That Day - Spoken Word Church


That Day - Spoken Word Church
That Day
I didn’t know what that day would bring, the first time I
heard the rejoicing congregation sing.
In the midst of the wooden pew I stood in awe, wondering
to myself if anyone saw.
As I looked around I began to see, what made these people
so happy and free.
It was something in my life I had not known, yet this day
this same love would be shown.
What I was hearing, was He speaking to me, to be born
again, He said, was the only key.
I felt a tug at my heart and tears began to fall, I was about
to meet the most Wonderful of all.
I walked down the center isle, all my pride left behind, at
that altar, His grace I would surely find.
I knelt down on my knees unsure of what to say, as His
presence came down, the words found their way.
“Lord forgive me,” I softly prayed, “Because your life for
me You selflessly laid.”
“Lead my life in Your perfect will, Make a change in me that
others can see, and I can feel.”
The decision was easy, under the water I chose to go, His
blood shed at Calvary is why this had to be so.
I knew the only way was to be baptized in Jesus name, and
when I came back up, I was never the same.
That was only the beginning of God’s new life for me, there
were so many glorious things to come, you see.
- Sister Elly Ross
announcement was published in the
second issue of Eagle's View. I love
the fellowship when our church puts
Eagle's View together. The hands
that make Eagle's View possible are
wonderful people. There are so
many people that have helped put
Eagle's View together over the
years. A lot of hours go into each
issue. Thanks to Bro. James and
Bro. Michael
diligence for
Eagle's View
is mailed.
It has been
an honor to
Uncle as my
pastor. He and
my Aunt Anitha are a blessing in my
life. Their dedication and influence
is a testimony in it’s self.
I thank God for all that He has
done and is doing in my life. I thank
Him for keeping His eye and hand
upon me.
e have been publishing
Eagle's View for fifteen
years and have published over forty
issues. As far as we know, EV is the
newsletter. Hundreds of believers
have wrote articles and tens of
thousands of pages are still in
circulation. We believe this would
not have happened outside of the
purpose of God. We thank God for
allowing us this opportunity and we
give Him all the praise! Since this
fifteenth year is another EV
milestone, we would like to take a
look at the past and share with you
the vision for the future.
Sister Sarah Terranova shares her
experience working with EV
mailings over the years.
The hands that put Eagle’s View
together. I am honored to say I
have been going to Eagle Christian
Church my whole life. My birth
Continued on page 17
Rev. Billy Andrews
Monday, June 2, 1:00 pm 2008, the
family of Rev. Billy Andrews, along
with members of the Apostolic Ark,
and many local friends and believers
from near and far away gathered
together to celebrate his ministry.
Rev. Andrews’ ministry spanned
over 50 years. Through the years, he
personally baptized thousands of
new converts in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ and won many
more to Christ. Many believers heard
the message first from his mouth
and received their first Message
book from his hands. The promise of
Mark 16 was manifested in his
ministry. Some of these experiences
were retold during the 3 hour funeral
service. However, due to time, those
of us that were present will have to
wait until eternity to hear it all.
Brother Andrews’ earthy hands
founded their final resting place upon
the Bible and across the scriptures
that says, “For I am now ready to be
offered, and the time of my
departure is at hand. I have fought a
good fight, I have finished my
course, I have kept the faith:
Henceforth there is laid up for me a
crown of righteousness, which the
Lord, the righteous judge, shall give
me at that day: and not to me only,
but unto all them also that love his
appearing. 2 Timothy 4:6-8 is a website
that contains links to message
churches, music, testimonies. If
anyone has a website that they would
like added to this site just send the
website information to: webmaster@ We will be
glad to add it, if it's message related.
You can submit a church, personal or
message music site. This website is
dedicated to the bride of Christ
around the world.
Brother Jimmy Baldwin
Tidwell Family Music
Golden Stairs, Bleeding Lamb and
Moving On cds are now $10.00 each
(us funds). We will pay
the postage for these
cds. The Moving On
and Bleeding Lamb
albums are available
while supplies last in cassettes.
These cassette are
free (if you will pay the
mailing postage). Call,
email, or write and
after receiving them
return to us the postage stamped on
the package. A MP3 diskette of these
three cds is available
request and funds to
The Eagle’s View P.O.
Box 1510 LaVergne,
at: or call at:
...proud sponsors of the EV publication.
By Sister Sally Dodds is a company that is owned by a message believer. They carry
several thousand fishing products - ranging from fishing rods to lures. They have
adapted a simple business model and that is to run their company based upon
Biblical principals. Please do not hesitate to contact them with any questions.
“Rachel’s Wedding Cakes” is a believer owned and operated business that has
specialized in making that special time in your life a never-to-forget experience.
They have baked several cakes on sight in Ohio, Kentucky, and many places
in Tennessee. Over the years, their references have included many satisfied
message believers. To view cakes visit their web site.
In 2004, I had another miracle. It
was April 28, and the day started off
in a routine way. There was a
sudden change however during the
late morning hours. I suddenly
headache, and shortly thereafter
Edwin summoned an ambulance
and sent me to Bellingham hospital,
where they quickly decided this
situation was beyond their area of
expertise, and ordered me airlifted
to Harborview hospital in Seattle,
WA. At this point I am void of any
recollection of what happened then
or for several months to follow. I
remained in ICU for 23 days.
My husband relates the following
about this period. “When my
daughters, friends and I arrived at
Harborview, we were immediately
briefed on the events and Sally’s
diagnosed as a stage four blood
hemorrhage in the brain caused by
an aneurism. Dr. Britz, the surgeon
who did the procedure that repaired
the aneurism, told us at that time
that her chances of survival were
very slim, but that they would do
their best to repair the problem
and bring her through. But again
he emphasized that her chances for
survival were very slim. He said the
two biggest problems she is facing
are: 1. If she upchucked when this
first occurred (which she did), 100%
of the time she would get
pneumonia, and that would kill her.
2. 100% of the time she will have
vasospasms, and that would most
likely kill her. SHE HAD NEITHER
When she first arrived, they put
a tube in her head to drain off the
fluid to keep the pressure on her
brain down. In a short while they
told us that the pressure on her
brain was increasing and decided to
install a permanent shunt from her
brain to her stomach. They
scheduled surgery for the following
day at noon. I did not think that a
permanent tube was a healthy thing
for her to have to live with, so I
called our pastor Bro. Ed Byskal
and asked him if he would have our
assembly, Cloverdale Bibleway
(who were having service that
evening) pray that the surgery
would be cancelled permanently,
and that she would not need that
foreign thing in her body. At 11:30
next morning they called off
the surgery. The pressure dropped
and never rose again. What a
mighty God we serve!”
Back to me: Slowly, very slowly
my recovery came, but it did come,
and without the side effects the
doctors had forecast (loss of
memory, etc). Afterward, when we
went for a checkup appointment,
the doctors would look at me and
smile then they would shake their
heads as if in unbelief and they
would say “you’re not supposed to
be here.” At that time, I once again
seized upon the opportunity to
witness about the Lord Jesus
Christ, and His ability and
willingness to heal. I wanted them to
know that The Great Physician had
truly been there amongst them,
working a miracle in their midst!
Monday Wash Day
Lord, help me wash away all my
selfishness and vanity, so I may
serve you with perfect humility
through the week ahead.
Tuesday Ironing Day
Dear Lord, help me iron out all the
wrinkles of prejudice I have
collected through the years so that I
may see the beauty in others.
Wednesday Mending Day
O God, help me mend my ways so I
will not set a bad example for
Thursday Cleaning Day
Lord Jesus, help me to dust out all
the many faults I have been hiding
in the secret corners of my heart.
Friday Shopping Day
O God, give me the grace to shop
wisely so I may purchase eternal
happiness for myself and all others
in need of love.
Sister Sally Dodds
Saturday Cooking Day
Help me, my Savior, to brew a big
kettle of brotherly love and serve it
with clean, sweet bread of human
Just a little over 2 months from
the date of her aneurism July 15,
with all her mental and physical
abilities she played the piano as
though nothing had taken place.
She was released from the nursing
home on faculties in normal
condition. She wrote this testimony
herself, a good example of her
mental aptitude.
Sunday The Lord's Day
O God, I have prepared my house
for you. Please come into my heart
so I may spend the day and the rest
of my life in Your presence.
just a few of the Christians that
were converted in those meetings
and there are many more that are
very precious Christians with
amazing testimonies but it would be
too lengthy to write of them all. Not
all that were led to the Lord during
that time are still walking with the
Lord. Some seed fell by the
wayside, some seed among thorns,
some seeds upon stony ground, but
there were some seeds that were
sown upon good ground and real
fruitful Christians sprung up from
that work. Many of those believers
that came to the Lord in those
meetings are still walking this
rugged narrow way and still quite in
love with Jesus Christ.
happened around the year 2006.
The numbers of people that came to
our house meetings started to
diminish. Whereas at one time
people would come off the streets to
attend our house meetings and
almost without effort, results were
just not the same. In the course of
one whole year only one soul was
saved! Because of these extreme
changes, I wrestled in my heart with
questions. “What are we doing
wrong?” “Or what were we doing
right?” It felt like our great bountiful
harvest of souls had come to its
end. I prayed and fasted but for
some reason we could not get the
results of our former years. The
Lord being faithful finally gave me
the answer that I sought for. The
fact is that we never did anything
right and we never did anything
wrong! It was a sovereign work of
God and He decided to use us at
that season. All we can do is yield
ourselves to His will and be there
when He calls us but He is the one
who gives increase. By no means
do I believe that we should not work
for the Lord, for we should give Him
our all, but we cannot do anything of
ourselves. Success and promotion
in all that we do comes from Him
alone and He will share His glory
with no one!
Soon after those meetings
ceased, doors of utterance were
opened unto me and I hit the field of
evangelism, where I worked for
some time. Shortly thereafter the
Lord gave me a Godly wife and a
real helpmate in the ministry by the
name of Anna Marie Shull. Last
year, 2007, my dear friend Brother
Isiah Brooks received the call of
God to tend some sheep (believers)
in Iowa, where he is a pastor of an
assembly in Des Moines today and
God is blessing his labors. Since his
call to Iowa I have taken his place
as pastor of Bible Believers Church
in Lima, Ohio. I could have never
foreseen when I was just a fresh
convert to Christ and was so hungry
for God and His Word that the Lord
was going to let me be a part of
such a glorious work. The Lord is
sovereign and He will do His own
good pleasure. He moves in
mysterious ways!
Pastor Craig Booher
Bible Believers Church Lima, OH
named Simon Smith who became a
sickle in the hands of God, and like
great ripened sheaves for the
harvest, he brought in souls by the
arm loads. He has an amazing gift
to witness Jesus Christ to the lost.
There was another man brought to
the Message in our early bible
studies by the name of Jessie
Smith. He took his lick of fire back
to the college that he was attending
in Akron Ohio, and many souls were
won to the Lord there. By the grace
of God a church has been
established in Akron and Jessie
Smith is the pastor there today.
There were three other ministers
that were brought to the Lord in
those house meetings. One of them
was a young man named Timothy
Myers, whom the Lord called to the
ministry within a year and sent him
into the fields as an evangelist,
wherein he has been a great
blessing to the Bride of Christ.
