Gracedale Public School


Gracedale Public School
Gracedale Public School
Gracedale Focus
for This Year
We are continuing to
improve our Literacy and
Numeracy resources
and programs. Our
teachers continue to use
effective assessment
strategies such as CASI
and DRA to assess
students needs and
areas for improvement.
Our staff will continue
analyse the data to
improve student
achievement. We are
committed to have more
parental engagement
and communication with
parents such as school
newsletters and open
door policy.
186 Gracedale Blvd, North York, ON
M9L 2C1
(416) 395-2480
JK to 5
Gracedale Public School is located in a neighbourhood that
borders on the Humber River as it crosses Islington and Finch
Avenues. Opened in 1964, Gracedale currently serves its local
community, as well as the former local school communities of
Whitfield P.S. and Bluehaven P.S. Approximately 750 children
from J.K. to Grade 5 represent 42 countries around the world and
over 25 languages. About 80% of our children were born in
Canada. Gracedale offers useful space and resources for both
after-school recreation and regular day school programs which
reflect community and curriculum needs.
Using Technology to improve
Student Achievement
Our teachers are engaged in
professional development to integrate
technology into their classrooms.
Our teachers are using Smart
Boards, Promethean Boards, Laptops
and iPads to deliver their lessons. Our students use tecnology to
learn and complete different assignments.
More Information about Gracedale Public School
Eco Schools GOLD Certification
Gracedale is a certified Eco School with PLATINUM certification.
Our students participate in several environmentally friendly
initiatives such as Waste Free Lunch, Eco Monitors, 1000 acts of
green and Walk to School Wednesdays. We have an outdoor
educational classroom on our school grounds. We have a recycling
program at Gracedale to recycle paper and other items.
Healthy Nutrition Program
We have a morning snack program for our students. Also, we
provide our students with an option of hot pizza lunch.
Special Education Programs
We have Primary and Junior Home School Program (HSP) classes
and resource assistance teachers to support our students. Our
special education (HSP) classes are equipped with Promethean
Boards and computers.
Me to We Group Initiatives
Called ‘Me to We’, this group which is comprised of fifteen Grade
Five students has already begun to make a difference by organizing
a Thanksgiving food drive. Their efforts brought in 240 lbs of goods
which was donated to the North York Harvest Food Bank. The
group selected a project led by Adopt a Village program and
achieved their goal to raise funds for it.
Additional Features
International Languages Classes
Family Literacy and Math Nights
Sipirt Days
Tribes and Character Education
Winter Holiday Pancake Breakfast
Winter Carnival
Cooking Workshops for parents
Monthly Cultural Celebrations
For a list of all programs that are also offered visit
Student Life - Where You Belong
At Gracedale Public School, students are involved in a
variety of activities. Our students participate in
Cross-Country Running events. We also have volleyball
team, basketball team and soccer team. As a part of our
Eco Schools initiatives, we have recycling program and our
students participate in Earth Hour and Earth Day activities.
Our students are involved in several art programs such as
Drama Play Production.
What Sets Us Apart
Gracedale is one of the largest K-5 school with diverse
student population. We offer morning snacks to our students
everyday as a part of our nutrition program. We have
monthly multicultural assemblies to celebrate and learn
about different cultures. We have after school International
languages (Punjabi, Urdu, Bengali, Gujrati and Vietnamese)
classes. We have visiting artists and performers who come
to our school for special assemblies.
Parent and Community Engagement
- Partner with School Settlement Worker to organize monthly
workshops for the parents and other events such as cooking club.
- Class visits to the Humber Summit branch of the public library.
- Emery C.I. - co-op and parenting students who assist in
- York Teacher Candidates
- Parks & Recreation - share facilities and provide after-school
activity programs
- Forest Valley outdoor educational experiences.
- Parent volunteers, Family Reading and Math Nights, in school
events and cultural celebrations,
- Healthy snack program and pizza lunches.
- Partnership with Delta Resource Center and York University
Nursing Students to organize parental engagement activities.
TDSB - Better Schools. Brighter Futures
Imagine a TDSB where all schools share a common core set of characteristics. They are
community-driven and focused on teaching and learning. Students and parents have a wide variety of
opportunities and there are enough students in every school to increase program choices.
Imagine there is a clear focus on achieving student success and every student is engaged, has a voice,
access to a caring adult and the opportunity to develop their full potential.
Here at the TDSB our focus is on student achievement, parent and community engagement and financial
Contact Information
SCHOOL NAME: Gracedale Public School
186 Gracedale Blvd, North York, ON
M9L 2C1
(416) 395-2480

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