October, November, December 2015, January
October, November, December 2015, January
The Cactus Needle Newsletter Oct., Nov., Dec., 2015; Jan., 2016 Cactus Quilt Shop 7921 N. Oracle Rd, Tucson AZ, 85704 Telephone (520)498-4698, Fax (520)498-4708 Hours: Mon.–Fri., 9:30am-5:00pm; Sat., 9:30-4:30 Closed Sundays and Most Holidays (Check our Calendar for Extended Holiday Closures, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years) 18th Anniversary Sale; Everything* 25% Off Fri.-Sat., Oct 30-31, 9:30-5 * Except “Consignment” and 50% Items MaryLou is Coming Back! Yes It’s True! Our good friend MaryLou McDonald returns to Cactus Quilt Shop in January for two more workshops. MaryLou is a well known expert on Baltimore style appliqué and this year we will explore Broderie Perse appliqué as well. (Broderie Perse is the ancestor of Baltimore style appliqué.) Each 2-day session includes lunch and some of David’s pies. Fee for this experience is $185. Thurs.-Fri., Jan. 14-15, “Broderie Perse” or; Mon.-Tues., Jan. 18-19, “Basket Block” from the “Oh Susanna Gold Rush quilt” found in Arizona! Page 1 The Cactus Needle Don’t Forget the 18th Anniversary Sale, 25% Off All Retail*, Fri.-Sat. Oct 30-31, 9:30-5 Cactus Quilt Shop’s Quilting Classes PDQ– Nancy Landon Learn to machine piece a quilt “Pretty Darn Quick” creating a row quilt of sampler blocks. This 6-week class covers all the basics including rotary cutting and speed techniques. Recommended book discounted, first day of class. Fee: $80 for six 2-hour sessions. Wed. Oct. 21, 28, Nov. 4, 11, 18 and Dec. 2, 1:30-3:30, or; Sat., Nov. 21, 28, Dec. 5, 12, 19, and Jan. 2, 1:30-3:30 Appliqué for Dummies– Nancy Landon Paper Piecing 101Nancy Landon Learn Nancy’s easy approach to paper piecing. No special equipment required other than a flat head pin! A perfect skill to conquer quilt patterns with “spikey pieces.” Fee: $30 for one 2-hour session. Fri. Oct. 16, 1:30-3:30, or; Tues. Nov. 17, 1:30-3:30, or; Sat. Jan. 30, 10-12 Finishing SchoolNancy or David Landon You’ve successfully completed Have you been intimidated by appliqué? that beautiful quilt top, sandwiched Worry no longer. You’ll learn fusible ap- and quilted it. Now for the final pliqué & hand blanket stitch, as well as step. Master double fold binding Nancy’s favorite odd technique. The proand mitered corners. Fee: $30 for ject is a small potted cactus wall hanging. one 2-hour session. Fee: $30 for one 3-hour session. Tues., Oct. 27 1:30-3:30, or; Fri. Dec. 4, Tues. Oct. 20, 1:30-3:30, or; Wed. Dec. 9, 10-12 10-12, or; Sat. Jan. 16, 1:30-3:30 Hand Quilting– David Landon Cactus Quilt Shop Class Codes David would be pleased to teach you Beginner. No quilt experience required. the basics of traditional hand quilting . Confident Beginner. Easy class. Basic This class will cover marking, basting, & quilting experience is required. Must the hand quilt stitch. Private lessons will know rotary cutting. be scheduled during normal shop hours Intermediate & Beyond. When when you, the classroom, and you’re ready for a challenge. David are available. If you are not sure about a class or your skill, $30 for one 2-hour session. please talk to a Cactus Quilt Shop staff person. Page 2 The Cactus Needle Baste your quilts on the large tables at Cactus Quilt Shop. Call 498-4698 to reserve a spot. More Cactus Quilt Shop Quilting Classes NEW! Sew Scrappy, Sew “Repro”, so Fun!