GARAGE SALE - Bensenville Fire Protection District #2
JULY/AUGUST 2015 GARAGE SALE VILLAGE OF BENSENVILLE BRIDGEWAY OF BENSENVILLE Everyone’s favorite free, family summer concert series, Music in the Park has something for all musical tastes. We’ve added even more fun to this year’s event with special soloist performances beginning at 5:30 pm followed by our feature acts starting at 7:30 pm. Favorite Bensenville restaurants will sell dinner and dessert items, so families can have dinner in the park prior to the concert. Early in the evening, there will be free carriage rides, face paintings, and an artist drawing caricatures for kids of all ages. Each concert night will also include a Classic Car Night. There is always a 50/50 split the pot raffle that benefits our local food pantry and service organizations. The French Market runs from 4:30 pm until 8:30 pm. Please make sure to support this new feature of the Music in the Park experience and encourage healthy lifestyles here in Bensenville. in the Wednesdays from 7:30 to 9:30pm JULY 8 | ROCK STAR RODEO | Top 40 Country Music JULY 15 | 97NINE WITH MENTOR BAND | Classic Rock/Music from WLUP JULY 22 | 7TH HEAVEN | Chicagoland’s #1 Festival Band JULY 29 | SONIC 7 | Female Fronted Classic Rock Hits AUGUST 5 | HELLO WEEKEND | Top 40/Dance AUGUST 12 | ELIMINATOR | ZZ Top Tribute | MOTORCYCLE NIGHT! AUGUST 19 | BREAKFAST CLUB | Top 80’s Hits | FENTON ALUMNI NIGHT! AUGUST 26 | AMERICAN ENGLISH | The Complete Beatles Tribute SATURDAY, JULY 18 | 9 AM TO 3 PM The 100+ apartment community combined all its treasures for a one day garage sale! You will find lots of furniture, household, miscellaneous items, antiques and collectables. 303 East Washington Street next to Sunset Park. JULY 4TH PARADE & LIBERTYFEST 2015 The July 4th Parade begins at 10am at 12 South Center Street in Downtown Bensenville, travels east on Green Street continues south on York Road, and then east on Jefferson Street finishing at Redmond Recreation Complex. Following the parade, come out to Redmond Park for games, events, live music featuring Heartache Tonight (7:30pm) and food. LibertyFest is featuring Taste of Towns with some of the best menu offerings from the area being served all day long. Firework display begins at 9:30pm. For more information, call 630.766.8888 or visit www. IN THIS ISSUE Village of Bensenville p 1-3 Bensenville Community Public Library p 4-6 Fenton Community High School p 7-9 Bensenville Park District p 10-11 Elementary School District 2 p 12-13 Fire Department p 14 Community Events p 15-16 The statements and opinions expressed in this newsletter do not reflect the views, opinions, thoughts or beliefs of each member organization. The member organizations are not responsible for opinions or statements made individually or by other organizations. For information, contact Deadline for September/ October is July 29, 2015. Carrier Route Presort Postal Customer Bensenville | Illinois 60106 210 South Church Road | Bensenville | Illinois 60106 BENSENVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT 2 Presort Standard US Postage PAID Permit No. 122 Bensenville, IL BE PREPARED! Register for Smart 9-1-1 Village of Bensenville 12 South Center Street Bensenville | Illinois 60106 630 766 8200 President Frank Soto Trustees Rosa Carmona Frank DeSimone Susan Janowiak Martin O’Connell Agnieszka “Annie” Jaworska Henry Wesseler Smart911 is a free service that allows citizens across the U.S. to create a Safety Profile for their household that can provide information to 9-1-1 and public safety officials during an emergency. Smart911 is available within the City limits of Bensenville and throughout the remainder of DuPage County. Register at How Does Smart911 Work? Smart911 allows citizens to provide the additional details that 9-1-1 call takers may need in order to assist them during an emergency. When you dial 9-1-1 today the information received by the 9-1-1 call center can be limited based on the type of phone you are calling on. With Smart911, anytime you make an emergency call from a phone registered with your Safety Profile, the 9-1-1 systems recognizes your phone number and automatically displays your profile on the screen of the call taker who receives your call. At a time when you may be panicked, or unable to communicate, or it could be unsafe to communicate, Smart911 ensures that the details you would need to tell 9-1-1 are immediately available in the event you cannot verbally provide them. Smart911 is free, private and secure. CODE RED SIGNUP-BENSENVILLE EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Village Clerk Ilsa Rivera Trujillo The Village of Bensenville in an effort to get information out to the public about emergency or disaster situations is using a mass notification system from Code Red. Village Manager Michael Cassady This notification system uses a phone number database and will contact residents and businesses within our community with a voice message. Residents and businesses are encouraged to go to the link provided and update the phone numbers they want used in this system by adding or deleting phone numbers that dial to your office, home or cell phones for themselves and family members too. This information will remain confidential and in the custody of the Bensenville Emergency Management Agency and Code Red at all times, and will only be used for Emergency Notification purposes. You can register or update your information by going to: NEW MEXICAN & SEAFOOD RESTAURANT OPENED! Mariscos El Amgio located at 1120 South York Road opened on May 29th serving authentic Mexican and seafood dishes in a newly remodeled restaurant. Please help welcome and support this new business. TALL GRASS REMINDER Summer is here and the grass and weeds are growing rapidly! Village Ordinances require vegetation to be maintained at a level under 8” in height. In an effort to help Village Staff in the supervision of all properties within the Village, please contact us at 630.350.3413 to report any properties that may be vacant or falling behind in their maintenance responsibilities. Staff can be dispatched to provide a friendly reminder to properties of their maintenance responsibilities. Thank you for your assistance in helping to keep Bensenville a beautiful place to live. 2 BE NSE NVIL L E CO MMU N ITY N EWS | JU LY / A U G U ST 2015 New Community Job Board & Real Estate Locator ISI WORLD TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Edge Ice Arenas | July 27 through August 1 Skaters from across the United States and several countries compete in individual and team events. This is a six day event that requires four sheets of competition ice, includes a large competitor’s party, on