The Official Monthly Newsletter June, 2013
The Official Monthly Newsletter June, 2013
The Official Monthly Newsletter June, 2013 Cover photo: Mike Smith with his new A-10 WartHog Yep, Mike Smith does an upgrade to a shiny new A-10 WartHog jet. It is aircraft number 3 from the Spencer White custom built collection. I believe the wingspan is 70”, fuse of 72”, but I could be way off as this thing looks really big. It weighs in at 19.2 Lbs. There are a total of 12 cells, 6 per HiMax powered EDF. It only pulls 61Amps per side at full throttle. It has a nice smooth finish in its detail. The 20MM Gatling gun out the nose looks as real as it gets. Mike is still learning its flying characteristics as he is new to the large scale EDF style of aircraft. Most of Mike’s previous airplanes were gas of glow powered. It is nice to see Mike having fun with his new toy. We are all jealous. Very impressive Mike… Board Members/Officers Greg Foushi President Al Marin Vice President Scott Litzelman Membership Chairman Bill Freeland Treasurer Brian Provost Secretary Gary Zaffino Facilities Chairman Jim Lackey Chief Flight Instructor Dennis Maples Safety Officer Barry Vaught Photographer Michael Vivona Webmaster President’s Corner Greg Foushi President Hello everyone and welcome back to summer in Florida. As I mentioned last month, May is a great month to be in our hobby. Here is a report on those events. First event is May 1st – 5th its opening day for the 25th Anniversary of Top Gun 2013 in Lakeland, FL at Paradise Field. Once again this year RCACF was represented very well. We had members competing in several divisions let me show you how are members did at the event. Pro-Am Sportsman Class R.J. Gonzalez – 5th Place Jason Bauer – 7th Place Pro-Am Jet Class Bob Violett – 7th Place Pro-Am Prop Class Greg Foushi – 3rd Place Team Scale Dustin Buescher – 3rd Place Greg Foushi – 8th Place Expert Class Rei Gonzalez – 7th Place Master Class Bob Violett – 3rd Place Best Bi-Plane Award – Walt Carnes I’d like to congratulate all of our Top Gun participants representing RCACF at Top Gun. I want to thank all the members who came out to support our competing members as well. Second, May 11th – 18th is Joe Nall at the Triple Tree Aerodrome in South Carolina. This event is the largest open fly-in in the Country. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the event this year with John Foushi, Clint Ponce & G.W. Riles. If you have never been to this event it is a must see once in your life. It is truly “Heaven” if you’re into aviation and RC modeling. The first annual RCACF Semi-Scale Fun Fly was a great success. It was great to see so many of our members get to show off their aircraft and skills. I had many compliments from other pilots who said we had a beautiful facility. If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact me at or by phone at 407-453-1060. Have fun and fly safe!!! Greg Foushi President RCACF Bob Violet RCACF members are super pilots! Dustin Buescher & Builder 2013 Great Job Guys! Greg Foushi R.J. Gonzalez Greg Foushi &Walt Carnes Walt Carnes Important Club Meeting Information If you didn't attend May's membership meeting I wanted to bring you all up to speed on what the membership has voted on and approved. We are going to suspend the "General Membership" meetings through the next three summer months and reconvene our meetings on September 14th. In the mean time we will have our work parties and informal meeting on the third Saturday of every month as usual. These work parties will have the usual great food for the helpers and now a gift certificate drawing for those who attend get an automatic chance to win. We feel that all you folks that come out and give a little to our club deserve that something extra from your club!! We are going to keep the field open for flying as well as long as it's safe to do so for any work which is being completed. We will continue to send out the flypaper on a monthly basis. I will keep you all informed on the club business and status. For myself and all the Board Members enjoy your summer vacations and spending some quality time with your families!! We all hope to see you at the field... Al Marin Vice President Ok guys, the summer is here that means heat, humidity, and rain. So, remember to be hydrated at the field (with water!). Clean up after yourself. If you lose a plane, take it to the dumpster. I’m sharing some websites that have a lot of good info, so check them out. Setting up and matching Elevator Travel, why we recommend Redline Oil for your DA engine. Battery Redundancy System Installation best practices. DX7 Dual Elevator/Aileron Special thanks to Charlie Pierce and Jason Shulman of Shulman Aviation ( with all the help with my new plane. Fly safe ! Al Marin Scott Litzelman Membership Chairman Hello fellow flyers. I hope everyone had a good month in May. The membership to the club is slowing down a little. Right now it stands at 177. If you know anyone who is interested in the hobby, bring them out so they can experience what it's like and how much fun it can be. Hope everyone has a good week. We'll see you at the field. Scott Litzelman Barry Vaught Photographer Hello Pilots I would like to thank RCACF for the hospitality shown to Corporal Joeseph Palkovic , United States Army Air Force Ret. WW II, at the Scale Fun Fly. He can’t believe that pilots can fly every day of the week and wants to come for a whole