August - American Legion Post 318


August - American Legion Post 318
1000 Savanna Club Blvd
Port St. Lucie, Fl. 34952
The Post Messenger
Ft. Pierce, FL.
PERMIT No. 499
1000 Savanna Club Blvd
Port St. Lucie, Fl. 34952-3347
August - 2015
It’s not the price you pay for your membership, it’s the price you have already paid to be eligible.
The Post Messenger is published monthly by American Legion Post 318, 1000 Savanna Club Blvd, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34952
Daryl Bowie, Commander
Phone - 772-878-0655
Fax - 772-878-0625
Visit us
Issue No. 265
Sally Zimmerman
Commander’s Message
$15 per year……………...………...IN MEMORY OF………….……………..Paid through month shown
August 2015
Jim “Jimbo” McLaughlin
by S.A.L. Squadron 318
September 2015
Frank Cafiso
by Connie Cafiso
October 2015
John C. Henson
by Terry Murphy
Alan Tumenelli
& Vincent Corrado
December 2015
William T. Hawes
by Lorraine & Deborah
January 2016
Paul (Scozz) Scozzafava by
Fran & Lou Romano
March 2016
Lillian Gass
By William & Donna Gass
Ken Baker
by Kay & Bonnie Baker
July 2016
Carol Sassarone
by Steev
William J. Zikus
by Bob
Edward M. Zikus
by Bob
Bob Parr
by Eileen, Michael &
Keith Parr
October 2016
Ed Patterson
by Karen Fox-Patterson
November 2016
Teri Vincent
by Spanish Lakes I Friends
December 2016
Bill Yager
by Capt. Sal Bagnara of the
Viking Prince
Burton T. McInerney
by Rose Mary McInerney
Hello American Legion Family! The American Legion Post 318, a Legion Post for Veterans and their Families, with that in
mind, as your new Commander, I know that the Post will continue our service to programs for Veterans in need, Children,
youths, and to our American Legion Family.
We are a 100% American Legion family, and have the great support and programs of our Ladies Auxiliary, Son's of the
American Legion, and Legion Riders. I look forward to another great year with our American Legion family
We are fortunate to have past Commanders- Daryl Bowie, Jim Burk, Frank Howard, and Rush Hagerthey- still serving
the Post. As Commander I also have Officers and E-Board members dedicated to the American Legion and what it stands
for. Thank you all.
We will continue to improve and make our Post Facility the best it can be. I hope all will enjoy our new seating in the
Our Post received well deserved honors at the American Legion State Convention by having Officer Sal Incinti, our
nominee for Law Enforcement Officer, named the Law Enforcement Officer of the year for the State, and his name will go
to the National Convention for National Recognition. In addition our own, Babe Garneau, was named recruiter of the year
for the State. His name also will go to the National Convention for National Recognition. Brian Pearson also received honorable mention for his recruiting efforts. We hope he will be well soon and back to the Post. We are proud they are part of
our Legion family.
August 15th will be the Commander's Recognition Dinner to acknowledge our outgoing Commander, Daryl Bowie, who
for the past 5 years has given his all for the Post, Without him the Post would not be the great Post it is, At this dinner
Commander Bowie will present the Post Awards for the Year. I urge all to attend.
This month I would like to name Maurice (Babe) Garneau Member of the Month. In addition to his recruiting efforts, he
has been there for the Post in so many ways - building cabinets, hanging plaques, repairing equipment, cooking for the
Post, and many other times volunteering. Thank you Babe.
I wish to thank the membership for the honor of being your Commander for 2015-2016. If any member has concerns or
suggestions for the betterment of the Post, I am available by phone or at the post.
For God and Country,
Richard Feldman, Commander
February 2017
Alfonzo “Butch” Stevens
By Paul Hess
March 2017
Dick Boulette, Dennis Cush,
Roy Gulbrandsen,
and Conrad Tutelo
by Post 318 Honor Guard
August 2018
Edward M. Zikus Jr.
by Edgar & Jana Johnson
December 2020
Geraldine Malaband
by Philip Del Toro
August 8th General Business Meeting Guest Speaker
At our August General Business Meeting, Paul Hiott, from the Florida Department of Veteran’s
Affairs, will address the membership on Veteran’s Non-Service Connected Pension benefit
from the Veteran’s Administration. This is a little used benefit that many of our members are
not aware of. Plan on attending the meeting to learn more. YOU may be qualified!
The American Legion, Post 318
August 2015
Service Officer Report
Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange through Duty on Contaminated C-123 Aircraft
The following information was obtained from the VA website (, Office of Public and Intergovernmental
Affairs, and several “Links” located within the news release. The information herein is provided for the benefit of our
members. If you believe that you may be entitled to Service Connected Disabilities due to this change in Agent Orange exposure, please contact your local County Veterans’ Service Officer for assistance in completing a claim.
