Serving the needs of Auto, Truck, Motorhome, and Motor Sport
Serving the needs of Auto, Truck, Motorhome, and Motor Sport
WINTER ISN’T OVER YET February 2010 Tips to Protect Yourself From Financial Liability Inside This Issue 1475 Capitol St. NE Salem, OR 97301 ●503.362.6839 ●800.447.0302 Toll Free Fax: 877.227.3676 Fax: 503.364.7331 Oregon’s Largest Dealer Association (OIADA) is owned by its Member Dealers an Oregon 501-C6 Non-Profit Corporation Serving the needs of Auto, Truck, Motorhome, and Motor Sport Dealers of Oregon Presenting The All New r s r r r e e m e s m e t l e s a g a g a g n a e a e a l S a e T T n n C G n A e a s a a e c R e l r M M T Ti les ral rien se M r Sa obile e a a e M e l e S p n a L x e r / e E e t G l D e r eD a stant ome Fle sA si Cust Brand Buster Sales X Call Us, You Won’t Believe the Details! 3000 N Hayden Island Drive, Portland, OR 97217 503.286.3000 SIDE Political Action Committee ................................................................................3 THIS ISSUE OIADA Calendar/Class Schedule .....................................................................5 President’s Message ........................................................................................6 Brasher’s Northwest Dealer Visits Heartland Ranch and Bags Trophy ............6 Experian Webinar Takes in Depth Look into Auto Finance Market Trends.......7 Do We Still Have TARP? ................................................................................10 From the Road................................................................................................13 New Study Reveals Advertising Impact on Consumer Walk-in Traffic ...........14 NIADA Convention & Expo .............................................................................15 Winter Isn’t Over Yet .......................................................................................16 New & Renewing Members ............................................................................18 Social Media and Dealership Marketing .........................................................19 Read & Respond ............................................................................................21 Membership Survey........................................................................................22 Associate Member List ...................................................................................23 POLITIC N O I T AL AC E E T T I M COM OIADA must be a constant presence in monitoring current legislation within our state. We need to interpret legislative activity that may impact our industry. It is the association’s responsibility to maintain an ongoing relationship with governmental officials and regulatory agencies. Your voluntary PAC contribution helps our legislative representatives work for you, the independent auto dealer. OIADA has worked on many issues affecting dealers such as stopping the 3 day right of rescission, getting temporary motorcycle permits that actually fit on the rear plate area, extension of DEQ slips from 90 days to 180 days, all new broker disclosure forms, new silver dealer plate that makes us really look like a dealer, opposing no sales on Sunday, saying no to a big increase in DMV fees, as well as ongoing dealings with regulatory agencies, just to mention a few. An added benefit to making a political contribution is the Oregon Tax Credit. You can take this directly off your state tax liability. The credit is $50 for an individual and $100 on a joint return. We thank you for understanding the importance of a strong presence within our Legislature. Please remember the next time you renew your membership to consider your PAC contribution. February 2010 3 2010 OIADA Executive Committee Wally Gray, President Cars & Trucks 4 U PO Box 1496 Redmond, OR 97756 541-419-8088 Dan Nicholson, 2nd Vice President Central Oregon Motors 1123 N 6th Street Redmond, OR 97756 541-923-3961 Fax 541-923-3964 OIADA Staff Ladena Borchers Director of Operations José Pinomesa, Chairman of the Board José Mesa Auto Wholesale, LLC 1947 NE Alameda Street Portland, OR 97212 503-789-0438, Fax 503-284-2292 LeRoy Hedberg Membership Representative Oregon Dealer News is a publication of the Oregon Independent Auto Dealers Association, 1475 Capitol St. NE, Salem, OR 97301 and is published every month. The association was established in 1948, chartered as a non-profit organization in Oregon and is affiliated with the National Independent Auto Dealers Association. Advertising rates may be furnished upon request. 4 Al Hutchinson, 1st Vice President Al Hutchinson, Inc. 1800 NW 9th Street Corvallis, OR 97330 541-753-5944 Fax 541-753-4911 Gary Sargent, Exec Vice President Sargent’s Motorsports 10207 SE Foster Road Portland, OR 97266 503-775-9445 Fax 503-777-9886 Cell 503-969-5228 Bryan Steward, Secretary Cornerstone Automotive Group 1005 SE Washington St. Portland, OR 97214 503-230-1300 Fax 503-235-7025 Doug Blizzard, Treasurer Quality Dealer of the Year Blizzard Motors, Inc. 1604 E. Burnside Portland, OR 97214 503-238-5510 Fax 503-238-3838 Melissa Durnell Accounting Consultant Oregon Independent Auto Dealers Association 1475 Capital St. NE Salem, OR 97301 ●1.800.447.0302 ●503.362.6839 Fax: 503.364.7331 Insurance Agent of Record Hecht & Hecht Insurance 425 NE Hancock Portland, OR 97212 1.800.609.0979 Shawn Miller OIADA Lobbyist The statements and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Oregon Independent Auto Dealers Association. Likewise, the appearance of advertisements or the identification as members of OIADA does not constitute endorsement of the products or services featured. *For advertising information please contact OIADA at 800.477.0302 February 2010 OIADA Calendar Feb. 4th, Thursday 6:00pm Southern Region Rally Heritage Motors 439 N. Central, Medford Call OIADA if you plan to attend Mar. 10th, 6:00pm Metro Region Rally Brasher’s Portland Auto Auction (Previously Cascade AA) May 11-13, 2010 12th Annual National Buy Here – Pay Here Conference Venetian – Palazzo Resort