vision - Lutz Elementary School
vision - Lutz Elementary School
Volume 1 Issue 5 May/June 2015 Turner/Bartels K-8 9020 Imperial Oak Boulevard Tampa, FL 33647 P: 813.907.6801 Dr. Jonathan Grantham, Principal F: 813.907.6805 Principal’s Letter Hello Tigers, A Hillsborough County May is here and testing is over! Thank you all for everything each of you has done to assure our students came to school rested and ready. Test scores will be out soon and I am confident we did very well. Public School This month is filled with many end-of-the-year celebrations and student acknowledgments/ recognitions. Several field trips, musical performances, 5th grade field trip, 8th grade Dance, 5th grade banquet, 8th grade banquet, Field Day, Patrol Picnic, Battle of the Books, and countless other thrilling activities are just a few of the things that will be happening during the month of May. Please be sure to join us as we celebrate all of the accomplishments of our brilliant students. County School Board As we revel in the remarkable feats of our students, I would be remiss if I did not take a moment to recognize our teachers and staff. During the week of May 4th, we take time to honor our fabulous faculty. These professionals are utterly astounding and sacrifice so much to make TBK8 one of the best schools in the state. If you have an opportunity, please join me this week as we pay special tribute to the outstanding people that work at our school. As we conclude this marvelous school year, I would like to invite all parents to attend the upcoming Gala on May 30th at Hunter’s Green. This event is designed to let our adult supporters enjoy a night out while bidding on auction items to support our school. Tickets are on sale through TBK8. As we begin to think about next year, please pay careful attention to communication from the school. Susan L. Valdes, Chair Doretha W. Edgecomb, Vice Chair April Griffin Sally A. Harris Carol W. Kurdell Melissa Snively Cindy Stuart I thank you all for everything you do for our school and I sincerely appreciate each of you. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Sincerely, Dr. Jonathan H. Grantham, Principal Turner/Bartels K-8 School 9020 Imperial Oak Blvd. Tampa, FL 33647 Office: (813) 907-6801 Fax: (813) 907-6805 Rt: 3 TBK8 Important Dates May 23rd - 3rd Grade LEGOLAND Trip May 28th - Field Day (Grades KG, 1st, 5th) May 29th - Field Day (2nd, 4th, 3rd) May 13th – Family Night (McDonald’s at Cross Creek & Bruce B Downs) May 22nd – 8th Grade Dance (Pebble Creek Country Club) VISION May 22nd – Movie Night (LC Cafeteria and Covered Court) May 28th – PTSA General Assembly; 6:00pm (LC Cafeteria) May 30th – TBK8 Gala (Hunter’s Green) June 3rd – 5th Grade Banquet (LC Cafeteria) We will provide an education that nurtures inquiring minds through enriching and challenging learners for real-life solutions all by Students and Teachers Energizing young Minds. 1 Administration & Leaders 2014-2015 Principal AP For Administration Dr. Jonathan Grantham Laura Wilton AP for 7th & 8th Samuel Bullock AP for 5th & 6th Cortney Hastings AP for PreK, 3rd & 4th AP for K, 1st & 2nd STEM in the Classroom “The Chick Project” was a success in Ms. Bent's class! Students conducted a Science Experiment to see “If more space causes chicks to grow faster.” Twice a week the chicks are weighed and measured, data was collected and graphed. Lara Barone Stacy Cervone Guidance Counselors: 7th & 8th Layla Serrano 5th & 6th Marni Wonderley Pre-K, 3rd, 4th K, 1st & 2nd Sarah Guggenmos Aimee Addison Specialists: Student Success Specialist ESE Specialist Mary Dance Stephanie Wilson STEM Coordinator Ashley Galfond STEM Coordinator Nicole Tuminella Reading Coach 6-8 Dr. Kimberly Schwartz Reading Coach K-5 Theresa Scholl Math Coach K-8 School Psychologist Social Worker Technology Resource Jennifer Fantauzzo Brandy Riviere Lourdes Gonzalez James Weaver Media Specialist-UC Kristen Sundberg Media Specialist-LC Elaine Kurtright 2 Interview by: Briyelle Pierre, 8th Grade and Mya Morgan, 7th Grade Name: Mrs. Cervone Title: Assistant Principal How long have you been teaching?: Mrs. Cervone has been teaching for 18 years. Where did you attend school? : She went to school at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, PA and the University of South Florida (USF) in St. Petersburg , FL. What was your most embarrassing moment in school? : “In high-school, my dad dropped me off and when I got out of the