Audi SR.Exhibits


Audi SR.Exhibits
MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2015
6:30 PM
VII. Public Hearing:
A. Resolution 303. Wilsonville Audi Building
Addition: REBCO Properties LLC – owner. The
applicant is requesting approval of a Stage II Final
Plan and Design Review Plan for a building addition
to Wilsonville Audi. The site is located at 95th
Avenue on Tax Lot 800, Section 11A, T3S-R1W,
Clackamas County, Oregon. Staff: Blaise Edmonds
Case Files:
DB15-0009 – Stage II Final Plan
DB15-0010 – Site Design Review
WHEREAS, an application, together with planning exhibits for the abovecaptioned development, has been submitted in accordance with the procedures set forth in
Section 4.008(.01) and 4.440(1) of the Wilsonville Code, and
WHEREAS, the Planning Staff has prepared reports on the above-captioned
subject dated April 20, 2015, and
WHEREAS, said planning exhibits and staff report were duly considered by the
Development Review Board at a regularly scheduled meeting conducted on April 27,
2015, at which time exhibits, together with findings and public testimony were entered
into the public record, and
WHEREAS, the Development Review Board considered the subject and the
recommendations contained in the staff reports, and
WHEREAS, interested parties, if any, have had an opportunity to be heard on the
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Development Review Board
of the City of Wilsonville does hereby approve the Stage II Final Plan and Site Design
Review (adopting the staff report dated April 27, 2015 attached hereto as Exhibit A1)
with the modified findings, recommendations and conditions of approval contained
therein, and authorizes the Planning Director to issue Site Development Permit,
consistent with said recommendations.
DB15-0009 Stage II Final Plan
DB15-0010 Site Design Review
Resolution 303
April 27, 2015
Audi Dealership
ADOPTED by the Development Review Board of the City of Wilsonville at a
regular meeting thereof this 27th day of April 2015, and filed with the Planning
Administrative Assistant on _______, 2015. This resolution is final on the 15th calendar
day after the postmarked date of the written notice of decision unless appealed or called
up for review by the council in accordance with WC Sec 4.022(.09).
Aaron Woods, Chair
Development Review Board, Panel B
Shelley White, Planning Administrative Assistant
Resolution 303
April 27, 2015
Audi Dealership
Public Hearing Date:
Date of Staff Report:
April 27, 2015
April 20, 2015
Property Owner:
Owner’s Representative:
REBCO Properties LLC
Rubicon Design Group, LLC
Description of Proposal/Request:
REBCO Properties LLC, proposes to expand the service area of Wilsonville Audi.
Wilsonville Audi is Phase 2 of a 3 phase Stage I Preliminary Plan (Master Plan).
The following requests apply to the subject Wilsonville Audi property as defined in the
applicant’s submittal notebook in Exhibit B1:
DB15-0009: Approve Stage II Final Plan to add 7,075 sq. ft. to the existing auto service
area; and,
DB15-0010: Approve of Site Design Plans (architecture) for the addition.
Wilsonville Audi is located at 26700 SW 95th Avenue which is between SW
95th Avenue and SW Boones Ferry Road and adjacent to the Nissan
dealership, which is more specifically described as Tax Lot 800 of
Township 3S, Range 1W, Section 11A; Clackamas County; Wilsonville,
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Comprehensive Plan Designation: Industrial
Zone Map Designation: Planned Development Industrial (PDI)
Planning and Land Development Ordinance
Section 4.008
Application Procedures-In General
Section 4.009
Section 4.010
Section 4.011
Section 4.014
Subsection 4.035 (.04)
Subsection 4.035 (.05)
Section 4.117
Who May Initiate Application
How to Apply
How Applications are Processed
Burden of Proof
Site Development Permit Application
Complete Submittal Requirement
Standards Applying to Industrial Development in All
Standards Applying to Planned Development Zones
Planned Development Industrial Zone (PDI)
Stage II Final Plan
Planned Development Regulations
On-site Pedestrian Access and Circulation
Parking, Loading, and Bicycle Parking
Access, Ingress, and Egress
Section 4.118
Section 4.135
Section 4.140(.09)
Section 4.140
Section 4.154
Section 4.155
Section 4.167
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Section 4.175
Section 4.177(.03)
Section 4.179
Sections 4.199.20 through 4.199.60
Sections 4.400 through 4.440
Public Safety and Crime Prevention
Mixed Solid Waste and Recyclables Storage
Outdoor Lighting
Site Design Review
Staff Reviewers: Blaise Edmonds, Manager of Current Planning; Steve Adams,
Development Engineering Manager; Don Walters, Plans Examiner and Kerry Rappold,
Natural Resources Director.
A detailed project narrative and findings in support of the application is provided by the
applicant, found in Exhibit B1. This project narrative adequately describes the project,
the requested application components, and response findings regarding applicable review
criteria. Except where necessary to examine issues identified in this report, staff has
relied upon the applicant’s submittal documents.
The proposed auto service building addition to Wilsonville Audi is consistent with the
approved Stage I Preliminary Plan (Master Plan), which included three buildings within
the entire development. Phase 1 is the Nissan dealership, Phase 2 is Wilsonville Audi and
Phase 3 is a future dealership.
Request A – Stage II Final Plan
As demonstrated in findings A1 through A44, with conditions of approval referenced
therein, the proposed Stage II Final Plan can be approved for the Wilsonville Audi
building addition.
Section 4.140.09(J)(1) Land Use: The location, design, size and the service commercial
use of the proposed building addition, both separately and as a whole, are consistent with
the REBCO Stage I Preliminary Plan, and with any other applicable plan, development
map or Ordinance adopted by the City Council.
