December - American Chemical Society
December - American Chemical Society
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The San Diego Chemist American Chemical Society Volume 26, Number 12 WEBSITE San Diego Section December 2014 NEWSLETTERS EVENTS CHEMPLOYMENT Annual Meeting and Holiday Party DATE: Thursday, December 4, 2014 TIME: 6:00 PM Social Hour 6:30 PM Buffet Dinner 7:30 PM Presentations PLACE: Mark Tichenor 2014 Chair Butcher Shop Steakhouse 5255 Kearny Villa Road, San Diego, CA 92123 PRICE: $20.00 per Dinner - $10.00 with student I.D. RSVP: Monday, December 1, 2014 Ben Pratt 2015 Chair If you are unable to register online, please use voice mail: 619-687-5570 Join us for our last big event in 2014! Come meet the San Diego Section Executive Committee members and hear election results for new officers. Mark Tichenor, our 2014 Chair, will give the year-end wrap-up, and Ben Pratt, Chair in 2015, will discuss his plans for the coming year. This is a great meeting to attend if you have been thinking about becoming more involved in SDACS activities! Season's Greetings! CHAIR NOTES Dear ACS Members: We are approaching the end of 2014, but two of our most important events of the year were held in October. The 27th annual ChemExpo took place on October 25th at Miramar College. About a thousand students from all over San Diego County came to have fun and learn about science! There were booths and stage demonstrations presented by local companies and universities to teach the attendees about science. Thank you to our lead organizers, Paul Bruinsma and Julann Miller, for planning this terrific event. ChemExpo is also made possible by an army of volunteers who coordinate the many booths and stage demonstrations. On November 6th the ACS November monthly meeting was held at Janssen Research & Development, LLC. The panel discussion "Chemist to Consultant" featured Dr. Ruo Steensma, Dr. Thomas R. Beattie, Dr. Dave Matthews, Dr. Ryan C. Smith, and Mr. Dinu Sen. Short introductions by the panelists were followed by an engaging discussion with the audience, that continued past the end of the event. Thank you to Ed Castellana for planning the meeting and selecting the panelists. Additionally, thank you to American Laboratory Trading, DiscoveRx, and Duane Morris for sponsoring the event. Our final event of the year will be the annual ACS Holiday Party at The Butcher Shop on December 4th. The evening will include a fantastic meal at a discounted price and a year-end wrap-up presentation summarizing our activities for 2014. This will be the perfect time to meet other ACS members, learn about the fun events planned for 2015, and learn about opportunities to get involved. Our 2015 Chair Ben Pratt will be presenting his plans for next year. This is an excellent time to meet him and give him any suggestions that you have. Ben is full of energy and great ideas, and I am sure that he is going to bring a great set of events to you in 2015. Thank you to David Wallace for planning the party this year. Please register at I would like to thank Takeda Pharmaceuticals and Arena Pharmaceuticals for contributing general sponsorships to help fund our extensive outreach programs, including ChemExpo. Both companies also contributed a speaker and venue for our monthly meetings this year. The generous support from our corporate sponsors enables us to continue to produce high-quality programs. I wish you a happy holiday season! As 2014 comes to an end, I would like to thank you all for the opportunity to serve as the Chair of the San Diego Section in 2014. I have enjoyed meeting many of our Local Section members and I have learned a lot from this experience. I will see you at our Local Section events next year! Best Regards, Mark Tichenor 2014 Chair American Chemical Society – San Diego Section E-mail: Web: CONSIDER SPONSORSHIP OF THE ACS SAN DIEGO SECTION The San Diego Section of the ACS is looking for organizations that are committed to advancing science and education in the greater San Diego area by providing financial support. There are several ways to get involved and each one comes with its own benefits and privileges. For further information please contact: Gulin Erdogan, Chair, Fundraising Committee -- ATTENTION ADVERTISERS Did you know that The San Diego Chemist is the only monthly e-newsletter that targets chemists and chemical engineers in San Diego and Imperial Counties? As soon as our newsletter is uploaded on a separate