Spirit Week - Cherry Creek High School
Spirit Week - Cherry Creek High School
Spirit Week OCTOBER 2011 From the Principal....................... 2 PTCO.............................................. 3 Future Bruins Day..... ...................4 Post Grad.................................. 6-8 Counseling Connection...............9 Activities/Athletics....................10 PIN.........................................14-15 Teacher of the Year Form..........17 CCCLN..................................18-19 Staff Phone Directory.........21-22 Calendar......................................23 The Home Herald is published on-line monthly during the school year (September-May) by the Cherry Creek High School Parent Teacher Community Organization, 9300 E. Union Ave., Englewood, Colorado 80111. Print copies are available in the West Main Office. Editor: Stephanie Kallet HHnewsletter@kallet.com Senate students have been working hard to plan the festivities for Spirit Week, October 10th-October 15th. Spirit week officially concludes on Saturday, October 15th. The afternoon begins at 12:00 p.m. with a carnival, parade and tailgate party near the baseball field, the football game against Overland HS at Stutler Bowl, and we finish the evening with the Homecoming Dance. The format for the Homecoming Dance will be similar to last year with music, dancing, a catered dinner from Maggiano’s Restaurant, and games & activities. The theme this year is Mardi Gras. If students would like to come dressed in casual attire they can, but they are certainly welcome to put on their semi-formal attire as well. The ticket price is all inclusive – $35 in advance with paid activities fee, $40 in advance without paid Activities Fee, and $45 at the door. Spirit Week at a Glance: Monday: Student Appreciation Day Tuesday: Movie on the Baseball Field, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday: Creek Cup Challenge, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Thursday: Jazz on the Green, 4:30-6:00, FA Courtyard Friday: Pep Assembly (assembly schedule) Saturday: Tailgate BBQ, Carnival & Parade, 12:00 p.m. Homecoming Football Game, 2:00 p.m. Dance & Activites, 7:00-11:00 p.m. School Spirit Song (sung to the tune of the University of Wisconsin fight song) On Ye Bruins On Ye Bruins Fight on for your fame Ra Ra Ra Let’s be true to the red, white and blue Score one for your name Ra Ra Ra On Ye Bruins On Ye Bruins Fight on for your fame, yeah! Fight, Bruins, Fight and we will win this game Go, Fight, Win! FROM THE WEST OFFICE It seems that the school year just started yet here we are in October. I have enjoyed being able to reconnect with many of you, as well as, meeting our new families for the first time. It appears we have more students than we expected with enrollment at roughly 3,450 students. When we add the population of our students with our over 300 staff members, thousands of parents and the countless number of Bruins who have left the campus, we have one big family. It is strange to hear me refer to the largest school in the state as a family, but my expectation is that we act like a small town school that is very much connected to the community. This goal is accomplished through the relationships we make with our stakeholders. We Bruins must stick together! Thanks to all of the parents who attended Back-to-School Night. I have worked in three different school districts and schools. One of the unique qualities of Cherry Creek High School is the amount of parental support we receive. It is a pleasure to work in a school where the parents care about education and their school. Our teachers work hard and they enjoy being able to showcase their unique personalities and skills. We are fortunate to have such an outstanding faculty. Our annual College Readiness Day was held on September 20th. This day was a wonderful opportunity for underclassmen to gain a perspective as to what to expect when they take the official ACT as juniors and seniors. It also provides teachers and parents with an idea of how our students are growing and learning at CCHS. Traditionally we have performed very well on the ACT and AP exams. This past year was no different as we scored the highest ACT composite score (24.9) that we have ever had as a school for the junior testing day in April. Ninety-one percent of our students who took an AP exam (972 students took 2,301 exams) scored a three or higher. These accomplishments bring us all great pride, and we hope to continue this success in future years. As we all know, the CSAP is another assessment that carries a great deal of weight for schools across our state. While our performance on the ACT, SAT and Advanced Placement exams were impressive, the CSAP results were disappointing. In fact, our CSAP scores dropped in several areas. I have analyzed the scores and data with our instructional leadership team and we have ideas of where we can improve and how to do so. At last month’s PTCO meeting we talked about our CSAP performance and many of the parents felt that the poor scores reflected a lack of interest on the part of the students as they are aware that the exam does not carry the same weight for college entrance as ACT or AP scores. My team and I will continue to work on making improvements to our approach and instruction when warranted. I would appreciate your feedback about ways to motivate students in taking CSAP tests. The CSAP assessment affects Creek’s reputation, and we need your help with ideas. I am confident that a partnership between the staff, students and parents will result in higher scores and more accurately reflect the level of scholarship that takes place at Cherry Creek High School. On another note, I hope to see you on campus in October as there are many opportunities to support our students in their extracurricular activities. On October 15th we have the Homecoming parade, carnival, and football game that serve as a wonderful opportunity for parents to involve themselves in the Homecoming festivities. In addition to the Homecoming week, we also have regular athletic contests and Fine Arts performances that you will find to be the best and inexpensive entertainment in town. I invite you and your neighbors to join us on campus for any of these events so you may fully appreciate how talented our students are, and all that takes place here at the school. Please use our website to stay up to date on upcoming events or you may also call the school for information. In closing, I would like to recognize our students for their efforts in caring for one another and the school in general. As you all know, we started the year with an ugly incident where a small group of people marked our facilities with hurtful and offensive graffiti. The good that came from this incident was a strong sense of school spirit and pride among our students and staff. Student groups have joined together in efforts that truly demonstrate what we value at Cherry Creek High School. Respect is one of our core values. At Creek, all students, regardless of race, religion, gender, socio-economic status, social group, or any other distinguishing factor, may thrive and excel. It is an honor to be a Bruin. GO CREEK! Sincerely, Ryan T. Silva Principal PTCO (Parent/Teacher/Community Organization) The school year is off to a great start thanks to the support of so many volunteers! The month of October is perhaps one of the most exciting months at Creek as we gear up for Homecoming, Choir, Orchestra and Band concerts, Fall Break and fall sports! With all the activities taking place at Creek, how do you find out what is going on? Announcements are made Monday/Wednesday/Friday at school during 3rd period. However, as a parent, the best way to keep informed about ongoing activities is by checking the Creek website, the direct link is: http://www.cchs.ccsd.k12.co.us There is a link under both the STUDENT and ACTIVITIES tabs named ANNOUNCEMENTS. These are the weekly announcements emailed to students. For additional information, please take a moment to log onto the CCHS web site and click on the Parent tab, and then the PTCO tab, to get a list of ongoing meetings and events. Our goal is to help foster a positive community for all and we’ll do our best to keep you in the loop! Deb Hester and Penny Malloy, Co-PTCO Presidents Volunteers~The Heart and Soul of PTCO! SAVE THESE DATES Please join us for our first evening PTCO Meeting, A sincere thank you to the many volunteers who volunteered October 13th at 6:00 p.m. in the LIBRARY. The evening will this past month: Future Bruins Committee, F.A.S.P. committee feature our Post Grad department. It will be an informational for your dedication to improving Creek, Polly Gleichenhaus meeting for all parents who are interested in learning about what and Jenny Peters for providing the refreshments at the PTCO