Hotel – Las Vegas *For more information call 713-290-8171 June 13-17, 2010 NIADA Convention Ceasar’s Palace – Las Vegas NV *For more information call 800-682-3837 OIADA Class Schedule February 2010 12 - Brasher’s Northwest Auto Auction 22 - Title & Registration Class - Sponsored by Sentry Insurance 9:00am - 12:00pm OIADA Salem Office, 3 Hrs Continuing ED Members $50 Non-Members $75 ●Hands on class on how to complete your DMV paperwork properly 26 - Manheim Portland Auto Auction March 2010 12 - OIADA - Salem Office 26 - Brasher’s Portland Auto Auction (Previously Cascade) Eugene: Brasher’s NW Auto Auction- 90485 Auction Way Eugene Portland: Manheim Portland Auto Auction3000 N Hayden Island Drive Portland: Brasher’s Portland Auto Auction23585 NE Sandy, Wood Village Exit #16 off I-84 (previously Cascade AA) Salem: OIADA- 1475 Capitol St NE Medford: Southern Oregon Subaru- 3103 Biddle Rd TO REGISTER FOR A CLASS Call 503-362-6839 or 1-800-447-0302 (All times, dates, locations subject to change) February 2010 OIADA Wants You! If you’ve ever had an interest in learning more about the ins and outs of your industry, volunteer to serve on and OIADA committee. Showing your dedication to your industry will help boost the positive and professional image you have built for your dealership. Sign up today by calling 503-362-6839. R e a s o n s t o b e l o ng t o O IA D A : ●Continuing Education is at no cost to members. ●Discount on dealer forms. ●Legal referral program. ●Monthly publication from both OIADA & NIADA on up to date industry news Nationwide. ●Healthcare & Benefit programs at discount rates and so much more. ●$600 to $1000 + discounts on auction buy/sell fees. ●Protecting your business through NIADA legislative program that monitors and protects used vehicle dealers with Congress, IRS, NHTSA, FTC and others. ●Be heard with a strong voice in the only national organization which speaks for the used vehicle industry. ●Join a nationwide network of thousands of used vehicle dealers who want to see your business succeed. ●Your information headquarters. ●Ownership in the association (owned by dealers) ●You have a voice. ●Nationwide Skip tracing. ●Become a better dealer through OIADA & NIADA conventions and conferences ●Communicate prestige and professionalism to customers by placing your plaque from OIADA and your Member sticker from NIADA at your dealership. ●NIADA special benefits and services that provide business and personal discounts. ●Alert yourself to laws that may be headed your way. ●A valuable resource for advise, financing, marketing, taxes, legal matters, and so much more. 5 President’s Message W e are now well into the year 2010. I hope that your 2009 was successful and that 2010 will be more productive and profitable than ever. The planning for the 2010 convention is in full swing. If you have any ideas or suggestions please let Ladena know ASAP. It promises to be a fun filled time this year, along with some work also. We want to stress the fun part, by having a car rally and BBQ. We all work hard in our businesses all year, so let’s take time for a breather and enjoy each others company. ------If you think you’re too small to make a difference, you haven’t been in bed with a mosquito.----- Anita Roddick We still need more members for committees. Please see if you could take an hour or so each month and help the organization grow in the direction you would like to see. Do we need education ????? Is there legislation that would help our industry ?????? Are there more ways that we can improve the image of our dealer members ????? The executive board and the full Board of Directors cannot read minds. Please make your wants and needs known so that action can be taken in the right avenue. Tax refunds should already be trickling in, so maybe we will get a traditional bump in sales for the next few months. Please let the office know about issues with dealer bonds. We don’t know where the premiums are going to level out or if they will. Do we need legislation to help in this area ????? ---------------Raising teenagers is like trying to nail Jell-O to a tree-------------How many of you would like to have an OIADA golf tournament in your region ?????? Is there enough interest for us to have more than one this year ?????? If you have an idea for an article about one of your fellow dealers who is doing something out of the ordinary, please let LeRoy Hedberg know so that he can look into it. We need to be able to know when a dealer is going above and beyond so that it can be shared around the whole state. Until next month, Here is to good friends, good health, great happiness, and prosperity. Wally Gray, OIADA President 2010 Brasher’s Northwest Dealer Visits Heartland Ranch and Bags Trophy! Brasher’s Northwest Dealer, Bob Roessel of Portland RV Wholesale had the opportunity to visit The Heartland Ranch in Missouri this year to do some serious hunting. The trip, which was won by a friend during Brasher’s Northwest’s Anniversary Sale in June, was the trip of a lifetime for Bob, a serious sportsman. During the three day trip to the Ranch, Bob stayed in the Ranch’s 26 room guest lodge with first class amenities and amazing views. On the second day, Bob got what he came for: An 800 lb. bull elk! The elk had a green score of 512. The ranch cut and wrapped the meat. Bob took home 80 lbs. of meat to share with the family, and donated the rest (400 lbs.) to a local charity. After an exhausting day on the hunt, Bob was able to spend his final day relaxing and enjoying the views of the ranch. “I very much enjoyed myself and would recommend this trip to anyone who doesn’t often get to hunt.” 6 February 2010 Experian Webinar Takes In-Depth Look into Auto Finance Market Trends By Jennifer Reed, Auto Group Editor December 10, 2009 S CHAUMBURG, Ill. — On Wednesday, Experian Automotive reported that rising average credit scores on both new and used loans, a downswing in delinquency rate growth and lower at-risk loan values have been pointing toward stabilization in the