Schedule of Events


Schedule of Events
At the heart of everything we do is
a desire to strengthen our connection
to our customers and communities.
We are proud to be
a sponsor and partner of
the Cupids 400 Celebrations.
Table of Contents
Follow us online at
Celebrations Program
Letter from Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Letter from Premier Danny Williams
Letter from the Mayor of Cupids Ron Laracy
A Lasting Legacy
What is Cupids 400?
John Guy: The Man Behind the Legend
Celebrating in Cupids and the Northeast Avalon
Celebrating the Past
The Cupids Legacy Centre
A Welcome from Canada’s Navy
Schedule of Events
Commissioned Projects
Schedule of Events - June
Schedule of Events - July
Schedule of Events - August
Our Team
Letter from
Prime Minister
Stephen Harper
Letter from Premier Danny
Message from
the Mayor of Cupids
It is my distinct pleasure on behalf of the Town Council and the
residents of the Town of Cupids to welcome you to the 400th
Anniversary Celebrations. In 1910 over 4,000 people assembled
in Cupids on August 17 to mark the 300th anniversary of John
Guy’s landing in Cupers Cove. In August of this year we expect
to welcome over 30,000 visitors for the Cupids Cove Soiree
(August 17-22).
We have been working with the Cupids 400 Committee since
2007 to ensure that this significant milestone in our history is
celebrated in a manner befitting its importance to our province
and country.
Enjoy the 400th Anniversary Celebrations this year and come
back to see us in the future!
Ron Laracy
Mayor-Town of Cupids
Message from the Chair
On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff of Cupids 400 Inc.,
welcome to Cupids and the Cupids 400 Celebrations marking
the 400th anniversary of the founding of the first English
settlement in Canada. It’s been a long road for those of us who
started the Cupers Cove Heritage Foundation in 2001, but a
very satisfying one.
I want to thank both the Government of Canada (Canadian
Heritage, the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and
Service Canada) and the Province of Newfoundland and
Labrador (Tourism, Culture & Recreation, Municipal Affairs,
Human Resources, Labour & Employment and Industry, Trade
and Rural Development) for their generous financial support to
the Celebrations and the Cupids Legacy Centre. We also want
to thank our three excellent corporate partners (Newfoundland
Power, MolsonCoors, and Newfoundland Screech) for their
valuable contribution.
Of course, an event of this magnitude cannot be successfully
executed without a dedicated corps of volunteers.
Commencing in August, 2009 (the Cupids Craft Exhibit at
Devon House in St. John’s) and culminating with the NL
Historical Society Symposium in late September 2010,
the Cupids 400 Celebrations will feature over 200 events
throughout the Northern Avalon region. Thank you to all who
made it possible!
We do hope that you will take in one of our events and
join us in celebrating a truly significant historical event for
Newfoundland and Labrador and Canada.
Roy Dawe
Chair-Cupids 400 Inc.
Letter from the
Mayor of Cupids
Ron Laracy
Cupids 400 Inc. would like to thank the residents and Town of Cupids for their cooperation and assistance to
date in the planning and execution of the 400th Anniversary Celebrations. As one might imagine the logistics
of a community with 700 full time residents hosting an event of national historic significance is daunting to say
the least. Since August 2008, Cupids has hosted the Prime Minister and Premier on two occasions and a Royal
couple (Prince Charles and the Duchess of Cornwall). While hosting such notable guests is indeed an honour,
major events such as these do present some challenges to residents. We want to thank all the residents of
Cupids for their patience to date and look for your continued support as we approach the busiest portion of our
calendar this summer.
A Lasting
A salute to the people and the
organizations that have made
this celebration possible
The two Town Councils under the leadership of Mayors Geraldine Curran and Ron Laracy have been excellent
partners in not only the planning and execution of the events to date, but also in leveraging the 400th
Anniversary Celebrations to acquire much needed municipal infrastructure. With the assistance of Cupids
400 Inc., the Town has been successful in obtaining $1.5 million for three municipal projects which are now
underway and scheduled to be completed by June 30, 2010:
A major sewer project on Seaforest Drive
A major renovation to Pointe Beach and Saltwater Pond - site of the ceremonies for the Cupids Cove
Soiree in August
A new promenade in front of the United Church and Legacy Centre called the Three Flags Pavilion.
We would also like to salute the volunteer organizations in Cupids that have assisted in the execution of all
events to date and that will be instrumental in the success of our main events to be staged this summer and fall.
These organizations are the ‘backbone’ of the community; without their support and countless volunteer hours
the staging of the Celebrations would not be possible.
In fact, one such organization, the Cupids Historical Society (CHS), has been the driving force behind the
concept of the 400th Anniversary Celebrations and an Interpretation Centre since the early 90’s. Over the past
four years with Sylvia Potter and Harold Akerman as Chairs, the CHS has been responsible for several projects
with the assistance of Cupids 400 Inc. (the Millbrook Heritage Gardens with Memorial University Botanical
Gardens as a partner, the Present Miss Children’s Book, and the NL Craft Council Exhibit, to name a few).
The Recreation Committee with Donna Linthorne as Chair was the organization responsible for the gala New
Year’s Eve Celebrations in Cupids and will also assume the lead role in the July 1st (Canada Day) event. The
Cupids Cove Soiree Committee with Norma Bonnell as Chair will be the organization that partners with us
to stage the six - day Soiree planned for August 17th - 22nd. This event will be the highlight of the year-long
To the residents of Cupids - hold on to your hats, the best is yet to come!
Photography by Dennis Minty for the Cupids 400 Photo Bank
What is Cupids 400?
Learn about the biggest cultural event in
Newfoundland and Labrador in 2010.
Four hundred years ago in August 1610, John Guy, a merchant from Bristol,
England and a group of brave settlers established a colony in Cupers Cove
(what is known today as Cupids, Newfoundland and Labrador). This epic
journey established the first official English settlement in what is today the
country of Canada.
And during 2010, in over 200 planned events in Cupids and throughout the
Northeast Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland and Labrador, we will celebrate
the legacy of these brave adventurers and the unique culture and heritage of
their descendents.
Cupids 400 is a celebration for all of us: the biggest cultural event in
Newfoundland and Labrador this year. Make sure you are part of it.
Photography provided by Dennis Minty for the Cupids 400 Photo Bank
It will be a mighty party!
There is a ‘time’ to be had in 2010.
Included in this commemorative guide you will find details
of the many events, festivals, concerts and celebrations taking place throughout the Northeast Avalon this year as
part of Cupids 400. There literally is something for everyone!
From history enthusiasts to film buffs, concert goers to tea
aficionados, Cupids 400 has something to entice one and all,
young and old, family and friend, bayman and townie.
To stay up to date, bookmark us online at
Also follow us on Facebook and Twitter! Updates and
upcoming event highlights - even weather updates for safe
travelling, are posted online!
the next three years, Guy’s unerring leadership saw
the settlement grow and flourish. Guy would leave
once again for England in 1611 to return a year later
with female settlers and more livestock.
The Man
Behind the Legend
Founder of the first English colony in
Canada. Pioneering merchant who became
Mayor of Bristol, England. Adversary of the
infamous pirate, Peter Easton. John Guy’s
list of achievements read like the plot for
some grand adventure tale, and an unlikely
one at that for a boy born of humble
beginnings in his beloved Bristol in 1567.
The son of a tradesman, Guy played a prominent
role in the London and Bristol Company, as well
as Bristol’s Society of Merchant Venturers. It was
through his ties with the latter that Guy helped
lobby for approval from King James I to establish a
colony in Newfoundland, the first of its kind in the
vast, sprawling wilderness of what is today Canada.
In 1608, Guy set sail west across the unforgiving
Atlantic on a scouting mission. When he returned,
Guy relayed stories of this rugged, untouched
land and asserted that his location of choice for
settlement was the unassuming coastal pocket of
Cupers Cove (modern day Cupids).
Save for pesky pirate Peter Easton, Guy’s attempts
to establish a second colony at Renews may have
been more successful. Easton was a constant
cause of concern for Guy and his settlers, forcing
the governor to focus his efforts on fortifying the
Cupers Cove settlement in order to resist the pirate’s
plundering threat. Indeed, it is reported that the
colonists were forced to pay Easton protection in the
form of valuable livestock.
