2011_Vernois News - Mount Vernon Township High School


2011_Vernois News - Mount Vernon Township High School
Volume 89 - Issue 9
April-May 2011
Seniors reflect on days at MV
“MV has been
amazing! The
class of 2011
never had a
“My advice to
all you
would be: Be
cool, eat some
bacon, and
chase the squirrels.”
Lexi Cremeens
Trevor Skidmore
“MV has
prepare me for
the future,
and allowed
me to see
other peoples point of
“I will miss
the fights over
donuts and all
the cool
teachers and
Emmalee Jones
“I’ll miss the
Mt. Vernon
FFA. I won’t
forget many of
my FFA events
and trips,
especially National
Convention my sophomore
Josh Donoho
“MV was fun
while it
lasted, but
I am out of
Michael Hicks
“I have matured a lot
since freshman
year. It’s not
all just fun
and games
anymore. I care about my
school work and grades
Brenda Roman
“Besides my
friends, my
best memories
come from my
involvement in
Operetta. It
was a great experience and
it’s something I’ll
remember forever.”
Olivia Bullock
“MVTHS was
the bee’s knees
and bird’s
“Although I
was grounded
for most of my
senior year,
tennis and the
rest of my high
school experience
was fun.”
“MV has been
a memorable
and I will
never forget
all the people
I’ve met in my four years
“I’ll never
forget all of
the girls that
thought the
windows of G
lobby were
open doors and walked into
- Jackson Adams
Kayla May
Mark Schmidt
Anthony Harris
“My four years
at MV have
been hectic,
“I’ve grown up
a lot in the past
four years. I
don’t stay up
all night to
chat on MSN. I
deleted myspace, and I
haven’t touched a box of
black hair color in years!”
Hannah Smith
“I am going to
miss all of my
teachers, my
friends, and
everyone! Definitely
Tessa England
Erin Moore
Clay Jackson
To inform, educate, enlighten, and entertain | A VERNOIS PUBLICATIONS GROUP PRODUCTION
Page 2, BEATS
VERNOIS NEWS is a free monthly
publication produced by students and staff
of Mount Vernon Township High School.
VERNOIS NEWS is located in Room
122H/123H on the campus of Mount Vernon
Township High School, 320 South 7th
Street, Mount Vernon, Illinois, 62864.
Inquiries regarding advertising and other
questions may be directed to VERNOIS
NEWS by calling 618.246.5826 or
618.246.5827. Calls will be taken 8:00 am
to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday during
the school year.
Newsroom: 618.246.5826
Mr. VanZandt‟s Classroom: 618.246.5827
MVTHS Administration
Dr. Michael E. Smith, Superintendent
Mr. Ron Daniels, Principal
Mrs. Tammy Beckham, Assistant Principal
Ms. Joyce Dalton, Assistant Principal
Mr. Rob Knutson, Assistant Principal
Mr. Doug Creel, Assistant Principal
Mr. Neil Chance, Assistant to the
Mrs. Shirilyn Holt, Board Secretary
Mrs. Angela Brentlinger, Treasurer
Hannah Piercy, Editor in Chief
Hannah Lundius, News Editor
Alex Frisby, Feature Editor
Stephanie Modert, A&E Editor
Deanna Whiting, Opinions Editor
Cameron Stewart, Sports Editor
Cody Ferland, Assistant Sports Editor
Rance Cummings, Associate Sports Staff
Jessi Clark, Co-Photojournalist
Paisley Stewart, Co-Photojournalist
Maggie Aaron, Co-Photojournalist
Josh Gentry, Blue Print Editor
Reis Barnfield, Editorial Assistant
Aryn Wiggins, Associate News Staff
Alyssa Burge, Associate News Staff
Michael Jones, Associate News Staff
Megan Jackson, Associate News Staff
Trace Turner, Associate News Staff
Mr. Jamey VanZandt, Adviser
Mrs. Karen Hamilton, Print Shop Director
James Clark, Print Shop Assistant
Writing for Publication 1: Period 2
Danielle Alvis, Olivia Bullock, Meagan Jackson, Hannah Lundius, Jenny Rohl, Deanna
this just IN
Thespian Society Inducts New Members
By Olivia Bullock
Every year there is a ceremony held to induct new members into the Thespian Society.
To be inducted a student must have 15 points. They acquire these points by going to theatrical
productions, being a part of one of the productions at the high school or in the community, being
on stage or a tech crew member, and activities of that sort.
Once a student is inducted they will be able they will be able to take part in Thespian Socitey
activities such as seeing shows at the Fox or Muny, touring the Fox, and going to theater camps.
The sixteen new members this year are: Nathan Arnold, Avery Barton, Brady Bodine, Casey
Brandt, Faith Harpole, Amy Heckenberger, Clay Jackson, Kendall Kaskie, Samuel Lawerence, Dalton Miller, Hannah Mocaby, Madison Peterman, Alaina Reeves, Nathanael Ressler, Zachery Standerferm and Deanna Whiting.
The ceremony to induct these students was held on Wednesday April 20 in the auditorium at
7:30 p.m.
There was a candle lighting ceremony and also performances to symbolize the six parts of theater: Thespian, dance, music, speech, theatre, and dramatic literature.
“I encourage anyone that wants to be a part of Drama Club or Thespian Society to join. You
don't have to be and actor. You could do stage crew, tech crew, orchestra, costumes. There are
many ways to get involved.” Said Mrs. Mary Beth Mezo.
3D Design Goes Wild
By Hannah Lundius
The 3D Design class recently made a unique animal mask. They worked for around two weeks on
designing the layout of the masks and building the frames and details of their animals‟ faces.
There was a variety of animals made such as an elephant, peacock, tiger, dragon, and a cat.
They made the masks out of flexible foam type material and used hot glue to connect most of
their parts.
Since this project was for 3D Design class, all of the masks had to be three dimensional. This
was a challenge for most of the artists to create something 3D out of a flat piece of foam, but all of
them rose to the challenge.
After they were finished completing the masks, they walked down to the preschool class at MV
to show all of the children their animal masks.
All of the children were in awe of the colorful 3D masks and many of them got to try them on.
Sawyer Mays, Mr. May‟s son, was especially eager to try a few of them on.
There was an uproar in the preschool as many of the children gawked at the artwork the 3D
class made.
Kayla Burk, „13, stated, “It was so exciting to see the reactions on the kids‟ faces. All the work
that we did on the masks was worth it.”
Junior Spotlight
By Danielle Alvis
MV has upped the ante juniors this year, but all they can think about is getting this year over with
and starting their senior year.
“It feels good that next year is my senior year. I‟m ready to get out of this town and start my
life,” stated Marissa Morss „12
Your senior year is the final year of high school, and most of the time students want to take
easy classes and just cruise by and hope it goes by fast.
Students want to enjoy their senior year.
“I‟m just planning to make good grades, hopefully
get a scholarship and enjoy my last year as a high school student,” Morss added.
When students first arrive as a freshman, their blown away by starting high school. There are
more people, and more opportunities, but by the time that 4th year hits… your ready to leave.
Morss laughed and stated “I‟ve enjoyed my years at MV, but I can‟t say I‟m going to miss it.”
Writing for Publication 1: Period 4
Tyler Flota, Michael Jones
Have You Read It?
Feature, Page 3
MV students search for summer jobs
By Jenny Rohl
With summer just five weeks away, many
MV students look for easy ways to make
money. What preparations do students
make to prepare for the world of summer
Some teens mow the lawn, rake leaves,
or walk dogs over the summer for extra
cash, but they cannot just show up on the
job and say “ok…I‟m here.” They have to
have the supplies to do these jobs and think
about what they need so they succeed and
keep the job.
For example, to mow the lawn, one
needs a lawn mower, or to walk the dog, a
student needs a leash, or a rake to rake the
According to Justin Armstrong, „13, he
prepares himself by getting his mind set
and ready for what needs to be done.
Forty-nine percent of reported teens
have a job during the school year according
to www.finalcall.com. Students take a job
because their saving up for something, it‟s
a family owned business, or because their
parents are making them get a job.
“I need money to pay for a car and insurance,” said Charles Whitt, „13.
“I work at my parents‟ veterinarian
clinic as a summer job and I have hours and
a paycheck just like any other employee,”
commented Bennett Lamczyk, „13.
With different jobs, people prepare in
different ways.
“As an employee I work at the front
desk dealing with all our clients. I also run
rooms which are when I call a client into a
room and gather their information. I also
prepare the vet for anything they might
need,” stated Lamczyk.
Others such as Whitt will need “a uniform and a ride to work every day.”
Another part to having a job just like
anything else is the challenges and rewards.
According to Lamczyk, the hardest part is
putting in the hours, but the paycheck is
well worth it.
Top Ten Summer Jobs for
10. Camp counselor
9. Housekeeper
8. Receptionist
7. Lawn care
6. Fast Food
5. Retail Stores
4. Pet sitter
3. Tutoring
2. Babysitter
1. Life guard
Summer brings vacation and relaxation
Vacation is on many students‟ minds when summer comes
around. Several will head out of town to popular spots such as the
beach, Disneyland, Lake of the Ozarks and many other spots.
When summer is mentioned, everyone has something different that
“I‟m going to an itty bitty town right on Jacks Fork‟s River in
comes to mind. It may be hanging out with friends, getting a snow
Missouri for a friend‟s family reunion. Last year I went and we
cone, laying out, going on vacation, or maybe just working. With
jumped off a 30 foot cliff, it was an adrenaline rush but when I hit
summer just around the corner, it‟s definitely on everyone‟s mind.
the water, well it was painful and I won‟t be doing that again,”
“With all this nice weather, it‟s hard to stay focused on schooljoked Scarbrough, “I‟m also going to Florida with my family to see
work. I can‟t wait for summer to
one of my best friends, so I‟m pretty
get here so I don‟t have to worry
pumped for that too.”
about it anymore,” stated Alyssa
“I‟m going to a family reunion in
Burge, „12.
Michigan and camping in New Mexico
Of course summer means a
and Missouri,” said Devon Riley, „12.
break from school, and some freeA lot of students will be staying in
dom to just have fun, but for othtown this summer and, even for
ers, it means working too.
those who vacation, will be returning
“I pretty much live at Sears,
at some point, what will they be
but at least during the summer I
doing in town?
won‟t have to come to school
“Getting a tan, because right now
too,” said Kelsey Richardson, „12.
I make the snow look good,” joke
“I am going to be helping my
mom and dad a lot at their work
“I have been wanting to plant
this summer,” added Vaskaki
some flowers,” added Patel.
Patel, „13.
“Paige and I have a whole To-Do
“I‟ll be lifeguarding this sumList like hiking, going to the botanimer so I‟m sure I‟ll be there a lot
cal garden, and a whole list of
working,” said Chandler ScarVERNOIS NEWS photo/www.disneyworldtickets.com crazy stuff. I also plan on swimbrough, „13
MV students will enjoy a two month summer vacation with family and friends. Stuming and getting a lot of snow
A lot of students want to get a dents usually took time to plan vacations throughout the school year.
cones, golfing, hanging with
summer job so they have some exfriends, relaxing, just whatever
tra cash in their pocket for all the free time they will have to spend
comes up, it will be the last summer I spend with my sister and her
it, or if they are going on vacation, spending it there.
friends so we have to make it a good one,” stated Scarbrough.
By Deanna Whiting
Page 4, Feature
See ya later, MV
By Alex Frisby
Being the Feature Editor of the Vernois News for
the past two years has been an amazing experience. I am so happy that I served on the same
staff with all of the wonderful people this year
and last year.
I will miss all of my fellow staff members so
much and I will especially miss the late night
work sessions. We’ve definitely had some great inside jokes, hilarious band names, and some fun late night food runs.
The Vernois News has given me great experience with editing
and how to spice up a school newspaper.
Stephanie Modert and I came up with the idea last year to have
a Recipe of the Month and this year I kept that tradition alive with
‘Frisby’s Recipe of the Month.’ I hope that everyone has enjoyed
my Feature pages as much as I have enjoyed editing them.
I hope that the younger members of the Newspaper have a great
time next year and I give permission for someone to keep on the
recipe tradition.
Other students at MV, good luck with the rest of high school,
make the most of it because it flies by. Get involved and stay involved.
One more thing, keep on reading the Vernois News every month!
Alex Frisby’s Last Recipe of the Month
Strawberry Shortcake
1-1/4 cup of milk, divided
1/4 cup of sour cream
3 Tbsp. sugar
2-1/4 cup all-purpose baking mix
1 pkg. (3.4 oz) JELL-O Vanilla Flavor Instant Pudding
1 tub (8 oz) Cool Whipped Topping, thawed
4 cups of fresh sliced strawberries
1/3 cup sugar
Heat oven to 425°F.