car, he would play his music really loud, dance to the song with the window down and whenever somebody passed by he would tell them that he was my dad.” What is your strangest fear?: “I have a really strange fear of cats. I try to avoid cats at all costs... like if I was watching TV and I see a cat I would turn off the TV. One time Mrs. Addison was talking to some kids saying “Come see my cat! Isn’t she cute!” and as soon as I heard cat I was asking “WHAT CAT!!! HURRY CLOSE THE DOOR!!!” and I was so terrified. So it’s kind of like a cat-phobia.” What would you do if you were the one survivor in a plane crash?: “I would first come up with a plan for getting some people to come help me. Then I would try to figure out where I was so they could communicate my location.“ What did you have for breakfast? : “All I had for breakfast today was coffee.” If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?: “The song I would probably sing would be UpTown Funk because my 5 year-old son loves that song.” What is your least favorite thing about humanity?: “It seems like a lot of people choose to be angry instead of finding ways to be happy.” 3 If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you, and why? : “Cheri Oteri because she is from Philadelphia and could get my accent right. She is also funny, and I like to think I am funny.” What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently? : “One day I got new shoes and I was bragging to everybody about my new shoes and how I only got them for $11.00. On the second day of wearing them, the strap broke and I had to walk around with one broken shoe for the rest of the day. The funny part is that I was bragging about how cheap I got them for and then they broke on the second day. Now I know why they where so cheap.” Where would you go in a time machine?: “If I had a time machine, I would go back in time to when Abraham Lincoln was president because so many things intrigued me and how he was a leader and his impact on people.” What would you do if you won the lottery?: “If I won the lottery I would first pay off all my bills. Then, I would buy a big house near the beach where my family could come and enjoy it.” Counselor Corner School Counselors: Aimee Addison K-2, Sarah Guggenmos Pre-K, 3-4, Marni Wonderley 5-6, Layla Serrano 7-8 4 Mrs. Laura Wilton Mrs. Lara Applegarth Mrs. Carol Chromik Can you match the TBK8 “before” picture to the “after” picture? Mrs. Jennifer Zabatta Mrs. Kellie Sischo Mrs. Brittany LaMattina 5 Mrs. Debra Booth Mrs. Annelis Diaz Mrs. Aimee Addison 6 Thursday, May 28th Friday, May 29th K…9:00-10:30 2nd…9:30-11:00 1st…11:00 – 12:30 4th…11:30 – 1:00 5th …1:15 – 2:45 3rd…1:30 – 3:00 Mon 5/18 12pm-3pm Tues 5/19 8:15am-4pm Wed 5/20 8:15am-4pm Thurs 5/21 8:15am-4pm Fri 5/22 8:15am-3pm 5:30pm-7:15pm during Family Movie Night, which is showing "Despicable Me 2" 7 Interview by: Briyelle Pierre, 8th Grade and Mya Morgan, 7th Grade Name: Michael Champagne Title: 5th Grade Math & Science How long have you been teaching?: Mr. Champagne's career started 8 years ago and has ben teaching TBK8 for 3 years. Where did you attend school?: The University of South Florida (USF) What is your strangest obsession?: “Taking things apart and putting them back together.” What would you do if you were the one survivor in a plane crash?: “Build my own paradise and rethink my priorities in life.” What did you have for breakfast?: “Two sausage biscuits with cheese and a coke at Burger King.” If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?: “Mad World” Gary Jules What is your least favorite thing about humanity?: “The evil that people can do to one another.” If there was a movie produced about your life, who would play you, and why?: “Kevin Bacon, because I looked like him in college.” What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?: “Briyelle’s response of “who” when I answered “Kevin Bacon.” Where would you go in a time machine?: “I would go to the 1920’s because people had a good chance to become somebody. What would you do if you won the lottery?: ”I would create a school for kids with disabilities.” 