faith challenge - Mt Baker Bibleway Camp


faith challenge - Mt Baker Bibleway Camp
October 2011
...The harvest truly is great, but the labourers few: pray ye
therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth
labourers into his harvest. ~ Luke 10:2 ~
“God, send labourers into the harvest field quickly. We’re in
desperate need there.”
~ God Commissioning Moses the Prophet, WMB ~
In This Issue:
Message HUB Update
A Continuation of the Book of Acts
in China
A “Green Light” Burning in Africa
Response to a Need in Argentina
A Print Station for Chile
Philippines - Genesis of the
Mystery Expo
Revival in the Sarangani Prison
A Visit from Israel
A Great Witness in Croatia &
Romania - A Revial in the Gyspy
Being A Witness
Bro. Ed Byskal
is updated on a regular basis to include recent
translations as they come available.
Exciting Improvements to the Message
HUB Website
Bro. Tom Rae
Bro. John Andes
Bro. Murphy Wong
Minister, China Missions
Bro. Kim Dingwall
Missions Director
Bro. Ernie Villanueva
Minister, Philippines Missions
Bro. Timothy
Minister, Vietnam Missions
he Message HUB is a digital library of
William Branham’s sermons, now translated
in over 50 languages and made available in
both printed and audio formats, thus allowing
free access to the Message of the Hour on a
global scale. The HUB allows individuals and
churches immediate access to the messages
available in their own language for download
and distribution.
Because the Message HUB is online-based,
it allows translators to directly upload their
translations of Brother Branham’s messages,
as soon as they are completed, making them
available in as little as 24 hours.
his past April, an upgrade of the Message
HUB website was launched with some
exciting new tools!
• Widescreen viewing
• Faster page loading
• Read AND listen to the audio of a
message online, at the same time
• Scroll bar to increase font size as
• Templates for the various formats are
available for download for translators
Since the beginning of 2011, translations for
8 new languages have been added including
Thai, Zulu, Papiamento, Slovak, Burmese, Brazil
Portuguese, Portuguese, and Farsi.
The Message HUB library is available in two
forms; online at or on a
CD disc provided by Bible Believers. The CD
Farsi Translations Example (Persian)
HUB Website Activity since January 2011
Bro. Ivan Huang
China Missions
Book Downloads: 59,859
(over 300,000 since Sept 2010! 74,000 of them Spanish)
Bible Believers Missions
Audio Downloads: 50,327
Bro. Ken Andes
Minister &
Translator Contact
Bro. Victor Adimora
Africa Missions
Bro. Luis Izquierdo
South America Missions
Bro. Milko Ravbar
New Translations & Formatted Messages
Book Uploads: 1,698
Audio Uploads: 318
Through the dedicated help of over ten volunteers, over 200 Brazilian Portuguese translations have
been formatted and added to the HUB, and just recently, 12 Portuguese messages (a version of the
dialect spoken in Portugal and Mozambique). More are being added on a regular basis. 342 Chinese
and Traditional Chinese messages have also been formatted into HTML for easy viewing online.
Total Website Visits: 122,519
from 4,974 cities in 165 countries (average 1,750 cities per month!)
On average over 125 countries connect to the Message HUB every two weeks
to download messages, many of which can be printed multiple times for a congregation or local
w w w. m e s s a g e h u b . i n f o
A Continuation of the “Book of Acts” in
hrough the Message of the Hour, the Lord is gathering a great
harvest in China. The testimonies we receive on a regular basis take
our breath away when we see the Lord fulfilling His Word in such rapid
speed. Our hearts are thrilled, knowing the lateness of the hour, as we
see this Message spreading through the oldest civilization by fervent and
gallant believers within China.
Both Brother Murphy Wong and Brother Ivan Huang have made
several trips to China this past year, ministering and encouraging the
saints and new believers. Even as we write this, they are on the field and
sharing with us the many testimonies that are transpiring on a daily
In our last report, we told the testimony of the printing of the Chinese
Church Order & Doctrine (COD) book and how God supernaturally
directed it to a publisher that read the book himself and became gripped
by its message resulting in both he and his wife getting baptized. This
couple introduced Brother Murphy to another group, resulting in
another 30 believers that requested baptism. Since then, the brothers in
China have visited this small group regularly to help establish them in
the Word. Brother Lv reported how the people are falling in love with
the Message as they read and hear the words of the Prophet, completely
changing their lives. In their words, they have become “addicted”, and
some bring the message books
into their work places, eager to
read them during their short
break times.
Brother Murphy wrote,“Then
the chain effect started. The sisters
and brothers in that little house
church start to witnessing with
such a fervency and urgency in
the park, on the street, to their
neighbour… Brother Lv and other
brothers go every week to minister
to the people and lead them into a
deeper relationship with the Lord.
Within two months there [were]
more than twenty baptized and
added in the body of Christ.”
One of these believers, Sister
Choy, had contacts from a house
church that were interested to
hear more. The brothers drove
eight hours to meet with them,
only to find cold rejection from
the group’s pastor. “He told [the
brothers] he believes this is a cult
and asked them to leave. What a
discouragement! It seems the door
was closed from the church leader.