ice seminars and exhibition with celebrity skaters. Past International skaters have represented China, Philippines, Qatar and Mexico. Edge ice arenas welcomed 1600 competitors in 2007 and are expecting more skaters this year. More information available at ISI website VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! As the host facility of this large event we are looking for volunteers for the week of July 27-August 1. If you have a love for ice skating or are in need of community service hours this is a great opportunity to get involved–WE NEED YOU! For more event information or to volunteer contact Susan D’Aquila, Figure Skating Director at 630.594.1107 or BRUSH PICK-UP Residents are invited to put these items out for removal on the Sunday prior to the week of pick-up, but no later than 7:00 am on the first Monday of each month. From May through November Allied Waste will remove individual branches that are less than three feet in length and one inch in diameter on your regular trash collection day from your regular collection point in biodegradable paper bags or garbage cans with two Yard Waste Only labels attached. Allied Waste collects these branches with other residential yard waste. Bundled brush and branches will not be collected. For 2015, brush pick-up weeks start on the following days: July 6 | August 3 | September 7 | October 5 | November 2 For more information please phone 630 350 3435. B-WELL WALK-A-THON & SURVEY SAVE THE DATE! 2ND ANNUAL B-WELL WALK-A-THON AND FAMILY FUN FEST | SEPTEMBER 12 Make biking and walking easy and enjoyable for all residents. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and help us enhance your experience as a walker, biker, and transit rider. The survey can be found electronically at FREE ELECTRONICS RECYCLING! SENIOR CITIZEN CLUB LUNCHEONS Bensenville residents aged 55 and over are invited to enjoy a meal and play some bingo the first Tuesday of the month at Monty’s Banquet Hall located at 703 South York Road. The cost is $4.00 for a great meal, raffle prizes, and bingo. If you would like to join the club, simply show up at Monty’s the day of the event with your ID. Doors open at 10 am and lunch begins around 11:00 am. If you have any questions, please call 630.594.1010. (Consumer Confidence Report) July 11 | Bensenville Police Station | 100 North Church Road | Bensenville August 8 | Public Services Facility | 717 East Jefferson | Bensenville September 12 | Public Services Facility | 717 East Jefferson | Bensenville L IF E L ONG The real estate locator feature on our website allows users to post both residential and commercial properties online. This tool will help market properties available in Bensenville and help to attract new residents and business into town. Both the community job board and real estate locator require the help of getting people to post their jobs and properties online and can be done by going to so please help us spread the word. If you have any questions about either of these please contact 630.594.1010. 2015 Annual Water Quality Report Electronics can be dropped off between12:00 and 2 pm on the second Saturdays of the month, April through September at the following locations: A The new community job board will be a great resource for both residents and businesses. It allows Bensenville businesses who are looking to hire employees to post those job opportunities free of charge and is also another outlet for residents seeking employment close to home to find a job. LEA RN IN G CO MMU N ITY Please go to http://www.bensenville. to view your 2015 Annual Water Quality Report and learn more about the Drinking Water. This report contains important information about the source and quality of your drinking water during 2014. If you would like a paper copy of the 2014 Annual Water Quality Report mailed to your home, please call 630.670.1751 3 BENSENVILLE COMMUNITY PUBLIC LIBRARY THURSDAYS IN THE GARDEN Our popular Thursdays in the Garden series is back! All programs begin at 7:00 pm and will be held in the Library’s Garden of Knowledge (we’ll move inside if the weather is bad). No registration is required to attend! 200 South Church Road Bensenville | Illinois 60106 630 766 4642 HOURS Mon-Thurs | 9am-9pm Friday-Saturday | 9am-5pm Sunday | 1pm-5pm Board of Trustees Susan Z. Diamond | President Sergio Zgrzebski | Vice President Susan Earley | Treasurer Nancy Rizzo | Secretary Jim Ricker Linda Weiss Mandi Zalewski Jill Rodriguez | Library Director LIBRARY CLOSINGS July 4 | Independence Day August 14 | Staff In-Service LATIN JAZZ AND TAPAS | JULY 2 Relax and enjoy music with Bensenville’s own Max Wassinger’s “Three Friends Latin Jazz”. We’ll have some tapas and a beautiful evening in the Garden of Knowledge. DIY TILE PHOTO COASTERS | JULY 9 We will be making DIY tile photo coasters using 4x4 white tiles, photos, and a little Mod Podge! Please bring a couple 4x4 photos to use to make your own custom coasters! MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM | JULY 16 Families are invited to join the Youth Services Department in the story circle as we celebrate all things summer! We’ll share stories, crafts, and more. INCREASING YOUR HOME’S VALUE | JULY 23 Join us as we welcome real estate expert and author Brian T. Wolf as he presents on economical and pragmatic ways to improve the value in your home. Brian will be selling books and a signing will follow the presentation. BEADING IN THE GARDEN | JULY 30 (Registration Required) Create your own unique beaded craft! Registration is required to attend, and there is a space limit of 15 attendees. Adults and teens 13 and up only please. Call the library to reserve your spot, or sign up at the Adult Services Desk. SECOND SUNDAYS AT THE KORTHAUER LOG HOUSE The Korthauer Log House (located at 900 W. Wood Street) will be open the second Sunday of every month from 2:00 to 4:00 pm with programs and themes focused around the lifestyles of families living in the Bensenville area in the 1840s and 1850s. JULY 12 | AMERICAN TIME TRAVELERS Start at the log house at 2:00 p.m. and learn about the Korthauer family and other immigrants to America. Then travel forward in time to the library to hear a presentation about researching your own family tree. The program at the library runs from 2:30 to 4:30 pm. Congrats Joan Baader on 46 Years of Library Service 4 AUGUST 9 | ANIMAL FARM Stop by the log house today and meet our animal visitors. Learn what it’s like to be a farmer while you feed the animals and harvest some vegetables. Kid-friendly, ages 6+. ROAMING THE COLLECTIONS: MODERN SCULPTURE OF THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO SUNDAY, JULY 19 @ 2:00 PM Explore some highlights of the Art Institute of