8 TBK8 PTSA President’s Message Thank you to parents, teachers, and students from the Turner/Bartels K-8 PTSA! This has been a challenging year with the many activities, events, and fundraisers for TBK8. I could not have done all that we accomplished without the help of the many parents, teachers, and yes, even our students. These last few days of the school year will be a busy one, but I did not want to let these days go by without saying a BIG THANK YOU to all those who dedicated their time, energy, and devotion to our students. The PTSA board could not have done any of this without you! Since the start of this school year, our TBK8 volunteers have logged 1066.25 hours! To put this in perspective, the hours are equivalent to one (1) full-time 40-hour per week volunteer for almost 27 weeks. These are amazing numbers; next year I would like to see this number increase! These numbers also do not count the time and effort put in by our teachers, staff, and Executive Board. In total, the number would most likely be 3 times this amount if all hours were counted. As you can see, it takes a village and we couldn’t have done it without all the help. I would also like to thank our teachers, staff, and administration during this transition year. The support we have received has been tremendous. I appreciate the time and energy each of you has spent to help make an event possible, make our students feel special by donating your time, and all your talents! While this year was a transition for all of us, I hope next year we can make it even more special for the students. There are still many opportunities during these final weeks where volunteers will be needed to execute the year-end events, dances, or banquets. PTAvenue is available for you to view all volunteer opportunities. So, if you have not used the tool yet, I encourage you to take a few minutes to access: (School code: TBK8) to register. Once in the site, you can view the calendar for current and upcoming events. Without our volunteers, we would not be able to support the programs and events offered to our community. We hope you will consider helping support TBK8 this year, even if for an hour, to allow us to meet our goals. If you have questions, you can reach out through email at:, our PTSA Facebook page: Turner/ Bartels K-8 PTSA, or by leaving a message at either campus’ front office. Thank you again for all you do, have a GREAT SUMMER, and, as always, Go Tigers! eâà{ 2014-15 Executive Board President President in Training Treasurer Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Vice President Memberships Directory Chair Promotional Chair Ruth Boknevitz Ron Dell Shelby Floyd Humbert Priti Verma Michelle Acosta Sita Medhuri Kuppaa Enaya Engleton Vacant Vice President Ways & Means 5k Run Chair Box Tops Chair Business Partner Recruiter Chair Family Nights Chair Dance Chair School Spirit Items Chair Vice President Programs 5th Grade Celebrations Chair 6th/7th Grade Celebrations Chair 8th Grade Celebrations Chair Labels For Education Chair Community Outreach/Clothes Closet Chair Dad’s Club Chair Grandparent’s Breakfast Chair Rebecca Kulish Vacant Ashwini Ghatge Erin McGee Emily Hamilton Daniela Miladinovic Health & Safety Chair Reflections Chair VP of Volunteers & Hospitality Volunteer Chair Baking Chair Classroom Parents Chair New Families/ Tours Chair Sunshine Coordinator Chair Vice President Communications Teacher/Staff Appreciation Chair Forms Development Chair Newsletter Chair PTSA Website Chair Media Center Public Relations Melissa Grady Chandree Dostal Lisa Dosal Vacant Farah Green Vacant Carol Lutze Kim Whitehead Melissa Smith Fields Vacant Katrin Clark Melissa Smith Roxie Maxwell Vacant Vacant Vacant Rachel Perna Jennifer Gupta Hope Buksbaum Sharon Hayes Trish Ryan Susie Kidd Vacant Vacant Vacant PTSA Upcoming Events 9 PROGRAMS Newsworthy Information The PTSA is looking for volunteers for the 2015/2016 PTSA Executive Board. An Intent to Run letter has been or will be sent home with students. If you are interested in supporting the PTSA and TBK8, there are Executive Board positions available. While positions may still be held by a current board member you may still run for the position. Please review the letter and provide your intent to run by May 21st. You will be given an opportunity to run from the floor during the General Assembly meeting on Thursday, May 28th at 6:00pm. The General Assembly meeting will be held in the lower campus cafeteria. May 28th – PTSA General Assembly 6:00pm (LC Cafeteria) 2015-2016 PTSA Executive Board Positions Executive Board Positions Executive Board Member President Ruth Boknevitz President In Training VP Ways & Means Chandree Dostal OPEN (Interest has been shown for this position) OPEN VP Programs Rachel Perna VP Volunteers/Hospitality Jackie Ross VP Communications Shelby Humbert Treasurer Kim Whitehead OPEN (Interest has been shown for this position) Michelle Acosta VP Memberships Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary THANK YOU TO OUR BUSINESS PARTNERS! A BIG thank you to Chick-Fil-A for sponsoring the Family Night on March 18th and Sprinkles Ice Cream Shoppe for sponsoring the Family Night on April 23rd! Both events had great turn outs from our Tiger families, and a portion of the sales from both locations will be donated back to our school! 