Beat 1/2 cup milk, sour cream and 3 Tbsp. sugar in large bowl with whisk until well blended.
Stir in baking mix just until moistened. Spread onto bottom of 9-inch round pan sprayed with
cooking spray. Bake 12 to 15 min. or until golden brown. Cool 10 min.; remove to wire rack.
Cool completely.
Beat pudding mix and remaining milk in medium bowl with whisk 2 min. Stir in half the Cool
Whip. Toss strawberries with 1/3 cup sugar.
Cut cake horizontally in half; stack layers on plate, filling with half the strawberry mixture and
all the pudding mixture. Top with remaining Cool Whip and strawberry mixture. Serve immediately.
Feature, Page 5
Prom night turns exotic with, Night on the Wild Side
evening instead of to closing the night, as it has in all other MV
dances and in the past at prom.
The MV prom queen was named and crowned before the dance
A night a music, dressing up, and dancing is a recent memory for all
those who attended the 2010-2011 MV
Candidates for prom queen included;
Morgahn Zedalis, Brooke Moore, Brooke KuThe dance happened on Saturday April
jawa, Annalee Schuette, Taylor Adams, Des30th and was located at the Mount Vernon
tiny Stroud, and Kalee Hughes.
Holiday Inn.
In the end previous queen Lexie ShceThe theme that was chosen by MV’s
maker passed her crown to Destiny Stroud.
junior class was “A Night on the Wild Side”.
Candidate Morgahn Zedalis commented
This was to go along with the jungle decothat it was an honor that people thought
rated ball room and stage.
enough of her to nominate her for queen.
“I thought the theme was incredibly
A consensus among students attending
creative,” stated Jessie Dickerson,’12.
that prom was a success.
“The colors were bright and inviting.
Zedalis finished by saying, “I would
The thing that impressed me most were the
change how long the dance is! It was not
centerpieces for the tables. Those were
VERNOIS NEWS photo/Megan Jackson long enough, but other than that prom was
legit!” added Morgahn Zedalis,’12.
Destiny Stroud,’12 is awarded prom queen. Stroud attended
This prom marked the first time that the dance with her escort Nick Torrez,’11.
coronation and the grand march started the
By Paisley Stewart
Top 10 Things that Annoy Teachers enjoy summer,
Seniors the Last Few Days of give advice to students
By Aryn Wiggins
10. Senior pranks being put
9. No Senior skip day
8. Obnoxious underclassmen
7. Having student debt
6. Getting Saturday school
5. Missing an AP exam
4. Find out that they have or
getting a truancy and having to
come back and take exams the
next week
3. Tests on the last day
2. Piles of homework and make
-up work to do before the last
1. Actually having to come to
school at all
As temperatures rise, students gear up for summer break, but do staff members
share mutual feelings towards the upcoming break?
One may find it hard to believe that teachers lead actual lives outside of
school. It is hard to believe that when the school year is over the teachers don’t
hibernate under their desks and sleep for the next tree months.
Mr. Sean Docherty is among some of the few teachers that adventure outside
of school.
He plans to go visit his wife’s aunt and uncle in South Carolina, in between
two wrestling camps and football workouts. His summer project involves isolating
his garage for the winter.
He states, “I’m excited for summer because of all the possibilities summer
Doch’s words of advice to returning students are, “Have fun, stay out of trouble, and stay active!” His lifelong advice to all the seniors is, “Pursue a wonderful career and pay your taxes.”
Whether anyone wants to believe it, Mr. Docherty isn’t the only teacher with
busy plans this summer.
Mrs. Diane Todd is also excited about summer break, but she feels like she is
going to be busy. Her plans include working around the house, picking peaches
with her husband on their peach farm, taking care of the kids, and redoing the
siding on their house.
Her words of wisdom for all students include, “Have an enjoyable summer,
but stay out of trouble. I’ll see you all next year!” She says she will miss the seniors.
“They are special to me, because they started here at MV the same time that
I did,” stated Mrs. Todd.
Mrs. Denton stated, “I’m excited for the summer because of the start of volleyball and all the time I’ll get to spend with my husband and son.”
Mrs. Denton’s plans involve going to Florida with the family. The Denton’s
are going to enjoy a week a Disney World. Her family’s summer projects also
include working on their basement and working on the landscaping of the home.
“Live life to its fullest,” is Mrs. Denton’s message to the senior class.
Not only do the teachers get out and have fun, but they also encourage us to
get out there and have fun but to also be safe.
Lundius bids VN fond adieu
Page 6, News
By Hannah Lundius
Being the News
Editor of the
Vernois News for
the past two
years has been
an amazing experience.
I’ve spent countless hours
formatting and writing articles
for the newspaper, but I wouldn’t give that away for anything.
Sure, production week was
stressful and it was hard to complete my pages by the deadline,
but that taught me how to manage my time more efficiently
and made my work ethic
I loved reporting the news to
MV, and I wish I could continue
writing for the paper, but my
time has come to move on to
Being the News Editor forced
me to keep up with what was
new and happening at MV, and it
also made me branch out and
talk to more people.
I was extremely shy when I
first came to MV as a freshmen,
but I finally got the courage to
join the newspaper staff my
junior year, and because of that
I’ve interviewed numerous students and staff members and Im
not as shy as I once was.
Being a part of the newspaper staff was something I’d always wanted to do, but I would
have never imagined being the
News Editor.
I love my position and I’m
looking forward to finding out
which staff member will take
over my spot and what he/she
will do with the News pages next
I’ve made many friends on
the Vernois News staff, and I
just want to say that I’ll miss
you all.
I know I’m hard to talk to at
first, because trying to talk to
me when I don’t know you is like
pulling teeth, but I really appreciate everyone for being great
friends and making the Vernois
News late nights a fun time.
I also want to thank Mr.
VanZandt, the Vernois News
Advisor, for helping me improve
my writing skills. The past two
years I’ve been on staff I have
learned how to write a more
efficient journalistic story and
how to create more interesting
topics, and without his guidance
I would still be at the level I was
when I first joined.
To the future Vernois News
Staff of 2011-2012, I advise that
you all remember deadlines are
made for a reason, singing in the
newsroom is important for entertaining other staff members,
and never be afraid to write
about something that hasn’t
been written about before.
Being the News Editor of the
Vernois News will always be an
experience I will never forget.
Top Ten News Stories
of 2010-2011
1. Osama Bin Laden is killed by United States
2. Haiti experiences a 7.0 magnitude earthquake. The death toll reached 230,000.
3. Thirty-three Chilean miners were rescued
after 69 days underground following an accident at the San José Mine.
4. The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill occurs at the
Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 workers.
5. WikiLeaks, a nonprofit site that publishes private high-profile media and information, releases 90,000 unauthorized U.S. documents
regarding Afghanistan.
6. The World Health Organization declares the
end of H1N1 scare.
7. The 2010 Winter Olympics begin in Canada.
8. G20 Summit, a meeting of economically advanced or advancing nations, is held at Seoul,
South Korea to address the current global financial situation.
9. North Korea fires on South Korea’s Yeonpyeong Island, escalating tensions between
the two nations.
10. WikiLeaks releases over 100,000 confidential
U.S. diplomatic cables, prompting national
security concerns within the U.S. government.
Mr. Ron Daniels prepares to head Regional Office
By Megan Jackson
After four years as serving MV principal, Mr. Ron
Daniels was recently elected Regional Superintendent of Schools for Hamilton-Jefferson Counties.
A twenty-one year teaching veteran, he
taught at Raccoon, Webber, Casey Middle School,
and served as principal/superintendent at
Waltonville High. Now he is ready to move on to
one of the biggest challenges of his educational
Mr. Daniels said that he would miss MV students and being involved with the school the
During his tenure as principal, Mr. Daniels
oversaw school improvement, implementation of
Freshman Academy, and aligning the curriculum
to meet state standards.
Mr. Daniels feels the Freshman Academy has been great, but it
still needs refinement.
He likes the idea of the eight period day next year because it will give the students more opportunities to take
the electives they want and give the juniors a chance to
have a PSAE test prep class.
At his new job, Mr. Daniels admits, “It will be a learn as
you go type job.”
The regional superintendents have many responsibilities, including operation of alternative schools, GED programs, and grant writing.
Daniels’ responsibilities will include working with Jefferson and Hamilton County schools to provide teacher training, school improvement, and teacher certification.
One of his goals in his new job is to improve the lines of
VERNOIS NEWS photo/Megan the communication with area school superintendents.
Former MV administrator Ms. Melanie Gulley has been
Senior Alex Frisby presents Mr. Ron
selected to serve as ROE Assistant Superintendent for 2011Daniels with an appreciation plaque
12. Gulley is currently a principal in Johnston City.
at the SpringFling assembly.
News, Page 7
MV Choir sings at Busch Stadium
By Hannah Lundius
Crowds of people cheered on the MV choir on Thursday, April 21, at the
Cardinals game at Busch Stadium.
The combined choirs had the privilege of singing the “Take Me Out
to the Ballgame” before the game began.
They sang beautifully as everyone could hear their voices through
the loud sound systems.
They sang on the field right next to the right side wall, and they
stayed to watch the entire game.
Each of them wore a red t-shirt to get in the “Cardinal Spirit”.
Mr. Brett Gibbs led the choir during their performance.
The choir was very thankful and excited to have the opportunity to
be showcased and participate in such a famous event.
What made it even better was that the Cardinal’s won 5-0 against
the Washington Nationals.
The MV choir entertains Cardinal fans by singing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” at
Busch Stadium on April 21. The choir recieved good publicity and had a great time.
Senior prank entertains MV between 3rd, 4th periods
paid off and dancing was a lot of fun with everyone watching. Senior
year will be one to always remember now!”
Sgt. Hawkins was in on the prank from the beginning. The senior
MV seniors put on quite a show Wednesday, May 11.
class did not want to get into any trouble from doing a prank, so beMost senior pranks include taunting the freshman or doing some- fore they agreed to do it they got the okay from Sgt. Hawkins, who
thing destructive to the school, but the class of 2011 didn’t want was very supportive of the prank.
that to happen with their senior prank.
Because they wanted the music to be heard from around camInstead, around 40 seniors took the time to learn a four minute pus, Weston Mason, ’11, agreed to pull his car into the quad and
dance to perform during the passing period between third and fourth have Sgt. Hawkins act as if he were pulling him over.
No one knew about
saw the cop cars lights
their prank except for the
blazing and heard the
seniors and a few teachsirens flashing, they
Mrs. Kiley Thomas,
drawn into the situaEnglish, came up with the
tion, even though it
idea to perform a flash
was just so the seniors
mob for the senior prank
could play their music
and presented the idea to
in Weston’s car.
her senior classes.
“Officer Hawkins
Conner Lundius, ’11,
pulling Weston over in
Hannah Lundius,’11, Kelcampus was so funny,”
sey Allen, ’11, and Kassie
stated Kaleb Hahn,
Hurst, ’11, choreographed
’11, who participated
the dance and taught it to
in the flash mob by
the remaining seniors who
holding a sign that
wanted to participate in
spelled out “Seniors
the event.
are Champions 2011”.
The flash mob
stated, “I thought about
VERNOIS NEWS photo/Megan Jackson was a brilliant idea
how the choreography A group of senior students enthusiastically dance in a flash mob between 3rd and 4th hour on Wednesday, May
for a senior prank,
would look collectively as 11th. The students performed the flash mob as a senior prank.
and pulling Weston
a whole. I wanted everyover beforehand was like two pranks in one.
one to enjoy themselves, so I kept it as simple as possible.”
Taylor Hayes, ’12, after enjoying the performance, remarked,
It took many practices to get the routine down pat, and a tre- “Wow! How am I going to top that next year?”
mendous amount of dedication from the seniors.
The seniors who participated want to say thank you to all who
They practiced at lunch and also at night in the auditorium, helped make it possible and thank you to Mrs. Thomas for coming up
thanks to Mrs. Mary Beth Mezo, Special Education teacher, letting with the idea to put on a show.
them into the auditorium. Practices lasted for around three weeks
Mrs. Thomas commented, “The seniors all did awesome, just
prior to the prank.
awesome! I’m so proud of them all.”
The seniors had a ton of fun performing in front of everyone and
The senior class of 2011 hoped to make their mark on the MV
enjoyed seeing the look on everyone’s faces.
campus and after that performance, they won’t be forgotten.