our counselors do to prepare our students for graduation and meeting; Jeannie Becker Davis, Delrine Cooper, Lisa Pavlakis, college! An explanation of the Naviance database will be provided, Kathie Guckenberger, Stacey Singer, Susie LaBonde, Rita you will be introduced to our Post Grad department, and you can get answers to questions about testing and colleges. This evening Patel, Lisa Kitsmiller, Allison Radcliffe, Judy Ryan, is open to all parents and we encourage you to attend! Michelle Rasmussen, Debra Sandberg, Amber Bintliff, and Randi Lawless for assisting with organizing and distributing November 10th at 9:15 a.m. students pictures; The volunteers who helped with set up and Featuring the Athletic Department selling directories at Back-to-School Night, Carole Roy, Sherry December 14th from 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. Sargent, Kathy Pittaway, Kim Conway, Debbie Aragon, Jean Coming Back to Creek, Shillinglaw (West Bldg.) Morrison, Big Sisters,and NHS members. A special thank you to Anne Hooten, Billie Brand, Marcus McDavid, Deb Hester January 12th at 6:00 p.m. in the LIBRARY and Penny Malloy who helped countless times The Affects of Drugs on our kids! during the process of putting the directory together. Thank you to all of the monthly February 9th at 9:15 a.m. Volunteer Appreciation Coffee school store volunteers, library and resource center volunteers, and to the countless volMarch 8th at 9:15 a.m. unteers who help out throughout the campus on a daily basis. Thanks for all your support! April 12th at 9:15 a.m. May 10th at 9:15 a.m. Anyone wishing to volunteer to help with Future Bruins Day on November 11th, please contact Karen Fisher, kfisher5149@msn.com, Debbie Keesling, debbie@5keeslings.com or Julie Bildstein, julie.bildstein@gmail.com. September PTCO Meeting Recap Our September 8th PTCO meeting was “standing room only”, as principal Ryan Silva introduced the administrative staff starting with the deans (each dean is responsible for a section of the alphabet): Kevin Uhlig (A-C), Gary Bragg (D-H), Jason Wilkins (I-Mez), Beth Yamagishi (Mf-Sd) and Mike Brookhart (Se-Z); our four assistant principals: Tracey Dougherty, who oversees the deans; Marcus McDavid, who oversees activities, Doug Aglietti, who oversees processing field trips, the equity teams, and is the teacher evaluation coordinator, and Brad Farrier, who oversees testing and technology. Mr. McDavid reported that Homecoming will be Ooctober 15th with a parade and tailgating, preceding the football game at 2 pm. The evening activites include the dinner, the dance and games.This year’s theme is Mardi Gras. Graduation ceremonies will be May 23, 2012 and the Sr. Breakfast date has been changed to Monday, May 21, 2012. AP examines will be held May 7-18, 2012 a week later than last year. Darren Knox, who oversees athletics, was introduced, also Sarah Grobbel, who oversees schedules and the registrar’s office. Mr. Silva gave an update on the graffiti situation and shared information about Creek’s CSAP and AP testing scores. Thank you to those who attended! Full minutes of PTCO meetings are available at www.cchs.ccsd.k12.co.us under the parents tab. FUTURE BRUINS DAY an Open House at Cherry Creek High School Friday, November 11th, 10 am to 1 pm For 5th – 8th graders and their parents WHAT WHEN WHERE ACADEMICS, ACTIVITIES, and ATHLETICS FAIR 10:00 am to 12:00 pm East Gym CAMPUS TOURS 10:30 am to 12:30 pm Depart from East Gym PANEL featuring faculty, students, and parents 11:15 am to 12:00 pm Fine Arts Theatre CLASSROOM SHADOW OPPORTUNITIES* For 8th graders only 11:00 am to 12:00 pm or 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Meet in East Gym *online sign up begins on 10·10·11. Visit www.SignUpGenius.com/go/future8 Cherry Creek High School Class of 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 Special Order T-shirts available RSVP, order a class shirt, and sign up for 8th grade classroom shadows beginning October 10 at www.SignUpGenius.com/go/future8 Meet CCHS faculty Tour with students Talk with current CCHS parents Ask questions Parking will be available in the lot next to the East Gym | Questions? Call 720-554-2222 | www.cchs.ccsd.k12.co.us After Prom 2012 Happy 30th Anniversary Creek After Prom! Creek will be celebrating 30 years of providing a safe, fun, free venue for over 1,000 kids on May 19, 2012. After Prom is under way and already many of you have signed up to help! We are using an internet program called Sign-Up Genius to organize all of the volunteers this year. You may have already received an email stating you have been added as a volunteer. You will get an email for each event you are volunteering (donating food, sneak preview, casino dealer, etc.). You will receive emails confirming the time slots you want to volunteer, and closer to the date, you will receive detailed emails with logistics. Food donations will also be specific and you will be able to sign up for what items you would like to bring. Calling all you creative types....we need decor chairs for various areas of the school. Decor chair jobs are split up into very manageable areas and we are here to help. It’s great to see the school transform and to be a part of the fun. The next Home Herald will have the theme announcement! Also, if you did not take the opportunity to make a donation to After Prom or turn in your volunteer form, it is never too late! You may send a donation with a check made out to Creek PTCO and mail to: Cherry Creek High School c/o Sherri Casas, 9300 E. Union Avenue, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 If you would like to help send an email to: creekafterprom@gmail.com. We are looking forward to another great event in 2012! BEAR NECESSITIES CHERRY CREEK HIGH SCHOOL’S STORE Has fun and festive t-shirts, hoodies and sweats for all your Spirit Week activities! Wear your PRIDE with Creek Spirit Wear!! We’re located at IC 713 (Next to the IC Cafeteria) Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Phone: 720.554.2029 CCHS Accountability Committee The Cherry Creek High School Accountability Committee meets on the third Tuesday evening of each month (except for December, when we meet the second Tuesday) from 5:00-6:30 p.m. in the West Main Office Conference Room. We review how Cherry Creek High School is meeting its accountability goals for excellence and equity, for college and post-secondary success, for a safe and caring environment, and for partnering with students, parents and community members in the education process. Accountability Committee Meeting dates for 2011-2012: Oct. 18, Nov. 15, Dec. 13, Jan. 17, Feb. 21, March 20, April 17, May 15 Please let us know if you are interested in regularly attending our meetings, and feel free to contact us with any questions. Shelly Smith and Javonni Willis Accountability Co-chairs Shelly: 303-898-0090 or sezzardsmith@gmail.com Javonni: 720-480-9300 or Javonni1@msn.com October 2011 Craig Wittgrove, Post Grad Counselor It has been a great start to the school year. It began quickly with College Readiness Day, Senior Parent Night, and college visits. Colleges began visiting in September and we have more colleges than ever coming to visit Creek in the month of October. Students also have an opportunity to get help on a variety of college topics through workshops held 5th period on select Wednesdays. (See schedule) It is a busy time of year in Post Grad, and you can see the excitement as students meet with colleges as they are considering where to apply. SENIORS – READ CAREFULLY! Fall semester goes by quickly, so we want to remind you of the following details: If you haven’t scheduled your senior conference at this point, please do so immediately through the Post Grad Center. Your counselor needs to meet with you no matter what your post graduate plans may be. We will be e-mailing post grad information every “College Wednesday” via Family Connection by Naviance. Please make sure we have your correct e-mail address! If you haven’t registered or if you have forgotten your password, please stop by Post Grad. Naviance is your college lifeline to college searches, college visits, teacher recommendations, your application status, our scholarship database, and additional college resources and links. th Teacher recommendation letters should be submitted and posted on Naviance by October 8 ! Click on the “Colleges” tab and then on the “colleges I am applying to” link under “my colleges”; if your teacher letters have been submitted to Post Grad, you will see your teachers’ names listed there. If no names are listed, you may want to gently remind your teachers to complete your letter. Remember to give the teachers plenty of advance notice and thank them for their help. BE AWARE OF DEADLINES! The Post Grad Center requires students to submit “transcript request forms” at