January 2010
January 2010
Issue 345 January 2010 Community Newsletter District Council of Robe, Royal Circus (PO Box 1) Robe SA 5276 Phone: 08 8768 2003 Fax: 08 8768 2432 Email: council@robe.sa.gov.au Website: www.council.robe.sa.gov.au THE SONG OF THE SURF Australia Day 2010 White steeds of ocean, that leap with a hollow and wearisome roar. On the bar of ironstone steep, not a fathom’s length from the shore, Is there never a seer nor sophist can interpret your wild refrain, When speech the harshest and roughest is seldom studied in vain? My ears are constantly smitten by that dreary monotone, In a hieroglyphic ‘tis written—’its spoken in a tongue unknown; Gathering, growing, and swelling, and surging, and shivering, say! What is the tale you are telling? What is the drift of your lay? You come, and your crests are hoary with the foam of your countless years; You break, with a rainbow of glory, through the spray of your glittering tears. Is your song a song of gladness? A paean of joyous might? Or a wail of discordant sadness for the wrongs you never can right? For the empty seat by the ingle? For children reft of their sire? For the bride, sitting sad, and single, and pale, by the flickering fire? For your ravenous pools of suction? For your shattering billow swell? For you ceaseless work of destruction ? For your hunger insatiable? Not far from this very place, on the sand and the shingle dry, He lay, with his batter’d face upturned to the frowning sky. When your waters wash’d and swill’d high over his drowning head, When his nostrils and lungs were filled, when his feet and hands were as lead, When against the rock he was hurl’d, and suck’d again to the sea, On the shores of another world, on the brink of eternity, On the verge of annihilation, did it come to that swimmer strong, The sudden interpretation of your mystical weird -like song? Mortal! That which thou askest, ask not thou of the waves; Fool! Thou foolishly taskest us—we are only slaves; Might, more mighty, impels us—we must our lot fulfill, He who gathers and swells us curbs us, too, at His will. Think’st thou the wave that shatters questioneth His decree? Little to us it matters, and naught it matters to thee. Not thus, murmuring idly, we from our duty would swerve, Over the world spread widely ever we labour and serve.’ You are invited to the 2010 Australia Day Ceremony Tuesday 26th January 2010 on the Robe Foreshore Cooked breakfast from 8.00 am By the Robe and District Lions club Official ceremony to commence at 9.00 am All members of the public are invited to join the biggest day of celebration in the country. Come together as a nation and a township and help celebrate what’s great about Australia and being Australian. It’s the day to reflect on what we have achieved and what we can be proud of in our great nation. It’s the day for us to re-commit to making Australia an even better place for the future. Look out for posters around the town with further details leading up to the event. See you all there! Adam Lindsay Gordon Council News Pg 2 Light Up Robe & Mayoral Christmas Parade Report Pg 6 Attention: Long beach residents Long beach recycling run will be done on Thursday 31/12/2009 instead of Friday 1/1/2010 If you have any enquires then please contact Trevor Hondow on 0429 646 076 or the Council Office 8768 2003 Robetown Summer Markets Pg 9 C O U N C I L Council Meeting News N E W S Council will submit an application for the 2010/2011 State Bicycle Fund for $30,000 to complete the Robe Street Shared Use Path. Council have granted permission to the Robe Branch of the National Trust to place sandwich boards advertising the Customs House opening times, at the Customs House and at the Visitor Information Centre. Council has given Mr. Andrew Goldsworthy permission to continue to extract stock and irrigation water from existing wedge holes on the unused Council Road Reserve adjoining his property until the road reserve is required by Council. Council adopted a Training and Development Policy for Elected Members. Council will restrict the entrance and exits to the carpark at the corner of Victoria Street and Robe Streets to be via Robe Street only, and that this area be designated parking only. C C O W S Reminders about CCOWS operating times during the Christmas season and school holidays. N E W S CCOWS (that’s Robyn, Shan, Alana, Stefan, Sue, Wendy, Cristy, Cheryl, Tracy A., Natalie, Eleanor, Barb and Bec), extend best wishes for a safe and happy Christmas and holiday break. Thank you to all those individuals and organizations within the Community who continually support and assist us to operate efficiently, so that we can nurture and care for the children in Robe and the surrounding districts. Robyn says an extra thank you to her wonderful CCOWS staff and the “angels” in the Robe Council office and wishes them the delight they deserve during the Christmas season. ROBE, will operate as normal , with the exception of closures on Public Holidays and on Tuesday Dec29. BEACHPORT, will operate as normal, with the exception of a closure on Dec30,2009 and Jan6 2010. KANGAROO INN ,is closed through summer(fire danger considerations) and will reopen on Jan 21, 2010. Robyn and the CCOWS team Household Refuse Collection Residents are reminded that when they put their bins out on the nature strip for collection, bins need to be located so that they open facing the road, bins are separated by at least 0.5 metres, are not positioned close to poles or fences and where possible not placed behind parked cars. Rubbish placed beside bins will not be picked up. Adherence to the above will ensure efficient collection and Council thanks you for your support. Beach Safety The District Council of Robe hopes you enjoy your stay in Robe. To ensure that you have a trouble free holiday, Council asks to keep in mind the following when on the beach: - Pick up your rubbish and put it in the