Amber Ashby, ’11, stated, “All the late night practices really
By Hannah Lundius
Page 8, News
MV looks ahead to new campus
Happenin’ By Jenny Rohl
ing the pillars on A building and incorporating them
into the new school.
are still being discussed, but one of
Hannah? April 5 was Election Day, and the referendum voters the Locations
suggestions is at Lincoln Park by the softball
graduate MV
By Hannah Lundius
Seniors have made it to the
end of their high school career.
Throughout their four
years of high school, they’ve
grown together and worked
hard to make the class of
2011 memorable.
Studying late at night,
practicing numerous sports,
and obtaining a job will be
over May 13, until college of
May 13 is the last day of
school for seniors.
Their graduation will be
held on March 21, at 8pm at
the football field.
If it happens to be raining the ceremony will be
held in Changnon gym.
Seniors are to report to
the auditorium at 7 pm in
order to prepare for the
Each senior will be given
five tickets to give to family
and friends. If the ceremony
is in the gym, there will be a
limited number of seats.
Immediately after the
graduation ceremony, there
will be a bus to take the seniors who registered to Project Graduation.
should be an exciting event,
and will possibly be the last
time seniors will see each
Congratulations to the
class of 2011!
came out to pass the measure to construct a new
fields and the hospital that is currently being built.
school 60% to 40%.
“I think it should be at Lincoln Park. It’s the
“I think it’s good for the community, and the
most perfect location. We
could use the softball and
Vernon. It will create a
soccer fields and if there is
better learning environan emergency, the hospital is
ment for the students and
there,” noted Jolly.
the teachers,” stated SydAnother area that is beney Crews, ’13.
ing considered is the possible
The new school will
opportunities that could
open up for HOSA with the
62,000,000. The local
hospital being nearby, if the
share will pay roughly 19
school is built at Lincoln
million, leaving the rest to
the state.
“More people will want
According to Crews,
to go to MV because it’ll be a
she doesn’t see any neganicer place to go,” said Pattives to getting a new
rick Burke, ’12.
school. However others
With the new school
trance. The new MVTHS will use style cues from current buildings. going to be built, students
“Taxes will go up for
are wondering how it will be
people, and they’re taking down a school that has
been here longer than us,” remarked Jessica Jolly,
According to Crews the new school should have
better security and closed campus lunch.
The new school layout has already been de“It would cause fewer wrecks, tardies, and
signed, and renderings of the campus are on the
worry for parents. I think the school should be more
school website, mvths.org.
focused on academics,” stated Crews.
According to Jolly, if she could take one thing
MV’s future was put in the hands of the voters,
from this school to the new one it would be its hisand because of that the future may look a little
tory. However planners have done that by duplicatbrighter to some.
Students take part in Spring-Fling fun
By Hannah Lundius
Making t-shirts for class color day and participating in
other Spring Fling theme days is a fun tradition at
MV. This year our Spring Fling theme was “Under the
Big Top”.
The days included; Band t-shirt/Ram spirit day,
hat day, stripes day, class color day, and Spring Fling
t-shirt day.
“My favorite day was the Ram pride day. I love
people supporting our school, sports, and community,” stated Clay Jackson, ’11.
Nathan Ressler, ’12, joked, “Stripe day was my favorite! I love me some stripes.”
Even if students don’t participate in any other
theme days, most will participate in class color day.
Some students even make their own shirts to represent their class.
“I did not make my own shirt, but I did represent
the senior class,” said Colton Bauer-Greer, ’11.
Jackson was on the same page as Bauer-Greer. “I
didn’t make a shirt, but I did wear a blue collared
shirt to represent my class,” he stated.
Along with the theme days during school, there
are activities in the evening that students can participate in.
This year some of those activities included a hop,
Battle of the Bands, Cedarhouse, and a carnival.
“Battle of the Bands was the most fun activity
that I went to,” said Ressler.
Jackson shared, “I participated in all of the after
school activities besides the hop. Cedarhouse was
definitely my favorite.”
Cedarhouse was a popular activity.
Bauer-Greer said, “I really enjoyed the Cedarhouse. Everyone who participated was so good.”
Students enjoyed the Spring Fling activities this
year. What will the themes be for next year?
“Maybe a theme park roller coaster idea. That
would be cool,” Jackson said.
Ressler shared, “I think something totally random
would be fun. Something like tye dye day, free hat
day, or ummm…monkey day!”
No matter the days, Spring Fling will still be a fun
tradition at MV.
Though it is a tradition that many choose to participate in, some students choose not to.
“It could have been better if more of the school
would have participated,” said Ressler.
“I think it was a fantastic Spring Fling week. I
enjoyed myself and I know that other students enjoyed themselves as well,” stated Jackson.
Feature, Page 9
Vernois Vernacular
A collaboration of quotes and quips about current, questionable events, courtesy of MV contingents
“He was the world‟s best „Hide and Seek‟
“It shouldn‟t change. He wasn‟t the only
Tessa England, ‘11 on Osama bin Laden
Michaela Lamczyk, ‘14 on changing the United State’s foreign
policy after killing Osama bin Laden; in reference to his followers.
“Have you seen Cairo, Illinois?”
Missouri House Speaker Steve Tilley on the decision to bust levees
that would flood Missouri farmland instead of Cairo, Illinois.
“I would hate to be that person. No one can say
this city should be flooded over this one. Even
if it involves farmland.”
Mr. John Kabat, CTE, on the decision to bust Missouri levees that
would flood Missouri farmland instead of Cairo, Illinois.
“Nature tends to balance itself out. It‟s not
going to last. Hopefully the damage isn‟t too
Collin Young, ‘13 on the floods that have plagued Southern
Illinois and surrounding states.
Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich on the news that his
phones had been wire-tapped and everything he said had
been heard.
“Any location would be better than where it is
Annalee Schuette, ‘12 on deciding where to build a new high
“I don‟t understand why people are upset with
us because we‟re happy about it.”
“Kassie Hurst, ‘11 on Americans’ reaction to the death of
Osama bin Laden.
“I wish people wouldn‟t refer to me as „BMW‟.
I am not a vehicle.”
Brandon Williams-Meeks, ‘12 on the initials of his name.
“They made the right decision in saving the city
and homes of many people.”
Kelsey Allen, ‘11 on the Corps of Engineers busting Missouri levees
to save Cairo, Illinois.
“It has gone on too long. It shouldn‟t be hard to
prosecute him to the fullest extent.”
Reis Barnfield, ‘11 on the trials for former Illinois Governor
Rod Blagojevich.
“Hopefully we‟ll have a second former
Governor in jail.”
Mr. Sean Docherty, Social Studies on the trials for former Illinois
Governor Rod Blagojevich.
Page 10, Editorial
Editorial Board:
Hannah Piercy, Editor in Chief
Deanna Whiting, Opinions Editor
Mr. Jamey VanZandt, Adviser
Vernois Views
It’s Time for a New MVTHS
As the final days of the school year approaches, MV will say
good-bye to Mr. Ron Daniels. Mr. Daniels joined MV‘s administrative staff in 2007-2008, and immediately his impact was
demonstrated in many different ways around the campus.
To improve academic performance and get MV‘s test
scores in line with state expectations, Mr. Daniels took huge
strides by aiding in implication of the Freshmen Academy,
enforcing state aligned curriculum, and taking part in creating the eight period school day.
Even small things can‘t go unnoticed as he, along with
other members of the administrative staff, supervised the
quad during passing periods and could be seen in the cafeteria during freshmen lunch.
Daniels not only put effort forth for students to excel in
the classroom, but in life as well. Improvements to our school
such as higher expectations for behavior proved his desire to
make high school a better experience for all students.
Though MV is not always the easiest place to lead, Daniels
always managed to do so with and maintain student respect.
This is a huge accomplishment when in an administrative
Though students have not always recognized Mr. Daniels
advances in our school in a positive light, we feel they need
to be recognized in this manner.
Students may not be thrilled with extended schedules, on
campus lunch, and extra test-prep material; we should recognize that Mr. Daniels only forwarded these ideas into motion to improve our high school and was only rewarded with
Mr. Daniels four year career here at MV has been one of
much change in our school. Some students will view these
changes with mixed emotions, but we feel that the changes
Mr. Daniels implemented should be met with a sincere
Letters to the Editor
Dear MVTHS Publication Staff,
After reading your two articles ―Whiting wonders where respect has
gone‖, and Freshmen fight: What's to blame?‖ I felt that is was my
obligation to remind the staff of the freshmen in the same role– immature, irresponsible, and ignorant, which is an utterly fraudulent
All of MVTHS knows that there has been excessive fighting, and
yes, much of it has been freshman fights. However, the fighting,
bad talking, and as mentioned in Deanna‘s column, disrespect, is
not the whole story. I feel as if they have failed to see the big picture—many freshmen this year are extremely hard working and successful.
For every student who partakes in the violence, three more are
appalled and yes; even a bit frightened by the fighting. Moreover,
for every student who disrespects an authority figure on campus,
another is polite and looks up to his or her teachers.
I, and many other MVTHS freshman, have felt disrespected, demoralized, and even a bit humiliated. It is unfair and unjust that
the responsible and well-behaved freshman should be lumped into
the same category as others.
I myself have been involved with volleyball, scholar bowl, operetta, as well as honors English, plus screen writing and acting in a
production. Therefore, I do not appreciate being openly insulted.
I know very well that part of journalism is writing what people
wont appreciate, and that some topics are altogether controversial,
such as these. All the same, there is a way to voice opinions without
being (and I mean this without offense) condescending, or disrespectful.
In the future, I hope that the Vernois News staff will reconsider
highlighting the positive things freshmen are involved with, rather
than focus on only the negative aspects of the class of ‗14.
I have the utmost respect and appreciation for the Vernois News
staff and all of their productions. I hold many members of the staff
with only the highest regards. Furthermore, I sincerely hope that
this letter did not offend anyone in any way since my only intent
has been to speak on behalf of the members of the freshman class
who have felt very affronted and embarrassed.
With all due respect,
Ayla Gehner
Dear Editor:
Where were you on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at 11:05 a.m.? I hope
you were around 7th Street by G building. What a fantastic parting
gift we saw from the senior class. I appreciate all the effort and time
they put into the flash mob. I hope others will see that great events
can happen that are not destructive to property or insulting to others.
Way to go seniors! You are a classy group and I will miss you.
A special thanks to Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Mezo, and Mr. Daniels. I
know firsthand that Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Mezo gave up a month of
their lunch periods and a late evening to oversee the planning of the
event and to Mr. Daniels for seeing the need for such a special event
to occur and giving his approval for it. MVTHS... it can be a great
Sgt Jim Hawkins
Opinion, Page 11
High school changes friendships
By Deanna Whiting
Have you ever noticed that people‟s best friends
change rapidly when they reach high school? They
form a new group of friends and most of the time
don‟t even speak to their old friends anymore.
As my high school career winds down, I realize
that my friends have changed dramatically since
8th grade, and even since sophomore year. It has
got me wondering if other people go through the same friend
changes as me.
After talking with a variety of students, my conclusion is that
yes, many students don‟t keep the same best friend all though out
their high school career.
I don't think that it is so much of friends starting to dislike each
other, as it is them just growing apart. It‟s a fact of life, when
someone gets older, they grow as a person and sometimes they just
don't have things in common with their best friends anymore.
That‟s why I hate the saying “best friends forever”. If you‟re
someone who says this: STOP! Forever is a long time to be best
friends with someone and no one can predict the future.
I am not saying that people don‟t stay friends their whole life,
I‟m just saying that it is unlikely. I can only name a handful of people who are still best friends with the same person they were in
grade school, or even since freshmen year.
“I think I have had about seven „BFFs‟ since I‟ve been in high
school, they have changed a lot.” stated Madison Peterman, „13.
“Mine haven't necessarily changed so much, as I just have more
now then I did last year,” added Chandler Scarbrough, „12.
I have had a lot of people that I called my “best friend” and I
am okay with that. I don't think it is a bad thing to change friends,
or become close with some friends and not other friends. It is just
you and your best friend are growing as people. Sometimes you
remain friends, and sometimes you don‟t. Right now, I have a big
group of friends and we are all close, but I am closer to some people in my group than others.
I can say though, that since freshman year I have had the same
best friend, granted sophomore year we weren't friends at all, but
now we are back to being extremely close.
That‟s not to say that I wouldn't call other people my best
friend, because honestly I would. I would say I have two best
friends, and three or four really close friends. There‟s nothing
wrong with that. It is always just surprising to see how my friends
have changed over the years. One of my best friends I didn't even
know last year. I‟m pretty sure she thought I was extremely weird…
and still does, but now we are “BiFFs”(different than B.F.F.)