Section 4.140.09(J)(2) Traffic: The location, design, size and service commercial use
are such that traffic generated by the development can be accommodated safely for up to
9 PM peak hour trips through the I-5/SW Elligsen Road Interchange without congestion
in excess of level service "D" defined in the highway capacity manual published by the
National Highway Research Board on existing or immediately planned arterial or
collector streets. Thus, there is adequate traffic capacity to serve the project and it will
maintain LOS ‘D’, which complies with Subsection 4.140.09(J)(2).
Section 4.140.09(J)(3) Public Facilities and Services: The location, design, size and use
are such that the project to be accommodated will be adequately served by existing or
immediately planned facilities and services.
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Request B – Site Design Review
The project design for the building addition includes architectural review which is
evaluated later in this report. Existing landscaping would not be impacted by the
proposed development. As demonstrated in findings B1 through B25, with conditions of
approval referenced therein, the proposed site design plans can be approved.
New signs would need to comply with the approved REBCO Master Sign Plan.
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The applications and supporting documents are hereby adopted for approval with
the following conditions:
PD = Planning Division conditions
BD – Building Division Conditions
PF = Engineering Conditions.
NR = Natural Resources Conditions
Request A: DB15-0009 Stage II Final Plan
Request B: DB15-0010 Site Design Review
Request A, Planning Division – Stage II Final Plan
This action approves Request A for the Stage II Final Plan stamped “Approved Planning
Division” dated April 27, 2015. The Stage II Final Plan approval is for all site
improvements associated with Wilsonville Audi building expansion. The Planning
Director through Class 1 Administrative Review may process minor modifications to the
Request B, Planning Division Conditions – Site Design Review
PDB1. This action approves Request B for the Site Design Plans (architecture) stamped
“Approved Planning Division” dated April 27, 2015, except as modified below.
The Applicant/Owner shall construct the project in substantial compliance with
the approved plans, materials, and colors. The Planning Director through Class 1
Administrative Review may process minor amendments to the project.
PDB2. The Applicant/Owner shall install another bicycle rack designed for bicyclists to
provide their own locking device to secure the frame and both wheels. Location
of the bicycle rack with regard to nearby obstructions shall comply with the
manufacturer’s specifications. See Finding A24.
PDB3. Prior to final occupancy of the subject building addition the Applicant/Owner
shall replace dead or dying shrubs within the landscape screen/hedge between
SW 95th Avenue and the rear side of Wilsonville Audi with broad leaf
evergreens at 2 gallon or larger size. See Finding A18.
Building Division Conditions: No conditions.
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Engineering Division: Standard Comments:
Standard Comments:
PFA 1.
PFA 2.
PFA 3.
PFA 4.
Applicant shall be in compliance with the adopted conditions of approval for
DB09-0020 and DB09-0021, Resolution No. 169, as adopted by the City
Development Review Board on June 22, 2009, except as modified below.
All construction or improvements to public works facilities shall be in
conformance to the City of Wilsonville Public Works Standards - 2014.
All public utility/improvement plans submitted for review shall be based
upon a 22”x 34” format and shall be prepared in accordance with the City of
Wilsonville Public Work’s Standards.
Plans submitted for review shall meet the following general criteria:
a. Utility improvements that shall be maintained by the public and are not contained
within a public right-of-way shall be provided a maintenance access acceptable to
the City. The public utility improvements shall be centered in a minimum 15-ft.
wide public easement for single utilities and a minimum 20-ft wide public
easement for two parallel utilities and shall be conveyed to the City on its
dedication forms.
b. Design of any public utility improvements shall be approved at the time of the
issuance of a Public Works Permit. Private utility improvements are subject to
review and approval by the City Building Department.
c. In the plan set for the PW Permit, existing utilities and features, and proposed new
private utilities shall be shown in a lighter, grey print. Proposed public
improvements shall be shown in bolder, black print.
d. All elevations on design plans and record drawings shall be based on NAVD 88
e. All proposed on and off-site public/private utility improvements shall comply
with the State of Oregon and the City of Wilsonville requirements and any other
applicable codes.
f. Design plans shall identify locations for street lighting, gas service, power lines,
telephone poles, cable television, mailboxes and any other public or private utility
within the general construction area.
g. As per City of Wilsonville Ordinance No. 615, all new gas, telephone, cable,
fiber-optic and electric improvements etc. shall be installed underground.
Existing overhead utilities shall be undergrounded wherever reasonably possible.
h. Any final site landscaping and signing shall not impede any proposed or existing
driveway or interior maneuvering sight distance.
i. Erosion Control Plan that conforms to City of Wilsonville Ordinance No. 482.
j. Existing/proposed right-of-way, easements and adjacent driveways shall be
k. All engineering plans shall be printed to PDF, combined to a single file, stamped
and digitally signed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Oregon.
l. All plans submitted for review shall be in sets of a digitally signed PDF and three
printed sets.
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PFA 5.
PFA 6.
PFA 7.
PFA 8.
PFA 9.
PFA 10.
Applicant shall work with City’s Natural Resources office before disturbing
any soil on the respective site. If 5 or more acres of the site will be disturbed
applicant shall obtain a 1200-C permit from the Oregon Department of
Environmental Quality. If 1 to less than 5 acres of the site will be disturbed
a 1200-CN permit from the City of Wilsonville is required.
The applicant shall be in conformance with all stormwater and flow control
requirements, and water quality standards for the proposed development per
the Public Works Standards.
A storm water analysis prepared by a Professional Engineer registered in the
State of Oregon shall be submitted for review and approval by the City.
