DLP Projector and RPTV
DLP Projector and RPTV
OPT-ME-EE-TH DLP Projector and RPTV Introduction of Projector Design BJ Wang 5/22/2013 Optical Engine Projector power Ballast Power & Ballast Module Lamp Power DC to DC 12V , 5V , 3.3V Power Supply PFC AC IN Main board Module Fan Module EMI Filter Lamp Module LED DLP Projector System Layout Projection Lens Reflect G spectrum, Transmit B spectrum, Reject tail of B spectrum Filter Reflect R spectrum, Transmit B and G spectrum, Reject tail of G spectrum Filter B LED Array Optical Integator DMD Relay Lens Group Lens G LED Array R LED Array 1 Osc SDRAM RDRAM DAD1000 Audio Amp A B Fields of colored light 4,000 3471 3,000 2464 1837 2,000 1398 1,000 0 Filter Illumination Optics B LED 2001 2002 2003 Consumer Included in G LED R LED DLPTM 5717 Fan #1 4448 Fan Drivers 2004 2005 Professional 1,062 Filter 5.0V 3.3V 1.5V R LED G LED B LED 887 Power Monitor Voltage Reg and LED Drivers 5078 5,000 3092 EEPROM Control Data A Texas Instruments Technology 630 USB Temp Sense 2264 S-Video 16 6,000 379 DDR DMD IR 6604 1684 DDP2000 TVP5146 Video Decoder 7604 7,000 24 200 16 6542 Control DVI Composite Video (Source: PMA) 8,000 Data Valid AD9882 Triple ADC + DVI Front Projection Market Forecast Optional 153 Component HDTV,STV Sequence OEM ARM Software TI ARM Software PLD 1358 VGA Graphics DM270 DSP 40 SDcard or Flash Card FLASH SDRAM Units in '000s Worldwide Flash 2006 2007 TOTAL Component Set along with DMD New Circuits (only for LED Projector) DLP Projector Layout vs LCD Projector Layout Three Products Existing Color Management Solutions Reflective Liquid Crystal On Silicon (rLCOS ) Digital Light Processing (DLPTM ) Transmissive Liquid Crystal (tLCD’s) Polarizing Beam Splitters (PBS) ColorWheelTM DLP LCD ColorCubeTM Acer Projector Lights up Eyes. Turns on Smiles. Acer Confidential LCD projector 新輕薄光學引擎 LCD Optical Engine 燈泡變小 Folding Mirror Dichroic Mirror 2 Dichroic Mirror 1 LCDs 鏡投變小 EMP-7500 4.2 kg Lens Array PBS Light (Polarized Source Beam Splitter) X-cube EMP-50 加裝一片聚光鏡 3.1 kg 讓光線途徑縮短 菱鏡變小 Folding Mirror Folding Mirror Projection Lens 2 Acer Confidential How to measure the temperature of optical parts 1 . Measurement parts ? Polarizer (IN , PRE, OUT) ? Panel (LCD) Thermo-couple device: K-type ASAHI PYRO INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD K-0.1-DSC-DUPLEX-1500-J ? P-S converter (PBS) ? (RGB) ? (RGB) ? 14 050323 050323 2 . Measurement method ? Polarizer - IN & PRE Thermo couples is stuck on the polarizer ? ’Polarizer - OUT K-type ASAHI PYRO INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD K-0.1-DSC-DUPLEX-1500-J Tape Polarizer Apply Thermo-couple with Scotch tape on OUT- Polarizer 050323 050323 ? P-S converter (PBS) ? Panel (LCD) The shade of aluminum tape P-S converter(PBS) Thermo couples Integrator lens-B Integrator lens-A Entrance side Exit side Incident light Apply Thermo-couple with Scotch tape on exit side rotator Aluminum tape to make shadow on measurement points of rotator 3 050323 050323 3 . Measuring temperature ? ’P-S converter (PBS) Measure stable temperature 80 T (? ) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Apply Thermo-couple with Scotch tape on rotator in PBS 70 h(min) Measuring by KEYENCE NR-1000 050323 DLP Projector Optical Configurations 4 . Measurement result of 0.7” XGA with MLA (D4) Brightness 1959 (lm) substrate Life TEST 2000h at 25C ambient R 51.7 Soda OK G 76.6 Crystal OK B 70.3 Sapphire OK R 45.7 OK G 59.4 OK B 59.0 G 75.8 Sapphire OK B 76.2 Sapphire OK R 77.6 Crystal OK G 67.1 on X-cube OK B 68.4 on X-cube OK T Polarizer-IN LCD Pre-polarizer Polarizer-OUT (℃) OK 69.2 PBS (Max) DLP™ One Chip DLP™ Three Chip u Compact, Lightweight u Auto Convergence u High Image u Lower Cost u High Efficiency Quality u Higher Cost OK System Electronics - 1 ChipNormalizes CRT Black “Front End” 25Hz to 60Hz “Back End” Scaling/ FRC Video Enhance Graphics Graphics Path A/D Artifact control RGBY CSC Data Reformatting Frame Buffer Video Video Path Decode/ Digitize Level Effects De-De Gamma 60Hz Scaling 60Hz to 85Hz 60Hz to 85Hz uP Timing/ Control Prom 4 l System Electronics - 3 Chip “Front End” 25Hz to 