market. Basically, 30-day delinquencies jumped by 21.7 percent for banks, but only grew by 8.7 percent for captives and 4.5 percent for credit unions. Meanwhile, finance companies saw a decline of 0.1 percent in 30-day delinquencies. More specifically, Melinda Zabritski, director of automotive credit for Experian Automotive, explained that average credit scores for both new- and used-vehicle loan originations climbed in the third quarter of 2009. “While higher-than-average delinquency rates are still with us and may be for some time, the fact that the rate of increase is slowing is definitely some positive news for an industry that hasn’t had much as of late,” Zabritski said. In fact, the average credit score for a new-vehicle loan reached 775 in the third quarter, up from 762 in the third quarter of 2008, “These slowing delinquency rates, along with several while the average credit score for a used-vehicle loan was 684 other trends we are now seeing, should provide in the third quarter, up from 670 in the third quarter of 2008. some cautious optimism for the market,” she added. “Lenders are making fewer risky loans today than they did 60-Day Delinquencies just two years ago,” Zabritski indicated. “The prime and superprime segments of the market accounted for 66 percent of new Sixty-day delinquencies are another story. Zabritski originations in the third quarter of 2009, up from 56.6 percent said these are continuing to show large increases. in 2007. The deep-subprime and subprime segments of the market accounted for 28.92 percent of the market in the third quarter of 2007 and dropped to 21.84 percent of the market in the third quarter of 2009.” She went on to say, “Much of today’s rising delinquency rate relates to loan practices from 2007. Many more risky loans were made during this time and are now delinquent. By moving more of their loan portfolios into lower-risk tiers, lending institutions are doing a better job of mitigating risk, which may lead to lower delinquency rates in the future.” 30-Day Delinquency Rates Looking specifically at 30- and 60-day delinquency rates, Zabritski said they are still on the rise, but the rate of growth for 30-day delinquencies “appears to be slowing.” According to Experian data, 30-day delinquencies grew to 3.32 percent in the third quarter, compared with 3.14 percent in the same period of 2008. “This is only a 5.8-percent increase, compared with a 9.5-percent increase from the third quarter of 2007 to the third quarter of 2008,” Zabritski noted. February 2010 SALEM COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION Saturday February 6, 2010 Oregon State Fairgrounds consigning 150 vehicles DEALERS Special Discount Fees call to consign 541-689-6824 Doors opens at 8am for viewing Auction starts at 10am Petersen Auction Group Curt and Susan Davis 541-689-6824 7 The 60-day delinquency rate rose from 0.84 percent to 0.95 percent, a 13.4-percent increase from the third quarter of 2008 to the same time frame of 2009. Additionally, these delinquencies rose by 14.5 percent for banks, 29.2 percent for captive finance companies, 16.7 percent for credit unions and 15.5 percent for finance companies and other lenders. Lender Market Share Reviewing lender market share, Zabritski found that loan originations for new vehicles are becoming more concentrated among fewer lenders. “The top 20 lenders accounted for 72 percent of all newvehicle loan originations in the third quarter of 2009, compared with 64 percent in the third quarter of 2008,” she highlighted. In fact, Toyota Financial Services had the strongest market share at 11.2 percent, followed by Chase Auto Finance at 11.1 percent, GMAC at 9.1 percent and Ford Motor Credit at 7.1 percent. Furthermore, several banks showed triple-digit gains in market share growth, including Chase Auto Finance at 129.5 percent, U.S. Bank at 113 percent, Wachovia Dealer Services (a part of Wells Fargo) at 103.1 percent and Hyundai at 103 percent, Experian discovered. On the used-vehicle side, Zabritski said lending remains “far more fragmented.” She went on to report that the top 20 lenders have 31 percent market share. This includes Wachovia Dealer Services at 5.7 percent, Chase Auto Finance at 4.5 percent, Toyota Financial Services at 3 percent and Capital One Auto Finance at 1.8 percent. “The top share gainers by percentage growth include U.S. Bank (67.6 percent), Fifth Third Bank (64.3 percent), Chase Auto Finance (50.7 percent) and TD BankNorth (42.6 percent),” she explained. Loan Values Continuing on, Zabritski explained that the average loan value during the third quarter declined significantly. For new vehicles, the average loan value was $22,712 8 in the third quarter, compared with $24,060 in the third quarter of 2008. “This is due in part to Cash for Clunkers, which provided significant incentives during the third quarter of 2009 and helped drive down loan values,” Zabritski indicated. Used-vehicle loan values, meanwhile, dropped only a bit from $15,983 in the third quarter of 2008 to $15,720 in the same period of 2009. Open Loan Balance So how are open loans faring? According to Experian, the decline in auto loans had a big impact of total loan balance. In the third quarter of 2008, the balance was $701.5 billion, dropping 4 percent to $673.4 billion in the third quarter of 2009. “The drop in loan value was sharpest among finance companies that do the majority of their loans to subprime and deep-subprime customers. Their total loan balance dropped 23 percent from $100 billion in the third quarter of 2008 to $77.3 billion in the third quarter of 2009,” Zabritski said. “Captive finance companies also saw a drop in loan values, falling 5.4 percent from $214.2 billion in the third quarter to $202.7 billion in the third quarter of 2009.” Who were the biggest gainers? That would be credit unions, Experian found. These financial institutions grew loan balance by 3.4 percent from $147.1 billion in the third quarter of 2008 to $152.1 billion in the same time frame of 2009. “Banks also showed