bin Fill in any dug sand holes or spread out any sand castles Stick to the speed limit 25 km/h Be aware of and adhere to the dog zone areas Adhere to fire regulations & restrictions (remember to contact 000 for any fire incidents or breakouts) DOGS IN ROBE Prohibited dog areas: Main Beach, from Post office to Sea-Vu Caravan Park; Long Beach, between First ramp & the rocks and; Karatta Beach Off Leash dog areas: Wrights Bay; Lipson Park; West Beach; Hoopers Beach and; Long Beach, except between 2nd & 3rd ramp, between 10 am and 8 pm during daylight savings, excluding Guichen Bay Conservation Park On Leash dog areas: All other parks and beaches, dogs must be under effective control by means of physical restraint Lost your Dog? Found a Dog? Contact Council Office on 8768 2003 2 Mayor’s Message Council Budget Council’s finances are looking much better thanks to Bill Hender’s good management via cost cutting and watching expenses carefully. Some selected asset sales and lower interest rates have also helped. Council is now able to do some long overdue works and improvements. We would like to thank Bill and the team and the patience of ratepayers and residents. Thompson Road and Elizabeth Streets It is great that these streets are being upgraded before summer. Stairs to beach at second and third ramps Thanks to government funding we now have steps to the beach at both ramps. Lapwing Gallery reopens The west room gallery at the institute has been fully restored and is an excellent place for local artists to display their works. If you haven’t seen the restored room and local art, please drop in. The restoration is thanks to a generous donation from the CWA ladies, the many hours of Ian Bruce and his volunteers, and, an enthusiastic art group. If you are an artist and would like more information please contact Chris Davidson. Regional Development Australia (RDA) This proposed new body is going to make recommendations to the Federal and State Governments as to which private businesses receive taxpayer money. The councils of the South East (SELGA) as a funding partner have insisted that the governance of the new body be equivalent to governance for local government including having registers of interest for board members and senior staff, open meetings, publicly available minutes etc. SELGA Councils have made this crystal clear yet we are now presented with a draft constitution that doesn’t include all of our requests. This is taxpayer money we are talking about and four of the seven councils including DC Robe have passed resolutions saying we will not be participating until these governance requirements are included. We have also been asked to approve the starting of the new RDA yet we haven’t even had the opportunity to look at the draft resource agreement for councils partially fund it. As Mayor Ken Grundy of Naracoorte Lucindale says, this is like asking us to sign a blank cheque. We really need an independent inquiry to find out why our requests haven’t been included and why we are being treated this way. We could then show the public how this process has been frustrated. We’ll keep you posted. Parliamentary Economic and Finance Committee hearing In April 2009 the then acting ombudsman said unkind things about me before this committee. As the comments were before the committee, parliamentary privilege applied so there is no way I can force him to retract or correct his statements. I wrote to the committee asking for the opportunity to respond and gave the reasons. They allowed this opportunity and in December Bill Hender and I attended before this committee. Not only did they allow us to respond, which we gather is not normally the case, they allowed us to place the questions we had for the former acting ombudsman on the public record. We are grateful to the committee for this opportunity and their time. A transcript is available to anyone interested. Festive Season On behalf of all Councillors we wish everyone a happy and safe festive season and 2010. Wm Peden ROBE RESIDENT AND RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION The President and Committee extend their good wishes to all members of this Association and trust that 2010 will be a good year for them and their families in so many ways. Attendances at the 2009 association meetings have been consistently good, even during the cold and wet winter months, when it would have been easy to stay at home by the fire. Matters raised at the meetings, for the benefit of Robe Community, have ranged from Street lighting, footpaths, pedestrian crossing, marine parks, rates, after hours street security plus many others. The District Council of Robe has been made aware of these discussions through the Association’s Council Representative, Councillor David Loxton, who at nigh - and for him to attend - is a 100Klm round trip from his farm. Distant Ratepayers who are unable to attend meetings are encouraged to write to the Association secretary via P.O. Box 241, Robe on any subject they feel needs attention. Potential members are cordially invited to attend our meetings, dates and times of which are advertised in advance around the town. Finally, greetings to all for 2010! 