Ron Zimmerman Sr., Post Service Officer
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has determined that a select group of Air Force Servicemembers, to include Reservists and
Active Duty personnel, who had regular and repeated exposure to contaminated Operation Ranch Hand (ORH) C-123s, used to spray
Agent Orange in Vietnam, as flight, maintenance, or medical crew members, were exposed to Agent Orange. This decision is based
upon the results of an Institute of Medicine (IOM) study on the health effects.
In response to the Institute of Medicine’s report on Post-Vietnam Dioxin Exposure in Agent Orange-Contaminated C-123 Aircraft from
the National Academy of Sciences, we have determined there is evidence of exposure to Agent Orange for Airmen who worked on C123s that were used in Vietnam as part of Operation Ranch Hand. Specifically, we have determined there is sufficient evidence that Air
Force and Air Force Reserve members who served during the period 1969 through 1986 and regularly and repeatedly operated, maintained, or served onboard C-123 aircraft (known to have been used to spray an herbicide agent during the Vietnam era) were exposed
to Agent Orange. Air Force and/or Air Force Reserve personnel who meet certain service qualifications, and have any of the medical
conditions determined by VA to be related to exposure to Agent Orange, should apply for benefits.
Active Duty or Reserve Qualification Summary
You served in a regular Air Force or Reserve Unit at a location where a contaminated C-123 was assigned. You had regular and
repeated contact with C-123 aircraft through flight, ground, or medical duties. You have an Agent Orange-related disability.
The following is a list of the affected units, Air Force Specialty Codes and dates of service for affected crew members. This list is as of
June 19, 2015.
Reserve Units : Pittsburgh International Airport, Pennsylvania, USAF Reserve Station, Dates: 1972-1982: 758th Airlift Squadron (AS);
911th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron (AES); 911th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron (AMS) ~ Westover AFB, Massachusetts
(Westover Air Reserve Base) and Hanscom Field AFB, Massachusetts, Dates: 1972-1982: 731st Tactical Airlift Squadron (TAS); 74th
Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron (AES); 901st Organizational Maintenance Squadron (OMS) ~ Lockbourne/Rickenbacker AFB, Ohio
(USAF Reserves, Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base), Dates: 1969-1986: 355th Tactical Airlift Squadron (TAS); 356th Tactical
Airlift Squadron (TAS); 4413th Combat Crew Tactical Wing (CCTW) [Ferry Flights]
Active Duty Units, US: Hurlburt Auxiliary Field, Eglin AFB, Florida, Dates: 1970-1973: 1st Special Operations Wing (SOW); 4410th
Combat Crew Tactical Wing (CCTW) [Ferry Flights] ~ Langley AFB, Virginia, Dates: [1962-1963], 1970-1973: 4500th Air Base Wing
(ABW) [Aerial Spray Flights] ~ Luke AFB, Arizona, Dates: 1970-1973: 56th Air Base Wing (ABW)
Active Duty Unit, Overseas: Tainan Air Field, Taiwan, Dates: 1969-1970: 309th Special Operations Squadron (SOS), 310th Special
Operations Squadron (SOS) ~ Howard AFB, Panama, Dates: 1970-1973: 24th Special Operations Wing (SOW) ~ Osan Air Base,
South Korea, Dates: 1970-1973: 51st Air Base Wing (ABW) ~ Clark AFB, Philippines, Dates: 1969-1970: 405th Fighter Wing (FW)
Below is a listing of AFSCs that potentially identify former USAF Active Duty and Reserve personnel with regular and repeated contact as flight, medical, or ground maintenance personnel associated with post-Vietnam Operation Ranch Hand C-123 aircraft. Code
numbers during the operational time frame generally consisted of four digits (with additional number/letter suffix) and many were officially changed during the time frame of operations. As a result, VA will accept any relevant evidence showing the required regular and repeated contact.
Officer AFSCs: Pilot/Copilot, Transport and Tactical Airlift: 1043 – 1055; Flight Nurse: 9761 – 9766
Enlisted AFSCs : Flight Engineer/Aircraft Loadmaster: 1130 – 1149; Aircrew Life Support Specialist: 1220 – 1229; Aircraft Maintenance Specialist/ Flight Technicians: 4313 – 4359
Chaplain Report
Hello all people of Post 318! The month of June was a quite one, almost, with Brian Pierson falling and all the prayers being
said for him seems to have been answered. Lord please continue to bless the Pierson family and return Bryan to his Post.
I would like to remind the people of our Post that you acted in a very positive way in supporting the Piersons and I know Andrea loves you for it. It was great the way the post responded to their fellow member. I hope to always see this, keep contact
with each other about 318 members in need. You are our first priority and helping each other is number one.