notification is sent to the 2,400 members of the ACS-San Diego Section, each potential customers for your products and services! Quick turnaround: Ad copy submitted by the 23rd of each month will be published by the 30th of that month. Contact our editor, Renate Valois, at for more information. FREE EVENT ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS! Does your non-profit organization have an upcoming event that might be of interest to members of the ACS – San Diego Section? If so, please send your announcement to our 2014 Chair Mark Tichenor at Once approved, Mark will see that your announcement is published on our website ( and, if received by the 23rd of the month before the event, in The San Diego Chemist newsletter. This is a free service of the ACS – San Diego Section. Take advantage of it! THE SAN DIEGO CHEMIST, the official newsletter of the San Diego Section of the American Chemical Society, published on a monthly basis, can be viewed at All contents are published at the discretion of the Section's Executive Committee. Events of interest to chemistry professionals in the community may be included in the events calendar as space permits and are subject to editing for brevity. Advertisements and announcements from the chemistry community are accepted at published rates. The deadline for items submitted is the 23rd of the month for publication by the end of that month. Advertisers: Current ad prices are: Large (4.5"x4.75") $200; Small (2"x3" or 4.5"x1.5") $65. All measurements are width x height. Please send your jpg to Renate Valois at Make checks payable to American Chemical Society and mail to: Bill Szabo, Treasurer, 3950 Mahaila Ave., B-36, San Diego, CA 92122 Notice: We haven’t changed our ad prices since 2001!!! These new ad sizes and prices will take effect on January 1, 2015: Size (w x h) Number of Issues & Price/Issue 1 3 6 2” x 3” $ 75 $ 68 $ 58 4.5” x 1.5” $ 80 $ 74 $ 67 4.5” x 4.75” $200 $184 $163 8.5” x 5.5” $400 $360 $310 full page $655 $590 $510 Discounts will be available for issues not shown. SECTION E-MAIL LISTSERVER! Get up-to-the-minute reminders of local events and develop dialogs with your fellow members! To subscribe to our moderated listserver: 1. Send an e-mail with SUBSCRIBE TO LISTSERVER in the subject line, and your name and e-mail in the body of the message to Ken Poggenburg at 2. If you receive a message from the postman, reply to confirm that you wish to be added to the list, otherwise it will not take effect. 3. You will receive reminders approx. 5-7 days prior to upcoming events and messages of general interest to members. 4. To post topics for discussion, or informational items to the listserver members, send the message to 5. If the moderator approves the post, it will be sent to the members. NOTE: That is the letter "l", not the number "one" following the word "chemist". Executive Committee Meeting Dates 2015 6:00 – 8:00 pm Thursday January 8 Thursday February 5 Thursday March 5 Thursday April 2 Thursday May 7 Thursday June 4 Tuesday July 7 Thursday August 6 Thursday September 3 Thursday October 1 Thursday November 5 Meetings will be held at: 9381 Judicial Drive, Suite 160 San Diego, CA 92121 The San Diego Section of the American Chemical Society would like to thank our Corporate Sponsors. Here are a few examples of our annual outreach programs that are made possible by their generous donations: Mad Science - Stage demonstrations for 4th and 5th graders which make science fun for kids! Last year the program was viewed by over 8000 students in low-income areas and from military families. ChemExpo - A science event for middle and high school students held in Balboa Park annually for the past 27 years. It features live stage demonstrations and interactive booths that teach kids about applied science. Last year over 1000 local students participated! Monarch Elementary School Program - This unique school accommodates children who are impacted by homelessness, and who would otherwise have little or no exposure to hands-on science. EarthFair – We participate in the world’s largest free annual environmental fair, held in Balboa Park. 2015 ACS PROJECT SEED Requests for Funding Now Being Accepted! The Executive Committee of the San Diego Section of the American Chemical Society has again approved limited funding for the ACS Project SEED program in 2015. This 46-year-old summer research internship provides economically disadvantaged high school juniors and seniors with an