Goodbye 2014 – Hello 2015! - Canadian Avanti Owners Association


Goodbye 2014 – Hello 2015! - Canadian Avanti Owners Association
Official Newsletter for the Canadian Avanti Owners Association
November – December 2014
Goodbye 2014 – Hello 2015!
(Norman Searle’s 1963 Avanti)
In this issue:
President’s Message
Editor’s Message
Meeting Minutes November 30
Election Results
Steering in a new Direction
Hamilton Chapter SDC Christmas Party
Meeting Pictures
Studefest 2015
Maple Leaf Tour 2015
Upcoming Events
Final Words…
CAOA Membership Renewal Form
For Sale
Volume 12, Issue 6.
Page 3
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Steve Wohleber
Mike Emmerich
Mike Emmerich
Mike Emmerich
Mike Emmerich
Mike Emmerich
Mike Emmerich
Mike Emmerich
Bill Foy
Verne Brinsmead
Mike Emmerich
Larry Gibson
Mike Emmerich
The Canadian Avanti
The Canadian Avanti is published quarterly by the Canadian Avanti Owners Association (CAOA), a chapter of
the Avanti Owners Association International (AOAI).
The Canadian Avanti Owners Association is a non-profit organization committed to preserving the history of
the Avanti automobile. We currently have +40 members located in all provinces across Canada. We are a
Chapter of the Avanti Owners Association International Inc. Our group strives to promote the research and
study of the Avanti and the companies that have produced it over the years. We wish to share our knowledge
with others and encourage the acquisition, preservation, restoration, and maintenance of all Avantis produced
by Studebaker and successor companies. Our Canadian Chapter also promotes fellowship and camaraderie by
publishing a newsletter quarterly, participating in local CAOA or Studebaker Drivers Club events and our
general meetings held quarterly at various members’ homes. Ownership of an Avanti (Studebaker or successor)
is not required.
CAOA Chapter Officers
Steve Wohleber
Vice Presidents:
(Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba)
British Columbia
Hugh Campbell
(Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI, NFLD)
Dave Moxham
Mike Emmerich
Bill Harris
Sue Lusted
Technical Advisor
Peter Sant
President’s Message…
So winter is upon us and with the gradually
lengthening days, perhaps we start thinking of
the season to come and the many projects
waiting. We are pleased to welcome new
members and we hope to add more this coming
year. As always, Lew Schucart has done a great
job with the calendar and we are offering one
complimentary with each renewal. Mike
Emmerich and Paulette are enjoying their
northern winter it seems and is enjoying
retirement. A good story from the West coast
featuring the retrieval of two forlorn Avanti is in
this link:
Dale Pennock has done a great job bringing
these cars back to life. His story was also
featured in Old Autos this month. Check it out if
you are a subscriber. Lots of shows coming up this year so there should be plenty of
opportunities to enjoy your ride. We are also aware of an orphan sitting outside on
a driveway in Midland ON so hopefully a new home will be forthcoming for this
Avanti II as well. Our new Membership Chair, Larry Gibson is doing a great job and
all of you should be hearing from him if you already haven't. We may change some
things around this year so keep checking our web site for updates as they take
place. We are all looking forward to a good year and remember we are always
willing to support activities throughout Canada. Well, another 25 below night is on
its way, so I'm off to put some more wood on the fire. Keep warm and spring really
is just around the corner.
This years (2014) train set-up:
All the best! Steve Wohleber
Editor’s Message...
Well, the next phase of my life is in place.
I am finally following the “Final Words”
in this issue and making the most of my
86,400 seconds. I retired from the
company I worked for the past 31 years. I
moved to a new house, in a new area, with
a great person. Not that this has all been
easy, I have given up many things I loved
to achieve my dreams. But, I am very
excited where my life is heading and the
new people that are in it.