3 Robe Public Library—NEW BOOKS Light Up Robe Committee Adult Non-Fiction Just Doing My Job (Cops, Firies & Ambos – James Knight Help Please! (A book about depression and its lighter moments) Heather Ey Servants Depots – Marie Steiner Now or Never, A Sustainable Future for Australia? – Tim Flannery The life you can save now, Acting now to end world poverty – Peter Singer One Magic Square – Grow your own food on one square metre – Lolo Houbein Stones into Schools – Greg Mortenson with Mike Bryan Adult Fiction Western Skies – Nora Roberts Rainwater – Sandra Brown Midnight Fugue – Reginald Hill The Boat – Nam Le Black Friday – Alex Kava The Butcher Bird – Geoffery Cousins The Return journey – Maeve Binchy Complicit – Nicci French Eye of the Needle – Ken Follett The Window Seat and other stories – Archie Weller A History of the Beanbag and other stories – Susan Midalia The Collaborator – Gerald Seymour Ice – Linda Howard Little White Slips – Karen Hitchcock Childrens’ Non Fiction Completely Revolting Recipes & other tasty treats! – Roald Dahl The Cooking Book – Jane Bull Living Alongside the Animals – Anangu Way The Usborne 2nd Book of KnowHow The Megatastic Kids Joke Book The Dragon who couldn’t do sporty things – Anni Axworthy Merry Christmas Blue Kangaroo-Emma Chichester Clark I really ABSOLUTELY must have glasses Where’s the Gold? – Pamela Allen 4 Dogs in a Truck – Wendy Straw Children’s Fiction I Love Christmas – Anna Walker Time for Bed – Mem Fox and Jane Dyer Wombat Divine – Mem Fox Where’s Waldo? – The Incredible Paper chase Eragon’s Guide to Alagaesia – Christopher Paolini Australia at the Beach – Max Flatchen & Tom Jellett My Cat likes to hide in boxes – Eve Sutton To The Top End – Our Trip Across Australia – Roland Harvey Imagine – Alison Lester Zac Power – Foul Play River Rampage – Zac Power Teenage Fiction Almost Alice – Phyllis Reynolds Naylor DVD’s – Adults and childrens Honey, I shrunk the kids, Honey, I Blew Up the Kids & Honey, We shrunk Ourselves Thomas & Friends – Hero of the Rails Ben Ten Alien Force We tried twice to have an Official Lighting Up of the Town Christmas Tree but unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control it just didn’t happen. By the time you have read this newsletter you will have seen them and hopefully be pleased with our efforts in raising the money to be able to purchase NEW LIGHTS for the Tree. We have purchased 320 metres of lights, 1 flood light, a galvanized frame with a 2 metre star on the top for the cost of approximately $12,000. We would like to thank Richard Wintle for making the frame work and getting it galvanized. Thank you to the District Council of Robe for their support in organizing Trevor & Todd Lehmann with the crane. Thank you Dennis & Heath Boundy for making & positioning the flood light. Thank you to Robe Hardware for additional purchases. Also to the Commodore on the Park in Mount Gambier and to Matt Kompo. A really big thank you must go to Anthony Moore—what an exceptional member of the Robe Community. For over twelve months Anthony has researched the Lights and then came up with a plan. We only paid for the Lights—Anothony donated numerous hours of time & labour to help make our vision for the Tree to be a reality. Thank you Anthony, you are one in a million and we are very pleased with the end result. Also thank you to the Robe Community for their support in our fundraising efforts for the new lights. Light Up Robe & Mayoral Christmas Parade Committee B O O K R E V I E W “Judi Dench – with a crack in her voice” by John Miller Judi Dench, born York England 1934. With no fear of contradiction she can be called an actor, a star, maybe even a “diva.” These terms have become tossed around with such reckless abandon they have become valueless. Most of the females to whom the name star is attached are vacuous chemical blondes with a stock standard willowy or anorexic figure with much owing to their dentists and the photographer’s airbrush. They say very little worth listening to and look as though they have emerged from a sausage machine which churns them out by the dozen. The title diva, which once needed to be earned is now applied to such as Amy Winehouse, Brittany Spears and Lindsay Lohan. Judi Dench short, not willowy, has her own teeth and nowadays shows a few wrinkles but has more talent in her little finger than the aforementioned. During her career, which spans fifty years, she has played a huge range of roles, including firstly the Virgin Mary in the York Mystery plays through a wide spectrum of Shakespearian roles with the Old Vic, then the Royal Shakespeare Company, the National Theatre Company, and various regional theatre companies. She has “done” the Russian Plays, Irish Plays, Shaw, Wilde…she even played Fieldmouse, Stoat, and Mother Rabbit in “Toad of Toad Hall” at Stratford. She has sung in musicals, “A Little Night Music”, “Cats” and “Cabaret” and has had much experience as a director. The list of actors with whom she has worked reads like a Who’s Who of the stage, screen and television. Her first TV appearance was in “Z-Cars!” and once again the range of roles is remarkable. As if she hadn’t enough to do, she has also made several films, including playing the role of the ubiquitous “M” in a couple of Bond films. This book is not a Hollywood expose but rather an interesting account of a life of a woman at work. It barely touches upon her private life. She reluctantly consented to this biography by John Miller who had already written notable biographies of John Gielgud and Ralph Richardson, two greats of the British theatre. Anybody who admires Judi Dench, her superb craftsmanship, her energy and renowned sense of humour will gain great pleasure from this book. Marg Whibley 4 MEALS ON WHEELS ROSTER—JANUARY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY WK 1 RESERVES FRIDAY Margie McKay 8768 2164 1st January Jan Wheal Richard Fairweather WK 2 4th January Sally LeCornu Pam Robinson 5thJanuary Margie McKay Di Nolan 6th January Margot Hinge Babilly Bruce 7th January Jan Fisk Helen Lynch 8th January Jenny Stevenson Natalie Ling WK 3 11th January Peter Duly Suzanne Duly 12th January Patsy Grummett Nev Grummett 13th January Chris Davidson Jeanette Seaton 14th January Sharon Petrovic Heidi Tonkin 15th January Marion Dawson WK 4 18th January 19th January 20th January 21st January 22nd January Charmaine Regnier Irene Johns Mary McInerney Alan Lawson Rosemary Williams Jo Woodward 25th January 26th January 27th January 28th January 29th January Tessa Levinge Joan Wintle Marg Gibbons Jenny Mathews Fay Hartwig Irene Stratford Harvey Stratford Jim