Nonetheless, Guy continued to forge ahead, building
a ship and a small shallop before embarking on
an expedition in 1612 to Trinity Bay, attempting
to make contact and establish a fur trade with the
indigenous Beothuks. On November 6th, Guy’s
party did just that, sharing a meal and exchanging
gifts with the island’s native people somewhere in
Bull Arm, Trinity Bay. (Recently, William Gilbert, chief
archaeologist with the Baccalieu Trail Heritage Corp.
successfully identified a copper plate engraving
from the 17th century as a depiction of this historic
Despite all his successes on the island, Guy returned
to England in 1613, as far as we know never to return
to Newfoundland, amid quarrels over property
promised to him by the company and increasingly
challenging weather conditions. However, in his
role as a Member of Parliament back in England,
Guy championed the cause of English settlement
in Newfoundland - a large piece of this adventurer’s
heart forever left amid the craggy rocks of this place.
John Guy: The Man
Behind the Legend
In 1610, Guy led a party of thirty-nine men, plus
grain and livestock, back to Newfoundland and was
instantly installed as governor. Their main aim was
“to secure and make safe the trade of fishing” and for
John Guy died in 1628 and was buried at St.
Stephen’s Church, Bristol.
Pictured is Clarence Barnes, who is our official ‘John Guy’
as photographed by Dennis Minty for the Cupids 400 Photo Bank
Celebrating in Cupids
and the Northeast Avalon
Photography by Dennis Minty for the Cupids 400 Photo Bank
A bounty of heritage and culture
in every breathtaking bay, cove and town.
Cupids 400 is not just a local celebration but a regional event. There will
be over 200 special events and festivals taking place throughout the
Northeast Avalon from Old Perlican to Winterton to Kelligrews to St.
John’s and many points in between, celebrating this pivotal event in our
provincial and national heritage. The Cupids 400 experience allows you to
discover the rugged beauty and rural hospitality of the many communities
that make up the Northeast Avalon region.
At the heart of the celebrations is the town of Cupids (pictured below),
located about 45 minutes from St. John’s, along the majestic shoreline of
Conception Bay. It is here in this sheltered cove that John Guy and his brave
settlers established the first English colony in what was to become Canada.
The remains of his original plantation can be seen today, part of an active
archaeological dig. Tour the site or view some of the 150,000 artifacts that
form part of the cutting edge Cupids Legacy Centre (opening June, 2010).
Hike the town’s beautiful hiking trails and then take your respite at Cupids
Haven or Skipper Ben’s. Visit our official celebration website at for all event details, area links and maps.
Celebrating in Cupids
and the Northeast Avalon
A bounty of heritage and culture
in every breathtaking bay, cove and town.
St. John’s
Be sure not to miss the 34th Annual St. John’s Folk Festival
taking place from August 6 - 8th at Bannerman Park. For
performance schedules and participating artists, visit them
online at
On July 11th, Kelligrews
will hold its annual Soiree
Folk Festival as the climax
of several full days of fun
activities and events for
the entire family.
From June 2 - 4th, be sure not to miss
Down Memory Lane: a celebration of the
long and rich heritage and culture of the
Conception Bay communities stretching
from Holyrood to Georgetown.
Photo courtesy of Dennis Flynn.
Bay de Verde
Photography provided by Dennis Minty for the Cupids 400 Photo Bank
Don’t miss the official unveiling of the Mural
and History Board at Heritage House on
June 23rd and be back for the Shore to Shore
concert and the Songs of the Sea Music
Sessions on Sunday, July 4th. For times and
venues, bookmark us at
Throughout the summer, Carbonear will play
host to several Cupids 400 events including
the Muses & Minstrels Festival opening Gala
and Symposium (both on July 2nd), as well as
plays, concerts, walking tours and other cultural
events. See for details.
All through July and
August, the Town of
Torbay is featuring the
performance of The Taking
of Torbay, a play by Ben
Pouch Cove
for all details.
Though everyone in Pouch Cove knows the legend of
the Water Witch, the rest of us can get informed with
the unveiling of Interpretive Story Boards this summer. Visit for all details.
Photography provided by Dennis Minty for the Cupids 400 Photo Bank
Bay Roberts
There are plenty of Cupids 400
events taking place in Bay Roberts
including The Bay Wheels Car
Show (June 12 - 13th), the Hot
Earth Ensemble performing July
7th, a performance of the Servant
of Two Masters on July 8th and
the Remember When Dinner and
Dance on August 16th. Check out
their cultural events calendar at
Old Perlican
A leading fishing community
in the province for almost 400
years, Old Perlican nurtures a
soul that is part of us all. See
Old Perlican events on page 32.
Photo courtesy of Dennis Flynn.
On August 2nd, Interpretive History Boards will be
unveiled during Victoria Days depicting the history and
culture of Victoria. For times and venues, bookmark us at
Photo courtesy of Dennis Flynn.
Join us in Winterton on June 14th for the Launch of the
Indeavour Saga, a showcase of the skills and trades that made
settlement on our shores possible. And be sure not to miss our
Shore To Shore Concert and Songs of the Sea Music Session,
both taking place on July 3rd. For details, visit us online at
The 2010 Sunnyside
Soiree, from August 6 - 8th, features music,
food and fun for the
whole family to enjoy.
Don’t miss the unveiling
of the history wall on
August 7th, featuring
John Guy’s exploits to
the area.
The year long celebrations of the 100th
anniversary of the Shearstown Trinity
United Church, culminating on July 24th
with a garden party open for all to enjoy.
For times and venues, bookmark us at
Photography provided by Dennis Minty for the Cupids 400 Photo Bank except where indicated
As we look forward to 2010,
we take a look back at the ter-centenary in 1910.
Celebrating the Past
It was a celebration phenomenal in its time. Over four
thousand people gathered in Cupids at a time in which
the convenience of cars and highways, aircraft and
high speed trains were the stuff of dreams and fantasy.
It seems almost impossible to imagine the logistics of
such an event in an age of few conveniences or means
of communication.
We can only hope that when
another century passes round that
our grand-children may be there to
rejoice for the welfare of our Empire
as well as to uphold the dignity of
the occasion.
H. F. Shortis
The Newfoundland Quarterly
October, 1910
They came from all around Conception Bay, from Trinity Bay and Grand Bank
and as far away as Toronto, Montreal and Bristol, England. Under pleasant late
summer skies, they were joined by the Newfoundland Governor Sir R. Williams,
Reverend William Stacey (representing Bristol) and other dignitaries as well
as the British warship Brilliant and the ‘local’ frigate Fiona. Flowers and flags
draped from every dwelling, no matter how humble.
The celebration culminated in the dedication of a memorial in honour of John
Guy that incorporated a brass plaque from the people of Bristol, celebrating
the achievements of their native Bristol Venturers. In the distance the towering
flagstaff with a huge Union Jack (reportedly the second largest in the Empire)
could be seen, gracefully rolling in the breeze. Today, the monument can be
found in the very heart of Cupids and the flag will be part of the elaborate
exhibit featured in the new Cupids Legacy Centre.
Legacy Centre
It takes a special place to commemorate
a 400 year heritage.
In 2010, the Cupids 400 celebrations will feature the opening
of the new Cupids Legacy Centre. This state of the art facility
will offer an innovative and interactive museum experience
unlike anything you have ever seen before.
The Cupids Legacy Centre
The centre will be a place “Where the Present Meets the Past”
- a place where visitors are encouraged to explore the exotic
nature of our landscapes, our waterscapes, our cultural
heritage and our people - a place where visitors are encouraged
to pause and reflect on their heritage - our common heritage
and then perhaps discover something about themselves.
Illuminating the rich tapestry of history and culture that has
defined Cupids’ place at the nexus of Canadian history. The
Cupids Legacy Centre will represent a permanent home to
a vast heritage that echoes in every field and cove of this
remarkable place.