But the brothers know what their
stand and know God must have
souls in this place. Sister Choy then
invited Brother David to her house
to minister and she’ll invite people
come. When time of service came
[and] Brother David walked out
he was surprised to see the room
was full! People are hungry.
After the first meeting they
decide to move to another sister’s
shop as it’s bigger place. They
arrived at the shop and people
[were] already waiting. Brother
David stand at the door facing
inside the shop but very soon the
shop was packed with people.
Then sister suggest, ‘Well, we
might as well let the people all sit
outside and Brother David you
facing the street and preaching.’
It’s a dangerous thing to do but
they had no choice.
So Brother David ends up to
have a street ministry and preach
facing the hungry people that sit
on the little chairs lined up the
street. Sister Choy has to translate for him with a loud speaker because the
older people only understand their dialect and their hearing is not very good.
The loud speaker echoed [through] the whole street. Then the bicycles
passing by stopped, motorcycles brake, people walk by stop and listen.
Before long the whole street [was] crowded with people to listen to the
preaching. Then the brothers and sisters that with Brother David seized this
opportunity and passing out the tracts and CDs to all the people on the street.
After Brother David done, all the books and CDs are done too.”
The fruits from these meetings were another 8 baptisms, one of which
was a police officer!
After Brother Murphy’s initial visit with this group, he continued
north to a convention and reported, “The Lord continually did a
marvelous work. The first day there are more than 200 people came and half
of them is the first time ever getting contact with this Message. After three
days meetings there are more than 30 people baptized. Praise to be God!”
While he continued his travels, another group had just received some
message books and called asking for someone to come to expound the
“So Brother Lv, Brother John and I went to this place and share the Word
with them. After few days meeting from morning to night the people’s hearts
are open and gladly received the Word. Another seven people were baptized.
When we went to the baptism there is a storm coming and wave are so high.
We even thought to cancel it and wait for another time. But the people flatly
rejected it. They want to be baptized right away no matter what condition.
Several times the waves knocked us down but we get up again to fulfill all
After we left the people called us and weeping in the phone said,
‘they read the Message every day with tears in their eyes and thank
God for such a wonderful Word He sent to this age’. Then Brother John
took us to another place that he witnessed to. The same Holy Ghost fall on
this place again through the Word of God in this age. There are about 12
people were baptized in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ include the pastor
at the end.”
Once again, as the flame is ignited in the hearts of the believer the Fire
spreads. As Brother Branham said in the message Convinced And Then
“Like Hudson Taylor, the great missionary,
many of you know, to China. There was an
Indian boy, or not a Chinese boy one day got up,
got saved, and the Holy Spirit come upon him.
He went to Mr. Taylor, and he said, “Mr. Taylor,
what shall I do? What school shall I
enter? What shall I do?” And he said,
“Shall I take these years of schooling
that--that the church requires and so
Mr. Taylor said, “Don’t take your
candle out and burn it halfway down
before you find out whether it’s burning
or not.” He said, “Go when it’s first lit.”
Oh, I’ll say the same thing. You don’t
need to wait and see it tested and tested
and tested, and take a lot of trials, and
tribulations, and all this schooling, and
get your Bachelor of Art, and your Ph.
and D.D., and everything like that. If you haven’t
got all that, that’s all right.
But if you haven’t got that, go when it’s lit.
If you can’t do no more then tell them it got lit,
tell them how it got lit. That’s all you have to do.
God lit your little candle; go tell them how it got
lit. Amen. Let them alone. Just tell them how
the candle lit. Let them... Then God will take
care of the rest of it. The thing of it is, is lighten
that candle with the fire off the altar and God
sanctions with the power of the Holy Ghost, and
the resurrection of Christ.” CONVINCED.AND.
Several months later, a sister that had been
baptized in this storm asked a few of the
brothers to visit her family in a poor village
that were hungry
to hear more.
another eight
were baptized
in freezing
From there
the brothers
traveled a few
hundred miles
away to where
the Message had reached eleven years prior...
“but they never really fully accept it as an
Absolute from the Lord. They just think it’s a good
preaching and take whatever they wanted. About
two years ago the two leaders of this church came
for a convention held in Brother David’s church.
Then the Lord starts to dealing with them.
After the services the Lord give Brother Zhang a
scripture in Book of Revelation 19:7, “Let us be
glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the
marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath
made herself ready.” Then he realized that this
Message is the Message to get the Bride ready
to meet the Lamb in the wedding supper.
Brother Zhang repented. He came back home
with a renewed vision and total conviction and
dedication to the Word of God in this Age.
He preached with a deep conviction to his
congregation and led the whole church into
repentance. Then the
sisters disregarded all the
mocking and persecution
from outside, even their
own family members,
and they proudly put on
the dresses. If you know
the custom of villages
in Northern China, to
put on skirt is a sign of
an immoral woman,
especially in winter
time. But when the
people obeyed the Word
of God with their whole heart then the power of
God will start to pour down.”
God’s Healing Touch
rother Murphy has shared with us
many testimonies of the healing
power of God expressed in the lives of
the believers in China;
“One brother had two-thirds of his
stomach cut out a few years ago because
of cancer. Then the doctor found a tumor
again about the size of an orange three
weeks ago. He prayed earnestly with his
family. He told his family that after the Lord
heal him then the whole family must believe this
is the Truth. He believed the Lord was going to
personally intervene and take this tumor
Few days later he needed to go to the
hospital to take the tumor out. When he
was on the operation bed before they’ll
take the tumor they made a final check.
