President’s Report: September 2011 Page 2 2011 Board Members: Volume 19 Page 3 Community Photos: Pages 6 and 7 2011 Membership Form Insert September 2011 LOCH HAVEN NEWS LHCA Calendar 2011 Number 3 Volume 19 Number 3 Hurricane Irene 2011 SEPTEMBER 20 General Membership Meeting Edgewater Library, 7:30 p.m. OCTOBER 1 Fall Work Party Meet at the Pier, 8 a.m. 7 Oktoberfest, Rec Area 31 Halloween Bonfire Rec Area, 5:30 p.m. NOVEMBER 8 General Membership Meeting Edgewater Library, 7:30 p.m. DECEMBER 10 Santa’s Visit, Rec Area, 2 p.m. 11 Home Decorations Judging Fourth of July Parade 2011 Irene’s Aftermath — Downed trees & power lines (the arrow seems to point the way for BGE); shifting sands at the Pier; Loch Haven residents’ boats safely out of harm’s way. Goodbye, Irene! September 2011 Volume 19 Number 3 President’s Report Laura Quick It’s been another great summer here in Loch Haven. I hope you were able to enjoy some of things that make living here amazing – like fireworks on the river, swimming at the beach, crabbing at the pier, parading in July, happy hours at the pier and parties on the beach. Now that the leaves are beginning to change color, your Loch Haven Civic Association is gearing up for fall and preparing our community for the winter that lays ahead. To kick off the fall season, we have our general membership meeting Tuesday, September 20, 7:30 PM at the Edgewater Library. Please come on out to hear what’s going on in your neighborhood – and what you can do to get involved and make a difference. Then on Saturday, October 1, we will be holding our Fall Work Party, starting at 8:00 a.m. down at the Pier. Lots of projects are brewing – from planting along the Beach walkway to taking out the swim nets. Grab a neighbor and some tools and come on down. Lunch will be served at noon. The following Friday, October 7, will be our Second Annual Oktoberfest at the Rec Area. Break out your steins and lederhosen and come on down for what’s sure to be another great event! In the meantime, enjoy your last days of summer, drive through your neighborhood slowly, and let your board know if there’s anything to report for the good of the community. General Membership Meeting, June 2011 Loch Haven News The Loch Haven News is published for the residents and property owners of the Loch Haven subdivision, Anne Arundel County, Maryland. It is published by the Loch Haven Civic Association, as directed by the bylaws of the association four times annually, in March, June, September, and November. Rates are available on request. President: Laura Quick (410)798-4873 (lauraquick@comcast.net) Editor: Susan Moger (410) 570-5672 (newsletter@lochhaven.org) Advertising: Jeremy Dover (410) 798-6865 (advertsising@lochhaven.org) Articles are solicited from the membership and are edited and printed at the discretion of the Newsletter Committee. Loch Haven Civic Association Web Site: www.lochhaven.org Support Loch Haven! Your $75.00 in LHCA dues is a great deal: in exchange you get access to over one mile of waterfront property, 8 water-access paths, almost 900 feet of beach front, a playground, ball park, pier, and waterfront park! This year, consider making an additional donation (any amount helps) that will go directly to making our great community even better. In addition, please consider volunteering or joining the LHCA Board of Directors—all forms of participation are valuable to the community! For those who have made donations, thank you! 2 September 2011 Volume 19 Number 3 Loch Haven Directory If you have paid your dues, but have not yet received the 2011 Loch Haven Directory, please contact Suzanne at membership@lochhaven.org or 410-798-0630 LHCA Board Members 2011 Officers President: Laura Quick 410-798-4873 (lauraquick@comcast.net) Vice President: Matt Schmit 410-798-0401 (vp@lochhaven.org) Treasurer: Ryan McQueeney 443-321-9931(treasurer@lochhaven.org) Secretary: Rob Crupi 443-203-6655 (secretary@lochhaven.org) Committees Adult Activities: Julie Knott 443-857-9161 (adults@lochhaven.org) Advertising: Jeremy Dover 410-798-6865 (advertising@lochhaven.org) Beach: Matt Roether (443) 852-0631 (beach@lochhaven.org) Children’s Activities: Heather McColl 410-798-7696 (children@lochhaven.org) Community Property: Jimmy Zivkovich 410-798-8764 (communityproperty@lochhaven.org) Membership: Suzanne McCormick 410-798-0630 (membership@lochhaven.org) Newsletter: Susan Moger 410-570-5672 (newsletter@lochhaven.org) Overlook/Triangles/Gate: