March - First Church
March - First Church
March 2016 CONNECTIONS The First Church Newsletter 518 North 19th Street Birmingham AL 35203 an OPEN place for ALL to WORSHIP, GROW, and SERVE THE JOURNEY TO EASTER Martin Luther once said, “If I were God, I’d kick the world to pieces.” Most of us have felt that way before, wanting to knock down everything and start all over. I love Fredrick Buechner’s response to Luther’s words, “But Martin Luther wasn’t God, God is God, and God has never kicked the world to pieces. He keeps reentering the world, keeps offering himself to the world — by grace, keeps somehow blessing the world, making possible a kind of life which we all, in our deepest being, hunger for.” The journey through Lent, Holy Week, and Easter offers many reminders of this truth. During Lent we journey to Easter, excited to experience resurrection, often forgetting that the pathway to Easter is hard. We don’t like hard. The pathway to Easter is filled with the loss of friends juxtaposed with the celebration of a parade. Easter requires experiencing loss, celebration, despair, hope, uncertainty, satisfaction and doubt. We run the gauntlet of all these emotions in order for the joy of resurrection to be fully experienced. These, of course, are not just Biblical stories; they are also things we experience with regularity in our own lives as we navigate a complex stream of mixed events. For example, we grieve over the retirement of Jim Cook while feeling incredibly grateful for all he means to the church. We celebrate his time here with laughter and song, and are deeply sad to see him retire. We are also saddened by the loss of our organist Mark Hayes, but excited for his new adventure in ministry at St. Paul’s Cathedral. While we experience all these emotions in relation to Jim’s retirement and Mark’s new journey, in worship this month we will celebrate services of Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and then Easter. That is a cacophony of emotions and experiences. The highest of Holy Days, Easter, seems an apropos time for the grand finale of such an exalted and blessed career. Words are overburdened when we try to express the inexpressible. So, this year when the Easter Service closes it will be Handel’s music that speaks for us, celebrating not only resurrection, but also a life of beautiful service to God. Halleluiah! Halleluiah! Grace & Peace At First Church we are blessed with many new people within our worshipping community who don’t come from a Methodist background. Our new people have helped us long-timers recognize that words like Advent and Lent are “church words” we throw around as if everyone knows what we are talking about. So, for the sake of the new people and as a refresher for the long-timers, Lent is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on the Saturday before Easter. The forty days represent the time that Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring temptation and preparing to begin his ministry. Lent is historically a time of self-examination and reflection where many people choose to practice fasting, self-denial, and repentance as a part of growing in faith and preparing for the road ahead. Followers of Christ focus on their relationship with God, often choosing to give up something or to volunteer and give of themselves for others. Lent is a time to examine our life and to choose to live in a way consistent with Christ’s example. This Lent we will highlight “Ways to Live” in our Lenten Sermon Series through examining a primary theme offered by the epistle lessons from the lectionary. (Lectionary is another one of those “church words” which means traditionally ascribed scripture for the season.) Below you will see a wide variety of ways you can live the Lenten experience at First Church: March 6: Ways to Live: New 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 March 13: Ways to Live: Passion Philippians 3:4b-14 March 20: Ways to Live: Humility Philippians 2:5-11 March 27: Ways to Live: Focus 1 Corinthians 15:19-26 DAILY DEVOTION AVAILABLE ONLINE: Each day during Lent we will post a short reflection on our First Church Facebook page. If you do not use Facebook or prefer to receive your daily reflection via email, please contact Katie Gilbert at or opt in under the Coming Up tab on our website. Week 4 February 29 March 5 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 New Week 5 March 7-12 Philippians 3:4b-14 Passion Week 6 March 14-19 Philippians 2:5-11 Humility Week 7 March 21Hebrews 9:11-15Paid March 221 Corinthians 1:18-31Fool March 22Hebrews 12:1-3Surrounded March 23 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Remembrance (Maundy Thursday) March 24Hebrews 10:16-25Death (Good Friday) March 251 Peter 4:1-8God’s HOLY WEEK AT FIRST CHURCH We hope you will mark your calendars now and make plans to join us during Holy Week 2016. Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday March 20 - 8:30am Beginnings, 11:00am Sanctuary & Loft March 24 - 6:00pm in the Large Dining Room Good Friday Easter Sunday March 25 – 12:00pm in the Sanctuary March 27 - 8:30am Beginnings, 11:00am Sanctuary & Loft LENTEN BROWN BAG BIBLE STUDY You are invited to come on Thursdays in Lent to the Brown Bag Bible study at 12:00pm. The study will meet in the Office Building on the second floor in the Conference Room. You are welcome to bring your lunch with you. This study will follow the weekly scriptures from the Lenten “Ways to Live” sermon series, as well as consider the daily thoughts and questions posed throughout the Lenten season on Facebook and via select email. (If you are interested in receiving that email please contact Katie Gilbert at Katie@ For more information about the Brown Bag Bible Study, please contact Stephanie Arnold at LENTEN PRACTICE OF GIVING During Lent you are invited to incorporate a practice of “fasting” or “giving up” something that you may have in order for someone else to have what they need. We will be collecting items that will help sustain our neighbors through our partnerships with other ministries in our city. Urban Ministry - Collecting supplies for Urban Kids Ministry (Items to be considered for donation are: hand soap, Pine Sol or other floor cleaner, paper towels, 8 oz plastic cups, bag of terry cleaning cloths, 5 oz paper cups, 3 oz paper cups, food service gloves, latex free gloves, vinyl table cloths, Clorox wipes) Church of the Reconciler - Collecting hygiene kits (Items to be considered for donation are: tooth brushes, tooth paste, bars of soap, small bottles of shampoo and conditioner, razors, shaving cream, men & women’s deodorant, mouth wash, wash rag, etc.) Firehouse Shelter - Collecting non-perishable food items (Items to be considered for donation are: large canned goods, boxed meals, napkins, paper plates, utensils, 8 oz. plastic cups, etc.) During Lent you may drop these supplies off near the Welcome Center in baskets labeled for the appropriate ministry and collection. And we are taking orders for Easter Lilies and White Hydrangeas to don our altars on Easter Sunday! The lilies are $12 each and hydrangeas are $20 each. You can order from the church’s website,, or find an order form at the Welcome Center Desk or in each of the worship spaces. The deadline for ordering Easter flowers is Sunday, March 13, 2016. Join us for the annual First Church Easter Eggstravaganza on Saturday, March 19, from 10:00am-12:00pm at a new location - Birmingham-Southern College! The Academic Quad at BSC will allow us more outside space to play and more hiding places to have a great egg hunt this year! Bring your Easter baskets, lawn chairs, and a blanket, and First Church will provide the eggs, inflatables, treats, and more! You won’t want to miss this fun filled event for children of all ages! For more information, contact Linda Underwood Thorne at or 205-254-3186. On Sunday, March 13, at 5:00pm in St. John’s Chapel you are invited to join us for a prayer service for the General Conference of the United Methodist Church that will meet in May of this year. Once a month leading up to May, First Church will commit to praying for our delegates attending the meeting as well as the larger decisions that will come before the Conference. We hope you will join us and invite others as we seek to faithfully prepare for the work of the General Conference in 2016. Upcoming prayer services for General Conference will be held on Sundays, March 13 and April 17 at 5:00pm. On Monday, May 9, the night before General Conference begins, there will be a prayer service with dinner at 6:00pm followed by the service at 6:45pm. DISCOVERY WEEKEND PRAYER SERVICE Saturday, March 5 at 6:00pm All are invited to the Discovery Weekend churchwide prayer service in the Santuary on Saturday, March 5 at 5:00pm. One of the best parts of every Discovery Weekend is when our church joins in prayer to support the faith journey of our junior high students. Everyone in attendance will join in as we surround these students with love and support as every youth will be lifted up individually and prayed for by the church. We hope you will make a point to be present with us. Dr. James H. Cook has faithfully and artistically served First United Methodist Church for more than 40 years. His leadership of the Chancel Choir and his contributions to music and worship have been significant blessings to this great church, and his influence will continue to be felt at First Church for many years to come. There are not enough words to fully express our appreciation for Jim Cook and all he means this congregation. Recognizing that there would be some challenges with hosting a reception on Jim’s final day, Easter Sunday, there will be a reception in Jim’s honor in the Large Dining Room following the 11:00 Palm Sunday services. We hope you will make plans to attend and let Jim know how much he has meant to you and the church. If you would like to contribute to a “love offering” for Jim, you may do so online or with a check to the church. Please be sure and designate the gift for Jim Cook. 6 1 0 2 p m a C S T R A City Kids June 13 -17 m p 0 :0 1 m a 0 :0 9 : Monday-Thursday m p 0 :0 6 m a 0 :0 9 : y a Frid It’s that time of year again! Sign-up your kindergarteners through 4th graders to participate in a week filled with singing, dancing, and crafting—all to help learn about God’s