Another minister converted in those
meetings is named Cam Smith, who
as the Apostle Paul that persecuted
the children of God and then
became a Christian his self. Brother
Cam fought against this Message
for an entire year before becoming
converted to it. He now is a
preacher of this Message and he
serves the Lord with his whole
heart. Randy Vertin is another
minister that was converted in those
house meetings. He is a very gifted
young man who God has used in
music and the ministry. These are
Continued from page 6
was still in the sponge stage of my
conversion and I was absorbing the
Word of the Lord daily. In 2001,
Brother Isiah was watching me very
closely and he told me that I should
start having church services in my
house because I lived an hour away
from the Lima church and it would
be an excellent tool to win souls to
Christ. So we started having house
meetings where the Lord blessed
our every effort and souls started
trickling in. It was a process of time
but the results of those meetings
supernatural, considering the age
that we live in. It was at that time I
started assisting Brother Isiah with
the ministry and helped him teach
our new converts. One by one, the
Lord added to the church, when all
the sudden there seemed to be an
explosion. The number of people
that visited those meetings over
those few years was astounding,
yet more importantly, the number of
converts. Our little house meetings
attracted the attention of many local
area churches, which provoked
much interest and much slander.
Young people were leaving their
embrace the Message. This work
went on for about three years where
there were nearly forty souls that
were saved. There was a young
man converted in those meetings
could, teaching us children to fear
God and raising us with decent
morals. But as far as attending
church and religious instruction, it
was very scarce. It was not long
until our family experienced what
most families will experience that do
not have Christ as the center of
their lives.
In 1992, my father and mother
circumstances and we children
were like sheep having no
shepherd, our family was scattered.
Some of my siblings went into
alcohol, drugs and rebellion,
whereas the Lord kept me from
those things. Everything that I
believed in was permanently
destroyed and my hurt was
incredibly deep. For five years, I
seemed to be a wanderer looking
for something, yet not knowing what
I was looking for. It was a lonely
dark time for me. I went deep into
sin yet the Lord spared me in many
areas of my life in which I am so
In 1997 my life took a glorious
turn. I was watching a television
series called “Little House on the
Prairie,” when I observed actor
Michael Landon, (who was playing
the role of Charles Ingalls) reading
Testimony of Pastor Craig
dvancing forward in our
Christians, look with anticipation
around every corner and bend of
the road watching for the Lord’s
appearing and seeking His will for
our lives. Then after many miles of
hard marches and rough roads, we
wearisome because we may not
have found exactly what we have
sought for. But to our astonishment,
somehow looking back at the path
we trod, we can see God in every
inch of our journey. I find no
exceptions to this rule, that God is
sovereign and will do his own good
pleasure. He moves in mysterious
ways! Looking back on my life I can
see that the Lord was always with
me even when I did not realize it
and that all the time He was leading
me to Himself.
I was born one of seven children
in a very poor family. My parents
came across the Message when I
was four years old. For a very small
season they tried to follow the
Message and go to church but it
was not long until they went back to
the same life they came from. My
parents raised us the best they
his Bible. Something moved into my
heart and I told my mother while I
program, “Mom, I am going to read
the whole Bible!” My mother
responded to me by saying, “Honey,
start with the New Testament.”
Immediately, I found an old Bible
and started reading it. This started a
fire in my soul that has never been
quenched, even until this day. I
could not put my Bible down and I
could feel that the Lord was moving
upon my life in a powerful way. I got
my hands on some Message
materials that my mother and father
had since I was a little boy. I started
ordering tapes and books from
Jeffersonville, Indiana and I was
devouring those Messages, while at
the same time I was reading my
bible diligently. My oldest brother,
who was wading deep in sin, was
watching my life change rapidly and
it made him thirsty. He picked up a
Bible and just like me, his soul
ignited with the fire of God. We both
gave our hearts to the Lord and
became close companions, feeling
as if we were the only Message
believers in the world. I went from
one denomination to the other
listening to what they had to say but
knowing all along that the Message
was right. During that time I worked
at a woodworking factory called
became my first missionary field. I
was not trying to be a preacher or
even trying to win souls but my soul
was so full that I witnessed to
everyone that would lend an ear. It
was not long until I made a friend by
the name of David LeWallen, who
quickly embraced the Message and
was baptized. I did not know it at
the time but, the Lord was giving me
a partner who would help me to win
souls in the future. Brother David
and I began working together like
Paul and Silas and even to this day
he is still my very close friend.
Shortly after that, I met a catholic
man named Eric Roberts who
possessed a powerful mind and
loved to debate. He and I would
have intense discussions over the
scriptures and doctrines daily, which
was good exercise for my young
spiritual muscles. Though we
developed a close friendship.
Before long he started regular Bible
studies at his home where we
enjoyed much discourse concerning
the things of God. To make a long
story short, somehow I became the
teacher of his bible studies, where I
began introducing the Message to
many souls. Eric and his wife soon
forsook Catholicism, and gave their
heart to the Lord being baptized in
Jesus Christ name. Shortly after
that, others started coming and
were converted to Jesus Christ.
In the spring of 1997, I visited a
Message church in Lima Ohio,
where I met the pastor of that
assembly, Brother Isiah Brooks. We
like Jonathan and David instantly
developed a very close friendship. I
Continued on page 24
completion of the coming of the
Lord will be even quicker.
The main thing we should concern
ourselves with is if we are prepared
for what may be next. Some seem
to be preparing for the Tribulation,
while others are beginning to
expect the Rapture. Which group
are you in? These are thoughts to
think on, thoughts which are
Concerning Prophecy.
Therefore, when we see the 16
chapter of Revelation, and the third
Woe, and other prophetical events
of the Great Tribulation all around
us, we should not be afraid, or
events should sound as a loud
sounding trumpet to let us know
exactly where we are in the scope
of prophetical events happening.
Pastor Frank Prater
2800 Hendricks BLVD
Ft. Smith, AR. U S A
Jesus said when we see these
things begin to come to pass that
we should know that our redemption
is near. Notice how He said when
we see them begin to come to pass.
If we are to see them begin to come
to pass, then it is evident that we
shall see something. While it
cannot be the Great Tribulation, I
am persuaded that we shall see a
pressure which many of us may not
be expecting, or wanting.
Accordingly, because of events we
presently see happening in the
world, we may say we are in, or
near, an "amateur tribulation.” This
means two things are imminent.
One, the Great Tribulation will
immediately follow, and two, the
Tribulation? Why then are we the
Bride still here, and yet we see all of
these tribulation events?
healing in a miraculous way
In Matthew 24:29 Jesus mentioned
events of the sixth seal tribulation as
tribulations of another day. Did He
mean there were two tribulation
Continued from page 9
Rev. 11:14 The second woe is past
and, behold, the third woe cometh
It may even appear as if the events
of the second woe, are actually in
the third woe. We may understand
this better by reading how Bro.
Branham describes the “overlapping”
of the church ages: CHURCH AGE
BOOK chapter 8 (Philadelphian
Church Age).
Many modern events which the Bible
and the Message of the Hour record
as events which will happen in the
Tribulation Period seem to be a
reality today. Does this mean we are
in the Great Tribulation Period, and
have missed the completion of the
The Great Tribulation has a threefold
purging effect. One is for the foolish
virgin, two is for the 144,000, and the
third is for the earth. Since the Bride
of Jesus Christ was purged by the
blood of Jesus Christ, would it not be
impossible for her to be in the Great
Read with me what Bro. Branham
said when he preached the sixth seal
mentioned in Matthew 24:29... THE
SIXTH SEAL 63-0323 {in part}
Now, it's what Jesus said in Matthew
29--24:29 and 30. “Immediately after
the tribulation of those days...
(What... When this--this tribulation,
this amateur tribulation they've went
through here. See?)...”
As we read this we hear Bro.
Branham saying there is an
“Amateur Tribulation”, before the
Great Tribulation. Many times we
hear Bro. Branham talk about a
squeeze, or a press coming. We
may also hear him say there is a
coming depression, and other events
which may be seen as events of the
Great Tribulation. Then we read in
the Bible where the Great Tribulation
comes immediately following the
events of the tribulation of those
n October 30, 1994, my
diagnosed with a malignant tumor on
the left kidney with metastasis to his
lungs. He died exactly one month
later, on November 30, 1994. A
couple of weeks after his funeral, I
started having pain in the area of my
left kidney and I saw a doctor who
made a sonogram and found a tumor
in my left kidney and seven lesions
in my liver. I was devastated! My
husband was self employed and I
was the one that carried our health
insurance on my job. All I could
think of was what in the world would
he do, as he is a diabetic and heart
patient. I would lay awake at night
and worry. I was told that they could
not tell me for sure that the tumor
was not malignant without removing
it and they did not want to do that as
I would lose my whole kidney. So,
they wanted to watch it and scan it
every 3 months to see if it was
growing, while I anxiously waited and
One night after praying
about the situation AGAIN, the Lord
just spoke to my heart and told me
that HE was STILL in control and
that all the wealth of the world was in
HIS hands. He is my Father and He
owns it all. I did not have to worry
about my family or my health
situation anymore. He could and
would take care of it. During this
time, He gave me the songs “Ram in
the Thicket” and Cattle on a
Thousand Hills.” People seem to be
able to relate with “Ram in the
Thicket.” Even sinners come up to
me and comment on that particular
I now have a scan once a year
and I had my last one in January,
2008 and it is still the same size as it
was fourteen years ago, and the
seven liver lesions are still the
same. I think God left them there for
a witness to me and my family to
prove to us what He did for me. All
praise belongs to God!
Sister Marie Castle
1326 Pine Grove Rd.
Jackson, MS 39209
Dottie Rambo, was tragically killed
Sunday, May 11, 2008 when her tour bus
ran off a highway near Mount Vernon, Mo.
She was 74. Dottie Rambo was most
likely the greatest songwriter for the
church since Fanny Crosby. Following is
her testimony of how she wrote, He
Looked Beyond My Faults And Saw My
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I would like to invite you and yours
to join my wife and I for a once in a
lifetime trip. We will be visiting Israel
and Rome from November 11 to
November 22, 2008.
We have a brochure that details
some of the places we will be
visiting posted at the Eagle
Christian Church link on the EV web
site ( We
will be co-hosting the trip with
Brother Morris Bryant, who has
previously been to Israel six times
and also to Rome. There will be
several ministers going, however,
this is a vacation, a time of relaxing,
and ministerial discussion will be
limited. Our group will have the
normal Israelite tour guide along
with Brother Morris’ insight. Here is
a quote from Brother Morris,
“Brother James, the first time I was
in Israel I did not scripturally
recognize many places we visited
because Bible names of different
places have changed, on our
upcoming trip I will be giving
everyone a scriptural account of
what happened at every location.”
Group discounts are given to me
according to how many people
book. If given a discount I will be
dividing it among everyone who
books their trip through me.
Therefore, I will pay the same fare
rate as you. This discount could be
significant depending upon how
many people plan to go. However,
in order for you to receive this
discount you need to contact me.
Please feel free to contact Brother
Morris for any other information you
Reservations for this trip need to be
made promptly to assure your flight.