Diane Quigley (410) 693-0250 (Overlook@ lochhaven.org) (Triangles@lochhaven.org) (FrontGate@lochhaven.org) Pier: Ricky Dicken 410-798-4831 (pier@lochhaven.org) Rec Area: Nuno Pereria 301-591-1707 (recarea@lochhaven.org) Security: Sharon Magill 443-203-6951 (security@lochhaven.or Sign: Laura Quick 410-798-4873 (sign@lochhaven.org) Website: Nuno Pereria 301-591-1707 (website@lochhaven.org ) Security Sharon Magill The days are getting shorter, the weather is getting cooler and the kids are back in school. Which means we have another summer under our belt in Loch Haven. We have had a few incidents worthy of mention this summer. In late June, valuables were taken from several cars along South River Terrace. The vehicles were all unlocked. This is a reminder to lock your vehicles before going to bed at night. A crime of this type is often one of convenience and opportunity. Always report the incident to the police so they can keep track of any developing patterns involving area neighborhoods. Also in late June, a resident witnessed a drug exchange in the neighborhood. The resident called the police, the police picked up the youth with the drugs (not a Loch Haven resident) and the youth gave up his dealer, who was arrested by the police. If you see anything of suspicion in the neighborhood, do not hesitate to call the police. In this instance, thanks to one phone call by a resident, a drug dealer was taken off the streets and kept out of our neighborhood. Helping to keep our neighborhood free of trouble can be as simple as that. The police will do the rest of the work. July was relatively crime-free, with only a report of an assault on Cedar in late July. In August, a kayak was stolen from the kayak rack at the pier. The police were notified and we are reviewing video camera tapes to help pinpoint the thief. I often reflect on how lucky we all are to live in such a great neighborhood in an area where serious crime is rare. But other people do have access to our neighborhood and we need to keep our eyes open to anything suspicious. If you witness a suspicious incident, do not hesitate to call the police. Anne Arundel County residents are encouraged to call 911 even for non-emergencies, but you can also call the local police district at 410-222-1960. If anyone calls the police for any reason, please let me know so I can follow up on any issues that arise. I can be reached at security@lochhaven.org or 443-203-6951. Enjoy the remaining warm days and, please, obey the posted speed limits! 3 September 2011 Volume 19 Number 3 Fourth of July Parade Suzanne McCormick Beach Matt Roether Flags flew, smiling neighbors turned out to watch, refreshments were great and the weather cooperated. Loch Haven’s annual July 4 Parade was a perfect way to celebrate our nation’s independence. With the dogs days of summer upon us, I would like to take this opportunity to remind the community of important issues regarding the Beach. Geese The National Fish & Wildlife Conservation discourages the public from feeding geese for the following reasons: Feeding geese affects their migratory patterns and causes them to settle. It also keeps them from their nutritious natural diet. Many of the items people feed the geese lack nutrients and in some cases cause choking. When geese settle, they populate and impact the ecosystem with fecal materials that introduce phosphate into the groundwater. This is toxic to the Bay ecosystem. Increased fecal matter also creates a breeding ground for avian diseases. Although generally not harmful to humans, the diseases do impact other waterfowl populations . Increased geese population leads to elevated bacterial levels which make the South River and Bay unsafe for swimming. Geese that settle are may attack residents and animals that walk by a nesting area. If you plan on participating next year, you may want to start planning your decorations now. This year’s parade definitely inspired your Loch Haven neighbors to reach creative heights! Thanks to Jason Hook of Off The Hook Entertainment, for once again providing complimentary DJ services and, once again, a special thank you to Jimmy and Pam Hines for the donation they made in honor of Jimmy's late mother Trina Hines. We have received complaints regarding fecal matter from geese on docks and in yards. So please don’t feed them ! Swim Nets and Pilings We will assess the condition of the current nets upon removal and make a decision on their integrity. If