1 - IIS Windows Server
1 - IIS Windows Server
■••t*ro :.'', >> ~ 1 1-i > / A \ ■^/ TTTff / ■ ,t'N>rib. I^ 1* 7 i;|» ' 1. M'-mW s f* ffT ir ;> -> •• .. ‘ i ’ ' at f t *<- L*j-Jriis ' ; » T '> I T f) f'M a. / ~-t— ^ 1089 r You will find pur /afore the right place to buy 1 tji^ rigjMt t^ok,le»; o i p p ^ h ^ i l i h r t < l $ u r p r ice s rig h t *'-v‘ till!' ’' , ■V.; • $ ' Seal Brand Tea maJos cream out of skimmed *»Thlerq ie something about Seal Brand Teathat ^ n - m o i flap l l V b c f b i a ^ ^ h p o p th e p -T e a T " lady to g ^ )cer th e oth er d ay. — , _ . did, iio t k n o w e x a c tly w h at, or h n w tn d o . ;e^ ib eth e d ifference, o n ly th ere w a s h som ething Seal tiSai hther tea s la c k e d . That-' some* thing w as a$ijbtie pabre q p a iity , s i FOB SALI? ONLY BY of New Spading Forks, V-Trowels, Weedws, Dandelion- Weeders, Shovela^and Gultivatorai Lav^Rakea^~Lawnl Lawn ]E{o^j\'VjLdwA;;TM6Wht^: PrUnihg"''Sfiears, Flower- Guards, TrelliBWire^-WbeelbftrroWfl. all at,vies of Hoea.. aadJ 3ftrden..E.akiea. . Buflders' Hardw are..,,-A —FeKhe^new-btlilding you-are-aboutr-te^erect. or the-old onC that you are going to have repaired. We can supply youl witji all . Ready; Mixed .Paints, QHa -and_Yarni8hes. -~F, spe’cia.lty;. _ Carpenters’„Tools' a Home Comforts "Refrlgeffttoji^fthd^‘ Tce^ — C*■reanr^F f^zer^—Lawn atf^ ^d ■- -**— w — —7- / w,w “ fclv -- E furniture, Hatnmooka, Swings, Screen Doors—and Window ^Sercons, Oil Gook Stoves, all tho beat makefo- WE ARE “HERETO SERVE YOU. You Are Safe- 1 To leave your order for that Hay Loader and Rake. We have the Keystone, theiolm Deere, fhc Clean Sweep, and all of the •leading mak6s, Wo sell them at prices to suit you. 4n6N*r^-- and Mowers We handle all 6f the leading makes of Binders iin i Jl^wers, , and we carry a large supply of Repairs for your convonicnc . — _ Ordor your Plymouth Binder Twine now. Hot Weath er Goods _ Everything ready for hot weathor-lWrlgroatort, fco TSe»>". i'TOtcra, Screen Doora, and Window Soreciw of all si.es. — — :— u^M—— ———eIS— W W W *— SPISOUI,-Whits O^nlto Ware Sato S g ^ y . h o lm es WE WILL -^1 1 REFtECTfONS w ortPeopled^pu^H endry p re se n t^ the diplomas and the, benediction was titu d e , pf W arring Nations, f.SaVs P.resldent.,,~*Headline! in v Detro pronounced by Rev. C. J, Dole, ; Every number on the program, whs Jo u rn a l.N o doubt of It a t all. ' OOOQ ■$*' ■ well rendered and fije parts taken by The caption aver, a p ta ture of a ten. torious and. highly appreciated by nis player in the daily papers the xthelr--frjendi ^ - T he - addr <ri6 of DK ‘bthur.day.; read*vMli^^lahkpispiay: Hehdersohwasa rniiteftydne:ahd;w$s..' ed Fine ,Forra,’r aud“ belie,ve us, she listened to with rapt attention.-v did. 7 S' . ] ' The class this year contained fifteen boon yvWUjJ i hM]y v M . , :JrP\1PY 'IHtjJW»; Judging from the ^eporta ln 3 S e Some of-them-will Jtehcb-school the dally papers in Jackson they ^ebuht samlirgygaiyjand others i the university and colleges a'nct~sonre- sun-counts-not .some” divbvce-actk|n have secured other employment. begun. 1 -Behool-BiiiIdingc«i'vf.T'^: .No one id)jected, Uor > a s a te ^ r TlieTSuperlntendent oi Public. Iru shed wpen the jHonorabie!.William struction is,preparing plans and speci Jennings Bryan resigned; but there MustReportPires. fications: for one and two-rootp school h a s b e e n p le n ty b fb b ie c tio n s m a d e yesult bf a new lg tiftihe m anner in which .he'haa over< thousand thousand- doHars^ a t the laat session of the leglktlturei i iese wtii be ready to ue furnlsheifto reslghatlonV -T-V- mv WypF^Ti7 ;i».,vr It's pleasing all w bo use it. —. - It'a-our famous blended Coffee It’s our pet b ran d of Ooffcte ____ % T t’a t h n fin ffttft t h a t ’s a a t l a f g l n g The Price is * ; P e r Pound: ' *fy W-r. 4:'v ^H B R E IS NOABETTER PLACE TO BUT . P ../ - Lowest, Q uality Oon^idered ^hogl^ga^andW l^igg^gggl^g^ i n r...i.i_vin June;—Tbere-wttI befplaus-toiTrat and the supervisor;of each towushlp frontage, north, south; east or. west/ M att Blosse^ of the Manchester in which no fire departmentTexists Is ProvlstonlvlTl bc~made for-bbth baae* -EatSrpt-lse recently.. . purchased an rpqjulred to report each fire after_lt;r - ; T- ' raent Turnaces and room furnaces. automobile, and now listen t o this ^ curs. Under thG-wew-law^he^state^ Froper lighting,heating.and ventUav plalnffroin fS e la st issue of fiTspaper: will pay 25 cents for each report, tion.will be incorporated in all these 1Mone^wiil-make-tbe-mare go,” ish n since the crgantmt?jErof--the state : \ • I , : .•» ^ i. i . 1 old1' saying, but even^mbney ~wdpt J r e ^ ^ a r s h a l’a^egpari^ment =aese ral, m-*I,“*• ■»■/•<<* and practical utility for school pur- Imake an automobTIcrgo sometimes years ago these reports have~~beeir "poses will' be secured. Econoniy of . o -o o o furnished, by. the fire' chiefs without Construction will be kept .steadily In —J t l ^ a l £ th a t- l n ^ t he-Jeventx)pva£ jem uneratlonrr Dast y e a r 9;960 fir.es mind and atrthe"sameitiine all-p?ahS the ^government yvould call upon were reported./ will adhere clo8ely=to the well estab* tnry FordAto-tflrn his- paammbth 11shed stand ards fpr safety, healthful- iactoryintaone^forthe-m aiufaG tureBchoolClosedWith Picnics*.__ U ; Is the : 5ess^comfort an^ convenience Qf ampiunitton. If thev do-we-^yill T heflrst elgh tg ra^ e s^ f the Ghelsea wager th at. Henry will show them ppblic schools Closed on Tuesday and Have to OfferT ifforth^Sylvftn G rang^J defetlng t h e pupils received t h e l r ^ romotloh Thenfext-m eetl n g o f'No rth S y tvatr cards Wednesday forenoon. Tuesday Church Circle*. afternoon the sixth, seventh and eight Qtf a o r ' IR du.06lB 6R ts ftro OP l y o f SfiCQIldftry HR* Grahge will be -he(d^at the home o f Mr. and Mrsr C. E. Foster, Friday gradeirheld^a-plchlc-Rt W ilk inson’i JO T tattce^T Jpoir^his^basis o n ly d o w e — CONGREGATIONAL. evening, June 25. Tbte follbwioF is orchard. The combined fifth and Rev. Obwle« J. Dole, Fsator. the' program :•; • fourth grade held their picnic -so lic it y o u r piatronage, Morning worship at ten o’clock with on the School house lawn. -----. Song, Grange. sermon by_ the pastor, Recitation, Ella Knapp. .JCh£_ihirdLand fourth gradhs held a Potatoes, their culture, Joseph L. Sunday school a t eleven. _ “7“~ “ \T plcntc a t the home of th e ir , teacher^ The Yqhng-People’s meeting has MissMary Koch. The first and second, Sibley) ways of serving, M rs., J. E. been discontinued fpr the vacation grpdes held their picnics in the school Walz. ; . , _ • buildlngJn the forenoom ' Musici Guartet,__:___ ^ __ '... season. Select Readlng, Mrs.; Philip M. Union evenlijg service a t the Bap tist church^ a t seven o’clock, ^^ Qroesamlei- - Mi istail:Eirt«rtaiamentr Closing Song., ^ The musical entertatnm ent given .$■ r by the pupils o f St. Mary’s School of METHODIST EPlfiOOPAL. , _The Junior Reception. Rev. G. H, Whitney. TmCot. Music in St., Mary’s, hall on_^Puesday The Ju ntor receptionfor-theScnior| -hPreaching -aHO-ar-mr ove*lng~wae -attended by- a larga . — ' Can Supply You With the Choicest Cuts of class was held at the Freeman cottage Sunday school following preaching. crowd' of relatives and friends of the at Cavanaugh Lake on Tuesday even; Junior League at 3 n. m. pupils. An excellent program ‘ was There were about seventy-five Epworth League at 6 p. m r Tendered1whlcK was-heartHy applaudprese nt and. the- party was conveyed Union service a t 7 p. m. edby the assembly. The pupils reTty our pure Steam Kettle Rendered Lard And you-will use to the lake fa-autos where^they spent ceived-their-m usical trainfng under tEo other. Phone us your order. . .— • —- —_.... _U-— jTvefymJoyablc evening. A novel the direction' of the Sl8ters__bf ST. PAUL'S. movie program was carried.out which St, Dominic, who have charge of Rev. A. A. Sohoep. Pastor. \ proved to.be highly entertaining. A th e school, and their execution of thfe Morning service a t 10:30, lunch was served, after which'the re •SmTday Hdrool at 11;30 a. mi * various numbersreflected much credit T H 0N E 41 FRE^;DEDIVERYmainder of the evening was spent in upon the pupils and their instructors^ Young People’s service 7 p. m. Tianeings—^...............- —--------■ - -rFoot and Mouth Disease. m m ST. JOHN’S, PUANOISOO Methodist Home. While confident th a t the foot and —RsvrAv A. Sohoen.PMtor." mouth disease, which has been cpi A delightful evening was spent wlth Service a t 8:46 a. m. derate among the'" live stock of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Atkinson, in the Sunday school a t 9:45 a, m. the country for the past six months' cpnference parlor, Tuesday. The "WSlMHM ' * \ ■ virtually has been . wiped out, members and-friends, sprung a sur r Sioux City Garden Seeds are the best. Never dlsap___SAUEfiLGERMAN. M , K. CUimOH, thfr-departwent - o f agrlcuttoroM le^ —priyfryott;: liRfim GnM prise O'n Mr. Atkinson, - it being--Ws " ' WSeed. — *— --------NKARTRANTOISCO. clares th a t they will not relax their birthday. Recitations, music and Onion Sots—Now is tho time to sot them. We have White,0 H«v. 0 . 0. Nothdurtt, Piuttor, efforts to prevent a future recurrence speeches were giveu. Mr. Atkin Sunday Red and Yellow., I school 9:30 a. m. of th e scourge,, Altogether more son was presented WR*' a booklet as a German worship 10:30 a. m. Dr. Hess’ Louse Killor knocks out lice on ohiokens. Panacea' than 124,000 animals have been killed, token of esteem and Mrs. Atkiuson makes hens lay. because of the epidemic, a t a cost of with a bouquet. Ice erfcam and ehke Don't forgot our Work *Styoes--.wo have the best lino, ' A Winning Town, between 86,000,000 and 10,000,000, the were served and a social time fol higga and Butter for Cash, or Cash for Eggs and Butter. W hat makes a town grow into a city expense of which has been shared lowed. .— r 7----- ; V while others with equally good loea equally by the federal and state gov ..Y ....... Notice...... ttons remain villages? f t Is because e rn m e n ts...r;._>.... ..... ........... . Lady Maccabees will please remem* in the one case there arem en o f push Plan* 1916 A lto Tag*. ber that theiv assessment and per and energy, who are not afraid to S e c re ta ry of S ta te V au g h an is p re spend their time and money tb ’im capita tax must be paid on or before p a rin g to su b m it bids f o r th e m otor WtylncBdav. June 30,1916, m tho same prove their town. W herever they go must be sent in by the first of the they telTof tfir advantages of their c a r lieeh ac fag s Tor 19H*. Tf. IS "be tdwn; they write about it In every let lieved t h a t th e re w ill be Ifi0,000 Uc«n* coming month. ter; send circulars and newspapers to sevl m o to r c a rs in M ichigan a t th e end Mrs. Bertha Stk.phrnh, every acquaintance whom they think o f th e y e a r. Finance Keeper. Next year’s Ucfen*c plate* will be can bo induced to visit their town, (Kir stock consists of all new high-grade goods, incorpo white, with blue numerals. This year’s and when any one vhdu it show him A Medicine Chest For Me. rating The Gale full line; Osborne Hay and H arvest In th is c h e st yon have an e x c e lle n t all t he attractions of the place and plates have white numeral* on a blue Tools; Walker Buggios and DeLnval SHparators; a full rem edy fo r to o th ach e, bruises, sprains, treat him with such k lad nets th at he background. stiif neck, back, n eu ralg ia, rh e u m a falls In love with them and the town line of Forks, Slings. Pulleys and Rope; in fact every tism and to r m ost em erg en cies. One at oncer The? d«o*t f i t * fadvertlie A mop which bad bee* uaed in thing in general hardware. Our prices are as low as tan 26r, b o ttle of rtluan’s L ltim e n t doc* spreading oil on floors and then had It, all- th is because th e se ailm ent* are ments and spend their mtmCy with a b© consistently quoted on quality goods. HvnijdoniH, notdlsease*. ami arc caused pAper ont of their city top g et up a careiemdy been thrown in a corner b’v congestion and Inflam m ation. If boom edition. They «pemL H *lth caused a Are In a Lanaing grocery von doubt, ask those who imp. J o. a ww. n ’s the home paper*. A t t * » th a t pro- store which but for the fact th at it L inim ent, or b e tte r still, buy a 16c was discovered in time mtgfct have caueed a aeriooa loan. Ad. flw"v and S a lt M e a ta CARDEN SEEPS Now Is The Tima ■* ' The Chelsea baseball club went down to ipexter Wednesday and defeated the team at th a t place -by a score of g(Ho'6» ••••••’•■••'••• . , .r 4 . ^ - 4 - rG. A d a t ^ t r - E p p le r Fred (dingier ; — Happenings in Chelsea Forty . Yeara Ago lids'W eeli,'■ “ Beublark’s old dogNero, bad bis .bead *aken oil by the cars, V Married, onJune l 6,1875, Miss Ella Wines andJBfr. 2\ R. Arps* Strong. At a weettug of tbe taxpayers Tt was dobldod-to bqlld ^ a d dition totbeschoolhouser BacCalsarMts AddrsM. The baccalaureate address, to thp senior class of the Chelsea High school was delivered a t the Metho dist church.Sunday evening by Rev,’ G. H, Whitney. Mr. W hitney’s theme was on the attalnm ent ofwisdoai, and hetendeavored to show the Members of 'the class th a t th e attainm ent of 'knowledge,did not necessarily mean the^attatnment of wisdom. Hi*’te a t was !roHL-E irst g ln fa t 3 # The music by the choir was -welt rendered,, i-the-.' vocal-solo - by Miss ^Bernice^pruddettvand' a viplin^afitr prgannumberby Mrs. P.M, BroeBamle and MIss Estper Rlem ensch ueWer de* serving special menttQn, The church wasTbeauttfully deed* raped with theclass^olorsaiid^owers^ and was filled to Its capacity by the friends of the sehlors. , .•' •\ ip ' Adolph Heller. Adolph Hellfer was born inGhelsea, December 22,1986, and died at the U. of M. hospital in Ahn Arbor, Satur* day; June 12,1915, aged 29 years, 8 months and 21 days, The, deceased was the-son oi-Mf. and;-MrsHFred u. and Mary. a . (Cirbacb) Heller. His mothe r died November 30,1687, and his father died August 18,1906. Since the death o f hie mother the yopng man made his hom e^with-hls: grandmother,-^Mrsr KatTierJtie Dlrbach, For ■the^- lasT thteeipr tour yearatre aradig~hts1mm,e~ r Ann Arbor. -r The iuueraiwas held Monday forew hoou from a t Paul’s chufch, ReV.~Ar Ai-Schoen officiatingi Interment a t Oak:Grove cemetery. F re a h Phope 69 __ gr«*nh were 'reiidered by the Gltooii ikehestrat-of Jackson. -The Invoca tion- was—glyehFby JSev7/: A r^Schoen. The salutatory was given by Miss LeWle Kaercher. The class prophecy by .Miss Ruth Whitney and pfrrGeo. Haeckel, The class will was I by Messrs. Leon aihutes and-Eyc^.i Benton and the valedictory by Miss Prances Holden'. The address was by I>r. W. D. kendersOnj' of Ann, Arbor, FO RTY Y E A R S AGO ^ d ^ lW E 4 4 . ’ T O . 45 / J. IS t til. t.U* --f i ' _ .H ): ti The Central Meat Market m sending the children to THIS market. You reorders will receive the same careful attention, in fact we are more PMfo»lar- ;in-supplying your wants iii cliuice oute^. than if JSU wore1 here , to jseleot-iL ^ourstdlf•“ -Our hams aifd bacon arefine. . Bim «iiAlflXCHU C H E L S E A , jU C H X G A lt. T H U R S D A Y . J U j l E 1 7 , 1 9 x 5 Commencement Exercise* The ffr^dyahng eierclseav of the claw of I915qf theChelaeahighschool ^ r e iteM in the M. E. cburcbW ed‘i>eway evening^: Tbe^chuycjb whs handsomely decorated with the class colorrand flowers. T h e^t^p rt^rr^o jt the class of 1010 acted as uahersan4 the church was filled, to Its; capacltf by, the relatives ands friends of tbo, classr - A L W A Y S TR EA T YOU RIGHT. tmtrr—>( JOHN FARRELL & CO. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS tr“i - 44 t — -.1 '■■’“■V* ■** mmf ed- ■ I o ■/ / jwrri: R'M.Vi'j •>. v $§P&i f l l f .#v 1. • ; - ./ & [£}';: :-:p, h 3> ‘5 ll^ & )3 mut I.- T. -' ♦ : .*-■* -/• ... T H E C H E L S E A S T A N D A R D , JU N E I 7, 191?. MARKET .without refund; no claim ofdlscrim H nation can he ^ 4 * r “OW Judgment, because other*, In th e pant, have been constructed w ith 1refund/' Fellow*, frame, that the- railroad come*ten*4I'^a ^ e^iilo n .ntflftAP mission -towro o ^.iS a C le r'SAf rSAll« l* ^ LETTER FR M 1 -----j s"-: •• ■'!< r. John kenning, 23, was Wiled near Detroit. Stockyards' CUiarrsnUnsd. Mearle Beach whe& frls motor: car _ : Hoof and Mouth Pistastf. * , ■ overturned While he-;,was ■■attempting i ft -W h a tm m rtr ttw e .^ s r w p s ^ / T if , to avoid nhdjf. ----. , A bright »prlng morning doe« it crimination aud that It la a matter for ■ 5l«« a.mgglo Influencs.-Boi --'3 Freesoii. Mason county, voted Satur* LUilTANlA COMMANDER TE8TI a- court todeterm lne,----- r- — ------ SUPREME COURT PA88B8 FOR ^ to ln ^ p d r a te T m K a -village;: and - F tE fiT H A T L tN E R W A 8 N O T - + ,- ;vUv* stock. » , -/-T h e r« Is -a* kind of MMshntw vrhteril live commissioners were elected to; FIRST TIMB QN GENERAL la always upon the watch for aeianwl The state tax commission te ’ well DETROIT.—Cattlej Receipts, .1,4,33» ■ness In other*,—Martin Chu*«Tawjt. s draft h .village charter. _;, s ... A apom * :::^ satisfied with the supreme court de PURPOSE OF ACT, ! _-'J... 1.' . . : *''aMMMUSMw'' dry fed lOc lower; all grades 23@40o CQMMr8£IONER3. cision ih^wfilch It was held that the I T a large farm bequeathed to the city TA^TV.TITBIT^. and bulis 26®50c lower; best -dry fed of Jackson by the'late KUaW..Sharp Findlay appraisal of the monies of the steers,, |8.25Qi8.50|-besthandyTwelght INQUIRY STASTED TUESDAY state, a valuation adopted a* a basis DECISION IliT DETROIT CASE wlU bo tuined :lfito a park; and play* dry! fed. butcher.steers, f3^8.35; mix,4 When there are Several bits of go g r o u n d ^ this . c l t y cQm%M o n for fl|[UflnE the Iron xnlne valuatlonsflavored cheese too dry to use aa fr D O M E IS STATE -cd-steersArid helfergi dry-fed, |7 was'Upheld. The commission has re* AUoe< 5*yeaP0ld daughter of Mr. and 8urv)yors and Relatives Express. Dis 8,26j best grassers, |7.26j®7.765 handy npheld. a cheese^grate-U-andiiii, 1v . . 1 turned from the- upper peninsula Constitutionality of Measure Passed Mrs. Fred Brewer, of Gains township, weight ygrassekt<^6,76®7.26l.rbes> !- Jt to boiling-hot' crsii® appointment Th»t Admiralty’s In Opinion On Merrill Case Fellow* rwher§ji.review of the Iron mine ,asIn1B12 Is Established By High* ; i8 »dead of injuries sustained when :oqw.8, 86,76®6; butcher cow* |6®6i60;, H ; irtStryc^lona;Are; N«t M«d«:: sdssmentV was held and Chairman she was crushed under a motor car, Molds That Carrying Companies ____ .^tlrrifig ’until u' ,1 common cows! 84®6; canners, 83®4; apt Court By .Unanimous ^inrttter^ of the commission— repo ----------------Public. — .— t,— ■ creaijiyr ieasoq Dr.Ward B.TQiitoerr of-Sast Laosheavy bulls> 86®fr86? bologna:bulls,Canlist, Be Comi|s|Jif|vto;iRo*. : ■ Ruling,/ -pimentos, put' thronSi 4.1ng, has. beon nppdlnted by .Governor J g h t IgyhBserl,! 86®?,6.Qc this year will nbt differ more than Ferris .as a memberonbeSiateyeter* i a_: sleve or -patrlka'tii4; Veai cslves-^Recelpta, 594; malrket million dollars from last yearte assess ’ London—Fifty survivors of the Lush steady; ,.1 ,!pourThto Jars it .wLil Inary board, to succeed Q. < ? > Howfew choice; 8X0; bulk ,good; Lansing—T hroughlts action ln up^ ment. The commission after, holding, tania dl8a«ter, >ltlv-7Telativea of pas _8S.5Q@9.76;-others,i87@8.50. be firm like c^wi ardiTeslgnetrr [By Curd M,- H~ayis.JI ■; . reviews raised the valuations of sev- holding the constitutionality of the sengers who lost their lives, and prl* cheese when cold, \ Sheep and JIanibs-rR eceipts, 461; .. Loafing—The Industrial ‘ accident oral mines due to n e r l y discovered worklngmen'scompensatlon law, pass- Tony Cozzle, 13/years bid, was kill vately^retained lawyers^attended the * Bpinlsh Tosif. .m r d appointed; Frd^t~£r Zierleyn of ores and lowered the valuations of ed by the Michigan legislature In 1912; ed by a. Michigan Central, . freight opening session Tuesday of'the bo^fd m arket steady; best lambs, 89,50; fair . up.two green pepper#,* Gritfd'w tfdil alta^Ora A^ ReeVeh ot other mines due to shipments of ore the supreme court Monday rendered train at Monroe, Thursday night The of trade .inquiry ,into the destruotlon pf lambs) l8® 9; light to common lambs, slice of onion; . two sprigs ofj parsley JaCkadU 'Sh -deputy industrial accident that h^d been made slnqe thjs valuar what Is considered one of the most im«. boy with several otbera, la said to. the liner by fp Gertean ~ Submarilie; 86.7A®6,56;/jair tb good 8heep, 64.60_ and add a cupful of thlck tomato, j Iq! have been Healing a ride. portant opinions of the year; ; -oommlsaloners^ in 'conformity wlth an were:; mer until smooth and pour^on init May 7, with a josB^rf more thaa MOQ @6; .culls and oommon, 83®.4, ' > It l r the first : time Wat thc oonstlAmong the 184 cadets graduated at' Hogs — Reoelpts, 5;099; market got* passed by the test session of the For the first time in the history of lives, legislature and the new, appointees as ithe state the tax. commission will re tutionallty of the law has been passed the United States.miUtary academy at v The survivors and relatives of the steady to 6o higher, $7.70®7.76. Obasso 8avory, — To one cresn' sumed their hew duties June IS. Mr. view the . assessed valuations of the upon by. the . supreme court directly.. West Point Saturday. were the follow dead expressed disappointment at the cheese add a tablespoonful,of butter Zierleyn was deputy labor commission- copper mines this year,. Thls Worh Different rulings of the Industrial accl- ing from Michigan: Herman Beukema, fact the testimony relating to the adsoftened, one teaspdonful of chives, * TTftlhflw ■AMWa*4MV a demoerat e f eonsldarabte prora*. wilt bs slaatsd 'M seen >s ssadUlsns :IIamA:..KAaitil: ahnvivnH thff half teaspoonful. . of chopped parsley, mirRityHfl wmiiuytt mmfinmuus u> UWfi VS] thence having been appointed deputy are again normal in the copper coun iraQoa of the act have. been before ens; John N, Robinson, Pentwater. ' Lusitania was given In1private; * ' 4 ^ 0 ; prime dry-fed .'‘grades steady; Worcestershlre imd a; third and’gMt?tc|tBpwmfffi anchovy essenc labor commissioner several mbnths try and. will include, aside from the the supreme, court but the general The huokleherry growers’ aroupd Captain Turney was principal Wit grassy - kind, 26o low er;, choice!! to s^lt and-paprlka to taste. Press Into] ago. Mr. Reeves was for two years copper mineevaluations a)^properties purpose .oft-the law. has never before Saton Rapids1report that only about ness! He appeared to'be in good prime steers;88,75®9.25; fair to good, a glasp and-gerve wtth brown cr ' one, of the Industrial accident board In Keweenaw and Houghton coun been interpreted by the highest tribu*. one-third of the crop will be harvest-, physical condition, Arid la .full control 88,40®8.86; plain fn d eparse, 87.75® ers. *-.