Also, it might take months to obtain
a passport so start making plans to
join us on this life changing trip
Because of His Love,
James and Anitha Tidwell
When my brother Eddy was
dying with cancer I went to the
hospital to see him. They had him in
a ward with another man. I pulled
the curtain around his bed and sat
down and started talking to him. I
said, "Darling, the doctors say
unless a miracle happens or unless
this drug works, you have only
about five or six weeks to live.”
None of my family would tell him. I
knew he was lost, and I decided
along with my mother that I must
level with him. He begin to cry and
said, "But Sis, I've been so wicked.
I've been in prison. I've been a
gambler and a thief and everything
that goes along with that. I am just
too wicked for God to save me." I
started witnessing to Eddy and
praying with him. But he could find
no peace.
A few days later, as I sat
alone in a rocking chair in my living
room at home, praying for Eddy, the
Lord impressed on me that he
wanted to give me some words to
give to Eddy. The lyrics began to
I went back to Eddy and
said, "Darling, I have some words
for you." I stood over his bed. By
this time he weighed only sixty-five
I started to sing, “He
Looked beyond My Faults and Saw
My Need.” He started weeping and
wanted me to write the words down.
I did so and left them with him. A
few days later, while on the road
singing, at about eleven o'clock, I
sat down as the minister began to
speak, following the music. I
thought of Eddy, but the tears were
not there. All of a sudden, I sensed
that Eddy was fine. A beautiful
peace came over me. The Lord just
seemed to let me know that Eddy
was okay.
The next day I returned and
went to see Eddy, but now they had
taken him home to spend his final
days. I walked into his room and he
said, "Sis, I want to tell you
something. Yesterday at about
eleven o'clock, I really found my
peace with God." - Source Unknown
Amazing grace will always be my
song of praise
For it was grace that bought my
I do not know just why He came to
love me so
He looked beyond my fault and
saw my need
I shall forever lift my eyes to
To view the cross where Jesus
died for me
How marvelous the grace that
caught my falling soul
He looked beyond me fault and
saw my need
Pastor Frank Prater
day I had traveled more than seven
hours on African roads. I was
exhausted. But, when the lady
asked about Souls being saved, the
tiredness that my body felt
diminished. I was happy that I could
share with that lady what I had seen
the Lord do during the days I had
Speak a little word for Jesus, testify,
sing, or pray. And like bread upon
the water, it will return to you
someday. That's right. All right. Just
remember; don't fail. Don't fail. Win
some souls. Whatever, you do, win
souls. 56-0603
hen you travel there are
events that stay with you
Sometimes the events are simple
but very impressive.
am back home now and I am still
thinking about that event. The
words of God's prophet came back
to my mind. “That's what's the
matter with the meetings today;
there's not enough Spirit touch in it
to go for the souls of the lost and
the dying. It's more to make a
name, or a church, or a building, or
a denomination, instead of a soul
winning program. How pitiful.”
hen I arrived in Africa, I stayed
at a hotel for two nights before
I traveled on. After one week of
traveling in Africa, I arrived back at
the hotel where I had stayed before.
The lady at the reception desk
welcomed me very warmly.
asked how I was doing and where I
had been traveling that week. I
shared with her about the places I
had visited. The lady then asked
me what I was doing at those
places. I told her that I preached
the Good News of the Gospel. The
lady did not ask me which church I
belonged to, but what she asked
really touched me. "DID SOULS
GET SAVED?" That was the only
question she asked me. Now, that
Bro. Guido
Each of these modern statements,
sound as if they are what John is
speaking of in the book of the
(Since writing this article, many
events have unfolded which may be
associated with the subject, IE.,
earthquakes, etc)
In describing events of the three
woes Rev 8:13, we hear Bro.
William Branham say the First and
Second World Wars, related to the
first two woes.... THE MARK OF
THE BEAST 54-0513 “Now, this is
the third Angel's message to the
world. And you know what the third
Angel's message; it's going forth
now in this day. This is the flying of
the third Angel message, if you're a
Bible reader. There was three woes
followed it. The first one happened
in World War One. Second one
happened in World War Two. You
see what we're going in now. All
right. We're at the end of the road.”
Reading a newspaper today is like
hearing Jesus Christ preach in
Mathew chapter 24, or Luke chapter
21. One could also say as John
pinned certain events in Revelation,
or one of the prophets of old spoke,
they could have been inspired by
modern news events. Indeed, they
were, for what is prophecy if not the
recording of events, before they
happen? Many events of today do
have Biblical footnotes. IE:
1. Israel bombs a nuclear reactor in
Syria near the River Euphrates
which North Korea builds, Rev.
2. Nations still affected by
HIV/AIDS, Rev. 16:2.
3. Water supplies are becoming
polluted, Rev 16:4-5.
4. Skin cancers on the increase,
Rev 16:8-9.
5. China enters the global market,
and is demanding more and more
natural resources, Rev 16:12.
These wars brought to light many
prophetical events. We also know
that as World War two closed, many
of the events of the third woe were
beginning to unfold. Rev. 9:12 One
woe is past; and, behold, there
come two woes more hereafter.
Continued on page 22
10 to July 13. Guest speakers are Brother
Ed Byskal, Brother Eugene Braun and
Brother Barry Coffey. For additional
information visit or call
Honea Path, SC will be held from July 31
to August 3. For additional information
please contact Pastor Burley Williams
Fort Smith, Arkansas welcomes everyone
to their "7th Annual June Missions
Meeting", June 13 to June 15. Special
speakers are Brother Jonathan Goff and
Brother Barry Coffey. Guest singers are
the Tidwells from Lavergne, TN and the
Beard Family, of Moundville, MO. For
additional information contact Pastor
Augustine, Florida invites you to their
annual camp meeting, June 19 to June
22. Brother Errol Petersen and Brother
Tim Cross will be the guest ministers. For
additional information contact Pastor Keith
West Milton, Ohio will be held from June
28 to July 4. The Lord willing, guest
speakers are Brother Ron Spencer,
Brother Shawn Martin, Brother Carmon
Mills, Brother Jr. Woosley and Brother
Samuel Kotha.
You can print a
registration form at For
information contact
Brother Mike
in Lima, Ohio and Pastor Jeff Jenkins
welcomes everyone to family camp, July 10
Carolina will be having their annual
August missionary meeting, August 19 to
August 22. Guest Speaker is Brother Ed
Byskal. For additional information please
contact Pastor Joseph Greene (828)2869639
LIFE TABERNACLE in Amarillo, Texas
invites you to their annual anniversary
meetings, July 23 to July 27. Special
guest minister will be Brother Randy Sias.
Also, on Sunday, June 29, the Tidwell’s
will be ministering in song and Word. For
additional information please contact
Brother Jeff Shreiner (806)622-3773
TABERNACLE in Elkton, Virginia invites
you to their annual Labor day services,
August 28 to August 31. Brother Joe
Greene and Brother Ed Byskal will be the
Spencer (540)249-8618
not know where life will take us, but
we know He has all things in His
control. As the apostle Paul wrote,
in Romans 8:28, “And we know that
all things work together for good to
them that love God, to them who
are the called according to his
Brother Aaron Roberts
Jefferson, Georgia
Information below is for those
who would like to receive EV at
EV is sent to churches for free.
Vision for the future. Our vision for
the future is to continue working
toward making EV’s a magazine
quality newsletter. Also, we desire
to double the circulation in the next
few years. Another vision is to
increase the page count of EV and
each issue be filled with many
testimonies and articles, that
represent a wide spectrum of
churches that believe in the
leadership of the 5-Fold ministry.
> Yearly subscription rate is $10.00
(us). > A bill will be included with the
first issue of EV each year. The bill
will be for the previous year
subscription. >You can send funds
anytime during the year to avoid
receiving a bill. >To keep records
received above the yearly fee will be
considered a love offering for that
year. >All subscribers will receive a
bill for the amount of $10.00
regardless of what time during the
previous year they became a
subscriber. They also will receive
previous EV issues for that billing
period. >Up-to-date single copy
subscription is encouraged and
offered to everyone.
Thanks for taking the time to read
this issue and may your life be
encouraged and blessed by The
Eagle’s View Publication.
Brother Michael Tidwell
password “readev” will be required
to read past issues.
(These plans might never happen. It will
depend upon the Lord’s will. Nevertheless, we
desire to share with you what every ministry
must have …a vision)
brother to contend for the faith and
keep up the good work, and may
God bless the newsletter.
We have a lot of wonderful
memories with helping putting
Eagle’s View together. We would all
come together and have a wonderful
time as we
addressed each EV by hand. It was
a real blessing to have been a part of
the work of the Lord.
May God bless you,
Bro. Charlie and Sis. Goldie Stout
Luther, Oklahoma
Brother Aaron Roberts helped edit
EV during the mid 1990s. He shares
with us his experience.
I greet you
A simple newsletter.
all in the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ. My name is Aaron Roberts
and I live in Jefferson, Georgia. My
family and I attend church at Bro.
Samuel Dale’s church in Lula,
Georgia and I have been a minister
for twelve years.
I grew up in the Message but for
many years God’s Word was not real
to me. I remember Him dealing with
me when I was young and knew I
grandmother, Sis. Ollie Mae Grey,
attended Bro. Branham’s meetings
and had a tremendous influence on
my life. In August of 1995, Grandma
went to be with the Lord. After she
passed away, I felt terribly empty
inside. One day in my bedroom after
trying to run from His calling, I
answered; I knelt down and gave my
life to Jesus Christ.
In the early 1990’s my mom was
somehow added to the mailing list
for the Eagle’s View. I never really
paid attention to it until after I was
saved. One day I was praying about
where to go to church and I
remembered the magazine. I was
blessed as I sat and read it. I have
always been amazed at how the
Lord brought things together. I have
been blessed to have the opportunity
to work on Eagle’s View. I was
impressed that it was dedicated to
the young people of the Message.
As a teenager in high school and not
unshakable influence of the world.
The devil knows how to bring you
friends to turn you to every worldly
thing to try and ruin your life. It has
always been my desire to bring the
light of the Gospel to young people.
It is wonderful to see EV
celebrating fifteen years. It is a
testament to what a few people can
do when all is done to glorify God. I
have always been amazed how God
works through the simple things in
life. People sometimes think they
have nothing to say. However, when
you sit down and look back at where
you have come from, you have many
things for which to thank God. God
can use these to bless others. We do
The devil planned to
my life but God raised a standard.
The Scriptures say It's of the mercies
of the Lord that we are not
consumed. As a preacher I was also
working with a radio station, Voice of
Nigeria (I retired in February 2007) It
was a Sunday morning. I had been
rostered to work as duty news editor
and presenter. Normally on such
Sunday morning duties, I would
finish my job and rush back to take
the main service. While being
conveyed to work in an official
Toyota mini bus about 4:45 am local
time, on that December 2, the driver
and I came across a scene where a
robbery was taking place. A large
luxury bus had been trailed by
gunmen and forced to stop on the
left hand side of the fast lane
along Ikorodu road, a popular
expressway in the city center. The
robbers were working on information
that a particular passenger was
carrying a large sum of money
on board. As they ransacked the
vehicle, one of them stood in front of
the bus with a pump action rifle to
take care of any threat to their
operation. Unknown to us that this
was happening, my driver slowed
down so we could see what was
amiss. We thought there was an
y name is Brother Steven
Kuku, the pastor of
Calvary Message Assembly, a local
End Time Message church in a
suburb of the Nigerian city of Lagos.
