ALICO LIghtIng guIde
ALICO LIghtIng guIde
ALICO lighting guide constellations of light MonoRail Alico Industries Inc. Head Office 2750 John Street, Unit 2 Markham, Ontario L3R 2W4 Dallas Showroom Dallas Market Center, Suite 3664 2100 Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75207 Warehouses 114-3060 Norland Ave. Burnaby, BC V5B 3A6 60 Industrial Pkwy, Suite Z66 Cheektowaga, NY 14227 11846 Dorsett Road Maryland Heights, MO 63043 Telephone: 1-866-662-5426 Fax: 1-866-305-6191 E-Mail: Web: © 2010 ALICO INDUSTRIES INC. All rights reserved. Certain products in this catalogue may be protected by applicable patents and patents pending. Alico Industries Inc. will aggressively defend all its intellectual property. We reserve the right to change details of design, materials and finishes. Lamps are not included with products unless stated. All items in this catalogue certified to CSA/UL standard. Don’t just turn on a light, turn on a room! alico has over 50 years of experience in providing superior interior lighting solutions for any household or business application. the hallmark of our products is the fashionable yet functional premium quality built into every light we sell. Alico decorative MonoRail System BEFORE: standard commercial fluorescent lighting can cast a harsh light. AFTER: alico's MonoRail warms up your space to make it an inviting and comfortable environment. low voltage meets high style! create swooping curves and light your space with dramatic effect. alico MonoRail combines superbly built products with today’s muchneeded affordability. a selection of exquisite pendants and directional heads will allow you to easily design and install even in the most demanding of applications. Guiding light how to use alico’s catalogues alico’s 2010 MonoRail catalogue incorporates a number of features that are specifically designed to help you quickly select and order the product that is best suited for your particular needs. • products have been organized into specific product groups (i.e. pendants, Rail heads). • listings for individual products include a brief description followed by detailed specifications including size, finishes, shades, recommended lamps and maximum wattage. this is helpful when determining the total wattage needed to build your system. • the ordering information for the product(s) pictured on each page is italicized under the product code matrix. • neW in our MonoRail catalogue! build your own code to customize your product. select from the options available in the code matrix to build any available alico pendant or head. this product code matrix CAn Be customized: STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 fRh 4100 5 8 15 16M 45 29M n L this product code matrix CAn nOt Be customized: STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc fRpc fRpc fRpc 7000 7000 7000 7000 15 16M 31 45 15 16M 45 45 – 29M 29M 29M each product has a family name, followed by a simple-to-use code for ease of ordering. see the example below for an explanation of the individual components of the product code. an “n” indicates no value. see the example below (for hW-1 track head from page 30). fRh4100-5-16M-29M-L 1 Model Style 4 Hardware Finish FRH -16M Rail Head Matte Satin Nickel 6 Option 2 custom stem length 2 Model Family 4100 HW-1 3 Shade / Diffuser Finish -5 Frosted Glass *Some product may use simplified code structures (primarily components and accessories). 5 Option 1 add Rail connector -29M Some MonoRail heads can be ordered with custom lengths. Just add the desired length in inches. Table of contents MonoRail................................................. 7 Quick Reference Visual Guide........8 Ali-Jack Adapters................................12 Rail Head Accessories.......................13 MonoRail Basics................................. 14 Kits.............................................................16 Joiners/Adapters..................................18 System Supports..................................20 Power Feeds/Transformers...........22 Powered Canopies & Islands......... 24 Orion........................................................26 Directional Rail Heads....................28 Pendants................................................40 LED Fixtures..........................................78 Installation Hints and Tips.............81 Colour Palette................................... 88 Index........................................................ 89 Lamp Information.............................. 90 Alto Rail Head: page 30 Glacier Fontana: page 68 Transformer options page 23, Rail page 11 and accessories options pages 18 to 23. MonoRail alico’s MonoRail system gives you the ultimate in simplicity and flexibility. Using and interchanging nearly any alico pendant or head is quick and easy. perfect for use with MonoRail, monopoint and multipoint We have an ali-Jack fixture that is suitable for any lighting need. ali-Jack MonoRail adapters are a fast and simple way to install all ali-Jack lamps to MonoRail track. ali-Jack monopoint canopies and multipoint canopies are supplied with electronic transformers and installed ali-Jack ports (female) matching the number of pendants. canopies. Just insert the male ali-Jack into any corresponding female port and tighten the threaded collar. that’s all there is to it! shown: spy Directional Rail head fRh4302-n-16M (page 33) Quick reference visual guide MonoRail 8 ALTO BASSO AR111 BINO BUD directional rail head: 30 directional rail head: 32 directional rail head: 39 directional rail head: 38 DART DISPLAY LIGHT GOBO TECNO HELIOS directional rail head: 31 directional rail head: 39 directional rail head: 29 leD directional rail head: 80 HELIX HW-1 JOSA LOGIC directional rail head: 35 directional rail head: 30 directional rail head: 32 directional rail head: 33 MARTEK MINI HELIX Q-LIGHT SPY directional rail head: 34 directional rail head: 35 directional rail head: 37 directional rail head: 33 TECNO UNIVERSAL ZEN directional rail head: 28 directional rail head: 37 leD directional rail head: 79 ALICO MONORAIL ANELLO BOLLA CATASTA CHAPEAU pendant: 40 pendant: 51 pendant: 43 pendant: 71 COLANDER CONE CONO CRESCENT pendant: 72 pendant: 77 pendant: 56 pendant: 54 DUPLEX ELEGANZA FANTASIA GRANDE pendant: 75 pendant: 63 ELEGANZA GRANDE FILA FLASH FLASH GRANDE FLUTE pendant: 46 pendant: 76 pendant: 76 pendant: 54 FORMA DRUM FOUNTAIN FUTURA GLACIER COLLO pendant: 77 pendant: 64 pendant: 59 pendant: 69 GLACIER FONTANA GLACIER TRUMPET LOUVRE LUMA pendant: 68 pendant: 70 pendant: 64 pendant: 48 pendant: 66 pendant: 56 9 10 MILLENNIUM MINI-SILO OBELISQUE PETITE OGIVA pendant: 72 pendant: 55 pendant: 44 pendant: 58 ONYX CONE ONYX CUP PARA RIALTO pendant: 47 pendant: 47 pendant: 59 pendant: 60 ROMANO SCALINO SCINTILLIO CONE pendant: 58 pendant: 61 pendant: 52 SCINTILLIO SQUARE SERAFINO SKEET SMALL CUBE SOFIA pendant: 48 pendant: 66 pendant: 55 pendant: 65 SOFIA DROP SORELLA TORPEDO TORTUGA pendant: 49 pendant: 74 pendant: 44 pendant: 61 TUBOLAIRE TWINS UNDULA ZEN pendant: 46 pendant: 73 pendant: 53 leD pendant: 78 ALICO MONORAIL pendant: 52 Alico MonoRail matte satin nickel oil-rubbed bronze hand-bendable copper core track section. single circuit, 25-amp capacity, with lexan insulator. for matte satin nickel rail sections, clear lucite end caps are included. oil-rubbed bronze rail sections come complete with bronze lucite end caps. A Alico MonoRail Section – 4' MR4-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MR4-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) B Alico MonoRail Section – 8' MR8-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MR8-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) Size Size 48"l x V"W x X"D 96"l x V"W x X"D See pages 18-23 for MonoRail components and accessories, or pages 16-17 for starter kits. 11 Ali-jack adapters female. connector.port a this specialty ali-Jack adapter is a single female connector port requiring a remote transformer (see page 23), designed to recess fit into ceilings from N" to O" in thickness with alico’s unique adjustable feature. Remote transformer required – 60W 12V maximum. – *shown a Female Connector Port (no Transformer) STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE fRaJ pR1 n 15 16M 45 *FRAJPR1-N-15 (Chrome) Size 2K”h x 2N”ø. cut out 1X"ø ali-jack.track. adapters b the fRaJt4 is an ali-Jack adapter complete with 60W 12V transformer. it permits mounting of alico low-voltage pendants and heads on popular 120V track systems. b Ali-Jack Track Adapters STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRaJ t4 n 30 31 h J l Size 2K”l x 1¾”h x 1W”D Note for the option that is appropriate for your installation please consult factory. 12 ALICO MONORAIL Rail head accessories mr16.barndoor barndoor for use with fRa008 for MR16. – *shown A Barndoor fRa001-n-15 (chrome) fRa001-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) *FRA001-N-31 (Black) mr16.honeycomb. louvre.and.ring. holder honeycomb louvre and ring holder for MR16 in matte satin nickel or black. – *shown c Honeycomb Louvre and Ring Holder for MR16 fRa004-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) *FRA004-N-31 (Black) mr16. honeycomb.louvre mr16.ring.–. 1.device.holder honeycomb louvre for MR16 in matte satin nickel or black. to be used with fRa005 and fRa008 for MR16. – *shown b Honeycomb Louvre for MR16 *FRA003-N-16M-16 (Matte Satin Nickel) *FRA003-N-31-16 (Black) MR16 ring – 1 device holder in chrome, matte satin nickel or black. fastens to lamp and holds one device. to be used with fRa003 for MR16 and fRa007. – *shown d MR16 Ring – 1 Device Holder mr16.perforated. backlit.shield Mesh shade in chrome, matte satin nickel or black. to be used with fRa004, fRa005 and fRa008 for MR16. – *shown e Perforated Backlit Shield fRa007-n-15 (chrome) fRa007-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) *FRA007-N-31 (Black) mr16.ring.–. 2.device.holder MR16 ring – 2 device holder in chrome or matte satin nickel. fastens to lamp and holds up to two devices. to be used with fRa003 for MR16 and fRa007. – *shown f MR16 Ring – 2 Device Holder *FRA008-N-15-16 (Chrome) fRa008-n-16M-16 (Matte satin nickel) *FRA005-N-15-16 (Chrome) *FRA005-N-16M-16 (Matte Satin Nickel) *FRA005-N-31-16 (Black) 13 Alico MonoRail Basics the alico MonoRail gives you the power to customize the lighting in your space any way you want. get creative! Join rails together to form shapes of all sizes or navigate a sharp turn with a conductive ”l“ joiner shown G. below are some sample shape ideas for configuring your MonoRail to help get your creative juices flowing. from there the ceiling’s the limit! b a f g So how do you get your rail project under way? follow these easy steps: 1 choose the lights! if you are planning on highlighting artwork we offer a variety of heads. if ambiance is more your style then select from our glass and metal pendant options. Remember that you can mix and match them to really customize your design. 2 set the desired length for your installation. get creative: take it along a wall, across a ceiling and around columns! our simple-to-install standoffs and hand-bendable rail permits you to add depth and dimension to any lighting project! For more tips and installation help see pages 81 to 86 in this guide. 3 Measure the track length and account for a standoff every 2 – 3 feet. standoffs provide support and rigidity to the system and can be wall or ceiling mounted. alico rail is offered in 4 and 8 foot lengths and can be cut to suit your design. 4 now total the amount of wattage you will be using. alico provides integral and remote transformers up to 300 watts. if your wattage exceeds that of one single transformer, simply add non-conductive joiners to give the system a seamless appearance even though power may be supplied from more than one location. you are now ready to enjoy your new alico MonoRail lighting system. connect 5– 8' rails and create a 78"ø circle With the introduction of conductive straight joiners f – and conductive “l” joiners g, MonoRail gives you unlimited creativity. alico and MonoRail give you the freedom to bring your world to light. *Circles on the shapes above denote where rail connections may occur. 14 ALICO MONORAIL c e d F G a Starter Kit Mallow Head (page 16) MR5hK100-5-16M B Rigid Ceiling Standoff (page 20) MRJ6-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) C 12V 150W Transformer (page 22) D Torpedo Amber Shade for Alico MonoRail (page 44) fRpc3010-8-16M (Matte satin nickel) e Outrigger and Feed (page 21) F Conductive Straight Joiner (page 18) MRJ1-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) G Conductive ”L“ Joiner (page 18) MRJ4-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRpfW-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRt151-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) 15 MonoRail kits alico MonoRail provides you with limitless possibilities and combinations to bring your world to light. We offer two starter kits to help get you going. one (MR5hK1000) comes complete with five Mallow heads, while the other (MR300K) allows you to customize your rail by choosing from any of alico’s rail heads, shades and hanging pendants. – *shown Starter.Kit with.5.heads Includes 3 x alico MonoRail sections (12' total) 1 x MRt302-n-16M 300W surface-Mounted Magnetic transformer with heatsink 3 x MRJ6 supports 2 x MRJ1 conductive Joiners 2 x MRecap end caps 5 x MRp2900 fixture adapters 5 x fRh1000 Mallow heads (colour & finish determined by kit ordered) 5 x 50W MR16 lamps + Mounting hardware A 5-Head 300W Alico MonoRail Kit with FRH1000 Mallow Heads STYLE FAMILY MR5hK 1000 SHADE HARDWARE 5 16M 8 45 *MR5HK1000-5-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) Starter.Kit without.heads Includes 3 x alico MonoRail sections (12' total) 1 x MRt302 300W surface-Mounted Magnetic transformer with heatsink 3 x MRJ6 supports 2 x MRJ1 conductive Joiners 2 x MRecap end caps + Mounting hardware b 300W Alico MonoRail Starter Kit (No Heads) STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE MR 300K n 16M 45 *MR300K-N-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) 16 ALICO MONORAIL MR5HK1000-5-16M A 12' linear feet Nominal MR300K-N-45 b 12' linear feet Nominal transformer may not be exactly as shown. 