60Hz DeDe DeDe DeDe -Gamma Gamma Gamma 60Hz Scaling/ FRC Decode/ Digitize Video Enhance Artifact Artifact Artifact control control control RGBY CSC RGBY CSC CSC Graphics Graphics Path “Back End” l l Data Data Data Reformatting Reformatting Reformatting Frame Frame Frame Buffer Buffer Buffer Video Video Path One-Chip Systems – Front Projection (Conference Room, Mobile, & Home Entertainment) l Core Technology comparison, DLP™ vs. LCD “Products in marketplace” comparison One-Chip Systems – Rear Projection Television l l Core Technology comparison, DLP™ vs. CRT “Products in marketplace” comparison Scaling A/D 60Hz to 85Hz l Timing/ Control 60Hz to 85Hz uP Three-Chip Systems – Front Projection (Large Venue & Digital Cinema) Core Technology comparison, DLP™ vs. LCD “Products in marketplace” comparison l Core Technology comparison, DLP™ vs. Film l l Prom Technology Advances Polysilicon LCD LCOS CRT Plasma DDP1000 BP Integration DLP™ DLP ™ Brightness 150mm DDP3020 in 2005 Pe rfo rm anc e DDP1010 HE Integration DDP1110 Performance Shr ink Weight/Volume .9 XGA 17um Pixel Graphics Waf er C onve rsio DDP2000 Integration cost reduction Pe rfo rm anc e .7 XGA 14um XB Pixel 14um pixel n Video Performance Yield, Performance Reliability 200mm Type A Package Pac kag Volume Production/Cost ing Assembly Subcontractor Startup Brand Equity Cost Reduced Type A Package 1999 2000 14 ICs Total FLASH 28 ICs Total Image Input Connectors VGA Graphics Component HDTV,STV DVI Composite Video S-Video 423 Discretes Sequence OEM ARM Software TI ARM Software Intf VS HS TMDS Receiver TFP501 SDRAM DRAM IR DDP2000 or DDP3020 EEPROM Lamp Motor Driver TM Included in DLP DRAM VS HS Control VS HS 48 165MHz BT656 400MHz LVDS Aux Video FEP1000 1.8V 1.5V Fields of colored light Light & Temp Sense Signal I2C EEPROM Stereo Analog Audio TPA2008D2 TMP100 Temp Sense USB 3.3V2 Mono PWRGOOD Audio Amp Fields of colored light Fan #1 12V Stereo 2 Illumination Optics Component Set along with DMD System Config DAC Audio 2 2 X LVDS DMD A Texas Instruments Technology GPIO DVI,HDMI 16 pair 32 IR IC DDP4000 Light Sense Digital Audio 3.3V1 2.5V DAD1000 TI ARM Software A Texas Instruments Technology Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Power Monitor Integrator Rod Field-Sequential Color Wheel Composite Video DDR DMD 2003 DDC PROMs S-Video Temp Sense Position Sensor EEPROM 2002 Osc Sequence OEM ARM Software Component HDTV,STV Lampsync Lampsyncz 10/16 Bit Control Data Image Input Connectors VGA Graphics Control Video Decoder Holdoff FET EEPROM DAD1000 FLASH 350 Discretes Fan #2 24/48 Bit Intf ADC Fan #1 Fan Drivers Wireless DSP EEPROM USB Audio Amp Optional EEPROM EEPROM Triple ADC w/ PLL Osc 2001 Fan #2 DAD1100 6 Regulated DC Voltages Lampsync, Lampsyncz RGB LED Drive Motor Drive Lamp Integrator Rod GPIO Illumination Optics Candidates for integration into the DAD1100 or DAD_ADC Candidates for integration into the DDP4000 Field-Sequential Color Wheel Included in DLPTM Component Set along with DMD TI Chips (but not from DLPTM ) 5 Main Board Black Diagram DMD Board Black Diagram 26V AV Box PC_R GUI WithAV Power ROMco de Power 5V, 3.3V, 12V YUV422 Key signal Power 5V, 3.3V, 12V 74244 Buffer latch Key signal IR signal Key signal Abnormal signal reset clk Comp CW index Clock Generator CW driver CLK Driver CLK Driver CLK Clock Data DPF2A Blaze ASIC Power on LED signal RGB 888 Data Format Conversion Image Enhancement Artifact Mitigation DMD Formating 64 Bit color data Dport Clock Speaker Hsync Hsync Dataenable Dataenable Clock Generation & Distribution Hsync Hsync Value of DMD temperature prediction tool Color Wheel Using the DMD temperature prediction tool u Determine Illumination Distribution (Optical Engineer) ; find percentage of illumination light on: w active array w array border w window aperture u Determine Screen Lumens and Lumen/Watt value of projected light ; measure or choose expected ANSI screen lumens ; measure projector output spectrum and determine lumen/watt value using: P(λ) V(λ) 740 695 Wavelength 650 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 605 250 305 360 415 470 525 580 635 690 745 800 u DMD