opportunity to work side-by-side with scientist-mentors on research projects in local academic, government, and industrial laboratories. Click here for more information about ACS Project SEED. If you are an institutional coordinator or high school teacher and have an interest in applying for support from the ACS-San Diego Section in 2015, please send details (including the level of funding requested) to: Gulin Erdogan at The deadline for receipt of your request for funding is December 31, 2014. Student selection is the responsibility of the participating institution(s). Give a young student the unique chance to experience real-world scientific research! JOIN US FOR A SOCIABLE AND LEISURELY BREAKFAST For several years the San Diego ACS Section has had a quarterly breakfast. Our attendees have been mostly consultants, retirees, semi-retirees and/or seniors. We have a core group of regular attendees and some others who attend whenever they fancy. It’s an informal affair. People order from the regular breakfast menu whatever they wish and pay with individual checks. Some are heavy eaters and others are not. The restaurant, Marie Callender’s, is conveniently located at Carmel Mountain Road, just east of exit 21 of I-15 in the shopping center. For our next breakfast on Thursday, January 15, 2015, 9:30 – 11:00 am, we would like to invite any of our Section members (with or without your spouse or significant other) to join us. We really don’t want to exclude any of our members, so please come and join us if you are interested and have the time available. For additional details, check with Tom Beattie ( ACS-HACH PROGRAMS ACS-Hach Professional Development Grant The ACS-Hach Professional Development Grant supports high school chemistry teachers as they identify and pursue opportunities that advance their professional development and enhance the teaching and learning of chemistry in their classrooms. Applications are accepted annually until December 15. ACS-Hach High School Chemistry Classroom Grant Funds resources, activities, and laboratory equipment for the high school chemistry classroom. Award Amount: Up to $1,500 Application period: February 1st – April 1st CHEMISTRY JUDGES NEEDED Judging by professional societies at the 60th Annual Greater San Diego Science & Engineering Fair will take place on Wednesday, March 25th, at 12:15 pm in Balboa Park. If anyone is able to help choose exhibits for our Section’s chemistry awards or wants more information, please contact Jim Shih at SPRING 2015 ACS NATIONAL MEETING Please see updated information on the 249th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, which will be held March 22-26, 2015, in Denver, CO. Call for Papers for the Fall 2015 National Meeting (Boston, August 16-20, 2015 ) opens mid-January 2015. 2014 MONARCH SCHOOL SCIENCE DAY On November 12, 2014, for the third year in a row, the Women Chemists Committee (WCC) organized a science day with hands-on chemistry demonstrations at Monarch School. A group of students from the 11-12th grades learned about redox chemistry and colorful oxidation states. After learning about the safety when it comes to performing a reaction, all students put on safety glasses, aprons and gloves. They then watched orange-colored pennies change color reacting with zinc in front of their eyes for the first experiment - silver and gold pennies. For the next experiment, they performed in groups of two, which gave them a better opportunity to ask questions and interact with ACS volunteers. The oxidation of purple permanganate all way to brown manganese oxide excited them all. In addition to performing or watching the redox experiments, students also learned the importance of keeping a lab notebook and using them in the academic as well as the industry setting. The students each had a follow-up worksheet for each of the experiments and were expected to complete them (in the style of a regular lab notebook). Everyone had a gold penny to take to share the fun of chemistry. Jayashree Srinivasan demonstrating the silver and gold pennies experiment Silver pennies in NaOH solution with Zn dust Several students actively participated by asking questions relevant to the topic of discussion and also relevant to the application of the redox chemistry in real life. We plan to continue to promote such interest and enthusiasm through these interactive sessions. Hopefully they were inspired to be future chemists. Jason Lundy and Abhi Sharma working