The Conference Program
The Conference Program
World ScientIfic and Engineering Academy and Society Conference Program Istanbul, Turkey December 15-17, 2014 Important Notes: (1) The Certificate of Participation can be collected at the registration desk only after your presentation. (2) Session chairmen can ask for a special Certificate at the registration desk after the session (3) The duration of a presentation slot is 20 minutes for a regular paper, 30 minutes for an invited paper and 45 minutes for a plenary speech, including questions. Invited papers are marked in Italic letters (4) All authors should give their biographies to the chairmen before the beginning of the session. (5) Authors can upload their presentations to the available computers 10 minutes before the beginning of their session. 19th International Conference on Applied Mathematics (AMATH '14) 13th International Conference on Telecommunications and Informatics (TELE-INFO '14) 13th International Conference on Signal Processing (SIP '14) 10th International Conference on Educational Technologies (EDUTE '14) 13th International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems (IMCAS '14) 13th International Conference on Non-Linear Analysis, Non-Linear Systems and Chaos (NOLASC '14) 10th International Conference on Cellular and Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering (BIO '14) 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Cities, Urban Sustainability and Transportation (SCUST '14) 2nd International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (PEED '14) 5th International Conference on Finance, Accounting and Law (ICFA '14) 5th International Conference on Design and Product Development (ICDPD '14) Istanbul, Turkey December 15-17, 2014 Dear colleague, The WSEAS staff welcome you to another prestigious event. Since 1996, the World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society has proudly organized a vast number of successful conferences and published the work of hundreds of scientists from all over the world. We and our affiliate NAUN would like to express our sincere gratitude to you for helping us continue our mission by honoring us with your presence in this conference. WSEAS publications have succeeded in joining most important International Scientific Indexes and Libraries. Thanks to our latest efforts of adopting strict deadlines and a more rigorous review process, the quality of our proceedings and journals is continuing to rise exponentially. We trust that you will enjoy discussing the latest scientific developments with your peers during these three days, and that you will find your stay as pleasant as possible. Conference Chair Prof. Metin Demiralp, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey Prof. Andrew Walcott Beckwith, Chongqing University, P. R. China Prof. Janusz Brzdek, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland Monday December 15th 2014 Conference Room: A Time: 08:45-09:00 Welcome Speech by Prof. Metin Demiralp, Istanbul Technical University, TURKEY. Conference Room: A Time: 09:00-09:45 Keynote Lecture: Interpolative Aspects of Function Representations in Ascending Derivative Values by Prof. Metin Demiralp, Istanbul Technical University, TURKEY. Conference Room: A Time: 09:45-10:30 Plenary Lecture 1: On Some Selected Issue in Stability of Functional Equations by Prof. Janusz Brzdek, Pedagogical University of Cracow, POLAND. Coffee Break: 10:30-11:00 Monday December 15th 2014 