Burley LodgeCentre Annual Report 2009-2010
Burley LodgeCentre Annual Report 2009-2010
CONTENTS Burley Lodge Centre Annual Report 2009-2010 chair’s report chief executive’s report treasurer’s report kids united united youth volunteering advice service services/room hire staff and directors list 4 5-7 9 - 10 11 - 12 13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 18 19 - 2 0 21 CHAIR’S REPORT Over this year there were a lot of changes for the BLC, including quite a few staff changes, and changes to board membership. We wish everyone who has moved on all the best, and thank them for their contributions to the organisation. We welcome the new members and look forward to working with you. Funding, as always, is a limiting factor, but we know that our work together benefits the people in our area, and wider afield in Leeds - and their needs have only increased during the global financial downturn. The challenges facing the BLC will inevitably continue to focus our minds over the coming year. I remain confident that we will face these challenges with a positive outlook and continue to deliver quality services to our service users and communities. The board is grateful to the staff and volunteers for their dedicated hard work, and commitment to the purpose of the BLC, and we look forward to new opportunities and challenges ahead. Thank you! Paul Paul Tapper Chair, Board of Directors, Burley Lodge Centre 3 Burley Lodge Centre Annual Report Chair’s Report 4 with excellent participation from local young people. The highlight of the year was the summer residential to London. CEO’S REPORT The Burley Lodge Centre is a value driven organisation committed to meeting the needs of the community through using a multi-purpose model of service delivery. Considerable time has been spent reflecting on our organisational values and finding ways to measure not just outcomes but also our impact. We have worked hard at building our capacity and capability to deliver high quality, well managed services. We have re-examined our capacity to engage at a strategic level in local and city wide partnerships, increasing our management and administration capacity to facilitate wider partnership working and strategic reach. Resources have been limited this year in some of our service delivery areas; we have prioritised activities that we know have the most impact. Success in winning a contract to deliver mobile play means that we have been able to significantly increase some services. We have been successful in retaining our LSC Quality Mark in general help with casework in Debt and Welfare Benefits. The advice service has seen a dramatic increase in the number of clients we work with and we can evidence significant positive impact on the life outcomes of the clients we have assisted. Our volunteering service has also had a very successful year; volunteers have supported all areas of service delivery including the very successful Play in the Park first birthday celebration. Our Youth work provision has been well attended 5 Burley Lodge Centre Annual Report CEO’s Report 5 In terms of financial management, we changed our bankers this year to Unity Trust Bank; this has resulted in a number of efficiencies and cost savings. Like many other organisations, we have received less bank interest than expected and have adopted an interim investment strategy whilst working on a longer term plan for maximising our income through socially responsible investment of our reserves. A rigorous review of our policies and procedures has made some substantial improvements in our operational processes. We do not intend to become complacent and will continue to reflect on practice to ensure that all services are delivered safely and to high quality standards. Unfortunately, we have experienced high staff turnover this year but I am pleased to report that we have been able to appoint some very experienced and skilled new staff. Continued overleaf. CEO’s Report 6 We know resources in the next year are going to be stretched; there are a number of external factors, particularly political and economic, that will have an impact on our ability to continue to deliver quality community based services and activities. In preparation for the launch of our next Strategic Plan we will focus on what the impact of the changes will be and prepare for example to work in collaboration with others who share our values and ethos. We have already started the ball rolling on plans initiated by our young people to convert our basement space into a purpose build mini youth hub. Our Board were keen to advance plans, paying for an extensive feasibility study to be undertaken in preparation for future funding opportunities. This decision reinforces our commitment to developing community assets whilst remaining committed to social action. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to my enthusiastic and dedicated staff team and our loyal and steadfast volunteers and Trustees for their efforts over this last year. Taira Kayani Chief Executive 7 Burley Lodge Centre Annual Report CEO’s Report 8 TREASURER’S REPORT In summary, the Audited Accounts for 2009-2010 show that total incoming resources including funding for the work of the Burley Lodge Centre during the financial year totalled £635,364, of which £416,274 were in restricted funds for specific projects. The Centre’s total expenditure in the course of its work through the financial year was £701,123. Our income was down on the previous year for various reasons. There was a slight decline in grants received for project work, as well as a decline in income from room bookings in these more difficult times. At the end of the financial year the Centre held restricted funds of £44,481 which are in relation to the ongoing projects. There was also an unrestricted balance of £206,746 in free reserves. As noted in the accounts, much of this is earmarked to assist the long term stability of the Centre in what is and continues to be, a challenging environment. 