A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope
A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope
INVITED PAPER Australian SKA Pathfinder: A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope Featuring high-speed sky coverage with a large field of view, the first priority for this telescope will be better understanding of galaxy formation and evolution. By David R. DeBoer, Russell G. Gough, John D. Bunton, Tim J. Cornwell, Ron J. Beresford, Simon Johnston, Ilana J. Feain, Antony E. Schinckel, Carole A. Jackson, Michael J. Kesteven, Aaron Chippendale, Grant A. Hampson, John D. O’Sullivan, Stuart G. Hay, Colin E. Jacka, Tony W. Sweetnam, Michelle C. Storey, Lewis Ball, and Brian J. Boyle ABSTRACT | The Australia SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) is a new telescope under development as a world-class high-dynamicrange wide-field-of-view survey instrument. It will utilize focal plane phased array feeds on the 36 12-m antennas that will compose the array. The large amounts of data present a huge computing challenge, and ASKAP will store data products in an archive after near real-time pipeline processing. This powerful instrument will be deployed at a new radio-quiet observatory, the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory in the midwest region of Western Australia, to enable sensitive surveys of the entire sky to address some of the big questions in contemporary physics. As a pathfinder for the SKA, ASKAP will demonstrate field of view enhancement and computing/ processing technology as well as the operation of a large-scale radio array in a remote and radio-quiet region of Australia. Manuscript received November 25, 2008; revised January 30, 2009. Current version published July 15, 2009. The authors are with the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Epping, NSW Australia (e-mail: david.deboer@csiro.au; russell.gough@csiro.au; John.Bunton@csiro.au; tim.cornwell@csiro.au; ron.beresford@csiro.au; simon.johnston@csiro.au; ilana.feain@csiro.au; antony.schinckel@csiro.au; carole.jackson@csiro.au; michael.kesteven@csiro.au; aaron.chippendale@csiro.au; grant.hampson@csiro.au; john.o’sullivan@csiro.au; stuart.hay@csiro.au; colin.jacka@csiro.au; tony.sweetnam@csiro.au; michelle.storey@csiro.au; lewis.ball@csiro.au; brian.boyle@csiro.au). Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/JPROC.2009.2016516 0018-9219/$25.00 2009 IEEE KEYWORDS | Correlation; focal plane arrays; interferometer; radio astronomy I. INTRODUCTION The state of astronomical surveys today is analogous to a population census, which, although with very detailed knowledge of specific neighborhoods in some of the major cities, consists of a driving tour of many major streets and a glance out the window of a plane flying coast-to-coast. To understand the full context of the universe in which we live, a much more detailed census of its denizens is needed. This ability to do wide and deep surveys is the focus of modern instrumental developments across the full spectrum of astrophysics and will be essential in answering major questions in fundamental physics. Complementing instruments such as the future Very Large Telescopes in the optical and ALMA in the millimeter-wave is the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) in the centimeter-wavelength range1 [1], [2]. The science drivers for the SKA are complemented by the technological developments that have burgeoned over the past few decades, allowing an instrument that can answer some of these key questions to be built. Though its final form is yet 1 http://www.skatelescope.org. Vol. 97, No. 8, August 2009 | Proceedings of the IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 06:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 1507 DeBoer et al.: Australian SKA Pathfinder: A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope Fig. 1. The technology menu. The core technology is listed at the top, with a conceptual Bdrag-bar.[ Each solution undergoes a cost/performance analysis (a major R&D effort), which feeds into the system parameter schedule, where a conceptualized figure-of-merit related to the science output per life-cycle is computed. The assessment is usually done assuming a fixed total cost. to be determined, the SKA will leverage the commodity production of Bcheap and good[ collecting area and the liberal use of high-speed digital electronics. The technical solution for the SKA will be influenced by many factors scientific, technical, and political, but the driving factor will be the best survey speed per dollar. Fig. 1 strives to visualize the process: the major technologies are arrayed along a line from those that get the survey speed by being able to see a large portion of the sky at any one time [large field-of-view (FoV)] to those that throw a great deal of power at a smaller piece of sky but do not need to dwell at any given spot for long to get the sensitivity (good point-source sensitivity). Both have technical merits depending on the particular science and the frequency range of interest, and groups around the world are investigating the full range of solutions. From the initial days of radio astronomy, where typically the solution was on the very left edge of the diagram, through what may be called the BMoore’s law era,[ the most cost-effective solution has evolved to the right of this diagram as the electronics have become ever less costly and more powerful. Each technical solution on the diagram then gets developed and assessed on cost and technical grounds and finally assessed against a figure-ofmerit of how well it can perform its science mission over its lifetime. Complementary activities are being undertaken around the world in the technical development and assessment of the different options, which the international community 1508 will assess against the ultimate science performance in an Bintegrate and down-select[ process to produce the technical solution for the SKA. At the Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF) of the Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), the primary technology being pursued is field-of-view enhancement of dishes. This includes the multifeed cluster for existing telescopes (e.g., the 13-element multibeam on Parkes) and phased-array feeds (PAFs) for the large-N, small-D (LNSD) concept. Specifically for the SKA program, an ATNF project called the Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) is developing phased-array feeds for 12-m antennas to be deployed at a new radio-quiet site in the Western Australia (WA) outback. ASKAP will be the fastest spectral-line survey instrument in the world in its own right and also serve as a Bfew percent[ SKA pathfinder.2 ASKAP has national and international collaborators to develop the design and participate in engineering and science. These include Canada (NRC, University of Calgary, and University of British Columbia), The Netherlands (ASTRON), and Germany (MPIfR). ASKAP is also a major constituent of the EU FP7 PrepSKA program’s activities, where PrepSKA is a 22.2 million euro, four-year effort among 20 partners, including the European Union’s foremost radio astronomy organizations and funding agencies (DEST, NRC, NWO, and STFC) and other major international associate partners (NSF). In addition, the ASKAP program is working to develop the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory in remote WA as the best site for meter/centimeter-wave astronomy. This includes the enabling infrastructure (connectivity, power, access, accommodation, etc.) as well as a robust process to keep the site a pristine radio-quiet reserve. To satisfy funding constraints and in order to feed into the SKA process, ASKAP is being developed on an aggressive time-frame, with many parallel developments. As shown below, the first antenna is expected around the end of 2009, and commissioning operations are to start by the end of 2012. The budget is about AU$100 million over the period 2007–2012, and the split is about 60% towards the telescope and 40% to develop the site and its infrastructure (including the fiber connection to Geraldton and the support facility located there). As shown in Fig. 2, the project is proceeding in phases, beginning with the R&D phase, moving into a phase yielding the Boolardy Engineering Test Array (BETA), which will comprise the first six antennas, with prototype electronics. Then it will proceed into the full ASKAP system, and then into SKA. The form of participation within the SKA obviously depends on technology and siting decisions. The timeline has the design and development phases delineated from the construction and operational 2 More information may be found at http://www.atnf.csiro.au/ projects/askap. Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 97, No. 8, August 2009 Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 06:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. DeBoer et al.: Australian SKA Pathfinder: A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope • Fig. 2. Timeline for ASKAP leading into SKA. The dashed line is the physical antenna delivery. The phases to its left are for design and development and the color-matching phases to the right of it are the implementation and operational phases. period by the dashed line, which shows the expected delivery of the antennas up to the full complement of 36. This paper introduces and describes ASKAP, as well as the new radio-quiet site being developed for radio astronomy called the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory (MRO). The MRO is Australia’s candidate site for the core of the SKA, which would have sites spanning the continent and potentially into New Zealand. Australia is one of two regions short-listed by the international community to host the SKA, with southern Africa being the other. II . S C IE N TI FI C A N D TECHNICAL PRIORITIES ASKAP is the latest development in Australia’s continuing strong role in radio astronomy dating from its earliest days. The ATNF operates the venerable Parkes 64-m antenna, the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), a single 22-m dish at a higher site in NSW called Mopra, and science time on the 70-m NASA Deep Space Network tracking station at Tidbinbilla near Canberra. These telescopes can be operated together as a very long baseline interferometer (VLBI) array and have been used in conjunction with telescopes around the world in VLBI and e-VLBI (i.e., VLBI with near-real-time connectivity over broadband networks) modes. ATNF has engaged with international partners to develop a wide and diverse science case for ASKAP. It has been published in short form in [3] and in longer form in [4]. The chapters of the science case were written with no specific configuration nor precise antenna number specified. As a result, the science returns from different configurations can be assessed in the context of a broader science prioritization in the period 2010–2015 [5]. As listed in that document, the order of science priorities for ASKAP is: • understanding galaxy formation and gas evolution in the nearby universe through extragalactic HI surveys, including near-field cosmology; • characterization of the radio transient sky through detection and monitoring (including VLBI) of transient and variable sources; determining the evolution, formation and population of galaxies across cosmic time via highresolution confusion-limited continuum surveys; • exploring the evolution of magnetic fields in galaxies over cosmic time through polarization surveys. This process, in consideration with the overall ASKAP budget envelope, has established that the configuration will consist of 36 12-m antennas with PAFs having approximately 30 square degree field of view. Taking the science priorities into account, we have determined the ground configuration to consist of 30 antennas arranged within a circle of diameter 2 km, with a further six antennas forming a perimeter with a maximum baseline of 6 km. The configuration takes into account a mask of the site at the Murchison Radio Observatory. The standard observing mode will be conducting large surveys, with only a relatively small fraction of the time for smaller, targeted observing. ASKAP has developed an BOpen Skies[ draft user policy,3 and international teams will scope and specify as well as develop the software tools and teams to conduct and handle these large surveys. As mentioned above and implied in its name, ASKAP has a central role as an SKA Bpathfinder.[ The principal technical objective is to demonstrate high-dynamic-range wide field-of-view astronomical imaging. This has many technical implications; ASKAP must have: • good sensitivity; • large field-of-view; • stable aperture; • a great deal of digital processing capability; • efficient and effective processing algorithms; • efficient and accessible public science archive. The following sections detail the implementation satisfying these requirements. III . AS KAP THE T E LE S COPE ASKAP’s objective is to provide an operational national facility instrument to trial large field-of-view highdynamic-range technology on one of the earth’s last, best locations for radio astronomy. Its primary goal is to conduct very fast and deep HI and continuum surveys of the observable sky. Though the actual survey speed depends on many parameters and on the actual application [6], the adopted simplified figure-of-merit is given by FoM ¼ Ae TSYS 2 FoV m4 deg2 =K2 (1) where Ae is the effective area of the entire array, TSYS the system temperature, and FoV is the processed field-ofview. Obviously other parameters play a role, such as the 3 http://www.atnf.csiro.au/projects/askap/policy.html. Vol. 97, No. 8, August 2009 | Proceedings of the IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 06:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 1509 DeBoer et al.: Australian SKA Pathfinder: A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope Table 1 ASKAP Specifications and Properties accessible and processed bandwidths, the antenna number (for image fidelity), surface brightness sensitivity, and temporal resolution (for transients). This figure-of-merit produces a different system optimization from that of a sensitivity-based figure-of-merit, whereby FoV can be traded off against sensitivity. Table 1 shows some of the overall specifications and properties of ASKAP. A. System Architecture Fig. 3 gives an overall block diagram of the ASKAP system. The individual components will be discussed more fully below. The approach has been very much systemsoriented, and the overall configuration is the result of a comprehensive and intensive study weighing competing variables. The adopted configuration is based on the interplay of the impact of the value of the f =D ratio (where f is the focal length of the paraboloid and D the diameter) with performance and cost. Higher f =D values (> 0.6) have intrinsically better performance with a phased array feed, however at a much larger cost (energy as well as dollars) due to the increase in number of receiving elements needed in the feed itself as well as in the beamforming process. Lower values ðf =D G 0:45Þ start to see a rolloff in the performance of the phased-array feed, one reason being the mutual coupling of the receiving elements themselves resulting in an intrinsic underillumination of the dish. Folded optics designs, which would be needed for the larger f =D ratios, are further constrained by the large size of the phased array feed since its blockage on the initial primary-to-secondary path provides a limit to the useful size of the subreflector: i.e., one cannot arbitrarily decrease the size of the subreflector to yield less blockage, as the feed blockage is still present. These physical and costing constraints have been analyzed in a reasonably comprehensive costing-sensitivity tool initially developed at ATNF called SKACost [7] to yield the current configuration, including the processed field-of-view of about 30 degrees squared. In the context of this paper, the term phased-array feed will refer to the collection of receiving elements at the focus of the antenna itself, which are then phased and summed in a beamformer to produce a