The applicant shall be in conformance with all water quality requirements
for the proposed development per the Public Works Standards. If a
mechanical water quality system is used, prior to City acceptance of the
project the applicant shall provide a letter from the system manufacturer
stating that the system was installed per specifications and is functioning as
Storm water quality facilities shall have approved landscape planted and/or
some other erosion control method installed and approved by the City of
Wilsonville prior to streets and/or alleys being paved.
The applicant shall provide the City with a Stormwater Maintenance and
Access Easement (on City approved forms) for City inspection of those
portions of the storm system to be privately maintained. Stormwater or
rainwater LID facilities may be located within the public right-of-way upon
approval of the City Engineer. Applicant shall maintain all LID storm water
components and private conventional storm water facilities; maintenance
shall transfer to the respective homeowners association when it is formed.
Specific Comments:
PFA 11.
At the request of Staff, DKS Associates completed a Trip Generation Memo
dated June 10, 2014. The project is hereby limited to no more than the
following impacts.
Estimated New PM Peak Hour Trips
Wilsonville Audi
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Estimated Weekday PM Peak Hour Trips
Through Elligsen Road / I-5 Interchange Area
Estimated Weekday PM Peak Hour Trips
Through Wilsonville Road Interchange Area
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Natural Resources:
Stormwater Management
Pursuant to the 2015 Public Works Standards, stormwater facilities are required
when proposed development establishes or increases the impervious surface area
by more than 5,000 square feet. Development includes new development,
redevelopment, and/or partial redevelopment. Low Impact Development facilities
shall be provided to manage stormwater runoff.
Submit a drainage report and drainage plans. The report and plans shall
demonstrate the proposed stormwater facilities satisfy the requirements of the
Public Works Standards.
Provide profiles, plan views and specifications for the proposed stormwater
facilities consistent with the requirements of the Public Works Standards.
Pursuant to the Public Works Standards, the applicant shall submit a maintenance
plan (including the City’s stormwater maintenance and access easement) for the
proposed stormwater facilities prior to approval for occupancy of the associated
Pursuant to the Public Works Standards, access shall be provided to all areas of
the proposed stormwater facilities. At a minimum, at least one access shall be
provided for maintenance and inspection.
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The following exhibits are hereby entered into the public record by the Development
Review Board in consideration of the applications as submitted:
A1. Staff Report, findings, recommendations and conditions.
A2. Staff PowerPoint presentation.
Applicant’s Written and Graphic Materials:
Wilsonville Audi Stage II Final plan and Site Design Review Application, date received
March 6th and April 14, 2015 including project narrative, response findings, DKS Traffic Report,
Wilsonville Application, Property Deed, Plans, Drawings and Figures.
Full size and 11” x 17” size Drawings/Plan Sheets, B&W and Color of the reduced plan
sheets on file and also provided in the DRB packets:
Plan Set, Sheet Number
Addition Floor Plan
A2.0 Building Elevations
Title Site and Utility Plan
Development Review Team
C1. Engineering Division Conditions, Dated April 9, 2015
C2. Natural Resources Program Director Conditions, dated April 10, 2015
Public Testimony
Letters (neither for nor Against): None submitted
Letters (In Favor): None submitted
Letters (Opposed): None submitted
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Approved Stage I Preliminary Plan Site Analysis Data:
REBCO Master Plan Property (Tax
Lots 400, 800 and 1000):
743,070 sq. ft.
% Of Site
Surrounding Development: The adjacent land uses are as follows:
Compass Direction
Existing Use
Industrial, vehicle inventory storage.
Parking lot
Nissan Dealership
95th Avenue, Industrial and RV storage facility
Natural Characteristics: The subject building addition site is the westerly
parking area of Wilsonville Audi with a gentle-slope draining from north to south.
The site does not contain any significant trees or City of Wilsonville inventoried
cultural, historic, or natural resources.
Adjacent Street: SW 95th Avenue
Previous Planning Applications:
REBCO for Honda
REBCO for Honda
REBCO for Nissan
Wilsonville Audi
Wilsonville Audi
Stage I and Stage II
Stage I and II
Stage I, II and Site Design
Stage II Final Plan
Site Design Review
The applicant has complied with Sections 4.013-4.031 of the Wilsonville Code,
said sections pertaining to review procedures and submittal requirements. The
required public notices have been sent and all proper notification procedures have
been satisfied.
The statutory 120-day time limit applies to this application. The application was
received on March 6, 2015. On March 10, 2015 staff conducted a completeness
review within the statutorily allowed 30-day review period and on March 30,
2015 the application was deemed complete. The City must render a final decision
for the request, including any appeals, by July 28, 2015.
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Wilsonville Audi is Phase 2 of the approved REBCO Stage I Preliminary Plan which
involves three phases for independent auto dealership facilities. Under a previous code
interpretation the approved Stage I Preliminary Plan (Master Plan) allowed the PDI zoned
property to have up to 20% of the total acreage in service commercial and office uses. In
case file 04DB04 the City approved Phase 1 for the Nissan dealership and including
vehicle inventory/storage for 1,599 vehicles, service, customer and employee parking and
circulation, and landscaping. The applicant also obtained approval for on-site storm water
facility and off-site wetland mitigation plan. The proposed building addition to
Wilsonville Audi is consistent with the REBCO Stage I Preliminary Plan (Master Plan)
for Phase 2.
The applicant proposes a Stage II Final Plan for a 7,075 sq. ft. auto service building
addition to Wilsonville Audi.
Existing Wilsonville Audi Building Improvement
Area Use
Audi Dealership
Square Footage
Proposed Wilsonville Audi Building Improvement
Area Use
Audi Dealership addition
Square Footage
Subsection 4.140.09(J): A planned development permit may be granted by the Development
Review Board only if it is found that the development conforms to all the following criteria, as
well as to the planned Development Regulations in Section 4.140.