day, next time. A few Scale Fun Fly photographs on our website. Support your RCACF and spread the love. Does anyone have any photographs they would like to show us? Make sure you visit the website often, and read The Flypaper. Thank you, Thank you, Barry Vaught RCACF Photographer 407-256-2240 Gary Zaffino Facilities Chairman Our field is looking more and more like a first class flying field, thanks to the group of members that came out and got the job done. Everybody can thank Hank Field. Gerg Van Eberstein, Ron Pama, Joe Hooker, Bo Swope, Mike Smith, Fred Hale, Mike Miller, Bob Harrison and Maged Fam. This group cut the grass, cleaned the clubhouse empted the garbage cans and a whole lotta’ trimming. Lunch was served by Master Chief Bo Swope with style. There was a drawing for a $20.00 gift certificate at the end of the day, Maged had the winning ticket. I hope to have more giveaways like this in the future for our hard working members. I would like to take the time to say that any member can join us every third Saturday of the month at 8:00 am. We only work two hours. That's not a lot of time to give to your club. I will make sure our lunches are above the cut with plenty of cold drinks to go around. Next meet is June 15th at 8 AM. Hope to see new faces join us. Fly Upside Down Gary Zaffino Guest Speaker We were treated to some great stories from Mr. Lucky himself, Dave Sirak. Yes, I called him lucky because he had the once in a life time adventure of flying with the Thunderbirds. It has been a very long time coming says Dave. The stars had to align perfectly for his chance at being one of the chosen few to sit in a Thunderbird F-16 and streaking through the skies. It was a life long dream come true for the Operations Manager of the local ABC TV station here in Orlando. Members of the media have the opportunity to get on the list, but Dave’s turn never came up until just a few weeks ago. After the long flight briefing and lots of paperwork, Dave made the walk to the flight line. There he noticed that they had stenciled his full name on the side of the jet. After they did the pre-flight of the aircraft it was time to get harnessed in. The mechanic hands Dave his helmet. Once again Dave was surprised as he saw his name painted on the actual helmet. The first part of the flight was tame and easy so the pilot could see how Dave handled the maneuvers. The pilot asked “how are you feeling Dave?” Dave’s response was “let’s do it”! That was all the pilot needed to hear. They went through the entire set of maneuvers just as they would in the live show. Pulling around 8.5 Gs in a hard turn was an awesome experience says Dave. Dave said after the flight that it took him some time to put it all in perspective and he still can’t believe it happened. We were also treated to a highlight reel of his flight on a TV screen that Dave brought with him. I can’t remember when we have had a guest speaker capture the attention of our club members to the extent that Dave did. Oh yes, the helmet you see Dave wearing in the picture above, it belongs to Dave now. (Lucky son of a gun). See a 23 minute video of his flight at: Monthly 50/50 Raffle Congrats to Tom Roland as he won the 50/50 raffle at last months club meeting. Another great reason to come to your clubs monthly meetings. Not only will you be glad you got out of the house, but you could bring home some cash to boot. Monthly Airplane Raffle Charlie Peirce won a great little 3D airplane at last months meeting. See, coming to our club meeting really pays off. You could be the next big winner. Remember, we are taking the Summer off from our usual meeting schedule. The next meeting is September 14th at 10AM. Next Airplane Raffle For the next club meeting we have an exciting new plane to raffle off. This is the Radio Controlled… (we will purchase it right before the next club meeting, so stand by). Make sure you attend the next club meeting to get your chance to win. Remember, we are taking the Summer off from our usual meeting schedule. The next meeting is September 14th at 10AM. Michael Vivona Webmaster/Chief Editor The month of June The month of June is upon us. Why is June so special, and does it bring good or lousy fortune for us fliers? • Pros of flying in the month of June. 1. June brings almost perfect temperatures and mostly sunny skies. 2. The grass at the field starts to green up a bit after being all brown and dreary over the winter. 3. You have a hand full of pilots that will stay inside over the cold months only to immerge with their new or newly repaired planes. 4. You tend to see more of your friends at the club now that its nicer outside. • Cons of flying in the month of June. 1. With April and May being the windiest months, June still has some stronger winds than most of us like dealing with. 2. The wind usually changes direction in June from coming out of the North all winter long to blowing from the East. This makes for some interesting cross wind landings. Well, it looks like the Pros of flying in June win out, so that means there is no reason for you to stay at home. Grab your biggest and nicest flying plane and head to the field. There is a spot with your name on it. Fly more, and fly more often, Michael Vivona Next general club meeting – Sept 14th 10AM A great big THANK YOU to everyone who supports our great club. We could not do it without your continued help. Have a wonderful day… Come Fly With Us