The 39 Steps


The 39 Steps
Vol. 33 Issue 8
July 16, 2015
An Interview With
Hat Day Judges
By Austin Kelly, 9.2
On Tuesday, the Heartbeat was lucky enough to get an
interview with the judges for Hat Day Taylor Spearnak,
Todd Garrin, Liza Garrin & Anne Schreckinger (CIT
Phoebe’s mom!).
Here are the questions we asked and the answers we got:
The 39 Steps
by Erin Bejasa, 9.6 and Fiona Neibart, 10.9
The 39 Steps was totally awesome! It
was about a guy named Richard Hannay who
is accused of murder, even though he didn’t do
it. There was a murderer who broke into his
house and murdered a woman who was staying over.
The 39 Steps is a drama adapted from
the 1915 novel by John Buchan and the 1935
film by Alfred Hitchcock. The 39 Steps is performed with a cast of only four. A long time
ago, the cast was originally supposed to be
performed with ONLY TWO ACTORS!!! This
play often requires a lot of fast changes in order to switch characters very quickly.
The Heartbeat hopes you liked The 39
Steps as much as we did.
Creative Arts & Athletics
YouTube Videos
Check out all of the fun videos that we
have been working all summer!
Q: What makes a good hat?
A: Creativity, originality, effort, height, and color.
Q: How long have you been judging hats?
A: Since 2007.
Q: Do you have a favorite kind of hat?
A: We never know- because every year it’s different.
Q: How did you become a hat judge?
A: We worked before to organize the Hat Day parade so
we came back later on to do something more.
Hope you had a good Hat Day!
Suave Day - Behind
the Outfits
By Rebecca Wasserman, 11.6 and Diana Reiss, 12.7
Most days, both staff and campers sport a casual and fun
look perfect for camp, but today is an exception. The CITs and
Interns showed up to camp looking all decked out, because it’s Suave
Day! It might of been easy to forget this occasion considering the
past week’s many festivities, but Suave Day is one of the best days
at camp. We got the Inside Scoop behind some of the CITs’ suave
Q: When did you plan your outfit?
A: It’s a very intricate process, determining your shoes, outfit
etc. I picked it out today.
Q: Where did you get your outfit from?
A: My shirt is from Brooks Brothers, I can’t remember my pants
but my shoes are john varvatos limited edition converse, and
ralph lauren socks.
Q: What do you think of Suave Day?
A: I definitely think it’s the most suaviest of days, and you get to
have a posh mentality.
Q: What was your first year dressing up?
A: Last year, when I first started.
Q: Haven’t you been at the camp for a lot longer than that?
A: Well I was a camper for 8 years, and last year was my first
year as a CIT, so I guess
that would make this my 10th year at the camp in general.
Q & A with the cast of
The 39 Steps!
By: Abigail Green 10.1 and Hannah Katz 10.1
After the 39 Steps we were lucky enough to get to meet
the cast and ask some questions. We were excited to see
them and they were excited to see us!
Q: Did you want to perform when you were little?
A: (Arnie Burton Clown #2, Billie Carter Clown #1):The
only thing I wanted to be when I was younger was an
Q: Do you get the same energy when you’re doing a
A: No.
Q: If you would change your role what would it be?
A: The Professor or Hannay.
Q: Why do you LOVE theatre?
A: Brittanny Vicars - I love theatre because it lets you
share with other people. Robert Petkoff Hannay - You get
to be other people you would never be in real life,
Q: Arnie, how many performances have you done?
A: By some time in September it will be my 1,000th performance.
Q: Who does the fake hand?
A: A stage worker named Ryan.
Q: When did you plan your Suave Day outfit?
A: This morning!
Q: Where did you get your outfit from?
A: My closet, oh you mean from like a store, I’m not sure.
Heartbeat hopes everyone enjoyed the show and comes
Q: What do you think of Suave Day?
back with their families!
A: I think suave day is perfect because it’s promoting the social!
Q: When was your first year dressing up for Suave Day as a CIT?
50/50 Raffle
A: This is my first year as a CIT.
By: Gabo Osborne, 11.75
Suz Sez:
I can’t wait to see you at the social tonight and 50/50 raffle tickets are on sale tomorrow!
$20 each! 3 for $50! 6 for $100!
Tickets for the 50/50 raffle will be sold starting
Friday, July 17th and will be sold all next week. Tickets
will be sold for $20 each, 3 for $50 and 6 for $100. The
winner of the raffle will be announced at Festival Day,
the last day of camp. The winner will take half of the proceeds from tickets sold while the other half will be donated to the CAA Sccholarship Fund. Get your tickets soon!