I sold the 1940 Coupe and 1963 Convertible as part of my downsizing. I kept the Avanti
as if you can only have one, this is it! As previously mentioned in past newsletters, I have
finally started “upgrading” the Avanti, making it look and perform as it should. In this
issue, I dealt with the steering and removing the engine and transmission for rebuilding
and final paint. It will be a whole new car this May. Between the Avanti, the Wildcat
ATV and now a pontoon boat on our own dock, this will be a fun summer. I forgot to
mention that Paulette and I are now engaged and are looking forward to an intimate
wedding on our dock come May 16. Life is good!
As you are aware that this is my final issue as editor (and to keep up the tradition,
suitably late!) so I want to thank the executive in selecting me to be your editor. I also
want to thank the many people who provided articles and input over the years. Without
your support, it would have not been possible. I look forward to providing articles
(including the upgrades on my Avanti) to the new editor, so I can stay in touch with you.
So, in closing, thanks to all of you and the friendships we have cultivated and hopefully
we will stay in touch.
Mike Emmerich and
Paulette Martel
1965 Grindstone Lake Road
Plevna, Ontario
K0H 2M0
By Mike Emmerich
CAOA Meeting Minutes
Nov 30, 2014
Members Present: Larry and Barb Gibson, Steve and Barb Wohleber, Sue and Roly
Lusted, Ralph Hart, Jim and Barb Anderson, Wayne Hamilton,
Bill Harris, Dave Simonson, Hugh Campbell and Bonny Butler,
Mike Emmerich and Paulette Martel, Stu Chapman, and Paul
Call to Order:
1:10 pm
Opening Remarks: Steve Wohleber welcomed everyone to our fall meeting. Thanks to
Larry and Barb Gibson for hosting the meeting. We unfortunately
missed some meetings over the summer due to scheduling
Minutes of April 27, 2014 as included in the newsletter and read
by Mike Emmerich were presented. Motion to accept by Paul
Cronkwright, seconded by Ralph Hart, carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Report covering April 2014 to November 2014 presented
by Bill Harris. Motion to accept by Bill Harris, seconded
by Ralph Hart, carried.
Membership Report:
Bill Harris reported that our membership for 2014 stood at
38. Members paid up for 2015 currently stands at 22. Steve
Wohleber and Bill Harris will follow-up with members
who have not renewed for the past two years and remind
them of our “free” 2015 calendar offer.
Old Business:
Web Site:
Sue Lusted reported that website hosting and domain name
has been renewed. Sue is now looking after classifieds; send
your for sale or wanted ads to her for distribution.
Membership Renewal:
CAOA renewal forms were sent with last newsletter. A
2015 calendar will be provided free with each renewed
or paid membership. Reminder to all: if you sell your
Avanti, your current membership extends to the new
owner so please ensure you let them know and forward
their contact information to Bill Harris.
By Mike Emmerich
New Business:
Stu Chapman met with the Studebaker National Museum (SNM)
and provided a report on our support options which include the
Adopt-A-Car program and a brick. Motion made by Stu Chapman
to provide $100 USD per prototype ($200 USD in total) on a yearly
basis with the option to renew or opt-out. Discussion: Money is for
the general museum fund, not those specific vehicles. SNM has the
title to these vehicles. Paul Cronkwright added to the motion that
we should investigate having the SNM include an R series engine as
part of the sponsorship package. Seconded by Wayne Hamilton; all
in favour. Stu Chapman will look after disbursement of funds and
request the R Series engine inclusion.
The 2015 Calendars are now in! Send your order in along with
membership dues to Dave Moxham. For all of those already
renewed, Dave Moxham will mail the calendars next week.
Additional calendars are available for $10. Steve and Barb
Wohleber’s Avanti is featured for November. Members can send
their Avanti for consideration to Avanti Magazine editor for
inclusion in 2016.
Events for 2015:
April 25:
Badenoch Swap Meet (hosted by Ontario Chapter SDC).
June 6-7:
Fleetwood Country Cruizein. See for more details.