17 Alico MonoRail joiners/adapters MonoRail.joiners single-circuit alico MonoRail conductive straight joiner. carries current from one track section to another. length is 1N". 25 amp max. 300Va-12V, 600Va-24V. A Conductive Straight Joiner MRJ1-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJ1-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) Single-circuit Alico MonoRail flex conductive joiner. Joins two track sections that move from 180° to 90°. Can transition corners, at various angles, as well as from ceiling to wall. Carries current from one track to another. Length is 5K". 25 amp max. 300VA-12V, 600VA-24V. d Flex Conductive Joiner MRJ7-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJ7-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) MonoRail.end.cap. (2.pcs.per.set) the MonoRail end cap is lucite and included in clear with our matte satin nickel rail and smokey finish with our oilrubbed bronze rail. it is the perfect finish to a perfect system. f End Cap MRecap-n-0 (clear lucite) MRecap-n-45 (bronze lucite) single-circuit alico MonoRail nonconductive straight joiner. Mechanically joins track sections powered by separate transformers. length is 1N". B Non-Conductive Straight Joiner MRJ3-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJ3-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) the alico MonoRail non conductive flex joiner allows you to join two tracks with different power sources at various angles. the Joiner moves from 90° to 180° to enable the rail to transition corners, vertical to horizontal orientation as well as from ceiling to wall. length is 5K". e Flex Non Conductive Joiner MRJ8-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJ8-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) single-circuit alico MonoRail conductive “l” joiner. Joins two track sections at up to a 90° angle. carries current from one section to another. length is 1". 25 amp max. 300Va-12V, 600Va-24V. C Conductive “L” Joiner MRJ4-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJ4-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) 18 ALICO MONORAIL fixture.adapters Matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze fixture adapter with female connector for pendants and rail heads. adapter is 1K" long. 50W max. g MonoRail Adapter MRp2900-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRp2900-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) Matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze threaded fixture adapter comes with threaded socket to accept selected shades. permits large shades to be directly mounted to the alico MonoRail system in up or down position. adapter is 1K" long. 50W 12V bi-pin halogen lamp, MR11 or MR16 (not included). for use with eleganza gl-pc4450/51/52 (page 63), fila gl-pc4250 (page 46), bolla gl-pc5401 (page 51), cono gl-pc056 (page 56), cone gl-pc1000 (page 77), scintillio square gl-pc1850 (page 52), scintillio cone gl-pc1851 (page 52), Romano gl-pc036 (page 58), ogiva gl-pc046 (page 58), futura gl-pc700 (page 59), flash grande gl-pc2099 (page 76), Undula gl-pc3410 (page 53) glass. Louvre pendants: page 64 h Threaded MonoRail Adapter MRf3000-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRf3000-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) compression ring adapter is 1O" long. 50W 12V bi-pin halogen lamp, MR11 or MR16 (not included). for use with gl-pc 2010 colander (page 72) and gl-fRh4400 Martek (page 34) shades. i Snap-On MonoRail Adapter MRf3100-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRf3100-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) see page 57 for photo of this application. See more Louvre product in Alico's Constellations of Light V2. Canopy options pages 24-25. 19 Alico MonoRail system supports system.supports alico MonoRail standard support for rigid ceilings. length is 4V". order standoff extension Rods listed on this page to increase suspension length if necessary. standard rail support is adjustable from 4V" to a maximum of 48", measuring from the bottom of the rail. Mounting hardware is included. alico MonoRail adjustable aircraft cable standoff. single screw mounting to ceiling. 10 feet aircraft cable that is easily cut to fit on site. alico’s wire grip easily allows you to shorten and lengthen the cable to the desired length. consult factory for custom lengths. C Adjustable Aircraft Cable Standoff MRJ6c-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJ6c-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) MRJ6V-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJ6V-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) alico MonoRail non-conductive docking rigid standoff connects 3 or 4 rails with separate power supplies. Mounting hardware is included. length is 4V". order MRJe type extension Rods to increase length where desired. D Non-Conductive Docking 3-Way Rigid Standoff MRJ10-n-16M-3 (Matte satin nickel) MRJ10-n-45-3 (oil-Rubbed bronze) e Non-Conductive Docking 4-Way Rigid Standoff MRJ10-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJ10-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) d 20 ALICO MONORAIL Rigid standoff MRJ11-n-16M-3 (Matte satin nickel) MRJ11-n-45-3 (oil-Rubbed bronze) Rigid standoff MRJ11-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJ11-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) MRJ6-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJ6-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) B Vaulted-Ceiling Standoff f Conductive Docking 3-Way g Conductive Docking 4-Way A Rigid Ceiling Standoff alico MonoRail adjustable vaulted-ceiling standoff. swivels up to 90˚. Mounting hardware is included. order MRJe type extension Rods to increase length where desired. alico MonoRail conductive docking rigid standoff continues current for 3 or 4 rails. Mounting hardware is included. length is 4V". 25 amp max. order MRJe type extension Rods to increase length where desired. e f g the alico MonoRail t-bar standoff will clip directly to standard 1” t-bar. also available with K" clip for narrow t’s – simply add a ‘-h’ to the end of your product code to order. MRJe extension rods can be ordered separately (see next page) and fitted on site to increase suspension length(s) where required. h Conductive “T” standoff MRJ6t-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJ6t-n-16M-h (Matte satin nickel) MRJ6t-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) MRJ6t-n-45-h (oil-Rubbed bronze) the outrigger feed mounts to a standard 4" J-box and supports the MonoRail system from a vertical surface. the 24" rods and 38" aircraft cable are easily cut to fit on site. 25 amp max. i Outrigger and Feed J-box outrigger support MRpfW-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRpfW-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) extension.rods extension.couplers support extension rods. easily cut to fit on site. extend extension rods for even more dramatic installation effects l Standoff Extension Rods 1 12" MRJe12-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJe12-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) n Couplers for Standoff Extension Rods MRJJ-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJJ-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) 2 24" MRJe24-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJe24-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) 3 36" MRJe36-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJe36-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) 4 48" MRJe48-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJe48-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) the outrigger supports the MonoRail system from a vertical surface. the 24" rods and 38" aircraft cable are easily cut to fit on site. 25 amp max. j Outrigger MRRWs-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRRWs-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) o Couplers for Power Extension Rods MRJlJ-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJlJ-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) power extension rods. easily cut to fit on site. m Power Extension Rods 1 12" MRJel12-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJel12-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) 2 24" MRJel24-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJel24-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) 3 36" MRJel36-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJel36-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) 4 48" MRJel48-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) MRJel48-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) Use the ali-swag standoff to create unexpected effects with your pendants. k Ali-Swag Standoff fRas-n-15 (chrome) fRas-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) fRas-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) 21 Alico MonoRail power feeds & transformers power.feeds alico MonoRail floating power feed powers track at any point along the track. includes 40" of secondary wire. custom lengths available. consult factory. adapter length is 2". 25 amp max. floating power feed must be ordered with a remote power feed or a surface transformer. consult factory. - *shown alico MonoRail power end feed. permits end feed from wall when no J-box is available. includes bX fitting. Unit is 1O"ø x 3" long. 25 amp max. - *shown surface.mount. transformers C Power End Feed Monopoint 4" round, low-profile, dome canopy. Mounts to standard 4" square J-box. complete with 60W 12V electronic transformer with short circuit, overload and thermal protection. May be dimmed with a quality electronic low voltage dimmer. - *shown *MRPFD-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) MRpfD-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) A Floating Power Feed f Single Canopy (with Transformer) *MRPF1-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) MRpf1-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) fRaq1-n-15 (chrome) *FRAQ1-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) fRaq1-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) Size canopy is 4"ø x 2N"D. alico MonoRail remote power feed for J-box mounting. 6" lead wire. length is 4V". 25 amp max. Remote transformer is required. note: custom lengths can be ordered pre-assembled by adding the total suspension length to the end of the product code. ie MRpfa-n-45-33 where 33 represents the distance from the ceiling to the track. - *shown alico MonoRail vaulted-ceiling remote power feed mounts to standard 4" J-box. 6" length – easily cut to fit on site. note: custom lengths can be ordered pre-assembled by adding the total suspension length to the end of the product code. ie MRpfaV-n-45-33 where 33 represents the distance from the ceiling to the track. - *shown D Vaulted-Ceiling Remote Power Feed *MRPFAV-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) MRpfaV-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) B Remote Power Feed for J-Box Mounting *MRPFA-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) alico MonoRail 12V 150W electronic transformer – surface mounted. Direct power feed. includes all mounting hardware. May be dimmed with electronic low-voltage dimmer. note: custom lengths can be ordered pre-assembled by adding the total suspension length to the end of the product code. ie MRt151-n-45-33 where 33 represents the distance from the ceiling to the track. - *shown MRpfa-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) g 12V 150W Electronic Transformer alico MonoRail power end feed for standard 4" J-box mounting. allows end feed from wall. Depth is 1K". - *shown E Power End Feed for J-Box Mounting *MRT151-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) MRt151-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) Size 5K"ø x 4V"h *MRPFEND-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) MRpfenD-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) Size canopy is 4"ø x 1K"D. note: not for use with LED products! 