The doctor was perplexed. He checked,
and checked again, but couldn’t find the
tumor anywhere. The Lord touched him
before the doctor touched him!
A sister got a stroke a few
years ago. After the stroke she
always felt nauseous, and she can only
eat a small portion of food, and she was
thirsty all the time. Then in 2010 her
daughter-in-law shared this Message with
her. Then she believed. One day she asked
the Lord deliver her from this affliction
totally. She prayed then she decided
to fast. Her husband is very nervous
because she already eats very little. He
even forced her to eat and told this to
her relatives to give her pressure. But the
sister was persistent. She said, ‘If I don’t get totally
delivered from this sickness, I’ll not eat till I die
to see God.’ One day past, another day past, she
was persistent and fasted. Then a still small voice
told her to invite Brother Zhang to have a service
in her house. She did. During the meetings she
was attracted by the preaching of the Word and
totally forgot about her sickness. After the services
were over she came to herself and realized all her
symptoms were gone. She’s a healthy strong woman
There was another lady who was possessed by a
demon spirit for many years. The demon drove her
to live in the graveyard away from her family. But
the Lord put a burden for her on the believers in
the church. So they went to pray for this woman
just a few weeks ago. Before this nobody had dared
to do it, even the denominational Christians, but
the believers had no fear. Now it’s the devils turn
to fear. They prayed and claimed this lady. Then
the devil fled. The lady came to her right mind.
Then she came home and hugged her child after
so long and was baptized a few days ago. What
a mighty God
we serve. He is
still the same
yesterday, today
and forever.”
Brother Run
and Brother
Ben visited
both groups in
this northern
region and had
meetings with them. The leader of the second
group was impacted, especially by the lives of the
believers in the first group as he witnessed how
quickly they had grown spiritually. He saw how
the Message so dramatically changed the
people’s lives in just two years.
Now, by the preaching of the Word there is a
revival happening in this brother’s congregation.
At one point, more than 15 people desired
baptism, but there was no place to do so. Refusing
to let this stop them, they found a large pot in
the back yard and filled it with water and each
of them were baptized in it. Having experienced
first-hand the life-changing reality of this Message
within his own
the brother now
believes this
Message as the
absolute Truth
in this hour and
ministers to the
people in the
same strength.”
Even now
as Brother
Murphy is ministering and traveling
throughout China, he continues to share with
us some of the most recent happenings;
“Brother Caleb and Brother Ben teamed up
and went down south in the last few weeks to
share the Word with people that just newly heard
of this Message through some of the contacts.
They went to a
three-self church in
little town with about
250,000 people. It’s
one of the sisters in
Brother Lv’s church
that sent this Message
to the elders in that
church, and they
would like to hear
more about It.
When the Message was preached
some were shocked, some were mad,
but some were convicted. One brother
afterward sought out these two
brothers and said, ‘No matter what
other people think about It, I believe
this is the Truth.’ So they gave this brother a set
of the Message and he embraced It with his whole
heart. He is the elder that is in charge of this
church. He invited them to come back again to
share with them. The Seed has been sowed.”
The revival in Brother Lv’s church still goes
on. Since last year, 30 people have been
baptized. The Lord is continually adding
members to the Body daily. They’re looking
for a bigger place to rent right now because
the room can’t meet the growing congregation.
It has become too crowded. In the last few
months alone, there have been more than 15
people baptized into the Name of Jesus Christ.
The saints there keep fervently spreading this
Gospel to their friends and relatives.
“Brother Lv and Brother Run came to another
group in [the same town] that we baptized last
year in the stormy sea. The saints in that group
continually witness to the people around
them with great fervency. One sister
said she couldn’t even sleep and all her
mind is thinking about is to whom she
should witness the next day. She said
this Message is so wonderful she just
can’t hold her peace not to give It out to
the people.
Last October, one sister in this group
asked if we could pray for her brother
that hadn’t come home in over ten
years. His father put the ad on the papers, on the
radio stations and tried all their best to find his
son, but with no result. So we prayed and asked
the Lord to seek him and bring him back to his
parents. Then her parents also prayed and said to
the Lord that if their son will come home before
the Chinese Lunar New Year (January 3rd,
2011) then they’ll give their hearts to the Lord
as their daughter did. God answered the prayers!
Just one day before the New Year, their prodigal
son showed up at the door of his parents. You
can imagine how the parents would feel! Their
prodigal son came home. Not only that, but also
the prodigal parents coming Home too after they
saw the prayer-answering God manifested before
By the preaching of the Word through Brother
Lv and Brother Run, and also the power of the
testimony, there were four more people baptized in
the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ in this city.”
Message HUB Highlights
here are 496 locations in 70 cities that are
downloading sermons from the Message
HUB in China!.
A total of 500 messages have now been
translated and 319 audio sermons with
voiceover completed.
We appreciate all of your sincere prayers
before the Lord and all your support. I trust all
their testimonies and sacrifices will inspire you
to dedicate more of yourselves to the Lord and
His great command before His ascending,
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of
the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to
observe all things whatsoever I have commanded
you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the
end of the world. Amen.”