least fifteen working days in advance of college and scholarship application deadlines. School breaks and holidays are not considered working days. If you are completing your college or scholarship applications online, you must request that we send your transcript, and/ or teacher and counselor recommendations according to the deadlines. Please check the website or stop by Post Grad to learn about the deadlines! Not sure what to write about or how to finish your college essay? Master teachers from the English department are available to help seniors in all aspects of the college essay in the Post Grad Center during 5th and 8th periods Monday through Thursday. If you plan to take or retake the ACT, SAT, or SAT Subject Tests this fall, you need to register ASAP and consider sending the scores directly to the colleges at the time of registration. To check dates and to register, please go to www.collegeboard.org for the SAT and Subject Tests and www.actstudent.org for the ACT. Note: the CEEB code for Cherry Creek is 060-515. Meet with the college representatives that visit Creek this month! We have over a 150 colleges visiting in October. This gives you an opportunity to ask specific questions about their institution. See the list of visiting colleges and sign up on Naviance at http://connection.naviance.com/ cherrycreek. Attend the Greater Denver College Fair on Saturday, October 15th at Douglas County High School – www.greaterdenvercollegefairs.org. Attend College Counseling Workshops on Wednesdays during 5th period in Shillinglaw - Bring your lunch: September 28th October 5th October 19th November 9th November 16th December 7th Highly Selective Scholarships Highly Selective Colleges Navigating the Common Application Applying to In-State Public Institutions Beyond the Application...Interviews, Visits, and More FAFSA/CCS Profile/Scholarships COLLEGE COUNSELING WORKSHOPS We highly encourage all juniors to start thinking about their post graduate plans and to participate in the following: Attend the Greater Denver College Fair & Workshops on October 15th (Douglas County High School) and/or other area college fairs to meet with college representatives and gather information. Take the PSAT on Saturday, October 15th, 2011. You can sign up outside of the Post Grad Center from September 26th – through October 7th during 4th, 5th, or 6th periods. Utilize the Post Grad Center and Naviance to begin researching colleges. SOPHOMORES AND FRESHMEN It is never too early to start thinking about life after high school. Freshmen, sophomores, and their parents are encouraged to attend college fairs and workshops. Sophomores in English 10H are encouraged to take the PSAT on October 15th with juniors, but are not eligible for National Merit consideration until their junior year. In-State College Night Monday, October 10th, 2011 Eaglecrest High School 6:00 – 7:30 PM Out-of-State College Nights Wednesday, October 12th, 2011 Monarch High School 6:30 – 8:30 PM Thursday, October 13th, 2011 John F. Kennedy High School 6:30 – 8:30 PM Greater Denver College Fair Saturday, October 15, 2011 Douglas County High School 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM This large, annual event takes place at Douglas County H.S. and is not to be missed! Over 250 colleges will be represented, and families can choose from 16 workshops on the college process. PSAT Saturday, October 15, 2011 Cherry Creek High School 8:00 – 11:00 AM The PSAT is recommended for juniors and advanced sophomores. Financial Aid and Scholarship Workshop Wednesday, November 30, 2011 Shillinglaw Lecture Center 6:30 PM CREEK TO COLLEGE: A College Planning Workshop for Sophomores, Juniors, & Parents Saturday, February 11, 2012 Cherry Creek High School 9:00 AM Watch for more information on this Saturday workshop featuring break-out sessions on a variety of topics related to the college planning process. WEBSITE OF THE MONTH http://www.collegeconfidential.com - a wealth of information about all aspects of the college process. Please come by and take advantage of the many things the Post Grad Center has to offer. Keep checking Naviance and the Post Grad website for new and exciting events to come! Tips from the Library Craig Wittgrove – Post Grad Counselor If you can remember struggling over inserting footnotes, and painstakingly typing up bibliographic citations, making sure of the correct capitalization and punctuation, then you and your student will appreciate the Library’s subscription to EasyBib as a bibliography citation maker for students. As the name suggests, users are finding that EasyBib is very easy to use. The platform is intuitive and encourages students to cite while they write and research, properly crediting sources and avoiding plagiarism. Some of the features that we would like to highlight are: • Functionality for MLA, APA & Chicago styles and switching between them • Assistance with parenthetical citations, end notes, direct quotes and paraphrasing techniques • Optional note-taking & Notebook function with the bibliography to simplify the complete research process • Optional outline feature to help students conceptualize ideas • Instructional website evaluation tool, citation guide and auto cite features AND • Can easily export to Word from Google Docs fully formatted Now, how can you or your students access the CCHS Library student account and take advantage of EasyBib? 1. Students can register for their own account by going to our library web page , “Research & Style Guides” link, or by going to EasyBib.com 2. Complete the registration fields (30 seconds) 3. If registering at school, the IP authentication automatically recognizes the user as a CCHS patron. From home the user MUST use the coupon code of “bear” to gain access to the CCHS Library edition EasyBib account That’s it! You may begin a new list. Bibliographies are saved automatically as long as the user remembers to login every time. Test Prep for SAT, ACTSSsss CREEK COUNSELING CONNECTION “Everything is connected…no one thing can change by itself.” Paul Hawken Senior Update According to the American School Counselor Association, “High school is the final transition into adulthood and the world of college and/or work.” Seniors have spent the last three years separating from parents, exploring and defining their independence, deciding who they are, what they do well and what they will do when they graduate. First semester of every student’s senior year, is the commutation of all these changes. During first semester seniors must decide what they will pursue after graduating from high school. We hope that for all of them, the decision is to continue their education. With our alpha counseling model each of our ten counselors has a caseload of seniors. The counselor is to work closely with seniors, individually and in groups, to assist with their post graduate plans, to offer support and resources as they navigate the college process, and work towards meeting graduation requirements. Below is the alpha breakdown of our ten counselors: CounselorAlphaCounselorAlpha Lisa WieseA-CaldCraig WittgroveLop-Nid Deana Tucker Cale-Ea Chris Win Nie-Rol Susan Swisher Eb-Had Julie Ahlgrim Rom-Stn Joi GreenHae-KeeKelly DunhamSto-V Shelly JohnsonKef-LooCarolyn WarkoskiW-Z Each family should have received a letter last month with information about high school graduation credit requirements (along with an unofficial transcript) and senior year expectations. Each senior is required to have an individual Senior Conference with their counselor and to apply and be accepted to at least one community or four-year college. Even if college is not in the student’s immediate future, we strongly feel that assisting each student with this process now is important and teaches the student skills they can use in the future. The Counseling Department has many resources for families to assist with the college and/or scholarship application processes. Please stop by and visit our incredible Post Graduate Center and remember to check Creek e-mail and Family Connection by Naviance for upcoming programs and important information. Kelly Dunham Counseling Department Coordinator COLLEGE READINESS PSAT - recommended for Juniors & advanced Sophomores Saturday, October 15, 2011 ~ Approximately 8:00 am-11:00 am ~ Cherry Creek High School Registration begins September 26th (periods 4, 5, & 6) across from Activities. Late registration fees will apply October 10th-October 14th. ACTIVITIES ATHLETICS From the Activities Director September is always a good gauge for the type of school year that we will have, and I must admit that I am very excited about the upcoming year. We had a strong showing at the Club Fair, with over 45 clubs participating in the event. No one let the rainy weather deter them from learning about ways to get involved: we simply moved