heatsinking requirements can be determined using the tool. 1.40E-02 1.20E-02 1.00E-02 8.00E-03 6.00E-03 4.00E-03 2.00E-03 0.00E+00 560 Watts/CM^2 u Total DMD thermal load (light + electrical) can be estimated with the tool. 515 u The tool allows trade -offs to be made in the optical and thermal design to meet DMD thermal requirements. CW Power MicroController Configuration & CW Control Phone in u DMD temperature prediction tool allows a first pass estimate of critical DMD temperatures before hardware is available. CW sensor Motor Driver Control Signal 470 Dataenable Syncval Resetz Poweron Vsync Hsync Lampsync Dataenable Syncval Resetz Poweron Vsync Hsync TDA7267 Preaudio Control 425 RGB 888 DMD Board TDA7433 Clkin Photopic Lumens/Watt Conversion I2C I2C RGB 888 Power Lamplit CWindex Power Lamplit CWindex Loadz Load16 system reset 380 32 to 16 mux Video FIFO text FIFO I2C DMDMode0 DMDCLK(58Mhz) Data Address Address Clkin arbiter Vertical scaling Horizontal fine (phase)scaling Line FIFO Buffer Clock generation DMDMode1 Reset Control 2500911-1 TI display controller ASIC Lampen SDRAM RGB888 PW164 Digital Signal processor SAC_BUS Phaseed reset PWM Sequencer Flash YUV422 General purpose vibdata slicer Fir-prefilter prescaler and scaler Chroma & Luma Analog Dual ADC Digital Decoder with adaptive comb filter Vsync Lamplit PBData1 Composit Power on LED signal Scaler Syncval Vsync Lamplit PBDATA0 RCA (Composite) S-Video (Chroma & luma) Abnormal signal Micro processor Poweron Syncval Clock OSD processor Poweron Contr ol Frame Buffer Memory MBRST0~14 Lset resetz I2C_SDA Resetz Main Board 24C16 DDC PC_SDA Resetz Configure PC_B Adpoweron I2C_SCL PC_SCL 29LV400T Firmwave Flash Data Translation Board filter Control Address Vport Vport PC_G Gport Gport PC_5V Vsync power WithAV I2C YUV422 DClock Hsout I2C Sync A/D C Clock Generator 7.5V SR16VCC Boot B_odd_even SR16C Phase Preset Driver -26V DMD Chip PC_Hsync Voltage Generation 5V G_odd_even A/D C Clamp YUV422 A/D C Clamp Clamp D-Sub R_odd_even Power Lampen PC_Gin PC_Bin Sync AD9884 ADC/AMP/PLL PC_Rin Power Wavelength(nm) P(λ) V(λ) d λ Lumens/Watt = 10/11/00 SPO 10/11/00 CREATING DRAMATIC V ISUAL EXPERIENCES T HROUGH DIGITAL SOLUTIONS SPO P(λ) d λ = 220 to 260 typical CREATING DRAMATIC V ISUAL EXPERIENCES T HROUGH DIGITAL SOLUTIONS Using the DMD temperature prediction tool Using the DMD temperature prediction tool u Measure or estimate case -to-ambient DMD thermal resistance. ; Case -to-ambient thermal resistance will be system dependent. u Determine projection lens efficiency ; Measurements can be made with mock-up projectors or estimated based on measurements from last generation projectors. ; Case -to-ambient thermal resistance is defined as: u Enter these values in the tool to obtain the following output: ; Rcase−to −ambient (T = ceramic − Troom ambient) QDMD ; ; Array and Getter temperature prediction Maximum ∆ T getter-to -array Load on array, border, and window aperture where: QDMD = Total DMDload (electrical+ light) 10/11/00 SPO CREATING DRAMATIC V ISUAL EXPERIENCES T HROUGH DIGITAL SOLUTIONS 10/11/00 SPO CREATING DRAMATIC V ISUAL EXPERIENCES T HROUGH DIGITAL SOLUTIONS 6 Thermal Resistance VS. Surface Area The specification for Fischer Elektronik GmbH & CO. KG Application :Heat sinks for PGA ’s and Transistor K/W Material : Aluminum Alloy 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 Transfer to Thermal Resistance vs. Base Area MPC AL Area TR 40 40 3.3 19 Thermal Resistance (W/K) 24 30 40 50 60 70 Area 23 22 21 From this graph we find ABC’MPC + copper, its base area is only 60 cm2 , thermal resistance is 2.8 W/K. But heat sinks products of Fischer Elektronik, the thermal resistance is no matter howall higher than ABC’s MPC. In equal base area, MPC’s TR is better than Fischer 2~8 times. Because MPC has 20 19 18 17 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 much surface area than any materials. Base Area (cm2) Thermal Resistance Test Model mobile mobile pump pump 新製品 概要 Rotor與羽根車結合 、為 DC ? 動 之超 小 型、 長 壽命 之循 環pump 特長 1. ? ? 2. ? ? ? ? ? 採用DC brush less MOTOR ? 以水中滑 動軸承結 構達成軸承 之長壽命 化 ? 