I am married and have three
daughters. I came to believe the
Message in October 1986. A sister in
Brother John Ogu's church by the
name of Salome, invited a friend of
mine, to a wedding and he in turn
invited me. As we stepped into the
Tabernacle I noticed an inscription
on the wall that said The mystery of
God is that Jesus Christ is the Lord
God Almighty. I was at this time a
minister in one of the Christian
Reformed Churches and was a
staunch believer in and preacher of
Trinity. However this inscription
provoked a serious search through
to wonderful experiences that space
would not permit here. I was rebaptized in the name of Jesus Christ,
went back to my church to preach
the truth I had just discovered and
was thrown out in very amusing
circumstances. Since then I have
been preaching the Message. May I
point out that the sister who had
invited my friend to John Ogu's
church later turned out to be my wife!
accident. The next thing we saw
was a man in a pullover jacket
raising a gun and pointing at us
from the driver's side. At a
distance of just about twelve feet
apart he released a series of
bullets at us! Some ripped through
the driver's right arm as he
positioned them on the steering.
Another bullet went through his hip
and came out to the other side.
Because I was sitting beside the
driver in the front, some of the
bullets went through my left arm
shattering my bone and leaving
only the skin as the remaining link
between my hand and the rest of
my body. After the attack on us,
the gunmen opened sporadic fire
on the luxury bus killing over ten
people and wounding many others
in a shooting that lasted for half an
hour. We could hear the shooting
from the nearby hospital. Now
here was God's intervention: By
divine providence this incident
happened less than a kilometer to
Ultima Clinic, a private hospital
which served as one of Voice of
Nigeria's official clinics. There
we received initial treatment after
we had managed to escape before
National Orthopaedic Hospital for
more comprehensive treatment.
That the driver was not hit on the
head or a part of the body he
would loss control of the vehicle
on motion was also the hand of
God. In spite of his wounds, he
managed to control the vehicle to
a point one third of a kilometer away
from the scene of the shooting.
Another miracle of God: A pump
action rifle shot at a close range,
feet away, could
not penetrate into my heart after
breaking the bone in my left arm! The
bullets merely went into pieces
beneath my skin. This could only be
God! Today, the driver limps as he
walks. As for me, I am o.k. except for
pieces of the metal beneath my
skin which would require an operation
for removal. Certainly if God has not
finished with us, we can walk through
the valley of the shadow of death and
yet not fear evil.
God be with you,
Bro Steven Kuku
A list to live by !
The most destructive habit...Worry
The greatest Joy...Giving
The greatest loss...Loss of self-respect
Most satisfying work...Helping others
Ugliest personality trait...Selfishness
Greatest "shot in the arm"…Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome…Fear
Most effective sleeping pill…Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease...Excuses
The most powerful force in life…Love
Most dangerous pariah…A gossiper
The worst thing to be without…Hope
The deadliest weapon…The tongue
Most power-filled words… "I Can"
The greatest asset…Faith
Most worthless emotion…Self-pity
The most beautiful attire...A smile
Most prized possession…Integrity
Most contagious spirit…Enthusiasm
painting, yard work, blacktop, and a
lot of sweat and donations, we finally
moved into the church building.
Perhaps this was the initial inspiration
for the Eagle’s View newsletter.
After moving into the new church
burdened with the desire to start a
newsletter for believers. He talked
with different ones and the idea
began to grow wings. Since the
church building had eagles raised in it
prior to us purchasing it, the name
Eagle’s View, was brought up. The
name fit perfectly. At the beginning
there was not much production on the
newsletter, as we were all new at this.
A few newsletters went out. Then
Brother Michael Tidwell went to a
Shrewsbury’s, where he met Brother
Billy Paul Branham. Brother Michael
asked him to do a testimony and a
few weeks later Brother Michael (just
a teenager then) traveled to
Jeffersonville to meet with Brother
Billy Paul. During their fellowship
Brother Billy Paul told the young
Continued from page 2
It is a true blessing to help
with Eagle's View. I pray that
Eagle's View will always bless
those who read it, and encourage
the youth.
May God bless you,
Sarah Terranova
Brother Charlie & Sister Goldie
Stout’s testimony about how EV
got started.
Fond memories of the Eagle’s
View The day’s of setting up
chairs and a sound system, in the
community center we were
renting, was finally over. The Lord
had led Brother James Tidwell to a
spot on the lake, to an old church
building. Up until that time, it had
been used to rehabilitate eagles.
God had opened the doors for us
to have our own church building.
began. After
card of my wife, and brought it to our
home. On reaching our home he
had no idea of what had happened.
I told him about the incident. After I
finished speaking, he said,” we thank
God for bringing the bag and we
rejoiced and thank God for the
mighty miracle He has done.”
Brother Tanko Eric
Republic of Cameroon
The End
Charlton Heston
October 4, 1923 – April 5, 2008
Actor Charlton Heston well know
among Christians for his role in
Biblical films passed into his eternal
rest April 2008. Among the religious
characters he portrayed were BenHur, John The Baptist, Michelangelo,
and Moses.
By the Grace of God
By the grace of God, I am able to
write my testimony. On a Friday
morning, August 17, 2007 around
9:25 AM, I pulled out in front of a
vehicle. I truly did not see the
vehicle. The witness also said she
did not see the vehicle as well. I got
ejected from my truck and a hydra
jack struck me. The last I remember
of the accident was laying in the
When I arrived at the hospital, the
doctor did x-rays. The doctor was
amazed that I did not have any
broken bones. Everyone thought I
would be dead.
God was with me from the
beginning! I have been told that
strangers were around me and
praying for me. I thank each and
everyone for their prayers. Most of
all, I thank my Lord for putting His
mighty hand on me. I thank Him
every morning for sparing my life
once more.
I am grateful to the Lord for his
angels lifting me out of the truck, for I
know it was Him. I thank my Lord for
His goodness and mercy. The Lord
spared my life for a purpose and I
pray that I do what is right in life and
receive the baptism of the Holy
Spirit. I know I will receive if I keep
May God bless you all.
When Heston was filming the Moses
epic "The 10 Commandments," he
commented on the restrictions
ordered by the director, Cecil B.
DeMille: "When I'm on the set in my
costume and makeup, I cannot sit
down, read a newspaper, use a
telephone or give interviews. I don't
smoke anyway, so that isn't a
problem. De Mille has twofold
purposes: 1. to make others on the
By: Heather Marie James, Age 19
set get the illusion I am Moses; and
Marion Revival Center
2. to make me feel like Moses."
Pastor: Brother David Farmer
…keeping the Faith in sad times.
would like to say we appreciate
the prayers and thoughts of the
believers everywhere that heard and
was praying for us. My youngest
daughter Suzanne lost her husband
Clay Hatchel on April 23, 2008 of a
heart attack
(waiting for
the age of
his past February, it was 2 years
ago that my oldest daughter
Annette lost her husband, Jeff
Broyles at the age of 45, due to
cancer. Annette & Jeff's grandson
and my great grandson Elijah battled
Before Jeff took
ill, when Elijah
was at his worst,
Elijah "if papaw
could take your
place I would,"
Pastor L.N. Stanley
God healed Elijah and took Jeff
e have only one son-in-law left.
Holder, he is suffering with Multiple
Sclerosis. He is in a lot of pain most
of the time, and is having to take
several shots a week for the MS.
They need your prayers also.
want to have a testimony like
Brother Job had, the Lord gave
and the Lord hath taken away,
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Job 1:21&22 & Romans 8:28 And we
know that all things work together for
good, to them that love God. That’s
the way I believe it. God Bless You
All for the PRAYERS!!!!!
Visit Bible Truth Church web site at: to see
Elijah’s caringbridge
web page at and
at: Clay’s
web page presumably coming soon.
A believer’s purse that was
stolen in Canada
I would like to give a testimony of
what happened the other day to
give God all the glory.
I was dropping the boys off at
school and carelessly left my purse
in my van unlocked while running
into the church to leave baked
goods for a funeral. As I was
closing the door, I thought I should
lock the door, but thought it's just a
quick trip and there were so many
people around. As I walked in, I
glanced back at the van and saw a
strange woman near my van, but
thought she was early for the
funeral and kept going. When I
came out, I was told that the woman
had opened my van door, took my
purse and fled in a waiting van
driven by someone else. A number
of believers witnessed the whole
thing. I just felt sick! I began to
realize that my whole life sits in a
small cards, credit cards,
care cards, passports, cheque
books, daytimer, gift cards, birth
certificates and I also had $1000 US
I immediately went into fight and
flight mode and began calling to
cancel cards and protect our
finances. Bro. John Andes jumped
into his car to try and find them,
praying for a strong conviction in
their hearts for what they had done.
All of this happened around 9 am.
…saith the Lord !
Later that morning, I spent some
time in prayer. I cried out to the
Lord knowing that He could do what
seemed the impossible. If He saw
fit to preserve the purse and all the
contents it was not an impossible
thing for Him to do. I know
throughout the day as different ones
heard of my plight they said a
prayer on my behalf.
At 9:15 PM I received a call from
the Cloverhill Market at the corner
of 60th and 184th. They were
wondering when I was planning to
come and get my purse. Apparently
a woman brought the purse into the
store sometime between 9 am and
10 am (the clerk was unsure of the
timing as she was with a customer
at the time) saying she found the
purse in the parking lot. The clerk
did not remember what the woman
looked like as she was busy and
thought nothing of it. The owners of
the store assumed the purse had
been forgotten and waited until
almost closing to call. When I told
them it had been stolen they were
surprised. Pita and I immediately
raced down to get the purse.
Everything in the purse was
intact!! Including the $1000US! I
rejoiced and gave
immediately to the store owner, his
daughter and a customer in the
A believer’s purse that was
stolen in Africa
store of what God had done. That
woman stole that purse with the
intention of getting money. There
was money in the bag and yet
something happened from the time
those two left the church parking lot
to the time they reached the end of
the street to cause them to either
run the purse into the store or leave
it in the lot of the store. That was
just the Lord! He is mindful of His
people, answers their prayers and
knows the end from the beginning.
He had already made a way before
I even asked!
I called the police with the
conclusion to my story and they
could not believe it. They told me
that they never hear stories like
this. They said at very least, the
criminals take the cash and throw
the purse aside. What appeared as
happened to me. Praise be to
God. Thank you Jesus, for the little
and the big things. Nothing is
impossible. I pray this incident
increases your faith to know we
serve a living God who watches
over His people and can do what
seems to the human mind to be the
Sister Sheila Raikadroka
There is a saying that if you
cannot see God in little things then
you cannot also see him in big
things. It was on Wednesday, the
5th of March 2008, when we were
coming back from our evening
service. Thieves attacked us on the
way and took away the hand bag
my wife was carrying. It contained
a Bible, an Only Believe song book,
I.D. card, mobile phone, money and
some food items. We tried our little
best but they succeeded to escape
with the bag.