the club fair inside to the I.C. Building (special thanks goes to the teachers who put up with the loud noise). If you missed this year’s Club Fair, it’s not too late to join a club. Feel free to stop by the Activities Office to learn information about clubs. As the month concludes most of the existing clubs have had at least one meeting, and those that are new are well on their way to becoming established, recognized groups. I am proud of the work that the students are doing in their clubs. As always DECA had a strong showing at the Fitness Festival. My high regards also extends to the performance groups, in particular to the choral department and band who already hosted their first concerts in September. I was especially appreciative of the Marching Band and the Meistersingers who recorded our school’s fight song and started a new tradition of playing the song on the public address system on Friday’s during the 3rd period announcements. As October rolls around, I am looking forward to Spirit Week, the Homecoming football game, the Homecoming Dance, and all that our Homecoming celebration entails. Enjoy! Marcus McDavid BROWN BAG WITH THE PRINCIPAL Join Principal Ryan Silva for a brown bag lunch, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in the West Main Office. It’s informal, informational, and a great way to find out what’s happening at Creek! Dates for the 2011-2012 school year October 19, 2011 November 16, 2011 December 14, 2011 January 18, 2012 February 15, 2012 March 21, 2012 April 18, 2012 May 16, 2012 Fall sports have gotten off to a great start! We registered nearly 1100 student-athletes during the month of August. I appreciate the hard work and dedication of the student-athletes and coaches! We have many events taking place every week and I encourage families and students to come and support Creek athletics! The Cherry Creek High School website (www.cchs.ccsd.k12. co.us) is a great tool to use to locate information about the school. If you click on the “Activities and Athletics” tab you can find information about all of the sports offered at Cherry Creek, along with other pertinent information such as the CCSD Interscholastic Handbook, sports participation guide, and NCAA Clearinghouse policies and standards. It is never too early to begin thinking about NCAA eligibility. Juniors and seniors who are interested in competing in college should see their counselor or visit the Post Grad center in the IC building to get more information about this process. The Bear Facts handbook each student receives at check-in also has information which is helpful to students and parents. Information about schedules for all levels, and directions to sporting events, can be located at the High School Sports website: http://www.highschoolsports.net/ This website gives fans the chance to receive game updates and other news via email so you can stay current with events. Several sports at Cherry Creek High School have a link to an independent website with great information about their particular sport. One of my goals this year is to improve the navigation of the athletic website, as well as, being more consistent in what is published for every sport offered at Cherry Creek. We have the potential and ability to further promote the incredible things student-athletes are doing at Creek using our website. As a premier high school in the state and nation, we need to continue identifying ways to share our message and story, in addition to, celebrating the accomplishments of our student-athletes. Thank you for supporting Creek athletics! Go Bruins! Darren Knox Director of Athletics Drivers’ Education will be offered during the school year. A schedule of classes and registration information are available online: www.cherrycreekschools.org/AthleticsActivities/DriversEd FCCLA Update: “It’s That Time of Year Again!” It’s that time of year again where students search for a club in which their personality shines through to the rest of the school. FCCLA (Family, Career, & Community Leaders of America) is one of the many options Creek has for students to develop individual growth and a sense of placement in their community. FCCLA strives to build leadership qualities in the workplace and home. Competitions, district, state, and national meetings, socials, and membership meetings twice a month, are all a part of FCCLA’s schedule. In order to participate in competitions, the student must take at least one Family and Consumer Sciences classes (Foods and Nutrition, Contemporary Relationships, Fashion/Interior Design, and/or Child Development). Last year, all state participants received a silver medal or higher. Three students, Lindsey Weber, Kara Bocher, and Mina Gaw, competed at the national conference in Anaheim, CA. FCCLA plans on reaching more membership, more medals, and more fun! For more information contact:Sasha Gartin at sgartin@cherrycreekschools.org Notice! It’s come to our attention that families are being contacted by companies that sell SAT & ACT test preparation classes and tutoring services. CCHS does not endorse any commerical business for this kind of service. We also DO NOT provide personal or contact information about students to anyone outside of the CCSD. Please be aware in some cases these businesses may be contacting you because your student marked “yes” on a college prep test when they were asked if they were interested in receiving ‘college related’ information. CCHS Marching Band “soaring” into competition season! The CCHS Marching Band started its competition season with a stellar performance in the Littleton Western Welcome Week parade on August 20th. The Bruin Band rocked the crowd with their version of Lady Gaga’s Poker Face, winning third place overall, and taking home the award for best drum majors. Congratulations to drum majors Sam Wallace, Alex Berger and Mackenzie Cohen! At the Creek-Mullen football game on Sept. 23rd, The 112-member band debuted their 2011 competition show, Soaring. “They’re playing an original composition by John Meehan,” said Band Director, Tim Libby. “It’s a concept piece, which means there’s no specific story line, it’s just based on the idea of flying.” The next day, the band competed in the Arapahoe Invitational Marching Band Festival, held at the Littleton Public Schools stadium. The CCHS Marching Band came in 1st place out of 17 competing bands! The Bruin Band was also awarded the Martin Walworth Memorial Award for High Music and received the award for High General and Visual Effects. The band’s next performance is at the Creek-Grandview football game on September 30th, when the band will host eighth grade musicians from Campus and West middle schools. Creek Choir On Saturday, September 10th, the Meistersingers sang for more than 2,500 community members at the First American State Bank Fitness Festival, the 5K Run/Walk that raises money for the Community Asset Project, a partner with the CCSD Prevention Office. The first school-wide Choral concerts of the year will be on Tuesday, October 4th in the Fine Arts Theatre. Statesmen, Union Street Jazz, A Cappella, and Girls’ 21 will open the evening starting at 6:30 pm. Then, at 8p.m., Meistersingers, Choralaires, and Troubadours will perform. These concerts are free to the public, and seating is first-come, first-served. Homecoming Events: The Union Street Jazz Choir will hold its annual Jazz on the Green concert on October 13th beginning at 4:30 p.m., as part of the Homecoming Week activities. The Meistersingers will perform the National Anthem before the Homecoming Game Saturday at 2:00 p.m. Oct. 15, 2011 Mark your calendars now for the Masterworks Concert, Wednesday, November 2nd at 7pm at the Augustana Lutheran Church. The entire Creek Music department is collaborating with the University of Southern California on a concert which will be performed by the Symphonic Orchestra and select Wind Ensemble members, and sung by Meistersingers, Girls’ 21, and A Cappella. Tickets will go on sale for this unique event approximately two weeks before the concert. LIGHTS UP ON CREEK THEATRE! The Cherry Creek Theatre Fall season is in full swing. Production on this year’s fall play, William Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing is underway. The play, directed by Mr. Jim Abrahamsson of the CCHS English Department, will be performed on the mainstage in the Fine Arts Theater, Wednesday, November 16th through Saturday, November 19th. Before that, however, the Advanced Acting/Directing class will provide another exciting, engaging and entertaining slate of theatre productions. In the Lab Theatre, four student-directed one-act plays will be performed on the nights of October 18th, 19th and 20th. A Good Life, both written and directed by Skyler Choice, and The Philadelphia/ Words, Words, Words, directed by Mike Hardey, will be