IASys user guide - Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance


IASys user guide - Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance
India Alliance System (IASys)
User Guide
India Alliance System (IASys)
The IASys is the India Alliance’s online application submission system. It is
mandatory for applicants to submit their applications via IASys system.
This user guide provides detailed instructions on using the India Alliance online
application system (IASys). It includes description of various steps involved in the
application process and the stakeholders associated with it. Please follow the
directions and Illustrations for a better understanding of the IASys.
Registration: How to register as a user on IASys.
I. Application Process:
a) Roles on the application
b) Overview
c) Creating and managing an application
II. User guides for the following roles:
a) Sponsor
b) External Sponsor(s)
c) Current Supervisor
d) Collaborator(s)
Contact us
If your query is not answered in these notes you may email us by selecting the Contact Us
link within the Grant Application System. If you are experiencing any technical problems
please use the same link.
We will endeavour to answer all queries within 3 working days.
IASys User Guide for Applicants and other participants
Figure 1 - Registration and Login Page
For users new to our online applications system
Only registered users of the system can apply for grants. Please click
and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration process.
You may find the following notes useful:
You will use the email address you register with to identify yourself to the
system when logging in.
The system will use this email address for all correspondence, so it’s a good
idea to choose an address you use regularly.
When you register, an email will be sent to you to allow you to confirm the
registration and log in for the first time.
Don’t worry if you move to a new email address in the future – you can
change your registered IASys email address if you need to.
If you’re a grant holder, or if you’ve previously contributed to an
application or review, your email address may already be registered. The
system will detect this automatically and will invite you to log in without
needing to re-register.
The system allows you to store the answers to security questions to assist
the secure retrieval of your password if you ever forget it.
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Forgotten password
If you forget your password, you click the Forgotten Password? link on the
Registration and Login Page, and ask for a replacement password to be sent to you
by email.
This replacement password gives temporary access to the system, during which
time you will be asked to provide a new, permanent password.
Account lock out
Persistent use of an incorrect password will lock your account; this is to protect
you from attempts to access your data by a third party. If this happens you can
request a new password via the ‘Forgotten password’ function.
Application process:
Roles on the application:
Primary applicant
Lead Applicant: Primary user of IASys. This individual is responsible for
filling in an application, editing and completing it. Also, they must select
and coordinate among sponsors/external sponsors/collaborators, to ensure
that a complete form is submitted within the deadline.
Secondary applicant
Sponsor (Mandatory): Established researcher at the host institution;
normally the head of department or director of the sponsoring host
institution. They should: a) be in a position to guarantee space and
resources at the institution/ department for the duration of the grant; b)
hold a contract of employment that extends beyond the grant; c) sign up to
the Grant Conditions & Policies. Signed letter of support and
recommendation mandatory.
External Sponsor(s) (Optional): The individual in whose laboratory the
applicant wishes to utilize their “Work outside the host institution”
provision. They should be able to guarantee that the applicant will have
access to the facilities required and provide the required scientific support.
If chosen, signed letter of support is mandatory. This role is only available
on the Intermediate and Early Career Fellowship forms.
associated with a research proposal and named in the body of the
application. Typically these are individuals who will supply reagents, assist
in specific protocols, provide resource services etc. If chosen, signed letter
of support is mandatory.
Tertiary applicant
Current Supervisor: This may be the person to whom the lead Applicant is
currently reporting to. This may be the applicant’s Postdoctoral supervisor
or the head of the department in case the candidate already has a faculty
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position. Sponsor and Current Supervisor may be the same individual. In
such cases, only one letter of recommendation is required. If chosen, signed
letter of recommendation is mandatory.
Overview of the application process:
The Lead Applicant must be the one who creates the application.
Applicants can manage their CVs in ‘My Details’. The CVs are automatically
included in the application submission.
When the Applicant selects the Sponsor or External Sponsor on an
application, the concerned persons are notified via email. This notification
email contains a link to the system. It also contains a username and
password for the Sponsor/ External Sponsor to log into IASys.