Looking back on myself freshman year, or even last year I was
an extremely different person. I‟m pretty sure I wouldn't even recognize myself.
I guess my point is that high school brings a change in everyone.
If you start to make other friends and form a close bond with them,
go for it. Don‟t let other friends get angry at you for making new
friends and don‟t get mad at friends for making friends.
High school is a time to figure out who you are and the kind of
people you want to surround yourself with. Don‟t be scared of
change. Be yourself and just go for it.
Aaron bids farewell to seniors
By Maggie Aaron
As I sit in the April-May editorial news meeting I am
overwhelmed with the large number of senior farewells that are being assigned to our departing seniors.
I for one believe we have the most amazing staff
this year and couldn't have asked for better seniors.
I personally have not come to know all the seniors, but most of them on staff this year I know pretty well and honestly, they will be missed. We are losing seven seniors this year, all
of which hold some sort of management position.
I hope that all of the seniors leave MV with a good sense of self,
large hopes for the future, great education, and even greater
memories to carry them through the years ahead.
The seniors on staff this year were devoted to finishing their
work on time and working the long hours that come with the late
nights we have once or twice a month to get the paper finished.
Along with the Vernois News staff, I am also part of the Yearbook
staff which contributes just as much hard work and has four great
seniors that are going to be graduating this year.
Stephanie: I feel like you were one of the best A&E editors that
we‟ve had in a long time, and in the upcoming years I‟m definitely
going to have a hard time creating a page that good if I take over as
A&E editor.
Reis and Tyler: I feel like you two are extremely hard working
just about 24/7. I know I‟m not alone in saying that I received yearbook related late night texts, even on some holidays. But when I
look at how you two have put the yearbook together, it‟s all worth
Amber: I can‟t think of anyone better suited to be business editor, and I don‟t think I‟ve ever met anyone as organized as you.
Chelsea: Every time I look at your photo shoots honestly I get
jealous. You really need to teach me how to edit photos so well on
Josh: Your cartoons always leave me wishing I had your artistic
ability and unique sense of humor.
Alex: There's not a month that goes by where I don't read your
recipe of the month.
Hannah: It always amazes me how quickly you get your pages
done and your column always keeps me informed.
Cameron: I‟ve known you since I was in 5th grade, and I just
have to say that moving into high school with you made me realize
all over again how … “unique” you are. I really enjoy working with
you and sometimes even without trying you make the late nights the
place to be. Earthquake!
Cody: You‟re always in the newsroom joking and goofing around,
you‟re like our own personal entertainment. I‟ll miss all your random jokes and conversation topics.
Deanna: I am sad to say that I only came to know you this year,
and it was only about half way through. Since then, we have become close because of soccer and all the crazy movie nights with
the gang. You better believe I‟m going to be visiting you every once
in a while at SIUC. Road trip!
While I‟m sad to see you all leave I am also excited to see where
next year takes you. I strongly hope that all your replacements will
be as hard working and motivated as you guys were. I hope that
where ever you go you, remember the good times you had here in
VZ‟s room. Good bye and good luck seniors!
Page 12, Opinions
Senior pranks entertain Clark
By Jessi Clark
you might want to go outside between 3rd
and 4th hour just in case,” Mr. VanZandt said right
before the police sirens went off through campus.
All of a sudden, I see a large group of people
run through campus when a huge flash mob breaks
out into a dance to a crazy mix of songs. The flash
mob was a huge success and Mrs. Kiley Thomas,
Sgt. Jim Hawkins, and Mrs. Mary Beth Mezo did a great job of helping the seniors. But of course, there were a few of your typical
teachers upset because they disrupted class.
The flash mob was not the only senior prank that had been illustrated in the month of May. There was also disturbances in the
library, when students stole the ever popular “Page Turner.” The
library shut down to find the M.I.A mannequin and a few students
were highly upset about being accused of taking it. Finally, by mid
day, Page Turner was found in a bush by C gym.
The next senior prank that was conducted throughout campus,
back by popular demand, was “S.T.D”, Surprise Tuba Day. Students
went around to classrooms to scare teachers by blowing the tuba
right as the teacher opened the door and snapping a photo of it.
Some teachers who were victims of “Tuba Wednesday” were
Mrs. Dalton, Mr. Flick, Mrs. Andrews, Mrs. Hedin, and Mr. Goodisky
along with senior student, Stephanie Modert, „11.
Compared to last year, this year‟s senior pranks turned out to
be much more successful then really any other years. I give major
props to the senior class this year for all of the pranks that were
The senior pranks were constructive not destructive. I‟m really
happy that the seniors could come up with a cool way to come
together for a prank.
I would much rather see a huge group of seniors dancing in the
middle of campus, then have to deal with a large number of stink
bombs that were placed around the school, or to have my back
pack stolen and thrown somewhere else.
When my senior year comes around I hope my class can come
up with something as cool or even cooler than a flash mob. That is
going to be a tough act to follow.
The senior class this year is going to be missed. They are a
great class full of amazing people. With their senior pranks alone,
you can see that they are awesome. The fact that they don't have
to resort to destructive pranks shows that they really are a special
I am really going to this senior class, especially all my senior
friends. I hope they all succeed in where ever they are going.
The senior class this year set the bar for senior pranks pretty
high. It is going to be a difficult task to one up this year‟s class.
It will be interesting to see what next year‟s senior class does,
and my class, we better start brainstorming for our prank. Let‟s
step up MV, and fill the big shoes the class of 2011 are leaving behind.
Stewart reflects of media’s influence on morals
By Paisley Stewart
Walking around campus during passing periods got
me thinking the other day, “Do some teenagers
even know right from wrong?”
In the short time we are allowed between
classes it is not at all unusual sight to see; a fight
or two, the careless throwing of trash on the
ground, hear a long string of unnecessary swear
words, and overhear multiple stories of illegal behavior that students spent their weekend partaking in.
Even for those people who are not involved in any inappropriate
and immature behavior, we don‟t seem to view what use to be considered shockingly and awfully wrong as anything but the normal
For some reason by the time we reach our high school years we
have become completely calloused to what improper behavior is.
This may be a new day and age, but if we keep acting like this
our generation will be remembered for nothing but disrespectful
and rebellious behavior. Is this what we want?
The level of respect or lack there for of that we show to our
teachers, staff, administration, and other students is so low it is
almost non-existence.
The idea of a fight makes students excited; instead of gasp at
the fact that people feel the need to resort to violence to solve
their problems.
Seeing students display PDA all over campus is something we are
so accustom to that if there wasn‟t any, we would all be sent into a
state of shock; and girls wearing extremely revealing clothing is not
frowned upon, but praised by friends and a majority of classmates.
I can‟t help but notice our morals are more than a little out of
I understand that we were all raised in different households
where different morals and beliefs were installed in us as children,
maybe some of this that I would consider completely wrong is completely okay to you; fine, but there are some things and actions we
should all consider morally incorrect.
It has always been expected of teenagers to practice making a
few poor decisions each year, but I never thought there would be a
day that bad behavior would not only be expected, but accepted as
Taking a look at what the cause of this lack of morals and judgment steams from lead me to take a look at our media influences.
Just think about the T.V shows we watch and music we listen to.
Extremely popular shows such as “Skins” and “Jersey Shore” fantasize a life of drinking, sex, and putting partying above all else in
When we put in our iPod headphones the lyrics thrown back at
us are vulgar and undoubtedly these lyrics and the meanings behind
them have rubbed of on us and our society .
How can we expect to be morally sound people in a world where
we are told to look up to people who involve themselves in nothing
but a completely inappropriate way of life?
I am not saying that you have or need to, completely cut these
forms of entertainment from your life, but next time you sit down
to watch that show maybe take a look at what morals and behaviors
are being displayed for you and make up your mind not to let it influence or sway your belief in right vs. wrong.
Who are we without what our morals and attitudes are? Don‟t
theses aspects of ourselves make up the majority of our character?
Instead of being a disrespectful and immature MV, lets step up
and not let the influence of today take away the morals we have.
Columns, Page 13
Media glamorizes high school
Hannah Piercy
One Tree Hill or the O.C.? Saved by the Bell or High
School Musical? Secret Life or Degrassi?
High school settings remain an ongoing trend chosen by producers to connect emotionally with a teenage audience.
With Hollywood throwing unreachable expectations at its audience, our view of reality is diluted. Teenage love is fabricated and
contributes to the drama that brings a whole new excitement to the
In its pursuit of followers, television shows and movies are often
twisted to fit the ideal life of viewers. In essence, television and
movies create an opportunity for us to live, for brief moments, outside of our world, in a place they have created. They are, by far,
not perfect, but for some reason, capture us in their web of fantasy.
It’s highly unlikely that anyone has actually experienced high
school like the cast of any of the shows we follow. In all honesty,
it’s probably a good thing that we haven’t. They definitely glamor-
What’s eating you?
By Michael Jones
I guess as Americans, most of us
can say we’re in the drive through
lane of the restaurant of life.
Rush, rush, rush: to home, to
school, to work. Everything today
is rushed. We live in a society in
which everything is done at breakneck pace. People rush around
trying to get tasks accomplished
so they can have more “leisure
time.” Despite our constant obsession with getting things done on
time, we have become a sedentary society. I will say it:
“America, you are lazy!”
We have little time for a
healthy lifestyle. What is America’s answer to the rushing conundrum? Fast food. This high-calorie,
high-fat food is convenient. That’s
the thing: we gravitate towards
convenience instead of what is
considered healthy and an acceptable way to live and eat.
In 2010, 30.9% percent of all
Americans were considered obese
by the WHO, or the World Health
Organization. That’s 30.9% of the
entire country, adults and children combined. Though obesity in
adults is horrible enough, childhood and teenage obesity is a national epidemic. Hardly anyone
cares what they are putting into
the vacuum cleaners we call the
teenage mouth. And people are
ize all kinds of situations that no-one our age has any business being
a part of. However, we find ourselves drawn in wishing and dreaming we could change places with the characters. Reality is we
can’t. We can’t change places with any of them.
This is probably a huge disappointment to many, but it’s the
truth. We can’t replicate what is shown on the screen and even if
we could it wouldn’t be the same. Fortunately we have what we
have. For some it’s better than others, but we still have what we
We have this moment in our lives and it’s real. We have an opportunity to create relationships and experiences that don’t come
to an end when a series does. We have an opportunity to make a
real difference in our school, our county and in the lives of those
around us. We’re not in a movie or in a television show and the
things they depict are only a fantasy anyway. Recognizing who and
what we really are, we should do the most with what we really
have. We should make these years the best we can and our high
school experience one that we will never want to forget. It’s in our
We are the screenwriters and producers for our lives. Let’s
write the best one we can.
caring less and less about what
they look like.
I have experienced the effects
being overweight can cause. I
struggled with my weight in grade
school. I was made fun of, and of
course, was called the old clichés.
At the time I thought, “Oh whatever. I'm just growing.” No, it was
from my diet. When I went to
McDonalds, that meal in itself had
over 2000 calories, and about 7580% of the daily recommended
about of fats and sugars. Looking
back, I don't know how I ate that
Being overweight has its obvious naked affects, such as higher
blood pressure and a risk for heart
disease. The emotional and psychological effects are the big
problem. Depression can make
people do crazy things, like starve
themselves. Personally, for 3
months, I suffered from a form of
anorexia, called athletic anorexia.
I would eat little to nothing, and
work out for 3-4 hours a day. I
regret this a lot. No one should
ever have to feel that way. Take
better care of your self than I did.
Don’t be a shyste ...
Read Vernois
Manhunt of the century ends
By Trace Turner
On a Sunday night in May, ten
years and four thousand
American lives after September 11 one of the biggest man
hunts in history drew to a
close when the life of Osama
bin Laden.
Although the people of the
United States have been silent
on the issue of the notorious
mass murderer, lately, thanks
to the celebrations across the
nation, it is plain to see that
our spirit hasn’t changed.
The night of Osama bin
Laden’s demise seemed to be
on fire with the joy of millions
of Americans celebrating. A
night to be compared to the
end of wars and in a way it
was, our end to the ten year
war to strike the man who cut
us so, very deeply.
Who could forget the attack on United States’ Embassy, his first bombing of the
World Trade Center in 1993,
the USS Coal incident, or of
course his setting into motion
of one of the most tragic
events in American history.
My only regret is that
there isn’t any more of Osama
bin Laden to kill. He caused
millions of Americans to
grieve, for the death of their
three thousand family,
friends, and loved ones.