9 Burley Lodge Centre Annual Report Among this unrestricted income we have continued to be very grateful to Leeds City Council for their ongoing support. The free reserves balance also reflects the excellent financial management of the Centre by the senior staff. In reviewing the financial year and looking ahead the Centre has an excellent base from which to support projects run from the restricted funds, for which unrestricted funds act as ‘seed money’ to enable fund raising. At this time that is more important than ever. As always the Burley Lodge Centre is very grateful to all our funders and we trust that the quality of work delivered will continue to gain their recognition, approval and ongoing support. William Hird Honourary Treasurer 7 Treasurer’s Report 10 KIDS UNITED Kids United is dedicated to providing afterschool, weekend and holiday activities for children aged 5-13 years old. The main areas of delivery over the last year have been around the provision of a weekly boys group, BLT’s our drama group and outdoor open access free play (mobile play). This year we had a huge fun-filled birthday party on Alexander Park to celebrate our first year of delivering open access free play on this well attended site. The cake was cut by Leeds Play Champion, Cllr Stuart Golton, who spoke to over 100 local residents, children and families about the success of the project. This year we won a contract from Leeds City Council to deliver mobile play to children further away from the streets immediately surrounding the Burley Lodge Centre. My ‘ favourite ‘ It’s exactly what we need because there is nothing like that around here’ thing to do is face painting! Especially your legs!’ It’s ‘ fantastic! We have spent time this year establishing links with colleagues and families in the Ireland Wood and Iveson estate areas in the city. We have delivered afterschool and weekend mobile play sessions in schools and local green spaces. The play sessions are now very well established within the area and we take pride in our delivery focusing on a variety of child-initiated play experiences and activities. Our mobile play project introduces children to a variety of risky play experiences, encouraging them to gain in confidence in an outdoor play setting. We have established a team of enthusiastic play workers and volunteers which, like the project, continues to expand. In the first nine months of delivery, we have engaged over 200 children and been supported by 13 volunteers. We very much hope to continue to expand our provision and are expecting to run up to 12 sessions per week over 4 different sites over the summer holidays. We aim to ensure that the entire summer holidays are filled with activities such as woodwork, making mud pies, skipping and den building. My son will love it’ Quotes from children and parents. 11 Burley Lodge Centre Annual Report Kids United 12 UNITED YOUTH Our year started with a real boost from the Co-op Foundation who awarded us a grant to support our project work. Just as we’d finalised our new plans for the year, the young peoples steering group made 2 successful grant applications and received funds for a summer activity programme and a computer suite and other equipment. Throughout the year we have offered opportunities to young people to participate in our football group, steering group and the youth café. Additionally, we have run a mountain bike project for 10 weeks covering safer and off road riding, basic maintenance and ended the project with a 12 mile ride round Lady Bower Reservoir. Eight young people achieved an accredited outcome through this project. Another project we ran this year was our ice skating project, which was specifically developed to tie in with our physical health targeted work. Six young people achieved an accredited outcome. To round off the summer we held another of our successful club nights for under 18’s at The Hyde Park Unity Day community festival. We have ended this year with the young peoples steering group completing a funding bid for £156,000 to convert the basement into a dedicated space for local young people. Our final activity for this year was a Go-Kart project that was about young people learning how to race through a series of team trials. Our plans next year are very much led by what young people in the local area tell us they want to see delivered at the Burley Lodge Centre. So far the young people have asked for more accredited programmes and opportunities to actively participate as volunteers. The summer was a particularly busy time for the Centre. The weekly activity programme included; a trip to Flamingo Land, Quad biking and Bungee jumping. Sixteen young people spent 2 nights in London where they competed in a football tournament. They had a great day coming 7th and 4th overall. We also took in some of the sights including a ride on the London Eye, a visit to Wembley Stadium and took in the West End show, Grease. 