CONFIRM: The Sponsor and External sponsor must login and confirm their
participation on the application. The Applicant may follow the status of
confirmation both for Sponsor and External Sponsor on the grant summary
The Sponsor and External sponsor may view the application. The Sponsor
can also edit the application.
If applicable, the Applicant will select his/her Current supervisor, who is
notified via email to provide a letter of recommendation. The letter may
also be sent directly to grants@wellcomedbt.org
If applicable, the Applicant will identify Collaborator(s). A letter of support
may be uploaded into the application or requested through the system.
IMPORTANT: The system does not notify the Applicant whether it has
received a letter of recommendation/support from the respective secondary
or tertiary participants. In cases where the Office has not received the
relevant letters by the submission deadline lead applicants will be notified.
VALIDATE: When the application form is complete it must be validated prior
to submission. This will highlight any omissions in the form, and allow these
omissions to be corrected.
Once the completed application is validated by the Applicant, it can be
submitted to the Sponsor for approval.
SUBMIT: When the application is submitted for approval, an email is sent to
the Sponsor informing him/her that his/her approval is requested. The Lead
Applicant may follow the progress of the approval process on the grant
summary page.
Once the Sponsor approves the application, it will be automatically
submitted to the India Alliance. A confirmation email will be sent to the
Lead Applicant when submission occurs.
Once submitted to the IA, no further changes are possible on the application
without the IA’s approval.
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IASys User Guide for Applicants and other participants
Using IASys
Figure 2 - IASys Home Page
The home page is your starting point to create applications, or to update your
details, including your professional and academic CV.
It is also where if awarded, as a grant holder, you can manage your award.
Creating and completing a grant application
Creating a grant application
You can create a new application from the link on the home page, or by clicking
on the ‘My Applications’ screen.
Figure 3 - The New Applications Page
1. The new applications page is opened by clicking the link under ‘New Grant
Applications’ on the home page, or from the ‘My applications’ screen.
2. All the grant rounds currently open are listed. The More info link returns a
description of the grant round. Clicking Apply allows you to create an
application form.
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Completing a grant application
Figure 4 – Completing an application
The sections of the application form are listed as a menu down the lefthand side of the screen. To complete the application all sections must be
button at the bottom left of each page.
There is a
You can move from page to page using the
buttons, or
using the menu on the left-hand side.
When you move from one page to other, the information entered on the
previous page is saved automatically.
can be used to save your work before you log out of the
system. This will save all the information entered till that point and take
you back to grant summary page.
You can save and return to the application form as often as you like.
The system will prevent your co-applicants accessing your application at the
same time as you. This stops applicants and co-applicants inadvertently
making changes to the same part of the application at the same time and
overwriting each other’s work.
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Managing an application
Figure 5 - Managing an application
If you select an application from the ‘My Applications’ page, you can manage it, as
shown above.
The boxes on the right enable you to:
• Edit the application on return visits
• View the application as a PDF. This creates a form with your latest edits for
you to review or to create a paper copy. The watermark is cleared after a
successful submission.
• Validate that your application is complete for submission.
• Submit the application for approval – this button is only available when
validation has been successfully completed.
• Delete the application if you wish to. Note that this is an irreversible
action; the application cannot be recovered after deletion.
The menu items on the left:
• Change history – shows the changes made to the application form, this can
be useful for the review of changes made by participants.
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Journal - is a notepad function allowing participants to leave messages
and/or attachments.
Sign-off status - reports on the progress of the sign-off process by Sponsor
and if applicable External Sponsor(s).
Monitoring the status of an application
Figure 6 - Application Statuses in ‘My Applications’
All grant applications, and their statuses, are listed on the ‘My Applications’
section of the system.
Submission and beyond
1. After successful validation the lead applicant may
It will then be routed to the Sponsor for his/her approval.
the application.
Status of the application will appear as ‘Awaiting signatory approval’ on the
applicant’s homepage
2. If a Sponsor rejects the application the lead applicant will be notified, along
with any feedback the Sponsor has supplied.
