January 2016, Volume 18, Issue 1 Editors: John & Ruth Ann Ronchetti 1025 Pine Knolls Rd. Kernersville, NC 27284 Phone: (336) 996-5125 Fax: (336) 996-5253 E-Mail: j_ronchetti@usa.net ra_ronchetti@usa.net January Meeting – Olympic Restaurant – Kernersville th AACA’s Old Salem Chapter monthly meeting will be Tuesday, Jan. 19 at The Olympic Restaurant, 1541 W. Mountain St., in Kernersville. Dinner starts at 6:00 PM and the business part of the meeting will start at 7:00 PM. Don’t forget to invite and/or bring your antique/classic vehicle friend(s) with you for a fun evening! See ‘ya Tuesday for some great food, fun, and fellowship! Message from the President Happy New Year to all of you! Special Interest Articles: Message from the President Don't Forget Car Events Schedule Attention Personal Notes Breaking News Birthdays & Anniversaries OSC Potluck/Movie Night First Outing of the Year Yadkin Winter Reds Event How Many Vintage Cars … Winter Adventure: … Website Ads Shirt Order Form Jacket Order Form I hope you are all ready to begin our activities for 2016. I met with the Chamber of Commerce on January 5, 2016 and both Chris and Janel expressed their appreciation to the Old Salem Chapter for bringing people to downtown Kernersville. They also stated that the Chamber would continue their sponsorship of $150.00 monthly for 2016. I expressed our appreciation for their sponsorship. I feel that we have their support. I also met with Captain Summers (replacement for Captain Bowman) and he informed me that he had met with Captain Bowman, who stated that there were no problems at all with our Downtown Cruise-In. Therefore, he had no intention of changing anything. He and I will sign a new contract for the hourly rate of $25.00 for one police officer (from 12 Noon until 3 PM) and two officers from 3:00 - 7:00 PM. I informed them all that I would request to appear before the Board of Alderman during the February meeting. In my conversation with Dawn Morgan, I made this request and she has passed it on to the Board of Alderman. I have already provided the Chamber and Town Hall with the Certificates of Insurance for 2016. I look forward to seeing all of you at our January meeting Thanks, Ron On the Web: National: www.AACA.org NC Region: www.ncregionaaca.com/region/ Old Salem Chapter: www.ncregionaaca.com/oldsalem OSC Facebook: www.facebook.com/ Old.Salem.AACA Don’t forget … Bring SOUP and/or MONETARY DONATIONS for Second Harvest AND ALUMINUM CANS to our meeting! Also … bring your OLD CAR MAGAZINES, too, for the prison ministry collection! Let John Ronchetti know if you have ALUMINUM CANS or CAR MAGAZINES … and bring the FOOD DONATIONS inside with you! THANKS! 1 Car Events Schedule – Mark your Calendar! Jan 16 Jan 17 Jan 19 Jan 23 Jan 24 NC Region Business Meeting, Ramada Inn, Burlington, 8 am – 4 pm Let's Talk Cars, 1628 S. Main St., Kagan's Furniture, High Point, 1 pm until OSC Monthly Meeting, Olympic Restaurant, 1541 W. Mountain St., K'ville, 6 pm OSC Potluck/Movie Night at Clarence Lambe's Garage, 149 S. Main St, K'ville, 5 pm Let's Talk Cars, 1628 S. Main St., Kagan's Furniture, High Point, 1 pm until Jan 31 Feb 5 Let's Talk Cars, 1628 S. Main St., Kagan's Furniture, High Point, 1 pm until OSC Outing – Winston-Salem Journal, Mast General Store, 10:30 am Feb 7 Let's Talk Cars, 1628 S. Main St., Kagan's Furniture, High Point, 1 pm until Feb 14 Let's Talk Cars, 1628 S. Main St., Kagan's Furniture, High Point, 1 pm until Feb 16 OSC Monthly Meeting, Olympic Restaurant, 1541 W. Mountain St., K'ville, 6 pm Feb 21 Let's Talk Cars, 1628 S. Main St., Kagan's Furniture, High Point, 1 pm until Feb 27 Yadkin Winter Reds Food & Pairing, Noon – 5 pm, $20/person, contact Ruth Ann ATTENTION !! NEW YEAR ... NEW ACTIVITIES! I sure could use your help with this year's OSC Outings! I am running out of ideas for our activities and would love for us to continue to keep them new and fresh! Is there somewhere you have been wanting to go to and didn't want to go by yourselves? Anyone have some ideas on where to go or want to volunteer for an Outing? DON'T KEEP IT A SECRET! PLEASE LET ME KNOW at ra_ronchetti@usa.net OR 336-817-6553. Personal Notes Prayers are needed for Jimmy Hailey (and Pat) for his continuing recovery from his recent hospitalization. Breaking News … We now have a new person to handle the shirts, jackets, and hats. Jimmy Hailey has asked us to find someone to take over this position and Ken Byrd has graciously volunteered. Thank you, Ken! Steve Gilbert – Jan 22nd Karen Meyers – Jan 23rd Ericia Mercer – Jan 29th Darlene Crutchfield – Feb 1st George Frye – Feb 5th Jonathan Foley – Feb 10th Kat & Mike Riegleman – Feb 12th 2 OSC Potluck / Movie Night ... Come One, Come All! On Saturday, January 23rd, our OSC will have our first gathering of the year ... our "season opener." It will be a Potluck / Movie Night showing an oldie but goodie, the comedic movie, "The Great Race." This movie is great fun, one that I think we will all enjoy! "When a popular daredevil proposes an automobile race across three continents, his arch rival vows to beat him, while an ambitious female reporter has her own plans for victory." Jack Lemmon Tony Curtis Natalie Wood Peter Falk Keenan Wynn Arthur O'Connell Vivian Vance Dorothy Provine Larry Storch Professor Fate The Great Leslie Maggie DuBois Max Hezekiah Henry Goodbody Hester Goodbody Lily Olay Texas Jack Clarence Lambe has been gracious to give us the use of his garage for our movie night again, 149 S. Main St., Kernersville (behind the Harmon-Lambe Event Center). Sooo ... starting at 5:00 pm, bring your Potluck to share and be ready for an evening of fun! PLEASE RSVP RUTH ANN AT ra_ronchetti@usa.net ... OR ... (336) 817-6553 ASAP! *************************************************************************************** OSC's First Outing of the Year On Friday, February 5th, our OSC will be going on our first club Outing of the year. First, we will be going to the Winston-Salem Journal, 418 N. Marshall Street, Winston-Salem, for a tour of their newspaper printing process, arriving at 10:30 am. This should be interesting; I have always wanted to see what this was like. After our tour there, we will go to Sweet Potatoes Restaurant for lunch at 529 NW Trade Street in Winston-Salem. I have heard really good things about this restaurant and how great the food is ... sooo ... I guess we will find out. Then after lunch, within a very short walking distance, is the new Mast General Store at 516 N Trade Street, an old timey General Store with all kinds of goodies. Winston-Salem is very fortunate to have been able to get one of these here; they are very unique and fun to find the unusual. PLEASE RSVP Ruth Ann Ronchetti ASAP at ra_ronchetti@usa.net OR (336) 817-6553 for your attendance 3 Yadkin Winter Reds Event Saturday, February 27, 2016 Hours will be Noon to 5:00 p.m. Come visit Yadkin County and enjoy the Seventh Annual Yadkin Winter Reds Event sponsored by the Town of Yadkinville and Yadkin County Tourism Development Authorities. Yadkin Winter Reds Event 2016 will feature 5 wineries in February. The wineries will feature their "Winter Red" (2 oz. pour) paired with a 4 oz. serving of a tasty food item. Ticket Prices are $20.00 per person. Only a limited number of tickets are sold. February will feature these 5 wineries and tickets must be purchased by February 24, 2016. Cellar 4201 will feature Gumbo with Chicken & Sausage paired with Rose Divine Llama Vineyards will feature Brunswick Stew paired with In A Heartbeat Flint Hill Vineyards will feature Roasted Vegetable Tarts paired with Cabernet Sauvignon RagApple Lassie Vineyards will feature Sweet & Spicy seared Beef Encroute with Peston Cream paired with Hobson's Choice Estate Grown Reserve Sanders Ridge Vineyards will feature Moroccan Spiced Shrimp with Arrugulant Pickled Onions PLEASE RSVP Ruth Ann Ronchetti ASAP ra_ronchetti@usa.net ... OR ... (336) 817-6553. THIS SELLS OUT QUICKLY! *************************************************************************************** How Many Vintage Cars Are Enough? Thomas A. DeMauro, Jan. 4th, 2016, Hemmings Daily Sure, I want all of them… but would that be sensible? Photo by the author. When I was a teenager, I thought there was no such thing as owning too many vintage cars. They looked great, were easy to work on and were considerably cheaper and usually quicker than a new car. Over the next 30 years, however, I came to grips with the realities of such a desire. Since owning multiple vintage cars requires resources to buy, build, house and maintain them, one of the biggest considerations quickly becomes the size of your bank account balance. Some of us got into the “old car” hobby back when muscle cars were still relatively affordable and the standard models upon which they were based could be downright cheap, making them great daily drivers (and sometimes parts cars). Consequently, it wasn’t unheard of for a 20-something-year-old enthusiast to have more than one of them at the same time in the 1980s and early 1990s. 4 Many of us had to low-buck it, so our time became the currency required to restore, modify or maintain our vehicles of choice because we were doing most, if not all, the work. I know that statement sounds