2 - Newburyport Youth Services
2 - Newburyport Youth Services
ANNOUNCING THE 1st ANNUAL PLUM ISLAND DRIVE-IN MOVIE At Plum Island Point 2 8pm show time FM radio transmitted to your car A different movie each night (to be announced) Food and concessions on site All proceeds will support NYS scholarships *New: Registra on deadlines are one week before the program begins. A $15 late fee is applied a er that date* M FRO T TOR REC I D HE Hello NYS Families! It’s me for another wonderful round of NYS programs. Our brochure has expanded yet again! We have over 175 sessions to choose from in just 8 weeks of summer! This year some families will receive two different brochures. NYS is excited to announce the beginning of Youth Opportuni es Newburyport (YO NBPT). This is a new division of NYS geared to youth in grades 6-12 who may be outgrowing our exis ng programs. The brochure will be in the mail in a few weeks…keep an eye out for it. As for this brochure, most of your favorite programs are back and will be be er than ever! We have a number of new programs as well. This year you may no ce an increase in some of our prices. NYS works hard to offer our high quality programs at affordable costs. We have not increased most program costs for a few years. However, NYS is also commi ed to paying fair wages and has raised our minimum wage pay along with the state, nearly 20% in the past two years. In addi on to awesome programs, we have several family events these coming seasons, including our newest venture…the P.I. Drive-In Movie Theater, Family Camp Out, as well as our favorite Fishing Tournament. We are excited to share it all with you and your family! Of course, please share this brochure with your children and see what catches their eyes...they may surprise you! Excited as always, Andi Egmont and the en re NYS Team Registra on Info Page 4 Summer Arts Page 18‐19 Events Page 5 Li le ACES Page 20 Preschool Spring Page 6 Clipper Kids/Crew Page 21 Cer fica ons Pages 7 Jr Trips Page 21 Events: Save the Dates! Page 8‐9 Summer Explora ons Page 22‐23 April Vaca on Page 24 Page 10‐11 Tennis Spring Recrea on Page 12‐13 Summer Recrea on Page 25‐28 Drop‐In Center Page 14 Skateboarding Page 29 Summer STEM Page 15 Summer Preschool Page 30 Page 16‐17 ...And So Much More!!!! SUMMER AT A GLANCE Visit us www.newburyportyouthservices.com to register online or at the NYS Office 3 Newburyport YouthServices NewburyportRecCenter 40MilkStreet Newburyport,MA01950 (978)465-4434 NYSStaff AndreaEgmont Director(ext.1351) MargotPetler AssistantDirector(ext.1352) LeeGordon YouthCoordinator(ext.1353) YouthLeaders AmandaRoy LukasPhipps SimoneAllen BrendanRomero ************************* Email youthservices@cityofnewburyport.com Website Newburyportyouthservices.com ResidentRegistrationOpensMon,March14that8am Non‐ResidentRegistrationOpensMon,March28that8am Pleaseregisterearly!! Oftenprogramsmustbecancelledafewweekspriortothestartiftheminimum numberofparticipantshasnotbeenmet.Pleasecontinuetocheckourwebsite.We doupdatetheprogramsifchangesaremade.Theinfointheonlineregistrationisthe mostaccurate. HowToRegister Online:Ifyouareareturningfamily,youalreadyhaveanaccountwithus.Please usethesameemailwehaveon ileandyouwillbeconnected.Updateyourinformation:address,phonenumbers,medical(includemedicationsandallergies)and behavioralinformation*.Youmayneedtoaddamemberofyourfamilyiftheyare newtoourprograms.Pleaseaddthemtoyourfamilyaccount.Choosea“Main Contact”toreceivecon irmationsandemails. *Includebehavioralormedicalinfointhe“RegistrationNotes”boxatcheckout. InPerson:ComedowntotheNYSOf ice@40MilkStreet ByMail:Foryourregistrationtobecomplete,includeaRegistrationformand EmergencyInformationSheet/Waiverforeachchild PoliciesandProcedures Fees:Tuitionvariesforeachcourseandisspeci iedineachcoursedescription. Tuitionmustbepaidatthetimeofregistration.A$10feeisappliedto non-residentsperprogram.Weacceptcash,checks(payabletothe“Newburyport YouthServices”)orcreditcardsthroughPayPal(Visa,Mastercard,Discover,PayPal orbanktransfers).Thereisa$5conveniencechargeonline.Allfeesincludea$10 administrationcost. Cancellations:YouthServicesreservestherighttocancelanyprogramdueto underenrollmentorunforeseencircumstances. Withdrawals:Studentswithdrawingareaskedtogivenoticeatleasttwoweeks priortoprogramstartdate.Aparticipantwhowithdrawsatleasttwoweeksprior totheclassstartdatewillbegivenanaccountcredit(orrefund),minusa$10 administrationfee.Therearenorefundsifyouwithdrawwithintwoweeksofthe start.IntheeventNYScancelsaprogram,acompleterefundtotheyouthwillbe made.Whenpossible,wewillreturnvoidedchecks.However,depositedcheckswill berefunded,butmaytakeuptosixweeks. Refunds:Locationofclassesand/or ieldsissubjecttochange.Thisisoutofthe handsofNYSandtherewillbenorefundsforclasslocationchanges.Refundsare notgivenforweathercancellationoflessthan25%oftheprogramtimeandonly thenifmake-upscannotbeoffered.Refundsarenotgivenforspecialevents involvingticketpurchaseorifNYShasincurredanexpenseonyourbehalf.Consult theNYSof ice.Youmustrequestarefundinwriting. WeatherRelatedCancellations:ProgramsdonotrunifNewburyportPublic Schoolsarecancelled.Outdoorprogramsmaybecancelledduetoinclementweatherorextremeheat.Callourof ice978-465-4434forweatherrelatedcancellations orannouncements(suchaslocationchange).Ifpossiblemake-upswillbeoffered. 4 *New: Registra on deadlines are one week before the program begins. A $15 late fee is applied a er that date* Disco Dodgeball Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Gym $10/player ***Register in advance Disco lights, music, fun and DODGEBALL! This is the recipe for our first ever Disco Dodgeball! Feeling fes ve? Wear your favorite 70s ou it to get the full effect. No need to make teams ahead of me—we will create teams and change it up throughout the hour of play! The snack bar will also be open so bring along $$$ for a treat. April 14th Grades 5‐8 Thursday 5:30‐6:30pm(Grades 5/6), 7‐8pm(Grades7/8) Girl's Night Out Guy's Night Out Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Member $5/Non-member $10 ***No pre‐registra on required Member $5/Non-member $10 ***No pre‐registra on required A night for middle school girls to celebrate friendship, explore new ac vi es and speak their minds. An opportunity for middle school guys to try new ac vi es, learn about opportuni es in the community and share some laughs. April 1st Grades 6‐8 Friday 6:30‐9pm April 29th Grades 6‐8 Friday 6:30‐9pm Get Hooked Fishing Tournament Spring Family Camp Out Instructor: Merrohawke Nature School Loca on: Four Rock, Newbury $65/Family, Includes food! Youth and their favorite outdoorsy adults are welcome to join us at our field site in Newbury for an evening of fireside merriment, sleeping under the stars, and waking to a fine spring morning in May. We’ll provide dinner and s’mores and a light breakfast. A suggested packing list will be sent out to par cipants in advance. There is no prerequisite to a end and all are welcome. Tents, backpacks and sleeping bags are available to borrow. May 21/22 All Ages Sat/Sun 4pm‐8am Instructor: NYS Staff and the Essex Country Sportsmen Associa on Loca on: Ar choke $10/child Register early to save your spot! Head out to the Ar choke for a few hours of fishing, sun and splish splashing fish! 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes are awarded in 3 categories of fish! Plus a few fun awards too! June 11th Ages 3‐16 Saturday 8‐11am Red Sox Game Family Trip Come Watch the Boston Red Sox vs San Francisco Giants Tuesday, July 19th 7:10 game Round trip bus ride from Newburyport Tickets at $34 (Grandstand seats) Deadline to sign up is May 18th Youth under age 15 cannot a end without an adult. We are not providing supervision. Visit us www.newburyportyouthservices.com to register online or at the NYS Office 5 Preschool Open Gym Toddler Time Gym Hour Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Gym FREE Run, jump, skip, roll. Our gym is open for free play! Meet your friends here or make new friends just goofing around. We provide balls, mats and a few other goodies. Adults must stay with their child the whole me. April 5, 6, 12, 13 Ages 2‐5 with adult Tues and Wed 10‐11:30am **Please use the gym entrance on Lime Street Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Gym FREE Learning to walk and run is hard work! This gym me is just for 1 & 2 year olds without the big kids around! We provide balls and mats and a few small structures. Feel free to bring your favorite scooter or walking toy. Adults must stay with their child the whole me. April 1, 8, 15 Ages 1/2 with adult Fridays 10:30am‐Noon **Please use the gym entrance on Lime Street Music Rocks Offered through Community Ac on Inc. Miss Claudia offers music fun, so come explore the music experience and make some noise together! Adults must stay with child(ren). Loca on: NBPT Rec Center FREE!!! Un l May 31 (skip March 15 and April 19) Ages 0‐8 Tuesdays 9‐10am 6 Micro Soccer Micro T‐Ball Instructor: Knucklebones Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Gym Instructor: Knucklebones Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Gym Res $70/Non-Res $80 Res $70/Non-Res $80 This clinic will help children learn the beginning skills, technique and e que e of soccer. Star ng with so Rhino Skin balls, slowly moving up to size 3 soccer balls, children ac vely engage in learning everything from passing and kicking, to heading and dribbling skills. Each class structure is the same; beginning with a short discussion of the game of soccer, stretching and calisthenics, skill lesson, followed by soccer ac vi es and a soccer game. You will be amazed and your child will feel empowered as they improve throughout this session. Parents are highly encouraged to par cipate with their child in this program. Proper clothing and sneakers are required. Knucklebones’ Micro T-Ball will engage both parent/guardian and their toddler(s) in learning how to play like the big leaguers. Each class will bring a steady progression of t-ball skills and game play. Star ng with t-stands, we’ll quickly progress to underhand pitching, all the while prac cing fielding skills. From understanding basic rules and ba ng techniques to knowing when to run and how to “play the field”, children will gain the essence of the game and have fun while playing in mock games. The last day will be the most fun as the children will take on the parents/guardians in a game for bragging