smith Judy Smith WK 5 Irene Stratford 8768 1824 Jan Wheal 0408 832 334 For alterations or additions to meals please contact Kingston Hospital 8767 0222 If your roster day is not convenient please arrange a replacement. Thank you Jenny Mathews Roster co-ordinator 8768 2616 Need a lift? Robe Uniting Church Robe Community Bus The bus driver for January will be Tessa Levinge phone 8768 2116. If you wish to go to Mt Gambier on January 22nd please ring Tessa on the above phone number. The bus will pick you up at 8.00am and return to Robe at 5.30pm. The return fare is $17.00. The bus also runs every Thursday morning for local shopping, bank, post office, library etc. You will be picked up at approximately 10.30am and returned to your home at between 12.15 and 12.30pm. Please ring the bus driver on the above phone number so they know who and where to pick up. Robe Uniting Church is now meeting in the new chapel and will be having the official opening on February 7th 2010. The Robe congregation would like to thank everyone who has helped to make this possible with special thanks to Karen & Ian Parker. Kathryn Lisk and Peter Lawrie. Keep an eye on the next newsletter for details as we would like to invite you to attend. We wish everyone a Blessed Christmas and may 2010 be full of peace and joy. Valma Jennings on behalf of the Robe Congregation. Robe Uniting Church Nathalie Ling, Hon Secretary Phone: 0419 183 444 Tooroki Campsite Concerned about Osteoporosis? The Royal Hospital Mobile Bone Densitometry Caravan will be visiting Kingston from 1/2/10-19/2/10 Contact your local community health centre or hospital to make a booking on (08) 8767 0238, and ensure you have a referral from your doctor, who will coordinate your follow up. Further details at www.rah.sa.gov/nucmed. Robe Art Gallery 11.00 am 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sunday’s in a month Robe Boat Ramp Passes Daily Weekly Monthly 6 Monthly Financial Year $5.50 $15.00 $30.00 $60.00 (1/7 to 31/12 or 1/1 to 30/6) $110.00 Open daily from 10am to 5pm in the Lapwing Gallery on the southern side of the Robe Institute. Paintings by local artists for sale. All welcome to browse or buy…. Free Admission!!! If gallery not open contact: Bernice Green 8768 2114 Chris Davidson 8768 2594 Boat Ramp Passes can be purchased from the Council office Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm or from the Library/Visitor Information Centre Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm, Saturday & Sunday 10.00 am to 4.00 pm, Public Holidays 10.00 am to 1.00 pm. Please make sure you supply your boat trailer registration number. 5 Seared salmon with sesame and green mango salad R E C Serving size: Serves 4 I P INGREDIENTS E zest and juice of 2 limes 1 tablespoon brown sugar O F 2 tablespoon rice vinegar 1 tablespoon peanut oil T 1 tablespoon light soy sauce H 1 or 2 green papaya or green mango E 2 tablespoons sesame seeds, toasted 75g bean sprouts M O ½ cup coriander leaves N olive oil spray T 4 x 200g salmon fillets H steamed bok choy or tat soi, to serve. METHOD Put lime zest and juice, sugar, vinegar, oil and soy into a small bowl and whisk until combined. Remove skin from papaya (or mango) and discard. Cut flesh into thin slices then stack 3 slices and cut into matchstick-sized pieces and place in a bowl. LIGHT UP ROBE & MAYORAL CHRISTMAS PARADE COMMITTEE WOW – Well done Robe, the Christmas Parade on the 20th December was amazing. The comments we have received are outstanding once again and it’s thanks to the people of Robe who have taken the time and effort to be a part of Annual Christmas Parade that makes it such an outstanding success. Our major sponsors this year were the District Council of Robe, Robe Community Bank, BankSA, Discovery Parks Robe, Lakeside Tourist Park, SeaVu Caravan Park, along with numerous donations of cash and vouchers from Robe Businesses and Individual people. Your amazing support is always ongoing and we do appreciate your wonderful generosity. A special thank you to Anne Peden, Bill Hender and Rhonda Kellock for judging our entrants in the Christmas Parade, their task certainly wouldn’t have been easy with the high standard of this year’s entry. Our judges for the Light Up Robe this year were Jessica Sturzaker from the SeaVu Caravan Park, Tamara Jess and Robin Maloney from Lakeside Tourist Park and Linne Street from Discovery Parks Robe. Thank you to the community of Robe who took the time to LIGHT UP, it would be great if more people would take part in this annual Event. Once again congratulations to our Committee for a job well done and as always a special thank you to Nesla for being our inspiring leader. Thank you also to Dennis Boundy for being our odd job man. Thank you to the District Council of Robe for arranging road closures etc., and thank you Fred. Also thank you to the Robe Primary School for allowing us to use their School Oval as the starting point of our Parade. Add 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds, bean sprouts and coriander to mango and toss with half of dressing. Raffle Winners: 1st Irene Johns, 2nd Tara Bryant, 3rd Courtney McGlashan, 4th Spray a non-stick frying pan with olive oil spray Damian Liddell, 5th Shirley Snook and 6th Adam Brooks. and heat pan over a medium heat. Cook salmon Christmas Parade Winners: for 2-3 minutes on both sides until salmon is alClub Entry: 1st Robe Golf Club 2nd Robe Netball Club – B Grade Premiers most cooked through to centre but still pink. Best Adult : 1st Marcia Dening-Wasson, 2nd Jan and Viv Best Childrens: 1st McMartains – White Knights 2nd CarterPlace some steamed bok choy or tat soi onto Tomlinson – Santa’s Helpers each serving plate. Remove salmon from pan and Best Decorate Bike: 1st Sophie & Lauren Sutherland, 2nd Hudson place on top of greens. Place a mould of mango & Clayton Peel salad on top of salmon, sprinkle with remaining Best Business: 1st