a slight gain, going from $240 billion in the third quarter of 2008 to $241.1 billion in the third quarter of 2009,” Zabritski noted. In conclusion, Scott Waldron, president of Experian Automotive, pointed out, “We are seeing signs of stabilization in the automotive lending market that could spell good overall health for the auto industry in the long run. “Lending institutions are making less risky loans right now. As some of the higher-risk loans from a few years ago come off the books, lenders will be in a much better position to serve the automotive market,” he said. February 2010 Classified // Advertising AUL_bc:AUL BC.qxd 10/19/09 10:40 AM Page 61 Buy Sell Ride Magazine Nathan Samson, ® D.P.C. INC. / DEALERSHIP PROFIT CENTERS GENERAL AGENT - PACIFIC NORTHWEST JIM BANGERT 1000 SE 201 ST 503-516-6550 COURT • C AMAS , WASHINGTON 98607 Office: 360-834-3333 Fax: 360-834-3331 Cell: 360-608-3331 Email: • Corporate Toll-Free: 800-826-3207, Ext. 1 Continuing Your Education ©2009 Zurich Zurich delivers for you when it matters. You can access a complete magazine each month on our website to do your continuing education at education/online. Specialized insurance, F&I and service you can count on – for more than 85 years. Call Chris Booker at 503-872-7326. Dealers, Advertise Here: 9-3894 OIADA BC AD.indd 1 11/24/09 10:39:12 AM Dealer Trades, services, business opportunities, job search, vacation rentals, etc. ! t I e m a Yo u N Advertise on OIADA Van Call today for a rate sheet to 503-362-6839. Advertise Here! Residents of Oregon are represented in Congress by 2 Senators and 5 Representatives. Member Name DC Phone DC FAX Electronic Correspondence Senator Ron Wyden (D- OR) 202-224-5244 202-228-2717 Senator Jeff Merkley (D- OR) 202-224-3753 202-228-3997 Representative David Wu (D - 01) 202-225-0855 202-225-9497 Representative Greg Walden (R - 02) 202-225-6730 202-225-5774 Representative Earl Blumenauer (D - 03) 202-225-4811 202-225-8941 Representative Peter DeFazio (D - 04) 202-225-6416 202-225-0032 Representative Kurt Schrader (D - 05) 202-225-5711 202-225-5699§iontree=47 February 2010 9 Do We Still Have TARP? Y ou bet we do! For those who have not heard or were not at the 2009 NIADA Convention and Expo in Orlando, let me bring you up to speed. As you know during fall 2008, the Troubled Asset Relief Program – TARP, a federal government program, was established in an attempt to curb the ongoing financial crisis. No one had felt this crisis more than those of us in the automotive industry. Credit availability came to a crashing halt and financing anything appeared to be a fleeting memory. It looked pretty scary until the idea of bringing these two groups - lenders and dealers - together. Keith Whann, General Counsel for the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association, witnessed the frustration of both of these groups and created the industry’s own TARP ... Together Automotive Retailing Prospers. It became the highlight for many attending the 2009 NIADA Convention in Orlando. Now we are taking this event on the road to strategic regional locations across the country, all leading to a big event at the 2010 NIADA Convention in Las Vegas. Upcoming Regional TARPS ● January 15, 2010 -- Manheim Central Florida -- Orlando, FL ● March 12, 2010 -- Manheim DFW -- Fort Worth, TX ● May 7, 2010 -- Manheim Fredericksburg -- Fredericksburg, VA FINANCE TOPICS ● How to develop new lender relationships ● Insuring the deal being financed is solid ● What today’s lenders require ● F&I product approvals that make sense ● Developing your dealership’s lender package ● Minimizing lender risk means dealer profit ● The Lender - Dealer agreement ONLINE ADVERTISING TOPICS ● The evolution of automotive advertising · Your virtual showroom ● Stimulating dealership “walk-in” traffic · Reputation management ● Merchandising for success · Engaging prospects 10 ● Handling repossessions properly ● Is it: get a customer financed or a deal bought? ● The successful Lender - Dealer relationship February 2010 Continued from Page 10 F & I PROCESS AND VEHICLE CERTIFICATION TOPICS ● Introducing NIADA’S NEW CPO Program ● Properly selling a CPO Vehicle ● What is a Certified Vehicle? ● Recent F & I developments impacting dealers ● Warranty or service contract; What’s the difference? ● Keys to dealership paperwork in the F & I process ● The appropriate structure for a CPO or service contract program ● F & I products & practices that work Keith will be available to answer questions and talk one on one about individual issues as time permits. REGISTRATION IS FREE! LENDERS CONTACT: L.J. Marhefka, TARP Program Coordinator 740-338-0488 February 2010 DEALERS AND LENDERS This schedule allows for informal discussions and private conferences. 8:00am - 9:00am Coffee, Lender Registration & Setup 1:00 pm - 2:30pm F & I Process & Certified Vehicles 9:00 am - 11:00am Tarp Lending and Financing Session 11:00 am - 1:00pm Lunch (provided) 1:00 pm - 3:00pm Keys To Online Advertising Success Session 3:00 pm - 4:00pm Additional Lender - Dealer Meeting Time DEALERS REGISTER ONLINE OR COME TO THE AUCTION MORNING OF THE PROGRAM: If you are interested in solving your credit and/or finance issues, make plans to attend the regional TARP event nearest you. We look forward to seeing you! For additional information, contact Georgia Brown at or 800-682-3837 11 FEBRUARY Remember: It’s Tax Time! Make sure your lot has the right inventory for Tax Rebate Buyers. Stock up at Brasher’s Northwest in February! Sweethear t Sale February 9 th & 10th NORTHWEST AUTO AUCTION 12 3 450 Units featuring Kendall Auto Group, Northwest Community Credit Union, ARI, RSA, Reliable Credit and More! 9&10 World Fa m o u s Specialty Auction with 600+ RV, Marine & PowerSport Units plus 350+ Cars, Trucks & SUV’’s. Highline, Marine & PowerSport Auction Tuesday Night at 5PM. RV’s and Vehicles 9AM Wednesday! 