■« having tecelted bit,appointment from ties, nal in the state! ■i ed because of the frosts during May. of his nerves. His voice was. hearty 8,25; choice to prime handy steens, Potatoes PIIgrlm 8tyle.—Slice &t4| former1governor Chase S.-- Osborn. In I90> when Prof. -Findley made -Action was brought , by Thomas; This -Is -.one-Qf-the- moat extensive flnrt-arm ^hlo mannerztirlakrTand hlB $8,25@8,75; fa ir,to good, $?.75®8; boll, six potatoes!^ make a batter qi * Whew Governor Ferris^ assumed tne rbls appraisal or the iron ana copper luoklebefry producing seotlonis of the answers prompt. . ? ■ TTght cptumoh, - $6.ea®7; r yearlings,' cupful of milk, quo egg beaten andJ / , Timken Axle Co., who was Injured! 88.60®9; prime fa t heifers. four tablespoontuls of flour, to ’tbj» ' Captain Turner denied emphatically expired he waa succeeded- by Thomas th a t .the Iron mines were underassess October 8, 1912, while oiling some .That Joseph Fitzsimmons, whose' the Lusitania was. armed. , ' 88®8.25; good hu,tcherlhg heifers, add four onions sliced and fried in] Gloflter, of Detroit^ Reeves being a ed but th a t,th e copper mlne valua shafting. Mackin, in order to>ecover body was fbund ron the .city Jlum ping. The captain estimated, th a t 10 sec- 87.60®7.76; light butchering heifers, butter. . Add-potatoes,-season to taet# rsphblican. however, the Industrial tions aa determined by the local asonds-after the usltarria-w arstruck-it MftrtBd^under the'connuon°Ia\^^for per^Toand» Jackson, dted of heart disease onas-auer me L juusuaum w»» bmuvh »« $6.60@7; best fat-.cows, 86i50®7.25r w ith ssTt-and pepper, put-in a baking aooident' board Avmhers realizing the sessihg ‘offloers were nearly a t ; cash good.-butcherlng-,cows,. 86®6.60; cut- d ish ,;caver with buttered crumb# and] • Jder «"J. V*1U* immlBston " t ? ™ ! nof.at «.■* « rnnm ■■«n.did «« ft. that n. time . mft the leglsteture and ke will again re- change the sssaBBrnents o f th e copper sum s his connection witty the state mines, but It is now figured th at the X f,J , __ M '- '- M ilff m -r". f-r ; f r f;- - “j ■ S‘r,': Bit’ i-X'L ■ n rh" fte !though T » ' J nll!rlfl" '1,1 ‘i i r S ’ E am® a onmnA '4ng arbitration, ca ses and m aking In- th e pas t yea rs when little attention ^ “©alves-^ leers^ Ann-Arbor^Two^womehrM rs; Gelia- States^n&vy bave been experlmyiUuL a t-th e. hows=ah4 epections. The werk o f th e d^part- ^was paid to th e suggestions; of th e tax I. ... i' . vr.M1Tn.;!..1 «itnirA lii loVl 1 ^ : 1 1 iL. vtTlP ^the bridge,' fop calves, ,$».6u(a>iu; rair to gohd, Clove Cake.--rTake .two cupfuls of 4ean. constantly increasing ^ftaim lasloa. -Th e legtslature has, dur! > rowp sugar.-a cupful-of butter when—a— gasoline m otor on -tn e Anff Ing tin past feur years, girenrthe- tax eneo ana miiettrwitlfrtBe^ugar;a cn^j , w ere giving help a s .far as they were Arbor railroad, ‘Tuesday afternoon h it resistance 'and the horse power, neoasclerks and* other asalaUrice. commission unusual powers relative fuL of'B our-m ilk,\a half teaspoonful 1 "T-fre ■ passengerfr an automobile driven oy Byron Black, sary to drive the era^. rilmilar exThe appointment of the t'Wo deputy to taxation matters and it standB a lo soda, three c u b fu ls; of fiour, a twi showed a desire to assist in every lerimentB have-been-m ade before for of OSBOO—Mlchr Grains, Etc. commlBBloners marks the-cari’ylng out cal assessing officer in~hondrnow to spoonful of baking powderuhree eggs! Mr, Blaok suffered a broken leg and h e navy^^ department. ^ of the only, a ct p assed .by th e legisla obey the wishes of >the commission. way possible." DETROIT.-^Wheat-^Cash, No. 2 red a half of . a. grated nutmeg, two te*»j hrulsqB and his grandson, Sam ^Taylor, tu re affecting the Industrial accident Miss G e rtru d e B e g g s, for v many $1,24; July j opened with a decline of spoonfuls of claves, ia teaspoqnful 0! beard; ;Many proposed laws were ln^ ' Memb"ers“o rth e Michigan State Bar was Injured internally; Bot,h are in years professor o f ; Greek at Denver AA n K m i u n l-2c"at $1.12, advanced l;2c^ and de* cinnam on and a pohhd of raisin# ftroduced la the legislature a t the last Association /at- tlrejr- a m ip s l^ c e tlh g ; the University hospital- here.-university, and^fOT th 6 ia s t year deair THE EX PEN SE OF 6fttA1^WAR^^cmre(l to $l;08T-2y September opened- chopped. This /sake will keep if weBj The accident occurred a t ;a crossing of.the_Chlcago Kindergarten institute. session. one excentloa j-harA MnrMneil the confidence o t th« at 81.10 l-2. advanced to-Sl.ll. and de«. hidden.— -------- :-----thsy either died - In committees or lawyers of the state In President Wll- south of Pittsfield jiinouon... has been appointed.social head of the _ ... dined to $1.07 1-8; No. 1 white, $1.21, .pans and Pen-W~eris^kiltedr;i>y-the^ouse-:me~mbWa^- dSOUrRE —Ltkely^homiB-^as^ ftt^ R ^ B o m rj^iay t^ ix id o k ^ b u lld tn g r-th g trts'h B lH g j^ y ^j^z^ ^ C o rn -C ash No.- 3, .72c;--No\=3-yellow— '"“ d I^R ES“WE! MAV ALL HAVE^ ^Slon LIs^, Growing. Mich. - The appointment of Deputy Zierleyn llped in the last note to Germany. ■i erected to house 120 University of ^ 73c; No* 4 j yellow, 71 l-2c l.eaves--arvacancy-ln -th e -s ta te -’labor MloHlggn:iwomen next-falh ~ Judge Howard W lest and-Judge-Roh Oats—standaror: 61®Bl^l-gcy^No; 3 ^^nybody^wbercan “get“ tozth’<ijleid| •department and Jam es F. Hammel, of lln'H . Person, of Lapsing, and John . Hillsdale W ins ’Endowment Fund. /The ffirst student drowning 6f the Ottawa, Oht,—The minister of fin white; 50 l-2®51c; No. _4 white, 49 L2 to. gather:, the' delicious field j mushLansing, present- chief “clerk will" be' "QrRbsT, of Muskegonrdrafted the fob H lllsdale^-lt was announced here aummer:;ocourred^Suhday--.^■.■when. Ar- ■ ance,1 -Honf7 William -T-r-White,” estl- @60c.- - ■■ T -rooms-need not lack for -appointed .deputy In plahe of Zierleyn Itfwfmt resolution Which was adopted Tuesday i that- an endqwinent“=ft iwerepjunlor litera ry studen’t mates that from information complied Kye—Cash* No, 2 , $1.14. luxuries. It Is wise »j if hia health Im proves/he having been' :a of afto.ooo has ■RHOi iran EHdeiroemHyMeiMaeyEel • .of" tlrg—mush-i “hsi confined, to his home on account of T h e l ^ate^^eoUege^ oSt his life at Cass Lake; Rowe and ctal war“Tevenue ;adt passed last ses- raent, $3.10; July, $3.15. ^ > room., before you eat It] -poer healthMichigan_Stat.ezBa.rAs80ciatlon-jnanThis was, obtained; by the~ college- Melvin Bradner, of-Powers; , Mich^r b1oTr“wi 1I hring“ In $1,865!000 -lnTT*ev*Cloverseed-^Prl'me sRot, $7.90; Oc as many careless nual meeting assembled, —Resolves raising $30‘;000 by small subsortpllons, were, making a trip from Lakplarid tober, $]8,36; prime alslke,-$7;90r enue,u Moz^ulv IrJiexL _ , have' lost their Uves by -that-tbU -natlon-owes a duty to-coim- AiE^M erretl-ofM inneapoHs-and-Ball Timothy— -Pyime flpot, $2.96,— ■^M T 7 p W h ltr^ 8 tates 7 ' that7 — th e total \>vS .risking—a ’ Frank L. podge, L ansing attorn®yr mon bumanWyt^tWs- ^ duty permits Brothers of Munole, Ind., having promI. W. Plrtle, of Scottville,. 8’6 yeara- -am ount of Interest which will have Hayi:=No. 1: timothy,. _$18@18.50; T b e - soft^ browu_.wj _and_°se_veral -times:. Democratlc/.candi- nelther-the^natlon -n o r -Its individual lsed-tCHSupply-$30,000 each if thCl colold, was terribly^ burned when a gasobeen p aid'and accrued by July l 'o h standard timothy, /$17®17.B0; “No! 3 G w ith' th e pinkish laven dateifo r coagreaa in the Sixth district L^em bers to-slt-qulet-at-thls-tim er-but- ..tegenoarapalgn was-sucoessful, C. M. llhevstove he was attempting to light account of money. horrowe<r~from^be“ timothy, $16®16:60^1tghtr”mtxedr“$lT dergills df the common field tiiusb Sattirday was -named state mediator imperatively demands that in his Just- Barre of this city supplied $800 needed exploded, throwing the burning fluid' B ritish gov.ernmc.nt_ forv w ar .outlays: ®17v50;-No.-l mixed, $16® 16.50 ; ,No. 1 room should be as well known as tbs t==efforts to . ms lnta in -th e ^ c iv IH s ‘ fete the fund. He already had over his legs. He tried ineffectually since "August 1 ,1s' $1;100,000. 1 clover, $14®14!5b;' No. 2 ciover, $12 identity of a robin. wasimade by the governor-Cn the 12th, found In the laws of the nations, and Contributed $200. -v....... to-beat out the flames -with hlB7 hand8r - I f the total araount/rof $160,000,000 ® 13;-rye-straw, $8@8.50; iwheat and —We oftW -see pounds of thls-deUc this being the thirtieth day since'he the rights of- neutrals in time of war, and was ^exhausted when heip. arrived. already appropriated by parliam ent on oat straw, $7®7L60 per ton. otis vegetable going to waste because signed the Hlteendegen“ act-jcreat^ng. -we stand fry the president of thq Uni Physicians think he may-recover,: v ■F laur—lh one-eighth paper 'sacks, its value Is unknown and unappred “ ‘To Beautify"tli of Mi w ar account.' 1b expended before -the-offlee.of, state mediator of Indus- ted Stafes and-go -0^ record to. that Ann. Arhor-—Prof. ITrederlbk L. Olm- Detrbit’s officlartax rate-lhis^ year1 MarclTST, next; iK efeiw lll be“an“ addt; per 196^ lbs,Jobblng^lotst-B est-patentr ated7“ IfT ^ u rln g .a rainy' season; y«S trial “disputes; effect! regardless o f' political, affiliai*n tlonal amount of In terest payable aft 8T60; second patent,. $7,30; straight, find mora th a n /c a a be used at W stead^of-Harvard has hefln ehgagedJly l s - $23.fl41 per thousan d - -Thfe The act; specifies ..that the-governor- ^tow r th e U hlveraity of M ichigan as con* Increase of $3,96 per^thouVand over ^tme, prepare - them for- winter uiej shall appoint a im edtator w ^hln 30 "The president of the-United, States $6.70 per bbl. There Is every indication, ■ says the but into a stone crock or dish a lay* ymitant jp j t ^ J i c h ^ m a ^ f t a ffanAwO-feat-y ear's ra te ." T n e -io ta i increased a y i^ c f-th e ^ p a s s a g a o f^ th e -a c t.T h e Is eternally right-In-hls-stabd ifor theFeed— .In 100-lb sacks, Jobbing lots: of dean mushrooms; sprinkle a ilgb minister; that the amount, appropri in 1 assessed valuation amounts to $33>* beautification !and unification of the governor has construed It passed bn rlghts of neutrals and the m.alnten*. ;;Bran, $ 26 ; standard middlings, $29^ layer of salt; TeMat uatiliail.the ® v ated will not be sufficient tef provide 087,850, making th e total assessed val -lhe._day_hezslgnb.d_lt. -ItJS z h e ld by ance of-the-humane-laws of th a na*_ cam pus and city, both In th e laying flho--middling0,-$25i ebarso-cornm ealr rooms are usedri Let- them- stand 9 uation $564,382*260. The total budget, for the w ar expenditure up" to March' out of Its,walks, drives and parks, and : sofeC th at the ‘ governor did not tions. His fight is /our fight and de $32; cracked cofn, $33; corn and oaf two days, stirring them occasionally ____ ’ ‘ ______ 7 necessarily have to follow this pro, serves our commendation and xnost~a& n th e style of architecture a 'n i loca* which - Is to be ralsed—by tax levy, 3L_______ ■ rub^them'tirrouish'-a'SievA-anlF The appropriation, of two mUllon for ^cbop/^SO-per-ton. -v is ion, as th e aot -does ndt become a Hypa Buppoft: as “patrlqfe1~~We'.r~Turr - .fen- of-new -buildinga—i l e w ilL w otit amounts to 813,106.187.39. each quant of t he liquid- ftllow^tb^ pensions made last session olready/te: w ith -P m f. Auhrey -Tealdiyhead of the law. Though, she w a r shot-by^iier -older Cher—re so lv frto sta h d shoulderto hlades of mace, one taolespoonful tfe* brother, the little daughter of Roy %elng drawn upon", fand^lirthe opinion BO “direct"the"governor’s actlonlbeforeT t shoulder with th e -p re sid e n t of the U niversity of .M ichigan tehdscape . i General..Markets. pepper corn; one-half tablespoonful i s ln..effect .-__ ' : Hatdingi^nf Jackson, __la none -the, of the' minister will be insufficient tb -pUalted States ln tb e effort he tftrmafcr elgn-deparlm ent . Stra’ Fberrlos ' ■ •-Michigan,— $ 2 ® 2 ;agL ginger, tfieT saW of alle Attorney Dodge has been considered ing to keep our civilization up to the worse for It. The hoy got . hold of 0 meot tne demand. p e r 16*quart case; southern, $4.76i0>6 salt, if needed. —Cook :for_.a,haIf howii __^th e_ lesd ln g -candidate for the place An/erlcan- fftan flnrfl ..Qf-justlceJ.!. small revolver -and~ when it wae acm. -per_bu-_and_$3i0® 346—per 24-quarFfniddr the Bpices and Cook 20 mlnuteaj since the bill was signed, but the dentally discharged, the bullet entered In an address before the lawyers T case. ■ ■ / Strain and bottle.,. -governor has consldered the quallflcathe..child's., noae,._passed up the nosBig W ar Loan tS Voted. Cherrie^*-So,ur, $2®2.25 per 24; ^ I m ^ T T p e iv T w b ' ondr “one-half Smothered Calf’s Liver.—Remov tTons" of/severfti' bther capdldfttes. A» BUpi'Aflic co u rt, advocated uniformity trll without even breaking the 'skin, London—The houseof commons quart case; sweet, $3.60®3.76 per 24the' skin, from the liver and make 121 years old, met death Friday by fall Ime.dLator b e wJii.boid offleo. until Jan: .In,., the marr iage and dtvorca-law s of and was swallowed by her.____ -Tuesday -afternoon -voted /^another -Quart-jCasa clslons in the upper surfaee-w)tbuary, 1917. A fter th a t the mediator’s Michigan, and referred to the work- J n F Jn to th o G ra n d rrv ^ rittL a n stn g , Six bottles of morphine tablets, credit of $1,260,000,000, making with Apples—Baldwin, $4®4.25; Steele sharp knife, making the cuts paruW ___ _ term will be two yearR, _T he media- logmen's compensation act and Other while playing....... valued at $80, were- found^trthe-JHck-^ previous sums*a total of $4,310,000,000^ -Red, $4#4.50; Ben-Davis, $^@2.50-peiL Insert bits otJbacon fat ln^the_cntt -toy’s salary Is $2,600 a year. The Commonwealth Power Co. son. .prison Friday... while . prisoners already allowed -for war purposes. recant -measures as . evidence' that bbl; western apples, $2®2.25 per boxr Bprthkle with salt and. csfery salt«« which uses the current from the dams were cleaning out the attic of a shed. Michigan is a progressive state. New Cabbage—$1.90@2 per orate. In introducing the measure Premier dredge with flour; put three thin silo* on the Au Sable river, Is surveying - - p |i 14 XL y : ^ T n*r8e^ 1 > » ,t0J t^ browh. e , |3 .6 0 ® n latt .............. .. a the . . . theory1 . r p assen gners were thee list of. the .r . ship . oy. hulls, 86/£6®7> best'butchering' police, h^d; been workteghon A tjcgusss^-B oll three Spanish pep.] been In effect. The company declared - hat , Fltssimmoas-naet-wlth foul -playT hulls, 88.KOi^e.7S; gond k ilting bully, yftgs- I^nil, put rba,pi^lp through a slavd t e r ~ h eadway, whlehc arried .her two th a t It had elected to come under the 86®fl!5hf-llght-bulls, $5.25@6,75. -Add pepper, butter, salt, tabasco,and] department. time has arrived .when a complete provlslon of the- workingmen s com* The- city ; ta x , boar d~haa fixed the- orth T eV m lteB -afterbelng struck and Hogs; .Receipts, 16,000; market 10 [ rifle cupful ofTcheeige. cut in cubeij the lack nf tim e The worn or ihe ueputy oommiaaTup- reaeaegim en «ii«»rnr* opper mine prop- pttnBfl.tion. law and the lowm- wUYt dli r oo^qi), an lco|*oatift oyov^test^vahto-' ^ The~CBptotn:;~to*ttfl^d~ho-rhhd— glvenr @16c lower.; heavy, 88; mixed and. Stir as it ,heats, then add cream until ere will In a measure, be similar te Arties Should be made. rected Mackin to proceed under-the yorkers, 1 8 ® 8.W; * /pigs! $8®8.05r It pours easily. Serve on h o t buttered] the regular commissioners. The many ; Chglr^itn ■Baraes reports that the terras of-the how-act. Justice Steere ttom - Factories, which have [not been orders to look o u t for'Subm arines and roughs; .86,60. . • .. toast o r b iscu it •.7 : arbitration, hearings that are held local assessing officers; of the uppsr^ wfetS the opinion which la'concurred ru n n in g 'fu ll time, have been reduced, to proceed a t-fu ll. speed If any. were Shtfep: .Rflc.filpta, l.fiOQ; fjharket na-Painty ..tte siru ^ g-Pour lemon-jelly] flighted; P " rr IR *hft hnnlfl had been necessitate the timt. of the commjn^ti^lhsiwSr are worklnr4mnd lnzhand. in by all members of "the court. r the cuts amounting, to-ahout 6400,000. -tlvb; spring J ftm b s ^ 8i 2® 12 M u y rearr over p ran g e,.. banana,- pineapple and Bowntown-1mstireB¥T property!hag^heem.4wung-out-the-m ornlng-Qftbe-day-pr6slonsrs and one oT. the duties or the iwith-the commissioned-ihat-therograpefruit. W hen firm serve in Bheb , greatly i n c r e a s e d . — i— !Z_' - — ceding- the^dlaaster / '"Two” Ibokouts- lings, Bl0@10.50; ■ w ethers. = life: ^h h fc^farrn iu m ztH tit^ ir^ B rlm o iB d In ~7. 0.85; ewes, 84.60®5.76. bet cups wlth-whlpped-oream. -6itf-i “Two Women A« Buomarme models for the United* ,.,c. In an opinion rendered to the state Judge William . L. Carpenter Was /illroad Commission, Attorney General elected president of the association Fellows holds that the Merrill Farm- at the closing meeting this ffiorn< er*B Elevator: company of Merrill can* lug; —Tire other ‘ officers re-elected . -t\ft force the Fere Marquette railroad were %rlee*PTesldent Burri^ Hhnti^ to ’refund the cost of constructing a top, Battle Creek^S.ecretary Harry A. spur track, Alter the completion of SUBhee, Lansing, Treasurer William the track such as the railroad com E. Brown, Lapeer. pany allowed to other companies for which It has constructed similar sld* Attorney General Fellowa has fifed bllLfor accountinfr in the Ingham J p g s .___ ,. ...... . .... The question raised by the railroad circuit court against the United Fuel commission Involved the point as to ft Supply company of Detroit, Csdwall whether/the existing contract.without, Transit Company, of Detroit, Superior refund provision from the. elevator Sand ft Gravel company of Detroit company is discriminatory. and E. Jaokues Sons ft company, of Attorney General Fellows that the Detroit. statute shows that a refund Is net oh* According to the attorney general’s “ ■Ilgatory upon a railroad company. department^ theso companies have "The company under tha terms ot the been using sand suckers in the 8 t ‘ act is required to provide an ado- Clair flats and it Is the, contention quata and suitable spur, hut U Is also of the state that the companfe^howU provided that such company may re be made to pay for a certain amount quire tha applicant to pay the legiti C< sahd and gravel for which It Is mate coet of the same," said Attorney claimed the state hae not bean reim General Fellow* bursed. "This la a matter that la optional Edwin M. Rlmpnon, Mperintendent With the company, and conaeuuently, In out opinion, the elevator company of the Detroit dlstrirt of the llleh.gan cannot legally Inalat upon the refund Anil-Saloon league, la an addrea*. pro, previalcm in the contract A* »o wbelh dieted Ihet after the elecifen In No Or tha contract la discriminatory. In tember, ISIS, Mlrbtgan wwnM be dry Wi«W of the fart that tracks bare “There aw 44 d ir count lea In Mich been constructed for other* under a I if*n Last rear Ut* Hqaor !•■** waa eentract provtdlag for rafaad. depende Rubsaittsd In IS coanUe# and id 14 of a*Uraly apoa the preawat sttvatfen. I f , t h ^ prohlMUtm *M cSSTted . Ner Ifte Fere Marqeedte eosapoay le now , ymr ^ qoaadoa win he #*Wt»*4 Us o fU n of oempellla#, te the f*t«r# ea from l l h h swa* te pay the east ef each track . tfee. Warden Simpson says; the trafflc-Jn. .Asqplth remarked that from April 1, the district east of Saginaw through dope, which flourished at the prison to June 12, expenditure had been at Tuscola and other adjacent counties for many years, has been stamped out the rate of $13,3^00,000 a day. He esand will-eventuaUy~go-Into the bust and he believ;b8-the-flnding-o ness of supplying small cities with bottles, covered with dust and with matecTT.he"totftl datly expenAlture during the currency of the new credit ••Juice." the corks eaten offi by mice, Is pretty-^ would be not lean than. $15,000,000,rbeThe, embargo on lntrff-state ship good proof that the .selling of dope cause as the war extended its area, monts of cattle which wont into effec, to inmates and the smuggling of the Great Britain's financial obligations to In Michigan lost November to prevent morphine haB become abandoned. the Allies would increase. the spread of the' foot and mouth die James ~Gr Clark,-alias. Mackr alias case was raised Wednesday morning McGuire—bandit, soldier of fortune, at 6 o’clock. Tho Ruling making It im veteran of the Spanlsh-Amerlcan war, possible to ship cattle outside of the student, hotel robber, safe-cracker, TELEGRAPHIC FLASHES state except for immediate slaughter companlon-of-prbmlnent men; student will remain in force. ot philosophy—pleaded guilty in fed Denver, Col.-Judge Ben LI ndsey, .Ground has been broken for the eral court In Detroit Saturday after of the juvenile court was arrested Fri $65,000 addition to Gogoblo county' noon to forgitig stolen money orders, day and Immediately released on his court house at Bessemer. ; The bonds advised Judge. Tuttle to give him ths own recognizance, charged with confor this purpose were voted by the maximum sentence, argued the psy tempt of court and conniving In the people over a year ago. hut legal com chology ofcrim e wlth „the bench for commission of porjury. His refusal to plications had delayed the wOrks‘[ift-inlhutes, and accepted with a smile tell what a Voting boy told him in pon^ When it is completed Gogebic wl a five-year term in Leavenworth pen!