counterintuitive to owning more than one muscle car. Why own more than one if you don’t seem to have the resources to get the first one finished? The reason is that, in the latter 1980s, there was continuous reporting and talk of increasing prices and stories of muscle cars being shipped overseas to collectors. The anxious feeling that you had better get what you want now before it’s too late was becoming prevalent in the hobby. That’s why many purchased a second muscle car even if their current one wasn’t finished yet. When multiple cars were involved, however, spreading the labor out slowed progress on all of them unless you just set the other(s) aside to build later. Paying pros to do the work increased the overall cost with each new project. None of that has changed except for the fact that today muscle cars and most vintage cars are worth more, and everything needed to restore them costs more. Nevertheless, many of us still own more than one and some have even amassed impressive collections. Can you recall how many cars you wanted to collect back when you were younger? If you’re like me, you probably haven’t even come close to that number, but it doesn’t stop us from trying. Now may be a good time to revisit some of your past car count goals and determine whether or not, in a hobby fraught with impracticality, owning however many cars you currently have or desire is practical for you? I’ve seen collections containing from 8 to 100 or more cars over my career and friend and fellow magazine writer and author, Rocky Rotella, has seen plenty of them as well. He and I have discussed our opinions on this very topic. In my experience, what all the collectors had in common was an owner with a passion for them, a safe place to house them and the means to repair and maintain them. Possessors of larger collections employed a mechanic or restoration specialist. That doesn’t mean the owner didn’t participate in the work at all, but he knew what his limitations were, be they skillset or time, and he sought out qualified assistance. Keep in mind, everything is relative. The hobbyist/collector with 60 cars may feel that he can support 70 and the hobbyist/collector with two cars may be completely overwhelmed. Sure, most of it boils down to financial resources: If we all had tons of money, we’d all probably have tons of vintage rides, but even the most proficient collectors can end up slaves to their own collections if they overextend. Finances aside for a moment, another way to see how you stand with your current car count is to simply ask yourself, “Am I enjoying my cars in the manner in which I originally intended? If you love to show your cars, are you actually showing them regularly? Is the cruiser cruising, is the racer racing, is the restorer restoring, etc? If you can honestly answer “yes” to that question and you aren’t in hock up to your eyeballs because of it, you likely have yet to surpass your vintage car ownership quota. If you are satisfied with your current count, stop right here and know that you’ve earned the envy of many of the rest of us. If, however, you answered yes, but still want more, then assess your finances, facility and time constraints to determine whether or not it’s feasible to add another. On the flip side, a “no” brought on by the harsh realization that you haven’t enjoyed your vintage machines the way you wanted to and you don’t see that changing for the foreseeable future means it may be time to thin the herd. Examples include languishing unfinished projects due to lack of time, finances or interest, or even finished cars that for the same reasons have sat idle for too long and haven’t seen basic maintenance in that time. How many vintage cars would satisfy you? Is that number higher than what would be practical for you? What are some other ways you can think of to determine if you have too many, too few or just the right number of vintage cars. 5 Winter Adventure: A Lasting Memory Day of truck sledding launches a lifelong empathy with flying squirrels. By Al Batt, Hartland, Minnesota, Illustration by Kevin Rechin We feed the birds, and because we feed the birds, we inevitably feed the squirrels. That really bugs some folks, and a friend recently sent me a video of a squirrel-proof feeder in action. A squirrel climbs up for a hearty lunch, but instead of breakfast it gets flung through the air with the greatest unease. Watching it took me back to an equally uneasy boyhood adventure. I grew up on a farm that was part marsh, part woods and part prairie—all of it flat. Despite a lack of decent sledding hills, I owned a snow saucer. It