Opening date:
June 14th, 2010
Visit us online for further details:
A Welcome from
Canada’s Navy
For a listing of Canadian
Navy events happening
during the Cupids 400
celebrations, please visit
The Canadian Navy turned 100 years old on May 4, 2010. On behalf of the Canadian
Navy, from our Canadian Navy Centennial to your Cupids 400 Quadri-Centennial,
let me bring greetings and best wishes for your commemoration of this significant
anniversary of the establishment of the first English speaking settlement in Canada. It
is sure to be one of the biggest cultural events in Newfoundland and Labrador in 2010. The navy in St. John’s, represented by CFS St. John’s, NAVRES 2010, HMCS CABOT, CF
Naval Engineering School at the Marine Institute, the Newfoundland and Labrador
Cadet Detachment, and a number of other military units, looks forward to participating
in your celebrations.
The history of the navy is a proud one of contribution and service. While there is much
to celebrate, the aim of the Canadian Naval Centennial is to build and strengthen in
Canadians an appreciation for their navy and to promote the role of the navy within
the Canadian Forces in a maritime nation like Canada. The theme is to “Bring the Navy
to Canadians” and events will be focused on honouring the past, showcasing the
current navy and reinforcing the requirement for the future navy. Our Canadian Naval
Centennial slogan is Commemorate, Celebrate, Commit.
As part of the centennial program there are a number of major events such as the
assembly of warships from numerous nations for International Fleets Reviews, which
occurred in June in Esquimalt and in July in Halifax. There are over 300 Canadian
communities that have had Canadian Navy ships named after them; these cities, towns,
and communities have been or will be presented pictures of their namesake ships to
highlight their historical links to the navy. The naval bands will be touring across the
country with a musical tribute to 100 years of naval service. The navy has a long history
of mascots among ships and this year we will introduce the Canadian Navy mascot. On
Parliament Hill, on our anniversary date of May 4th, a special Centennial Bell, cast from
naval items and artefacts, was presented to the people of Canada to rededicate the
Navy’s commitment to the people of Canada for the next 100 years of service. At navy
bases and Naval Reserve Divisions across Canada, many events and ceremonies are
being carried out. A full schedule of events and additional information can be found at
Best of all is not what the navy is doing for the centennial, but the exceptional support
and engagement of Canadians across this country for their navy. As we celebrate with
Cupids 400, we welcome you to join in the navy’s celebration as well.
P. Dean McFadden
Vice Admiral
Chief of the Maritime Staff
of Events
There are over 200 events
planned throughout the
Northeast Avalon to
commemorate Cupids 400, and
it is going to be a mighty party!
The biggest cultural event taking
place in Newfoundland and
Labrador this year!
To help you with your vacation
plans, check out our detailed
Schedule of Events. Early season
events are on page 19, while
major event months of June, July,
August and September each have
their own individual sections
with highlights of events not to
be missed.
Photography provided by Dennis Minty for the Cupids 400 Photo Bank
of Events
Fall 2009 & Winter & Spring 2010
Check our website for updates
Schedule of Events - Fall 2009
& Winter and Spring 2010
November 2009
January 2010
Tuesday, November 3rd
Wednesday, January 13th
Event: A Royal Visit
Location: Cupids
To help launch a year of celebrations to mark
Cupids 400, their Royal Highnesses, the
Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall,
arrived in historic Cupids and were greeted by
enthusiastic crowds on the town’s streets which
were flowing in full colour with Cupids 400
commemorative banners and signs lining the
December 2009
Thursday, December 31st
Event: Cupids 400 Kick Off
Location: Cupids
Enthusiastic revelers were on hand New Year’s
Eve to help kick off what will be a full year
of celebrations commemorating Cupids 400.
People came from communities throughout the
Northeast Avalon, drawn by the promise of a
good time, live music, family celebrations and
spectacular fireworks.
Event: 100th Anniversary Shearstown Trinity
United Church Celebrations begin
Location: Shearstown Trinity United Church
Special Church Service Commemorating 100th
Thursday, January 14th
Event: An Evening with Kevin Major
Location: Cupids Community Centre
As part of our visiting author series, we are
pleased to welcome to Cupids, award winning
NL author Kevin Major.
February 2010
Saturday, February 13th Event: Family Fun Day
Location: Cupids
Family Fun Day in Cupids - Ice Skating, hot
chocolate, and wiener roast
Saturday, February 13th Event: Love and Lore Valentine’s Day
Dinner & Dance
Location: Holiday Inn, St. John’s
Cupids 400 Inc. Fund-raising Dinner &
Dance. Proceeds going to the Cupids
Legacy Centre Trust for post 2010
operations. Gala Feast, door prizes with
surprise cameo appearances. Music by
Billy and the Bruisers.
Thursday, February 25th
Event: An Evening with Michael Crummey
Location: Cupids Community Centre
As part of our visiting author series, we
are pleased to welcome to Cupids, award
winning NL author Michael Crummey.
March 2010
Sat. March 6th, 13th & 20th
Event: Film Series
Location: Cupids Community Centre
East Country meets West Country: a film
series from local and British filmmakers.
Each film has a theme that correlates with
the Cupids 400 Celebrations.
Event: Guy Baby Shower Charity Event
Location: Cupids Community Centre
Fund-raising event to commemorate the
birth of the first English child in Canada. Her
Honour, Dame Furneaux Crosbie, will unveil a
plaque dedicated to the role of women in the
establishment of Cupers Cove.
April 2010
Thursday, April 15th
May 2010
Saturday, May 1st
Event: Avalon Regional Heritage Fair
Location: All Hallows Elem., North River
The Avalon Regional Heritage Fair provides
an opportunity for students in grades 4 - 9 to
present the results of their research on Canadian
history, heritage and culture. 150 students
from 45 schools on the Avalon Peninsula will
gather to share their projects. This event is made
possible by a grant from Cupids 400.
Thursday, May 20th
Event: An Evening with Christopher Pratt
Location: Cupids Community Centre
As part of our Visiting Author Series we are
pleased to welcome to Cupids renowned
Canadian artist/author Christopher Pratt. Born
in Newfoundland, Mr. Pratt, while mostly
known for his artwork, is the author of 5 books
the most recent being Ordinary Things.
7:30 pm Admission $5.00.
Monday, May 24th
Sunday, May 2nd
Event: Afternoon Tea
Location: Cupids Community Centre
Cupids United Church Women will host an
Afternoon Tea in honour of the Queen’s
3:00 - 5:00 pm Admission $5.00
Event: Cantare Youth Choir Workshop
Location: Cupids United Church
International photographer and environmental
educator Dennis Minty and NL folk musician
Gerry Strong, pair up to present a poignant tour
of communities around the historic Baccalieu
International Soprano Wendy Nielsen will host
a workshop in Brigus with the Cantare Youth
Tuesday, May 11th
Event: An Evening with Paul Rowe
Location: Cupids Community Centre
As part of our visiting author series, we are
pleased to welcome to Cupids, award winning
NL author Paul Rowe.
Sunday, April 25th
Monday, April 26th Event: Cantare Youth Choir Evening
Location: Cupids United Church
International Soprano Wendy Nielsen and
pianist Peter Tiefenbach, with the Cantare
Youth Choir will offer a performance
celebrating the 30th anniversary of Debut
Atlantic at Cupids United Church 7:00 pm.
Event: Community: A Visual Celebration of
Cupids and the Baccalieu Trail. Photos by
Dennis Minty, Music by Gerry Strong
Location: Cupids Community Centre
Event: Canadian Museum Association
Location: Cupids
40 delegates of the CMA will visit Cupids
to view the Cupids Legacy Centre and the
archaeology site. This is a pre-conference
site visit with presentations on interpretive
Wednesday, May 26th
Event: Gospel Singspiration
Location: Cupids United Church
An evening of gospel music.
7:30 pm Admission $5.00
Saturday, May 29th
Event: Royal Commonwealth Society Location: St. John’s/Cupids
The Royal Commonwealth Society will be
hosting their Annual General Meeting (AGM)
in St. John’s from May 27th - May 30th, visiting
the Cupids archaeology dig and Millbrook
Heritage Gardens.
Saturday, March 27th
400 Group Exhibition
A group exhibition of contemporary craft
celebrating Cupids and Community. Held at
the Craft Council Annex, St. John’s, featured
works that reflect the 400th Anniversary of
Cupids - the birthplace of English Canada - in
dynamic and diverse ways.
Cupids 400 purchased two pieces:
Educational Initiatives
Cupids 400 Inc. has recognized that providing
compelling and relevant educational resources
for young people is an excellent means to
ensure a province-wide legacy.