June 14:
Hamilton Chapter SDC tour to Pierce Arrow Museum Buffalo
NY. CAOA has been invited to join. Plan to meet at Duty Free at
Fort Erie and cross over as a group. Roly Lusted is the contact and
more details will be provided as we get closer. See for more information on the
August 16-22:
51st Studebaker Drivers Club International meet in St Louis
Missouri. This will also be an AOAI meet. See for details.
October X:
Ontario Chapter SDC Maple Leaf Tour. Hosted by Verne
Brinsmead, details will be provided as they become available.
By Mike Emmerich
CAOA Executive plans to keep in close contact to Hamilton and Ontario Chapters for
support and participation opportunities. Members in other regions are encouraged to do
likewise with their local SDC Chapter(s) and keep the Executive informed if the CAOA
can provide support.
Meetings for 2015:
April 26:
Hosted by Bill Harris in Dundas ON.
June 15:
Summer meeting, details TBA.
Fall meeting, details TBA.
Winter meeting/elections, details TBA.
As in previous years, CAOA will attempt to tie a meeting to an event. We are always
looking for suggestions and/or meeting places, so send in your thoughts to Steve
Wohleber or Mike Emmerich.
Elections for 2015:
See attached for election results.
Motion to Adjourn:
By Mike Emmerich
Motion to adjourn by Ralph Hart at 2:45pm.
CAOA Elections for 2015
The Canadian Avanti Owners Association annual elections were held on November 30,
2014 at the home of Larry and Barb Gibson in Grimsby ON.
Thanks to the 2014 Executive. Thanks to Bill Harris who has supported the CAOA since
its inception in 2003. Welcome to the 2015 Executive as they look forward to a new year.
Welcome to Larry Gibson who has now taken on the role of Membership Chair.
There are still several positions still open and we encourage any member to contact the
executive if they would like to take this on (even if for a trial basis).
Steve Wohleber
Vice President:
(Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba)
British Columbia
Hugh Campbell
(Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI, NFLD)
Dave Moxham
Mike Emmerich
Larry Gibson
Sue Lusted
* These positions are appointments as opposed to elected and are considered part of the
IDYSD Picture (Cover):
Hi Mike, I would like to submit a photo taken during the “DYSD” event out here in the
Edmonton area. This was at a car meet in Fallis, Alberta. It was on the way home from this event
that I ran out of gas and a fellow member, Curtiss Lagasse, found a mobile fuel station to come
out to my car and fuel me up on the side of the road. It turned out the fellow blew a hole in the
side of his on-board RV gas tank and needed to drain some gas fast, before he was cited for a
toxic spill or the leaking fuel caught fire. I got my gas and he drained his tank. All was good.
Norman Searle.
The following are some great links sent in by members. Enjoy!
Will Norton (President, Ontario Chapter SDC):
Check out the link below for info on Tim Horton Motors - a former Studebaker Dealership in
Toronto back in 1962
Cheers, Will
Graham Gagne:
Hi folks, a very interesting item on two Avanti found in the berry bushes!
Barry Slipp:
Hi Mike; here is an interesting Stude related article from “Hemmings Daily”, a free subscription
from Hemmings. Perhaps you could put the link in the newsletters.
I highly recommend the “Hemmings Daily” for those who have not yet subscribed to this free
service. It’s a great way to start the day for car guys (and gals).
Click on the link below for the article regarding the Volcano and Studebaker. It sure stirred up
the pot and lots of first hand info.
Happy New Year. Barry
By Mike Emmerich
Studebaker National Museum:
Adopt-A-Car Sponsorship
This reply is from Rebecca Bonham (SNM) thanking us for our donation to their Adopt-A-Car
program. Please refer to the meeting minutes this issue for more information on the donation.
“This is great news, Stu! Thank you so much and please extend our thanks to the Canadian
AOA. Please give Thelma my best”.