Brother Murphy
“Book Mission”
rother Ivan Huang has spent several months in China this year.
Besides sharing the Word with the saints, he also helped the believers
in a major city of China to set up a Message HUB Print Station. This
little group consists of about 15 people, most of them elderly sisters that
live a very poor life; but their desire to serve the Lord drives them to do
things beyond what seems possible in support of the work, donating
thousands of dollars to the printing and translating.
Now with their own print station set up, these saints have printed
hundreds upon hundreds of message books.
This report was just received from Brother Ivan at the end of
“We’ve already printed about 10,000 books in two months, and covered
the whole nation of China, Hongkong and [we are] even sending books to
Japan and Australia. Since we are getting more orders, we are buying another
two printers.
I received phone calls from two groups asking books that they’ve been
reading the message for 1-2 years and never contacted us before. The Lord is
really opening up a great door of the book mission in China.”
Please keep these precious believers in your prayers as they labour for
the Kingdom.
516 message titles have been translated into Chinese with 400 published. 319 audio messages have been translated
with “voice over”. Visit the Chinese website at or the Message HUB at
There Is A “Green Light” Burning In
here have been many accounts of the Prophet’s visit to Africa
and out of the many accounts, we have remembered the story
of Miss Florence Nightingale. This was the event that gave the green
light for Brother Branham to visit Africa and to bring this glorious
End Time Message to the Seed of God laying in Africa. We are so
glad that the fruits of his labour have remained in Africa with the
wonderful testimonies that abound in that continent of what the
Lord is doing amongst the believers of the Message. It has been
against all odds that the people have held to this Message in that
“Listen. I prayed, and I said, “God, I can’t go down there now unless
You lead me. So I ask Thee, Lord, if You’ll heal that woman, that’ll be
a green light.” And Brother Bosworth kneeling with me, said, “Go to
Africa.” Brother Baxter doesn’t know about this even… And when I
finished my prayer, and said, “Amen,” and asked for her healing, the
little turtledove flew away. The ministers remarked. And when I started
to tell the woman to console her, the Holy Spirit spoke and said, “She’s
going to be well.” And today, she weighs a hundred and thirty-five
pounds in perfect health. There’s a green light in Africa burning”…
Africa, surely, is right on our Lord’s mind too…as the Holy
Spirit moves greatly in North America, South America, Europe,
Asia and the outmost part of the earth. That green light is burning
and believers in Africa are bearing the flame of His final voice
with the rest of the Bride of Jesus Christ around the world. Bible
Believers Missions (BBM) has followed this green light where
ever the Lord has opened doors in Africa. From coordinating the
shipment and installation of the Message HUB print stations, to
connecting believers to sources of spiritual food, BBM has worked
with numerous other burdened ministers and missionary-minded
churches in Africa in response to our Lord’s great call, “Go Ye into
the world and preach the Gospel to every creature...”. This Message
of the Hour must get into the hands of the people against all odds.
The people of Africa have not forgotten that it was indeed a
special favor from God that this Message came to them. It was
“Thus Saith The Lord”:
“As I started to say that, Something came down. I believe it was the
same Pillar of Fire. My voice changed. I couldn’t hold my words, and
said, “THUS SAITH THE LORD, this woman will live and not
die.”… And there she is walking the streets. That’s what sent me to
South Africa. That’s why I went, ‘cause I told God if He would let her
get well…”
It’s now not only in South Africa, but all over Africa. That “green
light” is still burning and spreading.
Message HUB Activity Update
umerous believers in Africa have found the Message HUB
Resource Center a great relief in getting the necessary food
they need for this journey. Bible Believers Missions, has followed
this call to Africa; with a great desire and burden to get this Message
to the people of Africa.
“I’m so happy to see these brethren here, just a whole line of these
recorders, and what a work they’re doing for the Lord. These recordings
are being sent around the nation, and they’re going into homes, and
into halls, and so forth. They even got it in a movie picture the other
day to introduce these things. And hundreds of people are being saved
and healed right through these recordings. Aren’t you happy that man’s
got the message on their heart. Maybe they’re not preachers, but they’re
trying to get the message to the people. Doctors they tell me, and man of
great standing in the world are out trying to win souls for Christ. God
can use these things in a secondarily way like this, may the Lord Jesus
bless every one that hears the message. May they be saved and healed.”
Bible Believers Missions has assisted in the coordination,
shipment and installation of a large number of Message Hub Print
Stations into Africa. Most of these print stations were sponsored
by believers and churches in North America (United States and
Canada). Even though
these print stations
do not meet the full
need, they have made
a huge impact on the
distribution effort of
Brother Branham’s
Message in these areas.
The local and regional
print stations have
provided the quickest
response to requests
from remote places,
where some believers
have very little access
Distributing Print Stations
to books and tapes.
Many of these believers contact BBM requesting Message materials
through various channels such as the Message Hub, Missions
Outreach and Cloverdale Bibleway websites, through email,
telephone calls and even through individuals and other churches.
The desire of Bible Believers always is to meet these needs as much
as possible, either by connecting these believers to the nearest print
stations in their region or doing whatever is possible and necessary
to supply their spiritual needs.