22 ALICO MONORAIL alico MonoRail 12V 300W electronic transformer – surface mounted with integrated dimming coil. Dimmable using an electronic low-voltage dimmer. comes complete with power feed and primary and secondary protection with a 25-amp re-settable electronic breaker for overload protection. note: custom lengths can be ordered pre-assembled by adding the total suspension length to the end of the product code. ie MRt301-n-45-33 where 33 represents the distance from the ceiling to the track. - *shown h 12V 300W Electronic Transformer *MRT301-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) MRt301-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) remote.mount. transformers alico MonoRail 12V 300W remote magnetic transformer with 25-amp secondary breaker protection. add “-277” to product code for 277 Volt option. powder coated in black. - *shown j 12V 300W Remote Magnetic transformer *MRT99106-N-31 (Black) MRt99106-n-31-277V (black) alico MonoRail 12V 300W x 2 remote magnetic transformer with dual 25-amp secondary breaker protection. add “-277” to product code for 277 Volt option. powder coated in black. - *shown l 12V 300W x 2 Remote Magnetic transformer *MRT99107-N-31 (Black) MRt99107-n-31-277V (black) Size 9K"l x 4K"W x 5"h Size 8O"l x 4N"W x 4"h Size 8K"ø x 4V"h note: not for use with LED products! alico MonoRail 12V 300W magnetic transformer – surface mounted with heatsink. Direct power feed. includes all mounting hardware. May be dimmed with electronic low-voltage dimmer. note: custom lengths can be ordered pre-assembled by adding the total suspension length to the end of the product code. ie MRt302-n-45-33 where 33 represents the distance from the ceiling to the track. now with debuzzing coil to minimize humming. - alico MonoRail 24V 600W remote magnetic transformer with 25-amp secondary breaker protection. powder coated in black. - *shown k 24V 600W Remote Magnetic transformer *MRT99116-N-31 (Black) alico MonoRail 24V 600W x 2 remote magnetic transformer with dual 25-amp secondary breaker protection. powder coated in black. - *shown m 24V 600W x 2 Remote Magnetic transformer *MRT99117-N-31 (Black) Size 11K"l x 7"W x 5K"h Size 9K"l x 4K"W x 5"h *shown i 12V 300W Magnetic Transformer *MRT302-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) MRt302-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) Size 5K"ø x 4V"h 23 Ali-jack powered canopies & islands alico offers ali-Jack pendant canopies with multiple suspension options in round or rectangular. all versions that are supplied with premium-quality, electronic transformers have short-circuit protection and can be dimmed with a quality electronic dimmer. monopoint trio cinquo. Monopoint 5" round 1N" high canopy. Mounts to standard 4" J-box. complete with ali-Jack along with 60W 12V electronic transformer. - *shown ali-Jack chrome, matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze trio canopy with 3 plug ali-Jack contacts. the canopy mounts to a standard 4" J-box. complete with 3 x 60W 12V transformers. - *shown ali-Jack chrome, matte satin nickel or oilrubbed bronze cinquo canopy with 5 plug ali-Jack contacts. the canopy mounts to a standard 4" J-box. complete with 5 x 60W 12V transformers. - *shown d Trio Ali-Jack Canopy (with Transformers) f Cinquo Ali-Jack Canopy (with Transformers) a Single Ali-Jack Canopy (with Transformer) fRaJa1-n-15 (chrome) *FRAJA1-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) fRaJa1-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) Size canopy is 5"ø x 1N"D. *FRAJC3-N-15 (Chrome) fRaJc3-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) fRaJc3-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) Size canopy is 11"ø x 1N"D. fRaJc5-n-15 (chrome) fRaJc5-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) *FRAJC5-N-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) Size canopy is 14"ø x 1N"D. Monopoint 4" round, low-profile, dome canopy. Mounts to standard 4" J-box. complete with 60W 12V electronic transformer. - *shown B Single Canopy (with Transformer) fRaq1-n-15 (chrome) *FRAQ1-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) fRaq1-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) Size canopy is 4"ø x 2N"D. quattro ali-Jack chrome, matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze quattro canopy with 4 plugs. the canopy mounts to a standard 4" J-box. complete with 4 x 60W 12V transformers. - *shown e Quattro Ali-Jack Canopy (with Transformers) fRaJs4-n-15 (chrome) fRaJs4-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) *FRAJS4-N-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) Size canopy is 9O"l x 8"W. Monopoint 4" round, low-profile. Mounts to standard 4" J-box. for use with remote transformer. - *shown c Single Canopy *FRAQ2-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) fRaq2-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) Size canopy is 4"ø x O"D. 24 ALICO MONORAIL orion 7-point.canopy this multi-point canopy with magnetic plate and included wall anchors creates a breathtakingly dramatic effect. Mounts to a standard 4" J-box. May be dimmed with a quality electronic low-voltage dimmer. - *shown g Orion 7-Point Ali-Jack Canopy (with 300W Transformer) *FRAJC-N-15-7 (Chrome) fRaJc-n-16M-7 (Matte satin nickel) fRaJc-n-45-7 (oil-Rubbed bronze) Size canopy is 6O"ø x 2V"D. Powered canopies at a glance duo.island ali-Jack chrome, matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze duo island canopy with 2 plug ali-Jack contacts. the unit mounts to a standard 4" J-box. complete with 2 x 60W 12V transformers. -*shown h Duo Ali-Jack Island Canopy (with Transformers) fRaJi2-n-15 (chrome) fRaJi2-n-16M (Matte satin nickel) *FRAJI2-N-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) Size FRAQ1-N-15 single ali-Jack canopy see page: 22, 24 island is 15"l x 5"W x 1N"D. FRAJC3-N-15 trio.island FRH3800-8-15 trio ali-Jack canopy see page: 24 bud Directional Rail head see page: 38 ali-Jack chrome, matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze trio island canopy with 3 plug ali-Jack contacts. the unit mounts to a standard 4" J-box. complete with 3 x 60W 12V transformers with short circuit, overload and thermal protection. May be dimmed with a quality electronic low voltage dimmer. - *shown FRPC3010-8-15 torpedo pendant see page: 44 i Trio Ali-Jack Island Canopy (with Transformers) fRaJi3-n-15 (chrome) *FRAJI3-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) fRaJi3-n-45 (oil-Rubbed bronze) Size island is 26"l x 5"W x 1N"D. FRAS-N-15 ali-swag standoff can be used with any fRpc pendant and canopy combination. see page: 21 25 Orion multi-glass canopy,.the.ease.of.ordering a the orion canopy has been designed to provide you with the ultimate in flexibility. now you can easily create dramatic and stunning lighting that will absolutely take your breath away. and, the effect is further enhanced by orion’s immaculate chrome finish (pictured above, at right, and on page 24). also available in matte satin nickel and oilrubbed bronze. Using alico’s easy-to-use ali-Jack system and a magnetic cover for quick installation, you can mix and match an incredible assortment of beautiful pendant lamps. or you an choose from the wide variety of lamp combinations that we have gathered for you. see “alico Recommends” on the facing page for some of our exquisite combinations. Whatever your blend of lamp style, canopy finish or number of lamps, you are sure to create a lighting effect that truly represents your individual style and taste. the orion canopy includes an integral 300W transformer. for 7-light pendant configurations, the maximum wattage per shade is 35W. each orion product has a simple-to-use code to ensure that you can easily order the right products for your lighting needs. here’s how the individual components of the product code work. b fRaJ6700-10-15-7 1 Model Style fRaJ orion 5 Option 1 2 Model Family 6700 tortuga 4 Hardware Finish 3 Shade/Diffuser Finish -15 chrome -7 number of shades -10 White opal 1 your orion code will always start with the Model style code of fRaJ. 2 select your Model family from some of our stylish light families like tortuga (Model family: 6700 - shown opposite). 3 select a shade/Diffuser finish (-10 White opal glass). 4 choose your hardware finish (-15 chrome). c 5 select the number of shades you require (up to 7). Alico Recommends A -3, b -5, or c -7 light configurations for the most dramatic effect. see page 41 for an installation photograph! Maximum 35W per pendant for 7-light configurations. 26 ALICO MONORAIL Alico.recommends ANELLO (page 40) white opal glass shade LOUVRE (page 64) pineapple glass shade SORELLA (page 74) black shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTIONS STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTIONS STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTIONS fRaJ 4550 fRaJ 2700 fRaJ 6000 10 15 16M 45 3 5 7 ELEGANZA (page 63) white opal glass with amber stripes and bottom band 53 15 16M 45 3 5 7 ELEGANZA (page 63) tiger’s eye glass 31 45 3 5 7 ELEGANZA GRANDE (page 66) white opal glass with amber stripes and bottom band STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTIONS STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTIONS STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTIONS fRaJ 4452 fRaJ fRaJ 4452g 87 15 16M 45 3 5 7 4451 GLACIER FONTANA (page 68) ice blue glass shade 78 15 16M 45 3 5 7 DUPLEX (page 75) matte satin nickel inner shade 87 15 16M 45 3 5 7 TORTUGA (page 61) white opal glass shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTIONS STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTIONS STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTIONS fRaJ 3602 fRaJ 2006 fRaJ 6700 34 15 16M 45 3 5 7 select from some of our choice shades listed here to create a lighting effect that will enliven your space and leave you breathless. prefer a shade or colour not listed here? see “the beauty of choice, the ease of ordering” on the previous page to find out how you can easily order just the right shade for your needs. 16M 16M 3 5 7 SCALINO (page 61) white opal glass shade 10 15 16M 45 3 5 7 PARA (page 59) white lattice glass shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTIONS STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTIONS fRaJ 6400 fRaJ 5300 10 15 16M 45 3 5 7 130 15 16M 45 3 5 7 27 Tecno directional.rail.head connectors for rail see pg 18 italian-designed chrome, matte satin nickel or oilrubbed bronze plated rail head that swivels. Designed for use with a shielded MR16 lamp which is not included. accepts most accessories on page 13. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Tecno Rail Head with Chrome (15), Matte Satin Nickel (16M) or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Hardware STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 fRh 4300 n 15 29M* 16M n 45 1 FRH4300-N-15 (Chrome) 2 FRH4300-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRH4300-N-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) L 1 Fixture Dimensions 6Y" Max length x 2V"ø. Lamp indoor use only 50W MR16 sg Note 6Y" *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. for custom length replace “L” with required stem length (in inches). 2V"ø 2 3 28 ALICO MONORAIL Gobo.Tecno directional.rail.head connectors for rail see pg 18 tecno rail head with gobo holder, allows you to project a pattern or logo onto any surface. includes magnifying lens to increase the size of the projected image. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Gobo Tecno Rail Head with Chrome (15) or Matte Satin Nickel (16M) Hardware STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 fRh 4500 g 15 29M* 16M n 1 FRH4500-N-15 (Chrome) 2 FRH4500-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) L Fixture Dimensions 12K" Max length x 3"ø. 12K" Lamp indoor use only 50W MR16 sg Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. for custom length replace “L” with required stem length (in inches). 2 3"ø 1 YOUarGE mESSrE! HE actual 2" size shown. gobos can be ordered with a custom message or graphic. consult factory to order your custom gobo. 29 Alto directional.rail.head connectors for rail see pg 18 alto is a cast aluminum track fixture that swivels 359°. head tilts 90°. A Alto Rail Head with Chrome (15), Matte Satin Nickel (16M) or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Hardware STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 fRh 4600 n 15 29M* 16M n 45 1 FRH4600-N-16M (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) 2 FRH4600-N-45 (Matte Satin Nickel) for canopies see pg 24-25 a 5K" L Fixture Dimensions 5K" Max length x 2V"ø. 2V " Lamp indoor use only 50W max / MR16 sg 1 Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. Use ‘n’ for option 1 when mounting to a canopy with a custom length. for custom length replace “L” with required stem length (in inches). 2 HW-1 directional.rail.head chrome, matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze plated rail head with swivel feature and shade. b b HW-1 Rail Head with Frosted (5) or Amber (8) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 fRh 4100 5 8 15 29M* 16M n 45 1 FRH4100-5-15 (Chrome) 2 FRH4100-5-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRH4100-8-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) 7K" L Fixture Dimensions 7K" Max length x 3C/af"ø. 3 3A/af"ø 2 Lamp indoor use only 50W MR16 sg Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. Use ‘n’ for option 1 when mounting to a canopy with a custom length. for custom length replace “L” with required stem length (in inches). 30 1 ALICO MONORAIL Dart directional.rail.head connectors for rail see pg 18 solid brass fixture with snap-on shade feature for use with shielded 50W MR16 or MR11 lamp. a for canopies see pg 24-25 A Dart Rail Head with Frosted (5), Cobalt Blue (7), Amber (8), Matte Satin Nickel (16M), OilRubbed Bronze (45) or No (N) Shade 7W" STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 fRh 5 16M 29M 7 45 n 8 16M 45 n 1 FRH1500-7-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2 FRH1500-16M-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2N"ø 2 1500 L b Dart Rail Head with Frosted (5), Cobalt Blue (7), Amber (8) Glass Shade and Ring STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 fRh 1500R 5 16M 29M 7 45 n 8 1 FRH1500R-5-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2 FRH1500R-8-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) L Fixture Dimensions 7W" Max length x 2N"ø. Lamp indoor use only 50W max MR16 sg Note Use ‘n’ for option 1 when mounting to a canopy with a custom length. for custom length replace “L” with required stem length (in inches). 