- fefence led to the charges being filed have the finest structure of its kind tenitary. Judge and court officials sat by District Attorney Rush and Judge In the upper ponlnanla, amazed. John Perry. \ The Fere Marquette ha* agreed to So-called dlseaae* of Michigan Rome—It became known here Frlpermit the Grand Rapids ft Indiana pickles are to be Investigated t h ^ day that the Nobel peace, prize will railroad to vjiee lie spar tracks to oughly thls-aummer by Michigan Ag be conferred on Pope Benedict XV. manufacturing plant* at Muskegon ricultural College and United States Helghte, ending S long conflict bo-, Agricultural collageThe Investiga Berfev-Auatm-Gormans, in south tween the two companles/ln Musko- tion will'-be conducted on experimen east Galicia, have recaptured Htant*. tal plots at Grand Rapids, lau. The official statement from the I* / A siteeae /known aa hemorrhagic The board of trustees of Adrian col war office Wednesday afternoon also ■•pttememla l* beUeved by I)r, 1UU lege, lu eeeeto* Friday, announced reported succreaea in the operation* man. state patbologiat, to exlat among that PreeMeot B. W Anthony, 11 near /the Baltic, where German oettle o* a Wexford county r*nn. yeem prueMefet of the feititutlm, had troops have occupied KufryU. on the TBr dhmtw Sr n M te rearm Me black rusfipnt sad 1W board hud accepted Wtudau rtwr, TO the wuutli the oeeMg. It U mifekly communicated to bla reelgnatloa and sleeted Dr. J. C, mans have stormed and captured for. o4h#r u Im A, affoetteg cattle sheep, Heee of Weet LoteystU, Ohio, M his titled positions facing the fortreee of Korao Ip t m a*d goats. ’ Celery r-^ Florida, $2.60®2.75 per of bacon In a hot iron frying pan; pat crate. In. the liver end brown the surttc Greefa Corn—$5.60 pef- bhl and 6O0 turning frequently. Remove to a c» per dos. seroie; add flVe slices of carrotrBi Tomatoes—Farida, $2.25®2,50 per and onion, two springs of parsley, 1 crato and 75c per basket, 1 peppeg-ooTOt-two-cloves, andAye Dressed Caives~rFuncy, 11 l*2®12o fuls of boiling water. Coyer cb per lb; common, io®lie. * and cook in a moderate oven wt-M Maple Sugar—New, 14®15c per ib; and a quarter, basting every 16 syrup, $1®1.10 per giU. -Remove thedivet to a hot p»; Potatoes—Carlots, P48®46c pet bu ter, reduce the liquid to one-D in sacks; from stWres, 48®'50o per bu. strain over the meat. Surround Onions—Texas Bermudas, $1.36 for canned or freshly-cooked string b yellow and ll.se^o r jvbit^ por crate. well seasoned with butterr-P«PP® Live 5 Poultry — Broilers, 25®28o: . hens, .14 l*2c; No. 2 hens, 13@14c: salt and; a -little vinegar. A small amount of meat cooked m ducks,' 17®17 l-2c; geese, I0® no: vegetables will make a most w™ turkeys, 16c per lb. ing dlsh wlth much less cout -Th® Cheese—'Wholesale^^ lotsr “Michfean vor of the beat will so season the * flats, 14®14 l-2c; New York fiats. stables, that less meat Is desired now, 17<®1T Moj .brlck, 14 &-4® 16e; limburgor, 16 1-2®17c ; im puted Swiss, 29®30c; domestic Swiss, 10® 20c; long horns, 16 l-2c; daisies. 17c p erlb . * Honey-Choice to fancy pew white comb, l i m i t ', amber, 8®9o; extrao* ted, 5®8e per lb. \ Hides—No. 1 cured, 17c; No. green, 16c; No. 1 cured biilts, lSo* N° \ bl,n** JXdi No. i cured veal kip, Uo; No. 1. groeh veal kip, tec; No. 1 cured murrain, 14c; No l green m^rmin, 12o; NO. I cured eair 17 12c; No. 1 green e»lf, 17c* No 1 Jiomblde*., W.50; Ncl 3 $2.60; No. 2 hides and No, j kip and calf 1 l»2c lower than the share; O IL Id ^ 01 M t0 olf wooL- Figures That fitsgflsr. The aphl* or loe*e produces .«> orations in a year. It has been ^ mated that, beginning with a *'* pair, the progeny of the«e, if *'• vlved, would in the twelfth gonettb] cotnpoee so v**t an army th"*ihwled li single file, ten the line of them would »tr^tch the ewrtb to a point so rank in fundity of apaoe that a 0* •d ag at a aate «t H iN * ml** * «»4, iroitfl tupfr# IJtll p M t0 Iks pteMt m whteh wo re* y; -i.. T H & C H E L S E A S T A N D A R D . J U N E 17. .1 9 1 5 . ................... — —sej^e********^ week Igter he had resigned hla post* “ rft\ Jf forJKr Farmewf ,*SHINGT0N.-The readiness o f t h s government tpm ake use of the /|rn,oflt modertr meGiodB in apreadtng the useful information which its kkcofpg *>f wortoflUrcaflitantlv accumulatlng^and in missionary qfrprt for the adoption of ItsdlBcoveriesby t b e “unimate citizen,11 la Btrikingly 1fS'f0ri"FMW$M| Vohown by experiments in theproduotlon of motion pictures being, carried SAM‘fWP. t On by thp department of agriculture. ^though not yet in a poamon-ro^ IT furhlsh films to outeide organizations' or commercial theaters, or even to "sypply any considerable part of “the deffiandmade b y its own-held agents;, the depaftment ls carryingjmpromiB* log; work’Tin *both^expetfraentation ________ ,_________ and production Through Its force of picture exper.tsy many of whom have had extensive experience in ^nercial fields, It. hat already turned, out In a little more than a year oroilmately 60,000 feet of excellent negative and has printed from this putbalf as many'feet Of positive film suitable for public projection, ■Before 'this phase of Uncle’s Sam 's“tuo.vle” activities Is reached new i^diation wHl berequired. IflegUlatlon can be eeouredauthorlzlng the n fljdlture or receipts 'ftim saiei &flu teases to pay m o expenses or Auction, it Is believed; that the motion picture Enterprise can he put on ctlcaliy a self-supportioff basis, at the same time that pictures of the jtssreducatlonal valde are given wide distribution; While officials In obarge of, the motion, picture activities of the agrlcul* department have .this wide use of their developing plant in the backs „eir minds, they are gottig' about the business of filming interesting and iiftuoth,eaotivitlerofthedepartmentandadding^totheir-Bto9k-of-po8lUve jna. SuWeots already on their shelver represent-«uch varied activities as illng cows in Vermont, raising pigs in the South, grafting trees, canning zetables, building roads and fighting forest fires, (Copyright, IMS, bg;W.* 0, Chapman.) —‘-^Why do-^eu-vdpb^to-ftreak-aur am gagement?" asked May Earle of Ned WurdVaa he atood-befere her in the garden of her father’s house, . tyhad been a' hard request for him to make, but he had nerved himself to dcnBOr“ At first thd girlhadFm no rejoinder; she was too astonished to speak. Then sho:turned and faced him. “I bave'ceasedfoinve you,” beanjweredquletly. - - —_— . "You are free, then,’* said Miss Earle, and went bn 'dipping: the Mlao houghs., And Ned, ^IVard walked away, slok at heart; and yet with a curious sense’of happiness at the con* elusion of the Inevitable. Eight months before Ned Ward had ________ r the local bank as assistant manager. John Earle had been . his predecessor, but he had died suddenly. . Ned found hini* self thrown .into, contapt.lwlth_.hl8 apt^v daughter May; friendship developed and apparently ripened into love. He proposed and - was v accepted, - -He llvedinecstasy for weeks, He knew that John Earl had left no money' except a. thousand dollars of insurance,: and that May was totally rraOTed t^rwofkr^He was gladfhat he are for her. Pretty7soon hewouTd be made fnanager^when-Smith? stepped 'out,-which IAMBS W. OIPLEY. assistant.curator- of—paleontology in -the National would mean an income-ef two thou museum, Is back from an excavating expedition in the ancient deposits itr sand’r-luxnry-dn- Dentham. So they had-been happy-ln their, en railroad cut near Cumberland, Md., bringing with him as an Interesting gagem en tu n tllth e d ay when May’s a piece of-tUe-broken Jawbone of * friend/Bessie Reid came to spend [a prehistoric cat, .whose species is few days with her. Ned had never [loff extinct, and whose age Is about been told that .Slay was' acquainted'' flW.OOOyears.-----zr^ T 7 r with her. He himself, had met-her This, deposit was opened about 'years ago by workmen digging y -e-cut-of the Western'-.Maryland dlroadr-it-ia about 126 feet from the KarfftRB, which la a ridge composed v. Three-TyearS' Piefed. would b f Absurd to say that no other woman entered the young man’s life, He bad tive affairs—but with each successive disillusionment he returned to May Earle la his heart ’s fcalty. -H eb ai mown that she would never tell him ier love had changed; he had done he only thing-po«lbleHn bta opinion, He thrusrthe fedurring lmage away and strove to forget ln thewlfd Ironie'rllfe he led; . Ned Vas one of a posse had net out to capture a band of notortdua out*, awe which had terrorised, tfie region tor several months. A geneial baWe nnsuea after tne gang was signspo m he hills. Ned. found hlmSelf :>a a duel with one , of the outlaws, J la emptied his revolver. t Willie he was hastily recharglng lt the. fellow, With ohester at a, distance of fifty iftaicw, and ^covered him, ' An lnstafit later ater- the weapon fell from hls hsn^t he spun round and fell. z- / A stray bullet from another pafT 5f the field had pierced &lm-througk-ttre ufigs. ' Ned ran to him. He could .ee^ et a glance .that the men was dying. But o b is ; astonishment^ he, jejamed to know his face. And tUe dying man mew his. , ^ “You’re Ned Ward!” he* excialiaefi. N o bother to g o t . sum m er ♦ d ts w i t h X M orsLlght/ “What’s -the matter with : the man “That lady must be a contortion who has charge! of the lighter’ asked the prima donna. ist.” , “Why?” came from the manager. 1 “What makes you think so?” “Last , night it was ao dark the an* “She said .th e fear that \She might sometime have-cancer of the Atomach dlence could hardly see the stage.1* “Really?” kept her ffom sleeping nights,'* ,“g a e w gtnfftr T~Bgim’w b r A TOhtoT* HJttred— H ow dor yon -suppos e the tipnist to have cancer of the atom.: people are going to. know/this, is a light opera?” ^ ~ v :jii.; aa. ; •/.1 “I t was not that, but what:tfie doc* l/A Under Suspicion.1 tor,.said tfiat made me think that. ttfr-sald-Shfr-bad- her stomach on her | Several memhers of a women’s club fare chatting with A UtGe daughter mlnd altpgetber too much.” of their hostessv , , ,r Qtrlctiy Business. :“I suppose’ you are a great help to »“I’m a very busy man, sir. What is I your mamma,“ said one, your p^opoWopW7" • v r^ Jh. /yes,” replied tlie"iUGer'mW “and so is Ethel; but It is my turn to - ^*T‘Wabt-tomake7yoU-flch.'f 1 “Just bo. leave your recipes with I count the spoons today after th eeo hie and I’ll look it over: later. Jffht j phhy is gone.'’—Judge. noW I'm €® ^gedin«lC stog^p>lW je deal by which X expect tfi make f3'6U j r Oratorical Assistance; •j “Lady;” said Plodding Pete/ “dd you In real money.” ! ; want any wood chopped?” . •'“Yes.” Ju st So. \ th e s e on h a n d me. CPNTORTIQN18T, Y | c m * Style] Sfiliieg e t m I -f; jPettedMoU Excdient Ie r sandwiches* IniUl err Llthy't of ytiiu(pvi^r't, ......> U bb*. « U b b jr, C h icag o l i f mm W-V lifH $'0L D I6R $ WHO WEAR VEILS British Troops In Southwest Africa , Have to COnduet Campslfln ' Under Dlffieultles. ^ Ifil haog around an’ give yer bus; an* yer two grown sons an eloquent, i One of the hottest plaoes where the 9 * If if M discourse on how wrong it Is of ’em British are fighting Is In German outhwest Africa, Where General not to; tprn to an’ fio delr duty/ otha ls in command of ah expedition; ■\i?’'<■■? if i4"p— i.m.ii'i'■i■ ;■ ' • IIP IIS ! against the enemy. The habitable part OALLED DOWN. (Wtmfty WniithwiiHti Africa lies In the center; of a sun-scorohed. water* _lesa, shadeless desert oLehlftlng sand, A-fiample Speolmen, and General Botha’s memhave to carry “I underetaod the father of the h everything rbTjdff has s everal other-daughters to -whatever cqn be obtalnsd=from—th® m)■•'"‘m‘t*■ * *i , dispose of in m a n a g e " ,............ .1 country, noi even fodder for /fhe antT Xf was the horror "that May’ef lot f “ Yes; I . Buppoge-that-Je the^re&son^| — -male. — , ;— — = he gave this one away." \ | sbould be such a-man as tbis one The sand penetrates everywhere, •i/[---—*— VA ^ Vlfipniy tlma’g come I can stand for -and the heat of the sun is so terriffo , A.Hard Task. that all tSe'gfoops fighting with. Gen* “Miss May certainly has the male ly, after a nniiyhlny snail whlctyraoked era! Botha have been served out with \. •Cbfitlcgbnt^ a t her • feet.; But she . Is 1■-Without them; hlmc—“But you don’t bear no mal Indded. It would beUmpoBBlble to get' You'irsend a message for me to the rather, a. capricious,b e lterii^ v skej’/z: ltc,*:-'’ ay? 5;^,^£ “Yesi. a belle; who is going to be. | 4/-aloBg-at- alh-aud, as It id, hundreds ofily girl I’ve'ever thought, much, of?” bf the Boer burghers, though hardened ”Your. wifet” Neff burst ourimpeW' very-hard to ring/ campaigners, have been so blistered ouSly. ^ — Going’ — TRelr W ay,; by the sun that they are'-iff hospital. "L ord, not Xnever married—never The heat at' middky Is AH degrees; had th« color worse luck; But she way ^“The ^ p lift1movement has gained hasn’t it?” , — adandy-giri 7=backln—what=wagour= .great headway, so?Cffl little burg’s name?—and I Want her. ;“ffow “Thorfl aftfliwa to ha uprising^ going to know ^ l rrr.nuaaOTrw^trf^Bs.wfli on everywhere." * *3 You seer Tve been Uvlng oa her for,years old. Prom the top Of months paatrryears, now I come- to ' be ground^there wasi A kind o ftu n First Bu«*«»" wnf,—Have yon dona <Of bOOtS. — The Only Way#;------ . ....................................................... ^ think.” [ml, ending at the cave, which Is now ;■ ■■■•■ / “I understood he made a fortune out anything today? The Look lit French Feoee. : “Living offvher?" m a level with the roadbed. Workmen In ballasting the ties used many of wheat?” . . Second Bunco Man—Speak mote re* ■•'Almost all the faces about these [valuable prehistoric-hones, never dreaming that they were shoveling fossils “Yes. : She thought I was. going to —“Yes.” I spectfully of your fellow-man, crowded tables (lu the cafe at Cha* marry her when I got a job, She^ "SpeculatofT Ich existed _here before the advent of man. ^ . !lons)—young ror old, plain or hand* Mr flirtiar. in this last trio, found this Jawbone of ah ancient cal; which dtdn’t know the~llfe I Was leading. "Municipal Pa “No. Farmer .1 isome, distinguished or average—have She kept sending me^ xhoney.-^And. iba rare bit of good luck. According to the scientific men, the cavern, Itself >atlent stuff, A clty^i fnade^of-^pa' f e f : ;;i ithe same look of quiet authority ; it [fa-whleh-thl8 aptique1-€ftti&-b&Be8—we re^-lnvbedded.jwas only about., 1,000,000 — .When vrorthy_fltrani__ __ . . honest, I did mean to marry her Just NOW; THEY PONT SPE/ T hem o retftey ^elllt-tn at^lt'trto u X h [years old, ttidugh the rook Itself was fifteen times more ancient. as soon as i could pull off another The more It seems to like it. jlittle personal oddities, meanness and Time has-gradually: filled1up-this cavem-and the^tunnel-wfibb-eellr-but-MFr trick and go East.4 But^I- gueas^I’m vul^rities, had been burned away 4n' [fiidley carefully excavated the dirt and obtained this .speolmen, from .which done for now.” The Innocent Wife, ? ,a great, flame of self-dedication. It lswv fsdeneensah^re^ronBtriro ta ^cat wh 1ch wa4 ln-111a palmy idayB as large as a ” “Hernaame ?”“hlker/N edrkneeiing /Do 'yoU put your /furs /wonderful example of the rapidity -i/.Mrs. [Jaguar 1b at .present /When this kitty, wandered about there were no back over ^Ke mWn, kn/d shuddering at the In cold storage In summer? /with which purpose-models toe hu* J);.'. Jfences to lure him to nocturnal'•serenades, nor bad ancient m an,yet ^appeared thought^, of hearing May’s name pro. Mrs. Styles—Yes; ray huBband al- ,man countenance.-r=Edith--WhartQn- in /■ l ont&is continent to in terru p t his Jawlinga with a.prehistoric bootjack or boornouncea b y h lm ; r Waya attends tfr-thatr S c ribner’arMagaalne. bAbott»e; --------— ^ ---- — -----^---------------- ------ — — :— — ~ “■You-ll-telt-her -I was killed-la' am ^L^y.here does he go.?”. Hia only companions^were the^saber-todthed-tlgersT-the—immeiiso in ast accident, frlsud,”— he whlsperedy T don’t knoWT^vhere-the-plaoe-fi.— dpus graxing about: In th e plal ns, . the- mammoths, - ^ e great /Sloths, ;taplrs,j4he ^’You’ll never let-herrknow _the tru th . “Do yourknow-the name?^ . =HB-—HavQ" Vour folks ^prototype "d^tlfg- ^present horse^andrati e x tih e t^ td a o n ^ p e eto a ^ ^ u t-th to -c a tv -P r^ ls e f-T h e n -w rite k e r-n a m e .. Misa "Well, I’ve heard him say be rtras >where' you are all going to spend that— va8-rtot-loiTelvfrh e re -b e ln g a-large. famlly <mpnectlon. I t plosely_resemb^ed_| -Bessie-Reidr taking them to Hockl” - _ ( ,summer? — .— —- — ............ •v the mountain lion, though much similar in some respects to thu User. Stand*4 ^ The“ nian had grown delirious. He She—-Not q u lte r Ma s a y s ^ t’s a t the; ?lsgabbuTf^-feei higfi» ferociousTind w tth'pow erful-sharp-te.ethrit-w as every was muttering now/and Ned-kneeled -— i Literal. /White mountains; but pa declares It’ll iKt ai"formidable a"foe a s any tiger today pacing,his cage in the-zoo. beside him, waiting, while darkness, “They, say 'Mrs. De Style always ;be a t the poorhoase;—Boston Evening ’• - v , fell. Tiie rest of the band had long welcomes her poor relations undeir iTranscript. 4 'filnce surrendered and were being con her rdof.” ............. * . ; ........ Washington, Discovers a, Large New Department veyed in the sheriff’s charge to the, "Yes; I understand she puts them The Trouble^ .county seat,.. iNefi and the dying man, in the attic.” “Did you see where the Anglo-Ger* biddenHfn th frsage-bruah^hadeacapefi iSHINGTON has just waked up to discover-; that It ha»; a_large .new jiet_ rman knight ln London was told he partment of the governraen^which-lt has-llttfe- suspected of -being_innotice.-------------------- ---------- — ‘ PeradOxIeaL AesuLL______ could not reslgn .hla-baronetoy?”_-L^: ii_ ’“fihe -Wfta ft Hhitmer, a real dandy.’1 ttistence, but Which has In its own ju d gment attained proportions .Juatifylng^ An Instant Later the Weapon F#1 'T madeHMlsfl-P ert extende r .ot my_ 9 *ycb; th a t wa8~noTyiltle he could / It in- renting ^nd^aadvlng -Into-^tcq “ ■ m uttered^W W ting.^^beTer^w aen’t a FronrHIs Har 8lr*render;“ \ U U : large elght-stdry Willard building, on ”Well, what luck did you have wlth girl as smaTt as her anywhere. I re OffICE or PUDltc Fourteenth street. This building was only once In' their home, town—hu ; member* how we laughed over a trick . Miss Antique—Mr. -Jones-and I are your tender?*-* ---------— 8HEQU1T “ T -------R0AD5 ANDRUkAl the long-time home of the'departmeht she was a cousin of Myra. she played on somebody—odd: I_ can’t to be married. "Tough luck,” But It Was « Hard PulL NedhaiLtoldMaythat^hehad^bsen. RKINfERIhC Mlsfi ' Caustlque—Grablousl: What of commerce and inter of the-depart*, remember his name nowr ; She got me U.$,D£p10fACRL m ment of labor, which found the struc* engaged once, years -before.— Myra to write a letter to a friend ot hers, freak election bets men do make. Insult Reaontod. r It Is hard to belleve~th&t coffee will tiire tod large for its needs. It has had broken the engagement when she to break up a match with a young fool “Isn’t your wife, alr. aJlttle ad- put a person ln zuch a condiGon' aa it— ^ Hw rle b ly 4 H ^ G a i hated.’ 'rw 4 B h 'y M NBcteff-to^loqtacltyt’-’z her:;;: When flrst a man for ofllce trle*—But auddenly tbe slln came down an' smaller than she had believed.-vBut seen the way Bess laughed when she ^ ‘Of“ courfle not,’ doctor. M y wife jH m atory: He thihkr ona-tetm-enough^irtfl-betshe had contrived to have it appear van after van arrived with furniture told me//_ every man who lands a-priae •- never touchea a drop of^nhything ”1 d ld n o t believe- co«ee,causedLmy_ bstautial kind whtch. only that Ned had treated her badly\ Ned 1 “Yes, i t must -have been amusingy” But 7I» out for two, anU^maybe thr««r strongs’ — — — = — -— ----{^trouble, and frequently said X liked it had said nothing; but Bessie, boiling the government buys, and so it was muttered Ned, wiping the froth from well I would not, and could not, known that the government was mov- over wUh“ imllgnationr4iad^vowed to the; lips of the dymg msn; HsVtlor.—1 kg back Into an old haunt, but there was ouriostty to fte what branch/of the get even with Ned some day, for “If I was an Indian fighter I He buried him inTthe sand a t dawn. aufferer from heart trouble and nerv government was substantial enough to claim such large space. Gold -f Myra’s sake. Then, returning -tor the settlement, wouldn’t like tp* fight the Crow_ln* ous prostration for'four years. Ned knew nothing of this when May Ned realized his holdings/ and, with dians,” ever the doorway gave token that the "Office of PubRo Roads and Rural Engl; • '/ * ' "I was scarcely able to be around, Spring, united States Department o t Agriculture/’ was tUo; now tenant, ana introduced him to Bessie. That same twelve thousand dollars ln_his pock “Why not th e Crow Indiana espe had n a energy and did not care for. evening, after Ned was gone, Bessie Vwhlngton rubbed its eyes and said; “Didn’t know there was such a big ' ets, returned. East. He hardly hoped cially?” ^ anything, w;&s emaciated and bad a told May of the engagement. Grea th at May waa stilt unmarried, hut “Because how oan a Crow ever , constant pain around my hearLu&tU.X -----------:^ h e wfds^iuVea^fn^lts expanding splendorTexpressm*; he meant to see her and ask her for show the white feather?” thought-f^jould not ondure lt.—— — -•bout Which the neonle of the United-States seem destined to hear muAh in May had ^been told °t» the _matter, giveness.' "Frequently I had nervous ./chills There was no chance of making mis* ■tae futura.—The government has In fact launqhed out on a great good roads_LThere • A More lirtportent Question. , When he approoohed the garden in and the leant excitement would drive Wogram, which seemingly will malic rivers and harbors improvements, which ohlef there. “Darling,” hesaid, “would you con* sleep away, and any little noise, would *8lre“went to Ned. "I tbloM -w rtt- -toeJlttlB^s® ta . 6ave already cost-hundreds of millions of dollars, look tame, it fias not ping th e hedge. But It was not' May. tlnue~to love me lin t were to bs^pooT UDSetTmo terribly.: T ^ wm ; gradually. — 1 you something, Mt,_Whrd " she gttcr&ily teen known that the good roads Idea had attained-such suosta ; getting worse until finally nald. "Miss Earle is marrying you It'w a s Bessie Reid; She Was dressed allmy-lifW?” Wvportlons as the new tenant of the Willard building Indicates “My dear,” she asked him, “would j n deep mourning, and, seeing Ned, self what’s the ub& of being alck.aT for your money. She does not care g’ | ...... ..... ' ‘m m tho time and buying medicinejio tbjl fact, she has she irecognized him a t once and ran you continue to love me If you should chance to become a mfiUoeatre?" thrown over a mart whom she does oThiarw lth tr startlin g cry;----- -- ~ “I g o t your letter. It was so good “So I got sonio Postura to help me love very dearly, for your sake ” of you," she murmured, her eyes flif He Was la te m fed. quit I made It strictly according to “I don’t believe you,” stormed Nei: lng with tears. “Poor Phil—such a _ "9ay, pa, I see a lot In the paper* iltbBonlan lnstttntlon-there is a directions sjid I want to tell you that - “Wllhyott-beilevo mo if I show tqv "dreadrar"eUd "1#"that m ine - fitsasterr about men'fltandtnwTirth'e brw d Mi«.