As we connect with the needs of the Bride of Jesus Christ in
this vast land, BBM is increasingly establishing relationships with
local pastors, ministers and churches that share the same burden
to reach every nook and corner with the Gospel of Jesus Christ to
find the last predestinated one. It has been a great joy during this
last year, to join hands with other believers in spreading this Word
to the needy and hungry Bride. We do hear the cries and as fellow
pilgrims, we have resolved to do the best we can to reach out to
these cries.
Visiting &
rom the
we have received
of what the
Lord is doing in
many parts of
Africa and from
observations during
our most recent trips
to some parts of Africa,
we have no doubt in
our minds that the
Lord is orchestrating
a great and final move
to unite His Bride for
the rapture. From the
words of the many
burdened ministers and
missionary workers, to
Pastor Kathanga & Brother Gilbert Okello
the acts of faith they
have expressed getting
the Message out to where it is needed most, we have seen mounting
evidence that the Bride sure has the answer to the Devil’s question
and she is ready for the challenge. This Message must go out against
all odds.
Pictures we receive show ministers walking miles on foot to
answer the calls in their localities, preachers echoing the Message
in local churches and at conventions, connecting with beloved
believers in very remote African communities. Pray the Lord of the
harvest to send laborers into the field.
May the Lord quicken you as you read these testimonies and may
He lead you into what He is doing amongst His Bride at such a
time as this. May He also grant you the grace to get involved. God
bless you.
Print Stations in Kenya & Uganda
y God’s grace, Brother Gilbert Okello delivered and installed
a new print station from Bible Believers at Brother Kathanga’s
church in Kitui, Kenya this past August. Pastor Kathanga and the
Saints expressed their extreme appreciation for those that made it
possible; they are looking forward to putting it to much use. Brother
Gilbert expressed, “We
believe that this will go
a long way in helping
the Bride of Christ in
this part of the country.
I spoke to other
believers in the Western
part of the country and
they too expressed their
interest in having a
similar setup.”
Cloverdale Bibleway
was also blessed to
receive Brother Stephen
Jinja Christian Assembly, Uganda
Ibale from Jinja,
Uganda in June, and
Bible Believers provided the funds to assist Brother Ibale to purchase
an additional print station for his congregation, Jinja Christian
Assembly, and the surrounding areas.
Brother Victor Adimora
Responding to a Need in
fter the great volcano eruption in Chile
this past June, Brother Luis Izquierdo
shared with us a need for some of the
saints in Brother Lazaro Aguirre’s church.
Both the roofs of the church and Brother
Lazaro’s home were damaged and many
of the believers were struggling with no
He was able to take messages from the print
station recently set up in Bariloche. Many of
these churches did not have access to Brother
Branham’s literature. Brother Lazaro also
visited last month the believers in Trevelin,
south of Bariloche, and brought them more
Just a few months ago, Brother Lazaro
made a trip to many churches in northern
Argentina, Jujuy region, and northern Chile.
Message HUB Highlight
hrough the efforts of Brother Luis
Izquierdo, Brother Richard Sieunath,
Brother Albert Greene, Brother Paul
LaFontaine and many others, there are over
25 print stations established in Central
and South America.
Several saints responded to the call and
Bible Believers provided some funds to assist
with the roof repairs and the needs of the
Brother Luis reported to us a short time
ago: “I spoke very recently with Brother
Lazaro Aguirre, pastor of the church in
Bariloche, Argentina. Things are going back to
normal after the great volcano eruption a few
weeks ago. They are very thankful to Brother
Byskal and the church for their contribution
and help that they received.
a congregation there and is looking forward
to being able to print Brother Branham’s
messages for his local congregation and to
reach out to several areas south of Puerto
Montt such as Chiloe Island.
Thank you for your prayers and support
for these brothers as they labour for the
Kingdom, bringing this previous Word for
our day
Brother Lazaro bringing more messages to
the saints in Trevelin
A Print Station for
rother Luis is currently coordinating the
purchase and set up of a print station in
Puerto Montt, a small city in the south of
Chile. Brother Hector Pino is the pastor of
Genesis of the Philippines
“Mystery Expo” Seminar
very true Believer has a desire to share
The Message of the Hour with as many
as possible. In the Philippines, the concept
of inviting ministers to a meeting where they
are promised that they will hear and receive
materials that will give them the opportunity
to understand the book of Revelations, has
been very successful. The seminar, called “The
Mystery Expo” served as an opportunity to
share the unveiled Mysteries of God to those
who attended. The content of the seminar was
very simple but very effective.
The mysteries that Brother Branham
has shed light upon were presented in a
systematic yet anointed exhortation including
the understanding of the Godhead, water
baptism, predestination and the seed of the
serpent as well as many other truths that we
have come to see as a result of a prophetic
After several years of conducting these
seminars each time I travelled to the
Philippines, a group of ministers were inspired
to present these seminars more frequently
around the country. Follow-up meetings were
held on a regular basis to answer the many
questions that arose as a result of reading the
material we distributed to the ministers at
the end of the meeting. The next step was
preaching in the churches of the Pastors who
were gripped by the Message and assisting in
the transition necessary to bring the assemblies
into the revelation of truth and holiness.