1 b 1 1 31 Basso.ar111 directional.rail.head connectors for rail see pg 18 a Delightfully different and easily adjustable, basso’s modernity and functionality make it an easy choice to help any space become “centre stage”. - *shown for canopies see pg 24-25 a Basso AR111 Rail Head with Chrome (15), Matte Satin Nickel (16M) or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Hardware STYLE FAMILY SHADE fRh 4700 n HARDWARE 15 16M 45 *FRH4700-N-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) OPTION(S) 29M* 7K" Fixture Dimensions 8V" Max length x 4O"ø. Lamp indoor use only 75W max. 12V g53 aR111 2V"ø Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. Josa directional.rail.head solid brass rail head with swivel feature. accepts most accessories on page 13. - *shown b Josa Rail Head with Chrome (15), Matte Satin Nickel (16M) or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Hardware b 7K" STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 fRh 4000 n 15 29M* 16M n 45 1 FRH4000-N-15 (Chrome) 2 FRH4000-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRH4000-N-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) L Fixture Dimensions 1Y"ø 1 2 6N" Max length (with lamp) x 1Y"ø. Lamp indoor use only 50W MR16 sg / MR11 sg Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. Use ‘n’ for option 1 when mounting to a canopy with a custom length. for custom length replace “L” with required stem length (in inches). 3 32 ALICO MONORAIL Logic directional.rail.head connectors for rail see pg 18 solid brass casting rail head with a decorative lamp cover. for use with a shielded MR16 lamp. accepts most accessories on page 13. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Logic Rail Head with Chrome (15), Matte Satin Nickel (16M) or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Hardware STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 fRh 1 a 7K" 4200 n 15 29M* 16M n 45 1 FRH4200-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2 FRH4200-N-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) L Fixture Dimensions 7K" Max length x 2V"ø. Lamp indoor use only 50W MR16 sg Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. Use ‘n’ for option 1 when mounting to a canopy with a custom length. for custom length replace “L” with required stem length (in inches). 2V"ø 1 Spy directional.rail.head italian-designed matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze plated double rail head that swivels. Designed for use with a shielded MR16 lamp. - *shown b Spy Rail Head with Matte Satin Nickel (16M) or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Hardware 9W" b STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 fRh 4302 n 16M 29M 45 *FRH4302-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) L Fixture Dimensions 9W" Max length x 5K"W. Lamp indoor use only 50W MR16 sg Note 5K" Use ‘n’ for option 1 when mounting to a canopy with a custom length. for custom length replace “L” with required stem length (in inches). 33 Martek directional.rail.head connectors for rail see pg 18 chrome, matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze plated rail head with swivel feature. available with acid-etched funnel-shaped glass shade accepts most accessories on page 13. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Martek Rail Head with Frosted (5), Amber (8), Chrome (15) Matte Satin Nickel (16M), OilRubbed Bronze (45) or No (N) Shade STYLE FAMILY fRh 4401 SHADE HARDWARE n 15 5 16M 8 45 15 16M 45 1 FRH4401-5-15 (Chrome) 2 FRH4401-5-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) 3 FRH4401-8-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) 4 FRH4401-16M-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) a OPTION(S) 29M* 5X" 3V"ø Fixture Dimensions 5X" Max length x 3V"ø. Lamp 2 indoor use only 50W MR16 sg Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 4 34 ALICO MONORAIL 3 1 Helix directional.rail.head connectors for rail see pg 18 fully flexible helix fixture. this rail head is field adjustable for length and comes complete with shield. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Helix Rail Head with Chrome (15), Matte Satin Nickel (16M) or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Hardware 11N" STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRh 3700 n 15 16M 45 29M* 1 FRH3700-N-15 (Chrome) 2 FRH3700-N-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) Fixture Dimensions a 11N" Max length (with lamp) x 2V"ø. Lamp indoor use only 50W MR16 sg Note 2V"ø 1 *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. Mini.Helix directional.rail.head 2 a functional and sleek rail head, Mini helix can help set the mood for any space. this fully adjustable head gives you the flexibility to be wildly creative in your lighting design. 4X" 1Y"ø 2 b 1 b Mini Helix Rail Head with Chrome (15), Matte Satin Nickel (16M) or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Hardware STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRh 4900 n 15 16M 45 29M* 1 FRH4900-N-15 (Chrome) 2 FRH4900-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRH4900-N-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) Fixture Dimensions 4X" Max length (with lamp) x 1Y"ø. Lamp indoor use only 50W MR16 sg / MR11 sg Note 3 *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 35 Q-Light Rail Head: page 37 Basso Rail Head: page 32 High Style meets Low Wattage in Milton Ontario! In approximately 2000 Sq' of high end retail space the mandate for ‘Shapings Lingerie’ was big punch with minimal ecological footprint. Exclusively Lighting Design (ELI) applied the Alico MonoRail system with retrofit LED lamps to create that very effect using < ½ a watt per square foot! The dramatic punch of light along with the flexibility of the system gave the owner what he needed. The system will be easy to maintain and consumes less power than many retails spaces out there today! Transformer options page 23, Rail page 11 and accessories options pages 18 to 23. Q-light directional.rail.head connectors for rail see pg 18 a 4K" for canopies see pg 24-25 q-light, alico's low-voltage adjustable rail head for rail or powered canopy is available in two metal finishes: oil-rubbed bronze and metallic grey. a Q-Light Rail Head with Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) or Mettalic Grey (95)Hardware STYLE FAMILY SHADE fRh 3480 n HARDWARE 45 95 1 FRH3480-N-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) 2 FRH3480-N-95 (Metallic Grey) 2N"ø OPTION(S) 29M Fixture Dimensions 1 4K" Max length x 2N"ø. Lamp indoor use only 50W MR16 sg Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 95 finish with 29M option is shipped with 16M adapter. Universal directional.rail.head 2 chrome, matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze plated solid brass turning for use with MR11 and MR16 lamps. b Universal Rail Head with Chrome (15), Matte Satin Nickel (16M) or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Hardware 6O" STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 b fRh 2501 n 15 29M* 16M n 45 1 FRH2501-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2 FRH2501-N-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) L Fixture Dimensions 6O" Max length (with lamp) x 2V"ø. Lamp 2V"ø 1 2 indoor use only 50W MR16 sg / MR11 sg Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. Use ‘n’ for option 1 when mounting to a canopy with a custom length. for custom length replace “L” with required stem length (in inches). 37 Transformer options page 23, Rail page 11 and accessories options pages 18 to 23. Bud directional.rail.head connectors for rail see pg 18 solid brass fixture on a 8" stem with snap-on shade feature for use with shielded 50W MR16 lamp. a Bud Rail Head with Frosted (5), Cobalt Blue (7), Amber (8), Chrome (15) or Matte Satin Nickel (16M) Shade for canopies see pg 24-25 STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 fRh 3800 5 15 29M* 7 16M n 8 45 15 16M 45 1 FRH3800-5-15 (Chrome) 2 FRH3800-7-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRH3800-8-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) L 8" 1 Fixture Dimensions 8" Max length x 2W"ø. 2W"ø Lamp indoor use only 50W MR16 sg 2 Note *Use 15 hardware with canopies & islands pages 24-25. 15 and 16M shades are available with 15 and 16M hardware only for custom length replace “L” with required stem length (in inches). 3 38 ALICO MONORAIL Display.light directional.rail.head connectors for rail see pg 18 no matter what you are showing off, this sleek fixture will create just the right mood for any display. for canopies see pg 24-25 2 12" a Display Light Rail Head with Chrome (15), Matte Satin Nickel (16M) or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Hardware STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 fRh 15 29M* 16M n 45 1 FRH4050-N-15 (Chrome) 2 FRH4050-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRH4050-N-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) a 3 4050 n L Fixture Dimensions 12" Max length (with lamp) x 1Y"ø. Lamp indoor use only 50W MR16 sg / MR11 sg Note 1Y"ø *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. Use ‘n’ for option 1 when mounting to a canopy with a custom length. for custom length replace “L” with required stem length (in inches). 1 Bino directional.rail.head Double the ‘punch’ of light with the sleek styling of the bino rail head! - *shown b Bino Rail Head with Matte Satin Nickel (16M) Hardware STYLE 25O" b FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE fRh 150 n 16M FRH150-N-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) OPTION 1 29M Fixture Dimensions 25O" Max length (with lamp) x 4V". Lamp indoor use only 2 x 50W MR16 sg / MR11 sg 4V" 39 Anello connectors for rail see pg 18 let anello and alico MonoRail cast a ring of light, highlighting something special in your home. the cylindrical hand-blown triplex shade includes your choice of hardware for rail or powered canopy – matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze. chrome is also available for canopies. – *shown for canopies see pg 24-25 A Single Lamp Pendant with White Opal (10) Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 4550 10 15 16M 45 29M* *FRPC4550-10-15-5 (Chrome) Size shade is 4O"ø x 4"h. canopy is 5"ø. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W max. bi-pin Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. a Note this cluster was created using the 5 light cinquo pan sold separately. see page 24 for more information. 4" 4O"ø 40 ALICO MONORAIL Orion powered canopy: page 24, 26, 27 Para pendants: page 59 See more Para product in Alico's Constellations of Light V2. 41 Catasta Pendant: page 43 Transformer options page 23, Rail page 11 and accessories options pages 18 to 23. Catasta connectors for rail see pg 18 enrich your surroundings with the warm glow of catasta. available with chrome, matte satin nickel, or oil-rubbed bronze hardware added as a finishing touch. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Single Lamp Pendant with Gold Leaf (99) or Graphite (103) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE fRpc 1650 99 103 HARDWARE 15 16M 45 1 FRPC1650-99-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) 2 FRPC1650-103-15 (Chrome) OPTION(S) 29M* Size shade is 3K"ø x 13N"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin Note ➠ *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. Featuring Quick Lift for easy re-lamping! 2 13N" 1 3K"ø 43 Torpedo connectors for rail see pg 18 artistically crafted with mouth blown glass, torpedo incorporates smooth lines for a sleek design. available in a white, amber, or inferno shade, each option offers your choice of chrome, matte satin nickel, or oil-rubbed bronze pendant hardware. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Single Lamp Pendant with White Opal (10), Amber (8) or Inferno (102) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY fRpc 3010 SHADE 8 10 102 1 FRPC3010-8-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC3010-10-15 (Chrome) 3 FRPC3010-102-15 (Chrome) HARDWARE OPTION(S) 15 16M 45 29M* a 2 Size 9K" shade is 3V"ø x 9K"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 1 3V"ø 3 Obelisque. petite b Single Lamp Pendant with White Opal (10) or Amber (8) Case Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 1792 8 10 15 16M 45 29M* ➠ complete pendant with case glass in amber or white opal. Featuring Quick Lift for easy re-lamping! b 1 FRPC1792-8-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2 FRPC1792-10-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2 Size shade is 3"ø x 7N"h. length is adjustable to 96" Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin 7N" Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 1 3"ø 44 ALICO MONORAIL connectors for rail see pg 18 for canopies see pg 24-25 Obelisque pendants: page 44 See more Obelisque product in Alico's Constellations of Light V2. Canopy options pages 24-25. 