- Pepper Corral Trying to lighten up the ol’ sewing room? Dig into your scrap stash to make this very scrappy quilt. Paper piecing makes this “sew” easy! (Previous paper piecing experience and skills required for this class!) This one-day 6-hour class fee is $30. Thurs. Oct 15, 10-4,or; Mon. Nov. 30, 10-4 NEW! Playful New York Beauty- Linda Grider Have fun playing with color while learning how to construct beautiful New York Beauty Blocks. We will use paper-piecing to create precise points, and we’ll get tips on sewing smooth curved seams. (If you have never done paper piecing before, not to worry, it’s easy to learn!!) The class fee includes a kit for both an 8” block and a 4” block. Class fee is $30, for one threehour session. Tues. Oct 13, 1-4, or; Wed. Jan. 13, 1-4. NEW! Two for OnePenny Allen Join Penny for an amazing class. You actually get two quilts from the blocks you make! A perfect baby/new mom gift or Big Kid/little kid quilts. The chevrons are fun and easy. One 4-hour session is $30. Thurs. Oct. 29, 10-2, or; Sat. Jan 23, 10-2 Page 3 The Cactus Needle Needle Turn AppliquéWith Nancy Landon Whether you are a beginner or just want to share some appliqué time and improve your skills, this class is for you. We will explore traditional techniques and cover curves, points, leaves, bias strips, and circles. $30 fee includes two 2-hour classes. Fri. Nov. 13, 20, 1:30-3:30, or; Tues. Dec. 1, 8, 10-12 Choose Five Nancy Landon They say it only takes five minutes to choose 5 fabrics, but it took me a little longer! Anyway, 5 fabrics, some nifty cutting tips and you get either 1 bed size quilt or two throws. (One to keep, and one to give away.) Great for a quick Christmas quilt. Class fee $30. Sat. Oct. 24, 10-4, or; Tues. Dec. 15, 10-4 \ Basic Class Sewing Supplies * Rotary Cutter/Mat Ruler (s) Fabric & Paper Scissors Needles & Thread Pins Thimble Seam Ripper Bobbins Sewing Machine/Manual Pencil/Paper * These supplies should always be brought to class in addition to the specified supplies on class list. Did You Know? CQS discounts your purchases 10% on your Block of the Month days? Fun Classes from Cactus Quilt Shop NEW Beyond Beginner Machine Quilting- Penny Allen You’ve graduated from basic machine quilting and you’re doing your own quilts. Perfect your techniques with Penny and explore your more creative side! Fee for this one-session, 3.5-hour class is $30. Thurs., Nov. 12, 1-4:30, or; Mon. Jan. 11, 1-4:30 NEW! Dancing LadiesNubin Jenson Learn Nubin’s favorite machine appliqué technique, a la Sharon Schamber and make this delightful country French 9-patch quilt with a border of dancing ladies! I can just hear that old song from French class: “Sur la Pont, D’Avigion, ….”. After we’re finished sewing, we can dance! Fee for this one-session 6-hour class is $45. Tues. Nov. 3, 10-4, or; Fri. Jan. 22, 10-4. NEW! Basic Machine QuiltingBrenda Smitley Learn to machine quilt like a pro! Brenda will take you through all the basics from straight line stitching to free motion quilting. Fee is $35 for two 2-hour sessions. Thurs. Nov. 5, 12, 10-12, or; Tues., Jan. 5, 12, 10-12. Page 4 The Cactus Needle NEW! Art Deco State FlowersBlock-of-the-Month- Nancy Landon This quilt project begins in January and will last only five months. The fee includes all your fabric, for the top, plus the pattern. We will have kits cut for you. The quilt is a classic “album” block and is queen size. The state flower fabrics are fabulous!! They’ll come 10 at a time. Kits are limited. Don’t miss out. We will meet the 3rd Sat. each month at 10:00. This