As of now, these gifted ministers who are
conducting these seminars have touched
approximately 3,000 attendees which has
produced many conversions of Pastors
and ministers as well as the congregations
who have heard the Message of Malachi
4. Please pray for the continued success of
these meetings as the search for Precious
Seed continues among the Islands of the
Revival in the Sarangani
n the southern island of Mindanao, there
is a great stir taking place as a result of the
prison ministry of Brother Sammy Durano
and his team of dedicated believers who have
taken The Message of the Hour into the
Sarangani Provincial Jail.
The response to the preaching of The
Word has encouraged the brothers to visit
more frequently to water the seed of those
who have heard and been baptized in The
Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Because there is no facility on the prison
grounds for baptism, a barrel has been
purchased that is large enough to fully
immerse the converts in the water. Each
time they go to visit, there are more inmates
who are being touched by the Word of God
who in turn are sharing the good news with
their families who come to visit them. They
are being supplied with Bibles and message
books that are translated into the Cebuano
language by Brother Sammy, and printed on
the Message HUB print station located in
his home. Brother Sammy has also started to
share The Message on the radio, which has
generated a great response from the listeners.
Brother Noel Lim, a former inmate (now Brother
Sammy’s associate) give his testimony
Please pray for the continued success
in the outreach of these faithful Gospel
Brother Ernie Villanueva
Message HUB Highlights for the Philippines
hrough your support Bible Believers is providing funds to
continue translation in the Philippines of the Prophet’s Message.
In the first half of 2011, Brother Samuel Durano and Brother Narcis
Espanola have translated another 11 messages into the Cebuano
language, making them immediately available on the Message Hub,
for Philippine speaking people anywhere in the world.
• Questions & Answers Pt1 & 2
• A Deceived Church, By the World
• That Day On Calvary
• The World Is Again Falling Apart
• Show Us The Father And It Will Suffice Us
• Jehovah Jireh Pt2 & Pt3
• God’s Word Calls For A Total Separation From Unbelief
• The Oddball
• And Knoweth It Not
• The Trial
Brother Reynaldo Soriano has also translated an additional 6
messages into the Tagalog language since January 2011, also available
on the Hub;
• Hebrews Chapter 1, 2 (Parts 1-3) & 3
• What House Will You Build Me?
I t ’s ex p a n d i n g e ve r yd a y…n ew l a n g uag es…n ew t ra n s l at i o n s…
he Holy Spirit continues to move
in an amazing way, reaching the
hearts of Elected Seed in Vietnam. God
has placed His hand upon a humble
man with a burden for this country;
one who is uniquely prepared for the
challenges of spreading the Word of God
throughout the region. Brother Timothy,
a Pastor, who formerly lived in Vietnam
for a number of years, now oversees the
translation and proofreading of Brother
Branham’s messages into Vietnamese on
a full-time basis at Cloverdale Bibleway.
Brother Timothy travels two times
each year to Vietnam teaching and
establishing new Saints in the present
Truth, meeting for studies with ministers
and new believers often in remote
locations of the country, and establishing
print stations along the way.
As the hunger of the Vietnamese
believers grows and the Word continues
to spread, the need for more books and
messages is increasing. Through the
dedicated labour of Brother Timothy
and his team, they have translated an
amazing 53 messages over the past
year. This brings the total of translated
Vietnamese messages to 464! These
messages are made instantly accessible
through and
the Message HUB website, www.
Two brothers do the Vietnamese
voiceover recordings of the messages.
These two brothers alone have
completed an astounding 126 message
voiceovers in just 4 ½ months! These
voiceover translations have also been
made available online and receive up to
300 visits and downloads each month.
Brother Timothy spends two /
three months each year in Vietnam;
this summer, meeting with over 200
Vietnamese Tribal believers and church
ministers in ten different provinces. 72
new believers, including one from
Cambodia were baptized in the Name
of the Lord Jesus Christ. Bible Believers
has also purchased and installed two
more Message Hub print stations,
bringing the total to 16 now placed
throughout Vietnam within the past 3
How You Can Support the
Work inVietnam
ith your continued support
Bible Believers is able to provide
funding for the many needs in Vietnam.
• Funds to purchase additional
Message HUB Print Stations
• $50 pays for the purchase and
distribution of 15 Vietnamese Bibles
• Continued support for recording
(30-36 MP3’s) at $150/month
• Printing & distribution of 1,000
books and MP3’s at $250/month
A Visit from
uring the last two weeks of September,
Cloverdale Bibleway was privileged to
host a group of believers from Israel. These
Believers immigrated to Israel from Russia.
Their assembly in Israel includes three
Filipino sisters as well as a group of Jews
from Argentina.
moved in a supernatural way, and through a
great miracle made a way for him to come.
He said that the highlight for him was a
conversation he had with Brother Byskal
that freed him from several things that had
bound him for two years.
Sister Julia, Brother Roman and their
daughter, Tayisiya, were also our guests.
Brother Tom Rae baptized Tayisiya in
the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ in the
Mediterranean while there during the
month of June.
truly among Christian Brothers and Sisters.
Brother Sergei said, “The Bride of Jesus
Christ was truly on display to them and
they observed Godly character and wisdom
in all areas of the assembly.”