rights! Comfortable clothing and sneakers are required. April 28‐May 26 April 25‐May 23 Ages 2‐5 with adult Thursdays 10‐11am Ages 2‐5 with adult Mondays 10‐11am *New: Registra on deadlines are one week before the program begins. A $15 late fee is applied a er that date* Newburyport Youth Services is dedicated to providing people with and without disabili es the opportunity to par cipate in recrea on and enrichment programs together, and to providing the necessary individual adapta ons, accommoda ons and/or supports so every person can benefit equally from recrea on experiences. Please contact us if your child may have special needs. Please request accommoda ons as early as possible to ensure NYS has the me to make proper arrangements. Community CPR Cer fica on Instructor: Margot Petler Loca on: NBPT Rec Center This class teaches rescuer skills in CPR and relief of choking (foreign-body airway obstruc on). It presents informa on about the American Heart Associa on’s Chain of Survival and signs of heart a ack, cardiac arrest, stroke and choking in adults. The course also presents informa on on the American Heart Associa on pediatric infant and child Chain of Survival, signs of choking in infants and children and preven on of the most common fatal injuries in infants and children, among many other things! April 7th FREE for youth ages 14‐17, $15 for ages 18+ Thursday 5‐8pm Babysi ng Cer fica on Instructor: Alice Wadley Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $130/Non-Res $140 Par cipants will learn the knowledge and skills necessary to provide care to children and infants. The course combines video, ac vi es, hands-on skills training and discussion for a complete learning experience with the American Heart Associa on. Youth will receive cer fica ons in adult and pediatric CPR/AED and 1st Aid, as well as Babysi er’s Training cer fica on. Parcipants will also learn how to choose safe and appropriate toys and games, feed and diaper changing, manage discipline issues and MORE! Session 1 May 7th Ages 11+ Saturday 10am‐4:30pm Session 2 June 4th Ages 11+ Saturday 10am‐4:30pm Boat Safety Cer fica on Instructor: Jim Maranto/NBPT Harbormaster Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $30/Non-Res $40 BOAT MASSACHUSETTS is a state and na onally approved boa ng safety course, concentra ng on the equipment and opera ng guidelines needed to enjoy boa ng in a safe and responsible way. All graduates that are 12-15 years old will be issued a safety cer ficate allowing them to operate a motorboat without adult supervision, as required by state law. The same is true for 16 and 17 year old youth who wish to operate a personal watercra (jet ski, wave runner, etc.) Going to be 12 this summer? 11 year olds will receive their license when they turn 12! Adults are welcome to take the class as well. May 10, 17, 24 (3 day program) Ages 12+ (adults too) Tuesdays 5‐8:15pm Visit us www.newburyportyouthservices.com to register online or at the NYS Office 7 March 2, 7pm “Under Construc on: What Every Parent Must Know About Teen and Tween Brain Development”, Dr. Ruth Potee Hosted by the Parent Speaker Series @ Nock School Auditorium March 12, 10am STOMP- Support & Treatment for Opiate Misuse and Preven on Strategies Informa on Hosted by the Newburyport Police Department @ Police Sta on March 13, 3pm The Importance of Spirituality in Recovery from Addic on Hosted by the Newburyport Clergy Associa on @ St. Paul’s Church March 15, 7pm The 8th Annual Asset Builder Awards Hosted by Newburyport Youth Services @ Newburyport City Hall March 17, 7pm The HUNGRY HEART Film Screening and Discussion with the Film’s Director and Local Physicians Hosted by the Newburyport Health Department @ Nock School Auditorium March 24, 7pm Community Conversa ons: Youth Survey Results Hosted by the Newburyport Youth Council @ Newburyport City Hall 8 March 2016 *New: Registra on deadlines are one week before the program begins. A $15 late fee is applied a er that date* Visit us www.newburyportyouthservices.com to register online or at the NYS Office 9 April Vaca on Li le Picassos April Vaca on Digital Photography April Vaca on Lego Robo cs & Engineering Instructor: Terry Bridgwood Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $88/Non-Res $98 Drop off your li le budding ar sts knowing that they are about to be exposed to and explore a variety of our great mastersMonet, Ma sse, Van Gogh and Picasso to name a few! Here they will learn the master’s techniques and then create their own beau ful keepsakes. Each class also includes a corresponding story, lesson and the opportunity to create in a happy, s mula ng se ng. Ages 4‐6 Tues‐Fri 1‐3pm Materials Fee: $25 Instructor: Kelly Mintz Loca on: SEE Shore Photography, The Tannery Res $165/Non-Res $175 Students will learn about their individual se ngs on their cameras, different types of ligh ng and many fun and crea ve photo ps. This will help when taking pictures of nature, architecture, people, animals and macro photography. The most fun part of the program is the daily field trips to scenic spots around Newburyport. Class size is small which allows for individual a en on. Students must use either a point and shoot or digital SLR camera. Ages 9+ Tues‐Fri 10am‐12pm April Vaca on Li le Aces‐‐Under the Big Top April Vaca on Mul sport Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $85/Non–Res $95 Li le Aces always has something new! Sign up early because this favorite program fills fast! Each day of this program will be centered around the theme, complete with corresponding books, games, songs and cra ac vi es. Ages 4‐6 Tues‐Fri 9am‐12pm Instructor: Knucklebones Loca on: Perkins Park Res $115/Non-Res $125 Don't sit around all vaca on! Knucklebones mul sport will have you involved in the game. From tradi onal sports such as hockey and basketball to spring classics capture the flag and kickball; add a twist of outside the box games - gaga and castle ball. Ages 7‐12 Tues‐Fri 9am‐12pm Instructor: Kevin Husson Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $94/Non-Res $104 Using the latest LEGO® power func ons and LEGO® robo cs technology, par cipants will have an opportunity to explore the amazing world of LEGO® robo cs and engineering. We will learn about gears, circuits, and computer programming as we design, build, and program a variety of different robo cs and engineering projects. Over 50 different projects are available, including motorized cars and walkers, remote-controlled tanks, and amusement park rides. We’ll also use ipads to program and control projects built with the new LEGO® EV3! Note: Par cipants do not take projects home. Grades 1‐6 Tues‐Thurs 9‐11:45am April Vaca on Lego Minecra Engineering Instructor: Kevin Husson Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $94/Non–Res $104 Explore the amazing world of Minecra with LEGO®! Using official LEGO® Minecra ® sets, par cipants will construct a Aces Lunch Break Minecra World by crea ng and customizApril Vaca on Ar s c Expressions ing their own Minecra village complete Instructor: NYS Staff Instructor: Po ery Isle Loca on: NBPT Rec Center with houses and crops. Projects available Loca on: The Tannery $20/youth include the Farm, Cave, Ender Dragon, and Res $287/Non-Res $297 You send the lunch and we will provide the First Night! Many new sets are availasome fun and games. This op on is ONLY Ready, Set, Go! Join the fun at Po ery Isle ble including the Dungeon, Snow Hideout, and be ready to get crea ve! Lots of new and the Nether Fortress! Note: Par ciavailable to youth who are registered an and exci ng art projects in store for you! AM and/or PM programs at the Rec Cenpants do not take projects home. We will be using clay, po ery, glass, and ter. Grades 1‐6 Tues‐Thurs 12:15‐3pm canvas along with silkscreens, colored Ages 4‐6 Tues‐Fri 12pm‐1pm wire, and s ckers. It may be cold now, but April Vaca on NHS Boys Boosters we will jump into spring and perhaps enjoy April Vaca on Jr Tennis Clinic Spring Hoops some outdoor ac vi es. Instructor: Marc de Kanter Instructor: NBPT All-Sports Boosters Ages 7+ Tues‐Fri 9am‐2pm Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Gym Loca on: Nock Middle School Gym $15/youth Res $100/Non-Res $110 This clinic uses the USTA 10-and-Under Boys will learn basketball fundamentals program design. It’s for junior players just and par cipate in compe ve games. We star ng to play tennis. The clinic will teach stress teamwork, good sportsmanship and tennis fundamentals through drills, games having fun. Program Director, Steve and compe ons that promote the fun of MacRae has over 10 years of experience learning to play the sport. coaching youth basketball in NBPT. Ages 5‐8 Friday 9‐10am Boys in Grades 1‐8 Tues‐Thurs 12:30‐3:30pm 10 *New: Registra on deadlines are one week before the program begins. A $15 late fee is applied a er that date* April Vaca on Film Produc on April Vaca on Song Sparrows Instructor: Portmedia Loca on: Graf Road Res $120/Non-Res $130 Youth will get a crash course in film producon. Get a chance to become a writer, camera operator, audio engineer, actor and maybe even a director. Each day, students will tackle a different style of film producon: narra ve, documentary, horror and comedy. A er the program, students will receive DVDs with all their finished work. Grades 4‐8 Tues‐Fri 1‐4pm Instructor: Merrohawke Nature School Loca on: 54 Rear Merrimac St. Res $143/Non-Res $153 During this three-day adventure, we'll spend our mornings together exploring along the banks of the Merrimack River, with an eye on the river and our feet on the ground. We’ll seek out the plants, animals, birds, fish, trees and insects who call this river home, and we’ll learn what each of them needs to survive and thrive along its edge. Each session will include ample me for natural explora on guided by our knowledgeable and compassionate staff. We’ll also play a lot of games and sing a bunch of songs. This program makes excellent use of several riverside loca ons, including Waterfront Park, Cashman Park and the Clipper City Rail Trail. Ages 4‐6 Tues‐Thurs 9am‐12pm April Vaca on Parkour Instructor: Parkour Genera ons Loca on: Tues: Moseley Woods, Wed: Perkins Park, Thurs, Cashman Park Res $165/Non-Res $175 What is Parkour? Parkour was born in the banlieues (suburbs) of Paris in the 1980s and is now one of the world’s fastestgrowing sports. While o en recognized in the fantas