Grape Growers Association, 2nd Wild Mulberry & Images @ Robe sesame seeds and spoon extra dressing over Best Community Group: 1st Robe Players, 2nd Robe CFS each. Sprinkle with sea salt flakes and cracked Best Decorate Vehicle: 1st Alsop & Matthews, 2nd Jamie & Rob black pepper to serve. Hall GOLDEN OLDIES SOCIAL GROUP Meetings held in RSL Hall 6th January 2010: Happy New Year! Meet at 10.00am for bus trip to Penola for lunch at Café on the park and a visit to Toffee and Treats of Penola 20th January 2010: Meet at the RSL hall at 1.00pm to make iced tea or home made lemonade rd 3 February 2010: Meet at the RSL hall at 11.00am. Bus trip to Karatta Winery and a picnic lunch If you have any queries please ring Kelli on 8762 4389 Best Over All Entry: “Tigers Troubles” – Robe Golf Club Light UP Robe Winners: Private: 1st Jo Woodward, 2nd Trish & John Nunan, 3rd Anne & Chris McLay and 4th Mardie & Brendon Brooks. Business: 1st Images @ Robe, 2nd Robe Haven Motel WE WISH EVERYONE A HAPPY & HEALTHY 2010 Annual Book Sale Tuesday 5th January Wednesday 6th January From 10.00 am—Robe Institute 6 Robe Netball Club Season 2010 Junior and Senior Coaching Positions FARMERS’ MARKET *Sunday 3rd January 2010 10am to 1pm Robe Institute - by the seaside If you are interested in coaching next season please put your application in writing to; Marian Dawson PO Box 465 Robe 5276. Listing any other information, past experience, history or qualifications, which may be relevant. *Sunday 24th January 2010 10am to 1pm Apex Park—Kingston WELL DONE !! Choose from a delicious selection of farm fresh locally grown and made produce: Veg, fruit, meat, fish, honey, cakes, jams, preserves, oils and olives, nuts, herbs and spices, chocolate, lavender products, smallgoods, and more! Supporting local Producers Presented by the Limestone Coast Food Group Inc. Ph: 87373663 S P O R T S N E W S The Robe Mo Group raised $851.60 which is a fantastic effort and goes to a great cause Thankyou to Kristina for shaving off the mo’s, Kim for the photos, Luke @ Robe Hotel, Robe Bakery, Michael @ Robe Butchers and Francine & Greg @ Foodland. See you all for registration next November …. Sharon Pettit Bowls notes On Wednesday 25th November “All ages” attended the twilight bowls event sponsored by Robe Community Bendigo Bank. A foursome of younger players skippered by Jordan Dawson, ably assisted by C Budarick, D Budarick & H Kurray won with 30 points plus 8 shots up. Closely followed by T Grummet, B Mac & E Zammit & J Golding with a score of 28 + 9 shots up. Hot on their heels were Libby Jauncey & Andrew Nevins with 28 + 8 shots up in third place. All who attended were able to enjoy chocolate cake made by Tracy Grummett—a generous gesture, from a regular bowler at Twilight bowls. Thanks! Catherine Crafter won the meat tray, which was kindly donated by Starkies Butchers. At RBC we appreciate the support we receive from the Bendigo Bank and Starkies Butchers. On Thursday 26th we were all a buzz as the Match committee—Doreen, Carmel & Toby—arranged the morning bowls, which was mixed pairs 2 and walk. Winners were Toby Salter & Margie McKay with 26 pts. Runner up teams were Marilyn Perkins and Alan Edgar who won on count back from Rosemary Williams and Margie Edgar who all scored 26 points. Thursday arvo proves to be popular each week. With 2 games up their sleeve Vic Dawson, David Fisk & Syd Kirkland won the day—cool chickens were much appreciated by the boys. The Mat’s Plumbing Event commenced late November. Sections will be played on a monthly basis. Unbeknown to me Mark Denton of Robe painters gave the ladies of Robe Bowls club complete all day support for all major trophies on our pairs and fours day on 17th November, we do thank you Mark! Your generosity is greatly appreciated. At our greens on 2nd December we were happy to see the younger players are displaying good bowling skills, to win Bendigo Bank vouchers at Twilight bowls. Winners were P Regnier, E Regnier, J Regnier & G Leggett with 30 + 19 pts. Runner up team were J Golding, E Zammitt, B Mac & A Dening with 30 + 15 pts. A BBQ was enjoyed by all participants. December 3rd saw Toby Salter win with 46 pts. Thursday Triples saw team B Nankivell, D Fisk, & P Bishop win, with D Salter, L Ward & P Dening runner ups. The Mat’s Plumbing Mixed 100 up Competition had the following results: R Bermingham def S Kennett, E Jennings def J Bermingham, B Sneath def S Duly, D Robinson def B Nankivell. *Games are set to monthly play. Please check boards for where you are at. Thank you Mat & Associates.. Saturday 5th December both pennant teams played at home against Lucindale in 3rd division. Our mixed gender team in Division 4 scored very well against Frances—a top team. Much jubilation for them. We all shared fine food with great company for our Christmas tea. The aggregate score for morning bowls was won by Brian Gilkes 184, Marilyn Perkins 181, Marnie Bishop 171, Rosemary Williams 156, Margy McKay 138. Many other participants also scored well. The late afternoon of December 9, bowls was once again held. The late Mary Regnier a former top bowler at our Robe Club coulc well be delighted to know how well her descendants have adapted to this game of bowls. Paul Regnier with Sons also assisted by Sam Denton were indeed the best bowlers. Results: Winners Mark Denton & Bet Allsop who received a cool chicken after a play off against Vic Dawson & Gordon Allsop. ON Saturday 3rd Division Pennant team def Naracoorte: V Dawson, R Salter, M Giles, M Denton won 34-25; D Burgoyne, G Allsop, M Golding, S Kennett won 28-23; B Sneath, D Hardy, D Robinson, E Jennings won 26-22. Our 4th division team lost all games at Naracoorte on excellent greens so now Div 4 quietly nestles at the bottom of that ladder for a time. January 2010: Saturday 2nd Mens Club Championship Fours, Saturday 9th Mens Club Championship Triples, Saturday 16th Mens club Championship