Through innovative uses of technology,
sound pedagogical methods and inclusion in
provincial curricula, content designed and
developed by Cupids 400 will be used by every
student in Newfoundland and Labrador for the
next 20 years.
There are three main educational initiatives
that are currently under development by
Cupids 400. These initiatives are: K - 12
Curriculum Resources, Cupids Cove 1612 in
Second Life, and Cupids Cove Mobile Learning.
Learn more about these exciting programs on
our website at
“Change in the Weather”
(acrylic on board)
by Nicola Hawkins
“Looking Back - Cupids Circa 1910”
(hand carved wood, hand painted acrylics,
mixed media; recycled window)
by Carla Kansala and Pam Dorey.
Both on display at the Cupids Legacy Centre.
Photography from the Modern-Day Route of
the Indeavour Voyage by Dennis Flynn
Traveling through the same towns visited
by John Guy in October 1612 in an effort
to forge friendly relations with the Beothuk,
Newfoundland photojournalist Dennis Flynn
has created a unique book to commemorate a
once in a lifetime event.
Rug Hooking Guild of
Newfoundland and Labrador
- Cupids 400 Heritage Mat
Cupids 400 Inc. commissioned the Rug
Hooking Guild of Newfoundland and Labrador
to produce a Cupids 400 Heritage Mat. The
mat made from ten 10” x 10” original designs
by guild members from around the province
will be hung in the Cupids Legacy Centre.
The designs will be packaged and for sale at the
Cupids Legacy Centre Museum Shop.
Riddle Fence
Cupids Commemorative Edition
Riddle Fence is a journal of arts and culture
based in St. John’s and distributed across
Canada. The Cupids 400 edition is an
aesthetically pleasing, intellectually provoking,
and lasting tribute to the anniversary of
Canada’s oldest English-speaking settlement.
The Riddle Fence Cupids Commemorative
Edition will be available for sale in the Cupids
Legacy Centre Museum Shop.
“Present, Miss”
Children’s Book
Commissioned by the Cupids Historical Society,
“Present, Miss” is a children’s book written
and illustrated Hilary Cass and based on the
award winning exhibit designed by Linda Kane,
Curator of the Cupids Museum. The “Present,
Miss” Exhibit, formerly housed in the Cupids
Museum portrays, in a humorous way early
schooling in Newfoundland.
“Present, Miss” will be available in the Cupids
Legacy Centre Museum Shop.
Photography provided by Dennis Minty for the Cupids 400 Photo Bank
Schedule of Events - June
Schedule of Events
Saturday, June 19th - Sunday, August 22nd
A legacy project and major event of the Cupids 400 celebrations, Rabbittown Theatre
Company launches the New World Theatre Project. With a full summer season planned,
New World Theatre Project focuses on the cultural landscape of 1610, presenting five
classical and original productions featuring some of Canada’s finest theatre artists and
employing the innovative portable Elizabethan playhouse, the Indeavour.
Photography provided by Dennis Minty for the Cupids 400 Photo Bank
in June
For event updates, check out our website
A concert featuring traditional music and
dance, stories and recitations.
June 6th - 2:00 pm
June 24th 9:30 pm (Bar Service)
Admission: $5.00 adults / $2.00 children
Sat. June 12th - Sun. June 13th
Event: Bay Wheels Car Show
Location: Bay Arena, Bay Roberts
13 14
16 17 18 19
23 24
For updates on the Navy
Centennial events
taking place as part of the Cupids 400
Celebrations, please visit our website
Thursday, June 3rd
Event: An Evening with Paul Butler
Location: Cupids Community Centre
As part of our visiting author series, we
are pleased to welcome to Cupids, award
winning NL author of “Cupids,” Paul Butler.
A showing of antique cars and trucks. The
theme for the 2010 Show will be “The Old
Coffee Shop” (Located in Cupids, owned
and operated by the Spracklin family of the
1950-60 era).
Admission: $5.00 single / $10.00 family
Sunday, June 6th
Monday, June 14th
On June 6th, the delegates will arrive in
Cupids to visit the archaeology site and the
Cupids Legacy Centre. Church service at
Cupids United Church and march to follow.
Named the Indeavour, John Guy’s ship, built
in Cupers Cove, is Canada’s first decked
sailing vessel. Exhibits and a full scale
construction model can be viewed at the
Wooden Boat Museum of NL at Winterton,
where a living re-construction is displayed.
Here you can learn about Indeavour and
how it was built four centuries ago.
Event: The National Bi-Annual Conference of
Grand Orange Lodge of Canada.
Location: St. John’s/Cupids
Sun. June 6th & Thurs. June 24th
Event: Down Memory Lane - Concert
Location: Marian Hall, Conception Harbour
Event: Launch of The Indeavour Saga
Location: Wooden Boat Museum of NL,
June is always an incredible month in Cupids, where everything
appears to be reborn, brilliant and colourful. The greens of the
meadows, trails and woodlands have that distinctive, vivid cast.
The fragrance of blossoming lilacs, roses and wildflowers mix
with the fresh saltwater breezes, tantalizing the senses.
Event: Portraits in the Streets - Cupids 400
Location: Outdoor exhibit, Cupids
In celebration of the 400th anniversary of
Canada’s first English settlement, the Portrait
Gallery of Canada, a program of Library and
Archives Canada, is proud to bring Portraits in
the Street to Atlantic Canada for the first time.
This outdoor installation—presented in
collaboration with Cupids 400 Inc.—features
framed reproductions of works from the
national portrait collection, brought together
around the theme of new beginnings and first
contacts. The portraits tell the stories of known
individuals, as well as everyday citizens, whose
lives and actions have shaped this country, from
the Atlantic to the Pacific, over the past four
Wed. June 16th - Sun. June 20th
Event: Society of Post-Medieval Archaeology
International Conference
Location: St. John’s / Cupids
An international conference on the 400th
anniversary of the founding of the first
English settlement in Canada at Cupers Cove
- now Cupids, in 1610. Delegates from the
conference will spend time in Cupids touring
the archaeology site and viewing the artifacts
uncovered to date.
Thurs. June 17th - Fri. December 31st
Sat. June 19th - Sun. August 22nd
Four hundred years ago the first English speaking
settlement in Newfoundland and Labrador was
founded at Cupids in Conception Bay - the first
English community in Canada. As part of the
Cupids 400 celebrations and using rare original
documents and archaeological artifacts of the era,
this exhibit explores the early decades of English
colonization in the region and the impact that the
first generations of English Newfoundlanders and
Labradorians had on the province.
See page 27 for details.
Friday, June 18th Thursday, June 24th
Event: Here to Stay - The Beginnings of English
Settlement at Cupids
Location: The Rooms, St. John’s
Event: An Evening with British Poet/Author/
Broadcaster Seán Street
Location: Legacy Hall - Cupids Legacy Centre
Seán Street has published seven collections of
poetry, the most recent being Time Between
Tides - New and Selected Poems 1981 -2009.
He has worked as a radio producer, writer
and presenter for many years. His most recent
work includes a documentary to mark the
400th anniversary of the first permanent British
settlement in Newfoundland, broadcast on
BBC Radio 3 in February 2010. Time spent in
Newfoundland has inspired much of his most
recent poetry.
7:30 pm Admission: $5.00
Event: New World Theatre Project
Location: Indeavour Stage, Cupids Haven
backyard, Cupids
Wednesday, June 23rd Event: Unveiling of Mural and History Board
Location: Bay de Verde - Heritage House
Bay de Verde will launch the official unveiling
of a mural and a series of interpretive panels
depicting the voyage of John Guy to Bay de
Location: Cupids Legacy Centre
Commissioned Piece: Riddle Fence Cupids
Commemorative Edition
This event will celebrate the launch of a special
edition of Riddle Fence in recognition of
Cupids 400. See page 21 for details.