performed on Tuesday, October 18th. Sorry, Wrong Number, directed by Tara Mather, and Am I Blue, directed by Carly Nazaryk, will be staged on Thursday, October 20th. All four one-acts will be presented together on Wednesday, October 19th. Watch for further details. Alice in Wonderland will be performed on the mainstage November, 10th-12th, including a Saturday matinee. Directed by students Brandon Karsh and Brian Reiff, Alice in Wonderland is being produced by Mrs. Pam Matthews. Tickets for mainstage productions will be available both online and at the ticket booth starting in early November. Please watch for further information on ticket sales and productions. Once again, this December, Cherry Creek Thespians will attend the Colorado State Thespian Conference held in downtown Denver. The Thespian Conference is a wonderful opportunity for students involved in theatre to meet with, learn from, and perform, for both theatre professionals and theatre students and educators throughout Colorado. Any student interested in participating in the conference, or any parent interested in chaperoning the event, should contact Mr. Mark Devine in the theatre department by October 20th. National History Day Competition 2012 During the 2011-2012 school year National History Day invites students to research topics related to the theme"Revolutions, Reactions, Reforms in History." The theme is broad enough for students to select a local, state, national or world history topic. The categories in the competition include Research Paper, Media, Performance, Exhibit. Anyone interested in the rules and expectations for the competition please see Ms. Wyndham in the Social Studies Department, office 107A in the East Building. The CCHS competition will be February 8th. The Regional History Day Competition will be in April and the State History Day Competition will be May 5th. Whether a topic is a well-known event in world history or focuses on a little known individual from a small community, students should be careful to place their topics into historical perspective, examine the significance of topics in history, and show development over time. Tuesday, October 4, 2011 9:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Using the Collaborative Problem Solving Approach: Think Differently About Your Children The Collaborative Problem Solving Model is a proactive approach that looks at children’s behavior differently from conventional wisdom. CPS is based on the philosophy that children do well if they can, instead of “children do well if they want to”. Understanding children from this perspective shifts our focus away from blaming the child for their behaviors, to understanding what a child’s behavior is telling us about the skills they may be lacking. We can then work with the child to teach them the skills they need to learn in order for them to be more successful and meet our expectations. Dr. Lisa Wolff, CCSD psychologist and instructor for Parent Academy classes, will share the CPS model as an approach for solving problems and building relationships with kids of all ages. The Collaborative Problem Solving approach is currently being used in the Cherry Creek School District with kids at all grade levels, and with a wide array of behavioral needs. At the Student Achievement Resource Center (SARC) SARC is located on Briarwood Avenue, south of Arapahoe between Potomac and Jordan Roads. (Address: 14188 Briarwood Avenue Centennial, 80112). For further information go to: www.PINccsd.org FIRST ANNUAL ARTISAN FAIR NOVEMBER 1, 2011 Artisan Fair November 1 Immediate following the PIN Presentation 11:30 to 2:30 at SARC Visit PINccsd.org or email info@PINccsd.org Crafts Jewelry Artwork Please join us for this new event. PIN wishes to showcase some of our talented community members. This will be a great opportunity to do some early holiday and gift shopping, and to support our Sherry Sargent Scholarship!!! All are welcome to browse, be here early for the best selections. How to get involved We expect to have a wide variety of artisans. If you are interested in participating, please contact PIN Board member Debbie Aragon at DebNDLmom@aol.com. There will be a fee of $25 to participate. This will go to the Sherry Sargent Scholarship Fund. The scholarship is presented to a CCSD college bound senior at our annual May brunch. Additional donations from the artisans will also go to the scholarship fund and would be greatly appreciated. Plan to stay after the PIN Presentation: Teaching the Value of Character and Leadership Phil Miller, PhD, is a retired Air Force Colonel Special Education Advisory Committee SEAC is a parent group whose purpose is to strengthen partnerships between parents, the school district and community agencies. What does SEAC do? • Connects parents with other parents for support and information. • Connects parents with community agencies. • Helps parents create partnerships with schools. • Holds monthly meetings with speakers on topics of interest to parents of special needs students. • Offers a yearly Special Education 101 Class. • Honors 15 people each year with a Golden Heart Award for going “above and beyond” for our special needs kids. 2011-12 SEAC Meetings October 20, 2011 – 9:30 a.m. November 17 – 6:00 p.m. January 19, 2012 – 9:30 a.m. February 16, 2012 – 9:30 a.m. March 15, 2012 – 6:00 p.m. April 19, 2012 – 9:30 a.m. At the Educational Services Center, 4700 South Yosemite Street, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 For more information please call Debbie at 720-554-4490 or email dvanscoyk@cherrycreekschools.org Cherry Creek School District Special Education Department and Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) present: Special Ed 101 (A Free 5-week Class for Parents) • • • • • Learn more about Special Education in Cherry Creek Schools Have important questions answered by experts Get an overview of current issues in Special Ed Hear from other parents of special needs students Learn how to develop positive partnerships in your child’s school Dates: September 21, 29, Oct. 5, 12, & 19, 2011 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Location: Eloise May Library, 1471 S. Parker Road, Denver 80231 Registration is on a first come, first served basis. Spaces are limited. Please contact Debbie at 720-554-4490, dvanscoyk@cherrycreekschools.org COLORADO TEACHER OF THE YEAR AWARD School Year 2011-2012 Nomination Form This award recognizes members of the Cherry Creek High School Faculty for their excellence in the classroom. Nominations can be made by students, parents, administrators and fellow teachers. Nominees must have taught in the District for at least five (5) years. Previous winners may not be nomitated again; See list below*. To nominate an outstanding teacher, complete the form at the bottom of this page and submit it to: CCHS, PTCO Mailbox, 9300 E. Union Avenue, Englewood, CO 80111, Take it directly to the West Main Office, Room 200 Email it to Delrine Cooper (dcooper003@comcast.net) or Sade Ariyo (Dubambs@yahoo.com) Deadline for nominations is Friday, November 4, 2011. Questions??? Please contact Delrine Cooper (303-284-1926 or dcooper003@comcast.net) or Sade Ariyo (303-740-2111 or Dubambs@yahoo.com) I nominate ________________________________for the 2011-2012 Colorado Teacher of the Year Award because ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ S/he: ___Inspires a commitment to excellence ___Shows leadership in a positive manner ___Provides for individual differences in students ___Develops students’ citizenship ___Participates in school & community activities ___Uses methods conducive to learning ___Applies motivational techniques to teaching ___Inspires critical thinking ___Develops personal & social traits within students ___Other (please describe) I can provide specific examples of the abilities noted above in a follow-up letter, if requested. Your Name: _______________________________Phone:____________________ Circle one: Student Parent Administrator Fellow Teacher *Previous winners many not be nominated again: Jamie Alpert, Dave Benson, Heather Creech, Paul Cronin , Brian Daly, TJ Donahue, William Erickson, Tom Fair, Mark Goldsberry, Phil Goodin, Kate Gunneson Steve Kascht, Nancy Major, Kathy McInerney, Mike Nutter, Carol Palmer, Janet Sammons, Jim Saracino, David Stallings, Paul Trollinger, Karen Waples. CHERRY CREEK COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE NETWORK “Breakfast With Our Legislators” Date: Time: Place: November 9, 2011 7:30 AM SARC (Student Achievement Resource Center) 14188 E. Briarwood Ave., Centennial 80112 Directions: South from Arapahoe Rd onto Jordan Rd, then west onto Briarwood Cost: $7.00 Members of the Cherry Creek Community Legislative Network cordially invite you to join us for breakfast with members of the Colorado General Assembly