“ chlldren. it is not fltted up with pwtngs, slides and seesaws, b ^ t h probf?” asked Bessie. d i n g s w xr tne-grentimt-wtcp' itr m r “Well, my boy?" ' •taw of the wonders of naturo; curious animals, birds, fishes, Insects, plants “ Ned nodded and Bessie handed him and how strange you being there and life. It waa easy to quit coffee be recognizing him.” “Don’t they ever have a cake line cause i now like Postum bolter than •M Woks, all grouped so as to appeal a letter. "Yes," answered Ned, "W here is for small boys to stand in?” W.Is** the coffee. " J: toe youthful mind. This exhibit, It was written to May and was , “One by one the old trouble* left *«•« Plsnnedvespeoially for the child, signed with tho nstne of Philip Whit Miss Earlo?” "Why, X belieyo she’s inside. She Certainty N ot T he Visiting P reach er—You’ve got until now t am In splendid health, • eMeNalpiag to the adult as well. ing, “-You say you love me, May,” 1 doesn’t know you are coming? Ned, “How do you like living in the sub yoUr ■iholr so screenod off th a t It’A nerve* steady, heart alt right and the ■ The rfiom was designed and pre* ra n ,-a n d cannot marry mo because ; listen. I played a dastardly trick on Pain all gone. Never have any more urbs, Johnson?" really *a choir Invlalble.!’ under the personal direction of have nothing to support ydu. But la you one day—” nervous chills, don’t take aay medi "How do I know? I only sleep The Regular Preacher—Yes; but not ^tajatc secretary, isr. Samuel Pier* that any reason why you shouh “I know It,? answered Ned. cine, can do *H my house wt>rk and there, and a man can’t form an opin inaudible. You can atlll hear them Pont Langley, whose Interests were throw yourself away on a man for "When you wrote about poor Philip ion In ■hk^^aloa^^ hava done a grest deal bealdea" .......... ^jHAIPtl I W Jf f buinan and broad that ho took whom you care nothing? May, we Name given by Postum CoMBattle jjje from his other studies to direct love each other, and have learned to X saw how wicked I had been. I told her only this morning. Ned, she Hla Question, Creek, Ml<?h. Read “The Road to That Dantal Treatmunt. JJJ brrsngemont of this room for his oarc more truly for each other since —bhe hM gone in to w rite you a let "Seven men out of eTery ten are Wetlvtlle," in pkgs. "Pop!” T«Ue clients,” as he called them. He your unhappy engagement. Pluck up confounded boreei‘‘ emphatically d*-| Poetum com** in two forma: ter.” "Yea,' my aon.” f fo“ 'c« P . M . appointment «lth *re« .orl- courage to tell Mr./Ward; he will re At th at^ln stan t May emerged, the clam l Alexander Akinaida the dyaFeatwn Car*al—the otiglea) form ■ "When you went to school did they lease you. Adoringly yours forever.’ letter In her hand, Ned aaw th a t th e peptlc dlasertaUonist. must be well boiled. IShc and Me peckptmiab y m T , Beaste looked Into Ned's haggard was trembling a# ih e went down the "Why except the other th re e ”" "Oh. yee. my boy, with S rattan faoa as ho finished reading the letter steps. He stood* toward bar; she ^ wall csbrBi whloh ftn, ,u i0w, so as to be withlnrango o fachlld s vision. and iM hni Postum—a actable powder— snarled J. Fuller Gloom, the widely | Don't they pochib the boys now?" handed It hack to her. raised her eyea, stared fncredokwaly, dissolve* quickly in a cup of bot wa known and cordially detested ml* "Oh, ye*; they poll their teeth." " the different groups The first, the vsnd or "1 thought this was my duty, as ter sad. wtth cream end aafar, make* Ihcludes SBT.ral birds ranging In »l».o f ro m th e co n d o ro f the Ant^s mutual friend, Mr, Ward,” she said and felt weakly into h ti arm*. thrope.—Judge. -** "Ned! Yon—y®« knew ?” .she w hto ^ ^ t'ay h*wk Next are the eagle and elf owls, fol owed hy som® A dettekma beveraga laeSMjHy. Ha to Be OseT Whe We "I thank you. Miss Reid,” answered A Motor Fiend. and BBe tlna nipdj,,' winch ]]*• up to their general label; I I t l i eeay enough pered. "A shop ftri i N«d, raising his bat and lsurtni h®r JA to "Yea, dear. That oor wedding is -Why la Dnckflta gothg eketrt with tof lit* aa B • BoCh kinds um edwAp BMleto— AM It was an hpnt later that N«< u automobile tire on hla arm?* three yeera overdue end th a t we AM eeaa ABesM tke aame per ed*. Pateges o t muma down, b _____ __ thin reds, »oms bat-parakeets which sleep stood before May Barle la tb® gartfSA gatag to pull U eff tom orree." he Aft* "Mere fore* ef habit. EM oar ft* -ItMar Uh« i •Ad naked, to b® rul*a*®d frwn tho* * m T « * F * * & « umbrella Wrt with achr^antk^ «ai» r i « M M s tt> herdown, . •ngngOnkSQt. Ho «* *“*i,k* «*P si. i »K * of Prehistoric little town7” ““Yes,” said N®6* “Often 1 thought of {holding up that ilace. AWish Td done so pow and made a haul. Don’t you know mo?” “Not ,.hy,name,” answered. Ned. “My -name’s—Whiting—P h il. Whit ing,” mumbled the outlaw ,'/Say 1 Am I.dying?” Ned bowed his head; The bitter ness.',;; “Foy Instance?” . “A; man ,will buy a. cheap theater,/ give his growing sons the run of-it, anfi then will be Surprised when one of them marries an actress,"^l^ouls* ville Courier-Journal. . ' “T *7“ t i p mm r Smithsonian’s Nature Wondar RoonTfor Cfiitdrei Iff • y / Its? 6 / THE CHITJffiA 9TAJTDARD. TUIfE XT, iq x s . ttBaaosaosais ittF -rr--! -n*Misses Edna and Marie Wackenhut, of Jackson, were guests of relative# herejSwilaY..,7 7 .... Mrs. Charles Smith and grand daughter, of Detroit, visited relatives 'here Sunday. Miss' Phi la Winslow, of Ypsllan tl iother, ’ spent Sunday wltl\ her mo! Olive Winslow. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L pve,of Jack* son, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Wm. Atkinson. . . 7 Mr. and Mrs. Thortias Hargle, of Kalamazoo, are guests of her mother, Tjw Ctelsea Standard niimuiiiuiiMiiiuiiiiuiiMWiiiiMMimuii WATERLOO DOINGS, John Moeckel -spent Tuesday in Steckbrldge. iimmmmmmmimnmiiinmmmit ~ -s Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W .Beemanepent p i:? ? T tv*1 auuday_lir Jackson,___ . ; 7^ ^ $ ~©»—i3Pr—H Q Q V1CR. ■*> JCOTHtCAGEr Mr. and Mrs? George Rentscbler gs^/> ypBMBHiat. .. spent gund^y in M unlth._________ Mrs. Hazel Frey spent one day last MiltehRelthfflinerajadFred Diirkee Jranait-etoo h i jaut *tx a»A»k*, ftKjrowtfs ■tW w m iw . t*Mrtr«tva cm!#. ■ week with relatives in Jackson. spent Monday in Chelsea.. ~T# trtvifm opexUrta*(MOp#ry#M» Mrs. John Norman, Grass Lake, 7 Lynn Gorton and daughter Vivian, aiwMSMNr w S n iw owbli and bm4» know — .r, onsanUoaUon. We are:offering all Coats at -ridiouiously low prices'to close out every Cout spent'W ednesday with he^ sister,- swere Jackson visitors Tuesday. Mrs. John Helle. M mJ»L' Wtrv « W alter Ko.eltz will \k one of the - , «n our^ department. We positively will not carry over a Coat Mrs. Louis Walz spent part of last graduates a t Olivet college this yeat. itlw aM aSaiaC h iliik i Mlchlrai. u d ir tb( to the next. Mr. and Mrs, Ohauacey .Stephens week-with- her sister, Mrs.' Amelia V Wank- Nichols, of .Munitn, .spent visited their daughter in Howell the Maurfer, ofClintoa. Sgnday with Mr? a n d . Mrs. Elmer mwawatmwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHitwmmm first of the week. . Edwardi Peterson, of \ Jackson, was Marsh. r^idQeB on llPrlntzess” a n d other Ooajs tb a t ;e7 cn e.D cn . ©in en James Beasley left this morning a guest a t the home of Mr, and Mrs. Miss Evg Lehman is spending tbte w ere $16.00 to $20.00, now - -/ - OliflMl Mi5U) m O l! for Otsego Lake, where hi ienry TBohneSunday. M [y ; week with her sister, Mrs. V. F. sonaetlmefl8hing. -Mr. and Mrs. Stuart P a f tand child’ Moeckel., —Miss Marjorle-Hendry, 70 f"BQ 8 ton, ren spent Sunday with MrTsrad Mrs. niiiminiiiinmiiHiiiiiiUjniimt ,Mr. and Mrs. W alter Vicary spent was a guest of the Misses MUler SatJohn Miller north of town, ^ Mre. 0 . W hitaker.spent Sunday In the week-end in Detroit and New -W alter-Bohne, ffqde a business t rip s&fcla ^ '" urday and Sunday,. ____j_____ 1L. — :--------- '-------------------Mrs. Dora Cole, of Ypsllanti, wa8 a to Detroit oneiday last* week which Miss Lecaa Belser.spent Sundayjn Mr. .and Mr>,‘ Marquedt, of Detroit guest atth e hom^of Mr. and^irs.R resulted in the purchase o f a,new are spending a few days with Mr. and' Ann Artery - 1 ’ D, W alker Sunday, , ;__ Ford, . _ . . 1 _ _ MrSTV^alteiTVIcary^; Mitt Anna Walworth; was In Ann ~r Mr. and Mrs. L, Halght aud daugh' Master Arthur -Frey was the guest Arbor Sunday. ' “5 Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Aue, of C.in ter^ofTHowen^were^guests of Mrs, o f * ’ 7 - Mr; ahd'Mrs. Roy French were In Mary Brown Sunday. cinnati, are guest# at' the home of 1 lKlingler, of Grass Lake, a couple qf her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Itotbman. Tedumseh Sunday. Mrs.. Ernest COoke and children, of days last week. Announcements. . Charles Paul was in D e tro it on H ighland Park, spent W ednesdat Mr, and Mfs,”Jphvn Kalmbach, of Several from here ’attended the A regular meeting of Olive- Q^ap* business Wednesday. wittrCheiSea relatives. Portland) Oregon, are home for the children’s day exercises in Salem. Ger* ter, O. E. S„ Wilt be held on Wednes man M. E. ^phurch Sunday evenlng. ; M.JSavage, of Jackson,' was a Ohel Mrs, Elva.. Flske entertained" com summer, haying arrived S |tw % y day evening,Trine 23. 7? sea visitor Saturday. pany from Kalamazoo ^ud Dexter'the evening. They will spend some time; *• The ^ P . I. C. of, the 2d U. B. church f M ? -,v ■ ’— ’: Regular m eeting ot. W. R. C. at 3 ,. ■ jvftfctheir mother. Mrs, Emma Kalm wIITglve a strawberry social bn the ■V Fred^ W arblow Bpent Sunday with it_aiihe,paatw eeki o’c lo c k :next Friday afternoon, June church law n,. on Friday evening, his parents in Wayne. Floyd Updike,' of ’Clinton, wafc a bach) before visitipg^pther relatives; June 26. 26. Initiation;. ‘Scrub lunch. Each . Mr. and Mrs. Aridre w'Sawyer - wire g u e sta t the home o f Mr. and Mrs. ’J'he GleanersmetW ednesday even >?s* member, i s ' privlleged—to - in v ite . & Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rorifmel, Mr. 1» A unA rlw r Suuday. ing, June 9 ,;attb e home of M r.and Ja sr W. Speer SundayL . 7' m tJWK < couple.—f-----!-------;—;------- - ■P $TT7 south? of~tpwm~; -^—p ? " ■Horning, - •■ -*—------------------: - ----- and- Mrs. Fred Durkee and--Floyd Leon Kempf, of Hillsdale, visited M;S U-Mr. and Mrs, W, E. Stipe, of Ann MfjsTTWm* Durkee spent Sunday a t the home of The W estern Washtenaw Farmers* All of the newest as weJJ as relatives here Sunday. . \ . "_ Arbor, were guests of Mr; and Mrs, I t was in the nature of a surprise on Mr.-andzMT87-Jud8on _Armstrong, of dulT w in"hoVd theiiTriext meritlpg^ a t Mr. apd~MFfl' HbrhTng. The-visltors ■staph?. style8-in-4?ats - are now Mrs. Barbara Maaz Manz was an Ann ChaS. Mohrlock Sunday. T'. ' ; „ — — Jackson, the home of Mr; arid Mrs. Herman provided ice credm and . cake and a Arbor visitor Saturday. being shown by .ust M&J$jlvaFJske apentSaturdayand delightful-: evenlhff-Tffag spent. Mr; m Fletcher on Frjiday of this week. A H enry Delterle, of'. ^uhday^with^Mr.~"and Mrs. Janies qnd NtTH. grle N otten will entertahr children’s day program^wm Tbclcar7 Chelsea visitor Tuesday. DeYoung of Ann Arbor; " "SHARON NEWSr ried out. .- . th e arbor Wednesday eyejntng, July Mrs. Wm? Oadwell and tvrn sona. o t lliziMriapd-MtST^Notten^urge every Dr.Tt. W r Banting, of Ann Arbor, visited Chelsea Saturday. B t.'P aul, Mlnni, are gWsts of Mrs. member to be present. Mrs. L. B. Lawrence and son Robert are requested to meet a t Maccabee ______ , AND jL i. week: : Elvina Cad well this visited relaHvftaln OraiiH Laka Sun hnUrtSupday- a fteruoou, June 20 at Herman .3, Dancer was in Detroit Miss Inez Young' g a ve a m lsoellan* =Mr. and Mrs. gitephen Curtis anc foint 8hower" Saturday afternoon at F rid ay on a businees-tfipv n 2?3d to observe decoration day.; .^Ahyl - M r.a n d Mrs./GeorgeStaffan Spent son; of Wayne, Were guests ofTMrs. h e r home^west o f ; town—in honor o f GordonOllffandfamily^oLJackson, cne-havlng-flowers will please send Mary Schumacher Sunday, * Miss Velma Richards, who ’will be a were week-end guests a t the hom e'of thbm toMaccafeee UallBaturday evenSunday at Portage Lake. ^ ; ingr L E t US SHOWIYOXI OUR Mrs, George. WaU spent the week* ' W alter Runolman. who ls a student Ju n e ; bride. ; Mrs. Manfred Hoppe, Mrs, J, R, JLemh;<_ _ at-Big-Rapids, is spending the sumipretDf~the~ bride*tobe gave aehow ef Mr. a nd Mrs. B. P. O’Neil and son The North Lake Band: will give an end w ith h er ion in Jackson. '. . 7 T:mer wlth hls pareats here. N ew “Sport Sbirta” and ^^Spor^-Xi^s-L ijsrn lapcHl o f town, Miss itichards was the re Mr. and Mrs. J. W; VanRlper and Holmes near”Norvell. home of M a n d ;Mrs. Herehel V. Sunday with his parents here. For warm weather. We.have a most complete stock of Summer, Mr. and ^ Mrs. Fred Klingler spent cipient of many useful articles. Both Chas. MacMahon and family, of Watts,Dexter.Jtowpshlp, Friday ei&flc -Miss Ruth ~Irwin, of J ackson, virib -W carofT sil^inds for Men apd'Hoya; 1 7 . 1, 1 fuhcfibiis were delightful social sue* IrohG reekt^pent—th e -la tte r-h a rt-o t Ja g ^ Ju n e 26^—Music—by—the—baud, H undayat-M ichlgan. C enter. “etTChelsea friends. Saturday, cesses, 7 1%t .... 1 last w e e k a tth e h o m e o f G.O.Hewes. Everybodyjnvited. i -— ^ Mr. an d -Mrs. J . J. H a are r, of DeiU: Miss N orm a TurnB ull visited friends troit, were guesta n f Mr. and Mrs. M. The members of Eureka Grange j Mr. and Mrs. Orval .McClurer and in A lbion Saturday and Sunday, -— W e -G ^ ^ B e Beat-O n W ork J. Noyes Saturday and Sunday. will give an ice cream social at.ttae daughter, of Bridgewater, spent Sat Mrs. Pyjen Murphy visited friends U&IA TOWNSHIP NEWS, R. D. Gates, of Ann Arbor, was a urday and?Sunday a t P^A. Cooper’s. Lyndon, town hall on Wednesday eve>< "^ 77 - GIVE US A TRIAL - , _ ' in b e tr o it Saturday and Sunday. ning, Ju n e 23. George English' of guest, a t the home of ills sister, Mrs. — Mr. and Mrs,. J . . W. Dresselhouse .'i 'Geo.. V ande walker, of A nn Arbor, W.-E/ Depew, Sunday afternoon. -“Fink^ OverallB . 4 ’/Lion Brand’* Shoes : -1’Inland” Shirts JohnHumphery, of Lansing, is visit and Tr,Blr:Ko'ebbe arid famUy attend-; Lafayette Grange will be present and called on Chelsea friends Saturday. ing his sister, Mrs. Wm. Gray. : 1 exhibit some very interesting views. -_Mrs. Charles. evers. of—Battle edjjuarterly meeting a t U m a Center Everyonrinvited^ ------ '------ • 1:77 MrTarfd' Mrs. J. F. MeMifterf"were Sunday. Creek, is spending this week with her Made-to-M easureSqits th^gueAt^f~relat lVes~lrere~SuHday± pareuts^and^other-relatives^h&re^^ pa rt o f last-week. “ D r. rWilcox, editor "bf -Tber G rass The-Brotherhood of the Congre Russell McGulness, of D etroit, was ..-Misa..Margaret Eder,-who-has-been Alt $]L6.0Q, $18.60 and $18.50 Fred Samp has been.confined to his Lake News, preached a t-th e^ N o rth- gational church will hold their annual the guest: orhis parents here’Sunday. teachimTTn- Hammond, Ind.. r e tu r n - ^ ome for t he past ten daysliyillness. B haronHSchool -house rSunday -after7*scrutFiuuclr~aridSATISFAGTlON^5UARANTEEKr Jacob; Kolb, of Buffalo, visited rel< ed to her home Saturday for the'sunk a- -Mr- and Mrs, A .-Q —Koch spent noon in place of Rev. H. R_. Beatty. Winans and Storms cottages a t Cavariaugh Lakg on Friday eveningLJune -atlyesLfeere-Several dava oflast wftek men -at -th e—home of Mr. and ' North Sliai’on may justly feel proud -id, Every member of the -Brother' Mrs. AddieMartln visited relatives Mrs. T. L. Thomason and daughters^ Geo.iBarles. lr. of-heiLhlgh- school- students._Robert ±ood U-invlted4o-be presents in Dexter several days of this Week; ot Torrington, and Marlon gue"sts— •V » Conn?, .are C V --- r 6f■ The June arid July birthday-parties M ailin^C rott, of. BateleZCteek,_is her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Remnaht were guestaof^MissTGladys school had standings which exempted W hittington Sundayr —viaitinghisBisterrMrsr^redRiehardsr Morton. hlm from tkking the flnai examina- tS ith e L. D;iT.:MTMpwIH-meet7witlu W arren Webb^of Sbaftsburg, sp en t .ttens^.andTAnnABeutlerialsoualltudent; Mrs, Ada Mensing'-on—-Wednesday/ Mr,- and— Mrs.—Herbert—Riemen.._7(3iay ton-Heselsch w erdtand-A lbert une7r2377~^k^the' 2:24 p. m. car ^ H o rto n spent the week-end in Detroit. Schneider and Bon, of Royal Oak, were several daysof the past- week, with th ere and vVho- formerly, liyed her 7 * Webb. 7 7 — 7 7 graduates Misses-Auna and Margaret Mi ller guests of relatives here baturday_and Notten road. . Scrub lunch. Each Mrs, Jacob .Kle.int sr., and grand- Holden of Chelsea high school is val member is requested to bring a friendr were, in Detroit ‘on business. Wednes Sunday. 7 7 Mr. and Mrs. Leland Foster and daughter, Lulu, were week-end geusts edictorian. " Mabel waShburne of the also dishes. day. ' Grass Lake high School is also vale-^ “ “Mr, and- Mrs. W irt McLai'en and MvvTand MM. J, Fos8, of Detroit, were 01f Mrrattd-Mrs. Geo^Lindauer :----- dlctorian. Mrs. E. Weiss w ill. en tertain the Mr, and Mrs. F. H, Sweetland, of daughter were Detroit visitors Sun- guests ot Mf- and Mra;Eugehe Foster Loyal Clrcle Orihe Ladles' Aid Society Sunday ' Chelsea, were guest r a t the hump Of -4ay...^— ^ ' 1/ of-the-Mv-ih-churchrat-heiThome in Miss Nina Hunter, who has been Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Gi^ay Saturday - ■— Mr, and Mrs. Chandler Rogers and Limfti±^Tue^dav.-afternoonr- June 22. NORTH FRANCISCO. teaeting>7Tn the Tecumseh schools Mrs, Nellie Kiein,'7and daughter - —family, spent Sunday with his parents Members oLthe-other circloo and all here. ■ "■ . ■ ■has returned fo ”her home for “ th e Lulu and Mlss_Mata Klein were Ann * John Walz and family, of Chelsea,' other person* wishing to attend will summer.------ .• — 7 ------ ~7 ^ Arbor visitors one day the-past week. be welcomed. Supper will be served - Miss Blanche Stephens visited rela spent Sunday.wlth H. Harvey. ^■4-; Ed. Frymuth, who Is employed in Mr. and Mrs. A lb e rt1Koch enter tives in Jackson several days of this Mr. and Mrs. P aul Lewis, of Jack*. from five to six o’clock. Jackson, spent-the week-end-at-the tained twenty-five r e la tiy e s a n d son, spent Sunday with H. Phelps. week. ■; ■ I Ihome of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. iriendsaftheirhome-Saturdayoven6000 BUCKS-FORBAD —J . JA .rL oew. ofTBroddockr ^Petra^: Frymuthr RTMTHoppe ahd^amlly spent Sun iagT^The occasiQn was ln honoyof was a CheiBea viBitor tfae-flrst^of ther iyiat-thenoaie^ofcGeb e o . - E o s t e r ^ a s t ^ires'.'Resident Misa Susie Wilson, of Detroit, and METKoch’aJiirthday.ffirafe1Learning How week. o f Ann Arboh . to C harles-w nU am srof-L aasingrw ere Mrs. William -Arnold spent-WedMr. and Mr8r Howard Boyce, of StrongerOne; ■ of-Mrrand-Mrs; J. Dryer Bat' lleshy p a rt of; his little finger last nesday afternoon with friends in. Ann guests Lyndonrspent Sunday with Charles urday and Bunday. ThnrsdayTevening— He was-using - a Rletaen schneider. -Does-your-back-achey-^bi^wealenn weakand ^Arborr _77. painful? _ Mr. and Mrs. J. N."Dancer and Mr. revolver to shot a woodchuck. The Barring t+rb unforeseen every retail buyer of a ” Mrs. Fred Klingler spent Friday ml Mr. and Mrs. EllsWorth Hoppe, of and Mrs. H. R. Schoenhals spent Sun* cartridge cylinder was not in working Do. _you suffer headaches, langupr and. Saturday with her daughter in now Ford cor between August 19IJ and ‘ August , Chelsea, spent ■Sunday-with James and depression? ' __7 -Albion__ -__________________ 7 - - • - ■ • day afternoon witirMr. and Mrs;John order and in try in g ; to adjust -the Richards and family. 7 1916, will recelvo fro?n $40 to $60 as a share of Schfenk at C/avdnaugh L a k e r^ _~'“= = weapon ifwas accidentally discharged. Is the urine-disc-olored,-Imssages ir Mji. and Mrs; Paul Geiger,- of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Whitney, of regular? • tho Ford Motor Company’a^rofite. - ..... .. . . Mrs^FrAnk B ott refearaed to-Tter Wuiv Beach and Otto Luc ht were Intbn, spent Sunday with Chelsea Chelsea, are spending today a t the The kidneys may be calling for help, Tbe Ford oar is overybody’s utility, bocause it is friends;”- —— ■ ------------------- home In liansing Tuesday after spend among those who received eighth hottfe of R. M. Hoppe./ ' W eakkiodeya cannotjdo their work.; ing 8 o m etim ew ith h er8 lster8 ,M r8 . grade diplomas from County School -tasily-adaptable to everybody’s work or play. It Dr. Don RbedelV of Detroit, spent G. W. Palmer and Mrs. G. A. Run- Commissioner Essery a t the rural Give them the\help they need. Mrs. Charles B arth arid children, is rellablo; soiwei everyone and brings pleasure to Sunday with bis. mother, Mrs. Alice ciman. To cure a kidney backache you must eight grade graduating exercises Mr. and-Mrsr W alter Barth and baby, alt, An ooonomy because it saves money—an ! Roedel. ■ Mr .—add Mr s. B. -P. Moye r..and which were held in-the Dexter' high of Ann .Arbor, a nd Conrad Lehman,. cu re th e kltlqpya Mr. andM rsrLouls Btrrgtrnd danghavorago cost of tWojBents a mile to operate and ^r, Miss R uth- Hoedamaker, schooLbuilding last Thursday after- of Chelsea, B pent . Sunday w ith H. _ Use a tested and proven _ kidney remedy. •,i\M a rg a re t visited relatives in Jackson Carl~CRandler, and Robert Mlkesell, noon. A good program waB carried Lel^nan. maintain? 7! inday. Doan’s Kidney Pills have stood the Geo. H, Kempf of Detroit and R of Charlotte; were guests a,t the hpmg out and twenty-one pupils from the Runabout $4^0; Touring Car $490; Town Car $090;'. Miss Tressa Winters was the guest of Mr, and Mrs.' Edward Chandler rural schools received tnjajr diplomas? M. Hoppe took advantage of the tFfitr Coupolot $7fi0;‘Sedan $976; f.70 . b, Detroit with: of her sister in Detroit Sunday and Sunday. / 7. open fishing season Wednesday and Convincing proof of m erit In Ckel all equipment., Qn display and sale ftt \j >, Monday. the result was a string of about a sea endorsement! tries Schmid, shoemaker, tengt Saturday at the^Pritt uuiivii »mnvTrynjQwpovYCi jVAN-HAFPENPffiBr —M r ...................... and Mrs, Wm. Free,!1 and ulilliV Middle.St., Chelsea, says: “I had lum blue gills. f “When a Woman Loves," a very ren, of Jackson, spent Saturday in bago and backache and when I stoop strong th re l^ p a rt drama, considered 'Chelsea.'"1' .,.