We went home
broken hearted but committed it to
the Lord in prayer. The thieves put
the bag behind an automobile
garage after removing what they
thought was good for them. The
next day the garage people
discovered it and brought it to the
road side exposing its contents to
the passer byes. A brother from our
church was coming back from his
business place and upon passing
he saw the Only Believe song book,
the one printed by the brethren from
Edmonton, Canada. After taking a
second look he recognized the I.D.
A believer’s purse that was
stolen in Canada
I would like to give a testimony of
what happened the other day to
give God all the glory.
I was dropping the boys off at
school and carelessly left my purse
in my van unlocked while running
into the church to leave baked
goods for a funeral. As I was
closing the door, I thought I should
lock the door, but thought it's just a
quick trip and there were so many
people around. As I walked in, I
glanced back at the van and saw a
strange woman near my van, but
thought she was early for the
funeral and kept going. When I
came out, I was told that the woman
had opened my van door, took my
purse and fled in a waiting van
driven by someone else. A number
of believers witnessed the whole
thing. I just felt sick! I began to
realize that my whole life sits in a
small cards, credit cards,
care cards, passports, cheque
books, daytimer, gift cards, birth
certificates and I also had $1000 US
I immediately went into fight and
flight mode and began calling to
cancel cards and protect our
finances. Bro. John Andes jumped
into his car to try and find them,
praying for a strong conviction in
their hearts for what they had done.
All of this happened around 9 am.
…saith the Lord !
Later that morning, I spent some
time in prayer. I cried out to the
Lord knowing that He could do what
seemed the impossible. If He saw
fit to preserve the purse and all the
contents it was not an impossible
thing for Him to do. I know
throughout the day as different ones
heard of my plight they said a
prayer on my behalf.
At 9:15 PM I received a call from
the Cloverhill Market at the corner
of 60th and 184th. They were
wondering when I was planning to
come and get my purse. Apparently
a woman brought the purse into the
store sometime between 9 am and
10 am (the clerk was unsure of the
timing as she was with a customer
at the time) saying she found the
purse in the parking lot. The clerk
did not remember what the woman
looked like as she was busy and
thought nothing of it. The owners of
the store assumed the purse had
been forgotten and waited until
almost closing to call. When I told
them it had been stolen they were
surprised. Pita and I immediately
raced down to get the purse.
Everything in the purse was
intact!! Including the $1000US! I
rejoiced and gave
immediately to the store owner, his
daughter and a customer in the
A believer’s purse that was
stolen in Africa
store of what God had done. That
woman stole that purse with the
intention of getting money. There
was money in the bag and yet
something happened from the time
those two left the church parking lot
to the time they reached the end of
the street to cause them to either
run the purse into the store or leave
it in the lot of the store. That was
just the Lord! He is mindful of His
people, answers their prayers and
knows the end from the beginning.
He had already made a way before
I even asked!
I called the police with the
conclusion to my story and they
could not believe it. They told me
that they never hear stories like
this. They said at very least, the
criminals take the cash and throw
the purse aside. What appeared as
happened to me. Praise be to
God. Thank you Jesus, for the little
and the big things. Nothing is
impossible. I pray this incident
increases your faith to know we
serve a living God who watches
over His people and can do what
seems to the human mind to be the
Sister Sheila Raikadroka
There is a saying that if you
cannot see God in little things then
you cannot also see him in big
things. It was on Wednesday, the
5th of March 2008, when we were
coming back from our evening
service. Thieves attacked us on the
way and took away the hand bag
my wife was carrying. It contained
a Bible, an Only Believe song book,
I.D. card, mobile phone, money and
some food items. We tried our little
best but they succeeded to escape
with the bag.
We went home
broken hearted but committed it to
the Lord in prayer. The thieves put
the bag behind an automobile
garage after removing what they
thought was good for them. The
next day the garage people
discovered it and brought it to the
road side exposing its contents to
the passer byes. A brother from our
church was coming back from his
business place and upon passing
he saw the Only Believe song book,
the one printed by the brethren from
Edmonton, Canada. After taking a
second look he recognized the I.D.
card of my wife, and brought it to our
home. On reaching our home he
had no idea of what had happened.
I told him about the incident. After I
finished speaking, he said,” we thank
God for bringing the bag and we
rejoiced and thank God for the
mighty miracle He has done.”
Brother Tanko Eric
Republic of Cameroon
The End
Charlton Heston
October 4, 1923 – April 5, 2008
Actor Charlton Heston well know
among Christians for his role in
Biblical films passed into his eternal
rest April 2008. Among the religious
characters he portrayed were BenHur, John The Baptist, Michelangelo,
and Moses.
By the Grace of God
By the grace of God, I am able to
write my testimony. On a Friday
morning, August 17, 2007 around
9:25 AM, I pulled out in front of a
vehicle. I truly did not see the
vehicle. The witness also said she
did not see the vehicle as well. I got
ejected from my truck and a hydra
jack struck me. The last I remember
of the accident was laying in the
When I arrived at the hospital, the
doctor did x-rays. The doctor was
amazed that I did not have any
broken bones. Everyone thought I
would be dead.
God was with me from the
beginning! I have been told that
strangers were around me and
praying for me. I thank each and
everyone for their prayers. Most of
all, I thank my Lord for putting His
mighty hand on me. I thank Him
every morning for sparing my life
once more.
I am grateful to the Lord for his
angels lifting me out of the truck, for I
know it was Him. I thank my Lord for
His goodness and mercy. The Lord
spared my life for a purpose and I
pray that I do what is right in life and
receive the baptism of the Holy
Spirit. I know I will receive if I keep
May God bless you all.
When Heston was filming the Moses
epic "The 10 Commandments," he
commented on the restrictions
ordered by the director, Cecil B.
DeMille: "When I'm on the set in my
costume and makeup, I cannot sit
down, read a newspaper, use a
telephone or give interviews. I don't
smoke anyway, so that isn't a
problem. De Mille has twofold
purposes: 1. to make others on the
By: Heather Marie James, Age 19
set get the illusion I am Moses; and
Marion Revival Center
2. to make me feel like Moses."
Pastor: Brother David Farmer
…keeping the Faith in sad times.
would like to say we appreciate
the prayers and thoughts of the
believers everywhere that heard and
was praying for us. My youngest
daughter Suzanne lost her husband
Clay Hatchel on April 23, 2008 of a
heart attack
(waiting for
the age of
his past February, it was 2 years
ago that my oldest daughter
Annette lost her husband, Jeff
Broyles at the age of 45, due to
cancer. Annette & Jeff's grandson
and my great grandson Elijah battled
Before Jeff took
ill, when Elijah
was at his worst,
Elijah "if papaw
could take your
place I would,"
Pastor L.N. Stanley
God healed Elijah and took Jeff
e have only one son-in-law left.
Holder, he is suffering with Multiple
Sclerosis. He is in a lot of pain most
of the time, and is having to take
several shots a week for the MS.
They need your prayers also.
want to have a testimony like
Brother Job had, the Lord gave
and the Lord hath taken away,
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Job 1:21&22 & Romans 8:28 And we
know that all things work together for
good, to them that love God. That’s
the way I believe it. God Bless You
All for the PRAYERS!!!!!
Visit Bible Truth Church web site at: to see
Elijah’s caringbridge
web page at and
at: Clay’s
web page presumably coming soon.
accident. The next thing we saw
was a man in a pullover jacket
raising a gun and pointing at us
from the driver's side. At a
distance of just about twelve feet
apart he released a series of
bullets at us! Some ripped through
the driver's right arm as he
positioned them on the steering.
Another bullet went through his hip
and came out to the other side.
Because I was sitting beside the
driver in the front, some of the
bullets went through my left arm
shattering my bone and leaving
only the skin as the remaining link
between my hand and the rest of
my body. After the attack on us,
the gunmen opened sporadic fire
on the luxury bus killing over ten
people and wounding many others
in a shooting that lasted for half an
hour. We could hear the shooting
from the nearby hospital. Now
here was God's intervention: By
divine providence this incident
happened less than a kilometer to
Ultima Clinic, a private hospital
which served as one of Voice of
Nigeria's official clinics. There
we received initial treatment after
we had managed to escape before
National Orthopaedic Hospital for
more comprehensive treatment.
That the driver was not hit on the
head or a part of the body he
would loss control of the vehicle
on motion was also the hand of
God. In spite of his wounds, he
managed to control the vehicle to
a point one third of a kilometer away
from the scene of the shooting.
Another miracle of God: A pump
action rifle shot at a close range,
feet away, could
not penetrate into my heart after
breaking the bone in my left arm! The
bullets merely went into pieces
beneath my skin. This could only be
God! Today, the driver limps as he
walks. As for me, I am o.k. except for
pieces of the metal beneath my
skin which would require an operation
for removal. Certainly if God has not
finished with us, we can walk through
the valley of the shadow of death and
yet not fear evil.
God be with you,
Bro Steven Kuku
A list to live by !
The most destructive habit...Worry
The greatest Joy...Giving
The greatest loss...Loss of self-respect
Most satisfying work...Helping others
Ugliest personality trait...Selfishness
Greatest "shot in the arm"…Encouragement
The greatest problem to overcome…Fear
Most effective sleeping pill…Peace of mind
The most crippling failure disease...Excuses
The most powerful force in life…Love
Most dangerous pariah…A gossiper
The worst thing to be without…Hope
The deadliest weapon…The tongue
Most power-filled words… "I Can"
The greatest asset…Faith
Most worthless emotion…Self-pity
The most beautiful attire...A smile
Most prized possession…Integrity
Most contagious spirit…Enthusiasm
painting, yard work, blacktop, and a
lot of sweat and donations, we finally
moved into the church building.
Perhaps this was the initial inspiration
for the Eagle’s View newsletter.
After moving into the new church
burdened with the desire to start a
newsletter for believers. He talked
with different ones and the idea
began to grow wings. Since the
church building had eagles raised in it
prior to us purchasing it, the name
Eagle’s View, was brought up. The
name fit perfectly. At the beginning
there was not much production on the
newsletter, as we were all new at this.
A few newsletters went out. Then
Brother Michael Tidwell went to a
Shrewsbury’s, where he met Brother
Billy Paul Branham. Brother Michael
asked him to do a testimony and a
few weeks later Brother Michael (just
a teenager then) traveled to
Jeffersonville to meet with Brother
Billy Paul. During their fellowship
Brother Billy Paul told the young
Continued from page 2
It is a true blessing to help
with Eagle's View. I pray that
Eagle's View will always bless
those who read it, and encourage
the youth.
May God bless you,
Sarah Terranova
Brother Charlie & Sister Goldie
Stout’s testimony about how EV
got started.
Fond memories of the Eagle’s
View The day’s of setting up
chairs and a sound system, in the
community center we were
renting, was finally over. The Lord
had led Brother James Tidwell to a
spot on the lake, to an old church
building. Up until that time, it had
been used to rehabilitate eagles.
God had opened the doors for us
to have our own church building.
began. After
brother to contend for the faith and
keep up the good work, and may
God bless the newsletter.
We have a lot of wonderful
memories with helping putting
Eagle’s View together. We would all
come together and have a wonderful
time as we
addressed each EV by hand. It was
a real blessing to have been a part of
the work of the Lord.
May God bless you,
Bro. Charlie and Sis. Goldie Stout
Luther, Oklahoma
Brother Aaron Roberts helped edit
EV during the mid 1990s. He shares
with us his experience.