Additionally, Subsection 4.140.09(J)(1) states: The location, design, size and uses, both
separately and as a whole, are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and with any other
applicable plan, development map or Ordinance adopted by the City Council.
The project site is zoned Planned Development Industrial (PDI) but it comprises
vehicle services, retail and office uses which are commercial. Per the adopted
REBCO Stage I Preliminary Plan the stated commercial uses were approved
under previous code allowing up to 20% of the land area within the PDI Zone for
commercial and office uses. Wilsonville Audi, Nissan and a future dealership
comprise the 20% commercial/office allotment within the Stage I Preliminary
Plan. The large vehicle storage area located at the north side of the master planned
area is identified as “vehicle inventory storage” which is equivalent to industrial
storage allowed in the PDI zone of the regulating code in effect at that time.
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Section 4.116. Standards applying to commercial developments in any zone – any commercial
use shall be subject to the applicable provisions of this Code and to the following:
Subsections 4.116.01: Commercial developments shall be planned in the form of centers or
complexes as provided in the City's Comprehensive Plan.
The Stage I Preliminary Plan allows for three vehicle dealerships classified as
“Service Commercial” consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. This criterion is
The applicant does not propose exterior vending trailers and/or small structures,
which require approval as a temporary use, or otherwise must be approved by the
Development Review Board. Except for the vehicle staging next to the
Wilsonville Audi showroom all sales, business, vehicle servicing or processing
must be conducted within the dealership building.
Subsection 4.135.08(C) and (D): Minimum Yard Setbacks:
See finding A44. Wilsonville Audi complies with the minimum thirty - (30) foot
front, side and rear yard setbacks meeting code. The project site for the building
addition is not next to a district with a more restrictive yard setback requirement.
Subsection 4.135.08(A): Minimum Lot Size: No limitation, save and except as may otherwise
be affected by other provisions of this Code.
The project site meets this criterion.
Parking: Section 4.155. General Regulations - Parking, Loading and Bicycle Parking.
Section 4.155 of the Wilsonville Code sets forth the minimum parking standards for off-street
The proposed revised parking plan for Wilsonville Audi separates pedestrian and
vehicular traffic, and provides efficient parking lot movements through the use of
two public driveways. Existing sidewalks connect the Audi dealership with the
Nissan dealership. Approved is vehicle inventory of 1,599 spaces in Phase I. This
criterion is satisfied.
Subsection 4.155.03(A)(1&2): Minimum off-street loading requirements.
The proposed service entrance meets the above code criterion.
Applicable General Provisions:
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In cases of enlargement of a building or a change of use from that existing on
the effective date of this Code, the number of parking spaces required shall
be based on the additional floor area of the enlarged or additional building,
or changed use, as set forth in this Section. Current development standards,
including parking area landscaping and screening, shall apply only to the
additional approved parking area.
Off-street parking spaces existing prior to the effective date of this Code may be
included in the amount necessary to meet the requirements in case of subsequent
enlargement of the building or use to which such spaces are necessary.
The number of additional parking is based on the 7,075 sq. ft. building addition
which is discussed in more detail in finding A23. Criteria C and F are satisfied.
The conducting of any business activity shall not be permitted on the required
parking spaces, unless a temporary use permit is approved pursuant to Section
The applicant is not proposing any business activity in parking areas. The
applicant would need to obtain a temporary use permit from the City’s Planning
Division for any business conducted within a parking area.
Where the boundary of a parking lot adjoins or is within a residential district,
such parking lot shall be screened by a sight-obscuring fence or planting. The
screening shall be continuous along that boundary and shall be at least six (6)
feet in height.
Wilsonville Audi is not next to residential development; thus, this criterion is not
Parking spaces along the boundaries of a parking lot shall be provided with a
sturdy bumper guard or curb at least six (6) inches high and located far enough
within the boundary to prevent any portion of a car within the lot from
extending over the property line or interfering with required screening or
The applicant has provided graphic evidence specific to this criterion meeting
All areas used for parking and maneuvering of cars shall be surfaced with
asphalt, concrete, or other surface, such as "grasscrete" in lightly-used areas,
that is found by the City Engineer to be suitable for the purpose. In all cases,
suitable drainage, meeting standards set by the City Engineer, shall be provided.
The applicant has submitted plans to demonstrate that asphalt and/or concrete will
be utilized for new parking areas and drives. This criterion is satisfied.
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Artificial lighting which may be provided shall be so limited or deflected as not
to shine into adjoining structures or into the eyes of passers-by.
A13. Applicant: “Site lighting is already approved for the site. No overall changes to the
existing lighting plan is included with this request. There are two parking lot light
poles that will probably be relocated to another nearby area of the parking lot. It
may be possible to eliminate one of these poles and therefore reduce the amount
of outdoor lighting with this project.”
Compact car spaces.
By provision of this section, the applicant is permitted up to 40 compact spaces
(100 x 40% = 40 spaces). The previous approval for the Wilsonville Audi
dealership showed (5) compact spaces, but new compact parking is not proposed.
This criterion is satisfied.
Where off-street parking areas are designed for motor vehicles to overhang
beyond curbs, planting areas adjacent to said curbs shall be increased to a
minimum of seven (7) feet in depth. This standard shall apply to a double row
of parking, the net effect of which shall be to create a planted area that is a
minimum of seven (7) feet in depth.
Existing parking that is adjacent to SW 95th Avenue and property lines have
planting areas exceeding seven (7) feet in depth; therefore, this code criterion is
(.03) Minimum and Maximum Off-Street Parking Requirements:
Parking and loading or delivery areas shall be designed with access and
maneuvering area adequate to serve the functional needs of the site.
