Dragonfly Angel Wings - Newsletter


Dragonfly Angel Wings - Newsletter
Dragonfly Angel Wings Newsletter
We welcome you to The Dragonfly Angel Society, a new cancer survivorship website, that
incorporates survivorship resources all into one place. Our goal? To help survivors and answer the question: “I am done with treatment….so, what now?” And, help caregivers answer
the question: “She is done with treatment...so, what now?”
So, who are the Dragonfly Angels? We are a mother and daughter team also known as the
caregiver and survivor duo. Our story begins with a breast cancer diagnosis back in 2010.
The survivor is Dana, diagnosed with ER+, Stage 1 breast cancer at the age of 32. Finding
amazing resources and meeting other survivors showered light on the journey, and helped get
through treatment. Being welcomed to the cancer survivorship world was a whole other story.
EDITOR’S NOTE ..................... 2
The struggle to find survivorship resources was almost more difficult than going through cancer treatment. Four years after treatment, an idea was born—why ot create an online resource
that links all the wonderful survivorship resources out there and make it easier for others to
find the after treatment support they are looking for. From books, to websites, nutrition links,
organizations, events and so much more, survivors can now find the details all in one place—.
BOOK CLUB ............................ 3
DRAGONFLY & ANGEL ......... 2
FIND US & “LIKE” US ............ 2
SURVIVOR STORY ................. 3
LIFE IT UP 365 ....................... 4
The caregiver is Shelley. She had to watch her daughter go through breast cancer treatment,
which is not an easy task. During this time, she was there for Dana to help her physically heal
and help provide emotional support during treatment. But what about the needs of the caregiver(s)? Unfortunately they are often the last ones thought about in the cancer journey.
Their survivorship needs are just as strong as the cancer survivor. Along with survivorship
support, there are a number of caregiver survivorship support websites, books, organizations
and so much more. The caregivers can also find these resources all in one place.
 What’s the meaning behind
the Dragonfly Angel Society
 Our first featured survivor
and a life changing journey
 Ready to try something new?
Learn about LIFE IT UP 365!
 Our first book club pick
Co-founders Dana and Shelley here! We
wanted to officially welcome you to our
first issue of Dragonfly Angel Wings, the
monthly newsletter that ties back to our
We are just getting started and need your
help. Do you have a favorite resource or
organization that focuses on cancer survivorship? What have you found that helps
you answer that question: “I am done
with treatment...so what now?” Go to our
website and let us know what resources
you want to see.
Make sure you “LIKE” us on Facebook to
keep up to date on the latest here at The
Dragonfly Angel Society.
Please note that we are not medically
trained or able to give medical advise. We
are not giving recommendations. We are
offering resource links and information
that we have found helpful, as well as
resources we like ourselves. The information is for you to use as you choose on
your personal journey. For any medical
advise or questions, please contact your
medical team.
What do you want to see in a cancer survivorship website? Go to
www.dragonflyangelsociety.com and tell us what you think!
If you are a young woman facing
breast cancer, this conference is a
must! You will meet others going
through or who have gone through
the same cancer journey.
This year’s conference is in Houston Texas, March 6-8. You can
get more information at
And, if you are at the conference
and you happen to come across
the co-founders of Dragonfly Angel Society, show us you “LIKED”
us on Facebook and get a special
treat. We call it LIKE us and
FIND us.
Hope to meet many new dragonflies!!
What is the meaning behind the dragonfly? It all started back after Dana’s initial diagnosis.
A chance meeting with a dragonfly gave her the one symbol she was looking for which is best
summed up from a portion of the original blog post:
The Dragonfly - 09/19/2010
Last Sunday night, I was watching football and reading on the sofa. All the sudden I hear a
lot of noise coming from the balcony. Something is literally throwing itself at the sliding
door. I live on the 5th floor so I have already decided I'd be absolutely amazed if anyone or
anything actually climbed up to it. I couldn't see anything but heard a constant "fluttering"
noise against the glass. I grabbed a flashlight and my detective work began. I was stunned to
find a dragonfly trying to get in. And when I say trying, I mean throwing himself at the window. Anyway, I am all about the meaning of everything that happens to me these days
(except for when bees make their home here) so I looked up the symbolism of dragonflies. II
was surprised at what I found. They mean renewal, positive force, and the power of life. So,
dragonfly, you are welcome back anytime.
