Important Dates for Seniors
Important Dates for Seniors
Important Dates for Seniors May 2014 PTCO...........................................4-7 Summer Reading ......................9-11 Counseling...................................12 Post Grad..............................14-15 ACT Testing...........................16-17 Activities/Athletics.....................19 Calendar......................................28 The Home Herald is published on-line monthly during the school year (September-May) by Cherry Creek High School Communications/Activities Department 9300 E. Union Ave., Englewood, Colorado 80111. Publisher: Penny Malloy Editor: Tina Roark The deadline for newsletter submissions is the 15th of each month. May 12th Pick-up Yearbooks, periods 4-6 Pick-up Senior Check-out Sheets and Report Card Forms in Post Grad May 14th Seniors’ Last Full Day of classes May 15th Senior Check-out , 8-11 a.m. in the East Gym Last day to purchase Senior Celebra-tion Tickets. Last day to register guests for Prom/ After Prom. May 16th Last day to pre purchase Prom tickets Senior Celebration begins at noon in the NortH and South Gyms May 17th Prom, 9:00 pm -12 AM at Infinity Park Event Center in Glen-dale. All students must present current student ID and a ticket for admission to the dance. After Prom Party, CCHS, 12:00 to 4:30 a.m. in the West Building. Students must pres ent a current ID for admission. There is no charge for After Prom and all Juniors and Seniors are invited, but must be preregis tered for both events. May 20th Graduation Rehearsal, 2:30-5 p.m. in the South Gym and Stutler Bowl. Rehearsal is MANDATORY. Caps and gowns will be dis tributed after rehearsal. May 21st CCHS Graduation Ceremony, Stutler Bowl, 8 a.m. Seniors report to South Gym by 7a.m. with caps, gowns and honor cords (if appli Vcable). GOOD LUCK SENIORS!! From the Principal..........................2 FROM THE WEST OFFICE Dear Cherry Creek High School Community, It is with mixed emotions that I write my last Home Herald article for the 2013-2014 school year. The joy and excitement all of the quarter 4 activity brings makes this time of year extra special but it also leaves us all tired. And of course there is the pride we all have in seeing our seniors prepare to walk across the stage at Stutler Bowl to receive a diploma, but it is also sad to know they will soon leave campus and, in most cases, our homes. As of May 1st, the seniors have only 10 school days remaining. To the parents of the seniors, I say enjoy the special moments and keep tissue in hand to wipe away the tears of pride and joy. Plans and preparations for next year are already underway. We are in the process of interviewing for openings we have for next year. We have already hired outstanding educators who I am certain the students will love and learn from in the coming years. I am proud to welcome to the “Bruin Family” Rob Matuschek who currently teaches math at Creek. Rob will be a dean of students next year. Michael Degitis will be a new member of the Creek Math Department, after spending this year at Boulder High. Finally, Erica Padzik will teach Yearbook and Introduction to Business next year. Erica has taught in DPS and Douglas County. Unfortunately, we not only welcome new members to the “Bruin Family” during this time of the year, but also bid farewell to faculty members who are retiring. This year we say goodbye and thank you to Gary Bragg, Phil Goodin, Sherril Hixon, Jolene Lucero, Deb Norlin, Janet Sammons and Alan Walker. We also have two retirements from the classified support staff as Eling Fasano and Kurt Halbisen move on to new chapters in their life. All of these educators have made a positive impact on students and on Cherry Creek. They will be missed. In May we will host a number of concerts, banquets, awards nights, athletic events and more. I hope to see you at some of these events supporting the students as we close out the school year. One special celebration that will take place on May 2nd is the celebration of the Grammy Award we have won for Excellence in Music Education. Parents of the music students are welcome to join the celebration at the end of the day in the Kirby Lyle Gymnasium. This honor is certainly one of the greatest forms of of recognition we have received as a school and community. The students and teachers deserve to be celebrated and honored for this prestigious accomplishment. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents for their efforts to ensure that Cherry Creek High School is one of the top schools in the country. I am fortunate to work in a community where the parents care about their children and education and where the expectations are high. The children come to school well-prepared to learn and work. Thank you for your support. Here are my hopes for the students and parents during the summer vacation: 1. Enjoy time with your family and friends. 2. Read for pleasure. 3. Have fun. 4. Be safe. 5.Relax! Finally, I would like to leave you with excerpts of the letter I recently sent home to our seniors as they prepare to complete their high school experience. Although some of the message was crafted specifically for a senior, there were pieces that are well-suited for any student. Here is a section of the letter: As the end of the school year and the spring weather approaches, there traditionally tend to be more temptations to use illegal substances, specifically ALCOHOL. I ask you to make good decisions for yourself and support your friends in doing the same. Parents, please help in these efforts by asking questions of your children. You should know where they are going and who they will be with. And of course, you need to know if there will be alcohol at the event. There are too many people, including you and me, who care about the kids not to ask that they think twice about their decisions. The sunny Colorado days have arrived. I am not naïve to think that the beautiful weather does not make it difficult to attend class. Nevertheless, ATTENDANCE is vital to fully experience the educational opportunities available to you. Please keep in mind that the school and teachers maintain high standards and the expectation is that each day is utilized to teach valuable material. Although it is not common, we have had students learn from their college that their acceptance to the institution has been reversed due to a drop in grades and/or a lack of attendance. Please do not hesitate to contact me this summer if you have any concerns or questions. Due to construction, the tentative plan is for the administrative staff to be housed at Campus Middle School this summer. The exact details will be shared once they are set. Sincerely, Ryan T. Silva Principal PASS Partnership for Academically Successful Students Join us for our final meeting of the year on May 14, 2014 All meetings are held in the Community Rooms (by the library) 6:00 -7:30 pm Contact Doug Aglietti for further information. 720-554-2308 BEAR NECESSITIES SUMMER DRIVER’S ED PROGRAM Programs are available throughout the summer. Please visit the following website: End of year clearance! 25%-50% sale on selected items. We have summer reading books in stock, and great ideas for year-end gifts, especially for incoming Freshmen. Come check us out and support your school at the same time. Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Phone: 720-554-2029 Open all mornings during finals Brown Bag with the Principal! Join Principal Ryan Silva for the last Brown Bag monthly meeting of the year on May 14th, starting at 11:30 a.m. in the West Main Office conference room. It’s informal, informational, and a great way to find out what’s happening at Creek! PTCO (Parent/Teacher/Community Organization) The year has truly FLOWN BY!!! It has been such an honor serving as PTCO Co-Presidents this year! This experience has allowed us to participate in a variety of Creek activities and has strengthened our appreciation of what our kids and school staff experience every day. Our job was made much easier thanks to the amazing support of many parents who volunteer their time and made the year run so smoothly. Special thanks and appreciation to the following: •Sue Bouck and Debbie Keesling, past co-presidents, who provided invaluable advice throughout the year and worked to fill our PTCO slate. These two ladies give so much to Creek and it is greatly appreciated! •Our knowledgeable Catherine Cooper who served as Treasurer and does an amazing job with all of our financials. Our Recording Secretary, Susan Stahl, who ensured that minutes were taken and distributed for all Executive and General Meetings. All of you ladies were invaluable to us! •Maria Dameron and Tara Miller, our After Prom Chairs, who work all year to create, assemble and produce an evening that will be a night to remember for years to come! This is a time consuming volunteer job at CCHS and we are so grateful to them. Thanks also to the rest of the talented, creative leadership team and every single volunteer who helps with After Prom. The main goal for CCHS PTCO has always been to coordinate After Prom for our students and it truly takes an entire VILLAGE of volunteers to pull it off! Thanks to EVERYONE for helping to keep our kids safe and for planning a fun night! •Each and every General Board member who spent countless hours affecting positive change for Creek and the committees they represented. Over 50 volunteer positions comprise our General Board and we truly thank you! •Special thanks to Cindy Wells for her efficient job of rallying volunteers to help with special projects every time we needed them. •Thanks to Mr. Silva who supports our initiatives and who genuinely cares about everyone at Creek! He is an amazing leader, and as a school community we are so thankful and lucky to have him as our Principal. Thank you also to Tracey Powell, Mr. Silva’s Executive Assistant, for keeping us informed and on task. We appreciate you both so much for all of your support for PTCO. •Finally, to Stephanie Kallet and Anita Corwin, next year’s Co-Presidents, who have incredible track records as amazing volunteers and will do a terrific job next year. We look forward to working alongside you and helping you bring your vision to CCHS. With gratitude, Bonnie Arnold and Katie Wilkins CCHS PTCO Co-Presidents; A BIG THANKS TO ALL OF OUR WONDERFUL VOLUNTEERS No matter how large or small the volunteer job is at Cherry Creek, we appreciate EVERYONE who devotes their time and energy into making our school the best it can be! A special thanks to those who helped assemble TCAP snacks, helped with Student Senate elections, served as proctor support for the AP exams, supported the Senior breakfast, volunteered their time with self scheduling and handing out check in sheets, plus those who volunteered for Speech and Debate, DECA, Robotics or any of our wonderful clubs! Thank you to all the volunteers who helped in any way this year. Your time is greatly appreciated!!! FINAL PTCO Meeting of the year… Celebrate our seniors! Do you have a graduating senior? If so, we want to celebrate YOU and your journey to this milestone! Please join us for our May 8th PTCO meeting and rose ceremony so we can formally thank you for being a parent volunteer at CCHS. The meeting will be held from 9 am to 10:30 am in the Fine Arts lobby. If you have a graduating senior and are able to join us please email or RSVP through the sign up genius link by May 5th. April 10, 2014 The meeting was called to order at 9:10 am by co-presidents Katie Wilkins and Bonnie Arnold. The March minutes were approved. Meeting participants took a tour of the AP Art Studio. Creek’s Wind Ensemble treated meeting attendees to a performance. 2013 -2014 PTCO Grant Awards – Katie Wilkins gave an update on the grant money that has been awarded to CCHS teachers. She mentioned that CCHS is fortunate to have had nearly $24, 000 in grant money to disburse to teachers. Katie introduced Michael Shabowski from Library/Tech department and Jeff Boyce from Science. Both teachers thanked the PTCO for their contributions. Katie reviewed the remainder of the 2013-2014 PTCO Grant Awards. Krista Keogh mentioned that Theatre Arts needs old books for the set of an upcoming play. If you have any books you can part with, please leave them on the table outside the Fine Arts auditorium. Tara Miller, Co-chair for After Prom discussed the progress for the upcoming After-Prom. The theme has been set and vendors are scheduled. Volunteers will be needed to help set up, clean up, and assist during the overnight event. The After Prom committee will also be collecting prize items to give out during the event. Katie introduced Annette Sorenson who started a business specializing in compassionate health coaching for teen girls. For more information, contact her at Grace’s 5K Race will be held at CCHS this April 27th at 9 am. Please spread the word, Sue Bouck reviewed the slate for next year, and there are still positions open. Mr. Ryan Silva – Principal’s report The master schedule of classes will be out next week. 1,120 students will be taking 2,432 AP exams in May. There will be a new course offering for Jr. and Sr. level students; the class will be run through the EPIC program and is called Medical Careers, with a teacher coordinator and doctors who come to the class. It will be before school, M-Th, 6:00-7:00 am. The Grammy celebration will be May 2nd. All music students are invited to attend. There are currently 12 teaching positions to fill. Rob Matuschek has been hired as Dean. There are 2 new support staff hires; 1 in Post Grad, and there will be open positions for an Athletics secretary, registrar’s specialist, attendance asst., and 3 new security guards. Asbestos containment occurred over spring break. Carpet and seating has been selected for the FA Theater. Senior students have only 23 days left until they check out. Parents have been sent home a letter about expectations of seniors during the remaining days of school. Mr. Silva wants to avoid potential problem behavior, which could prevent students from participating in graduation. He is also concerned that seniors may participate in a “senior prank” that could damage property or result in injury to students. PTCO 2013-2014 Grant Awards We are delighted to announce the following grants to our dedicated CCHS staff. These grants are made possible by your generous support through Friends of CCHS PTCO during August registration and throughout the year. In addition to the grants listed below, your PTCO dollars fund After Prom and several staff appreciation events throughout the year. Thank you so much for your financial support! Students Department Requested Amount Granted Impacted Student Activities TV monitor for East building $2,000 All Activities Student Senate support $100 All Theatre Digital sound board $4,400 All Fine Arts Ceramics pugmill $2,500 150 Science Micro-house supplies $3,000 220 AVID 5 computer stations $2,849 120 Library/Tech 8 computers for research $4,500 All Fine Arts 4 keyboard pianos $3,300 50 Foreign Language keyboards, monitors, hardware $1,130 2000 Enjoy being in the know and recieving the Week at Creek every week? With every new school year, you need to ‘opt in’ to continue receiving communications from CCHS during the registration process. When you begin filling out the on-line check-in forms for next year, please follow the simple directions below to assure you have signed up to receive CCHS and PTCO communications! Log in to, click on Parent Forms, and select YES to the “Opt In” option. This will authorize both your school and your PTO to use your email contact information to share important communications with you. Creek Goes to Planet Hollywood