Road Reporter v3.6.5 Manual - International Road Dynamics, Inc.
Road Reporter v3.6.5 Manual - International Road Dynamics, Inc.
Operator's Manual Road Reporter Dwg#: 69046201 INTERNATIONAL ROAD DYNAMICS INC. QUALITY IN MOTION Operator's Manual Road Reporter Part No. 69046201 Revision C Date: 11/21/2014 For further information or assistance, call IRD's Customer Service Hotline at (306) 653-6626 or Toll Free at (877) 444-4IRD (4473) International Road Dynamics Inc. reserves the right to alter any of its products or related published technical data anytime, without notice. Copyright© 2014 by International Road Dynamics Inc. (IRD) All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this document or portions thereof in any form whatsoever, without written consent of the copyright holder. For information, please contact IRD at: Corporate Office U.S. Corporate Office 702 43rd Street Saskatoon, Sask. Canada S7K 3T9 Tel: (306) 653-6600 Fax: (306) 242-5599 2402 Spring Ridge Drive, Suite E Spring Grove, IL USA 60081 Tel: (877) 444-4473 Fax: (815) 675-1530 OPERATOR'S MANUAL ROAD REPORTER TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1-1 2.0 MAIN WINDOW ................................................................................................................ 2-1 2.1 TITLE BAR ...................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 MENU BAR...................................................................................................................... 2-2 2.3 TOOL BAR ...................................................................................................................... 2-2 2.4 DATA AREA..................................................................................................................... 2-2 2.5 STATUS BAR ................................................................................................................... 2-3 3.0 FILE MENU ...................................................................................................................... 3-4 3.1 NEW ............................................................................................................................... 3-4 3.2 LOAD .............................................................................................................................. 3-6 3.3 DELETE .......................................................................................................................... 3-7 3.4 SAVE .............................................................................................................................. 3-7 3.5 SAVE AS......................................................................................................................... 3-8 3.6 EXTRACT ........................................................................................................................ 3-8 3.6.1 PV Data................................................................................................................. 3-8 3.6.2 Monthly ................................................................................................................. 3-9 3.7 SETUP .......................................................................................................................... 3-11 3.7.1 General Tab ........................................................................................................ 3-11 3.7.2 Directories Tab ................................................................................................... 3-14 3.7.3 Communications Tab .......................................................................................... 3-15 3.7.4 Recorder Options Tab ........................................................................................ 3-18 3.7.5 Printer/Screen Options Tab ................................................................................ 3-20 3.7.6 Data Options Tab................................................................................................ 3-20 3.7.7 WIM Attributes Tab ............................................................................................. 3-23 3.8 CLOSE.......................................................................................................................... 3-24 3.9 EXIT ............................................................................................................................. 3-24 4.0 INTERFACE MENU.......................................................................................................... 4-1 4.1 TRAFFIC A.C.E. .............................................................................................................. 4-1 4.2 T.R.S. ............................................................................................................................ 4-2 4.2.1 Data Source .......................................................................................................... 4-2 4.2.2 Command Buttons ................................................................................................ 4-4 4.3 AUTO POLL ................................................................................................................... 4-12 4.3.1 Start Period 1 ...................................................................................................... 4-13 4.3.2 Start Period 2 ...................................................................................................... 4-13 4.3.3 General ............................................................................................................... 4-13 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL ROAD REPORTER 4.3.4 Print Log ............................................................................................................. 4-13 4.3.5 Date Range ......................................................................................................... 4-14 4.3.6 Command Buttons .............................................................................................. 4-14 4.4 ANDROID / PDA ............................................................................................................ 4-14 4.5 MODULE ....................................................................................................................... 4-16 4.6 TRACKER...................................................................................................................... 4-17 4.6.1 All Data ............................................................................................................... 4-17 4.6.2 Select Data ......................................................................................................... 4-18 4.6.3 Program .............................................................................................................. 4-19 4.6.4 Erase Memory .................................................................................................... 4-19 4.6.5 Close/Stop .......................................................................................................... 4-20 4.7 241/ADR TRAFFIC COUNTER ........................................................................................ 4-20 4.7.1 Command Buttons .............................................................................................. 4-21 4.8 GK 5000 ...................................................................................................................... 4-22 4.9 GK DATA PORT ............................................................................................................ 4-23 4.10 DB-TDC-IMC .............................................................................................................. 4-24 4.11 IDC AUTO COUNT ......................................................................................................... 4-24 5.0 EDIT MENU ...................................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 HEADER ......................................................................................................................... 5-1 5.1.1 Post Processing .................................................................................................... 5-2 5.1.2 Data Button ........................................................................................................... 5-3 5.2 SITE ............................................................................................................................... 5-4 5.2.1 Change All ............................................................................................................ 5-5 5.2.2 Print....................................................................................................................... 5-5 5.2.3 Delete.................................................................................................................... 5-5 5.2.4 New / Edit ............................................................................................................. 5-6 5.3 ADD LANE..................................................................................................................... 5-10 5.4 DELETE LANES ............................................................................................................. 5-11 5.5 APPEND FILE ................................................................................................................ 5-12 5.6 COPY SELECTED DATA.................................................................................................. 5-13 5.7 MERGE SITE DATA ........................................................................................................ 5-13 5.7.1 Delete.................................................................................................................. 5-13 5.7.2 New or Edit ......................................................................................................... 5-14 5.7.3 Merge Selected ................................................................................................... 5-14 5.7.4 Operation ............................................................................................................ 5-14 5.7.5 Log File ............................................................................................................... 5-15 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL ROAD REPORTER 5.7.6 6.0 Merging More Sites ............................................................................................. 5-15 REPORT MENU ............................................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 REPORTS ....................................................................................................................... 6-1 6.1.1 File ........................................................................................................................ 6-1 6.1.2 Site ........................................................................................................................ 6-1 6.1.3 Multiple.................................................................................................................. 6-2 6.1.4 Data Types ........................................................................................................... 6-2 6.1.5 Time and Date ...................................................................................................... 6-2 6.1.6 Factors .................................................................................................................. 6-2 6.1.7 Save To CSV File ................................................................................................. 6-3 6.1.8 Report Interval ...................................................................................................... 6-3 6.1.9 Show On Screen ................................................................................................... 6-4 6.1.10 Customize ............................................................................................................. 6-5 6.2 GRAPHS ....................................................................................................................... 6-10 6.2.1 Data .................................................................................................................... 6-11 6.2.2 Interval ................................................................................................................ 6-11 6.2.3 Type .................................................................................................................... 6-11 6.2.4 Speed Stats ........................................................................................................ 6-11 6.2.5 Color Printing ...................................................................................................... 6-12 6.2.6 Send To Printer ................................................................................................... 6-12 6.2.7 Time and Date .................................................................................................... 6-12 6.2.8 Report File .......................................................................................................... 6-12 6.2.9 Data Types ......................................................................................................... 6-12 6.2.10 Customize ........................................................................................................... 6-12 7.0 OPTIONS MENU .............................................................................................................. 7-1 7.1 EXPORT.......................................................................................................................... 7-1 7.1.1 File ........................................................................................................................ 7-2 7.1.2 Site ........................................................................................................................ 7-2 7.1.3 Select Files ........................................................................................................... 7-2 7.1.4 Time and Date ...................................................................................................... 7-2 7.1.5 Format................................................................................................................... 7-2 7.1.6 Exporting ............................................................................................................... 7-4 7.2 VERIFICATION RULES ...................................................................................................... 7-5 7.2.1 Volume .................................................................................................................. 7-5 7.2.2 Classification ......................................................................................................... 7-6 7.2.3 Speed.................................................................................................................... 7-6 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL ROAD REPORTER 7.2.4 Save ...................................................................................................................... 7-6 7.2.5 Manual Verify / Verify On Load ............................................................................. 7-6 7.2.6 Cancel ................................................................................................................... 7-6 7.3 DATA VERIFICATION ........................................................................................................ 7-7 7.3.1 File ........................................................................................................................ 7-7 7.3.2 Site ........................................................................................................................ 7-7 7.3.3 Select Files ........................................................................................................... 7-7 7.3.4 Set Rules .............................................................................................................. 7-8 7.3.5 Time and Date ...................................................................................................... 7-8 7.3.6 Running Manual Data Verification ........................................................................ 7-8 7.4 CLASS DISTRIBUTION ...................................................................................................... 7-9 7.5 ROTATE MATRIX ............................................................................................................. 7-9 8.0 HELP MENU ..................................................................................................................... 8-1 8.1 CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................... 8-1 8.2 SEARCH ......................................................................................................................... 8-1 8.3 CHECK FOR UPDATE ....................................................................................................... 8-2 8.4 ABOUT ........................................................................................................................... 8-2 9.0 COMMON OPERATIONS ................................................................................................ 9-1 9.1 FILE EXPLORER .............................................................................................................. 9-1 9.2 EDITING THE DATA TABLE................................................................................................ 9-2 9.2.1 Changing Values .................................................................................................. 9-2 9.2.2 Selecting Multiple rows ......................................................................................... 9-3 9.2.3 Copying Data ........................................................................................................ 9-4 9.2.4 Deleting Rows ....................................................................................................... 9-4 9.3 DATA DOWNLOADING ...................................................................................................... 9-4 9.4 PROGRAM DEVICE .......................................................................................................... 9-5 9.4.1 General Tab .......................................................................................................... 9-6 9.4.2 Data Type Tab ...................................................................................................... 9-9 9.4.3 Layout Tab .......................................................................................................... 9-11 9.4.4 Weigh Tab .......................................................................................................... 9-14 9.4.5 Time Tab ............................................................................................................. 9-17 9.4.6 Sensors Tab ....................................................................................................... 9-18 9.4.7 Classification Tab ............................................................................................... 9-19 9.4.8 Peaks Tab ........................................................................................................... 9-20 9.5 9.5.1 TRS DIAGNOSTICS W INDOW ......................................................................................... 9-21 Sensors Tab ....................................................................................................... 9-22 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL ROAD REPORTER 9.5.2 Communications Tab .......................................................................................... 9-25 9.5.3 Programming Tab ............................................................................................... 9-28 9.5.4 Dump Memory Tab ............................................................................................. 9-31 9.6 CLASSIFICATION EDITOR ............................................................................................... 9-32 A.0 HOW TO... ............................................................................................................................. A-1 B.0 SAMPLE REPORTS .............................................................................................................. B-1 C.0 ROAD REPORTER DEFAULT DATA FORMAT .................................................................. C-1 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTRODUCTION ROAD REPORTER PAGE 1-1 1.0 INTRODUCTION Road Reporter is a software package for configuring, polling, monitoring, and converting and reporting on data from various traffic data recording devices. While specifically targeted to IRD’s TRS, MiniTRS, Traffic ACE, Tracker and associated traffic data collection equipment, Road Reporter is designed to work with the standard PRN file format (see Appendix C – Road Reporter Default Data Format for more information). While this manual has been prepared in a way that allows a user to get the software operating in a minimal capacity (refer to Appendix A - HOW TO...), it is highly recommended that the entire manual be reviewed before using the Road Reporter software, so if technical support is needed, you will be familiar with the operation of the whole program. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL M AIN WINDOW ROAD REPORTER PAGE 2-1 2.0 MAIN WINDOW When Road Reporter is started, a splash screen is displayed showing who the software is licensed to along with the Road Reporter version. Wait 5 seconds for the splash screen to close automatically or click anywhere on the splash screen to close it immediately. The main window is displayed: The main window has the following parts: Title bar Menu bar Tool bar Data area Status Bar 2.1 TITLE BAR The title bar shows the current software license: The license is generally provided on a customer wide basis and is displayed in the main window title as well as on the top of each report. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL M AIN WINDOW ROAD REPORTER PAGE 2-2 Note that various functionality is enabled and disabled based on the license provided. 2.2 MENU BAR The menu bar provides access to all Road Reporter functions: This manual is organized into sections describing the operations of the options in the menu bar: Section 3.0 File Menu Section 4.0 Interface Menu Section 5.0 Edit Menu Section 6.0 Report Menu Section 7.0 Options Menu Section 8.0 Help Menu 2.3 TOOL BAR The tool bar contains icons for short cuts to commonly used functions: The three traffic light icons are currently set to ACE, Module and TRS; these can be reconfigured in the Setup menu (refer to the General Tab under Setup, section 9.4.1) to allow access to other common devices. 2.4 DATA AREA When a binned data file is loaded (refer to section 3.2), the data and some basic information appears in the data area as shown below: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL M AIN WINDOW ROAD REPORTER PAGE 2-3 The data grid displays all the data from the loaded file. Several functions can be performed on the data in this area (refer to section 9.2 Editing the Data for more information). 2.5 STATUS BAR The status bar at the bottom of the main window displays information about ongoing operations, such as the name of the currently loaded file: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-4 3.0 FILE MENU The options under the File toolbar menu perform operations on traffic data files: 3.1 NEW This menu option creates a new traffic data file and allows manual input of traffic count data into that file. This provides a method to manually enter data rather than downloading it from a traffic counter or importing an existing file. Select New from the File menu or use the toolbar icon: and the File Limits dialog box will be displayed: Enter the time range for the data to be created:. Begin: Select the desired start month and day. Enter the start time. End: Select the desired finish month and day. Enter the finish time. Note that the finish time can be set to 24:00 as the end of the day. The values in the illustration above create a time range of 24 hours or 1 day, the 22nd of August (08/22). The Begin date/time must be before the End value. Cancel: cancels the manual creation of the new file and discards any entered values. OK: stores the selected time range the created data will cover and opens the Data Layout window shown below: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-5 Currently, only volume, vehicle classification and turning direction files can be manually created. Select the type of data by clicking the radio button under the Column Data header (no selections are available under Row Data or Selection Data). Enter the number of lanes to be created at the site in the LANES field If Volume type data selected, each bin will correspond to a lane and will contain the count for that lane. If Class type data is selected, each bin corresponds to a vehicle class in a given lane and a bin contains the count of vehicles in that class for a select lane. 15 classes are assumed. If Turning Direction is selected, then each bin corresponds to an intersection leg and a movement. The movements are Pedestrian or Right on Red, Right Turn, Thru, and Left Turn. Up to 4 intersection legs can be entered for a total of 16 bins. Each bin contains the count for a leg and movement. Enter the length of the sampling intervals (in minutes) in the INTV LEN field. The bin information in the bottom of the dialog is ignored. Class Table – if a user defined vehicle classification table is to be used, click this button to open the dialog for setting the vehicle classes (refer to section Edit User Class). OK – saves the entered information and opens the File Header Edit dialog, which will appear with the title Create New File; see section 5.1 Header for more information. Cancel – discards any information entered and exits the manual file creation process back to the main screen. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-6 3.2 LOAD This menu option loads an existing file from the hard disk for viewing, editing and reporting. Select Load from the File menu or use the toolbar icon: and the Open File dialog box will be displayed: On the left of the window are 3 boxes: Directories (top): selects and displays the directory where the files are located. Double click on a directory to display its contents. If the selected director contains files of the type selected for display (see File Types below), the files will be listed in the table to the right. The selected directory is highlighted. Drives (middle): displays and selects the storage drive where files are located. File types (bottom): only files with the selected extension are displayed (select *.* to display all files). To change to a new directory, first select the appropriate drive, then the appropriate directory. If the data is of a type different from the default, change the file extension to the desired type. The file table on the right side of the window lists the files available in the selected directory. The following information is displayed for each file: File name, Date, Site Id, Site Ref, Data\Lane, Interval and Location. By clicking any of the column headers, the File table will be sorted by that column. Each time a header is clicked, the order will alternate between ascending and descending. When the desired file has been selected, click Open or (double clicking on the file name to load the selected file . Click Cancel to return to the main window. While the file is loading, you will see the record numbers loading on the main screen. Should an error occur during the load of a file, a message box will be displayed describing the problem. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-7 The Details button refreshes the file information in the file grid. If Auto Refresh is not selected in the Setup dialog (see section 3.7.1 General Tab), then the Details button must be selected each time a new directory is selected. 3.3 DELETE This menu option deletes one or more files. Warning: Files deleted with this function are permanently deleted. They are not moved to the Windows Recycle Bin. Use this utility carefully or use Windows Explorer for deleting files. Select Delete from the file menu; and the Delete Files dialog box will be displayed: Select the files to be deleted, and then click Delete to remove the selected file(s) or Cancel to return to the main window. Should an error occur during the deletion of a file, a message box will display more information about the problem. See section 9.1 File Explorer for more information on using the Delete Files dialog. 3.4 SAVE This menu option saves a loaded file, including all data and header information after any header or data editing. If Auto Backup is selected in the Setup dialog, a backup copy of the file will automatically be created with a “.bak” file extension; see section 3.7.1 General Tab for more information. The Save function can also be accessed through the toolbar: Warning: when the Save menu item is selected, the loaded file is immediately saved. There are no user prompts or warnings. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-8 3.5 SAVE AS This menu option saves a loaded file to the entered filename and selected directory. Select Save As… from the file menu and the Save As dialog box will be displayed: When the desired filename is entered and the drive and directory selected, select SAVE to store the loaded file or CANCEL to return to the main window. If you plan to overwrite a file, it is strongly suggested to review the information in the Preview area of the window. If the file already exists, the following dialog box will be displayed: Select “Yes” to overwrite the existing file or “No” to cancel the operation. Similar to the Save function, a backup copy of the file to be overwritten will automatically be created with a “.bak” file extension if Auto Backup is selected in the Setup dialog. See 3.7.1 General Tab for more information. See section 9.1 File Explorer for more information on using the Save As dialog. 3.6 EXTRACT There are two sub-options under the Extract option: 3.6.1 PV DATA This menu option creates binned data files from Per Vehicle or WIM files containing individual vehicle records. The type of binned data and the interval length can be selected and the bins customized. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-9 From the File menu, select Extract –PV Data and the Data Layout dialog box will be displayed: ReClassify – The vehicle classification scheme used to classify each vehicle in a PV or WIM file can be changed and the vehicles in the file reclassified using the new scheme. Use the Class Table button (described below) to open the classification table editor to modify the tables; once the new classification scheme has been completed, select this button to reclassify the current file. Warning: Running ReClassify will permanently change the PV or WIM file. Class Table – select this button to open the Classification Editor window to modify the vehicle classification table; the Classification Editor is described in detail in section 9.6. OK – after entering the required parameters, select this button to create the new binned data file. Cancel – terminates the process without creating a file and returns to the main window. 3.6.2 MONTHLY This menu item converts data from daily PRN files of any data type (except PV or WIM) into a custom monthly volume file. The converted file(s) will be created in the Export directory defined in the Setup dialog on the Directories Tab (see section 3.7.2). From the File menu, select Extract – Monthly and the Monthly File Conversion dialog box will be displayed: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-10 The selection table displays a list of all configured sites. Click the appropriate row in the Select column to deselect/select a site. By default all sites are selected. In the area labeled Select Month, select the month and enter the Year for the data to be converted. Press the CREATE button to create the custom monthly file. If there are a large number of sites, the CREATE process may take a while. Progress will be indicated in the title bar as each site is processed. Upon completion of processing the data for each site, the site will be deselected. To exit out of the window when complete or without doing anything (prior to processing), press Close. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-11 3.7 SETUP This menu option customizes certain Road Reporter features. There are seven tabs under setup: General, Directories, Communications, Recorder Options, Printer/Screen Options, Data Options and WIM Attributes. The options available under each tab are described in the subsections below. Click on a tab to display the panel of options available for that tab. Click the File menu and select the Setup option or the click the Setup icon in the tool bar: to open the System Setup dialog box shown below. Note: all changes (with one exception) become active immediately in the software when OK is pressed. Background Off requires a restart of the software. OK activates all changes made in any panel and returns to the main window. Cancel discards all changes and returns to the main window. 3.7.1 GENERAL TAB The General tab covers a number of general options. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-12 System File Format Use the radio buttons in the System File Format to set the file format: PRN File Format, New Mexico File Format, Virginia File Format, Texas File Format and Indiana File Format. Whichever item is selected becomes the format in which the system will save and load data files. By default, the PRN File Format is selected. It is recommended that this format be used unless one of the other formats is specifically required. A description of this data file format can be found in Appendix C.0 Road Reporter Default File Format. Customize Toolbar These items set the interface options displayed on the “traffic lights” shortcut icons of the main toolbar in Road Reporter: The following types of traffic data recorders are available: ACE, TRS, AutoPoll, Android, Module, and Tracker. General settings The checkboxes in the center of the panel configure the settings for a number of general program parameters: Auto Backup – if this option is selected, the system will automatically create a copy of the currently loaded file with a “.BAK” extension before the loaded file is saved. Background Off – if this option is selected, the system will not display the background image in the main window. (The file with the background image is found in the Road Reporter installation directory in the file 244095.jpg which is 745 pixels wide and 495 pixels high. It can be replaced with any other jpeg file. If the file does not have these dimensions it will be stretched or cropped as necessary to fill the main window.) Preview On – if this option is selected, the system will automatically display on the main screen a copy of the traffic data in the file whenever files are loaded or deleted. System Metric – if this option is selected, the system will automatically display and report all data in metric format. If the option is not selected, all data is displayed and reported in US/Imperial Units. Note: selecting metric here will affect only the displays and reports in Road Reporter; the units in which data is recorded must be programmed into the recording device, either directly at the device or through the Interface option in the Road Reporter menus. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-13 Warning: the units displayed for real time data is controlled by a checkbox on the Data Option tab and not by this System Metric setting; see section Real Time Viewing. Auto Refresh/Details – if this option is selected, the Load File dialog (section 3.2) will automatically refresh the files displayed in the file table anytime there is a directory change. If this item is not selected, the user must click the Details button on the Load File dialog box every time the directory changes and when the window first opens. If not selected, only filenames are displayed and no other details. Report Header – if this option is selected, the system will store the extra report headers entered under the Customize dialog of Reports and Graphs; see section 6.1.10 Customize for more information Store TRS Config – if this option is selected, the software will prompt the user for a filename each time a TRS is programmed from Road Reporter and then store the current programming parameters. This file can be loaded for re-use at a later time. Interval Start Time On – if this option is selected, the software will display the start times for each interval in the main window data table rather than the end times. If changed, the currently loaded file must be reloaded for the start times to be displayed rather than the end times. Polling Three options are configurable to control actions during polling of data from sites: TRS Erase/Continue – if this option is selected, during an AutoPoll session, the software will erase the TRS, then automatically restart the unit recording. If not selected, after issuing the Erase command, the TRS will stop recording data. Merge Site Data – if this option is selected, following an AutoPoll session, the software will automatically perform merge site data according to the configuration of this function. See section 5.7 Merge Site Data for more information. Zero Lane Counts – if this option is selected, following an AutoPoll session, the software will automatically zero lane counts in selected lanes according to the per site configuration. See section Set Lanes To Zero Button for more information. Labels And Descriptions In several places throughout the software, some key fields exist. Use the fields in this area to change the labels on these fields. Up to 12 alphanumeric characters may be entered for each one. Note: while the user can customize labels and descriptions, throughout this manual they will be referred to by the default setting, in which the name is the same as the title; e.g. the Site ID Label will be Site ID. Site ID Label – this entry is directly associated with one of two description fields in a traffic recorder. Typically, this is the main identifier in the recorder and in the Road DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-14 Reporter software; the Site ID must be unique except for Illinois (where Station Number must be unique). Station # Label – this entry is directly associated with the other of the two description fields in a traffic recorder. Typically, this is the secondary identifier in the recorder and in the Road Reporter software; it may also be referred to as the Site Reference. City Description – this entry is directly associated with the City field in the PRN file. Typically this is used to store the city in which the traffic count was collected. The label for this field can be customized for the reports and screen by entering a new label in the area provided. County Description – this entry is directly associated with the County field in the PRN file. Typically, this is used to store the county in which the traffic count was collected. The label for this field can be customized for the reports and screen by entering a new label in the area provided. Loc Description – this entry is directly associated with the Location field in the PRN file. Typically this is used to store the location in which the traffic count was collected. The label for this field can be customized for the reports and screen by entering a new label in the area provided. 3.7.2 DIRECTORIES TAB The Directories tab configures a number of default directory and drive information parameters. Use the Browse buttons to select a new directory or enter the information directly in the fields. Default Data Directory – the default folder for data files used in various locations throughout the software. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-15 Export Directory – unless otherwise mentioned, all data exports are written to this directory. See section 7.1 Export for more information. Android/PDA Directory – the directory for the data files synchronized with ActiveSync from and Android device or a PDA. Flash Drive Path – the drive or a directory containing data from a USB flash drive. This can point to either the directory containing the IRD_DATA folder or to the IRD_DATA folder itself. See section Flash Drive for more information. Reader Drive – identifies the drive assigned by Windows to a Data Card (also known as a PCMCIA Flash Drive or PCCard Flash Drive). Enter the drive letter which Windows has assigned to the drive. The best method to determine the drive letter is to insert the Data Card, and then use Windows Explorer to find the drive letter. Note that a colon “:” is not required, just the letter of the drive. Default File Type – select the default file extension to be used in various locations when opening files. 3.7.3 COMMUNICATIONS TAB This Communications tab changes the communications parameters for communicating with the MiniTRS, Tracker, TRS, ADR, GK 5000, DB Turning Movement Counters and 241 recorders. Parameters for direct connections, modem connections and network connections can be configured. Note: the DIRECT CONNECTION Comm Port is the only setting required for the Traffic ACE recorder and Data Module. All other communication parameters for the Traffic ACE recorder and Data Module are automatic. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-16 Direct Connection There are a number of common parameters for configuring a direct serial connection or a modem connection. They are described in this section. Comm Port – select the serial com port for the device. If the serial port which should be selected is unknown, this is best determined by examining the Properties of the devices in the Windows Device Manager under Ports (COM & LPT). COM ports 1-16 are supported. Note 1: USB to Serial Converters frequently change port numbers when inserted into a different USB connector. Note 2: when using a direct USB connection to a MiniTRS Plus or TRS Plus, the connection will appear as a COM port similar to a USB to Serial Converter. Baud Rate – this is the data transfer rate from the counter to the software for a direct connection. Rates between 300 and 115200 are available. Parity – data integrity check bit. If unknown, select None. Data Bits – the number of data bits used in coding the data stream. If unknown, select 8. Stop Bits – the number of bits used to determine the end of a transfer stream. If unknown, select 1. Time Out: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-17 Error Retrys – controls how many attempts the software will make on a single command to connect to a device. Seconds – controls the timeout when waiting for a response from a device. Enter a value between 1 and 99 representing the number of seconds before a timeout will occur. A timeout of at least 8 seconds is recommended for ADR and 241 communications. AutoWake – select this option to automatically wake up a TRS or MiniTRS when communicating with the device directly. The CDPD option must be enabled in the device for this functionality to operate correctly. See section for more information on CDPD mode. Modem Connection Comm Port – select the serial com port for the modem. If the serial port which should be selected is unknown, this is best determined by examining the Properties of the devices in the Windows Device Manager under Ports (COM & LPT) or Modem. COM ports 1-16 are supported. Note: USB to Serial Converters frequently change port numbers when inserted into a different USB connector. Baud Rate – this is the transfer rate between the software and the modem for a modem connection. Rates between 300 and 115200 are available. Parity – data integrity check bit. If unknown, select None. Data Bits – the number of data bits used in coding the data stream. If unknown, select 8. Time Out Error Retrys – controls how many attempts the software will make on a single command to connect to device. Hangup Delay controls how long Road Reporter will wait after it ends communications with one site before auto polling the next site. This parameter is in seconds; default value is 5 seconds. Recorder Delay – similar to the Seconds value described above, this controls the timeout when waiting for a response from a device over the modem. If numerous timeout errors are being reported when communicating with a device over a modem, increase this value. This parameter is in seconds; default value is 7 seconds. Initialize Two modem configuration strings are sent out to the local modem one following the other before dialing. Up to 30 characters can be entered for each string: String 1 – enter a setup string which configures the modem to use no echo; verbose result codes including Busy and Dial tone; tracks the carrier detect (CD) signal; and uses a data terminal ready (DTR) transition to hang up and return to command mode. The following command string is recommended for most Hayes compatible modems: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-18 &FE0N0Q0X4&C1&D2. Modem String 2 – supplemental space for entering a second modem configuration string. Network Connection Time Out – controls the timeout when waiting for a response from a device over a network connection. Enter a value between 1 and 99 representing the number of seconds before a timeout will occur. Depending on the network connection, a higher value may be required. Error Retrys – controls how many attempts the software will make on a single command to establish a communications link with a device. Default Port – enter the default network port to be used in various windows. The user is always given the option of changing the value when establishing a network connection. 3.7.4 RECORDER OPTIONS TAB The Recorder Options tab configures various options related to data collection devices. Use Single File – if this option is selected, the system will automatically default to creating a single file (instead of daily files) every time a file is downloaded if data is sequential in time, for the same site and of the same type, number of lanes and interval. Omit First Intv – if this option is selected, each time a Traffic ACE count is dumped to the software the first interval is deleted from the data. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-19 TRS DST Off – if this option is selected, automatic daylight savings time adjustment will be turned off when programming a TRS or MiniTRS using Road Reporter. The device clock will not move ahead an hour in the Spring nor fall back an hour in the Fall. TRS Id Swap – if this option is selected, each time a TRS or MiniTRS data file is read, the Site Id and Station # are swapped. Allow Air Switch Config – select this option to allow configuration of air switch sensitivity in a TRS or MiniTRS during programming from Road Reporter. See section 9.4.6 Sensors Tab for more information. ACE Date/Time – if this option is selected, each time a Traffic ACE counter is downloaded to Road Reporter, the start time and date are extracted from the Site ID which has been entered into the Traffic ACE. This start time and date are automatically used in the downloaded data file. The Site ID should be programmed into the Traffic ACE as follows: Month digits 1-2 Day digits 3-4 Hour digits 5-6 Minute digits 7-8 Site Id digits 9+ Use Tracker For Class – if this option is selected, each time a Tracker data file is read, the Road Reporter software will automatically convert the file to a Classification file with 15 classes. TRS Unit ID – this entry is directly associated with the communications between Road Reporter and the MiniTRS and TRS recorders. The default is ‘1’ and should seldom be changed from this value. The purpose of this value is to assist with certain multiplexed communication connections. It can be modified to any number between 1 to 255. Contact IRD for more information on using multiplexed communications. Warning: If communications are not operating properly, please check to make sure this field is correct. Edit User Class Editor – opens the Edit Classification window to edit the existing vehicle classification scheme or enter a custom classification scheme. Refer to section 9.6 for a detailed description of the Classification Editor. Ask To Send User Class – if enabled, when user class is selected in the Program interface, the user will be asked if they want to send the user class scheme whenever a TRS or MiniTRS is programmed. Refer to section Axle Class for enabling the user class scheme. Refer to section 9.4.7 Classification Tab for manually programming a user class scheme into a TRS or MiniTRS. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-20 3.7.5 PRINTER/SCREEN OPTIONS TAB The Printer/Screen tab contains options for configuring the default destination for reports and graphs, as well as some printer options used when printing reports and graphs. Default Destinations Sets the default destination for both Reports and Graphs: Show on Screen – the report or graph is displayed on the screen. Sent to Printer – the report or graph is sent directly to the default printer. Printer Font Size – controls the size of the font (in points, 1 point = 1/72 inch) used to print the reports. The larger the value, the larger the print, the smaller the value, the smaller the print. Margin Adjust – this value controls the left margin width for binding purposes. ‘0’ means no margin adjustment, and as the value increases up to 120, the left margin increases. Alternate Font – if selected, the program will use the ‘Courier New’ font, if not selected the program will use ‘Courier’ font. Courier has slightly heavier character strokes and has slightly closer line spacing than Courier New 3.7.6 DATA OPTIONS TAB The Data Options tab controls options for managing data as it is viewed or retrieved in reports or in real-time. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-21 Direction ‘n’ – configures the direction codes which Road Reporter uses for reporting purposes and data conversion. Warning: Since only the code numbers are stored in the data file, customizing the directions should only be done if it applies to all data collected and used by Road Reporter. Use FHWA Data – if this option is selected, the software will display the FHWA TMG configuration window associated with each site when editing the site details. See section FHWA Header Tab for more information NY Data – if selected, customizations for New York type data are enabled. Auto Load – if selected, the system will automatically load the last Traffic ACE file dumped from a counter or module. User Filename – if selected, the system will automatically prompt the user to enter a filename each time a counter, module or data card is dumped. If not selected, the system will assign the file a unique filename based on date. Hourly Data – if selected, the system will automatically default to converting all data to hourly data when the Edit Header Screen is used. This includes post processing existing files. See section 5.1 Header for more information. File Limits – if selected, the system will automatically default to setting the file limits option on for dumping Traffic ACE counts. This allows the user to choose a specified portion of the data dumped from the counter. See section 5.1 Header for more information. