Folder Industriepark Schwerin English
Folder Industriepark Schwerin English
Expertise in Food – Agrofood Sustainable growth M ecklenburg-Vorpommern boasts some of the Federal State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. highest growth rates in German exports in the food industry, making it one of Europe’s most promising growth regions. T Imprint and contact: Landeshauptstadt Schwerin Landeshauptstadt Schwerin Die Oberbürgermeisterin Amt für Wirtschaft und Am Packhof 2 - 6 Liegenschaften 19053 Schwerin Bernd Nottebaum, Amtsleiter Phone 0049 (0) 0385 545-0 Phone 0049 (0) 385 545-1650 Fax 0049 (0) 0385 545-1009 Fax 0049 (0) 385 545-1609 his sector has a long tradition in the area marked Concept and Text: PlanB Consulting GmbH by a predominantly regional marketing orien- Graphic design: Image sources:, Marieke Sobiech, (Dani Kreien- conomic growth is driven by the best conditions produces are well known for high quality standards bühl, Erik Degraaf, Kelvin Cantlon, picsfive, Wolfgang Jargstorff) for lucrative investments, promising markets, ex- beyond the state’s borders. Small and medium-sized Maps: cellent infrastructure, a qualified workforce, cutting- companies are joined by numerous subsidiaries and edge research and the development of innovative manufacturing facilities of international corporations. products. The food industry employs more than Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s food industry has suc- 14,000 people in 170 companies that are supplied ceeded in making a name for itself and its products with the highest quality raw materials by reliable in the marketplace for high-quality products over the and efficient farming enterprises upholding the last 20 years. strictest EU regulations. T he Baltic Industrial Park Schwerin is particularly well suited for the large space requirements that U SCHWERIN Editing: tation. The wide variety of first-class products it E B a lt i c I n d u s t r i A l pa r k Top location between Hamburg and Berlin Sassnitz p to 100 hectares of the Baltic Industrial Park Schwerin is slated for use by food processing and animal feed processing companies along the food and animal feed production and logistic com- value adding chain. This means the Baltic Industrial panies as well as media processing have. Park Schwerin can cater to the specific needs of the widest variety of facilities starting with parcels from M ecklenburg-Vorpommern’s food industry has two hectares upwards. performed well in the last years and serves as a guarantor of growth and stability in a sector that is comparatively independent of business cycles. Companies in the food industry have access to numerous primary production partners from agriculture to fishing and distribution that are located in the Neubrandenburg LOCATION PrOFILE ExPErTISE IN MoBILITY – TrANSPorTATIoN ExPErTISE IN PACKAgINg SEVEN GOOD rEASONS TO INVEST ONE-STOP SHOP CrOSS-INDUSTrY APPLICATIONS 4 3 2 1 A 1 Technology 2 Mobility 3 Packaging 4 Agrofood n industrial park offering ideal conditions for a ticularly in agrofood, packaging and mobility – and will multitude of industrial uses has been established in cover all the network needs you require for your success. the immediate vicinity of the regional capital Schwerin. renowned companies have already chosen to locate there, attesting to the attractiveness of the location. 1 Best high-quality location between Germany’s two metropolises Hamburg and Berlin. The Baltic Industrial Park Schwerin is located in the middle of a 400 million strong consumer market only two hour’s drive from Berlin and one hour from Hamburg, on a well-established road network that also puts the Baltic Seaport in rostock within easy reach. 2 Attractive due to the large size of the industrial area 4 A host of small and medium-sized companies and initi- ving networks in aviation since it began collaboration in atives from the automotive, rail and aviation sectors the Aviation Cluster Hamburg/Northern Germany project that make products for both regional and global markets Qualified workforce. There are plenty of skilled can be found in the mobility cluster. They use metal, workers in the region. The local governments and plastic, glass and composite materials that are processed administration in the region will provide support in iden- into competitive products using the most modern produc- tifying and selecting suitable workers. tion methods available and the highest levels of technical 5 High standard of living. Schwerin is located in the beautiful backdrop of the Mecklenburg Lake District F the region is secured. At the same time, future growth essential production factors allow for high levels of operational productivity. A highly diversified set of he Baltic Industrial Park Schwerin offers both dome- the site’s doorstep. Currently only about 0.02 percent stic and foreign packaging manufacturers industrial of Europe’s agricultural land is devoted to