c images seen on YouTube or television, the sport is actually a form of movement that has roots in a wide variety of physical disciplines including gymnas cs, mar al arts, climbing, and track & field. Prac oners, known as traceurs, train to develop strength, speed, endurance, precision, spa al awareness, dynamism, and crea vity, in order to be as fluid, func onal and liberated as possible in physical movement and to overcome physical obstacles. Traceurs also develop a way of thinking based on rigorous self-discipline, autonomous ac on and self-will that allows them to overcome mental obstacles related to their movements. More informa on about Parkour Genera ons Americas can be found at: www.pkgamericas.com. Ages 8+ Tues‐Thurs 9am‐12pm April Vaca on: Boda Borg Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: Medford Res $30/Non-Res $40 Boda Borg is reality gaming. You will be transported into a real-world gaming environment; an experience we call ques ng. Teams of 3-5 guests literally move through our quests tackling a variety of mental and physical challenges. Success in the first challenge means entry into the next challenge and so on. Grades 6‐8 Tuesday 10am‐3pm April Vaca on Raccoon Club Instructor: Merrohawke Nature School Loca on: Four Rock, 82 Boston Rd, Newbury Res $100/Non-Res $110 During three a ernoons, youths are invited to gather with Capt. Rob Yeomans at Four Rock, Merrohawke Nature School’s field site in Newbury, to explore the natural world as spring blooms into summer. Together we'll learn and prac ce nature awareness, tracking, and primi ve skills such as fric on fire with bow-drills, coal burning spoons, whi ling and carving and more. Grades 3‐6 Tues‐Thurs 1‐3pm April Vaca on Fencing for All Levels Instructor: 3MB Fencing Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Gym Instructor: Joann Healey Res $150/Non-Res $160 Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Open to first mers and all other levels. Res $110/Non-Res $120 Learn basic footwork, handwork, offensive What does an engineer do? Learn all about and defensive skills for this Olympic sport. it in this hands on class. Use your crea vity It's fun and it's fast! Class specially deto design a parachute egg drop out of recy- signed for this age group. Come give it a clables, create a roller coaster with twists try! All equipment provided, except a glove and turns, power a light bulb with a lemon for the fencing hand. Please wear athle c and more! sneakers-no sandals, clogs, or boots. Grades 2‐5 Tues‐Fri 9:30am‐12pm Ages 8+ Tues‐Fri 1‐3pm Materials Fee: $10 April Vaca on: Skyzone Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: Danvers Res $30/Non-Res $40 Come jump around on Skyzone’s patented trampolines and challenge yourself on their ninja warrior course. Bring extra $$ for ice cream or a snack. Grades 6‐8 Thursday 12:30‐4pm Registra on deadline for vaca on week is Tuesday, April 12th April Vaca on Design and Build Visit us www.newburyportyouthservices.com to register online or at the NYS Office 11 Glee Club Instructor: Anne Upton Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $126/Non-Res $136 Welcome to fun! This singing class is a musical explora on of songs from several different styles in a fun and engaging group se ng! With everything from classic tunes to popular songs, we work on good breathing techniques, movement and expression, basic elementary harmonies, and ear training--all to the tune of songs we love to sing! The result will be the development of each youth’s vocal strength, in addi on to invaluable performance confidence! This class is an exci ng introduc on to a healthy voice! April 27‐June 1 Grades 4‐8 Wednesdays 3:30‐5:30pm American Girls: Strong From The Inside Out Instructor: Lindamae Lucas & Beth Calitri Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $120/Non-Res $130 We are excited to offer our third in a series of 3-part workshops for girls that help to discover what ‘Strong From the Inside Out’ looks like, and how they can be an authen cally, bold and self-assured American Girl! Each week, we’ll focus on different empowerment topics thru celebra ng the lives of American Girls. Girls are encouraged to bring their own American Girl doll each session where we will highlight how American Girls are Strong Self-Starters, Strong Heroes, and Strong Community Members. April 27‐May 11 Grades 1‐3 Wednesdays 3:45‐5:15pm Mother's Day Gi Design Instructor: Po ery Isle Loca on: Po ery Isle, The Tannery $28/youth Always a big hit is bubble-pain ng. We will bubble paint our way to crea ng a beau ful vase perfect gi for Mother’s Day. April 30th Ages 7+ Saturday 10am‐12pm Sew a "Beanie Boo"! Instructor: Susan-Sofia McIn re Loca on: NBPT Rec Center $30/youth per session Cover all the basics of sewing when you make a stuffed animal frog/silly snake with “beanie boo" eyes. Learn about no ons, sewing tools, safety, how to read a sewing pa ern and more than one hand s tch. We’ll even talk about color, A er School Ar s c Expressions texture and sounds for our frogs/silly snakes… each will be unique! Instructor: Po ery Isle Session 1 May 5th—Frog Loca on: The Tannery Ages 9+ Thursday 1‐3:30pm Res $97/Non-Res $107 Session 2 June 2nd—Snake Looking for some a ernoon fun? Get Ages 9+ Thursday 1‐3:30pm your crea vity on at Po ery Isle with a full line up of specialty art projects. With Materials Fee: $5 per session step-by-step instruc on that allows for individual interpreta on! We will explore several art mediums that may include clay, glass fusing, po ery, and canvas. April 28‐May 19 Ages 7+ Thursdays 4‐5:30pm Spring Skate Lessons Instructor: Lee Mehlenbacher Loca on: NBPT Skatepark Res $100/Non-Res $110 NYS is offering skateboard lessons! They can be for the beginner or the more advanced skater wan ng to learn new tricks. Instructors are CPR/1st Aid cer fied. Please note that there is no official cer fica on for teaching skateboarding. Par cipants MUST have a skateboard, helmet, knee and elbow pads. May 8‐June 5 (skip May 29) Ages 5+ Sundays 1‐2pm Skate @ Rye Airfield Instructor: Lee Mehlenbacher Loca on: Rye Airfield, NH Res $90/Non-Res $100 Join us as we head up to Rye Airfield for an a ernoon of riding! This program is designed for youth that have skate experience as lessons are not provided. The NYS van will leave from the NBPT Rec Center for nearly three hours of riding! Par cipants must have a valid waiver on file with Rye Airfield ahead of me. April 29‐May 20 Grades 4‐8 Fridays 4‐7:30pm MineScratch Video Game Design Instructor: Code to the Future Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $138/Non-Res $148 Code to the Future allows youth to begin transi oning from being just players, to being creators. Our methods integrate programming and game design which gives our youth a well-rounded understanding of how to use technology to create. The skills youth gain will help them think in new, innova ve ways to problem solve and think cri cally. Our program is designed to challenge youth at any skill level. We use block-based coding through Scratch, a program developed by MIT, where youth will be crea ng their own video games! April 26‐May 31 Grades 1‐4 Tuesdays 3:45‐4:45pm 12 *New: Registra on deadlines are one week before the program begins. A $15 late fee is applied a er that date* Sport Condi oning Beginner Fencing Instructor: Jay Murphy Loca on: Nock Middle School Weight Room Res $160/Non-Res $170 A youth weight training program designed specifically for the Rupert A. Nock Middle School students. This program was developed to help young athletes improve their fitness level through building greater strength, flexibility, mobility and cardiovascular endurance throughout their body. I will teach each student the most important skills they will need to know to meet all their fitness goals. Proper li ing and spo ng technique will be taught Intermediate Fencing along with anaerobic, circuit training and Instructor: 3MB Fencing Loca on: Belleville Congrega onal Church body weight resistance exercises. Ge ng fit should be fun and above all safe. I beRes $75/Non-Res $85 lieve these are the two most important **Must have completed a fencing class success principles when working with previously. Learn distance, ming, beginner blade work, sportsmanship, and cama- young athletes. April 25‐June 9 (skip early release/ raderie. You must complete this class to move up to intermediate and compe on holidays) classes. All equipment is provided, except Grades 6‐8 Mondays and Thursdays a glove for the fencing hand. Please wear 2‐3:15pm athle c sneakers-no sandals, clogs or boots. The First Tee of NH Junior Golf May 7‐June 11 (skip May 28, June 4) Ages 8+ Saturdays 10‐11am Program Instructor: First Tee of NH Rock Climbing Rockstars Loca on: First Tee of NH Instructor: NYS Staff Res $110/Non-Res $120 Loca on: MetroRock Climbing Gym Learning core values, life skills, and healthy Res $160/Non-Res $170 habits through the game of golf. We will NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! Includes day run golf ac vi es and lessons that e in pass, belayers and gear rental. Climbers the proper e que e and learning environwill be supervised by NYS staff. They will ment for the game of life. This is a fun meet at the Nock/Molin front doors and first, ac vity based teaching approach with head to MetroRock with NYS staff. Par ci- a focus on self discovery and asking quespants will need to complete a waiver at ons. MetroRock before the program begins. Session 1 April 28‐June 2 Pick up is at MetroRock. We will walk dur- Grades 2‐5 Thursdays 3:30‐6pm *Session 2 May 2‐23 ($80/$90) ing nice weather and use the NYS van for Grades 6‐8 Mondays 2‐4:45pm inclement weather. *NYS van will pick up at the Nock Middle April 27‐June 1 Grades 4‐8 Wednesdays 2:40‐4:30pm School and return youth to the NBPT Rec Center for pick up. Bike Maintenance School Instructor: Riverside Cycle Loca on: Riverside Cycle, The Tannery Res $85/Non-Res $95 Bring your bike for a hands-on instruc on including: basic mechanical skills, res and tubes, rear sprockets, wheel truing, pedals, cranksets, chains, derailleur systems, brake systems. May 9 and 16 Ages 12+ (adults too) Mondays 6‐8pm Instructor: 3MB Fencing Loca on: Belleville Congrega onal Church Res $75/Non-Res $85 Learn basic footwork, handwork, offensive and defensive skills for this Olympic sport. It's fun and it's fast! Class specially