以seal less結構達成防止水漏 ? pump 之基 本 構 成 ?????? ? ? ? ? ? outer rotor? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 羽根車 carbon軸承 給水 3. ? ? ? ? ? ? DCMOTOR及高? 率羽根車 吐水 4. 低 振 動、 低雜 音 用途 Thermal resistance = ( junction – Ambient ) / input power ? ? ? ? 制御基板 Outer rotor magnet ? 液體 循環 (冷卻用, 保? 用) ? 媒介 之搬 送 etc. Fan Mylar Assembly Mylar assembly NG. The air flow through ballast is no good. Mylar assembly OK 7 Light pipe/rod baffle Baffle DMD Field Lens C-Ring LP & ILL Lens Module Boss for CW Module Mounting Lamp Module Screw for fixing LP & ILL Lens Module DMD Datum Plan Chip BD Hook for Lamp Module Mounting Mesh DMD HSG – Top View Tube Exit Slide 1 FM FM HLD – Clip only Slide 2 Slide 3 8 DMD Baffle (about 0.2 mm in thickness) Mounting with THR Tape Heat Sink held by Clip Clip Lamp Top Box Lamp LP & ILL Lens Module – Front View Btm Box Lamp HLD Lamp (AL Alloy) Clip Front Glass Design Guidelines for Noise • • ISO 7779 1. Choose the thermal design point appropriately, taking proper account of thermal and acoustical effects. Small changes in electronic case temperature requirements can result in dramatic changes in Air-moving devices AMD noise emission levels. A system designed to withstand environmental extremes (room temperature and air density) can usually benefit considerably from an adaptive cooling design in which AMD rotational speed is controlled by an on-board controller and thermal sensor. In many cases, an adaptivelycooled system can provide better thermal protection under extreme conditions while having reduced noise emissions under more "typical" conditions. 2. Design the system to be cooled to have the lowest possible static pressure rise for the required air flow. A low static pressure rise indicates that the AMD can operate at a low tip speed, resulting in a low noise level. The static pressure rise across a system is caused by several sources of resistance, such as the devices being ventilated and finger guards which may be required for safety. If unnecessary sources of resistance can be eliminated, the air flow will increase. It should then be possible to reduce the tip speed of the device to obtain the desired air flow at a lower noise level. BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation 9 BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation • • • • 3. Select the operating point for a centrifugal blower so that it operates near its point of maximum static efficiency, considering the required air flow rate and the pressure drop through the system. Operation away from the point of maximum static efficiency should be in the direction of lower static pressure rise and higher air flow. 4. Select a point of operation of a fan that is away from the best efficiency point in the direction of higher air flow and lower static pressure rise. Small fans are often unstable when operated at air flow rates less than the air flow rate at the best efficiency point. They are often very noisy under conditions of high static pressure rise and low air flow rate. 5. Select a fan or blower with a low sound power level and avoid AMDs that have high level peaks in their one third-octave -band sound power spectrum. Such peaks usually indicate the presence of discrete frequency tones in the spectrum. Such tones can be difficult to eliminate and generally are a source of annoyance. 6. Select a fan or blower having the lowest speed and largest diameter consistent with the other requirements. BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation • • 7. Minimize system noise levels by designing the system so that obstructions are not present within one fan diameter of the inlet to axial -flow fans [6], so that the airflow into the inlet of axial-flow fans is as spatially uniform as possible. Avoid the direct attachment of the AMD to lightweight sheet metal parts. 