Operations Executive of the Year


Operations Executive of the Year
The business journal for meat and poultry processors • www.MeatPoultry.com • July 2013
Operations Executive of the Year:
Freddy Mortensen,
Plumrose USA
Animal Welfare Focus: Cull Cattle
Small Business Matters Profile
Formulating Meat Analogs
Segment Focus: Portion Control
Cover Story
elkommen! He greets guests to the reception area of
Danish roots
the new, sun-splashed foyer of the Plumrose head-
Born in 1944 and raised in Denmark, Mortensen dropped
quarters building as if he’s welcoming them to his home.
out of school as a 14-year-old and began an apprenticeship
Indeed, for the past two years, Freddy Mortensen, senior
in butchering and sausage making. After paying his dues
vice president of operations with Plumrose USA, has spent
working as a butcher for several years, he realized educa-
more time at the new Council Bluffs, Iowa, facility than at
tion would allow him to accomplish more.
home. Designing and building the 130,000-sq.-ft. plant
has been a labor of love for Mortensen, who was fully ensconced in an affair that spanned 54 weeks from ground-
At the age of 25, he got a job with the Danish Meat
breaking to ribbon cutting, with a price tag of $78 million.
Research Institute. During his 12 years working there, he
“This is the best ham plant in the world today,” he as-
served as a planner and designer of slaughtering facilities.
serts, with an unmistakable Danish accent. Having oper-
“That was too boring,” he says. So, he began study-
ated now for about nine months, the start-up’s kinks and
ing meat technology in the evenings, after his day job, as
hiccups have been worked out of the plant where current
a process planner and time study. Eventually, he worked
capacity is about 260,000 lbs. of sliced ham per day with
his way up to the position of troubleshooter for DMRI
a crew of just 90 people. The new facility is barely beyond
until 1982. He then went to work as a product developer
the shadows of the original Plumrose plant, where demand
for Denmark’s Ess-Food, which at the time controlled 80
outpaced capacity several years ago.
percent of the hogs in the region. While at Ess, Mortensen
It’s impossible to not notice his pride and the emanat-
had an opportunity to work in the United States on a con-
ing sense of satisfaction as he sits to discuss, among other
tract basis for the company that is now Danisco, which
things, the plant he calls his crowning achievement. Soft
would later make him a job offer he couldn’t refuse. He
spoken and humble, Mortensen fi rst tells of a storied ca-
worked there for nine months before being recruited by
reer that started modestly and very far from Iowa. He re-
the president of Sure Pak, a plastics company that was
flects on his being honored as Meat&Poultry’s Operations
then producing cook-and-fi ll bags internationally. His
Executive of the Year and teases that he has one last item
only complaint: “I spent too much time in the office and
lingering on the bucket list of his career, as he reluctantly
I’m not an office person.” After five years with that com-
plans for a slow ride into the sunset this fall.
pany, they opened a plant in St. Joseph, Mo., where he
Photography by Chris Ruhaak
“I went back to school for five years; every night,” he
• Meat&Poultry • July 2013 • www.MeatPoultry.com
accepted a position to introduce cook-and-fill technology
to the American industry in 1987.
Decades later on a sunny day in late March, Mortensen
When that contract ended, the East Asiatic Co.,
stands in the spacious, unencumbered lobby of Plum-
which was then the parent company of Plumrose, asked
rose’s flagship facility, flanked on all sides by two-story-tall
Mortensen to come back and be the plant manager at a
windows, gridded with stark, white panes. The European
processed-meats plant it operated in Booneville, Miss.,
flair of the sun-soaked offices and uncluttered space is an
and he accepted.
intentional theme that also spills out into the processing
“I started there June 15, 1992.” He specifically recalls
floor. Absent are space-filling decorative ferns, waiting-
too, that on April 28, 1994, the Booneville plant was dam-
room-esque magazines and walls filled with oil paintings
aged by a fire. Not long after he accepted the position with
or photos. In the processing area, missing are the honk-
East Asiatic, the firm was sold to Vestjyske Slagterier and
ing forklifts, hand-trucks and hoards of employees packed
later merged with Danish Crown. With all those changes,
into tight quarters inherent in many plants. Ingredients
management in the US was almost completely revamped,
and products are hydraulically pumped from one process-
with exceptions that included Mortensen. “I was the only
ing area to the next, eliminating several logistical steps.