designed for this age group. Come give it a try! All equipment provided, except a glove for the fencing hand. Please wear athle c sneakers-no sandals, clogs, or boots. May 7‐June 11 (skip May 28, June 4) Ages 8+ Saturdays 9‐10am Mountain Biking Instructor: Riverside Cycle Loca on: Moseley Woods Res $50/Non-Res $60 In just days, you will learn the basics of mountain biking, such as racing, riding techniques, safety and equipment. Limited to 10 youth. Mountain bike and helmet required. If your child is interested in signing up, but doesn't have a mountain bike, please let NYS know and we will see if we can find one to rent/borrow. May 18‐June 8 Ages 9+ Wednesdays 4‐5pm Archery‐‐Adult & Youth Instructor: Archers Artemis Loca on: Archers Artemis, Georgetown Res $55/Non-Res $65 Open to youth and adults! A great opportunity to try something together! Donna Ricci, USA Archery NTS Level 3 Cer fied Coach will teach you the basics of barebow archery. Archery is a mul genera onal ac vity that the en re family can enjoy. It has been known to help build upper body strength, aid in a en on and concentraon and is a skill that can last a life me. In this class you will learn the rudiments of the Na onal Training System created by USA Head Olympic Archery Coach Kisik Lee. Archers Artemis is a USA Archery Junior Olympic Archery Development (JOAD) Program. April 30‐May 21 Ages 7+ and adults Saturdays 9‐9:55am Materials Fee: $30 Visit us www.newburyportyouthservices.com to register online or at the NYS Office 13 Grades 6‐10 Remaining Seasons: Sr Membership Season: $150 Jan‐March April‐June 10 Visit Pass: $100 More informa on is available on our website. Grades 4‐5 Drop‐In Center Open House Monday, May 23rd 5‐6:30pm Jr Membership: $75 *Includes early release days (a er school4pm), plus discounts on Jr Member nights! Open Art Studio Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Member $Free/Non-Mem $5/drop in Ar sts can explore various ar s c mediums through pain ng, drawing, oil pastels, prin ng techniques, collage, sculp ng and more! The studio will be guided by NYS staff, local ar sts and volunteers. Supplies are provided. April 11, 25, May 9, 23 Grades 4‐8 Mondays 3:30‐5pm HAVE YOUR NEXT PARTY WITH US! The Newburyport Rec Center is available for rental for par es, playgroups and community ac vi es. Gymnasium Rec Room Early Ed Room Art Room Water Country Tickets NYS sells discount tickets all summer for $32! Call ahead or stop by the office to pick up yours! Call for more informa on! 14 *New: Registra on deadlines are one week before the program begins. A $15 late fee is applied a er that date* Connec ng With Nature Geology Rocks! Instructor: Joann Healey Loca on: Moseley Woods Pavilion Ages 7‐10 Tues‐Fri 9am‐12pm Res $96/Non-Res $106 Use all your senses to explore nature at Moseley Woods in this hands-on, engaging program. Hike the trails and look for signs of wildlife. If we’re lucky, we might even catch a glimpse of the bald eagle pairs that nest upriver from the park. Turn over ro ng logs to find red backed salamanders and insects. Collect and iden fy leaves for a leaf ID booklet. Try your hand at brewing teas from deciduous wild edibles. Piece together a vole skeleton a er dissec ng an owl pellet to name a few acvi es. Other ac vi es include journaling, games, and cra s. July 5‐8 Materials Fee: $10 Instructor: Joann Healey Loca on: Moseley Woods Pavilion Ages 7‐10 Mon‐Fri 9am‐12pm Res $120/Non-Res $130 Have fun and learn at the same me in this hands-on, engaging program as we hike the trails and explore the geology of Moseley Woods. Learn how to start your own collec on as each child will decorate a rock collec on box and receive a new specimen daily including a geode full of crystals. Learn how to use a map and compass to navigate the park. Try your hand at flint knapping and po ery like the Na ve Americans of the Merrimack River. Check out sand from Plum Island with purple garnet and magne c iron. We’ll also examine a variety of rocks and minerals that write, spark, magnify, fizz, and float. July 11‐15 Materials Fee: $10 Crime Lab & Mystery Detec ves Instructor: Jessica Delacey Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Grades 3‐5 Tues‐Fri 1‐3pm Res $115/Non-Res $125 Youth will inves gate a crime scene mystery; they find evidence, meet suspects, and inves gate the evidence to come up with their own explana ons of what happened—just like real forensic scien sts do. Youth will also explore mysteries around a bike crash, a missing pain ng, a missing diamond, and money missing from a zoo. They make observa ons about the evidence and then use the evidence to make inferences about what they think may have happened. July 5‐8 Top Secret Science Instructor: Top Secret Science Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Grades 1‐5 Mon‐Fri 9am‐3pm Res $200/Non-Res $210 Each day kids will explore up to 20 weird and wacky hands-on science experiments and will make and take home at least 8 different projects. The scien sts are fast paced and funny, and kids will be thoroughly entertained. We will explore weird mo ons and flying things, air and water pressure; crazy chemistry, light and sound, science magic, electricity, magnets, astronomy and more. Be prepared for lots of fun stuff! Aug 15‐19 Des na on Imagina on Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Grades 2‐5 Mon‐Fri 9am‐12pm Res $115/Non-Res $125 Come join us for a week of crea ve problem solving. Each day you will have an instant challenge to complete and throughout the week you will be given a large project that the group has to figure out. The challenge will include building, wri ng, art work and more! *Based on Des na on Imagina on materials! Aug 1‐5 Go Geocaching! Instructor: Quinn Campbell and Margot Petler Loca on: Maudsley State Park/Moseley Woods Grades 2‐4 Tues‐Thurs 10‐11:30am Res $50/Non-Res $60 Do you love treasure hunts and spending me in nature? Then geocaching is the hobby for you! Join NYS staff as we explore Maudsley State Park and Moseley Pines for geocaches based on GPS coordinates. Aug 16‐18 Geocache on the Road Instructor: Quinn Campbell and Margot Petler Loca on: Around the North Shore Grades 5/6 Tues‐Thurs 1:30‐4:30pm Res $85/Non-Res $95 We’re taking our GPS on the road for some geocaching gone rogue! Hop in the NYS van as we seek out caches around the North Shore. This is sure to be an adventure…and I’m sure we can pit stop for ice cream once or twice! July 12‐14 Vi 15 June 20‐24 June 27‐July 1 16 July 11‐15 July Half Day Mul sport (Ages 7-12) Li le Aces (Ages 4-6) Li le Aces (Ages 4-6) Li le Aces Micro Wheels (Ages 2-5 w/ adult) Flag Football Academy (Grades 3-8) Aces Lunch Break (Ages 4+) Aces Lunch Break (Ages 4+) Aces Lunch (Ages 4+) Clipper Kids (Grades 1-3) Tennis (Ages 7+) Field Hockey (Grades 4-8) Mountain Biking (Ages 9+) Beachworx (Ages 7-9) Beachworx (Ages 10+) Mul Week Programs: Fencing for All Levels (Ages 8+) Li le Picassos (Ages 4-6) TV Produc on (Grades 6-9) Clipper Kid (Grades 1- Girls Soccer Skills Clinic Clipper Kids (Grades 1-3) Junior Ou ng Week (Grades 4-6) Clipper Kids (Grades 1-3) Clipper Cre (Grades 4- Boys/Girls NYS Summer Hoops League Clipper Crew (Grades 4-6) Skateboard Lessons (Ages 4+) Clipper Crew (Grades 4-6) Magic the (Grades 2- Private Voice Lessons Film Produc on (Grades 3-5) Connec ng with Nature (Ages 7-10) East Coast Soccer (Ages 4-12) Horseback (Ages 6+) East Coast Soccer (Ages 4-12) Sweet & Savory Baking (Ages 9+) Tennis (Ages 4+) Micro Ath (Ages 2-5 w Kni ng (Ages 7-9) Crime Lab & Mystery Detec ves (Grades 3-5) A ernoon Aces (Ages 4-6) Skateboar (Ages 4+) Kni ng (Ages 10+) Horseback Riding (Ages 6+) Skatepark (Grades 4- Tennis (Ages 7+) Skateboard Lessons (Ages 4+) East Coast (Ages 10-1 Use this page to lay out your summer! Use the check boxes to write each child’s ini als! A ernoon Aces (Ages 4-6) Sewing (Ages 9+) Yoga (Ages Skateboard Lessons (Ages 4+) Lego Robo cs/ Engineering (Grades 1-6) Geology Rocks (Ages 7-10) Tennis (Ag Children must be the age listed by the start of the program Lego Star Wars (Grades 1-6) Pokemon Club (Grades 2-6) Ar s c Expressions (Ages 7+) Pinterest Projects (Ages 10+) HOW TO USE THIS PAGE: July 5‐8 Summer Start Up (Kindergarten '15/'16) Li le Aces (Ages 4-6) Aces Lunch Break (Ages 4+) Programs that are shaded are a ernoon sessions Deadlines to register is the Tuesday before the start date (late fee may apply a er). Art SmART (Ages 7-9) Cheerleading (Grades 3-8) Geocache on the Road (Grades 5/6) 18‐22 (Ages 4-6) July 25‐29 August 1‐5 August 8‐12 August 15‐19 Half Day Mul sport (Ages 7-12) Li le Aces (Ages 4-6) Digital Photography (Ages 9+) Parkour (Ages 8-10) Li le Aces (Ages 4-6) Aces Lunch Break (Ages 4+) Li le Aces (Ages 4-6) Parkour (Ages 11-13) Archery (Ages 8+) Aces Lunch Break (Ages 4+) Fencing for All Levels (Ages 8+) Full Day Mul sport (Ages 7-12) Literacize™ (Ages 2-5 w/adult) h Break x Art x Art ) Aces Lunch Break (Ages 4+) Field Hockey (Grades 4-8) ds -3) Archery (Ages 8+) Clipper Kids (Grades 1-3) Mountain Biking (Ages 9+) Junior Surf Week (Grades 4-6) ew -6) Cook’s Corner (Grades 1-3) Clipper Crew (Grades 4-6) Clipper Kids (Grades 1-3) Go Geocaching (Grades 2-4) Gathering -6) Clipper Kids (Grades 1-3) East Coast Soccer (Ages 4-12) Clipper Crew (Grades 4-6) Keys for Kids (Ages 5-7) k Riding Clipper Crew (Grades 4-6) Tennis (Ages 7+) Studio Recording (Grades 7-12) Ar s c Expressions (Ages 7+) Film Produc on (Grades 3-5) Skateboard Lessons (Ages 4+) East Coast Soccer (Ages 4-12) Top Secret Science (Grades 1-5) Tennis (Ages 4+) Wired! (Ages 10+) Tennis (Ages 4+) Round Up -8) A ernoon Aces (Ages 4-6) Lego Minecra Engineering (Grades 1-6) A ernoon Aces (Ages 4-6) t Elite Soccer 14) Horseback Riding (Ages 6+) Lego Star Wars (Grades 1-6) Minecra Modding (Grades 6-8) Full Day Mul sport (Ages 7-12) s 8-12) Cook’s Corner (Grades 4-6) Ar s c Expressions (Ages 7+) MineScratch Video Design (Grades 2-5) Ar s c Expressions (Ages 7+) ges7+) Skateboard Lessons (Ages 4+) Des na on Imaginaon (Grades 2-5) Success Through Chess (Grades 2-5) Dungeons & Dragons (Grades 4-8) Pastry Arts (Ages 9+) Ar s c Expressions (Ages 7+) Superhero Musical Theater (Ages 12-18) Fishing (Ages 6-9) Magnificent Mosaics (Grades 1-4) le cs w/adult) NBBA Summer Hoops (Grades 3-8) d Lessons Gone Fishing (Ages 10-14) Girls Lacrosse (Grades 1-8) August 22‐26 Magnificent Mosaics (Grades 5-8) Gone Fishing (Ages 10-14) 17 Art SmART Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $83/Non-Res $93 Glue it, cut it, paint it, draw it! This is an opportunity to try your hand at several different cra projects. Bring home your masterpiece to share with everyone. Explore your ar s c talents—we all have a li le Picasso, Pollock or Warhol in us! June 27‐30 Ages 7‐9 Mon‐Thurs 1‐3pm Flying Needles Kni ng Club Instructor: Terry Bridgwood Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $105/Non-Res $115 Welcome to the crea ve world of kni ng! Learn the lifelong cra of fiber arts in a fun and crea ve atmosphere. Along with learning the heart of kni ng-cas ng on, binding off, the knit s tch, increase and decrease, we will also create our own kni ng needles, embellish individual kni ng bags and have beau ful projects to take home. Please bring to class a skein of worsted weight yarn of your choice. Check Beachworx Art out A Loom with a View, Jo‐Ann Fabric or Instructor: Terry Bridgwood Walmart. Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Session 1 June 27‐July 1 Res $88/Non–Res $98 Explore and create using organic treasures Ages 7‐9 Mon‐Fri 9am‐12pm Session 2 June 27‐July 1 ($70/$80) and mediums inspired by our beau ful seaside environment. Learn the art of cre- Ages 10+ Mon‐Fri 1‐3pm Materials Fee: $10 a ng mosaics, dri wood wind chimes, stepping stones and more! Please bring a variety of shells, dri wood and sea glass to Li le Picassos Art Studio add to our collec on of natural goodies Instructor: Terry Bridgwood that we will be using during this fun filled Loca on: NBPT Rec Center beachy week. Res $88/ Non- Res $98 Session 1 July 18‐21 Drop off your li le budding ar sts knowing Ages 7‐9 Mon‐Thurs 9am‐12pm that they are about to be exposed to and Session 2 July 18‐21 ($62/$72) explore a variety of our great mastersAges 10+ Mon‐Thurs 1‐3pm Monet, Ma sse, Van Gogh and Picasso to Materials Fee: $20 name a few! Here they will learn the master’s techniques and then create their own Digital Photography beau ful keepsakes. Each class also inInstructor: Kelly Mintz cludes a corresponding story, lesson and Loca on: SEE Shore Photography, Tannery the opportunity to create in a happy, s mRes $165/Non-Res $175 ula ng se ng. Students will learn about their individual July 5‐8 Ages 4‐6 Tues‐Fri 1‐3pm se ngs on their cameras, different types of ligh ng and many fun and crea ve pho- Materials Fee: $25 to ps. This will help when taking pictures of nature, architecture, people, animals Magnificent Mosaics and macro photography. The most fun Instructor: Cynthia Keefe part of the program are the daily field trips Loca on: NBPT Rec Center to scenic spots around Newburyport. Class Res $98/Non-Res $108 size is small which allows for individual Enjoy learning in a fun and suppor ve ara en on. Students must use either a s c environment stained glass mosaics!! point and shoot or digital SLR camera. Each child will work at their own pace to Aug 8‐11 complete various projects of their own Ages 9+ Mon‐Thur 1‐3pm choosing. Project choices include suncatchers, le trivets, planter pots, picture frames, mirrors and door stoppers. A mixed media mask and a surprise keepsake item is also planned. Session 1 Aug 8‐11 Grades 1‐4 Mon‐Thurs 9am‐12pm Session 2 Aug 8‐11 Grades 5‐8 Mon‐Thurs 1‐3pm Keys for Kids Instructor: Alia Mavroforos Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $100/Non-Res $110 "KEYS FOR KIDS" is fun piano lessons program in a group se ng. Designed for introductory level, this comprehensive curriculum helps to discover the joy of music, using mo va ng materials and ac vi es. This program will "visit" several countries (Russia, China, Mexico, etc) around the world and learn about the cultures. Children will receive a total mul cultural experience through music, movement, story, language, arts and cra s. Aug 15‐19 Ages 5‐7 Mon‐Fri 9am‐12pm Materials Fee: $20 Pinterest Projects! Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $83/Non-Res $93 Did you see that cool project on Pinterest? Now’s your chance to make it! Take some me and get cra y for the a ernoon. Add some new decora ons to your home and amaze your friends with your inner artsy skills! July 11‐14 Ages 10+ Mon‐Thurs 1‐3pm Materials Fee: $20 Private Voice Lessons Instructor: Allyn Gamble Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $35/Non-Res $45 Learn vocal technique and presenta on, sing your favorite songs--jazz, pop, musical theater. Allyn is Boston Conservatory educated, with 30+ years as a professional singer. 30 min blocks available. Register for individual mes online. Tuesdays, August 9, 16, 23 Ages 10‐18 11:30am‐2:30pm 18 *New: Registra on deadlines are one week before the program begins. A $15 late fee is applied Sew a "Beanie Boo" and More! Instructor: Susan-Sofia McIn re Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $129/Non-Res $139 Cover all the basics of sewing when you make a stuffed animal with “beanie boo” eyes, then on to pajama shorts or a pillowcase dress (your choice). Learn about noons, sewing tools, safety, how to read a sewing pa ern and more than one hand s tch. July 11‐14 Ages 9+ Mon‐Thurs 9am‐12pm Materials Fee: $12 Superhero Musical Theater Workshop Instructor: Allyn Gamble Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $172/Non-Res $182 Create, learn and perform an original Superhero musical for performance on Friday. All youth are encouraged to a end, including those with social/emo onal and/or developmental challenges. July 25‐29 Ages 12‐18 Mon‐Fri 1:30‐3pm Wired! Instructor: Ryan Kelley Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $100/Non-Res $110 Spend a week learning from a local award winning ar st. Sculptor, Ryan Kelley will be teaching youth how to hand sculpt works of wire art. Projects may include animals, name signs or free form trees, Ryan’s specialty. Aug 1‐4 Ages 10+ Mon‐Thurs 1‐3pm Ar s c Expressions Instructor: Po ery Isle Loca on: The Tannery Ages 7+ Mon‐Fri 9am‐2pm Res $397/Non-Res $407 Hooray for Vaca on! For the 12th summer, Po ery Isle offers 5-day art and adventure sessions. Each week par cipants will explore a variety of specialty projects not always available on a walk-in basis. While each session offers a unique theme, all provide crea ng with clay, new to most pain ng techniques, glass fusing or mosaics, sailing aboard the 9th Wave (weather and availability permi ng), crea ve movement and walking field trips, canvas pain ng, and more. Pizza party on Fridays! Session 1 June 27‐July 1 Session 2 Aug 1‐5 Session 3 Aug 8‐12 Session 4 Aug 15‐19 Session 5 Aug 22‐26 4th of July & Fireworks Beach Party Under the Sea In the Movies Animal Planet Cook's Corner for Kids Pastry Arts Instructor: Fran Kaplan Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Res $88/ Non- Res $98 Youth will be crea ng meals that are fun, as well as healthy. They will be introduced to food handling in a safe and sanitary way, basic kitchen utensil use, learning major nutrients and how they keep our bodies healthy and delicious foods that can be easily prepared for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. ***Please bring containers to take food home! Session 1 July 25‐28 Grades 1‐3 Mon‐Thurs 9:30‐11:30am Session 2 July 25‐28 Grades 4‐6 Mon‐Thurs 1‐3pm Materials Fee: $10 Instructor: Nadine Holohan Loca on: NHS Cooking Room Res $115/Non-Res $125 This clinic is one step in baking beyond cookies and quick breads. The par cipants will learn how to make doughs (yeast and egg) and crusts (such as puff pastry and pie crust). Savory and sweet recipes will be incorporated. ***Please bring containers to take food home! Aug 1‐4 Ages 9+ Mon‐Thurs 9‐11:30am Materials Fee: $20 Sweet & Savory Baking Instructor: Nadine Holohan Loca on: NHS Cooking Room Res $115/Non–Res $125 Learn to bake both sweet and savory snacks. Each day we will create delicious, mouth watering baked goods that will thrill your taste buds. ***Please bring containers to take food home! July 5‐8 Ages 9+ Tues‐Fri 9‐11:30am Materials Fee: $20 Visit us www.newburyportyouthservices.com to register online or at the NYS Office 19 Li le Aces Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Ages 4‐6 Mon‐Fri 9am ‐ Noon Res $103/Non-Res $113 Li le Aces always has something new! Sign up early because this favorite program fills fast! Each week of this program will be centered around a different theme, complete with corresponding books, games, songs and cra ac vi es. There will be plenty of play me, indoors and out, even a walking trip to the Emma Andrews Library! Session 1 June 27‐July1 Rhythm and Soul Session 2 July 5‐8 (Tues‐Fri $83/$93) Ooey Gooey Messy Yummy Session 3 July 11‐15 Buzz Buzz Bugs Session 4 July 18‐22 All Aboard the Li le Aces Train Session 5 July 25‐29 Master Chef Jr Session 6 Aug 1‐5 Kids in Space Session 7 Aug 8‐12 Superhero Superstars! A ernoon Aces Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Ages 4‐6 Mon‐Thurs 1pm‐3pm Res $57/Non–Res $67 Extend your day with an a ernoon of fun and play! These short programs offer two packed hours of crea vity and imagina on. **You don’t have to do the morn‐ ing session to register for A ernoon Aces. Session 1 June 27‐30 Dr. Doli le Session 2 July 11‐14 Construc on Zone Session 3 July 25‐28 Paging Doctor NYS Session 4 Aug 8‐11 Li le Explorers Aces Lunch Break Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Ages 4+ Mon‐Fri 12pm‐1pm $25/youth Providing coverage between Li le Aces in the morning and our A ernoon Aces. You send the lunch and we will provide some fun and games. This op on is ONLY available to youth who are registered for an AM and/or PM program at the Rec Center. Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Session 7 June 27‐July1 July 5‐8 (Tues‐Fri)$20 July 11‐15 July 18‐22 July 25‐29 Aug 1‐5 Aug 8‐12 Summer Start Up Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Kindergarteners (2015/16 school year) Mon‐Fri 9am‐3pm Res $218/Non-Res $228 Let's kick off summer with fun and sun! NYS staff are so excited to bring music, art, sports and MORE to this Kindergarten specific summer jump start. Youth will par cipate in ac vi es inside and out, crea ng projects to bring home, as well as silly experiments and games on site. With a playground right outside, there will be plenty of jungle gym me! June 20‐24 20 *New: Registra on deadlines are one week before the program begins. A $15 late fee is applied a er that date* Clipper Kids Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: Perkins Park Grades 1‐3 Mon‐Fri 9am‐1pm Res $143/Non-Res $153 Let kids be kids! Our amazing playground program is back and promises more fun! This program incorporates sports and games, arts & cra s, playground play, water games and MORE into a morning of laughing, friends and memories. Perfect for the kid who just can't sit s ll and wants to explore more! Session 1 June 27‐July1 Session 2 July 5‐8 (Tues‐Fri) Res $115/Non-Res $125 Session 3 July 11‐15 Session 4 July 18‐22 Session 5 July 25‐29 Session 6 Aug 1‐5 Session 7 Aug 8‐12 Clipper Crew Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: Perkins Park Grades 4‐6 Mon‐Fri 9am‐1pm Res $143/Non-Res $153 For those who graduated out of Clipper Kids, the Crew brings even more fun! With sports, cra s, ac vi es and adventure… just kicked up a notch! Each week will bring play out on the field, playground and courts. You never know what crazy mes lie ahead!? Session 1 June 27‐July 1 Session 2 July 11‐15 Session 3 July 18‐22 Session 4 July 25‐29 Session 5 Aug 1‐5 Session 6 Aug 8‐12 Junior Ou ng Week Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: Loca ons Around New England Grades 4‐6 Tues‐Fri 9am‐4pm Res $325/Non-Res $335 This 4 day week gives a li le taste of sports and adventure. We'll be climbing at Metrorock in Evere , jumping at Skyzone, lobster fishing along the coast of Portland, checking out the Patriots Musuem and bowling, and spending the last day at Rye Beach surfing. The program will use a 12 passenger van, so space is very limited! July 5‐8 Junior Surf Week Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: Summer Sessions Grades 4‐6 Mon‐Fri 8:30am‐1pm Res $260/Non-Res $270 Surfs up brah! We’re headed to Summer Sessions at Rye Beach! This surf program is perfect for any beginner who is looking to jump into the sport or for the intermediate looking to hone their skills. The classes are taught by professional instructors working hands on with the kids in the water. The program will use a 12 passenger van, so space is very limited! Aug 15‐19 Visit us www.newburyportyouthservices.com to register online or at the NYS Office 21 Lego Minecra Engineering Lego Star Wars Engineering: The Bricks Awaken! Instructor: Kevin Husson Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Grades 1‐6 Mon‐Fri 9‐11:45am Res $138/Non-Res $148 Explore the amazing world of Minecra with LEGO®! Using official LEGO® Minecra ® sets, par cipants will construct a Minecra World by crea ng and customizing their own Minecra village complete with houses and crops. Projects available include the Farm, Cave, Ender Dragon, and the First Night! Many new sets are available including the Dungeon, Snow Hideout, Desert Outpost and the Nether Fortress! Note: Par cipants do not take projects home. Aug 1‐5 Instructor: Kevin Husson Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Grades 1‐6 Mon‐Fri 12:15‐3pm Res $138/Non-Res $148 Young JEDI builders will travel to a galaxy far, far away as they learn basic engineering principles while building a variety of Star Wars themed LEGO® engineering projects. Using top secret Rebel Alliance and Galac c Empire building instruc ons, we will construct motorized pod-racers, AT-AT walkers, ba le droid tanks, and other Star Wars droids. Par cipants will also have an opportunity to build a variety of iconic Star Wars ® ships including the Millennium Falcon, X-wing, and Imperial Star Destroyer! May the Bricks Be With You! Note: Par cipants do not take projects home. Aug 1‐5 Lego Robo cs & Engineering Instructor: Kevin Husson Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Grades 1‐6 Mon‐Fri 9‐11:45am Res $138/Non-Res $148 Using the latest LEGO® Power Func ons and LEGO® robo cs technology, par cipants will have an opportunity to explore the amazing world of LEGO® robo cs and engineering. We will learn about gears, circuits, and computer programming as we design, build, and program a variety of different robo cs and engineering projects. Over 50 different projects are available including motorized cars and walkers, remote-controlled tanks, and amusement park rides. We’ll also use ipads to program and control projects built with the new LEGO® EV3! Note: Par cipants do not take projects home. June 27‐July 1 22 Lego Star Wars Master Builder Instructor: Kevin Husson Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Grades 1‐6 Mon‐Fri 12:15‐3pm Res $138/Non-Res $148 Channel your inner JEDI and your Master Builder skills as we build our way through the Star Wars galaxy! Each day we will travel to a new planet from the Star Wars universe! We’ll build your favorite Star Wars vehicles from the ice planet Hoth, Luke Skywalker’s home planet of Tatooine, Geonosis, Endor, and many more. Over 50 different new and vintage sets will be available including Star Destroyers, X-Wings, the Millenium Falcon, and motorized AT-ATs! This is ul mate experience for any LEGO® Star Wars® fan! Projects are available for all skill levels! Note: Par cipants do not take projects home. June 27‐July 1 Magic the Gathering Club Pokemon Club Dungeons and Dragons Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Grades 2‐6 Mon‐Thurs 1:30‐3pm Res $70/Non-Res $80 Want to learn how to play the most popular collec ble card game ever? In our Magic the Gathering Club, you will learn all the skills necessary to become a powerful summoner. Each session you will play this exci ng game and learn how to efficiently build your very own decks! Please bring your own cards in an orga‐ nized book/box. July 18‐21 Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Grades 2‐6 Mon‐Thurs 1:30‐3pm Res $70/Non-Res $80 Do you want to be the very best, like no one ever was? Come join the Pokemon Club! From playing with Pokemon cards to learning the best video game strategies, we will find out what it takes to become a real Pokemon Master! Please bring your own cards in an organized book/box. July 11‐14 Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Grades 4‐8 Mon‐Thurs 1:30‐3pm Res $70/Non-Res $80 Explore an en re fantasy world created completely by YOU! The game that takes place in your imagina on is fun for all ages, and all you need is your crea vity. Learn the basics of Dungeons and Dragons and adventure through a week long quest of epic propor ons, figh ng orcs and saving en re kingdoms! July 25‐28 *New: Registra on deadlines are one week before the program begins. A $15 late fee is applied a er that date* Minecra Modding Program Film Produc on Instructor: Code to the Future Loca on: Bresnahan School Grades 6‐8 Mon‐Fri 12‐3pm Res $201/Non-Res $211 Why just *play* Minecra when you can *create* Minecra ? In this program designed for quick learners or those with blockbased coding experience, youth will learn how to code in Java by making a mod for Minecra ! This is professional, text-based coding. Create and then cra a sword out of mushy bananas, or spawn a flying golden cow! Make the full transi on from player to content creator! Aug 8‐12 Instructor: Portmedia Loca on: Portmedia Res $149/Non-Res $159 Grades 3‐5 Mon‐Fri 9am‐12pm Youth will get a crash course in film produc on. Get a chance to become a writer, camera operator, audio engineer, actor and maybe even a director. Each day, youth will tackle a different style of film produc on: narra ve, documentary, horror and comedy. A er the program, youth will receive DVDs with all their finished work. Session 1 June 27‐July 1 Session 2 July 25‐29 MineScratch Video Game Design Instructor: Code to the Future Loca on: Bresnahan School Grades 2‐5 Mon‐Fri 8:30‐11:30am Res $201/Non-Res $211 Learn how to speak the language of computers! Youth will dive into the exci ng world of computer coding through Scratch, developed at MIT. Scratch is a block-based applica on designed to make it simple for anyone to learn programming. Throughout the program, coders create projects like an epic space ba le game or a choose your own adventure story! The possibili es to create are endless! We'll also occasionally use other applica ons like MC Edit (Minecra -related) based on youth interest and ap tude. Aug 8‐12 Studio Recording Workshop Instructor: Chuck Walker Loca on: Portmedia Grades 7‐12 Mon‐Fri 9am‐12pm Res $149/Non-Res $159 Join this week-long audio workshop to get hands-on experience with professional recording studio equipment. Working with a live band, youth learn audio engineering techniques by producing mul ple sound recordings. Youth will record, mix, and master a live sound project from start to finish using the latest in industry standard technology. While covering basic audio techniques, this workshop also explores the crea ve side of audio engineering and prepares youth to con nue producing audio projects on their own. Aug 8‐12 TV Produc on‐‐In and Out of the Studio Instructor: Portmedia Loca on: Portmedia Grades 6‐9 Mon‐Fri 1‐4pm Res $250/Non-Res $260 This two week program explores all the aspects of television produc on. Youth will get a chance to become a camera operator, audio engineer, actor, editor and maybe even a director. Each day youth will tackle a different style of television produc on: create a news report, live studio show, music video and even sketch comedy. Studio produc on is unique as it focuses heavily on coopera on and teamwork. Families are invited to join their student on the final day for a showing of all of the television produc ons. July 11‐22 (skip July 15) Success Through Chess! Instructor: Code to the Future Loca on: Bresnahan School Grades 2‐5 Mon‐Fri 12‐3pm Res $201/Non-Res $211 A na onal-caliber chess program that is designed to enhance student’s cri cal and creave thinking abili es. Youth love this program, and while they may think they are just playing a fun game, they are gaining 21st century skills that will allow them to succeed in school and in life. Aug 8‐12 REGISTER EARLY! PROGRAMS THAT DO NOT MEET THEIR MINIMUM ENROLLMENT MAY BE CANCELLED! Visit us www.newburyportyouthservices.com to register online or at the NYS Office 23 NYS Tennis Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: Atkinson Common Ages 10+ Mon‐Fri 9:30am‐12pm Res $113/Non-Res $123 This program is designed for the older child at all ability levels. The week is balanced between skills and drills, games (on and off the court) and work towards playing full games. Session 1 June 27‐July1 Session 2 July 5‐8 (Tues-Fri) Res $91/Non-Res $101 Session 3 July 11‐15 Session 4 July 18‐22 Session 5 July 25‐29 Session 6 Aug 1‐5 Session 7 Aug 8‐12 Quickstart Tennis Pro Instructor: NYS Staff Loca on: Atkinson Common Ages 7‐9 Mon‐Fri 9:30am‐12pm Res $113/Non-Res $123 10 and Under Tennis follows the same logic as other youth sports like baseball or soccer, which use kid-sized courts and kid-sized equipment. Now with 10 and Under Tennis, balls bounce lower, don't move as fast through the air and are easier to hit. Racquets are sized for small hands and courts are smaller and easier to cover. By using this format, the benefits are immediate and within a short me kids are rallying, playing, and excited to keep playing. They're playing real tennis and having real fun—and that’s what is most important. All NYS staff are trained by the USTA. Session 1 June 27‐July1 Session 2 July 5‐8 (Tues-Fri) Res $91/Non-Res $101 Session 3 July 11‐15 Session 4 July 18‐22 Session 5 July 25‐29 Session 6 Aug 1‐5 Session 7 Aug 8‐12 Quickstart Tennis Jr Instructor: Loca on: Atkinson Common Ages 4‐6 with adult Mon‐Fri 8‐9am Res $64/Non-Res $74 Session 1 July 11‐15 Session 2 July 25‐29 Session 3 Aug 8‐12 Tennis Match Play Instructor: Marc de Kanter Loca on: Atkinson Common Ages 8+ Mon/Wed 12‐1pm $25/youth per session Match play will include the op on to play singles and doubles matches. It's a great way to take what is learned during the morning session and add a compe ve element to tennis. 