Yes Osama bin Laden is
dead, but does the life of one
very vile man really equal the
life of three thousand innocents? Does his quick death in
a fire fight really compare
with the story of all the victims of September 11.
The life of Osama bin
Laden is not worth all those
lives, but the destruction of
the symbol he has become is
worth the sacrifice. It is almost impossible to launch a
war on terrorism due to the
fact that they don’t have a
face but when one puts a face
on the organization it is much
Bin Laden was the face of
terrorism and with his death it
will be much easier to draw
this conflict to a close.
The feeling of knowing and
hearing, “We got him,” is sublime. The modern process of
fighting terror is a slow one
and don’t yield immediate
results but I believe that the
results of this man hunt shows
that there is forward progress
to be made in the war on terror. This is an excellent reason, for we the people, to
start having faith in those ladies and gentlemen in Washington.
Page 14, Buzz
“At commencement you wear your square-shaped
mortarboards. My hope is that from time to time you will
let your minds be bold, and wear sombreros.”
~Paul Freund
What is your most embarrassing MV moment?
“I fell going up the stairs in C on my way
to Mr.Goodisky’s class freshman year. My
stuff went everywhere and Hunter was
right behind me.” -Kassie Hurst
“My most embarrassing moment was probably when I mistook baby lotion for cake icing
and ate it..nastiest thing I’ve ever tasted!” Aaron Holt
Who was your most inspiring teacher?
“Mrs. Thomas; she is just the best and I
know I can go to her for anything and
she will help me out.”-Megan Gray
“Mr. Kabat was my most inspiring
teacher because he cries when he
sees soil erosion”- Kelsey Allen
Buzz, Page 15
VN Staff looks back
“Being on yearbook staff
for 3 years has been awesome! May the Old Dog
always be with you and
good luck being business
manager, Megan.”
-Amber Ashby
“Publications are like
cooking bacon … it takes
a while but the end result
is really, really good.”
-Tyler Flota
“My favorite part was
writing the recipe of
the month.”
-Alex Frisby
“I can’t believe I waited to join staff
until this year. I am cuh-razy! SISPA
changed my life, and our crazy late
night shenanigans. Oh man. I sure am
going to miss those.”
-Deanna Whiting
“Using random combinations of words to make
band names is a skill I’ll
use for the rest of my
- Cameron Stewart
“ I’ll miss the 6th hour
crowd. We made one
great yearbook and had
some good times together!”
- Chelsea Johnson
“I enjoyed exposing
MV students to the
talent our artists and
poets posses.”
-Josh Gentry
“If there were a more
comfortable place on
I would have been there”
-Reis Barnfield
“The late nights were
always pretty interesting and I learned a lot
about VZ.”
-Cody Ferland
“I loved writing articles
for the newspaper. If I
could’ve, I would’ve
camped out in the
newsroom all year.”
-Hannah Lundius
“Had a great time joking
with Mike Jones every
fourth hour. Now he’s
ready to lead the staff for
the next JAVA magazine.”
-Matthew McClintock
“I love all the quirky
quotes … aww the
-Stephanie Modert
Page 16, Columns
Timidity stunts high school experiences
By Hannah Lundius
Wide-eyed and completely bewildered, I turned to my
best friend and sister, only to notice that their reaction to our first day in high school was the same as
I can still remember being a scared little freshman,
but things have changes tremendously throughout the
years at MV.
When I was a freshman I was nervous and uneasy about everything. I didn't know if I should speak out in my classes or if I should
talk to the other students in my classes even though I didn't know
them. I was extremely shy and most of my freshmen class will remember me as the girl who never talked to anyone except for her
twin sister.
Sophomore year I made a point to branch our a little. It didn’t
work out too well because I didn’t branch out at all. The only person I spent my time with was my boyfriend at the time. Because of
that, I missed out on the opportunity to gain friendships.
Junior year, I began to speak out more and actually answer the
teachers’ questions without hesitation. I no longer had a boyfriend
towards the end of the year, and I noticed that people started noticing me instead of completely ignoring the fact that I was in their
My junior year consisted of my hardest class schedule ever. I
took AP history, which took up all my spare time because I was constantly doing the homework for the class. I highly recommend taking
the class though; I learned a lot and it taught me to be more efficient on doing my homework.
I feel like my junior year was a transition period for me. I was
getting used to not having a boyfriend and making new friends instead. I reconnected with one of my best friends who I had freshmen year, although, I would rather be in the back of the class not
saying a word.
I don't regret anything I’ve done throughout my high school career, but I regret what I didn’t do.
Because I was painfully shy, I didn't get as involved as I should
have. I joined the Rockin’ Rams dance team my freshmen year, but I
only did that because I’ve been dancing since I was 5 years old. I
would have never attempted to try out for anything if I didn't already know I would most likely make the team.
I joined the newspaper staff my junior year, but the previous
two years I had always wanted to be on the staff, but I was too shy.
Getting involved is very important in high school, and I regret
not getting involved sooner. I regret not taking the opportunities to
meet new people and become involved in my school.
Shyness has influenced decisions I’ve made, but this past year I
have not let it define me. I am proud of myself for branching out
and doing the things I want to do. I have one of my best friends to
thank for that, because he instilled in me to become more outgoing
and to not be as timid.
My senior year has been the best year of high school. I haven’t
regretted anything from this past year, because I have done absolutely everything that I have wanted to do. I no longer sit in the
corner and act like no one can see me, and I no longer hesitate to
get involved in activities. I have made new friends and have a boyfriend that is my best friend, I would have never even spoken to him
if I would have been as shy as I was when I first came to MV.
Senior offers advice Senioritis takes toll
By Tyler Flota
Sometime around the end of
May, it hit me. Not only was I
beginning to think about my
future daily, but I was constantly worried. Will everything
go as planned? What will the
classes be like? How will I have
the time for everything? What
organizations will I join? That
was in 2007, when I was a
somewhat chubby, 5’2” grade
school graduate. Like most
teens, the thought of high
school had me concerned.
Looking back, those worries
were pointless. I feel pretty
dumb wasting my time of them.
For me, high school started
out very comfortably. The
teachers were respectful of
students’ needs, the work was
challenging but doable, and my
classmates were, for the most
part, decently behaved. The
freedom of lunch and open
campus made me feel a sense
of responsibility.
Now a senior nearing the
end, I've really had the chance
to experience what makes up
MV. From sporting events to
Student Council trips, gobs of
homework to numerous teachers with different styles, MV
most definitely has its unique
variety of ups and downs.
Everyone had their embarrassing underclassmen moments. The confusion of the
buildings can be enough to
leave most freshmen scratching
their heads, the sometimes
harsh upperclassmen can leave
a negative impression, and
work can quickly make a new
student feel lost, but keep trying. I too have been confused
on the difference of A and B
building. I’ve failed a few tests.
I've even fallen down, and on
occasion up, the stairs.
I’m leaving MV with great
memories, a few unforgettable
best friends and a level of education high enough to be successful in college. The good and
the bad tend to mesh here. MV
simply has had a way of making
me comfortable.
So keep your head up underclassmen. It’s really not that
By Olivia Bullock
I have always been a very motivated student. When I overheard
previous seniors complaining
about homework and claiming to
have “Senioritis,” I would always
think to myself, “That will never
happen to me”… but I was wrong.
Now that I am a senior I understand the feelings that the seniors
before me had: “I am almost out
of here, why try anymore?” I have
already been accepted to college;
what does it matter?”
I have tried different ways to
keep my tasks in order to make
sure that I get them done.
I write everything down in my
agenda book, and I even carry my
school books into my house at
night with the intention of doing
homework, but somehow I always
talk myself out of it.
Everything seems more fun
than usual when the alternative is
I just think “Oh, I can do it
tomorrow during another class” or
“I can always turn it in late.” This
is a problem. The homework just
piles up, which ads stress to the
already stressful life of a teenager
about to go off to college.
Another area that I’m having a
hard time with now that I don't
have much time left here is getting myself to school.
It takes so much to drag myself
out of bed every morning. I’d
much rather sleep in than get up
and go to classes that won’t matter to me in a few months.
It can be very hard to make
myself go to school, and make
myself do homework, but it is
something that has to be done.
Though I’m guilty of it too,
don't let your grades drop just
because you’re about to graduate.
It really doesn’t reflect well on
other students. Colleges don't
want slackers; they want applied
Though it is true that doing
homework and dragging oneself
out of bed every morning is not
the most fun thing to do, it is
important to your future.
I’m going to try to apply myself and finish out this year
strong; you should, too.
Columns, Page 17
Whiting recalls great high school experiences
By Deanna Whiting
Walking down the hallways at MV, I can tell you the
fastest ways to get from G to C, shortcuts through
buildings, and where just about every teacher’s
classroom is.
While being a student here I have faced many ups
and downs, but I'm sure going to miss this old place,
and especially the people in it.
Coming in on that first day of freshmen year seemed like four
years would take forever, but boy did they fly by. It seems like just
last week my big brother was taking me to high school for the very
first time.
It’s funny the things I remember, like my first off-campus lunch,
I walked to Hucks with Meagan and bought gum. Having a food fight
in our cars sophomore year– I still have a stain from the lo mien …
darn you Kenzi! Being backstage at Operetta junior year with Cale
and Mollie goofing around—I’ll never look at rubber chicken the
same again. Finally, senior year, and getting my first referral (I still
don't think I deserved it). My list could go on and on. I’ve made so
many memories these past four years I don't know how I have room
for any more.
My high school experience has definitely had some low points,
but the many amazing moments out shine them by a ton. High
school has been an amazing time. From everything I have been involved with to all the people I have met, it’s truly just been wonderful.
Getting involved was probably the best decision I ever made. I
wish I had joined some of the clubs sooner. It blows my mind when
people say that high school was the worst four years of their life,
because these have been the best years of my life. It astounds me
even more when people aren’t involved with anything at our school,
because there are just so many activities here.
I’m sad that these years of my life are coming to a close, because I’m going to miss them. To think that in just a short amount
of time I wont see 90% of my graduation class ever again is crazy to
me. Walking these halls every day, I’ve come to completely new
world set in front of me, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a little
scared, but I am excited at all the possibilities and newness, too.
Life at MV has been something else; I wouldn't trade it for the
world. I almost went to Benton Consolidated High School. Now I am
so thankful I didn’t, for one they don't have a soccer team. Mostly
it’s because of all the people I wouldn't have met if I had went
My friends mean the world to me, especially my close friends.
You have gotten me through a lot these four years and I hope that
you all remain a huge part of my life; we all will be hours apart
from the each other next year, but who doesn’t like a good road
trip? Thanks for being amazing friends.
I will always remember all the people and teachers, good and
bad, that have impacted my life the most at MV. It’s been crazy,
amazing, disappointing, frustrating, unbelievably great, and a whole
slew of other things, but it’s been worth it.
High school was everything I made it. I have no regrets because I
went out there and tried to do everything I wanted to. I encourage
everyone to do the same, because you don't want to look back on
high school years and say ―I wish I would have done … ―
Senior Advice
to Underclassmen
Its cliché … but get involved
Make everyday count, because before you know it you’re a senior
Buy an umbrella
Become friends with the teachers
Don’t judge people
Be yourself
Don’t give into peer pressure
Go home for lunch if you can … it saves money
Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone
Don’t fight, it’s not worth it
Be respectful to all the other students, whether they’re older or not
Don’t procrastinate
Earn your way before you act like you have
Remember to eat your Wheaties
Page 18, StuCo
StuCo year ends, memories made
By Conner Lundius
The 2010-2011 year of Student Council is coming to a
close. All members are frantically adding in some last
events and memories for this year of StuCo. The month
of April not only brought showers but loads of excitement here at MV.
Student Council members that were involved in the
fundraising committee held a rummage sale on the morning of April 16.
Many members of StuCo brought in delicately used
clothing, furniture, and electronics in order to raise
funds. The rummage sale was a success, and we thank
everyone who came to support MV Student Council.
Student Council promotes the leadership of youthful
individuals at MV. On May 3rd, a small group of leaders
from Student Council partook in Youth and Business Day.
Members shadowed jobs in the town of MV. Some
worked in newspaper offices, City Hall, and other business in town. It was a rewarding experience for all who
were involved.
The end of the year is a busy, somewhat stressful
time for Student Council members. The election process
begins once again.
Elections started the last remaining weeks of April.
Classes of 2012, 2013, and 2014 began petitioning for
Representative at Large and Class Officer Positions.
Campaign slogans were spread through MV’s campus
on posters and flyers. Student Council members were
extremely diligent on making it through the final election to participate in StuCo next year.
Congratulations to all those who are part of the 2011
-2012 Student Council. Your hard work paid off!