Conference Room: A Time: 11:00-11:45 Plenary Lecture 2: Non Linear Electrodynamics and a Minimum Time Step Allowed in Early Universe Cosmology by Prof. Andrew Walcott Beckwith, Chongqing University, P. R. China. Conference Room: A Time: 11:45-12:30 Plenary Lecture 3: On Ulam's Type Stability by Prof. Janusz Brzdek, Pedagogical University of Cracow, POLAND. Conference Room: A Time: 12:30-15:00 Session: Education and Educational Technologies Chair: Alexander Samochadin, Elissaveta Gourova Alexander Samochadin, Dimitri Timofeev, Dmitry Raychuk, Igor Khmelkov Javier Bilbao, Concepción Varela, Eugenio Using e-Activities in Pre University Education for Working Bravo, Miguel Rodríguez, Olatz García, Specific and Transversal Competences Purificación González Attendance Monitoring as a Context-Aware Service The Role of Information Culture in Common Culture Rasim Alguliyev, Rasmiyya Mahmudova 71904-112 71904-121 71904-127 Helper-Based Interactive Programming Education Model Yongju Kim, Hyunwoo Jung 71904-109 Knowledge Management in Higher Education 71902-163 Elissaveta Gourova, Lilia Zografova Knowledge Management and Collaboration – Analysis of Eva Gattnar, Jens Schneider, Brigitte the Siemens Healthcare Consulting Group Stroetmann, Okan Ekinci 71904-139 Monday December 15th 2014 Conference Room: B Time: 12:30-15:00 Session: Environment and Sustainable Development Chair: Ingrid Belčáková, Mahnaz Gümrükçüoğlu Quality Monitoring and Control Tools for the Enhancement of the Architectural Heritage: The Code of Francesco Calabro, Daniele Campolo, Practice for Historic Centres Conservation Giuseppina Cassalia, Carmela Tramontana 71908-115 Sustainable Development of Urban Structures Approach based on Trnava (Slovakia) Case Study Ingrid Belčáková, Tamara Reháčková, Miriam Heinrichová Determination of the Urban Heat Island in Sakarya City, Turkey Mahnaz Gümrükçüoğlu Nazhatulzalkis Jamaludin, Nurul Izma Indoor Thermal Environment in Residential Buildings at Mohammed, Syed Mohd Farhan, Syed Different Micro-Climates in Malaysia Iskandar City’s Action, between Architectural Scenography and Social Inclusion Valentina Beatini Methodological Approach to Decision-Making on Sergei I. Matreninskiy, Valeriy Y. Reconstruction of Compact Build-Up Development Areas Mischenko, Evgeniy M. Chernyshov Chemical Treatments for Bathroom Greywater Reuse Coffee Break: 15:00-15:30 Andrea Uveges, Norbert Boros, Levente Ungvari, Ildiko Bodnar 71908-121 71908-133 71908-100 71908-142 71908-118 71908-112 Monday December 15th 2014 Conference Room: A Time: 15:30-18:00 Session: Image, Sound and Signal Processing Chair: Nursel Selver Ruzgar, Mahesh Chavan An Offline Handwritten Character Recognition System for Hassan El Bahi, Zouhir Mahani, Abdelkarim Image Obtained by Camera Phone Zatni 71901-145 Video Surveillance System Camera Placement Optimization using Differential Evolution Evaluation of Spot Welding Electrodes in Automotive Industry in Real Time using Digital Image Processing and Image Segmentation Techniques A Comparison between the Raw Experimental AFM Image and the Restored AFM Image that was Produced Using the Impulse Response Technique at Different Scanning Speeds Jiří Ševčík, Tomáš Urbánek, Jan Šípek 71901-163 Abdulwanis Abdulhadi, Ahmed Ahtaiba 71903-118 Ahmed Ahtaiba, Abdulwanis Abdulhadi, Mohammed Elmahdi 71903-103 Enhanced Clustering Method using 3D Laser Range Data for an Autonomous Vehicle Kuk Cho, Seungho Baeg, Sangdeok Park 71903-145 Comparison of