24 Private Tennis Lessons Instructor: Marc de Kanter Loca on: Atkinson Common Ages 8+ Tues/Thurs 12‐1pm $60/youth An amazing opportunity for some one-onone tennis instruc on for your child. Can't hit that serve? Back hand ge ng you? Want to master the drop shot? Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity for specialized coaching. Perfect for players of all levels. Session 1 June 28/30 Session 2 July 5/7 Session 3 July 12/14 Session 4 July 19/21 Session 5 July 26/28 Session 6 Aug 2/4 Session 7 Aug 9/11 Session 1 June 27/29 Session 2 July 11/13 Session 3 July 18/20 Session 4 July 25/27 Session 5 Aug 1/3 Session 6 Aug 8/10 **Youth must have a ended the morning Quickstart Tennis Pro or NYS Tennis to par cipate. *New: Registra on deadlines are one week before the program begins. A $15 late fee is applied a er that date* Half Day Total Play Mul sport Instructor: US Sports Ins tute Loca on: Cashman Park Ages 7‐12 Mon‐Fri 9am‐1pm Res $145/Non-Res $155 Experience over 16 different sports from around the world including, soccer, basketball, lacrosse, volleyball, disc golf, cricket, floor hockey and many more at US Sports Ins tute’s Total Play Mul Sports camp. All ac vi es will take place in an atmosphere, which promotes good sportsmanship, teamwork and most of all, fun. Campers will receive technical instruc on, have the chance experience the sport in a realis c game situa on, and will par cipate in the exci ng USSI World Cup Compe on. All par cipants will receive a t-shirt and cer ficate. This is the only sports camp truly dedicated to children of all abili es. Medical/immunizaƟon records from your doctor are required and must be sent to USSI prior to the start of the program or to the instructor on the first day. Forms can be mailed to US Sports InsƟtute, 515 North Flagler Dr, Suite P300, West Palm Beach, FL, 33401 or email to Pete Hall at pete@usasportgroup.com Session 1 June 27‐July 1 Session 2 July 25‐29 Full Day Total Play Mul sport Instructor: US Sports Ins tute Loca on: Perkins Park Res $185/Non-Res $195 Ages 7‐12 Mon‐Fri 9am‐4pm Experience over 16 different sports from around the world including, soccer, basketball, lacrosse, volleyball, disc golf, cricket, floor hockey and many more at US Sports Ins tute’s Total Play Mul Sports camp. All ac vi es will take place in an atmosphere, which promotes good sportsmanship, teamwork and most of all, fun. Campers will receive technical instruc on, have the chance experience the sport in a realis c game situa on, and will par cipate in the exci ng USSI World Cup Compe on. All par cipants will receive a t-shirt and cer ficate. This is the only sports camp truly dedicated to children of all abili es. Medical/immunizaƟon records from your doctor are required and must be sent to USSI prior to the start of the program or to the instructor on the first day. Forms can be mailed to US Sports InsƟtute, 515 North Flagler Dr, Suite P300, West Palm Beach, FL, 33401 or email to Pete Hall at pete@usasportgroup.com Session 1 Aug 15‐19 Session 2 Aug 22‐26 Archery Instructor: Archers Artemis Loca on: Georgetown Ages 8+ Mon‐Fri 9:30am‐12pm Res $175/Non–Res $185 Archery is a mul genera onal ac vity that the en re family can enjoy. It has been known to help build upper body strength, aid in a en on and concentra on and is a skill that can last a life me. In this class you will learn the rudiments of the Na onal Training System created by USA Head Olympic Archery Coach Kisik Lee. Archers Artemis is a USA Archery Junior Olympic Archery Development (JOAD) Program. ***No transporta on provided. Please register for 1 session only. Session 1 July 25‐29 Session 2 Aug 1‐5 Materials Fee: $30 Parkour Instructor: Parkour Genera ons Loca on: Mon/Thurs: Moseley Woods, Tues: Perkins Park, Wed: Cashman Park Res $180/Non-Res $190 What is Parkour? Parkour was born in the banlieues (suburbs) of Paris in the 1980s and is now one of the world’s fastestgrowing sports. While o en recognized in the fantas c images seen on YouTube or television, the sport is actually a form of movement that has roots in a wide variety of physical disciplines including gymnas cs, mar al arts, climbing, and track & field. Prac oners, known as traceurs, train to develop strength, speed, endurance, precision, spa al awareness, dynamism, and crea vity, in order to be as fluid, func onal and liberated as possible in physical movement and to overcome physical obstacles. Traceurs also develop a way of thinking based on rigorous self-discipline, autonomous ac on and self-will that allows them to overcome mental obstacles related to their movements. More informa on about Parkour Genera ons Americas can be found at: www.pkgamericas.com. Session 1 Aug 15‐18 Ages 8‐10 Mon‐Thurs(Fri rainy day back up) 9:30am‐12:30pm Session 2 Aug 15‐18 Ages 11‐13 Mon‐Thurs(Fri rainy day back up) 1‐4pm Visit us www.newburyportyouthservices.com to register online or at the NYS Office 25 Fishing Mountain Biking Instructor: Eric Hanson & NYS Staff Loca on: Ar choke Reservoir/Plumber Springs Rd. Ages 6‐9 Mon‐Fri 9am‐12pm Res $119/Non–Res $129 Instructor: Riverside Cycle Loca on: Maudsley State Park Ages 9+ Mon‐Thurs(Fri rainy day back up) 9am‐12pm Res $90/Non-Res $100 Come learn the basics of fishing! You will learn the art of pa ence. We will prac ce catch and release, hooking bait, tying knots, techniques for fishing and more! Bring your own rod! Aug 1‐5 In just days, you will learn the basics of mountain biking, such as racing, riding techniques, safety and equipment. Limited to 10 youth. Mountain bike and helmet required. If your child is interested in signing up, but doesn't have a moutain bike, please let NYS know and we will see if we can find one to rent/ borrow. Session 1 July 11‐14 Session 2 Aug 8‐11 Gone Fishing Instructor: Eric Hanson & NYS Staff Loca on: Fishing Spots in MA and NH Ages 10‐14 Mon‐Thurs (Fri rainy day back up) 9am‐3pm Res $189/Non-Res $199 Yoga In this program par cipants will travel to a different loca on each day to fish! You will also learn about cas ng, flies, knots and reading the water type. The program will use a 12 passenger van, so space is very limited! ***Youth may only sign up for one session. A yoga program for healthy bodies, happy hearts and peaceful minds! Sessions will include guidance on tradi onal yoga postures, breathing techniques, meditaon, mindfulness ac vi es, partner poses and relaxa on. Fun games, ac vi es and art projects will be included along with the crea on of their own yoga book to bring home. Session 1 July 25‐28 Session 2 Aug 8‐11 26 Instructor: Beth Houlihan of Roots to Wings Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Ages 8‐12 Mon‐Fri 9am‐12pm Res $138/Non-Res $148 July 18‐22 Materials Fee: $10 East Coast Elite Soccer Instructor: Shawn Bleau & Staff Loca on: NHS Stadium Ages 10‐14 Mon‐Fri 9am‐2pm Res $190/Non-Res $200 East Coast Soccer Instructor: Shawn Bleau & Staff Loca on: NHS Stadium/Cashman Park Ages 4‐12 Mon‐Fri 9am‐12pm Res $140/Non-Res $150 This clinic is geared to girls and boys who want to take their soccer skills and knowledge to another level. Players will be challenged daily! The week will include: skill compe ons, defending (1st defender, 2nd defender), a acking(1v1, 2v1, 2v2, etc), shoo ng, passing and dribbling. July 18‐22 Soccer exploded from 100,000 players in 1974 to over 1 million in the early nine es. Today, youth soccer has over 3.2 million players annually, ages 519. Let your child be a part of something big! Learn the basic skills of soccer from kicking to passing and the important elements of teamwork and good sportsmanship. Session 1 June 27‐July 1—NHS Stadium Session 2 July 11‐15—Cashman Park Session 3 Aug 1‐5—Cashman Park Session 4 Aug 8‐12—Cashman Park *New: Registra on deadlines are one week before the program begins. A $15 late fee is applied a er that date* NBBA Summer Hoops 2016 Flag Football Academy Instructor: NBBA Loca on: NHS Gym Grades 3‐8 Mon‐Fri 8am‐12pm Res $175/Non-Res $185 Instructor: NBPT All-Sports Boosters Loca on: Nock Middle School Field Grades 3‐8 Mon‐Fri 8am‐12pm Res $175/Non-Res $185 All the players will be placed on teams the first day with a coach. There will be two divisions: grades 3-4-5 (college) and grades 6-7-8 (pros). SUMMER HOOPS will teach basketball fundamentals and focus on team play. Each day the teams will prac ce and play games. On Friday, there will be championship games for each division, with winners receiving trophies. Awards will also be given to “best teammate” in each division. All a endees will receive a SUMMER HOOPS t-shirt. The Summer 2016 Flag Football Academy (FFA) will be operated by the Newburyport All-Sports Boosters. All players will be placed on teams. Every team will have its own coach. Players will learn the fundamentals of passing, running pass routes, catching and running with the football. On the defensive side, coaches will teach players how to cover receivers and rush the passer. We will focus on team play and good sportsmanship. Aug 1‐5 June 27‐July 1 NYS Summer