Members of Student Council love the windy city. On
May 5th, a large group of student leaders headed off to
Lombard, Illinois once again.
The State Conference for Illinois Association of Student Councils was held at the Westin Hotel.
StuCo members enjoyed listening to speakers that
inspire the youth of today, and partaking in other activities. Many were given the push bring their tremendous
leadership back to MV.
On May 12th, Student Council members and advisors
closed the year with a celebration. The end of the year
banquet took place.
Members came together to enjoy dinner and laughter. Memory Magazines were distributed to all members
as a keepsake for the year. It was a joyous time for all,
but bittersweet for the Class of 2011. They will truly
miss all the time they spent on Student Council.
As the school year comes to an end, Student Council
members look back on what this year has meant for
them. Participating in Student Council is an unforgettable experience. Each year that goes by our leadership
grows stronger, so the best is yet to come.
VERNOIS NEWS photo/Megan Jackson
Senior stu-co members hoist the Little Egypt district
flag. Little Egypt district attended the State conference
and represented southern Illinois.
VERNOIS NEWS photo/Jamey VanZandt
Advisor Sarah Watts along with sophomore members
take some time to relax at State Convention. Though
members work hard they always enjoyed to kick back
VERNOIS NEWS photo/Jamey VanZandt
Students participate in dancing during a leadership seminar. Student council members danced a
lot during the school year.
VERNOIS NEWS photo/Megan Jackson
Conner Lundius and Jessie Dickerson take a break from
their hard work. Lundius and Dickerson became good
friends through student council.
VERNOIS NEWS photo/Jamey VanZandt
Members wrap up their trip to Chicago with heading to
a mall and dinner. This was a time where everyone had
fun and bonded.
Odds & Ends, Page 19
Odds & Ends
Spring Word
1. gpsinr
2. mlobo
3. lroefws
4. inar wersohs
5. rgene
6. mbleub eseb
7. hiensnsu
8. lpari
9. teiks
13. ypal
14. tgrohw
15. asosen
1. spring 2. bloom 3. flowers 4. rain
5. green 6. bumble bees 7. sunshine
8. April
9. kites 10.butterflies 11. seeds 12. outside
13. play 14. growth 15. season
Page 20, Feature
this just IN: Senior Athletes
Name: Ashley N. Kohute
Age: 18
Birth Date: November 25, 1992
College Attending:
University of Southern Indiana
Favorite teacher:
Mrs. Martin or Mrs.
How do you get pumped up for a game: “I
get pumped up when the line up begins. The
drum line starts, people are up on their feet
and Khaos Kage is going crazy. There is definitely nothing like it.”
When did you start cheering: “I started
tumbling when I was about 4 and started
cheering in 4th grade.”
Most memorable moment cheering:
“Competing at state this year. The team
grew very close throughout the year and it
was a great way to end the season.”
Goals for cheering in college: “I hope that
the team is able to become
very close and pull out a
win at nationals.”
School activities involved
in: NHS, HOSA, Skills USA,
Name: Alexander
C. Miller
Age: 17
Birth Date: January 17,1993
College Attending:
SIUE or Rend Lake
Favorite teacher:
Mr. Pipher
How do you get
pumped up for a
game: “I listen to music.”
When did you start wrestling: “When I
was 7, my mom put me in it.”
Most memorable moment playing: “My
last match.”
Goals for playing in college: “Be a good
teammate, be able to win most of my
matches for my team, be a leader.”
School activities involved in: Wrestling
Name: Eric C. Heinzman
Age: 18
Birth Date: July 14,
College Attending: St.
Joseph’s College
Favorite teacher: Mr.
How do you get
pumped up for a game:
Name: Kenzi S. Tate
Age: 18
Birth Date: December 13,
College Attending: University of Tennessee Martin
Favorite teacher: Mrs.
Thomas and Mr. Shockley
How do you get pumped
Listen to music
up for a game: Listening to music, eating
When did you start playing: “I started play- candy, and getting focused
ing football in 6th grade. I started playing
When did you start playing softball: “I started
because even though I had never played be- when I was 4 years old, because he rest of my
fore it was my favorite sport.”
family played.”
Most memorable moment playing: “Getting Most memorable moment playing: “Pitching a
four interceptions against Centralia.”
perfect game and striking out 19 out of 21 batGoals for playing in college: “I want to start ters.”
as a freshman.”
Goals for playing in college: “Be an AllSchool activities involved in: Football,
American, Freshman conference player of the
Wrestling, NHS, Youth and Government
year, and to be the best player I can be.”
School activities involved in: Softball, French
Club, Student Council, Basketball, FCA
Name: Rylie J. N.
Age: 18
Birth Date: January
23, 1993
College Attending:
Depends on who gives
me the best offer.
Favorite teacher:
How do you get
pumped up for a game: I get out my iPod and
listen to my guys, Lil’ Wayne, Lupe Fiasco,
and Eminem.”
When did you start running: “I was probably
in fourth grade. My older sister ran a lot and I
really looked up to her.”
Most memorable moment running: “Last
year at the state track meet, I qualified to go
onto finals. I was in 8th place and I only had
one jump left; needless to say I was very upset. I looked over and saw Coach Goodisky.
He gave me “the look”. I knew I had to do
good on this last jump. I ran down the runway
and I set a big record and ended up getting
Goals for running in
college: “I want to
participate in a Pentathlon.
School activities
involved in: Track
Name: Pierce M. Borah
Age: 18
Birth Date: September
15, 1992
College Attending:
McKendree University
Favorite teacher: Mrs.
Thomas, Mrs. Hulbert
How do you get pumped
up for a game: “I listen
to country music to keep
me relaxed.”
When did you start playing baseball: “When I
was 5 years old, my dad would throw wiffle
balls to me and I would try to hit them.”
Most memorable moment playing: “Getting
the game winning hit in the sectional game
against Centralia my junior year.”
Goals for playing in college: “Start all 4 years,
win he GLVS, and to
get drafted.”
School activities involved in: Baseball,
Feature, Page 21
this just IN: Senior Academics
Name: Clayton T.
Age: 18
Birth Date: April 16,
Favorite Teacher: Mrs.
Class Rank: 28
College Attending:
Hardest Class taken:
“Chemistry, Mr.Spaniol is tough.”
Most memorable moment in high school:
“All the games I‟ve went to and sat in Khaos
Academic goals for college: “Just to get
though pharmacy school.”
School activities involved in: Student Council
Name: Erika E. Zinke
Age: 17
Birth Date: July 14,
Favorite Teacher:
Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Thomas
Class Rank: 1
College Attending:
University of Kentucky
Hardest Class taken:
“AP Calculus because it was different than
any other class I was used to and it took a
lot of work.‟
Most memorable moment in high school:
“Running from the cops.”
Academic goals for college: “Do well in
school but also meet a lot of people and
have fun.”
School activities involved in: Basketball
cheerleading, Football cheerleading, NHS,
Student Council, SADD, Sub Debs
Name: Carter M. Scarbrough
Age: 17
Birth Date: May
Favorite Teacher: Mrs.
Thomas, Mrs. Elliott
Class Rank: 1
College Attending:
University of Tulsa
Hardest Class taken:
“Calculus...it was a LOT of work.”
Most memorable moment in high school:
“The racial „riot‟ freshman year”
Academic goals for college: “Maintain a 3.5
GPA, decide on a major, and make a lot of
lifelong contacts.”
School activities involved in: Soccer, FCCLA,
Name: Aaron M. Holt
Age: 18
Birth Date: January
17, 1993
Favorite Teacher:
Mrs. Elliot, Mrs. Thomas
Class Rank: 7
College Attending:
Augustana College
Hardest Class taken:
“AP Calculus because it challenged me, and
I had to study very hard to keep an A.”
Most memorable moment in high school:
“My car being searched for drugs, mistaking
lotion for cake icing, thinking I was being
drafted into the army, and laughing harder
than I‟ve ever laughed all senior year with
friends in 2nd and 3rd hour.”
Academic goals for college: “Maintain a
4.0 GPA, finish Pre-Med, go to Med school
and become a doctor.”
School activities involved in: Swimming,
Name: Cody J. Ferland
Age: 18
Birth Date: November 2,
Favorite Teacher: Mrs.
Class Rank: 7
College Attending: SIUC
Hardest Class taken:
“AP Biology because I
hated it.”
Most memorable moment in high school:
“Aaron Holt being searched for drugs, but they
didn't find any.”
Academic goals for college: “Graduate with a
high GPA and with a good degree.”
School activities involved in: Student Council, FCA, NHS
Name: Conner J. Lundius
Age: 18
Birth Date: December 28,
Favorite Teacher: Mrs.
Elliot, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs.
Black, Mrs. Nelson
Class Rank: 3
College Attending: Fontbonne University
Hardest Class taken: “AP
Biology, because it has forced me to study
more than I ever have for a class. It required a
lot of sleepless nights.”
Most memorable moment in high school: “I‟ll
always remember performing in Changnon
Gym, passing notes with my boyfriend in biology freshman year, and being part of FLOB
Academic goals for college: “Achieve a degree
in fashion merchandising and maintain a good
School activities involved in: Rockin‟ Rams,
Student Council, Youth and Government, NHS,
Page 22, Blue Print
, A&E
April/May 2011 Josh Gentry – Editor
Bare Feet or Flip Flops
Atrena Ledbetter
My Time has Come
My time as President has run its term.
Tonight, we will begin something new.
Will I be called upon again to lead this chapter,
Or will they select someone else?
I had a great experience this year,
And I am not, ready for it to end.
I feel that I’ve done all I can,
And want the opportunity to lead again.
If I am to be president again,
it will depend on them.
I hope that I have proven myself,
and have gained the respect of hundreds
I want to show what the FFA means to me;
I hope tonight the I get the opportunity.
Kane Austin, ‘12
Baseball, camping, laying out
getting lost by taking the wrong route.
Hitting the beach, music blaring,
all the summer fashions, what’s everyone wearing?
Going to concerts, singing along,
all these girls dicide to go blonde.
Short shorts and tank tops,
bare feet or flip flops.
Sleeping in and staying out late,
hanging out with friends or on a date.
Summer is coming fast,
You have to make it last.
-Lexi Digiovanni,’12
It’s Here
Finally it’s come
Didn’t you hear.
It’s around the corner.
The end of the year.
It took so long.
It lasts so short.
It’s going to be fun.
Like tag in walmart.
There will be things to chase,
Movies to see,
parties to be at
And homes to T.P.
So if you’re like me,
You’re dreading the end
which has to be
In August again.
-Devon Riley,’12
Hailey Beal
I’m a Senior
Three years ago, it started off.
Look how far we’ve come
Now we’re starting senior year.
Then it will be done.
From Freshman, sophomore to junior
The phases are complete
With one more year left to go
Let’s make it one that can’t be beat.
Chelsea Nichols
Casey Revelle,’12
A&E, Page 23
Behind the Music: Wiz Khalifa
By Michael Jones
Many know of Wiz Khalifa for his verses, and the deep bass from his
songs. But do you really know the man behind the music?
Cameron Jibril Thomaz, also known as Wiz Khalifa, was born
September 8, 1987, in Minot, North Carolina. Both of his parents
served in the military. Consequently, they moved around a lot. He
lived in Japan, Germany, and even England before he came to Pittsburgh, PA. He went to Taylor Allderdice High School
Khalifa released his first mixtape, Prince of the City: Welcome
to Pistolvania, in 2005. The mixtape led to his first full length album entitled Show and Prove in 2006. Khalifa was declared an
"artist to watch" that year in Rolling Stone magazine.
In 2007, Khalifa signed to Warner Brothers Records and released
two mixtapes through Rostrum Records: Grow Season, hosted by DJ
Green Lantern and released on July 4, 2007, and Prince of the City
2, released on November 20, 2007
Khalifa parted ways with Warner Brothers Records in July 2009
after numerous delays in releasing his planned debut album for the
label, First Flight.
Continuing his association with Rostrum Records, Khalifa re-
leased the single "Teach U to Fly", and the mixtape How Fly, on
August 9, 2009.
His newest album, Rolling Papers, dropped March 29, 2011.
For those of that follow Wiz, you probably already know this.
But, did you know that
Top 5 facts you didn’t know about Wiz:
1. His stage name is derived from the Arabic word for
“successor,” and wisdom, which was shortened to Wiz.
2. In 2010, “Kush and Orange Juice download” ranked #1
on Google’s hot search trends.
3. Khalifa’s fan base is known as the “Taylor Gang”,
named after his love of Chuck Taylor All-Stars shoes.