Kingdom. We will need lots of volunteers to help cook and serve lunch, teach, and help the week run smoothly. Whether you have a camper or wish to help, contact Linda Underwood Thorne at JUSTICE & MERCY COMMUNITY CORNER In 2016 the Justice and Mercy Team wants to help you better support our community by highlighting different ministries and events happening in and around First Church each month. We will share the work of our ministry partners as well as more information about some of the important projects within the church. We invite you each month to read and learn more about all of the exciting opportunities to be in service alongside our community in the coming year! Who are the Cliff-Hangers? The Cliff-Hangers can be anyone who wants to be! This is a group primarily made up of retired folks from the First Church community who long to have fun and build friendships together. They plan to offer opportunities once a month. ALL persons regardless of age and church affiliation are invited to participate in Cliff – Hanger outings and gatherings. Lunch at Cypress Inn in Tuscaloosa You are invited to join the Cliff-Hangers on Tuesday, March 15 as we meet at 10:15am at the church to ride together to Cypress Inn in Tuscaloosa for lunch. Our lunch reservation will be at 11:30am. Please contact Wynnett Lee to make reservations for lunch or transportation at or (205) 520-9799. On Easter Sunday, March 27, let the 2016 Panama Mission Team prepare a pancake breakfast for you with a ticket price of at least $5 per person. Breakfast will begin at 8:30am in the Large Dining Room. Come to church early for a good breakfast and fellowship, all for a great cause! GIFTS RECEIVED BY THE CHURCH To the Memorial Fund To the Living Church Fund In Memory of Yvonne Wright In Honor of Harper Lacey from Sara Baker from Peggy West from Nancy and John Holt from Geneva Blackburn from Circle 25 In Memory of Fred Duran from Nancy and John Holt from Gwen and Mark Deierhoi from Shirley and Larry LeCroy from Birmingham DX Club from Kathy and Ken Clements To the Music Fund In Memory of Dorothy Perry from Virginia McLean In Memory of Dorothy Perry from Sara Baker from Peggy West from Linda and Bob Glover from Nancy and John Holt from Geneva Blackburn from Julius Linn In Memory of Jack A. Adkins from Carol K. Lightfoot from Kerry L. Kirkland To the Radio Fund In Memory of Dorothy Perry from Bethany Bible Study Class In Memory of Fred Duran from Ecclesia Wingard Class MARCH CALENDAR March 2 March 6 March 19 March 3 March 13 March 20 March 14 March 22 7:30am - Reconciler Breakfast 6:00pm - Supper Club March 4 8:30am - Discovery Weekend 12:00pm - Children’s Council 5:00pm - General Conference Prayer 6:00pm - Executive Council Finance Commitee 5:30pm - Discovery Weekend 11:30am - Garden Club 8:30am - Discovery Weekend 10:00am - City Kids Mini Discovery 5:00pm - Discovery Prayer Service March 17 12:00pm - Jim Cook Reception 5:30pm - Trustees Meeting March 24 March 16 March 5 10:00am - Easter Egg Hunt 6:00pm - Maundy Thursday Service March 25 7:00pm - Vincent Bernhardt Circle 12:00pm - Good Friday Service WEEKLY CALENDAR TUESDAYS: 6:00pm - Converge Midweek WEDNESDAYS: 4:00pm - Prayer Shawl Knitters 6:30pm - Chancel Choir Rehearsal THURSDAYS: 6:45am - Muffin Men 12:00pm - Brown Bag Bible Study FRIDAYS: ~ Church Office Closed ~ 6:45am - Men’s Prayer Breakfast SUNDAYS: 8:30am - Traditional Worship 9:45am - Sunday School 11:00am - The Loft & Traditional Services 12:00pm - Tutoring Ministry FIRST CHURCH BIRMINGHAM STAFF Senior Pastor: Keith Thompson .......................................................................................... Pastor: Stephanie Arnold ..................................................................................................... Director of Invitation & Outreach: Katie Gilbert ............................................................ Director of Youth & Young Adults: Jonathan Goss ....................................................... Director of Children & Church Events: Linda Underwood Thorne .............................. Choir Director: Jim Cook ...................................................................................................... Loft Worship & Design: Blake Hobbs ................................................................................ Church Receptionist: Peg Thompson ................................................................................ Administrative Assistant: Kathy Clements ....................................................................... Financial Assistant: Peggy West ......................................................................................... Maintenance Supervisor: Ron Dates .................................................................................. Nursery Director: Ginger Gambill ....................................................................................... Wedding Director: Nonna Tindal ........................................................................................ Executive Director of Early Learning Center: Robin Pate .............................................. 518 North 19th Street • Birmingham AL 35203 205-254-3186 •