Chicago’s collection of modern sculpture with Tom Jungerberg, Manager of Touring Programs and Resources at the Nasher Sculpture Center in Dallas. Presentation will feature an interactive discussion and a hands-on activity. BE NSE NVIL L E COMMU N ITY N EWS | JU LY / A U G U ST 2015 Based on the Book SUPER SMASH BROS. 3DS TOURNAMENT Join the Library the third Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm at the Bensenville Theater for a showing of our favorite films based on books. Admission to the show is free! THURSDAY, JULY 9 @ 3:30 PM Come out and join us for the library’s Super Smash Bros. 3DS Tournament! Each participate MUST BRING their own 3DS along with a copy of the Super Smash Bros. game itself. Compete in a four person battle, with winners advancing to the next stage of the tournament until there are no other challengers left standing! A prize will be awarded to the tournament champion. Registration is required to attend this program. To register, please contact the library. JULY 16 | Smoke Signals AUGUST 20 | Jesus’ Son Family Movie Night Join the library the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm at the Bensenville Theatre for a showing of our favorite family films. As part of our summer reading program, Every Hero Has a Story, each month we will feature the origin story of our favorite superheroes. Admission to the show is free. WRIGLEY FIELD—100 YEARS, 100 STORIES SUNDAY, JULY 12 @ 2:00 PM Join authors Dan Campana and Rob Carroll for a presentation on the 100 year history of iconic Wrigley Field. You don’t have to be a Cubs fan to appreciate the legacy of this ballpark. Book signing to follow the presentation. JULY 7 | Captain America: The First Avenger AUGUST 4 | Man of Steel NEW! Monday Morning Matinees ANIME MOVIE DAY THURSDAY, JULY 16 @ 2:30 PM Celebrate the art of Japanese animation at our Anime Movie Day. No registration required to attend. Snacks provided! Vote for the movie you want to watch at the Youth Services Desk! POKEMON GRAND SLAM TOURNAMENT THURSDAY, JULY 23 @ 3:30 PM Thought the Pokémon League was challenging? Test your skills at the library’s Pokémon Grand Slam Tournament! To participate you MUST BRING your own Nintendo 3DS or 2DS along with Pokémon X, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Omega Ruby, or Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. Battles will be two on two until the library’s Champion is defeated. Rules will be given at the event. A prize will be awarded to the tournament champion. Registration is required to attend this program. To register, please contact the library. TECH DIY WITH CHRIS SLOAN MONDAY, AUGUST 17 @ 7:00 PM Do you like to tinker? Do you feel like making something with your hands but don’t really know where to start? Try signing up for the first program in our DIY series. This activity in this program will focus on making a little flashlight out of an L.E.D., a battery, a resistor, and an old chapstick tube. Registration is required for this event, and space is limited to 10 participants. To register, call or stop in the library. BIOMETRIC SCREENING WORKSHOP Join the Hamdard Center’s Department of Health Education and Community Outreach for a free biometric screening workshop! Biometric screenings give valuable baseline health data that will help set goals and objectives for where you want your health to be. The FREE screening will include: height, weight, waist circumference, body mass index/body composition, cholesterol, glucose, and blood pressure. Following the screenings a brief presentation will be given about the importance of understanding your numbers and ways you can bring your numbers within a healthy range. L IF E L O N G LEA RN IN G JULY 6| Finding Nemo JULY 13 | Cinderella JULY 20 | The Lion King JULY 27 | Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs NEW! Foreign Language Film Series Join the Library the second Monday of the month at 7:00 pm at the Bensenville Theatre for our new Foreign Language Film Series! Free admission! All films will be presented in their native languages. Todas las peliculas estaranen sus lenguas nativas. Wszystkie filmy bedzie ich jezykach ojczystych. JULY 13 | Instructions Not Included / No Se Aceptan Devoluciones (Spanish) AUGUST 10 | In Darkness (Polish) SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 | 10:00 AM TO 2:00 PM A Join the library every Monday at 11:00 am at the Bensenville Theatre for Monday Morning Matinees. Each week we will feature a classic film your kids may have missed seeing on the big screen. Theatre opens at 10:30 am. Admission to the show is free! CO MMU N ITY 5 PARK PLAY FRIDAYS @ 10:30 A.M. THROUGH JULY 31 Children between the ages of 2 and 5-years-old are invited to join us on Fridays at 10:30 am for Park Play, the library’s outdoor playgroup. Each week the library will be at Sunset Park for an hour of outdoor play. Socialize with other parents and caregivers while your child enjoys sunshine, fresh air, as well as active, manipulative, and sensory play. Park Play will be relocated to the library’s meeting room in inclement weather. BENSENVILLE READS Coming September 2015 Join us on Wednesday, September 23 at 7:00 p.m. as we celebrate Bensenville Reads! Each year the Library selects a book to promote reading in the community, and invites the author to a Bensenville Reads celebration. This year we welcome author Cristina Henríquez as she discusses her book The Book of Unknown Americans. We chose to have this year’s Bensenville Reads in September to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. You can pick up a FREE copy of The Book of Unknown Americans starting in July (limited number of copies available). Copies of the book are also available for check out at the Library! Cristina Henríquez’s powerful novel captures readers with the quiet beauty of her characters and their profoundly wrought experiences as immigrants in America. The story takes place in a run-down apartment building in Delaware, home to nine families who arrived in the States from various South and Central American countries, each looking to better the lives of the next generation. In alternating chapters, these men and women share stories of how their adopted country has left its mark on them, for better and worse. With her cast of “unknown Americans,” Henriquez has crafted a novel that is inspiring, tragic, brave, and above all, unforgettable. 6 #BCPLSHELFIE CONTEST Take a photo of yourself somewhere in our library—in the stacks, reading a book, in the garden, at a program, etc.