HiLASE: New lasers for industry and research
HiLASE: New lasers for industry and research
HiLASE: New lasers for industry and research Tomáš Mocek, Ph.D. Chief Scientist & Project Leader HiLASE Centre CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0027 High average power, pulsed LASErs • Project led by the Institute of Physics ASCR • Financed by the Research and Development for Innovation Operational Program (ERDF) • R&D Centre • DPSSLs with breakthrough parameters • Applications of DPSSL in high-tech industry • Synergy with ELI Beamlines New HiLASE building Laser technologies Aiming very high Laser pumping: flash lamps Flash pumps • use only small part of spectrum • generate a lot of heat • lifetime • cheep • high excitation energy Spectrum Heat Useful radiation Nd:YAG or Yb:YAG Diode-pumped solid-state lasers Yb:YAG absorption spectrum: - Wavelength of Max.: 942 nm - FWHM : ~ 18 nm InGaAs emission spectrum: - Wavelength of Max.: 939 ± 3 nm - FWHM: ~ 4.5 nm - Temperature shift: ~ 0.3 nm/0C Upscaling novel DPSSL geometries Thin-disk diamond substrate Multi-slab HR coating AR coating Cooling water A solder Yb:YAG thin disk Al frame Cr:YAG Yb:YAG ∆T<4 K ∆T<60 K Fin detail Lasers for real-world applications • Laser induced damage threshold measurement of optical materials (LIDT) • Laser shock peening (LSP) • Compact XUV sources for lithography • Precise cutting, drilling and welding of special materials for automotive and aerospace industry • Technology of laser micromachining • Laser surface cleaning and processing 15% Mission UNIVERSITIES education 15% training experimental facilities innovation research LABORATORIES scientific results further education scientific results COMPANIES Inspiration #1 T.H. Maiman: the father of Laser In line with current trends in Europe HiLASE aims to be a GLOBAL player Time schedule: 12 months ahead 01-08/2015 09/2015 03-06/2014 01-03/2013 09/2012 10/2011 09/2011 Decision on grant Start of construction of new building Start of procurement and in-house R&D of key laser systems, incl. construction Signing contracts for key laser systems End of construction, relocation from Prague to Dolní Břežany Installation and optimization of key laser systems Commissioning of HiLASE R&D Centre Cornerstone laying ceremony October 9, 2012 Progress of construction: 03/2011 12/2013 07-08/2012: evaluation of STDR • International Expert Panel appreciated the Scientific and Technical Design Report of the HiLASE project (STDR) • Critical evaluation of the STDR was provided by independent experts with long-term experience from Japan, India and USA 15% • The 167-page STDR consists of thorough laser systems design solution proposals for all HiLASE research programs 02/2014: Mid-term Review CrewProject complete: launch: 71 heads 09/2011 (61 FTE) Training at world top-class institutions Research Programme 1 Development of multi-J, kW class thin-disk laser system (L1) Prof. Akira Endo Thin-disk laser principle diamond substrate HR coating AR coating Cooling water Laser beam solder Yb:YAG thin disk Concept of kW-class thin-disk DPSSL Beamline-A 750 m J, <3 ps, 1.75 kHz Beamline-B Beamline-C Oscillator Oscillator 1,3 kW Sub-contract Pulse stretcher Pre 100 mJ, 1-2 ps, 1 kHz 100 W Pulse compressor Booster Regenerative Amplifier Main Pulse stretcher Main Regenerative Amplifier Cryogenic Slab amplifier Ring amplifier Pulse compressor Pulse compressor Pulse compressor 1 J, 1-2 ps, 120 Hz 500 mJ, 1-2 ps, 1 kHz 5 mJ, 1-2ps, 100 kHz 120 W 500 W 500 W Applications of our thin-disk lasers X-ray source via laser Compton Soft X-ray source via laser induced plasma or HHG EUV micro- machining MID-IR pulse source for LIDT Water window applications EUV/BEUV metrology Pre-pulse laser for EUV/BEUV lithography MID-IR pulse source for Bio-medical applications A B C Efficient EUV/BEUV source Continuous dense gas jet target Beamline B ps laser 500 W Xe, Kr, N2 Differential pumping EUV / BEUV New: 0.5 J, 1-2 ps, 1 kHz Old: 0.5 J, 8 ns, 5 Hz high brilliance low debris Pre-pulse Laser for HVM EUV Lithography • • • • • Solid-state laser 3 mJ 100 kHz <10 ps stable ! Beamline C Pre pulse laser CO2 lasers High Energy Regenerative Amplifier with pulsed zero-phonon-line pumping COMPRESSOR STRETCHER HR G2 OUTPUT 47 mJ @ 1 kHz PC lens G3 λ\4 TFP HR PBS λ\2 lens G1 HR HR lens HR HR FR HR HR PBS HR HR HR HR HR HR Thin-Disk Laser head HR lens 969-nm 800-W Fiber-coupled laser diode REGENERATIVE AMPLIFIER