Bioethics Committees in Hospitals


Bioethics Committees in Hospitals
First Announcement and Call for Abstracts
International Conference
Bioethics Committees in Hospitals
dea ded to
exte rch 10,
Ma 009
Canaan Spa
Zefat, Israel
May 17-20, 2009
Under the auspices of:
Chair in Bioethics
Commission of Israel
● The International Center for Health, Law and Ethics
● Faculty of Law, University of Haifa
● Zefat Academic College, Israel
Dear Colleagues
Health care institutions as well as government and policy agencies recognize
the importance of developing formal mechanisms to address and resolve
ethically charged or value-laden problems in the rapidly shifting dynamics
of everyday health care and health policy.
A bioethics committee is a committee that systematically and continually
addresses the ethical dimensions of the health sciences, the life sciences
and innovative health policies. A bioethics committee is typically composed
of a range of experts, is usually multi-disciplinary and its members employ a
variety of approaches to work toward the resolution of bioethical issues and
problems, especially moral or bioethical dilemmas.
Although bioethics committees have been established to advise the
medical community and health professionals on how they ought to act
with respect to specific moral controversies, some of these committees are
also expected to advise policy makers, politicians or lawmakers.
There are many reasons for establishing and activating bioethics
committees. The principal objectives of bioethics committees are to
provide expertise and represent different viewpoints concerning ethical
issues raised in biology, medicine and the life sciences, to improve patientcentered care, to protect persons who become involved in research trials
and to facilitate the acquisition and use of new knowledge directed to
improving health and the delivery of health care.*
The purpose of the Conference is to offer and serve as an international
platform for exchange of knowledge and thoughts, and to channel them
to benefit individual patients as well as entire societies. We welcome you
to submit abstracts. The conference venue in Zefat is the beautiful 5 star
Canaan Spa Hotel situated in the center of the world of Kaballah. We hope
to provide participants with a unique opportunity to share the beauty and
mysticism of Zefat combined with post-conference tours to Jerusalem’s 3000
year old City of David, a cable car climb to King Herod’s palace on Masada
overlooking the Dead Sea, the lowest spot on earth, and much more.
Prof. Amnon Carmi
Conference Chairperson
* Guide No. 1, Establishing Bioethics Committees.
UNESCO Division of Ethics of Science and Technology (2005)
Conference Topics
Health care/hospital
bioethics committees
● Research ethics
The challenge and tasks
of bioethics committees
● Establishing
forms of bioethics
Procedures and operations
Evaluating bioethics
● Different
Policy-making bioethics
● Advisory bioethics
● Health professional
association bioethics
● Programs
for continuing
bioethics education
Abstracts of approximately 250 words are invited for oral and poster
presentation on the above mentioned topics.
Email abstract to and fax a copy to
Please be certain to include the following: title, authors’ names and
places of work, and contact information including email address,
postal address and telephone number.
Deadline for abstract submission: December 31, 2008
General Information
Venue: Canaan Spa Hotel, Zefat, Israel
Date: May 17-20, 2009
Language: The conference will be held in English
Climate: 15-25°C and sunny
Letter of Invitation: Upon request, the Conference Secretariat will
supply participants with personal invitations to the Conference.
These invitations are meant to help visitors raise travel funds or
obtain visas and do not represent a commitment on the part of the
organizers to provide financial support.
Certificate of Participation: A Certificate of Participation will be
supplied upon request.
Registration and Accommodation: An all-inclusive special
package includes: 3 nights hotel accommodation (May 17-20),
entrance into all scientific sessions, program and printed matter,
3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 dinners, including a welcoming and
farewell dinner, walking tour of old city of Zefat and access to spa
Registration and accommodation fees for the 3 day conference
including all meals at Canaan Spa Hotel (Five star deluxe)
Early Bird Price
Until Jan.15
Participant sharing
double room
Student / nurse /
technician (sharing room)
Accompanying person
Regular Price
Jan.15-March 14
Late Price
After Mar.15
(sharing room)
Single room supplement
Official check-in time for hotel is 14:00 and check-out is 11:30.