45 Fila connectors for rail see pg 18 light up your life with a lively fila fixture. this italian glass single-lamp pendant is available in a cool white shade encircled with black in a textured finish. to add warmth to any room, try an amber shade with ribbons of red in a textured finish with oil-rubbed bronze accents. a Single Lamp Pendant with White with Black (29) or Amber with Red Glass (65) Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 4250 29 65 15 16M 45 29M* a for canopies see pg 24-25 4X" 2 1 FRPC4250-29-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC4250-65-15 (Chrome) 4K"ø Size shade is 4K"ø x 4X"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W max. bi-pin Note 1 *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. in tubolaire, clear glass encases a white opal inner shade. a sleek tube-shaped pendant, the low voltage tubolaire will become the centre of attention in any space. - *shown ➠ Tubolaire Featuring Quick Lift for easy re-lamping! b b Single Lamp Pendant White Opal Inner Glass Shade and Clear Glass Outer Shade (90) STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 670 90 15 16M 45 29M* *FRPC670-90-15 (Chrome) Size inner shade is 2"ø x 5N"h. outer shade is 3"ø x 6N"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp 6N" indoor use only 50W max. 12V bi-pin (included) Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 3"ø 46 ALICO MONORAIL Onyx.Cup connectors for rail see pg 18 there is nothing more beautiful than nature. our onyx shades are made from natural stone that glow from within. - *shown a Single Lamp Pendant with Onyx (115) Shade for canopies see pg 24-25 STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 251 115 45 29M *FRPC251-115-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) Size shade is 4"ø x 5"h length is adjustable to 72". Lamp a indoor use only 35W 12V max bi-pin 5" 4"ø Onyx.Cone b - *shown b Single Lamp Pendant with Onyx (115) Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 250 115 45 29M *FRPC250-115-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) Size 6" shade is 4"ø x 6"h length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 35W 12V max bi-pin 4"ø 47 Serafino connectors for rail see pg 18 serafino’s clear glass encases an amber, white opal or red inner shade. this sleek, tear dropshaped glass pendant will invite conversation in any space. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Single Lamp Pendant with White Opal (10), Amber (8) or Red (11) Glass Inner Glass Shade with Clear Glass Outer Shade FAMILY fRpc 3300 SHADE HARDWARE 8 15 10 16M 11 45 1 FRPC3300-8-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2 FRPC3300-10-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRPC3300-11-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2 OPTION(S) 29M* ➠ STYLE Featuring Quick Lift for easy re-lamping! a Size 1 shade is 4X"ø x 7N"h. length is adjustable to 72". 7N" Lamp indoor use only 50W max. 12V bi-pin Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 3 4X"ø Luma the clean lines of this tear drop inspired glass are simple enough to blend with any décor. the luma glass shines in amber and white opal glass and brown swirl. b Single Lamp Pendant with White Opal (10), Amber (8) or Brown Swirl (116) Glass Shade FAMILY fRpc 4700 SHADE 8 10 116 1 FRPC4700-10-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC4700-8-15 (Chrome) 3 FRPC4700-116-15 (Chrome) HARDWARE OPTION(S) 15 16M 45 29M* 3 ➠ STYLE Featuring Quick Lift for easy re-lamping! b 2 Size shade is 3K"ø x 7N"H. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W max. 12V bi-pin 7N" Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 1 3K"ø 48 ALICO MONORAIL Sofia.Drop connectors for rail see pg 18 gentle lines like the serafino and luma with highlights of cane. - *shown a Single Lamp Pendant with Red Cane (117) Glass Shade for canopies see pg 24-25 STYLE FAMILY SHADE fRpc 9201 117 HARDWARE 15 16M 45 *FRPC9201-117-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) OPTION(S) 29M* Size shade is 4K"ø x 8N"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp ➠ indoor use only 50W max. 12V bi-pin Featuring Quick Lift for easy re-lamping! Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 8N" 4K"ø 49 Bolla Pendant: page 31 Bino Rail Head: page 38 Transformer options page 23, Rail page 11 and accessories options pages 18 to 23. Bolla connectors for rail see pg 18 Undeniably the work of artisans. bolla features large, beautiful one-of-a-kind mouth-blown glass shades made in italy. With three colours to choose from, bolla is sure to liven any space. the complete canopy assembly is available in chrome, matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze finish. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Single Lamp Pendant with White Opal (10), Amber (8) Glass with White Enamel Lining or Peacock (58) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY fRpc 5400 SHADE HARDWARE 8 15 10 16M 58 45 1 FRPC5400-10-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2 FRPC5400-8-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) 3 FRPC5400-58-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) OPTION(S) 29M* Size shade is 5"ø x 3K"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W max. 12V bi-pin Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 3 2 5" 1 3K"ø 51 Scintillio. cone connectors for rail see pg 18 sparkle up any décor with the scintillio cone. Watch as the light playfully emanates from this clear glass crystal shade. fixture comes in chrome, matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze finishes. for canopies see pg 24-25 - *shown a a Single Lamp Pendant with Clear (0) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 1851 0 15 16M 45 29M* *FRPC1851-0-15 (Chrome) 3N" Size shade is 3X"ø x 3N"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 35W max. 12V bi-pin Note 3X"ø *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. Scintillio. square nothing says sophistication better than crystal. the scintillio square adds a touch of class to any room. shades are available in clear glass and black. hardware comes in chrome, matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze finishes. b Single Lamp Pendant with Clear (0) or Black (31) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 1850 0 31 15 16M 45 29M* b 1 FRPC1850-0-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC1850-31-15 (Chrome) Size shade is 3K" square x 2K"h. length is adjustable to 72". 1 Lamp indoor use only 35W max. 12V bi-pin Note 2K" *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 2 3K" 2 52 ALICO MONORAIL Undula connectors for rail see pg 18 enjoy the understated elegance of the finely crafted Undula glass shade. its stylish design is available in gold leaf or graphite. comes in chrome, matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze finishes. for canopies see pg 24-25 A Single Lamp Pendant with Gold Leaf (99) or Graphite (103) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 3410 99 103 15 16M 45 29M* 1 FRPC3410-99-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC3410-103-15 (Chrome) Size shade is 4K"ø x 4X"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W max. 12V bi-pin Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 2 4X" 1 4K"ø 53 Crescent connectors for rail see pg 18 Watch as the dimpling effect on the outer shade appears to change the shape of the inner white opal shade. - *shown a Single Lamp Pendant with Clear Outer Shade and White Opal Inner (90) Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE fRpc 6100 90 16M *FRPC6100-90-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) for canopies see pg 24-25 OPTION(S) 29M a Size shade is 6"ø x 5N"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin (included) 5N" 6"ø ➠ Flute Featuring Quick Lift for easy re-lamping! Drink in the beauty of flute with the slender lines of an inverted champagne glass as its inspiration. this complete assembly is available in clear glass accented with a matte satin nickel finish canopy. - *shown b Single Lamp Pendant with Clear (0) Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE fRpc 6500 0 16M *FRPC6500-0-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) OPTION(S) 29M Size shade is 2N"ø x 8"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp 8" indoor use only 50W MR16 sg 2N"ø 54 ALICO MONORAIL b Mini-silo connectors ➠ for rail see pg 18 Featuring Quick Lift for easy re-lamping! for canopies see pg 24-25 A Mini-silo’s slender design takes the simple beauty of the classic cylindrical shape to the next level. the shade is made of white opal duplex glass and is imported from germany. What a perfect complement to your choice of assembly finishes… chrome, matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze. - *shown a Single Lamp Pendant with White Opal (10) Glass Shade 9Y" STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 4503 10 15 16M 45 29M* *FRPC4503-10-15 (Chrome) Size shade is 2"ø x 9Y"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin Note 2"ø *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. Small.cube B a new take on a conventional geometric shape. the white opal cube duplex glass shade with stylish chrome, matte satin nickel or oil rubbed bronze accents. - *shown b Single Lamp Pendant with White Opal (10) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE fRpc 4600 10 HARDWARE 15 16M 45 *FRPC4600-10-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) OPTION(S) 29M* Size shade is 1X" square x 7Y"h length is adjustable to 72". 7Y" Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin (included) Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 1X"2 55 Fantasia. grande connectors for rail see pg 18 Delicate beauty fantasia grande is moulded from glass in white alabaster finish. so convincing, it looks and feels like alabaster stones from the shores of spain. for canopies see pg 24-25 - *shown a Single Lamp Pendant with White Alabaster (6) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 1401 6 15 16M 45 29M* *FRPC1401-6-15 (Chrome) 2I/af" Size shade is 7A/af"ø x 2I/af"h. length is adjustable to 72". a Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin Note 7A/af"ø *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. Cono the clean, classical lines of this moulded glass shade will perfectly accent any room. the shade comes in white alabaster finish and is highlighted with your choice of chrome, matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze finish. - *shown b Single Lamp Pendant with White Alabaster (6) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 056 6 15 16M 45 29M* *FRPC056-6-15 (Chrome) Size shade is 5K"ø x 2K"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin 2K" Note b *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 5K"ø 56 ALICO MONORAIL Tecno Rail head: page 28 MRF3000 adapters: page 19 Bolla Pendant: page 51 Love the glass but want something more minimal? Try the 3000 series adapters on page 19. The adapters easily fix to the track and accept your favourite Alico shades. Simply select from the listed shade options on pgs 18-19 to create your own style and look. Supplement with matching pendants or add in a few rail heads for unique custom project! (Shown here with Bolla and Techno Head combination) Transformer options page 23, Rail page 11 and accessories options pages 18 to 23. Romano connectors for rail see pg 18 brighten up any space with this moulded glass shade in a white alabaster finish. pendant hardware available in chrome, matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze finish. - *shown for canopies see pg 24-25 a Single Lamp Pendant with White Alabaster (6) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 036 6 15 16M 45 29M* a *FRPC036-6-15 (Chrome) Size shade is 5K"ø x 2O"h. length is adjustable to 72". 2O" Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 5½"ø Ogiva this moulded glass shade represents european styling at its best. available in white alabaster finish with chrome, matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze finish. - *shown b Single Lamp Pendant with White Alabaster (6) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 046 6 15 16M 45 29M* b *FRPC046-6-15 (Chrome) Size shade is 5N"ø x 4"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp 4" indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 5N"ø 58 ALICO MONORAIL Para connectors for rail see pg 18 clean and elegant low- voltage pendant comes with chrome, matte satin nickle or oil rubbed bronze hardware and multi-layered mouth blown italian glass shade. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Single Lamp Pendant with Red (11), Banana (20) or White Lattice (130) Glass Shade a STYLE FAMILY fRpc 5300 SHADE HARDWARE 11 15 20 16M 130 45 1 FRPC5300-11-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2 FRPC5300-20-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRPC5300-130-15 (Chrome) 2 OPTION(S) 29M* Size shade is 5"ø x 7"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin 7" Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 1 5"ø 3 Futura Made from fine glass, futura is a contemporary take on the classic geometric cone. With its simple design you can bring any space to life. b Single Lamp Pendant with White Opal (10) or Amber (8) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE fRpc 700 8 10 HARDWARE 15 16M 45 1 FRPC700-8-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2 FRPC700-10-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2 OPTION(S) 29M* Size shade is 4X"ø x 2X"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp b indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 2X" 1 4X"ø 59 Rialto connectors for rail see pg 18 if you’re looking to save energy costs without sacrificing aesthetics look no further than the Rialto. this elegant fixture perfectly combines style, functionality and energy saving technology. choose from amber silver, mocha silver or opal silver glass shades. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Single Lamp Pendant with Amber Silver (111), Mocha Silver (112) or Opal Silver (113) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY fRpc 9902 SHADE HARDWARE 111 16M 112 113 1 FRPC9902-111-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2 FRPC9902-112-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRPC9902-113-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) OPTION(S) 29M Size shade is 6"ø length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W max. 12V bi-pin 2 1 6"ø 3 60 ALICO MONORAIL Scalino connectors for rail see pg 18 scalino steps into our product line as one of our boldest offerings. its strong shape and delicate italian glass is available in white, and lava. offset by one of our three hardware finishes, scalino offers a touch of warmth to enliven any space. a for canopies see pg 24-25 a Single Lamp Pendant with White Opal (10) or Lava (38) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 6400 10 38 15 16M 45 29M* 1 FRPC6400-10-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC6400-38-15 (Chrome) Size shade is 5K"ø x 8N"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp 8N" indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin 2 Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 1 5K"ø Tortuga inspired by a turtle’s shell, tortuga’s elegant shape and dramatic lines will dazzle. Watch as light dances through the intricacies in the blown italian glass and onto its surroundings to create an aura like no other. b Single Lamp Pendant with White Opal (10) or Amber (8) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE fRpc 6700 8 10 HARDWARE 15 16M 45 1 FRPC6700-8-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2 FRPC6700-10-15 (Chrome) b OPTION(S) 29M* Size shade is 5"ø x 7"h. length is adjustable to 72". 2 Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin 7" Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 1 5"ø 61 connectors for rail see pg 18 for canopies see pg 24-25 Eleganza Grande pendants: page 66 See more Eleganza product in Alico's Constellations of Light V2. Transformer options page 23, Rail page 11 and accessories options pages 18 to 23. ALICO MONORAIL 62 Eleganza connectors for rail see pg 18 the arts brought to light. bold colours offset by subtle tones in the glass, charm enchant and beautify. shades are individually mouthblown italian glass and are available in three exciting options. - *shown for canopies see pg 24-25 a Single Lamp Pendant with Tiger’s Eye (78) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 4451 78 15 16M 45 29M* *FRPC4451-78-15 (Chrome) b Single Lamp Pendant with White Opal Glass with Amber Stripes and Bottom Band (88) Glass or White Opal Glass with Tone-on-Tone Vertical Stripes and Clear Amber Bottom (87) Shade a STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 4452 87 88 15 16M 45 29M* 5O" 1 FRPC4452-87-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC4452-88-15 (Chrome) Size shade is 4N"ø x 5O"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin 4N"ø Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 1 b 2 63 Louvre connectors for rail see pg 18 catch the splendour of colour that can only be displayed in italian glass. individually hand blown, each louvre shade is an original work of art. a Single Lamp Pendant with White Opal (10), Symphony of Fire (52) or Pineapple Glass (53) Shade STYLE FAMILY fRpc 2700 SHADE 10 52 53 1 FRPC2700-10-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC2700-52-15 (Chrome) 3 FRPC2700-53-15 (Chrome) HARDWARE OPTION(S) 15 16M 45 29M* for canopies see pg 24-25 2 a Size shade is 5Y"ø x 5K"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin 5K" Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 3 1 5Y"ø also available in: Fountain Low Voltage Sconce PG 206-207 expect the unexpected. Made with a layer of white glass inside, fountain smoothly and evenly illuminates surfaces. Made from blown glass, it is crafted to give off superior light. b Single Lamp Pendant with White Opal (10), Cobalt Blue (7) or Amber (8) Glass Shade FAMILY 1700 SHADE HARDWARE 7 15 8 16M 10 45 1 FRPC1700-10-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) 2 FRPC1700-7-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRPC1700-8-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) OPTION(S) 29M* ➠ STYLE fRpc Featuring Quick Lift for easy re-lamping! b 2 Size shade is 3Y"ø x 7X"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin 7X" Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 3Y"ø 64 ALICO MONORAIL 3 1 Transformer options page 23, Rail page 11 and accessories options pages 18 to 23. Sofia connectors for rail see pg 18 for canopies see pg 24-25 ➠ traditional highlights of cane on a modern shape. - *shown Featuring Quick Lift for easy re-lamping! a Single Lamp Pendant with Red Cane (117) glass. STYLE FAMILY SHADE fRpc 9200 117 HARDWARE 15 16M 45 *FRPC9200-117-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) OPTION(S) 29M* Size shade is 4K"ø x 8N"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin Note 8N" *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 4K"ø 65 Skeet connectors for canopies see pg 24-25 set the right mood and atmosphere in any space with the skeet family. the opaque shades are ideal for any lighting situation and are available in white opal or black finishes. a Single Lamp Pendant with White Opal (10) or Black (31) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE fRpc 6301 10 31 15 1 FRPC6301-10-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC6301-31-15 (Chrome) a Size 1 shade is 7Y"ø x 2X"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin (included) 2X" 2 7Y"ø also available in: Line Voltage Pendants PG 150-155 Eleganza. grande b from italy with love. the sophistication of eleganza grande will set the mood. the mouth-blown glass is available in two scintillating styles. b Single Lamp Pendant with White Opal Glass with Amber Stripes and Bottom Band (88) Glass or White Opal Glass with Tone-on-Tone Vertical Stripes and Clear Amber Bottom (87) Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc 4452g 87 88 15 16M 45 29M* 8O" 1 FRPC4452G-87-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC4452G-88-15 (Chrome) Size shade is 4V"ø x 8O"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp 2 4V"ø indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 1 66 ALICO MONORAIL a Transformer options page 23, Rail page 11 and accessories options pages 18 to 23. Glacier. fontana connectors for rail see pg 18 it’s easy to see how the enticing colours and dramatic facets of the glacier fontana will make a creative addition to any space. the italian shade is available in four stunning colours. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Single Lamp Pendant with White (30), Amber (8), Red (11) or Ice Blue (34) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY fRpc 3602 SHADE HARDWARE 8 15 11 16M 30 45 34 1 FRPC3602-8-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) 2 FRPC3602-11-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRPC3602-30-15 (Chrome) 4 FRPC3602-34-15 (Chrome) OPTION(S) 29M* Size shade is 4"ø x 9"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 1 4 9" 3 4"ø 2 68 ALICO MONORAIL Glacier.Collo connectors for rail see pg 18 this petite fixture gives a big hit of colour in any space. the diminutive collo can fit anywhere while giving off great colour and pizzazz to its surroundings. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Single Lamp Pendant with Ice Water (00), Amber (8), Ice Blue (34), or Ice Wine (36) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY fRpc 3606 SHADE HARDWARE 00 15 8 16M 34 45 36 1 FRPC3606-00-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC3606-8-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) 3 FRPC3606-34-15 (Chrome) 4 FRPC3606-36-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) OPTION(S) 29M* Size shade is 6"ø x 3"h length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin 1 Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 3 3" 2 6"ø 4 69 Glacier. trumpet connectors for rail see pg 18 the glacier trumpet family invigorates a space like no other. the italian glass shades are available in four eye-catching colours. this light heralds the harmonious blend of style and function. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Single Lamp Pendant with White (30), Amber (8), Red (11) or Ice Wine (36) Glass Shade STYLE FAMILY fRpc 3601 SHADE 8 11 30 36 1 FRPC3601-8-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC3601-11-15 (Chrome) 3 FRPC3601-30-15 (Chrome) 4 FRPC3601-36-15 (Chrome) HARDWARE OPTION(S) 15 16M 45 29M* 3 Size shade is 5"ø x 5K"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 1 2 5K" 4 5"ø 70 ALICO MONORAIL connectors for rail see pg 18 for canopies see pg 24-25 See more Chapeau product in Alico's Constellations of Light V2. Canopy options pages 24-25. Chapeau the chapeau collection includes duplex glass and metal shades in three sizes. the collection is available as complete pendant fixtures (both in line or low voltage), ali-Jack pendants, table & floor lamps, and wall sconces. a Single Lamp Pendant with Opal Glass (10), Matte Satin Nickel (16M) or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Shade 2 STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc fRpc fRpc fRpc 7200 7200 7200 7200 10 10 16M 45 16M 45 16M 45 29M 29M 29M 29M only above listed product combinations are available. 1 FRPC7200-10-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2 FRPC7200-16M-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRPC7200-45-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) Size shade is 6N"ø x 4N"h. length is adjustable to 72". 4N" Lamp 1 indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin 6N"ø 3 71 Colander connectors for rail see pg 18 the beauty of soft light through a thousand points. cone shaped in design, colander is distinctly unique with its perforated and textured metal shade. a Single Lamp Pendant with Chrome (15) or Matte Satin Nickel (16M) Metal Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc fRpc 900 900 15 16M 15 16M – 29M only above listed product combinations are available. for canopies see pg 24-25 a 2X" 1 FRPC900-15-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC900-16M-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) Size shade is 4X"ø x 2X"h. length is adjustable to 72". 2 4X"ø Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin Note 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 1 Millennium this design is far ahead of its time. Millennium perfectly combines the striking metallic shades with the warmth of the glass light diffuser. the MR16 shielded bulb brings out the best in this single-lamp pendant. - *shown b Single Lamp Pendant with Chrome (15) or Matte Satin Nickel (16M) Shade. STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc fRpc 2200 2200 15 16M 15 16M – 29M only above listed product combinations are available. b *FRPC2200-15-15 (Chrome) Size shade is 9"ø x 2O"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin 2O" Note 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 9"ø 72 ALICO MONORAIL Twins connectors for rail see pg 18 a classic cone shape with a difference. the twins collection combines a metallic shade over opal glass. together the effect is forward in design and stylishly unique. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Single Lamp Pendant with Chrome Metal (15) Shade over Opal Glass, Matte Satin Nickel (16M) Shade over Opal Glass, Black (31) Metal Shade over Opal Glass or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Shade over Opal Glass STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc fRpc fRpc fRpc 7000 7000 7000 7000 15 16M 31 45 15 16M 45 45 – 29M 29M 29M only above listed product combinations are available. 1 FRPC7000-15-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC7000-16M-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRPC7000-31-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) Size shade is 7"ø x 4N"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp 3 indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin Note 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 1 4N" 2 7"ø 73 Sorella connectors for rail see pg 18 this sleek geometric shade is designed to enhance and accent any space. the sorella shade is available in chrome, matte satin nickel, polished copper or oil-rubbed bronze metallic finishes. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Single Lamp Pendant with Chrome (15), Matte Satin Nickel (16M), Black (31) or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Shade. STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc fRpc fRpc fRpc 6000 6000 6000 6000 15 16M 31 45 15 16M 45 45 – 29M 29M 29M only above listed product combinations are available. 1 FRPC6000-15-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC6000-16M-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRPC6000-45-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) Size shade is 7A/af"ø x 4I/af"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin Note 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 2 4I/af" 1 7A/af"ø 3 74 ALICO MONORAIL Duplex connectors for rail see pg 18 imagine the lighting possibilities with Duplex, a combination of clear over-glass with a metal inner shade. a Single Lamp Pendant with Clear Over-Glass with Chrome (15) Inner Shade, Matte Satin Nickel (16M) Inner Shade or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Inner Shade for canopies see pg 24-25 STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc fRpc fRpc 2006 2006 2006 15 16M 45 15 16M 45 – 29M 29M only above listed product combinations are available. 