Sun. June 27th - Sun. August 29th Event: Bay Roberts Cultural Calendar
Location: Bay Roberts
The Town of Bay Roberts Cultural Events
Calendar includes the “Holdin’ Ground
Festival”, “A Time in Pigeon Inlet”, the annual
“Klondyke Festival”, as well as the launch of
an historic signage project. For more details on
events in Bay Roberts, visit
Mon. June 14th - Fri. October 1st
The Tiring House
Performance Dates: June 19th to August 22nd
Location: Indeavour Stage, Cupids Haven
backyard, Cupids
A legacy project and major event of the Cupids
400 celebrations, Rabbittown Theatre
Company launches the New World Theatre
Project. With a full summer season planned,
New World Theatre Project focuses on the
cultural landscape of 1610, presenting five
classical and original productions featuring
some of Canada’s finest theatre artists and
employing the innovative portable Elizabethan
playhouse, Indeavour.
For complete information on New World
Theatre project and Rabbittown Theatre, visit
them online at
For performance schedules, updates and maps,
visit Cupids 400 online at
William Shakespeare’s
Julius Caesar
Performance Dates: June 19th to July 4th
Location: Indeavour Stage, Cupids Haven
backyard, Cupids
An assassination plunges the world into
violence and instability, thrusting democracy
and tyranny into a bloody conflict. Set on
the high seas, this fast-paced and dynamic
adaptation of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar
explores the complexities of power while
upturning the notion of “the ship of state.”
What would it take for you to act? What would
it take for you to challenge a tyrant?
6:00 pm Admission: $25.00
On June 29th, 1613, the Globe Theatre in
London, England went up in flames during
a performance of Henry VIII. A theatrical
cannon, set off during the performance,
misfired, igniting the wooden beams and
thatching. According to one of the few
surviving documents of the event, no one was
hurt except a man whose burning breeches
were put out with a bottle of ale. An interactive
comedy for the entire family, The Tiring House
will use the newly built Indeavour as its stage.
1:00 pm Admission: $10.00
Feast of the Sword Dinner Theatre
Performance Dates: June 23rd to August 21st
Location: Cupids Community Centre
In 1610 John Guy, along with 39 settlers
departed from England, to make their way
across the Atlantic to the New World. Thirty
days into the journey, as per a secret naval
custom, three ships meet in the middle of
the Atlantic to engage in The Feast of the
Sword. What begins as a simple exhibition
of swordplay quickly descends into a
dangerous battle for life and death. Laden
with exhilarating stage combat, The Feast of
the Sword is an historical re-imagining of one
man’s journey to the New World.
6:00 pm Admission: $47.50
Ben Pittman’s Colony
of the Heart
Performance Dates: July 8th to July 30th
Location: Cupids Legacy Centre
Drawing lines between the lives of the English
men and women who settled in Cupers Cove
in 1610 and the present day Newfoundlanders
moving to Alberta. Colony of the Heart is an
innovative narrative history of the last 400
years. From who we were yesterday to who
we are today.
6:00 pm Admission: $25.00
William Shakespeare’s
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Performance Dates: August 5th to August 22nd
Location: Indeavour Stage, Cupids Haven
backyard, Cupids. Check online for times on
specific dates
One of Shakespeare’s most popular comedies,
A Midsummer Night’s Dream celebrates the
ecstasies and jealousies of being in love. Four
young lovers chase each other into a forest,
where they are caught up in the quarrels and
games of the King and Queen of fairies.
1:00 pm & 6:00 pm Admission: $25.00
Next - check out our
other events in July
Visit for updates
Photography provided by Dennis Minty for the Cupids 400 Photo Bank
Schedule of Events - July
Schedule of Events
Friday, July 2nd - Sunday, July 11th
The Muses & Minstrels Early Performing Arts Festival will offer a high quality, educational and
entertaining experience of the performing arts of earlier eras to a broad audience. It will provide an
immersive experience that links people to the roots of Newfoundland and Labrador’s culture and to
the life and times of particular historical periods through music, dance and theatre.
Photography provided by Dennis Minty for the Cupids 400 Photo Bank
in July
For event updates, check out our website
Fri. July 2nd - Sun. July 4th
Event: Down Memory Lane
Location: Colliers Community Centre, Colliers
Colliers Community Centre - Heritage Fair.
A celebration of the long and rich heritage and
culture of the Conception Bay communities
stretching from Holyrood to Georgetown.
Fri. July 2nd - Sun. July 11th
9 10
16 17
Don’t miss our Cupids
Visiting Authors Series!
Check out event dates and details on
our website
Thursday, July 1st
Event: Muses & Minstrels - A Festival of
Early Performing Arts - Roots of our Culture
Symposium. For a complete schedule of
events, please see page 34.
8:30 am - A mighty fine community pancake
breakfast starts off the day.
Sunday, July 4th & July 18th
Event: Canada Day
Location: Cupids
12:00 - 2:00 pm - The Multicultural Women’s
Organization of NL presents “A Cultural
2:30 pm - Swearing in of new Canadians
by Canadian Citizenship and Immigration.
As part of the Canadian Navy’s 100th
anniversary celebrations, a contingent
of Sailors from Canadian Forces Naval
Engineering School, St. John’s Detachment,
will parade and proudly salute the new
Canadians and take part in various other
Canada Day activities throughout the day.
For a complete list of activities visit our
10:00 pm - Fireworks display.
Event: Concert in Millbrook Gardens
Location: Millbrook Gardens, Cupids
The best way to spend a beautiful Sunday
in the summer! Join us for our Concert in
Millbrook Gardens, with a selection of local
performing musicians. All ages welcome!
2:00 - 4:00 pm.
Monday, July 5th
Event: Coasters 2010
Location: St. John’s/Cupids
Coasters 2010: National Antique and Classic
Car Club will arrive in Cupids on July 5th with
over 100 antique and classic cars for viewing.
Following their visit to Cupids, they will be
departing on a cross country tour from St.
John’s to British Columbia.
July is the month of exploration in Cupids.
We have hiking trails with breathtaking views and
coastlines and bays with plenty to explore.
If your interests are historical, we have a world renowned
archaeological site in the middle of town.
If it’s delicious food, explore Skipper Ben’s or Cupids Haven.
Event: Down Memory Lane - Concert
Location: Marian Hall, Conception Harbour
A concert featuring the heritage and culture of
the communities of Conception Bay Central.
Traditional music and dance, stories and
2:00 pm Admission: $5.00 Adults
$2.00 Children
Sunday, July 11th
Event: Kelligrews Soiree Folk Festival
Location: Kelligrews
The CBS Parks Commission with support
from Cupids 400 Inc. are producing a series
of Heritage Booklets depicting the history and
tradition of Conception Bay South. The booklets
feature such traditions as agriculture, vernacular
architecture and the towns heritage properties.
Friday, July 16th
Event: Storytelling and Old Time Music and
Location: John Hoskins Community Centre, Old
Join us as we celebrate the history of our region
with storytelling, local musicians, mat hooking
demonstrations and kids craft making. Converse
with the town’s people as they share their stories
and hospitality.
Friday, July 16th
Saturday, July 17th
Written by Newfoundland author and
playwright Bruce Stagg, “From the Lips of Our
People” weaves the memories of early outport
life with modern day issues. These memories
are presented through the reminiscences of
Ben and Molly and will cause the audience to
experience laughter, sadness, love and longing
as they drift back in time to the “good old
Join the people of Old Perlican for a
community dinner. Experience NL hospitality
and smiling faces in an outport by the sea.
Event: From the Lips of Our People
Location: John Hoskins Community Centre,
Old Perlican
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Admission $5.00
Saturday, July 17th
Event: Traditional Dance Symposium
Location: John Hoskins Community Centre,
Old Perlican
The Old Perlican Heritage Committee will
host a Traditional Dance Symposium and “NL
Time.” Traditional dance in NL has long been
recognized as a means of socialization within a
given community.
The dances reflect the particular aesthetics of
an individual community while celebrating
its commonality with the culture of NL as a
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Registered participants only.
Event: Old Perlican Community Supper
Location: John Hoskins Community Centre,
Old Perlican
5:00 pm Admission $10.00
Saturday, July 17th
Event: An Old Perlican “Time” - A Night of NL
Location: John Hoskins Community Centre,
Old Perlican
Join local dancers for a “Time” to remember.
Put on your dance shoes and get your toes
tapping and dance the night away with
traditional NL dancers.
6:30 pm Admission $5.00
Tickets sold in advance for both events.