8. Mount axial-flow fans so that the air-flow direction is towards the equipment being cooled. Any proper span and shape to avoid turbulence. Pulling air over equipment being cooled usually causes undesirable turbulence around the fan inlet when gap is not proper and produces an increase in noise l evel especially. BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation Thermal RD Engineer Nu* = Const* Re Nu = 0.038 Re0.8 Pr 1/3 ; Pr=0.71 Nu* = Nu [(T_smax - T_inf) /(T_s - T_inf ) ] ---------------------------------------------- simple rules obtained BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation 10 Some thermal design examples for vehicle BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation • 1. 負責該計劃的RD由OPT, O/E, ME, EE, Power工 程師手中開始所有元件規格和圖面版本了解(其中 包括:Fans, DMD, C/W, Lamp, ballast, H/S, Thermal break, sleeve and fin, f/g, lamp holder, lamp door and … etc. Almost every parts.) • 2. 設變, 預算, 數量, 料況交期, 實驗規劃… (job list: where, when, who, whom, next, milestone, plan B, … ) • 3. 依照計劃時程(project schedule)確保按時完成 LP0/LP1/LP2, 如有困難儘早highlight. 請求協助. • 4. LP2 pass後,EPR的元件到庫之前,負責該計劃 的Thermal RD工程師應該主動聯絡IQC/Buyer,確 認SA的訂定是否妥當,有無遺漏或困難.主動聯絡 QRE和PE了解生產和測試最新情況.追蹤有相關 GECM導入情況. BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation Other important points: • *參與 Project Schedule之排定及跟催。 • *跟催 other function members之工作進度檢查及 工作協調 , 以確保其工作品質 , 使其能如期完成 所交付之工作目標 。 • * 每週提出 Project Status 報告,並參加每週之 Project 檢討會。 • * 定期舉行 Project Reviewing Meeting, 以確保 Schedule之進度及產品品質 ,並綜合提出檢討報 告。文件之 Review 與跟催及處理 。 • 安排 CSD 等售後服務之技術訓練轉移及問題處 理 BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation 11 BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation 採取這種方式進行產品研發,比較有彈性,但並非 毫無紀律。公司會訂定績效目標,並舉行管理檢討 會議,正如傳統流程一樣。差別在於他們在達到既 定標準時,才會展開決策,而不是只看已經過多少 時間。例如,一項產品概念可能要在某種技術功能 業經驗證,而且該產品成本落在某特定範圍內時, 才會定案。計畫負責人可事先預估實現目標所需時 間,但是由於團隊努力想盡快達到目標,因此可以 免除不成熟的決策所導致的等待時間及資訊落差。 結果決策品質提高,產品研發程序更有效率,而且 產品更新、更能滿足市場需求。 BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation Design Review • 包括入口開口率及是否開在正確位置 • 外觀形狀會影響最多 • lamp box上方加鐵片防止上蓋溫度過熱及 lamp box融化,lamp和holder/door的gap • 風扇轉速盡量不要相同,避免造成共振. • Color Wheel 下座採用橡膠材質作阻尼減震 • DMD 散熱的know how在於控制風流和 Heatsink有效散熱面積 BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation 12 Design Concept Status Power, Ballast, EE OK Lamp OK Reliability DMD OK Optical component (C/W, L/P) OK Material component OK Noise OK V-T curve OK Altitude OK V-T curve for Pb6100 5000 4500 Fans (rpm) The total power consumptions for the system are made up of lamp, power module (i.e. PFC, ballast and DC/DC) and main-board. And the power consumption is approximately 255W (i.e. lamp=200W, PFC≒20W, ballast≒20W, DC/DC≒5W and main-board≒10W). Required CFM is approximately 13.6 CFM. Category Design Confirmation: 4000 3500 數列1 數列2 3000 2500 2000 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 5 2 5 3 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 8 5 9 T_s1_dmd (degC) BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation Measured heatsink performance 1.Modification of V-T curve to include the filter: (assumes 0.7 XGA LVDS type A package) air cooled small black pinfin heatsink large black 3-chip heatsink with Sanyo Denki Fan (rated for 12V, operated at 8V) fan voltage = 8V fan blockage plate 5 mm above fan ATT copper cooler CM25 dimensions: 38 x 38 x 10 mm volume = 14 cm^3 weight = 15 grams R_htsk = 3.28 C/W Q_parasitic = 2.0 W dimensions: volume = weight = R_htsk = Q_parasitic = dimensions: volume = weight = R_htsk = Q_parasitic = 1.1 After adding the filter, fans rpm should start at initial rpm when ambient temperature is less than 25degC to secure all components under thermal spec. 1.2 After adding the filter and at 35degC, fans rpm should increase to certain rpm to secure all thermal conditions. 1.3 After the filter is dirty enough, the clues from certain relationship between sensor temperatures can shut down the system and warn user to change filter. 1.4 The system will be shut down by hot ambient temperature (T_amb>40degC, judged from temperature sensor at inlet i.e. if T_s_blower > 57degC) or dirty filter (i.e. elseif T_s_blower<57degC and (T_s_lamp+T_s_dmd-T_s_blower)>120degC.). 