The Premiere After Party – The 2014 After Prom Sneak Preview, M ay 1 7 th @ 7 -1 0 pm Join us for a sneak peek at the Creek After Prom. This free event is open to community as a way to say “ thanks” for your continued support of Cherry Creek H igh School and our students. Visitors will be able to: Tour the party area Preview the Senior Posters Learn about the night’s festivities Enjoy snacks and beverages Find out about our fantastic community sponsors Cherry Creek High School goes to the Premiere After-Party Event After Prom - Saturday May 17th from midnight to 4:15 am How you can be involved: Remind your Senior to submit their Sr. Poster data/photos Attend the Sneak Preview Help set up, Friday, May 16th in the afternoon Help set up, Saturday, May 17th in the morning Help run an event activity Help tear down, Sunday, May 18th in the morning Donate a prize Donate a food or beverage item Donate cash by mailing a check to the school marked “PTCO-After Prom” or use the PayPal link below: For more information, please contact the chair’s below: Maria Dameron Event Co-Chair 303-565-6412 Barb Russell Prize Chair 303-887-5080 Tara Miller Event Co-Chair 720-201-6024 Anita Turner-Corwin Volunteer Chair 214-762-7177 Connie Summers Senior Posters Cindy Couch Food Chair 303-916-9590 Below are the summer reading requirements for students enrolled in these classes for the fall of 2014. Students must read the books listed for any class in which they are enrolled for the fall. Teachers will hold students accountable for having read these books on the first day of class. Whatever class the student is enrolled in before schedule changes in the fall determines which book the student is required to read for the first day of class. We have contacted the CCHS Library/Media Center and Koelbel and Castlewood libraries to let them know there will be students asking to check out these books this summer. We have also contacted our school bookstore and both the Barnes and Nobles and Tattered Cover book stores in our attendance area so that these stores can stock enough books for students who want to buy them. The Cherry Creek High School English Department’s 2014 Summer Reading Requirement List -Students enrolled in these classes must read the book listed below before the first day of class in August CP English 9: English 9 Honors: Humanities 9: CP English 10: English 10 Honors: CP English 11: AP Language: AP Literature: The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver A Separate Peace by John Knowles Last Days of Summer by Steve Kluger The Color of Water by James McBride Cannery Row by John Steinbeck - there is also a study guide which can be found on the CCHS website under English Dept. Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer Tortilla Curtain by T.C. Boyle. The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri and “The Overcoat” by Nikolai Gogol. (Gogol’s story is available as a download off the internet.) African American Literature: The Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. DuBois Award Winners: An Unfinished Life by Mark Spragg Creative Writing: Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life by Anne Lamott CE Intro to College Composition: The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell CE Intro to College Literature Life of Pi by Yann Martel Journalism: The Art of the Interview by Martin Perlich Multi Cultural Literature No book, meets only second semester Reading/Writing for Success: The Other Side of the Sky by Farah Ahmedi Science Fiction: Who Goes There by John Campbell, available at Senior Seminar: Life of Pi by Yann Martel Shakespeare: The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey Writing Clinic: No book, meets only second semester Writing on Film: A River Runs Through It by Norman Macclean Beginning Debate: Advanced Debate Forensics Advanced Oratory: Advanced Debate Extemp: Advanced Debate PF: Advanced Debate LD: Cross-Ex Debate: In Our Defense by Ellen Alderman and Caroline Kennedy The Best American Essays 2013 by Robert Atwan (ed), Cheryl Strayed (ed) The Best American Essays 2013 by Robert Atway (ed), Cheryl Strayed (ed) The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy of Home and Abroad (Revised ed.) by Fareed Zakaria The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy of Home and Abroad (Revised ed.) by Fareed Zakaria The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy of Home and Abroad (Revised ed.) by Fareed Zakaria The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy of Home and Abroad (Revised ed.) by Fareed Zakaria 2014 CCHS FACULTY FAVORITES TITLE AUTHOR RECOMMENDED BY: 11/22/63 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared Beloved Boys in the Boat, The Buddha in the Attic Calculating God Stephen King Donna Luther-Adrian, Registrar Jonas Jonassen Keith Harrison, Science Toni Morrison Daniel James Brown Julie Otsuka Robert Sawyer Lisa Werber, English Margie Kidd, SAS Mhari Doyle, English Chris Meagher, Social Studies Canada Richard Ford Code Name Verity Elizabeth Wein Taylor Dufford, Science Susan Shaw, Business and Library/Tech Crash Cross My Heart Cross Roads Cuckoo's Calling, The Dalva Lisa McCann James Patterson William Paul Young Robert Galbraith Jim Harrison Connie Summers, Library/Tech Center Darren Knox, Admin Jolene Lucero, Physical Ed. Juanita Colehower, Counseling Gary Bragg, Dean David and Goliath Malcolm Gladwell Evelyn Scott, Library/Tech Center Divergent Veronica Roth Ellen Rice, Library/Tech Center Doctor Sleep Stephen King Kathryn Wyndham, Social Studies Dog Stars, The Peter Heller Jeff Williams, Library/Tech Center Dogs of Babel Carolyn Parkhurst Andrea Fisher, Dean/Admin Eleanor and Park Rainbow Rowell Karen Waples, Social Studies Ender’s Game Scott Orson Card Chris Danos, Science Eternal Ones Kirsten Miller Cat Armijo, Admin Expats, The Chris Pavone Kathryn Tibbals, Library/Tech Center Game of Thrones, A George R.R. Martin David Gamelin, Fine Arts Ghost Soldiers: Forgotten Epic Story of World War II's Most Dramatic Mission Hampton Sides Virginia DeCesare Goldfinch, The Donna Tartt Susan Swisher, Counseling Green Illusions Ozzie Zehner TJ Donahue, Science/Fine Arts How Proust Can Change Your Life I Swear Alain de Botton Lane Davis Susan Bowditch, Foreign Language Annie Campbell, Library/Tech Center In My Own Way: An Autobiography Alan Watts Noah Zepelin, Social Studies Invention of Wings, The Sue Monk Kidd Robin Hayes, English Invention of Wings, The Sue Monk Kidd Susie Russell, English Invention of Wings, The Sue Monk Kidd Loreen Hughes, English Invention of Wings, The Sue Monk Kidd Lynne Quinn, Library/Tech Center Invention of Wings, The Sue Monk Kidd Deana Tucker, Counseling Invisible Man Iron House Ralph Ellison John Hart Marti Benham, English Jim Schneider, English Center Killing Kennedy Bill O'Reilly Susan Mosby, Foreign Language Killing Lincoln Bill O’Reilly Jim Konrad, Business Kitchen House, The Kathleen Grissom Marcus McDavid, Admin Leadership Without Easy Answers Lies My Teacher Told Me Ron Heifetz James Loewen Doug Aglietti, Admin Stephen Smith, Science Life After Life Kate Atkinson Yael Abrahamsson, English Life After Life Kate Atkinson Mary Jo Williams, Library/Tech Center Life After Life Light in the Ruins Kate Atkinson Chris Bohjalian Amy Sommer, Foreign Language Julie Hyde-Porter, Library/Tech Center Luminaries, The Eleanor Catton Yael Abrahamsson, English Lunatics Zweibel and Barry Jim Abrahamsson, English Madonnas of Leningrad, The Debra Dean Kim Mitchell, Nursing Me Before You JoJo Mayes Mary Jo Williams, Library/Tech Center Me Talk Pretty One Day David Sedaris Mark Giesmann, Counseling My Two Moms Necessary Lies Zach Wahls Diane Chamberlain Janet Sammons, Social Studies Jaime Vanecko, SAS No Easy Day Mark Owen Mike Zadigian, Special Ed. Obituary Writer, The Ann Hood Andrea