beam; i.e., it is a phased array in the focal plane of the antenna. Properly speaking, a feed would produce an astronomical beam and should therefore include the beamformer as well. Each antenna consists of the antenna itself and its drive and control elements, the dense coupled array, the digitizer, and the coarse filter-bank. The signals from all receiving elements are sent back to the central building for beamforming and imaging. Though more expensive in capital hardware, this approach brings more complex equipment in one space rather than being distributed and also allows flexibility for testing processing scalability for the SKA. This equates to about 2 Tbps from each antenna streaming back over the digital fiber-optic network to the beamformer. The digital beamformer, correlator, tied-array beamformer, and single-pixel back-ends (e.g., pulsar processors) are colocated in a screened room at the central building. The raw correlated image is sent back over the fiber-optic link to the computing facility in Geraldton, about 350 km away. The gridded, calibrated images are then stored in the science archive for use by astronomers. Fig. 3. ASKAP system diagram. The left-hand side shows the antenna based systems, the middle the site control building based systems, and the right the off-site control. 1510 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 97, No. 8, August 2009 Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 06:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. DeBoer et al.: Australian SKA Pathfinder: A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope B. Technologies 1) Antennas: The ASKAP antenna is a 12-m unshaped prime-focus dish. The performance characteristics and cost of the phased-array feed (receiving elements þ beamformer) set the antenna configuration, which we have dubbed a Bsky mount.[ The sky mount is an alt-az antenna with a third axis that spins the entire dish, quadrupod, and feed structure to fix the parallactic angle on the sky. The arrangement is less expensive and incurs less risk than developing a wide-skycoverage equatorial antenna option for ASKAP. The three axis Bsky mount[ antenna also allows significant flexibility to test issues related to high dynamic range. An idealized array with no inter-element coupling would perform well with a paraboloid reflector with an f =D ratio 0.5. However, the effects of inter-element coupling reduce the element beamwidth and the beamformer cannot be optimally set to illuminate a system with such a small f =D ratio. Both prime focus and dual-reflector options including Cassegrain, Schwarzschild, and shaped systems were considered. Though structurally a dual-reflector system would be preferred, science-per-dollar considerations led to the combination of an f =D of 0.5 with prime-focus optics. Simply put, for a fixed field-of-view, the phased-array feed performance improves with increasing f =D but the cost also increasesVprimarily in the cost of the beamformer, which must handle inputs from many more receiving elements. The structurally rather awkward value of 0.5 yielded the maximum in the cost/performance analysis. The antenna will be designed, manufactured, and installed by the 54th Research Institute of the China Electronics Technology Group (known as CETC54), headquartered in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, about 200 km south of Beijing. The design incorporates panels on a spaceframe backup structure, all mounted above the third axis. 2) Phased Array Feed: Key to the success of the ASKAP project is the PAF that gives the antenna a wide field of view to increase the speed of astronomical surveysVit is a critical element needed to achieve the astronomical goals of ASKAP and SKA wide field imaging. In particular, the efficiency, receiver noise figure, and imaging fidelity of the array present demanding challenges. The phased array feed offers the ability to scan over wide fields of view. When compared with an array of feed horns, phased array feeds present a number of advantages. By choosing the appropriate beamformer element weights, one can maximize efficiency, sensitivity, or beam quality in the subsequent beams formed on the sky: • for maximum efficiency, weights that are the conjugate of the received signal gain on each port are used; • for maximum sensitivity, weights are applied for optimum efficiency as above but also multiplied by the inverse of the noise covariance are used; • for optimum beam quality, weights can be used that control the primary beam sidelobes and cross polarization. That is, we choose weights to fit a desired, circularly symmetric reflector aperture illumination. One can also optimize a combination of the above: for example, trading off sensitivity for beam quality. These optimizations may be done on the fly to maximize performance. The initial development of the ASKAP phased array feed has been described in some detail in [8]. The PAF structure chosen is a dual-polarized connected Bcheckerboard[ array. The complete structure comprises a Bsandwich[ of printed circuit board (PCB), foam, and ground plane, forming a robust and simple-to-manufacture structure. The PCB consists of a checkerboard array of square conducting patches on an electrically thin dielectric sheet. In order that the PAFs have a field of view of approximately 30 square degrees, the checkerboard array size must be about ten elements square. This work complements work being done by others on primarily Vivaldi-based elements, such as at ASTRON in The Netherlands and the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory in Canada. There is a strong interaction between the PAF system and the low-noise amplifiers. The signals from the PAF are electrically balanced, and its efficiency depends critically upon the differential mode and common mode load impedances presented by the low-noise amplifiers. The performance of the low-noise amplifiers is, in turn, strongly influenced by the driving impedance presented by the focal plane array. Successful design of the PAF requires simultaneous optimization of both the PAF elements and the low-noise amplifiers. Each element of the PAF consists of two patches feeding a differential amplifier via lines from the corners. The other polarization uses the other corners of the patches. A key feature of the design work is the analysis of a practical array structure including two-conductor transmission lines that connect the patch corners to low-noise amplifiers via holes in the ground plane. Analysis of the Bcheckerboard[ array indicates that the output impedance of the array is large and that the load presented to the array by the low-noise amplifiers should also be large. As a selfcomplementary structure, the array itself should present a differential impedance of 377 . The optimum impedance depends on the detailed design of the PAF [9] and is about 300 for the Bcheckerboard[ array. Low-noise amplifiers have been designed to operate with a system impedance of 300 , with a differential input. Preliminary modeling and noise temperature measurements indicate an amplifier noise temperature of G 35 K is possible with a 300 differential system impedance. A prototype array, consisting of 5 4 2 elements, illustrated in Fig. 4, has been used for the initial development work. This array has differential room temperature amplifiers and has been deployed on the Parkes Vol. 97, No. 8, August 2009 | Proceedings of the IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 06:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 1511 DeBoer et al.: Australian SKA Pathfinder: A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope Fig. 4. Picture of the prototype installed at the 12-m Parkes Testbed Facility antenna. Testbed Facility, a 12-m antenna installed at the Parkes Observatory. Some recent results will be discussed in the Conclusion. 