-..7 .,, .... CHELSEA, MICH. 1 Miss Josephine Hoppe will leave ^kI NiW hj ed it was hard to straighten. My Mr. and Mrs, Roy Davidson. of by competent critics a very fine pro here Friday for a two moths trip in JACKSON—Lucias Groeki. picked up as a suspect in the Michigan Cen kidneys were disordered, arid knowing Grass Lake, were Chelsea visitors duction. A young7 and loving wife the western states. A findB her husband absorbed in business tral yards Friday morning, was found of Doan’s Kidney Pills, I began using Saturday. Miss Velma Richards was the guest them. Th®y-gave me relief. I don’t and disinclined to accompany her to to have on his perison 81,176 in cash. hesitate to recommend Doan’s KidMiss Josephine Miller spent the social gatherings. Her husband asks of honor a t a miscellaneous shower He had come-here from Kalamazoo n e r PH l s t o o t h m ^ h o ^ u f f e f given by Mrs. Manfred Hoppe a t her week-end with Miss Margaret Hoey a triend of Ms to act as his, wife’s es looking for a job, and had flrawnHis loney trouble.’’ Of Dexter. Price 60c, at a ll. dealers. Don’t cort. The friend' makes ,loVe to her home on Tuesday afternoon, savings out of the bank there cxpectProf, and Mrs,- J.; P. Everett, of and th e rumor reaches the husband’s -Sanmet-Gttthrie has the material ingtomnke-Jacksont!lFlrorm5.Gfoekr slmpjy, Mk foLa kidney iem edy~ get {Don P ^ ^ T ^ i d n e y Pills—-the same that Kalamar.00, spent Sunday .with rela ears. He goes to a masked ball in on the ground for a new ham to be was apprehended during a search ekl for Mr: 8chmklhad. Foster-MllburnCo., disguise.and sees the friend kissing a tlves here. " hi rops„ Buffalo, N. y. Adv. woman whom he supposes to be nix erected on his farm. The carpenters the robber who held up a clerk In Pro kM Dean Hall, of A na Arbor, spent wife. He returns home to await his have commenced work on the frame. Sparks’ drug store on Francis street i l f '^ 7 ‘ Constipation Causes Most Ills. Mr. and Mrs. Ohas, Vogelbacker, of Sunday with his grandmother, Mrs. wife and kill her, but finds just In time that the indiscreet woman is Wayne, and Mrs. Kathorinc liesel Thursday night. Groeki was released ^77.7: 77 ; rTHE K. W. ITall. after he had properly identified. Accuriiulated yaste In your thirty 7 his wife’s maid, who has attended the feet of bowels1causes absorption of Mrs. Carrie Fogell, Of Jackson, was ball in h er mistress costume, A schwerdt and Mr. and Mm, Lawrence poisons, tends to produce fevers, up splendid climax to a splendid play, Hcselschwerdt, spent Humlay at the the guest of Mr&: h. T. Freeman sets digestion. Yon belch gas, feel Many Pfcopfe In Hfe Town “In Soak” a comedy complete* the home of Mrs. Mary Murker. l4‘vi! Wednesday. f program . never reMly enjoyed a meal until stuffy, irritable, almost cranky. It Mr. and Mrs. Ueno Hoppe and faml ^wt advKed them to tMce a sn,’t. yo|i.—it’s your condition, Elim Miss Mabel McOnincss, of Denver, T oo m e rc h a n ts fre e khow* will b e inate this poisonous Waste by taking IN Colorado, arrived home Saturday for d isco n tin u ed a f t e r th is w eek, how ly. who have imm spendingsome time * * D y ip n p « ln onri or two Dr. King's New Ifife pills 7V; ev er a four reel p ro g ram con*t*tlng with relatives here,# left TucwlajMor the summer, / tonight. Enjoy a^full, free bowel of tl.u: finest moVlng p ic tu re s on th e T « b l« t 1 Dr. and /Mrs. Fred Ureter, pf m a rk e t will l>e shown e a c h W ed n es Milwaukee, and from there they will moyement in the morning you feel Franer, were guests of their daughter day ev en in g a t a n adm lwdon p ric e o f return to t h e i r hoimv^at Bpokane, so grntcfut, Get an original bottle fitniw ifiLtiv* uTThf* iiinib V .T r“ *rwifi jttflT frVmrt ttVmits. ' M t . "...7 7““'- .... ..... v m BM Cky. gist, today for 2 ^ \ Adv. , 'tJtU nim (ran it* oMosiath* IMMIat. laatm^dto rtmt.Ohri***. MUST BE SOLD NOW PERSONA US W e Haye-Theih Ip sm sm m - 1 T ■. ■ - I . r-w - — Palifter Motor Sales Co. A*.- CHELSEA STORE NEWS THE STANDARD ""m M itii i r :. y THB CHBLSBA 8TAHDAKD, JUHB 17, WEATHER FORECAST. fy«*tber forecost for the-weeh beginning Wednesday, June 16, 1lftlS, issued bytheU.S. Weather Bureau,,Washington, D. C. For the region of lheJir.eatJtok«ir Showers in the upper lake region if you're a wide awake chap you’U not lose > rnpraebt in com ing into llils Store and inspect ttie new things— fa rS u m m ^ r. Y o u know th a t in the paat we have always shown the most au th e n tic ity les in CLOTHING"for njen and this Season^ we're safe in saying th a t our display is. better th an over before. Wednesday and 'Thursday; and sgaih ori Monday with tempera, t.ure slightly above the seasons! average. •A1* The'season for catching bass opened Mr. and Mrsi/F, R. Shepherd and ! j ^ ^ e s d a y - o f thls week anchniany of daughter, Doris, are taklhg^an autq- ^ the ■local fisherman paldv an early m ob^ ' t rlp.^tfeyough JOkio ;and New 1 vlsltLto_nearby lakes.» ______ York^-ghere th ey . will be the guests f1 of relatives for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Guilekunst are movlngzktto^he rcsldencev on, No^th 3 T h e Mlgse^Mary aadJUma, ElercCstreet, known as the mill house. Which have meri a t work leveling up the-larg A _ barn on their farm just, south-of the'J Ithey-purehased-recentlyr village. limits. The bui,iding*hag set JiamsdeH of Ann Arbor will tled abdutlfH aebeB-^^ Lp r e a c tr ^ ith e North Lake chutcbr [Sunday, J une 20 ^ at. 2:30. Sunday ■Adeline} rBchaol^vilhbe held at.l:30r BplrUagierMary” Weber, EUaTDayis airaffitzabethTCusterercompIetethelrj M lssG ertrudetM apesZ and3«^auu^ Course of study a t the -State Normal [day school classln the Congregational College and will be graduated next j church held a picnic m Wilkinson’s week; rorc New -Hats th a t^are^right—-latest styles and best qualities^ " ' ....' ‘ ' '\ L ~ ......... CLO THES -We have a very flno line-of Patterns—of tho latestweaves and colow for s p r i n g —Absolute fLtrtHe best of tailoring -anfHinings. Sfttisfaetiofi-giiarAntftnd. —W altei^RnRclman^-whobas - been.1 ;aklng a course in pharmacy vat the ‘Fer rla Institute a t Big Rapids, has completed his work there, and has; W eislirDetTolt this week taking the^ Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Reilly, of North state exphinatlonr [Lake, have, sold to Adam J. Sauer G. H. Goldman, pf Jackson, a^ reala piece of land on. the north east dentrVrOh^lBeaabout: thirty ”y« quarter of section 18, Dexter town ship—----:— —■ ' ; •O P E N K V E R Y _ E _ V K N l N ( i ^ S . Thursday and \ Friday, Messrs. CahT- \ - Galbraith-Gorman was in Toledo field and-Colemah enlisted:-together .. • •• , ■ •« • Tv . . J1aat^edhesday, Thursday and Friday in where he attendea-th&l j61ht3ohven^ iadeaTdurilng the Civil War. tlon ojf t he-Mtch^ganfand-OlfloHnder* takers A s s o c i a t i o n s . . T:,. Th% next annual meeting of the Washtenaw C o p ty Pioneer and Hia-| lEvcrt BMton^Twhb graduated from: tpricarabciety will be^beld in ChelI No feia or expenses out nnd no tnxes to pay,: An' Investment”imoxcoMod toi aaleiy, convenience aim rauiol Income. 3e^'ChTl8ea~hVglr~8chonl^th1s^weeklr for*: -Checks Sent Ssml-AnauaHySaturday evening for the coming year are; President, John -----. - 4 --------=Montana'-where-he-has secured a po P,: Waltrous;-8ecretaryr Robert Camp- j Withdrawabie Ou 30 Days’ Notioe Isltlon; on a large stock farm r —= = Fell; treasurerr^rGrBfirkhaTtr-Our-n>oordr^5yean of success; ssseta over.one mlUlon and a quarter dollars. Write Our streets havelaectrligbtecbagaiS hahtce S undaV night, the first t ime for several”wee ksftheijlutch on; the-drWe Ishaft having been placed In position. $ 15.00 to $ 35.00 )0 =T The Masson family reunion will be held Monday, July ,5, at Hague Park;,] Jackson. AU relatives of the family are (nyited to attend. Mrs. Florence Barrett, who has! made her home here "for the past mmimiiiiininnniiiitiuiiimmniiumi two years, had -her household Vgoods | Q: J. Walworth is having7his rest. moved to Jackson Wednesday. | deuce corner of .Middle 'and MftnSr A, CoHipsis, confined to her | Tainted, ----bed at the home, of her daughter, Mr. arid^ Mrs. T, _S. Hughes had Mrs. G. W. Palmer, as tberesuJtota I jthetrhbuBehold goods moved to High fall that.shesustained lastjveekc land-Park on Wednesday of this Miss Anna. fWalwOrtb eptertaliieft] weekr^----- — twenty of her young lady friends a t th^ Mrs. Geo, liunciraan will glvC a home of her .parents, Mr. and Mrs.O. J, ! i miscellaneouft-showerTnhono: tSaturday aftetnon. A | niecer MIss -Ve 1raa - RtcbardB, Friday? lunish was seryedr' | June 18th. . Wm. Kolb, Max and'Charles Kelly, Lyle Runciman has finished the com- who have been attending Assumption I j merclal course th at he has b eentak- College a t Sandwich, Ont,, for th'ei j ing at Albion college, and is^vlsltlng past year; have returned borne for ] his parents here., - the summel vacation, / •v fty 't “ Meh’cSKifta in th e ^ ff^ h e a t. new patterns and^coloriiigsmaiiy exclusive designs. ~ - ; ' ." . . . -of Neijkwear- in^rio h -:p ^ftn slah d _ h ew “ rts The D., J. & C. electric Itne aiT* hoiince a change in their time card i ^hleU will go into effect on Tuesda^^l June 22. LOCAL ITEMS. . Everythinghew and up-to-theminute for 'Men and Boys in in^^this .department. F it and guaranteed. Give uah t r i # for satisfactory footwear,- ner, - H The twentieth annual banquet ;o f| the Alumni Association will be.held lit the M. E, church this evening.' wtttiiniiiiiiiminiimiMiiiUMiiuwmtta >.a You knofr the old story about' the early bird and the worm, so come in tomorrow and see the r ’b e s ^ gone. MACE-TO- Tr wBorn, Saturday, June 12, 1915, to] Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoffman of Taylor] itreetru'Bou,— ^ ...... iM OUR *•.«r»i i .. ... —T,'F', MENS GOODSUITS - - f f i l M O N W H O P U T S O N T H E "G O O D F R O N T - H A S T H E GOO D “ CHOCK” V O U R O tO C L O T H E S: COM E T O U S . B U V NEW O N E S . TH E G O O D FEELING V O U WILL H A V E WILL B E W O fitH M O R T T H A N T H E NEW C L O T H E S C O S T : A N D S O S U R E A S V O U "LO O K BETTER” V O U WILL " D O B E T T E R .” i1 .T.V;■: JL is if; .is f i ;y ■ w e h a u e t h e c o r r e c t s t y l e s in a l l s i z e s : t w e e d s , c h e v io t s . SE R G E S A N D C A S S IM E R E S : J U S T T H E W EIGHT V O U W A N T , M S T T H E SIZ E VO U W A N T . J U S T T H E .F R IC E .V O U W A N T T O P A Y ,... Men’s Suits— ^ ' ^ ^ •.■••--7 ■>. , —r - r - * '- - — . —■»—r==_____ —— ), $ B .7 5 a n d $ 4 .5 0 . 1.50 to $ 3 .0 0 .— i- -A F wool Serge Fauts at fig | M t i f e --H= 48 rA 't $ 1 0 . 0 0 , ^ F 2;OQ, f l k W 1a n d $ 1 6 ,Off. Hiig h -dftBSg u a r a b te e iT a i r w o b l aud, w o n d e r fu liv a lu e a z : : 7 ■ • •* •. • • r'r^Vf Takc a look at the- all—I / s^Knee Pants $a: _------ -p * Atr 60 * is; w . p. IS 5 P e r G e n t N et for financial atatement and booklet fflvins fuUparttoutars. > ,The Zion Lutheran church society of. Ann.-'Arbor is making: arrange ments i to. celebrate the 40th hnnl versary ot' the society. The event wlll be held on Sunday, July 18. CAPITOL 8A7INQS ALLQAJL ASS!1L,: -AlmutthlrTymemheraroftheYoung;[ People’s Bociety of St. Paul’s church or call oil inet at the Chelsea House on Tuesday / evening and gave the Miss Julia and W, B, ARNOLD, Chelsea. Elizabeth .Wagner a surprise party. « * r» -b ro th er ol -Mtetari- 2 * . «SL | Schenk, of Svlvan, died a t hie home »“ > *»“ «■ cream »"d ««ke was ■ tn~Ann”Arbor on WednesdayrJone ■9rp?r_ .’ 1015, W. Pr t luhenk of thigplace a t Mr, and l£rs. Geo. Spiegelberg enItended the tuneral wbich:wasJ erfarn ed atth eIrh o m eiastS u n d ay at| Sunday. dinner Mr. and Mrs. H. G, Spiegel& FA SH 10N A B LY E N G R A V E D h C 0 , DrrLTWrCurtls an^ wife . and Ed berg and children, of Detroit, and Mr. audM ts. John Spiegelberg^nd famUyr MANUEACTCR1NG ENGRAVERS "ward-Barnes and wife, of Rochester, The occasion was in hynor of the | -Mlch.v-pald a short visit to Mrs. LOUliSVULL.WfnUrSA [;X B. Fox nt the ^Bom&’^Monday. 72d a n n lv e rs^ y ^ f^ F O ftrtS Z d B g E :1 ot&o*re*AM*fc. LANflINO MIOIIIOAN Visilin?CardsHWJin?iBvitationsMono^ramSialioiien / -T-- - 4rh ey_ hna_- The Chelsea Standard Chelsea, MicKigan B X G L U S IY E r ^ O C A % A G JB ^ * F O R T H I S B X C L U ^ I V B I/IX E ^ . ift-T o ia fi ” The young man who looks forward to having his own business oan best .. p re p a re th e w ay b y saving a p a rt of-hiff salary now. T he g re a te st reason fo r saving- ist h a t docum m ulated nionoy is pow er— it o o n fo rs th e p o w er o f m a k in g m o h h y . M a n y - o f o u r d e p o s it a a r e c a r r i e d b y men who are making ready for larger things. The p l a c e to begin is here. Your . pass book is ready. Why not start the accou n t TODAY. , y : ‘ TheKemptCommefcial &Savings-Bank n -S 4 ! TV Plenty-to;ohg.osb: from rscrv o u ^ ureiv^findHivhat you want.Clever styles too. AH good. Some men tell us too good for our prices. B etter se eih e m . New Shirts at 6 0 c to $1.60. . ■ New Neckwear at 25c to $1.00. New Hosiery at 1 0c to 50c. _ Y Mftw TTndflrwflarf all htyles. and materials, per Suit, 50 c Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wackenhut, Mrs. Ola Blister, Mrt. L; .H, Haynes Mrs; Wm. Jones,-of Jackson, Mrs; C Bohnet. and son, Mr. and-Mrsi Jo.hn^ Steeb, Mrs.. Charles Barth, of Ann Arbor, and Mrs. John Seld, of FranIxdBcorattendpd-the^fuheral of Adolph Heller-Monday, The Senior class of: the OKelsea high school were given areeeptioh by Supt. and Mrs. F. Hendry a t their bome_ptLPark street lastF riday even lug. The evening whs devoted to music, games of various kinds and a lunch was'served. The members. of the clkss presented Mr. HemTrv a fine cedar chest. Merle VanVorce waB granted a parole_for one ycar by the board of pardons at their meeting in JackBon Wednesday. VanVorce left the Jack soirprlimn -Thursday ^for his farm in Salem, where he ,will speijd the com log year and 1&he fulfills the condl tio n i ^ i f t h tirp a ro ie 'h e -w lH ^ ^ g ra n tit an unconditloifal pardon at the end of the year. __ _ m WiTr Men’s Dress Shoes Eugene <Stapish, son of Charles WhatoVer your needs may be we c a n /supply you, and guarantee you that you will receive your Money’s worth in wear. . : v-' ■ ■/■ :• . * ■’ ■ ,/ In Men’s Dress Shoes we ore showing good values': at $ 2 .5 0 Staplsh, lost th e end of th e first finfger on h is rig h t hand Monday in a I peculiar m anner. H e had tu rn ed his! bicycle over and was spinning th e wheels when it4 ta lk e d tiF—fsH and ln l his a tte m p t^ to c a tc h It c au g h t his] finger, ta k in g off th e first jo in t and: c u ttin g another? M r.-and Mrs. W . H. H cselachw erdt | and daughters. Misses Florence and [ Josephine, Dr, W . W a r th a u lr o f Ann | A rbor, Mr. and Mrs. P. Phelps, Mr, and- Mrs, Claude Phelps, of Stock-] bridge, Mrs. W . Sm ith, of Lansing, G ary and 131win P o tte r,, of Stocks bridge, wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ai E. Johnson Sunday. K We are showing the most complete lihe 'of Ijfew Styles. Special Values at $1*50 to $2.50. ^ J Tahama Hat8,3ew shapes, now $4 0 0 to $6.00. automobUe^rip^ BpiegalhergL— from Rbcheatef-fo Ghlcago Sud were | on their return ---- ;..i New Straw Hats; w $ 4 ;d d r. ^ ;....: See our $3,50 Spoolalfl—all shapes. :____ Men’s Work Shoes , ■- _ _ ■ Every pair mado for wear, with th e m akers and our gu^o* onteo with every pair. Priced from $ 2 .5 0 to $ 3 .5 0 . H. S. Holmes Mercantile Co. C. M, Sigler of Tensing, driving a new JJupmohlle, Julius Zenner of H olt, Lhthe.r A. ibriggs and W alter Dell of D etroit, passengers, were nrCard of Thanks, re sted by D eputy Sheriff ■Hrooka i i p ^ re ;a tlveH o f th e la te Adolph Tuesday m oruing charged w ith being 'jt0uQr deslr* to th a n k th e ir friends drunk, and disorderly. T h eir m achine nclgldxns, th e p asto r and choir wim towed Into town Tuesday m o r n - P a u l ’s church -for th e many im r h n v l m r iw-cn nut out of c o n m d s -lklm ' ,»L'SHeH and words o f sym pathy tng, naving wsen p u t ijut ot c o n n u s 1| during■th e ir sad Ix'rcnvem ent., slon by. stdeswlpping some sizeable f artic le , crum pling up the mud guards) Our Arfvtc* Is: and dislocating th e b attery box, They tawci you feel out of eorto (torn eonew* w ere tak en before Ju stice W ltherM l and gave lx>mis to ap p ear before him a t 10 o'clock this morning. They do not relieve you, a physWan, failed to p u t In th e ir appearance and txeftiM do other homo re«Muj w«L Dr. O, W. P alm er who went on th eir Roidoolyby u», lOoenta. k / bonds gave the officers hi* check fOr L, T. Froemow C*. th e amount, IVoaecutiitg Attirencj1 Miss Grace B'letchcr of this place a junior of the 17. of M., has been ap pointed assistant instructor of biology (n the university for the coming year. Miss B'lctchcr Is a graduate of the Chelsea I’llgh school'and was a mem* ber of tho class of 1915). Heretofore tlic position to which has apj>ointed has been filled by a man l>hm anw as here this morning, and Next ftuuday afternoon Thr Ms, ,-aami hw selection fs a high credit to (he men will he- looked * itrr oo a bees ami I*a4 v M»ec»bee* »W beW tH»tbr a ooosl decoration d«j e x c ise * . CbaTgt of jpmplog bott. her scholarship. o v en *a YCAo«' KXPEnirnct 'fil l Slimy BlIRBEfi SHOP Patents You can g e t alt kinds o f ’ 'Tonsprlal W ork , R a z o rsJfo n c d , S h e a rs Bhav|>oncd, R azor H andles, Soap, llaiv Tonics, R azor S tro p s, L a th e r Brashes, ct:c. TOAOC M INIS DftNW I OOWVWOMT* 4kC. ’ Cigars, Tolmceos, IMpcs, Baths and shines A n ’Tftrt* w n rtlo * ■ Mid d— nU utkm ■ * ? i^nliklT - . . 'r r '- i r , o.ir i>,.(nk>n fl * . » U h * r »•• in fft'T iu n i» w l H i O M q Cn m t i in i ^ * , f.1-r-t I. *<>nt f iw< <n.* 1‘M f . u . RURIlOpE m I'.tint* ■ffwwwy rHr 4 thrM o ih M od A H m r tm , J. H, Fa bet, Prop. I Id N. Main At reel. a U Scientific RMericaa. iitwem -niM H -n f t a t r lc e r « ^ ....— Agent for Adams Express t ’r>, , Orders (or sale [•,> For re*ulU tTyBt*N aA rdt,W*«taL, PiEJ # i tt h No - -i \ V K -* : > * / : i 1 * p i .. /- m THE CHELSEA STANDARD. JUNE 17, )?I 5. mm -TT/-TTocetker thfp carried the eleeplng der bruised, hi# head swimming a tit "Our friend." he said, T e goto! * ma.'' SUa pofcslsfi to tho-doom m 1 CsnixdeaU. ■/i: Ifi* out of the room into a larger tle. W ddehIy“s gle»P' ot lig h t shone he *mad enougfa *to ■walk i nto 1heib ’Loncra, look outrido. Se« U any<“ C u t P w S I one Ik on that landing. Ifancied that -apartment. A single electric! tght wae qpwa- A trapnloor above his head even, when he finds out^^hhf thinks has happened. ->c ’ it j was slid a1 few Inches back! The flare burning on the top of a square mlfror the door opened*” Roofing Leaor* crossed the room end tried fixed upon an easel. Toward! this ot ah otectrio torch shone upon hts - “It wasn't^ any ot Jimmy's lot?" Sjinford Quest' shook his head. .. means * the handle. Then she turned toward* they carried the girl and latd her in an face, a man'A voice addressed ’ hlfp. “French/*' he said, “keep ipum, but It “Not the great Sanford Quest?'This easy chair almost opposite to ll. her mistress la triumph. 4ft “The battery la lust on the left/ 1 surely pannot be the greatest deteq- was the elderly fam|ly->atSteflL~Mafr_ “It l* looked, my lady/* she * * » tive io thk world walking so easily in* dougal. 1 felt rettlesiL abo\it him. Laura whispered. —. rr—r— ported. -■- -V' :: I - _ to the spider's web1,r= . - = ' H a has lost the glrl-be wss married Qneat nodded. “Go down and ask Macdougal to “Anrchanee of getUng out?" Quest "Qive me the band." — ~ come up. I am kolas tofcave this r asked laconically, She turned away for a moment and !? 5 g -'» 5 p ? ' thing explained." ■ “Nonet" was the bitter reply. Something of her mistress’ aglta- disappeared in the shadows. ^ When tlon seemed to hare become, cornmu- she returned,, she carrl.ed a curved “You've done enough mischief. You're band of flexible steeL Quest took it there to rot!/* _ nlcated to Lenora. “Why this animus against me, my She walked quickly to the back part from her, attached it by means of a friend Macdougal?" Quest demanded^. coil of wire to the, battery, and with of the hotel and ascended to thew l’ng ’ “ You, and ..'1, harp never coma up firm, soft fingers slipped it on' to in which the servants' quarters were against one another before. X didn’t Lenora’s forehead. Then he stepped “You win take your own maid with situated. Here she made her way FIRST INSTALLMENT; like the life you led-In New York ten. Thli Robficg--*C>rfflfri.l!!d-~li yon; of course," Lord Ashlelgh contta* along a'1'corridor until ’she reached hack, years ago, or youf friends,but you've"She’e a subject, Laurar-l’m sure teed 5,10t(md i j veare lor 1, a »nd 3 ply tied. “Lenora la a good girl and t am Macdougal’s room. She knocked, and' eSAWPOftD QUEST. CRIMINdfcOngihroughm^*' throughme re«p«ctlvcly.And.tbli guaramee Ubacked sure sbew ill look after you quite w ell/ knocked again. _ There wag no answer.; of j t l Now for ourdtOat experiment!