representing the schools in the Cherry Creek School District. This is a wonderful opportunity to become better acquainted with members of our delegation in an informal setting as we work together for a successful 2011-2012 session benefiting Colorado students. Mail reservation form with payment by Wednesday, November 2, 2011. " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Breakfast with our Legislators Reservation Form (Please print) Name: ____________________________________ Phone: ______________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Please reserve _______ breakfast(s) at $7.00 each. Amount enclosed: $_____________ Please make checks payable to CCCLN (Cherry Creek Community Legislative Network) and mail before November 2 to: Rita Gomez 7978 S. Clayton Circle Centennial, CO 80122 For more information, please call Mariellen Guerra at 303-549-5627 (CCCLN follows Cherry Creek Schools snow policy. If schools close, the event will be cancelled.) CHERRY CREEK COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE NETWORK and LONG-RANGE FACILITY PLANNING COMMITTEE BUS TOUR 2011 What’s new at Cherry Creek School District? Wednesday, October 12, 2011 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Bus departs from the Educational Services Center Building (ESC) 4700 S. Yosemite St. Greenwood Village, CO 80111 This event includes a tour of three new schools, including the Institute of Science and Technology. All residents within the Cherry Creek Schools community are encouraged to attend. There is no charge. There will be light refreshments. ---------------------------------------------------------~ Reservations requested ~ Space is limited. Please RSVP to Adrienne Welsh at jasmwelsh@msn.com to reserve your spot on the bus. Please include your name, number of attendees, and which school you are representing. Thank you! Call for Nominations for Legacy Stadium Educational Leadership Wall of Fame Award The Cherry Creek School District is seeking nominations of exemplary individuals and groups who have left a lasting legacy in their dedication and commitment to excellence in the district for induction into the Legacy Stadium Educational Leadership Wall of Fame. Past Legacy Wall of Fame inductees are former Superintendents Richard Koeppe, Robert Tschirki and Monte Moses, as well as, educator George Mansfield and community volunteer Robin Thorsen. Efforts of nominees must have revolved around the district’s mission “To inspire every student to think, to learn, to achieve, to care.” Specifically, nominees must be individuals or groups who demonstrate some or all of the following: • Capture the “spirit of excellence” that permeates the district • • • • • • • Demonstrate effective and inspirational leadership Demonstrate and encourage creativity, innovation and best practices Foster cooperation between the district and the community Maintain a continuing dialogue with students and parents as well as faculty and staff Keep abreast of developments in the field of education Encourage team spirit and unity Exemplify commitment to the vision and mission of the district Nominations must be submitted by October 15, 2011 and include: • No more than five significant and substantive letters of support by individuals, including the person making the nomination • A career summary • A description of contributions in one or more of the nomination criteria described above For a nomination form and more information about the Legacy Stadium Educational Leadership Wall of Fame award, visit : http://www.cherrycreekschools.org/News/Pages/LegacyNominations.aspx. Cherry Creek High School / 2011/2012 Abrahamsson, James (Eng/East) ...... 4-2346 Abrahamsson, Yael . (Eng/IC) ......... 4-2230 Adolphi, Elizabeth .... (Bus/West) ....... 4-2315 Aglietti, Doug ........... (Admin/FA)....... 4-2308 Ahlgrim, Julie ........... (Couns/IC) ....... 4-2260 Anderson, Paul (2)... (Math/West) ..... 4-2548 Anderson, Sheletha (9) (Sec/East) ... 4-2287 Armijo, Cat (5) ........ (Dean/IC) ......... 4-2203 Armstrong, Yvonne .. (SpEd/East) ..... 4-2164 August, Jack ............ (Sci/West) ........ 4-2316 Babb, Tandy ............ (SpEd/East) ..... 4-2131 Bailey, Carl (4) ......... (Sci/West) ........ 4-2513 Baranek, Dawn ........ (Sci/West) ........ 4-2539 Barber, Michelle....... (Math/West) ..... 4-2422 Barber, Sandy.......... (Math/West) ..... 4-2210 Barickman, Brittney (2)(Sci/Math) ...... 4-2466 Barikmo, Kristoffer ... (SS/East) ......... 4-2550 Barrett, J. Michael (2)(Sci/West) ........ 4-2373 Bau, Mallory............. (Sci/West) ........ 4-2405 Baxley, Erin ............. (FA/FA) ............ 4-2094 Benham, Marti ......... (Eng/FA) .......... 4-2216 Benson, Dave .......... (SS/East) ......... 4-2258 Benson, Marty (5) .... (Reg/IC) ........... 4-2175 Berndt, Michael........ (Math/West) ..... 4-2423 Best, Jodi (5) ........... (SS/IC) ............. 4-2173 Bien, Ludmila ........... (ELA/East) ....... 4-2511 Blackmon, Chris ...... (Sci/West) ........ 4-2237 Blitz, Kathryn (2) ...... (ForLang/FL) .... 4-2380 Block, Brenda (2) ..... (Admin/West) ... 4-2281 Bogehold, Marie ...... (ForLang/FL) .... 4-2296 Bolton, Vince ........... (Sci/West) ........ 4-2540 Bowditch, Susan ...... (ForLang/FL) .... 4-2349 Boyd, Jennifer (12) .. (Sci/West) ........ 4-2169 Bragg, Gary ............. (Dean/FA) ........ 4-2328 Brand, Billie ............. (Act/IC)............. 4-2393 Branton, Constance . (FA/FA) ............ 4-2307 Bresciani, Caryn ...... (SpEd/East) ..... 4-2246 Brookes, Julie (2)..... (ForLang/FL) .... 4-2481 Brookhart, Michael... (Dean/IC) ......... 4-2203 Budden, John (2) ..... (SpEd/East) ..... 4-2164 Buddington, Matthew (SS/East) ......... 4-2524 Burns, Kevin (3) ....... (Sci/West) ........ 4-2472 Byers, Julia (4)......... (ForLang/FL) .... 4-2449 Campbell, Anne (10) (Lib/IC) ............. 4-2497 Campbell, Sarah (2) (ForLang/FL) .... 4-2165 Carothers, Katherine (Admin/FA)....... 4-2308 Carroll, Michael (7) .. (PE/West) ........ 4-2469 Casey, Brian (3)....... (ForLang/FL) .... 4-2229 Cave, Adam ............. (FA/FA) ............ 4-2358 Chapman, Mary Beth (2) (Eng/East) . 4-2525 Charles, Sarah-Jane (5) (SpEd/East) 4-2131 Cline, Kathleen (2) ... (Nurse/East)..... 4-2206 Clyman, Mary .......... (SpEd/East) ..... 4-2131 Covington, Mary ...... (Dean/East)...... 4-2208 Cozzette, Richard .... (SpEd/East) ..... 4-2131 Creech, Heather ...... (SpEd/East) ..... 4-2231 Critchett, Greg ......... (PhyEd/West)... 4-2534 Cronin, Paul ............. (ForLang/FL) .... 4-2409 Curi, Marcelo ........... (ForLang/FL) .... 4-2482 Daly, Brian ............... (Sci/West) ........ 4-2434 Dawkins, Scott (5) ... (Sci/West) ........ 4-2436 DeBello, Pat (2) ....... (PhyEd/West)... 4-2451 DeCesare, Virginia .. (SS/East) ......... 4-2320 Dertinger, Kent ........ (Math/West) ..... 4-2439 Dertinger, Kim (2) .... (Math/West) ..... 4-2545 Devine, Mark (2) ...... (FA/FA) ............ 4-2306 DeWeese, Anne ...... (SpEd/East) ..... 4-2366 Diner, Marla (2)........ (Sci/West) ........ 4-2372 Dougherty, Traci ...... (Admin/East) .... 4-2222 Draper, Dan (2)........ (SpEd/East)...... 4-2179 Dufford, (J) Taylor .... (Sci/West) ........ 4-2420 Dunham, Kelly ......... (Coun/IC) ......... 4-2250 Duniphan, Jennifer... (Dean/FA) ........ 4-2328 Dupont, Renee ........ (Eng/East) ........ 4-2438 Dusto, Ethan ............ (Sci/West) ........ 4-2371 Dwyer, (L) Cayel ...... (Math/West) ..... 4-2300 Eads, Nancy ............ (SpEd/East)...... 4-2213 Erickson, (W) Bill (2) (FA/FA) ............ 4-2324 Esserman, Scott ...... (Eng/FA) .......... 4-2311 Fair, Tom ................. (Eng/IC) ........... 4-2190 Farrier, Brad (2) ....... (Admin/West) ... 4-2255 Fasano, E’Ling ......... (Ath/West) ........ 4-2462 Feld, Sam ................ (Eng/East) ........ 4-2163 Figueroa, LaTisha .... (IC/IC Café) ...... 4-2326 Fisher, Andrea (14) .. (Dean/West) ..... 4-2378 Forsythe, Kristy ........ (SpEd/East)...... 4-2370 Foster, Jason ........... (Eng/East) ........ 4-2437 Fox, Willie ................ (Sec/East) ........ 4-2288 Franklin, Kathy ......... (PostGrad/IC) ... 4-2340 Gallegos, Jeffrey (11)(Math/West) ..... 4-2543 Gamelin, David ........ (FA/FA) ............ 4-2172 Garcia, Christine (7). (Sci/West) ........ 4-2182 Gartin, Sasha ........... (Bus/West) ....... 4-2475 Geissler, Lisa ........... (MHealth/IC)..... 4-2260 Gilbert, Jeremy (9) ... (Sci/West) ........ 4-2502 Gilbert, Kim .............. (Eng/IC) ........... 4-2189 Gindele, Rick ........... (SS/IC) ............. 4-2282 Goeglein, Dara ........ (Math/West) ..... 4-2178 Goeglein, Mike (3) ... (PE/West) ........ 4-2458 Goff, Mary Ann (2) ... (Eng/East) ........ 4-2333 Goldsberry, Mark ..... (PhyEd/West) ... 4-2337 Goodin, Phil ............. (Sci/West) ........ 4-2096 Goodman, Michael (5)(Bus/West) ..... 4-2448 Graham, John (17)... (Sec/West) ....... 4-2271 Grant, Elizabeth (8).. (SpEd/East)...... 