3) Receivers: The final roughly ten-element square PAF will have 192 individual receiving elements, each of which will be connected to a low-noise amplifier immediately adjacent to the feed elements, a superheterodyne frequency conversion system, and digitizer. For 36 antennas, this amounts to almost 7000 receiving chains, and hence cost is a major driver in achieving the required performance. The receiver architecture is dependent on the location of the analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The nearer the ADCs are to the PAF elements, the greater the likelihood of self-generated radio-frequency interference (RFI) pickup from the digitizing hardware; but the signal transmission from the PAF becomes easier to realize, as we can use digital data transmission. The further the ADC is from the PAF, the more difficult it becomes to preserve phase stability, amplitude stability, and the dynamic range of the RF signal. The options considered for receivers were the following. • Double conversion superheterodyne with local oscillator (LO) frequencies of about 6 and 4 GHz with a second intermediate frequency (IF) output of 420–720 MHz (Fig. 5). The IF signals are sent to the base of the antenna where the superheterodyne receiver and ADCs are located. This is the suboctave method selected for BETA. • Direct conversion (DC) with quadrature IQ outputs. This receiver architecture may have application in the SKA. To preserve the IQ balance, the ADC must be located close to the mixer, and this may introduce RFI at the PAF. • Single up-conversion with an LO of 6 GHz and first IF bandpass 300 MHz wide at 5 GHz, as depicted in Fig. 5. The 5 GHz first IF signals are sent to the base of the antenna where the IF is downconverted and then digitized in the ADC. • High gain amplification at the LNA for either direct digitization of the RF signal or transmission of the RF signal through modulation of an optical carrier for broadband RF transmission to the receiver down-converter and ADC’s at the base of antenna. The high gain required at the PAF, typically on the order of 80 dB, will introduce intermodulation and stability issues. • Solutions that are a combination of the above: for example, having the down-converters at the focus with digitizers under the dish surface and digital fiber links to the beamformer in the antenna pedestal. RFI could be reduced in this manner. Fig. 5 indicates the adopted design, with the PAF, lownoise amplifiers, and cable driver amplifiers located at the focus of the antenna. Signals are transported from the antenna focus to the pedestal by coaxial cable. The cable equalizer, frequency conversion system and ADCs are located in the pedestal of the antenna. An important function of the frequency conversion system is to filter the signals before sampling so that undesired signals, which could be aliased or folded into the received band, are adequately suppressed. The final 300-MHz-wide IF (420–720 MHz) is digitized at 768 Msamples/s. DC with quadrature IQ output, that may have application in the SKA, is being investigated. With the recent advances in the performance of commercially available quadrature mixer and digitizer chips, a direct conversion receiver architecture that is capable of easily operating over even greater input bandwidths is an attractive Fig. 5. Simplified block diagram of BETA/ASKAP receiver architecture. 1512 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 97, No. 8, August 2009 Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 06:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. DeBoer et al.: Australian SKA Pathfinder: A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope alternative to the dual conversion architecture. At present, this is in early stages of development in both discrete component assembly and system-on-a-chip (SOC). The RF-CMOS chip that is being developed [10] covers an input frequency range of 500–1700 MHz, with an instantaneous IF bandwidth of 500 MHz. The receiver will contain all active circuitry (bandpass filter, quadrature mixer, antialiasing filter, digitizer, and serializer) on one 0.18 m RF-CMOS integrated circuit. Some functional blocks for the SOC have been successfully fabricated. 4) Digital Processing: The challenge for digital signal processing in ASKAP is a compute load of more than 1015 arithmetic operations per second (Bpeta-ops[) and a data flow that in one stage of the processing addresses 70 Tbit/s. This must all be achieved in a system that is not connected to the electricity grid and must therefore generate its own power. These challenges are well addressed by a fieldprogrammable gate array (FPGA)-based solution. This is helped by the fact that the operations to be performed (filtering, beamforming, and correlation) are comparatively simple, are repetitive, do not require recursion, and can be implemented in fixed-point arithmetic. A single FPGA can execute more than 5 1011 arithmetic operations per second and provide 40 Gbit/s of intersystem data connections. A few thousand FPGAs of this capacity can satisfy ASKAP digital signal-processing requirements while keeping power consumptions at acceptable levels. Estimates for the power consumption have about half of the power dissipation associated with computation and memory (DRAMs), a quarter in I/O between systems, and the final quarter in ancillary functions such as the control computers. A drawback of FPGAs compared to other technologies such as CPUs and GPUs is that there is little on-chip memory per unit of computation. The arrangement of signal processing for the ASKAP beamformer and filterbanks is shown in Fig. 6. The ADCs and coarse filterbanks are at the antenna. This data are transferred over 192 10GE optical fibers to the central site where the fine filterbank and beamformer are implemented. This incurs a high transport cost but simplifies installation and maintenance at the remote Boolardy site and adds flexibility for future upgrade and SKA scaleability tests. The beamformer for each antenna has 64 processing FPGAs distributed across 16 processing boards. For the beamforming operation, data for all 192 inputs for either 5 or 4 MHz of data must be sent to each FPGA. This is achieved by transporting data from four A/Ds on four 10 GE links. After decoding at the central site, 16 data streams of 3.1875 Gb/s are generated from the data, which are distributed across the backplane of the industry standard AdvancedTCA (ATCA) chassis. Each board receives one of these data streams. It then redistributes it amongst the four processing FPGAs on the board. There are two main parts for ASKAP imaging: beamforming of the data from the individual phased-array feeds (the beamformer) and correlating all of the beams from each antenna (the correlator). The input to the beamformer from each antenna comprises 96 dual-polarization signals of 300 MHz bandwidth from the PAF, for a total of 192 inputs. These are digitized and weighted sums of subsets of these signals are used to generate up to 32 beams. The number of elements to be summed for each beam depends on the frequency and the position of the beam on the PAF and the desired beam quality. The weighting function is also frequency dependent. To minimize computational loads, correlator architectures for large-N arrays (e.g., ASKAP and SKA) will generally be FX correlators [11], where the cross-spectral power density is calculated after frequency binning. For ASKAP, this requires the 300 MHz input data to be broken down into 16 384 frequency channels, followed by a measurement of the cross-power or correlation in each individual frequency channel. Correlations are calculated for each pair of beamformed signals in each channel. Similarly, beamforming will be done in the frequency domain. In each frequency channel, the beamformer weights are approximately constant, and the beamforming operation reduces to a simple complex multiply and accumulate operation. For this to hold, modelling indicates that the frequency channels must be at most 1 MHz wide. The ASKAP specification calls for the input bandwidth to split into 16 384 frequency channels. Since the FPGAs have limited memory, above 2000 frequency channels chip memory is the limiting resource. For a direct 16 384 channel implementation with a single filterbank, the compute resource would be underutilized by almost an Fig. 6. ASKAP