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3. The application can then be re-submitted; it will be returned to the Sponsor
who made the rejection and continues through the approval process as
4. On completion of the final approval:
o A grant application number is assigned to the application.
o The application automatically enters the process of competition.
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IASys User Guide for Applicants and other participants
Role of Secondary applicants:
Sponsors ,External sponsors and Collaborators act as ‘secondary applicants’ (SA)
in the application process.
This document is intended as a quick ‘help’ reference for the main functionality
that secondary applicants are likely to use.
Secondary applicants are able to release details held on their personal homepages
for inclusion on application forms set up by Lead applicants.
This role is mandatory for the application process.
If you are invited to participate in an application as a Sponsor, you will be
informed about this by email, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1- Email Notification
As indicated in the email Figure 1, following steps are essential to be the sponsor.
Provide a letter of support by attaching the document in response to the
above email. Alternatively, a letter can be sent to the
Confirm your participation as sponsor. (see below)
As a signatory, sponsor provides final approval for submission of the
application to the India Alliance.
II Confirm your participation as sponsor by following the steps given below:
If you click on the link provided in the email Figure 1, you will be taken to the
India Alliance System (IASys) login page.
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Login details provided in the email can be used to access your IASys account.
Each individual registered with IASys has a unique and personalized homepage,
through which all interactions with the online application process take place. The
homepage is divided into three sections, each accessed by tabs on the left hand
side of the screen as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2- Screen shot of homepage
Manage My Details:
Update the basic information and CV details requested under My details section of
your account as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 - Manage My Details.
It is important that the details displayed on the ‘Manage my details page are kept
up-to-date. The details displayed here are used by the IASys system to automate
certain functions. For example, the email address displayed here is used to notify
you of any new forms where you have been selected as Sponsor. It is therefore
important that details are checked and, if necessary, updated before approving
your participation.
MY Approvals:
This section shows all the applications on which you have been chosen as sponsor.
If you are invited to participate in more than one application, you can manage
your invitations in the ‘My Approvals’ section, as shown in Figure 4.
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Figure 4 – My Approvals section
To view the application, click the grid, which will take you to the summary page of
the online application form Figure 5.
Figure 5: Summary page of the application form
In order to approve the grant you must first confirm your participation. It can be
done by clicking
as shown in Figure 5. Sponsor’s Status can be followed
on the Summary page.
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Sponsor can view and edit the application form as shown in Figure 6. In the
application we would expect sponsors to fill in their details in the sponsor section.
Figure 6: Summary page of the application form
III: Final approval
Once the applicant completes the application, it is submitted for approval from
the Sponsor.
Sponsor is notified through email that a Grant is pending for the approval as shown
in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Email notification
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Sponsor logs in and view the application awaiting his signoff on the homepage of
his IASys account as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Sponsor’s Homepage
My approvals section contains the application pending for approval as displayed in
Figure 3. To view application, click the grid, which will take you the summary
page of the application.
Figure 3: Sponsor’s My approvals section
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To ‘Approve’ press the ‘Approval button’ on the summary page of the application
as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Summary page of the application
Once the application is approved by the sponsor, email notifications confirming the
submission of the application are sent to all the participants involved in the
application process.
Final email notification
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External sponsor: (If applicable)
This role is exclusively meant for the Intermediate and ECF Fellowship schemes.
This role is not mandatory for the application process. External sponsor is included
only when the Lead applicant intends to avail the work outside the host institution
option available with the Intermediate and ECF scheme. Please note that the Lead
applicant can choose multiple External sponsors.
If you are invited to participate in an application as External Sponsor, you will be
informed about this by email, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 - Email Notification
As indicated in the email Figure 1, following steps are essential to be the External
Provide a letter of support by attaching the document in response to the
above email. Alternatively, a letter can be sent to the
Confirm your participation as External sponsor by following the steps
given below:
If you click on the link provided in the email Figure 1, you will be taken to the
India Alliance System (IASys) login page.
Login details provided in the email can be used to access your IASys account.