10 Mrs. Long, Mrs. Humbert, Mrs. Monaghan, and Mrs. Powell's classes used Discovery Education to take a “Virtual Field-Trip” to an egg farm. Below is information showing what they learned and photos showing the “Trip.” Fresh Foods: From Farm to Table Today we will learn to… • Identify and explain the steps that fresh foods, such as eggs, go through in the production and delivery process from farm‐to‐table • Use online resources to discover facts about the production process of eggs • Compare agriculture in our state with other states Mr. Sealy's class and Mrs. Steven’s class participated in the virtual field trip to Goddard Space Flight Center on May 1st - National Space Day. 11 Tiger Tots It’s time to sign up for the Turner/Bartels Tiger Tots program! We are accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 school year. Information Times: Fees: Registration Fee: 8:45 am – 3:25 pm Tuition: $ 550 per month $100 (non-refundable) Students must be four years old by January 1, 2016. You will need to submit the following to complete registration: Hillsborough County Registration/Enrollment form (provided by school) Provide a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate and Social Security Card Proof of Immunization and physical examination on Florida forms Please call Cindy Weymouth @ 813-907-6801 Ext. 303 for further information. Summer VPK Program Hillsborough County Public Schools is offering a FREE educa onal VPK program for children entering Kin‐ dergarten in the fall of 2015! Plan now to take advantage of the FREE 30‐Day summer program at a Hillsborough County Public School near you. Give your child a jump start into kindergarten! Program Loca ons: Bailey, Bellamy, Bing, Bryan, Buckhorn, Chiles, Crestwood, Cypress Creek, Gorrie, Gra‐ ham, Just, Mitchell, Mort, Oak Grove, Oak Park, Po er, Schmidt, Sheehy, Sulphur Springs, Summerfield, Thonotosassa, BT Washington, Wi er Program Dates: June 15, 2015—August 4, 2015 Program Times: Monday—Thursday, 7:30 AM ‐ 6:00 PM (flexible) Child must be 5 years old or turn 5 on or before September 1, 2015. Child must have been born between September 2, 2009 and September 1, 2010. Child may not have previously a ended a VPK Program during the school year. VPK Hotline 813-272-4840 12 Complete the numbering of each letter and use the chart as your key to complete the quote from Rosa Parks. Send all completed puzzles to the Front Office to be displayed in the cafeteria. Send all completed puzzles to the Front Office to be displayed in the cafeteria. 13 14 Got the summer blues? Come join our Inaugural Bengal Tiger Sport Camps! We know you have vacations and fun planned so we will conduct our week long camps at various times throughout the summer. Come join Coach Korpi and Coach Reynolds for some fun! Reading Skills Summer Program Designed and taught by instructors from the Institute of Reading Development, our summer reading programs for children in grades K-5 help improve reading skills and comprehension. Speed reading and study skills programs are available for children in grades 6-12, college students and adults. The four camps will be the following: June 15th – 18th Football/Capture the Flag June 22nd – 25th Basketball July 13th-16th Baseball/Softball Programs for the following ages: July 20th -23rd Soccer/Kickball 4-Year-Olds and Entering Kindergarteners Entering 1st Graders Entering 2nd Graders Entering 3rd Graders Entering 4th or 5th Graders Entering 6th, 7th, or 8th Graders June 15th - June 18th @ TBK8 Entering 9th, 10th, or 11th Graders Entering 12th Graders, College Students, or Adults The summer reading programs are available in Bradenton and Tampa. To speak with a Reading Skills program coordinator or enroll by phone, call 800-964-8888, 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturday, and 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Sunday. 15