producing sites of all sizes that are sure to meet all their needs and Berlin, the host of regional customers from a the aviation industry and manufactures formed compon- logistic and process media infrastructures. T hirty small and medium-sized suppliers have located r funding packages for industrial business can be ac- Vorpommern provides development support, bundles cessed via partners on location. The Office for Economic expertise and links the major system providers such as Business success with established industrial value Affairs and real Estate is at your disposal for organising Airbus, EADS Space Transportation, ESA, Thales, Bo- chains. The region boasts a large number of innova- detailed site visits. eing, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und raumfahrt (DLr) and tive industrial enterprises and service providers that are potential regional subcontractors. The Federal State of eager to be your partners, suppliers or customers – par- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has been contributing to impro- Babenkoppel the renowned companies located here. In the last packaging materials; industrial associations esti- Gewerbegebiet Gewerbegebiet Am Fährweg egional expertise in packaging is highlighted by ten years plastics have become the most important Gewerbegebiet Wüstmark in the region because of the proximity to Hamburg’s aviation centre. The Aviation Network in Mecklenburg- the raw materials needed for bioplastics. due to the proximity to the metropolises of Hamburg wide selection of sectors and the excellent technical, of-the-art-facilities. High value for money. Comparatively low costs for for expanding companies. T markets for packaging made from renewables are at investors. Flamm Aerotec GmbH & Co. KG partners with schools, good medical services. 3 billion euro worldwide. regional companies cover nearly every facet in the value Baltic Industrial Park Schwerin and is one of the main 330 hectares with excellent transport connections. The than 800 metres away. solution to the key issue of raw materials supply in ped property encompasses 100 hectares and is reserved bolts from all metallic materials including surfaces in state- developed. The nearest housing development is more of packaging and packing machines at roughly 400 the automotive sector particularly well. The fully develo- 6 7 companies employing several thousand people. These and initiatives. live, a wide variety of cultural and sports activities and type of development as the area has not been previously materials in Western Poland means that a long-term measures implemented by regional partners provide resource. The industrial area encompasses a total of of the investing company. There are no restrictions on the nomic factor. Experts estimate the production volume trial Park Schwerin meets the special location needs of lamm Aerotec GmbH & Co. KG is located in the that Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Brandenburg are n the automotive sector the area hosts some 100 Wismar are integral parts of various regional networks lists cannot be met. new area in the packaging industry. The fact dominated by agriculture and the proximity to the raw Sustainable qualification campaigns. Long-term additional assistance when the need for qualified specia- P ackaging derived from renewables is a relatively industry is therefore not surprisingly an important eco- chain and provide an attractive network. The Baltic Indus- ents, sheet metal parts, machined parts as well as riveted property can be customised to meet the individual needs I ny packaging accounts for an average of around two percent of the value of goods. The packaging expertise. The neighbouring universities in rostock and and offers a high standard of living: a charming place to that can be used without restrictions – a scarce in 2007. J ust about all products require packaging. In Germa- mate plastic packaging makes up 42 percent of the INDUSTRIEPARK SCHWERIN production value of all packaging. In 2008 plastic packaging worth 13.5 billion euro was produced in Germany, an increase in growth of four percent over LOCATION AND SURROUNDING AREAS The Baltic Industrial Park Schwerin is in the Göhrener Tannen district of the city and in the immediate vicinity of the highly-frequented business parks in Wüstmark, Am Fährweg and Babenkoppel. the previous year. Paper, cardboard and paperboard find the most widespread use in transport packaging while metal packaging comes in third place in the packaging materials market. KEY INFORMATION – BALTIC INDUSTRIAL PARK SCHWERIN: Total gross size: Of which available: Largest single plot: Category: Site occupancy index: Purchasing price: Transport links: 350 hectares 333 hectares 333 hectares Industrial area (GI) 0,8 Offers in a bidding process Directly on communication road B321/B106, regional rail available, possible to install own terminal, motorway feeder road 0.5 km away in planning