necessary, we will start budgetary planning for new nets. The expense of new nets can be justified on the grounds that our Beach is in asset to Loch Haven property values. In addition to the nets, 8–10 pilings surrounding the swim area require replacement due to deterioration. We will present a timeline and costs of nets and pilings for discussion at a General Membership Meeting. Watch the Sign for a request for volunteers to help remove the nets. Alternatively, we may remove them during the Fall Work Party on October 1. FALL WORK PARTY! Saturday, October 1 8 a.m. – Noon Miscellaneous Platform—At some point, we will need volunteers’ to help rebuild the platform at the base of the Beach walkway. Living Shoreline—The Living Shoreline was installed to reduce erosion, so please do not walk in the dune grass. Trash & Dogs—If you are eating, drinking or entertaining at the Beach, please pick up your trash. A trash can is located at the base of the access walkway. Dogs are not allowed on the Beach. Meet at the Pier! Lunch to follow! 4 September 2011 Volume 19 Number 3 Pier Ricky Dicken Community Property Jim Zivkovich The Pier this summer has been hopping. Every week there seem to be more and more folks taking advantage of this community amenity. It’s great to see members and their accompanied guests using the pier. I know everyone picked up on the phrase ―accompanied guest.‖ It’s worth mentioning again the importance of this rule. When folks start treating community property as public property our facilities will become overburdened. As a waterfront community we have many issues to deal with regarding our shoreline and its inhabitants. One thing we can do to protect our water quality is to limit the number of geese in the community by not feeding them. Don’t worry, they can find food on their own. Feeding them brings more bird droppings to our shoreline areas where children play. The droppings also diminish the water quality of the River and Bay. Please pick up after your dog—throughout the community as well as at the Pier where a bag dispenser has been installed. And, if you do pick up after your pet, please take the bag home. The bag dispenser is not for the used bag! Believe it or not someone has to pick that stuff up and guess who that someone is? So please refrain from feeding geese, especially on the Beach. Thanks. Remember the community’s Fall Work Party is October 1. We’ll meet at the Pier at 8 a.m. There has been some vandalism at the Pier. A red plastic kayak is missing from the kayak rack. This boat was locked up. Also some swivel snap shackle hooks are missing from a dinghy. Although small, these are very expensive and the owner would like them returned. If you have any information on the whereabouts of these items, please give me a call. Loch Haven’s Halloween Happening! If you see anything out of the ordinary going on anywhere in the community, please call the police. Don’t forget the Fall Work Party on October 1. We will meet at the Pier at 8:00 a.m. Lunch is provided at noon. One last item to bring up as the summer days become fewer and shorter. It’s time to start pondering winter boat storage. That thought hurt didn’t it? The reality is that as kids start back to school and extra curricular activities consume more of our time, the available time we spend with our boats will be taxed. Rec Area 5:30 p.m. October 31 Ahead of Hurricane Irene, Loch Haven residents with boats at the Pier stepped up to remove/relocate them as the Pier Committee requires. Thanks to all of you. As of this writing, it remains to be seen what impact Irene will have on the Pier and our community. Come in costume! Enjoy refreshments! From the Pier Committee, stay safe! 5 September 2011 Volume 19 Number 3 Fourth of July Parade, 2011 6 September 2011 Volume 19 Number 3 Beach Bash Summer 2011 7 September 2011 Volume 19 Number 3 LHCA Members August 21, 2011 Alagna, Mark & Liao Mingxia Anawalt, Bradley & Deborah Anawalt, Steve & Peg Anderson, Don & Lynn Anderson, John & Daphne Antonides, Gary & Janet Siffler Armour, Ted & Susan Moger Armstrong, Rodney B. & Karen Augustsson, Lars & Judy Harkins Ayers, Mary Fay & Don Kirsch Barton, David & Bentley Beach, Dawn Beck, Tim & Jenni Beilstein, Karl & Linda Bergendahl, Eric & Pam Blondeau, Jean & Angela Booth, Ed & Nellie Borza, Ron & Cindy Branch, George & Nancy Brian, Michael & Phyllis Bullman, George & Sharon Bywaters, Russell Caldwell, Bill & Jeannie Campbell, Steven & Stacy Carmody, Cornelius C. Carroll, Mike & Kim Catterton, Jim & Kelley Channell, Mary Chisolm, Gwyn & Jenny Chroniger, Tom Clifford, Robert Collins, Charlie & Debbie Cook, Paul & Patricia Crawford, John & Sandra Creech, Paul Crupi, Rob Dalton, Trev & Beth DeCesaris, Hugo & Julie Demastus, Glenn & Eileen Diaz, Ken & Karla Dicken, Ricky & Debbie Dicken, Tom & Barbara Dove, Tony & Becky Dover, Jeremy & Angela Duls, Jim & Carla Dunn, Richard Ess, Fred & Joyce Ess-Lowman Ess, Lydia Fiallo, Elizaberh & Chris Ducey Files, Kurt & Kimberly Ford, Bill & Mary Foster, Don Frain, Franny & Mary Beth Frazier, Mary Freeman, James Gardner, Nelson, & Susanne Garver, Christopher & Lisa Gauzza, Rose Geers, Mike & Linda Graae, Chris & Mary Kfoury Graziano, Chris & Amy Gresty, Jason & Deborah Grimes, Jim & Tiffany Guha, Pam Haley, Forrest & Twila Hamilton, Gordon & Mary Lou Hansmann, Anton Harlow, Bill & Ellen Harper, Mike & Kristen Haskett Harris, Thomas & Irene Hartman, Bob & Jackie Haynes, Mark & Linda Haynes, Sallie Ann & Kate Leahy Hendricks, Kevin & Florida Hepler, John & Heather McColl Hering, John Hermann, David Hilden, Joel & Katherine Hilley, Edgar & Elaine Hiner, Keith & Carrie Hines, James & Patricia Holub, Kirk Hook, Jason & Theresa Hool Robin Hudson, Raymond & Rachel Owen Hull, Richard & Mary Jackson, David & Christine Jenney, Roy Kee, Gilbert & Joyce Keffer, Stephen Kelly, Isabelle Kirin, Gary & Bernadine Kirschner, Kathleen Knoll, Wayne & Marie Knott Jr, Dwane & Julia Kraft, Tony Kragh, Clarence & Juliette Krowel, Kenneth & Suzan Lasher, Julie Laster, Dana Laws, Terry & Lynn Lazio, Tom & Wendy Lee, Bob & Louise Lee, Marlene & Jim Nugent Legal, Dale & Jean Leich, David & Celeste Leimbach, Shirley Little, James & Molly Loughlin, Leo & Juliet Magill, Sharon Mann, Jean & Tom Mann, Patrick & Sue Marcellino, Paul Martens, John & Edda Martens, Ted & Michael DiCrispino McCloskey, Bill & Bev McColl, Heather & John Hepler McCormick, Suzanne McElroy, Ken & Lori McGee, Donna McHale, Michael & Leo McFarlin McKown, Barrett & Anne McLaughlin, Jim & Ellen McQueeney, Chris & Sara McQueeney, Ryan & Jennifer Mead, Dave & Frances Meade, Carolyn Mestas, Donald & Susanne Miller, Paul & Doris Mitchell, Jesse & Bonny Mundie, Jack & Heather Nagle, Mark & Bruce McGee Nash, Chris & Daisy Newberg, Leo & Colleen Ogan, Rachel O'Neill, Doug & Valerie Origlio, Tom & LaVerne Orr, Mike & Kathy Outlaw, Jim & Cheyl Packett, Bruce & Ruth Packett, Paul & Susan Padon, Dawn & Joshua Fotenot Palumbo, Chip & Sue Parker, Scott & Regina Passemante, Robert & Catherine Anastasi Pasta, Tom & Missy Pell, Charlie & Betty Pell, Robert & Kim Pereira, Nuno & Suzana Pezet, Bud & Fae Daniels Pierpont, Bob & Diane Quick, Brian & Laura Quigley, Frank & Diane Ragan, Brian & Donna Rayner, Larry & Susan Rhoades, Seth & Karen Rhoads, Carolyn Rhodes, Bob Rhodes, John & Amber Ringuette, Ronald J, & Cristie Devose Ritchie, David & Rebecca Rivera, John & Maria Roberts, Morgan Robinson, Jim Robinson, Walter & Pam Rockwell, Mark & Ruby Freeman Roether, Matthew Rothstein, Travis Rufino, Ralph & Diane Salvator, Joe & Katie Sargent, Rick & Sandy Lofgren-Sargent Satterfield, Ernie & Jannette Saylor, Bruce & Mary Schad, Steve & Julia Scheffer, Dave & Jodi Schmit, Matt & Amy Schneider, Brian & Dawn PalmerSchneider Schneider, Glenn & Michelle 8 Schubert, Kenny & Marie DelBianco Schubert, Kurt Seidel, Bob & Ginny Selba, Tedd Senft, Dannie & Linda Sewell,Tony & Kathie Shaffer, Ned & Donna Shields Mike & Lissie Sibley, Gene & Crupi Rosana Smith, Jim & Colleen Sparks,Craig & Linda Bandel-Sparks Steer, Rick & Judy Stehr, Henry & Doris Stewart, Ron & Ginger Stone, Martha Stout, Robert & Mary Sullivan, Kaye Sweeney, Mike & Karen Sylvester, Earnie & Kaye Tavakoli, Kian & Marynn Temple, Ken Tenn, David & Darleen Thau, Dan & Kim Tilman, Ronnie & Mary Toch, Max & Terryann Treat, Dennis, & Kerrie Trivane, Chris Tullai, John P. Underwood, Barbara Upton, Harold & Susan Duke Vauthier, Fred Verschueren, Ed & Tracey Vezzi, John & Domenica Waddington, Nancy Wallis, Lance Wanner, Jason & Melissa Wanner, John & Jean Watson, Todd & Stephanie Weddell, Charlie & Terri Wheeler, Berl & Katy Whipple, Jim & Lauren White, Faye Williams, Randy Wolfe, Carvel & Margaret Yates, John & Maureen Zevely, Bud Zivkovic, James & Heather September 2011 Volume 19 Number 3 Loch Haven Civic Association GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Tuesday, September 20, at 7:30 p.m. At Edgewater Library 9