^ ♦uttered nothing bjrthe world'* tar--“ " “If l leT you go/’ once more oame ,but t have decided to supplemeurts- She,tried the door and found It was They watched Lenot Intentfy. ilpwlyr and "the man’tHvolce, “1 know very weik4n lift The young man from the West, had nora’e surveillance dverTouri com fortji byisending with you, also* a aprt of firmly, “yojur mind 1 b full of one sub*, what chair 1 shall be sitting before and descended once more to the floor arrired ini New York onlytt^t after* courier and generalAitendant—whom Ject YpU isee. your mlstress Jn her p ponth has passed* ,•> am ^anaes Mao*' upon which her mistress' apartments noon, and hla cousin, t o ^ hom and General nougal, Mr. Sanford Queat. andtl have do you think? . Well, Macdougal. He ohair bjr the fireside,; fibe Is^tOJtyig were situated. She opened the door WormRooRfifMaimfacthrbkCo, head, had already embarked tippnthe task of ishowingfilnitbe grea* pity. baa lived in Noy York for some years, Of the sulte wlthout knocking, and. with her diamonds. LpokAgiln. '' She gcrtthe AshiSigh diamonds, ahdl have Who w^.s'it entered; seittied an old grudge! If not of my own,; They occupied a table in a somewhat and you will doubtless find tiiia a. turned at onoe to the sitting room. . Ues there I am sorry, my lady-*" she iragan. the rodm, Lcnora? Lbokl Look! of one greater than -you. That’s all. 7-iSrnftT1 nf nn« trf- New great: advantage, Ella." Then. she stopped short. The lift Ufiie Into ifiat mlfrOT,' What-dQ-ycnr A pleasant nlght to youl'1 Ycrit’s most famous roof garden res ' Ella giancea over her ahquiaer at The door went down with a. bang. taurants. -The place was^crosded. the two servants Who were! Standing boy, who had had a little trouble with see?'there?" rV-W“A perfect oublietter^he-remaTkede jdrrs 'eyei" had' opened. They ivtth diners. There were many not» discreetly "InThe ^background^ Her bis startlns aDparatus audbatTnof a s whlmg^Tf. a r he hetd a match over eyesvreeted upomthe pale!, expression* were fixed nW^.upol“the mlrror-HJIF yet descended, heard the scream M ttiesto b e pointed out. The .town -leas face of the man who, during the which brol^e froxnher Ups, and a fire* tended, full of iinholy things. . his head amoment or two later, “built man was very busy. last few years had enjbyed "Try harder, Lenora/' he muttered, for,the purpose., It’must, be the house m*niri an adjacentdorriflor came run* r *PeU ms/* the country cousin In* KifnTsndimermofwPs^esnUr«tnabl«*!n{rt«mu ther’s confidence. / hts own breath .laboring, : “It is there we failed td find which Bill Taylor nliig up almost at the same moment. failed, "who le the man at a table by who u n d aria^ i famflnx asn.mnohiiii. Spi«ndld used to keep before he ,waa shot. opportunity lor ri|hl p*rty^ (Strictly .epnfldenM.) htmeeUT The waiters apeak to him v FOr a moment a queer sense of apr Lenora was on her knees by her mla*. la-your bramt. _Look(" . pr®’ enslon troubled her. Was it true, For a sin^emscond the^smooth-surf Smooth brlckwallB, Smoottrbrlckfioor, tress' side. EUa was stilt lying in the AddrwMr*. (8 jgO) Vw»y, N»br««b ae though he were a little god. ' Is he „ 1 .. A.klA kAAA 4she wondered, that she did not like the eaayrchalr in which she bad been face Of the ^pilrror was obscured. A only exit twelve feet-above-one's head. i millionaire, or a Judge, or what?" Representative, Silas Agsnt or Distributor "TouTe in luck, Alfred,” the New man? ^ Shp banished the thought air seated, but her bead was thrown back room oreptr dimly like a picture into Human means, apparently, are uselessr for'lfttMtand -----------id moot UMftl boaiefcolO neoeMlty, tbt JDOM M SOOft M i t VM COBSfiiVCd. belng. a flre iipon the hcarth, a girl; Science, you have beeh my . m istress all in im unnatural fashion. There was r’0rown"fru[ qewareu. *navenuo “ “r \ «va « aarospolling m «•> Ton me,' daddy/ 1 Ella A red msrk Just acrcss her throat, verr attnoi leaning bapk la her chair. A door my days. You must save my; life now tsreeting man tn New YQrk‘—one ot bume.oOM w ia w a w W w w 'sr sighed. . lit the background opened. A man. Lenora shrieked, “She's fainted ? or. l ose an elro est idisdlple/1 * fibs iraowt interesting' In the world. 'If yonthink so now," he remarked, And thedlamofii the diamonds bare stole out. He orppt oearer to thegifl Quest felt in "his overcoat; pocket1 Sanford Ques t ”T do not know what you wiU say to —his eyes fixed Upon the diam onds^ Myou wont toenrnmore moner, «hd jdrew ‘out-thei................... g o n e r ^ : ^ :: i;^ -1 v *Wbp’a he?” dr "Xb'ronr Xor.oqr Oatnlog a* A doctor, hurriedly, summoned,, hud th ln .sllk e n rc o rd ■twisted £youhd.^- h.ut He krlpped; it-In hlavflngers, stood , . ..... . . oMbd d e rW •'--*■ of ■i reaeat ^Sanio^ Quest is the greatest mas- mepresently.": lutTHlwn V M H kw U i r He laid: upon the_t&hle: A-^very fa* wrist. ' Suddenly she saw hlm—too Just completed a hasty e^m lnatlpn aa nearly as poa r lfc criminology the world toerever miliar mqioccq case, stamped wlth^a, =tvhen a nollce inscector, followed by a Ifttel Hla hqnd wag upc t^from which hnOWP .Hw-ta-nr ‘ ‘ • fch he bad been 'project* hla' face seemed .to; start, almost: from eo. icooliy swung his arm back, :Notto Elams. detective, entered. tha Pierpont .Morgan fof, his. prefes- coronet. ! “Our .diamonds!"... EJU . exclaimetL j T I I b I s your affair, gebtlemen^not -the. mlrror^tben: blacknessi A large |dap; waa spread .upon; the Jlung^ the;L blaok^ nebble against the Wkm.” ^ “The r A ahleJgh:diam flnd|r. -Lenora opened her eyeB.SUe was mlne.y thevdOctorrSsM gravely^ ^ “The ^waii and the teacher. iv'da instructing sliding door. The explosion ;whlo fSay, do you' exposed, to^rieg. the class lu- geography^ lady ls dead. Sho hits keem still la the easy.chalr-befQra-the^nre, lowed shook the : very ground UndeTTBBPfer “Mr. Quest!" she faltered,, For minutes—aft eewarde . — s - , „ ,r^Horace,"— v VU¥Ut hisUfeet be sald simply, “you-can-caU- ,_the wonderful atones fiasblng ln tbe cruelly-strangled-wlthfn-the last five subdued' light Ha iAnkftd up frrtm aohi^ atfArylh-lny around him seemed to [ W'ou vs Had a Rough Time, uenor*. «When you stand-in Europe facing tha. Or ten minutes," ln::NeW York,', Lord ^bletgh-coiK The inspector mado a careful exam* which he haif been Studying. north you have on your right hand the rock, Then -Banford Quest emerged,yoo could call Napoleon-a soldier or tinued, “it is the custom to wear Jew* lnation o t the room. . _Z , . ■. ' ■'__ “1am so sorry/! he said politely, dusty hut unhurt, and touched a con* have -him here at the -time l told great continent of Asia. What have Lincoln; a atatesmahr^Herla-a^deteo* elry in pubUe morn, .even, than ln this TOtn"------forgotten that you you on your le ft hand?": "TT^- ' ~ : ; T=■■-.h stable oh hla arm. “Tell me,” he Inquired, “is this the really, had iorgotten five, if you like to call him that, the “You’ve a way of-your own oLdolng. country. Allow met"here. But-you knew—that you have young lady who owned ?h^wonderful "Arrest m e/’ he ordered, "! am San* -“A wartr^repUed^Horacer^but I XMster detectlve In the world-" these things, Mr,l Quest/’ the Inapec* He leaned forward, With long, caps-, been to sleep?" ford Quest. I must be tak^n at once Ashlelgh diamonds?“ can’t help it, _ .teacher/^BrooklyaJl^ When Sanford Qfleet entered hts j>le-flbgers-hoTaate»ed^the--n*ftfct*«A tor-admlttedgrudgtngly. • “Thsy^e gone!" Lenora^shrieked^ r1^aff^go=now ?u-Bhe-asked. headquarters/^ ■' ! —.....~ pm hour later k e glaneed lnto around hla daughters necte. "Mostly lucky," Quest replied. “Take Phey found a cab without much dlf* r“They‘ve>been stolen! She was woar- -- -^Ceptalnlyi” Quest -replied. "To-te ieneocims on tho ground floor. *1^4s our farewell present to you“- Ing them when l lett the rooml^ (H-5 shalHnot HaoBlty^-It^waa five o’clock when the^i-A-elfiar. and-so-long^lnspector.—They W which telegraph and: telephone op* -Rathet^Rlskyr; Ashlelgh declared. arotora ia t ; at their Inatrnmehts. W IM The inspector turned to :the1.tele;, need to ask you those questions, after; reached the central police Atatlom w ant me to talk to Xhlcago-on-Bh*1 "W hat’s the proper way to Indorse EUa, impelled by. goma-euHdfftMiB^ phone. ofheMlttle=pleco-nMHi»igeB8# ^ ^ -CheeKr*' .i- :- '-------T h « V b f - m ^ ^ o tis n ia U lift, he a ^ ______ ’t/i' . •' • 'i pulse which she Muld nbt qulte un* he said,. “I am “Mr." Marsnam; It was a few minutes before mid With the name of a m an who has a eended to the top story and entered night when Quest parted-tha-chrtalns good bank-account/t a targe apartment-wrapped in gloom derstand,. glanced, quickly around to afraid this wiU be a difficult: affair.-1 J ['/• ' • :\ *-y wntil, aa he croaaed the threshold, he where the manservant was standing^ am going to take the llberty ol^ calling of a room on the ground floor -of-his iM ■■: irtf touched the switches of ;the electric For once she saw something besides In an expert That you, exchange? I house in Georgia square dnd looked roLR own o n n ao ist w iu . tell yod want—number^one.New-Yorkclty— Mghts. sOne realized then that this out Into the snow-white street.^ Then ri "t ' Juit-Sr*-o«mipn^WriWlr9t-Book-ol--Uia-l5,»was a man of taste. Quest drew up. he-turnedaround-and^addressed-thers i'r Mr.i Sanford. Quest." j: IV.: mULFwa. .Murin> aqatedy Oo„ OUctg* 1’ i■ i r1 am easy chair to the wide-flung win figure lying as though asleep upon Ih e t'ili dow, touching a bell as he crossed the sofa by thd fire. CHAPTER IV, Oelays Are Dangerous. ■V : room. In-a-few moments the door wets •"How Is. it that Jones always acta~ “Lenora;" he Bald;1"! am going out. opened, and dosed noiselessly. -.A There seemed to be nothing at all S tay here, If you . please, until . I re*: before he thinks ?*’ original. In" the-methods-pursued by young woman entered with a bundle turn.”-----./ - ;......................................... "If he thoughtrflrat he'd never a c t" of papers. the /great criminologist ' when con He left the room .--For-a few mo The: crlminologlaf glanced through fronted with this tableau: of death-and ments there was a profound silence. ^fost” parttculor-womehr use Red Crow the papers quickly. '"No further inrobbery^ His remarks to theTInspec*" Then a White face w'RsTjr'esBe'd "ftgainst Ball-Blue. Amerieah made. Sure to pleaBe. «mlriesf Laura?" tor ware faw and, perfunctory. *He the window. There was a crash, of At all good grocers, . Adv. She left the room almost noiselessly, asked only a few languid questions of glass. A mdn covered w ith snow . The virtues of some men are never Macdougal arid Lenora. who were •Sprang into-the apartm ent. He mnvAirl apparent—until- broug •THE TENEMENT— HOUSE' MYSsummoned to bis presence. swiftly to the sofa, and something, crlmfsaLlawyerilwho defend them-. ‘ TEftY.” Macdougal then turned toleave the “black and ugly s\vayed~ln-htB"tocl7 roomr Lenora" was "about ta followi “So youlvtf-deceived-me,-have you?-"CHARTEft I. but Quest signed to her to remain, he panted. “Handed oyer the jewels, “i shouLd like to have a little, con* chucked me, .and given me.the double "This habit :of -becoming- late for venation with you about your mis^ cross 1-Anything to say?"-breakfast.11 Lady Ashlelgh remarked: tress/’ he said to her.pleasantlyr VI? -.Ieaned-U-forwarcl.—hls^ iw jhe. j g t .'down-the ^jfee; pot, .“Is^ you don't mind/1 will ask you to ac* white face distorted wlth-passion. The growing^^ uponiyoiir fafheK r Any-news,1 company-me In my: car. I will send life-preserver-bent and quivered be dear?" the man back with .you/’ ■ hind him, cut the air with a swish . Ella glanced up from a pile of cor* .The^r descended In the lift together and crashed full upon the h e a d ._ . respondence through /which she had = and Quest handed the girl into his oar, •The man—staggered back. The ;been looking a little negligently. They drove quickly through the silent weapon fell from his fingers. For a "None .at ,all,j mother. My corre* streets. . pnt he‘waa paralyzed.-There waa . epcmdence. lsIJuBt-the-UBual sort of rub* In a few minutes Lenora-Was :ln* ' upon his hand; i n r cry— Wsh—Invltatlons and gossip, v. Such: a stalled In an easy chalr in Quest’s^sItInhuman;' _unnaturaLL Ba"QuiMDiamondsI" 8he Exclaimed. “The ttng.Toomr looked-again—TKeh_the^ltghtH~flashed "At your age" Lady Ashlelgh do* “Lean b^ck and make yourself com AshUSgh-01anf)ondsl “ “W htt About the Young Woman?" the lnspsotor Asked.. out all around*him. . .Therewere-two dated, "that Is the sort of correspond fortable/' Quest invited, as he took a ence which you should-flnd-lnterest*' the perfect automaton. His eyes,, In- chair opposite to her. “F m ust Ju'Bt tlon has been here. He says they going off duty. He recognized Quest detectives in the doorway, their revolveraJioveidng hlm~Sanford'Quest, fltcad of belng flxpd at the back of his look through these papers/* have come to the" conclusion “that a w ith. B'litiTe exclamation.' “ .with Lenora In the background. rTn W -Yfln hniriiW T am tint Hlro that- mftth. m asters ..chair, ware- simply riveted ■The girl, did a» she .was told Bho- very well-known gang of New York —.'IfloL your man to-bring^me^ierc on err," she protested. "My music Is really upon the stones. A/queer little feeling1 opened her:coat—The room was de criminals are in this thing. We ku6w Quest explained “sq as to get-away horror 'turned almost to hysterical thexraly part or life which absolutely of uneasiness disturbed Elia for the lightfully warm, almost overheatedTA how to track them, down all right,” v from the imoh.’*rage. He had wasted hla fury upon a ttPmer^Gfi, why doesn’t Ifela- moment It^passed, however,'aa in Hsense of reat crept over her. Shalvas ^ T m a y gomow, thenT’ she repeatedp "Say, yoifve been in I roubleY^ih e dummy! rey. make up. h!s mind and le t father glancing away her attention whs once conscious that Quist had laid down with immense relief. lnflpector vremarked, Reading the way -.fir 'Take him, men,”' Quest ordered. know, as be promised! . . . Herb more attracted by the sparkle of the the letters which he had been pre Quest escorted the.girl downstalrk, into his room, “Hands up, Macdougalr~Your'number’s comes daddy, mum/* jewels upon hbr bosom. tending to read. His eyes were fixed opened the front door, blew hla whis “Bit of ah-explosion, that's all/’ up/ Lord Ashlelgh loitered for a moupon her. There was a queer new tle and his car pulled up at the door.’ QueBt replied. “I shall he all right -The h&ndouffs were upon him be mi|mt to raise the covers from the “Take this young lady/’ he. ordered, when you!ve lent me a clotheshrush.” fore he-^euld movei! CHARTER 111, look In them, a strange new feeling dishes upon a/slde table. Afterwards “wherever shq wishes. Gaod-nlght!” ^ creeping through b®v veins. / ‘What about the young woman?” Ashlelgh diamonds, eh?" the lie seated- himself at the table. ^Tkft.girLdroye^off. Quest watched^ “The The streets of New York were the idspeotor asked. lector-asked eagerly. “I heard thlB morning/' he said, ered wlth a thin, powdery enow aa tlm silence. the car disappear around^he edraer. “I shall have them at nine o’CIflCr “from your friend Delarey, Ella^ He very luxurious car ot Mrs. Delarey “You are anxious to telephone some Then he turned slowly and made prep, ^drew^up-outside-the frontrOf-rthe-Le* one,” “henatdr "You looked-at-both oration* for-his-adventure.—*—.-^. __4_ this morning," Sanford Quest prom •pair, her head downcast. She had 4: substance of It Is ’that for the first land hotel. a iittle after midnight. Ella the booths as we came through the "Number 700, New York," he mut ? se d r‘'atrd_hahd you over Urn muiv turned; admitsW a y "fro m ^ M s^ u p ^ derer somewhera-around^nldnight/^ler hands were-outetretched:—It“was year of your musical. trainIngJhe ad- le&hed over and kissed her hostess. hotel. Then you remembered, I think, tered, TTair'an- hour later, ais he left • ' s • * « * York. — ' ■— uA ^orere expecting the his house. "Beyond Fourteenth street "Thank you, dear, ever so much, that he woiild not be,there yet. Tele1 Quesi slept for a couple of hours/ Handcuffs. ,.. ."Utave not finished yet Thle cable- -for-your dallghtfuLdlimer/’ she ex ---------: 10‘ne how. T he tetepfronyl r at your =*a tough neighborhood.” “You ogn-let-her alone," S an fo rfH gram,” T e went on, drawing a llttfe^ claimed, “and for bringing me home. right hand. You know thThumber.” He hesitated for a moment, feeding had a bath and made a leisurely toilet, Quest said quietly, "A wife cannor At a quarter to nine he Bat down to aMp of blue, paper from his pocket, As fof the music, well, I can't talk the articles in his overcoat pocket—a She obeyed almost at once. give evidence against her husband, breakfast In his rooms. "was brought to me this morning—”- about it. I am Just going upstairs revolver in one, a Bmall plece ot hard “Number 700, New York city/* qnd besides, I need her. She is going Ha smoothed it out before him and into my room to sit and think.” "At nlhe o’clock,” he told his serv “You will ask/’ Quest continued, substance In the other. ' Then he to work for me." .... . 8 read: ant, “a young lady will call. Bring stepped Into his. car, which had Just The car rolled off. Ella, a large “whether he is all right whether the her up.” t Macdougal was plready at the door, ........... returned. , To Lord A*hlolgh, Hamblfn Houio, C or umbrella held over her head by the Jewels are safd.” between the two detectives. He swung ‘ "Where did you leave the young The door was suddenly opened, Le There was a brief silence then the set, England: 1 find, a magnlflaent pro*' doorkeeper, stepped up the little strip, lady?” ho asked the chauffeur, nora walked in. Quest glanced in sur around. His. voice was calm, almost gram arranged for at' Metropolitan Opera of drugget which led into the softly girl’s voice. clear—calm with concentration of Sotwo thli year. ' Have taken box fo r “In Broadway, sir. She left me and prise at the clock. “Are you thore, James? . , ..Yes, hatred. your daughter,- engaged tho beat profoa- warmed hall of the Loland. Behind hoarded a cro«B-town car,” ? "My fault!” he exclaimed. "We are •or in the world, and'socured an apart* her came her maid, Lenora, and-Mac- I am Lenora, Are you safe? ‘ Have Quest nodded approvingly. •" • •low. GoOd-mornlng, MIsb Lenorat" ^ “You are a wonderful man, Mr. aaent at tho Inland, our moot, select and dougal, who had been rifling on the you the Jowels? . . . "Whore? mHKe the inft “No finesse/’ he sighed. somfortnble residential hotel. Understand box with the chauffeur. He paused You are.sure that, you are safe? .She came straight, to the table. She Sanford Quest,” he said, “Make -your brother la still In South America, re< most-of your trturaphr-"VoWirme^ laid a little packet upon the table. turning early spring, hut will do our boat for a moment to wipe tho snow from No, nothing fresh has happened CHAPTER V. “You ere at the hotel/'" Queat said Quest openedJt .coolly^ The Ashlelgh ^ f r L up‘ th,ero 18 006 co,ning whose to make your daughter’s y*m rof study:** hla clothes as Ella crossed the hall to p h a ia n t as ponplblo. Advise her SAtl on the left. Lenora turned towatfd him. softly/ “You are going to him. diamonds flashed u p , a t hfrii. He' wlt-and ^unningrsciencrhha"^U are Saturday by M auretania. Sanford Quest was naturally a per led Lenora to a ohair and rang a hell. all-conquering. He will' brush “I cannot sleep,” she continued. “I He whlepercd something In her car. Sanford Quest, like a~fiy7 w m J son unaffected by presentiments or “Prepare a bedroom upstairs/* he a•way, - -"Oh flaturdayf* Ella almost For a moment she shook. T.hen shs am coming to you,” few weeks."— ^-------------iL ^v ail She set down the receiver. Quest nervous fears of any sort, yet, having ordered. "Ask Miss Roohe to come turned'away and followed her mis •creamed., Advanced * oouple pf yards along the leaned a little more closely «v*e bs*. here. . ; Law s/' he added, as his ‘r , ; ^ ... “I shall now," I/yrd Ashlelgh said, tress upstairs. Tell me some more about hallway of the house which .ho had “Yo\i know where the Jewels are secretary entered, “will you look after mured Arrived in her apartment, Ella ^teavo you to talk over and discuss this great master?” »oout joat entered without difficulty, he came this young lady?" this matter for tho rest of the day. threw herself with a little sigh of con jhlddon,” he said. "Tell me where?" Her lips quivered. Rhe made no an to a standstill, oppressed with the _ A few; mihutes later Inspector «"L2!ILmUw At dinner time tonight, you can tell me tent into a big eAsy-ohalr before the You will hoar nothin? OH. «Ia D. K C LLO Q G 9 sense of, impending danger. "French was announced. Quest, nodded at . replied. ftm* decision, or rather w6: will die- fire and gave herself up for a few mo swer. "Anyone here?” he asked, raising in a friendly manner. “Very good.” Quest concluded. T on *Z Nothing, Suddenly you ') ments to reverie, SMS It together/* ( ■ will find yourself opposed. You will A log stirred upon ihe Are. Phe n*ed not tell m«. Only remember this: bis voice, "Some coffee, Inspector?" Jtrugglo-and then the end. it iV S J There was no direct renponne, yet leaned, forward latlly m replace It and At nine o'clock tomorrow morning you 'Td rather have those diamonds!" c h a p t e r m. R em ady^fov th e» prom pr< pt r*n«f ot then stopped abort Exactly opposite win bring those Jewels to this apart from somewhere upstairs he heard the Quest threw them lightly aoroas the _ Amk your A e t h m a A n d H A ThoyUod him away. Only Lennwi bAlf-smothered cry of a woman. He table. Uk« U. i ImiUwa ." Lord to her was a door which opened on ment. . . . R«et quietly now firwttitot for tt, bn*, hr n t i MSriX LIT gripped his revolver In hi* fingers, He The inspector whistled. to « back hall. It was wed only by want you to go. to sleep'iMhlrigh-hestoto After'dte««v that NOETNlfiJR * LTRAN CO. UA.aUfFALO,M.Y. r Z ! . ^ ' Q U M i took a quick stop forward, The floor* “Arid now, French, will you tm here, ^ !^ ‘/i':r('il|l(b,;v'*th*t you . have ftoally decided, the n*rv*nis. Just as ahe wus In tha "You’ve hrid a rough time, Leiiore ” gave way beneath him. He was fall please, at midnight, with three men, tor s th'embrace our friend DeUrey'i act of lennlac forward EUa ing into blackness. . . . v armed?” i ( t-. and to leave m SetovdayT' ooosektas o t a "F n rh a i the brighter ( w*"*? '^ tle ess Perhaps days ltdn oomThe fall iUflf wag scgrcsly a dosen “Here?” ths inspsetor repeatod. Asm. He picked himself «p, his shoal* Quest nodded, ejto, The 'TC BE 00»rpXNUIta> <4, AGENTS H i ASTHMA •v ■<p111 4 *24- THE-CHELBEA STANDARD, JUNE 4-7, m l SAVE WILLIAM PENN'S CHAIRS l^w^RieH^eART 1 Tfci (tad Heart-Throb Novel oftbe Century By Bertha M. Clay ta n u l” 1 fw die lUmakkr of "Hiii Ytu for P 3 g * Oiudty, Chi* tot haowaa«riBf ■^oua°>.jfWLtf^awiTcOTCT** «w mOQOwcmk-:--r"=r- ffiES?!^SWa* Wi rtdUe*.'D«r*i«opiU*»ihi, W ^^vw w ^vw w w vw vvysA ^ni BULL. MAKES DANGEROUS PET wantoldiaflhitwi ^ slu b a ^ P ^ ^ T H B V jto P L ^ d HO£l B jfiURftALIcr 81* Month*,' / f i i i x t u f,fA. tupton* Pufrllaheiyae City Hall P lace, New YorkCIty Should. Ncvep Be Trusted So Far as tir Qet Advantago of Attendant—_ Sxerolfa is Esaentlal.------- The practice of permitting A bull to run with the dairy cows cannot pos sibly . be commended^ eepecially Is tbia true during tbe breeding season; and with* the dairyman who U milking a large riumber of cows end haa^ coa* stant demand for milk, this means practically the entire time, A bull kept in a small paddock where he gets plenty*of exercise, .pure water and; food rioh in bone,, siid/ihuscle- Natlowai Heirlooms, About; to FpU , Apart* Have Been Repaired by Blind Women. , '*v' Two quaint and graceful chairs that' once belonged to William Faun have. Just beep repaired by two women who have never apen the eliairs, says the phliadelphlA Ledger, The two^woipen are inmates of the Pennsylvania In dustrial Rome for Blind .Women. The chairs Are preserved in the east room o f1Independence tyall. od the ’seepnd floor, ;Year by year the cane bottoms of the fapnous old relics have been gradually cracking and. falling out, The cotpmittee.W charge decided that -unless- the cane; was replaced _ the woodworkrmight soon collapse. But :toe'y-dld-nQt_.dare to let the chairs be taken out of Congress h a ir Po they sent for Mlss lra Frost, mls-J tress of handicraft ait toe Industrial Home for Blind Women, and she brought with her to the r,opm two. of the blind women who understood chair repairing. The wdrk waB peculiarly difficult, for it was impossible to erect IpCongresB hall tbecaningtable need ed .to hold thp ebsifs firmly io place indTTnoreover. thelr woodwork :wasn soft with age. >But ’the deft rseclng fingers” of tbe bling women did,toe work^n spite of ail th© difficulties, and now-toe precious William'Penn chairs Me'^afe, HOW WOMEN AVOID OPERATIONS B r T eU ng E. K nk. C «a T"- t ; am* Cleveland/ Obio— ^ lf y l e f t s id e pained me so fpr peveral years tost E s^peqted to have t* undergo ad ’ opevwtion, nut the fink o t t l e 1 Writ o f Lydia E, Finltoam'a finm1 pocid relieved m««C thepalnalnmyrdda and l contint^d iti use until t becaoNi r e g u l a r and ftua from pains, .