17 Credit Union and Kendall Sale with 550+ Units! Featuring Oregon Community Credit Union, Northwest Community CU, OSU Federal CU, Central Willamette CU and More! 24 End of the Month Blowout with Capital One Auto Finance, Wachovia Dealer Services, Hertz Car Sales and More! February 2010 90485 Auction Way, Eugene, OR 97402 | | 800-905-3901 FROM THE ROAD By LeRoy Hedberg T he new year is upon us. We are in hopes of an upturn in the economy and a more optimistic public as we hope for more sales. As I look back on the last year, we had many ups and downs. One of the ups was our Convention at the Running Y Ranch. It was a time for us to look at where we are going as a profession. I think most of us came away feeling that getting back to basics and knuckling down to business is the best approach, and hope for the best for 2010. One of the highlights of the convention for me is the election of the Quality Dealer of the Year. This years winner was Doug Blizzard of Blizzard Motors, Inc. I had the pleasure of interviewing Doug so all of you could get better acquainted with him. Here is my attempt at the interview. I asked Doug how he got involved in our industry. He said “I have always had a real love for cars, since I can remember.” In the third grade his class had an assignment to create a city out of shoe boxes. Each child would contribute to the city with their own building made out of the shoe box. Doug said he did not hesitate to know what building to bring. He got out some of his toy cars and created a car dealership! His first car in High School was a 1967 black Camaro convertible. After his second year in college, he decided to switch his studies from pre-med to business. He then got a job selling cars in a high end dealership. After college he tried other types of sales but finally decided to stay with his love – cars. He got his dealers license and hooked up with a partner who became his mentor, Glen Rardin. “We grew slowly and Glen mentored me in how to do things right; treat clients as human beings and make your clients happy. He taught me what it is to be a professional.” In 1993 Doug started Blizzard Motors. He stays with the high end vehicles…”That is what I love! It is a challenge to find cars that are unique.” Doug and his wife Kristy have been married for 17 years. He met her working for a dealership, where she worked in the office and her dad was the sales manager. They have two daughters, 15 yr old Nicole and 13 yr old Stephanie who keep them very busy. They are both very involved in their girls’ lives. Doug received the highest votes to become this years Quality Dealer of the Year. He said this was the highest honor he could receive. It was always a goal, but one he did not know if he could achieve. “I have always wanted to leave a mark in this industry” I think you did it, Doug! Congratulations from all of us! Remember…United We Stand! February 2010 13 14 February 2010 NIADA Convention & Expo June 14-17, 2010 Make Your Plans Now and SAVE! ●Want to SAVE $69 Per Night on Your Hotel Stay?? ●How about SAVING up to $150 on Convention Registration?? HURRY!! These Rates Expire December 31st! Are you planning on joining us in Las Vegas next year? If so, how does a $120 per night room rate sound? NIADA has negotiated with Caesars Palace, a discounted room rate of $120 per night for a limited time. This room rate offer expires on December 31, 2009 and after this deadline, the room rate could go as high as $189 depending on current economic conditions. Make your room reservations NOW to lock in the low rate of $120 per night...Go to to make your hotel reservations or call Caesars Palace directly at 866-227-5944 and give the group code SCNADO to receive the reduced $120 room rate. MORE SAVINGS... If you REGISTER for the Convention by December 31, 2009, you will save an additional $50 for a full registration package (over the existing $100 in savings for registering by 6/11/10). Register Online TODAY at or download the registration form and fax to us. February 2010 15 WINTER ISN’T OVER YET M any people don’t realize that lack of preparation for winter could mean unwelcome home damage and unexpected repair expenses. To help families and businesses protect themselves against winter risks here are some tips to help families prepare for risks and hazards that may come during the winter months. Evelyn and Larry Hecht, Hecht & Hecht Insurance Agency Inc. Winter often brings unforeseen risks for homeowners. Taking some time to make sure your home is readied for winter can ● “Watch out for that tree!” - Trees and branches prevent thousands of dollars in damage and weakened by snow, ice and wind can snap and seriously unnecessary hurt a person on your property, as headaches. well as cause serious damage to your home or car or car inventory. Snow or ice is the Trimming trees and removing fifth leading cause dead branches can help prevent of homeowners’ serious damage and injuries. insurance claims. Also, according ● Roof care and repair to the Insurance - High winds, snow and ice Information can damage a roof. Check the Institute (III), the structural ability of the roof to average homeowners’ claim for water damage sustain unusually heavy weight from the accumulation of and freezing is a whopping $5,531. snow and ice. After a heavy storm, check for water stains Follow these tips to protect you and your in attics and on any overhangs. Repair or replace split or loose shingles and fix any leaks. home from serious financial liability. Snow or ice is the fifth leading cause of homeowners’ insurance claims. ● Prevent ice dams - An ice dam is a ● Pipe dreams…and nightmares - First, the bad build-up of ice that blocks water drainage from the roof and the gutters. Ice dams can cause leaks from ceilings and walls that can ultimately lead to mold and other problems. To prevent ice dams, remove leaves, sticks and other debris from gutters or install gutter guards (available in most hardware home stores) that will prevent debris from getting in the gutter and interfering with drainage. Icicles can also be harmful. They can fall and injure someone or damage something when they fall from overhangs. 