architecture for the beamformer and filterbanks. Vol. 97, No. 8, August 2009 | Proceedings of the IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 06:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 1513 DeBoer et al.: Australian SKA Pathfinder: A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope order of magnitude. For a fast Fourier transform (FFT), the standard technique is therefore to break the processing into two successive FFTs with an intervening twiddle factor, and then to perform multiplication and row-column interchange. The row–column interchange is memory intensive but can be done in external memory. When the FFT is used as a filterbank, the channel response is a sinc function. For ASKAP, this can lead to radio frequency interference corrupting a significant number of frequency channels. Also in the correlator, the use of a simple FFT leads to degraded signal-to-noise ratio on narrow-band spectral features [12]. Instead, a polyphase filterbank is used where the FFT is preceded by a polyphase filterbank [11]. This allows the spectral response to be chosen arbitrarily, within the constraints imposed by the length of the polyphase finite impulse response (FIR) sections. The filterbank is broken into two stages. The first stage is the coarse filterbank and is operated in a 32/27 oversampling mode. This is done at the antenna and allows the needed frequency resolution for PAF calibration. The second stage is the fine filterbank, which is critically sampled [13] and located at the central site. The many coarse channels to be processed by the fine filterbank are stored in DRAM and are read back as long sequences for a single channel. With a 12-point polyphase FIR and 64-channel filterbank, 768 data values are needed before a full data set can be calculated for the FFT pipeline. No usable data is calculated in this time. To minimize this loss the data is processed in blocks of 65 536 samples, and the processing loss is limited to 1%. As previously mentioned, due to the frequency dependence of the beamformer weights, beamforming is done on 1 MHz frequency channels, setting the resolution of the coarse filterbank. Beamforming will generate on the order of 32 antenna beams from the 192 PAF elements, which reduces the processing needed in the fine filterbank. For the polyphase filterbank, about half the computation is in the FFT and half in the polyphase FIR. The FIR calculation has a compute cost that is independent of the filterbank. Taking all the processing loading into account, there is a 10% computational overhead for ASKAP to split the filterbank into two stages. The correlator receives the channelized data from the fine filterbank and beamformers and cross-multiplies all frequency channels in each beam. It has the same signal distribution issues as the beamformer, and its hardware will be identical to the beamformer. Data for some subset of the antenna beams and frequency channels for all 32 antennas are processed in a single FPGA. The first stage is achieved at the outputs of the beamformer, where each output carries data for all beams but a subset of the frequency channels. In the ATCA chassis, the backplane and FPGA connections provide the final stages of data cross-connection. The beamformer has 16-bin ATCA crates, allowing a 16-bit correlator to be implemented. This simplifies the program1514 ming of the system, as no dynamic gain modifications are needed before the correlator, and likewise no gain recalibrations are needed after the correlator. 5) Data and Signal Transport: As shown in Fig. 3, the ASKAP data and signal transmission comprise many different communication modes: • analog transmission of the output from each of the PAF receivers at the antenna focus to the ADC and coarse filterbank in the pedestal; • short-haul digital transmission from the antenna to the centrally located beamformer and correlator; • long-haul digital transmission of the correlated ASKAP array output to the science center for imaging; • generation and distribution of the LO frequencies at antennas from a distributed master reference; • provision of 1 GE local area network for monitor and control of antennas. a) Antenna IF transmission: Routing the 192 analog signals down the antenna structure and through three movable cable wraps on the polarization, azimuth, and elevation antenna axes (approximately a 30 m length) is a significant design issue. The considered options include the following. • Coaxial cable for each PAF element: bulky for 192 lines of low-loss coax. Gain equalization would be required. However, relatively thin and low-loss cables do exist. • CAT7 cable: high attenuation above a few hundred megahertz but is a possibility at low IF frequencies (less than 1000 MHz). Gain equalization would be required. Return loss is poor. • RF over fiber: constraints of form factor are eliminated. The noise figure (NF), however, is comparable to the high attenuation in coaxial cable for a 20 m cable run. ASKAP will use coaxial cables in the first instance (BETA); however, RF over fiber will continue to be developed for possible use for ASKAP and SKA. b) RF over fiber: The ASKAP design would require nearly 7000 short-range (typical length 30 m) links. Although there are commercial vendors for RF over fiber modules for use in cable television (CATV), antenna remoting, interfacility communications links, and radio astronomy (e.g., the ATA [14]), the costs of so many modules as required for ASKAP would be prohibitive. The use of vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) in the 850 nm band is considered. These are relatively inexpensive devices (around $30 each in quantities of more than 1000) designed for digital applications over multimode fiber (MMF). The market push for 10 G Ethernet interfaces has delivered VCSEL devices that can be modulated to 7 GHz or higher. Bench measurements of directly modulated links using commercial off-the-shelf VCSEL diodes have been made. The VCSELs were fitted with standard LC-style receptacles. Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 97, No. 8, August 2009 Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 06:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. DeBoer et al.: Australian SKA Pathfinder: A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope Intermediate connections using 12-way multiple parallel optical connectors were also performed to assess the suitability of inexpensive multiway optical quick connects. A variety of prototype printed circuit cards have been developed including standard FR4 material and the low loss Rogers 4003 substrate. Infinicor 50/125 m high bandwidth MMF was used in the test configurations. This has a bandwidth distance product of 5 GHz km and exceeds requirements for a short 20 m link. c) Dynamic range: The dynamic range of the shortrange VCSEL-based link is primarily determined by the device linearity (Pout versus If curve) and the relative intensity noise (RIN) of the VCSEL. Using readily available Finisar components with an optical output power of 3 dBm at a bias of 9 mA (threshold 5 mA), a spurious free dynamic range (SFDR) of 98 dBHz2=3 was obtained in a 300 MHz bandwidth at a center frequency of 5 GHz. This is an SFDR of 42 dB in 300 MHz. A gain G ¼ 32 dB and noise figure NF ¼ 38 dB were measured. This could be improved with a higher VCSEL slope efficiency (Pout versus If ) characteristic. The link noise floor is RIN limited. The measured RIN is 140 dB/Hz and was 10 dB better than the quoted manufacturer specification. The 1 dB compression point was estimated at P1 dB ¼ 32 dBm and the third-order intercept IP3 ¼ 20 dBm. Similar results were obtained with a 300-MHz-wide IF at a center frequency of 600 MHz using VCSELs designed for third-generation data communications purposes. This is acceptable and commensurate with 8 bit ADCs. It is expected that 8 bit quantization in any 300 MHz band for the remote radio-quiet ASKAP environment (Fig. 11) is sufficient. The VCSEL-based MMF links have exhibited sensitivity to fiber movement and bending. Modal noise is generated by the interference between various propagating