Rebecca J. Bonham
Executive Director
From: []
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2014 12:15 PM
To: Drew Van De Wielle
Cc: Rebecca Bonham; Andrew Beckman;;; Mike Emmerich
Subject: Adopt-a-Car program
Hi Drew.
You will recall our discussion back in May regarding the potential support of the Adopt-a-Car
program by the Canadian Avanti Owners Association. I am pleased to advise you that the
members of the CAOA met yesterday, the first time since our discussion, and unanimously
approved the sponsorship of the Avanti-based Notchback Sedan Prototype and the Avanti-based
Fastback Sedan Prototype, at an annual cost of $100.00 for a total of $200.00.
Further, should the Museum come into ownership possession of an Avanti, the members have
asked that the CAOA be given first opportunity for sponsorship of such a car. In addition, the
members would like to know if the Museum owns a stand-mounted R2 or R3 engine. If so,
perhaps this could be exhibited between the two prototypes, thereby accenting the Avanti
influence of this display even further.
CAOA President Steve Wohleber will be arranging with Treasurer Dave Moxham to have either
a bank draft (cashier’s check) or money order in US funds in the amount of $200.00 forwarded to
your attention presently.
Stu Chapman.
Our “CAOA” hat is off to Stu Chapman for suggesting this sponsorship and helping to craft the
motion and finally making arrangements for the sponsorship on behalf of the chapter. MDE.
By Mike Emmerich
Steering in a New Direction
Well, I am finally taking the plunge. On November 29th the Avanti was delivered to Fixx Auto
body (AKA Royal Auto body) for a new engine and paint. Before it could be delivered, the new
rack and pinon upgrade had to be performed.
Based on an article on a rack and pinion swap in Bob Johnston’s website
( things never go as planned (or do they?). Glen Forrest
reviewed the article and was a little bit skeptical. But, he is a tool and die maker experienced in
chassis design and manufacture and would know of any pitfalls. The nature of the Avanti (split
steering box and steering shaft) meant that once the rack was mounted, a couple of Borgenson
joints and some new power steering hoses we should be back on the road. This part was easy.
Glen located the rack as close to the oil pan as possible (read as high off the ground it could be)
to ensure that the tie rods were parallel to the ground to ensure no bump-steer. Toe-in is
allowed as the wheel moves up and down – toe-out is not. Glen spent some careful time,
removing the coil spring and checking for bump-steer and not allowing me to drive the car until
he was satisfied. When I arrived to pick the car up, he was smiling and I read this to mean that
he was happy. I took the car for a drive around the block, driving over a railway crossing on
several occasions (once rather speedily). And guess what, no bump-steer! The rack is for 1987
Cavalier Z24, which means it is quicker than a standard one. I feel like I am driving a new car!
Now I cannot wait until Paul Forrest builds me a new HO 305 (but with 383 cubic inches, like I
had in my coupe). This is another story…
Rack Installation Pictures:
By Mike Emmerich
Steering in a New Direction
Disconnecting the many hoses and wires.
Handy to have a lift truck at your disposal.
Engine now out, time to remove the harness.
Since I am planning to paint the car and
engine compartment before the engine can go
in, all has to be removed.
A myriad pile of parts; I have to keep all until This was a great engine. I won a mileage tour
the new engine is installed to determine what with it, took me to South Bend and Dover
numerous times and never let me down. But it
I need to keep.
was tired and time for a replacement.
By Mike Emmerich
Hamilton Chapter Christmas November 29
As many CAOA members belong to the Hamilton
Chapter SDC, the executive has invited all CAOA
members to also attend. For this reason, we tie
in a meeting with this event, so members out of
town can attend both and make it a full
weekend. This time Hugh Campbell and Bonny
Butler made the trek from Windsor and Steve
and Barb Wohleber drove down from Britt. Good
thing the weather cooperated. As usual, the door
prizes were aplenty, the food was great and the
socializing with friends was fantastic. Mr. and Mrs. Claus (George and Donna Graham) were
present (with presents). Hopefully we will get another invitation next year (nudge, nudge, wink,
wink, Mr. Lusted).