Call 587-2435
Saturday, July 24th Event: 100th Anniversary Shearstown Trinity
United Church Celebrations
Location: Shearstown United Church
A Garden Party will be held as part of the
100th Anniversary celebrations. Join us for an
afternoon of fun, games, music and good food.
2:00 pm
1:00 pm
Tuesday, July 6th
Saturday, July 24th
July and August
Traditional Kitchen Party with local musicians.
Bar Service.
Interpreters in period costume will guide
visitors around the heritage district in the
Town of Carbonear. Participants will
encounter various “personages” who will
recount the events and Indeavours of life in
earlier times. Visit for
complete details.
Event: Down Memory Lane - Kitchen Party
Location: Marian Hall, Conception Harbour
Saturday, July 31st Event: 18th Annual Storytellers of Canada Conteurs du Canada Conference participants
visit and tour
Location: Cupids
Cupids welcomes participants of the annual
Storytellers of Canada Conference hosted
by the St. John’s Storytelling Festival Inc.
Participants will tour the historic Cupids Cove
Plantation and the Cupids Legacy Centre.
Event: Cupids 400 Storytelling Concert
Location: St. George’s Heritage Church, Brigus
Guest storytellers from around the world and
at home will gather at St. George’s Heritage
Church in neighbouring Brigus. International
storytellers, Graham Langley and Jan Andrews
will be joined by Newfoundland storyteller
Margaret Hitchens for an evening of traditional
English folk and fairy tales.
6:00 - 7:00 pm Free Admission.
Event: Historic Walking Tour
Location: Town of Carbonear
July and August
Event: Town of Carbonear Cultural Events
Location: Rorke Stores Museum and Loft,
Water Street, Carbonear
The Rorke Stores Museum and Loft in
Carbonear is one of the anchor museums in
the region. Its mandate is to preserve and
promote the Newfoundland and Labrador
fishery and the Town’s rich heritage and
traditions. Visit for details.
July and August
Event: 1762 - The Taking of Torbay - Written
by Ben Pittman
Location: Town of Torbay
A story from the perspective of three Torbay
men - and one woman who found themselves
thrust into the peril of war and how they
discovered the courage within to put aside
their previous difficulties and focus on the task
at hand, the liberation of Newfoundland from
the French by Lt. Colonel William Amherst.
The outdoor play was commissioned by
Torbay Museum/Heritage Committee with
support from Cupids 400 Inc. Outdoor
performances will take place in July and
August in Torbay, and will run through the
2010 Torbay Hillside Festival from
August 12th - 22nd.
For tickets and further details visit
For updates on the Navy
Centennial events
taking place as part of the Cupids 400
Celebrations, please visit our website
Don’t miss our Cupids
Visiting Authors Series!
Check out event dates and details on
our website
Songs of the Sea Music Sessions
- with Jim Payne and Brittish musicians Marilyn
Pucker, Paul Wilson, Rebecca Driscoll, Nicholas
Wyke and David Faulkner.
Date: Saturday, July 3rd
Location: Wooden Boat Museum of NL,
A Festival of Early Performing Arts
“Roots of our Culture” Symposium
Date: Friday, July 2nd
Location: College of the North Atlantic,
Date: Sunday, July 4th
Location: Bay de Verde - Venue TBA
Date: Thursday, July 8th:
Location: Goodwill Lodge #84 SUF, Dildo
- Hot Earth Ensemble
Date: Saturday, July 3rd
Location: Cupids United Church
Date: Wednesday, July 7th
Location: Bay Roberts - St. Matthews Anglican
Date: Saturday, July 10th
Location: Town of Carbonear - St. James
Anglican Church
Explore with experienced musicians, early
folk instruments, music and dance. Join in
Storytelling sessions that feature folk tales of an
earlier time. Share your stories and bring your
instruments or just sit back and enjoy.
Each with a different theme, these three concerts
will feature guest artists, Meredith Hall, soprano,
Calvin Powell, baritone, and a group of Madrigal
Singers, directed by Kellie Walsh. Presenting
music that was played, sung, or danced to in the
“Fairest Isle” of England 400 or so years ago.
2:00 - 4:00 pm Admission $5.00 (All Sessions)
8 pm Admission $15.00 (All Performances)
Shore to Shore Concerts
Muses & Minstrels Youth Arts Camp
Date: Saturday, July 3rd
Location: Scilly Cove Lodge 2 SUF, Winterton
Date: Monday, July 5th - Friday, July 9th
Location: Cupids Legacy Centre
Reception to follow Main Concourse
Date: Sunday, July 4th
Location: Bay de Verde - Venue TBA
Date: Friday, July 2nd
Location: Princess Sheila NaGeira Theatre
Conception Bay Regional Community Centre,
Date: Wednesday, July 7th
Location: Rorke Stores Mercantile Premises,
Children from Grades 4 - 12 will spend 3
hours a day for 5 days exploring various types
of performing arts from the 17th century to
present day. Youth will be involved in circus art,
dance, music making, theatre and a variety of
other exciting and fun creative activities, while
exploring the historic Town of Cupids.
The symposium explores the traditions of
Newfoundland and Labrador Culture evolving
from the roots of our music, dance, theatre and
forms of entertainment. Registration is open to
general public on first come first serve basis.
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Registration fee $40.00
Includes Ticket to Gala
Muses & Minstrels Opening Gala
Muses and Minstrels Opening Gala will offer
a sneak peek of what to expect from the first
17th century early performing arts festival in
Newfoundland and Labrador. Performances
by Hot Earth Ensemble, Jim Payne and Friends,
Beni Malone of Wonderbolt Productions, and
New World Theatre.
7:00 - 9:00 pm Admission $15.00
Date: Thursday, July 8th
Location: Goodwill Lodge #84 SUF, Dildo
Date: Friday, July 9th
Location: Cupids United Church
Participants must pre-register.
First come first serve - limited number of seats.
For more information contact Kathi at 528- 1610.
1:00 - 4:00 pm Registration fee $20.00
Join celebrated Newfoundland and Labrador
musician, singer, songwriter Jim Payne and
friends for an evening of music, song and dance.
8:00 pm Admission $15.00 (All Concerts)
Muses & Minstrels
Fairest Isles, All Isles Excelling
Servant of Two Masters
- Beni Malone & Wonderbolt Productions
Date: Monday, July 5th
Location: Cupids Orange Lodge
Date: Tuesday, July 6th
Location: Rorke Stores Mercantile Premises,
Date: Wednesday, July 7th
Location: John Hoskins Community Centre,
Old Perlican
Date: Thursday, July 8th
Location: Bay Roberts Lions Club
Join Jim Payne and Friends for the Festival
grand finale.
8:00 pm Admission $15.00
Next - check out our
other events in August
Visit for updates
A classic Commedia del’arte piece written by
renowned Italian playwright Carlos Goldini
and adapted for stage by Beni Malone of
Wonderbolt Productions. Audiences will be
treated to a tapestry of memorable characters,
beautiful costumes, manic comic energy as they
whirl at a break neck pace through the ever
twisting and twirling plot that is the trademark
of the commedia del’arte form.
For updates on the Navy
Centennial events
English Country Dance Evening
Date: Tuesday, July 6th
Location: Cupids Legacy Centre
Andrew Draskoy delivers an evening of English
Country Dance demonstrations with audience
participation. Open to general public
7:00 - 9:00 pm Admission $15.00
Date: Sunday, July 11th
Location: Brigus Heritage Church
Date: Friday, July 9th
Location: Brigus Heritage Church
Open to general public
8:00 pm Admission $15.00 (All Performances)
Muses & Minstrels Closing Concert
taking place as part of the Cupids 400
Celebrations, please visit our website
Don’t miss our Cupids
Visiting Authors Series!
Check out event dates and details on
our website
Photography provided by Dennis Minty for the Cupids 400 Photo Bank
Schedule of Events - August
Schedule of Events
Cupids Cove Soiree
The Premiere Event of our Celebrations Year!
Tuesday, August 17th - Sunday, August 22nd
Six Days of Celebrations Begin! Day long activities and events, featuring premiere Newfoundland
and Labrador groups, children’s events, family entertainment, community breakfasts, harbour tours
by Ocean Quest Adventures, evening soirees and fireworks!
Don’t miss our Gala Soiree Opening & Closing
‘Seeds of Settlement’
written and directed by Ged Blackmore.