16 news: Frozen or broken water pipes disrupt hundreds of thousands of American lives every winter. The good news: You can prevent frozen pipes by following these tips. ● Keep the inside temperature of your home at 65 degrees or warmer. ● Wrap heating tape and/or standard insulation around pipes wherever possible. ● Look for pipes with cracks or leaks —they freeze first. -Continued on Page 17 February 2010 -Continued from Page 16 - ● Keep cabinet doors open during cold spells to allow Keep kitty litter, sand or rock salt on hand to sprinkle warm air to circulate around pipes (particularly in the over frozen driveways, walkways or sidewalks. Additionally, ensure that your outdoor steps and kitchen and bathroom). guardrails are in good repair to prevent injuries from ● If you’re leaving your home for several days, turn falls on ice. Be careful with some rock salt products as they often off the water cause serious completely and damage to drain the pipes, concrete causing or keep water it to discolor and dripping through chip away. one or two faucets, as moving water helps ● Chimneys prevent freezing. and Heaters However, if you – When it is cold are leaving your outside and we home for an warm up inside extended period danger lurks. of time, plan to Make sure your turn the water off. chimney flues Also, remember are clean and to turn off the ready for your electric or gas winter fires. If to the hot water you bring out the heaters. It also helps to have someone check your portable electric heaters make sure they are away home every day while you are gone. from furniture and draperies. If children are near, make sure that they will not get burned. Never leave ● If your pipes do freeze, quickly shut off the water a portable electric heater unattended overnight. and immediately call a plumber. A leading cause of water damage in a home is damage caused by a broken line to the icemaker. Turn off the water line to the icemaker when leaving for extended periods of Hecht & Hecht Insurance time. The shut off is usually located near or under the is here to assist with all of sink closest to the refrigerator. ● Flood and Mudslide – Business and homeowners can suffer flood and mudslide losses as the freezing waters and earth begin to thaw. All across the Northwest we are hearing of new floods and mudslides occurring in areas where that has never been a problem before. This requires special insurance and losses are most often not covered by traditional insurance. ● Prevent personal injuries - Homeowners your insurance needs in 2010. When we can be of assistance, we can be reached at Evelyn Hecht ●503-542-113 Larry Hecht ●503-860-3224 (cell). are liable for any injuries that occur on their property. February 2010 17 New and Renewing Members Auto Solution Inc. Portland 4 Season’s Auto’s Freeman Motor Co. Portland Farwest Auto Sales Medford Redmond The Summit Group of Oregon Salem National Auto Wholesale Keizer Coop’s Car Connection Salem Premier Auto Sales Albany Swede One Autoworks Portland Cars & Trucks R’ Us Outlet Eugene Steve Pound Wholesale Portland Dale’s Auto Services Inc Southern Oregon Subaru Medford Five-Star Auto Sales Henry’s Foreign Auto Sales Phoeniz Carriage Motors Rexius Forest By-Products Eugene Clarissa Auto Beaverton Auto Wholesale Aloha The Dalles Zurich - Portland Reliable Credit Association Milwaukie Slick Auto Sales Hashem Auto Sales Clackamas Canon Investments Inc. Albany Salem Madras Marine, Inc. Hank’s Auto Sales Eugene Hermiston Cross Point NW Dealer Auctions LLC Milwaukie Bob & Carol’s Family Auto Center Klamath Falls German Auto Sales Oregon City Madras Portland Crawfordville Starling Auto LLC Mike’s RV Service Mgt LLC Clackamas Central Point Salem The Summit Group of Oregon, LLC Independent Insurance Agency Workers Compensation & Custom Health Insurance Programs for the OIADA and its Members Contact John Petrie or Aaron Smith, Agency Owners Office: 888-656-7646 Website: 18 February 2010 Social Media and Dealership Marketing Appeared December 2009 - volume 6 - issue 12 - page 26 Dealer Business Journal Mark’s Auto Sales the first page of a Google, Yahoo! or other search. When was your last “Tweet”? How many “fans” If it does pull up on the first page, is the information do you have? Do you have enough “followers?” A found on your Web site enough to help a consumer couple years ago you may have found my questions make a car-buying decision? cryptic. Many of you have heard these terms before. Some of you may use these social networking sites Social media affects consumer decisions. In the already. But if you’ve been too busy with the day-to- book Socialnomics, by Erik Qualman, surveys said day operations to give these sites a try and create 78 percent of consumers trust peer recommendation while only 14 percent trust advertisements. There business profiles you are missing out. are thousands of social media Web sites. Some are Social sites include Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, mainstream with millions of members, and others are niche, designed around as well as blogs. On these certain interests. While it sites, known as “Web 2.0,” would be impossible to profile users can customize and all of them, the sites with generate content. This has the largest membership and transformed communication traffic are described below, for consumers young and old. and ways to use them for your dealership. In fact this year, social media is the No. 1 activity people spend their online time doing. No longer are these sites just for kids and students; membership has grown across demographics, and businesses across industries have found great rewards by maintaining their profiles to reach their customers. Social media has become a new form of communication for the hundreds of millions of Americans. If your dealership has customers between 18-30 years old, these sites may be their preferred communication and research tools on the Web. We know your customers are online and they use search engines. In fact, multiple surveys have found that more than 70 percent of