Fisher, Dean/Admin Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck Josh Weisberg, Academic Support One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn Fletcher Woolsey, Social Studies Orphan Master’s Son, The Adam Johnson Carlye Holladay, English Paris 1919 Photograph, The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Margaret MacMillan Penelope Lively James Joyce Susan Bowditch, Foreign Language Kathy McKittrick, Social Studies Mhari Doyle, English Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking Susan Cain Mike Kraft, Social Studies Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking Ready Player One Reboot Return of the King Rose Under Fire Rosie Project, The Rosie Project, The Salt, Sugar, Fat San Manuel Bueno, Martir Susan Cain Ernest Cline Amy Tintera JRR Tolkien Elizabeth Wein Graeme Simsion Graeme Simsion Michael Moss Miguel de Unamuno Susanne "Frau" Smith, Foreign Language Mary Beth Chapman, English Chris Danos, Science Jessica Olsen, Science Ellen Rice, Technology Marissa Voss, English Gretchen White, Foreign Language Michael Mazenko, English/Admin Sarah Campbell, Modern Languages Short Straw Sleep Doctor State of Wonder State of Wonder Sweetness: Enigmatic Life of Walter Payton These Is My Words: Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881 - 1901 Stuart Woods Stephen King Ann Patchett Ann Patchett Mike Brookhart, Dean Heather Creech, SAS David Rowe, English Kathryn Blitz, Foreigh Language Jeff Pearlman Erin Baxley, Fine Arts Nancy E. Turner Leann Hughes, Math Unbroken Violinist’s Thumb, The Wilson Winter’s Bone Wolf Hall Wolf Hall Laura Hillenbrand Sam Kean A.Scott Berg Daniel Woodrell Hilary Mantel Hilary Mantel Niccole Fisher, SAS Leigh Vinzant, Science Dave Benson, Social Studies Mary Morgan, Library/Tech Center Kathy McInerney, English Yael Abrahamsson, English THE CREEK COUNSELING CONNECTION Preparing for As summer quickly approaches, you and your student may want to consider some options which will assist him/her with academic, college, and/or life preparation. 1. SUMMER SCHOOL: Your student may choose to repeat a high school core class (English, Social Studies, Math, Science) in which he/she earned a grade of “D” or “F.” Retaking a course can reinforce learning, as well as improve GPA. To get ahead on graduation requirements, your student may choose to take a course offered through CCSD online summer school. Courses offered include American Government, Economics, Personal Fitness, and Health. Two sessions of summer school will be offered. The first session will run from June 9-27, 2014 at Overland High School/IST Bldg, and the second from July 7-25, 2014 at Grandview High School. Classes meet from 8:00am to 12:20pm, Monday thru Friday and transportation will NOT be provided. More information may be obtained from the CCSD website or from the CCHS Counseling or Registrar’s Office. 2. SUMMER COLLEGE PROGRAM: Your student may choose to participate in a summer college program which can be helpful on college applications, and may help the student explore a field which he/she may be interested in studying in college. You may research these opportunities either through Family Connection by Naviance (on the home page, left hand side under “links” is a link called Enrichment Alley) or by visiting individual college websites for information on high school summer programs. These programs are usually 1-4 weeks in length and will occupy your student’s time from sun-up to sun-down! 3. PAID or VOLUNTEER WORK: Your student may choose to spend the summer working in either a volunteer or paid job. Now is the time to be searching for these opportunities—before college students return home! Family Connection by Naviance has a resume link (under the heading “About Me” or a resume format on the home page, top left hand side) which will help your student create or improve a resume. Some other ways to find work or opportunities might be to: o Check job resource sites: and o Watch for signs in windows of local businesses o Network – ask friends and acquaintances about job opportunities o Check out Volunteer and paid work can be very rewarding and will enhance a college application. We encourage students to continue to read for pleasure during the summer. Reading is the best way to help improve test scores! Remember that Creek has summer reading and math assignments to be completed before students return to school in August. This information is available this summer on the CCHS website under the English and Math department pages. We wish your student a happy and productive summer. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your student’s counselor either by telephone or email. Susan Swisher, Counseling Department Coordinator Parent Information Network Annual Brunch Taming the Entitlement Beast: Spend the Summer with Kids You Like! with Jim Fay, Author and Co- Founder of Love & Logic® Institute Tuesday, May 6 8:45 am - Brunch 9:15 to 11:30 am - Program & Keynote Speaker The Parent Information Network Annual Brunch will be held at Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church 10150 East Belleview Avenue, Englewood, CO 80111 $5 suggested donation Proceeds benefit PIN’s Sherry Shepherd Sargent Scholarship. Learn easy steps that will change your life by helping you create responsible kids without the need for lectures. Find out how you can: Put an end to arguing, talking-back and power struggles Teach your kids to listen to you—the first time! Help motivate your kids to learn and behave in the home and classroom without losing their love and respect Increase your kids’ ability to make wise decisions and resist peer pressure Childcare: $10 per child, $15 for two siblings. Call 720-554-4247 by Monday, April 28 to make a reservation. Space for childcare is limited. “My husband and I paid $200 to hear Jim speak at a seminar. I can’t believe we get to hear him now almost for free.” CCSD Mom Sponsored by: May 2014 Craig Wittgrove, Post Grad Coordinator SENIORS: First, we are very proud of you and what you have achieved this year! Congratulations and good luck as you head off for your next big adventure, be that college, the work force, the military, or whatever you have planned. Please keep us informed of any scholarships you may receive, as we maintain a database of scholarships for the Class of 2014. Some reminders: You should have informed your first-choice college of your intent to enroll by May 1st, by means of tuition deposit. Be sure to also submit any housing forms or other documentation that your college may require. It is extremely important to read every piece of mail or e-mail from your chosen institution so that nothing falls between the cracks! If you have questions or concerns regarding waitlist procedures, financial aid packages, scholarships, or other choices still to be made, stop by our Post Grad Center or see your counselor. When you begin Senior Checkout in Post Grad during the week of May 12 th, you will be completing three surveys on Family Connection by Naviance (if you haven’t already). You will indicate on the Graduation Survey where you plan to enroll in the fall, and we will send your final transcript to this institution. You will not be charged for the final transcript. We also ask if you would be willing to be a contact for other CCHS students who may be interested in your college choice and who may want to contact you for your impressions. As well, you will be completing a survey for the Cherry Creek School District. Juniors If you have not yet scheduled your Junior Conference, you have limited time left to do so! Get on your counselor’s schedule! 1. Consider writing your college essay over the summer! You will give yourself a gift if you arrive at school in the fall with your college essay either completed or close to it! With the craziness of your senior classes, college applications, sports or clubs, a job--life will be stressful enough without the addition of writing your college essay. 