Frequency-Warped Filter Banks in relation to Robust Features for Speaker Identification Sharada V. Chougule, Mahesh S. Chavan 71903-124 Sonia Kotel, Medien Zeghid, Adel Baganne, FPGA-Based Real-Time Implementation of AES Algorithm Taoufik Saidani, Yousef Ibrahim Daradkeh, for Video Encryption Tourki Rached 71902-184 Fatma Sbiaa, Medien Zeghid, Adel An efficient Encryption Scheme Based on Block Cipher Baganne, Yousef Ibrahim Daradkeh, Rached Algorithms Tourki 71902-181 Monday December 15th 2014 Conference Room: B Time: 15:30-18:00 Session: Mathematical Methods and Applications I Chair: Coşkun Deniz, Sung Moon Bae On the Estimation of the Reinsurance Premium for a Heavy-Tailed Distribution Abdelaziz Rassoul Approximation of Evolutionary Surfaces in a Finite Abdelouahed Kouibia, Miguel Pasadas, Element Space Zakaria Belhaj JWKB Asymptotic Matching Rule Via The 1st Order BDE: Normal Form Analysis By Change of Independent Variable Coskun Deniz Filters in Michálek's Fuzzy Topological Spaces An Optimal Age Replacement Policy with Periodic External Environment Maintenance Block Backward Differentiation Formulas With Automatic Order Selection For Solving Ordinary Differential Equations The Numerical Solver for Stiff Nonlinear Differential Equations in Block Method Analysis of Inverse Problems and Simulation for Biodegradation of Xenobiotic Polymers An Application of the Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling in an Underground Coal Mining in Kozlu Region, Zonguldak 71901-133 71901-142 71901-205 Francisco Gallego Lupiáñez 71901-103 S. C. Lee, S. M. Bae 71901-115 Z. B. Ibrahim, N. A. A. M. Nasir, K. I. Othman, M. B. Suleiman 71901-124 Khairil Iskandar Othman, Zarina Bibi Ibrahim, Mohamed Bin Suleiman 71901-121 Masaji Watanabe, Fusako Kawai 71901-157 Gülnaz Daloğlu, Mustafa Önder 71901-151 Monday December 15th 2014 Poster Presentations Effect of Perturbations in the Coriolis and Centrifugal Forces on the Location and Stability of the Equilibrium Solutions in Robe’s Restricted Problem of 2+2 Bodies Bhavneet Kaur, Rajiv Aggarwal 71901-109 An Interactive MOLP Method for Analysis Optimization Marzieh Moradi Dalini, A. A. Nourra, A. A. Estimation by DEA Models Noshad 71901-136 On the Minimal Submanifolds with Finite Type Gauss Map in Semi-Euclidean Spaces Nurettin Cenk Turgay, Elifozkara Canfes 71901-139 A Decomposition Method for Solving Nonlinear Functional Equations Hossein Jafari 71901-175 Cat-Lie-Rinehart Algebras Murat Alp 71901-178 Microalgae for Renewable Energy: Is it a Solution for Global Warming? Meltem Conk Dalay 71907-112 An Aspect of Graph Associahedra via Tubes S. Kaan Gurbuzer, Bedia Akyar 71901-196 Issues in Developing UML Diagrams from Natural Language Text Nakul Sharma, Prasanth Yalla 71902-103 Optimization Query Process of Mediators Using Data Mining Approach Messaouda Fareh 71902-106 Monday December 15th 2014 Poster Presentations Distributed Reversal Cache Technique to Improve Distributed Virtual Memory Ahmad Al-Khasawneh, Sa’ed Abed 71902-109 Swarm based Energy Aware Mitigation Mechanism for Root Node Attacks in MANETs S. Parthiban, Paul Rodrigues 71902-115 Tunable Perfect Metamaterial Absorber Design Using the Golden Ratio and Energy Harvesting Application Emin Unal, Furkan Dincer, Erkan Tetik, Muharrem Karaaslan, Cumali Sabah 71902-133 Geometric Feature Extraction from Urdu Ligatures Naila Khan, Awais Adnan, Sadia Basar 71902-136 Color Image Segmentation Using K-Means Classification Sadia Basar, Awais Adnan, Naila