modes causing speckle pattern (i.e., amplitude) variation at the receive photodiode. Using a high power noise diode as a signal source and an integrating spectrometer (Acqiris AC240) as a power meter with consecutive 5 ms integration periods, fluctuations of approximately 0.05 dB (1%) are measured over a bandpass of 400–700 MHz with gentle fiber flexing (Fig. 7). Averaged over a 60-s period, the phase variation should be less than 0.16 degrees and amplitude stability 0.013 dB (0.3%) to meet PAF and interferometer specifications. Larger variations are allowable only if present on timescales much shorter than the integration time. Similar measurements were performed using distributed feedback and Fabry–Perot (FP) laser devices at 1310 and 1550 nm. Smaller amplitude variations were measured indicating a bending loss mechanism with fiber flex in single-mode fiber (SMF). Although uncooled FP lasers are available at low cost, the use of SMF with 9 m core requires more precise connectors and optical alignment, and hence is less desirable. d) Local oscillator: The receiver conversion will require low-drift low-phase-noise local oscillators. The LO Fig. 7. Multimode fiber-optic link amplitude stability with movement. distribution will be on SMF. Phase drift can be characterized in the frequency domain by the single sideband noise spectrum within a 10 Hz offset from the LO signal. This is normally associated with temperature coefficient for all components in the local oscillator distribution, namely, the temperature coefficient of the fiber and coaxial cable lengths, typically 10 ppm= C. A round-trip phase measurement system can measure the change in electrical path length for the local oscillator signal. The use of an offset loop [15] provides the measurement of phase at the nominally chosen offset frequency (e.g., 1 MHz). Experiments with a Stanford Laboratories SR620 precision time interval counter achieves measurements better than 100 ps at 1 MHz (i.e., 0.036 phase). The distribution frequencies should be as high as possible to provide maximum measurement sensitivity to the phase changes and to minimize the multiplication of reference local oscillator noise at the antenna. The use of a phase-locked loop (PLL) at each antenna will be required to provide a narrow-band cleanup filter to the RIN dominated local oscillator optical receiver output at the antenna. The RIN noise is very wide-band at RF/IF frequencies and appears as BLO leakage,[ perhaps attenuated 30 dB, at the output of mixers used in the receiver conversion process. An Ball optical[ local oscillator distribution (with RIN cross-correlating between antennas) would be problematic; however, it would have the advantage of reduced RF power levels for the LOs at the PAF and hence less self-generated RFI issues. e) Data communications: The short-haul data paths will be modular systems based on 10 GE small form factor SFP+ packages (or equivalent 850 nm/1310 nm optical transceiver) where possible. Inexpensive SFP+ packages can connect each antenna at 2000 Gbps to the correlator. The total correlator input rate for 36 antennas is 72 Tbps. Vol. 97, No. 8, August 2009 | Proceedings of the IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 06:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 1515 DeBoer et al.: Australian SKA Pathfinder: A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope The correlator output rate is approximately 40 Gbps for long-haul transmission (400 km) to the ASKAP science center. The long-haul links could be based on carrier class terminal equipment for dense wavelength-division multiplexing expanded to terabit per second SKA bandwidths. Bidirectional capability will enable VLBI antenna connectivity to the ASKAP correlator for potential future eVLBI observations. 6) Computing: Since ASKAP is intrinsically wide field of view, it is envisaged mainly to operate as a survey telescope with limited time available for pointed observations. This simplifies the computing requirements and has lead to the adoption of a model based around Bsoftware instruments[ (SIs). An SI is a release of the telescope software developed and tested to perform a well-determined type of observing, such as a continuum survey of the entire visible sky. Once an SI is operating, it will basically continue until the survey is complete. Different SIs can potentially operate at the same time, provided the observing is compatible. SIs can be developed, tested, and deployed incrementally in a well-controlled way. The role of an SI must include the data processing since the data processing must proceed in real time. This is dictated by the prodigious data rateVin full spectral line mode in a 6 km configuration, the postcorrelation data rate is about 4 Gbytes/s. A typical 8-hour observation will therefore consume about 100 Tbytes of storage. Necessarily, then, our model is to process observations as they occur. Flagging, calibration, averaging, imaging, and source cataloging all occur as the observations are taken. Another simplification comes from keeping the telescope calibrated at all times. Whenever a calibrator field is observed, the calculation of calibration parameters occurs immediately and the relevant numbers are fed back to the telescope as soon as possible. This approach assumes that all the important calibration parameters vary sufficiently slowlyVprobably a very good assumption for moderate observing frequencies at the baseline lengths involved (less than 6 km). The output images to be generated from the processing are: • continuumVdeconvolved images for all four Stokes parameters in 256 channels, of size 64 GBytes; • spectral lineVimages for all four Stokes parameters (after continuum subtraction), of size 4 TBytes; • transient detection: images for all four Stokes parameters in 256 channels every 5 s, of size 377 TBytes. The data from all PAF beams are combined into a single image, weighting optimally by the sensitivity. The spectral line image consists of one image plane per channel observed and the continuum image has one plane per set of averaged channels (64 full-resolution channels are averaged into one Bcontinuum[ channel). 1516 The processing required must perform the following steps in a single real-time flow (pipeline processing). • Receive the data. • Identify and flag for known and unknown radio frequency interference and bad data. • Solve for and apply calibration parameters. • Average to required spectral resolution. • Grid the data using convolutional resampling. • Fourier transform to the image plane. • Deconvolve point spread function (if warranted). • Find sources (algorithms to be determined and developed by the international science teams). • Archive data products. After careful analysis, it was determined that no existing synthesis software packages were available that could support parallel and distributed processing of the required scale and sophistication [16]. Hence it was necessary to write new synthesis processing code in C++, using existing underlying libraries as much as possible. In particular, we have relied heavily upon the CASACORE4 libraries derived from the AIPS++ code base. This provides many useful capabilities such as table handling and specification and conversion of coordinates and frames. The code for ASKAP, ASKAPsoft, currently has the following capabilities: • construction of complex measurement equations at the C++ level; • correction for feed primary beams during gridding, including correct scaling of each channel with frequency; • correction for the noncoplanar baselines effect using the w projection approach; • use of multiscale CLEAN deconvolution. Execution is distributed across multiple computers using the message passing interface (MPI) framework [17]. MPI is the dominant model for high-performance computing, and excellent implementations are available on all supercomputers and clusters. This works well for current testing but is unlikely to be sufficiently robust for real processing, and therefore alternatives such as workflow or streaming middleware are being evaluated. During our development, we will test this package using both simulated observations and data sets from real telescopes, including the Australia Telescope Compact Array and the Very Large Array. Our first simulation of a full-field ASKAP image was designated CPTest2 (Fig. 8). We have run this test on both an eight-node Sun v20z cluster and a CRAY XT3 at the Western Australia Supercomputer Program in Perth. We were only able to use about 1% of the final dataVcorresponding to a snapshot every 150 s over 12 h, 28 channels over 112 MHz, 32 feeds dithered to 128, resulting in an image of 4096 by 4096 pixels. Calculation of the residuals alone took 4400 s 4 http://code.google.com/p/casacore. Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 97, No. 8, August 2009 Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 06:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. DeBoer et al.: Australian SKA Pathfinder: A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope antenna separation of 22 m, and a longest separation of 6 km. The origin corresponds to approximately 116.5 east and 26.7 south. The sensitivity of the configuration at various angular scales is an important metric for ASKAP. The configuration is designed to optimize sensitivity on angular scales of 3000 (for HI emission surveys; see [20] and [21]) while also providing good low surface brightness sensitivity (at low angular resolution) and high-resolution imaging capability [22]). Sensitivity as a function of angular resolution is given in Fig. 10. The naturally weighted beam gives maximum sensitivity and an angular resolution of just under 2000 . Gaussian tapering was applied to the data with progressively larger values, resulting in the curve to the right of the dashed vertical line. In order to get higher resolution than that available with natural weighting, it is necessary to Bdown-weight[ the short baselines at the expense of the longer baselines. This can be achieved through robust weighting [23], with the results shown to the left of the dashed vertical line. Fig. 8. CPTest2: First simulated full-field image from ASKAP, made using the AProjectWStack algorithm. The imaging used about 1% of the final dataVsnapshot every 150 s over 12 h, 28 channels over 112 MHz, 32 feeds dithered to 128, resulting in an image of 4096 by 4096 pixels. Calculation of the residuals alone took 4400 s on an eight-node cluster of Sun v20z servers. Display range is 1 to þ3 mJy/beam, and the noise is about 0.140 mJy/beam. on an eight-node cluster of Sun v20z servers. More detailed benchmarking has shown that the processing for spectral line observations in the 2 km core will require about 5000 cores, and the continuum processing will require a similar number. Evaluation of the optimum computer architecture for this processing is continuing. C. Configuration The ASKAP configuration is optimised to produce excellent sensitivity and a good point spread function (sidelobe levels 2–3%) at an angular resolution of 3000 at 1. 4 GHz [18]. The configuration also provides high survey speed at an angular resolution of 1000 and good surface brightness sensitivity at angular resolutions of 60 and 9000 . We expect that this configuration will return excellent science outcomes for ASKAP for at least the first five years of its operation. To achieve this, the locations of 27 antennas were optimized using AntConfig [19] to produce a Gaussian distribution of visibilities with a scale of 700 m, corresponding to a point spread function of 3000 . Three antennas were then added to the core of the configuration to provide short spacings (20–100 m) to enhance the low surface brightness sensitivity. Lastly, six antennas were arranged to form a Reuleaux triangle with a maximum separation of 6 km. The layout of the 36 antennas is shown in Fig. 9. The configuration has a smallest IV. MURCHISON RADIO-ASTRONOM Y OB SERVATORY A site in the remote outback of Western Australia is being developed as the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory. Due to its very low population density (the Murchison Shire comprises an area of about 50 000 km2 with a population of about 100 people), the area has very low intrinsic RFI (Fig. 11). The low population density is expected to remain, and protections are being put into Fig. 9. Layout of the 36 antennas of the initial ASKAP configuration. The circle has a radius of 1 km. Vol. 97, No. 8, August 2009 | Proceedings of the IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 06:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 1517 DeBoer et al.: Australian SKA Pathfinder: A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope Fig. 10. Sensitivity as a function of the full-width half-maximum of the point-spread function for the ASKAP configuration compared to natural weighting (100%). Left of the dashed vertical line applies Gaussian tapering to the data, and to the right robust weighting was applied. place to protect the pristine RFI environment into the future. These protections cover both intentional and unintentional radiation. In addition to housing ASKAP, other international projects are deploying or planning to deploy on the site. The MRO is within the Boolardy Pastoral Lease, a 3467 km2 (856 833 acre) pastoral station. It is 305 km cross-country northeast of the town of Geraldton on the Western Australian mid-north coast, and the closest townships are those of Cue (population 273) and Meekatharra (population 798), which are 150 and 190 km, respectively, from the core of the array. The station is WA crown land leased for pastoral purposes, and CSIRO will hold the lease and operate the bulk of the property as a pastoral lease consistent with best radio-quiet practices. The Boolardy homestead will serve as the accommodation site for the operation of the telescope. The MRO itself will be excised Fig. 11. Typical radio-quiet spectrum at the ASKAP site. It shows the maximum of the median values for a series of scans over several months. 1518 from the pastoral property and be leased by CSIRO from the State of Western Australia. Fig. 12 shows the Boolardy property with an inset of the MRO and a rendering of some of the dishes on the site. The ASKAP site is in an area classified as desert according to the modified Köppen system. The average annual rainfall at Murchison is 216 mm and the highest recorded daily maximum is 128 mm. Most rain falls in the months of January to July. At all times of the year, the rainfall occurs over short periods of typically 0.5–2 h. September is particularly dry. The air temperature extremes from December 1993 to April 2007 were 5–45 C. The site has very low water vapor content in the airVthe relative humidity averages well below 50%. The Australian continent has been classified into Bwind regions[ for the purpose of structural design (from Australian Standard AS1170.2). The location for the ASKAP site falls into Wind Region A, which is the most benign classification possible. The predominant geological feature of the MRO/ ASKAP site is Archaen granite from the Yilgarn Craton raft of the continental crust. The generally subdued topographical relief in the area results in slow runoff rates; and, with the low rainfall, the erosion patterns have produced very shallow alluvial valleys throughout the region. The mainly pedogenic soils in the area are typically between one and 10 m deep and overlie calcerous hardpan and then saprolytic clays to a further depth of up to 40 m. This thick saprolytic clay profile is derived from in-situ weathering of the granite basement. The degree of seismic activity in the vicinity of the central region is low, with only one earthquake of significance since 1820. Australia is generally subject to very low seismic activity. A. Midwest Radio Quiet Zone On September 24, 2006, ACMA released a Radiocommunications Assignment and Licensing Instruction, Coordination of Apparatus Licences within the Midwest Radio Quiet Zone (RQZ) (RALI MS32). RALI MS32 defines the RQZ as inner restricted zones where new frequency assignments are not usually permitted (with exceptions assessed on a case by case basis) and outer coordination zones where new