with students Glenda Castro and Mario Navarro working with students The demonstrations went smoothly and could not have been better without the amazing volunteers Jayashree Srinivasan, Glenda Castro, Mario Navarro, Melissa Lokensgard, Abhi Sharma, and Jason Lundy. The WCC would also like to give special thanks to Janssen Labs for the giveaway bags for the students. Monarch is a unique school, the only one of its kind in the United States, a school focused on educating students who are homeless, at risk of being homeless, or impacted by homelessness and helping to develop the necessary skills and experiences for personal success. If you are interested in volunteering and/or donating, please visit Jayashree Srinivasan and Gulin Erdogan Women Chemists Committee . Photo credits: Gulin Erdogan SUMMARY OF THE SAN DIEGO SECTION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES November 13, 2014 Treasurer’s Report - In the last month received $19K (Councilor travel reimbursement, donations, local section dues, etc.), paid $13K (Awards Banquet, ChemExpo, YCC Happy Hour, etc.). Y-T-D spent $2,100 more than took in. Receivables $2,200+. Estimate ending year at $3,500 over budget. Total financial assets $320K, up $25K over 1 year ago. Graeme Freestone to be Treasurer’s backup next year. Will call for suggestions for investing $58K from CD which matures next March, and will request budget projections for 2015 from committees & event organizers. Awards Banquet - 92 attending, 35 of them students; Mark tried to get the students seated among professionals; this event raises a concern in that students cost more to the Section; some of the students also attended Nov. meeting, indicating that attendance at the Awards Banquet encourages students to attend other Section events. ChemExpo – Holding event at Miramar College provides much more room, perhaps slightly fewer attending this year, estimated as ~900 attending compared with ~950 estimated for last year; more space allowed better discussions but impeded general announcements; two weeks before the event were very hectic for organizers; Girl Scouts much happier with the larger space. Nov. Monthly Meeting – Entrepreneurial panel discussion; Ed Castellana wrote IPG that provided seed funding, and raised another $1,500, 70 attended, frank discussion. Year-end Wrap-up – Butcher Shop, Dec. 4, food to be served at 6:30; contracted for 50 minimum, need to finalize count. Mad Science – Motion: Allocate up to $8000 for 33 shows for 2015-2016 school year; past years funding works out to about $1.50 expended per student - Approved unanimously. AATC - Section has paid for 6 chemistry teachers for membership in AATC; optimistic that we should encourage interactions with teachers; National ACS says 1200 teachers currently enrolled in AATC. National Entrepreneur – National ACS working to coordinate with entrepreneurs; helping arrange mentors and meetings with angel investors for would-be entrepreneurs; one activity is a Webinar Dec. 16, 4 p.m. PST; wanting Section to arrange location with video projector and refreshments. Project SEED – Funding comes from Section, which would mean the need for greater funding in the coming year; Bill Szabo has contact information for TSRI to serve as host; need coordinator from the Section to make the program successful; Gulin volunteered as coordinator; deadline for National co-sponsorship is Jan. 31. Motion: Bill Szabo $5000 toward Project SEED, 7 yes 1 no 4 abstaining. San Diego Science and Engineering Festival – Mar. 21, Petco Park, registered for a booth for SDACS. UCSD STEM – Section has sponsored $250 for a career fair. 2015 Event planning – Jan. 2015 Monthly Seminar: Mike Burkart UCSD; Jim working on Science Café; Jackie Trischman working on HS Chemistry Experience; Mark Tichenor volunteered to organize Oct. Awards Banquet, June Picnic and possibly Keeling Curve National Historic observance, looking for environmental, biofuels/biomaterials seminars; Ben open to other ideas that can be submitted via e-mail (Ben no longer at Dart after tomorrow). Greater SD Science and Engineering Fair – Jim Shih volunteering as coordinator in place of Ken P. MedChem – Tom Beattie relinquishing leadership, Mark Tichenor and David Wallace volunteering to be co-chairs. Election Nominations – Jim and Renate discussing with Jackie re: who are candidates and sending ballots. Monarch School – Presentation involved older students than previously, only had opportunity for