was one of those round metal jobs that’s impossible to steer. One winter, inspired after watching the Olympic bobsledders on TV, my friends and I hatched a plan. We’d tie the saucer to the bumper of an old pickup truck and pull it down the snow-packed gravel road. It’d be exactly like the Olympics, but better We used a long rope to give the rider time to veer if the truck made a sudden stop. I got excited as we worked out the details. If only we could find someone dumb enough to volunteer. When I mentioned this aloud, everyone stared at me. I didn’t recall getting “chump” tattooed on my forehead, but before I knew it, I was sitting in that saucer like Forrest Gump. The pickup started slowly, but soon the saucer was bouncing along like a crazed kangaroo. Hanging on to the saucer probably would’ve been a challenge for most folks, but I regularly rode a horse that hated me. Compared to that, this was almost fun. When the pickup slowed for the first turn, I managed to navigate it with little bloodshed and a survivor’s smile spread across my face. Unfortunately, the truck cut the next turn a little too short. I tried staying on the road, but the saucer flew straight for a signpost. I was frantically groping for a nonexistent steering wheel when, through sheer dumb luck, the saucer sailed wide. I breathed a deep sigh of relief just about the time the rope hit the post. If you’ve ever watched a tetherball whirling around a pole, you can imagine how I felt—except the ball doesn’t go flying into a snow bank when it hits the end of its rope. My friends laughed as if they’d just seen the funniest thing ever. I picked myself up and limped stoically back to the truck. Coach Smith had taught us to “walk it off,” even if we were carrying a severed limb. But I clearly remember that I didn’t like being flung one little bit. And that’s why you’ll never find a squirrel-flinging bird feeder at our house. Even though it was a long time ago, I can still imagine how the poor squirrel in that video must’ve felt. And I wonder if his buddies laughed at him, too. Editor: Does this bring back any childhood memories? :)) 6 Old Salem Chapter Newsletter/Website Ads All ads will be printed in the AACA Old Salem Chapter NEWSLETTER (“Spinning Wheels”) for ONE FULL YEAR (12 issues) as well as the Old Salem Chapter WEBSITE www.ncregionaaca.com/oldsalem for ONE FULL YEAR, and will be business card size. “Spinning Wheels” ads will be in color for online and electronically transmitted copies, and in black & white for copies printed and distributed. Advertising Prices -- All Business Card Size One Year OSC Member $12.00 One Year Non Member $36.00 NOTE: Make checks payable to “AACA Old Salem Chapter” DATE: _________________ FIRST ISSUE: _______________ NAME: _________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________ PHONE: _________________ PAID: _________________ EMAIL: _____________________ OSC MEMBER: _____________________________________________ ATTACH BUSINESS CARD: 7 8 9 Classifieds For Sale 1992 Trans Am Convertible Former Richard Petty Pontiac Promo Car, Asking $10,000 Own a rare piece of history! 1992 Trans Am convertible, which was a Pontiac promotional vehicle used by Richard Petty just prior to his driving career retirement! Documented through Richard Petty Enterprises and Pontiac! Lots of original service documents from Bob Neill Pontiac! Lots of original paper with this car! NC Title! Exterior: Black - Top: Black - Interior: Black Leather Options: 305 engine, auto trans, air conditioning, power windows, power locks, power antenna, dual remote power mirrors. Please call (336) 466 0784 and leave message – do not have texting capabilities, so voice only. Your call will be returned promptly. Or email at Cudge@att.net ************************************************************ The sign is a dealer reverse on glass adverting sign. It is dated on the back August 1, 1931. J&J Sign Company. 25.5 x 15.5. Very good condition. $1,100. Contact: Don Timmons – dtimmons2448@gmail.com ************************************************************ Anyone need a cheap cruiser? I have a '66 Impala 4 door, 283, factory air, 53,000miles. Pretty good shape. I was told all it needed was a set of "Tars". $4000.00. Contact Mickey Earnhardt – 336-996-2584 or mickeyearnhardt@embarqmail.com ************************************************************ And Now a Word from Our Sponsors… Your ad can be seen here too! Your ad will appear in our newsletter and will be included on our web site too! Contact any member of the Old Salem Chapter for Details. 10
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