4. Wiz is dating Amber Rose, the former girlfriend of fellow hip-hop star Kanye West.
5. “Black and Yellow” peaked at number 1 on the top Billboard 100 chart.
Plannning on starting a band soon? Here are the Vernois New’s band name list that we devised throughout the year.
Electric Rhetoric
Patriotic Hardhat
Limousine Stage
On The Hyena
She Never Married
Velvet Formula
Subject to Change
Heavy Metal Horse
Throat Punch
Rocks Without Shoes
Audible Silence
Clueless Clocks
Truck Hi Fish
Banana Hole Punch
Academic Atmosphere
Destroying Angel
Libyan Band Cake
Tubes of Glass
See You at Six
Drunken Lumberjacks
Seven Car Pileup
Lady in Cement
Melting Umbrellas
Old Lady’s Filth
Movement in the Soup
Assorting Goodies
Plastic Infants
Strawberry Eruption
Copper Artifact
Swinging Wreckage
Disaster for a Day
Chrome Gorilla
Spitting Gold
Lint and Chips
Recycling Grapes
Liquid Sunshine
Sacred Lunch
Flashing the Firm Wear
Leaving Judy
Parallel Connection
Fading Scarlet
Shockingly Dense
Square Footage
Hearing Color
Velvet Headlight
Metallic Palate
Amazonian Toestand
The Leaking Sandwiches
Battle of the Bands rocks MV
By Tyler FLota
The lights went down, music enthusiasts cheered, bands played,
and on Monday, April 4 in an exciting performance in L Warehouse, three bands rocked out at the annual Battle of the Bands.
Battle of the Bands was heavily advertised. Flyers were placed
across the school and invitations to the event were sent out
through Facebook.
The first performance of the night showcased juniors Aryn Wiggins and John Michael Davis, who made up the band Akademic
Wiggins handled the singing as Davis played acoustic guitar.
“They are always a great laugh and tons of fun to watch,”
commented Trace Turner,12.
Next to take the stage was Patrick Hall and his band Black Sun
Horizon. In a loud performance, Hall and his band appealed to
heavy metal fans with their heavy guitar sounds.
“They had great vocals and guitar … excellent song choices as
well,” stated Matthew McClintock, 11.
“Black Sun Horizon played some of my favorite metal tunes...a
very solid show,” added Turner.
Last but not least was the Sidewinders. Consisting of freshman
Dalton Miller on vocals, senior Matthew McClintock on bass, junior
Trace Turner on guitar, senior Cameron Stewart on drums, and
junior Craig Vishy on guitar and keyboard, The Sidewinders stole
the show with their well known repertoire. Songs included Learn
to Fly by the Foo Fighters and Hard to Handle by The Black Crows.
“My favorite part of the show was when we played Don’t Stop
Believing. It was cool what Dalton crowd surfed,” stated Turner.
A stunned McClintock added, “Dalton Miller is a beast!”
Suspense mounted as the crowd waited for the winners to be announced. Flashy lights, set up by Avery Barton,12 consumed the
stage as The Sidewinders were announced the winners.
“Avery made all of it possible. He’s amazing at audio-visual,”
stated McClintock.
The chaotic night marked the first of Spring Fling and started
off the week with a huge bang!
Page 24, A&E
Soul Surfer inspires audience
By Maggie Aaron
On April 8, the movie Soul
Surfer was released to recreate the true story of a brutal
shark attack.
Bethany Hamilton was a 13
year old, die-hard surfer when
on Halloween morning 2003,
just like any other day, she
was attacked by a 15-foot tiger shark that took her entire
left arm off.
As seen in the movie, Hamilton returned to the water in
less than a month after her
attack, willing to relearn to do
what she loves with an entirely
new perspective on things.
With Soul Surfer raking in
millions in its opening week
and still currently sitting near
the top of the “must-see” list,
some might be wondering
where the large success came
Besides Hamilton’s passion
for the waves, there is an underlying religious inspiration
featured in the film as well.
Bethany finds the strength to
get back on her board not only
from her supportive family,
but also from her youth leader
and by her own well-built and
unyielding faith.
She realizes that everything happens for a reason,
and that she can use her will
to keep surfing to inspire other
people around the world. She
proves that we all have the
drive to keep going when it
comes to the things we love,
you just have to find what
inspires you most and use it to
your advantage.
In the movie description
there is this line: “When you
come back from a loss, beat
the odds, and never say never.
You find a champion,” we can
all take something from that.
Bethany Hamilton was
awarded best comeback athlete of the year in 2004, and
went on to become a professional surfer. Becoming a professional was always an aspiration of hers, and not even a
shark attack could keep her
from it.
Hamilton is played by Anna
Sophia Robb and appears onscreen with seasoned actors
Helen Hunt, Dennis Quaid and
country superstar Carrie Underwood.
Royal Wedding makes history
By Alyssa Burge
History was made in England on
Friday, April 29th, 2011. The royal
wedding of Prince William of Wales
and Miss Catherine Middleton took
place at Westminster Abbey.
This is an event that has
changed history for England, and
the couple is now next in line for
the throne.
The current throne of England is
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip.
Prince Phillip is the son of Prince
Andrew of Greece and Denmark.
After his marriage to the thenPrincess Elizabeth in 1947, he was
given the title Duke of Edinburg,
Earl of Merioneth, and Baron
Once Queen Elizabeth and then
Prince Charles, son of Queen Elizabeth, passes away the newlyweds
will step up in their place as King
and Queen of England.
The couple announced their
engagement on November 16 at
James’ Palace, but Will popped the
question to Kate a month before,
while they were vacationing in
For the traditional wedding,
1,900 of the couples’ closest
friends and family received an in-
vite to the festivities.
250 of the guests were jointly
invited by the couple, and another
250 were invited by Prince Charles
and the Duchess of Cornwall.
Kate’s parents were allowed 100
invites, and then the Queen also
invited about 50 guests.
Many others were invited to the
wedding also, but the main guests
were the ones selected by the Royalty of England.
7,000 reporters were slated to
cover the wedding of Will and
Kate, which has undoubtedly surpassed the amount of people who
watched the wedding of Prince
Charles and Princess Diana- a
whopping 750 million.
600 of the 1,900 guests were
invited to attend the reception
which was held at Buckingham Palace hosted by Prince Charles.
For this once in a lifetime
event, it is known that the cost
would not be cheap. The wedding
is estimated to be around $10 million to $70 million dollars.
This was the wedding of the
century, once that everyone will
remember. We all hope that the
couple will live happily ever after
and serve well as the King and
Queen of England.
Lil Wayne releases new album
Using Cory Gunz as a collaborator, the single achieved popularity
quickly and rose to number nine on the Billboard Hot 100 and peaked
at number two on their R&B chart.
Just months after being released from prison on
He sums up the success of his previous albums
Rikers Island, Lil Wayne is hoping Tha Carter IV
in “6 Foot 7 Foot” when he exclaims “Yeah, with
can mimic the success Tha Carter III had as the
a swag you would kill for/money too strong, pocktop selling- and Grammy nominated album in
ets on a bodybuilder”
Drawing inspiration from the film Inception
Lil Wayne’s versatility as an artist has earned
the music video draws connections between his
him the title of one of the most established musimetaphors used in the song.
cians and as the greatest rapper alive; despite
Another single featured on the album is
criticism for his 2009 album Rebirth which served
“John” which was released in March 2011.
as his rock debut.
The new album is highly anticipated because
His ninth studio album was set to release May
of the potential Wayne has to further impress
19, but perfecting the album has pushed the date
back to mid-June.
His fresh rhymes and ability to always produce
Wayne began recording soon after Tha Carter
something unheard has far exceeded critics’ exIII was released, but later changed his mind on the
VERNIOS NEWS/thisbeatgoes.com pectations.
timing saying he didn’t wish for it to be released
However, many are disappointed with the
Seven-year-old Dwayne Michael Carter Jr.
so soon afterwards. "Tha Carter IV deserves Tha
serves as the cover of Tha Carter IV. The
delay in release, anxious for the next installment
Carter IV,” said Wayne, wanting the two albums
album is set to release in mid-June.
and frustrated by things beyond their control, as
to be separately established in their own right.
almost every one of Wayne’s albums has been
The album’s lead single “6 Foot 7 Foot” was released in Decemreleased later than anticipated.
ber 2010 and features explosive rhymes and a beat reminiscent of
Whether a loyal fan or a stranger to his beats, everyone can find
his earlier work.
something to like in Tha Carter IV.
By Stephanie Modert
A&E, Page 25
What’s Hot and Not in the
World of Entertainment: Summer Smash Edition
Spider-Man’s Back
Musical is Whack
The “Spider-Man Musical” will return to the Broadway stage with a
revamped storyline, and a more “heroic Spider-Man,” claims musical producer and U2 front-man Bono.
…But the show had been canceled and delayed numerous times due
to injuries of performers. Viewers remain unsatisfied not only for
poor production, but for sky-high ticket prices.
Benefit Concert
Excessive Golf Flirt
Tiger Woods hosted a benefit concert in late April in Las Vegas and
featured acts such as Keith Urban, and John Mayer. The concert
benefited the Tiger Woods Foundation, which strives to impact the
lives of at-risk children in America.
...But Woods recently dropped out of the 2011 Players Championship
due to a nagging knee and ankle. His play has gone downhill with
limited success since news of his infidelity surfaced in November
Spreading the Fame
Facebook Game
Lady Gaga is releasing a version of FarmVille that features her most
recent songs from her Born This Way album. The game will become
available May 17.
...But FarmVille, a game featured on Facebook where participants
can create and maintain their own farm complete with crops and
animals is a time-waster that users either love or love to hate.
Movie Prediction
Stranger than Fiction
It will be the summer of series, as sequels to many Hollywood sagas
are set to premier. The final Harry Potter film, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, The Hangover Part II, Cars 2, and Final
Destination 5, and Transformers: Dark of the Moon will debut
throughout the summer.
...But a in a plot that couldn’t possibly be made up so must be true,
Donald Trump has visited various debates as a potential Republican
Presidential candidates on the sole platform of “I want to see
Obama’s birth certificate” in order to boost ratings for his Celebrity
Apprentice show on NBC.
“Is This Love?” By Bob Marley
This laid-back song provides the perfect entrance to summer with its easily
recognizable Marley swing and grooves. This breezy song is frequently covered in
his father’s honor by Marley’s son, Ziggy. This song captures Marley’s persona as an
easygoing man of love and is strengthened by the island jams of a beat he
produces. Whether on the move or chilling by the pool this summer, this song is a
must for any playlist.
Flash Mob exhibits art, entertainment
By Stephanie Modert
Combining dance choreography, transitions, and a playlist of current
hits and classic jams, the senior-performed Flash Mob was one of the
best ways to rock MV.
Songs included featured some of today’s hottest artists with:
Rhianna’s “S & M”, Cee Lo Green’s “Forget You”, Ke$ha’s “We R
Who we R”, Katy Perry’s “Firework”, J. Lo’s “On the Floor”, and
Usher’s “DJ Got us Falling in Love”.
Classics included Journey’s “Any Way You Want It”, Aerosmith’s
“Walk This Way”, Queen’s “We are the Champions”, and Michael
Jackson’s iconic “Thriller”.
The beat of the songs electrified campus and enabled MV students to flaunt their grooves.
However, the secrecy of our surprise and the disruption we created caused some to become upset by our senior prank.
For those of you upset by the prank, as Arts and Entertainment
Editor, a dancer of nine years, and a devoted fan of art, music, and
movies; let me say that as far as senior pranks go, this is as good as
it gets.
Think back if you will to the most memorable of last year’s
pranks in which seniors scrawled obcenities and “Seniors 2010” in
deodorant on car windows parked in H lot and released stink bombs
is the hallways.
I am reminded of it every time I open my car door by the flakes
of deodorant that no amount of power washing will remove.
A cause that united seniors from every group on campus to invest valuable free time to produce a quality production exhibits Ram
Pride more than it does deviant behavior or recklessness.
As I leave my post as A & E Editor I have a few goodbyes to
To those of you upset by our prank: please lighten up, you’ll
miss our spontaneity when we’re gone.
To the news staff and Mr. VanZandt: you are the most creative
bunch of people I have ever met and am blown away by your writing
abilities. I’ll cherish all of the memories we made together and the
quirky quotes we concocted. There’s no group of people I’d rather
be with at midnight, loopy on coffee and old Chinese, and putting
together a paper, than you.
To Coach Harre, Coach Goodisky, Coach Docherty, and Coach
Turner: thank you so much for the time, encouragement, and expertise you invested in the team. I think of all of you as role models
and am grateful for how you shaped me as a runner but more importantly as a person.