Please note that payments made by credit card will be charged
in US Dollars according to the exchange rate on the date of
On-line registration at or
General Information
Accompanying Persons Fee includes 3 nights hotel
accommodation (May 17-20), 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 dinners,
including a welcoming and farewell dinner, walking tour of old
city of Zefat, entry to opening session ceremony and access to spa
facilities. Accompanying persons may not attend scientific sessions.
Cancellation Policy: All cancellations must be received via fax,
email or post.
Cancellations received before December 15 - full refund less €50
bank and processing charges.
Cancellations received December 16 - January 30 - 80% refund
Cancellations received January 31 - March 15 – 60% refund
Cancellations received after March 15 - 40% refund
Refunds will be processed one month after the conference.
Pre and Post Conference Hotel Extensions can be reserved through
the secretariat at the following hotels (includes full breakfast):
Canaan Spa, Zefat* (venue)
Ganei Moriah, Jerusalem – First Class
Tel Aviv Metropolitan Hotel reg rm
Exec Suite
Single Room
Double Room
€ 70
€ 75
€ 210
€ 78
€ 84
* includes breakfast, brunch and dinner, and access to spa facilities
Get-together: Welcoming dinner, May 17 at 19:00
Farewell Dinner and folklore evening, May 18 from 19:00
(Dress – informal)
Transportation from Tel Aviv to Zefat: We suggest taking a taxi
from Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport directly to the
hotel in Zefat. The drive should take two hours depending upon
traffic and time of arrival (cost approximately $200). The conference
secretariat will try to match participants with similar arrival times for
shared taxi transportation, and/or arrange a bus ($50 per person)
departing from Jerusalem and Tel Aviv conference hotels for Zefat
on May 17.
General Information
Website: For updates please visit:
Conference Secretariat:
ISAS International Seminars, POB 574, Jerusalem 91004 Israel
Tel: +972-2-6520574, Fax: +972-2-6520558
Important Notes: ISAS International Seminars, and their agents,
shall not be responsible for and shall be exempt from all liability in
respect of any loss, damage, injury, accident, delay or inconvenience
to any person, or his/her luggage or any other property for any
reason whatsoever, for any tourist services provided. Personal travel
and health insurance is recommended.
Post Conference Tours
bathing suit & towel (there will
be time for a dip in the Dead
Sea). Lunch not included. Return
to Jerusalem.
Price: €89
Tour #1 Wednesday May 20
Capernaum, Tiberias, Galilee
(continue to Jerusalem)
Depart Zefat hotel 12:00.
Tour Capernaum and Mt. of
Beatitudes, view Tiberias and
Sea of Galilee, Galilee sites
and tour ancient Tel Megido
(UNESCO World Heritage Site).
Overnight Jerusalem (Ganei
Moriah Hotel).
Price: €130
Single Supplement: €31
Tour #3 Friday May 22
Tour #2 Thursday May 21
Masada, Qumran (Dead Sea
Scrolls) and Dead Sea
Depart Jerusalem (Ganei Moriah
Hotel) 8:00 a.m. and descend
through the beautiful
scenery of the Judean Desert
to the lowest point on Earth
- the Dead Sea. Drive along the
sea, pass by Qumran where the
Dead Sea Scrolls were found and
continue to Masada – ascend via
cable car to the ancient fortress
built by Herod the Great in the
1st Century B.C.E. which was the
last Jewish stronghold during
the revolt against the Romans.
Bring water, hat, walking shoes,
Depart Ganei Moriah Hotel,
Jerusalem at 8:00 a.m.
Full day tour of Jerusalem,
including 3000 year old City
of David, the Western Wall
underground tunnels, Mt. Zion,
King David’s Tomb, the Room
of the Last-Supper, Dormision
Church, Zion Gate, three Old
City Quarters: Armenian, Jewish
and Christian. Visit the Cardo, Via
Dolorosa, Church of the Tomb,
exit the Old City via Jaffa Gate.
Price: €50
Exclusively for conference
participants and accompanying
All itineraries are subject to
change and require a minimum of
15 participants per tour.