group starts Jan. 16. Fee is $175. NEW! Thread PaintingCarol Ann Small Learn to “paint/draw” with free motion stitching. This class teaches free-form stitching to create landscapes, florals, and other wall art using scraps of fabric fused onto muslin and stitched to add dimension and texture to your work. There are No Rules, No patterns, and NO mistakes! Kits will be provided. Fee for two 2-hour sessions is $40. Mon., Oct. 19, 10-12, and Oct. 26, 10-2, or; Wed. Jan. 20, 1:30-3:30, and Jan. 27, 10-2 Cactus Quilt Shop has a large selection of first quality fabrics at 50% OFF, every day. more Fun Classes & Block of the Month Clubs Oldies but Goodies BOMGoldie’s “Rodeo Quilt” Nancy Landon We bid a fond farewell to Rebecca Hendrix and the early 19th century and return to the 20th. Yes we are reproducing another of Goldie Richmond’s wonderful Arizona quilts. This time it’s her “Arizona Portholes-Papagos at Play”. This is the “lost” quilt that we rediscovered 2 years ago. This will be a two year project with 25 blocks and is a great quilt for using some of your favorite 1930s fabrics. We will meet the 1st Saturday of each month at 10:00 Starting in October. Fee for this BOM is $50 for the first year. Page 5 The Cactus Needle TwillingNancy Landon Definition: A super easy dimensional embroidery stitch. All the rage back East, and originating in Europe. Sew,…..Nancy thought why not Southwest twilling? Nancy has designed South West images perfect to do in this stitch and will have several quilt layouts for your finished blocks. We will meet the 4th Friday afternoon each month at 1:30. $5 per month for patterns. Baltimore Ladies of TucsonNancy Landon If you love appliqué, especially traditional early 1800s style, please join the Baltimore Ladies of Tucson on the second Friday of each month . We share tips and techniques, and patterns! Various projects are under construction. We meet at 10am. If you are working on the Rebecca Hendrix quilt this is a perfect opportunity to work on your blocks and pick up some extra “input”. There is no fee for this get together. Did you know? CQS discounts your supplies, patterns & books for classes. October 2015 Sun Mon Tue Cactus Quilt Shop Wed Closed Mon. Dec. 26 Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Oldies 10:00 Closed Sundays 4 5 6 7 8 9 Baltimore Ladies 10:00 10 Rancher’s Wife 10:00 11 12 13 New York Beauty 1-4 14 15 Sew Scrappy 10-4 16 Paper Piecing 1:30-3:30 17 18 19 Thread Paint 10-12 20 Finishing School 1:303:30 21 QFO 9:30-12 PDQ 1:30-3:30 22 23 Twilling 13:30 24 Choose 5 10:00-4:00 25 26 Thread Paint 10:00-2:00 27 Appliqué 4 Dummies 1:30 -3:30 28 PDQ 1:30-3:30 29 Two-4-One 10:00-2:00 30 31 “18th Anniversary” Sale Everything* 25% Off *Except Consignments and 50% Items November 2015 Cactus Quilt Shop Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Closed Sundays 2 3 Dancing Ladies 10-4 4 PDQ 1:30-3:30 5 Machine Quilt 10-12 6 7 8 Sew-In 12-8 9 10 11 12 Mach. Quilt 10-12, Beyond Beginner 1:00 13 Baltimore Ladies 10:00 Needleturn 1:30 14 Rancher’s Wife 10:00 15 16 Viva la Revolucion! 