1 FRPC2006-15-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC2006-16M-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRPC2006-45-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) Size shade is 4X"ø x 3K"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin Note 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 3 2 3K" 1 4X"ø 75 Flash.grande simplicity in design has never been so fashionable. the versatility of this metallic bowlshaped pendant presents you with so many lighting possibilities. shades come in chrome, matte satin nickel or oil-rubbed bronze. for even greater versatility, it is also available in two sizes – flash and flash grande. connectors for rail see pg 18 a for canopies see pg 24-25 3O" a Single Lamp Pendant with Chrome (15), Matte Satin Nickel (16M) or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Shade. STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc fRpc fRpc 2099 2099 2099 15 16M 45 15 16M 45 – 29M 29M 2 5 "ø only above listed product combinations are available. 3 1 FRPC2099-15-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC2099-16M-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRPC2099-45-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) Size shade is 5"ø x 3O"h. turning is 1V"ø x 1X"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin Note 1 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. Flash b Single Lamp Pendant with Chrome (15), Matte Satin Nickel (16M) or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Shade. STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc fRpc fRpc 2009 2009 2009 15 16M 45 15 16M 45 – 29M 29M b only above listed product combinations are available. 1 FRPC2009-15-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC2009-16M-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRPC2009-45-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) 2X" Size shade is 3X"ø x 2X"h. turning is 1V"ø x 1X"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin 3 1 3X"ø Note 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 2 76 ALICO MONORAIL Cone connectors for rail see pg 18 a sleek geometric shade available in three brilliant metallic finishes. cone comes sized to fit the sleekest spots and is accented by chrome, matte satin nickel, or oil-rubbed bronze. for canopies see pg 24-25 a Single Lamp Pendant with Chrome (15), Matte Satin Nickel (16M) or Oil-Rubbed Bronze (45) Shade. STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION(S) fRpc fRpc fRpc 1000 1000 1000 15 16M 45 15 16M 45 – 29M 29M only above listed product combinations are available. 1 FRPC1000-15-15 (Chrome) 2 FRPC1000-16M-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 3 FRPC1000-45-45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) 3 a Size shade is 4X"ø x 2X"h. turning is 1V"ø x 1X"h. length is adjustable to 72". 2X" Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin 1 4X"ø Note 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 2 Forma.drum light dances to the beat of the forma Drum in low voltage. forma Drum is a black or white chintz fabric shade with a bottom diffuser which comes as a complete assembly. b Single Lamp Pendant with White (30) or Black (31) Fabric Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE fRpc 9570 30 31 HARDWARE 15 16M 45 1 FRPC9570-30-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 2 FRPC9570-31-16M (Matte Satin Nickel) 1 b OPTION(S) 29M* Size shade is 8"ø x 6K"h. length is adjustable to 72". Lamp indoor use only 50W 12V max bi-pin 6K" Note *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. 2 8"ø 77 Zen led.pendant connectors for rail see pg 18 lighting refined, the Zen pendant strips away all the glitz and leaves you with the purest expression of lighting design. the clean machined head is combined with a three light leD and is available for use with our ali-Jack and MonoRail systems. – *shown for canopies see pg 24-25 A Three LED Pendant with Metallic Shade STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE fRlc 9000 n 95 *FLRC9000-N-95 (Metallic Grey) OPTION(S) 29M Size shade is 2W"ø x 3Y"h. length is adjustable to 72". Source (included) 3 x 1.2W 3200K (cct) leD, 80 cRi Note • alico leD pendants can only be used with alico monopoints and magnetic transformers. • transformers have a minimum load as well as a maximum. ensure that your system is designed to operate within the correct range. • leD product(s) can be used with other alico low voltage products on the same system. • nOt for use with traditional dimming systems. 3Y" 2W" 78 ALICO MONORAIL Zen led.directional. connectors for rail see pg 18 rail.head the Zen directional rail head is a marvel of lighting technology. it allows you to harness the awesome energy saving benefits and durability of leDs and use it on your existing MonoRail and ali-Jack system without any additional accessories or changes to your existing system. Just connect it to your rail or canopy and turn on the light! – *shown for canopies see pg 24-25 A Directional Rail Head with Metallic Hardware STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE lRh 9000 n 95 *LRH9000-N-95 (Metallic Grey) OPTION(S) 29M Fixture Dimensions 6O" Max length x 2W"ø. Source (included) 3 x 1.2W 3200K (cct) leD, 80 cRi Note • alico leD heads can only be used with alico monopoints and magnetic transformers. • transformers have a minimum load as well as a maximum. ensure that your system is designed to operate within the correct range. • leD product(s) can be used with other alico low voltage products on the same system. • nOt for use with traditional dimming systems. 2W" 79 Helios led.directional. connectors for rail see pg 18 rail.head bring light to your most prized possessions and décor elements with the helios directional head for MonoRail or alico powered canopies. it’s multi-joint design makes it extremely easy to throw light precisely where you want it. – *shown for canopies see pg 24-25 A Directional Rail Head with Chrome (15) Hardware STYLE FAMILY SHADE HARDWARE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 lRh 4050 n 15 16M 45 29M* n L *LRH4050-N-15 (Chrome) 10Y" Fixture Dimensions 10Y" Max length x 1K"ø. Source (included) 1.2W 3200K (cct) leD, 80 cRi Note • *29M available with 16M and 45 finishes only. 15 hardware for use with canopies and islands, see pages 24-25. • for custom length replace “L” with required stem length (in inches). • Use ‘n’ for option 1 when mounting to a canopy with a custom length. • alico leD heads can only be used with alico monopoints and magnetic transformers. • transformers have a minimum load as well as a maximum. ensure that your system is designed to operate within the correct range. • leD product(s) can be used with other alico low voltage products on the same system. • nOt for use with traditional dimming systems. 1K" 80 ALICO MONORAIL MONORAIL QUICK REFERENCE Installation hints and tips. Shaping your rail by hand Here are a few tips and techniques to creating fluid bends in your MonoRail MonoRail is flexible and easy to work which lends itself to making many patterns to accommodate your space. A high performance combination of alloys allows MonoRail unsurpassed flexibility to the point where it can simply be formed by hand. Grabbing both ends of the track, start by creating a semicircle, then shape the curve against a surface (this surface can be a countertop or the floor) by rocking it back and forth, (refer to image below). This will ensure the rail section ends up with a nice fluid curve without kinks. Remember to roll the rail gently. If you slide it the finish may scratch. See page 82. This demonstrates the simplest form of hand bending approach. Once a nice fluid arc has been formed, you can simply open it to achieve the desired radius of the curve (refer to image below). Please keep in mind that this technique will not allow for an exact radius, only fluid curves. To create an exact radius, a wood template must be created (plywood or particle board). 81 shaping yoUR Rail With a teMplate cReating a teMplate to achieVe eXact RaDiUs Using the long side of a plywood or particleboard, take your measuring tape and mark the exact diameter of the desired configuration, followed by the radius. as an example, a 4' diameter circle has a 2' radius (refer to image below). once you have marked the board accordingly, proceed to cut out the template. Worktable 4' x 8' Plywood Board Worktable 2' Radius 4' x 8' Plywood Board 4' Diameter 2' Radius take your template and lock it down on a worktable by way of screws or clamps (screws are preferred). now simply bend the section of track around the secured 4' template and hold it down for a few seconds. this will define a new memory, thus, Diameter holding the desired shape. Worktable ImpOrtant Wrap screws in tape or clamps with cloth to prevent scratching. Worktable Bend rail around secured template Screws Bend rail around secured template Screws 82 ALICO MONORAIL pRepaRing yoUR sUppoRts sUppoRt MoUnting anD placeMent support placement is key to a successful installation. they should be mounted every 2 to 3 feet apart. to calculate first, bend your rail tracks to the desired configurations, then measure the support placement and place a piece of masking tape on the track to mark the area where the support should go. Don’t forget to include your transformer feed in your calculations. When using 8' rails, it is recommended two people collaborate to mark the support points. you can then take the section of track and use it as a guideline to mark the ceiling or wall at the points where the supports are to be mounted. take into consideration: we recommend a support be mounted over rail joiners. MRpfa-n-16M Remote power feed pg 22 MRJ6-n-16M Rigid ceiling standoff pg 20 alico manufactures various types of MonoRail supports for every application imaginable. our design team makes certain that our components are aesthetically consistent as well as functional. all rail supports share the same single screw mount design on the mounting bases (Refer to examples below). Screw Base Screw Nipple Anchor Anchor Anchor Nipple Nipple Screw Wall Mount Base MRRWs-n-16M outrigger pg 21 Base MRpfW-n-16M outrigger and feed pg 21 Single screw mount Single screw mount design applies to all design applies to all Single screw mount MonoRail supports. MonoRail supports. design applies to all MonoRail supports. Docking Module MRJ10/11-n-16M pg 20 aircraft cable MRJ6c-n-16M pg 20 Vaulted support MRJ6V-n-16M pg 20 83 Preparing your supports (cont’d) SUPPORT MOUNTING AND PLACEMENT (CONT’D) MonoRail supports are extremely easy to mount. The standard support is comprised of a hub, extension rod, mounting base, mounting nipple, single mounting screw and anchor, as shown below. To install, simply drill a pilot hole on the surface of the wall, ceiling or beam, then proceed to insert the anchor. Fish the screw through the threaded mounting nipple and screw into the secured anchor. Finish by threading the base of the support on to the secured mounting nipple. Give a little tug to ensure the assembly is in place and secured properly. CEILING Anchor Nipple Screw Anchor Anchor Anchor Anchor Base Finished CEILING CEILING CEILING CEILING WALL Finished Finished Finished Finished Assembly WALL WALL WALL WALL Extension Nipple Nipple Nipple Nipple R od Screw Screw Screw Screw Hub BaseBase Base Base Track Extension Extension Extension Extension R odRRCap od Rodod Important Ensure you have at least two helpers when mounting rail sections. HubHub Hub Hub Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly CapCap Cap Cap Track Track Track Track Now that you understand the support assembly, let’s take a look at extension rods, these are normally provided in 1' increments: 12", 24", 36" or 48". The rods allow you to drop the track farther away from the ceiling (refer to image below). These pipes can be cut in the field using a pipe cutter or hacksaw. Step 3: Replace with longer rod X XXX Step 2: Remove standard rod Step 1: Remove both hex screws MRJ6-N-16M PG 20 84 ALICO MONORAIL MRJE-N-(Length) PG 21 Step 4: Lock set screws in place Connecting Your rail JOINERS AND DOCKING MODULES Much like our supports, MonoRail joiners are designed with simplicity and functionality in mind. They allow for superb conductivity and tightly secure the rail sections together with their dual hex set screw design. The result is a seamless track run configuration where the joiners are invisible (see image below). Step 2: Connect track sections using joiner and tighten hex setscrews snugly. Step 3: Note: we recommend placing a support over every straight joiner. Straight Joiners Step 4: Screw and tighten cap to secure support over track. Docking Modules “L” Hinge Joiners Flexible Joiners 'It is best to mount as shown above whenever possible. Note that you can not mount a power feed over a non-conductive joiner. Flexible joiners require a support at each end. Docking modules act as a joiner and a Straight Joiners Docking Modules “L” Hinge Joiners Flexible Joiners support already and no extra components are required here. Take very good care not to loose or cross thread the setscrews provided with our joiners. This may cause the set screw head to be damaged and the screw may lock in place without making the proper connection, thus creating arcing and overheating. ing Modules Step 1: Loosen both hex screws (applies to conductive, as well as non-conductive joiners). “L” Hinge Joiners Straight Joiners Flexible Joiners Docking Modules Straight Joiner MRJ3-N-16M PG 18 “L” Hinge Joiners Docking Module MRJ10/11-N-16M PG 20 Flexible Joiners “L” Hinge Joiner MRJ4-N-16M PG 18 Flexible Joiner MRJ7/8-N-16M PG 18 85 asseMbling heaDs anD penDants MonoRail aDapteRs MonoRail adapters allow our ali-Jack (stereo plug design) pendants and directional fixtures to mount onto our decorative track (see images below). 