I would like to thank the Hamilton Chapter SDC personally for the clock I was presented in
appreciation of my support of the chapter from 2002 onward. It is great to be associated with
such good friends!
Pictures from the event:
Thelma Chapman, Barb Gibson and Barb Hugh Campbell and Bonny Butler.
Bill Harris, Wayne Hamilton and Sharon Barb and Larry Gibson with Steve and Barb
By Mike Emmerich
Hamilton Chapter Christmas November 29
Barry and Carol Leppan.
Lorraine and Paul Cronkwright.
Stu Chapman and Sue Lusted.
Barb Anderson and Larry Gibson.
Mike Emmerich and Paulette Martel with Mike Emmerich being presented with a token
of appreciation by Roly Lusted, on behalf of
Sharon Pearce looking on.
the Hamilton Chapter SDC.
By Mike Emmerich
CAOA Meeting November 30
As 2014 draws close to an end, it means time for our final meeting and chance to swap stories
from over the summer. This meeting was held at the home of Larry and Barb Gibson and as
usual there was too much good food and good times. Lunch was held before the meeting, then
after the meeting coffee/tea and desserts were available to munch on. Larry volunteered to
take those inclined out to his garage to view his passion (and man is he passionate). Barb
showed others the quilts she is making – the pictures do not do them justice! After the
festivities have been completed, all head back home to Britt, Sudbury, Plevna and points inbetween. Many thanks to Larry and Barb for opening their home to us.
Pictures worth sharing:
Lining up for the food. Watch the elbows!
Bonny Butler, Paulette Martel and Sue Lusted
found a comfy place to talk and have a coffee.
Larry Gibson must be thirsty, as he stares L-R: Stu Chapman listens as Mike Emmerich
down at Roly Lusted, Dave Simonson and Paul records Bill Harris’ membership report. Wayne
Cronkwright (R-L).
Hamilton looks on.
By Mike Emmerich
CAOA Meeting November 30
Steve Wohleber keeping control as Ralph Hart, Barb Gibson showing one of her quilts as Barb
Jim Anderson and Hugh Campbell listen on.
Wohleber holds up the other end.
Larry Gibson (behind Wayne) showing his Larry and Barb Gibson’s 1964 Avanti sporting
1962 Corvette with Hugh Campbell and Bill its newly recovered seats.
Harris looking on.
Larry Gibson’s radical 1966 Road Racer. He 421 CID of small block Chevrolet power.
plans to race this beast in 2015.
Manual shift of course. I bet this will be a blast
to drive.
By Mike Emmerich
Studefest July 10-11-13th
It’s that time again, but this time with a’ll be summer.
Last year’s Studefest gave us some great memories of the Lanark Highlands, Calabogie Motor Sport Park
and all the stops along the way. This year’s tour will be based along the St. Lawrence River in Brockville.
Our host hotel will be a spot we have visited before, The Royal Brock Quality Inn on Stewart Street. This
hotel received many positive reports from our last visit, great location, clean rooms and lots of parking.
We will be blocking off 15 rooms for this event so book your room early, remember cancellation is free if
for some reason you are unable to attend. The details are disclosed below.
The itinerary will go something like this:
Friday July 10th
For those who would like to get away a little early a few of us will be meeting in either Kingston or
Gananoque then touring down the 1000 Island Parkway to Brockville with perhaps a lunch stop in
Saturday July 11th
After a little breakfast we’ll head off back country to Smith Falls where we will visit the Rideau Canal and
Railway Museums. Then it’s back to the St. Lawrence and an evening boat tour and dinner. The boat
cruise will not be landing in the US therefore passports are not required.
Sunday July 12th
After breakfast we’re heading to Merrickville for their annual car show. This is a big show drawing
upwards of 1000 cars. There is also shopping and lunching available. From here we part ways, no set
time for departure, whatever suits you plan.