Yb-doped fiber osc. 1030nm, 20nm FWHM, 2W@50 MHz lens OI FRONT-END HR 940-nm Pulsed Pumping in 1-kHz Regenerative Amplifier 30 mJ, eff. 12.2 % Pump 1-ms 0.3-0.9 ms ~285-W Pulse Length 900 µs t 30 mJ, eff. 15.7 % Pump Pulse Length 700 µs 24 mJ, eff. 19 % Pump Pulse Length 500 µs Improvement of O-O Efficiency via Zero-Phonon Line Pumping 2.8 nm (FWHM@969 nm) Advantages of zero-phonon line pumping • Lower quantum defect 8.7 % @ 940 nm 5.9 % @ 969 nm • Less heat generated in the gain medium Smaller deformation of thin disk Higher pump density 969 nm 18 nm (FWHM@940 nm) (ex.)VBG (Volume Bragg Grating) installed narrowband laser diode 969 nm vs. 940 nm pulsed pumping 940 nm 969 nm 969 nm M2 measurement of Beamline B 1/e2=40 µm M2 Horizontal Vertical 1.25 1.23 Beam pointing stability RMS pointing stability: Horizontal- 3.8 µrad Vertical- 3.3 µrad 3,5 Vertical Displacement [µm] 2,5 1,5 0,5 -0,5 -1,5 -2,5 -3,5 -3,5 -2,5 -1,5 -0,5 0,5 1,5 Horizontal Displacement [µm] 2,5 3,5 Concept of cryo booster amplifier Beamline C: upgraded to 85W (02/2014) CVBG-based Pulse Stretcher & Compressor λ/2 CVBG (Chirped Volume Bragg Grating) PBS Mode-locked Fiber laser λ/4 • • • • • • • λ/4 CVBGs designed for 2.2+-0.5nm bandwidth (FWHM) Aperture 8x8mm 180 ps/nm dispersion 88% diffraction efficiency Oscillator bandwidt approx. 20nm, i.e. 78.5% pulse energy losses in stretcher Home-made oscillator is being developed Compressor (grating) efficiency 87 - 88% (measured) Beamline C: compressed pulse <2 ps oscillator CVBGs + regen + precompressor M2 measurement of Beamline C 0.5 0.45 beam width [mm] 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 50 55 60 65 70 z position [mm] 75 80 85 X-direction Y-direction Waistdiameter 0.12 mm Waistdiameter 0.15 mm Rayleigh Range 8.74 mm Rayleigh Range 15.77 mm Divergence 13.67 mrad Divergence 9.80 mrad M˛ 1.25 M˛ 1.15 90 Evaluation of Various Thin Disks (in CW Multimode Laser Cavity) 8% OC Thermal camera 2.8 mm pump spot Thin disk R=5m Soldered thin disk Cavity is stable over the wide range of thermal lensing focal length Thin disk thermal lensing focal length [mm] Thin disk on diamond substrate Home-made thin-disk head for 5-kW pumping Home-made Fiber-Based Preamplifier • 2-stage mode-locked fiber laser amplifier • SOA pulse picker + YDFA amplifier • 1-W output, 230 fs In-house R&D: 12/2013 08/2012 07/2014 08/2014 Status of in-house development 47-mJ, 1-kHz 85-W, 100-kHz 50-W, 100-kHz 30-mJ, 1-kHz 50-W, 10-kHz Jan. 2014 25-W, 100-kHz Research Programme 2 Development of 100 J / 10 Hz cryogenically cooled multi-slab DPSSL system scalable to kJ level (L2) Dr. Antonio Lucianetti Inspiration: Mercury Project Location Mercury USA Application IFE/Ti:sa Gain medium Yb:S-FaP Temperature cryo Pulse energy [J] 60 (100) Pulse duration [ns] 14 Rep.rate [Hz] 10 Center wavelength [nm] 1050 Pump wavelength [nm] 899 o-o efficiency [%] 6 (12) Advantages of cryo cooling YAG Cooling options for [100 J- kJ] class lasers Multi-slab amplifier Active mirror amplifier Strategic partnership with STFC/RAL D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 Beamline L2 under construction Parameter Specification Pulse energy > 100 J Av. output power > 1 kW Pulse length 2-10 ns Pulse shape Programmable (150 ps steps) Repetition rate 1 – 10 Hz Output beam size 75mm*75mm (SG order > 8) RMS modulation < 1% Wavefront quality lambda/10 E-o efficiency > 12 % 47 Complex numerical modeling Wavefront correction Depolarization ASE code Heat transfer OPD MIRO modeling Input Calculation Output Responsible stored energy, heat load Magda S. 1) Pump beam, geometry ASE modeling 2) Heat load Thermo-optical modeling OPD, depolarization Ondrej S. 3) OPD MIRO modeling Output beam profile Martin D. 4) OPD Wavefront correction AO performance, wavefront Jan P. 48 Modeling of multi-slab laser • • In order to distribute the thermal loading amongst the slabs equally, the doping of the slabs varies based on their position in the multi-slab chamber Doping varies between 0.3 at.% and 1.3 at.