one experiment; seeking opportunities to present program at other schools. Closing remarks – Mark expressed appreciation for opportunity to chair the Section and for help from ExComm and Section. SHARE SCIENCE AS A CHEMISTRY AMBASSADOR Be a Chemistry Ambassador by sharing science with kids. Volunteer with youth groups, summer camps, and scouts in your community. In addition to the many sample experiments offered by the Chemistry Ambassadors program, we have a limited number of free Kids & Chemistry kits you can request if you wish to conduct hands-on activities with groups of up to 32 kids. Find out more information about the kits and order one today. Once you experience the rewards of helping kids learn about chemistry, consider doing it again. The Chemistry Ambassadors program makes it easy to stay involved, whether you have a lot of time, or just a little. Plan Now For Your 2015 Training Needs With 2015 just around the corner, it's time to start planning for your training needs. Stay on top of new technology, growing trends in the science industry and basic skills you need to advance in your career all while interacting in a face-to-face environment with other professionals. ACS Short Courses are scheduled monthly in convenient cities throughout the country including Philadelphia and New Orleans! Our in-person courses are taught by renowned expert instructors in various chemistry-related topic areas over the course of one to three-days. See our 2015 locations and register today! Discounts for ACS Members With OfficeMax ACS members are eligible for savings on office supplies and printing services at any of the nearly 900 OfficeMax stores. Call 1-800636-2377 to register for an Instant Purchase Account and start saving on your office product purchases today! Not an ACS member yet? Join today! Enjoy Savings On Every Shipment — A Free Service For ACS Members! Sign up for the ACS Shipping Program, managed by PartnerShip®, and save on every shipment you send and receive. This free program offers ACS members significant savings on their shipping needs, from small packages up to large freight. There are no minimum usage requirements or obligations, just great savings included with your ACS membership! Not an ACS member yet? Join today! CHEMPLOYMENT ABSTRACT – DECEMBER 2014 CHEMPLOYMENT 772 POSITION TITLE: Scientist (Medicinal Chemistry) JOB DESCRIPTION: We are looking for a highly motivated, hands on medicinal chemist to become a key member of Crinetics team. This individual will be an integral part of our medicinal chemistry effort to discover small molecule therapeutics. This is a growth and learning opportunity in a small company environment. Responsibilities: Design, synthesis and purification of small molecule drug candidates and other molecules as part of drug discovery programs. QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED: PhD in Organic Chemistry with strong synthetic chemistry training and 0-3 years in small molecule drug discovery experience. DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY: Crinetics Pharmaceuticals Inc. ( is a startup company located in the heart of the San Diego biotechnology community that discovers and develops novel therapeutics targeting peptide hormone receptors for the treatment of endocrine-related diseases and cancers. Crinetics is an employee-owned company founded and operated by a team of scientists with a proven track record of drug discovery and development for endocrine diseases and women’s health. Benefits include health insurance and stock options. Crinetics is a pet-friendly workplace. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: To apply, please email CV to San Diego area residents only, please. CHEMISTRY FOR YOU AND YOUR KIDS A Coloring Conundrum Some of the most common food additives are chemicals used to color certain foods. You have probably used or helped an adult use food coloring in cake or cookie icing or to color some other food. In this activity, you will see that coloring certain foods isn't as easy as you might think. You will need Safety glasses • Cooking oil • Food coloring (red or blue) • 6 small paper or plastic cups • Egg yolk • 2 spoons for stirring • Flour 1. Place one tablespoon of oil into one of your cups. Add one drop of food coloring and mix thoroughly. How does the food coloring look in the oil? Does the food coloring do a good job of coloring the oil? 2. Let's see if putting food coloring in water and then adding this to the oil will help color the oil. Do you think this will work? Put one tablespoon of water in another cup and add one drop of coloring. Mix thoroughly. 