Wilsonville Audi complies with the revised DKS Traffic Report
recommendations in Exhibit B1; therefore, staff finds the proposed revised site
plan for the building addition has adequate access and maneuvering areas. This
criterion is satisfied.
Pedestrian access to Wilsonville Audi is taken directly from the sidewalk at an
internal drive which connects to SW 95th Avenue. Pedestrian access through the
site continues along the northerly driveway and easterly to the Nissan dealership.
It is the professional opinion of staff that the existing pedestrian circulation
system meets the requirements of this criterion.
Parking and loading or delivery areas landscaping requirements
Parking Lot Landscaping as a Percentage & Parking Areas Visible from the
Right-of-Way: The total landscape area within the Stage I Master Plan is 186,364
SF not including the northerly regional storm detention facility. Of that area 10%
is landscaped next to and within the parking areas. Much of the landscaping is
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devoted to screening parking lots from 95th Avenue and SW Boones Ferry Road.
It is the professional opinion of Staff that this does provide a full screen of the
proposed parking areas consistent with the Low Screen Landscaping Standard and
with the High Screen Landscape Standard. However, staff has observed several
dead or dying shrubs within the landscape screen/hedge and they must be replanted with broad leaf evergreens at 2 gallon or larger size.
Parking Areas Visible from Adjacent Properties: The westerly boundary at
95th Avenue is screened by a solid hedge. It is designed to achieve the High
Screen Landscape Standard. The REBCO Master Plan is such that the three
dealerships would have open site planning with minimal landscaping between the
Landscape Tree Planting Areas: The applicant has provided a site plan showing
existing planting areas. Existing landscaping would not be impacted by the
proposed development. Staff finds that the twelve (12) existing planting islands
with shade trees constructed with the main Audi dealership project at minimum of
eight (8) feet in width meet minimum code even with the proposed service
building addition.
Subsection 4.155(.03)B.4 Parking for ADA
Final design of ADA parking will be reviewed by the Building Division at the
time of building permit.
Subsection 4.155.(03)B.5.: Connection of Parking Areas
The subject site is adjacent to the Nissan dealership with potential shared parking
provisions meeting this criterion.
Subsection 4.155.(03)B.6-8 and Table 5: Parking Standards.
Vehicular Parking: The proposal is for a vehicle service building addition to the
existing Audi service/retail/office building. Existing parking provided is 80
spaces. 7 parking spaces will be removed for the building addition. Additional
parking spaces provided is 27. Total proposed parking provided is 100 including 4
spaces for the disabled. 99 minimum parking spaces are required thus this
provision is therefore satisfied.
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14 (2.7/1000)
Proposed Service
min 2
min 2
Min 2
43 (6.2/1000)
99 min.
173 max.
7 min
Bicycle Parking: Per Section 4.155.02(C), the applicant is required to provide
bicycle parking. Based upon the total square footage of the existing building and
the proposed addition the applicant is required to provide seven (7) bicycle
parking spaces. The applicant has submitted a site plan (Sheet C1) to demonstrate
the location for 2 additional bicycle parking spaces thereby meeting this
Section 4.167. General Regulations - Access, Ingress and Egress.
Vehicle Access Points: There are 3 existing full access driveways that are shared
with Wilsonville Audi, Nissan and a future dealership (two at SW 95th Avenue
and one at SW Boones Ferry Road).
Primary access to Wilsonville Audi is at SW 95th Avenue which is the main,
driveway that also serves the Nissan dealership and the northerly outdoor vehicle
storage yard. The proposal does not seek to change the approved access location.
Subsection 4.171. General Regulations – Protection of Natural Features and Other
General Terrain Preparation:
All finish grading has already been performed when Wilsonville Audi was
developed and new grading for the proposed addition will be completed in
accordance with the Uniform Building Code. These provisions will be further
guaranteed through the review of the Grading and Erosion Control Permits.
The project site is relatively level and it does not contain slopes greater than 25%;
therefore, this criterion is not applicable.
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Trees and Wooded Areas.
The project site does not contain existing trees and wooded areas; therefore, this
criterion is not applicable.
High Voltage Power-line Easements and Rights of Way and Petroleum Pipeline
The project site is not encumbered by high voltage power-line easements and
right-of-way or petroleum pipeline easement; therefore, this provision is not
Hazards to Safety:
The project site is not located within a soil or geological hazard area, nor is it
located in an area prone to forest and brush fires. Review of the building plans
and public works permit will ensure that best engineering practices are
Subsection 4.118.03(A): Waivers.
The applicant is not requesting a waiver from any particular standard of the
Development Code.
Response Findings to Subsection 4.140.09(J)(2) Traffic:
Subsection 4.140.09(J)(2) of the Wilsonville Code stipulates review criteria for Stage II of
the planned development process: That the location, design, size and uses are such that
traffic generated by the development at the most probable used intersection(s) can be
accommodated (safely and without congestion in excess of Level of Service D) as defined in
the Highway Capacity Manual published by the National Highway Research Board, on
existing or immediately planned arterial or collector streets and will, in the case of
commercial or industrial developments, avoid traversing local streets.
The City’s 2013 Transportation Systems Plan (TSP) identifies SW 95th Avenue as
a minor arterial and SW Boones Ferry Road as a collector. The TSP also
establishes the design standards for streets. The primary access to Wilsonville
Audi is at SW 95th Avenue. The existing right-of-way width on SW 95th Avenue
is 62 feet. SW 95th Avenue is already built to the fully anticipated width with bike
lanes and sidewalks. Therefore, the City Engineer is not proposing additional
right-of-way or street improvements on SW 95th Avenue.
