and one head of the service. The technical collection managers are members of a common pool but with specialisms in specific groups or tasks. Some of the technical staff of the Scientific directions work also on collections (e.g. entomology and recent invertebrates) and scientists of Scientific Directions are experts in taxonomic groups. 14 RESPONDENTS FEEDBACK: STAFF VIEW AND OPINION ON THE COMPETENCY FRAMEWORK ABOUT YOUR JOB Technical staff spent most of their time on managing the collections, technical support for the collections, environmental monitoring, digitization and very little time or no time spent on other tasks. Managers’ time is almost equally distributed across all listed tasks but with more time allocated to managing the collections, answering enquiries and managing people (Fig. 1 & 2). Almost half of the technical staff is doing their job for more than 10 years. For managers, one is doing his job for 3-5 years, the other two for 6-10 years (Fig. 5 & 6). ABOUT THE COMPETENCIES As shown in the Fig. 7 & 8, most of the respondents give a 50 to 100% match for the competencies and their job. If asked about competencies that don’t relate to their job and others that do, various responses were received. Some of the respondents specify competencies that relate and others that don’t. Some respondents just specify here the job tasks they perform. One respondent remarked that some of the competencies cannot be reached due to budget restrictions (e.g. fieldwork skills). If they were expected to define their job using the framework or parts of it, opinions are divided. As already mentioned in the RBINS interviews, the NHM framework competency levels are different from the ones in RBINS: levels of competencies in RBINS do not correspond to the levels of the original NHM framework, especially for level A & B, but are overlapping. One respondent opined that his job is very restricted compared to all the skills listed in the framework, others would feel good to very comfortable with the competency framework. Concerning the question about words/phrases (promotion, pay, …) that apply to competencies it is difficult to compare managers’ feedback vs technical staff and to draw conclusions as for managers there are only 3 responses. Although, as can be seen in Fig. 9 & 10 for managers training, planning, job mobility, recruitment and management are much to very much applicable to competencies. Technical staff’s responses are a bit equally distributed on the likert scale for each of the words/phrases. But planning, job expectations, transparency/comparison seem to them most applicable to competencies (Fig. 9 & 10). If managers are asked how useful these competencies would be for managing and developing their staff, the responses varied from very little to quite a bit (Fig. 11). Because such a competency framework is not used in RBINS, the feedback on the way they might use the competencies as a manager is quite indecisive. If asked if the competency framework would work in RBINS, opinions of the technical staff vary from no, to doubt and positive if they get the necessary training to acquire the necessary competencies or to improve them. Managers’ view is no idea, people are not open enough and if there would be a way to include promotion more objectively, the framework could work in RBINS. 15 ABOUT YOU The demographic data show that half of technical staff respondents have more than 3 years experience, managers from more than 3 years to more than 10 years experience in their career (Fig. 12 & 13). Concerning qualifications of the technical staff, two of them have a Masters (Science, History), others a technical qualification or secondary school education. Only two of them have followed training in collections conservation. Managers have a MSc or PhD in Science. If past jobs of technical staff are considered a variety of jobs has been done going from waitress, seller and illustrator to archive management and laboratory technician. For managers former functions are database manager, educator and researcher. OVERALL CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Generally, most of the respondents have no difficulty in endorsing the competency framework. It is also clear that the responses received are certainly related to the way job performance evaluation is done at RBINS, how people can get promotion, how recruitment is done etc. The survey also demonstrates that there is a need for a reliable evaluation of staff’s competencies, for work appreciation, for pay scale valuation and, there is a demand to be able to progress in a job function and to attend training. As RBINS staff was not aware of such a competency framework, it takes some time to get familiar with the framework and some of the responses are not really straight to the point. Hence, a recommendation for future surveys is that respondents need enough time and guidance to get familiarized with the competency framework before completing the survey. 16