one left behind. Then I just grew with the company,” and
Reflective of Mortensen’s personality, the plant is a
he eventually assumed responsibility for managing the re-
nirvana for admirers of automation, precision and en-
maining Plumrose plants.
gineering efficiency and it is all housed in walls made of
Before riding into
the sunset, Freddy
Mortensen hopes
to add one more
jewel to his career
www.MeatPoultry.com • July 2013 • Meat&Poultry •
operations executive of the year
And it is built to accommodate the growth that is sure to
come, with a capacity to manufacture and slice 387,000
lbs., which would require utilizing two more slicing rooms
that are currently idle, until demand warrants using them.
“When we get an order, it will take seven days until we
can slice it. We cure it, we store it, we cook it, we chill it
then we bring it down to 28°F and then we slice it.
“It’s a humungous amount of stainless steel,” he says
of the processing floor. “It’s been a great project and a
fun project to look back at. It was really exciting to get it
all put together.”
Necessity beckoned
Plumrose began production in Council Bluffs in 1999,
just down the street from the new plant. The original facility was leased from IBP inc., before it was acquired by
Tyson Foods, and the plant was eventually purchased by
Plumrose USA Inc.’s parent company, Danish Crown
AmbA. The company also has US processing facilities in
Booneville, Miss.; Elkhart, Ind.; Swanton, Vt.; and Council Bluffs, Iowa. After four years at the Council Bluffs
plant, it became clear that an expansion was needed. “We
were working seven days a week,” and there was a need
to add capacity. It was then that a substantial expansion
was made, and what Mortensen calls the “east side,” was
added in 2004. About eight years later, the company outgrew the east side.
The inception of the new plant began when Mortensen
and Mike Rozzano, Plumrose’s COO, went to the IFFA
concrete, as solid as a bomb shelter. So, as not to feel overt-
trade show in 2010. They went to Frankfurt on a mis-
ly institutional or too much like a hospital, color is boldly
sion. “We wanted to build the best plant in the world,”
splashed throughout the plant. This was Mortensen’s idea.
Mortensen says. “We came home with ideas and started
“You can see my office is nice and bright – European by
making some sketches.”
design. And everything is blue,” he points out, although
Rozzano says he knew Mortensen was the man to lead
red is his favorite color. Carefully selected tones of blue,
the project from Day 1. “He is a progressive, forward-
yellow, red and “Harley Davidson-orange” strategically
thinking person who is constantly looking for better, more
adorn the walls of hallways, cafeterias and even an unused
productive innovations in equipment, processing and pack-
slicing room in the plant.
aging while protecting our most valued Old World recipes
Certain dates are as ingrained in his memory as his
and flavor,” Rozzano says. “Our collaboration in building
wedding anniversary. “We broke ground in 2011, on Oct.
the most modern automated premium lunch-meat plant
7,” he says. “The first meat ran on Oct. 31, 2012,” an im-
in the world is a testament to that.”
pressive turnaround by most standards. “We were two
Once the sketches evolved into blueprints, getting the
weeks late,” laments Mortensen, an obvious stickler for
proposal in front of the corporate decision makers took
details and planning. But the finished plant is a facility
about a year. With an 8,000 Danish-farmer ownership
where 260,000 lbs. of product is produced using a frac-
group at the top of Danish Crown’s hierarchy, the fact that
tion of the staff at the Plumrose plant down the street.
“we don’t buy one pound of Danish meat for this plant,”
• Meat&Poultry • July 2013 • www.MeatPoultry.com
operations executive of the year
was fortunately not a factor in getting the new plant ap-
for the plant, within eye-shot of the original facility. That
proved. Mortensen says the choice was simple: either build
was Oct. 1, another date etched in his memory.
a new plant or sell the company, which had been struggling to keep up with demand.