Pairs, Sunday 17th Robe Open Mixed Pairs, Saturday 23rd Mens Club Championship Singles, Thursday 28th Ladies Championship Fours. Draw & Drive 7 Robetown Summer Markets RSL Hall, Victoria Street, Robe SA Summer Market Dates January 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th February 6th, 13th, 20th Market times 9am – 4pm www.collide-a-scoperobe.spaces.live.com keep updated and join us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/pages/edit/?id=384386850610 The Robetown summer markets are a platform for local small producers (independent small business and craft people, artists), community groups, and performers, to showcase their product during the summer months when the tourist trade is at its peak. The aim of the market is to allow small industry, hobbyists and community groups the opportunity to grow their business, to address the lack of a permanent local produce market and the lack of shop space within the town and to create a local attraction to help encourage the tourist market. The Robetown Summer Markets is a volunteer run market, run under the banner of Collide-A-Scope artists collective and is organised by its members as a community initiative. The market will run every Saturdays over January and February (excluding Feb 27th). Further dates will be announced in February. For each market day we aim to offer a local community group a site to run a food/drink stall giving them a fund raising opportunity while attracting more people to the market. We also aim to secure live music/entertainment for each market day to give a lively atmosphere to the market environment. So far groups such as the Robe CFS, the Southern Ocean Art Prize and Quilters By The Sea- Pink Ribbon Breakfast have taken up this opportunity to aid their fundraising efforts. Any Interested groups/individuals can contact the organisers as dates are still available. The first Robetown summer market was run on the October long weekend with 6 stall holders, as a trial to test the viability of a local market. This market day saw a substantial increase in stall holders and the event has grown from strength to strength since. Since this first date, a market day has been held monthly, with dates landing on busy weekends falling in line with other local events. Over summer the market will expand to include stalls in the front yard of the R.S.L and stalls inside the Hall. The organisers would like to thank the Robe R.S.L. and in particular Natalie Ling for their support and for allowing us to hire the hall for this community event For stall information contact Steff Kennett on 87682152 or email: kennetts@internode.on.net Robe Sea Change Group Program for January/ February 2010 Meetings held in the RSL hall, 1-3pm unless otherwise specified 13th January 2010 We are off to Cape Jaffa to see the anchorage and will be stopping to check out a local Cellar Door or two. Pick up time will be at one. Bring along some money in case you would like a wine. 27th January 2010 This will be a home day, we will have a cuppa and a chat about what you did on Australia Day. 10th February 2010 We will be going to Kingston Day Care for afternoon tea. Pick up time is at one. 24th February 2010 This will be a home day. We will be playing games. Chatting and having a cuppa. Any queries please don’t hesitate to ring Cindy on 8767 2248 after 7pm! All outings are subject to weather conditions. Kingston/Robe Women’s Health Advisory Group Wish to sincerely thank the Robe council, Kingston Care, Kingston Lions and Kingston Council for their generous donations for the SAVED child first aid and awareness course conducted in November. This course was a great success with all participants rating it EXCELLENT. Thank you also to Robe council for providing the Robe venue for this. And a special Thank You to the Robe council workmen/ man who delivered the white board for us at extremely short notice !!! The trainer was very impressed with the Robe Institute. WHAG are currently organising a special day in the Kingston Hall, March 13th 2010, to celebrate the Centenary of International Women’s Day. More details later. 8 Robe Football Club SUMMER TEAS JANUARY 2010 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 23rd Family Friendly Atmosphere Family Friendly Prices Robe Beachport Recycle Yard st Summer Hours (1 Dec – End of March) Opening Times: Sunday/Monday/Wednesday/ Thursday/Friday 8.00-12pm Please Contact Heidi Gribble on 0409 671 326 Bar opens at 5pm Meals 6pm - 8pm Fire Information 2009/2010 1. 2. A FIRE FOR COOKING OR PERSONAL COMFORT MAY BE LIGHTED OR MAINTAINED PROVIDED THAT— a. The fire is contained in a properly constructed fire place, a portable cooking appliance or a trench at least 30 cm deep; b. The space immediately around and above the fire is cleared of all flammable materials to a distance of at l east four metres; c. The fire does not occupy an area in excess of one square metre; d. A person who is able to control the fire is present at the site of the fire from the time that it is lighted to the time it is completely extinguished; and e. An appropriate agent adequate to extinguish the fire is at hand. A FIRE FOR THE BURNING OF REFUSE MAY BE LIGHTED OR MAINTAINED PROVIDED THAT— a. The fire is contained within a properly constructed incinerator; b. The space immediately around and above the fire is cleared of all flammable material to a distance of at least four metres; c. A supply of water adequate to extinguish the fire is at hand; d. A person who is able to control the fire is present at the site of the fire from the time that it is lighted to the time it is completely extinguished; e. Permitted only between 10am—3pm, Monday to Sat urday, within the town limits. On a Total Fire ban day, only gas and electric appliances will be allowed within 15 metres of domestic premises or on a foreshore, subject to the conditions of 1(b), (d), (e). Come and enjoy the new Show