2. Create an e-mail address that you can use for all your college-related activities, like online applications and test registration. 3. Check out the admission and application requirements and application for colleges you are considering to ensure you have planned for all required tests, recommendations, and essays. Most colleges make their applications available after August 1. NOTE: The Common Application for 2014-2015 will go live on their website on August 1, 2014. Do not begin your application prior to this time. COMMON APP ESSAY PROMPTS for 2014-2015 Do not upload to Common App until after August 1, 2014. Instructions. The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don't feel obligated to do so. (The application won't accept a response shorter than 250 words.) WORD LIMITS WILL BE ENFORCED! Essay Prompts for 2014-2015 : Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. Recount an incident or time when you experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what lessons did you learn? Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again? Describe a place or environment where you are perfectly content. What do you do or experience there, and why is it meaningful to you? Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family. Other reminders for juniors: Now is an excellent time to research college choices for next year. You should work ahead this summer on developing your college list or on applications. For example: Request teacher recommendations this spring if you need them for your college applications. This will alleviate time constraints for both you and your teachers next fall. If you are not sure if your college choices require teacher recommendation(s), Check individual college websites or see your counselor or Post Graduate Center staff for assistance. Visiting college campuses during the spring and summer is an excellent way to get a feel for a school. Perhaps you can build several campus tours into a family vacation. Don’t forget about the excellent colleges and universities right in our own backyard! Colleges like to see students take advantage of summer enrichment experiences: work, attend a camp, take advantage of summer programs offered on college campuses, travel, or volunteer. Check out “enrichment programs” in Naviance for possibilities. : Summer can be a great time for you to explore college options as well! Build some college tours into your family vacation, find a job, explore summer camps and enrichment programs, or volunteer. Have a great and relaxing summer! Craig Wittgrove, Counselor/Post Grad Coordinator 2013-2014 AP EXAM Information & online registration 2014 Exam Calendar - Week 1 Morning - 8 a.m. Afternoon - 12 p.m. Monday, May 5 Chemistry Environmental Science Psychology Tuesday, May 6 Computer Science A Spanish Language Art History Wednesday, May 7 Calculus AB Calculus BC Chinese Language and Culture Thursday, May 8 English Literature and Composition Japanese Language and Culture Latin Friday, May 9 English Language and Composition Statistics Studio Art: Last day for your school to submit digital portfolios and to gather 2-D Design and Drawing students for the physical portfolio assembly. Students should have forwarded their completed digital portfolios to their teachers well before this date. 2014 Exam Calendar - Week 2 Morning - 8 a.m. Afternoon - 12 p.m. Afternoon - 2 p.m. Monday, May 12 Biology Music Theory Physics B Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Tuesday, May 13 U.S. Government and Politics Human Geography French Language and Culture Wednesday, May 14 German Language and Culture European History U.S. History Thursday, May 15 Macroeconomics World History Friday, May 16 Comparative Government and Politics Spanish Literature and Culture Microeconomics Italian Language and Culture AP EXAMS 2014 AP Exams are scheduled to take place between May 5th through May 16th. Please see the AP exam scheduled included in this edition of the Home Herald. Reminders for any student taking a morning AP exam: Arrive at the registration table outside of activities/Post Grad by 7:15 a.m. (any student arriving after 7:45 a.m. will not be allowed to enter the exam room for testing). Bring #2 pencils and an approved calculator with the necessary capabilities if you are taking the AP Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, or Statistics Exams. Any electronics (other than an approved calculator), cell phones, iPods, iPads are not permitted in the exam room. (Refer to page 5 in the “Bulletin for AP Students and Parents” for detailed information) Reminders for any student taking an afternoon AP exam: Arrive at the registration table outside of activities/Post Grad by 12:15 p.m. (any student arriving after 12:45 p.m. will not be allowed to enter the exam room for testing). Bring #2 pencils and an approved calculator with the necessary capabilities if you are taking the AP Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, or Statistics Exams. Any electronics (other than an approved calculator), cell phones, iPods, iPads are not permitted in the exam room. (Refer to page 5 in the “Bulletin for AP Students and Parents” for detailed information) SUMMER SPORTS Cherry Creek School District offers sports programs in the summer. Please visit the following website for more information: athleticsactivitiessummercamps Creek Choir Congratulations to our graduating seniors! Good luck in college and beyond. We’ll miss you (come back and see us!) Speaking of Graduation! Congratulations to the musical soloist / group performers at the 2014 graduation ceremonies – we’re proud of you!! Congratulations to all the students on their achievement in last month’s Choir auditions! It can be a stressful and time consuming process for everyone, but it’s worth it to get everyone in the right group for next year. We’re looking forward a great 2014-2015! On the Band Beat 2014 CCHS Marching Band Info Meeting The award-winning Cherry Creek High School Marching Band will hold an information meeting for current and prospective members and their parents at 7 pm on Monday, May 5 in the Fine Arts Theater. Join us (and invite incoming eighth-graders and their families) to find out about the exciting things in store for the 2014 season, including CCHS football games, the Littleton Western Welcome Week Parade, competitions, including the Colorado Marching Band State Championships, and a trip to the Citrus Parade and Disney World in Florida! “Being in marching band gives students the opportunity to improve their musicianship, develop their leadership skills, help generate school spirit, and simply have fun with their friends,” said Band Director Tim Libby. “It’s also an extracurricular activity that is a plus on student resumes and college applications because it demonstrates that students are well-rounded and have the skills to successfully handle multiple activities.” Important Marching Band Dates •7 pm, May 5 – Information meeting for current and prospective members and parents •1-4 pm, June 4-5 – Mini Band Camp •9 am-4 pm, July 15 – Summer Band Camp Congratulations to Percussion Ensemble and Winter Guard Congratulations to the members of the CCHS Percussion Ensemble, which took second place in Percussion Scholastic Concert World at the State Percussion Ensemble Championships, held March 29 at the CU Events Center in Boulder. The CCHS Winter Guard also had an outstanding competition season. The guard moved up TWO LEVELS from last season - an impressive accomplishment - and they were a mere .9 away from making the State Winter Guard Finals! ACTIVITIES Hello Families! It is hard to believe that we are already in May and Graduation is upon us. Although we are getting ready to say goodbye to the class of 2014, we must find time to celebrate all