The updated DKS Associates Transportation Impact Summary found in Exhibit
B1 provides the following data for the study area and for the proposed
Wilsonville Audi building addition:
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Estimated total net P.M. peak hour trips
Wilsonville Audi + proposed addition:
Estimated P.M. weekday, peak hour trips through the
Wilsonville Road/I-5 Interchange
Estimated P.M. weekday, peak hour trips through the I5/Elligsen Road Interchange
85 existing
96 new trips
9 existing
2 new trips
32 existing
9 new trips
Section 4.140.09(J)(2) is met.
Subsection 4.140.09(J)(2)(b)
Prior to the issuance of building permits by the City, the property owner shall be
responsible for paying all applicable systems development charges (SDCs) for the
proposed project including supplemental street SDCs.
Transit Service:
A36. The nearest transit stop is at the 95th Ave/Freeman Drive/Project access
intersection (SMART Routes 203 and 1X). On-site transit service is not proposed
or expected. In the Phase I Nissan Dealership development REBCO installed a
bus stop with pad and meeting ADA requirements on SW 95th Avenue opposite
Freeman Court.
Sidewalks: Subsection 4.177.01(B) provides the following criteria for sidewalks:
B. All streets shall be developed with curbs, utility strips and sidewalks on both sides; or a
sidewalk on one side and a bike path on the other side.
The City’s 2006 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (Map 1) show on-street
bikeways/sidewalks along SW 95th Avenue and on SW Boones Ferry Road. SW
95th Avenue is fully built with bike lanes and sidewalks.
Pedestrian connection to the interior of Wilsonville Audi is a well-defined
sidewalk from the Wilsonville Audi main entry to SW 95th Avenue.
Subsection 4.140.09(J)(3) Public Facilities:
Subsection 4.140.09(J)(3) stipulates, “That the location, design, size and uses are such that
the residents or establishments to be accommodated will be adequately served by existing or
immediately planned facilities and services.”
The concurrency requirements of this section of the Wilsonville Code are meant
to ensure orderly and efficient development within the City. Sanitary and storm
sewer service is available to the property. Water service is available in SW 95th
Avenue. The applicant has provided sufficient information regarding the
availability of public facilities to the project site. The City’s engineering staff has
reviewed the applicant’s plans. This initial review of design drawings by the
City’s Engineering Division, and assurance that a permit will not be issued until
Staff approves all plans, is sufficient to insure that adequate public facilities are
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available to serve this project.
Water: A 12-inch water line in SW 95th Avenue serves the property. The water
needs for the proposed building addition can be provided by the water service
A41. Sanitary Sewer: An 8-inch sanitary sewer line serves the property in SW 95th
A42. Storm Drainage: The existing master planned development has a storm detention
pond at the southerly area to serve the entire storm drainage impacts. No
construction is allowed within 50'-0’of either location which is not the case with
the proposed project.
Subsection 4.237(.05)(B): Lot Size and Shape
The table below compares the dimensional requirements of the PDI Zone
(4.135.06) with the proposed Wilsonville Audi building addition.
PDI Zone:
Other standards:
Minimum lot width at building line:
No limit
Minimum street frontage of lot:
No limit
Minimum lot depth:
No limit
Minimum front yard - East
30 feet min.
Minimum side yard - North
30 feet min.
170’ shown
Minimum side yard - South
30 feet min.
113’ shown
Minimum rear yard - West
30 feet min.
35’ shown
Maximum building or structure
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No limit.
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Architecture: The existing 25,348 sq. ft. Wilsonville Audi dealership building contains
commercial vehicle service, retail, offices and storage. The building structure is
comprised of tilt-concrete walls and steel construction. The exterior shell is a
combination of ribbed & composite metals panels and paint on the tilt-concrete walls.
Tilt-up concrete walls are proposed for the building addition as illustrated on the
provided Materials Board.
Section 4.118(.02): Utilities and Drainage
The Engineering Division has indicated that storm water generated by the
proposed site improvements must be treated before entering the City’s storm
Subsection 4.155(.01)(B): Site design and impervious surfaces shall address the
environmental impacts of air and water pollution, as well as climate change from heat
Existing landscaping would not be modified by the proposed building addition.
Additional landscaping is not proposed nor is it required by code.
Subsection 4.155(.01)(C): The view of parking lots from public right-of-ways.
See Finding A18.
Subsection 4.155(.02)(H): Conducting business activity in parking area prohibited.
Exterior vending trailers and/or small structures require approval as a temporary
use, or otherwise must be approved by the Development Review Board. Outdoor
inventory and or/storage is allowed under Subsection 4.135.03(E) as “storage”
Subsection 4.155(.02)(L): Artificial lighting which may be provided shall be so limited or
deflected as not to shine into adjoining structures or into the eyes of passers-by.
The existing exterior lighting was designed and installed to be of a cohesive
design throughout the project meeting code.
Subsection 4.155(.02)(N): Up to forty percent (40%) of the off-street spaces may be compact
car spaces as identified in Section 4.001.
The applicant is not proposing additional compact off-street parking spaces.
Subsection 4.155(.03)(B)(1): 10% parking lot landscape coverage.
According to the original approval the existing landscaping showed
approximately 26.6% for the entire three auto dealership property. This criterion is
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Subsections 4.155(.03)(B)(2)(a) and (b): Trees planted in a ratio of one (1) tree per six (6)
parking spaces or fraction thereof in parking areas of more than 200 spaces and provide
branching minimum of seven (7) feet clearance at maturity.
See Finding A20. The shade tree parking lot requirements are met for those areas.
Proposed parking lots meets Subsection 4.155.03(B)(2).
Subsection 4.155(.03)(B)(4): Parking is designed for safe and convenient handicapped access
The Building Official will review the entire project for compliance relative to the
ADA requirements.