1.5 Verify the new V-T curve at different temperature and the shutdown mechanism with as many systems as possible. Lumens Max Tarray (C) Max Tgetter (C) 0 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 48.1 53.7 56.5 59.3 62.1 64.9 67.7 70.5 73.3 76.1 78.9 81.7 47.8 53.6 56.5 59.4 62.3 65.2 68.1 71.0 74.0 76.9 79.8 82.7 (rated for 12V, operated at 8V) fan voltage = 8V fan blockage plate 5 mm above fan 45 x 46 x 30 mm 62 cm^3 71 grams 1.60 C/W 2.5 W 62 x 53 x 25 mm 82 cm^3 175 grams 1.38 C/W 3.0W Lumens Max Tarray (C) Max Tgetter (C) Lumens Max Tarray (C) Max Tgetter (C) 0 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 44.9 48.2 49.9 51.5 53.2 54.8 56.5 58.1 59.8 61.4 63.1 64.7 66.4 68.0 69.7 71.3 44.6 48.1 49.9 51.6 53.4 55.1 56.9 58.6 60.4 62.2 63.9 65.7 67.4 69.2 70.9 72.7 0 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 45.3 48.3 49.8 51.3 52.8 54.3 55.8 57.3 58.8 60.3 61.8 63.3 64.8 66.3 67.8 69.3 44.8 48.0 49.7 51.3 52.9 54.5 56.1 57.7 59.3 60.9 62.5 64.1 65.7 67.3 68.9 70.5 11/08/01 BENQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation Why Simulation? • Advantages: 1.Cost issue. M/U is too expensive in early stage of R/D. (i.e. LCD TV) by using avail software, Flotherm. 2.EZ to change different layouts, conditions quickly àoptimization (still need some real tests before mp) 3.Show some fancy pictures to boss and IC. ^.^ • Disadvantages: 1.Uncertainties of numerical errors and modeling – How to avoid? Controlling parameters, proper grid/boundary/initial conditions. 2. Verification of experimental data is always needed before MP. BENQ Confidential ( yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation BENQ Confidential ( yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation 13 degC 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 100000 Lamp box temperature 250000 500000 total grid number Computing time total grid number How? Why? What? Where? 1.Compact model/ EZ Test -break into several small subs 2.Coding/tunning improved 3.Faster CPU/Memory 4. Proper assumptions -incompressible, constant K, 2D/3D, viscous dispersive, … etc. BENQ Confidential ( yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation BENQ Confidential ( yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation 1. Numerical stability analysis Steady state, trans-critical, time-step, iteration, grid number… etc. Even if it is not converged, it still tells you something… Interpretation of all kinds of plots. What/How to read them? Limitation of ‘FloTherm’... Programming and CFD know-how. 2. Check basic flow pattern and temperature. Is it close to real case or not? Do you get what you need? Does anything not make sense? 3. Adjust all parameters and boundary conditions. According to experience or experiment… 4. Extension to predict future cases or further improvement. We can now utilize the simulation and help us to predict. CFD software: Pb6100 projector thermal simulation BENQ Confidential ( yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation BENQ Confidential ( yyyy/mm/dd) 2003, BENQ Corporation Basic Knowledge of Discharge Process Atom Excitation / Light Emission How to Use and Improve • Photo-Optic Before C0 or C1 stage (Without Mockup) – • Check the main flow pattern and temperature between the different placement, especially Fan (Fast) C2 stage – • Confirm the simulation by experiment (Exact) After C3 stage – Adjust the parameters according to experiment (Knowhow) – Build up the database to predict more accurate at future C0 model. BenQ Confidential (yyyy/mm/dd) 2005, BenQ Corporation - + + + + + + + - Atom Ionisation Excitation OSRAM Taiwan, Andreas Osten + + + + + + + Light Emission OSRAM Confidential 14 Photo-Optic Basic Knowledge of Discharge Process Halogen Cycle Process Hg inert gas halogen gas Inert Gas Filling Hg evaporation leads to blackening evaporated Hg is pushed back by inert gas (N 2 , Ar, Kr, Xe) evaporated Hg is bounded by halogen atom and released at hot spot Photo-Optic 5 7 1 2 5 OSRAM Confidential Photo-Optic P-VIP Technology of OSRAM P-VIP / other Technologies HL53,2: 14mg Hg, red. vol. 90W 120W 150W 0,15 3 4 P-VIP (UHP) Company A Company B dc ac Operating pressure > 200 bar < 160 bar < 150 bar Rel. Lumen output 100 % < 80 % < 70 % Life time behaviour Ø 3000 h (at 100W: > 6000 h) < 1,5 mm Ca. 500 h < 500 h > 1,5 mm > 1,5 mm Extended operating pressure ( const. arc length ) 0,20 Phi in arb. units 1- Burner 2- Reflector 