After this encounter, Dana knew the dragonfly and its meaning needed to stay close. What
better way to represent survivorship to us here at The Dragonfly Angel Society than to have a
dragonfly as part of our mission.
What is the meaning behind the angel? One of the greatest people to influence our lives was
Anne North, better known to us as Auntie. She was Dana’s aunt and Shelley’s sister-in-law.
Auntie always believed there were angels among us and more importantly watching over us.
She had multiple angel pins that she wore daily to keep her angels close. When she found
just about anything that had to do with an angel she bought it, wore it, hung it up or talked
about it. Angels were her daily inspiration.
In November of 2012 she passed away after a short fight with lung cancer. Although we miss
her every single day, we know we have an angel carefully watching over us.
Knowing that the Auntie Angel is nearby, we knew we needed to keep angels as part of The
Dragonfly Angel Society to keep a careful watch over all cancer survivors.
In 2012, at 27 years old, I performed a
breast self-exam and discovered a suspicious lump in my right breast while on a
business trip in Las Vegas. Test results confirmed my worst fear, something I
never thought could happen to someone so young: I was diagnosed with triple
negative breast cancer. After several unsatisfying visits to doctors, I found an
amazing team of doctors and health professionals who created an entire plan
that included genetic testing, participation in a clinical trial for neoadjuvant
chemotherapy, surgery, post-surgical treatment, and continuous follow-ups
with all members of the treatment team. After six months of chemotherapy,
follow-up appointments revealed I had an excellent response to the clinical
trial. I proceeded with a double mastectomy plus reconstruction in May 2013
and am happy to say that I am now cancer free.
While I was off of work at home recovering from surgery, I reflected on the bigger picture of my life and thought about what I really wanted in this second
chance at life. I realized that I needed to use my cancer experience to change
my life for the better. I had been through so much, both physically and mentally, and overcame such a large obstacle that I felt compelled to take action. I left
my corporate marketing job and am back in school to pursue a career in nursing. Through my experience as a patient I was truly blessed with phenomenal
nurses and I quickly came to understand the importance of their jobs and the
impact they have every day. I want to become a nurse so I can use what I have
experienced and learned during this difficult time in my life to help others who
are facing similar challenges. My dream is to one day be a nurse to young women recently diagnosed with breast cancer and having them see me healthy on
the other side. I believe that this is where I can offer guidance and hope and
truly make a difference.
Would I have truly taken this scary leap to make such a huge change and go for
my dream if I had not had this cancer experience? I can’t say for sure, but all I
know is that I am committed to taking this horribly negative situation and using
it as a catalyst to change my life for the better. The battles I have fought and the
successes I have had have combined to make me what I am today. I want to
keep going by surrounding myself with other fighters so we can all use the combined positive power to battle and make us strong through the ups and the
downs of the small and large struggles.
MONTH—By Dana Stewart
SIMPLY RELAX. An Illustrated
Guide To Slowing Down and
Enjoying Life.
This month’s selection is visual
stress reliever. It really has nothing specific to do with cancer. It’s
just a nice book that helps you
remove some stress from your
If you are like me, you have an
endless supply of stress, whether
it is cancer related or job related
or daily related, stress just invites
itself along for the ride.
This is a fun read. It’s got great
tips and tricks to help you just get
a break from the stress. With
each idea presented, there are
illustrations to go with it. It
makes the read a lot lighter and
very comforting. It’s easy to get
yourself to that stress-free place
we all are in a constant search
The chapters are focused on different segments of de-stressing.
There are a number of helpful
tips, tricks and explanations
about stress that will help to
bring some relaxation into your
One of the best parts of the book
are the exercises provided
throughout the chapters. Some
examples are learning to communicate better, different breathing exercises, writing activities
and more.