4 MRJ6-n-16M track MRp2900-n-16M cap 3 MRp2900 adapter 2 ASSeMBLY FInIShed 5 1 attach lamp to head socket by applying pressure. 2 Remove cap from MRp2900. fixture head 3 Mount MRp2900 over rail track. 1 4 screw MRp2900 cap back on. 5 couple rail head with MRp2900 by inserting ali-Jack end into the adapter and locking it into place. pendant 86 ALICO MONORAIL 9 EASY STEPS TO ADJUST YOUR ALI-JACK CONNECTOR & PENDANT CORD READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS THOROUGHLY AND SAVE A COPY FOR YOUR REFERENCE 1 1 Locate the ALI-JACK connector at the top of the coaxial cord. Use provided hex wrench and completely remove the set screws from the tip and the base of the connector. 2 Pull the coaxial cord out of the connector. 2 3 Using a pair of cutters, clip the coaxial cord to the desired length. Note: The length of the coaxial cord should be measured to the tip of the ALI-JACK connector. 3 4 Use your hands to push back ½" of the outer braids from the inner insulated cable creating a small bundle. 5 Clip off the excess coax braids on both sides, use a pair of wire strippers to strip V" of the insulated jacket from the tip of the inner wire. Measure to the tip 4 6 Remove the base off the connector by turning it counterclockwise. Insert the cord through the detached base and into the connector’s metallic fitting. 7 The coaxial cord must slide about N" into the metallic fitting, but never more than ½". Please note that it is imperative that the tip of the insulated inner cable be visible through the hole of the upper set screw. 5 6 8 Holding the cord firmly in place, replace the set screw in the top of the connector, compressing tightly on the stranded wire. 9 Replace the set screw on the base of the connector, making sure not to over-tighten this set screw. Warning: Over-tightening this lower set screw may pierce the inner insulated wire and short out the cord. If this happens, you may feel the cord quickly getting warm or possibly hot to the touch once you insert the connector to the power source, in this case you will need to quickly switch off the power. Proceed to clip off the damaged part and start the entire process over. 7 Warning: Low voltage electricity is flowing through the outer cable of the pendant cord set. This cord should never come into direct contact with another pendant cord. 8 9 Pendant cord shown with glass cover and clips. 87 Alico colour palette Alico’s colour palette 00Ice Water 53Pineapple 83 Geo-Candy 0Clear 55 Millefiori 85Gold 4Green 56Apricot Splash 86 White Opal with Multi-Checks 5Frosted 57Cerulean Blue 87 White Opal with Amber Stripes 6 58Peacock 88Tone-on-Tone Vertical Stripes and Clear Amber Bottom White Alabaster 7Cobalt Blue 59Gold Leopard 8Amber 60Blue Frost 10 White Opal 61Yellow Frost 11 Red 62Indigo Blue with Leopard Spots 15Chrome 63Ambero 16Stainless Steel 64Apricot with Leopard Spots 16M Matte Satin Nickel 65Amber with Red Swirl 16PPolished Satin Nickel 68Cognac Splash 20Banana 69Safari 30 White 70 Rouge 31Black 71Purple Splash 32Black / Chrome 72Soft Cream 34Ice Blue 73 36Ice Wine 75Sunfire 38Lava 76 43Bianco 77Caramelt 45Oil-Rubbed Bronze 78Tiger’s Eye 46Choco Gold 79Clear / Frosted 48French Brass 80 Multi-Coloured Tiffany 49Sky Blue 81 52Symphony of Fire 82 White Opal with Black Checks Malva Multi-Colour Rainbow 89Copper 90Clear with White 92Butterscotch Swirl 93Licorice Swirl 94Sedona Bronze 95 Metallic Grey 96 Vanilla Swirl 97Cobalt Blue with White 99Gold Leaf 102Inferno 103Graphite 111Amber Silver 112 Mocha Silver 113Opal Silver 115Onyx 116Brown Swirl 117 Red Cane 130 White Lattice GGobo NNone All pendants and head hardware are typically offered in three stylish finishes A 15 (Chrome) b 16M (Matte Satin Nickel) c 45 (Oil-Rubbed Bronze) A 88 ALICO MONORAIL b c Product family index Adapter, 12 Alto, 30 Anello, 40 Basso, 32 Bino, 39 Bolla, 51 Bud, 38 Canopies + Islands, 24 Catasta, 43 Chapeau, 71 Colander, 72 Cone, 77 Cono, 56 Crescent, 54 Dart, 31 Display, 39 Duplex, 75 Eleganza, 63 Eleganza Grande, 66 Fantasia, 56 Fila, 46 Flash, 76 Flash Grande, 76 Flute, 54 Forma Drum, 77 Fountain, 64 Futura, 59 Glacier Collo, 69 Glacier Trumpet, 70 Gobo Tecno, 29 Helios, 80 HW-1, 30 Joiners/Adapters, 18 Josa, 32 Logic, 33 Louvre, 64 Luma, 48 Martek, 34 Millenium, 72 Mini Helix, 35 Mini-Silo, 55 Obelisque Petite, 44 Ogiva, 58 Onyx Cone, 47 Onyx Cup, 47 Orion, 26 Para, 59 Power Feeds/ Transformers, 22 Q-Light, 37 Rail, 11 Rail Head Accessories, 13 Rialto, 60 Romano, 58 Scalino, 61 Scintillio, 52 Serafino, 48 Skeet, 66 Small Cube, 55 Sofia, 65 Sofia Drop, 49 Sorella, 74 Spy, 33 Starter Kits, 16 System Supports, 20 Tecno, 28 Torpedo, 44 Tortuga, 61 Tubolaire, 46 Twins, 73 Undula, 53 Universal, 37 Zen Head, 79 Zen Pendant, 78 Model type/style index f FRA.................................................. 13 FRAJ2006......................................27 FRAJ2700......................................27 FRAJ3602......................................27 FRAJ4451.......................................27 FRAJ4452......................................27 FRAJ4452G...................................27 FRAJ4550......................................27 FRAJ5300......................................27 FRAJ6000.....................................27 FRAJ6400.....................................27 FRAJ6700......................................27 FRAJA1........................................... 24 FRAJC............................................. 24 FRAJI...............................................25 FRAJPR1.......................................... 12 FRAJS4.......................................... 24 FRAJT.............................................. 12 FRAQ1..................................... 22, 24 FRAQ2........................................... 24 FRAS................................................ 21 FRH150.......................................... 39 FRH1500........................................ 31 FRH1500R...................................... 31 FRH2501.........................................37 FRH3480.......................................37 FRH3700........................................35 FRH3800...................................... 38 FRH4000.......................................32 FRH4050...................................... 39 FRH4100....................................... 30 FRH4200.......................................33 FRH4300...................................... 28 FRH4302........................................33 FRH4401....................................... 34 FRH4500...................................... 29 FRH4600...................................... 30 FRH4600...................................... 30 FRH4700.......................................32 FRH4900.......................................35 FRLC9000.....................................78 FRPC036....................................... 58 FRPC046....................................... 58 FRPC056....................................... 56 FRPC250....................................... 47 FRPC251........................................ 47 FRPC670....................................... 46 FRPC700....................................... 59 FRPC900.......................................72 FRPC1000......................................77 FRPC1401...................................... 56 FRPC1650..................................... 43 FRPC1700..................................... 64 FRPC1792......................................44 FRPC1850......................................52 FRPC1851.......................................52 FRPC2006.....................................75 FRPC2009.....................................76 FRPC2099.....................................76 FRPC2200.....................................72 FRPC2700.................................... 64 FRPC3010.....................................44 FRPC3300.................................... 48 FRPC3410......................................53 FRPC3601..................................... 70 FRPC3602..................................... 68 FRPC3606.................................... 69 FRPC4250.................................... 46 FRPC4451..................................... 63 FRPC4452.................................... 63 FRPC4452G................................. 66 FRPC4503.....................................55 FRPC4550....................................40 FRPC4600.....................................55 FRPC4700.................................... 48 FRPC5300.................................... 59 FRPC5400..................................... 51 FRPC6000.....................................74 FRPC6100..................................... 54 FRPC6301..................................... 66 FRPC6400..................................... 61 FRPC6500.................................... 54 FRPC6700..................................... 61 FRPC7000.....................................73 FRPC7200..................................... 71 FRPC9200.................................... 65 FRPC9201..................................... 49 FRPC9570......................................77 FRPC9902.................................... 60 L LRH4050...................................... 80 LRH9000...................................... 79 M MR4/8............................................. 11 MR5HK........................................... 16 MR300K........................................ 16 MRECAP........................................ 18 MRF3000...................................... 19 MRF3100....................................... 19 MRJ1................................................ 18 MRJ3............................................... 18 MRJ4............................................... 18 MRJ6.............................................. 20 MRJ6C........................................... 20 MRJ6T........................................... 20 MRJ6V........................................... 20 MRJ7............................................... 18 MRJ8............................................... 18 MRJ10............................................ 20 MRJ11............................................. 20 MRJE............................................... 21 MRJEL............................................. 21 MRJJ................................................ 21 MRJLJ.............................................. 21 MRP2900...................................... 18 MRPF1.............................................22 MRPFA............................................22 MRPFAV.........................................22 MRPFD...........................................22 MRPFEND......................................22 MRPFW.......................................... 21 MRRWS.......................................... 21 MRT......................................... 22, 23 89 Lamp information famILY Lamp xenOn hALOgen part nUmBEr BaSE VOLtS WattS fILL GaS aVEraGE LIfE (hrs) CCt l18 bi-pin 12 10 Xenon 10000 2800 l13 bi-pin 12 20 Xenon 10000 2800 l9c (clear) Wedge 12 5 Xenon 10000 2700 l12 Wedge 12 10 Xenon 5000 2850 l5 Wedge 12 18 Xenon 5000 2700 aR111* g53 g53 g53 12 12 12 35 50 75 halogen halogen halogen 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 l2 l2c (clear) bi-pin bi-pin 12 12 10 10 halogen halogen 2000 2000 3000 3000 l1 bi-pin 12 20 halogen 2000 3000 l1c (clear) bi-pin 12 20 halogen 2000 3000 l7bi bi-pin 120 35 halogen 2000 3000 l14 bi-pin 12 50 halogen 2000 3000 l15 bi-pin 120 50 halogen 2000 3000 l7 Wedge g9 120 25 halogen 2000 3000 l7c (clear) Wedge g9 120 25 halogen 2000 3000 l4 Double ended 78mm 120 100 halogen 2000 3000 l10 Mini-can (JD-e11) 120 50 halogen 2000 3000 paR 20* edison 120 50 halogen 5000 3000 paR 30* edison 120 75 halogen 5000 3000 MR16* bi-pin 12 20 halogen 3500 3000 bi-pin 12 35 halogen 3500 3000 bi-pin 12 50 halogen 3500 3000 *Not available through Alico 90 ALICO MONORAIL MR11 & MR16 perfomance MR11 20W MR11 35W FTB FTC FTD FTE FTF FTH 10° 20° 30° 10° 20° 30° 148fc 74fc ft 1.5 3.0 78fc 4.5 6.0 86fc 153fc Ø12.6" CBCP=5500 236fc Ø19" Ø19.3" Ø12.6" Ø19" Ø28.9" CBCP=1750 CBCP=700 CBCP=8500 CBCP=3000 CBCP-1500 MR16 20W MR16 35W ESX BAB BAB FRB FRA FMW 12° 36° 60° 8° 18° 38° ft 1.5 3.0 94fc 4.5 6.0 76fc 14fc 114fc 111fc 7.5 160fc 9.0 Ø15.1" CBCP=4100 Ø23.4" CBCP=850 Ø62.3" CBCP=283 Ø15.1" CBCP=13000 MR16 50W AR111 35W Ø22.8" CBCP=4000 AR111 50W Ø37.2" CBCP=1550 AR111 75W EXT EXK EXN SSP FL FL 12° 3° 38° 4° 24° 24° 178fc 21fc 31fc ft 1.5 3.0 4.5 123fc 6.0 97fc 7.5 9.0 FC = 154fc Ø 22.7" Ø38.6" Ø37.2" Ø 8" Ø2'8" Ø2'8" CBCP=12500 CBCP=3500 CBCP=2500 CBCP=XXXXX CBCP=3500 CBCP=5300 CBCP DISTANCE2 L W Ø=TAN ( BEAM 2SPREAD X) DISTANCE x 24 H To make your own lamp comparisons, visit the Lighting Tools section of our website. Beam diameter and CBCP may vary by manufacturer. H=height W=width L=length D=distance Ø=diameter (inches) FC=footcandles D(ft) FC 91 Alico Industries Inc. Dallas Showroom Head Office Dallas Market Center, Suite 3664 2100 Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75207 2750 John Street, Unit 2 Markham, Ontario L3R 2W4 Warehouses Telephone: 1-866-662-5426 Fax: 1-866-305-6191 114-3060 Norland Ave. Burnaby, BC V5B 3A6 E-Mail: Web: 60 Industrial Pkwy, Suite Z66 Cheektowaga, NY 14227 11846 Dorsett Road Maryland Heights, MO 63043 © 2010 ALICO INDUSTRIES INC. All rights reserved. Certain products in this catalogue may be protected by applicable patents and patents pending. Alico Industries Inc. will aggressively defend all its intellectual property. We reserve the right to change details of design, materials and finishes. Lamps are not included with products unless stated. All items in this catalogue certified to CSA/UL standard. F-MR-10-01-C