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-22 User Class Labels – if selected, the system will automatically use the user defined classification labels for Class or Length files when creating reports. See section 6.1.10 Customize for more information. UK Data – if selected, the system will adjust its measurements to the following configuration: Speed=Imperial and Distance=Metric. System Metric must also be set when using this function (see section 3.7.1 General Tab). PRN Index Off – if selected, the system will not create the PRN Index file. This file is not needed or used in Road Reporter, it is only for compatibility with older DOS systems. Filter Tailgate Vehicles – if selected, Road Reporter will separate tailgate vehicles when reporting on or exporting PV or WIM data (similar to built-in functionality of TRS and MiniTRS). Filter Short Spacings – select this option to clean up vehicle records having an axle spacing was less than a predefined minimum distance. This results in vehicle processing similar to the built-in functionality of the TRS and MiniTRS. State Code – enter the state abbreviation to control the state code used when exporting FHWA TMG data. AutoPoll Partial Day – controls what the software will do when a partial day’s data (less than 24 hours) is encountered. The user can choose to either: Keep days which are only a partial day (< 24 hours); Discard files which are only a partial day; or Overwrite a partial day every time the data is collected. Real Time Viewing These options only apply when Road Reporter is used to view data in real time while connected to TRS or Mini TRS units. For weigh-in-motion data, select the default view for weight data: Sensor 1, Sensor 2, Both Sensors or the Average of the sensors. If only 1 sensor is present in a lane, then only the one set of weights are displayed regardless of which of these options is selected. Note that the user can change this value while viewing. See section View On for more information. Tandem Max Distance – enter the maximum distance allowed between 2 adjacent axles for the two axles to be considered a tandem axle group for display purposes. Show Tandems – if selected, an extra line will be displayed on the real time display showing any detected tandem axle group weights where a tandem axle group is defined by the value of Tandem Max Distance. Metric – if selected, the system will display real time data in metric units. Warning: Displaying real time data in metric units is controlled by this checkbox and NOT by the System Metric setting on the General Tab. Line Separation – if selected, a blank line will be displayed on the real time display between each vehicle. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-23 Site Indexing Site Indexing controls the use of the site information when reading data files from a counter, module, flash drive or data card. Site information is configured using the Site Editor (see section The following options are available. AUTOMATIC – overwrite downloaded site information with site information configured in Road Reporter and write data files to site directory if the site is found. If the site directory does not exist and is not null, create the directory. If the site directory is null, write to the default data directory. PROMPTED – each time a file is read from a counter or module, ask the user which site information from Road Reporter to use to overwrite the downloaded site information and write data files to the site directory of that site. OFF – all files which are read are written to the default data directory and, if the Use site info checkbox is checked, the downloaded site information is overwritten with the site information configured in Road Reporter. 3.7.7 WIM ATTRIBUTES TAB This tab is for mainly for future use in Road Reporter. The panel displays options to post calibrate WIM data in much greater detail than the traffic data recorder can. WIM ASCII Output – enables the ASCII PVR export. See section 7.1 Export for more information. Remove Straddle Vehicles – select this option to remove lane straddling vehicles from PV or WIM data during file retrieval from a TRS or MiniTRS. A straddling vehicle results DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL FILE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 3-24 in two vehicle records being stored in the data file. Enabling this option will cause the program to compare a vehicle record to the previous vehicle record and remove it from the data file if it has the same timestamp, number of axles and axle spacings and is in an adjacent lane. 3.8 CLOSE This menu item closes the currently loaded data file; this function can also be performed with the toolbar icon: If the file has been edited, the user will be warned the changes haven’t been saved and be prompted to save the file. If Yes is chosen, the user is asked to enter a filename and select a directory to save the edited file to: 3.9 EXIT Closes and exits the Road Reporter program. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-1 4.0 INTERFACE MENU The Interface menu accesses device windows for retrieving data, configuring and monitoring various devices (depending on the capabilities of the device). At a minimum, the windows provide access for retrieving or downloading data from a device. Refer to section 9.3 Data Downloading for a quick list of options which affect data downloading. The Traffic Lights on the tool bar can be customized as short cuts to any 3 of the Interface menu items. See section Customize Toolbar for more information. 4.1 TRAFFIC A.C.E. Inputs data from a Traffic ACE counter directly into Road Reporter for viewing, editing and reporting. Note: The Traffic ACE should be connected to the serial port configured as the Direct Connection in the Setup dialog on the Communications tab. Refer to section Direct Connection for selecting the port. Select Traffic A.C.E. from the Interface menu (or press F2) and the dialog box below will be displayed: Follow the instructions in the window, pressing the View button on the Traffic ACE to wake the device up, and then press the READ button to start the download of data. Pressing the CANCEL button will quit the data download. During the data download, an counter will appear on the screen while the Traffic ACE is dumping. When downloading is complete, the File Header Edit dialog box will appear; see section 5.1 Header for more information. Use the Header Editor to enter any missing information or correct any errors. Press OK to save the new file. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-2 4.2 T.R.S. This menu item allows the user to configure, monitor and retrieve data from a TRS and MiniTRS traffic counter. Select T.R.S. from the Interface menu and the following dialog box will be displayed: The TRS Interface dialog box has 4 areas: Status, Display, Data Source and a set of command buttons. The Status area primarily provides information about the status of communications link between Road Reporter and the TRS or MiniTRS. The Display area displays various types of information retrieved from a device. 4.2.1 DATA SOURCE This selects the type of data storage device being accessed: Field Unit, Flash Drive, Data Card Interface or Data Module. Warning: the software will remember the last mode used. If Autopolling is being run, ensure that the Data Source is set back to Field Unit before closing this window. The available command buttons will change depending on the Data Source selected. Field Unit Select this option to communicate with a TRS or MiniTRS via any type of connection. If no modem or network connection is established, the software will assume a direct serial connection to the device. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-3 Flash Drive Select this option to retrieve data from a USB flash drive (or a copy of the IRD_DATA folder from the flash drive). A USB flash drive can be used to retrieve data from a TRS Plus or MiniTRS Plus. Data downloaded using the flash drive must be converted to PRN files using this option. Note: the data files retrieved with a flash drive do not have to actually be on a flash drive to use this option. The folder they are contained in, IRD_DATA, may be copied to any drive or folder location. The data files must be in a folder called IRD_DATA. The currently selected folder is shown below the radio button. The default drive or folder is configured in the Directories Tab of the Setup dialog. See section 3.7.2 Directories Tab. A different drive or folder can be entered if required or click the Browse button to select a different drive or location for the flash drive folder contents. Select a new folder and click OK to update the flash drive path. Click Cancel to keep the current flash drive path. Data Card Interface Select this option to retrieve data from a Data Card (PC Card or PCMCIA flash drive). Data cards can be used to capture data from older TRS recorders, either as a retrieval device or as extended memory. Select the Windows drive the data card is defined as in the Directories Tab of the Setup dialog. See section 3.7.2 Directories Tab. Data Module Select this option to retrieve data from a Data Module. This option operates similar to the functionality found in the Module interface description but is intended primarily for retrieval of TRS files from the Data Module. See section 4.5 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-4 Module for more information on the Module interface. 4.2.2 COMMAND BUTTONS Status The Status button retrieves the current configuration information from the TRS or MiniTRS and displays it in the Display Area. The information includes, but is not limited to: Site ID, Station #, battery voltage, time, date, and firmware revision. Additional information may be displayed with newer versions of firmware. Diagnostics The Diagnostics button opens the TRS Diagnostics window. This window provides access to various diagnostic functions. See section 9.5 TRS Diagnostics Window for details. All Data The All Data button will download all the data files in the TRS, whether or not they have been downloaded before. Be sure the TRS is connected correctly to the computer and select this option. Progress will be indicated in the Status area with messages indicating the number of files downloaded as data is retrieved from the unit. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-5 All other buttons will be disabled except the Stop button. When complete, the buttons will be re-enabled. If the All Data button was clicked by mistake, click the STOP button to cancel the download. If communication errors occur, they will also be reported in the Status area. New Data The New Data button will download only the data files in the TRS which have never been read before. Be sure the TRS is connected correctly to the computer and select this option. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-6 Progress will be indicated in the Status area with messages indicating the number of files downloaded as data is retrieved from the unit. All other buttons will be disabled except the Stop button. When complete, the buttons will be re-enabled. If this button was clicked by mistake, click the STOP button to cancel the download. If communication errors occur, they will also be reported in the Status area. Select Data The Select Data button will retrieve a selected list of files from the TRS or MiniTRS. The user can tag the files in the list which they wish to download. During the building of the file list, click the Stop button to cancel. If the Not Tagged field in the list is clicked one time, it will change to Tagged marking the file to be retrieved; click again to change the selection back to Tagged. Use the scrollbar to move through the entire list of files. Select the Cancel button to the cancel the file selection, close the list of files and reenable the regular buttons. Select the Get Files button to retrieve all the files which have been Tagged. The list of files will be closed and only the Stop button will be left enabled. Progress will be indicated in the Status area with messages indicating the number of files downloaded as data is retrieved from the unit. All other buttons will be disabled except the Stop button. When complete, the buttons will be re-enabled. Click the STOP button to cancel the download. If communication errors occur, they will also be reported in the Status area. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-7 Delete Data Note: the Delete Data function is only available when connected to the MiniTRS Plus or TRS Plus. The Delete Data button will delete a list of selected files from the TRS or MiniTRS. The user can tag the files in the list which they wish to delete. During the building of the file list, click the Stop button to cancel. If the Not Tagged field in the list is clicked one time, it will change to Tagged marking the file to be deleted; click again to change the selection back to Tagged. Use the scrollbar to move through the entire list of files. The RTRVD column will indicate whether the file has been deleted or not. Select the Cancel button to the cancel the file selection, close the list of files and reenable the regular buttons. Select the Delete Files button to permanently delete all the files which have been Tagged. The list of files will be closed and only the Stop button will be left enabled. Progress will be indicated in the Status area with messages indicating the number of files deleted. All other buttons will be disabled except the Stop button. When complete, the buttons will be re-enabled. Click the Stop button to cancel the file deletion. Any files which are deleted prior to the Stop being clicked, will remain deleted. If communication errors occur, they will be reported in the Status area. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-8 View On Click the View On button to display real time information from the TRS or Mini TRS recorder showing each vehicle class, speed, lane and axle spacings. This data will appear in the Display area with the data scrolling downwards (most recent vehicle at the top). Several configuration options are available for this display. See section Real Time Viewing for more information. To capture real time vehicle view information to a text file, press the <Page Down> key to select a file to which the displayed information is to be captured. Capture will start at the point the Page Down key is pressed. Press the Page Down key a second time to stop the capture. Below is a screenshot of real time per vehicle data: Several functions are available through certain keys to control this display: View specific lanes – press the numeric key on the keyboard corresponding to the lane number; to return to all lanes, press <0> Freeze the screen – press the <S> key to pause the display; press the <S> key again to release the display. Vehicles which pass while paused will not be displayed. Show trucks only – press the <T> key to view vehicles in class 4 and above. Press ‘A’ to return to showing all vehicles. Store to a file – press the <Page Down> key to save the information to a file. The user will be prompted to enter a filename which will default to RRVehicleView_YYYYMMDDhhmm.txt where YYYY is the 4 digit year, MM is the month, DD is the day, hh is the hour and mm is the minutes. Maximize the window to increase the number of visible vehicles. When the TRS interface is connected to a TRS WIM and two piezo sensors exist in each lane, the four buttons across the bottom change names to: Sensor 1, Sensor 2, Both and Average. This allows the user to select from four different weight display formats. Below is a screenshot of WIM data with Both sensors weight display format selected: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-9 Monitor The Monitor button continuously retrieves the counts for the current interval and displays the information in a table. The counts are updated with each retrieval. At the end of the current interval the field unit will reset the counts to 0 for the next interval which will be reflected in the table. Resize the window and use the scrollbars to view data in different lanes and the Total for all lanes. Press the Stop button to close the Monitor display. Program The Program button opens the Program T.R.S. dialog for configuring the TRS or Mini TRS. This dialog box is described in section 9.4 Program Device. Erase Memory Click the Erase Memory button to erase all data in the TRS Or Mini TRS Unit. The user will be prompted one time as shown below to confirm the action. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-10 Warning: This is a non-recoverable action, once the selection is confirmed, all data in the TRS or MiniTRS will be erased. Connect / Disconnect Makes or breaks a communications connection between the program and device. When the Connect / Disconnect button is labeled Disconnect, click the button to disconnect the current connection. When the Connect / Disconnect button is labeled Connect, click the button to display the Connection Information dialog. The contents of the dialog will change based on the Connection Type (see below). Click the Cancel button to close the dialog without establishing a connection. Modem Enter the appropriate phone number. You can also change the serial port the modem is connected to if necessary. The Port will default to the value set in the Setup dialog on the Communications tab. See section 3.7.3 Communications Tab. Click the Connect button to close the dialog and dial the entered phone number. Note that the Modem Initialization strings will be sent to the modem prior to dialing the phone number. See section 3.7.3 Communications Tab. Warning: No validation or format check of the Phone Number is performed. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-11 Network Enter the network IP Address or URL and Port number. The Port will default to the value set on the Communications tab of the Setup dialog. See section 3.7.3 Communications Tab. Click the Connect button to close the dialog and attempt to establish the network connection. Warning: No validation or format check of the IP Address or URL is performed. Direct Serial The Direct Serial Connection Type can be used to quickly change the baud rate and serial port used for direct serial connections. Click Connect to change the settings. Note that these will become the new default values for direct serial connections. See section 3.7.3 Communications Tab for more information. Close/Stop During certain operations, the Close/Stop button will be labeled Stop. When the button is labeled Stop, click the button to cancel the current operation. When the button is labeled Close, click the button to close the TRS Interface window and return to the main window. If a network or modem connection is currently established (Connect/Disconnect button is labeled Disconnect), the following confirmation message will be displayed: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-12 Click the Yes button to disconnect the network or modem connection and close the TRS Interface window. Click the No button to return to the TRS Interface window without disconnecting. 4.3 AUTO POLL This menu configures the Automatic Polling software routines in Road Reporter to connect to and do manual or scheduled polling of data collection sites via telemetry. The software can poll two different times a day. Select Auto Poll from the Interface menu and the Dialing Interface dialog box will be displayed: This window shows a table of all sites which have been configured in Road Reporter. Use the scrollbars to view more sites or more connection information about each site. The Collection column has a special function. Click a field in the column to scroll through the various collection options: OFF, STATUS, ALL DATA, ALL-ERASE, NEW DATA, NEW-ERASE, DATE RNG. These changes are temporary and do not affect the DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-13 stored site configuration. See section General for more information on Collection options. 4.3.1 START PERIOD 1 Start: – tells the software when to start the polling process. Enter the time in 24 hour HH:MM format or use NOW to start immediately. End: – terminates the process. Enter STOP to end after one polling cycle or 99:99 to poll indefinitely. Enter any other value between 00:00 and 24:00 to mark the end time of start period 1 before start period 2 can begin. Period: – configures the software to execute the polling list every ‘x’ minutes. If polling indefinitely (End: is set to 99:99), this value is added to the start time at the completion of a polling cycle to determine when the software should poll next. Values should be large enough to let the software completely poll all sites (including retries) before the start of the next period. Enter 1440 for 1 day. Use NONE to disable this function. 4.3.2 START PERIOD 2 This feature is used when polling sites where the modems are only on at certain times, usually to save power. The software can be configured to poll at two different times using Start Period 1 and Start Period 2 if desired. For example, Start Period 1 could be configured to run a polling cycle at 1AM and Start Period 2 could be configured to run at 7AM. The software will once poll at 1AM and then a second time at 7AM. Start: – tells the software when to start the polling process a second time during the day. Enter the time in 24 hour HH:MM format or use OFF to disable the second poll. End: – configures when to terminate the second poll. Enter STOP to end after one polling cycle or 99:99 to repeat daily. Enter any other value between 00:00 and 24:00 to mark the end time of start period 2 before start period 1 can begin. Period: – configures the software to execute the polling list every ‘x’ minutes. If polling indefinitely (End: is set to 99:99), this value is added to the start time at the completion of a polling cycle to determine when the software should poll next. Values should be large enough to let the software completely poll all sites (including retries). Enter 1440 for 1 day. Use NONE to disable this function. 4.3.3 GENERAL Retrys – configures how many attempts are made to connect and successfully perform the Collection function identified for a site . 4.3.4 PRINT LOG If one of the options in this frame is checked, after autopolling, the software will automatically print a polling report to the default printer. If Error is checked, the report will contain only sites where a communication error or other issue was detected (such as low battery or low memory). If Status is checked, the report will print information for all sites. Note that the polling reports can be found as text files located in the Logs folder under the directory Road Reporter is installed in. The log filenames have the following format: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-14 <Poll | Poll_Error>_<YYMMDD>.log Where: The full Poll report is found in files starting with Poll; the Error report is found in files starting with Poll_Error. YY is the two digit year when the poll was performed. MM is the two digit month when the poll was performed. DD is the two digit day when the poll was performed. 4.3.5 DATE RANGE If the Collection field for any site is set to DATE RNG, the fields labeled Date Range will be enabled. Autopoll will attempt to download files in the date range defined by Start and End from sites with Collection set to DATE RNG. The default Start and End dates are the current date. 4.3.6 COMMAND BUTTONS The command buttons at the lower right of the window Start Auto Poll starts a scheduled autopolling session using the dates and times defined in Start Period 1 and Start Period 2. If the Start isn’t NOW for Start Period 1, then the software will display the current date and time as well as the date and time it is waiting for. See the example below: Cancel Auto Poll – click this button to cancel the poll when the software is waiting for a scheduled poll to start or during a polling session. Call Selected Site – manually performs a site poll. Select a site from the list and then click this button to attempt to connect to the site with the appropriate interface. Close – close the Dialing Interface window and return to the main window. 4.4 ANDROID / PDA This menu item retrieves data from an Android or PDA device directly into Road Reporter for viewing, editing and reporting. An Android or PDA device can be used to retrieve data from TRS, MiniTRS or Traffic ACE devices. The Android / PDA menu item allows retrieval directly from an Android or PDA device or by reading files transferred onto the computer from the device. Select Android / PDA from the Interface menu and the following dialog will appear: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-15 Click Cancel to close the dialog without reading any data. Select Use Android or ActiveSync File and click OK to read data from the file(s) transferred from the Android or PDA device to the computer. Select PDA Transfer from Serial Port and click OK to read data directly from the PDA. The following dialog box will appear: Click the Cancel button close the box and to return to the main window without reading any data. Click the Read PDA button and then, on the PDA, select the Send to PC menu item from the PDA menu. Warning: Be sure the baud rate is correct and all cables are connected before starting this operation. Whether the file is being read from the computer or the data is read directly from the device, during the read, a counter will appear on the screen while the data is being read. TRS data will be written directly to file following the normal TRS download process. For each Traffic ACE file in the device data, the File Header Edit dialog window will appear. See section 5.1 Header for more information. Use the Header Editor to enter any missing or correct any desired information. Press OK to save the new file and proceed to the next file (if another file exists). DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-16 4.5 MODULE This menu option retrieves data from a Data Module directly into Road Reporter for viewing, editing and reporting. Select Module from the Interface menu and the following window will appear: Click the Cancel button close the dialog and to return to the main window without reading any data. Select the Clear Module button to erase the module. Note: this only sets a flag in the module. The data module can still be read, until it is plugged back into a traffic counter, at which time all data is erased. Check that the data module is properly connected to the serial port, and then select the Read Module button to begin downloading data from the module. During the download, a counter will appear on the screen while the module is dumping. TRS data on the module will be written directly to file following the normal TRS download process. For each Traffic ACE file on the module, the File Header Edit dialog window will appear. See section 5.1 Header for more information. Use the Header Editor to enter any missing or correct any desired information. Press OK to save the new file and proceed to the next file (if another file exists). DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-17 4.6 TRACKER This menu item retrieves data from a Tracker Intersection Counter connected to the computer using a direct serial connection into Road Reporter for viewing, editing and reporting. Select Tracker from the Interface menu and the Tracker Interface dialog box will be displayed: Similar to the TRS Interface, the Tracker Interface dialog has 4 areas: Status, Display, Data Source and a command button area. However, only 5 of the 12 command buttons are enabled. The disabled button functions are not available with the Tracker Intersection Counter. The Status area primarily provides information about the status of communications or processes. The Display area is not used when communicating with a Tracker. The Data Source will be set to Field Unit (the default setting) when connecting to a Tracker; the other options will be disabled. 