You can jump around and find
that chapter that best calls out to
you, or read page by page. Either
way, SIMPLY RELAX is an inspiring read to help you relax and
make your stress take a hike!
Want to be featured in our SURVIVOR STORIES section of our newsletter, website and Facebook
page? Here’s what we need:
By submitting your picture and story, you give us the right to post your picture and story on our
website, in our newsletter and Facebook page. We will not sell your name or story and only use it
for the interest of our readers and website.
On July 13, 2010, daughter
Before 2015 officially began, my survivor friend, and sister-at-heart, had an
idea. Why not challenge ourselves for a year of a lifetime in 2015. Below is
the initial invitation we sent to our family and friends. We wanted to extend the invitation to all the Dragonfly Angel Survivors and Caregivers out
there looking to challenge themselves. It’s not too late to do those things
that have been on your bucket list, or even create your bucket list!!
Dana embarked on a wild and
crazy ride; scary, inspirational, difficult, empowering, and
life-altering. And mom Shelley joined her, not in the lead
position but as a sidekick. As
Auntie Angel used to say,
hindsight is 20/20. Who
knew then what we know
now? Never in my wildest
imagination would I believe
that Dragonfly Angel Society
would evolve from Dana's
survivorship journey. But am
I ever glad it did! We're here
to help, share, commiserate
and contribute within all of
our abilities to ease our fellow
survivors' and caregivers'
similar journeys. And we are
so very happy to do so. Tell us
what you think. Keep us up to
date. And let us know what
we can do to improve that
journey...for all of us!
Bucket lists – Lots of people have them. What’s on yours? Often time’s people think the
list has to be filled with grand trips of a lifetime, but really it can be anything. When you
look back at your life so far, are there things you realized you have never tried? Some of
my bucket list items include these realizations:
Want to be featured in our
of our newsletter, website and
Facebook page? Here’s what
we need:
Everything will be tagged with #lifeitup365
By submitting your picture and
story, you give us the right to
post your picture and story on
our website, in our newsletter
and Facebook page. We will
not sell your name or story and
only use it for the interest of our
readers and website.
I have never learned to tie a tie
I have never heard the opera live
I have lived in Chicago almost my whole life and have NEVER been to the aquarium….really?
There is so much more to the list and not only little things. I want to see Mount Rushmore and visit Australia. Some of my items need more savings and more time. I’ll get
As 2015 quickly approaches, my friend Colleen told me she wanted to do something different for 2015. She had been inspired by a speaker she met at a conference in September
(HUGE shout out to Luann Cahn, fellow cancer survivor and author of I Dare Me). The
challenge she had in mind? Dare yourself to do something you have never done, every
day for a year. I figured why not? I am in and immediately began my list.
The more Colleen and I talked the more we got excited and thought we needed to tell our
friends and family about our quest. Our lists include some of the same tasks and some
that are separate for each of us. Here’s the plan:
We set up a Facebook page – LIFE IT UP 365
Be sure to like it (hint hint) so you can follow the progress.
Every day we will post our task and a picture that goes along with what we did.
We encourage all of you to follow our journey and participate if or when you
choose. Follow our list or create your own!! Our only request is (if you feel comfortable)
please post your lists, your pictures and your comments. Make sure you tag it
Colleen and I had the battle of our lives not too long
ago. We decided now is our chance to live it and
enjoy what we fought so hard to keep!! Let’s make it
an amazing 2015. A LIFE IT UP 365 kind of year!
With much love, health, and a happy life,
Dana and Colleen
That’s our mantra word this month. In fact it is our mantra word of the year. It’s never to early to start believing—
believe in yourself, believe in your friends, believe that life
is pretty fan-freaking-tastic, believe in whatever you
want! Just believe.
“Believe you can and you are half way there.” -Teddy
What do you believe?
What do you want to see in a cancer survivorship website? Go to
www.dragonflyangelsociety.com and tell us what you think!
The Dragonfly Angel Society
7316 Hartford Rd
Downers Grove, IL 60516
E-Mail: dstewart@dragonflyangelsociety.com