3. Put on tablespoon of oil into another cup and add the colored water and mix thoroughly. Did adding the water help color the oil? Look closely at the oil and colored water together. Do the two liquids mix? How about adding a little flour to the oil and then adding some food coloring? Maybe that will work. 4. Put one tablespoon of oil into a separate cup. Add 1/4 teaspoon of flour and mix thoroughly/ Add one drop of food coloring and mix. Toes the oil seem to be getting more colored than before? Put this cup aside and check it again in 5 minutes to see if the oil stays colored. 5. One more try! Put one teaspoon of water into a separate cup. Ask your adult partner to help you separate the yolk from the rest of an egg. Add 3 or 4 drops of yolk to the water and mix. Put one tablespoon of oil into a separate cup and add the yolk and water mixture and stir. 6. Add one drop of food coloring to this mixture and stir thoroughly. Does the mixture seem to get colored? What do you think made the difference? Excerpt: "The Best of WonderScience," pg. 165, Delmar Publishers, 1997 ACS Webinars™ Featured Events - December 2014 ACS Webinars® is a free, weekly online event serving to connect ACS members and scientific professionals with subject matter experts and global thought leaders in the chemical sciences. Each session is about 60 minutes, comprised of a short presentation followed by Q&A with the speaker. Live presentations are held on Thursdays from 2-3pm ET. Recordings of the webinars are available online to ACS members at On the topic of Green Chemistry December 4, 2014 Co-produced with Green Chemistry Institute Rookie Lab Mistakes and Other Facts Not Found in Textbooks January 15, 2015 2015 Drug Design and Delivery Symposium Begins Thursday, January 29, 2015 @ 2-3pm ET Join us for a 12 session symposium created by expert chemists to help you better understand the ins and outs of the development process. 2015 ACS REGIONAL MEETINGS May 27-30 June 10-13 June 21-25 October 21-24 November 3-7 November 6-8 Jump-start your research by taking advantage of exclusive member rates and access on these top-shelf scientific resources from ACS: Chemistry & the Economy – Yearend Review December 11, 2014 Central (CERM)/ GLRM) Northeast (NERM) Northwest (NORM) Midwest (MWRM) Southeast (SERMACS) Western (WRM) Research Resources for ACS Members There's a tremendous amount of value that comes along with your ACS membership - in addition to special discounts on world-class information resources and technical meetings, ACS Members have access to a suite of valuable professional and personal benefits, developed by colleagues in the chemical sciences and designed to meet their specialized needs. Grand Rapids, MI Ithaca, NY Pocatello, ID St. Joseph, MO Memphis, TN San Marcos, CA SECOND ROUND OF SYMPOSIUM PROPOSALS FOR PACIFICHEM 2015 December 15-20, 2015 Honolulu Hawaii For updates please see: Special ACS Member Savings On Hewlett-Packard Products! ACS members can take advantage of discounted pricing on technology products from Hewlett-Packard. Whether your need is a notebook, desktop, tablet, storage, networking services and more, Hewlett-Packard has a product that will be the right fit for you. To shop online, please go to If you have questions or would like to order by phone, please call 1-888-343-3296 and mention code ACS1. Members will also receive FREE U.S. ground shipping on their orders.* (*Free U.S. ground shipping does not include U.S. Virgin Islands or Guam. Weight restrictions apply.) LOOKING FOR A CHEMIST? CHEMPLOYMENT IS THE ANSWER! THE SAN DIEGO CHEMIST is read by nearly 3000 chemists and biochemists in San Diego and Imperial counties. A two-month ad costs $80.00 For information contact: Renate Valois - ACS Member Universal Access - online access to any 25 articles from any ACS Journal, ACS Symposium Series eBooks, or C&EN Archives is included with your annual membership ACS Member Articles on Command - single articles are available at a significant discount for ACS members only; US$12 for journal articles and ACS Symposium Series eBook chapters, US$5 for C&EN Archives ACS Member E-Passport - access the entire suite of ACS Journals, ACS Symposium Series e-Books, and C&EN Archives at two fixed price levels: US$500 for 250 articles, US$1,000 for 500 articles ACS Member