consumers started their car search online. If you have social media pages, such as a Facebook Fan Page, a YouTube Channel or a Blog, this gives an opportunity for your business to be seen in their search results. ● Your “tweet” in Twitter is the length of a text message to share what you are doing right now. Twitter is growing fast with businesses and individuals joining in the conversation. Share links with link shortening services like and that allow your long link to fit in the 140 characters. Build your follower base by updating frequently. ● Upload video of inventory, advertisements, about the dealership, or testimonials on YouTube. When you register and start uploading your videos, a channel is created, yourmembershipnamehere. As streaming video is growing online with more consumers connected to high-speed Internet, a 45-second to two-minute video can make a stronger impression than a photo. Video editing skills are not required, simply use your digital camera video function, and upload the file from camera to computer and then to YouTube. Your dealership’s Web site may or may not be on February 2010 19 Continued from Page 19 to write about.” Remember, these are not classified pages, they’re a communication tool. Share about your business, your specialties, your business’ story. You can use it to share “news” about recently acquired inventory or an upcoming sale, but don’t make it a habit to only share about sales. But rather use it as a soft sale. Great information worth sharing to your followers, fans, connections, is your insight as a dealer into an issue affecting the automotive industry, such ● You may have heard that many muscians have as the recent federal “Cash for Clunkers” program. Do you ever gotten their big have a customer break on MySpace, appreciation event? and have gone Use social media to on to become gain exposure to the very popular. event. If you have Unfortunately a referral program, MySpace has not you can tell them been business how they can make friendly, and a money when their personal profile family of friend buys used for a business a vehicle from you. are removed A lot of business from time to time. owners are However, a solution hesitant about their around this is for involvement on individual sales social media with staff to have their concerns that it will own pages that they connect with their customers who prefer MySpace. create a new and very visible channel for customer Then use the comments and album sections, like complaints. Even if you’re not on these sites, an unhappy customer is likely still complaining, whether Facebook to keep in touch with customers. it is to their friends face to face or their online friends. ● The maintenance of a blog for your dealership can be your voice to provide info and insight online. If your I too, have been using social media to build our dealership is already mailing out a customer an online buy here-pay here dealership, Mark’s Auto Sales in newsletter, make that content available on the blog Lakewood, Colo. This year amongst our customers, too. Consumers trust blogs for information. Write with I’ve seen an increased involvement and adoption of your customer in mind. What would interest them? these sites, as well as the use of the Internet. Since What questions might they have about car buying in building our social media marketing efforts, traffic general, or your inventory specifically, that you can from these referring links has increased. While closing answer? This is a trusted medium you can use to customer loan documents, we make certain we know the exact lead source. If they said, “your Web site” share with your clients and web searchers. we ask “how did you find our site?” Recently one new A common frustration for the business owner is that customer told me that she “had such a warm feeling” “I’ve set up the site, but now I don’t know what I want after seeing our YouTube customer testimonials. ● Find Fans for your business by creating a business fan page on Facebook. Your fan page is linked to a personal account, but multiple administrators can be appointed to update the fan page when signed in, in their own accounts. Keep in touch with your network and provide information about the happenings of your dealership with the events, albums, wall and notes functions. 20 February 2010 Read & Respond or Certify Below OIADA CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAM Complete this test or Certify below that you have read the articles for Feb. 2010 ARTICLE: QUESTION Social Media & Dealership Marketing Social media affects consumer decisions. In the book Socialnomics, by Erik Qualman, surveys said 78 percent of consumers trust peer recommendation while only 14 percent trust advertisements. (1) True _____ False ______ TARP NIADA created the industry’s own TARP Program, called “Together Automotive Retailing Prospers.” (2) Impact on Consumer Walk in Traffic 80% of car shoppers – four out of five – who walk through a dealership’s doors do not establish contact with the dealer prior to their initial visit. (3) True _____ False _____ True _____ False _____ Auto Finance Market Trends Experian Automotive reported that rising average credit scores on both new and used loans, a downswing in delinquency rate growth and lower at-risk loan values have been pointing toward stabilization in the market. (4) True _____ False ______ Social Media & Dealership Marketing If you have social media pages, such as a Facebook Fan Page, a YouTube Channel or a Blog, this gives an opportunity for your business to be seen in the consumers search results. (5) True ____ False _____ TARP The Troubled Asset Relief Program was designed to put consumers into new vehicles. (6) True ____ False _____ I certify to OIADA that I have personally read these articles in The Oregon Dealer News Magazine for # 2-2010 My Name __________________________________________________ ____________(printed) Dealership Name _________________________________________ Dealership # ___________ Dealer License Expiration