Subsection 4.155(.03)(B)(5): Parking connects with parking areas on adjacent sites.
Wilsonville Audi driveways and parking communicate with the adjacent Nissan
dealership driveways and parking.
Section 4.176: Landscaping, Screening, and Buffering
Subsection 4.176(.01)(A through I): Purpose
See Finding A18. The existing berm and landscaping hedge along the western
side of the project site next to SW 95th Avenue satisfies the requirements of the
High Screen Standard.
Subsection 4.176 (.02) (E) (1-2): High Screen Landscaping Standard
As stated in Finding B12 the existing berm and landscape hedge along the
western side of the project site forms a solid and continuous screen six feet in
height and 95% opaque year-round meeting code.
Subsection 4.176 (.03): Landscape Area
This section requires that not less than 15% of the total lot area be landscaped
with plants. The Stage II Final Plan for the three auto dealership indicated that the
site, which is comprised of 17.05 acres (743,070 SF of land) contains 26.6%
(approximately 197,464 SF) landscape coverage, satisfying this Code criterion.
The existing landscaping treatment further complies with the above code criterion
by providing a balance between various plant forms and heights and uses a mix of
native and ornamental species.
Subsection 4.176 (.04) (A-E): Buffering and Screening
The Buffering and Screening section requires that all intensive developments be
screened and buffered from less intensive developments. Wilsonville Audi has
outdoor vehicle inventory & service storage buffered with 6'-0’ high site
obscuring fence screening and high screening landscape (which has obtained 95%
opacity) along SW 95th Avenue. Employees will be responsible to reposition the
vehicles being serviced back into the service building as required. Roof and
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ground mounted HVAC equipment and outdoor storage areas be adequately
screened from off-site view.
As required for the Nissan dealership the area located at the west side of
Wilsonville Audi is screened at SW 95th Avenue. It includes a combination of 6'0" high landscape or fence screening as required by the City's Ordinance. The
required loading area for delivered parts will take place behind the screening and
within the storage area. Vehicle delivery from the vehicle transporters will utilize
the same location used by Nissan, entering through the gates at the intersection of
SW 95th Avenue.
Subsection 4.176 (.12) (D) Irrigation
A full automatic irrigation system was installed with the development of the
Wilsonville Audi dealership building meeting code.
Subsections 4.400.02(A to J): Site Design Review This section specifies the purpose and
objectives of site development requirements and the Site Design Review procedure.
Existing landscaping was designed to define the interior driveway system as well
as utilize the existing perimeter plantings, and to ensure a high quality visual
Section 4.199 Outdoor Lighting
Section 4.199.40: Lighting Systems Standards for Approval
B18. Applicant: “Site lighting is already approved for the site. No overall changes to
the existing lighting plan is included with this request. There are two parking lot
light poles that will probably be relocated to another nearby area of the parking
lot. It may be possible to eliminate one of these poles and therefore reduce the
amount of outdoor lighting with this project.”
Section 4.421. Criteria and Application of Design Standards.
The following standards shall be utilized by the Board in reviewing the plans,
drawings, sketches and other documents required for Site Design Review. These
standards are intended to provide a frame of reference for the applicant in the
development of site and building plans as well as a method of review for the
Board. These standards shall not be regarded as inflexible requirements. They
are not intended to discourage creativity, invention and innovation. The
specifications of one or more particular architectural styles is not included in
these standards. (Even in the Boones Ferry Overlay Zone, a range of
architectural styles will be encouraged.)
Preservation of Landscape.
Staff finds that the subject site for the proposed building addition is part of the
approved Stage I Preliminary Plan. The project site has fairly level terrain.
Existing landscaping would remain for the building addition.
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The project site is not within a Significant Resource Overlay Zone or next to any
other natural feature. This criterion is not applicable.
Advertising Features.
In 2009 the DRB approved a Master Sign Plan. New signs would need to comply
with the approved REBCO Master Sign Plan.
Utility Service.
All utilities already exist in SW 95th Avenue meeting code. Engineering review of
construction documents will ensure compliance with this provision.
Surface Water Drainage.
All storm water and drainage systems are in place in SW 95th Avenue and at a
storm water detention pond located south of the project site. At permit review the
City will require that the applicant provide storm water calculations to ensure the
downstream capacity of the public storm drainage system and not adversely affect
neighboring properties.
Drives, Parking and Circulation.
Driveways and circulation exist and serve the site adequately.
Relation of Proposed Buildings to Environment.
Special Features.
There will be no exposed machinery installations or utility buildings associated
with the proposed building expansion. The existing trash enclosure will be
removed and a new 11’ x 20’ enclosure will be reconstructed next to the building
addition. It will have concrete walls with a gate, painted to match the body color
of the building meeting Section 4.179.
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Public Hearing Date:
Date of Report:
Application Numbers:
Request A: DB15-0009 and 0010
PD = Planning Division conditions
BD – Building Division Conditions
PF = Engineering Conditions.
NR = Natural Resources Conditions
TR = SMART/Transit Conditions
FD = Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue Conditions
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Standard Comments:
PFA 1.
PFA 2.
PFA 3.
PFA 4.
Applicant shall be in compliance with the adopted conditions of approval for
DB09-0020 and DB09-0021, Resolution No. 169, as adopted by the City
Development Review Board on June 22, 2009, except as modified below.
All construction or improvements to public works facilities shall be in
conformance to the City of Wilsonville Public Works Standards - 2014.
All public utility/improvement plans submitted for review shall be based
upon a 22”x 34” format and shall be prepared in accordance with the City of
Wilsonville Public Work’s Standards.