—and you could win a prize! Share your “SHELFIE” on social media with the hashtag #BCPLshelfie and you will be entered to win! Contest ends August 31! Have fun! SIGN UP FOR OUR eNEWSLETTER Want to stay up to date with the latest news and programs at the Bensenville Library? Sign up for our eNewsletter! You will receive approximately 2 newsletters per month in your inbox, filled with upcoming events, new resources and services, photos, and more! To sign up, stop by the Library or visit LITTLE FREE LIBRARY UNIVERSAL CLASS Be sure to keep an eye out for the new location of our Little Free Library! We’ll give you a hint: it is located near the pool in Bensenville! When you find it, please feel free to take a book at your leisure! Better yet, why not make a donation to the Little Free Library? We want to spread the joy of reading with the whole community. Please call the library with any questions about the Little Free Library. The Bensenville Library and Universal Class are happy to bring you over 500 classes to continue your education. There is something for everyone! Whether you are looking to boost your computer knowledge or want to take a fun course in Italian cooking, you can do so with Universal Class! This service is free with your Bensenville Library card! Visit our website or speak with a Librarian to sign up! COMPUTER CLASSES The library is proud to offer a variety of FREE technology classes for a range of skill levels. Space is limited in these classes—a reservation is required to attend! Call or stop by for more information or to sign up! Intro to Microsoft Word Thursday, July 2 @ 2:00 p.m. Monday, August 10 @ 6:00 p.m. Monday, August 24 @ 6:00 p.m. Intro to Microsoft Powerpoint Thursday, August 20 @ 2:00 p.m. Intro to Microsoft Excel Monday, August 3 @ 6:00 p.m. Intro to Microsoft Publisher Thursday, August 13 @ 10:00 a.m. Intro to Photoshop Elements Saturday, July 25 @ 12:00 p.m. Thursday, August 27 @ 10:00 a.m. BE NSE NVIL L E Photoshop Elements 2 Monday, July 27 @ 6:00 p.m. Monday, August 31 @ 6:00 p.m. Tablets, Smartphones, eReaders, and the Library: Learn About Our Digital Resources Thursday, July 16 @ 2:00 p.m. Using The Internet Thursday, July 9 @ 10:00 a.m. Thursday, August 6 @ 10:00 a.m. Microsoft Office Basics Monday, July 13 @ 6:00 p.m. Thursday, July 30 @ 10:00 a.m. CO MMU N ITY N EWS | JU LY / A U G U ST 2015 FENTON COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL FENTON NAMED TO THE U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT BEST HIGH SCHOOLS LIST FENTON COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL | District 100 1000 West Green Street Bensenville | Illinois 60106 630-766-2500 Mission Statement The mission of Fenton High School is educate and inspire each student to reach his/her fullest potential as a productive, lifelong learner and a responsible, respectful person by providing comprehensive, challenging, quality learning experiences in a supportive environment. Board of Education Mary Ribando | President David Vogel | Vice President Laura Wassinger | Secretary Nancy Gonzales | Susan Ralph David Shimanek | Paul Wedemann The District 100 Board of Education will hold its regular business meeting on Monday, August 24. District 100 meetings are held at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room at Fenton Community High School. Parents and community members are invited to attend. Administration Dr. Kathie Pierce | Superintendent Mr. James Ongtengco | Principal Ms. Jane Lawnicki Director of Business Operations Calendar Reminders Monday | August 31* First Day of School Monday | September 7 No School/Labor Day Thursday | September 17 Curriculum Night Friday | September 18 12:08 pm Dismissal/ School Improvement Day *Please note the later start date due to construction. Visit the Fenton website for complete calendar details. Summer Hours The Fenton Main Office and Business Office will be open Monday – Thursday 7:00 am – 3:30 pm and Friday 7:00 am – 1:00 pm. The hours will be in effect through August 28. @FentonHS Fenton High School has been named to the U.S. News and World Report Best High Schools list after receiving a Silver Medal designation based on student performance. The list ranks Fenton 80 out of 760 high schools in Illinois and nationally 2,062 out of over 21,000 schools. This distinction places Fenton in the top ten percent of high schools. For more information, visit the U.S. News and World Report website at and search for Fenton Chsd 100. Fenton High School Celebrates Upcoming Construction On Wednesday, May 20, Fenton High School held a groundbreaking ceremony to celebrate the school’s upcoming construction project. Despite the rain and cold, students, staff, parents and community members came to support the project. This is the first time since the summer of 1976 that major updates to the Fenton building have been implemented. The Fenton Band, under the direction of Garett George, kicked off the event playing several songs including the Fenton School Song. Speakers included Superintendent, Dr. Kathie Pierce, School Board President, Mary Ribando and Principal, Dr. Todd Leden. Tom Carrano, of IHC Construction Companies LLC, presented Fenton with an engraved shovel to commemorate the event. Refreshments were supplied by Wight & Company, the architect firm hired for the project. Village President Frank Soto and Mayor Nunzio Pulice were in attendance as were many officials from both Bensenville and Wood Dale including both Chambers of Commerce, libraries, park districts, police and fire. “We were so thrilled at the support we received from the community at our groundbreaking ceremony,” said School Board President Mary Ribando. This is an exciting time for the Fenton community and we want to be sure to share it with everyone.” The construction project will include a new main entrance, renovations to the media center and expansion to the student common area and student service center. The renovations are expected to be completed by January, 2016. Construction at the school began school on June 1. Please visit the Fenton website for construction updates. Pictured from left: Todd Leden, Nunzio Pulice, Susan Ralph, Jane Lawnicki, Blake Brodie, Mary Ribando, David Vogel, Laura Wassinger, Paul Wedemann, Kathie Pierce and David Shimanek. A L IF E L ONG LEA RN IN G CO MMU N ITY School Board President, Mary Ribando with Bensenville’s Village President, Frank Soto. 7 go to FENTON HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 100 SCHOOL BOARD NEWS On Monday, April 27, the District 100 Board of Education held its annual reorganization meeting. Newly elected board member, Paul Wedemann and re-elected board member, Laura Wassinger were sworn in for a four year term. In addition, the group unanimously voted to keep current board positions: President, Mary Ribando, Vice President, David Vogel, and Secretary, Laura Wassinger. Susan Ralph and