4.6.1 ALL DATA The All Data button will dump all the data files in the Tracker, whether or not they have been dumped before. Be sure the Tracker is connected correctly to the computer and select this option. Progress will be indicated in the Status area with messages indicating the number of files downloaded as data is retrieved from the unit: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-18 v All other buttons will be disabled except the Stop button. When complete, the buttons will be re-enabled. If the All Data button was clicked by mistake, click the STOP button to cancel the download: If communication errors occur, they will be reported in the Status area. 4.6.2 SELECT DATA The Select Data button will retrieve a list of files from the Tracker. Tag the files in the list which to be downloaded. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-19 This operation is the same as the TRS Select Data function but for the Tracker. See section Select Data for more information. 4.6.3 PROGRAM The Program button opens the Program Tracker. dialog for configuring the Tracker. This dialog is described in section 9.4 Program Device. When programming a Tracker, several portions of the Program Tracker dialog are disabled. Only fields on the General and Time tabs are used; changes to the settings on any other tabs will be ignored. Please review the Tracker manual for details on configuring each of the fields displayed. General Only 3 fields under this tab are used when programming a Tracker. The Station # and Site Id are identification fields in the Tracker. The Interval is the time over which counts are accumulated. Values in any other fields are ignored. Time Use the controls in the SET RECORDING TIME frame to set the start and stop times & dates for the Tracker. Use the controls in the SET RECORDER TIME AND DATE frame to set the current time and date in the Tracker. 4.6.4 ERASE MEMORY Click the Erase Memory button to erase all data in the Tracker. The user will be prompted to confirm the action: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-20 Warning: This is a non-recoverable action, once the selection is confirmed, all data in the Tracker will be erased. 4.6.5 CLOSE/STOP During certain operations, the Close/Stop button will be labeled Stop. When the button is labeled Stop, click the button to cancel the current operation. When the button is labeled Close, click the button to close the Tracker Interface window and return to the main window. 4.7 241/ADR TRAFFIC COUNTER This menu item allows the user to monitor and retrieve data from a Peek Model 241 and ADR traffic counters. Select 241/ADR from the Interface menu and the 241 – ADR Interface dialog box will be displayed: Similar to the TRS Interface, the 241-ADR Interface dialog has 4 areas: Status, Display, Data Source and a command button area. 3 of the 12 command buttons are disabled. Their functionality is not available when communicating with a 241 Counter. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-21 The Status area primarily provides information about the status of communications or processes. The Data Source should always be set to Field Unit when connecting to a 241 Counter. 4.7.1 COMMAND BUTTONS Status The Status button retrieves the current configuration information from the 241 or ADR traffic counters and displays it in the Display Area The information includes, but not limited to: battery voltage, time, date, boards installed and firmware revisions. All Data The All Data button will download all the data files in the 241 or ADR unit, whether or not they have been downloaded before. Be sure the 241/ADR is connected correctly to the computer and select this option. This operation is the same as the TRS All Data function but for the 241/ADR. See section All Data for more information. New Data The New Data button will download only the data files in the 241 or ADR unit which have never been read before. Be sure the 241 or ADR is connected correctly to the computer and select this option. This operation is the same as the TRS New Data function but for the 241/ADR. See section New Data for more information. Select Data The Select Data button will retrieve a list of files from the 241 or ADR unit. The user can tag the files in the list which they wish to download. This operation is the same as the TRS Select Data function but for the 241/ADR. See section Select Data for more information. View On Click the View On button to display real time information from the 241 or ADR unit. This operation is the same as the TRS View On function but for the 241/ADR. See section 0 View On for more information Program The Program button opens the Program 241-ADR dialog for configuring a 241 or ADR traffic counter. This dialog is described in section 9.4 Program Device. When programming a 241, several portions of the Program 241-ADR dialog are disabled. Please review the 241 & ADR manual for detailed information on configuring each of the fields displayed. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-22 General Tab Only the following fields are used: Site ID & Station #, Lanes, Interval, Unit Id, and Metric. All other fields are ignored Data Type Tab Only the following fields are used: Data Type 1, Data Type 2, Speed Bins, and the bin definition grid at the bottom. All other functions including Weigh-In-Motion, User Axle Class and “AND” Or “BY” are not available for a 241 or ADR unit. Other Available Tabs All functions are available on the Layout, Time, and Sensor tabs. Other Unavailable Tabs No functions from the Weigh, Classification, and Peaks tabs are available for 241 or ADR units. If configured, they will be ignored. Module When this option is selected, the software will collect all data from the module which is inserted in the 241. Connect/Disconnect When the Connect / Disconnect button is labeled Disconnect, click the button to disconnect the current connection. When the Connect / Disconnect button is labeled Connect, click the button to display the Connection Information dialog. The operation of the Connection Information dialog is found in section Connect / Disconnect. Close/Stop During certain operations, the Close/Stop button will be labeled Stop. When the button is labeled Stop, click the button to cancel the current operation. When the button is labeled Close, click the button to close the 241-ADR Interface window and return to the main window. If a network or modem connection is currently established (Connect/Disconnect button is labeled Disconnect), a confirmation message will be displayed to ask if the user wants to disconnect or return to the interface window. 4.8 GK 5000 This menu item allows the user to input data from a GK 5000 counter directly into Road Reporter for viewing, editing and reporting. Select GK 5000 from the Interface menu and the following window will appear: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-23 Click the Cancel button close the dialog and to return to the main window without reading any data. Click the Read Counter button and then, on the counter, select Dump Data to send the data to Road Reporter. Note: be sure the baud rate is correct and all cables are connected before starting this operation. During the data download, an counter will appear on the screen while the GK 5000 is dumping. When downloading is complete, the File Header Edit dialog window will appear (see section 5.1 Header for more information); use the Header Editor to enter any missing or correct any desired information. Press OK to save the new file. 4.9 GK DATA PORT This menu item allows the user to input data from a GK Serial Data Port directly into Road Reporter for viewing, editing and reporting. Select GK DATA PORT from the Interface menu and the following window will appear: Click the Cancel button close the dialog and to return to the main window without reading any data. Select the Clear Module button to erase the serial data port. Note: be sure the reset button has been pressed before using a serial data port and all cables are connected before dumping data. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-24 Click the Read Module button to begin dumping data from the serial data port. During the data download, an counter will appear on the screen while the serial data port is dumping. When downloading is complete, the File Header Edit dialog window will appear. See section 5.1 Header for more information. Use the Header Editor to enter any missing or correct any desired information. Press OK to save the new file. 4.10 DB-TDC-IMC This menu item allows the user to input data from a DB 100 Turning Movement Counter or related turning movement counters directly into Road Reporter for viewing, editing and reporting. Select DB-TDC-IMC from the Interface menu and the following windows will appear: Click the Cancel button close the dialog and to return to the main window without reading any data. Note: be sure the baud rate is correct and all cables are connected before collecting data. Click the Read Module button, then press Dump, Local, Begin on the turning movement counter to begin dumping data. During the data download, an counter will appear on the screen while the serial data port is dumping. When downloading is complete, the File Header Edit dialog window will appear (see section 5.1 Header for more information); use the Header editor to enter any missing or correct any desired information. Press OK to save the new file. 4.11 IDC AUTO COUNT This menu item allows the user to input data from an IDC Auto Count directly into Road Reporter for viewing, editing and reporting. Select IDC Auto Count from the Interface menu and the following window will appear: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL INTERFACE MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 4-25 Follow the instructions in the window, pressing the View button on the IDC Auto Count to wake the device up. Then press the READ button to start the download of data. Pressing the CANCEL button will quit the data download. During the data download, an counter will appear on the screen while the IDC Auto Count is dumping. When downloading is complete, the File Header Edit dialog window will appear (see section 5.1 Header for more information) : use the Header Editor to enter any missing or correct any desired information. Press OK to save the new file. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL EDIT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 5-1 5.0 EDIT MENU The Edit menu provides options for altering traffic counter sites and data files: 5.1 HEADER This menu item allows the user to manually edit a header of an existing file which has been loaded into Road Reporter. Note: the Header edit dialog is used in several places including when creating a new file (see section 3.1 New) and when data is initially downloaded from various devices: 4.1 Traffic A.C.E., 4.4 Android / PDA, GK 5000, GK Data Port,, DB-TDC-IMC, and IDC Auto Count. With a file loaded (see section 3.2 Load for more information), select ‘Header’ from the Edit menu or from the short cut icon on the tool bar: and the File Information dialog box will be displayed: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL EDIT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 5-2 Any of the header information on this screen can be edited. Select OK to accept the new information or Cancel to return to the main window. Note: after editing a header, the file must be saved to perform further analysis on it with the updated information. See section 3.4 Save or 3.5 Save As for information on saving a loaded file. There are many parameters that can be edited on an existing file: Site ID, Station #, City, County, Location, Start Date and Time, and Lane Direction Codes. If a file contains more than 4 lanes, click the Next Lanes button to cycle through the groups of 4. 5.1.1 POST PROCESSING Under certain conditions, post processing of the data will take place when the OK button is clicked. The options in the sub-sections below control the post processing. Defaults for these options can be set in various places in the Setup dialog; see section 3.7 Setup. Hourly Data Select this checkbox to convert non-hourly interval file to an hourly interval file. This applies to both newly downloaded files and loaded files. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL EDIT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 5-3 Single File If this checkbox is selected, the system will automatically default to creating a single file (instead of daily files) every time a file is downloaded if data is sequential in time, for the same site and of the same type, number of lanes and interval. File Limits Select this checkbox to enable the Limits button. The Limits button allows the user to select the start and end time range for a newly downloaded file using the File Limits dialog. Omit First Interval If this checkbox is selected, the first interval of data will be deleted when a new file has just been downloaded and the Header edit window is shownVolume Frame The radio buttons in the Volume frame indicate the type of volume file loaded: One Channel – indicates a one channel volume file is loaded All Channels – indicates a multi-channel volume file is loaded Short/Long – checks to see if a subtraction has already been done on a short/long data file (up to 4 inputs). If not, the subtraction is performed; if so, a warning is displayed indication that the subtraction has already been done and requesting conformation that it is to be done again. 5.1.2 DATA BUTTON Clicking the Data button opens the Data Layout dialog; changes in this dialog have no effect and are ignored. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL EDIT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 5-4 5.2 SITE This menu item configures site information. Site information is used when downloading data (see section Site Indexing for more information); when communicating with a site through telemetry (see section 0 Auto Poll for more information); when creating reports (see section 6.1 Reports for more information); and when exporting certain data formats (see section 7.1 Export for more information). Click the Site menu button in the Edit menu or use the tool bar short cut: to open the Edit Site window: The window shows a list of sites which have already been configured in Road Reporter. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL EDIT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 5-5 5.2.1 CHANGE ALL Click the Change All button to open the Change All Sites dialog box , which configures some common parameters for all sites. Select any of the various options, set the new value and click OK to change that information for all sites. Click Cancel to exit without making any changes Warning: changes made here will be applied to all sites; these changes are NOT reversible except through re-editing all sites back to the original value(s) or manually editing each site). 5.2.2 PRINT Click the Print button to open the Print All Sites message box: Select Yes to print the information for all sites and No to print just the information for the selected site to the default printer. Select Cancel to cancel printing. 5.2.3 DELETE Click this button to delete the information for the currently selected site. The user is prompted to confirm the deletion: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL EDIT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 5-6 Click OK to delete the site; Cancel to abort the deletion. Warning: Deleting a site is immediate and permanent. It is not reversible without reentering the site information. Note: deleting a site from the list does NOT delete the data nor the data directory for the site. It only deletes the site configuration information. 5.2.4 NEW / EDIT The New and Edit buttons both open the Edit Site Detail dialog box. Alternately, double click on an existing site in the list to open the dialog box for editing that site: The main difference between New and Edit is that the user is allowed to enter a value for the Site ID field when creating a new site; for an existing site, this field is already configured so editing it is disabled. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL EDIT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 5-7 Note: the Site ID is used as the key for the site information. It links the site information to a field device and must match the Site ID entered in the field device to link the information with data downloaded from the device. See section Site Indexing for more information. Edit any of the information on this screen and select OK to accept the new information or Cancel to ignore the changes and return to the Edit Site window. General Tab On the General tab, the fields listed below can be configured: Site ID – a unique alpha numeric name which identifies a specific site. Typically a number but it this is not a requirement. Format: 12 alpha numeric characters. Station # – a secondary reference field also known as the Site Reference. Format: 12 alpha numeric characters. Site Directory – directory where all data for this site is stored when downloaded. This directory is located directly under the folder the Road Reporter software is installed in. Format: 11 alpha numeric characters City – descriptive field – city near or in which site exists. Format: 20 alpha numeric characters County – descriptive field – county in which site exists. Format: 20 alpha numeric characters Location – descriptive field – typically describes the location of the site in more detail using mile point markers, GPS coordinates or distances from a known location. Format: 40 alpha numeric characters Dir ‘n’ – direction codes for lane ‘n’. Format: 1 numeric digit Unit Type – chose the equipment manufacturer for the device installed at the site. This controls the communication protocols used when communicating with the device. Choose either IRD or Peek Unit ID – sets the unit number of the field device. This should always be set to 1 unless otherwise specified by IRD. Format:2 numeric digits Warning: if the Unit ID does NOT match the value in the field device, Road Reporter will be unable to communicate with the field device. MEDC Passenger Multiplier – Custom value for MEDC export. Connection Frame The information in the Connection frame is used to define the required parameters for connecting to a device remotely. Different information is required depending on the connection type: Modem, Network or Direct Serial. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL EDIT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 5-8 Warning: No validation or format check of a Phone Number, Modem Port, IP Address or URL, Network Port or Serial Port is performed. Modem Note: for a Modem connection, enter the Phone Number (format: 36 alpha numeric characters), the serial Port the modem is connected to (format: 2 digits) and the Baud rate used to communicate with the local modem. Network For a Network connection, enter the IP Address or URL and the Network Port. Direct Serial Note: for a Direct Serial connection, enter the Serial Port the device is connected to (format: 2 digits) and select the Baud rate. Note: this connection type is not normally used. Collection Frame The radio button selected in the Collection frame identifies what action will be taken when a site is automatically polled. (See section 4.3 Auto Poll for more information on automatic polling.) Status – retrieve the status of the device. No data is downloaded. New/Erase – retrieve all new files from the device which have not been retrieved before, erase all memory and, optionally, restart the device collecting data with the same configuration. See warning below. Warning: The restart function is controlled by the TRS Erase/Continue checkbox found in the Polling frame on the General tab of the Setup dialog. If this is NOT selected, the data collection will NOT be restarted. See section Polling for more information. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL EDIT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 5-9 New – retrieve all new files from the device which have not been retrieved before. Off – Do not poll this site. All/Erase – retrieve all files from the device, erase all memory and, optionally, restart the device collecting data with the same configuration. See warning below. Warning: The restart function is controlled by the TRS Erase/Continue checkbox found in the Polling frame on the General tab of the Setup dialog. If this is NOT selected, the data collection will NOT be restarted. See section Polling for more information. All – retrieve all files from the device. Date Range – retrieve all files within the data range specified in the Autopoll window. See section 4.3.5 Date Range for more information. Set Lanes To Zero Button Opens the Select Lanes To Zero dialog. Counts for checked lanes in this dialog will be set to zero when data is retrieved from the site during an Autopoll session (see section Polling for enabling this feature). Click Clear All to deselect all lanes. Click OK to accept any changes. Click Cancel to discard any changes. FHWA Header Tab If the Use FHWA Data checkbox on the Data Options tab of the System Setup dialog is checked (see section 3.7.6 Data Options Tab), then the FHWA Header tab will be displayed. Enter all necessary FHWA TMG station information as required. See your TMG guide for details on the FHWA data fields. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL EDIT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 5-10 5.3 ADD LANE This menu item automatically adds one or more lanes from another file to the file which is currently loaded into Road Reporter and displayed in the Main Window data table. Click the Add Lane button in the Edit menu to open the following window: Use the Types, Drives, Directories and Files list to navigate to and select the file from which the lane data will be copied. The Preview area shows information about the currently selected file. The Select Directions area shows available lanes and their DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL EDIT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 5-11 enabled/disabled status; by default all available lanes will be selected to be copied from the selected file to the loaded file. If less lanes are desired, deselect the lanes which are not to be copied. Note: the selected file must be of the same type and interval as the loaded file in order to add the lanes of data from it to the loaded file. Click the Add button to add the selected lanes to the loaded file; Cancel to abort the process. Note: after deleting lanes, the file must be saved to perform further analysis on it. See section 3.4 Save or 3.5 Save As for information on saving a loaded file. 5.4 DELETE LANES This menu item automatically deletes one or more lanes from the file which is currently loaded into Road Reporter and displayed in the Main Window data table. Click the Delete Lane button in the Edit menu to open the following window: In the Lanes frame, select the lanes which are to be deleted. Do not select any lanes which you want to keep. Click the Delete button to remove the lanes from the loaded file; Cancel to abort the process Note: after deleting lanes, the file must be saved to perform further analysis on it. See section 3.4 Save or 3.5 Save As for information on saving a loaded file. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL EDIT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 5-12 5.5 APPEND FILE This menu item automatically adds another file to the end of the file which is currently loaded into Road Reporter and displayed in the Main Window data grid. This allows a split file (for example two 12 hour files) to be put back together. Click the Append File button in the Edit menu to open the following window: Use the Types, Drives, Directories and Files list to navigate to and select the file from which the lane data will be copied from. The Preview dialog shows information about the currently selected file. The Select Directions frame is not used when appending files. Select the Ignore Days option to ignore any time difference between the end of the loaded file and the start of the selected file. Note: the selected file must be of the same type and interval as the loaded file in order to append the data from it to the loaded file. Click the Append button to append the selected file to the loaded file; Cancel to abort the process. Note: after adding lanes, the file must be saved to perform further analysis on it. See section 3.4 Save or 3.5 Save As for information on saving a loaded file. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL EDIT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 5-13 5.6 COPY SELECTED DATA This menu option copies the selected data on the main display to the computer clipboard; it may then be pasted in any appropriate location (another file, a text editor, spreadsheet, etc.) 5.7 MERGE SITE DATA This menu item opens a window to configure the automatic merging of site data from two input site files into an output site file: If Merge Site Data has been enabled under the General tab of Site Setup (see section Polling), the merge site data function automatically performs an Add Lane operation (see section 5.3 Add Lane) for the configured sites at the completion of an Autopoll session (see section 4.3 Auto Poll). Note: all three sites must be defined in the site editor before configuring site merging. Data from input site 1 will become the first lanes in the merged file; data from input site 2 will become the last lanes in the merged file. The configuration information entered into the site editor for the output site is used in the header for the merged output file; this includes site id, station number, location, and direction codes 5.7.1 DELETE Select Delete to remove the currently selected row. The software will ask for confirmation with the following dialog: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL EDIT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 5-14 Select OK to delete the row; Cancel to cancel the deletion. 5.7.2 NEW OR EDIT Select New or Edit to open the Select Sites to Merge dialog: Select Input Site 1, Input Site 2 and the Output Site. Each site list contain sites which have been entered into Road Reporter but are not currently configured as an Input Site for another merge. Click OK to accept the new or revised merge definition. Click Cancel to close the dialog without making any changes. The merge Site Data Configuration window displays a table of configured merges: 5.7.3 MERGE SELECTED Select a merge definition and click the Merge Selected button to perform a manual merge of data for that definition. Note that multiple definitions can be selected. 5.7.4 OPERATION When the Merge Selected button is pressed in the Merge Site Data Configuration dialog, or a polling session completes with the Merge Site Data checkbox checked, the software will merge the data from the two input sites into the output site. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL EDIT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 5-15 The software searches the site directory for all three sites and determines which files have not been merged yet that can be merged. It compares dates, times and data types to ensure that only “equivalent” files are merged. For each file, the merge is performed by loading the file from the first input site, then performing an Add Lane using the file from the second input site. Finally, the result is written to the output site directory using the site information (site id, station number, city, county, location, and direction codes) from the output site when creating the new file. Note: the software will NOT merge files which have different date/time ranges, different intervals, different number of records or different data types. 5.7.5 LOG FILE A log file containing the results of the merge can be found in the Logs subdirectory. A new log file is created each day. The log files are named MergeData_YYMMDD.log where YY is the 2 digit year, MM the 2 digit month and DD the date. If the merge data function is run multiple times on a given day, the log file is appended to each time the function is run. 5.7.6 MERGING MORE SITES It is possible to merge more than 2 sites by merging the first two sites and then merging the results of the first two sites with the next site and so on. The only requirement is that the order of the merges is defined by the order of the merge definitions in the list. Multiple Merge Example Given 4 sites called A, B, C and D which are to be merged to create a single site called G. Use the site editor to create the site definitions for sites A, B, C, D and the final site G. Also create two interim site definitions, E and F. Next create 3 merge definitions in the following order as follows: Sites A and B into site E Sites C and D into site F Sites E and F into site G Now when merge runs it will combine the 4 sites, A, B, C, and D into site G. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL REPORT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 6-1 6.0 REPORT MENU 6.1 REPORTS This menu option produces summarized reports on multiple types of data including: volume, speed, axle classification, length, headway and gap. Click the Reports button from the Report menu or click the toolbar report icon: and the reports dialog box will be displayed: Select the PRINT button to print the report using the selected options to the screen or default printer. Select the Close button to close the window. 6.1.1 FILE If this option is selected, the currently loaded file will be used for creating reports (The file name of the currently loaded file is displayed in the box). 6.1.2 SITE If this option is selected, one or more sites can be selected from the list of sites shown in the box. Selected reports will be generated for each site separately. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL REPORT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 6-2 6.1.3 MULTIPLE Clicking this button will open a window to select one or more files for creating reports. The selected reports will be generated for each file separately. Click the Continue button to return to the Summaries dialog once the desired files have been selected; click Cancel to cancel file selection. 6.1.4 DATA TYPES The types of data available in the file will be enabled in the list below the Data frame (data types not available will be grayed out). Select the checkboxes for the data types to be displayed in the report. 6.1.5 TIME AND DATE Start Time and Date The beginning time and date for the report period within the selected file(s) or files found for a site. End Time and Date: The end time and date for the report period within the selected file(s) or files found for a site. When entering the time values, be sure to enter the colon. Note: end time and date must be after the start time and date to produce a reliable report. 6.1.6 FACTORS The fields in this frame configure Seasonal and Axle adjustment factors that can be applied to report data. When Show factored HPMS stats is selected on the Customize dialog (see Show factored HPMS stats), both factors will be applied to the estimated Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) on the Weekly 60 volume report and the Seasonal factor will be applied to the estimated AADT and other Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) stats on the 15 Minute or Hourly Class report. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL REPORT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 6-3 Note that the HPMS stats are rounded per the instructions in the HPMS Field Guide. 6.1.7 SAVE TO CSV FILE Select this to save the created report as a comma separated value (CSV) file for loading into post processing software such as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet When selected, a text box will appear where a filename can be entered. Note: rather than using this function, the user is encouraged to examine the Export function for desired outputs since not all reports will export to CSV and this may be removed entirely in the future. See section 7.1 Export for more information. 6.1.8 REPORT INTERVAL The Report Interval selection identifies the time format of the report. xx Minute: This will generate a report in the original interval in which the data was collected. This is a summary based on times going down the page showing each interval and an accumulation each hour. In volume, lanes up to 24 are shown across the top of the page and all other data types are shown with bins across the top of the page. Percentages, AM peaks, PM peaks and speed statistics (if speed data) are printed at the end of each day. Hourly: This will generate a report by hour. This is a summary based on times going down the page. In volume, lanes up to 24 are shown across the top of the page and all other data types are shown with bins across the top of the page. Percentages, AM peaks, PM peaks and speed statistics are printed at the end of each day. Weekly 15: This will generate a report only for 15 minute volume data. This is a summary based on times going down the page showing each interval. The days of the week and totals are printed across the top of the page with an AM and PM column for each. Percentages, AM peaks and PM peaks are printed at the end of each day. Weekly 60: This will generate a report only for 60 minute volume data. This is a summary based on times going down the page showing each interval. The days of the week and totals are printed across the top of the page. Percentages, AM peaks and PM peaks are printed at the end of each day. 2 Channel: This will generate a report only for 15 minute volume data. This is a summary based on times going down the page showing each interval (to the right of each even hour the hourly total is printed). The two lanes and totals are printed across the top of the page with an AM and PM column for each. Percentages, factors, AM peaks and PM peaks are printed at the end of each day. Daily: This will generate a report in 15 minute intervals. This is a summary based on hours going down the page showing each interval and 15 minute increments going across the page. To the right of the summary, there is a graph displaying the hourly totals which is auto scaling. AM peaks and PM peaks are printed at the end of each day. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL REPORT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 6-4 Annual: This will generate a report in hourly intervals for volume data. This is a summary based on times going down the page showing each interval. Months (January through December) and totals are displayed across the top of the page. Percentages, AM peaks and PM peaks are printed at the end of the report. A supplemental report is generated at the same time which shows time down the page and weekdays across the top of the page. The weekdays represent the average in a year. Monthly: This will generate a report in hourly intervals for volume data. This is a summary based on times going down the page showing each interval. Weekdays (Monday through Sunday) and totals are displayed across the top of the page.. Percentages, AM peaks and PM peaks are printed at the end of each day. Peaks: This report lists the top 100 Peak intervals for the given site for a given year. The peaks are listed in descending order. 6.1.9 SHOW ON SCREEN If this checkbox is selected, the report will be shown only on the screen (there will be a Print option on the displayed report). If the report is to be printed directly, deselect this option. The default for this setting can be set on the Printer/Screen Options tab of the Setup dialog. See section Default Destinations for more information. When this option is selected, a text box labeled File: will be displayed below the Show on Screen option. In addition to printing to screen, the report is also saved as an ASCII Text file under the name displayed; the default file name is Report.dat. Enter a new filename if desired. Below is a sample of the on screen report: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL REPORT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 6-5 Use the <<< and >>> buttons to move backwards and forwards through the pages of the report. Select Close to close this window and return to the Summaries dialog. Click the Print button to send the report to the default printer. 6.1.10 CUSTOMIZE The Customize button opens the following dialog box to customize certain aspects of the reports: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL REPORT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 6-6 Lane Summing This frame displays how the data will be combined for reporting purposes. Each Sum n indicates the lane or combination of lanes that will be presented separately in the report. These are controlled by the selection of the Summing Options. Report Header 1 and Report Header 2 Adds one or two extra line(s) to the header on the top of each report (up to 80 characters maximum). If blank, the extra line(s) is not printed. Multilane Bin Reporting Use Multi Format – if this option is selected, the software will print all lanes on the same page when producing a binned data report other than volume. Show Road Intervals – if this option is selected in addition to Use Multi Format, the software will print the total interval data for all lanes. Show Lane Hours – if this option is selected in addition to Use Multi Format, the software will print the total hour data for all lanes. WIM Report Show Weights For weight data, select which WIM sensor data is to be used in producing the report or vehicle listing: Sensor 1 shows weights measured by the first sensor; DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL REPORT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 6-7 Sensor 2 shows weights measured by the second sensor; Both Sensors shows the weights from the first and second sensor; Average shows the average of the weights measured by the first and second sensors. Do Not Use Weight Calibration – if this option is selected, the software uses the raw un-calibrated weight data for the Per Vehicle reports. Turning Movement Report Omit 4th Movement – if this option is selected, the report will only show the three major movements: right, left and through. Total 4th Movement – if this option is selected, the report will include the 4th movement in the totals. Landscape Format – if this option is selected, the report will be printed with the lines of text across the long axis of the page. Label Right On Red – if this option is selected, the report will substitute PED with RtRed for header labeling. Combine Trks & Buses – if this option is selected on a three tier study, the software will combine tiers two and three so the final report will only show two tiers. Column Order – select the order of the columns on the Turning Movement Report (right to left lanes or left to right, as viewed in the direction of travel). Use 24 Hour Totals If this item is selected, the data will be accumulated in 24 hour increments beginning from the start time. When this item is not selected, all data is processed from midnight to midnight. Grand Totals If this item is selected, the data will be accumulated for the entire report and a report total will be generated. When this item is not selected, no grand total is printed. Weekly 60 - Mid Peaks If this option is selected, intervals of less than 60 minutes will calculate the peak hours to the accuracy of the interval time. If not selected, peak hours are calculated with even hours. Summing Options One or both of these two options must be selected: Print Lane: if this item is selected, each lane will be printed independently. Print Road Totals: if this item is selected, an extra set of report pages are created with the sum of all lanes represented. Show D&K On Weekly Report Select this option to show the Directional Distribution (D) and Design Hour (K) factors on the Weekly report when generating from site based data. The D factor is the ratio of the DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL REPORT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 6-8 peak hour, peak lane count to the peak hour count for all lanes expressed to the nearest 5 percent. The K factor is the ratio of the peak hour count for all lanes to the total count for the day expressed to the nearest 1 percent. Show factored HPMS stats Select this option to show certain factored Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) stats on the Weekly 60 volume report or on the 15 Minute or Hourly Class report. Use First Speed Bin For Stats If this option is selected, the software uses the first bin of speed data in its calculations for the speed statistics. Use Last Speed Bin For Stats If this option is selected, the software uses the last bin of speed data in its calculations for the speed statistics. Use Bold Font For Reports If this option is selected, the software prints the entire report in a BOLD format. Statistics Only If this option is selected, the software only prints the statistics from the summary and does not print the data. Use User Bin Labels on Report If this option is selected, the software uses the user defined classification labels for the report header instead of the Class # (see section This is functional in Classification and Length studies. Monthly By Day If this option is selected, the software will print an alternate report for the monthly report which shows each day of the month. Time Back If this option is selected, the peak times will displayed as start time of the peak interval instead of the end time of the peak interval Peak Graph Frequency Not used. Speed Threshold The value entered for this option is used in the speed summary to report how many vehicles exceeded this speed. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL REPORT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 6-9 First Day Of Week This option determines on which day a weekly report will start, allowing the data from any seven day period to be wrapped into one week. User Bins Button This option allows the user to customize the report header of a classification or length report. To activate this button, Use User Bin Labels on Report must be selected. Clicking the button will open the following dialog box: Enter the desired labels and then click Save to store the values and close the dialog or click Cancel to exit the dialog without making any changes. Note: the maximum label length is 5 characters due to column width restrictions on the reports. Customize Bins Button This option allows the user to specify the bins on which PV or WIM data can be reported. These must be entered before trying to produce a binned data report from PV or WIM data. Enter the value for the top of each bin (inclusive). Each bin must be greater than the preceding bin. The highest bin should be set to higher than the greatest expected value. If in doubt, set to 999. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL REPORT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 6-10 Click Save to store the custom bins. Click Clear to erase all the definitions for the currently selected type. and then click Save to store the values followed by X to exit the dialog Click the X to exit the dialog without making any changes. 6.2 GRAPHS This function produces bar and line graphs on multiple types of data including: volume, speed, axle classification, length, headway and gap. Select Graphs option from the Report menu or click the toolbar shortcut: and the following window will appear: Select the Cancel button to close the Graph dialog. Select the Graph button to display the graph on the screen or send it to the printer; below is a sample graph: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL REPORT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 6-11 Select Next to increment through the available graph pages, Print to send the graph to the default printer and Close to remove the graphs from the screen. 6.2.1 DATA The current active file name is displayed in the Data box. This is the only file which will be graphed. 6.2.2 INTERVAL Select the interval for data display: 15 Minute – will generate a graph with 15 minute data points. Hourly – will generate a graph with hourly data points. Daily – will generate a graph representing one day; for volume data all lanes are shown on one line graph with 24 hours shown across the bottom and all other data is shown by each lane with bins shown across the bottom. Weekly – will generate a graph with daily data points for one week. Monthly – will generate a graph with daily data points for one month. Annual – will generate a graph with monthly data points for one year. 6.2.3 TYPE Select the type of graph to be displayed. The type of graph options available are defined by the interval selected and the Data Type. 6.2.4 SPEED STATS If speed data is being collected, this option can be selected to produce a complete statistical summary with the graph including: average speed, median speed, 85th DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL REPORT MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 6-12 percentile, 15 percentile, pace and number of vehicles above a selected speed. Also, a complete cumulative analysis is displayed or printed. 6.2.5 COLOR PRINTING If this box is selected and the default printer is capable of color printing, the graph will be printed in color; graphs are always displayed in color on the screen whether or not this option is selected. 6.2.6 SEND TO PRINTER If this box is not selected, the graph will be shown only on the screen and not sent to the printer. If a printed graph is desired, be sure this option is selected. The default for this setting can be set on the Printer/Screen Options tab of the Setup dialog. See section Default Destinations for more information. 6.2.7 TIME AND DATE Start Time and Date The start time and date for the graphed report period. End Time and Date: The end time and date for the graphed report period. When entering the time values, be sure to enter the colon. Note: End Time and Date must be after the Start Time and Date to produce a reliable graph. Warning: Each time a graph is produced, the times and dates return to their original states. 6.2.8 REPORT FILE In addition to being displayed as a graph screen, the report is also saved as an ASCII Text file under the name displayed; the default file name is Report.dat. Enter a new filename if desired. 6.2.9 DATA TYPES The types of data available in the file will be enabled in the list below the Report File text box (data types not available will be grayed out). Select the checkboxes for the data types to be displayed in the graph. 6.2.10 CUSTOMIZE The Customize button opens a dialog box to customize certain aspects of the reports; see section 6.1.10 Customize on page 6-5 for details. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL OPTIONS MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 7-1 7.0 OPTIONS MENU 7.1 EXPORT This menu item converts data from the standard PRN format to other formats including ASCII, Excel, FHWA TMG, and other customer specific formats. Select Export from the Options menu or click the export toolbar icon: and the Export Data dialog box will be displayed: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL OPTIONS MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 7-2 7.1.1 FILE If this option is selected, the currently loaded file will be used for creating reports (The file name of the currently loaded file is displayed in the box). 7.1.2 SITE If this option is selected, the user can select one or more sites from the list of sites shown in the box. Separate export files will be generated for each selected site. 7.1.3 SELECT FILES Clicking this button will open the following dialog box where one or more files can be selected for export to data files. Separate export files will be generated for each selected file. Click the Continue button to return to the Export Data dialog once the desired files have been selected; click Cancel to cancel file selection. 7.1.4 TIME AND DATE Start Time and Date The time and date at which the export will begin using the selected file(s) found for a site. End Time and Date: The time and date at which the export will end within the selected file(s) or files found for a site. When entering the time values, be sure to enter the colon. Note: End Time and Date must be after the Start Time and Date. 7.1.5 FORMAT One or more export formats can be selected simultaneously, however, certain formats are specific to certain data types. The export function will convert the standard PRN files created by Road Reporter into the following formats: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL OPTIONS MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 7-3 FHWA TMG This export creates the standard US Federal Highway Authority (FHWA) Traffic Monitoring Guide (TMG) data files. Configuration of the general FHWA parameters is done via the Site Editor. See section FHWA Header Tab. Depending on the data type, 2 or more files will be created including a Station Description record file, Hourly Volume record file, Vehicle Classification record file and Truck Weight record file. Select the Use PRN Directions checkbox to use the directions found in the PRN file. Select the Use PRN Time Range checkbox to restrict the outputs to just the time range found in the PRN file instead of creating full days for each day of data. Select the Class 1 to 3 in W Card checkbox to include data from these classes in the Truck Weight record file if they have been recorded in the data. For more information, refer to the FHWA TMG web site: New York This export produces custom files for data submittal to NYDOT. A dialog box is displayed requesting additional information specifically required for this format. Please follow New York guidelines when filling in the appropriate information. If NY master header files are available, be sure to put these files in your Road Reporter subdirectory where the program is located, and the software will auto fill most information. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL OPTIONS MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 7-4 ASCII PVR Data Creates an ASCII comma separated value (CSV) file with per vehicle (PV) axle class or per vehicle WIM data. Select the Use Calibration checkbox to use the calibration factors for weight. Select the Append Binned Data checkbox to append the binned data from a PV or PV WIM file to the end of the per vehicle record which have been written to the file. Philippines CSV Custom comma separated value export of volume data for the Philippines. Maine Custom export for Maine DOT. Select the Start At Top Of Hour checkbox to start the data at the first top of the hour rather than at an “off hour” interval. Excel This export creates a Microsoft Excel file of the data including the information from the file header. Note: this does not work with PV or PV WIM data. Please use the ASCII PVR Data export instead; refer to section Warning: Microsoft Excel must be installed on the computer for this function to work. MEDC Welcome Centers Custom export for Michigan Economic Development Center. Saudi Arabia ASCII Custom ASCII export for Saudi Arabia. 7.1.6 EXPORTING From the main Export Data window, click the Export button to export the data to the selected format(s). A label indicating the type of export and the processing status will appear on the main window. When complete, a verification message similar to the following will appear: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL OPTIONS MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 7-5 Click Cancel to close the Export Data window without performing any exports 7.2 VERIFICATION RULES This option defines the rules used to verify that the data from the current data file is valid: To activate a verification function. 7.2.1 VOLUME The options in the Volume frame define the verification rules based on traffic volumes. Number of consecutive intervals being zero Enter the maximum allowed number of intervals with a zero volume count, above which the software will flag the file with an error. Percentage change between intervals Enter the maximum allowed percent difference between two consecutive intervals, above this percentage the software will flag the file with an error. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL OPTIONS MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 7-6 Intervals greater than Enter the maximum allowed value for an interval, above which the software will flag the file with an error. 7.2.2 CLASSIFICATION Percentage of unclassified vehicles Enter the maximum allowed percentage of vehicles recorded as unclassified, above this percentage the software will flag the file with an error. Percentage of classes 4-13 Enter the maximum allowed percentage of buses and trucks, above this percentage the software will flag the file with an error. 7.2.3 SPEED Percentage of vehicles above the maximum speed Enter the maximum allowed percentage of vehicles which can be above the maximum speed, above this percentage the software will flag the file with an error. Percentage of vehicles below the minimum speed Enter the maximum allowed percentage of vehicles which can be below the minimum speed, above this percentage the software will flag the file with an error. Max Enter the maximum speed threshold. This will be the speed that is used in the first speed rule described above. Min Enter the minimum speed threshold. This will be the speed that is used in the second speed rule described above. 7.2.4 SAVE Select this button to save the rules which will be used to evaluate the current data and close the dialog window. 7.2.5 MANUAL VERIFY / VERIFY ON LOAD This button toggles between the Manual Verify and Verify On Load functions. If the button displays Verify On Load, then verification will be performed automatically using the current set of rules each time a file is loaded. If the button displays Manual Verify, then verification is performed on the currently loaded file only by selecting Verify Data from the Options menu (see next section 7.3) After changing this option, you must Save the rules to activate the selection. 7.2.6 CANCEL This selection closes the dialog without saving any changes. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL OPTIONS MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 7-7 7.3 DATA VERIFICATION To run data verification manually, select Data Verification from the Options menu which will open the Verify Data dialog box: 7.3.1 FILE If this option is selected, the currently loaded file will be verified using the defined rules (The file name of the currently loaded file is displayed in the box). 7.3.2 SITE If this option is selected, the user can select one of more sites from the list of sites shown in the box. Files for each site will be verified separately. 7.3.3 SELECT FILES Clicking this button will open the Select Files dialog box where one or more files can be selected for creating reports. Selected files will be verified separately. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL OPTIONS MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 7-8 Click the Continue button to return to the Summaries dialog once the desired files have been selected; click Cancel to cancel file selection. 7.3.4 SET RULES Click this button to open the Verification Rules dialog described in section 7.2 Verification Rules above. 7.3.5 TIME AND DATE Start Time and Date The time and date at which the data verification will begin within the selected file(s) or files found for a site. End Time and Date: The time and date at which the data verification will end within the selected file(s) found for a site. When entering the time values, be sure to enter the colon. Note: end time and date must be after the start time and date to produce a reliable data verification. 7.3.6 RUNNING MANUAL DATA VERIFICATION Click the Run button to verify the chosen data against the defined verification rules. Click the Close button to close the Verify Data dialog. When complete, a message box will appear explaining which rules have failed on the current data file. The results can be printed or saved to a text file. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL OPTIONS MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 7-9 7.4 CLASS DISTRIBUTION This function allows the user to redistribute a percentage of the count from a selected axle classification class to another class. To start the class distribution function, select Class Distribution from the Options menu to open the Distribute dialog box: Select the from and to classes (Distribute From Class and Distribute To Class). Then set the Percentage To Distribute. Select Distribute Now to move the percentage of the From Class count to the To Class count of the currently loaded classification count file. Click the X to close the dialog without distributing the classification count. Note: after re-distributing the class count, the file must be saved to perform further analysis on it. See section 3.4 Save or 3.5 Save As for information on saving a loaded file. 7.5 ROTATE MATRIX If the currently loaded file contains matrix data, i.e. speed by class or speed by length, this function will rotate the matrix data. For example, if speed by class data is loaded, this function will change the file to matrix to class by speed. Note: after rotating the matrix data, the file must be saved to perform further analysis on it. See section 3.4 Save or 3.5 Save As for information on saving a loaded file. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL HELP MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 8-1 8.0 HELP MENU 8.1 CONTENTS Select this option to access the Road Reporter Help windows: 8.2 SEARCH Select this option to access the Road Reporter Help Topics window and search for help on a topic: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL HELP MENU ROAD REPORTER PAGE 8-2 8.3 CHECK FOR UPDATE Launches the default web browser and opens the IRD software update download page (you may need to scroll down the page to find the Road Reporter software). The URL for this web page is: Generally, a Road Reporter update is provided as a zip file. Extract the contents of the zip file into the directory where Road Reporter is installed. Warning: You may want to extract the files to a temporary file, examine the included readme.txt to determine if the update while provide better or increased functionality you require. You may also want to back up your current Road Reporter program folder or program before overwriting it with a new version. 8.4 ABOUT This option to displays the current version of software being used. This is an important feature when technical support is required: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-1 9.0 COMMON OPERATIONS This section describes a number of the commonly performed operations used in Road Reporter. 9.1 FILE EXPLORER In several Road Reporter operations, a list of files is presented for the user to select from: Section 3.3 Delete Section 3.5 Save As Section 5.3 Add Lane Section 5.5 Append File The file location – drive and directory – will initially be set to the default directory specified in the Setup dialog; see section 3.7.2 Directories Tab. However, if the user changes to another directory, that directory becomes the default directory for the current session. The following window shows an example of a file explorer: Common fields in a file explorer are described below: Filename: The last selected file from the Files list Files: List of files from the selected directory which have the file extension specified in Types. In the Files list, you can use the standard Windows controls to select multiple files: <Ctrl+Click> to select multiple individual files; <Shift+Click> to select a range of files. All selected files displayed in this box will have the selected operation performed on them. Types: This allows the user to specify only files with the selected extension to be displayed. Directories: This box displays and allows selection of the directory where the files are located. The selected directory is highlighted. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-2 Drive: The currently selected disk drive. View Preview: If the check box is checked, the following information will be displayed for the last clicked file while the checkbox was checked: Site ID, Station #, Data Type, Interval, Number of Lanes, and Location. This information comes directly from the header of the selected file. If the information is not available, then nothing is displayed for the field. 9.2 EDITING THE DATA TABLE When a file has been selected with the Load function (see section 3.2), the data from the file will be displayed in the main window as a data table similar to the example below: Data Table In this data table, the user can perform several functions. Note: after editing the data table, the data must be saved to perform further analysis on it. See section 3.4 Save or 3.5 Save As for information on saving a loaded file. 9.2.1 CHANGING VALUES On most copies of Road Reporter, the user is permitted to edit the data values in the table by selecting a cell and typing in a new value. For example, to change the Lane 1 Class 2 count in the following row from 158 to 253: Select the cell, and type in the new value. Click on another cell or press enter to update the value and row total: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-3 9.2.2 SELECTING MULTIPLE ROWS To select multiple rows, you can either: Click and Drag: click and hold the left mouse button down while the cursor is on the leftmost cell of the first desired row, drag the mouse/cursor up or down to select the desired range of rows and then release the left mouse button. Shift Click: click on the left hand cell of the first desired row. Move the cursor to on the left hand cell of the last desired row and then hold down the Shift key and click the left mouse button Similarly, to select multiple cells, you can either: Click and Drag: click and hold the left mouse button down while the cursor is on the first desired cell, drag the mouse/cursor up or down to select the desired range of cells and then release the left mouse button. Shift Click: click on the first desired cell. Hold down the Shift key and click on the last desired cell To select the entire data grid, click the left cell in the top header row. Click to select all To deselect any selection, simply click again. Note 1: selection is only allowed on a contiguous group of rows or cells. <Ctrl+Click> does not allow selection of individual separate rows or cells. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-4 Note 2: selection of cells is the same as selecting the complete rows. There are currently no functions which work strictly on a group of cells. 9.2.3 COPYING DATA Press <Ctrl+C> to copy the selected data to the Windows clipboard. This data can then be pasted directly into Excel, Word, Notepad, etc. 9.2.4 DELETING ROWS To delete rows, select the rows to be deleted and press the Delete key. Note: only rows at the top or bottom of the grid may be deleted. 9.3 DATA DOWNLOADING When downloading data from any device, there are several options which control how a data file is created. The following list provides a quick reference guide to those options: Section System File Format – default file format Section 3.7.2 Directories Tab – Default Data Directory Section 3.7.4 Recorder Options Tab – use Single File, Omit First Intv, TRS ID Swap, ACE Date/Time, Use Tracker For Class Section 3.7.6 Data Options Tab – nY Data, Auto Load, User Filename, Hourly Data, File Limits, PRN Index Off Section Site Indexing – controls whether site information in downloaded files is overwritten with site information configured in Road Reporter Section 3.7.7 WIM Attributes Tab – remove straddling vehicles from PV and WIM data files. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-5 9.4 PROGRAM DEVICE A number of data collection devices that can connect to Road Reporter can be remotely configured using the Program option on the Interface window for the device (programmable devices include TRS, MiniTRS, Peek 241 and ADR units). The Program button opens a new dialog window to configure and program the parameters of a device to collect data. The descriptions below refer to procedures for the TRS unit. Road Reporter will attempt to connect to the device when the Program button is selected. If it can establish communication, it will display the Program TRS window with the current configuration from the TRS. If no TRS is connected to Road Reporter a dialog box to select the version of TRS firmware the configuration is to be programmed for will be displayed: Click the radio button for the desired firmware and then click OK; the Program TRS window will be displayed. The window has nine tabs including: General, Data Type, Layout, Weigh, Time, Sensors, Classification, Peaks; the operations available under each tab are described in the sections below. At the bottom left corner of the window is a Status message that displays the current state of the window. At the bottom right of the window are four command buttons: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-6 Load – retrieves the current configuration from a TRS or MiniTRS. Select the stored parameter file in the file browser that opens and then click Open. All fields will automatically fill with the information from the stored file. Save – saves the current configuration from this window into a file. Use the default filename or change it to the desired filename, then click Save to write the configuration to a file. If the Data Source selected on the TRS Interface has been set to Flash Drive, then the current configuration will be saved to the flash drive in the folder IRD_CFG (you will be prompted to confirm the file name to save the file under); this can then be used to quickly upload the preset configuration to any TRS units running firmware version 4.07 or higher. Send – sends the current configuration settings from this window to the TRS. Before sending the configuration, be sure the TRS is connected and the baud rates on the PC and the TRS are the same. Press the F1 key on the unit to turn the display on. Select the SEND button to program the TRS or Mini TRS with the configuration from the window tabs. When sending is complete, the TRS will change to “SET” mode and start recording data using the new configuration at the start of the next minute. The Status message in the bottom left of the window will change during transmission to indicate that the programming information is being sent. When complete, the message will indicate whether the send was successful or not. Close – closes the TRS programming dialog window and return to the TRS Interface dialog. 9.4.1 GENERAL TAB The options on the page under the General tab identify and configure Note: the Site ID, Station # and Location labels may be different than shown here since they are configurable by the user. See section Labels And Descriptions for more information. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-7 Site ID A unique alpha numeric name which identifies a specific site. Typically the Site ID is a number but this is not a requirement. Note: the Site ID is used as the key for the site information. It links the site information to a field device and must match the Site ID entered in the Site Editor to link the information with data downloaded from the device; (see section 5.2 Site and Site Indexing for more information. Station # An optional secondary site identification field that can be used to describe the site; also known as the Site Reference. Lanes The number of lanes of data to be collected, this setting overrides anything entered on the layout tab. Interval The time frame defined in minutes which data is accumulated into. The TRS and MiniTRS support intervals of 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes. Unit Id This is for multiplexer identification (this should never be changed) Warning: if this value is changed, Road Reporter may no longer communicate with the TRS. Violation If the TRS is equipped to identify violations, this option sets speed threshold at which t the violation output is turned on. Max Axle If a sensor configuration does not have a loop as the farthest downstream sensor, then the TRS must use a timeout to determine when one vehicle ends and to start looking for the next. The TRS firmware must calculate the maximum time to wait for the next axle using the speed of the vehicle and a maximum axle spacing that can be expected for any vehicle. Max Axle defines the maximum spacing between two axles to calculate the timeout to determine the end of a vehicle. Examples of sensor configurations which use this are two axle sensors or axle sensor - loop - axle sensor. This value is typically 40 to 50 ft (13 to 16 m). CDPD Comms If this option is selected, the software will set the TRS in CDPD mode. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-8 In CDPD mode, the TRS will monitor a serial control signal to wake up. When the signal activates, the TRS simply wakes up (similar to a user pressing the F1 key on the TRS when the display is off). In non-CDPD mode, the TRS will monitor the serial control signal as a Ring Indicator signal. When signal activates, the TRS will send out commands on the serial port to direct a modem to answer the phone. See also Modem Connection, section Modem. Metric Select this checkbox to configure the TRS to collect data in metric units. If selected, all parameters and configuration must be done in metric units. Memory Rollover Note: only available for TRS Plus with firmware 4.02 or higher. Select this option to enable Memory Rollover. If enabled, when memory fills up, the TRS will erase the oldest file(s) to provide space for new files. Cards The radio buttons in this frame define which cards are installed in the TRS. Note: this feature is only available with a special license. Select 2 Loop 1 Piezo if the TRS contains 2 loop interface boards and 1 piezo interface board or a subset of 2 loop boards, 1 loop board and 1 piezo board, or 1 loop board. Select 1 Loop 2 Piezo if the TRS contains 1 loop interface board and 2 piezo interface boards or a subset of 2 piezo boards or 1 piezo board. While other board configurations may work, the above are the typical assembly configurations provided. Warning: setting this option incorrectly will result in missed or poor detection of vehicles. Change with caution! Quick Setups The radio button options in this frame will automatically fill the other tabs with default information for the selected site layout, doing away with the need to manually select each setting value. Note: it is still a good idea to review the configuration of a Quick Setup selection before sending the program configuration to the TRS. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-9 9.4.2 DATA TYPE TAB Use the settings on the Data Type tab to configure the type of data the TRS is to collect. Data Type 1, Data Type 2 These two items define the type of data that the TRS will collect. If only a single type of data is to be collected, then only a value in Data Type 1 needs to be configured. If two types of data are to be collected simultaneously or in a matrix, then values in both Data Type 1 and Data Type 2 must be selected. Currently, the only data types that can be collected together are Speed with Class and Speed with Length. Select Speed in Data Type 1 and then either Class or Speed in Data Type 2. (To collect only speed, select Speed in Data Type 1 and None in Data Type 2). Note: if Data Type 1 is set to Per Vehicle, the TRS will also record class and speed binned data simultaneously. “AND” Or “By” If two data types have been selected, such as Speed with Class, the data can be collected as two separate studies, Type 1 & Type 2, or as a matrix, Type 1 X Type 2. This is only available in recorders with firmware versions 3.09 or higher. Axle Class If User is selected, the TRS will use the user-programmed vehicle classification table. If Default is selected, the pre-defined default vehicle classification table is used. With TRS firmware version 4.07D and higher, if Default is selected, the error and undefined class can be programmed by the user. Error Class is the class in which to count all error vehicles. An error vehicle is created when the information from activated sensors cannot be combined to create a vehicle. Undefined Class is the class into which any vehicle which is properly detected but doesn’t match any template in the classification scheme is counted. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-10 For more information on configuring a user-defined vehicle classification table, see section 9.4.7 Classification Tab and section 9.6 Classification Editor. Bin 1-3 When Data Type 1 is set to Per Vehicle, select this option to store only binned counts for vehicle classes 1 to 3 (defined as private passenger vehicles under most classification schemes). If per vehicle information is not desired for class 1-3, check this box and the data will only appear in the binned counts. As most vehicles at a typical data collection site will be private passenger vehicles, selecting this option will reduce the size of the data files appreciably. Weigh-In-Motion If this option is selected, the TRS will collect Per Vehicle Weigh In Motion (WIM) data. Notice that Data Type 1 will change to Per Vehicle if this option is selected. Speed Bins If collecting speed data (either by itself or with other data), either select one of the predefined speed bins (High, Low or TMG) or select User to define the bins in the User Defined Bin Table (see below). The bin definitions for the predefined speeds are: Bin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 High 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 >90 Low 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 >70 TMG 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 >85 Note: These bins definitions are “dimensionless”. That is, if the TRS is configured for Imperial units, these bins are defined in mph. If the TRS is configured for Metric units, these bins are in kph. User Defined Bin Table Once the data type has been selected, the bins definitions may be customized by editing the values in the table in the lower section of the screen. Each bin value represents the upper limit for the range of values of the bin. For example, if the bins are defining the speed and bin 1 has a value of 30 and the bin 2 has a value of 35, then bin 1 will contain the count of vehicles with a speed from 0 to 30 mph and bin 2 will include the count of vehicles with a speed from 31 to 35 mph. Note 1: user defined (changed) speed bin definitions will be used only if the Speed Bins radio button is set to User. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-11 Note 2: changing class or lane bin definitions has no effect. These are discrete values and are shown in the grid for completeness only. 9.4.3 LAYOUT TAB The options under the Layout tab configure the sensor layout at the site and define sensor parameters. The appearance of this tab will vary depending on the version of Road Reporter, as shown below: Road Reporter Version 3.5.3 and lower Road Reporter Version 3.5.4 and higher Note: only the sensor spacing and direction are unique to or each lane. All other values are common to all lanes; it is recommended that these settings be configured for Lane1 only. Even if one or more of these is configured for more than one lane, only the setting from Lane 1 will be used. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-12 Spacing Enter the distance from the start of the first primary sensor to the start of the second primary sensor. The entered value must be in either 1/10’s of feet or decimeters (depending upon the setting of the Metric checkbox on the General Tab), with no decimal places (i.e. a spacing of 80.6 feet would be entered as 806). This value can be different for each lane. Layout (Road Reporter Version 3.5.3 and lower) P Sensor Configures the primary sensor in the site layout. In a single sensor site layout, this will be the only sensor. If two types of sensors are being used, set the primary sensor to the sensor which is used to calculate the speed (must be two of the same type of sensors). Key the first letter of the sensor type to be selected as the primary sensor type: T – tube, P-Piezo (WIM or axle), L – loop, C – contact. Press the key a second time to select bidirectional detection as indicated by the ‘><’ appearing after the sensor type. The ‘>’ indicates the vehicles will be recorded in the lane in which the sensors are activated no matter which direction they are travelling. ‘><’ indicates vehicles travelling from the first sensor to the second sensor in a lane will be recorded in that lane. Vehicles travelling from the second sensor to the first sensor in a lane will be recorded in the next lane (that lane plus one). The setting in the Config field will change to reflect the setting selected here (2 sensors are required for bidirectional detection). S Sensor If there is more than one sensor type being used, this defines the type of the secondary sensor. Press the first letter of sensor to be configured as the secondary sensor: PPiezo (WIM or axle), L – loop, C – contact. The setting in the Config field will change to reflect the setting selected here. Config This field displays and provides an alternate method to configure the sensor layout at the site. To configure the site layout, key in the number of the primary sensor(s) in the lane. If there is one primary sensor, keying <1> will display 1 Ax or 1 Lp (depending on whether the P Sensor selected was an axle or loop sensor). Keying <1> again will toggle the display to the other type of sensor; the P Sensor display will change to reflect the Config setting. If there are two primary sensors, keying <2> will display 2 Ax. Keying <2> again will cycle the display through all the available sensor configurations with two primary sensors; the P Sensor and S Sensor displays will change to reflect the Config setting. Layout (Road Reporter Version 3.5.4 and higher) Configures the layout of sensors. Press any key while in this column to scroll through the various layout options. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-13 Layout Description 1 Ax > 1 axle sensor in each lane. Counts in each lane will be determined by the setting in the Factor column. 2 Ax > 2 axle sensors in each lane. Vehicles will be counted in respective lane no matter which direction they pass over the sensors. 2 Ax >< 2 axle sensors. Vehicles activating the first sensor (e.g. sensor 3 for lane 2) first will be counted in the respective lane; vehicles activating the second sensor (e.g. sensor 4 for lane 2) first will be counted in the respective lane plus the number of lanes. Short/Long 2 axle sensors; one short across lane 1, the other, long, across lane 1 and 2. When data is downloaded, counts for lane 2 will be calculated by subtracting the short sensor counts from the long sensor counts. 1 Lp > 1 loop in each lane. 2 Lp > 2 loops in each lane. Vehicles will be counted in respective lane no matter which direction they pass over the sensors. 2 Lp >< 2 loops in each lane. Vehicles activating the first loop (e.g. loop 3 for lane 2) in the lane first will be counted in the respective lane (e.g. lane 2); vehicles activating the second loop (e.g. loop 4 for lane 2) first will be counted in the respective lane plus the number of physical lanes (lane 4 if the number of physical lanes is 2). Ax Lp Ax > 1 axle sensor followed by 1 loop followed by 1 axle sensor. Vehicles will be counted in respective lane no matter which direction they pass over the sensors. Lp Ax Lp > 1 loop followed by 1 axle sensor followed by 1 loop. Vehicles will be counted in respective lane no matter which direction they pass over the sensors. Ax Lp Ax >< 1 axle sensor followed by 1 loop followed by 1 axle sensor. Vehicles activating the first sensor (e.g. sensor 3 for lane 2) first will be counted in the respective lane; vehicles activating the second sensor (e.g. sensor 4 for lane 2) first will be counted in the respective lane plus the number of lanes. (TRS Firmware Version 4.09A or higher) Lp Ax Lp >< 1 loop followed by 1 axle sensor followed by 1 loop. Vehicles activating the first loop (e.g. loop 3 for lane 2) in the lane first will be counted in the respective lane (e.g. lane 2); vehicles activating the second loop (e.g. loop 4 for lane 2) first will be counted in the respective lane plus the number of physical lanes (lane 4 if the number of physical lanes is 2). (TRS Firmware version 4.09A or higher) DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-14 Loop Length If loops are being used, enter the length of the loop in the direction of travel. The value on the screen represents either 1/10’s of feet or decimeters depending upon the Metric configuration under the General tab. Factor If volume data is being collected with an axle sensor, the recorder can collect data with a factor of 100=each axle or 200=only count every other axle. Dir Enter a value from 1 to 8 to indicate the direction of travel for each lane: 1=N; 2 = NE, 3 = E, 4 = SE, 5 = S, 6 = SW, 7 = W and 8 = NW 9.4.4 WEIGH TAB Note: this screen only affects TRS units which are configured for weigh-in-motion. Auto Calibration Autocalibration on the TRS WIM is accomplished by tracking the average front axle weights of a specified class of vehicles and comparing it to a target front axle weight. The TRS WIM will adjust the calibration factors by up to a specified maximum percentage to correct for the difference between the target and the average. Auto Cal – to activate the automatic calibration features, select this box. Class – select the vehicle class which the TRS WIM will use for automatic calibration calculations. Typically class 9 vehicles are used (five axle semi-trailers). # Of Vehicles – enter the number of vehicles in the selected class to be used to determine average axle weights for auto calibration (maximum 250). The larger this number is, the more accurate the autocalibration adjustment is likely to be, but the longer the time will be between each adjustment. Max % Change – the maximum allowed percentage change to the calibration factors for any one auto calibration adjustment; maximum of 25%. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-15 Target – the target front axle weight of the selected vehicle class which the system will try to calibrate to, up to a maximum value of 25000. This value is dimensionless, so if the TRS WIM is in metric units, the value is in kilograms; if not, the value is in pounds. Defaults – sets the Auto Calibration parameters back to their default values. Vehicle Calibration Cal Fact – the calibration factors for each sensor used to scale the raw measured value from a sensor to match the real weight. A value of 1000 is equal to a calibration factor of 1: a factor of 2000 would double the raw measured value; a value of 500 would halve the raw measured value. Note: if autocalibration is enabled, it will adjust these factors automatically. See section above. Front Ax – the percentage factor is used to scale the front axle weight of every vehicle. It is applied after the Cal Fact. A value of 80 would scale the front axle weights down by 20%; a value of 120 would scale the weights up by 20%. Speed Calibration Warning: configuring speed calibration can be a difficult process and may be unnecessary. Consider carefully before changing these values. Click the Speed Calibration button to open the following dialog: For each lane, a speed calibration curve can be configured by entering a Speed value and percentage scaling Factor. Road Reporter will use linear interpolation to calculate the calibration factor to be applied between each speed. For speeds below the lowest speed or above the highest speed, the factor defined for that bin will be used. For example, given bin 1 defined with a speed of 30 and a factor of 80 and bin 2 with a speed of 50 and a factor of 120, the following table shows the scaling which would occur for vehicles of different speeds. Measured Vehicle Speed DWG. # 69046201 REV C Factor Applied 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-16 25 80 30 80 40 100 50 120 Note: these factors are NOT applied in the TRS WIM itself. They are provided to the TRS WIM for retrieval by Road Reporter to use during the display real-time per vehicle WIM data and for storage in the data files for use by Road Reporter in data analysis. Non Linearity Calibration Warning: configuring non linearity calibration can be a difficult process and may be unnecessary. Consider carefully before changing these values. Click the Non Linearity Calibration button to open the following dialog: For each sensor, a non-linearity calibration curve can be configured by entering a Weight value and percentage scaling Factor. Road Reporter will use linear interpolation to calculate the calibration factor to be applied between each weight value. For weights below the lowest weight or above the highest weight, the factor defined for that bin will be used. For example, given bin 1 defined with a weight of 30 and a factor of 80 and bin 2 with a weight of 50 and a factor of 120, the following table shows the scaling which would occur for axles of different weights: Measured Axle Weight Factor Applied 25 80 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-17 30 80 40 100 50 120 Note 1: the non-linearity calibration is applied after applying other calibration values. That is, it is based on calibrated weights. Note 2: these factors are NOT applied in the TRS WIM itself. They are provided to the TRS WIM for storage for retrieval by Road Reporter to use during the display real-time per vehicle WIM data and for storage in the data files for use by Road Reporter in data analysis. Reset Calibration Click the Reset Calibration button to reset the Cal Fact, Front Ax, Speed Calibration, and Non Linearity Calibration back to default values (scaling of 1). 9.4.5 TIME TAB Set Recording Time Enter the start and end times and dates to set the range of time over which the TRS should collect data. Click the Now button to set Start Time and Start Date to the current time of the PC. Check the Continuous checkbox to have the TRS continuously collect data. Uncheck the Continuous checkbox to set an End Time and End Date at which the TRS is to stop collecting data. Set Recorder Time and Date Use these controls to set the clock in the TRS. Click the Send Current Time to immediately send the PC’s current time to the TRS or enter a different time and date and then select the Send Other Time button to set the clock in the TRS / Mini TRS. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-18 Note: these commands are executed immediately and are not part of the normal programming parameters. If the counter is recording data, recording will be stopped if the time is changed. Stop TRS Recording Click the Stop button to stop the current recording session in the TRS. Note: this command is executed immediately and stops the TRS recording data. 9.4.6 SENSORS TAB Use this screen to adjust the detection of vehicle presence (Loop Adjustments) or axles (Piezo Adjustments or Air Switch Settings. Level or Sensitivity – this adjusts the sensitivity for each sensor type. Increase the value to make the sensor Time or Debounce – this is an “off” delay or debounce time for each sensor type. The above screenshot shows typical values. Notes: Loop Adjustments are currently common to all loops. Only Sensor 1 values need to be set. Level values can be set for each piezo sensor but the Time value is common to all piezo sensors. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-19 9.4.7 CLASSIFICATION TAB This tab performs operations on the user defined vehicle classification table. Current User Class File The name of the currently defined user classification file (if any) is displayed in the field to the right of this label. to search for and load a new class file, click the Browse button, navigate to the location where the file is stored, select the file and click Open to load it. Send User Classification Table This button transmits the Current User Class File to the TRS. First, configure the user classification table, and then click the Send User Classification Table to send the table to the TRS. Note: this button is only used to download user classification table into the TRS. This option does not set the TRS to use this table; that must be done on the Data Type Tab. Read User Class From Counter Click this button to download the user class file that is currently stored on the TRS. After the file is retrieved from the TRS, the user will be asked to enter a filename to save the downloaded scheme to. Note: reading the user classification scheme from the counter does NOT update the Current User Class File automatically; use the Browse button to select the downloaded file. Edit User Class Select this button to open the Edit Classification window: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-20 The Classification editor is described in detail in section 9.6. Ask To Send User Class When Programming Select this checkbox to ask the user whether the current user class file should be sent to the TRS along with a new configuration when the user clicks Send and the Axle Class is set to User on the Data Type tab. This can also be configured in the Setup dialog on the Record Options tab. See section 3.7.4 Recorder Options Tab. 9.4.8 PEAKS TAB This function is used to program peak interval data collection into 241 and ADR traffic counters. This is currently not used in the TRS. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-21 9.5 TRS DIAGNOSTICS WINDOW This section describes the functionality available in this window. It is only available when communicating with a TRS or MiniTRS. Click the Diagnostics button on the TRS Interface window to open the TRS Diagnostics dialog window: The Diagnostics dialog provides 4 tabs for accessing various diagnostic functions on a TRS: Sensors, Communications, Programming, and Dump Memory. Various status messages will be displayed to the left of the Close button. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-22 9.5.1 SENSORS TAB The upper portion of the tab displays the sensor diagnostics. The bottom portion shows controls for the diagnostics. Select Diagnostic Type – Two types of diagnostic displays are currently available: Lane and Loops. (Axle Sensors will be available in a future version). Note: Lane diagnostics are only available when connected to a TRS running firmware version 4.08 and higher. Start – starts the diagnostics display of the currently selected type. The display will hide all sensors which are not part of the current lane layout. Select – select a radio button in this frame to specify the group of lanes or loops to monitor. Select All to monitor all loops (not available for lane diagnostics); 1-4 to view the first group of lanes or loops; 5-8 to view the second group of lanes or loops; 9-12 to view the third group and 13-16 to view the fourth group. For faster response, select a group other than All; for the loop diagnostic display, this speeds up the monitor cycle for the selected group of loops providing the faster response but the software then only updates the loops in the selected group and ignores all others. As mentioned All is not available for Lane diagnostics Stop – stops the diagnostics display. Note: sensor diagnostics must be stopped to close the diagnostics window. Tune – retunes the loops when Loop diagnostics is selected or the Loop diagnostics display is running. Once the loops are tuning, further tune commands are ignored until DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-23 tuning is complete. Tuning may take up to 60 seconds per active loop depending on the version of loop board and the characteristics of the loops attached to the unit. Lane Diagnostics Display When Start is clicked with the Lane diagnostic type selected, Road Reporter checks the version of firmware for the unit it is connected to and then, if the version is 4.08 or higher, the diagnostic display is started: The display shows the sensors as they are configured in each lane. In the screenshot above, the sensor layout is Piezo-Loop-Piezo. A filled sensor, such as all the loop in lane 2 in the screenshot above, indicates that sensor is currently being activated either by a vehicle in the case of a loop or an axle in the case of a piezo sensor. The numbers below each sensor indicate the number of activations of that sensor for the current or last vehicle which travelled over that sensor. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-24 Loop Diagnostics A filled loop indicates a vehicle is currently being detected over the loop; an unfilled loop indicates no vehicle is being detected. The numbers below the loops indicate the frequency at which the loop is operating. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-25 9.5.2 COMMUNICATIONS TAB The Communications tab is divided into 2 different functional areas: TRS Communication Settings and Real Time Traffic Statistics. Note: the functions on the Programming tab are only available on a TRS Plus CPU board with firmware 4.07C and higher. TRS Communications Settings The TRS Plus can be programmed with modem initialization strings. Enter the modem command strings into the Modem Init 1 and Modem Init 2 text boxes. The TRS will use these strings to initialize a connected modem. If these strings are configured in the TRS, string 1 will be transmitted to the modem. Upon receipt of an “OK” message from the modem, string 2 will be transmitted to the modem. If string 1 is empty, neither string will be transmitted. If string 2 is empty, it will not be transmitted. Warning: Use caution when configuring these strings remotely as they can result in a modem no longer answering. It is recommended that this command only be used locally at the TRS when someone else is available to test the modem still responds as expected when called. Set the TRS Timeout value (in seconds from 5 to 30) to allow for the maximum expected network delay when attempting to establish a connection. If a connection has not been completed in this time, the connection attempt will be aborted. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-26 When the initialization strings and TRS Timeout have been configured, click the Send Comm Settings to transmit the configuration to the TRS. Real Time Traffic Statistics The TRS Plus automatically calculates and transmits volume, occupancy and speed (VOS) on a second serial port. The statistics are as follows: Volume: count of vehicles over interval Average speed: average speed of all vehicles during interval Occupancy: percentage of time a loop is active during the interval Please contact IRD for more information on the volume, occupancy and speed function including the communication protocol and how to access the second serial port. Click the Open Traffic Statistics Window… to show the following dialog: This dialog box is divided into 3 areas: Configuration, Monitor and a status display. Configuration Configuration of VOS operation is performed using the controls found in this area of the dialog. The Traffic Statistics Interval is the time period over which the statistics will be calculated before they are updated. When polled, the TRS transmits data for the last complete interval. Poll times are automatically synchronized with the Road Reporter computer clock. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-27 The TRS transmits the VOS information on Port 2 of the TRS. The Port 2 Baud Rate can be sent to the TRS to change the baud rate if necessary. Note: the VOS configuration can be transmitted on either the Main Connection (TRS Prt 1) or Monitor Connection (TRS Prt 2). The Main Connection is the connection established in the TRS Interface window (see section 4.2) Connect / Disconnect for more information). The Monitor Connection is the connection established in the Monitor area of this dialog (see Select the appropriate port for getting or sending the configuration. Click the Get Current button to get the current configuration from the TRS. This will update the Traffic Statistics Interval, the Port 2 Baud Rate and a status field which indicates the number of lanes configured in the TRS with the current TRS settings. New values can be sent out to the TRS by clicking the Send New button. Monitor The Monitor area of the dialog provides a simple tool for checking the transmission of VOS on the second serial port. The Connect / Disconnect button operates in the same manner as the similar button on the main TRS interface window (see section 4.2 Connect / Disconnect) for more information. Set the Poll Interval to determine how often Road Reporter sends out a poll command to retrieve information from the TRS. The table displays the most recent information received from the TRS. Status Display The status display at the bottom of the dialog box shows various messages regarding actions taken by the user or by Road Reporter. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-28 9.5.3 PROGRAMMING TAB The Programming tab consists of 3 functional areas: Card Configuration, Reset TRS and Upload Firmware. Note: Reset TRS and Upload Firmware are only available on a TRS Plus CPU board with firmware 4.07C and higher. Card Configuration is only available on a TRS Plus CPU board with firmware 4.08G and higher. Card Configuration Select Loop Piezo Loop if the TRS contains one of the following card sets: 2 loop interface boards and 1 piezo interface board 2 loop boards 1 loop board and 1 piezo board 1 loop board Select Piezo Loop Piezo if the TRS contains one of the following card sets: 1 loop interface board and 2 piezo interface boards 2 piezo boards 1 piezo board While other board configurations may work, the above are the typical assembly configurations provided. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-29 If a contact closure board is installed, check the Enable checkbox for Contacts. Next select the Axle radio button if the contact closure board will detect axles like a piezo board or Vehicle if the contact closure board will detect vehicles like a loop board. Click the Send button to send the card configuration out to the TRS. See also section Cards for more information. Warning: setting this option incorrectly will result in missed or poor detection of vehicles. Change with caution! Reset TRS Warning: This command should be used only in rare cases. ALL data and configuration information will be lost. Clicking the Reset Configuration button will open a confirmation dialog: Selecting OK will send a command to the TRS to erase all data in the TRS and to reset all configuration parameters to factory defaults except the communications configuration. A warning will be displayed in the status area of the TRS Diagnostics window: The TRS will take several seconds to reset the configuration, erase memory and reboot. Select Cancel to exit without sending the command to the TRS. Upload Firmware The firmware in the TRS Plus can be remotely upgraded. Click the Browse button and select the provided file for the firmware upgrade. Then click the Send New Firmware button to transmit the new firmware to the counter. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-30 The progress bar will increment along with a message in the status area indicating which block is being sent. When the firmware has been transmitted, the TRS will begin to reprogram itself with the new firmware. Again the status bar will increment and the status area will indicate which block of memory is being programmed. Once the upgrade is complete the TRS will restart as indicated by the status message. This may take 3 or 4 seconds. It is necessary to restart data recording following the firmware upgrade but normally the configuration information will be retained. Check the configuration found in the Program Device dialog and confirm all settings before restarting recording. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-31 9.5.4 DUMP MEMORY TAB Warning: Use of the functions on the Dump Memory tab should only be used at the direction of IRD technical support. Starting a memory dump from a large memory counter may result in the appearance of lockup on the TRS which can only be stopped by pressing the <Del/N> key on the TRS keypad. Use with caution when accessing remotely. This screen allows the user to extract the contents of TRS memory. With the TRS connected and awake, select the desired memory type to initiate a dump. A dialog will appear asking how which portion of the desired memory type should be dumped: Enter the desired range or number of bytes and click Start to begin or Cancel to exit at this point. When Start is clicked, a dialog will appear requesting a filename to write the memory dump to. Click the Save button to initiate the memory dump; Cancel to exit. Once the memory dump is initiated, it can be cancelled by clicking the Stop button. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-32 Warning: selecting the Stop button only stops the receipt of the data by Road Reporter. The TRS will continue to send out the data, rendering it unresponsive until the transmission is complete or until the <Del/N> key on the TRS keypad is pressed. To view the downloaded data, select the ASCII or HEX button to display the data in the desired format. The user will be prompted for the file to display. The only difference between the ASCII and hexadecimal displays is that, where possible, ASCII characters will be displayed rather than the hexadecimal value. Use the >>>> and <<<< buttons to scroll by blocks of 512 bytes. 