3- Front cover glass 4- Heat sink bar 5- Reflector cuts 6- Contacts 7- Alignment OSRAM Taiwan, Andreas Osten P-VIP Technology of OSRAM Spectrum vs. pressure 0,25 6 Halogen Filling OSRAM Confidential OSRAM Taiwan, Andreas Osten Photo-Optic P-VIP Technology of OSRAM Basic Lamp Design 0,10 Arc gap 0,05 0,00 => poor spectrum of non-UHP type lamps => lower efficacy for non-UHP type lamps 400 500 600 700 800 wavelength in nm OSRAM Taiwan, Andreas Osten OSRAM Confidential Photo-Optic P-VIP 5kV-Ignition Burner Design OSRAM Confidential OSRAM Taiwan, Andreas Osten Photo-Optic P-VIP Technology of OSRAM Rise Time After Ignition 5000 4500 Lamp is suited for low voltage ignition: 4000 about 80% of phimax 3500 • ignition aid (UV-enhancer) phi [lm] • ignition wire (antenna-wire) 3000 2500 2000 • hot restrike after 40 - 50s possible Ignition with 5 kV (current: 20 kV) possible ! ! ! ( EP 0 722 184 A Osram Sylvania 96 , WO 00/77826 Philips 99 ) OSRAM Taiwan, Andreas Osten OSRAM Confidential 1500 lamp EO 65.2 1000 lamp EO 68.5 lamp EO 37.1 500 0 0 50 90 seconds after ignition OSRAM Taiwan, Andreas Osten 100 150 200 250 300 time [s] OSRAM Confidential 15 P-VIP Technology of OSRAM Alignment Process Photo-Optic For example: Alignment of burner into elliptical Reflector Photo-Optic P-VIP Technology of OSRAM Alignment Process For example: Alignment of burner into elliptical Reflector 1st) Alignment into optical center 2nd ) Alignment for max. luminous flux OSRAM Taiwan, Andreas Osten OSRAM Confidential P-VIP Technology of OSRAM Alignment Process OSRAM Taiwan, Andreas Osten Photo-Optic OSRAM Confidential Photo-Optic Thermal specification e.g. 120W burner For example: Alignment of burner into elliptical Reflector back foil welding < 350° bulb 850°- 950°(120W) front foil welding < 350° 3rd ) To fix the burner with cement into reflector OSRAM Taiwan, Andreas Osten front contact < 400° OSRAM Confidential OSRAM Taiwan, Andreas Osten OSRAM Confidential Photo-Optic OSRAM Taiwan, Andreas Osten OSRAM Confidential Photo-Optic OSRAM Taiwan, Andreas Osten OSRAM Confidential 16 Photo-Optic Negative Thermal Impacts e.g. shaft cracks Bulb T ≈ 900° C Welding T < 350° C W-Electrode Mo-Lead In 100 % Quartz Matrix Mo-Foil Compact: 150x73x32 Ultra-Compact: 150x60x32 Laptop: 135x50x32/25 Powerpack: 150x60x32/25 5kV Laptop 150W: 135x50x25 Minibar: 120x41x24 82% 54% Welding T > 350° C 72% Bulb T ≈ 900° C 48% Revolution in Size Reduction Direction of Oxidation Cracking Forces OSRAM Confidential OSRAM Taiwan, Andreas Osten 34% MOx Division, Content owner, Date(in numbers), ISO No 98 Block diagram of the driver Most reliable lamp system – Flatter free operation & arc stabilisation PowerPack UHP-driver Fuse (4AF) Filter/Buffer CB1-3 + V DS 320-400 Vdc (operating) Down converter Non pulse operation Ignition circuit Lamp UHP250 W ControlCircuitry CB1-1 Power supply Projector set Full bridge Comm. Interface (opto-isolated) Analogue Control µ Control +interfacing (Digital) Int. supply Pulse operation CB2-3 4 5 SCI RxD 1 2 Flag/ TxD Communication Interface Projector set Division, Content owner, Date(in numbers), ISO No via interface lamp-pulse operated driver 99 UHP lamp structure Division, Content owner, Date(in numbers), ISO No 100 UHP product range Burner ? 100/120W 100/120W Reflector P/E P/E23 23 PP22 22 PP21.5 21.5 150/200W 150/200W P/E P/E21 21 EE19 19 200/250W 200/250W ? Division, Content owner, Date(in numbers), ISO No 101 Division, Content owner, Date(in numbers), ISO No ? 102 17 UHP burner optical properties •Only Hg as radiating species: UHP •much higher luminance than metal DC-metal halide halide (>>1Gcd/m2) •no color demixing • High Hg pressure (200bar) for good Ultra short arc distance: 1.45 > 1.3 > 1.0 mm spectrum and high burning voltage • Regenerative chemical cycle keeps Ultra high luminance: 1000 à 1500 Mcd/m² quartz wall clear • realized for the first time in a commercially used HID lamp with Philips proprietary UHP technology Division, Content owner, Date(in numbers), ISO No 103 Division, Content owner, Date(in numbers), ISO No 104 1mm 1.3mm 600 1200 limiting box 200 200 100 Presentation Title Division, Content