At the old plant, about 200 people produce approximately 400,000 lbs. of product, all of which is sent to Mis-
Atlanta-based ONEsource Facility Solutions helped
sissippi, to a slicing facility that employs an additional 400
develop the initial sketches. “I told them to stay away from
people. “So, that is 600 people to slice 400,000 lbs. Here
the equipment because we are better at that than they are,”
we produce 260,000 lbs. per day using 90 people. That
says Mortensen with a smirk. He specifically recalls getting
speaks for itself – the math is pretty simple.” He repeats
the company’s board of directors’ approval of the master
the mantra: “In my opinion, it is the best ham plant you
plan in August of 2011 and rushing to secure the property
can see in the world today.”
When he was finally able to unveil the plant for officials
from Danish Crown touring the plant for the first time,
Because Danish corporate officials were concerned
about fire risks at the new Plumrose plant in
Council Bluffs, Iowa, standard insulated panels
were scratched from the initial plans. “They would
not approve that,” says Freddy Mortensen, senior
vice president of operations with Plumrose USA,
which meant the only options were rock wall or
solid concrete. Mortensen opted for concrete. “It’s
the most fireproof building in the country. It can’t
burn,” he says. This pushed the project price up by
approximately $4 million.
• Meat&Poultry • July 2013 • www.MeatPoultry.com
Mortensen was as proud as a new father. “It was pure joy
to have the board [of directors] here. They were impressed
and they were happy to see it,” he says.
“Freddy would not allow any compromises in this greenfield project,” chimes in Rozzano, “especially when it came
to product safety and product quality.”
The influentials
Behind most rainmakers is a roster of past and current coworkers and colleagues whose influence and inspiration
is the foundation for others’ legacies. When Mortensen
started with Plumrose, the leadership at the time “had
the guts and the foresight to get it going.” Mike Rozzano has been another source of positive influence. “Mike
is my boss, but he was always there and empowered me
to do the decision making. But he was always involved,”
operations executive of the year
Mortensen says.
says is one of best maintenance managers in the industry.
“Trust has been a big part of my era at Plumrose,” he
“I’m just a small part of a much larger team that knows
says. “I trust the people I work for and those that I work
how to make things happen,” he says. He admits that ob-
with. And, if I tell someone to do something, they do it
viously not every project is completed without challenges
and if they don’t, they come back and tell me why not.”
and almost no production shift is void of hiccups. When
He also pays respect to the plant managers he has
there is a serious problem worthy of inciting an angry rant,
worked with through the years. And David Inman, he
Mortensen makes it a point to take the opposite tack: he
slows down his cadence and lowers his
voice to ensure everyone comprehends
his words, which tend to still be influenced by his accent. “I want them
to understand every word,” he says.
Global perspective
Mortensen says he’s benefitted from
working in plants all over the world.
“I’ve been very lucky in that way,”
he says. “I traveled to all of the Danish plants for 12 years, when they
had problems or when they needed
something special done. I traveled
all over Europe, Asia, America and
South America – for 10 years. You
can learn something everywhere you
go. Those experiences are the inspiration in what I do today.”
When it comes to competing in the
US market, Mortensen says it pays to
use your imagination. “We need to see
what is around the corner. If you don’t,
you’ll have a problem,” he says. He
points out that Plumrose depends on
operational excellence, based in large
part to the fact that the company buys
all of its raw material from competitors. “The only way we compete with
them is to be better…and we are,” he
says with a squinting smile.
A big part of being better means
embracing technology, which is reflected in the new plant. Mortensen
believes the automated approach to
meat processing is the only option for
the future of the industry. Companies
not adopting the technology and efficiencies available will be left behind.
• Meat&Poultry • July 2013 • www.MeatPoultry.com
operations executive of the year
“I don’t see how they could compete without doing it.”
Through the years though, the relationships with competitors have been valuable. For example, Mortensen
has been friends with Henry Morris, his contemporary
at Smithfield Foods, for decades. “Henry and I talk frequently. We discuss problems and share ideas.”