Photography provided by Dennis Minty for the Cupids 400 Photo Bank
Events in August
For event updates, check out our website
Saturday, August 7th
Event: 4th Annual Walk, Run or Ride to Emmaus
Location: South River
The Parish of the Resurrection, South River 4th Annual - Walk, Run or Ride to Emmaus
Charity event with Banquet and Silent Auction
to follow.
Sunday, August 8th
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Sunday, August 1st
Event: 100th Anniversary of St. Anne’s
Garden Party
Location: St. Anne’s Church grounds,
Conception Harbour
A day of fun and games for children; games
of chance along with musical entertainment.
A dinner and dance to follow at St. Annes’s
Parish Hall.
Sunday, August 1st
For updates on the Navy
Centennial events
taking place as part of the Cupids 400
Celebrations, please visit our website
Event: Queen Mother’s Birthday Party
Location: Cupids
Cupids Historical Society will host an English
Tea Party, at Millbrook Heritage Gardens,
celebrating the Queen Mother’s Birthday.
Event: Unveiling of Cupids Stamp
Location: Cupids
Cupids 400 Inc and Canada Post will
participate in the official unveiling of the
Cupids commemorative stamp and First Cover.
By invitation only.
Fri. August 6th - Sun. August 8th Event: 2010 Sunnyside Soiree
Location: Sunnyside
During the three days of festivities to celebrate
the Sunnyside Soiree, there will be a public
unveiling on August 7th of a Community
History Board depicting John Guy’s historic
meeting with the Beothuk in Bull Arm, Trinity
Bay in the autumn months of 1612.
Fri. August 6th - Sun. August 8th
Event: Bemister Family Reunion
Location: Carbonear
The Bemister Family of Carbonear
celebrating over 200 years of Bemisters in
Canada from the West Country.
August is the heart of our celebration in Cupids.
It was in this time, four hundred years ago, that a group of
hearty settlers led by John Guy stepped upon the beaches of
Cupids and began the arduous challenge of settling these shores.
Cupids 400 is a celebration of the proud heritage and culture
that is their legacy.
Event: An Evening with Nellie Strowbridge
Location: Cupids Community Centre
As part of our Visiting Author Series we are
pleased to welcome to Cupids award winning
NL author Nellie Strowbridge.
Sat. August 14th - Mon. August 16th
Event: Akerman Family Reunion
Location: Cupids
The Akerman Family of Cupids will host a
family reunion.
Sat. August 14th - Sun. August 15th
Event: Avalon Artists - Art Show and Sale
Location: Avondale Heritage Train Station
The Avalon Artists are pleased to pay tribute
to Cupids 400 by having the Hugh H. Fraser
Collection on Exhibit at our Art Show and
Sale. The photographic legacy is a must see
for all Newfoundland heritage, railway and
photography enthusiasts. Also on display will
be the art works of approximately 15 artists.
Originals, limited editions of oils, acrylics, and
watercolor are a few. Photography, quilting,
pottery and sculpting will be presented.
Monday, August 16th
Event: “Remember When”
Location: Bay Arena, Bay Roberts
Dinner, Dance & Slide Show of Cupids from
the early 50’s to the 70’s. Music by “Traces”
To book email:
6:00 pm - 1:00 am Admission $30.00
Tues. August 17th - Sun. August 22nd
Premiere Event: Cupids Cove Soiree
Location: Cupids
For updates on the Navy
Centennial events
taking place as part of the Cupids 400
Celebrations, please visit our website
Don’t miss our Cupids
Visiting Authors Series!
Check out event dates and details on
our website
Photography provided by Dennis Minty for the Cupids 400 Photo Bank
Thursday, August 12
Six Days of Celebrations Begin! Day long
activities and events, featuring premiere
Newfoundland and Labrador groups, family
entertainment, community breakfasts, harbour
tours by Ocean Quest Adventures, evening
soirees and fireworks!
Don’t miss our Gala Soiree Opening & Closing
‘Seeds of Settlement’ written and directed by
Ged Blackmore.
In addition, we have a variety of children’s
activities such as amusement rides, face
painting, and craft displays.
For a complete schedule of events, please see
page 41.
12:00 - 6:00 pm
Cupids Cove
Official Opening Cupids
Legacy Centre
Date: Tuesday, August 17th
Location: Cupids Legacy Centre - Parking Lot
Official ribbon-cutting with dignitaries,
community members, and visiting friends and
7:30 pm Free Admission. General Public.
Three Flags Pavilion Flag Raising
Date: Tues. August 17th - Sun. August 22nd
Location: Three Flags Pavilion
The Music Came With Them
Date: Wed. August 18th - Thurs. August 19th
Location: Cupids Orange Lodge
“Pastime with Good Company” is an amateur,
four member recorder consort whose name
derives from a song composed by Henry VIII.
The group specializes in playing early music of
the 16th and 17th centuries.
3:00 pm Free Admission
Wonderbolt Buskers
Date: Wed. August 18th
Friday, August 20th
Location: Pointe Beach
Enjoy the spirited and jovial acts of the
Wonderbolt Buskers. 2:00 and 3:00 pm.
Wonderbolt Circus Show
Brew House Pub
Tricksters is a cross-cultural celebration of
circus movement and dance. Themed around
the unifying image of a circle, Wonderbolt’s
show features Anahareo White-Malone, an
internationally recognized aerial hoop artist
and world champion hoop dancer, Terrance
Littletent from Saskatchewan, accompanied on
drums and vocals by his brother Jason.
Cupids Cove was the site of the first Brew
House in what was to become Canada.
Free Admission. 19 Years and older.
Join us and a special guest each morning at
10 am as we raise the flags over the Cupids
400 Celebrations. During the Cupids
Cove Soiree, three official flags, Canadian,
Newfoundland and Labrador, and Union Jack
will rise and fly proudly over Cupids.
Date: Tues. August 17th - Sun. August 22nd
Location: Cupids
Throughout the Cupids Cove Soiree, The Brew
House Pub, a tented venue, will be open daily
from 1:00 pm.
Date: Thursday, August 19th - 7:00 pm
Saturday, August 21st - 2:00 pm
Sunday, August 22nd - 2:00 pm
Location: Akerman Building, Cupids
The ringmaster is master clown, Beni Malone.
Innovative techniques such as black-light
Aboriginal hoop dancing and LED lit hula
hooping and solo and group juggling add to the
fun and mystique of the show.
Free Admission. All ages.
CGIT / NGIT Reunion
Date: Thursday, August 19
Location: Orange Hall, Cupids
Reminisce with past members & leaders of the
Cupids CGIT/NGIT groups. Bring along any
memories & memorabilia you may have.
Telephone: 528-4016
Madrigals, Mathematics & Mayhem
- Music and Tales of the Renaissance
Date: Friday, August 20th
Location: Cupids United Church
The Tenacious String Ensemble invites you to
come hear the magical music, tales and poetry
of the Renaissance. The period of John Guys
life was a fascinating one with many changes the Earth was found not to be the center of the
universe, a new Christian religion was being
born, and Western Europe was taking it’s first
fledgling steps into the New World.
Come hear the music of William Byrd and the
poetry of William Shakespeare, and learn of
the fascinating figures of the time - Gallileo,
Copernicus, Elizabeth 1, Oliver Cromwell and
Sir Walter Raleigh to name but a few. The
evening promises to soothe the musical ear and
take your imagination into the world of the turn
of the 17th century.
7:00 pm Free Admission
Main Stage
Wednesday, August 18th
Pointe Beach Main Stage
8:15 pm - Ennis
Free Admission
Our Main Stage on Pointe Beach is an outdoor
venue where the Marquee Performances of
“Seeds of Settlement” on August 17th and 22nd
will be staged. Headline groups will perform
each evening.
Ennis is a dynamic, original group with a
unique contemporary voice flavored by deep
roots and Celtic traditional Newfoundland
influences. Maureen and Karen are powerful,
interesting and humorous story tellers with
a broad mix of Maureen’s accessible original
songs and uniquely interpreted tunes and
Tuesday, August 17th
10:00 pm - Greeley’s Reel
2:00 - 3:00 pm - Shawn Lidster
Singer/Songwriter Shawn Lidster will perform
songs from his CD “Legends of the Baccalieu
Trail” including the ever popular “Cupers Cove”
8:45 pm - Opening Ceremonies
Opening Ceremonies Cupids Cove Soiree
followed by “Seeds of Settlement” - an original
production written and directed by Ged
In August 1610, John Guy and an intrepid group
of settlers from Bristol, England landed at Cupers
Cove on the island of Newfoundland where
they would establish the first official English
Colony in what is today the country of Canada.