Habib on RGB Histogram Khan, Shahab Haider 71902-139 Evaluation of Security Factors Effecting on Web-Based Service Adoption Hamed Taherdoost, Shamsul Sahibuddin, Neda Jalaliyoon 71902-142 Structure of Email Discourse in a Selected Iranian Organization Mitra Madanchian, Hamed Taherdoost 71902-145 Comparative Study on AES Hardware Implementations Nicolcioiu Andreea, Patriciu Victor, Margarit Laurentiu, Kovacs Andrei 71902-157 On the Performance of the Sum-of-Sinusoids Simulation Mohamed Ali Skima, Amira Boulaaba, Models for Rayleigh Fading Channels Hamadi Ghariani Joint Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm (JEER) to Reduce Link Break Issues, Load balancing and Improving Life Time of MANET Using Cross Layer System R. Rajeshkanna, A. Saradha 71902-160 71902-169 Tuesday December 16th 2014 Conference Room: A Time: 09:00-11:30 Special Session: Safety and Reliability for Hardware Design and Software Development According to International Standards Chair: Josef Börcsök, Michael Schwarz Instrumentation Technique for FPGA Based Fault Injection Tool Abdul Rafay Khatri, Manuel Milde, Ali Hayek, Josef Börcsök 71911-124 Programming a Safety Related PLC with LabVIEW Axel Siebert, Michael Schwarz, Josef Börcsök 71911-133 Reliability Calculation of HDL-Designs for FPGA-Based Safety Related Systems Bashier Machmur, Ali Hayek, Josef Börcsök 71911-127 An Approach to Implement IEC 61508 Part 3 Norm to SIL3 Safety Software Written in C++ Emil Delic, Karolin Löser, Michael Schreiber, Ali Hayek, Josef Börcsök 71911-106 Hot Box Detection System Design for Railway Vehicle Safety Gamze Garip, Ilker Üstoğlu, Tarik V. Mumcu, Özgür T. Kaymakçi, Josef Börcsök 71911-139 Proposal to the Modelling of Safety Structures in Vehicle Steering Systems Based on Functional Safety Ossmane Krini, Jamal Krini, Josef Börcsök 71911-118 Mathematical Derivations for Safety Related Systems with Wireless Communication Pavan Kumar Pendli, Michael Schwarz, Hans-Dieter Wacker, Josef Boercsoek 71911-100 Memory Management in Java and Ada Language for Safety Software Development Sara Hosseini-Dinani, Michael Schwarz, Josef Börcsök 71911-130 Conference Room: B Time: 09:00-11:30 Session: Linear and Non-Linear Analysis and Systems Chair: Anna Bahyrycz, Khairil Iskandar Othman Application of the Fixed Point Approach to Hyperstability of General Linear Functional Equation Anna Bahyrycz, Jolanta Olko 71901-184 A New Information Retrieval Model Using Gauss-Jordan Method Ufuk Parali, Metin Zontul, Duygu Çelik 71901-187 Control of Nonlinear Instabilities in a Higher Order Current-Mode Controlled Converter 71906-100 Ibrahim Daho, Otman Imrayed Stability and Hyperstability of Some Functional Equation Magdalena Piszczek, Joanna Szczawiska 71906-115 The Transition from Smooth to Nonsmooth PeriodDoubling Bifurcation in Boost Converter 71906-109 Otman Imrayed, Ibrahim Daho, H. M. Amreiz A Variational Approch to the Study of Spatial Symmetry of Landau-Pekar Singlet Bipolaron Vladimir K. Mukhomorov 71901-190 Unbiased and Targeted Conformational Transition Pathways of Hinge-bending Proteins 71907-148 Coffee Break: 11:30-12:00 Caglar Mericer, Doga Findik, Arzu Uyar, Turkan Haliloglu, Pemra Doruker Tuesday December 16th 2014 Conference Room: A Time: 12:00-15:00 Session: Business, Economics and Legal Aspects Chair: Nursel Selver Ruzgar, Khairil Iskandar Othman An Analysis of Price Movements Using the Rough Set Theory Approach Nursel Selver Ruzgar, Bahadtin Ruzgar, Fahri Unsal Improving