Lord ,we walk with you on this journey we all have. Bless our veterans and their families and our active service members and
Yours always faithful,
John Dunn, Chaplain
The American Legion, Post 318
August 2015
2nd Vice Commander Report
I would like to take this opportunity to let the members of Post 318, that I am proud to be "Your" 2nd Vice Commander
for the year 2015-2016. In the past I have held other positions on the E Board but never 2nd Vice. Part of the responsibilities of this position are post functions and entertainment. Over the past 20 + years I have on many occasions taken part in
this capacity.
Each month I will, thru the Post Messenger keep all members informed of activities and fundraisers here at the
Post. August promises to be a busy "off season" of events. On Saturday, August 15 I encourage all to please attend the
Commanders dinner and awards presentation. As we all know if it wasn't for Commander Bowie’s dedication and commitment to our new post home it could still be nothing more than a dream. Well that dream now has been a reality for the last
eighteen months. Please come out and show Commander Bowie "our" sincere appreciation of his time consuming efforts. Cocktails will begin at 5:00 pm followed by dinner & presentations. The main entrée for this event will be either
baked Mahi-Mahi or Chicken cordon bleu. Tickets must be purchased no later than Sunday August 9th in order to insure
quality ordering.
On Sunday, August 23rd, please come out and support the American Legion Youth Baseball fundraising dinner. The
menu will be Spaghetti & Meatballs featuring coach Charlie's "homemade" sauce. Please make an effort to attend this
event for these fine student-athletes, the team will be your servers and clean-up crew. Dinner will be served from 5-7 pm
for a $6.00 donation.
On Saturday, August 29th, "come walk back in time" with the American Legion Unit 318 Ladies Auxiliary Italian Dinner
Show featuring "The Very Best of the Rat Pack". Sit down dinner served 6:00 pm the menu includes: Anti Pasta salad,
Chicken Parm, Pasta, and dessert. Come join Auxiliary President Fran Romano with her special guest". Tickets sold in
advance only and their $10.00.
In Your Service
Arnie Thompson, 2nd Vice Commander
Auxiliary Report
Hi Everyone! It's going to be an exciting year filled with activities and most of all FUN! We are starting off the year with
our first Fund-Raising event so Save the Date -Saturday, August 29th and "Come Go Walk Back In Time". It's a "Rat Pack
Dance" with special guests Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., Marilyn Monroe - and lots of other surprises at
the party. $10.00 per person which includes a sit-down dinner: Antipasto, Chicken Parmesan, Penne Pasta, and Dessert.
Tickets are on sale now. Pre-paid tickets only, so hurry and buy your tickets now -- sorry no tickets will be sold at the door.
August 19th is our next Wednesday night dinner and the Pork Chops are better than ever. Thank you to our volunteers
who work hard at cooking and serving this dinner. Thanks to all who continue to support us and come to our dinners.
Please remember the next Auxiliary general membership meeting is September 21st at 6:45pm. Hope you are having a
great summer!
Fran Romano, Auxiliary President 203-710-1407
Be A Booster - $20.00 per year
August 2015
John Kearns by
Sons of American Legion
George E. McKenzie
Joseph & Irene Jones
September 2015
Connie Cafiso
October 2015
Everett A. Dunbar
December 2015
(Paid Through Month Shown)
Joseph H. Pratten
Paul D & Susan T Brennan
Patricia Bonham
Robert Seip
May 2019
10-13 Club
March 2016
Bill Gass
Jim & Bev Kelly
Kay & Bonnie Baker
September 2016
William O’Donnell
February 2022
Dallas Black
March 2017
Bob & Sally Booth
November 2024
Jewish War Veterans
July 2016
Mattie M. Kelley
Frederick G. Thompson
George & Kathy Sinbine
August 2016
Theodore A. &
March 2018
USAF Maj Joseph Lyons
December 2018
Lee Caldwell
Boosters help defray the cost of printing and mailing our monthly newsletter. To add your name or to renew for one year,
make your check for $20 payable to “The American Legion, Post 318,” mark “Booster” on memo line, drop off at the canteen
or mail to The American Legion, Post 318, 1000 Savanna Club Blvd, Port St. Lucie, Fl. 34952.
The American Legion, Post 318
August 2015
American Legion Post 318
Youth Baseball Fundraiser Dinner
Sunday, August 23rd, 5:00 - 7:00 PM
Spaghetti & Meat Balls with Coach Charlie’s Homemade Sauce
Salad and Garlic Bread
$6.00 pp
Come Go Walk Back in Time!
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 318
Italian Dinner Show, August 29th
The Very Best of “The Rat Pack”
With Special Guest
Sit Down Dinner Served 6:00 PM
Anti Pasta Salad, Chicken Parmesan,
Pasta, Dessert
Come as the “Best Dressed” in the era of that time!
Fun for All!