Date:(Month)_________________________ Year)________________ Signed: _____________ ____________________________________Date __________________ FAX TO: 503-364-7331 or mail to OIADA, 1475 Capitol St NE, Salem, Oregon 97301 Membership Survey Please fill out a fax or send back to OIADA Fax: 503-364-7331 Do you have a membership with OIADA? YES NO Reason: Do you attend the annual convention? YES NO Reason: Do you have any suggestions for the convention? Which products or services offered by OIADA do you use? Where/how do you purchase your forms? Phone In office Website Where/how do you obtain your continuing education? OIADA What method do you prefer? Live Class Do you belong to a 20 group? Other Online YES NO Auction Other___ . . Mail Convention . Not Happy . If so, whose? What dealer software do you use? ____________________Love It OK What is the average number of units in inventory for your business? Average monthly unit sales? Do you advertise on the internet? If so, how? Craigslist Personal YES Website EBay NO Cars 24/7 What % of your business is sub-prime? What lenders do you use? Are you ‘Buy Here / Pay Here’? Do you have a service department? What auctions do you use if any? PAA How often? YES YES CAA NWAA NO NO Crosspoint Who do you use to transport your vehicles? Do you sell Service Contracts? Do you sell Product Warranties? Average number sold per month? Which company/ies do you use? What vendors do you use for the following: Advertising Insurance Price Guides Training Detail Supplies Tires Other - YES YES NO NO Others 23 . Other . ASSOCIATE MEMBER LIST: Your Dealer Products and Service ADVERTISING FINANCING LEGALSERVICES Katrina Sonley, 425-748-0670 Credit Concepts Jason Moon, 541-342-8545 Simms & Simms Ted Simms, 503-228-8583 312-601-6134 Mid Oregon Credit Union – Bend Kyle Frick, 541-382-1795 Craig Nichols & Associates Craig Nichols, 503-224-3018 The Oregonian Jeff Fishback, 800-452-1420 x 8479 Nationwide Northwest, LLC Kevin Sullivan, 916-997-2181 Buy Sell Ride Magazine Nathan Samson, 503-516-6550 Reliable Credit Association David Marx, 503-462-3022 LEASING Oregon Roads, Inc. New & Used Vehicle & Commercial Leasing Joseph McKinney, 541-683-2277 SERVICE CONTRACTS ACCESSORIES – AUTO Auto Marketing Associates NW Gary Palaniuk, 503-519-7725 Reliant Financial/ Oregon Auto Finance 1700 Valley River Dr. #B Eugene, OR 97401 Gary Veum, 541-868-0472 A.U.L. Corporation Gina Eagerton, 800-826-3207 United Finance: Burnside, 503-232-5153 Gateway, 503-238-6466 Gladstone, 503-238-6495 Eugene, 503-342-7671 McMinnville, 503-472-3121 Salem, 503-585-6411 Tigard, 503-639-3115 Beaverton, 503-644-1153 Hillsboro, 503-648-4141 Gresham, 503-661-5626 Seaside, 503-738-6371 Woodburn, 503-982-1111 Pendleton, 541-276-1111 Grants Pass, 541-476-6801 Roseburg, 541-673-5581 Medford, 541-779-7391 Klamath Falls, 541-882-3333 La Grande, 541-963-6600 Auto Services Company Dick Proudfoot, 503-705-7597 Northwest Auto Accessories Craig Lessard, 503-288-5700 AUCTIONS – PRIVATE Brasher’s Portland Auto Auction Jerry Hinton, 800-300-3200 Brasher’s Northwest Auto Auction Lisa Larkin, 800-905-3901 Cross Point NW dealer Auctions Brian Hardy, 503-457-4000 Manheim Portland Auto Auction 503-286-3000 AUCTIONS OUT-OF-STATE Adesa Seattle Auto Auction Greg Beck, 253-735-1600 Dealer’s Auto Auction Northwest Steve Doyle, 509-244-4500 South Seattle Auto Auction Julie Picard, 206-762-1600 AUCTIONS – PUBLIC Insurance Auto Auctions, Inc. Ryan Hall, 503-253-1500 Tower’s Auto Auction Micky Henson, 503-981-7777 Western Funding, Inc. Brian Moore, 916-484-7770 FLOORPLAN FINANCING Dealer Services Corporation Garrett Jorewicz, 866-230-0820 FORMS & MEMBERSHIP OIADA 800-447-0302 HEALTH CARE & BENEFITS Woodburn Auction Steve Morin, 503-981-8185 CAR RENTALS Canon Investments, Inc. Joe Canon (Salem), 503-580-0473 DEALER SOFTWARE Frazer Computing, Inc. Micheal Frazer, 888-963-5369 USA Travel/Wares Sandra Carlson, 503-252-9375 OpenMetrics AJ Weinzettel, 503-710-1829 The Summit Group of Oregon, LLC John Petrie, 503-581-2825 INSURANCE & BONDING Hecht & Hecht Insurance Larry & Evelyn Hecht – OIADA Agent of Record – Portland 800-609-0979 Jost, Stidd & Schrader Insurance Ryan McKay, 503-305-6916 Sentry Insurance Randy Dombrowski 800-624-8369 x 7272 Zurich Chris Booker, 800-648-2144 Auto Care Tim Letsom, 541-688-9290 A.U.L. Corp/ D.P.C. Inc. Jim Bangert, 360-834-3333 NW Dealer Direct Kevin Buck, 503-888-6034 Payment Insured Plan Amber Gorham, 541-736-3512 The Guardian Warranty Corp. Courtney Savage, 800-482-7357 TELEVISION/RADIO Ronald Massey, 503-705-9497 TRAINING OIADA: Continuing Education, Title & Registration, & Pre-licensing Ladena Borchers, 800-447-0302 Leedom & Associates Twenty Groups-Consulting-Training for dealers Chris Leedom, 941-371-7999 1475 Capitol St. NE Salem, OR 97301 ●503.362.6839 ●800.447.0302 Toll Free Fax: 877.227.3676 Fax: 503.364.7331 Feb. 4th & 18th 503-492-9200 | Feb. 25th Feb. 11th & 25th • Up to 75 units Feb. 25th GSA SALE Feb. 18th 1:00 pm sale • Up to 100 units Feb. 11th & 25th Feb. 18th • 100+ units Feb. 11th & 25th Represented by Peter Craig Feb. 25th Feb. 4th, 11th and 25th every week Reliable Credit F E B R U A R Y 4 C R E D I T DEALER SALE UP TO 1000 UNITS U N I O N BANK REPOSSESSION SALE with up to 300 bank repos and fleet vehicles. Featured consignment from US Bank and Wachovia Financial Services. Non-op at 8:30 2 0 1 0 11 with up to 80 repo units each week with Todd Olson T H U R S D AY S AT 9 A M DEALER SALE UP TO 18 Credit Union Sale SMOKIN’ RIB SHOOTOUT III 1000 UNITS HONDA FINANCIAL SERVICES ACURA FINANCIAL SERVICES Up to 75+ Honda Honda Financial and Acura Financial Services units. Non-op at 8:30 DEALER SALE UP TO 1300 UNITS VOLKSWAGEN CREDIT AUDI FINANCIAL GSA SALE Non-op at 8:30 STARTS AT 1 PM 25 DEALER SALE UP TO 1100 UNITS Credit Union Sale NEW CAR FEATURE SALE Up to 150 New Car Store Trades offered with $100 28-day floats. Over 350 total repo & fleet vehicles today! HONDA FINANCIAL SERVICES ACURA FINANCIAL SERVICES Non-op at 8:30
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