17 Paper Piecing 1:30-3:30 18 QFO 9:30-12 PDQ 1:30-3:30 `19 20 Needle Turn 1:30-3:30 21 PDQ 1:30-3:30 22 23 24 25 26 27 Twilling 1:30 28 PDQ 1:30-3:30 29 30 Sew Scrappy Etc. 10-4 PDQ 1:30-3:30 Karen Housner Quilt Appraisals Oldies 10:00 Closed for ThanksGiving! Amen! Page 6 The Cactus Needle Don’t forget “the Anniversary Sale” on Saturday, July 18, Retail Fabric 25% Off December 2015 Sun Mon Closed Sundays Cactus Quilt Shop Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Needle Turn 10-12 2 PDQ 1:30-3:30 3 4 Appliqué For Dummies 10-12 5 Oldies 10:00 PDQ 1:30-3:30 6 7 8 Needle Turn 10-12 9 Finishing School 10-12 10 11 Baltimore Ladies 10:00 12 Rancher’s Wife 10:00 PDQ 1:30-3:30 13 14 15 Choose 5 10-4 16 QFO 9:30-12 17 18 19 PDQ 1:30-3:30 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Closed Boxing Day 27 28 29 30 31 Merry Christmas! Closed Thurs.-Sunday Happy New Year! Closed Thurs-Fri. January 2016 Sun Mon Tue Cactus Quilt Shop Wed Closed Sundays Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Oldies 10:00 PDQ 1:303:30 Happy New Year! Closed Thurs-Fri. 3 4 5 Basic Machine Quilting 10-12 6 7 8 Baltimore Ladies 10:00 9 Rancher’s Wife 10:00 10 11 Beyond Beginner Machine Quilting 1-4:30 5 Basic Machine Quilting 10-12 13 New York Beauty 1-4 14 15 16 Art Deco State Flower 10 Appliqué for Dummies 1:30 18 19 20 QFO 9:30 Thread Paint 1:30-3:30 21 22 Dancing Ladies 10-4 23 Two-4-One 10-2 27 Thread Paint 10-2 28 29 30 Paper Piecing 10-12 17 Marylou McDonald Baltimore Appliqué Class “Gold Rush Basket” 10:00-4:00 24 25 Sew-In 12-8 31 26 Marylou McDonald Baltimore Appliqué Class “Pelampore”, 10:00-4:00 31 Page 7 The Cactus Needle Our Newsletter/Class Schedule is also available on our Web Site: www.cactusquiltshop.com Cactus Quilt Shop Class Policies Payment in full is required, not later than 7 days before class start date. Refunds or transfers approved only with seven (7) days advance notice, before class date. This will be strictly adhered to. If registration is below class minimum, class may be cancelled. Full refund/transfer issued. In consideration of the instructor & other students, please be on time for class, do not bring children or visitors, & limit use of cell phones. Please take emergency calls out of the classroom. A 10% discount will be given on class supplies. Required class patterns discounted 10% on first class day. Required books discounted 25% on first class day. Nancy’s Sunday Sew-Ins Gather your friends, a favorite project (or two), and join Nancy for an all day sewing marathon. Please bring a treat to share. Nancy will provide a light supper and dessert, Fee: $20. Sunday, November 8, and January 31. “Featherweight” MaintenanceDavid Landon David will show you how to clean, lubricate, and adjust top & bottom tension for your Singer “Featherweight” Model 221 machine. This “getyour-hands-dirty” experience is $25 and includes all supplies, except your machine. Wear your “grubbies” and bring an old hand towel. Private or group appointments available during normal shop hours, classroom availability depending. Please see or call David to schedule. Karen Housner , AQS certified quilt appraiser will be offering written Quilt Appraisals on Friday Nov. 6 Each quilt requires 30 minutes, and the fee is $45 per quilt, cash or check. Sadly, this is Karen’s last visit, as she plans to retire from appraising in the new year. Appointments are available between 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Call 498-4698 to book. We just finished up our 1st national “Row-byRow” Experience. What fun! Next year’s theme will be announced the end of October. So stay tuned… If you missed getting our row pattern or kit they will be available again, after November 1st, for a small fee. Thanks and see you for next summer’s “Row-by-Row” Page 8 The Cactus Needle CQS has many beautiful vintage quilts on consignment & ready for “adoption”.