the Work Environment through Design for Female Academics in Saudi Arabian Universities Nouf Saad Alnassar Considerations Related to the Exemption from Liability in Case of Occurrence of a Force Majeure Event or of Unforeseeable Circumstances Diana Gorun 71901-118 71911-121 71910-109 Legal Aspects Regarding Moral Damages Diana Gorun 71910-127 Communication Cycle: Definition, Process, Models and Examples John Velentzas, Georgia Broni 71910-121 Kalliopi Kalampouka 71910-112 The Greek Legal Framework about Providing Medical Services to Immigrants The Mediating Effect of Market Orientation on the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance Global Trends in Financial Sector Supervisory Architectures Nursel Selver Ruzgar, Akin Kocak, Bahadtin Ruzgar 71910-103 Tina Oreski, Anita Pavkovic 71910-124 Conference Room: B Time: 12:00-15:00 Session: Circuits, Systems and Instrumentation Chair: Joongho Choi, Jerzy Garus A Low-Power Sigma-Delta Modulator with Adaptive Slew-Enhancement Technique Chulkyu Park, Kichang Jang, Jungryul Choi, Jongkeun Hwang, Hyojae Kim, Joongho Choi 71905-118 Novel Model to Analyse Testing of on Chip Networks F. Fotovati, J. Akbari, M. Hosseinghadiry 71905-124 Optimal Constrained Control Allocation for Underwater Robotic Vehicle - Comparison of Algorithms Jerzy Garus, Ryszard Studanski, Bogdan Żak 71905-109 Conversion of the METCM into the METEO-11 Design of Analog-Front End for Sensorless BLDC Motor Driver Karel Šilinger, Martin Blaha, Ladislav Potužák 71905-103 Kichang Jang, Chulkyu Park, Jungryul Choi, Kwanseok Jung, Seungheun Song, Subin Kim, Joongho Choi 71905-121 Decentralized Observer-Based Robust Model Predictive Control for a Class of Distributed Networked Systems S. Vahid Naghavi, A. A Safavi, S. Pourdehi 71905-115 Comparison of Regional Photovoltaic Energy Production: Marmara Region Şafak Sağlam, Bülent Oral, Sertaç Görgülü 71905-112 Tuesday December 16th 2014 Coffee Break: 15:00-15:30 Conference Room: A Time: 15:30-18:00 Session: Mathematical Methods and Applications II Chair: Metin Demiralp, Abdulhalim Karaşin Derivation of One Dimensional Stiffness Matrices for Solution of Plate Problems on Two-Parameter Elastic Foundations Influence of Application Time Regulated Limits on Longitudinal Dynamic Forces in Passenger Short Trains during Braking Process Abdulhalim Karasin 71901-160 Cătălin Cruceanu, Camil Crăciun 71901-166 Squarificating the TelescopeMatrix Images of Initial Value Vector in Probabilistic Evolution Theory (PET) Metin Demiralp 71901-199 Computational Complexity Analysis of Probabilistic Evolution Approach (PEA) Muzaffer Ayvaz, Metin Demiralp 71901-202 On Insecurity of 4-Round Feistel Ciphers Pavol Zajac 71901-154 Baver Okutmustur, Tuba Ceylan 71901-181 H. Hakan Denli, Seda Cetin 71905-130 Derivation of Relativistic Burgers Equation on de Sitter Background Deformation Vector Differences between Two Dimensional (2D) and Three Dimensional (3D) Deformation Analysis Conference Room: B Time: 15:30-18:00 Session: Telecommunications and Information Technology Chair: Ghalem Belalem Yahia, Ertugrul Aksoy Model-Driven Software Configuration Management and Arturs Bartusevics, Andrejs Lesovskis, Semantic Web in Applied Software Development Leonids Novickis 71902-118 Policy Driven Initiator in Coordination Checkpointing Strategies 71902-112 Bakhta Meroufel, Ghalem Belalem System for Remote Complex Network Data Visualization Jakub Janostık, Radomır Sohlich, Frantisek Using Streaming Graphs and