I greet you
A simple newsletter.
all in the name of our Lord Jesus
Christ. My name is Aaron Roberts
and I live in Jefferson, Georgia. My
family and I attend church at Bro.
Samuel Dale’s church in Lula,
Georgia and I have been a minister
for twelve years.
I grew up in the Message but for
many years God’s Word was not real
to me. I remember Him dealing with
me when I was young and knew I
grandmother, Sis. Ollie Mae Grey,
attended Bro. Branham’s meetings
and had a tremendous influence on
my life. In August of 1995, Grandma
went to be with the Lord. After she
passed away, I felt terribly empty
inside. One day in my bedroom after
trying to run from His calling, I
answered; I knelt down and gave my
life to Jesus Christ.
In the early 1990’s my mom was
somehow added to the mailing list
for the Eagle’s View. I never really
paid attention to it until after I was
saved. One day I was praying about
where to go to church and I
remembered the magazine. I was
blessed as I sat and read it. I have
always been amazed at how the
Lord brought things together. I have
been blessed to have the opportunity
to work on Eagle’s View. I was
impressed that it was dedicated to
the young people of the Message.
As a teenager in high school and not
unshakable influence of the world.
The devil knows how to bring you
friends to turn you to every worldly
thing to try and ruin your life. It has
always been my desire to bring the
light of the Gospel to young people.
It is wonderful to see EV
celebrating fifteen years. It is a
testament to what a few people can
do when all is done to glorify God. I
have always been amazed how God
works through the simple things in
life. People sometimes think they
have nothing to say. However, when
you sit down and look back at where
you have come from, you have many
things for which to thank God. God
can use these to bless others. We do
The devil planned to
my life but God raised a standard.
The Scriptures say It's of the mercies
of the Lord that we are not
consumed. As a preacher I was also
working with a radio station, Voice of
Nigeria (I retired in February 2007) It
was a Sunday morning. I had been
rostered to work as duty news editor
and presenter. Normally on such
Sunday morning duties, I would
finish my job and rush back to take
the main service. While being
conveyed to work in an official
Toyota mini bus about 4:45 am local
time, on that December 2, the driver
and I came across a scene where a
robbery was taking place. A large
luxury bus had been trailed by
gunmen and forced to stop on the
left hand side of the fast lane
along Ikorodu road, a popular
expressway in the city center. The
robbers were working on information
that a particular passenger was
carrying a large sum of money
on board. As they ransacked the
vehicle, one of them stood in front of
the bus with a pump action rifle to
take care of any threat to their
operation. Unknown to us that this
was happening, my driver slowed
down so we could see what was
amiss. We thought there was an
y name is Brother Steven
Kuku, the pastor of
Calvary Message Assembly, a local
End Time Message church in a
suburb of the Nigerian city of Lagos.
I am married and have three
daughters. I came to believe the
Message in October 1986. A sister in
Brother John Ogu's church by the
name of Salome, invited a friend of
mine, to a wedding and he in turn
invited me. As we stepped into the
Tabernacle I noticed an inscription
on the wall that said The mystery of
God is that Jesus Christ is the Lord
God Almighty. I was at this time a
minister in one of the Christian
Reformed Churches and was a
staunch believer in and preacher of
Trinity. However this inscription
provoked a serious search through
to wonderful experiences that space
would not permit here. I was rebaptized in the name of Jesus Christ,
went back to my church to preach
the truth I had just discovered and
was thrown out in very amusing
circumstances. Since then I have
been preaching the Message. May I
point out that the sister who had
invited my friend to John Ogu's
church later turned out to be my wife!
10 to July 13. Guest speakers are Brother
Ed Byskal, Brother Eugene Braun and
Brother Barry Coffey. For additional
information visit or call
Honea Path, SC will be held from July 31
to August 3. For additional information
please contact Pastor Burley Williams
Fort Smith, Arkansas welcomes everyone
to their "7th Annual June Missions
Meeting", June 13 to June 15. Special
speakers are Brother Jonathan Goff and
Brother Barry Coffey. Guest singers are
the Tidwells from Lavergne, TN and the
Beard Family, of Moundville, MO. For
additional information contact Pastor
Augustine, Florida invites you to their
annual camp meeting, June 19 to June
22. Brother Errol Petersen and Brother
Tim Cross will be the guest ministers. For
additional information contact Pastor Keith
West Milton, Ohio will be held from June
28 to July 4. The Lord willing, guest
speakers are Brother Ron Spencer,
Brother Shawn Martin, Brother Carmon
Mills, Brother Jr. Woosley and Brother
Samuel Kotha.
You can print a
registration form at For
information contact
Brother Mike
in Lima, Ohio and Pastor Jeff Jenkins
welcomes everyone to family camp, July 10
Carolina will be having their annual
August missionary meeting, August 19 to
August 22. Guest Speaker is Brother Ed
Byskal. For additional information please
contact Pastor Joseph Greene (828)2869639
LIFE TABERNACLE in Amarillo, Texas
invites you to their annual anniversary
meetings, July 23 to July 27. Special
guest minister will be Brother Randy Sias.
Also, on Sunday, June 29, the Tidwell’s
will be ministering in song and Word. For
additional information please contact
Brother Jeff Shreiner (806)622-3773
TABERNACLE in Elkton, Virginia invites
you to their annual Labor day services,
August 28 to August 31. Brother Joe
Greene and Brother Ed Byskal will be the
Spencer (540)249-8618
not know where life will take us, but
we know He has all things in His
control. As the apostle Paul wrote,
in Romans 8:28, “And we know that
all things work together for good to
them that love God, to them who
are the called according to his
Brother Aaron Roberts
Jefferson, Georgia
Information below is for those
who would like to receive EV at
EV is sent to churches for free.
Vision for the future. Our vision for
the future is to continue working
toward making EV’s a magazine
quality newsletter. Also, we desire
to double the circulation in the next
few years. Another vision is to
increase the page count of EV and
each issue be filled with many
testimonies and articles, that
represent a wide spectrum of
churches that believe in the
leadership of the 5-Fold ministry.
> Yearly subscription rate is $10.00
(us). > A bill will be included with the
first issue of EV each year. The bill
will be for the previous year
subscription. >You can send funds
anytime during the year to avoid
receiving a bill. >To keep records
received above the yearly fee will be
considered a love offering for that
year. >All subscribers will receive a
bill for the amount of $10.00
regardless of what time during the
previous year they became a
subscriber. They also will receive
previous EV issues for that billing
period. >Up-to-date single copy
subscription is encouraged and
offered to everyone.
Thanks for taking the time to read
this issue and may your life be
encouraged and blessed by The
Eagle’s View Publication.
Brother Michael Tidwell
password “readev” will be required
to read past issues.
(These plans might never happen. It will
depend upon the Lord’s will. Nevertheless, we
desire to share with you what every ministry
must have …a vision)
Pastor Frank Prater
day I had traveled more than seven
hours on African roads. I was
exhausted. But, when the lady
asked about Souls being saved, the
tiredness that my body felt
diminished. I was happy that I could
share with that lady what I had seen
the Lord do during the days I had
Speak a little word for Jesus, testify,
sing, or pray. And like bread upon
the water, it will return to you
someday. That's right. All right. Just
remember; don't fail. Don't fail. Win
some souls. Whatever, you do, win
souls. 56-0603
hen you travel there are
events that stay with you
Sometimes the events are simple
but very impressive.
am back home now and I am still
thinking about that event. The
words of God's prophet came back
to my mind. “That's what's the
matter with the meetings today;
there's not enough Spirit touch in it
to go for the souls of the lost and
the dying. It's more to make a
name, or a church, or a building, or
a denomination, instead of a soul
winning program. How pitiful.”
hen I arrived in Africa, I stayed
at a hotel for two nights before
I traveled on. After one week of
traveling in Africa, I arrived back at
the hotel where I had stayed before.
The lady at the reception desk
welcomed me very warmly.
asked how I was doing and where I
had been traveling that week. I
shared with her about the places I
had visited. The lady then asked
me what I was doing at those
places. I told her that I preached
the Good News of the Gospel. The
lady did not ask me which church I
belonged to, but what she asked
really touched me. "DID SOULS
GET SAVED?" That was the only
question she asked me. Now, that
Bro. Guido
Each of these modern statements,
sound as if they are what John is
speaking of in the book of the
(Since writing this article, many
events have unfolded which may be
associated with the subject, IE.,
earthquakes, etc)
In describing events of the three
woes Rev 8:13, we hear Bro.
William Branham say the First and
Second World Wars, related to the
first two woes.... THE MARK OF
THE BEAST 54-0513 “Now, this is
the third Angel's message to the
world. And you know what the third
Angel's message; it's going forth
now in this day. This is the flying of
the third Angel message, if you're a
Bible reader. There was three woes
followed it. The first one happened
in World War One. Second one
happened in World War Two. You
see what we're going in now. All
right. We're at the end of the road.”
Reading a newspaper today is like
hearing Jesus Christ preach in
Mathew chapter 24, or Luke chapter
21. One could also say as John
pinned certain events in Revelation,
or one of the prophets of old spoke,
they could have been inspired by
modern news events. Indeed, they
were, for what is prophecy if not the
recording of events, before they
happen? Many events of today do
have Biblical footnotes. IE:
1. Israel bombs a nuclear reactor in
Syria near the River Euphrates
which North Korea builds, Rev.
2. Nations still affected by
HIV/AIDS, Rev. 16:2.
3. Water supplies are becoming
polluted, Rev 16:4-5.
4. Skin cancers on the increase,
Rev 16:8-9.
5. China enters the global market,
and is demanding more and more
natural resources, Rev 16:12.
These wars brought to light many
prophetical events. We also know
that as World War two closed, many
of the events of the third woe were
beginning to unfold. Rev. 9:12 One
woe is past; and, behold, there
come two woes more hereafter.
Continued on page 22
Dottie Rambo, was tragically killed
Sunday, May 11, 2008 when her tour bus
ran off a highway near Mount Vernon, Mo.
She was 74. Dottie Rambo was most
likely the greatest songwriter for the
church since Fanny Crosby. Following is
her testimony of how she wrote, He
Looked Beyond My Faults And Saw My
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I would like to invite you and yours
to join my wife and I for a once in a
lifetime trip. We will be visiting Israel
and Rome from November 11 to
November 22, 2008.
We have a brochure that details
some of the places we will be
visiting posted at the Eagle
Christian Church link on the EV web
site ( We
will be co-hosting the trip with
Brother Morris Bryant, who has
previously been to Israel six times
and also to Rome. There will be
several ministers going, however,
this is a vacation, a time of relaxing,
and ministerial discussion will be
limited. Our group will have the
normal Israelite tour guide along
with Brother Morris’ insight. Here is
a quote from Brother Morris,
“Brother James, the first time I was
in Israel I did not scripturally
recognize many places we visited
because Bible names of different
places have changed, on our
upcoming trip I will be giving
everyone a scriptural account of
what happened at every location.”
Group discounts are given to me
according to how many people
book. If given a discount I will be
dividing it among everyone who
books their trip through me.
Therefore, I will pay the same fare
rate as you. This discount could be
significant depending upon how
many people plan to go. However,
in order for you to receive this
discount you need to contact me.