Highlight of the Visit
he Sunday evening service included
Communion & Foot washing, and to
our knowledge it is the first time that Jews
from Israel and Gentiles in North America
had shared in this sacred ordinance together.
As we spoke together, a wonderful story
The supernatural Presence
emerged as to how God
of God filled the room
led them supernaturally
where the brethren were
to “come and see” what is
“Now, when’s the Gospel returning to the Jews? When the day of the Gentile
gathered. It was as though
taking place half way around
is finished, the Gospel is ready to go to the Jews. Oh, if I could just foretell
we were once again in The
the world in Cloverdale,
you a little something that’s fixing to happen right here, right in this day.
Book of Acts!
BC, Canada.
It’s fixing to happen. We get it in the church age. And this great thing that’s
Initially, Brother Sergei
fixing to happen, will carry over to Revelation 11 and pick up those two
Prayer Request
was not sure that he should
prophets, Elijah and a Moses returning back again for the Jews. We’re ready
lease pray that the
make the trip, but a letter
for it. Everything’s setting in order, just ready. This Gentile message, as the
Saints in Israel will find
he received confirmed that
Jews brought it to the Gentiles, the Gentiles will take it right back to
suitable place to
he was walking in the Will
the Jews again. And the rapture will come.”
a church presence
of God. After his visit, he is
Message of
more inspired than ever to
be freely
return to his home church
light of the
and print more Message
When asked what had the greatest impact
books for distribution and preach to all
upon them during their visit, they were
who are open to hear what God has done
all in agreement that the atmosphere in
through the ministry of William Branham.
the church, the power of The Word that
Brother Evgeniy was also apprehensive
Pray for the Believers and Message Voice
was spoken, and the love they felt from all
about making such a long journey, but God
the Believers showed them that they were
Front Row L to R: Sis. Tayisiya, Bro. Roman, Sis. Julia,
Sis. Ruth & Bro. Ed Byskal, Bro. Ernie Villanueva
Back: Bro. Evgeniy & Bro. Sergei
Bro. Milko Ravbar with Bro. Viktor, who visited us
from Israel in August
Bro. Viktor fellowshipping with Bro. Peter Ivanenko
(center), Bro. Mahmud Sharipov (far right) and other
Russian-speaking believers during Summer Camp
training was gripped by the Revelation of Truth. The next chapter
unfolded as several of these brothers went to Spain to try to find
work. Contact was maintained through many hours of phone
conversation as questions arose and answers were dispensed. A
chance meeting in Spain between Brother T and the brother with the
theological training ignited a great move of God among those who
were trying to find work.
But God had a different plan for His Precious Seed. There was no
physical work for them to do but there was a lot of spiritual work to
accomplish. Each of the brothers recognized that they did not go to
Spain to work, but to fulfill the plan of God for their lives. As they
returned home to Romania, they have a new outlook on life and a
burden to share what they have come to know with as many as they
can. Of course, they have met resistance from the religious leaders
that they once trusted; but these Gospel warriors will not be deterred
from the mission God has given to them. Please pray for Brother
Radu, the ministers and the new converts as they seek God’s perfect
will for the Gypsy church in Romania.
Message HUB Highlight for Romania
here are now a total of 16 Romanian translated messages
available on the Hub, with seven of those added since January
2011 from Brother Radu.
A Great Witness in
Croatia & Macedonia
n 2010, Brother Dragomir Despot,
from Serbia, had the inspiration to use
Facebook – a worldwide online social
networking site of over 500 million users
- as a witnessing tool. Brother Dragomir,
Brother Aladin Zeric, and Brother
Jonatan Lerga (from Croatia) and a few
other believers created Facebook profiles
exclusively for the witness of Brother
Branham and the End Time Message,
connecting their profile to friends and
contacts from various religious groups also
present on Facebook.
The brothers began by sharing, online,
various Message quotes, Message links,
videos and sermons to all those that were
connected with them. Initial contacts were
followed up with small personal letters,
expounding on their beliefs and providing
Within a year, the fruits of
their witness have brought souls
to Christ in the Light of this
Message, with four believers from
Brother Jonatan’s home city being
free materials of message books and DVD’s.
Within a year, the fruits of their witness
have brought souls to Christ in the Light
of this Message, with four believers from
Brother Jonatan’s home city being baptized
as a direct result!
Through Facebook, contact has been
established with more than 5,000 persons
worldwide, and over 400 packages
containing Church Age Books, Brother
Branham’s Life Story, Deep Calleth To The
Deep DVD’s and other messages have been
sent to those desiring to know more. While
a large number of their Facebook contacts
are in Brother Dragomir, Brother Aladin
and Brother Jonatan’s home countries, this
outreach has extended to Australia, Austria,
Bosnia, the United States, Denmark, France,
Indonesia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Germany,
Slovenia, Serbia, Switzerland and Czech
Open Doors in Macedonia
n June 2011, Brother Milko Ravbar
from Canada, and Brother Jonatan
Lerga embarked on a trip to Macedonia to
meet with eight individuals, all of various
denominations, which had made contact
with Brother Jonatan through the Facebook
profile. In keeping with the original vision
of Brother Dragomir, they were following
up these online contacts with a face-to-face
As an answer to prayer, all eight people
answered their invitations, and each
arrived on
time to the
meeting spot,
anxious to
hear more
Truth. Some
even brought
along, so the
brothers were able to have a positive witness
with a total of twelve people in three days!