WebSockets Spacek 71902-124 Cryptoprocessor with Native Resistance against Side Channel and Fault Injection Attacks Lubos Gaspar, Marek Repka, Houssem Maghrebi, Jean-Luc Danger, Viktor Fischer 71902-127 Leakage Measurement Tool of McEliece PKC Calculator Marek Repka 71902-130 Centralized Logging System Based on WebSockets Protocol Radomır Sohlich, Jakub Janostık, Frantisek Spacek 71902-121 MAC Layer Protocols for Linear Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey Radosveta Sokullu, Eren Demir 71902-172 High Performance Compact FinFET Based Inductive Boost Converter Mohd. Yasir, Mohd. Hasan 71905-100 Tuesday December 16th 2014 Conference Dinner: 19:30 Poster Presentations Image Encryption Using Development of Chaotic Logistic Hossam Eldin H. Ahmed, Ayman H. Abd ElMap Based on Feedback Stream Cipher aziem 71902-175 Speech Watermarking using the Spread Spectrum Techniques Maryam Hamrahi, Behzad Mozaffari Tazekand 71903-100 Multidimensional Functional Similarity Measure for Image Quality Assessment Yun Fah Chang, Omar Mohd Rijal, Syed Abdul Rahman Abu Bakar 71903-109 Urbanization Analysis through Remote Sensing and GIS Mukesh Singh Boori, Maik Netzband, Vit in Kuala Lumpur, Manila and Singapore Cities Vozenilek, Komal Choudhary 71903-130 A Comparative Study for Handwritten Sanskrit Character Recognition Using BPNN and RBF Networks R. Dineshkumar, J. Suganthi 71903-133 Inverse Electrocardiography Using Reduced Lead-Set by Fourough Gharbalchi, Yesim Serinagaoglu TTLS and LTTLS Regularization Algorithms Dogrusoz, Gerhard Wilhelm Weber 71903-139 Creating an Effective Pathways for Mobile Advertising in Mohd Nazri Mohd Noor, Syed Mazlan Syed Tertiary Education Mat Dom 71904-115 Evaluation of Student Performance in a Collaborative Problem Solving Environment Using Social Network Media Abdalla Radwan 71904-118 Academics Entrepreneurial Orientation and Research Commercialization: Role of Technology Transfer Office Wirya Najm Rashid, Kamariah Ismail 71904-124 Tuesday December 16th 2014 Poster Presentations Students’ Views on the Use of e-Portfolios and Support Given to Promote Their Computer Learning for Educational Purposes Fariza Khalid 71904-130 Preparation and Training of People to the Profession in David Ullrich, Eva Ambrozova, Jiri Kolenak, Challenging Conditions Ladislav Sieger 71904-133 An Effective Usage of Education and Learning as a Service (ELaaS) in Cloud Computing K. Saravanan 71904-136 The Use of MEMS Accelerometers for Control of a Small Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Bogdan Zak, Stanislaw Hozyn 71905-106 Area-Efficient Look-Up Tables for Semi-Randomly Accessible Functions Hasan Unlu, Mehmet Akif Ozkan, H. Fatih Ugurdag, Esref Adali 71905-133 Measuring the Pulse Rate by Using Web Cam R. Archana , M. Lakshmi Ravi Teja 71905-136 Properties of Different Nonlinear Integrals of Multifunctions Cristina Stamate, Anca Croitoru Medical Knowledge Management since the Integration Heterogeneous Data until the Knowledge Exploitation in Nadjat Zerf Boudjettou, Fahima Nader, a Decision-Making System Rachid Chalal 71906-106 71907-100 Wednesday December 17th 2014 Conference Room: A Time: 09:00-11:30 Session: Advances in Electrical Engineering Chair: Meziane Rachid, Ertugrul Aksoy Computer Aided Design and Transient Finite Elements Analysis of Induction Motor Huseyin Tarik Duru 71909-124 Study of a Wind/PV/Battery Hybrid System at Plaka in Greece J. G. Fantidis, D. V. Bandekas, N. Vordos, Ch. Fylaktakidis, J. W. Nolan 