Hotel information
Quality Inn Royal Brock
100 Stewart Blvd, Brockville Ontario, 613-345-1400
Rates – 1 Queen $104.39, 1 King $113.39, 2 Double Beds $122.39
Book by March 1 to ensure a room. It is their busy season so rooms will not be held after this date.
After booking contact me to let me know you’re in. There will also be registration for the boat tour
portion of this event; these details will be printed in an upcoming Studebanner.
Bill Foy 613-777-5468
Bill Foy
Maple Leaf Tour 2015
Perhaps a bit optimistic for the end of January but positive thinking helps one
endure the blizzard raging over the deck on the other side of my sliding door. In
any case, it's time to start thinking Maple Leaf Tour - October is fast approaching!
We have settled on Peterborough this year, on October 2, 3 and 4. This is fairly
central and should make the trip tolerable for everyone. Our hosts will be the
Quality Inn, 1074 Landsdowne Street West, (705) 748-6801 / (877) 316-9949
e-mail The rate is a very good $79.00
per night including hot breakfast and we have 20 rooms on hold until September
1, emergency cancellation by 4p.m. on the day prior. Our block is all first floor and
we have dedicated Studebaker Club parking right outside of each room. Make
your booking as this is Homecoming Weekend at Trent University so any
latecomers may be sleeping in Ottawa.
Tour arrangements are still tentative as many things are closed in winter. We are
looking at Lang Pioneer Village in the morning, a short drive north to Lakefield for
lunch and an afternoon back roads tour with a stop at Petroglyphs Provincial Park.
I haven't been there for years but Bill Hooper said they have a new interpretive
centre and the main glyphs are now roofed over so rain can't deter us.
Meals are still an unknown but the hotel is located among many restaurants
which would love to see us. This should provide good negotiating power! The
Quality Inn has offered the breakfast room for our AGM if we want it, but this is
Will's territory. More information as it falls into place. Remember that rooms will
be at a premium that weekend, so snag yours early. Happy Studebakering!
By Verne Brinsmead
Upcoming Events...
Chapter Events
Meetings for 2015:
April 26:
Hosted by Bill Harris in Dundas ON.
June 15:
Summer meeting, details TBA.
Fall meeting, details TBA.
Winter meeting/elections, details TBA.
As in previous years, CAOA will attempt to tie a meeting to an event. We are always
looking for suggestions and/or meeting places, so send in your thoughts to Steve
Wohleber or Mike Emmerich.
April 25:
Badenoch Swap Meet (hosted by Ontario Chapter SDC).
June 6-7:
Fleetwood Country Cruizein. See for more details.
AOAI Events
August 16-22:
51st Studebaker Drivers Club International meet in St Louis
Missouri. This will also be an AOAI meet. See for details.
SDC Events
June 14:
Hamilton Chapter SDC tour to Pierce Arrow Museum Buffalo
NY. CAOA has been invited to join. Plan to meet at Duty Free at
Fort Erie and cross over as a group. Roly Lusted is the contact and
more details will be provided as we get closer. See for more information on the
July 10-12:
Ontario Chapter SDC Studefest; details will be provided as they
become available. Contact is Bill Foy, 613-777-5468 or
October 2-4:
Ontario Chapter SDC Mapleleaf Tour; details will be provided as
they become available. Contact is Verne Brinsmead, 705-4543854 or
Have an event you would like to add? Please contact Mike Emmerich with the details...
Imagine that you had won the following *PRIZE* in a contest: Each morning your bank would
deposit $86,400 in your private account for your use. However, this prize has rules:
1. Everything that you didn't spend during each day would be taken away from you.
2. You may not simply transfer money into some other account.
3. You may only spend it.
4. Each morning upon awakening, the bank opens your account with another $86,400 for that
5. The bank can end the game without warning; at any time it can say, “Game Over!". It can
close the account and you will not receive a new one.
What would you personally do?