{ had asked seversl doe* tors If there wa* anything I eoUld take to4»lp-» e and they stdd there wss nothing th at they knew of. 1 thankful foir-mich n good medicinenaC_: wiU siwayx give It toe highest 'pr»l»e.,* —Mrs. C. H. Griffith, 1668 Coustanl fit,/Cleveland/ Ohio. —■ Hanover, F «.-^ ‘irguffsred^ from famale'trouble and the pains were so bad at times that I could not sit down. Tbs :• doctor advised a severe operation b it . t my husband gob;me I<fdta Ei Hftkham’a ; Vegetable Compound and I experleneei ! S eat relief In a sbort time. Now I feet ;e ,a new person and can do a barl~^F day’s work and not mind it. What and happiness It Is to be wollonoe morsw" I am always ready and willing to spsah ©good word for tno C6mpounq."—l*r*« A da Wilt, 808WalnutSti, Hanover,Pa* ire_*re anr cdmpllcatio do not understand w r lte to L f Pinkbam Medicine Co. (confident!^ Linn,Mass* Your letter wlU be opened ■; ,..,v Bome/pf :Thoge Who Need Reforming. ■let WA$ NOT ^ 0 ,HIS LIKING "Hbw/nleo it would be/’-moallacleus' DAfnawl»rf/aT?t* D »t/vrrrzr^t^Tir-jT ^ jrtean Soldlor Property RoonUd Ty retnark^T j; Fuller Gloom pf Saiftoe viliage drunkard, the Flllplnp’l Inoult to tl^ w m T iir oldest inhabitant, the town gossip, the ^Offis'sir*-*life o f the party/the glee club, the The Btory la ioldby an'Engllsh na woman Vrhorcoraes of a hue bid fam« r. f ily. tholpollticaj whtfolhorflft, thfenatn.il] officer who witnessed torfibccur^ -fence in Manila: VAi'I was crossing ral'born humorist/ the local ‘poet, the ' ow of tbe numerous bridges across dramatic reciter, uh e preacher who. the Pasig river, I sawf a native ;Fm-1 ■Psrfeot Vision.’ ptao spit in the (ace of a Spanish lady, who .is greatly trou^bied over our "Ydn big mutt,” sald the batter, as officer, and then ran fot protection to lack o p t culture, and severs! others th e, umpire called the third, strlkb> the American sentinel, > b o was pac whbm t couW nameT would experience "that V as a foot ,outside. What’S; the ing the bridge. . I t wag some' time.be' a/ebange of heart andreform!"--Kan' matter, with your eyes?” * - —I lore the Filipino could make himself aas CUy Star. ,. , ‘’Nothing at allr replied the arbk jinderBtood, but when to e sentry com trator_ ,?p t chiUing tones. "I canjsee prehended his.action was very prompt -- --^-rH.ow irHeppenrcf, t /from bere to tjje clubhouse, and. If I "It wa'a thls way,’’ said the tattooed -indeed— He han'dedtola^gun_to ton don’t see you, over, there in five .min ian. to his. circl^ -o t j nteres t ed-Us-4'Spanish offlcerpcaughtto«rni utes it!lL.cost" you fifty dollars,*' ! J the nape or the neck anflr the seat o f teners^ trousers.: and pitched him off the. m theSouthE aclflcand.capturei'by ECZEMAS AND RASHES bridge <ntn the -Pasig river.. Theh he a bantT bf~ savages. They demanded ■ a thnilBflnrt rtnll<ira fAr tiny ralftflBfl I — cgtmly took hls-gun- from the offleory n a »n»wewd h a'wopaa aad Itching-s nd Burning Soothed by Cull"and began pacing bis beat, as~tf not' -wag-4fr-a terrible-predicament—all my Sutt-^erniind Yard; held In stricM onfid* ~cura. Trial FresI money was in a. New York ‘banRT and i«l tinrf ^nnpenad.'WUnidefitlfled. -Cuttl^Q-Dcadwood Out-bf Trepi I hadn’t a cent with me.”.■■■■'■ forming material such as alfalfa, oats The Soap to cleanse And purify, the ‘‘What did you do?” ask/ed-one of i Reason for His PoUtendsi.’ Wh it t e n .) " ‘"~ of^littler-pits^where^ the flowers feb and wheat-tranrwll^be more vigorous / ‘Shoestring's7 untledr ma’amV- ' a the 'fasteners- as—the tattooed manThere is perhaps no phase-of-farm*: from the twig; If the frp.it. set, thd; and give better service than a IbuU Ointment* to soothe and hehX TIelief, —junall boy-cailed - out—to- the stout paused for breath.-----fng in which careful methods pay bet-, larger fruit, scar will indicate the .fact. permltted to run with the cows. It Is rest and sleep follpWrthe UBe of-these . "I. told jthemr to draw on. me, and' wbmanwho'mbvedraaJesticaHyup^tBe The character of this fruit scar .wUL Very esbentlal -that^' the—bull should" superoreamy emollients and indicate P ro m p tR eliel—P erm aneat C or* te r thau they do~ in fault growing, theyidldr" - ---- . There-is probahly-nothlbg else krdwn indicate- la a-generaLway^wh sther th e Aav^ 4>lenfaLof‘eierclae^ which he can speedy and complete healment in most CARTER’S UTtLE “ Even a-lees haughty woman would on' the farm that suffers more if neg- rrE rw T w w l "dm iopedrorwhetberit- not---------— — —to a stall, — -Wheys; leases QLyounje.andLjQld. even when t h r HVE get i t confined — ^ ~ -M o re —Practical— Jected^than^does the orchard. / Moat fell ^prematurely;r.have found-,it difficult -tcfctreakrwilb It is Impossible for thedw h^r to fence Usual remedies /have utterly failed. fail, Purely veg.ta< Sample each free by mail with Book, ble act surely ^ disdain eo kind an offer, and she drew "I see fWhere King George haB taken. of our essentraV fatm cropB ■are an^ In fact^the characters of {he twigs securely about one acre for the bull/ tell pretty-accurately what the trees h a-can very easi ly provfde therneceg' Address postcard/ Qutlbura; Dept. StY, but gently on’ -from-Gi&^kaiser-and- nuais accepta nce- o t zht TKe pIantff~which produce rthem have oeen doing-lu-pauUyuais. From~ 8Bry exercise-Jiy^stretchjug a strong i Boston. -hoid-everywhere.—Adv.' jittention.■ . ... ..j....■ . v other German rulers.’’. Stop bnvt* dona more,good for tj-row hut a single saason. Zf the'farm - them the Bkillful-grower may^read the wire between1 two substantial posts1 The' little-boy pulled the .atring-tight dinner dis* -Eph^saiey says the. moat inbatmo- Md-8ml l e d u p a t - h e r .,,My.mdtheris him -to' havja^lurned. the. hobe on._’emZr :er. neglects tUem/..or if the season is life history of the "tree, and’ fastening, the;bull by chain from niona combination Is a street car con" tresa—cure ji __-,i—i bad, or if mistakes are made, the'mTi7 ^ ^arefu l 'retfectlon upon the-relation the ring to h lr n o se -h r^ rib g “Which fat, too,” h e . explained.-t-The Inde|HO*aWvlrW ductor, and bis. necktie, done and -Datice^ -_Af th a between; fortune-which results Improve the complexion, brighten theefea. Blips loosely over t he : ..Vita • Tb it Ha ve-y ou-lea r iied-a ny-n ew- et ep s ?-. season. What: bus been done to tne tree majn makes a . secure' -fastening ' and one SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PKKJL Always-use'Red Cross Ball Blue.- Delights Many a^lmah^Bigl# htsTOwnr prater - “No, but fve^stepped-on a iof Of new - The-farmer_inay--plantiflnotheitcrop. be , an Important guide to /the' /best which experience has proved Genuine, must brer Signature; the laundress. At all good grocers. Adv, whose musloal^eduoatlon has been bad feet.”—L ifs------- !---------------- L- — next' year aind start afresh with ^ew' methods iOf4rdatment.tQ be adopted.. cable, Anything whi6h draws the grower’s — Whem kept in this way the bulLis. ly neglected. plantai-T he orchard trees are peten -^Gossip wiU-generalUL-got-lhere withA New Suit'Wanted. nials; once planted they .should last attention to rhis trees usually, results- alBomore-easily-raanaged— A d airy out toFnid-ofa'spepiai deliyeryi Btamp. Every"f ellow~ te llsra -h 6—isn’t — Monk—Wh atch cr-cryin^aE aut T i.. __ .fnr--yoflrfl.-AhylttiiHfort.ntiWWhicfr twof- in better ,care; for he then sees what: bull makes a dangerous pet, -and Z ebra—Boo-hooi Everybody hollers lakes, them in. a . given season iia y they, need, and when th e y . need RT should never be so far trusted as to worthy of her, Jbut he ‘doesn't expect "Jail bird" a t m e 'i. . show-its-bad effect for/years> o r ; cv©h Among the most urgent needs of fruit/ ‘ be in a position.where he,.can. get .tbp her to believe him. through .th e -life . history_of.Ltbe; tr^es,_ growing trees t is Spraying to prevent advantage of bis attendant. Those un^ Mistakes m ade in ' t^ e m anagerqent injury from injects and fungous dfs- fortunate ’accldehfs whichThave- 8orne’ ■'v .\:v X ^ of fru it treeB m sy .not-easliy . be r^cti-! eases, . . times occurred have usually been due The best,growers are^nowaomlng to to overconfidence on the part.of the fled -next year, Aga|ni annual-farm.crops.live during recognize the fact that spraying ban attendant.— v.---become a necessary factor to Subcess. The bull should always be handled year; They are out of the way before /Sprayingfshould.. be..JCoked Upon Us kindly and firmly, and should under:, _winter_comes. . __ , - t-- something more .than merely a. means stand that hie attendant is his master. - Fruit^treue must not- only -grow-in of-saving by. better perfecting the im* -Itia.aiways advisable to train the buH summef, but most v ■e. over/winter and mediate Crop ot fruit>;—... • . ... -calf .to.lead, and a »rlng should", be It promotes thbngeneral-health afld. placed to his nose a t an early date. endure the Inclement seasons ' They J !Muld“'he=kGpt^Thg"'bestJeonditlon-4n= -vigor-. . -X li^K lnfU V <m B a v e A lw a y s B o H g h V a n d yghioii Iiam 'the oharaoter of a subsequent crop and order successfully tO, do this. l a n s o f o r o v e r 3 0 y ears* l ia s b o r n e t h e s ig n a tu re o f —The grower should keep the-fhot In also promote the longevity , of the TEST OUT PROFITABLE COWS a n d L o s b e e n m a d e n n d e r h ia p e r ‘ ■■■'?"■\ : '■ ::T : mind that a fruit; tree is at all seasons 'orchard; s o n a l a n p e rv is lo n sin c e I ts Infancy* FungouBjUsease dud insectanot only Important That Farmer 8hould Know a living, sensitive, plastic, ahapable n —A llo w s o o n e to d e c e iv e y o a t o thla* 1Quantity and Quality He la Re AH C ounterfeits* I m ita tio n s a n d “ J u s t- a s - g o o d ** cure b u t thing,; It is affected by everything injure the fruit crop, but, they, may ceiving From Animate, seriously Injure the trees by destroy' /ExpeH m enta t h a t t r i f l e w ith a n d e n d a n g e r t h e h e a lth tot that is done, to iC J; I n f a n ta a n d ChUdren~--£lx]»erlenoe a g a m a t E x p e rim e n ts It will show the reeults of any phase ing the leaves or by- causing them to. (By W. A. M’KERROW. Minnesota BX' drop top early In the autumn, of treatment, whether of-cuiture or pertinent Station,) pruning or of spraying. _^natBVBg_ia ■■—Most of- tho most-se rious -dUeftflflftand insects’ may be controlled by I Feed Is suing t o bo higher^ than done to It will ^nake it different from spraying. Bordeaux mixture shouldrj-^^al-Uiie season jinless all signs fftlh what it would have-been if lefti-alone. C M to ria la a h a rm le s s s u b s titu te f o r C a s to r OH* P a r e j t is, therefore, doubly important that be ^Applipd for the fungous diseaBes, The "farmer sHouI^'. sTrivd_tS”do those gorlo* P ro p * a n d S o o th in g S y ru p s . I t la p leasan t* I t toe farmer keeping dairy cows should thlngis to it -which1will make it-better* and to this-paris green or aome other he sure that his cows h r e givlng him c o n ta in s n e i t h e r Opium * M o rp h ln o n o r o th e r N areo tte arsenical poison should be added for I t s a g e la I ts g u a r a n t e e . I t d e s tro y s 'W orm s rather than, be injurious,.. ljtf "" “ *thirty “,k ‘ yeara ft — -=------- , :-------- more than value received for what |!C tORW fahnesa. n n d a lla y s /ULuiAM -For-m ore ' than The man who begins seriously to insects,:. they eat. The way to be sure of this ' The HghM* compliment that cati be paid any food The spraying should be done at thehas been In constant use for th e relief of Constipation,. study his ■trees will 'soon begin to In to have scales and a Babqook.tester; natulency* W lnd Colic, a ll T eething Troubles and right time. For apple eoab the first” J - - realize more fully that they-are livlngfr is tcye a tit heartily^to tbe last portion, / "■This Is only ono of the reasons why Diarrhoea*— I t regnlates th e Stomach and Bowels* sftapable things and that they/ easily spraying should be made shortly be* / farmers should test their cows for — aaahnllatefi th e Food* givin g healthy and natural «leep£ show him by their appearance* whether fore the flowers open,-just after they quantltyvmd quality ot product. v The Children** Fanacea—T he Mother*# Friend* Every day there are hundreds o f th o u sa n d s fcf fall7 and twice subsequently, at'inter they are profiting or b^ing injured by ' Other reasons for cow-testing are; vals of ten days or two weeks. / — anything which is being done to them. Itr enables the farmer to eliminate such’ compliments paid to Post Toasties* The poison may be put in toe two Right now Is a good time to begin cowa that do not pay for their board. -that-studyr One should be^able toltelL first sprayings after the blossoming It saves many a good, cow from toe This wide appreciation encouraged the bettering the age of th e tree, o r d f any of its peYlod-te'klll codling moth and canker- shambles. iB oarB th c S ig n atu re o f brancheSi__He should determine how worm. And the reaulfcis fe-ifl-jm-enconrager of good feeding tiudh 6f it BAS bflbft pTOaiiCe^ -eaf^ ^W r-bitter should be made shortly before the tlnjo and good care. year,It giveB the farmer an opportunity By beginning at the outer tip of th e when to© rot usually appears in the to' build up a good producing herd. * limb he can determine how much of it neighborhood. It increases one’s Interest in dairy Tho spraying should be done thor* grew last summer, or in any previous ing as a business rather than as a season, by the rings or circular scars ougbly. All parts of the tree should means of labor merely, ; *_ around the twig' which mark the'spot be well covered with a flnejpray. In short, it la plain common sense.. ' The power sprayers are more effi whore'growth began in the spring. Refleot that growth began in spring cient, as toe work can bo done far from a terminal bud. >,As ,growth be more rapidly and the spray can bo, BEWARE OF THE QUIET BULL T h e K ind You H ava A lw ays B ought gan from 'the center of this bud its broken up into a fine mist and got vwt flBwTflwwmmt+wr, n v tmr omr. effectually to all parts of the tree. For Easy to Spoil Disposition of Animal winter scales fell off, leaving semi all large orchards power sprayers are by Allowing Children to Tease circular scale bud scars <iuite dose to to be recommended. , , Him—MsWe Him Obey. gether, around the twig. .... Crisper* more appetising Fhtk F.y», EpIeonSa In addition to spraying, proper prun These are the "rings" that mark the Shipping F*v«r Never permit the hull to have his • better than everbelore. dividing line botween each year's ing and general care arc essential. A C aU rrhal Few * preran*iT* **«, brewhoTwa at any i „ growijif. Tlve^njpunt of len gth-growth The man who sprays Is likely to prune, own 'way about anything whore you T»nthf pn^ ilIsniti lag|MMA Lrtu1<1,llT*n (rrw<v*IhwJl>t*,eb*I—ml/. ;’,«r** . ....a)«.t»..urli-M Mt* andnbwafiandihaHil ........... of eaqhi year, may be aissoolated with as i r enables hint to spray, more effi ihay differ vflth him, an* Insist upon C»gt»t**IU*KUee**ne« " Th« Inner »weetme*t» oTc&olceet kmiwt ir-iefly. i-r n* n ew.*u*rm, rt^***, re what was done to the tree or by tho ciently and with less la)>or and less prompt obedience. It is very easy to spoil thn disposi skilfully ^^W .^intily-8ea_»pn^, and toasted by a character of the season whioh Influ* waste of time. t’.eee, Ail diseased or Injured fruit should tion j>f a bull by permitting children, enced ‘that growth; sress MEBICiU. ton & S Z X & S & BOSHES, 111 ,, E. J. L new process that brings put a wonderful toasne con, be kept out of the orchard. A few in old well as young, to play with hhn A knowledge of tho fruit buds and' th e wood buds la important T)te for fected apples left on the trees or un* or tease him. The man who is al flavours “ — r - *^----- — v mer are those large, well-rounded buda der them may Infect the orchard next ways prepared for trouble never has any. which to spring will produce ,blo*' yoftr. Those who are beginning spraying T h e s e flak e * d b n o t m u s h d o w n whe'. cream o r It 1« th« quiet bull that ha* never •gainst the serious sickness so some and fruit, The latter* are the smaller* flatter and more pointed buda, should send to their state experiment homed anything that usually does the likely to follow an ailment of the m ilk is a d d e d ; b u t re ta in , th em b o d y »n d . ^ 8Pn. ^ whioh produce wood growth and stations for free bulletins, firing de- damage, suddenly developing a fkrtout digestive organs,—bitousneee leaves. FrUit-bu^a which will produce tAlled directions for mixing and apply* spirit and attacking tala unsuspecting o r inactive bowels, you can rely fa on the beat known corrective attendants. a. flowers and fruit thte spring were ln« the spray ' ■—---formed- the previous summer. Btrtet Orchard Paata. 1 By their character and abundance Dehern ^dwt> os when they leave the ovent.. ■, Many of the common orchard peata one may In Winter judge the prospect If yon have any AahAPnfn* to do are restricted tn their range because remember to do It as tarty as poeatOf the fruit crop the comm* aaason From the bloMom acara and fruit they have not yet reeobsd the full ble. while the days are Coel ang toe %©ara Isft on the bran rhea one may be limit of tb d f dtotrtMtion. flies mstm . Freveedoa Is the most able to tell in what yaars the tree* Us s m m and effeottvw asstoAi. which , —the Superior Corn flake* WsAlscted Rfla have borne frntt 1» the *•■*can h e arsnstoHahal Iff ..toA. lAI ft. s i A b s a t l a f a . t e t f lots caustic If th« trees b*** H a m *nd potash on tod on eora exetaatveky win a«d fruit failed to aet only the sanall Woeto Y o u r g ro c e r h a s th e m n o w . lor tfcefc owaer. *0p gear wlU be viable a» A ehiatnr ■K:"i ■ ■h.-.- 21 •:r Constipation Vanishes Forever Children Cry for Fletcher’s The- Empty Bowi Tells the —W hat-ia CASTOR IA ^ QENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years DISTEMPER For Protection New Post Toasties v. -j**- :4V, fr' / / .Pifii1;', / TSB C B tllA ieTA W D IR D , JUWI X7« IftlS / m * Under iBfadhBj ILL PRAISE TO MARMALADE NEW IDEA OF MOTHER-IM-UW BREVITIES 7 ' •h * 0*ad Her Roritioa to Thrit ./ S msmS Dish, ffoootWy Thla j* Opt of the Arrange raoate That .Would Oo Away With. Old Problem. •' -Wanna f m e s» « » Ckildrn’4 lllL Worms, by thousands, rob the child of nourishment, stunt Its 'growth, ause I cohstivatton/'lhdigestrqn. regular appfetite; nervousness.' fever ana sometimes spasms. Klckapoo Worm Killer gives, relief from all these. One-fourth to one of these pleasant candy lozenges, taken as di rected, kill and remove .the worms, r egp! ate^yo u r c h il dfs' bowel s and re” store ................... its health .......... and vitality, .......„. Get an orlgtoftl^5c box from your druggist, Do n't endanger your chlld’B health and futi ! When ‘ so sure and simple a remedy! ah be had, Adv. ssentoris w TH E «rev i v C ( >A i i ^ I t fNJ I I < ) m C L t V E.L AN D. UlM l A l (J r O L E D O , P T .H U H O N . A l I ' L N A !-A LLS • ' IG N A C li HOWKLL—A claw of twenty-two Two women—Queen Mand of Nor "John Blank has just been teOtog will graduate from the high school way and Queen Alexandra of Ragland naei of his trouble at home/' said the A LAKE TH1F FOR RK^T AND W KIIlATlON. —are geotraphicaliy oommetaorated to hah man, ae he settled .back to the here ouThureday evening, June It, wo"a~wal^^vacPt6ip,tr;;thB^ to ArnriM, The cool iako biesoaa Um evgr. ^ 3“ I HOWELlfe-Tbe. Brighton highway the new south polar region so lately car seat beside an acquaintance, *T ... ..is •hvfe iy 'itk e buuriea* ^raireei Bte*a(ep*rattd by tfL ho tolls pretty near everybody, :-t COramiMToheraUyertlM»' for bw* for - -plaood upon tha map. lik e honors naritoe agasiaateM uarantaas tW thal rt», yiwt, srUl wlU aBtog a > peritote roeepy ouiuuti 6i were accorded several women to the so I’m not lotting tho c a to ot of the fW Mm or Boom tho top,'and return homo letreihid sad glad yp» wa the building of three miles of trunk far north many years o*o. Lady bog by speaking of it ” i] TAKE A D. A C. BOAT WHW YpV OO. line highway. Tranklln bay, named after the heroic “Oh, yes,” murmured the. friend, GRASS LA K E-The farmers’ State wife of Sir John Franklin., is weil “his mother and his wife don’t get ' “bank has le t We" contract for* a new known through its association with ttur along together, and Blank iibetw een rota the pleMUWpf arJi tan bank building-to- the Koch Bnllding tragic story of tho ^Lady Frankllp the deyll and the deep sea. Say— n w I m t^*. AUNIM ENT Bay Expedition.’* under ■ General when do ydtt think this weather will of Ann Arbor. y , Grooly. thirty years ago. let UP?** srisi JACKSON—A large farm bequeath*. F o r C u ts, B um *, Another distinguished woman, .Lady "Dunao,” replied the■■ lean- hum. $dto the city (by the . late EUaW, B ru k e a , S p r a i n s , Franklin’s friend, Mary Somerville, the ’’But say—X don’t see why there’s got RENTS, REAL ?ST A T B ,K O C :iP Sharp will he turnexl into a park and famous astronomer and mathemati to be sojnuCh mother>in-law trouble. ____M S T W A N T E D :S T O .:_ S tra in s, .Stiff N ock, playground by the city commiyloh". cian, gave her name to a liny, frozen,, Now you take my famliy. Mother is enpifi mm I j*m*> B a c k . T VC desolate, dot in the dependent on* me and she lives with *'MANCHESTER—Thomas Patros. I*nm FOR GALE—Four cottages and;one O ld Sores, O ponW o u n ^ , old fighting admiral, w Acccrdiug to most . people, to»t lot a t Gavanaugh LaMeTf Inquire 61 rolt-von4er, haa recelved an daughter of a fine AUstamero arriveand o was always keenly in would spell aiire trouble. But'to our Geo. Smith, Gavanaqgh Lake. . 