Each individual registered with IASys has a unique and personalized homepage,
through which all interactions with the online application process take place. The
homepage is divided into three sections, each accessed by tabs on the left hand
side of the screen as shown in Figure 2. External sponsor can view the
applications lying in their account for confirmation of participation on the home
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Figure 2- Screen shot of homepage
My Co-applications:
This section can be accessed by clicking ‘click here’ option on the homepage. This
contains all the applications on which you have been chosen as External sponsor.
If you are invited to participate in more than one application, you can manage
your invitations in the ‘My Co-application section, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3- My Co-applications
Manage My Details:
Update the basic information and CV details requested under My details section of
your account as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4- Manage My Details
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IASys User Guide for Applicants and other participants
It is important that the details displayed on the ‘Manage my details page are kept
up-to-date. The details displayed here are used by the IASys system to automate
certain functions. For example, the email address displayed here is used to notify
you of any new forms where you have been selected as External Sponsor. It is
therefore important that details are checked and, if necessary, updated before
confirming your participation.
To view the application, click the grid placed against the details of the application
on the home page, which will take you to the summary page of the online
application form: Figure 5.
Figure 5: Summary page of the application form.
In order to approve the grant you must first confirm your participation. It can be
done by clicking
as shown in Figure 5.
External Sponsor can only view the application form as shown in Figure 6.
External Sponsor’s Status can be followed on the Summary page.
Figure 5: Summary page of the application form.
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Collaborator: (if applicable)
This role is optional for the application process. Collaborators can be selected on
all the Fellowship schemes. Please note that the Lead applicant can choose
multiple collaborators on the application.
If you are invited to participate in an application as collaborator, you will be
informed about this by email, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 - Email Notification
As indicated in the email Figure 1, following steps are essential to be the
Provide a letter of support by attaching the document in response to the
above email. Alternatively, a letter can be sent to the
Confirm your participation as Collaborator by following the steps given
If you click on the link provided in the email Figure 1, you will be taken to the
India Alliance System (IASys) login page. Login details provided in the email can be
used to access your IASys account.
Each individual registered with IASys has a unique and personalized homepage,
through which all interactions with the online application process take place. The
homepage is divided into three sections, each accessed by tabs on the left hand
side of the screen as shown in Figure 2. Collaborator can view the applications
lying in their account for confirmation of participation on the home page.
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Figure 2- Screen shot of homepage
My Co-applications:
This section can be accessed by clicking the ‘click here’ option on the homepage.
This contains all the applications on which you have been chosen as collaborator.
If you are invited to participate in more than one application, you can manage
your invitations in the ‘My Co-application section, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3- My Co-applications
Manage My Details:
Update the basic information and CV details requested under My details section of
your account as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4- Manage My Details
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It is important that the details displayed on the ‘Manage my details’ page are kept
up-to-date. The details displayed here are used by the IASys system to automate
certain functions. For example, the email address displayed here is used to notify
you of any new forms where you have been selected as Collaborator. It is therefore
important that details are checked and, if necessary, updated before confirming
your participation.
To view the application, click the grid placed against the details of the application
on the home page, which will take you to the summary page of the online
application form: Figure 5.
Figure 5: Summary page of the application form.
In order to approve the grant you must first confirm your participation. It can be
done by clicking
as shown in Figure 5.
Collaborator can only view the application form as shown in Figure 6.
Collaborator’s Status can be followed on the Summary page.
Figure 6: Summary page of the application form.
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Role of Tertiary Applicant:
Current Supervisors acts as ‘Tertiary applicant’ (TA) in the application process.
He needs to provide a letter supporting the Lead applicant’s application. Please
note, tertiary applicant does not possess any access to the application form.
This document is intended as a quick ‘help’ reference for the main functionality
that tertiary applicant is likely to use.
Current Supervisor
This section is present in the application form.
The Applicant needs to select Current Supervisor.
Current supervisor section
Once the details are entered an email notifying the Supervisor is sent out.
Email notification
The Applicants may wish to ensure that the Office receives the letter of
recommendation from the Supervisor as currently the system does not notify the
applicant about the status of the Supervisor’s response.
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