9.6 CLASSIFICATION EDITOR The Classification Editor can be used to modify the current vehicle classification scheme, save the current scheme, or to load a different classification scheme. The Classification Editor is opened from several places in the Road Reporter program: Section 3.6.1 PV Data Section 3.7.4 Recorder Options Tab Section 9.4.7 Classification Tab Below is the editor as it appears under the User Classification tab of the Program option of the TRS Interface window: DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-33 Description – a short description (optional) to identify the classification scheme. The information box at the top right of the window displays a reminder that when Road Reporter is configured to use Imperial/US units, the spacing values must be entered in feet with a single decimal place to a maximum value of 51.0 ft. When Road Reporter is in metric units, the spacing values must be entered in centimeters with a maximum value of 1555 cm. Note that a TRS type counter only uses values to nearest 0.2 feet. So a value such as 7.1 ft is rounded up to 7.2 ft when it is sent to the TRS. Error Class – enter the class number to be assigned to vehicles that had an error when measuring the vehicle such as only 1 axle was detected or only 1 of 2 loops was activated. Undefined Class – enter the class number to be assigned to vehicles that do not meet any of the vehicle type definitions in the classification table. The buttons on the right side of the window provide editing function for the classification table (click anywhere in the row of a definition to select it): Clear – deletes all entries in the classification table. A warning message will be displayed requesting confirmation to complete the deletions. Move Up – moves the selected definition up one row in the table Move Down – moves the selected definition down one row in the table Note that a row cannot be moved up or down into an empty row. Insert – inserts a blank row in the table above the selected row Delete – deletes the selected row and moves all the rows below the deletion up one row DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL COMMON OPERATIONS ROAD REPORTER PAGE 9-34 The main area of the window displays the classification table ; each row in the classification table defines a vehicle classification. A definition is made up of the following information (column headers): Class – the vehicle class number from 1 to 15, to be associated with the vehicle definition. Note that a class can have multiple vehicle definitions. Axles – the total number of axles for the vehicle, between 2 to 9. Min –the lower boundary of the specified axle spacing. The number following the header ‘Min’ specifies the axle spacing (e.g. Min1 is the spacing between axles 1 and 2, Min2 is the spacing between axles 2 and 3, etc.. Max –the upper boundary for the specified axle spacing. The number following the header ‘Max’ specifies the axle spacing. For example, consider definition #4 (the highlighted fourth row in the table illustrated above): the Class is 5; number of Axles is 3, which means there are 2 axle spacings to be configured (axle spacing 1-2 and spacing 2-3); the minimum of the first axle spacing (Min1) is 10.1 ft, the maximum of the first axle spacing (Max1) is 30.0 ft; the minimum of the second spacing (Min2) is 7.1 ft and the maximum (Max2) is 30.0 ft. The row of buttons at the bottom of the window provide file storage options: Load – opens a window to select a classification file to be loaded into the editor. Save – saves the current classification table to the opened filename (displayed in the window header) Save As – opens a window to specify a filename and directory to save the current classification table under. The default file type will be as a Classification File (.csv), but any other file extension, such as a spreadsheet format, may be specified. The file format is a list of comma separated values. Save Readable – saves the current classification scheme as a text file in a layout approximating the displayed window. The file format and default file type will be plain ASCII text (.txt), but any other file extension may be specified. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL HOW TO... ROAD REPORTER APPENDIX A-1 A.0 HOW TO... A.1 READ A COUNTER A. Load the Road Reporter Software. B. Select Interface from the menu. C. Select the type of counter to be read, (i.e. TRS, Traffic ACE etc.) a. For Traffic ACE counters: i. Then plug the cable into the counter and the proper serial port on the computer. ii. Press the Display button on the counter. iii. Select the Read Counter button on the PC. iv. The software will dump the counter and then allow the user to edit the header information. v. After editing the header information, select OK. vi. The counter has been read! b. For TRS and 241 counters: i. Then plug the cable into the counter and the proper serial port on the computer. ii. Press the F1 key on the counter. iii. Select the All Data button on the PC to collect all the data in the counter or select the New Data button on the PC to collect only new files in the counter.. iv. The software will dump the counter and say ‘Complete’ when done. v. Select Close to return to the main menu. For more information, see sections: 4.1 Traffic A.C.E. 4.2 T.R.S. A.2 EDIT A FILE A. Select File from the menu. B. Select Load from the File Menu. C. Click on the desired file to be loaded, it will then appear in the Filename box, select Open. D. After the software loads all the data and header for editing, the data matrix will appear on the screen. Any of the data points can be edited. E. At this point, the Header Information can also be edited by: a. Select Edit from the menu. b. Select Header from the Edit Menu. The software now displays all header information on the screen, make any desired changes and select ‘OK’. For any changes to be permanently made to the header or data, the file must be saved. A) Select File from the menu. B) Select Save or Save As from the File Menu. C) All changes are now permanent to the file. DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL HOW TO... ROAD REPORTER APPENDIX A-2 For more information, see sections: 3.2 Load 9.2 Editing the Data 5.1 Header 3.4 Save or 3.5 Save As A.3 PRINT A REPORT A. Select File from the menu. B. Select Load from the File Menu. C. Click on the desired file to be loaded, it will then appear in the Filename box, select Load. D. After the software loads the file, reports can now be generated... a. Select Report from the menu. b. Make any changes to the report dates and times or customization needed. Select Print, the file will now print For more information, see sections: 3.2 Load 6.0 Reports Customize DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL SAMPLE REPORTS ROAD REPORTER APPENDIX B-1 B.0 SAMPLE REPORTS Demonstration DAILY VOLUME SUMMARY WED 07/14/1999 Page: Site Reference: Boudreau Site ID: 000000000000 Location: West of Bellerose, St. Albert 3 File: boudreau.prn User: Direction: NORTH -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TIME Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 TOTAL 0 125 250 375 500 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 12 9 8 3 1 3 19 98 60 67 64 84 79 69 78 90 82 95 85 89 72 51 29 24 6 9 4 3 2 11 45 104 68 73 93 87 105 78 74 68 91 102 74 63 57 59 27 18 13 9 3 2 3 13 63 91 59 83 63 78 102 74 61 70 102 104 80 88 60 46 30 22 6 3 4 0 8 14 76 78 56 55 82 94 81 78 77 80 100 87 87 80 65 40 31 26 37 30 19 8 14 41 203 371 243 278 302 343 367 299 290 308 375 388 326 320 254 196 117 90 *** *** * * **** ********************* ************************************** ************************* **************************** ******************************* *********************************** ************************************** ******************************* ****************************** ******************************** *************************************** **************************************** ********************************* ********************************* ************************** ******************** ************ ********* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL 5219 AM Times AM Peaks 07:15 371 Largest Interval: PHF: .89 104 PM Times PM Peaks 17:00 401 Largest Interval: PHF: .96 104 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL SAMPLE REPORTS ROAD REPORTER APPENDIX B-2 Demonstration VOLUME SUMMARY TUE 07/13/1999 Site Reference: Boudreau Site ID: 000000000000 Location: West of Bellerose, St. Albert Page: 2 File: boudreau.prn User: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TIME 1 2 Total NORTH NORTH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hour Total 450 501 951 18:15 104 110 214 18:30 84 96 180 18:45 99 103 202 19:00 80 95 175 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hour Total 367 404 771 19:15 83 83 166 19:30 88 86 174 19:45 81 74 155 20:00 96 92 188 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hour Total 348 335 683 20:15 60 81 141 20:30 76 63 139 20:45 73 81 154 21:00 78 102 180 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hour Total 287 327 614 21:15 79 70 149 21:30 74 60 134 21:45 61 94 155 22:00 36 99 135 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hour Total 250 323 573 22:15 38 49 87 22:30 45 48 93 22:45 38 51 89 23:00 40 41 81 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hour Total 161 189 350 23:15 26 32 58 23:30 30 37 67 23:45 17 25 42 24:00 13 21 34 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hour Total 86 115 201 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DAY TOTAL 4829 5127 9956 PERCENTS 48.6% 51.4% 100% AM Times AM Peaks 11:15 363 11:15 352 PM Times PM Peaks 17:00 471 16:30 561 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL SAMPLE REPORTS ROAD REPORTER APPENDIX B-3 Demonstration TWO CHANNEL SUMMARY Starting: 07/14/1999 Page: Site Reference: Boudreau Site ID: 000000000000 Location: West of Bellerose, St. Albert TIME LANE 1 NORTH File: boudreau.prn User: LANE 2 NORTH TOTAL am pm am pm am pm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------00:15 12 79 17 93 29 172 00:30 6 105 18 80 24 185 00:45 13 102 15 100 28 202 01:00 6 37 81 367 8 58 81 354 14 95 162 721 01:15 9 69 9 64 18 133 01:30 9 78 9 67 18 145 01:45 9 74 2 71 11 145 02:00 3 30 78 299 5 25 73 275 8 55 151 574 02:15 8 78 3 82 11 160 02:30 4 74 4 62 8 136 02:45 3 61 4 82 7 143 03:00 4 19 77 290 3 14 75 301 7 33 152 591 03:15 3 90 2 80 5 170 03:30 3 68 1 78 4 146 03:45 2 70 3 98 5 168 04:00 0 8 80 308 1 7 128 384 1 15 208 692 04:15 1 82 1 112 2 194 04:30 2 91 3 114 5 205 04:45 3 102 2 123 5 225 05:00 8 14 100 375 2 8 99 448 10 22 199 823 05:15 3 95 3 124 6 219 05:30 11 102 2 107 13 209 05:45 13 104 13 107 26 211 06:00 14 41 87 388 8 26 80 418 22 67 167 806 06:15 19 85 20 90 39 175 06:30 45 74 26 75 71 149 06:45 63 80 41 75 104 155 07:00 76 203 87 326 39 126 91 331 115 329 178 657 07:15 98 89 48 83 146 172 07:30 104 63 50 77 154 140 07:45 91 88 95 63 186 151 08:00 78 371 80 320 81 274 68 291 159 645 148 611 08:15 60 72 70 61 130 133 08:30 68 57 70 79 138 136 08:45 59 60 65 74 124 134 09:00 56 243 65 254 59 264 54 268 115 507 119 522 09:15 67 51 47 50 114 101 09:30 73 59 74 55 147 114 09:45 83 46 63 44 146 90 10:00 55 278 40 196 61 245 109 258 116 523 149 454 10:15 64 29 63 69 127 98 10:30 93 27 73 36 166 63 10:45 63 30 66 49 129 79 11:00 82 302 31 117 73 275 33 187 155 577 64 304 11:15 84 24 65 31 149 55 11:30 87 18 57 25 144 43 11:45 78 22 77 25 155 47 12:00 94 343 26 90 71 270 16 97 165 613 42 187 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTALS 5219 5204 10423 AM Times AM Peaks Factors 07:15 371 PHF: .89 07:45 316 PHF: .83 07:15 645 PHF: .86 PM Times PM Peaks Factors 17:00 401 PHF: .96 16:00 477 PHF: .93 16:45 852 PHF: .94 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 2 OPERATOR'S MANUAL SAMPLE REPORTS ROAD REPORTER APPENDIX B-4 Demonstration TWO CHANNEL WEEKLY SUMMARY Starting:07/19/1999 Page: Site Reference: Boudreau Site ID: 000000000000 Location: West of Bellerose, St. Albert 2 File: boudreau.prn User: Direction1: NORTH Direction2: NORTH TIME MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN WK TOT WK AVG 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 LN 1 LN 2 LN 1 LN 2 LN 1 LN 2 LN 1 LN 2 LN 1 LN 2 LN 1 LN 2 LN 1 LN 2 LN 1 LN 2 LN 1 LN 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 65 35 23 15 29 91 325 580 399 389 391 406 477 417 468 543 572 594 506 520 439 343 251 115 56 21 15 9 12 44 126 241 208 215 234 260 358 337 348 420 529 465 362 364 352 318 189 97 67 33 25 9 27 76 322 627 380 411 414 428 473 472 461 524 646 683 547 522 473 330 217 112 56 28 11 3 14 36 141 266 259 249 267 289 340 326 358 469 539 519 413 321 320 282 184 89 88 51 23 13 28 62 334 593 413 439 456 442 464 438 552 528 566 636 559 467 474 407 300 139 44 40 26 9 7 36 141 264 258 242 233 299 352 359 382 462 515 472 387 383 366 381 200 106 97 44 19 10 31 60 311 545 386 410 397 418 414 525 451 555 578 617 483 467 457 403 331 157 58 25 15 10 19 36 135 260 261 234 296 244 343 351 365 425 485 452 426 341 326 308 206 114 107 53 26 5 24 93 292 481 354 448 513 497 497 484 464 535 602 666 499 462 375 351 272 188 76 40 21 17 18 33 117 214 257 253 251 321 379 332 367 399 484 525 409 305 295 274 185 145 127 96 50 29 26 32 77 118 202 276 381 441 444 477 465 443 404 412 379 372 357 355 241 219 83 77 49 18 14 18 55 74 137 147 221 240 291 286 312 322 322 286 217 227 202 208 170 119 200 114 61 40 27 36 75 96 137 219 340 412 518 533 496 428 493 463 463 459 380 358 301 156 116 77 56 46 12 25 24 52 75 185 208 282 269 360 318 371 299 276 254 242 237 264 160 94 751 426 227 121 192 450 1736 3040 2271 2592 2892 3044 3287 3346 3357 3556 3861 4071 3436 3269 2955 2547 1913 1086 489 308 193 112 96 228 739 1371 1455 1525 1710 1935 2332 2351 2450 2868 3173 2995 2468 2183 2098 2035 1294 764 107 60 32 17 27 64 248 434 324 370 413 434 469 478 479 508 551 581 490 467 422 363 273 155 69 44 27 16 13 32 105 195 207 217 244 276 333 335 350 409 453 427 352 311 299 290 184 109 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LANE 1 7993 8279 8472 8166 8288 6423 6805 54426 7766 LANE 2 5580 5779 5964 5735 5717 4095 4302 37172 5297 COMBINED Lane 1 AM Times AM Peaks Lane 2 AM Times AM Peaks Lane 1 PM Times PM Peaks Lane 2 PM Times PM Peaks 13573 14058 14436 13901 14005 10518 11107 08:00 580 08:00 627 08:00 593 08:00 545 11:00 513 12:00 441 12:00 412 12:00 260 12:00 289 12:00 299 11:00 296 12:00 321 12:00 240 12:00 282 18:00 594 18:00 683 18:00 636 18:00 617 18:00 666 14:00 477 14:00 533 17:00 529 17:00 539 17:00 515 17:00 485 18:00 525 16:00 322 16:00 371 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 91598 13063 OPERATOR'S MANUAL SAMPLE REPORTS ROAD REPORTER APPENDIX B-5 Demonstration VOLUME SUMMARY Page: 2 THU 02/18/1999 Site Reference: 000000000P59 Site ID: 00RT317 0500 Location: 5th & Elm St File: sample2.prn User: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TIME 1 2 Total NORTH SOUTH -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 35 62 53 33 59 81 96 173 202 221 229 204 246 225 211 219 225 231 185 189 207 128 108 64 119 80 73 66 64 87 126 141 192 211 227 235 250 222 217 191 209 218 179 149 108 97 86 63 154 142 126 99 123 168 222 314 394 432 456 439 496 447 428 410 434 449 364 338 315 225 194 127 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DAY TOTAL 3686 3610 7296 PERCENTS 50.6% 49.4% 100% AM Times AM Peaks 11:00 229 12:00 235 PM Times PM Peaks 13:00 246 13:00 250 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL SAMPLE REPORTS ROAD REPORTER APPENDIX B-6 For Demonstration Only, Not For Sale WEEKLY SUMMARY Starting: 7/13/99 Page: Site Reference: Boudreau Site ID: 000000000000 Location: West of Bellerose, St. Albert 1 File: boudreau.prn User: Direction: NORTH TIME MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN WK TOT WK AVG 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 Lane 1 am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm am pm ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------00:15 00:30 00:45 01:00 01:15 01:30 01:45 02:00 02:15 02:30 02:45 03:00 03:15 03:30 03:45 04:00 04:15 04:30 04:45 05:00 05:15 05:30 05:45 06:00 06:15 06:30 06:45 07:00 07:15 07:30 07:45 08:00 08:15 08:30 08:45 09:00 09:15 09:30 09:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 23 8 14 20 13 7 11 4 12 0 7 4 2 2 3 8 8 3 6 12 8 12 42 29 26 74 91 134 165 141 141 133 86 97 112 104 109 84 110 86 100 113 102 76 76 118 100 112 111 115 119 132 104 104 94 115 118 103 113 134 134 133 130 146 128 173 122 149 151 138 138 167 135 107 129 135 111 129 140 140 136 98 122 83 109 65 86 83 78 56 67 50 36 20 28 31 23 10 26 8 11 10 7 5 7 10 6 2 0 3 1 5 5 0 14 8 4 17 26 29 29 62 78 153 187 152 156 132 95 93 99 93 108 185 150 198 178 164 197 225 159 192 218 222 214 247 218 214 229 169 230 221 227 165 206 204 201 217 237 229 296 263 251 275 297 311 268 257 236 240 255 183 231 229 208 202 173 218 167 202 180 158 140 102 106 104 90 78 48 53 48 49 33 36 35 21 25 22 26 8 13 5 11 13 5 8 5 3 6 3 13 20 9 28 38 28 52 106 159 220 248 263 237 216 194 178 154 130 159 187 201 170 175 201 182 200 183 187 202 213 183 243 217 188 206 194 178 159 195 219 213 215 198 212 212 214 208 249 226 258 267 248 268 241 232 229 210 214 205 182 196 204 175 172 182 199 167 162 143 131 105 107 114 91 78 49 51 51 11 12 12 3 4 3 7 2 1 1 6 5 9 4 2 5 1 5 1 8 2 6 10 13 21 37 59 73 89 75 74 90 61 63 54 61 60 70 66 64 74 56 79 67 71 49 88 71 63 70 78 81 72 71 83 73 81 82 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 123 136 120 139 130 139 140 168 174 141 149 195 159 171 151 178 178 195 203 160 136 127 128 98 145 104 119 103 143 98 96 96 94 72 84 98 63 87 71 74 71 62 39 76 44 28 19 22 16 9 14 10 11 15 10 5 10 12 5 2 10 1 12 5 7 14 12 12 30 33 35 45 58 40 61 87 42 77 61 80 106 109 104 95 74 121 108 121 123 131 110 128 109 150 131 130 149 118 160 123 115 173 131 143 155 137 103 136 139 150 127 119 118 139 127 90 110 80 93 81 100 80 90 61 81 86 61 108 99 70 81 88 103 62 65 85 71 37 52 55 46 38 39 25 24 14 26 22 16 20 14 5 14 5 0 13 4 4 10 11 8 6 5 13 18 17 18 31 18 10 17 24 22 65 40 47 44 83 83 61 73 85 86 86 125 100 105 107 117 121 148 103 141 135 135 127 128 130 130 129 120 152 118 127 136 129 106 128 115 121 90 102 113 129 107 82 113 138 127 116 112 107 117 118 115 107 89 66 63 71 64 28 42 32 39 233 162 166 116 109 91 83 62 73 47 68 52 29 44 30 26 36 27 42 78 42 89 149 130 172 372 500 709 863 811 749 727 607 563 620 545 630 826 860 855 839 843 923 939 854 954 1026 1034 989 1121 1110 1071 1038 1096 1159 1147 1190 1090 1135 1114 1142 1168 1182 1128 1275 1326 1254 1283 1346 1339 1347 1268 1144 1093 1109 1027 980 1049 1035 1058 896 957 895 901 908 826 725 646 608 568 559 490 399 354 297 300 31 22 21 15 14 11 10 8 9 6 9 6 3 5 4 3 5 3 5 10 5 11 19 16 21 46 62 90 109 101 94 92 78 70 80 69 80 96 102 100 97 97 109 108 99 113 119 119 115 128 129 127 122 135 139 140 144 134 141 136 139 144 144 137 155 159 149 152 162 158 161 155 136 133 132 122 115 128 123 126 109 117 108 108 111 99 88 81 77 70 70 59 49 43 36 37 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTALS 7993 17937 18910 2477 5369 7376 6885 66947 8084 AM Times AM Peaks 7:00 581 11:00 794 7:00 968 7:15 328 PM Times PM Peaks 16:30 595 17:00 1151 17:00 1041 13:45 319 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 17:15 754 11/21/2014 11:15 485 11:15 416 14:45 602 13:30 538 OPERATOR'S MANUAL SAMPLE REPORTS ROAD REPORTER APPENDIX B-7 For Demonstration Only, Not For Sale SPEED SUMMARY Page: 1 WED 06/16/1999 Site Reference: 250000000000 Site ID: 325700000000 Location: Lane: 1 TIME 15 20 25 File: d0616004.prn User: Direction: NORTH 30 40 45 50 55 60 61+ Total -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 4 3 2 2 4 3 5 1 3 2 0 1 8 6 6 10 6 5 11 4 6 4 6 2 24 8 21 29 17 19 23 16 16 14 9 5 49 47 56 49 35 53 36 34 30 21 22 21 428 450 481 570 566 621 565 541 417 460 334 259 146 166 189 195 187 197 220 205 214 176 172 158 38 36 42 37 73 56 52 53 54 52 61 46 7 14 11 13 14 12 13 12 12 13 10 14 0 1 4 3 1 1 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 10 5 2 8 5 9 6 2 5 3 1 708 741 817 910 911 972 935 875 756 750 620 510 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DAY TOTAL 30 74 201 453 5692 2225 600 145 25 60 9505 PERCENTS 0.4% 0.8% 2.2% 4.8% 59.8% 23.4% 6.3% 1.5% 0.2% 0.6% 100% Statistical Information... 15th Percentile Speed 31.2 Mph 85th Percentile Speed 43.7 Mph Median Speed 37.0 Mph Average Speed 37.0 Mph 10 MPH Pace Speed 30MPH to 40MPH 6145 vehicles in pace Representing 64.6% of the total vehicles Vehicles > 65 MPH 60 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL SAMPLE REPORTS ROAD REPORTER APPENDIX B-8 For Demonstration Only, Not For Sale GAP SUMMARY Page: 1 WED 06/16/1999 Site Reference: 250000000000 Site ID: 325700000000 Location: Lane: 1 TIME 50.0 10.0 15.0 File: d0616004.prn User: Direction: NORTH 20.0 65.5 Total -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 350 387 447 550 531 575 542 469 417 423 285 222 120 140 157 143 173 186 170 189 136 126 130 74 94 64 72 66 76 87 94 88 61 53 53 57 44 45 55 52 37 41 48 52 35 43 44 36 100 105 86 99 94 83 81 77 107 105 108 121 708 741 817 910 911 972 935 875 756 750 620 510 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DAY TOTAL 5198 1744 865 532 1166 9505 PERCENTS 54.7% 18.4% 9.2% 5.5% 12.2% 100% DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL SAMPLE REPORTS ROAD REPORTER DWG. # 69046201 REV C APPENDIX B-9 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL SAMPLE REPORTS ROAD REPORTER DWG. # 69046201 REV C APPENDIX B-10 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL SAMPLE REPORTS ROAD REPORTER DWG. # 69046201 REV C APPENDIX B-11 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL SAMPLE REPORTS ROAD REPORTER DWG. # 69046201 REV C APPENDIX B-12 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL SAMPLE REPORTS ROAD REPORTER DWG. # 69046201 REV C APPENDIX B-13 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL SAMPLE REPORTS ROAD REPORTER DWG. # 69046201 REV C APPENDIX B-14 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL SAMPLE REPORTS ROAD REPORTER DWG. # 69046201 REV C APPENDIX B-15 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL SAMPLE REPORTS ROAD REPORTER APPENDIX B-16 Test Palm MONTHLY BY HOUR June 2002 Site Reference: 000000680025 Site ID: 000000005642 Location: I-40 Sec 51 L.M. 238.70 West of S.H. 1 Lane: 1 Page: 1 File: City: Forrest City County: St Francis DAY 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 Total ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -----S 01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S 02 M 03 T 04 W 05 T 06 F 07 S 08 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S 09 M 10 T 11 W 12 T 13 F 14 S 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S 16 M 17 T 18 W 19 T 20 F 21 S 22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S 23 M 24 T 25 W 26 T 27 F 28 286 287 273 253 273 285 389 450 525 569 592 613 623 662 707 613 612 617 690 594 546 508 466 399 11832 S 29 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S 30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL 287 253 285 450 569 613 662 613 617 594 508 399 286 273 273 389 525 592 623 707 612 690 546 466 11832 PRCNT 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.4 2.5 3.3 3.9 4.5 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.5 5.9 5.1 5.1 5.2 5.8 5.0 4.6 4.2 3.9 3.3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT MONTHLY TOTALS # DAYS ADT TOTAL VOLUME 0 0 0 0 0 11832 0 MONTH TOTAL 11832 1.0 11832 NUMBER OF DAYS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 WEEKDAY TOTAL 11832 1.0 11832 DAILY AVERAGE 11832 WEEKEND TOTAL 0 0.0 11832 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL ROAD REPORTER DEFAULT DATA FORMAT ROAD REPORTER APPENDIX C-1 C.0 ROAD REPORTER DEFAULT DATA FORMAT RECORD 1 CHARACTERS STATION # 1-12 BUFFER 13 ID # 14-25 BUFFER 26 UNIT ID 27-28 BUFFER 29 START TIME 30-33 BUFFER 34 START DATE BUFFER 35-40 41 END TIME 42-45 BUFFER 46 END DATE BUFFER 47-52 53 MAIN INTERVAL 54-57 BUFFER 58 LANE LAYOUT 59-60 BUFFER 61 TOTAL LANES 62 BUFFER 63 RATIO BUFFER 64-66 67-70 # OF RECORDS 71-75 FORMAT CODE 76-78 BUFFER 79-88 CR/LF 89-90 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL ROAD REPORTER DEFAULT DATA FORMAT ROAD REPORTER RECORD 2 APPENDIX C-2 CHARACTERS PEAK 1 ST TIME 1-4 BUFFER 5 PEAK 1 ED TIME 6-9 BUFFER 10 PEAK 1 INTV 11-14 BUFFER 15 PEAK 2 ST TIME 16-19 BUFFER 20 PEAK 2 ED TIME 21-24 BUFFER 25 PEAK 2 INTV 26-29 BUFFER 30 PEAK 3 ST TIME 31-34 BUFFER PEAK 3 ED TIME 35 36-39 BUFFER 40 PEAK 3 INTV 41-44 BUFFER DIR CODES 45 46-53 BUFFER 54-88 CR/LF 89-90 RECORD 3 CHARACTERS (‘) APOSTROPHE 1 CITY 2-21 (‘) APOSTROPHE 22 COUNTY 23-42 (‘) APOSTROPHE 43 LOCATION 44-83 BUFFER 84-88 CR/LF 89-90 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL ROAD REPORTER DEFAULT DATA FORMAT ROAD REPORTER RECORDS 4-6 APPENDIX C-3 CHARACTERS BIN DATA TYPE 1-2 BUFFER 3 NUMBER OF BINS 4-5 BUFFER 6-13 BIN 1 LIMIT 14-17 BUFFER 18 BIN 2 LIMIT 19-22 BUFFER 23 BIN 3 LIMIT 24-27 BUFFER 28 BIN 4 LIMIT 29-32 BUFFER 33 BIN 5 LIMIT 34-37 BUFFER BIN 6 LIMIT 38 39-42 BUFFER 43 BIN 7 LIMIT 44-47 BUFFER BIN 8 LIMIT 48 49-52 BUFFER 53 BIN 9 LIMIT 54-57 BUFFER BIN 10 LIMIT 58 59-62 BUFFER 63 BIN 11 LIMIT 64-67 BUFFER BIN 12 LIMIT 68 69-72 BUFFER 73 BIN 13 LIMIT 74-77 BUFFER 78 BIN 14 LIMIT 79-82 BUFFER 83 BIN 15 LIMIT 84-87 BUFFER CR/LF 88 89-90 DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL ROAD REPORTER DEFAULT DATA FORMAT ROAD REPORTER DATA RECORDS SEC BIN # BUFFER ROW BIN # BUFFER DIRECTION BUFFER END INTV TIME BIN 1 DATA BUFFER BIN 2 DATA BUFFER BIN 3 DATA BUFFER BIN 4 DATA BUFFER BIN 5 DATA BUFFER BIN 6 DATA BUFFER BIN 7 DATA BUFFER BIN 8 DATA BUFFER BIN 9 DATA BUFFER BIN 10 DATA BUFFER BIN 11 DATA BUFFER BIN 12 DATA BUFFER BIN 13 DATA BUFFER BIN 14 DATA BUFFER BIN 15 DATA BUFFER CR/LF DWG. # 69046201 REV C APPENDIX C-4 CHARACTERS 1-2 3 4-5 6 7 8 9-12 14-17 18 19-22 23 24-27 28 29-32 33 34-37 38 39-42 43 44-47 48 49-52 53 54-57 58 59-62 63 64-67 68 69-72 73 74-77 78 79-82 83 84-87 88 89-90 11/21/2014 OPERATOR'S MANUAL ROAD REPORTER DEFAULT DATA FORMAT ROAD REPORTER APPENDIX C-5 NOTES: DIRECTION CODES ARE CONTROLLED BY THE DEFINITIONS THE USER CREATES IN ROAD REPORTER LANE LAYOUT 00 = ONE TUBE/PIEZO 01 = ONE LOOP 02 = TWO TUBE/PEIZO 03 = TWO TUBE/PIEZO WITH ONE LOOP 04 = TWO LOOPS 05 = TWO LOOPS WITH ONE TUBE/PIEZO FORMAT CODE DIGIT 1 = LANE CODE DIGIT 2 = 0 FOR PIEZO, 1 FOR NO PIEZO DIGIT 3 = 0 FOR IMPERIAL, 1 FOR METRIC DATA TYPE 01 = LANE 02 = CLASSIFICATION 03 = SPEED 04 = HEADWAY 05 = GAP 06 = LENGTH DWG. # 69046201 REV C 11/21/2014