47 invitation to return'to Italy to join terested •* 8onM)r? * in ships, sailors and explora it hasn’t worked out that way.” ■ a d a S in o e lM e .^ ,,* ^ thearmy* He prefers life'in; Man tions, So when her friend, Sir Edward case /Tour, mother, and your wife/ are Pric*, 28c* 60c. aod $1.<X> , chester. ( ( " ’' ‘ - ' Parry, was preparing for. hie third both flbq women” commented, /tho STRAYED tropi my siauv-hfer house, -tw o wethers, .Finder please notify JACKSON—-Inmates p f —Jacks Qn aretlo voyage. Bhe laid In a Targo-sup- l friendr Adaffi"Epp]e^, Chel8ea. \ 41Tprison are now' dtessec^in their &unK ply of oranges, betook l\eraelf to her . ”X guess that’s it,” agreed the lean m et uniforms make1of -khaki cloth. kitchen, and made an amaaing number. than, ’’You see, I didn't marry dil Q ^ E N T ^ G O ttag^ a f e Cavanaugh 8TBG8 E, ztoddre ago, age, ana and mother .apa-j and l live the suits beimr somewhat similar to ot rl . jars JorB. of Y\ dehdoua orange marma- imaaie Lake; Inquire of John Schenk. 4(Jtf w y ~ ; 7hMo,-^whtch shefsent-tortom as her -jpgathar.ainne mFif^wemwr^opntrlbutlon to .the ship’s stores. . "Then' l met Florence. She was a . !B*OkBlo«k. Chelara.Mloblgua STOCKBRIPGE-^he grade for the .Three years later, when'the expedi successful buslhqss woman. It takeS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE for farm *,63.te}BB*t4*aoe.8»,8r,haU intereS tin the seed ne w state road north o f town is near- tion returned, Sir Edward informed a lot of good hard sense to.he that, property, dryer at. W aterloo.,-Inquire of ,C. ly completed. T, H; Buckingham has her-that-a* island had] freon named in -mid-«lto':,had-^ife|iVt ___ DRrJ T.W0QDB, ----- ’I tij; Daly,“Waterloo; Michv : / /;4P T her honor, .. .. ,■ , and s|ie dame’ right into my bome, TV'.">■ charge q l the;, work and inspectojrs ^ ''ovmV iP'": i iVum ^ 1;V _ Fhjrsioian and^Snrgeon. say it is one of the best jobs of grad”/ “Because of famo and friendshipi he with mother welcoming ( her FOUf4D^-Fropt to^anrautom bbiri says,” she wrote, .merrily. “But I be daughter*. Ofltatotta WUktnmniaJBuiitUiig* Bwldsito ing in the state,—Brief Spn. lamp. Inquire a t the. Standard rrttougdre^uwt.obelsre, (tftomwo. T«to. lieve to my. heart. .because of som% “Npw. what did my mother doT office., . ; ’ . r, ’■'if - IMG '; ’ 46 phunSiu. ... HILLSDALE-Wil 1i am D. Dunn, SO thing quite different—leaB sweet than Did she sit back and sulk, or did she , PrbbaW. Order years, old, of Somerset, took out a, friendship, perhaps, but pertainly, as a get up and assert her supremacy g& B IlB J . PULFORD.D. 0. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Wife Shetland pony. raarriage ucense here. Tuesday to re* wotoah’s sgMpvoment,- preferred by "She did po t She held a business: FORiiBALE-Black _ - Oiteopathio Phyiioiao. buggyf-harneBa, Inquire of m oatm enTykffle.:M y-mathematlcs marry bis flrst wife, MarylAV t>unn, session-with my wife, mad* (^state LBrSctioenhalSi’ 46: office, iu the oitf -)i t - . Arbor, oil Ifti jUj m Grad of Kirksyita, Mo. Offiow 7.. p8jand AMIU 5(Lyear8oldf whomhedivorcedseverai >not. my tnarmaladel” ment oftgssets and liabUUfes, as you jholiesr If she. did, not so . far outrank the might say, turned the busInesB over X . U & . n i i & — 0M -‘t a * rftwMm years, ago. Mr. Dunn divorced his rest of her sex in marmalade as in FOR:$ALE—pood plumbing1 and tin to my wife, declared she was willing second wife to remarry his first. s< Inquire a t the Standard 8.A . KAPB8, Samp, deceased. \ mathematics, Mary Somerville was to be; a consulting partner if^nece*/ shop. . . - 46 -f ANN-^-ARBOR—Robert., Warner, ,n6nefheleBsa_very^oapablehoufle- sary, but that it. was hefetotentlon- office. O a reading aud^ling the petition o L ^ a estate. prjS fW»WUDlr»t»r M taralH U lM r- .Inlor lltcrJryluuaent from ’•V o, ghe-jwM- ah-economlcttf man- nd earnest desire to> be relieved v»>4 ina that hejnay m UMused to wit certSn rS v.;:^ FOR SALE Gooh kitchen I3$P ® estatodemribS-HSiffcin ut. private sale for™ ager^an exquisite needle-woman, and TesponstWlitfes and take a restr ;/ purpose of j>a*trtjljebta. ___ . " cabinet and :s of*cider "It's working out. beautifully. My vinegar-" Ua i l a t B . M w iarceny^ofTt nlnedoliar shirt, was last an excellent cook. As a„younglbrlde^ it the ‘ J lstday of J um r tbsfiPeMsm.iitguiapiuijM M^.’KKVlflbfUV^V Thursday night j dilrolMsd from the she won the - abprobation- of Doctor flomervlile’s family, whO^stmrea 'the I believe that she, qnd mother have And itlsi iOfed, that a copy of !*■ university, by the f aculty of the de tw vee sueoewilvo weeinDWii;' itontamporary projudioe agslnst Irani* — “ ousl FOR SALE—-i^dur acres or aiiaixa on Beal XstatsDsaieTs, partment. of hearing, in The-Ctulm jed ladles, by maklngf under the gVave ftve awhile, but mother has refrained frOm )rprinto<tnrnl7clrcul|tj3 Moiwr to LoSa. Tafe imd FlM;Insu K R * . . ...... Y P S ItA N T l-P rpf. Edwin Strong difflouitles presented" b y . an ili-eqximp- giving any advioe that wasn’t asked, 's c i a i W e Ut,d‘ Ia<Iull e of F- ^ ihtenaw. " ' * OfllMla HateU-Duraad biopk. Obelae*, WlbLWM H.liURRAY, Judge of Probate. f Ypsllanti-jgbQ^aduatjsdfrpm the ed. ramBhacklB/cQuatry Inn. the ciear fthd^hftB nAVAr insjH t^ npon tbfi ^ f . .«»»>-...• ;: lAtroeoopyl ’V ■ . . - KAtauait- M. JgrrHB. Regiater. Union college Schenectady, N1 Y,,' ip and delicious currant jUlly that the rylhgrout of the advice she has given. ^.OR RENT—The eastL.half of the Q&A8. STEZhTBAOH fanoy of a sick travele^craved. Mrs. Fred V ogel-houae/dn™ Orchard She is a pleasant itod honored mem* 1868, i^as honored by receiving--the ’Tnever can foraet.” she recorded Itf hqirbfnom^faiiiaiiy... to tiinet; of need street. v : . 1; ; « t f ” U to f Weed Notice;: B aihess^d^florseG oodan her jiouml,: ’’tb^ astqniShment exshe has thrown herself into the work .L.To.yWtteia^osrossmoccujrttof: BsBslitoarbfankindsasfr&cUlty. Aloodtaler jatzthe ll9tlM3oin miencement exercises ia Ma«Ao»rint rvment#oT^sU Slnd* and;Sheet W^hichjvere_Mld tlic_re Wednesdayr' pressed 'attoyibelng able to be so dse-. without Bavtng herself, and we owe- ,Fu k SALE^^ouse andiot on Wash^ qf labels,: o r ;gny person or.persofiv Btomb^dbB>od|c, Gbelsw, at least ope of ouFchiidren’s lives’ to ington street fixacorcorporation navinyaTmi^c gt BfeiSSFIELD By a most emphatic b or care/'^lM na- : wa'H K itiabT ahy ian d s: i]a^'vthj& statcr Notice U; ,afye, Inquire of. M. J, Erotnett;81 y M ^ d ^ tci^.lQ ^ jiu ssM ld '.to w h ih l^ ’ Boy gets^NAw Page! In Tragedy. Ohloago News. Grand. AyenV.,East, Highland^arkr A’ boy killed seven persons in a hereby glyeu that- ai 1 Noxious AVctih: decided a t the special / election held Attoxney at Law." Mich. fArrtibou^ft nase Nantaa, Fran — ^ro^4h(ar on a;py-iand8-in+lie-Towfl Reaion-Eocugh for 'Tsate*ionday tp -authorise the Issuing of OBoMi “FMsnuto block. Obslse*/ The telephone;bell rang sharply. PPENHEIM is without quea*. pf Lltna,—Ooianty of .Washtenaw, .or; township bonds , for the construction night recently. The crime, which is one of the moat terribie/recorded.fdir Dobbs-reoognised his^wlfe’s voice"STf tioii one of the most widely witofo^the limit's of any liiph waypass of state reward stone roads. There STIVERS A KALMBADH, street, new, 7 ropma, furnace, bath, years was committed by a boy of fif toe.-other end. ' .... « • . __ ... read_nov.elista^.of_tho day in g by otlh^pugh supblanda-isust be. were 321 votes.cast bn the proposition teen, M&rcel Redureau who“murdered Attorneys at Law. "No," he said. i “I won’t forget it. w ater and lights,.- Thomas Wilkin- He is the-author-ofT“The Malefac cutdownanddp*troyed()ivorji)efore «£!wbiehu242 were for it and 86 against theaeven^Peojple, an«^ then Went home But what on ewrth is/the matter with son.A3«Ewr»l law praotioe lqr i,U ooorta. Notary t.—Advance. • tor,*’ ‘Th£ : Pripce., M_*Sinners,” the. 1st day .qfjuly and tot tlayofSep-, / to b e d .R e d u re a u w a a employed by your voice ? Have you taken cold alPdbUo itt tbe offioe. ©ffloo in Estob-Danqd "FOR SALE" a n d «‘For Rehf”“wihd6w “A Millionaire of, yesterday,’’.and tember, 1816t; ilfallure to conipjy with DEXTERr-Rev. -H. M. Karr who 'g fairii'ier named Mablt in th’e village^ ready this fall?” blook. OhelsM, )toohiraa.:;EhQaa.68. ,.../... ^signw-for-sale a t thU Office. : — scores“ of other novels quit^as Well thi» notlceToh or before .the Jalei of/Le Landreaur -He and the lajmW “No—n-no-no-—but I’Ve been crying ------------ V. --X t\ M ib e e h / paetor of the M, E. church known; He is the :author of "Mr. juentlotfeddr.wlthin ten days, there-: -were working In the wine vat at ten horribly. So has your mother.” GORMAN, PAPERS for sale a t this offica Grex of -Monte 6kfto*“^wHicfv was e*clbok-at nlghW-when Mablt made an Dohbs puckered up his brows and OLD a fte r shall ipake the parties so falling: resignation Saturday wbtch' has bee^ observation tb the boy which he re Attorneyat Law. Large bundle for do, .. whistled softly to, himself. recency published serially in the Ilahle for t he costs of cutting same OffloeTMIddle 8tx«et feMt7 OUel*e4^Miobls*n accepted in o rd e r-th a t he mightac^ sented. Redureau, who had in his "Well," he ventured,” ah"rthat Is, _____ . ..... . _ . Saturday-Evening Post,_nnd he' Is an d an additional levy of ten per ■ c e p ta rc a ltto a p ro fe sso rsh lp ln tb e haadrone of the. short sharp, “ curved can’t you call some sort of truce until , SUbsctltatrfqr The Standard, often-referred to as "The Prince of cchtum of such coat to btv ievibtl -a ^ DANIELS, S tate "Normal Oollege. in Emporia-,- knives used to trim" the^vifteB, imme-' I get there? Don’t quarrel any more; Story. Tellers. ’’ We have:been fo^ collected again at the^ropT T y' iU/the General Auctioneer; Ka., for which place he left Monday dlately stabbed the farmer In the neck. dear You know what/ your tempertu n ate in .securing his latest story same manner as othcr-taNes-are-levied -This is the boy’s own^ description of does wfaen^yocRet is get away from afternoou.—Leader. —,■ 7~ . »t Tb48Uuid»rdolHoe,or»ddreMGresory, Mich' and collected. what-happened, a s the police took It you;”_____ —tfxn.r.I.d.S. yhoneoonnoctloDs. Anotlonbills -T H ^ ANN ABBOib~Two women, Mrs. MS (In onus foraished free. Between jAOk*on,Ohel»», Ann Arbor, Ypallant down from his. lips when they had "Qh^-but it Isn’t that.” Dated, Lima, June 3, 1013. Celia Black and Mrs, Lichter, were saved him _from being lynched- by the y »d Detroit. _ "Well, wbat!is it? TeUrrheUo, hellot G eohge E, H aist . killed when a gasoline motor on the' villagers: “I did not deserve, what —say, central,, what’s the matter? You tV • --------- ---C om m issioner of- H ighw ays, o f: the — Esatern Standaid Tlme.1.. Ann _Arbor railroad Tuesday after-/ Mabit said to me. He had his back out me off from my party. Yes, you— Township o f Lim a, County of Washnoon hit an automobile, driven^/by turned to me. and I stabbed him wlth «h, frailty ifoAiy w hat jdie_oiiLy_story-from-his-pen-ev’e r t hv; m a ttv rr •uhitiipoaxs; 46 tenaw, State of Michigan. ^ByTOtt-Black of Jefferson, Mleh; “Mir the knife, • Then T saw* red. I Went Wept out to 'wipe your /eyas" again? itroH 8149 a. m.. Atid every, two hoars produced in motion pictures. C. m.- . . Black suffered a broken leg and straight into the farmhouse and out Well, for the love of Mike, quit it, will Sylvan Weed Noticcr W Woods’ Mauure , alter . :r A.- ........................... AiAnuuoo 8i» A. m.end every two boars - Y o u W iU N e v e r R e g r e t old Madame Mablt’s ; throat. She you?” . v:. " ■ ' ‘ U"tread with Spreaders,“ Wagon iruises and his grandson, Sam Taylor, p.m. Foi Lensins9 t10p,m.. Tp ow ners, possessors or-occupiers; ---— R e a d lh g lt . de spread,” easy "Oh, dear, I Would if I possibly could, sy draft, two LOCALOARS. was injured internally. Roth are in screamed, her daughter-ln-taw and the o f lands, o ^ n y person or persons, firm; horses enough. Also Binders, came running. I killed them But you know you like the; Onions in East hound-7^0 wi}. (eibress east 3f mi ;he university hospital here. The servant o r oorporatlpn naviny cliar^e ot any ; Mowers, and Peerless Pence, First Installment This Week ■Arbor) S» S 0 an. and evemVrft hoars both. Then 1 went Into tbe-eblldrenkh _ 130 and „pm, ill til pm. To Ypsiiantl bnly.iatw accident occurred' at a crossing south j^omuandLcut the throats of all three that1pickle- mixture cut r eal*4,fine, q am,' Get my prices before you buy. tepdbiin ih e ^ staie; - N otice is hereby when I put them through tne_ meat West bound—Ctti am, 8i84 am, und.everr two Man a t yard.ali.rae time. 48 of Pittsfield Junction. ' hours to 8s24 pm. :also iOtfts nm. and tarda am. (the children were eight, seven and chopper-^" glyen th a t: ail Noxious Weeds rowing, ^ s ^ n n ^ s t VpiUjintrfprasline and at =----= ---- AU-TO LIVERY------ — Bang!—Indianapolis News. " ilntheTowtishipofSylvan,; "ANN ARBOR—Arthur H7 Rowe of tw e years)’/ I /did not see the other Wlyna for Plmpntb andNortbvilla. child; and I.domot regret what I have COtmty of W ashtenaw , or within the : Orange,~'N. J., a junior in the Uni CHASTE. PAUL , Great Violinist's Kind Act versity ’of Michigan, was drowned in done.” fltoits of any highway passing by o?: - An impressive example of kindness Phone 122 Chelsea, Michr- Base lake when a canoe in which.Jhe l through .ape,h lauds nuist be out down fe iB^gtyen bjrPaganinirthe great musi ■ ’’Grip Fait.” ” and Melvin BradoerofPowers,M ich,, ahd destroyed oh or before the Istdar Some interest was aroused in the cian, One cold Christmas day he was :were making a trip JErom. Lakeland^ -old oountry- by the announcement going-along the "streets of London 'pt J uly Ah’d 1st day oi isoptciupertlUil-Failure to comply with this^notice pa >| capsized, ;Rowe, who wae^an;;expert that Hi R. H. the Uuke of Connaught, when he saw a poor blind man playing If y o u .. are not using the swimmer, started to/ swim toward our governor-general, recestly pUd a on a violin trying to earn a mite with p r before the dates mentioned or witht STANDARD WANT ADS ^shorc^-Braduei^vfith-ieseflkill ifctbe -visit-to Ireland; no doubt to flnd-out -which to Jwy food^to aaJUsfy h ia^ u aI t r te n days; th ereafter shall make tfe you’re a heavyfeser. 1 11 Neatly ' done a t reasonable water, clung to the canoe and was for /King George the axact position ger. But his tunes lacked power to parties so failing liable for tnc costs; Find a buyer fpr .your p ro of matters in the Emerald isle. -move the hearts of people add be re Round Trip prices.. Agents for the WEAR* rescued. This is the flfet student' 6f cutting same and an additional lev? duce, Hvestook or tools th a t f#-/. During his Btay in Ireland the duke ceived no response. The poor blind drowning of the Rummer; U‘Wf;r,L Factory price 3!ioes. of ten per centutu.of such, cost to be you dp not neet^... ^ + via w asth eg u esto fC o lo n elJo h n L eelie, -man stood hungry-in-tob-coldv As levied and cpllected against the prop?; 3ell your farm or find farm JACKSON-^Jackson county is due veteran baronet who belongs to toe Paganini approached him, he kindly SCHMID V SON, W. Middle SI. a r fcyi ia |h a» jpattad ,him oa too ..banlr gad sal ^ ,f,i«ri ■ inrnnr'w i life / -:T tax es! are-levied and collected. livery system-such as has already 'tho head. Colonel-Lesller^who was "Won’t the people—give yott any formerly in the-G renadier Guards, money ?" "No,’ w ae-the-replyr"they “Dated, Sylva'n, dune 3, iuift. ~: been accomplished in Branch, Hins —-i, won’t open their window; it is too served in the Egyptian Bkpedltlon r r \ -O IIARLE 3 YDITNO,”----dale and other- counties. /Eight car Commissioner of Iltgliways of the riers In each of these two counties and in South Africa. He is a promi cold.” "Well,- lend me your violta/’ said the groat musician, "and I will nent man in County.Monaghan, which Township of Sylvan, County of have been dismissed and the territory his father formerly represented in tho see if they will open them for me." %CUT FLOWERS Wnshtenaw, State of MlohlgaiK covered by changing and adding house of commons. There is an in- Paganini played as never before. The > POTTED PLANTS TnUeage- to fehe other--routes^—Th«- eresiing legend- - not accepted by toe windows opened as ifrbyrm«gtc,"“T&r Lyndon Weed Notice. routes how! average from 22 to 26 family—concerning the motto which people ilstoned, and money was r ' "—FUNERAL'DESIGNS To owners, poHsoHsors or oocupiew .1c miles,-but the new routes are all Sir John Leslie and..the Earl of thrown plentifully to the beggar. The o f land, o r an y perso'h o r persons, flrni sweet violinist picked it up, gave It to Rothes have adopted—"Grip Fast.” above this, many being 30 miles. o r c o rp o ra tio n h av in g ch arg e of any the blind hian, ahd told, bim to ‘go Tho story runs that as Queen Mar IIOWEI J j—Sonie months ago Wil garet of Scotland was crossing a home out of the col^/ la n d s in th is s ta te : N o tice is hereby Phone 1 8 0 -2 -1 1-s FLORIST son Tooley tendered his resignation g iv e n t h a t all N oxion* W eeds growing swollen rivhr she was thrown from Lives T hat Hslp. as carrier on route live out* of .this her horse. A Leslie caught hold of o u an y 4 a n d * in T ow nship of lfe > Certainly, in our own little spherb city and Frank Raven has been filling her girdle; whereupon the Queen cried C ounty o f W n sh ten aw ; or with the his place temporarily most of the out: ’’Grip fasti” and, to mark her It la not the ihost acMve people to lim its of any, highw ay passing by w time since. A few weeks ago an ex* gratitude, desired tkooe words lo be whom we owe the moat. Among .the th ro u g h such lands m u st lie cut dove common people whom we khow, it Is aminatlon was held in this city for retained sS her rescuer’s motto, D E T R O IT ( k BSS, a £.p ) M IC H . a n d d e stro y e d on or be fore tho let daT not necessarily three who are busiest^ 1 Ju ly an d ls t «1ay of Sopteiuher, 1^* HFoLy KMhiar PM* rlr* ■» candidates for K. F. D. carriers at not those who,' meteorllko, are ever Ths Vsry Mumsn Worker. which about thirty-five took the oxP m MrnWr-Ed V»b«w,R^m, N»br. on the rush after some visible change F ailu re to com ply wii ti th is notice w A curious type of labor toipate has SMaAsaw^A4ha*m«m«wAbcvGUiij IilAMMMakiaiMi _1 UHlCITiWTviT •••"—Kit *Vctton,- nf. Rtrjrtrm. Nntr.i wrttfst- -4uiHiUAiiGUCii’" w E rr ii rc ase iw « i, mre t»»1 Rheitm*H*m, BlpoaDl rorSf r», Nervous h r lieTore th e d a te s m i:ntidncd of klth“ (ievoioped simultaneously Ta two dif "I Imvo udej (l-'oiov Kidnoy Dlls for TroulOw, tiyniptwla. Comrtlp*tk*,,«c, The bsckache, Hie rfdult of ctitohliuf coni Wood has heeiv? Informed th at ltay ferent directions in the shipbuilding stars, which, simply pour down on us ^iP^^twwaterUnotexMUed in te n day's th e r e a f t e r Nhalt makelh® lLtiaa_T___ ‘ which Bintlpd In my . back. Foloy liullen of Mason, who has been a car industry on the Ctyde Sbd amocui the the calm light of tlndr bright sad faith* tic value by aay sprUis in AaraWipthcrppeu. or Kurope. p a rtie s so fa ilin g fo r th e costs of ret R^lhny rills fttwfvys. Klvc mo prompt ComniisNlonors1 Notife^ i.i, ;i eVollcf ami I v«n olmerfully reoom* rier at that place has been appointed cosl-trltnmers at Cardiff, la each Ur* ful being, up to which we look and out . WAYN* HOTEL AND GARDENS tin g sam e and an ad d itio n al leyI . mend them.” , STATK ,0lf MU'lltOAN. ('ai.hK , which we gather the deepest calm in creiwrtlre. IWJ»htfuUjr4k>c*t«d on river Ip S v /' nuw, 8S , Tin' uinU 'fN iK iuvi W ft*to(w The roasnn Folny Kblnoy IMUs hot to fill the place here beginning Jithe stance the trouble ba* boon reused of te n p e r c e n tu m of s tu h cost fo he froo^lawnt to D.* C.N*v. (Vs Wharf* ft! ■‘‘I'lvlut. MAesllsfentorlly in bf I'susn they nriu- 15th. Mr. Billion was here recently by tho fact that a number of work and courage, it seems to me that »wt |n Detrre. Ruropepa pira, 11.00 « l l>y tlu> ITolmto levied and irollected a g a in st the Preiv trsllx m d rtlsu.dvo th(v poisonous •loner* to rwdviNi-■&«#»?, i SiVnVr*i,v,,!',»t* ers'prefer the en)oyin»mt of their doe tie r* Is rraasuranqe here for many of \m WMIe TriRttPT tbRt remslrm in the inspecting hh new route....Tidings, ana aomwuiH of A i h S “, n" J* «i JrT t)p » F. H. Hayes, AMi. Mgr. e rty in th e sam e m a n n e r ns other us who seem to have no chance for ac leisure to working overtime, even for oWtaT. Dooily. Into o Wood beewuw* the Kidneys do not wl.uoroby slvo not lev tlm t'fonV ^ 1 tive uaefulnera. We can do nothing db their work properly In flltorlnif are levied and collected. a rnnstder-sble addition to tholr wages. o*(o urn Minw^t, hy oni,.* uu ','tlmfroin taxes »Pd casting our from tho eystoin urlo il'wi *v}-'. for our fellow men. B u t.still It la Dated, Lyndon, June 3, Ifilf*. la They are not willing to sacrifice their ttourt, for oreditors t(M,r,L,o f?1 * } .add And olhor poieohn. F * o p l« S a y T o U a mmmT a k » a asrtinN t U uM 'B tnto of M ild 0,A i,n* C hant K i'mmki,, t good to know, that we can be some Relief upuiaMv follow,* In u four "1 esnnnt hair holiday In order to gain more ra t this or t o t fo n t R dora will moot nt tliolnw n i u days and sneli nvmotoiTvi no pnln In CVmmioiioner of Highways of the thing for them; to know (and this we money by doing more work, the less IK# aide* or haoku etltT lolntu, worn wnt ftgn* with m*.’* Oar aavies la ’ onnlV 11 ''f »Hy of iHily 1M,\| on ® mb Township of Lyndon, i \vnn mVVXSSSBm jEmEXSSh ^ nZSX^ t tomaetaa, rheum*tWn. too rioqooni •11 of them is le taka a so es they have to res let the pressure may know purely), th at no man or h 1 y .O ’ uoxf. nf ton W ota>v a *' WaHhlt-naw, sta te of M n 1 'n of the bladakr at niabb ami s f their womenfolk, mhe as gas that woman of the humblest port can really t<' mx'lvo, c.vnn11hi**iy L ,j I ' 1 '*:,1 , Tonight Ather painful *nd annoviriK Htlmenl* tatcl, Mny |sth, w141<mu»v*uUi olalm*. dlaaavar. Ki.in.'v pm* r.m. when the husband works oo Saturday be strong, gentle, pare and good, I W Om T R A V E L E R S a* harmful lh*re<l*eni« They without somebody bring helped sfterftooa the wife moat n i l alio to .... tft ARn*«iv (litK M N lM o tf l aa wall mm qvtck acting. comforted by. the very t t k t m n of R A IL W A Y G U ID E Ms ornate « ri ............. . U T . &PLD EVERYWHERE Try Tho H uUua ,,7 ‘(w 7tntfeviLT ^ p p w x^ ' P /' #SSftl V IW IANFORD'S w e * * ' m mm A IID ealere^S^ a ill 0EIH01T UNITEILUHES FARM MACHINERY W MR. FARMER SHOE REPAIRING wm& Ohetsea Greenhouses. Elvira Clark-Visel Cold Settled In HisBack m a Uxeen brri» ■V -w . ,.,4