4-2131 Green, Joi (28)......... (Coun/IC) ......... 4-2260 Grobbel, Sarah ........ (Admin/IC) ........ 4-2343 Grogan, Steffanie (2) (FA/FA) ............ 4-2307 Gunneson, Kate ....... (Eng/East) ........ 4-2321 Gustafson, Matt (2) .. (Eng/IC) ........... 4-2529 Guy, Gina ................ (ForLang/FL) .... 4-2483 Halbisen, Kurt .......... (Sec/West) ....... 4-2287 Hamill, Tamara ........ (Math/West) ..... 4-2464 Hamilton, Andrew (13)(SS/East) ........ 4-2155 Handley, Rod ........... (Eng/East) ........ 4-2523 Harper,(M)Randy (3)(Reg/IC) ............ 4-2360 Harrison, Sarah (7) .. (FA/FA) ............ 4-2202 Hayes, Robin (5) ...... (Eng/IC) ........... 4-2532 Hicks, DeeDee ......... (SpEd/East)...... 4-2162 Hixon, Sherril (2) ...... (ForLang/FL) .... 4-2314 Hogue, (L) Joelle ..... (Math/West) ..... 4-2537 Hooten, (E) Anne ..... (Fac/IC) ............ 4-2390 Howard, Jaci (2) ...... (Tech/IC) ......... 4-2109 Huffield, Erin ............ (SpEd/East)..... 4-2131 Hughes, Debbie (7).. (Eng/East) ....... 4-2431 Hughes, Leann (7) ... (Math/West) .... 4-2217 Hughes, Loreen (6) .. (Eng/FA) ......... 4-2218 Hyde-Porter, Julie .... (Lib/IC) ............ 4-2353 Jacob, Chris............. (Eng/East) ....... 4-2331 Johnson, Cindy (36). (Coun/IC) ........ 4-2250 Johnson, (K) Shelly (2)(Coun/IC) ...... 4-2250 Jones, Jennifer (133) (ForLang/FL) ... 4-2505 Jones, Ted (5) ......... (ForLang/FL) ... 4-2536 Joswick, Sarah ........ (SRO/West)..... 4-2926 Kaplan, Elizabeth ..... (FA/FA) ........... 4-2476 Kascht, Steve .......... (Eng/East) ....... 4-2332 Kauffman, Mary (2) .. (Book/West) .... 4-2397 Keefe, Jeffrey .......... (Sci/West) ....... 4-2442 9/07/11 Kern, Stefan ............. (Sci/West) ....... 4-2477 Kidd, Margaret (2) .... (SpEd/East) ..... 4-2227 Kidd, Steven ............ (SS/IC) ............ 4-2158 Killoran, Christian ..... (SS/East)......... 4-2364 Kirkpatrick, Timothy (4)(SS/East)...... 4-2407 Klein, Robert (5)....... (Math/West) .... 4-2180 Knetsch, Rene (3) .... (FA/FA) ........... 4-2307 Knoeckel, David (2) . (SS/East)......... 4-2290 Knox, Darren (2) ...... (Ath/West) ....... 4-2462 Konrad, Jim.............. (Bus/West) ...... 4-2335 Kort, Kim ............... (Eng/IC)........... 4-2470 Kraft, Michael (2) ..... (SS/East)......... 4-2514 Kraft, Sandy (2)........ (Sec/East) ....... 4-2287 Kubiak, (R) Bob ....... (SS/East)......... 4-2317 Lane, Holly (2) ......... (PhyEd/West) .. 4-2452 Lantz, Denise (3) ..... (SS/East)......... 4-2427 Lewis, Johanna (3) .. (Math/West) .... 4-2426 Libby, Tim ................ (FA/FA) ........... 4-2344 Lin, Christine ............ (FA/FA) ........... 4-2307 Lofton, Laura............ (Ath/West) ....... 4-2461 Lohman, Steve......... (Sci/West) ....... 4-2467 Lownsberry, Kelly .... (Sci/West) ....... 4-2091 Lucero, Jolene ......... (PhyEd/West) .. 4-2457 Luhring, Michael ...... (PhyEd/West) .. 4-2325 Lupinetti, Mary ......... (Admin/West) .. 4-2255 Luther-Adrian, Donna (SpEd/East) ... 4-2219 Macklin, Blake.......... (ForLang/FL) ... 4-2352 Magerfleisch, Russell (ForLang/FL) . 4-2106 Major, Nancy............ (Math/West) .... 4-2184 Mansour, Janet ........ (Bus/West) ...... 4-2412 Martin, (M) Peggy (27)(PostGrad/IC) 4-2291 Matthews, Pam ........ (ELA/East)....... 4-2348 Mazenko, Michael .... (Eng/East) ....... 4-2185 McDavid, Delisa ....... (Math/West) .... 4-2112 McDavid, Marcus ..... (Act/IC) ............ 4-2393 McDonnell, Carolynn(5) (Nurse/W) ... 4-2220 McInerney, (S) Kathy (Eng/East) ..... 4-2487 McKittrick, Kathy (2) (SS/East) ........ 4-2367 McLean, Ryan.......... (Sci/West) ....... 4-2542 McMahon, Jane ....... (Admin/West) .. 4-2284 Meagher, Chris (2) ... (SS/East)......... 4-2294 Mernitz, Whitney ...... (Sci/West) ....... 4-2092 Michel, Tom ............. (SS/East)......... 4-2147 Mimmack, (R) Karl ... (Math/West) .... 4-2547 Mitchell, Kim (22) ..... (Nurse/East) .... 4-2206 Mitz, Linda ............... (SpEd/East) ..... 4-2110 Moore, Ann (32) ....... (CALL/West) ... 4-2201 Moos, Sally (2) ......... (PhyEd/West) .. 4-2310 Morgan, Mary ........... (Sci/West) ....... 4-2276 (Lib/IC) ........... 4-2387 Morris, Theresa........ (PE/West)........ 4-2319 Mosby, Susan .......... (ForLang/FL) ... 4-2183 Mountain, Carrie ...... (Nurse/West) ... 4-2220 Moyer, Kerry (3) ....... (SS/East)......... 4-2298 Nessan, Doug .......... (Sec/West) ...... 4-2287 Nguyen, Jocelyn (25)(Math/West) .... 4-2406 Norlin, Deb ............... (SpEd/East) ..... 4-2219 Nutter, Mike ............. (Math/West) .... 4-2374 Oakley, Clyde (2) ..... (Sci/West) ....... 4-2181 Oakley, Patti Jo........ (Lib/IC) ............ 4-2499 Ormsby, Kevin ......... (Math/West) .... 4-2323 Orzak, Sharon.......... (SpEd/East) ..... 4-2131 Oscepinski, Michael . (Lib/IC) ............ 4-2107 Padavic, Jim ............ (Math/West) .... 4-2177 Park, Yoon (6).......... (Eng/East) ....... 4-2342 Parsons, Jared......... (Eng/East) ....... 4-2519 Patrick, Nancy.......... (MHealth/East) 4-2479 Paynter, David ......... (Sci/West) ....... 4-2421 Pennington, Lynne ... (Math/West) .... 4-2304 Cherry Creek High School / 2011/2012 Perez, Dayna (11) ... (ELA/East) ...... 4-2111 Peterson, Kari (14) .. (Math/West) .... 4-2544 Philipps, Lesley........ (Eng/East) ....... 4-2489 Platt, RaeLyn ........... (Sci/West) ....... 4-2468 Polk, Reginald (4) .... (Cust/West) ..... 4-2419 Poole, Jennifer (2) ... (FA/FA) ........... 4-2359 Pope, Vernal ............ (Eng/East) ....... 4-2480 Price, David ............. (Math/West) .... 4-2428 Ramsey, Sarah (2) .. (Eng/East) ....... 4-2518 Ravishankar, Tara ... (Tech/IC) ......... 4-2501 Rhode, Sara ............ (Lib/IC) ............ 4-2277 Rice, Ellen ............... (Reg/IC) .......... 4-2362 Riegler, Kirsten ........ (Eng/IC) .......... 4-2334 Rittich, Ainsle ........... (SpEd/East) .... 4-2119 Root, Sarah (3) ........ (SpEd/East) .... 4-2119 Rosales, (R) Chelle . (Admin/East) ... 4-2222 Rowe, David ............ (Eng/East) ....... 4-2522 Rulon, Kelly (3) ........ (Math/West) .... 4-2538 Russell, Susan (6) ... (Eng/East) ....... 4-2517 Sammons, Janet...... (SS/East) ........ 4-2207 Satterstrom, Cristi .... (ForLang/FL) ... 4-2351 Schneider, Jim (2) ... (Eng/East) ....... 4-2521 Schultz, Cecile (2) ... (SpEd/East) .... 4-2115 Schwankl, Jane ...... (Café/West)..... 4-2295 Scott, Evelyn (6) ...... (Lib/IC) ............ 4-2100 Seylhouwer, Regina (3) (Att/East) .... 4-2242 Shadwell, Stephany . (Eng/East) ....... 4-2520 Shaw, Susan (2) ...... (Bus/West) ...... 4-2408 Sheeks, Daniel ........ (Bus/West) ...... 4-2369 Shuman-Smith, Kimberly(Math/West) 4-2546 Silva, Ryan (2) ......... (Admin/West) .. 4-2286 Singh, Ben (4).......... (SS/East) ........ 4-2376 Smith, Lori (58) ....... (SpEd/East) .... 4-2078 Smith, Stephen (42). (Sci/West) ....... 4-2274 Smith, Susanne (114)(ForLang/FL) 4-2484 Smith, Susie (13) ..... (Sec/West) ....... 4-2287 Sommer, Amy .......... (FL-Eng/IC) ...... 4-2490 Spritzer, Teresa ....... (Bookk/West) ... 4-2395 Stadterman, Mark .... (SRO/West) ..... 4-2926 Stallings, David ........ (FA/FA) ............ 4-2312 Staten, Troy ............. (Math/West) ..... 4-2152 Sternburg, Lauren.... (PowerS/IC) ..... 4-2365 Stout, Nancy ............ (MHealth/East) . 4-2445 Stribling, Jay ............ (PhyEd/West)... 4-2471 Stroud, Stephanie (2)(Coun/IC) ......... 4-2260 Swanson, Tim (6) .... (Eng./IC) .......... 4-2193 Swisher, Susan (2) .. (Coun/IC) ......... 4-2250 Taylor, Katie (53) ..... (FA/FA) ............ 4-2418 Temple, Vicki ........... (MHealth/East) . 4-2176 Thatcher, Jack ......... (Sci/West) ........ 4-2488 Thompson, Ashley (9) (Admin/West) . 4-2278 Tibbals, Kathryn....... (Lib/IC) ............. 4-2498 Tomcej, Igor............. (Math/West) ..... 4-2424 Trollinger, Paul ........ (Math/West) ..... 4-2211 Tsutsui-Tully, Cyd .... (PostGrad/IC)... 4-2338 Tucker, Deana (8).... (Coun/IC) ......... 4-2250 Uhlig, Kevin ............. (Dean/West)..... 4-2378 Utterback, Natasha .. (SpEd/East) ..... 4-2440 Valdez, David .......... (SS/IC) ............. 4-2157 Valenzuela, Rodney (SRO/West) ..... 4-2926 Van Meter, Donna ... (Reg/IC) ........... 4-2343 Vanecko, Jaime ....... (SpEd/East) ..... 4-2446 Vinzant, Leigh .......... (Sci/West) ........ 4-2170 Vliet, Linda ............... (Dean/West)..... 4-2416 Voss, Marissa (6)..... (Eng/East) ........ 4-2447 Walker, Alan ............ (SpEd/East) ..... 4-2226 Walker-Daubert, Wendy(SpEd/East) . 4-2214 Waples, Karen ......... (SS/East) ......... 4-2375 Warkoski, Carolyn ... (Coun/IC) ......... 4-2260 Washington, (D)Ray (Cust/West) ...... 4-2419 Weisberg, Josh (2)... (C101/West) ..... 4-2382 Wells, Wanda (2) ..... (Eng/East) ........ 4-2478 Werber, Lisa ............ (Eng/East) ........ 4-2161 Wiese, Lisa (3)......... (Coun/IC) ......... 4-2260 Wiley, Erin (4) .......... (SpEd/East)...... 4-2119 Wilkins, Jason (10) .. (Dean/East) ...... 4-2208 Williams, Mary Jo (10)(Lib/IC) ........... 