of their contributions to Cherry Creek High School. On Monday, April 28th we will celebrate our seniors at an awards ceremony in the Fine Arts Theatre. On this day we will honor our students who will be graduating from Creek with high academic honors, our athletes who have contributed so much to our teams and our athletic program, and students who have spent hours upon hours making our clubs, music groups, and speech and debate teams uniquely ours. We have also had several clubs celebrating their seniors and having their end-of-year banquets. National Honor Society inducted their 145 new members on April 15th at a beautiful ceremony in the Fine Arts Theatre. At the end of April the BRUINS squad held their annual Coalition Dinner by inviting students from various clubs to their “No Place for Hate” event. FCCLA also held their end of year banquet on April 24th where they honored their 31 state qualifiers and 14 national qualifiers. Finally, DECA will present their annual awards at a banquet on May 15th, and our spring play, “The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940” closed on April 26th after a successful four day run. It has been busy, to say the least, at Cherry Creek this Spring. In addition to Senior Awards we have some other big events going on to celebrate our Bruin students. We will be celebrating the Grammy Award on May 2nd in the South Gym with a private concert for our community and our students. Please join us if you can from 2-3 p.m. Semiformal attire is requested. Then, on May 16th, our seniors will celebrate the end of their senior year at the Senior Celebration. Tickets for this luncheon are available in Activities the week of May 12th. The week will conclude with Prom on May 17th from 9 p.m.-12 a.m. Our Prom, “Under the Big Top,” will be held at Infinity Park in Glendale. Tickets are on sale in the Activities office starting on May 12th. As always, Junior and Senior students are invited to After-Prom at the school following Prom. This event is hosted by our AMAZING PTCO parents who have worked all year to make this evening memorable and fun for students. Finally, we will finish the year with Graduation. We have selected several outstanding performers this year for Graduation, which will be held on (Continued on the next page...) ATHLETICS Hello Bruins, The 2013-2014 school year is starting to wind down. Information for seniors regarding graduation and events leading up to graduation can be found all over school. Senior athletes are also starting to see their careers at Creek wind down. The nine teams that compete in athletics at Cherry Creek High School are fighting to the end for league titles and strong playoff runs. Let’s take a look at where these teams currently stand. Men’s track and field has had an outstanding year up to this point, winning almost every Invitational they have been entered in. A few standouts on this year’s team are Stanford Cooper, Daniel Book, Milo Hall, Joe Parker, and Shane Rhodes. Women’s track and field has also been fantastic and won every meet they have entered all of their top performers in. A few of the ladies’ top athletes are Jordyn Colter, Megan McCabe, and Ashley Miller. Both teams are shooting for a state championship this year, which would mean a repeat for the women’s team and the first time in school history Creek has won both in the same year. Women’s lacrosse, led by Coach Brianne Tierney, is starting to really click. The team suffered a few early season losses, but has won five straight including a win at Kent Denver by a 14-11 count. Blair Sisk, Chloe de Grasse, Nelli List, Livvy List, and Quinn Egan lead the way for the ladies’ team. The men’s team has yet to lose in the state and has some impressive wins including a win over #1 4A Wheatridge and lopsided win over Arapahoe by a score of 14-5. The Bruins came out strong in the game and led 10-0 at the half. Coach Bryan Perry also recently picked up his 200th career win. Both the men’s and women’s teams are expected to be in contention for the state title. Women’s golf is performing on a high level. The team has won multiple invites and is led by defending state champion and Stanford bound Calli Ringsby. Calli is not a one lady team though as Stephany Bang recently won the Air Academy Invite. It should be a close contest at state as there are multiple tough teams in the area. Women’s soccer is also doing well and is looking for a strong push to close the year. The Bruins have defeated multiple top ten teams and look to make some noise come playoff time. The women’s soccer team is led by first year head coach Jim Schneider. Baseball is currently 10-4 and in second place in the Centennial league. The Bruins suffered a few defeats early, but have won a lot of close games in recent weeks. In the process coach Marc Johnson won his 700th game, all at Cherry Creek. Coach Johnson has clearly cemented his place as one of the greatest coaches in the history of the state. Did you know Coach Johnson won five state titles as the men’s soccer coach? Cody Wood has been the Bruins ace on the mound and Jack Hallmark, Grant Farrell, Matt Rindall, and Ryan Robb have led the way on the field and at the plate. The Bruins are always dangerous and I would bet no one will be excited to see them in their region. Men’s swimming and diving recently won the Cherry Creek Invite and has been working very hard this year. Coach Loftis and the boys have had to practice at Eaglecrest with our new pool under construction, but the team has not missed a beat and looks to make some noise at state. (Continued on the next page...) ACTIVITIES CONTINUED: ATHLETICS CONTINUED: Wednesday, May 21st at 8:00 a.m. in Stutler Bowl. Congratulations to the following students who will represent the class of 2014 as performers (in order of their appearance at the ceremony): Jade Small, Chelsea Jacobson, Bailey Donaldson, Jon Treihaft, Shane Rhodes, Carolyn Zheng, Teller Cunningham, Caitlyn Quisenberry, Steven Black, Caroline Martin, Phil Prager, Drew Sajsa, Ari Kononov, Alex Tutchton, Kat DeBartolomeis, Neeyati Johnson, Blake Sidon, Davis. J. Anderson, Maeve Heitman, Nicole Mattson, Emily Stock, Jacob Curtis, Youmna Sirgi, Caroline Stone, Austin Starr, Libby Yi, Jackson Burke, Ben Tooke, Margot Johnson, Katie Grogan, Ryan Wooley, Jesse Aaronson, Gleb Sonkin, Julio Quintana, Darian Walker, and Josh Kaplan. It has been such a pleasure getting to know each and every one of your students this year. While I am sad to see the Class of 2014 leave, after seeing what they have done at Cherry Creek High School, I know that they will go out into the world and do great things. CONGRATULATIONS Class of 2014! Last, but certainly not least, women’s tennis is playing great. The Bruins recently took second to Fossil Ridge by two points at our Invite, but finished above some other great teams like Denver East, Cheyenne Mountain, Kent Denver, and Arapahoe. The Bruins did beat Fossil Ridge in their only head to head matchup this year, so the state championships should be very exciting. At the Bruins Invite, Gloria Son won at number one singles and Kara Lee and Jessica Diamond won at number four doubles. Good luck to all of the Bruins teams as they prepare for the playoffs. In other news and notes, Ice Hockey head coach Jeff Mielnicki was named the coach of the year after leading the Bruins to the Frozen Four. Coach Mielnicki is in his first year with the Bruins. Ryan Arthur was awarded the Hobey Baker award in ice hockey for displaying great skill, character, and leadership. Ryan will be playing lacrosse for Mercer college next year. Speaking of college, Cherry Creek had 46 student-athletes sign or commit to play athletics at the collegiate level for next year. Congratulations to those student athletes. Also please be aware for information regarding registration for fall sports. This summer you will