“Seeds of Settlement” is a musical production
that tells the story of those first settlers and the
generations of people and events that shaped us
as a people.
10:00 pm - Opening Fireworks
Starts at 10:00 pm immediately following
“Seeds of Settlement.” Join us afterwards for
live entertainment at Brew House Pub.
Known for their great mixture of Irish and
Newfoundland music, with a little bit of folk
and bluegrass thrown into the mix, crowd
pleasing jigs and reels, and shanties such as
The Islander and Excursion Around the Bay,
Greeley’s Reel have performed at many high
profile Newfoundland venues, events, and
Thursday, August 19th
1:00 - 4:00 pm - Cultural Showcase of
Traditional Music, Song and Dance.
Performers to be announced.
7:30 pm - NL Comedy Showcase
Friday, August 20th
2:00 pm - Invitation to the Dance
Come see and hear the English Country
Dancers accompanied by the Tenacious
String Ensemble for an afternoon of lively
tunes and traditional English dances of the
17th century! Kick up your heels yourself
if you dare, as you’re invited to “chasse to
the right or left” just as John Guy might have
done 400 years ago. This event is an informal,
fun demonstration of dances of the 17th and
early 18th century, with a chance to try some
yourself - a wonderful experience to share with
the whole family.
7:30 pm - One Night Stand
One Night Stand is a 4 piece group specializing
in popular tunes from the 70s and 80s. The
band features Peter Noel, vocals, keyboards
and guitars; Bruce Blackwood, bass and vocals;
Paul Monahan, guitar and vocals and Bob
Davis, drums. Get ready to dance to the tunes
that make you “remember where you were
9:30 pm - Billy and the Bruisers
Billy and the Bruisers, formed in 1991, is a ten
piece band from St. John’s. Highly professional,
these veterans of the music scene have gained
a loyal following and have achieved a well
deserved reputation as one of the most versatile
and entertaining musical acts in Eastern
Renowned Newfoundland artists Amy House
and Bernie Stapleton are joined by comedian
John Sheehan.
9:30 pm - The Masterless Men
Formed in 1991, The Masterless Men are
a well-known Newfoundland group who
have played at international venues world
wide. Their music is a combination of
Newfoundland folk and Celtic music.
1:00 - 4:00 pm - Showcase of Choral Music
Featuring celebrated Newfoundland choirs.
Performers to be announced.
Main Stage
Saturday, August 21st
7:30 pm - The Once
The Once is an award winning trio of young
folk musicians, building on the traditions of
their native province. After their debut release
in August of 2009, The Once discovered the
demand for their indie folk group was growing
more quickly than anticipated. The career
highlights they have amassed are impressive.
9:00 pm - The Idlers
The Idlers are an eleven-piece, self proclaimed
‘reggae circus’ from St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Their unique sound comes from a love of reggae,
ska and afro-beat, peppered with their Atlantic
influences. Ringmaster Mark Wilson fronts a
solid rhythm section with heavy horns and tight
harmonies, and has been bringing audiences to a
dancing frenzy since the band came together in
Sunday, August 22nd
1:00 - 2:00 pm - Spirit of the People
Spirit of the People Celebration with music
and narration is a spiritual hour devoted to
celebrating the peoples of NL. Join us as we
celebrate with music, song, and dance and
pay tribute to the generations of inhabitants
who make up the culture and traditions
of the land and sea. Special guests will
include Sett A’newey Performance Choir /
Paqtimi’ji’j Drummers of Conne River, NL.
2:30 pm - The Walsh Family Band
The Walsh Family Band has roots in the
Newfoundland fishing community of Bay
de Verde - a community rich in musical
heritage, culture and history. Formed in
1995, the band’s repertoire includes a blend
of traditional Newfoundland, Irish, Scottish
vocals and instrumentals as well as original
material influenced by the place and people
they come from - Bay de Verde.
3:30 pm - The Morgan Brothers
Listen to the phenomenal southern gospel
harmonies of the Morgan Brothers, Corey,
Blair, and Scott. Accompanied by George
Bartlett on piano and Barry Gosse on bass.
10:30 pm - The 8 Track Favourites
8:30 pm - Soiree Closing Ceremonies
The 8 Track Favourites cover the old time country
hits in their own unique style. The band includes
Larry Foley and Patrick Moran (The Punters),
Chris LeDrew (Brothers In Stereo), Sandy Morris,
Barry Hillier and George Morgan.
Closing Ceremonies Cupids Cove Soiree
followed by “Seeds of Settlement” - a
musical production that tells the story of
those first settlers and the generations and
events that shaped us as a people.
10:00 pm - Closing Fireworks
Join us afterwards for live entertainment at
Brew House Pub.
For updates on the Navy
Centennial events
taking place as part of the Cupids 400
Celebrations, please visit our website
Next - check out our
other events in September
Visit for updates
Don’t miss our Cupids
Visiting Authors Series!
Check out event dates and details on
our website
Photography provided by Dennis Minty for the Cupids 400 Photo Bank
in September
For event updates, check out our website
Friday September 24th Saturday September 25th
Event: Faire Woodes and Freshe Rivers:
Settling Cupids 1610 - 2010
Location: St. John’s / Cupids
24 25
A symposium jointly sponsored by the
Newfoundland Historical Society and Cupids
Historical Society, with support from Cupids
400 and The Rooms Provincial Museum
Division. A number of lectures will be given
on John Guy; Cupids; the Beothuk and
Cupids Tercentenary. For more information
please contact .
For updates on the Navy
Centennial events
taking place as part of the Cupids 400
Celebrations, please visit our website
Don’t miss our Cupids
Visiting Authors Series!
Check out event dates and details on
our website
Schedule of Events - September
September is one of the most consistently beautiful
months, perfect for exploration and relaxation.
Take in an exhibit at the Cupids Legacy Centre or maybe
a leisurely stroll along the new Three Flags Pavilion.
A celebration year may be drawing to a close but
your Cupids experience will live on forever.
Board of
Roy Dawe (Chair) - Cupids Historical Society
Lloyd Kane (Vice-Chair) - Director at Large
Cathy Kleinwort (Secretary-Treasurer) - Director at Large
Brian Walsh - Baccalieu Trail Heritage Corporation
William Gilbert - Baccalieu Trail Heritage Corporation
Ron Laracy - Mayor - Town of Cupids
Shauna Akerman - Cupids Historical Society
Clyde Wells - Mariner Resources Opportunities Network
Sueanne Pye - Mariner Resources Opportunities Network
Dr. Alan Perry - Director at Large
Andrew Mercer - Director at Large
Harvey Puddester - Councillor - Director at large
Ron Delaney - Northern Avalon Tourism Association
Jim Payne - Director at Large
Alex Andrews - Director at Large
Meet the team whose hard
work has made all this
Jim Prowse - Canadian Heritage
Peter Noel - Tourism, Culture & Recreation
Jerry Dick - Tourism, Culture & Recreation
Paul Antle - ACOA
Bill Brake - Parks Canada
Dave Lough - ACOA-Parks Canada
Ernie Pynn - Industry, Trade & Rural Development
Linda Kane - Curator - Cupids Museum
Peter Laracy - Capital Projects Manager
Mike Buist - Event Manager
Ed Hayes - Capital Projects Coordinator
Jacquey Ryan - Exhibit Coordinator
Lorraine Benoit - Administration
Kathi Stacey - Cultural Tourism Specialist
Claudine Garland - Manager - Volunteers
Penny Dowden - Event Coordinator
Norma Bonnell - Community Relations Officer
Our Team
Coordinating a year long
festival featuring over 200
events requires the strength
and commitment of a
dedicated team representing
both the private and public
sector, corporate sponsors
and not least, the Town of
Cupids itself.
Honourary Patron
His Honour - John Crosbie - Lieutenant Governor
Honourary Chair - Dr. Alton Smith