Room at Mahalia Coffee. Browse our range of coffees, teas and related homewares. Sit down in our store or sunny courtyard for a coffee and a Sticky Bun or home made biscuits or try Take away. Ask our friendly staff all your coffee and tea questions and try some free tastings. We look forward to looking after you. Open 9am- 5pm Monday –Saturday 2 Flint Street. Robe. Ph 8768 2778 fax 8768 2143 mahaliacoffee.com.au Bodywork to feel better naturally Q2 detoxifying footbath Distributor for many natural products Miessence certified organic products www.bodytune.mionegroup.com Lifewave patches for pain relief, energy, sleep issues and detoxifying the body 4Life research immune system support Tri‐nature environmentally friendly Call Heather for details: 8768 2537 9 Yoga in Robe Organic yoga lessons by a qualified Hatha yoga teacher. Renew body, mind & spirit through gentle movement & breath work. Robe studio—Robe Institute, Smillie Street Tuesday: Chakra dance Yoga Yoga 9.00 am—9.25 am 9.30 am—10.30 am 7.00 pm—8.00 pm Thursday: Chakra dance Yoga 9.00 am—9.25 am 9.30 am—10.30 am Chakra dance $5 (or $3 if staying on for yoga) Yoga $12 per class. Plus gold coin donation towards hall hire -All classes suitable for any age group & fitness level -Beginners always welcome Reconnect with the breath and allow tranquility back into your life… Pamela Gibson Accredited member of YTAA—ABN 93139297460 Ph: 8768 2068 Mobile: 0402 730 785 DENTIST DR R.M.MILNER BDS ROBE COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE 1 SMILLIE STREET ROBE TELEPHONE: 8523 1716 \0407 608 570 In Robe— 4 January 2009 WOMENS HEALTH DR JANE THIEL (RFDS) will be visiting the Robe Medical Centre 28th January 2010 11th February 2010 11th March 2010 For appointments please contact the Medical Centre on 8768 2012 -Remedial & Therapeutic Massage -Myotherapy -Craniosacral Therapy -Foot Reflexology -Herbal & Aromatic Medicine -Emotional Counselling Consulting Dates Claimable with private health funds FEBRUARY Conditions which may benefit include muscle, back, neck & shoulder pain, sciatica, skin conditions, headaches, PMT, emotional stress, pregnancy. Thursday 6th & Friday 7th, Thursday 25th & Friday 26th MARCH Thursday 18th & Friday 19th The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. Thomas Jefferson Dr. Tamara Justus (BSc Hons. PhD. Dip RT Drp Arom.) Phone: 8768 1932 Mobile: 0408 858 735 for appointments 10 Dog’s Best Friend ARE YOU: Going on Holiday? Unwell or unable to walk your dog? Phone Guy 0437 793 245 Feeding: $7.50 per visit Feeding and walking: $ 12.00 per day Poultry, horse, cats, birds, snakes, but no spiders please…. KNEADY THERAPIES Do you suffer from any of the following ailments? Sinus headaches Back pain Sore feet Neck and shoulder pain General aches and pains. Take some time out to visit Elise Lehmann at Kneady Therapies to help relieve your ailments with— Foot Reflexology Sports massage Anma, Japanese massage Myofascial Release Cranio-Sacral Therapy Bowen Therapist Naomi Hutchison 8768 2720 Gentle, Fast, Effective Treatment for Back pain, Neck, Shoulder, Elbow, Knee, Hamstring and other musculoskeletal problems. No adjustment is used, only gentle moves on muscles and connective tissue, encouraging the body to heal itself. Member of the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia Claimable with some major health funds on selected tables. Robe Institute Hall available to hire For bookings and hire rates please contact the Council office on 8768 2003 Contact Elise on 0438 202 342 11 Sharon Pettit now troubleshooting for your: Computer Home Administration Website design or alterations Internet and Connections ALSO SUPPLYING Toshiba laptops and a range of PC’s Virus Protection Software MYOB & Quicken Software Printers and consumables Modems, USB’s Mice, DVD’s, CD’s STRONG Digital Set-top boxes now available Contact: Sharon on 0448 682014 VHS to DVD’s Have your VHS tapes transferred to DVD’s. I can also transfer footage to DVD’s direct from your video camera. 35mm Slides and Film Negatives to CD Have your slides and Negatives saved to CD. Basic Computer Operation I am also able to provide assistance with basic computer operations such as using Microsoft Word, Excel, Works and various other programs. Typing If you have any documents such as resume’s, letters, notes etc. that you would like typed up please contact me. Please call Fiona on 08 8768 2561 or 0427 118 127 GARY DeBOO CARS Looking to buy or sell a car? Talk to us. We will endeavour to find the right car for you Phone: Gary:0428 823 214 OR Pam: 0412 039 891 LVD: 181120 12 Web Design I Certified MYOB Consultant Bookkeeping I Payroll Services Cassie Bermingham PO Box 486 Robe SA 5276 t + 0417 854 636 | e + ccrobe@bigpond.net.au ABN 29 881 989 947 M.R. HORTICULTURE GARDEN RESTORATION AND RENOVATION Building better gardens Contact Mark Phone: 0409 019 888 Est. 1983 Lic. No 200017T -Lawn mowing, tree and shrub lopping -Small garden upgrades -Repairs, maintenance and installation of watering systems -Odd jobs Contact: Harry Keaveney Ph: 08 8768 2393 Mobile: 0407 799 788 13 Limestone Coast ANTENNAS Ph 0400 068 682 ROACHY’S COMPLETE GARDENS ABN 71 686 810 981 Bld 183565 Located @ Robe SA TELEVISION Antenna (Technicians) SIZZLING Summer Specials Sonic SD Digital Receivers $99 Tsnumi 8 Port AV Selectors $79 HD Rec DIGITAL Only Antennas $79 Lawn Mowing Garden Maintenance Garden Landscaping Small Irrigation Turf Preparation/Laying Contact Brad Roach T: 0427 313 223 Need Storage? Robe Storage has available for short or long term lease storage in clean & secure area. Suitable for small boats, cars, furniture & general use. Competitive rates... Contact Janette Mort on 0408 854 527 Dingo’s Lawn and Garden’s ABN: 590 952 438 69 Lawn Mowing Landscaping Garden work FREE QUOTES AVAILABLE Robe Yacht Club Hire Cost per day: $220.00 Cost per meeting: (2-3hrs) $82.50 BBQ Hire: $16.50 Kitchen Hire: $22.00 