E-Subscriptions - available to members at a uniform price of US$95 per year for ACS Journal and Archive E-subscriptions; members have access to 250 articles per journal, per subscription term, and may subscribe to a total of five (5) E-Subscriptions SciFinder® - ACS members are eligible for 25 complimentary SciFinder activities for personal use per membership term; SciFinder is a research discovery application from the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) that provides integrated access when searching for chemical information: substances, reactions, references from patents, journals, chemical suppliers, web sources, books, conferences, and more! ACS Members, get the most out of your membership by taking advantage of all the resources available through your Society. You can find complete details about member benefits from ACS Publications and the Chemical Abstracts Service, as well as many other resources, at Not an ACS Member? Join today at NEW IN 2015 - ACS BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING ACS Publications is pleased to introduce ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, a new journal formed to address the rapid growth in this area, fueled by the biomedical and biotechnology industries. This monthly journal will provide a high-quality forum for this broad scope of research that is integral to chemistry and other allied fields of study related to chemical sciences. Learn more at There are two kinds of truth: the truth that lights the way and the truth that warms the heart. The first of these is science, and the second is art. Neither is independent of the other or more important than the other. Without art, science would be as useless as a pair of high forceps in the hands of a plumber. Without science, art would become a crude mess of folklore and emotional quackery. The truth of art keeps science from becoming inhuman, and the truth of science keeps art from becoming ridiculous. - Raymond Thornton Chandler Attention Companies! Do you hire student workers? If you have open positions in chemistry and biochemistry that would be of interest to college students, such as summer internship opportunities, here is a list of contacts you’ll want to keep handy. The people listed below are the faculty advisors of the ACS Student Affiliate groups for all chemistry programs in San Diego County. These professors can get the word out to all chemistry and biochemistry majors at their schools about jobs, career fairs, open houses, etc. California State University, San Marcos Jacqueline Trischman 760-750-4206 Palomar College Greg Elliot 858-531-1149 Point Loma Nazarene University Sara Choung 619-849-2627 San Diego Mesa College Dwayne Gergens 619-388-2609 San Diego Miramar College Linda Woods 619-388-7434 San Diego State University (SDSU) Mikael Bergdahl 619-594-5865 Southwestern College, Chula Vista David Hecht 619-421-6700x5461 University of California, San Diego Judy Kim 858-534-8080 Gourisankar Ghosh 858-822-0469 University of San Diego Tammy Dwyer 619-260-4030 Enjoy Savings On Every Shipment — A Free Service For ACS Members! Save on every shipment sent and received with the ACS Shipping PartnerShip®. program, managed by This free program offers ACS members significant savings on their shipping needs, freight. from small There are packages no up minimum to large shipping requirements or obligations, just great savings included with ACS membership! UPCOMING EVENTS HOLIDAY PARTY The Butcher Shop Steakhouse 5255 Kearny Villa Road, San Diego, CA 92123 Thursday, December 4, 2014 ********** DR. MATTHEW BIO Director of Process Research, Amgen, Thousand Oaks, CA Venue TBA, Tuesday, January 13, 2015 ********** SENIORS/RETIREES/CONSULTANTS/ ETC. BREAKFAST Marie Callender's Restaurant & Bakery, 11122 Rancho Carmel Dr., San Diego, CA 92128 Thursday, January 15 , 2015 9:30 AM ********** DR. MICHAEL BURKART Professor of Chemistry and Biochemist and Associate Director, California Center for Algae Biotechnology University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA Venue TBA,Tuesday, February 10, 2015 ********** 2015 SAN DIEGO FESTIVAL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING FESTIVAL WEEK: March 14-21, 2015 EXPO DAY at PETCO Park: Saturday, March 21, 2015 ********** 249TH ACS NATIONAL MEETING & EXPOSITION Denver, Colorado March 22-26, 2015 ********** 60th ANNUAL GREATER SAN DIEGO SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING FAIR Balboa Park