You would buy anything and everything you wanted right? Not only for yourself, but for all the
people you love and care for. Even for people you don't know, because you couldn't possibly
spend it all on yourself, right?
You would try to spend every penny, and use it all, because you knew it would be replenished
in the morning, right?
Each of us is already a winner of this *PRIZE*. We just can't seem to see it.
1. Each morning we awaken to receive 86,400 seconds as a gift of life.
2. And when we go to sleep at night, any remaining time is Not credited to us.
3. What we haven't used up that day is forever lost.
4. Yesterday is forever gone.
5. Each morning the account is refilled, but the bank can dissolve your account at any time
SO, what will YOU do with your 86,400 seconds?
Those seconds are worth so much more than the same amount in dollars. Think about it and
remember to enjoy every second of your life, because time races by so much quicker than you
So take care of yourself, be happy, love deeply and enjoy life!
Here's wishing you a wonderful and beautiful day. Start “spending!”
The Canadian Avanti Owners Association (CAOA) is a non-profit
organization committed to preserving the history of the Avanti
automobile. We currently have +45 members located in all provinces
across Canada. We are a Chapter of the Avanti Owners Association
International Inc ( Our group strives to promote
the research and study of the Avanti and the companies that have
produced it over the years. We wish to share our knowledge with others
and encourage the acquisition, preservation, restoration, and
maintenance of all Avantis produced by Studebaker and successor
companies. Our Canadian Chapter also promotes fellowship and
camaraderie by publishing a newsletter quarterly, participating in local CAOA or Studebaker Drivers Club events
and our general meetings held quarterly at various members’ homes. Ownership of an Avanti (Studebaker or
successor) is not required.
Renewal fee
Make Cheque Payable to:
$ 15.00 per year
Canadian Avanti Owners
Mail cheque to:
C. A. O. A.
David Moxham
P.O. Box 341
Noelville, Ontario
P0M 2N0
Any questions? Please Contact:
Steve Wohleber 705-383-2432
Bill Harris
David Moxham 705-898-1326
Mike Emmerich 519-740-6118
Name(s) Yours:
Last Name
First Name
Local Address:
postal code
postal code
Alt. Address:
Local Phone:
Alt. Phone:
A.O.A.I Membership No.
(Avanti Owners Association Int.)
Fill below your car information if new/changed:
Serial #
Cubic In.
Car Model
Exterior / Interior Color
*Condition Code: 1 Excellent; 2 Fine; 3 Very Good; 4 Driver; 5 Restorable
For Sale – 1963 Avanti
1963 Avanti: This is an early Avanti (#1630) with the R1 engine, 4 speed and optional
Air Conditioning, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Hill Holder and 3.73 Twin Traction. It
is mostly original with some improvements - dual Master Cylinder, Mallory (Delco)
Electronic Ignition, replacement 55 amp Alternator and 134A A/C conversion. Detailed
information and photos are available at The asking price
is $23,000. Contact Graham at 902-758-1210 or email
For Sale – 1963 Avanti
1963 STUDEBAKER AVANTI R1 (R2640), $19,900.00.
ORIGINAL 289 (Rebuilt about 10k miles ago). All new Gauges. New Edelbrock/Webber
carb. and Intake manifold. Mopar Alternator and Electronic ignition. Dual Power Brake system.
Reconditioned Front Callipers, c/w new pads. Reconditioned rear drums c/w new shoes.
New HD Front Coil Springs. Reconditioned A-arms. Reconditioned King Pins and bushings
Forced air Rad Fan. New Torque Boxes (“Hog-Troughs”). Avanti II Alum. Mags. (Original Hub
Caps in Box). New Cooper Radial Tires. (Original spare in trunk). Re-Arched Custom Rear Leaf
Springs. New Rear Shocks Installed. New ignition switch. Many additional parts included with
Please contact Ellwood Phillips Calgary Alberta, T2J 3E9.
Home: 1-587-351-2720, Cell: 403-604-0151.