Plans submitted for review shall meet the following general criteria:
a. Utility improvements that shall be maintained by the public and are not contained
within a public right-of-way shall be provided a maintenance access acceptable to
the City. The public utility improvements shall be centered in a minimum 15-ft.
wide public easement for single utilities and a minimum 20-ft wide public
easement for two parallel utilities and shall be conveyed to the City on its
dedication forms.
b. Design of any public utility improvements shall be approved at the time of the
issuance of a Public Works Permit. Private utility improvements are subject to
review and approval by the City Building Department.
c. In the plan set for the PW Permit, existing utilities and features, and proposed new
private utilities shall be shown in a lighter, grey print. Proposed public
improvements shall be shown in bolder, black print.
d. All elevations on design plans and record drawings shall be based on NAVD 88
e. All proposed on and off-site public/private utility improvements shall comply
with the State of Oregon and the City of Wilsonville requirements and any other
applicable codes.
f. Design plans shall identify locations for street lighting, gas service, power lines,
telephone poles, cable television, mailboxes and any other public or private utility
within the general construction area.
g. As per City of Wilsonville Ordinance No. 615, all new gas, telephone, cable,
fiber-optic and electric improvements etc. shall be installed underground.
Existing overhead utilities shall be undergrounded wherever reasonably possible.
h. Any final site landscaping and signing shall not impede any proposed or existing
driveway or interior maneuvering sight distance.
i. Erosion Control Plan that conforms to City of Wilsonville Ordinance No. 482.
j. Existing/proposed right-of-way, easements and adjacent driveways shall be
k. All engineering plans shall be printed to PDF, combined to a single file, stamped
and digitally signed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Oregon.
l. All plans submitted for review shall be in sets of a digitally signed PDF and three
printed sets.
PFA 5.
Applicant shall work with City’s Natural Resources office before disturbing
any soil on the respective site. If 5 or more acres of the site will be disturbed
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PFA 6.
PFA 7.
PFA 8.
PFA 9.
PFA 10.
applicant shall obtain a 1200-C permit from the Oregon Department of
Environmental Quality. If 1 to less than 5 acres of the site will be disturbed
a 1200-CN permit from the City of Wilsonville is required.
The applicant shall be in conformance with all stormwater and flow control
requirements, and water quality standards for the proposed development per
the Public Works Standards.
A storm water analysis prepared by a Professional Engineer registered in the
State of Oregon shall be submitted for review and approval by the City.
The applicant shall be in conformance with all water quality requirements
for the proposed development per the Public Works Standards. If a
mechanical water quality system is used, prior to City acceptance of the
project the applicant shall provide a letter from the system manufacturer
stating that the system was installed per specifications and is functioning as
Storm water quality facilities shall have approved landscape planted and/or
some other erosion control method installed and approved by the City of
Wilsonville prior to streets and/or alleys being paved.
The applicant shall provide the City with a Stormwater Maintenance and
Access Easement (on City approved forms) for City inspection of those
portions of the storm system to be privately maintained. Stormwater or
rainwater LID facilities may be located within the public right-of-way upon
approval of the City Engineer. Applicant shall maintain all LID storm water
components and private conventional storm water facilities; maintenance
shall transfer to the respective homeowners association when it is formed.
Specific Comments:
PFA 11.
At the request of Staff, DKS Associates completed a Trip Generation Memo
dated June 10, 2014. The project is hereby limited to no more than the
following impacts.
Estimated New PM Peak Hour Trips
Estimated Weekday PM Peak Hour Trips
Through Elligsen Road / I-5 Interchange Area
Estimated Weekday PM Peak Hour Trips
Through Wilsonville Road Interchange Area
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Blaise Edmonds, Manager of Current Planning
From: Kerry Rappold, Natural Resources Program Manager
Date: April 10, 2015
Commercial Development (DR15-0009 – Wilsonville Audi)
This memorandum includes staff conditions of approval. The conditions of approval are based on
the submitted Stage II Final Plan and Site Design Review. The conditions of approval apply to
the applicant’s submittal of construction documents (i.e., engineering drawings).
The following conditions of approval are based on the material submitted by the applicant. Any
subsequent revisions to the submitted plans may require conditions of approval to be modified by
Stormwater Management
1. Pursuant to the 2015 Public Works Standards, stormwater facilities are required when
proposed development establishes or increases the impervious surface area by more than
5,000 square feet. Development includes new development, redevelopment, and/or partial
redevelopment. Low Impact Development facilities shall be provided to manage
stormwater runoff.
2. Submit a drainage report and drainage plans. The report and plans shall demonstrate the
proposed stormwater facilities satisfy the requirements of the Public Works Standards.
3. Provide profiles, plan views and specifications for the proposed stormwater facilities
consistent with the requirements of the Public Works Standards.
4. Pursuant to the Public Works Standards, the applicant shall submit a maintenance plan
(including the City’s stormwater maintenance and access easement) for the proposed
stormwater facilities prior to approval for occupancy of the associated development.
5. Pursuant to the Public Works Standards, access shall be provided to all areas of the
proposed stormwater facilities. At a minimum, at least one access shall be provided for
maintenance and inspection.
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6. Pursuant to the City of Wilsonville’s Ordinance No. 482, the applicant shall submit an
erosion and sedimentation control plan. The following techniques and methods shall be
incorporated, where necessary:
Gravel construction entrance;
Stockpiles and plastic sheeting;
Sediment fence;
Inlet protection (Silt sacks are recommended);
Dust control;
Temporary/permanent seeding or wet weather measures (e.g. mulch);
Limits of construction; and
Other appropriate erosion and sedimentation control methods.
7. The applicant shall comply with all applicable state and federal requirements for the
proposed construction activities (e.g., DEQ NPDES #1200–CN permit).
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