71909-106 Preventive Maintenance Optimization in Wind Power System Using Gravitational Search Algorithm R. Meziane, M. Amara, S. Boufala, H. Amar 71909-112 Time Modulation through Variable Pulse Amplitude in 4D Arrays Ertugrul Aksoy 71902-178 Correlation Hamming Distance Power Analysis of 16-bit Marek Repka, Jozef Tomecek, Michal Integer Multiplier in FPGA Varchola 71902-151 Uses of Linguistic Representation Model Info 2-tuples with Information Multigranular Zapata C. Santiago, Fuentealba O. David, Valenzuela G. Gaspar 71902-100 Effects of Mixed Faults on the Stator Current Spectrum of the Induction Machine Kaikaa Mohamed Yazid 71909-109 Self-Driven Phase Shifted Full Bridge Converter for Telecom Applications Sevilay Cetin 71909-130 Influences of Conflict Management Behaviours (CMBs) on Project Success in Pakistan Sabina S. Shirazi 71910-118 Conference Room: B Time: 10:00-11:30 Session: Biology, Biophysics and Bioengineering Chair: Masaji Watanabe, Pemra Doruker Theoretical Investigation on Thermal Responses of Port Wine Stain Lesions to 585 nm, 595 nm and 1064 nm Bin Chen, Dong Li, Wenjuan Wu, Guo-Xiang Lasers Wang 71907-109 Ciproxin Removal from a Raw Wastewater by Nano Bentonite-ZnO: Comparison of Adsorption and Photooxidation Processes Delia Teresa Sponza, Rukiye Oztekin 71907-133 Optimization of Extraction of Phytochemicals from Fatih Mehmet Göktaş, Bilgesu Şahin, Sibel Calendula Officinalis by Response Surface Methodology Yigitarslan 71907-136 Production of (S) -1-Phenylethanol in Continuous Systems 71907-115 Coffee Break: 11:30-12:00 Hilal Çelik Kazıcı, Ülkü Mehmetoğlu Wednesday December 17th 2014 Poster Presentations Polyphenols Inhibit Band 3 Protein of the Erythrocyte Izabela Sadowska-Bartosz, Ireneusz Membrane Stefaniuk, Grzegorz Bartosz Adsorption Phenomena of Telon Blue AGLF: Isotherms, Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Dye Adsorption onto Chitosan Ferda Gonen, Fulya Onalan Bounds on the Ratio of some Error Rates of a Communication Channel 71907-118 71907-139 Hans D. Wacker, Josef Borcsok 71911-103 Eduardo Souza, Flavio Paula, Igor Munhoz, Diolino J. Santos Filho, Marcelo Silva, Eduardo Bock, Paulo E. Miyagi, Fabricio Junqueira, Lucas A. Moscato 71907-145 Design of a Controller for VAD with ElectrocardiogramBased Setpoint The Influence of the Climatic Factor on the Evolution of Landslides in the Ialomita Subcarpathians Post Year Ovidiu Murarescu, George Muratoreanu, 2000. Case Studies Madalina Frinculeasa 71908-130 Comparative Study on Reinforced Masonry with Polymer Calbureanu Popescu Madalina Xenia, Grids Codita Alina 71908-136 Usability of Municipal and Medical Waste Plastics as a Fuel in Diesel Engines Kadir Aydin, Cagri Un 71908-139 Adel Bouallegue 71909-103 Sevilay Cetin 71909-121 New Generation Ion-Conducting Electrolytes Based On Silsesquioxane Derivatives Asuman C. Kucuk, Jun Matsui, Takuji Miyashita 71909-127 Novelty, a General Condition for Intellectual Property Protection Alin Speriusi-Vlad 71910-115 Power Conscience Solution for User’s EnergyConsumption Saving in Smart Grids Wide Load Range High Efficiency Design Consideration of a Self-Driven Synchronous Rectified Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge Converter for Data Center Application Explore the Local Characteristics of Commodity Analysis from the Point of View of Emotional Design Wei-Han Chen, Yi-Yu Li 71911-112 Istanbul, Turkey December 15-17, 2014
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