Basketball League Boys and Girls Instructor: Bill Batchelder Loca on: Cashman Park (NHS for rain dates) Grades 4‐8 (2015/16 school year) Mondays 4‐8pm Res $110/Non-Res $120 PLEASE NOTE SPRING START DATE! Come take advantage of this opportunity to play outdoor, fun, compe ve and exci ng basketball in downtown NBPT! Refs will be provided along with reversible mesh jerseys. We promise to provide balanced teams and even playing me. June 6‐Aug 1(Skip July 4) Fencing For All Levels Instructor: 3MB Fencing Loca on: Belleville Congrega onal Church Ages 8+ Mon‐Fri 9am‐12pm Res $150/Non-Res $160 Open to first mers and all other levels. Learn basic footwork, handwork, offensive and defensive skills for this Olympic sport. It's fun and it's fast! Class specially designed for this age group. Come give it a try! All equipment provided, except a glove for the fencing hand. Please wear athle c sneakers-no sandals, clogs, or boots. Session 1 June 27‐July 1 Session 2 Aug 8‐12 REGISTER EARLY! PROGRAMS THAT DO NOT MEET THEIR MINIMUM ENROLLMENT MAY BE CANCELLED! Visit us www.newburyportyouthservices.com to register online or at the NYS Office 27 Field Hockey Horseback Riding Instructor: Jessica Delacey Loca on: NHS Stadium Res $85/Non-Res $95 Instructor: High Tail Acres Loca on: High Tail Acres, Newbury Ages 6+ Tues‐Sat 9am‐2pm Res $397/Non-Res $407 The purpose of the four-day clinic is to introduce young athletes to the fundamental skills of field hockey. Players will learn many of the basic techniques in order to play the sport and prac ce those skills throughout the week through drills and game play. Equipment needed: s ck, shin pads, mouth guard, goggles and water. Grades 4/5 Mon‐Thurs 8‐9:30am Session 1 July 11‐14 (July 15 rainy day back up) Session 2 July 25‐28(July 29 rainy day back up) Grades 6‐8 Mon‐Thurs 9:45‐11:15am Session 3 July 11‐14 (July 15 rainy day back up) Session 4 July 25‐28(July 29 rainy day back up) Girls Soccer Skills Clinic Instructor: Kevin Sheridan and Robb Gonnam Loca on: Cashman Park Res $100/Non-Res $110 The Newburyport Girls Soccer program is pleased to announce the return of the “Bad Dogs of Summer” soccer program. This six week program is designed to improve soccer skills – including footwork, dribbling, passing, and shoo ng skills – as well as developing tac cal skills through scrimmages and small sided games. Each training session includes coordina on, speed, and fitness exercises as well as technical skill training through various drills and small sided games in a fun and suppor ve environment. July 12‐Aug 16 Grades 5‐8 Tuesdays 5‐7pm NBPT Girls Lacrosse Clinic Instructor: Catherine Batchelder and NHS Lacrosse Team Loca on: NHS Stadium Res $125/Non-Res $135 Come play lacrosse! All abili es welcome. The focus of the clinic will be on skill development, game situa ons and having fun! All players required to bring a girls lacrosse s ck, mouthguard and eye goggles. Grades 1‐4 Mon‐Thurs 5‐7:30pm Session 1 June 27‐30 Session 3 July 25‐28 Grades 5‐8 Mon‐Thurs 5‐7:30pm Session 2 June 27‐30 Session 4 July 25‐28 The Summer Horsemanship Program at High Tail Acres, LLC is the perfect opportunity to quench your child’s interest in horses and riding. All riding abili es are invited. The Summer Horsemanship Program provides the student with a comprehensive learning experience. The curriculum will include a classroom atmosphere to provide for knowledge a ainment of basic horsemanship, etc. Two riding lessons each day, hands-on involvement in the opera ons of a stable and team building ac vi es will give each student a rewarding experience and prepare the student for the end of camp mini horse show to which parents and friends are invited. Please bring a bag lunch. Peanut free snacks and juice boxes are provided. Equipment Required: Students are required to wear an SEI cer fied helmet. Hard soled shoes or boots (not cowboy boots) with at least a 1/2 inch heel is required footwear. For riding lessons, students should wear jodphurs or long pants to prevent chafing. Please have your child bring her/his own plas c water bo le, labeled with their name. We do have a limited number of boots and helmets available. If you need to purchase equipment, please call High Tail Acres directly @ 978-465-4142 and we will guide you in the right direc on. Session 1 July 12‐16 Session 2 July 19‐23 Session 3 July 26‐30 Cheerleading Instructor: Nadine Holohan and Cheer Team Loca on: NHS Gym Grades 3-8 Mon-Thurs 9am-12pm Res $100/Non-Res $110 For the cheer enthusiast! All elements of today's athle c cheerleader will be taught. Par cipants will stretch, dance, learn age appropriate stunts and jumps. The performance por on of cheerleading will also be taught- which includes sidelines (chants & cheers), all as you let your spirit shine through! June 27-30 28 *New: Registra on deadlines are one week before the program begins. A $15 late fee is applied a er that date* Skatepark Round Up Boston Skatepark Trip Instructor: Lee Mehlenbacher Loca on: Skateparks around MA and NH Grades 4‐8 Mon‐Thurs 2:30‐6pm Res $140/Non–Res $150 Instructor: Lee Mehlenbacher Loca on: Lynch Skatepark, Boston Grades 4‐8 Friday 9am‐2:30pm Res $50/Non–Res $60 A en on all local skateboarders! Do you ever hear about a new skatepark and how awesome it is and wish you could try it out right then and there? Well, now you can! We are offering a program where we will travel to various skateparks. The program will visit some of the coolest skateparks in the area! Remember, there is limited room in the van so first come first serve! We’re running a skateboard trip to the new Boston skatepark! We will take the train into North Sta on, walk over to the skatepark, break for lunch at noon, and then catch the train back home! It should be a blast as the new skatepark is said to be one of the best around! Be sure to sign up! July 22nd July 18‐21 Skateboard Lessons Jr Private Skateboard Lessons Jr Instructor: Lee Mehlenbacher Loca on: NBPT Skatepark Ages 4‐6 Mon‐Thurs(Fri rainy day back up) 9:30‐10:30am Res $110/Non-Res $120 Instructor: Lee Mehlenbacher Loca on: NBPT Skatepark Ages 4‐6 Tues/Thurs (Fri rainy day back up) 8:30‐9:30am Res $82/Non-Res $92 NYS is offering skateboard lessons with a 1:4 ra o! They can be for the beginner or the more advanced skater wan ng to learn new tricks. Instructors are CPR/1st Aid cer fied. Friday rain day back ups when possible. Session 1 June 27‐30 Session 2 July 5‐8 Session 3 July 11‐14 Session 4 July 18‐21 Session 5 July 25‐28 Session 6 Aug 1‐4 NYS is offering individualized private skateboard lessons with a 1:1 ra o! They can be for the beginner ot the more advanced skater wan ng to learn new tricks. Addi onal skate lessons can be scheduled upon request. Session 1 June 28/30 Session 2 July 5/7 Session 3 July 12/14 Session 4 July 19/21 Session 5 July 26/28 Session 6 Aug 2/4 Skateboard Lessons Sr Private Skateboard Lessons Sr Instructor: Lee Mehlenbacher Loca on: NBPT Skatepark Ages 7+ Mon‐Thurs (Fri rainy day back up) 11am‐12pm Res $110/Non-Res $120 NYS is offering skateboard lessons with a 1:4 ra o! They can be for the beginner or the more advanced skater wan ng to learn new tricks. Instructors are CPR/1st Aid cer fied. Friday rain day back ups when possible. Session 1 June 27‐30 Session 2 July 5‐8 Session 3 July 11‐14 Session 4 July 18‐21 Session 5 July 25‐28 Session 6 Aug 1‐4 Instructor: Lee Mehlenbacher Loca on: NBPT Skatepark Ages 7+ Mon/Wed (Fri rainy day back up) 1‐2pm Res $82/Non-Res $92 Session 1 June 27/29 Session 2 July 11/13 Session 3 July 18/20 Session 4 July 25/27 Session 5 Aug 1/3 Visit us www.newburyportyouthservices.com to register online or at the NYS Office 29 Literacize™‐Crea ve Movement & Reading Instructor: Knucklebones Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Gym Ages 2‐5 with adult Mon‐Fri 10‐11am Res $70/Non-Res $80 Literacize consists of three parts: reading an athle cally inspired picture book, crea ng an athle c ac vity that coincides with the book’s theme and free play filled with a diverse mix of athle cally inspired products. Each class, the instructor will read preselected books that have been chosen for their movement content /overall theme and have children act out parts of the book using a diverse array of equipment. Through this physical movement and reading program several significant learning goals may be acquired, such as enhanced motor and skills, increased confidence and MORE! Aug 15‐19 Micro Athle cs Instructor: Knucklebones Loca on: Cashman Park Ages 2‐5 with adult Mon‐Fri 10‐11am Res $70/Non-Res $80 Each class, your Knucklebones’ coach will explore the fundamentals of athle cs: from basketball, football, gymnas cs and hockey, to soccer, t-ball and tennis. We will also teach skills such as yoga posi ons, how to throw a Frisbee and how to ride a balance bicycle. The en re program will be supported using a plethora of unique equipment by the most admired manufacturers and through a variety of contemporary, cultural, nature-based and tradi onal games. All ac vi es focus on fundamentals, motor development, physical fitness, & fun! Sneakers are required. July 18‐22 Micro Wheels Instructor: Knucklebones Loca on: NBPT Rec Center Gym Ages 2‐5 with adult Mon‐Fri 10‐11am Res $70/Non-Res $80 Micro Wheels teaches the fundamentals of learning to ride a bicycle without training wheels! Each class, your Knucklebones’ coach will bring in a variety of unique wheeled and non-wheeled products to help build gross motor skills, balance and confidence. From there, we will introduce a new ac vity involving wheeled vehicles such as scooter boards, three wheel scooters, balance bicycles and finally progressing to a bicycle. As well, we will include an array of diverse games and ac vi es such as balance beams, balancing stones, street signs, an obstacle course and more to help these determined drivers develop the skills needed to ride safely, successfully and have FUN! Proper sneakers are required. June 20‐24 30 COMING THIS SPRING… Youth Opportunities Newburyport or YO! NBPT Programs, Trips and Services for Youth in Grades 6-12 A New Division of NYS! Watch for it in your mailbox Presorted STD Bulk Rate U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 1 Newburyport, MA 01950 NEWBURYPORT YOUTH SERVICES Newburyport Rec Center 40 Milk Street Newburyport, MA 01950 New This Year: Coding Pinterest Art Keys for Kids Mosaics Wire Art Jr Trips Crime Lab And Many More…