To the Team: I am so proud of the accomplishments everyone
made this year and wouldn’t change one minute of our wonderful/
terrible/glorious/exhausting/fantastic time together. Just stop reminding me I won’t be back next year!
To the class of 2011: we’ve always said our class got along the
best among ourselves out of all the others and its true. Thanks for
the memories, and I know all of you will go far. Seniors!
Sports, Page 26
Cheerleading tryouts cause stress
By Danielle Alvis
Cheerleading tryouts are the most stressful
part of cheerleading, especially when the
tryouts change from previous years.
Tryouts could drag out to be a month
long or just a couple weeks. This year the
IHSA has changed the rules for tryouts, so
that there would only be a total of four
There were more than just two open
gyms and more than two days of tryouts.
For the 2011-2012 squads there was an open
gym on Monday, March 28 and Tuesday,
March 29. Then tryouts for gymnastics on
Wednesday, March 30 and the main tryout
on Friday, April 1.
“This year was a little harder because
they were shorter, and we didn’t have much
time to learn stuff,” stated Paige McDonald.
Those trying encountered three different
stations. First, in the auditorium participants were interviewed by three judges.
Next, individuals cheered and jumped. This
usually takes place in C gym.
Finally, participants worked in group
chant/dance activities in the warehouse,
where there will be four to five judges.
“The hardest part of cheerleading has
to be learning the cheer and dance in two
days. Not only that, but getting in your
group and making your cheers, dances and
yourself standout to the judges,” commented TaNacia Thomas.
All the judges that attend the tryouts
are former cheerleaders, or coaches that
the MV coaches know and trust to help
make the best squad possible. There are
some things that will stay the same though.
“The top 40 girls make basketball and the
top 20 make football,” added McDonald.
The girls will practice in May and June, and
hopefully by the end of June the girls will
know if they are on the Varsity or Junior
Varsity squad. “They choose based on your
skill level with tumbling, stunting, and
cheering most importantly,” stated TaNacia
After every tryout all the girls go up to
E gym and see if they made it. “I think next
year will be pretty good because we have a
lot of hard workers,” added McDonald.
Thomas finally commented that
“Cheerleading is one of the most athletic
sports there is and I think that people under
-rate the sport.”
NBA playoffs come, go
Girls finish 2nd at conference
By Rance Cummings
By Hannah Piercy
Every spring there is a variety of events that take place, but
one significant one that is always exciting and worth one’s time
is the NBA finals.
This year on the east side of the bracket, the semi rounds
consist of Atlanta, Miami, Boston, and Chicago. On the west
side there is Dallas, Oklahoma City, and Memphis. The playoffs
started off very sudden and took off from there.
The playoffs had a lot of dramatic events take place at the
start. In game 1 of the Lakers and Mavericks series Ron Artest
committed a flagrant foul on Mavericks point guard J.J. Barea
and was suspended for two games. From there the Lakers were
swept 4-0 by the Mavericks.
Oklahoma City and Memphis have had their own share of
exciting happenings as well. The series took a wild turn in game
2 when a Thunder player went down with a injury and the Grizzlies came back from a 15 point lead and won it by double figures late in the 4th period. As of right now the series is 3-2,
Oklahoma City.
On the east side of the bracket you have many of the same
events happening as well. With Chicago and Atlanta, it has
been a back and forth battle. With Chicago’s phenom Derrick
Rose, it has been very difficult for Atlanta to keep up with the
fast pace, while Chicago won the series 4-2.
Finally, maybe the most controversial team, Miami, and
former 2008 NBA champions Boston have been
battling it out as well. Almost everyone I have
talked to wants the Heat to go home crying,
but they are trying to prove that they’re here
to stay. With intimidating figures such as
Dwayne Wade, Lebron James, and Chris Bosh,
you have to think they would be able to sweep
just about any team away. So far they haven't
been able to, Boston did prevail with one win,
but as of Wednesday, Miami took the series
and are headed to the Eastern Conference Finals.
As the spring time comes to an end, so
does the NBA season, and while most of us
have the end of school on our mind, these guys
have a trophy.
This weekend the lady running rams competed at their south seven conference meet, held at JD Shield memorial stadium, where they placed second
to the Carbondale terriers.
Third went to the Cahokia Comanche’s, fourth went to the Centralia Orphans, and the Marion Wildcats
achieved the mark of fifth.
Stephanie Modert, 11’ placed second
in the event of the two mile, placed
third in the one mile.
Rylie Bruce, 11’ finished first in the
long jump and triple jump.
This isn’t Rylie’s first victory at conference. These two championships only
add to her slew of individual conference
At 2:30 Jenna Wilemon 12’ ran the
VERNOIS NEWS photo/Lifetouch
800 and received first place then went Malesha Meredith,’12 competes in the shot
put event during the Marion invitational
on to win 2nd in the 1600 at 5:44.
Jenna has run her past three years meet. Her scores helped MV win this meet.
at MV and continues to receive medals
for her hard work.
The Lady Ram throwers took 3rd and 4th in discus which was thrown
by Aaliyah Palmer and Malesha Meredith.
The girls head into the sectional track meet with the hopes of scoring
well and getting as many girls as possible to the legendary state meet.
Cam’s Ram Review Goodbye MV, from page 28
I want to send a big drum roll and cymbal crash out to my fellow
music buds and band geeks. You are by far the coolest people on campus!
We set the beat for the rest of em’ and I’ll miss making music with all of
you. Keep on jammin!
Seniors, we have been Rams for four years. Now many of us will move
on to be Cougars, Salukis, Warriors, Wildcats, and me, well, I’m going to
be a Fighting Illini! I am really looking forward to college but will always
cherish my time here at MVTHS. We will always be Rams at heart… Goodbye MVTHS.
Sports, Page 27
This just IN: Sports
MV’s Top Five Sports Rewind
3. Girls basketball dedicated regional
game to Coach
1. Rams win in double
overtime against
5. Maverick Wagner
bowls a 299.
2. Eric Heinzman has
five interceptions in one
4. Alyssa Burge and Ally
Adcock advance to State.
Rockin’ Rams improves capabilities
By Hannah Lundius
5,6,7,8 …
Each count of the dances the Rockin‟ Rams performed throughout the season were practiced vigorously, leading the team to qualify
for State.
The team‟s season came to a close recently, but their competitive spirit demonstrated a new level of excellence.
The Rockin‟ Rams earned scores high enough in all three of their
competition dances to qualify for State. The team has never taken
more than two dances to state in previous years, so this year‟s team
established a new record for the following years to live up to.
They took their jazz, poms, and kick dance to State on March 12.
Late night practices and early morning competitions throughout
the year paid off because the team received high scores at each of
the four regional competitions and at State.
Conner Lundius, Rockin‟ Rams team member, „11, stated, “Our
practice schedule pushed everyone to be better, and we did individual critiques at practice.”
The Rockin‟ Rams dance team did not used to be as talented and
as technical as it has been for the past few years. Around ten years
ago, the Rockin‟ Rams was more of a “pom pon” group rather than a
dance team.
Over the years though, many talented dancers and dedicated
coaches have turned the Rockin‟ Rams into a competitive dance
Mrs. Trish Wagner, Rockin‟ Rams coach, stated, “We set goals at
the beginning to improve and did that with more practices and everyone helping each other work on technique.”
Lundius added, “We all wanted to perfect our turns and do well
at competition, so we all worked very hard to improve our team.”
Lundius stated, “I think there‟s a dramatic difference on how the
team has looked the past four years. My freshman year we were trying to build our team up because we lost a lot of members from the
previous year. We‟ve all grown up and bonded since then.”
Since Lundius‟ freshman year, the team has changed quite a bit.
Wagner remarked, “The team is more serious about performing
well and competing while still being supportive of each other both on
and off the dance floor. Skill level has improved with everyone being
dedicated and willing to work hard. [My first year of coaching] we
came from a previous year of competing at JV level to placing fourth
at State at Varsity level.”
Not only has the teams‟ technique improved, but their social and
academic statuses have also.
Kelsey Allen, Rockin‟ Rams team member, „11, stated, “I feel
like we‟ve improved our image since I was first on the team.”
The Rockin‟ Rams take pride in knowing that all of their team
members for the past four years have been on Honor Roll.
The girls on the team will all readily admit that the Rockin‟ Rams
is like another family to them.
Allen stated, “The friendships I‟ve built are what I will miss the
most about being a part of the Rockin‟ Rams.”
Lundius added, “[The best part of being on the Rockin‟ Rams is]
spending hours upon hours with the girls on the team and being able
to perform the dances we worked so diligently on.”
“Everyone helps each other and sees that the team performances
as a whole is important,” commented Wagner.
Being a part of Rockin‟ Rams dance team is a rewarding experience.
The ones leaving this year will be missed, but the team is looking
forward to gaining new members.
Allen‟s advice to next years‟ new members is to listen to the
coach and don‟t argue, because it‟s not worth it.
Lundius advises, “Never give up, stay dedicated, and be the
dancer that you want to be.”
Volume 89 - Issue 9
Cam’s Ram Review
April 2011
Regionals approach for Lady Rams
The tragic loss of Steve Harrison has been very
emotional for the team. But they take it to the
field and play In honor of him.
With a tough regionals match quickly approaching
“It has made a huge impact on the team, I
for the girls soccer team this season, the Lady know that it is always on my mind before and durRams are focusing their attention on the offensive ing every game,” added Hanson.
fundamentals of their game.
“We go to a lot of the same tournaments
every year and we strive to perform in a way he
Scarbrough, „11 commented “We need to work on
would be proud
of. We knew
right runs, strikthis
ing the ball
would be hard,
using all of the
space on the
It‟s easy to
Scarsee that scoring
problem for the
Rams have defiteam. The Lady
nitely stepped
Rams have not
up this season.
scored in one
They have kept
game that they
have lost.
“We need
hundred while
to get the ball
last season they
in the back of
only won four
the net” stated
coach Harrison
to the team so
d e d
VERNOIS NEWS photo/Chelsea Johnson a d
many times.
Chandler Scarbrough, ‘13 battles for possession of the ball in a home match against
r e - Carbondale. Scarbrough served as a key midfielder for the past two seasons.
past season, we
have had a very
takes place on May 17 in Carbondale against Car- successful season so far. We play more like a team
then we ever have.”
Carbondale has always been a top competitor
“Overall I think we‟ve been more successful
for the MV Rams and Lady Rams for as long as the than last year,” commented Hanson
soccer program has been running. But they are by
There are many girls on the soccer team who
no means unbeatable.
have little to no experience and that‟s okay but
The last time the Lady Rams played Carbon- you have to put work into it.
dale they held the team to four goals with a lot of
“If you‟re willing to try hard and be a good
help from the defense.
team player, try out. Jeff is a great coach and is
“We are usually pretty strong defensively” willing to take on inexperienced players. It‟s aladded Jodie Hanson, „11.
ways a lot of fun.
“We are a pretty strong defensive team, and
The Lady Rams soccer team could use your
when we play aggressively, we are good at keep- support for their regional match on Tuesday May
ing the on ball on the other team‟s half.”
17 at 5 P.M. in Carbondale. Come out and see! It
should be a great matchup.
By Cameron Stewart
Goodbye, MV
By Cameron Stewart
This is my final column. As a senior, and as my last days at MV
come to an end, I am reminded of
the words of Ferris Bueller. “Life
moves pretty fast. If you don‟t
stop and look around for a while
you could miss it.” I feel that the
class of 2011 has made the most
of our time here at MVTHS.
I‟d like to first say that it has
been a privilege and an honor to
be your Sports Editor. This 2”x8”
space has been my home-my
place to express myself for the
last two years. If I have informed,
enlightened, inspired, or maybe
just put a smile on your face for a
split second, I feel that I have
been successful.
I would like to thank Mr. Van
Zandt who gave me this opportunity and who has been a great
advisor. The Vernois News staff is
an amazing group of students
that I‟m so glad to be a part of.
Good luck to next year‟s staff and
to Hannah Piercy as editor. And
also to my baby sister, Paisley,
I‟ve taught you everything you
know… So you‟re bound to be a
And now, here‟s a big shout
out to my soccer guys. Soccer was
a big part of my time here at
MVTHS and I got a lot of love for
my team. We won a few and lost
a few but the biggest loss of all
was that of our beloved coach,
Steve Harrison. He won‟t be forgotten.
Continued on page 26
“I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But
I can’t accept not trying.” - Michael Jordan
To inform, educate, enlighten, and entertain | A VERNOIS PUBLICATIONS GROUP PRODUCTION