House of Friendship Application Form
House of Friendship Application Form
Rotary District 5370 2017 CONFERENCE Hosted by the Westlock Rotary Club WAITING FOR? The What Are You Waiting For? Rotary District 5370 conference is hosted by the Westlock Rotary Club. Join the conference and create an opportunity to showcase your organization to over 400 participating delegates. Space is limited—Register early (complete and submit the application form on page 2). CONFERENCE LOCATION Westlock Rotary Spirit Centre: House of Friendship EXHIBIT FEES INCLUDE: April 6-8, 2017 -- 2 hosted lunches, for one person.* 6’ skirted table, one chair, electricity, WiFi COMMERCIAL EXHIBIT FEE ALONE: $200.00 + GST For full conference participation, register at NOT-FOR-PROFIT EXHIBIT FEE ALONE: $75.00 + GST For full conference participation, register at ROTARY CLUBS EXHIBIT FEE: No Charge CONFERENCE REGISTRATION *All additional exhibitors must register for the conference as a delegate. Please register on-line at EXHIBIT TIMES Starting at 4:00pm, Thursday, April 6th — Ending Saturday, April 8th at 4:00pm Set-Up Thursday, April 6th between 12:00 noon and 4:00pm Tear Down Saturday, April 8th after 3:00pm QUESTIONS Barbara Wilson 10712 107 Street Westlock AB. T7P 1H7 email: Tel 780-349-5631 Fax 780-349-6301 Rotary District 5370 2017 CONFERENCE Hosted by the Westlock Rotary Club CONTACT INFORMATION Salutation: First Name: WAITING FOR? Last Name: Primary Email Address: Organization / Rotary Club: Address: City, Province, Postal Code: Work Phone: Cell Phone: Fax: Name of the person exhibiting if different than above: Electrical Requirements ___ Yes ___ No (bring an extension cord) Payment Information We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Cheque. Please Make Cheques Payable to “Rotary International District 5370” mail to the address below. (Please write Booth Rental at District 5370 Conference 2017 on the cheque memo line) Commercial Exhibit Fee Only Payment Amount: Cardholder Name: Rotary Clubs / Not-For-Profit Exhibit Fee + Conference Registration Payment Method: Card number/exp: Total Fee plus 5% GST$ Cardholder Signature: CANCELLATION POLICIES There will be no refunds for cancellations made after December 31, 2016. Contact or Questions: Please complete the application form and mail or fax, along with payment, to: Barbara Wilson 10712 107 Street Westlock AB. T7P 1H7 email: Tel 780-349-5631 Fax 780-349-6301