
MCKC Building, 40 Albert Drive, Manitowoc WI
Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010
Meeting called to order by Vice President at 7:00 p.m. 21 members and 8 guests in attendance.
REPORT (June Ashford): Absent.
A motion was made, seconded and carried to accept the minutes of the previous meeting;
available on the club website.
REPORT (Karleen Cole): No report.
SECRETARY'S REPORT (Angela Chetcuti): Angela gave highlights of the October board
meeting. Minutes can be found on our website. Clarification was given regarding the club's
policy on photos displayed on the Wall of Fame and those grandfathered in. Angela reported the
2011 dues would not increase from 2010. Also, she asked for those chairpersons and members
who held responsibilities during the year, to send in a report of what went on in their area. All
reports will be rnerqed into a "Year in Review" and read at the November board meeting.
Angela asked for this report to be emailed to her no later than this weekend.
TREASURER'S REPORT (Burl Cavanaugh): Burl reported on balances in the checking
accounts, and asked members to keep in mind the club has had a lot of activity lately with the
September Agility trial as well as the dog show and field expo, so all expenses have not yet
come in. A motion was made, seconded, and carried to approve the Treasurer's monthly
report. A motion was made, seconded and carried to allow the Treasurer to pay the bills.
MANITOWOC BUILDING/GROUNDS (Burl Cavanaugh): The grounds are in good shape. The
large vacuum has now been repaired. A special thanks to Gary Waskow's advice on saving the
club a large expense for repair. We were quoted several hundreds of dollars for a new motor
and that didn't include labor. Instead, it ended up costing the club a minimal amount to have the
existing motor cleaned of dog hair!
OBEDIENCE (Carol Paplham): Classes are going well. They are already getting organized for
next year's classes.
CORRECTION CLINIC (Gloria Helmer): Next clinic is on November 14. If you have questions,
please contact Gloria.
CONFORMATION (Dave Rivest): Classes run every other Thursday.
is low, so members were encouraged to join the class.
At this time, attendance
SUNSHINE (Shellie Ambrosius): Get well card sent to Gary Roberson. Also, cards sent to
Debby Wronkowski and Kay Baum for a speedy recovery following recent surgery. Pet
condolence card sent to Kay Baum on the loss of her beloved Chip. Contact Shellie at if you know of someone who needs a little sunshine right now.
MEMBERSHIP (Kim Van Drisse): Kim brought her records of members' 2010 year-to-date
volunteer hours. Members were invited to check with her after the meeting to ensure they have
all their hours recorded and will not owe for unworked hours. Kim will also send out an email to
those members who are showing to be behind in hours.
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WEBSITE (Kim Van Drisse): The website postings are up to date. Check out volunteer
opportunities if you need to complete your 25 hours before year end.
AGILITY (Burl Cavanaugh): The September trial was smaller than the June trial. A report will
be available when the "Year in Review" is included in January's Tailwagger Times. The 2011
AKC trials will be held the second week of June and the second or third week of September.
The building is also being rented for a UKC agility trial on the 1ih and 13th of March 2011.
Check website calendar for alternate Wednesday classes.
FIELD REPORTS: (Jerry Claybrook): The December 4th field trial will be held at the Valders
grounds. Premiums have not gone out yet. Jerry is hoping to do more via em ail in order to
save on postage. It is a fun trial. They usually have 70-80 dogs. They do need help, and this is
the last event for members to have an opportunity to get their volunteer hours in for 2010. Jerry
will arrange for information to be posted on the club website.
FALL SHOW (Karleen Cole): Karleen reported the profit made and that they are already
working on next year's event.
HOSPITALITY: (Mit?i Pilon): Thanks to Paul and Angela Chetcuti who brought in pumpkin
cranberry bread and cookies. A special thanks to Roland and Diana Meyreles (voted in tonight)
who also brought in a big box of assorted cookies. Don't forget to notify Mitzi if you brought
treats as she needs to notify the Membership Secretary of your hours before year end.
NEWSLETTER: Karleen reminded members that Julie has resigned from her position as
Newsletter Editor. She will help out until the end of December. We are looking for someone to
replace her. This job needs computer skills and the ability to gather data and present it
creatively in a monthly newsletter aptly called The Tailwagger Times. It is then posted on our
website, emailed out to all club members with extra hard copies left at the club house and also
mailed to members who do not have an email address. Please contact June or Angela if you
feel you have the time and skills to take over this position. In the meantime, send your news to
Julie and keep those brags coming!
R.K. Greening
Golden Retrievers A,a
Family membership sponsored by Angela Chetcuti & Karleen Cole
Dan Kastner
Labrador F
Single field membership sponsored by Jerry Running & Steve Lubner
Jeanne Schember
Border Collie/Husky mix a,Th
Single membership sponsored by Jerry Claybrook & Kurt Mueller
John Urbanec
Labrador F
Single field membership sponsored by Jerry Claybrook & Angela Chetcuti
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General Meeting Minutes Edited.doc
Jennifer Beno
German Shepherd A,O,Th,P,Tr
Single membership sponsored by Karen Smith & Gloria Helmer
Lisa Cochart
Labrador & Papillon A,O
Single membership sponsored by Carol Paplham & Kay Detampel
Myron & Colleen Genrich Jr.
English Cocker Spaniels O,R
Family membership sponsored by Jennifer Tollefson & Laurale Stern
Roland & Diana Meyreles
Norwegian Elkhound, Jack Russell A,C,O,P
Family membership sponsored by June Ashford & Angela Chetcuti
All four applications were voted into membership. Welcome!
OLD BUSINESS: The Nominating Committee is now accepting nominations for board
positions. If you would like to serve on our Board of Directors for a 3 year term, please submit
your name to either Kay Christel or Bonnie Liermann. Anyone accepting a nomination will need
to write a short bio about themselves and their involvement with dogs and our club. The bios
will be in our November newsletter. To date Jerry Claybrook, Carol Paplham, Kim Van Drisse,
Mike Brookins, Mary Larson and Charlotte Guille have applied to serve on the Board. Three
board positions are open. Elections will take place at our December 1st general meeting. Please
be sure to attend and vote!
We still need speakers for our 2011 monthly general meetings. Topics need not necessarily be
dog related. Contact June if you'd consider taking on the role of Program Coordinator for our
monthly general meetings or if you can recommend presenters.
NEW BUSINESS: The Manitowoc Christmas Parade was discussed. A member thought it was
too late this year to apply, but will check. The event is held the night before Thanksgiving.
Carol Paplham is looking for a section of a wooden ladder to be used in her puppy class. It
should have 6+ steps. Please contact Carol directly if you have one you wish to donate.
BRAGS: Congratulations to those who shared their brags at the meeting; outstanding
successes! Don't forget to notify Julie so they can be recorded in the newsletter.
A motion was carried to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.rn ..
The next general meeting will be held at the club house on 40 Albert Drive on December 1st. A
pot luck dinner will start at 6:00 p.m., followed by a brief meeting and elections starting at 7:00
p.m. Please bring a dish to pass and a donation to the local Humane Society.
Respectfully submitted,
Angela Chetcuti
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