owner, Date(in numbers), ISO No 105 ? ? ? ? ? Noise Size Pixel Numbers Distortion Sharpness Scaling Brightness Contrast Gray Scale Picture Quality Pixel Defect Color White Balance Viewing Angle Response Uniformity Streaking Image Sticking ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? PDP LCD Copyright : J.Nakamura Japan Picture Quality & Technology Laboratory Presentation Title Japan Presentation Picture Title Quality & Technology Laboratory ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 18 CIE 1931 – xy Coordinate Color System z* y* x* x = X / ( X + Y+ Z ) y = Y / ( X + Y+ Z ) z = Z / ( X + Y+ Z ) X = (Y / y) * x Z = (Y / y) * ( 1 - x - y ) = (Y / y) * z Presentation Title Presentation Title CIE 1960 CIE 1976 The representation of this CIE diagram gives an undue proportion to the green area. Various transformations of the original 1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram have been proposed to correct this distortion and to yield approximately uniform chromaticity spacing. Presentation Title This 1960 formula "crushes" all yellow, brown, orange and red colors into a relatively small area of the diagram between the achromatic point and the spectrum locus. This area should be as large as possible because of the importance of these colors in food, oil, paint, and other industries. Presentation Title 同色異譜(metamerism)-I 同色異譜(metamerism)-II 在特定照明和觀測條件下,兩個物體所反射的 輻通量的光譜成分不同,而顏色卻互相匹配,並擁有 相同的三刺激值 X = ∫ φ1 (λ ) x(λ ) dλ = ∫ φ2 (λ ) x(λ ) dλ λ λ Y = ∫ φ1 (λ ) y (λ ) dλ = ∫ φ2 (λ ) y (λ )dλ λ λ Z = ∫ φ1 (λ ) z (λ )dλ = ∫ φ 2 (λ )z (λ )dλ λ Presentation Title λ Presentation Title 19 White Balancing in RGB Space X R Y = M * G Z B Red: (xr; yr; zr=1-(xr+yr)) Green: (xg; y g; zg=1-(xg+yg)) Blue: (xb; y b; zb=1-(xb+yb)) z = 1-(x+y) Xn r 1 g1 Yn = r 2 g 2 Zn r 3 g3 Presentation Title xn / yn xr 1 = yr zn / yn zr zn = 1-(xn+yn) X = x*Y / y , Z = z*Y / y Since the Yn has to be 1 for the white -point: Xn = Yn / y n * xn = xn / y n Yn = y n / y n = 1 Zn = Yn / y n * zn = zn / y n (n:neutral) b1 1 ar * xr ag * xg b2 * 1 = ar * yr ag * yg b3 1 ar * zr ag * zg RGB Color Space Conversion ab * xb xr xg ab * yb = yr yg ab * zb zr zg xb ar yb * ag zb ab xg yg zg xb ar yb * ag zb ab X xr *ar xg * a g Y = yr * ar yg * a g Z zr * ar zg * a g R xr * ar G = yr * ar B zr * ar xg * ag yg * ag zg *ag ar xr xg ag = yr yg ab zr zg −1 xb xn / yn yb * 1 zb zn / yn xb* a b R yb * a b * G zb* a b B −1 xb * ab X xr * ar yb * ab * Y = yr * ar zb * ab Z zr * ar xg * ag yg * ag zg *ag −1 xb * ab x / y yb * ab * 1 * Y zb *ab z / y Presentation Title PDP TV ? LCD TV ? ? ? ? ? ? Example: xr=0.64; yr=0.33; xg=0.29; yg=0.60; xb=0.15; yb=0.06; xn=0.312713; yn=0.329016; zr=1-(xr+yr); zg=1-(xg+yg); zb=1-(xb+yb); zn=1-(xn+yn); Argb=inv([xr xg xb; yr yg yb;zr zg zb])*[xn/yn; 1; zn/yn]; ar=Argb(1); ag=Argb(2); ab=Argb(3); M=[xr*ar xg*ag xb*ab; yr*ar yg*ag yb*ab; zr*ar zg*ag zb*ab] • invM=inv(M) • %RGB= invM*XYZ • • • • • • • • • • • • • Presentation Title PDP Presentation Japan Picture Title Quality LCD & Technology Laboratory ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? PDP TV ? LCD TV ? ? ? ? Copyright : J.Nakamura PDP 1 Presentation Japan Picture TitleQuality & Technology Laboratory PDP 2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? LCD - A LCD - B LCD - C PDP - A PDP - B PDP - C Japan Picture Presentation TitleQuality & Technology Laboratory ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 20 Computational Photography Original Modified Presentation Title Presentation Title PDP PDP Panel Panel PDP 7843e Back-Side Fan Board Audio Board (Power Amplifier) Main Power Board Speaker Board PC Input Board Video Input Board Interface Board Presentation Title Presentation Title Structure-1 Structure-1 Presentation Title Structure-2 Structure-2 Presentation Title 21 Housing-U/case Housing-U/case Presentation Title Thermal Thermal of of PDP PDP TV TV Presentation Title RPTV 背投電視 Presentation Title Presentation Title Presentation Title Presentation Title 22 Cermax Lamp 420W from PerkinELmer MES Thank you! Presentation Title 23
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