When the Plumrose plant in Booneville was damaged
by fire, Mortensen remembers how neighboring meat
companies came to the company’s aid. “I called three of
“I am still missing that
day, when I wake up
and don’t want to go
to work. To me, there
are only good days
and then there are
days that could have
been better.”
my friends, one in Carolina, one in Iowa and one in Cal-
ifornia,” but all competitors. “They let us borrow room
wife would say, ‘Freddy works 24-7.’” This is a contrast to
so we could move our people and slicing operations there
many of the people coming into the industry today, who
and slice in their facility. That’s what I call ‘good friends’.
are committed to working specific hours and walking away.
That is a blessing. I hope I leave a similar impression on
Not Mortensen. “I enjoy what I’m doing every day.” He
a lot of people because I will absolutely go out of my way
believes if there is ever a day when someone dreads going
to help them, too.”
to work, they should find another job. “I am still missing
People like Henry Morris and Freddy Mortensen admit
that day, when I wake up and don’t want to go to work.
their work ethics teeter on obsession. “We spend the time
To me, there are only good days and then there are days
on work that it takes to get the job done,” he says. “My
that could have been better,” he says.
• Meat&Poultry • July 2013 • www.MeatPoultry.com
operations executive of the year
He tells employees: “I dropped out of school when I
who work for it. Quoting golf’s legendary Lee Trevino,
was 14 years old. You too, can succeed; it just depends
Mortensen says: “The more I practice, the luckier I get.”
on what you want to do with your life. If you don’t enjoy
Reluctant about retirement
what you do, why do it?”
He concedes that luck has a tendency to follow people
Mortensen fondly recalls dates that mark milestones for
him and the company he’s dedicated
his career to. However, one date that
Food Safety and Shelf Life
looms large and creates some internal conflict for him is coming quickly.
“As a full-time employee, I will stop
Oct. 1,” he says, which is just days
before his 69th birthday. After that,
he has agreed to dial back his dayto-day involvement, working at least
100 days over the course of the next
year. Mortensen is more than a little
conflicted about retirement. “I can’t
tell you why because,” he pauses and
taps four fingertips on the table, “I
don’t know and I really don’t want
to.” But part of him thinks it may be
time to slow down; to relax a little, as
Inga – his wife of almost five decades
– has urged. “I don’t know how to do
that,” he says, admitting the extent of
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his leisure activities include riding his
motorcycle and playing an occasional
round of golf.
“I can’t say I’m looking forward to
it [retirement], not at all. But sooner or
later we all probably need to recognize
there is an end to everything,” he says.
But perhaps not before his next and
final crowning achievement: “building the world’s best bacon plant.”
Mortensen says that would be his swan
song, “With a little luck…I hope so,”
he says of the probability of that proj-
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looks forward to moving to St. Joseph,
ect becoming a reality. Meanwhile, he
Mo., where he and his wife recently
built a house next door to his daughter. He is happy that he will finally
be able to spend more time with his
© 2013 Avu re Tec h n ol og i es, I n c . A l l ri g h ts res erved .
grandkids and his own kids, including
his son, Bo, the president of Hansel ‘n
• Meat&Poultry • July 2013 • www.MeatPoultry.com
OperatiOns executive Of the year
“I never in
my wildest
something like
this. I thought I
was just another
American nobody
knew. I’m very
Gretel Brand Inc., in New York. The transition will likely
be bitter-sweet, though.
Plumrose’s Rozzano is grateful for the opportunity to
share his career with Mortensen and says he is, indeed, a
deserving recipient of this year’s Operations Executive of
the Year Award . “Freddy has been an inspiration to all
who work with him, and especially to me,” he says. “I am
very proud that he has been selected for this award, and
even more proud that I can call him a friend.”
Mortensen reflects with happiness and again understates his success. “I’m just a regular dummy who got lucky.
I’ve been very lucky in my life. I’m surrounded with good
people, I have good friends from as far back as when we
were kids. I’ve been healthy, my family is healthy, my wife
and I have been married 46 years and I have two kids and
three gorgeous grandkids.” He is humbled as he looks at
the award bearing his name. “I never in my wildest imagination considered something like this. I thought I was just
another American nobody knew. I’m very honored.” ■
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• Meat&Poultry • July 2013 • www.MeatPoultry.com
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