David Shimanek remain as Board members. Mr. Shimanek was appointed to the Board on February 23 after the resignation of Thomas Lawler. Mr. Shimanek previously served on the Board from 2009 - 2013. After the April election, a vacancy remained. Candidate interviews were conducted by the Board and the appointment of Nancy Gonzales was approved on May 18. Visit the Fenton website to read more information about the Fenton Board of Education. Fenton Community High School and the District 100 Board of Education would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to outgoing board members, Dorothy Lange and David Sbertoli. Their years of service on the Board has left a lasting legacy of educating and inspiring every Fenton student. The 2015 – 2016 Fenton Community High School District 100 Board of Education: From left sitting: Susan Ralph, Laura Wassinger, (secretary), Mary Ribando (president) and Nancy Gonzales. From left standing, Paul Wedemann, David Vogel (vice president) and David Shimanek Class of 2015 Outstanding Volunteer Awards Pictured are the top three volunteers from the Class of 2015. Awards were presented to Renee Wesley (Gold Award), Wiktor Witkowski (Silver Award) and Alexandra Wheeler (BronzeAward) during Fenton’s National Honor Society Awards night. Dorothy Lange David Sbertoli Village of Bensenville’s Arbor Day Dedication to Principal Leden On Tuesday, April 28, the Village of Bensenville celebrated Arbor Day by planting a tree on the Fenton campus to honor Principal Todd Leden. The dedication ceremony was led by Fenton School Board President, Mary Ribando. Fenton staff joined in the celebration and surprise for Dr. Leden. Dr. Leden is pictured with Superintendent, Dr. Kathie Pierce, School Board President, Mary Ribando and Bensenville Director of Public Works, Joe Caracci. Fenton High School would like to thank the Village of Bensenville for the tree and SignWorks, Inc of Bensenville for donating the commemorative banner. 8 BE NSE NVIL L E CO MMU N ITY N EWS | JU LY / A U G U ST 2015 CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF 2015! On Sunday, May 17, Fenton High School held commencement exercises for 378 seniors. A photo album is posted to the Fenton Facebook Page. Fenton Scholar addresses were delivered by Alexandria Kania and Joshua Jalowiec. The Fenton Scholar Addresses are posted on the Fenton website at Dr. Kathie Pierce announced that the Class of 2015 set a new school record by completing 22,064.5 hours of community service. Class of 2015 Community Scholarships Fenton High School truly appreciates the continued support of our local organizations and businesses. It is through their efforts that many Fenton students have additional resources to pursue their dreams. Fenton Education Association Scholarship Valerie Andrews | Milanka Vasilic Bensenville Rotary Club Scholarship Valerie Andrews | Griffin Idelman | Olivia Kolodziej Wiktor Witkowski Robert Varney Memorial Scholarship Dariel Chaidez Bensenville Rotary Club Alf Logan Scholarship Joshua Jalowiec State Farm Scholarship Abraham Ghanimah Joshua D. School Memorial Scholarship Alexandra Wheeler Fenton High School Music Booster Scholarship Suzanne Lange | Madison Martin | Morgan Martin Emma Wilkin Bensenville Lions Club Scholarship Emma Wilkin Fenton High School Athletic Booster Scholarship David Aiden | Kurtis Ames | Jeremy Biagi | Dana Fritz Griffin Idelman | Elizabeth Janovsky | Thomas Larsen Haily Stillabower Wood Dale Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Abraham Ghanimah | Erwin Lavric | Sara Pattison Irving Virgen | Renee Wesley | Benjamin Wolf Wood Dale Lions Club Scholarship Lisa Dubin | Ben Wolf Bison Booster Academic Award Joshua Jalowiec | Sara Pattison Dennis Knowles Memorial Scholarship Kelly Blecke | Haily Stillabower Students for Students Scholarship Monika Gurdak | Alexandria Kania | Crystal Medrano Laura Sanchez Zarco Russell B. Dahl Love for Laces Memorial Scholarship Axel Nava-Galeana 2015 Fenton High School District 100 Fenton Scholars Fenton High School is proud to announce the 2015 Fenton Scholars. This elite group of students finished their high school careers in the top 5% of the Fenton High School Class of 2015. The Fenton Scholars are listed below with the school each student will be attending in the fall. Daniel Azim | DePaul University Dillon Brown | United States Naval Academy Sebastian Dobon | Northwestern University Abraham Ghanimah | Cornell University Magdalena Glinska | UIC Joshua Jalowiec | Air Force Academy Alexandra Kania | Purdue University Emily Mamrak | Grinnell College Madison Martin | Loyola University Chicago Morgan Martin | Elmhurst College Catherine Mojsiewicz Illinois Wesleyan University Madison Ohrn | Ohio State University Sara Pattison | University of Illinois Leonel Rodriguez, Jr. | University of Illinois Laura Sanchez Zarco | Monmouth College Kirk Schimpf, Jr. Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Jessica Schlotfeldt Elmhurst College and Midwestern University Kylie Taylor | College of DuPage Milanka Vasilic | DePaul University Alexandra Wheeler | Loyola University Chicago Emma Wilkin | College of DuPage Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship Sebastian Dobon Bensenville Chamber of Commerce Scholarship David Rivera Department Awards Each year, Fenton faculty members select a student (s) who exemplifies the very best of each department. Applied Technology Edgar Chavez | Sierra Strandberg Family and Consumer Science Renee Wesley Social Studies Lisa Dubin Art Sarah Balog Mathematics Sebastian Dobon | Sara Pattison World Languages Milanka Vasilic Business Victor Sanchez Music Band: Morgan Martin Choir: Catherine Mojsiewicz ESL/Bilingual Stacy Aduna Drama Kurtis Ames | Catherine Mojsiewicz English Lowery Award Joshua Jalowiec | Alexandria Kania Physical Education Valerie Andrews Science Sebastian Dobon A L IF E L ONG Fenton Students Pursuing Military Careers with Honors Dillon Brown United States Naval Academy Joshua Jalowiec United States Air Force Academy LEA RN IN G CO MMU N ITY Joshua Jalowiec with his mother, retired Major Patty Jalowiec, United States Naval Academy. Joshua’s Mom presented him with his scholarship during the Fenton Honor Assembly in May. 9 go to LIVE! AT WHITE PINES, THE CONCERT SERIES Deer Grove Leisure Center Administrative Office 1000 West Wood Street Bensenville | Illinois 60106 630 766 7015 White Pines Golf Club & Banquets 500 West Jefferson Street Bensenville | Illinois 60106 630 766 0304 Bensenville Water Park & Splash Pad 1100 West Wood Street Bensenville, Illinois 60106 630 766 SWIM Fischer Farm 16W680 Grand Avenue Bensenville | Illinois 60106 630 834 3152 Join us this summer on the 4th Friday of every month. Bands will perform on the patio of 37 Bar & Grill from 7:30 to 10:30 pm; arrive early to get a good seat! Our July concert features the R&B and Latin sounds of Joe Rendon & Friends. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. More information and the concert series line-up is available at ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION AND STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM WORK DATES Hundreds of hands for preservation! The Bensenville Park District has committed to the development of an Ecological Restoration and Stewardship Plan to restore and maintain the natural park areas and preserve our natural heritage throughout the District. There are work days that are scheduled for July 11 and August 29 and we hope to see you there. Participation can prove to be very informational and rewarding for adults as well as children. For more information about volunteer opportunities at the Bensenville Park District, contact Mary Wagner 630.766.7015, Ext. 2014 or RED, WHITE & BLUE | JOHN KURTZ 5K RUN/WALK SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 | KICK-OFF 8AM | PINES PARK, 531 SOUTH CHURCH ROAD, BENSENVILLE Come on out and help us honor our veterans in this fun 5K run/walk. We will have performance shirts, entertainment, refreshments, and prizes for top finishers immediately following the race. The Red, White & Blue 5K is presented by Bensenville Park District and Village of Bensenville. Registration options and details are available at Board of Commissioners John Wassinger | President Rich Johnson | Vice President Jim Geils | Treasurer Val Karg | Commissioner Tom Earley | Commissioner BENSENVILLE WATER PARK & SPLASH PAD SEASON | The Bensenville Water Park closes on August 23, but the Splash Pad will reopen for weekends through September 7 and Labor Day for an extended summer season. Splash Pad hours will be 11am - 6 pm. Executive Director Rick Robbins SWIM LESSONS | The Bensenville Park District’s Learn to Swim Program emphasizes improving swimming ability, increasing confidence and water safety under the instruction of competent, experienced teachers. Group and private swim lessons are available weekdays and weekend for beginners to advance swimmers. Visit for the days and times offered. Please register at Deer Grove Leisure Center. BIRTHDAY PARTIES AND RENTALS | Water Park & Splash Pad parties and rentals can be booked during the Water Park season. Concession stand and party packages are available for corporate and social events. For details and reservations, please call 630-766-7015, ext. 2003. 10 BE NSE NVIL L E CO MMU N ITY N EWS | JU LY / A U G U ST 2015 FULL TIME SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM (AGES 6-15) Join us for JUNE 8 – AUGUST 21 | 9AM – 3PM (NO CAMPS JULY 3) Ages 6-10 will enjoy either Adventure or Sports Camp Ages 6-12 can discover the past at Fischer Farm’s Time Travelers Camp (July 6-17) Ages 11-15 will like the variety of activities offered at Teen Camp SPORTS! Bensenville Park District is currently taking registrations for their 2015 Summer Camp Program. Parents are able to add before and after care service and pick and choose their camp days each time they register. The Bensenville Park District Day Camp Program offers children the ability to spend their camp day having fun at the Bensenville Water Park and Splash Pad, going on field trips, and socializing with old and new friends while participating in a variety of fun activities. In addition to the full time camps, the Park District also offers a Kiddie Camp for children ages 3-5 and a variety of athletic camps. Information and rates are indicated in the Bensenville Park District Program Guide and at MOVIES IN THE PARK Free event! Includes complimentary popcorn! One bag per person, while supplies last. Movies begin at dusk. THE LEGO MOVIE | FRIDAY, JULY 10 | DIORIO FIELD MONSTERS UNIVERSITY | FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 | VETERANS PARK Open for lunch and dinner HDTV’s for game viewing Craft beers on tap & bottles TRY OUT OUR NEW MENU! RADIO DAYS AT FISCHER FARM JULY 24 | 6:30-8PM Free event! Do you remember the antics of Fibber McGee and Molly? How about Little Orphan Annie? The spine-tingling mysteries solved by Sherlock Holmes? Join us at Fischer Farm for an evening of memories from the golden age of radio. Steve Darnall, host of Those Were the Days on WDCB and editor of Nostalgia Digest, will take us back to yesteryear. Get reacquainted or introduced for the first time to the radio shows of the 1930s and 1940s, and the stars that made them famous. Come on out to this fun and informative event at Fischer Farm. YOUTH AND FAMILY FITNESS The Bensenville Park District offers many classes and programs to keep kids and families active. Children will enjoy our Athletic Camps and Programs while adults can get in shape at the Fitness Center or join any of our Group Fitness classes. Make sure to check our seasonal program guide and website for all the fitness classes and programs offered this summer. A L IF E L O N G LEA RN IN G CO MMU N ITY Visit for coupons and menu 11 SCHOOL DISTRICT 2 8TH GRADE HONOR STUDENTS Congratulations to Blackhawk Middle School 8th Graders recognized for their accomplishments as leaders of their class and in our community. BENSENVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DISTRICT 2 210 South Church Road Bensenville | Illinois 60106 630 766 5940 Board of Education Robert F. “Bob” Laudadio | President Kathie Bossier | Vice President Jorge Sanchez | Treasurer Donna Prunotto | Secretary Katie Krajecki Nancy Quinn Matthew Vassar Administration Dr. James Stelter | Superintendent Dr. Kay Dugan Assistant Superintendent for Learning Paul Novack | Chief Financial Officer Jodi Arvis Director of English Language Learning Leah Gauthier Director of Instructional Services Juliann Greene Director of Special Education Margaret Ryan Director of Instructional Technology DIRECTORY OF SCHOOLS Blackhawk Middle School 630 766 2601 Perry Finch | Co-Principal Sarah Humboldt | Co-Principal Jeffrey Kersten | Assistant Principal W.A. Johnson School 630 766 2605 Missy Baglarz | Co-Principal Jason Smith | Co-Principal Tioga School 630 766 2602 Frank Kuzniewski | Co-Principal Nicole Robinson | Co-Principal 12 TEAM AWARDS | JULIA RIHANI, BRANDON ARIAS, AMIN SALEH, CHRISTOPHER KOVICH, ANA VERA, EDUARDO ACOSTA, ABIGAIL MATHEW AND LITZY PONCE This award is presented to students who are a positive role model, demonstrate academic excellence, exemplify perseverance, positive attitude, exhibit leadership, and are involved in the school through extra-curricular activities. HAWKS RECOGNITION | DIOSCELIN SAENZ AND KIRBY O’DONNELL This award is presented to students who demonstrated