% Thermo-optical modeling He flow direction (160 K, 10 bar) x 120 Yb:YAG 100 y 75 Cr:YAG A.L. Bullington, S. B. Sutton, A. J. Bayramian, J. A. Caird, R. J. Deri, A. C. Erlandson, M. A. Henesian ,”Thermal birefringence and depolarization compensation in glass-based high-average-power laser systems’’, Proc. SPIE, vol. 7916 (2011). O. Slezak, A. Lucianetti, M. Divoky, M. Sawicka, and T. Mocek, "Optimization of Wavefront Distortions and Thermal-Stress Induced Birefringence in a Cryogenically-Cooled Multislab Laser Amplifier," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 49, pp. 960-966, 2013. Average depolarization after 24 passes: 9.6 % Fluid Dynamics modeling Pump Beam • • Yb doped area Cr dope d area He gas cooling - Initial temperature: 160 K - Inlet velocity: 10 m/s - Max. velocity: 34 m/s - Pressure: 5 bar Non-symmetrical temperature profile Heat exchange in turbulent boundary layers AO experimental test bench • Aberration generator • The layout follows the design of 10 J system • • 20x20mm2 beam trace Aberration magnitude • Glass slab • 2 heating beams to simulate heating of central part and cladding 52/25 Experimental verification • Calculated aberrations can be generated with big precision • 2 heating beams simulate heating of central part and cladding of the slab • Various slab geometries can be simulated • Generated aberrations can then be subject to correction 53/25 Spectroscopy at cryo temperatures Monochromator Photomultiplier We are also investigating other Yb-doped materials: Yb-doped silicate glasses, Yb:YAP, Yb:LuAG, Yb:CaF2,… Spectroscopic measurements Absorption cross-section Emission cross-section 55 10J/10Hz operation demonstrated at STFC Using new high-resolution spectroscopic data of HiLASE 40 ns cryo laser cavity for LIDT tests 57 Cryo spectroscopy of Yb:YGAG ceramics 10at.%Yb:Y3Ga2Al3O12 with 2 mm in thickness and 18 mm in diameter ceramic σa[10-20cm2] 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 850 340K 320K 300K 280K 260K 240K 220K 200K 180K 160K 140K 120K 100K 80K 60K 40K 20K 3,5 Yb :Y3Ga2Al3O12 1000 FL method 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 900 950 wavelength[nm] Yb :Y3Ga2Al3O12 3,0 σe[10-20cm2] 2.0 pump 0,0 900 950 1000 1050 1100 wavelength[nm] for sub-ps pulses 340K 320K 300K 280K 260K 240K 220K 200K 180K 160K 140K 120K 100K 80K 60K 40K 20K 1150 Diode stacks characterization Parameters QCW Central wavelength Central wavelength tolerance Spectral width (FWHM) Repetition rate (f) Pulse duration (t) Output power per stack 939 nm ± 2nm < 5-6 nm 10 Hz 0.8-1.2 ms > 2500 W 1) Diode stack 2) Wedge prism 3) Power meter 4) Integration sphere 5) CCD camera with nd filter 6) Fast photodiode with nd filter 59 59 Research Programme 3 Development of high-tech industrial and scientific applications Dr. Danijela Rostohar Key R&D activities Laser Induced Damage Threshold (LIDT) LIDT station design •ISO 21254 compliance – Beam delivery system, beam monitoring, quality management: necessary components needed to fulfill ISO requirements, also ensuring reproducibility and effectiveness of measurements – crucial for effective cooperation with industry or research facilities. •Vacuum chamber – In order to isolate damage effect from atmospheric influences, it is recommended to conduct LIDT measurements in vacuum. Here are major challenges to reduce organic contaminants and ensure vacuum compliant devices for setup. •Specimen diagnostics – Core diagnostic relies on fast camera with proper optics system, capable both of damage detection and base inspection of exposed specimen. Together with scattered light and interference detection will be possible to effectively monitor online LIDT process for repetition rates up to 2 kHz. LIDT test station Laser Shock Peening Shock Peening In the process of establishing cooperation with: • Prof. Ocaña (Centro Láser UPM, Madrid, Spain) • Dr. Alessandro Fortunato (Alma Mater University, Bologna ) • Dr. Alessandro Candiani (University of Parma) “HiLASE multi-slab laser system: a tool for efficient peening” 4th International Conference on Laser Peening and Related Phenomena Proc. Book, to be published Roman and Danijela visiting Prof. Ocaña - November 2013 Laser μ-nano processing station 20 µm holes in metals Carbon Reinforced Plastics (CRFP), ITO thin films, … Cooperation with Industry Laser vendors - Process development - Popularization of lasers - Marketing Laser end-users - Safety training and education - Process development - Existing process improvement HiLASE as a seed of… Frederic Terman Laser Valley ? Fyzikální ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. Na Slovance 2 182 21 Praha 8 hilase@fzu.cz www.hilase.cz www.hilase.cz/en hilase@fzu.cz Please, visit us on Facebook & Twitter, and be our FRIEND ! HiLASE: Nové lasery pro průmysl a výzkum HiLASE (@hilaselasers)
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