For additional tours and
extensions, please contact the
All entries included. Lunch not
Program at a Glance
Sunday May 17
Early registration
Welcoming dinner
Monday May 18
Opening session and full day of conference
Farewell dinner and folklore evening
Tuesday May 19
Continuation of sessions
Wednesday May 20
Walking tour of Zefat
Check out and end of conference
Optional: Post Conference Tours
Wednesday May 20
Tour 1 – Capernaum, Tiberias, Galilee
Overnight Jerusalem
Thursday May 21
Tour 2 – Qumran, Masada, and Dead Sea
Friday May 22
Tour 3 – Jerusalem
Zefat and Kabbalah
From time immemorial, the city of Zefat, in the upper Galilee in
northern Israel, and its environs, have served as a focal point for
those dealing in Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah, who were attracted
by the special magic and energy of the region and the very special
inspiration it provides. Prophets, "Tzadikim", Talmud and Zohar Sages,
Jewish mystics and Kabbalists all worked and lived in Zefat and the
surrounding area starting from the First Temple times, and ending in
the Modern Era.
Today especially, Zefat retains its special character as a center of
fascinating activities in the sphere of Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah,
and is definitely the most natural focal point for experiencing events
and activities revolving around Kabbalah.
To visit Zefat - with the grapevines growing up the
arbors of its stone houses, the decorated iron gates,
the beautiful panorama that is visible from the
verandas, and the winding cobblestone alleyways,
is like strolling through a painting. It is a city for
vacationers and tourists, a city of artists and rabbis,
history and tradition.
Zefat also has exciting museums that relate the
city’s history, luxurious hotels that preserve its
antique character, and a huge Crusader fortress. It
also hosts numerous festivals that are rich in color
and atmosphere.
The artists’ quarter is located in what was previously
the Arab quarter of Zefat. Artists reside and work
in their studios in the ancient and magnificent
houses, and their paintings and artifacts fill the
display windows and can be viewed while walking
through the narrow alleyways.
Useful Links:
Registration Form – Bioethics 2009
To register online see:
Please type or print in block letters and return to Secretariat:
Bioethics 2009, ISAS, POB 574, Jerusalem 91004, Israel
Tel: +972-2-6520574, Fax: +972-2-6520558, email:
First Name
Place of Work
Full Mailing Address ❐ Home ❐ Work
City, State
Postal Code
Arrival Date
Flight Number
Pre/Post Conference Accommodations
Please reserve pre/post conference accommodations at:
❐ Canaan Spa, Zefat (venue)
❐ single room ❐ double room
Check in (date) .............................. Check out .........................
Total number of nights............................
❐ Ganei Moriah, Jerusalem
❐ single room ❐ double room
Check in (date) .............................. Check out .........................
Total number of nights............................
❐ Tel Aviv Metropolitan Hotel
❐ single room ❐ double room ❐ suite
Check in (date) .............................. Check out .........................
Total number of nights............................
Registration Form – Bioethics 2009
I will share my room (if double occupancy) with .......................................
It is the sole responsibility of the participant to find a roommate.
In the absence of a roommate, single occupancy price will be charged.
Registration – Conference and accommodations
Registration – Accompanying person
Pre/Post Conference Hotel Accommodations
Tour 1: Capernaum, Tiberias, Galilee ............. seat(s)
Tour 2: Masada, Qumran, Dead Sea ............. seat(s)
Tour 3: Jerusalem
............. seat(s)
Payment Instructions
❐ Enclosed is check payable to ISAS International Seminars.
❐ Charge my credit card: ❐ VISA ❐ DINERS ❐ M/C ❐ AMEX
Number ......................................................................................................................
Expiration .............................. 3-4 Digit Security Code ...................................
❐ Bank transfer in Euro to: ISAS International Seminars Ltd.
Bank Leumi
Tourist Branch #780
19 King David St., Jerusalem, Israel
Account Number 812900/40
IBAN CODE: IL850107800000081290040
Please email/fax a copy of the bank transfer instructions to the
Name ................................. Signature .............................. Date .......................
ISAS International Seminars, POB 574, Jerusalem 91004, Israel
Tel: +972-2-6520574, Fax: +972-2-6520558,