exceptional service and character. PRINCIPAL’S AWARD | JENNY MARIN AND MATTHEW SANTORE This award is presented to students who are flexible, a positive role model, respected by both teachers and students, respectful, hard-working. SERVICE ABOVE SELF AWARD | JENNY MARIN AND FABIAN PEREZ This award is sponsored by the Bensenville Rotary Club to students who exhibit community service, citizenship, leadership, scholarship, and dependability. FENTON AWARD | MONIKA NEVAREZ AND PAUL GARCIA This award is sponsored by the Lions Club to students who exhibit leadership, citizenship, scholarship, dependability, and cooperation. BENSENVILLE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION AWARD | BELEM OSEGUERA This award is sponsored by the Bensenville Education Association to a student who demonstrates high academic achievement, citizenship, responsibility, and attendance in District #2 schools for at least three years. BLACKHAWK MEMORIAL AWARD | JENNY MARIN AND DORIS ANTON This award is sponsored by the faculty of Blackhawk Middle School to honor the memory of teachers who passed away while in service to Blackhawk and presented to students who show respect for adults, peers, and property, excels in academics, participates in school activities and/or athletics, and attends school and school related activities on a regular basis. TIOGA’S 5TH GRADE READING BUDDIES AT BRIDGEWAY Bridgeway residents and Mrs. Opielowski 5th grade students met one last time this year for refreshments and presentations. Approximately 17 residents who participated this year in the Reading Buddies program from Bridgeway had to say good bye to students who will no longer be in the program. This program was originally started by a fellow teacher, but Mrs. Opielowski has continued the program going on their 9th year. The residents at Bridgeway absolutely love the kids, they love sharing memories, pictures, and conversations and most importantly, they love reading. We want to thank Embassy/Double Tree Hotel for providing refreshments for this event. BE NSE NVIL L E CO MMU N ITY N EWS | JU LY / A U G U ST 2015 VOLUNTEER WITH PROJECT CARE PLUS The Project CARE Plus program (Citizens Active in Reading Education Plus other subject areas) is an academic mentoring program that has been in existence since 1996 and assists the district 2 students with their classroom learning. This year, approximately 300 volunteers gave the children 6,000 hours of educational support and self-confidence. A C.A.R.E. Volunteer/Mentor may come in one day a week for an hour to work in one of our schools. They can assist small groups or work one-on-one with reading (including language fluency), writing or math. Registration & Welcoming Day If you are interested in helping to make a difference in the lives of children or would like more information, please contact: W.A. JOHNSON SCHOOL | Lara Schwarz and Sue Vitale 630.766.2605, option 5 TIOGA SCHOOL | Lisa Simoncelli and Laura Butz 630.766.2602, option 4 BLACKHAWK MIDDLE SCHOOL | Project CARE desk 630.766.2601 Registration and Welcome Day will be held duing the second week of August. More infomraion will be sent to homes once the dates are final . VISITING NURSE ASSOCIATION TO BE IN BENSENVILLE The VNA Mobile Health Clinic will be at Tioga School, 212 W. Memorial Road, Bensenville on Thursday, August 13 from 1 p.m. – 7 p.m. and Friday, August 14 from 9 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. to provide immunizations and physicals to Bensenville School District 2 students. Please contact Rosie Garcia at the District office 630-766-5940 x 1100 to set up an appointment. Please note that it is mandatory that you bring your child’s immunization health record for services to be rendered. Walk-ins are welcomed. The VNA accepts all patients regardless of the ability to pay for services. LA ASOCIACIÓN DE ENFERMERAS (VNA) VISITARÁ NUESTRO DISTRITO La VNA estará en la Escuela Tioga, 212 W. Memorial Road en Bensenville el jueves 13 de agosto de 1-7pm y viernes, 14 de agosto de 9-3pm para proporcionar vacunas y exámenes físicos a estudiantes del Distrito Escolar de Bensenville 2. El VNA traerá su clínica de salud móvil, un consultorio médico sobre ruedas. Por favor de contactar a Rosie Garcia al (630) 766-5940 si gusta hacer una cita. Tengan en cuenta que es obligatorio traer la tarjeta de vacunación de su hijo/a. También se aceptan personas sin citas ese día. La VNA acepta todo tipo de pacientes aunque no puedan pagar por los servicios. • BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS July 15th and August 19th. August 5th Committee of Whole meeting. • REGISTRATION DAY August 11th & 12th • VNA MOBILE HEALTH CLINIC August 13th & 14th • FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL IN 2015/16 Monday, August 24th BSD2 NEWLY TENURED TEACHERS Newly tenured teachers are congratulated by the Board of Education, Robert Laudadio, Kathie Bossier, Jorge Sanchez, Donna Prunotto, Matthew Vassar, Katie Krajecki, Nancy Quinn, Superintendent, Dr. James Stelter and Assistant Superintendent for Learning Dr. Kay Dugan at the May 20th Board meeting. Congratulations to the teachers who were awarded tenure this year by the Board of Education after successfully teaching four consecutive years in District 2. A L IF E L ONG LEA RN IN G CO MMU N ITY TIOGA SCHOOL | Concetta Caringella, Lizzeth Fausto, Tamara Lieb and Ashley Liss W. A. JOHNSON SCHOOL | Jaimie Zulkowski 13 BENSENVILLE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT BENSENVILLE Fireworks Safety Bensenville Fire Protection District ISO Class 2 500 South York Road Bensenville | Illinois 60106 Chief Michael Spain Phone 630 594 1184 Cell 708 935 7198 Services CPR Child Safety Seat Checks Professional Fire Academy Citizens Fire Academy Safety Seminars Fireworks are often used to mark special events and holidays. However, they are not safe in the hands of consumers. Fireworks cause thousands of burns and eye injuries each year. People can enjoy fireworks safely if they follow a few simple safety tips: Consumer fireworks BE CAREFUL! KKK Be safe. If you want to see fireworks, go to a public show put on by experts. KKK Do not use consumer fireworks. KKK Keep a close eye on children at events where fireworks are used. 1200 °F NFPA is opposed to consumer use of fireworks. This includes sparklers and firecrackers. Even sparklers burn hot enough to cause third-degree burns. Sparklers 1100 °F 1000 °F 900 °F How HOT does a sparkler burn? Glass melts at 900 °F 800 °F 700 °F 600 °F Wood burns at 575 °F 500 °F 400 °F 300 °F 200 °F Cakes bake at 350 °F • • FACTS ! In 2011, almost 18,000 fires were caused by fireworks. ! Sparklers cause 16% of fireworks injuries. Water boils at 212 °F 100 °F 0 °F Your Source for SAFETY Information NFPA Public Education Division • 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169 14 BE NSE NVIL L E CO MMU N ITY N EWS | JU LY / A U G U ST 2015 FRIDAY SATURDAY BCPL Super STEAM, 10:30am French Market 4:30-8:30 Downtown Bensenville BPD Board Meeting, Committee of the Whole, 5:30pm, DGLC BCPL Microsoft Word, 10am BCPL Growing Readers, 10:30a BCPL Art Smart, 1- 3pm BCPL Scrabble Club, 6:30pm BCPL Latin Jazz and Tapas, 7pm BESD2 Last day of Summer School Hot Topics & Hot Coffee 9:30-10:30am, DGLC BCPL Park Play, 10:30am LIBRARY CLOSED 4th of July Parade, 10am Libertyfest Redmond Park Fireworks 9:30 pm BCPL Tales for Tots, 10:30am BCPL LEGO Club, 1- 3pm BCPL Family Movie Night, 7pm BV Theatre BCPL Quilters, 7pm Senior Citizen Luncheon 11am, Monty’s Aqua Aerobics begins (Tues & Thur) 10:30-11:15am, Water Park BCPL Super STEAM, 10:30am Music in the Park & French Market BCPL Using the Internet, 10am BCPL Growing Readers, 10:30am BCPL Art Smart, 1- 3pm BCPL Super Smash Bros. Tournament, 3:30pm BCPL Chess Club, 6:30pm BCPL DIY Tile Photo Coasters, 7pm Aqua Zumba begins (Thursdays) 7:15pm, Water Park BCPL Park Play, 10:30am Movies in the Park The Lego Movie Dusk, DiOrio Park BCPL Creative Creatures, all day BCPL Saturday Builders, 2-4pm BCPL Books & Babies, 10:30am BCPL Morning Matinee, 11am BV Theatre BCPL Photoshop Elements 2, 6pm 27 26 BE NS ENVILLE 28 BCPL Tales for Tots, 10:30am BCPL LEGO Club, 1-3pm 29 N EWS BCPL Super STEAM, 10:30am Music in the Park & French Market 22 BCPL Super STEAM, 10:30am Music in the Park & French Market | BCPL Super STEAM, 10:30am Music in the Park & French Market BESD2 Board of Education Meeting, 7pm BPD Board Meeting, 5:30pm, DGLC CO MMU N ITY 21 BCPL Tales for Tots, 10:30am BCPL LEGO Club, 1-3pm BCPL Quilters, 7pm 20 BCPL Books & Babies, 10:30am BCPL Morning Matinee, 11am BV Theatre BCPL Library Board Meeting, 7:30pm CDC Mtg 6:30pm, VH BCPL Tales for Tots, 10:30am BCPL LEGO Club, 1- 3pm Village Comm Mtgs 6pm, VH Village Bd of Trustees Mtg 6:30pm, VH BCPL Books & Babies, 10:30am BCPL Morning Matinee, 11am BV Theatre BCPL Microsoft Office Basics, 6pm BCPL Foreign Language Film Series, 7pm Swim Lessons Begin | Session III, Water Park BCPL Modern Sculpture of the AIC, 2pm 19 BCPL Wrigley Field 100 Years, 2pm BCPL American Time Travelers, 2pm Log House/2:30pm Library JU LY/A U G US T 30 2015 BCPL Microsoft Office Basics, 10am BCPL Growing Readers, 10:30am BCPL Art Smart, 1:00 – 3:00pm BCPL Beading in the Garden, 7pm 23 BCPL Growing Readers, 10:30am BCPL Art Smart, 1-3pm BCPL Pokemon Grand Slam Tournament, 3:30pm BCPL Increasing Your Home’s Value, 7pm BCPL Growing Readers, 10:30am BCPL Art Smart, 1- 3pm BCPL Anime Movie Day, 2:30pm BCPL Tablets, Smartphones, eReaders, 2pm BCPL Based on the Book, 7pm BV Theatre BCPL Midsummer Night’s Dream, 7pm Lunch Bunch Indoor Picnic,11:30am-3pm BCPL Park Play, 10:30am 31 BCPL Park Play, 10:30am Concert Series | Joe Rendon 7:30-10:30pm, 37 Bar & Grill Radio Days, 6:30-8pm, Fischer Farm 24 BCPL Park Play, 10:30am BCPL Creative Creatures, all day BCPL Saturday Builders, 2-4pm BCPL Photoshop Elements, 12pm 25 BCPL Creative Creatures, all day BCPL Saturday Builders, 2-4pm 12 131415161718 BCPL Books & Babies, 10:30am BCPL Morning Matinee, 11am BV Theatre BCPL Microsoft Excel, 6pm CDC Mtg 6:30pm, VH 5 678910 11 RED, WHITE & BLUE | JOHN KURTZ 5K RUN/WALK Saturday, August 1 | 8am | Pines Park Come on out and help us honor our veterans in this fun 5K run/walk. Registration options and details are available at 1234 THURSDAY WEDNESDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 2015 SUNDAY JULY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY BCPL Microsoft Word, 6pm BCPL Foreign Language Film Series, 7pm BESD2 5th Grade Beginning Band Camp (5 Band) 9am-12pm BESD2 6th-8th Grade Band Camp (6-8 Band) 12:30pm-3:30pm Music in the Park & French Market BESD2 5th Grade Beginning Band Camp (5 Band) 9am-12pm BESD2 6th-8th Grade Band Camp (6-8 Band) 12:30pm-3:30pm 12 5 Music in the Park & French Market BESD2 Committee of Whole Meeting BPD Board Meeting, Committee of the Whole, 5:30pm, DGLC BCPL Microsoft Publisher, 10am BCPL Chess Club, 6:30pm BESD2 5th Grade Beginning Band Camp (5 Band) 9am-12pm BESD2 6th-8th Grade Band Camp (6-8 Band) 12:30pm-3:30pm BESD2 VNA Mobile Health Clinic at Tioga School 1-7pm Hawaiian Luau, 5:30-7:30pm, Water Park 13 6 BCPL Using the Internet, 10am BCPL Scrabble Club, 6:30pm Hot Topics & Hot Coffee, 9:30-10:30am, DGLC LIBRARY CLOSED BESD2 5th Grade Beginning Band Camp (5 Band) 9am-12pm BESD2 6th-8th Grade Band Camp (6-8 Band) 12:30pm-3:30pm BESD2 VNA Mobile Health Clinic at Tioga School 9-3pm Movies in the Park Monsters U Dusk Redmond Band Shell 14 7 BCPL Creative Creatures, all day BCPL Saturday Builders, 2-4pm BESD2 Saturday Band Camp trip to Six Flags (6-8 Band) All Day 15 BCPL Creative Creatures, all day BCPL Saturday Builders, 2-4pm 8 BCPL Creative Creatures, all day BCPL Saturday Builders, 2-4pm Red, White & Blue 5k Run/Walk 8am, Pines Park 30 23 BCPL Photoshop Elements 2, 6pm FHS First Day of School 31 B EN SE NVILLE CO MMU N ITY N EWS 26 Music in the Park & French Market 25 Village Comm Mtgs 6pm, VH Village Bd of Trustees Mtg 6:30pm, VH | Music in the Park & French Market BESD2 Board of Education Meeting, 7pm BPD Board Meeting, 5:30pm, DGLC BCPL Microsoft Word, 6pm BCPL Quilters, 7pm Village Comm Mtgs 6:00pm, VH 24 BCPL Tech DIY with Chris Sloan, 7pm BCPL Library Board Meeting, 7:30pm CDC Mtg 6:30pm, VH JU LY/A U G U ST 2015 BCPL Photoshop Elements, 10am 27 BCPL Microsoft PowerPoint, 2pm BCPL Based on the Book, 7pm BV Theatre Concert Series | Model Stranger 7:30-10:30pm, 37 Bar & Grill 28 Lunch Bunch Bingo BBQ, 11:30am-3pm BCPL Biometric Screening Workshop, 10am -2pm BCPL Creative Creatures, all day BCPL Saturday Builders, 2-4pm Splash Pad reopens for weekends, 11am, Water Park 29 BCPL Creative Creatures, all day BCPL Saturday Builders, 2-4pm 16 171819202122 11 Village Comm Mtgs 6pm, VH Village Bd of Trustees Mtg 6:30pm, VH BESD2 5th Grade Beginning Band Camp (5 Band) 9am-12pm BESD2 6th-8th Grade Band Camp (6-8 Band) 12:30pm-3:30pm 10 9 BCPL Second Sundays Animal Farm, 2-4pm Log House 4 BCPL Family Movie Night, 7pm BV Theatre BCPL Quilters, 7pm Senior Citizen Luncheon 11am, Monty’s 3 BCPL Microsoft Excel, 6pm CDC Mtg 6:30pm, VH 2 #BCPLSHELFIE CONTEST Take a photo of yourself somewhere in our library—in the stacks, reading a book, in the garden, at a program, etc.—and you could win a prize! Share your SHELFIE on social media with the hashtag #BCPLshelfie and you will be entered to win! Contest ends August 31! Have fun! 1 SUNDAY 2015 AUGUST
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