Please feel free to contact Brother
Morris for any other information you
Reservations for this trip need to be
made promptly to assure your flight.
Also, it might take months to obtain
a passport so start making plans to
join us on this life changing trip
Because of His Love,
James and Anitha Tidwell
When my brother Eddy was
dying with cancer I went to the
hospital to see him. They had him in
a ward with another man. I pulled
the curtain around his bed and sat
down and started talking to him. I
said, "Darling, the doctors say
unless a miracle happens or unless
this drug works, you have only
about five or six weeks to live.”
None of my family would tell him. I
knew he was lost, and I decided
along with my mother that I must
level with him. He begin to cry and
said, "But Sis, I've been so wicked.
I've been in prison. I've been a
gambler and a thief and everything
that goes along with that. I am just
too wicked for God to save me." I
started witnessing to Eddy and
praying with him. But he could find
no peace.
A few days later, as I sat
alone in a rocking chair in my living
room at home, praying for Eddy, the
Lord impressed on me that he
wanted to give me some words to
give to Eddy. The lyrics began to
I went back to Eddy and
said, "Darling, I have some words
for you." I stood over his bed. By
this time he weighed only sixty-five
I started to sing, “He
Looked beyond My Faults and Saw
My Need.” He started weeping and
wanted me to write the words down.
I did so and left them with him. A
few days later, while on the road
singing, at about eleven o'clock, I
sat down as the minister began to
speak, following the music. I
thought of Eddy, but the tears were
not there. All of a sudden, I sensed
that Eddy was fine. A beautiful
peace came over me. The Lord just
seemed to let me know that Eddy
was okay.
The next day I returned and
went to see Eddy, but now they had
taken him home to spend his final
days. I walked into his room and he
said, "Sis, I want to tell you
something. Yesterday at about
eleven o'clock, I really found my
peace with God." - Source Unknown
Amazing grace will always be my
song of praise
For it was grace that bought my
I do not know just why He came to
love me so
He looked beyond my fault and
saw my need
I shall forever lift my eyes to
To view the cross where Jesus
died for me
How marvelous the grace that
caught my falling soul
He looked beyond me fault and
saw my need
Tribulation? Why then are we the
Bride still here, and yet we see all of
these tribulation events?
healing in a miraculous way
In Matthew 24:29 Jesus mentioned
events of the sixth seal tribulation as
tribulations of another day. Did He
mean there were two tribulation
Continued from page 9
Rev. 11:14 The second woe is past
and, behold, the third woe cometh
It may even appear as if the events
of the second woe, are actually in
the third woe. We may understand
this better by reading how Bro.
Branham describes the “overlapping”
of the church ages: CHURCH AGE
BOOK chapter 8 (Philadelphian
Church Age).
Many modern events which the Bible
and the Message of the Hour record
as events which will happen in the
Tribulation Period seem to be a
reality today. Does this mean we are
in the Great Tribulation Period, and
have missed the completion of the
The Great Tribulation has a threefold
purging effect. One is for the foolish
virgin, two is for the 144,000, and the
third is for the earth. Since the Bride
of Jesus Christ was purged by the
blood of Jesus Christ, would it not be
impossible for her to be in the Great
Read with me what Bro. Branham
said when he preached the sixth seal
mentioned in Matthew 24:29... THE
SIXTH SEAL 63-0323 {in part}
Now, it's what Jesus said in Matthew
29--24:29 and 30. “Immediately after
the tribulation of those days...
(What... When this--this tribulation,
this amateur tribulation they've went
through here. See?)...”
As we read this we hear Bro.
Branham saying there is an
“Amateur Tribulation”, before the
Great Tribulation. Many times we
hear Bro. Branham talk about a
squeeze, or a press coming. We
may also hear him say there is a
coming depression, and other events
which may be seen as events of the
Great Tribulation. Then we read in
the Bible where the Great Tribulation
comes immediately following the
events of the tribulation of those
n October 30, 1994, my
diagnosed with a malignant tumor on
the left kidney with metastasis to his
lungs. He died exactly one month
later, on November 30, 1994. A
couple of weeks after his funeral, I
started having pain in the area of my
left kidney and I saw a doctor who
made a sonogram and found a tumor
in my left kidney and seven lesions
in my liver. I was devastated! My
husband was self employed and I
was the one that carried our health
insurance on my job. All I could
think of was what in the world would
he do, as he is a diabetic and heart
patient. I would lay awake at night
and worry. I was told that they could
not tell me for sure that the tumor
was not malignant without removing
it and they did not want to do that as
I would lose my whole kidney. So,
they wanted to watch it and scan it
every 3 months to see if it was
growing, while I anxiously waited and
One night after praying
about the situation AGAIN, the Lord
just spoke to my heart and told me
that HE was STILL in control and
that all the wealth of the world was in
HIS hands. He is my Father and He
owns it all. I did not have to worry
about my family or my health
situation anymore. He could and
would take care of it. During this
time, He gave me the songs “Ram in
the Thicket” and Cattle on a
Thousand Hills.” People seem to be
able to relate with “Ram in the
Thicket.” Even sinners come up to
me and comment on that particular
I now have a scan once a year
and I had my last one in January,
2008 and it is still the same size as it
was fourteen years ago, and the
seven liver lesions are still the
same. I think God left them there for
a witness to me and my family to
prove to us what He did for me. All
praise belongs to God!
Sister Marie Castle
1326 Pine Grove Rd.
Jackson, MS 39209
his Bible. Something moved into my
heart and I told my mother while I
program, “Mom, I am going to read
the whole Bible!” My mother
responded to me by saying, “Honey,
start with the New Testament.”
Immediately, I found an old Bible
and started reading it. This started a
fire in my soul that has never been
quenched, even until this day. I
could not put my Bible down and I
could feel that the Lord was moving
upon my life in a powerful way. I got
my hands on some Message
materials that my mother and father
had since I was a little boy. I started
ordering tapes and books from
Jeffersonville, Indiana and I was
devouring those Messages, while at
the same time I was reading my
bible diligently. My oldest brother,
who was wading deep in sin, was
watching my life change rapidly and
it made him thirsty. He picked up a
Bible and just like me, his soul
ignited with the fire of God. We both
gave our hearts to the Lord and
became close companions, feeling
as if we were the only Message
believers in the world. I went from
one denomination to the other
listening to what they had to say but
knowing all along that the Message
was right. During that time I worked
at a woodworking factory called
became my first missionary field. I
was not trying to be a preacher or
even trying to win souls but my soul
was so full that I witnessed to
everyone that would lend an ear. It
was not long until I made a friend by
the name of David LeWallen, who
quickly embraced the Message and
was baptized. I did not know it at
the time but, the Lord was giving me
a partner who would help me to win
souls in the future. Brother David
and I began working together like
Paul and Silas and even to this day
he is still my very close friend.
Shortly after that, I met a catholic
man named Eric Roberts who
possessed a powerful mind and
loved to debate. He and I would
have intense discussions over the
scriptures and doctrines daily, which
was good exercise for my young
spiritual muscles. Though we
developed a close friendship.
Before long he started regular Bible
studies at his home where we
enjoyed much discourse concerning
the things of God. To make a long
story short, somehow I became the
teacher of his bible studies, where I
began introducing the Message to
many souls. Eric and his wife soon
forsook Catholicism, and gave their
heart to the Lord being baptized in
Jesus Christ name. Shortly after
that, others started coming and
were converted to Jesus Christ.
In the spring of 1997, I visited a
Message church in Lima Ohio,
where I met the pastor of that
assembly, Brother Isiah Brooks. We
like Jonathan and David instantly
developed a very close friendship. I
Continued on page 24
completion of the coming of the
Lord will be even quicker.
The main thing we should concern
ourselves with is if we are prepared
for what may be next. Some seem
to be preparing for the Tribulation,
while others are beginning to
expect the Rapture. Which group
are you in? These are thoughts to
think on, thoughts which are
Concerning Prophecy.
Therefore, when we see the 16
chapter of Revelation, and the third
Woe, and other prophetical events
of the Great Tribulation all around
us, we should not be afraid, or
events should sound as a loud
sounding trumpet to let us know
exactly where we are in the scope
of prophetical events happening.
Pastor Frank Prater
2800 Hendricks BLVD
Ft. Smith, AR. U S A
Jesus said when we see these
things begin to come to pass that
we should know that our redemption
is near. Notice how He said when
we see them begin to come to pass.
If we are to see them begin to come
to pass, then it is evident that we
shall see something. While it
cannot be the Great Tribulation, I
am persuaded that we shall see a
pressure which many of us may not
be expecting, or wanting.
Accordingly, because of events we
presently see happening in the
world, we may say we are in, or
near, an "amateur tribulation.” This
means two things are imminent.
One, the Great Tribulation will
immediately follow, and two, the
named Simon Smith who became a
sickle in the hands of God, and like
great ripened sheaves for the
harvest, he brought in souls by the
arm loads. He has an amazing gift
to witness Jesus Christ to the lost.
There was another man brought to
the Message in our early bible
studies by the name of Jessie
Smith. He took his lick of fire back
to the college that he was attending
in Akron Ohio, and many souls were
won to the Lord there. By the grace
of God a church has been
established in Akron and Jessie
Smith is the pastor there today.
There were three other ministers
that were brought to the Lord in
those house meetings. One of them
was a young man named Timothy
Myers, whom the Lord called to the
ministry within a year and sent him
into the fields as an evangelist,
wherein he has been a great
blessing to the Bride of Christ.
Another minister converted in those
meetings is named Cam Smith, who
as the Apostle Paul that persecuted
the children of God and then
became a Christian his self. Brother
Cam fought against this Message
for an entire year before becoming
converted to it. He now is a
preacher of this Message and he
serves the Lord with his whole
heart. Randy Vertin is another
minister that was converted in those
house meetings. He is a very gifted
young man who God has used in
music and the ministry. These are
Continued from page 6
was still in the sponge stage of my
conversion and I was absorbing the
Word of the Lord daily. In 2001,
Brother Isiah was watching me very
closely and he told me that I should
start having church services in my
house because I lived an hour away
from the Lima church and it would
be an excellent tool to win souls to
Christ. So we started having house
meetings where the Lord blessed
our every effort and souls started
trickling in. It was a process of time
but the results of those meetings
supernatural, considering the age
that we live in. It was at that time I
started assisting Brother Isiah with
the ministry and helped him teach
our new converts. One by one, the
Lord added to the church, when all
the sudden there seemed to be an
explosion. The number of people
that visited those meetings over
those few years was astounding,
yet more importantly, the number of
converts. Our little house meetings
attracted the attention of many local
area churches, which provoked
much interest and much slander.
Young people were leaving their
embrace the Message. This work
went on for about three years where
there were nearly forty souls that
were saved. There was a young
man converted in those meetings
could, teaching us children to fear
God and raising us with decent
morals. But as far as attending
church and religious instruction, it
was very scarce. It was not long
until our family experienced what
most families will experience that do
not have Christ as the center of
their lives.
In 1992, my father and mother
circumstances and we children
were like sheep having no
shepherd, our family was scattered.