Activity Center (2145 Park Blvd.) For information please see March 24 - 29, 2015 ********** EARTH DAY - EARTHFAIR 2015 Balboa Park, San Diego, CA Sunday, April 19, 2015 ********** SUMMER PICNIC San Dieguito County Park, Solana Beach Sunday, June 28, 2015 ********** FIFTY- AND SIXTY-YEAR MEMBER RECOGNITION LUNCHEON Venue TBA, Sunday, July 12, 2015 ********** 250TH ACS NATIONAL MEETING & EXPOSITION Boston, Massachusetts August 16-20, 2015 THE SAN DIEGO SECTION OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY WELCOMES ITS NEW MEMBERS Pius Adelani Eric Birnbaum Shawn Carter Yao Chen Evan Christman Suzy Dorn Joseph Genereux Marriah Green Erin Imsand Kiyun Kim Zachary Kovach Darren Li Mang Lin Matthew Marney Joy Murphy Darlene Nguyen Carlos Nowotny Levi Pierce Levi Pilapil Wayne Pletcher Louise Robinson Janos Sagi Joanna San Pedro Eric Schmelz Simranjeet Singh Frederick Stults Laura Valdez Jingxin Wang Yingsong Wang Michael Welch Derek Wessar Zhaojun Yuan Jiajun Zhang Zhenjie Zhang 2014 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE & COMMITTEE MEMBERS SAN DIEGO SECTION OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair Mark Tichenor, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Chair-Elect Ben Pratt, Akarna Therapeutics, Past Chair Erica Campbell-Conroy, Secretary William Tolley, Seacoast Science, Inc., Treasurer Bill Szabo, Councilors Thomas R. Beattie (2015) Hui Cai, WuXi AppTec (2016) Desiree Grubisha, CSUSM (2015) John Palmer, UCSD (2014) Ken Poggenburg (2016) David Wallace, Wallace Scientific Consulting (2015) Alternate Councilors Paul Bruinsma, Hewlett-Packard Company (2014) Surya K. De, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute (2016) Julann Miller, Waters Corporation (2014) John Schindler (2016) Jim Shih, Eli Lilly & Co (2014) Ruo Steensma, Steensma Consulting, Inc. (2016) Members-at-Large Ryan Clark, Inception Sciences, Inc. (2014) Graeme Freestone, Dart NeuroScience LLC (2014) Mark Rosen, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (2014) Patrick Andrew Staley (2015) Jean Wang, IriSys Inc. (2015) STANDING & SPECIAL COMMITTEES Awards Nomination Committee Thomas R. Beattie (Chair) ChemExpo Paul Bruinsma (Chair), Hewlett-Packard Company Julann Miller, Waters Corporation Communications Committee Paul Bruinsma, (Chair), Hewlett-Packard Company Surya K. De, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute Desiree Grubisha, CSUSM Ken Poggenburg David Wallace, Wallace Scientific Consulting Renate Valois (Newsletter Editor) Education Committee Haim Weizman (Chair), UCSD EarthFair Julann Miller, Waters Corporation Finance Committee Bill Szabo (Chair) Tom Beattie Ben Pratt, Dart NeuroScience LLC Fundraising Committee Gulin Erdogan (Chair), Vertex Pharmaceuticals Government Affairs Committee Hui Cai, WuXi AppTec (Chair) Ken Poggenburg Law Committee Open Mad Science Program Thomas R. Beattie MedChem Symposium Mark Tichenor (Co-Chair), Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. David Wallace (Co-Chair), Wallace Scientific Consulting Membership Committee Mark Rosen, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Nominations Committee Jim Shih, Eli Lilly & Co. Picnic Committee Jim Shih, Eli Lilly & Co. Professional Development Committee Ruo Steensma, Steensma Consulting, Inc. Public Relations Committee John Schindler Senior Chemists Committee Ken Poggenburg (Chair) Seniors Breakfasts Thomas R. Beattie Women Chemists Committee Gulin Erdogan (Chair), Vertex Pharmaceuticals Katie Duncan, TSRI Younger Chemists Committee Graeme Freestone (Chair), Dart NeuroScience LLC Ryan Clark, Inception Sciences, Inc. Corey Anderson, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Voice Mail – San Diego Section (2014) (2014) (2014) (2014) (2014) 858-334-8914 858-945-7893 858-404-6600 858-780-0978 858-550-0306 858-587-1210 858-361-8838 858-254-5497 858-534-5906 760-635-2573 858-638-1866 858-655-8322 858-337-4961 800-252-4752 x6802 858-353-3943 619-269-0117 858-205-9371 858-774-2095 858-246-8137 858-320-3395 858-483-4297 858-623-1520 858-587-1210 858-655-8322 800-252-4752 x6802 858-655-8322 858-337-4961 858-254-5497 760-635-2573 858-638-1866 619-692-0638 858-534-2963 800-252-4752 x6802 858-550-0306 858-587-1210 858-246-8120 619-540-8321 858-361-8838 760-635-2573 858-587-1210 858-334-8914 858-638-1866 858-320-3395 619-269-0117 619-269-0117 858-205-9371 858-353-3943 760-635-2573 858-587-1210 619-594-1620 858-784-7532 858-246-8137 858-774-2095 858-405-4734 619-687-5570