need to register online, but we are not yet 100% sure where or when athletics will be open to collect the physicals and $90 athletic fee due to the uncertainty with construction. Once I know the exact place and dates I will get that information on our website. Get out and support your Bruins! Go Creek! With Bruin Pride, Krista Keogh, Activities Director 720-554-2393 Jason Wilkins, Athletic Director COME EAT AT Yearbook Distribution Dates! ILLEGAL PETE’S FRIDAY MAY 2nd ALL DAY AND FIGHT CANCER Seniors~Monday, May 12th Juniors~Tuesday, May 13th Sophomores~Wed.,May 14th Freshmen~Thurs.,May 15th Yearbooks can be picked up at IC 705 during 4th,5th & 6th periods or from 2:50-3:30 p.m. each of these days. ILLEGAL PETE’S IS DONATING 20% OF ALL SALES TO PLAYSTRONG! COME ON OUT AND EAT!!! BRICKS FOR BRUINS “Building for our Future . . . Brick by Brick” What is Bricks for Bruins? Several years ago an initiative called “Bricks for Bruins” was created to provide families and alum with a way to preserve the great memories they have of Cherry Creek High School while also making their mark on future generations of students who attend Creek. In an effort to support the growing technology needs at Cherry Creek High School, personalized bricks can be purchased for $100. Your tax deductible contribution to this cause not only provides better opportunities for students, it helps support Cherry Creek High School’s ongoing commitment to academic excellence. Please consider purchasing a brick to honor a graduate, commemorate a loved one, or recognize a family. Help Cherry Creek High School build for our future . . . brick by brick! Please complete this order form and remit with payment to: “Bricks for Bruins” Cherry Creek High School 9300 E. Union Avenue Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Each brick costs $100. Inscription is limited to 3 lines. 16 spaces per line. You will receive written confirmation of your order. Call 720-554-2255 if you need more information. Personalized bricks like this example are installed on the walkway located in the courtyard between the Information Center and the West Building. First Name: __________________________ Last Name: ____________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________City:__________________________ State:_______Zip:______________Home Phone:_______________Work Phone:_________________ Enclosed is my/our check for $__________ Please make checks payable to: Bricks for Bruins Charge my credit card for $__________ VISA MASTERCARD Card Number:_____________________________________________ CVD# _______ (3 digit # on back) Exp. Date:___________________ Signature: _____________________________________________ Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 The Friends of Cherry Creek Athletics works to help generate funds to support our athletic programs. During the last five years the budget for athletics has decreased substantially. Meanwhile the cost of running the athletics program has continued to increase. In order to continue to sustain our tradition, pride, honor, and excellence, the athletics program has created the Friends of Cherry Creek Athletics. There are several areas of need. The three target categories are: Equipment/Supplies, Facility Improvements/Maintenance, and Extended Season Costs. All donations are welcomed, but you can earmark your donation for one of these categories as you see fit. Please specify the amount of your contribution: Platinum $500+ Gold $250-499 Silver $100-249 Bronze $50-99 $50 $25 $10 Friends of Athletics You may designate your donation to any of the following funds: Equipment/Supplies Facility Improvements/Maintenance Extended Season Costs General Friends of Athletics Fund Make your check payable to: CCHS Friends of Athletics LEARN TO LIVE HEALTHY Cherry Creek Schools Fitness Festival Saturday, September 6, 2014 7:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Officially Timed 5K Run / Walk 1K Run / Walk Fitness Activities Restaurant Sampling Healthy Living EXPO Times vary by activity – see website for details COST: Race Registration Includes Race T-Shirt & Restaurant Sampling Children 17 & under Seniors 60 & over Adults Family 4 Pack $15 ($25 race day) $15 ($25 race day) $30 ($40 race day) $80 ($110 race day) Restaurant Sampling Only Children under 4 All other ages Free $10 ($15 race day) FREE to attend! The Healthy Living EXPO, interactive physical challenges for the whole family, field day style activities, and race viewing is all open to the public at no charge NEW LOCATION! Stutler Bowl, on the Cherry Creek High School campus 9300 E. Union Avenue, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Map data ©2014 Google Benefiting the students & families of Cherry Creek School District CCSD Food and Nutrition Services End of Year Updates 2014-15 MEAL PRICES The meal prices below will be effective July 1, 2014. Several factors influence school meal prices and the increases seen below. Food costs continue to rise especially for fruits and vegetables and at the same time, meal nutrition standards, require increased portions of these foods. In order to ensure we continue providing high quality breakfast and lunch meals that include fruits and vegetables each day, we must increase our meal prices. Elementary Middle School High School Adult Milk Only Breakfast $1.65 $1.75 $1.75 A la carte prices $0.75 Lunch $2.80 $2.95 $2.95 $3.85 $0.75 ONLINE FREE AND REDUCED MEAL APPLICATIONS The 2014-15 free and reduced meal application can be completed online or by paper application starting on July 1, 2014. The application is available in English and Spanish and a new application must be completed each school year. To complete the online application, please complete the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to Click on ‘Apply Online’ on the homepage Choose language, click that you agree to terms and press ‘Start’ Complete application To complete the application by paper, you may get an application from your child’s school or from the Student Nutrition Center (14270 E. Briarwood Avenue, Centennial, CO 80112). Computers are available at the Student Nutrition Center for completing online application as well. An online application will be processed much quicker than a paper application, meaning that your student will receive meal benefits quicker. If you have questions about Free and Reduced Meal Applications, please call Sylvia DeLeon at (720) 886-7172 Cherry Creek Schools Food and Nutrition Services Encouraging Students to Make Healthy Choices, One School Meal at a Time Smart Snacks: What Does it Mean for Cherry Creek Schools? In order to create a healthy food environment in schools, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has developed a federal rule known as ‘Smart Snacks in School’ which establishes nutrition standards for all foods sold to students on a school campus. The ‘Smart Snacks’ standards will apply to foods sold in competition with the reimbursable meals provided by the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs and will be effective July 1, 2014, in time for the 2014-15 school year. These rules will be applied along with already established Colorado competitive food rules. See key information below when planning for next school year. What are Competitive Foods? Competitive Foods: any foods sold to students on a school campus during the school day other than reimbursable meals sold through the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. School Campus: all areas of the property under the jurisdiction of the school that is accessible to students during the school day. School Day: the period from the midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the official school day. When Can Competitive Foods be Sold in Schools? Colorado requires that no food items are sold to students in competition with the National School