frequency assignments require coordination. The frequency span of RALI MS32 and the RQZ is 100 MHz to 25.25 GHz. The circles in Fig. 12 denote the outer extents of the restricted zone (150 km for low frequencies) and coordination zone (260 km for low frequencies). The RALI MS32, along with the extremely low population levels (for instance, there are no residents within 30 km and only a few within 70 km) and other regulations (for instance, the Mineral Management Area WA state regulation for nonlicensed transmissions within 80 km and a Bsection 19[ declaration embargoing additional mining in the area) promise to make the MRO an excellent radio- Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 97, No. 8, August 2009 Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 06:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. DeBoer et al.: Australian SKA Pathfinder: A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope Fig. 12. Map of Australia showing the MRO with an aerial picture of the site and a rendering of a few dishes (credit: University of Western Australia). In the middle inset, the concentric circles denote 150 and 260 km radii corresponding to the restricted and coordination zone extents. The grey shape in the center is the pastoral lease. quiet site for the long-term. Additional legislative measures are also being investigated to strengthen the radio-quiet controls. B. Other Current Projects As an excellent RFI-quiet site that is starting to acquire the infrastructure of a supporting observatory, the MRO is of interest for use by other instruments. This section briefly describes the other instruments or experiments that are currently deploying on site. 1) Murchison Widefield Array (MWA): The MWA [24] is a joint project between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Haystack Observatory and Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Science, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), the Indian Raman Research Institute (RRI), an Australian consortium of universities and CSIRO to build a radio astronomy array operating in the frequency range 80–300 MHz. Its main scientific goals are to detect the Epoch of Reionization, study the heliosphere/ionosphere, and search for transients. 2) Precision Array to Probe the Epoch of Reionization (PAPER): PAPER is a collaboration between the University of California at Berkeley, the U.S. National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), and the University of Virginia [25]. It uses sleeved dipoles on a ground plane and strives for a clean and stable system to detect the faint signature of the epoch of reionization. PAPER uses a phased approach that allows it to fully characterize and control the systematics in order to minimize such effects for the full array. PAPER will have a maximum baseline of about 300 m and may comprise up to 256 or more elements as the experiment evolves. 3) Cosmic Reionization Experiment (CORE): CORE plans to use a single well-characterized wide-field log-spiral pyramidal antenna to measure the global spectral features of red-shifted 21 cm emission/absorption over 100– 200 MHz and thus study the astrophysics during the epoch of reionization over 6 G z G 13. V. CONCLUSION As shown in Fig. 2, the project is still being developed and deployed. Although, given the innovative nature of the design, risks are still present, excellent progress is being made across the technical domains. CSIRO is working with groups around the world to develop the technology and techniques for the PAFs. Similarly for the challenging computing and processing issues that are being facedVthis also involves many industry partners who are chasing Moore’s law. The remote nature of the site also clearly involves challenges. Currently, a prototype PAF, consisting of 5 4 2 elements, illustrated in Fig. 4, has been installed at the focus of a 12 m parabolic dish installed at the Parkes Testbed Facility (PTF). The PTF is adjacent to the Parkes 64-m antenna at the Observatory. The 5 4 array of dualpolarization elements has 40 ports, and data from all ports Vol. 97, No. 8, August 2009 | Proceedings of the IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 06:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 1519 DeBoer et al.: Australian SKA Pathfinder: A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope (with interferometric measurements from the 64 m) have been taken. Initial results were provided in [26], which used a limited number of ports. These data indicate a system temperature/antenna efficiency ðTsys ="Þ of about 180 K, implying about 70 K for the system temperature for this preliminary room-temperature system. The limited number of ports implies the low efficiency, which also increases the spillover temperature. A goal of Tsys =" ¼ 65 K or better is expected. Fig. 13(a) shows the port powers (autocorrelations) for each of the 40 ports as a GPS satellite drifted through the pointing center of the stationary antenna. The receiver, with an effective bandwidth of 0.875 MHz, was tuned to the GPS L2 frequency, which is 1.2276 GHz. Beams were formed in software as linear combinations of the recorded port voltages. Fig. 13(b) shows the power patterns of three aperture fit beams made at different epochs during the transit of the GPS satellite through the pointing center of the stationary antenna. These three beams cover 4 on the sky when measured across half-power points. The beam shape was optimized by iteratively solving for weights that synthesized an aperture illumination closest to a target, Gaussian-shaped, illumination pattern. In addition to weights that optimized the beam shape, two other sets of weights were derived: to maximize received power and to maximize signal-to-noise ratio. Fig. 13(c) and (d) compares beams formed by the three beamforming methods. Maximum power weights were Fig. 13. (a). Power patterns for each of the 40 ports measured by letting a GPS satellite drift through the pointing center of the stationary antenna. Each port power was normalized to its noise power, and the baseline has been removed. (b). Power patterns for three beams using aperture fit weights that are derived for three points along the trajectory of the GPS satellite. Each beam is a linear combination of the signals plotted in (a). Each beam power has been normalized to the beam noise power, and the baseline has been removed. These three beams cover 4 on the sky (c). Power patterns for beams comparing three beamforming methods. These beams are all directed towards the antenna pointing center. (d). Repeat of (c) on a decibel scale. 1520 Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 97, No. 8, August 2009 Authorized licensed use limited to: Univ Carlos III. Downloaded on September 11, 2009 at 06:10 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. DeBoer et al.: Australian SKA Pathfinder: A High-Dynamic Range Wide-Field of View Survey Telescope derived as the eigenvector of the covariance matrix of the port voltages with the satellite at the pointing center. Maximum signal-to-noise weights were derived by combining the maximum power weights with an additional measurement of the noise covariance matrix when the satellite was far from the pointing center and not contributing significantly to the port voltages. Additional testing and prototyping of all components will continue. The Parkes Testbed Facility will continue to test PAF and digital processing prototypes in preparation for the upcoming phases of BETA to ASKAP. The com- REFERENCES [1] C. Carilli and S. Rawlings, Eds., Science With the Square Kilometre Array. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, 2004. [2] P. J. Hall, Ed., The Square Kilometre Array: An Engineering Perspective. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, 2005. [3] S. Johnston, M. Bailes, N. Bartel, C. Baugh, M. Bietenholz, W. C. Blake, R. Braun, J. Brown, S. Chatterjee, J. Darling, A. Deller, R. Dodson, P. G. Edwards, R. Ekers, S. Ellingsen, I. Feain, B. M. Gaensler, M. Haverkorn, G. Hobbs, A. Hopkins, C. Jackson, C. 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