4-2098 Win, Chris ................ (Coun/IC) ......... 4-2250 Wittgrove, Craig ....... (Coun/IC) ......... 4-2340 Woolsey, Fletcher .... (SS/East) ......... 4-2516 Wuebker, Shelley..... (SpEd/East)...... 4-2119 Wyndham, (K) Gussie(SS/East) ........ 4-2234 Wynes, Sara ............ (FA/FA) ............ 4-2504 Yamada, Robyn ....... (FA/FA) ............ 4-2307 Yamagishi, Beth ...... (Dean/West) ..... 4-2416 Yee, Wendy ............. (ForLang/FL) .... 4-2318 Zadigian, Mike ......... (SpEd/East)...... 4-2275 Zane, Laura ............. (ForLang/FL) .... 4-2187 Zepelin, Noah .......... (SS/East) ......... 4-2515 OTHER: Activities ................ (720-IC).......... 4-2393 Athletics ................ (89-West) ......... 4-2461 Attendance (102-East): Regina ................. ......................... 4-2242 Bear Necessities ... (713-IC)............ 4-2029 Bookkeeping ......... (200C-West)..... 4-2396 Business................ (212A-West) ..... 4-2412 Cafeteria ................. (IC) ................... 4-2326 Cafeteria ................. (West) .............. 4-2295 Counseling ............ (710-IC) 4-2250/4-2260 Custodians ............ (West) .............. 4-2419 DECA...................... (212A-West) ..... 4-2412 Dean Uhlig A-C (86B-W)........ 4-2378 Dean Bragg D-H (648-FA) ...... 4-2328 Dean Wilkins I-Mez (106-E) ........ 4-2208 Dean Yamagishi Mf-Sd (431-W)........ 4-2416 Dean Brookhart Se-Z (711-IC) ... 4-2203 Duplications .......... (701-IC)............ 4-2175 English................... (307-East) ........ 4-2333 Fine Arts ................ (650A-FA) ........ 4-2307 Foreign Language. (730-IC)............ 4-2296 Gifted & Talented .. ......................... 4-2230 HELP Desk ............ (801-IC)............ 4-2499 Library ................... (800-IC)............ 4-2398 Main Office ............. (102C-East)...... 4-2222 Main Office ............ (200-West) ....... 4-2285 Math ....................... (429-West) ....... 4-2372 Nurse ...................... (108-East) ........ 4-2206 Nurse ...................... (101-West) ....... 4-2220 PE ........................... (89-West) ......... 4-2471 Post Grad .............. (712-IC)............ 4-2340 Power School ........ (IC) ................... 4-2090 Registrar ................... (700-IC)............ 4-2343 SRO ........................... (West) .............. 4-2926 Science ..................... (429-West) ....... 4-2372 Security .................... (102-East) ........ 4-2287 Social Studies .......... (115-East) ........ 4-2333 Special Education .... (98-East) .......... 4-2219 Swimming Pool .......... (501-West) ....... 4-2450 Technology .............. (801-Library) .... 4-2499 Union Street Journal (703-IC) ............ 4-2174 Weight Room ............. (85-West) ......... 4-2168 Wrestling Room ......... (West) .............. 4-2325 Yearbook Office ......... (705-IC)............ 4-2334 9/07/11 FAX NUMBERS: Activities 4-2473 .. Athletics .........4-2463 Business 4-2495 .. Couns. ..............4-2435 DECA 4-2494 .. East ...................4-2293 FA 601A 4-2263 .. FA Dept. ............4-2385 Media 4-2389 .. W 425................4-2432 Registrar 4-2336 .. W Main 4-2239 .. SpEd ................4-2444 DIRECTIONS CALLING A TEACHER / STAFF MEMBER: 720-554 + 4-digit Extension SENDING EMAIL: First Initial + Last Name @cherrycreekschools.org In some cases, there are multiple users with the same First Initial/Last Name combination. In these cases, the name is followed by a number in parenthesis, such as (2). Input this number after the last name in the email address. For example, the email address for Williams, Mary Jo (10) would be: mwilliams10@cherrycreekschools.org In some cases, the first initial of the email address is different from the first name listed in the directory. In these cases, the first initial used in the email address is in parenthesis. For example the email address for Wyndham, (K) Gussie would be: kwyndham@cherrycreekschools.org New Attendance Procedures for 2011-2012 We have recently updated our attendance procedures for the new school year. Effective this year, parents can notify the Attendance Office at 720-554-2242 prior to or immediately after a student absence to have the absence excused. If a parent calls in the absence, it is not necessary to follow up with a note. Students can still bring in a note signed by a parent to excuse an absence, but they do not need to get teacher signatures on the note – they may simply drop it off in a dean’s office or the Attendance Office. The attendance clerk will continue to make phone calls home when students show unexcused absences. If you have any questions, you may call the Attendance Office or your student’s dean. These procedures are also outlined on page 18 of the student handbook, Bear Facts. ARE YOU MOVING? CREEK CAFÉ DEBIT CARD PROGRAM The Creek Café is located in the West Building of CCHS. The Cafe offers students the opportunity to use their student ID cards as pre-paid debit cards. Students can bring cash or a check to the Café to load money on their school ID. Any amount, not less than $25.00, can be loaded. Checks should be made payable to ‘CCHS’ AND in the ‘memo’ section write student’s name and school ID number, which is located on their picture ID card. NOTE: MONEY LOADED ON THE PRE-PAID ON-LINE SERVICE (PAY PAM) IS NOT REDEEMABLE IN THE CREEK CAFÉ. When making a purchase, students present their school ID to a cashier, the amount of purchase is debited from the amount loaded on their card. Students MUST present school ID for Creek Cafe purchases. They will receive a printed cash register receipt indicating how much money remains on the card. Students do not get a separate ID or PIN # for purchases. Any amount remaining at the end of the year will remain for subsequent years’ use. Calendar IF YOU MOVE WITHIN THE CHERRY CREEK HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDANCE BOUNDARY, provide proof of new address (lease, warranty deed or current Xcel bill) to District Admissions or the Registrar’s Office. IF YOU MOVE OUTSIDE THE CHERRY CREEK HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDANCE BOUNDARY, BUT STILL LIVE WITHIN THE CHERRY CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARY, provide proof of new address (lease, warranty deed or current Xcel bill) to District Admissions or the Registrar’s Office. You are also required to fill out an Intra-District Transfer Request Form. IF YOU MOVE OUT OF THE CHERRY CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT, you must complete a Non-Resident application. October November 1SAT 3 Academic Awards, FA Theater, 7:00 pm 4 PIN Mtg. & Speaker, SARC, 9:15-11:15 am Choir Concert, FA Theater, 7:00 pm 5 Post Grad College Workshop, Shillinglaw, 5th period 6 Orchestra Concert, FA Theater, 7:00 pm 9-10 DECA Invitational, Glenwood Springs 10-15 SPIRIT WEEK 11 Speech/Debate After School Congress, IC Bldg., 3:00 pm Movie on the Baseball field, 7:30-9:30 pm 12 Creek Cup Challenge, Stutler, 6:30-9:30 p.m. 13 BBQ, 4th, 5th & 6th periods Jazz on the Green, FA grass, 4:30 pm PTCO Mtg.-Post Grad Night, Library, 6:00 pm Movie on the Baseball Field, 7:30-9:30 pm 14 Pep Assembly, S. Gym, 2:08 pm 15PSAT Homecoming Parade/Carnival, 12:00 - 2:00 pm Homecoming Game, Stutler Bowl, 2:00 pm Homecoming Dance/ Activities, W. Bldg/Gyms, 7-11 pm 19 Post Grad College Workshop, Shillinglaw, 5th period Principal’s Brown Bag Lunch, West Main Office, 11:30 am Speech/Debate Night & Silent Auction, IC Bldg., 6:00 pm 20 SEAC Mtg., ESC Building, 9:30 am 21 End of 1st Quarter 21-22 Marching Band State Championships, CSU Stadium 24-28 FALL BREAK 1 PIN Mtg. & Speaker, SARC, 9:15-11:15 am 2 Masterworks Concert, FA Theater, 7:00 pm 5SAT CCSD Jazz Festival Concert, FA Theater, 7:00 pm Girl’s 21 Retreat, FA area, 12-5 pm 5-6 DECA, Conference in Vail 6 Daylight Savings Time ends 9 Legislative Breakfast, SARC, 7:30 am Post Grad College Workshop, Shillinglaw, 5th period 10 PTCO Meeting, FA Foyer, 9:00 am 10-12 Alice in Wonderland Play, FA Theater, 7:00 pm, Sat. matinee at 2:00 pm 11 Future Bruins Day at CCHS, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm 14-18 Red Ribbon Week; Speaker on Friday in FA Theater 16 Post Grad College Workshop, Shillinglaw, 5th period Principal’s Brown Bag Lunch, West Main Office, 11:30 am 16-19 Much Ado About Nothing Play, FA Theater, 7:00 pm 17-18 Balfour showing Grad announcements, W. Cafe, 4-6 pers. 17 SEAC Mtg., ESC Building, 6:00 pm 18 DECA District #2 Conference at Johnson & Wales Univ. 23 Non-contact Day for students 24-25 Thanksgiving Holiday 30 Poinsettia delivery, FA Theater, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, Post Grad Financial Aid Night, Shillinglaw, 6-8:30 pm SARC is the CCSD Student Achievement Resource Center located at 14188 E. Briarwood Ave., Centennial, 80112, south ofArapahoe Rd. between Jordan & Potomoc Roads.