Lunch and Breakfast programs 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after the breakfast and lunch periods. This includes all fundraising efforts. Where Do Nutrition Standards Competitive Rules Apply? Foods sold in school cafeterias that are not a part of the reimbursable school meal. Other Food Service Operations (DECA cafeterias, school stores) Vending Machines Bake sales and other food-based fundraisers These nutrition standards do not apply to foods brought to school by families such as those served at class parties or in lunches brought from home. What are the Nutrition Standards? Allowable food items must be whole grain or the 1st ingredient must be a fruit, vegetable, dairy or protein food. In addition, ‘Smart Snacks’ sets standards for the following: Total Fat, Saturated Fat, Trans Fat, Sodium, Calories, Total Sugar Do Standards Apply to Fundraisers? All food-based fundraisers conducted in Cherry Creek Schools will be subject to the new nutrition standards established by the ‘Smart Snacks’ regulation. Please note the following as you plan fundraisers to be conducted in the 2014-15 school year. There is no limit to the number of fundraisers conducted that are not food-based (school supplies, spirit wear, wrapping paper, etc) There is no limit to the number of fundraisers that are food-based but meet the nutrition standards and that are not sold during school meal periods or 30 minutes before and after. The Colorado Department of Education’s Office of School Nutrition may establish a specified number of food fundraisers that will be exempted and therefore do not need to meet nutrition standards. A school can decide the foods to be sold at events outside of school hours. Questions? If you have questions about these new rules or to learn if a product meets the nutrition standards, please contact Erika Edwards at (720) 886-7169 or Cherry Creek Schools Food and Nutrition Services Encouraging Students to Make Healthy Choices, One School Meal at a Time In appreciation of Cherry Creek School District’s support this season, the Colorado Rockies and the Cherry Creek Schools Foundation would like to invite all students, family members, employees and volunteers to come and enjoy an exciting game at Coors Field. A portion of each ticket sold will benefit the foundation’s work in Cherry Creek Schools. This is a great opportunity to enjoy a game at Coors Field while supporting your local community. DISCOUNTED TICKETS $20 TICKETS - LOWER/MID LEVEL (Face value up to $35) $14 TICKETS - UPPER LEVEL (Face value up to $24) Order tickets online at: Promo Code: CCSD Contact Reuben Donnelly at with any questions. 2014 Colorado Rockies Schedule SUN AZ 2:10 SF 2:05 PHI 2:10 LAD 2:10 6 13 20 27 SUN CLE 1 11:05 LAD 8 2:10 SF 15 2:05 MIL 22 2:10 MIL 29 12:10 SUN MIA 5:05 CWS 6:40 SD 8:10 SF 6:40 AZ 7:40 24 TUE 31 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 TUE 2 ATL 6:40 LAD 8:10 STL 6:40 WAS 5:05 MIA 5:10 CWS 6:40 SD 8:10 SF 6:40 AZ 7:40 WED THU MIA 2 5:10 CWS 9 1:10 SD 16 8:10 SF 23 1:10 AZ 30 7:40 FRI 3 MIA 10:40 10 17 SD 4:40 24 JUNE MON 9 16 23 AZ 6:40 ATL 6:40 LAD 8:10 STL 6:40 WED 3 10 17 24 AZ 6:40 ATL 6:40 LAD 8:10 STL 1:10 THU 4 11 12 18 25 19 26 MIL 6:10 4 11 18 25 FRI 5 AZ 6:40 ATL 1:10 AZ 2:10 SF 8:15 PHI 6:40 LAD 8:10 S AT 13 20 27 MIL 6:10 AUGUST SF 8:15 LAD 2:10 SF 2:05 MIL 2:10 MIL 2:10 TUE 4 11 18 25 CHC 6:40 SD 8:10 KC 6:40 SF 8:15 WED THU FRI 5 CHC 6:40 6 CHC 1:10 7 12 SD 4:40 KC 6:40 13 CIN 6:40 14 SF 8:15 27 19 26 21 20 12 19 26 28 SF 1:45 14 21 28 5 TEX 6:40 12 19 PHI tbd 26 WED THU LAD 6 2:10 MIN 13 2:10 PIT 20 11:35 PIT 27 2:10 DET 5:08 DET 5:08 AZ 7:40 CIN 6:40 MIA 6:40 8 AZ 6:10 9 15 CIN 6:10 MIA 6:10 16 AZ 6:10 30 23 SD 2:10 7 STL 14 12:15 AZ 21 2:10 LAD 2:10 28 SD 6:40 TEX 6:40 KC 6:10 SF 6:40 PHI 5:05 6 13 20 27 TEX 6:05 KC 12:10 SF 6:40 PHI 5:05 7 14 21 FRI 1 NYM 6:40 TEX 6:05 8 15 SF 1:10 28 22 29 JULY MON SUN 2 29 TUE TUE 7 1 AZ 7:40 NYM 4 2:10 CIN 11 11:10 SD 18 2:10 ATL 25 3:10 SUN S AT 22 MAY MON 5 S AT 6 LAD 6:40 SF 8:15 MIL 6:40 AZ 6:10 SF 2:05 PHI 6:10 LAD 7:10 SUN 30 MON DET 3 11:08 AZ 10 SD 2:10 8:10 CIN 17 2:10 MIA 2:10 AZ 2:10 APRIL MON 7 WED 1 WAS 5:05 SD 6:40 8 15 14 All-Star Break WAS 21 6:40 CHC 28 6:05 WAS 6:40 CHC 6:05 22 29 WAS 1:10 CHC 6:05 THU 2 WAS 4:05 SD 1:10 9 16 23 30 NYM 6:40 CIN 5:10 SD 6:40 ATL 5:35 CLE 5:05 S AT 2 9 16 23 30 NYM 6:10 CIN 5:10 SD 6:10 ATL 2:10 CLE 1:05 FRI TUE SF 2:10 NYM 5:10 1 LAD 6:40 SD 8:10 15 8 22 29 WED SF 6:40 NYM 5:10 2 LAD 6:40 SD 8:10 16 9 23 THU 3 SF 1:10 NYM 10 5:10 LAD 1:10 SD 8:10 17 FRI 4 11 AZ 6:40 24 18 25 LAD 2:10 MIN 2:10 PIT 5:05 PIT 6:10 5 Fireworks Games * Away Games 17 24 31 SD 6:40 STL 12 6:15 AZ * 19 6:10 LAD 26 8:10 5 12 19 26 S AT SD 6:10 STL 5:15 AZ 2:10 LAD 7:10 30 31 Home Games 10 S AT LAD * 3 LAD * 4 6:10 6:10 10 MIN 11 6:40 17 PIT 18 5:05 24 PIT 25 6:40 CHC 31 12:20 SEPTEMBER MON 3 ALL GAME DATES & TIMES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Visit or call 303-ROCKIES for ticket information. 6 13 20 27 ARE YOU MOVING? IF YOU MOVE WITHIN THE CHERRY CREEK HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDANCE BOUNDARY, provide proof of new address (lease, warranty deed or current Xcel Energy bill) to District Admissions or the Registrar’s Office. IF YOU MOVE OUTSIDE THE CHERRY CREEK HIGH SCHOOL ATTENDANCE BOUNDARY, BUT STILL LIVE WITHIN THE CHERRY CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARY, provide proof of new address (lease, warranty deed or current Xcel Energy bill) to District Admissions or the Registrar’s Office. You are also required to fill out an IntraDistrict Transfer Request Form. SARC is the CCSD Student Achievement Resource Center located at 14188 E. Briarwood Drive, off Arapahoe Road, between Jordan & Potomac Roads. Calendar May 1 Senate Induction Ceremony 3SAT 5-6 AP Tests Graduation Performer rehearsal; FA 643; 3-5:30 pm 7 AP Tests Orchestra Concert; Fine Arts, 7 pm 8 AP Tests PTCO Mtg.; FA Lobby; 9:15 am Band Concert, FA, 7 pm (Concert, Symphonic, Wind) 12 AP Tests 13 AP Tests Senior Art Show; FA Lobby; 4-6 pm Graduation Performer rehearsal; 3-5:30 pm 14 AP Tests Seniors: Last Full day of school 15 AP Tests Senior Check-out Day; E. gym; 8-11 am Choir Concert “A Cappellooza”; 7 pm 16 AP Tests Senior Celebration Graduation Performers rehearsal; 2-5 pm Junior Escort rehearsal; S. gym; 3-5 pm 17 PROM: Infinity Park, Glendale, 9-12 am After PROM; CCHS gym; 12-4:30 am 19 Graduation Performers rehearsal; Stutler; 10:30-2 pm Junior Escort rehearsal; S. gym/Stutler; 3-5 pm 20 Graduation Performer Rehearsal; Stutler; 10-2 pm Graduation Rehearsal; ALL; 2:30-5:30 pm 21 Graduation: 8 am; Stutler: NO SCHOOL 26 Memorial Day Holiday; NO SCHOOL 29-June 2 Final Exams IF YOU MOVE OUT OF THE CHERRY CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT, you must complete a Non-Resident application. Nutrition & Food Services Student Refund Procedures Seniors and Students leaving Cherry Creek School District: Refunds up to $5.00 may be given at elementary schools and refunds up to $10.00 may be given at secondary schools. Students should request to speak with the kitchen manager to process their refund. Refunds over $5.00 at elementary schools and refunds over $10.00 at secondary schools must be forwarded to the student nutrition center for payment via check. To request a refund of this type please contact the Food and Nutrition Services Accountant at 720-886-7186 or email the accountant at Students transferring within the Cherry Creek School District: If students are planning to transfer to another school within the Cherry Creek School District, their meal account balance willbe automatically transferred to the Cherry Creek School that they will attend next school year. Returning Students: At the end of the school year, all remaining student meal account balances will be carried over to the start of the next school year.