Some of my siblings went into
alcohol, drugs and rebellion,
whereas the Lord kept me from
those things. Everything that I
believed in was permanently
destroyed and my hurt was
incredibly deep. For five years, I
seemed to be a wanderer looking
for something, yet not knowing what
I was looking for. It was a lonely
dark time for me. I went deep into
sin yet the Lord spared me in many
areas of my life in which I am so
In 1997 my life took a glorious
turn. I was watching a television
series called “Little House on the
Prairie,” when I observed actor
Michael Landon, (who was playing
the role of Charles Ingalls) reading
Testimony of Pastor Craig
dvancing forward in our
Christians, look with anticipation
around every corner and bend of
the road watching for the Lord’s
appearing and seeking His will for
our lives. Then after many miles of
hard marches and rough roads, we
wearisome because we may not
have found exactly what we have
sought for. But to our astonishment,
somehow looking back at the path
we trod, we can see God in every
inch of our journey. I find no
exceptions to this rule, that God is
sovereign and will do his own good
pleasure. He moves in mysterious
ways! Looking back on my life I can
see that the Lord was always with
me even when I did not realize it
and that all the time He was leading
me to Himself.
I was born one of seven children
in a very poor family. My parents
came across the Message when I
was four years old. For a very small
season they tried to follow the
Message and go to church but it
was not long until they went back to
the same life they came from. My
parents raised us the best they
(who were having service that
evening) pray that the surgery
would be cancelled permanently,
and that she would not need that
foreign thing in her body. At 11:30
next morning they called off
the surgery. The pressure dropped
and never rose again. What a
mighty God we serve!”
Back to me: Slowly, very slowly
my recovery came, but it did come,
and without the side effects the
doctors had forecast (loss of
memory, etc). Afterward, when we
went for a checkup appointment,
the doctors would look at me and
smile then they would shake their
heads as if in unbelief and they
would say “you’re not supposed to
be here.” At that time, I once again
seized upon the opportunity to
witness about the Lord Jesus
Christ, and His ability and
willingness to heal. I wanted them to
know that The Great Physician had
truly been there amongst them,
working a miracle in their midst!
Monday Wash Day
Lord, help me wash away all my
selfishness and vanity, so I may
serve you with perfect humility
through the week ahead.
Tuesday Ironing Day
Dear Lord, help me iron out all the
wrinkles of prejudice I have
collected through the years so that I
may see the beauty in others.
Wednesday Mending Day
O God, help me mend my ways so I
will not set a bad example for
Thursday Cleaning Day
Lord Jesus, help me to dust out all
the many faults I have been hiding
in the secret corners of my heart.
Friday Shopping Day
O God, give me the grace to shop
wisely so I may purchase eternal
happiness for myself and all others
in need of love.
Sister Sally Dodds
Saturday Cooking Day
Help me, my Savior, to brew a big
kettle of brotherly love and serve it
with clean, sweet bread of human
Just a little over 2 months from
the date of her aneurism July 15,
with all her mental and physical
abilities she played the piano as
though nothing had taken place.
She was released from the nursing
home on faculties in normal
condition. She wrote this testimony
herself, a good example of her
mental aptitude.
Sunday The Lord's Day
O God, I have prepared my house
for you. Please come into my heart
so I may spend the day and the rest
of my life in Your presence.
just a few of the Christians that
were converted in those meetings
and there are many more that are
very precious Christians with
amazing testimonies but it would be
too lengthy to write of them all. Not
all that were led to the Lord during
that time are still walking with the
Lord. Some seed fell by the
wayside, some seed among thorns,
some seeds upon stony ground, but
there were some seeds that were
sown upon good ground and real
fruitful Christians sprung up from
that work. Many of those believers
that came to the Lord in those
meetings are still walking this
rugged narrow way and still quite in
love with Jesus Christ.
happened around the year 2006.
The numbers of people that came to
our house meetings started to
diminish. Whereas at one time
people would come off the streets to
attend our house meetings and
almost without effort, results were
just not the same. In the course of
one whole year only one soul was
saved! Because of these extreme
changes, I wrestled in my heart with
questions. “What are we doing
wrong?” “Or what were we doing
right?” It felt like our great bountiful
harvest of souls had come to its
end. I prayed and fasted but for
some reason we could not get the
results of our former years. The
Lord being faithful finally gave me
the answer that I sought for. The
fact is that we never did anything
right and we never did anything
wrong! It was a sovereign work of
God and He decided to use us at
that season. All we can do is yield
ourselves to His will and be there
when He calls us but He is the one
who gives increase. By no means
do I believe that we should not work
for the Lord, for we should give Him
our all, but we cannot do anything of
ourselves. Success and promotion
in all that we do comes from Him
alone and He will share His glory
with no one!
Soon after those meetings
ceased, doors of utterance were
opened unto me and I hit the field of
evangelism, where I worked for
some time. Shortly thereafter the
Lord gave me a Godly wife and a
real helpmate in the ministry by the
name of Anna Marie Shull. Last
year, 2007, my dear friend Brother
Isiah Brooks received the call of
God to tend some sheep (believers)
in Iowa, where he is a pastor of an
assembly in Des Moines today and
God is blessing his labors. Since his
call to Iowa I have taken his place
as pastor of Bible Believers Church
in Lima, Ohio. I could have never
foreseen when I was just a fresh
convert to Christ and was so hungry
for God and His Word that the Lord
was going to let me be a part of
such a glorious work. The Lord is
sovereign and He will do His own
good pleasure. He moves in
mysterious ways!
Pastor Craig Booher
Bible Believers Church Lima, OH
...proud sponsors of the EV publication.
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They have baked several cakes on sight in Ohio, Kentucky, and many places
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In 2004, I had another miracle. It
was April 28, and the day started off
in a routine way. There was a
sudden change however during the
late morning hours. I suddenly
headache, and shortly thereafter
Edwin summoned an ambulance
and sent me to Bellingham hospital,
where they quickly decided this
situation was beyond their area of
expertise, and ordered me airlifted
to Harborview hospital in Seattle,
WA. At this point I am void of any
recollection of what happened then
or for several months to follow. I
remained in ICU for 23 days.
My husband relates the following
about this period. “When my
daughters, friends and I arrived at
Harborview, we were immediately
briefed on the events and Sally’s
diagnosed as a stage four blood
hemorrhage in the brain caused by
an aneurism. Dr. Britz, the surgeon
who did the procedure that repaired
the aneurism, told us at that time
that her chances of survival were
very slim, but that they would do
their best to repair the problem
and bring her through. But again
he emphasized that her chances for
survival were very slim. He said the
two biggest problems she is facing
are: 1. If she upchucked when this
first occurred (which she did), 100%
of the time she would get
pneumonia, and that would kill her.
2. 100% of the time she will have
vasospasms, and that would most
likely kill her. SHE HAD NEITHER
When she first arrived, they put
a tube in her head to drain off the
fluid to keep the pressure on her
brain down. In a short while they
told us that the pressure on her
brain was increasing and decided to
install a permanent shunt from her
brain to her stomach. They
scheduled surgery for the following
day at noon. I did not think that a
permanent tube was a healthy thing
for her to have to live with, so I
called our pastor Bro. Ed Byskal
and asked him if he would have our
assembly, Cloverdale Bibleway
announcement was published in the
second issue of Eagle's View. I love
the fellowship when our church puts
Eagle's View together. The hands
that make Eagle's View possible are
wonderful people. There are so
many people that have helped put
Eagle's View together over the
years. A lot of hours go into each
issue. Thanks to Bro. James and
Bro. Michael
diligence for
Eagle's View
is mailed.
It has been
an honor to
Uncle as my
pastor. He and
my Aunt Anitha are a blessing in my
life. Their dedication and influence
is a testimony in it’s self.
I thank God for all that He has
done and is doing in my life. I thank
Him for keeping His eye and hand
upon me.
e have been publishing
Eagle's View for fifteen
years and have published over forty
issues. As far as we know, EV is the
newsletter. Hundreds of believers
have wrote articles and tens of
thousands of pages are still in
circulation. We believe this would
not have happened outside of the
purpose of God. We thank God for
allowing us this opportunity and we
give Him all the praise! Since this
fifteenth year is another EV
milestone, we would like to take a
look at the past and share with you
the vision for the future.
Sister Sarah Terranova shares her
experience working with EV
mailings over the years.
The hands that put Eagle’s View
together. I am honored to say I
have been going to Eagle Christian
Church my whole life. My birth
Continued on page 17
Rev. Billy Andrews
Monday, June 2, 1:00 pm 2008, the
family of Rev. Billy Andrews, along
with members of the Apostolic Ark,
and many local friends and believers
from near and far away gathered
together to celebrate his ministry.
Rev. Andrews’ ministry spanned
over 50 years. Through the years, he
personally baptized thousands of
new converts in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ and won many
more to Christ. Many believers heard
the message first from his mouth
and received their first Message
book from his hands. The promise of
Mark 16 was manifested in his
ministry. Some of these experiences
were retold during the 3 hour funeral
service. However, due to time, those
of us that were present will have to
wait until eternity to hear it all.
Brother Andrews’ earthy hands
founded their final resting place upon
the Bible and across the scriptures
that says, “For I am now ready to be
offered, and the time of my
departure is at hand. I have fought a
good fight, I have finished my
course, I have kept the faith:
Henceforth there is laid up for me a
crown of righteousness, which the
Lord, the righteous judge, shall give
me at that day: and not to me only,
but unto all them also that love his
appearing. 2 Timothy 4:6-8 is a website
that contains links to message
churches, music, testimonies. If
anyone has a website that they would
like added to this site just send the
website information to: webmaster@ We will be
glad to add it, if it's message related.
You can submit a church, personal or
message music site. This website is
dedicated to the bride of Christ
around the world.
Brother Jimmy Baldwin
Tidwell Family Music
Golden Stairs, Bleeding Lamb and
Moving On cds are now $10.00 each
(us funds). We will pay
the postage for these
cds. The Moving On
and Bleeding Lamb
albums are available
while supplies last in cassettes.
These cassette are
free (if you will pay the
mailing postage). Call,
email, or write and
after receiving them
return to us the postage stamped on
the package. A MP3 diskette of these
three cds is available
request and funds to
The Eagle’s View P.O.
Box 1510 LaVergne,
at: or call at:
That Day
I didn’t know what that day would bring, the first time I
heard the rejoicing congregation sing.
In the midst of the wooden pew I stood in awe, wondering
to myself if anyone saw.
As I looked around I began to see, what made these people
so happy and free.
It was something in my life I had not known, yet this day
this same love would be shown.
What I was hearing, was He speaking to me, to be born
again, He said, was the only key.
I felt a tug at my heart and tears began to fall, I was about
to meet the most Wonderful of all.
I walked down the center isle, all my pride left behind, at
that altar, His grace I would surely find.
I knelt down on my knees unsure of what to say, as His
presence came down, the words found their way.
“Lord forgive me,” I softly prayed, “Because your life for
me You selflessly laid.”
“Lead my life in Your perfect will, Make a change in me that
others can see, and I can feel.”
The decision was easy, under the water I chose to go, His
blood shed at Calvary is why this had to be so.
I knew the only way was to be baptized in Jesus name, and
when I came back up, I was never the same.
That was only the beginning of God’s new life for me, there
were so many glorious things to come, you see.
- Sister Elly Ross