All prices include GST For enquires or bookings please contact: Ph: 08 8768 2028 Fax: 08 8768 2566 Email: robe@malseeds.com.au Daniel McKenny Ph: 0417 381 783 TV Antenna Systems -Wide Format Printing -Labels & Stickers -Vinyl Signs -Digital Images -Business Signage Ross & Anna England Ph: 08 8735 8600 14 ROB’S CLEANING SERVICE LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATING IN ROBE FOR OVER 10 YEARS Carpets & Upholstery: Cleaned, freshened & sanitized by the water extraction method. Windows: Improve your outlook on life – have us clean your windows & screens. Lawns: Servicing Robe and Long Beach areas. ROBE EARTHMOVERS Welcome enquiries for: Telephone: 08 8768 2865 Mobile: 0429 670437 Clear as mud Window cleaning Gutter clearing Guy 0437 793 245 Obligation free quote with competitive prices Block clearing or filling Trenching Boring holes Cleaning up building & domestic debris Rural work Supply of rubble & top soil General excavating Phone Trevor on 0408 856273 or 87682186 every detail by design Brian, Naomi & Mark design, manufacture & installation of all your cabinets & joinery Kitchens Robes Bathrooms Storage Stairs Shop fitting Renovation New Ph 8768 1831 Email bgrellet@bigpond.net.au Building Contractors Licence No 176922 15 BroCart Licenced Builders BLD 106160 Carpentry, Additions & Alterations, Concreting, Sub Contracting, Pergolas, Tiling, Bathroom Renovations, Shed Erection & New Homes. Call Dean 0401 004 043 LIMESTONE COAST CUSTOM FRAMING ABN: 45032824229 Contact us for a quote on all your photographic, art and craft picture framing requirements. Contact: Kylie 27 Powell Avenue PO Box 1014, ROBE SA 5276 Ph: 0427 682 882 Email: cslattery3@bigpond.com 24 h our tow ing S PO EFT lable i ava Specializing in: Body and Paint Repairs Welding Rust Proofing Windscreens Ph: 8768 2009 Fax: 8768 2517 Mob: 0432 580 157 Mat’s Plumbing PO Box 114, ROBE SA 5276 General Plumbing Gas Fitting & Maintenance Phone/Fax: 8768 2878 Mobile: 0427 682 878 abn 35 592 187 979 Lic/Reg No PGE 176769 CARPETS -DRY CLEAN SYSTEM UPHOLSTERY WINDOWS & SCREENS VACUUM SERVICE MATTRESS SANITIZING CONCRETE & PAVERS FLOOR TILES & GROUT TIMBER FLOOR BUFFING 16 Need a Plumber? • Drain Cleaning • Hot water services • All maintenance work • Bathroom renovations • Septic systems Ph: 0408 986 644 0417 810 847 Lic: PGE 24122 *TAX* *RETURNS* From $88 SPECIAL RATES FOR LOW INCOME EARNERS *GST* *ACCOUNTING* Ph 8768 2539 Neil Bevan Registered Tax Agent/ Qualified Accountant Your Building Maintenance Solutions Carpentry~Gyprock~Tiling Paving~Decking~Painting General building repairs internal & external… And the small jobs in between. Enquiries welcome anytime Mark Facy 0428 844311 17 January 2010 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Robetown Summer Markets 3 Farmers Market 4 5 6 7 8 9 Robetown Summer Markets 10 Cape Jaffa Sea & Wine Festival 11 12 Council Meeting 5pm 13 14 15 16 Robetown Summer Markets 17 Wehl’s @ Mount Benson Winery 18 19 DAP Meeting 10.30 am 20 21 22 23 Surf Fishing Comp (Kingston) Robetown Summer Markets 24 Surf Fishing Comp (Kingston) Robe Yacht Club—Race around the Bay 25 26 Australia Day 27 Back to school 28 29 30 Robetown Summer Markets 31 1 February 2 3 4 5 6 Robetown Summer Markets General Waste—Robe Township (to Drain L Bridge) General Waste—Longbeach Area (East of Drain L Bridge) Recycling- Robe Township (to Drain L Bridge) Recycling—Longbeach Area (East of Drain L Bridge) I willingly forgive. I breath love into my vision, and I see with compassion and understanding. My clear insight is reflected in my outer sight. S U D O K U 6 4 9 3 6 3 5 1 9 5 8 9 8 6 4 10.00 – 11.00am Holiday Times 10.00—11.00am 26 December—31 January 10.00—11.00am Monday to Friday 10.00—11.00am 10.00 am—11.00 am 10.00—11.00am CLOSED Saturday & Sunday 2.00 – 3.00pm 2.00 pm—3.00 pm Landfill Fees $10.00 $15.00 $27.00 $70.00 $110.00 $160.00 $10.00 Robe landfill is closed on Christmas Day, Good Friday, Anzac Day and on Total Fire Ban Days declared for the Lower South East of S.A. Half price for pensioners for car boot load only on production of pension card. opening of the landfill outside of normal operating hours will incur a $220.00 fee. 2 5 3 4 3 1 4 8 2 Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Boot Load 6’x4’ Trailer, Car Type Utes 8’x5’ Trailer or similar/Large Ute Single Axle Truck Tandem/Bogie Axle Truck Semi Tipper Truck Car Bodies 7 6 7 E T C . Landfill Operating Times Thought for the month… M E D I U M C A L E N D A R 8 Green Waste products that are segregated and do not require mulching eg. Lawn clippings, leaves etc., can be dumped free of charge within the Landfill area during the opening times. Normal Landfill Fees will apply to any Green Waste Product that requires mulching. Contaminate-free clean fill material (100 mm or less in size) will be accepted at no charge. 18 For the Kids—Colouring In 19 Publication Details The Community Newsletter is published, edited, designed, printed and delivered by the District Council of Robe. Community groups and organisations wishing to submit items should forward their information to Kellie Jordan at the District Council of Robe by the third Friday of each month. It is preferred that items are emailed to kellie@robe.sa.gov.au however handwritten items will be accepted and can be dropped into the Council office, posted to PO Box 1, Robe SA 5276, or faxed on 08 8768 2432. The views and opinions expressed in articles submitted to the District Council of Robe do not necessarily reflect the views of the Council as a body, nor as individual members. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy in published articles submitted by contributors other than Council, no responsibility is accepted for any errors that they may contain. Council reserves the right to edit or not publish any editorial submission. Postage Paid Australia 20
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