All the conversations were blanketed with
a kind and welcoming spirit, with no hard
discussions or any opposition. Each person
gladly received message books and promised
to study them.
Again in September 2011, Brother
Dragomir, Brother Aladin, Brother Jonatan
and his brother Joshua made another trip
to the cities of Kumanovo, Skopje, Stip &
Kavadarci, Macedonia to meet with many
new contacts as well as reconnect with some
they had previously met.
tried to bring The Message of the Hour to
the many churches who are a part of the
Gypsy population.
It was an invitation from Brother Radu
that resulted in two pastors attending
a small gypsy convention in a Message
Church. After the meeting, one of the
pastors was suddenly quickened with
revelation at what he had heard. He was
so elated and insisted that they proceed
immediately to a village with a large Gypsy
As they traveled to the village, Brother T
(the pastor) rolled down the window of the
car and began shouting loudly in the Gypsy
language for all to gather around to hear the
preaching of The Word. Before long a group
of about 50 or 60 people had gathered and
Brother Radu began to share The Word with
them. After an inquiry was made, a large
home was made available to use as a meeting
place. This home was sufficient for a few
weeks but soon the crowd that gathered
was so large that they again had to return to
meeting outdoors.
The Message began to spread and a
brother who had five years of theological
One of these individuals was formerly
a Seventh Day Adventist. Since meeting
the brothers back in June, he has requested
more material and when they met again
in September he expressed to them, “This
resembles the Book of Acts so much.”
Pray for these precious brothers as they
seek to extend their vision for outreach into
Albania, Greece and Bulgaria; places where
the Message has yet to reach.
A Revival Amoung the
Gypsy Churches in
ersistence overcomes resistance. This
is the message we have heard from
Brother Radu Lutas in Romania. Five years
ago Brother Radu came in contact with a
Pentecostal Gypsy Church. Over five years
of working
with them, he
times as he
Write to us at:
Phone: 604.576.1337 or Toll Free 1.877.576.1337
Fax: 604.576.1370
Message HUB:
ithin this last year, the assembly of
Cloverdale Bibleway has had several
opportunities to do outreach through the
rental of booths at a local fair and regular street
witnessing in various local areas of Richmond,
Vancouver, & Victoria, BC, as well as Seattle,
Lynden and Bellingham, WA. Many don’t have
the opportunity to travel overseas to spread the
Word but the burden and Commission remains
the same. As Brother Branham admonished:
“Do something. Don’t just stand still. Get
out...?... If you’re not a preacher, testify, do
something somewhere. Don’t stand still. If you’re
washing the dishes, why, testify to the neighbor.
Get out and pass tracts; do something. Don’t
stand still. What is in your hand? Get doing
something. And whatever is at your hand, use it.”
Many young people and families of the
assembly have had the opportunity to give
In Canada
18603 60th AVE
In the USA
PO BOX 128
BLAINE, WA 98231
witness to what God has done in their own
lives. There are countless testimonies of how
God moved and directed them. Usually there
are 50 to 80 believers who go out, equipped
with books, tracts and CD’s as witnessing tools
for the Message of the Hour. We are seeing
fruits of these labors, as God supernaturally
leads His elect to His Word.
and watch four eyewitness accounts of the life
and ministry of the last Prophet Messenger to
this Age.
“How on the streets you were made fun of,
when you give a testimony? But that’s a genuine
sign of a real, true witness. God wants witnesses.
Now, some people say, “I testify in church.” That’s
good. But, brother, let your Light shine in the
dark places, where it’s really needed, out in the
hedges and the high ways, in the barrooms, out,
down on the street. Everywhere you’re at, let your
Light shine as a witness...” WITNESSES, 53-0405E
Witnessing Tracts of excerpts taken from
the Seven Church Ages are now also available
on the website, under
the “English” language and entering the search
word “tract”. Three witnessing tracts have also
been compiled by Brother Ken Andes on the
subjects of Water Baptism, Real Revelation
and The Serpent’s Seed, which we have been
using as handout material during our regular
local outreaches.
loverdale Bibleway has made available
an updated interactive Witnessing CD,
produced for the express purpose of witnessing
and handing out to interested individuals.
On this CD, you can read and listen to ten
specifically selected messages of William
Branham, view videos of Brother Branham,
It also contains Scriptures and information
on the Serpent’s Seed, Water Baptism,
Revelations, and much more. It is an excellent
tool to give to friends, neighbours, family, or
even believers to view.
Read about Local and Global
Outreaches & Testimonies online at
NOVEMBER 4, 5 & 6
With Brother Ed Byskal & Team of Cloverdale Bibleway, Surrey, BC, Canada
Pastor Joseph Hamid and the congregation of Believers Tabernacle in Murfressboro, TN would like to extend a warm invitation
to you and your congregation for a special time of rejoicing in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Visit Write:
P.O. Box 330912
Murfreesboro, TN 37133-0912
Church Office at (615) 907-1212
First-Hand Reports of Global Missions Work
in China, Congo, Africa, India, Indonesia,
Philippines & Vietnam
Ministry, Worship in Song, and Testimonies