Tickets sold in advance ONLY! $10.00 per person
American Legion Post 318 Calendar of Events
August 2015
1 Kitchen Open 11:30 –8
Legion Riders– 9:30 AM
Jimbo, Karaoke 7:30-11 PM
2 Breakfast 8:30 - 11AM
9 - Noon $2 Bloodies/
Kitchen Open 11:30 - 3
Marine Corps League - 7 PM
Kitchen Open 11:30 - 3
Kitchen Open 11:30 - 2:00
Kitchen Open 11:30 - 8
Kitchen Open 11:30 - 3
Kitchen Open 11:30 –8
Karaoke by Jimbo 6:30 PM
Trivia - 7:30 to 9:30
Jimbo, DJ 7:30-11 PM
(No Karaoke)
Mike Lee 7:30-11 PM
11 Kitchen Open 11:30 - 3
12 Kitchen Open 11:30 - 2:00
13 Kitchen Open 11:30 - 8
14 Kitchen Open 11:30 - 5:00
15 Kitchen Open 11:30 –8
Service Officer 1:00 - 4:00 PM
Fish Fry & Open Menu 5 - 8 PM
Honor Guard 6:00 PM
Dinner 5 - 7 PM
Home made Lasagna - $8.00
Commander’s Dinner
Cocktails 5:00 PM
Dinner & Presentations
Trivia - 7:30 to 9:30
Chubby Bones: 7:30-11 PM
Jimbo, Karaoke 7:30-11 PM
20 Kitchen Open 11:30 - 8
21 Kitchen Open 11:30 - 5:00
22 Kitchen Open 11:30 –8
Service Officer 1:00 - 4:00 PM
Fish Fry & Open Menu 5 - 8 PM
MCL Auxiliary- 11:00 AM
Kitchen Open 11AM - 5
Fish Fry & Open Menu 5 - 8 PM
Service Officer 1:00 - 4:00 PM
Legion E-Board - 9:00 AM
General Meeting - 10:30
Ace of Hearts - 7 PM
U.S. Coast Guard est 1790
Kitchen Open 11:30 - 5:00
Dinner 5 - 7 PM
Baby Back Ribs $8.00 or
Ribs/Chicken Combo $10.00
House Committee 5:30 PM
Kitchen Open 11AM - 5
9 Breakfast 8:30 - 11AM
9 - Noon $2 Bloodies/
Ace of Hearts - 7 PM
Karaoke by Jimbo 6:30 PM
16 Breakfast 8:30 - 11AM
9 - Noon $2 Bloodies/
17 Kitchen Open 11:30 - 3
Kitchen Open 11:30 - 3
Kitchen Open 11:30 - 2:00
Dinner 5 - 7 PM
Pork Chops - $8.00
Auxiliary E-Board 5:30PM
Kitchen Open 11AM - 5
Ace of Hearts - 7 PM
Steak Night $16.00
Karaoke by Jimbo 6:30 PM
23 Breakfast 8:30 - 11AM
9 - Noon $2 Bloodies/
Kitchen Open 11AM - 5
Sal, DJ 7:30-11 PM
The Driftwoods 7:30-11 PM
24 Kitchen Open 11:30 - 3
25 Kitchen Open 11:30 - 3
26 Kitchen Open 11:30 - 2:00
27 Kitchen Open 11:30 - 8
Fish Fry & Open Menu 5 - 8 PM
Honor Guard 6:00 PM
Dinner 5 - 7 PM
Meatloaf - $8.00
Service Officer 1:00 - 4:00 PM
10 - 13 Club - 7:30PM
Kitchen Open 11AM - 5
Youth Baseball Fundraiser
Dinner: 5:00 -700 PM
30 Breakfast 8:30 - 11AM
9 - Noon $2 Bloodies/
Trivia - 7:30 to 9:30
Kitchen Open 11:30 - 5:00
Kitchen Open 11:30 –8
Rat Pack Show & Dinner
Ace of Hearts - 7 PM
31 Kitchen Open 11:30 - 3
Sept 1 Kitchen Open 11:30 - 3
Marine Corps League - 7 PM
House Committee 5:30 PM
Karaoke by Jimbo 6:30 PM
Trivia - 7:30 to 9:30
Santiago 7:30 - 11 PM
2 Kitchen Open 11:30 - 2:00
3 Kitchen Open 11:30 - 8
4 Kitchen Open 11:30 - 5:00
5 Kitchen Open 11:30 –8
Dinner 5 - 7 PM
Baby Back Ribs $8.00 or
Ribs/Chicken Combo $10.00
Karaoke by Jimbo 6:30 PM
Service Officer 1:00 - 4:00 PM
Fish Fry & Open Menu 5 - 8 PM
Legion Riders– 9:30 AM
Ace of Hearts - 7 PM
Beer Tasting at the Mets
Entertainment 7:30-11 PM
Trivia - 7:30 to 9:30
Entertainment 7:30-11 PM