13 Burley Lodge Centre Annual Report United Youth 14 VOLUNTEERING Burley Lodge Opportunities continues to attract generous help and support of community members: Eighty six volunteers new to volunteering joined this year and over one hundred and sixteen volunteers worked with us over the year. There’s been a lot to get involved in covering all areas of the Centre’s work with twenty four different opportunities on offer; including in a youth activities programme, Under 12’s boys group, generalist advice, admin, acting as directors, supporting events such as our AGM and Winter Fair. Partners from CALM joined Burley Lodge for this year’s Winter Fair, working alongside staff and volunteers to ensure our annual open day was a great success. We included workshops for children, a visit from Santa, face painting, circus skills workshops , a free shop and pizza from the staff team at Domino’s. Outdoor mobile play sessions for 6- 13 year olds are proving to be a popular opportunity for volunteers and this year saw a well-attended first birthday celebration of the project with a party on Alexander Park. The volunteering project was externally evaluated in November. Volunteers reported the benefits of volunteering both for themselves and the local community. Once again we thank our volunteers and funders, Big Lottery, for their continued support of the volunteering scheme. In the coming year we will be working with over one hundred local new volunteers, in addition to renewing our Investors in Volunteering quality mark. We very much look forward to having the opportunity to demonstrate that Burley Lodge Opportunities is a volunteering programme of national standard, right here in the heart of Burley. We’d developed several successful partnerships this year; we worked closely with extended services in Inner NorthWest, Find Your Talent and Manyroots theatre. Running children’s theatre workshops; forty eight children from two cluster areas joined the project. Ten new theatre volunteers benefitted from working with the children over four days to develop a showcase for parents and supporters around the theme ‘Hello World- this is me’. 15 Burley Lodge Centre Annual Report 14 Volunteering 16 ADVICE SERVICE Burley Lodge Centre Advice Service (BLCAS) continues to be very busy, with all the news reports about the economic recession, we are sure you can appreciate a lot of our work in the last 12 months has been in relation to debt advice. Over the last 12 months, we have handled over £5 million worth of debt, on behalf of clients. We have funding from the Financial Inclusion Fund for 3 full time debt advisers; the British Gas Energy Trust provides funding for a part time generalist worker. Additionally, we work in partnership with Leeds CAB and Chapeltown CAB to provide generalist advice sessions across the city at Children’s Centres for pregnant women and families with children under 5. The funding we receive has allowed us to maintain our service and continue offering advice on a range of issues, including debt, benefits, housing and fuel poverty to people in the local area. Also, we now offer outreach services across the West and North West of Leeds. In December BLCAS was audited by the Community Legal Service and successfully retained its Generalist Quality Mark in advice. Over the last 12 months we have seen some staff changes to BLCAS, however the team remains committed to assisting all clients that approach us with the aim of making a positive difference to their lives. We try, wherever possible, to take a holistic approach to clients’ problems. Our aim is always to empower clients, enabling them to take a long-term approach to resolving their issues for the future. We await the upcoming general election and the impact of any changes this will have on our funding streams. 17 Burley Lodge Centre Annual Report Advice Service 18 SERVICES/ROOM HIRE The Burley Lodge Centre continues to provide a variety of services to the community including photocopying, printing and faxing. We also offer a variety of rooms for hire which are used for all sorts of things from meetings to dance groups to kids’ parties. We provide a friendly efficient service and a welcoming environment. We continue to enjoy a range of regular bookings from local people and groups, voluntary organisations and businesses. This helps us to generate income and makes the Centre a busy and interesting place. Jim, our full-time receptionist, is in charge of room bookings. Call him on 0113 2754142. Email info@burleylodge.org.uk for more information or a bookings brochure. We are in the process of implementing an online room booking system, so that you will soon be able to see what rooms are available on our website www.burleylodge.org.uk Watch this space! 19 Burley Lodge Centre Annual Report Services / Room Hire 20 STAFF 09/10 CEO: Taira Kayani Volunteer Services Manager: Joanne Jobling Advice Service Manager: Ann Richardson-Greaves Saima Akram Matthew Beckham Lesly Best Corinna Calori Paul Carter Laura Davis Jamie Doddsgriffin Veronica Driver Laura Elson Ria Foster Jemma Garland Alicia Harney Carolyn Henshall Anne Hepworth Lesley Hoff Emma Jackson Philza Kayani Rachel Kennedy Sylvia Kershaw James Lee Anne-Marie Loveridge Christopher Lightfoot Patrick McCusker Amie McKinley Michaela OBrien Julia Marie OReilly Pritesh Parmar Hannah Pemberton Nicola Ramsden Eleanor Rogers Michaela Shaw Tia Shaw Kellie Simmons Helen Simpson Ursula Slaughter Catherine Tonge Brian White Rebecca Wignell DIRECTORS 09/10 Chair: Paul Tapper Treasurer: William Hird Penny Ewens Martin Hamilton Ann Miller (resigned 09/12/09) Pritesh Parmar (resigned 21/10/09) Jenine Poyser (joined 10/03/10) Jack Smith (joined 10/03/10) Sally Taylor Shaheen Yousuf (resigned 08/09/09) 21 Burley Lodge Centre Annual Report This is a web version of our Annual Report 2010, for a hard copy please contact us on the details above.